Wrong Number? Right Number!

[ pedo ]


Published: 6-Dec-2012

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

I don't consider myself a writer by any stretch of the imagination. However, that doesn't keep me from writing for the sheer pleasure of writing. Because I like to write about things that are not sociably acceptable, mainly big people having sexual contact with little people. I may not BE a pedophile, but I confess that I certainly THINK like one I believe?

That's my outlet see? Writing child porn keeps me from foolishly trying to act on certain impulses. From time to time, while surfing the net, I come across quite by accident, a website that offers more than pictures of pretty little girls if I would just join their club. I've never been stupid enough to actually do that, but sometimes in an effort to get me onboard, they will provide a few free samples. When that happens, I copy them, and then write a story that fits the art.

All of my stories are written around whatever artwork I have accumulated, which makes the finished product less than I would have wanted. I would write ten or fifteen stories, get worried about someone finding them on my computer if I suffered a heart attack or something, and then delete them. This personal blog is all about how that changed forever last summer.

I decided to take a class at the Junior College in creative writing, to see if maybe I did have some sort of talent for my hobby. Wouldn't you know that while the professor wasn't exactly encouraging, I did meet a beautiful young Latin women who I became more than friends with. Who knew?

In addition to meeting at class twice a week, we started actively dating. During a sleepover at my place one night we started discussing what kinds of stories we liked to write. And that's where my story really began.

"What kind of stories do you like to write Jerry?" Asked Brenda.

"Lots of different kinds", I said trying to dodge the question.

"You don't get off that easy bub. Show me one." She said.

I didn't know what the hell to do. I didn't have any stories that weren't about child porn. "Well, you have to understand something first dear. What I usually write about are subjects that are considered taboo. I mean really, really taboo Bren."

"That's cool. Show me one anyway. I write some of mine about how my dad had sex with me when I was a little girl, so how bad can it be Jerry?" She said.

I could see I wasn't getting out of this easily, so I just threw it out there. "My latest story is about a dad who molests his daughter."

"Really? You mean it? I want to read it, now please?" She said.

At that point it was put up or shut up. I gave her one that I had actually posted on a website that accepts those kinds of stories. A posting place without judgment, to be read by other like-minded writers. The story is called; "A Shared Experience". I watched her carefully as she read. I was pretty nervous for a while, that is until I saw her hand go down to her crotch. It was evident that she was getting turned on. I was encouraged.

"Damn Jerry! That is so hot! I mean damn! Are all of your stories this good? I want more. Do you have more? Fuck me Jerry?"

"I would like that." I said. Hoping she really meant it.

"You can fuck me all you want to, just tell me you have more stories like this one, or you will at least promise to write more?"

I knew there would have to be a time when I confessed to my urges, and it looked like the window was opened for a bold approach. "Okay Brenda, I have to tell you something. I've had an eye for little girls most of my life, but rather than go to jail by acting on my fantasies, I've found that writing about them takes the stress out of the equation." There was the longest pause, before she spoke.

"That took courage Jerry. I respect that. Unfortunately, I'm going to have to report you to the police you sick fuck! Sorry."

"What? But I...it was only...you never...?"

"Just kidding! You should see your face. Talk about ghost white? Listen. I'm so glad that cat's out of the bag so to speak. This might surprise you, but some women like to fantasize about having sex with little boys you know? You can breathe now Jerry. I'm one of them! That's why I think your story is so hot. I'm sitting here with wet panties after reading this. You can fuck me now please."

That night was the best sex I had ever had up to that point. I can't even remember how many orgasms she had, or climaxes I had! In between sex, we talked about our needs, and what we could do about them. She thought there was a market out there for stories like the one she read, but that it would be even better with art. When I mentioned how dangerous that would be, she already had an idea?

I forgot to mention that Brenda was from Brazil, and really had only been in America for a few years. She said the place where she grew up, a suburb of Brazil was quite relaxed in certain laws depending on how much the policia benefited from the enterprise. The next thing I knew we were partners in a new business, and she was off to South America to check out the possibilities. The down side of the plan meant that she would remain down there, while I wasn't ready to leave America. There were other beautiful women that I was yet to meet, I reminded myself. I was looking forward to making fortunes.

At Brenda's suggestion, I started writing new stories with the assumption that she would find a way to promote them safely. She called after she had been home only two days to say everything was a go, and all we needed up front was $5,000. Most of that money was payoff, with a small amount to be used to line the pockets of dirt-poor parents willing to allow their children to spend time in the studio. Of course they knew it wasn't for your standard portrait shots. Amazing what money can buy, especially during hard times. I wired the money.

The next day, Brenda called and asked what kind of art I needed for the first story. I thought I would start with one she hadn't read. I told her I could safely download all but the hard-core stuff. I told her I would need a model around eight-years-old, and blonde if possible. There needed to be one shot of her on the phone wearing nothing but panties and a matching top of some kind, and another on the phone with her hand inside her panty. Other shots of her in a bathroom stall by herself, and then with a guy with his pants down pissing between her legs. with her dress pulled up. More of her swallowing the guys cock stiff, and limp. Other shots of her sucking a different cock through a glory hole in the same cubicle. I told her that would be enough to get me started. The title was "Pedo Call", and there was a lot more art needed to improve the story properly.

Three days later, she emailed me what I had asked for. She apologized for taking so long. I couldn't believe she did it that fast! And the pictures were high quality digital. Turns out the guy in the pictures was the father of the little girl. I sent word back to Brenda that the girl was too young. She looked to be about four or five, but for this story to be believable, the girl couldn't be that young. I told her that I would write the next story with that girl though. She was perfect for another story idea I had.

Well, I was able to download the harmless pictures from a photo site I found. Outside shots of a park bathroom, a picture of a big cock poking through a glory hole, and a naked guy jacking while talking on the phone. The story is about a Pedo who makes random phone calls until he catches a little voice, and then tricks the kid into talking with him. Eventually the girl relaxes enough to share that she had been violated in the park bathroom behind her house. What makes the story work so well; he convinces her that she could grow her titties bigger in just two weeks by swallowing lots of cum.

That first story took in over $500,000 the first week on the World Wide Web, and is still producing today. Brenda finally convinced me to move down where she is. That definitely makes the machine run best. Besides, I get to not only bang Bren, but I finally get to spear the little ones on the end of my dick! Yesterday was a very busy day, and I need to rest up some before such a day happening again real soon.

It all started with early morning interviews. Thanks to the Nazi's, there were a lot of blue-eyed blondes in Brazil, so it was perfect for our short CP films. First up was the little girl whose picture Bren had sent me that was helpful in getting the business up and running. Her father was there too of course. I paid the guy $100 for some stock footage for a file on the girl. I outlined what I wanted and flipped on the lighting and started the film.

Dear old dad then walked up to the girl and gave her s hard slap across the mouth, then unzipped his pants and stuck an oversized dick on those swelling lips, and down her throat. He pulled out just in time to squirt his load on the rest of her face. I always use the same scenario with all the girls. Some really look like they enjoy what they are doing, most don't. It's a nice contrast. I then put on a hood and slid six inches between her plump little ass checks. She was a perfect fit for me, as I bottomed out slapping her other crack with my balls. Bren helped with a mobile camera for the close-ups. We then moved the action to the bathroom where dad engaged in water sports filling her with used vodka tonics.

I told dad I would be in touch, which was true. I'm already working on the story and role she will play. It's about a modeling agency that pays out different amounts depending on what the moms are willing to let happen to their little angels. One desperate mom offered to sell her 10-year-old son. He was so damned cute; I bought him for $1,000 and gave him to Brenda for an anniversary of our business gift. The poor kid looks really tired most of the time. Brenda is using him so much; I have to make an appointment to get my turn.

I love this country! My stories are so much better with quality art. There are a few regular wealthy customers that send money up front with a suggestion as to what would turn them on the most. I've gotten really good at taking requests. I even made a Pedo calendar. January features a man on top of what appears to be maybe a three-year-old girl with her legs up and on his chest as he slides his cock over her little pussy. Some cum is shooting up on her face and in her eyes, while a boy of ten or so is making out with the guys asshole and jacking at the same time. It screams, HAPPY NEW YEAR! The man has his middle finger buried two knuckles deep in her butthole, so of course the little one is screaming too, but that's all part of the fun.

I have my own bedmate of course. She is a local girl. A real brown-eyed beauty. I love long hair on little girls, and hers reaches down to her butt. The perfect brunette lover. She is used from time to time when I need an older girl in a particular scene, but at age eleven, she is getting too old for CP. I love her body, and the way she cuddles. I'm awakened every morning with her tender lips on my boner. I couldn't ask for a better life. I'm in Pedo heaven!

The End?

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Ahhh living the dream.

this guy

fantastic basic idea for the story, too bad it isn't a little more detailed...


great story

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