Published: 1-Dec-2012
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My eight-year-old daughter and I had hit the Pedo jackpot at the Ritz-Carlton in Montreal Canada. All I had to do was take Brenda down to the pool, and within a few hours, we found ourselves in the Sauna room with a small boy, a fourteen-year-old girl with a little sister of ten, and two more boners. To know how that came about, you need to read part one. We were all heading upstairs to get the party started.
I went to the front desk on our way up, and as luck was really going strong this day, the room next to mine was available, and had a connecting door so I booked it for three days. Four beds ought to be enough I thought? Little Janice was a fox with brilliant blue eyes, long silky brunette hair, shapely legs that went all the way to the floor, with the legs attached to a very pretty bubble butt. In addition to those quality features, she was an aggressive fucker! Her shaved pussy was a fine addition to our growing little group of sexual deviants. She asked if it was all right to invite her little sister, and of course we said "no way!" Just kidding! We all got to the rooms together.
Janice introduced a cute ten-year-old sister named Rachael. Rachael was full bodied for her age. Not fat, but as they say, pleasing plump. I know I want to fuck her. Janice said daddy broke her in when she was four. She's never seen another cock before, and couldn't wait to meet everyone, especially the men!
So the party was set at three men plus a boy, verses three girls eight, ten, and fourteen. Besides myself, there was Brad with the big ten-inch cock, Tim and his pretty six-inch cock, plus Tim's absolutely beautiful six-year-old boy Matthew who has never had sex. Daddy is drugging him for the occasion. The girls include; my very experienced eight-year-old daughter Brenda, and fourteen-year-old Janice with her ten-year-old sister Rachael. Jackpot!!
I fixed everyone strawberry lemonade laced with some powdered Viagra in each glass just to enhance pleasure and stamina. The beauty of this COCKtail was the men would have at least a three hour stiffy, and the girls would have a hot pussy longer than is normal. A nice combination for an orgy.
Since I was the first Pedo to initiate contact, and I was providing the rooms, it was decided that I should be in charge of who gets who to start the fun. I couldn't think of any better way than to put everyone's name in the proverbial hat! After the names were drawn, I suggested that everyone take their clothes off and hang them up. All the valuables went in the room safe, with me holding the key.
With everyone sitting around the edges of the two beds, I offered some simple suggestions. I thought it best if there were no particular rules to follow, but that it would be good to not make a lot of noise, and to be fair, I set the reminder alarm on my phone to sound off every hour. At that time a change of partners would be good to afford everyone the opportunity to engage each other.
As promised, I put on my favorite video on the TV's in each room as a sort of background to add to the cumming environment. All that was left was to select partners. I asked my daughter to draw the names two at a time, and this is how it played out:
Brad with the big cock, and 14-year-old Janice
Brenda and six-year-old Matthew the virgin
Tim and ten-year-old Rachael
I drew the floater, which meant I could jump in anywhere, any time. I couldn't fucking ask for a better scenario!
I suggested we all watch the video intended to set the mood. It was the first video I had watched with Brenda when she was six. It's now her favorite too! I asked everyone to sit with their partners, then I inserted the disk into the room's video player, and the party was on.
The movie opened with a man following a little boy into a beach restroom. He walked up to the urinal next to the little boy who had pushed his bathing suit down around his knees, and was holding a very cute little four-incher. The man dropped his suit to the floor and stepped out of it. His cock began to grow as the man handled it, and it stretched out to at least a foot. It was the biggest cock I've ever seen! He reached down and took hold of the boys little cock and said' "let me help you with that", and started playing with it.
The boy said, "it's getting hard mister, and I can't pee very well when it's hard. I don't think you are supposed to do that. Mommy says I shouldn't let anyone touch it besides her?"
"Doesn't it feel good? How can it be bad if it feels good boy?"
" does feel good sir. I guess it's okay since it feels good. Mom probably only meant to not do anything like this if it feels bad. Right mister? Geez...yours is super big! Will mine get that big when I'm older? Gee wiz, can I touch it mister?"
"Only if you put your other hand under my balls."
"Wow, they are big too! Mine are so tiny. What do they do mister?"
The man asked him how old he was, and the boy answered that he was four, and held up four fingers. The man turned and his big cock slapped against the boys chest as he did. He kept holding the boys little peter, and used his other hand to fondle the boys pretty little butt.
"I'll bet that feels good too doesn't it boy?"
"Yes sir. I like it very much. You must be a nice man because you are making me feel really good. Can we play together for a while? I like what you are doing. I don't want you to stop okay?"
I looked around the room and subtle things were starting to happen. Brenda led Matthew into the other bedroom to watch the rest of the movie with another copy I made. Everyone adult understood that was a good idea since the little boy was looking pretty nervous about what he was going to be doing next. I was happy that she drew Matthew's name. The boy had already fallen in love with her, and he let Bren lead him around like a puppy.
Janice was in heaven you could tell. Almost the same puppy love as Matthew had for Bren, was clear to everyone. She was so horney, and Brad was helping her increase the feeling with his hand buried in the crotch of her bikini. She had removed the top upon arrival, and I must say I've never seen prettier tits in all my years. I certainly will be attending to those at some point before morning.
Just then the man on the screen said he would like to play with him some more too, but wanted the boy to come over to his motorhome that was parked down the beach a ways. He told the kid he had some ice cream there if he wanted. The boy got really excited, and walked out holding the man's hand. As they walked down the beach together, he asked the boy if he as alone. The kid said he came with his older brother, but that he was playing with his girlfriend and didn't want him around.
When they got to the motorhome, the first thing the man did was to take off his bathing suit and told the kid to do the same.
"You sure have a big thingy mister. Will mine get that big sir?" he asked.
The man told him it depended on how much magic juice he swallowed. Then he led the boy into the bedroom. He sat on the edge of the bed and asked the boy if he wanted some magic juice to make his peter grow, and the boy said yes. The next scene showed the boy trying to swallow some of that big cock, and the man jacking himself while the boy held on to his balls. It wasn't long before he started filling the kids mouth with spunk. The kid did pretty good trying to keep up with the surge, but some leaked out and slid down his chin. It was a beautiful! sight.
Tim and Rachael were already up on the middle of the bed fucking like rabbits. Rachael would be considered the ideal Pedo catch. Her pretty little body was in that transition between little girl, to young preteen. They weren't missing any of the movie, because Tim had mounted her from the rear with her sunny-side-up blossoming titties firmly in his grasp as he rode her like a rodeo bull. The girl had her hair in pigtails which usually motivate me into action, I love them so.
Little Rachael was glancing my way and looking at my erection too much for me to not get involved. I climbed up on the bed, and, kneeling in front of her, ask her to drain the cum out of my balls. She had a practiced mouth, and quickly got all my attention. Her tongue work on the underside of the mushroom was the best I've ever experienced, but it was her throat that pushed me over the brink, sucking down what seemed like a pint of my semen.
Tim really had the stamina thing down pat, as he was still pumping her from behind, the only difference was he was now in her asshole instead of the cunt. They were really making noise now. Lot's of "Oh Fucks, and "Give me all that cock" types of comments. Made for a nice mix with the story on the tube.
On the screen the man had mounted the little boy and unbelievably had forced three quarters of that massive cock in his rectum. Of course the tyke was giving out a lot of high-pitched screams by now. That just seemed to excite the man even more! I was starting to get hard again with that action. it reminded me that there was a little boy in the next bedroom that might need similar treatment. I thought it best to get over there while his father was lost in his fantasy.
When I entered the other bedroom, Brenda was in a sixty-nine position sucking hard trying to get some juice out of that little weenie. I didn't have the heart to tell her that it was a dry well, but the vision of her trying was too precious. At the same time she was squeezing her thighs that were wrapped around Matthews head as she pushed her little twat into his face. He didn't know what to do with what was presented to him so he was just trying to breathe while in obvious pleasure from her sucking.
As I approached I suggested to Bren that if the boy was on top, I could feed him something to eat and maybe poke around in back. She immediately rolled them over. I don't know much about the drug his daddy gave him, but he had this dreamy look on his face and didn't seem a bit worried when I started rubbing my now hardened cock around on his face.
"Open your mouth boy. I want to fuck you there. I think you will like the taste of my jizz little one."
I didn't bother trying to train him how to receive a cock; I just drove it down his throat and kept it there. He immediately started thrashing around trying to find some way to get that monster out of his throat. Brenda was enjoying the ride with his little dick and nuts still in her mouth.
I gave it a good minute, and then withdrew. I let the boy gasp for his breath a little and then drove it back down to where my balls were slapping him on the chin. This time I started fucking him. About every third stroke I let him catch some air before jamming it back down to the bottom. When I blew my load in his guts, it was heaven. Oh man that was an even better feeling than fucking Brenda's face, but I would never let her know that.
After the delivery of my seed to the boy, I kept my cock in his mouth as it softened. I had been looking forward to using the boy as a toilet, and sure enough I felt the need to bleed. I started with small squirts so he got the idea of what I wanted. Oddly enough he wasn't worried at all, and just swallowed as I peed. There is nothing like the feeling of pissing down the throat of a Kindergarten kid! I must have delivered a quart of used beer to his tummy. What a night!
I then went to check on Brad and Janice, and found them on the floor in the other room. Brad and Janice were just resting from whatever it was they were doing to give them such satisfied looks on their faces. I told Bradley that I could usually go three rounds before my balls stopped churning out more cum for a while, and that I would love to invest it in between his buns of steel. The guy was rock hard everywhere. He said turn about is fair play, and that he wanted to bury his magnificent pole up my pussy too. I suggested to Janice that my daughter would probably enjoy her company about now, and she jumped off the bed and left the room!
Brad had amazing control over whatever muscles control the butt. He tightened up on purpose after my balls caressed his balls when my cock was as far in as I could go. It was glorious how he squeezed me. It was almost like he was jacking me off with his butt! I had never felt anything remotely like it. Since this was going to be my third and last orgasm before taking a rest, I was in no hurry to climax. I fucked him for at least thirty minutes.
During which time the monster on the screen had the naked little boy in the shower stall pissing all over his face and genitals. I'm pretty sure I know how this movie will end I told Brad (I've seen it twenty times at least!). The man has a playmate for as long as he wants, and then he will dump him at another beach thousands of miles away. With any luck another pervert will get to him before the cops do.
Finally I squirted a mini-load into Brad and I collapsed on his back. We rested for a few minutes, and then we reversed positions. He lathered up his massive prick with KY-Jelly, and squirted some on the rosebud in my crack. Good that he did because it was pretty hard for him to get the fat head of his cock into me. I have a pretty good-sized hole too! I love getting my butt fucked, and I've had some big boys in there. Once he got past the welcome matt of my ass, he just drove home spearing me with that most wonderful of cocks!
"Oh Brad! Oh fuck man! Give it to me honey. Slide that big fucker in deep! Oh yes! That's it, yes!!"
Brad drilled me for at least fifteen minutes. I knew I would have trouble walking for a day or so, but fuck it. The pleasure was worth it. I asked Janice to take a shower with me when Brad left in search of a boy pussy. She wasn't getting as much action as the others. She was a bit too old at fourteen for this crowd. Not me. I love making it with anyone under age. It has something to do with forbidden fruit I guess. We had a relaxing time washing each other's body parts. After the shower, we crawled into a vacant bed, made out for a while, and then reached for the arms of Morpheus, the god of sleep.
I awoke late morning and everybody was fast asleep except for Tim. I was pleased to see that he was enjoying being with his boy in a most special way. He had longed to feel his prick in the boy's bottom, and this was the time. He slowly rocked in and out, and the boy seemed to be enjoying the love his daddy was sharing with him. A Hallmark moment indeed!
Brenda and Janice were entwined with each other in the next bed. I think my daughter is developing a taste for pussy, pun intended. Perhaps it's time to adopt a young girl. We'll see. Maybe Janice would like to run away from home. She said it was kind of fucked up there anyway. Lot's of possibilities to consider? There was a note on the nightstand from Bradley. He was sorry, but he had to get to work, but hoped he could get on the mailing list for the next party.
I needed to pee, so I crawled out of bed and made it over to where Tim had the boy on his back. With the kids spindly legs wrapped around his head, daddy was thrusting his six inches into the boy. I didn't ask permission, I just put my hands under the boy's head, lifting it up for a better angle, and shoved my cock into his mouth. "Aaaah! There's nothing like a good piss after a night of sex is there Tim?" He had the strangest look on his face, then he said; "Wow Jerry. You got him to drink piss? Boy, are things going to be different around my house now! Oh! Here it comes Mattie. Aaaaaahhhhhh!!! Daddies filling you up baby with his love! Oooo yes!! I'm fucking my baby and filling his ass with my spunk, while someone I just met is filling his tummy with piss!" Oh it just doesn't get any better!
Janice and I went out to breakfast to discuss the future. I made it clear she could live with us if she wanted to. Brenda made it clear that that would be the best thing ever if it included little 10-year-old Rachael. When Jan and I left the room, Brenda was sitting on Matthews face while making out with Tim. The boy just didn't know what to do with a sweet little cunt. Tim was jacking his cum on that part of Brenda's pussy that wasn't squashing Matthews face. The cum landed on Bren, but then ran down onto the boys lips and chin. Tim was such a good father the way he cared for his boy. I wasn't doing to bad with my own little girl's education.
Tim couldn't thank me enough for the education I had given to his boy. I suggested that he use Matthew as bait like I do with Brenda, and if he found something interesting to invite us to the party. After all, I now had two pre-teens, and a teenager that love to fuck and suck whomever, and whenever. While the girls were entwined during the last hour before checkout time, Tim and I went to the other bedroom to say our goodbyes. The future looked quite promising.
The end of chapter two...
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