Pedo Call, Part 1

[ pedo ]

Published: 11-Nov-2012

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

I don't have to write a fictional story about a pedophile (me) having sex with an eight-year-old girl. This will be more of a journal entry to help explain why today I've had my cock in all three holes of said eight-year-old. I was just getting too obsessed reading about such things, and decided to try "having" such things.

I have always enjoyed laying in bed making random phone calls, mostly in the morning when some women are still in bed after hubby goes to work. For one thing they are still in sort of a dream state, and their voice usually sounds sort of sexy to me.

Over the years I've actually had a few sexual experiences with lonely housewives who find talking to a random guy titillating. If you can keep them interested for a while, they sometimes are willing to express themselves in ways that bring out sexual fantasies.

It usually takes sometimes up to forty or fifty calls to get a hit, but I've had some terrific affairs with some remarkably pretty ladies. Not all of them mind you, but I've had ten so far this year, and it's only February. On very rare occasions, the phone is answered by a small voice, which is the ultimate prize if handled properly.

That said, last Wednesday morning, during a very gloomy day, filled with spitting rain, I made contact with the sweetest little sleepy sounding girl. That's where this amazing personal story of sexual fantasies fulfilled begins.

"Hello? Is your mommy there? It's Jerry from work." This will only work if she is home alone. It's an obvious lie to anyone older.

"No. She's supposed to BE at work? She works in editorial upstairs. I don't understand? Did you look for her their?"

"Yes. I'm new to the paper. She's probably just on a coffee break or something. You must be the daughter she's always bragging about. She told me your name but I'm sorry, I forgot it?"

"I'm Brenda. She was bragging on me? What did she say?"

"For one thing. She thinks you are really smart. Smart AND pretty. She never told us at work how old you are. How old ARE you sweetheart? And why aren't you in school today?"

"I just turned eight last week, and its some presidents birthday. Lincoln I think? Or maybe Washington, I don't remember?"

"You sound sleepy. Are you still in bed honey?"

"Yeah. I like staying in my sleeping stuff and watching cartoons."

"Sleeping stuff? What's that dear?"

"I like to sleep in my little mermaid top and matching panties. Geez! I probably shouldn't have told you that? I don't even know you!"

Let me stop right here and point out that I've gathered a great deal of information about eight-year-old Brenda who is home alone in bed wearing nothing but a T-shirt and panties. Little kids don't have a clue that monsters are real. They just look like people is all. It's a good thing I'm not one of them. I don't want to fuck this little girl. I want her to have incredible orgasms when I make love to her. Making the transition into a sexual conversation is the difficult part.

"It's okay Brenda. Your mom gave me your phone number in case I couldn't find her. I needed some information about a story from her, but while talking to you, I found what I needed right here on my desk. Silly huh? Well. I'm going home for the rest of the day. It sure was nice talking to you Brenda. I have a seven-year-old girl that I can only hope will be as helpful as you've been when needed (big lie). I wish we could talk longer because I could use your advice about some things Becky is having trouble with. She doesn't want to talk about whatever it is, but maybe you could help me figure out how to help her. Goodbye honey. I hope to meet you soon."

"I've enjoyed talking to you too Jerry. You seem really nice. I wish we could talk some more too. I'm kinda bored right now, and it's only nine-o-clock. I would like to meet Becky sometime. Bye."

"If you are serious about wanting to talk some more, I could call you back when I get home. I live alone because I'm divorced and Becky lives with her mother. I will be bored too. Okay if I give you a call?"

"Really? That sounds fun. I'll get dressed and eat some breakfast while I'm waiting for your call. Gee thanks. Now I'm not bored!"

"Listen. When I get home, the first thing I'm going to do is put on my robe and talk to you from my bedroom. I would like it better if you too were in your sleeping stuff as you said it. You okay with that?"

She may or may not have a clue about where this is going. Sometimes you have to react and adjust things on the fly. The goal is to get her into a conversation about things her mother wouldn't approve of. I like the progress so far.

"Hello Brenda. So I'm wearing nothing but my silk robe. I like the feel of it on my skin, so I wear it all the time at home. What about you?" The next move will be based on her response.

"I'm still in my panties and top. I like the way my stuff feels too Jerry. Say? Are you some kind of pervert or something? Talking to a little girl on the phone without any clothes on? Naughty boy."

There it is. The door to what I want to talk about has been opened by sweet little Brenda. It's time to move forward.

"Naughty boy huh? Busted. It would be a lie to tell you there is not something kind of naughty about being almost naked and talking with a young girl who happens to be my favorite age. And I don't want to ever lie to you. That's why I have something to tell you and I hope you won't hang up on me. I don't know your mom. I dialed this number by mistake, and you sounded so sexy I couldn't help myself because I really DID enjoy talking to you. Please know that I won't ever lie to you again. I want you to trust me, that's why I told you."

It could go either way now. My hope is that the confession will make her trust me more and then a whole new conversation begins.

"Wow! Really? Are you a bad man that wants to hurt me or something? Wow! I SHOULD hang up on you. That's what my mom would want me to do? I don't know? I AM really bored, and I was really looking forward to talking some more? I guess it's okay. There's no harm in just talking I suppose? Okay Jerry. Thanks for being honest. I guess it's better that you don't have to lie?"

"Thanks sweetheart. I'm not a bad man. I definitely don't want to hurt you. In fact, who knows? Maybe I will fall in love with you?"

"Don't be silly. You can't fall in love with someone my age. How old are you anyway? You don't sound to old."

"I'm twenty-five. Six feet tall. I have an athletic build because I like to work out at the gym. The girls think I'm sexy and cute. And I'll have you know I was in love with someone nine last year until her parents moved out of state. What do you look like sweetie?"

"You really had a girlfriend nine-years-old?"

"Yes I had a girlfriend just a year older than you. I really miss her. I don't have a girlfriend now. I miss her hugs and kisses. Especially her kisses and stuff. I'm pretty lonely now. That's one reason I didn't want to hang up when I called your number by mistake. You didn't answer my question. What do you look like?"

"I don't know how tall I am. I'm about the same size as all the other girls in my second-grade class. I guess I'm considered cute. That's what other people tell me anyway. The boys are stupid and I don't care what THEY think. I don't have any real boobs yet."

"I wouldn't worry about the boobs, there's lot of things you can do to speed up the growth process. I could help you with that if you ever want to do something about it. Or you could just wait a few more years for them. That's one reason I like your age. I love licking and kissing the nipples of young girls. They get hard in my mouth, and that's just one of the ways to make them hurry up and grow."

There was a long pause and I thought I had lost her. It was necessary to find out if she would talk about this sort of thing? Finally she started talking again after several minutes.

"Does that really work?" (Another really long pause)

"You would be surprised. My old girlfriend really was happy that I made hers grow fast. Sucking on them is just part of what you do to get them started. But I don't know if I should be talking to you about this kind of thing. I don't know if you keep secrets or not? Don't get me wrong. I would love to share things like that with you, but only if its totally our secret. I could get in serious trouble you know?"

"I promise Jerry. I really couldn't tell anyone about us or I would get in really bad trouble with mom. What else do you do? You know? To make them grow faster? I really am interested. Some other girls my age already have them. Mine are a little puffy, but otherwise flat as a pancake."

"I happen to love pancakes."

"You know what I mean silly horse. My titties are flat as a board."

"I even know why some of your classmates have titties already."

"Why? I've always wondered why? Do you really know why?"

"I guarantee you someone started sucking on those little eraser sized nipples, and of course doing the other stuff we won't talk about."

"Hmmm. So if yo...someone was to do that for me, when would I get some tits?"

"You are going to force me to tell you about this aren't you? Okay I WILL tell you this much. My girlfriend wanted hers as fast as possible, and it only took two weeks. She let me do everything."

We are really getting close now. I'm going to tell her the big lie that most girls WANT to believe, so they do. When Brenda made that slip of the tongue, almost referring to me, I knew it was only a matter of time when she would be mine. I must still be careful. It's really a lot like trout fishing I've observed. I must be patient. That doesn't mean I can't jack off while I get to the good stuff, now does it?

"Could you...I mean...would...can you do that for me? I would really like that for me. Two weeks really? What is everything? Can you?"

"No. I don't think so."

"Why? If it worked for your girlfriend, why wouldn't it work for me?"

"Have you ever seen a naked man before?"

"Wha...I don't...uh...why does that matter?"

"Answer the question. Have you ever seen a man naked?"

"Well...I won't tell my mom? She would be super mad. Do you promise not to tell her? It's got to be a super secret Jerry. A pinky swear type of secret. Do you promise? Do you?"

"First of all, I thought we already decided that what we talk about is already a big 'pinky-swear' secret just between us? I mean what if I say a nasty word like 'fuck, or cock', I have to know you won't tell your mom because I don't want to get in trouble for that."

Long pause while she digested what I said. I want to be able to use those words and many more, plus I wanted to know if "she" used them? I have the phone hooked up to a recording device so I can jack off to her voice later if that's all I would get from her.

"Oh. Yeah, that's right. It's just hard for me to talk about it with someone. I didn't even tell my best friend that's how big a secret it is. Okay, I'll tell you, only please don't think I'm a bad girl Jerry. I'm not, really I'm not. It wasn't my fault...well, maybe it was...yeah, I guess it was, but...geezo this is going to be hard Jerry. Okay, here goes... happened last summer. There's this big park behind our house, and mom has told me not to go there at night especially when she isn't home. This is where what happened is I guess my fault because I was interested in going in the boy's bathroom. My friend Nancy told me there are some funny things written on the walls in there."

"What's the name of the park honey?"

"Stout Park It's usually locked at night, but we live on the corner by the little market, and there is a hole in the fence behind it."

I now knew where my little prize lived. It could prove handy information for the future.

"Go on with the story dear."

Anyway, mom was going to be late one night, and the park was closed, so I snuck over there. They leave the lights on in the bathrooms for some reason even if it's closed. I don't know why? So I went in and looked in the stall at the back and sure enough there were messages and drawings all over the walls. There was even a hole looking into the next stall. I couldn't imagine what that was for?

"That's so the guy in the next stall can...never mind, go on."

"I didn't understand much, but sucking it okay to say those nasty words Jerry? Of course it is, you already used them...okay, guys want to know if anyone wanted their cocks sucked and they even drew pictures of them. I didn't know at the time what cocks looked like, so I didn't know if the pictures were true or not?"

"I'm guessing you found out what a cock looked like later huh?"

"Yeah. It was getting kind of creepy being in there all alone, but just as I was planning to leave, the door to the bathroom opened and someone came in. I was scared and tried to hide by putting my feet up on the stool. All of a sudden my stall door opened and there was this big guy who just came right in and closed the door. He said he had to pee really bad and for me to spread my legs quick. Then he just dropped his pants and underwear on the floor and there it was. This biggo cock! There was also a funny looking wrinkly sack under it? It looked like there were marbles or something in it. I never found out what they were for? Weird."

"The marbles were his balls where the cum is stored. So what did you do?"

"I was so scared and afraid he would hurt me or something, so I spread my legs even though it pulled my dress up showing my panties. Then he just started peeing right between my legs. He wasn't a very good shot because all of a sudden he peed on my panties. That wasn't the worst part though. He pulled out a knife and made me open my mouth and...Jerry, he peed in my mouth. Not only that Jerry, he made me swallow his pee. It was really gross."

She started crying then. Boy was this making me hot. While she cried for a few minutes, I blasted a load on my chest that ran down my stomach filling my little naval hole (I'm an Innee) with my juice. She finally stopped crying after a few more minutes. "I'm sorry telling the story is making you cry dear, but you know what? This is good for you to get it out. You haven't been able to tell anyone, so get it out. Tell me the rest, it will help you I promise."

"Yeah. It does feel better to tell someone. Thanks Jerry. You are so nice. I thought he was through when the pee stopped, but he told me to keep it in my mouth. Then he leaned down and started kissing all over my face, and rubbing me between my legs. To my surprise his cock started growing in my mouth. It was filling my mouth and I couldn't breathe very good.

"Did he ask you to do anything while he fucked you?"

"Is that what fucking is? I thought...I uh...never mind. I'm so stupid!"

"You aren't stupid sweetheart, just because you don't know about sex. When a man sticks his cock in you, it doesn't matter if it's in your mouth, your cunt, or even your butthole. It's fucking."

"Oh. Well then, while he was fucking my mouth he told me that he was going to shoot his cum next and if I let even a drop out of my mouth he would cut me with his knife. Crap I was really scared. I didn't even know what he meant or what cum was, but I knew what a knife was, so when it happened I did my best to do what he said. He told me to hold his...balls with one hand and put the other hand in the crack of his butt and stick one finger in his butthole! Even today I don't touch my food with that finger that was up his bottom."

I don't remember any other time that I got hard right after squirting a load, but this story was really making it happen. I was fantasizing that it was me pushing my dick down her throat and fucking her cunt with my fingers. This guy was a man after my own heart. What a lucky fuck he was too. Timing is everything.

"Tell me what happened next Brenda. Did he shoot his cum down your throat?"

"Yes. I mean his cock started getting even bigger choking me like I said. That's when he started slobbering all over my face and poking his hard tongue in my ears, and telling me what a delicious cunt I was. Stuff like that. Then his cock exploded in my mouth. The cum was hot like the pee was, but it tasted different and it was kinda thick like the chicken gravy mom makes sometimes.

"What did the cum taste like? Did you like the taste sugar (I hope)?"

"It was salty tasting. I liked it better than the pee. He sure had a lot of it too! He kept saying over and over that I liked swallowing his cum. I was just beginning to actually enjoy the cum a little. I was sorta happy to finally learn some things, even though I was worried about what else he would do? And that's when he hurt me."

"He hurt you? Did he cut you?"

"He didn't cut me. He shoved some of his fingers in my bottom. It hurt so bad. Not where I poop, but the other place. Maybe he did cut me somehow because later there was some blood running down my legs. Then he pulled his cock out of my mouth and while I was trying to catch my breath, he squirted more of his cum on my face. Then he started rubbing it around all over my face with his cock and talking dirty to me. He said he would like to see me again. I said that I would like that, because I didn't want to make him mad. I never went back after he left, even though I agreed to meet him again the next Saturday. Mom was right. You can see why I kept it to myself. I just couldn't let anyone know how stupid I was."

"He didn't try to fuck you in your cunt or your butt?"

"I think he got scared or something. All of a sudden he just stopped, pulled up his pants and took off telling me If I said anything about this, he would come back and kill me. So I haven't until now."

"The answer is yes."

"The answer? Answer to what?

"I can help you grow your titties bigger and faster."

"I'll do anything you ask Jerry. Thank you, oh thank you! What's next? What do we do? When can we begin? I want to meet you."

Continued (if there is interest).

R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s


Very nice indeed extreamly interested in more! Keep up the good work.


Yes there is interest please continue


Great start, I think that Brenda is going to be a very dirty little girl!


Made me so wet can't wait to read more!


Love this story and can't wait for more. please let me know when you have the next episode.


Yes, yhere is more then interested guys.


theres interest here my friend, i like the way this is going, thanx


love your story. would love more please

Miss Fox

Do continue please.


Great story! Can't wait for more


So far you have the makings for a good story. With any luck others will feel the same way and we can get the next chapter soon.

Philip Spencer

The author wouldn't know an eight-year-old if she sat on his face. This is the phoniest dialog I've ever read.


Awesome first chapter. Please keep it up cause I like where this is going!!


Please continue! Great story so far! :))


This story has got to be the best on this site. You have got to finish the story, and real soon.


Oh I do hope she invites him over to her house!! Very Very Hot!! Looking forward to more, more, more


Just love this story, very erotic.... can't wait to read what cums next!


Like how it started, please continue!


Great start,Looking forword to next chapter..Hope the next one will be soon? Started to get hard on this one ;)


Not bad. Some loose ends though. What happened to the guy in the other stall? Also I don't get why she is going to come back if she didn't get any pleasure this time.

Another thing....don't make her seem too grown up suddenly. She is 8 and keep her that way.

Still I think this is a good beginning and hope to see more.


this ia a great beginning,a new slant , cannot wait for further developments


I loved it . please more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Big mess

Great start!


Wonderful! Love it so far!!! Get more!!!


Very good, can't wait for more. but I guess I'll have to.


Can you write more? I like this story


Hey get those keyboards rataling.Want some more NOW.Good stuff.Can,t wait.


Great start, Brenda going to be a very happy 8yr old

The reviewing period for this story has ended.