Teaching Tina: The Abuse Continues, Part 1

[ Mg, beast ]


Published: 10-Aug-2011

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show Story Summary
As always, Mr. Phillips is a professional, boys. DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME!

Eleven year old Tina West bounded excitedly over the fence in Mr. Phillips overgrown backyard. She chose the opening near the small storage shed that allowed her a safe place to look over her shoulder to ensure that she was not being followed or spotted. Tina had been coming over to Mr. Phillips house for about eight weeks now, and during that time the 42 year old child pornographer had become her boyfriend.

The little angel looked forward to the hour or two that she spent with her new lover after school nearly every day. She enjoyed the attention that she received in his warm, cosy bed, the security that she felt in his strong arms, and the appreciation she would see in his big kind face while she slowly slipped his grown-up cock into her willing pre-teen lips. This was so different from the lack of love, attention and concern that she received at home from her own father and mother, both alcoholics, both abusive. Tina was becoming an attention whore and was beginning to be more and more willing to do anything to get it.

All of this excited anticipation was on little Tina West's mind as she started to skip up the long grass lawn to Mr Phillip's back door. Tina had just started wearing her skirt shorter at Our Lady Catholic school by rolling it up around the waist. It was now just slightly above the knees, which was short enough to show off her little panties to priests at her all-girl school. She was sure that Father Ted had noticed them. Tina was proud of her new panties. Jim, and some of her other new friends, had told her where she could go to buy pretty little ones in her preadolescent size. So with her allowance money in hand, Tina bounded off early one Saturday with a shout that she was off to buy new underwear. The house didn't reply. Now, days later, Tina bounded across Jim's lawn, her school skirt flapping and showing off a pair of new little girl underwear. They were fluorescent pink, with fine white lace, and "Taste Me" written in bright yellow crayon-style letters on the bit of the fabric that stretched tightly enough over her bald little fuck-hole to deliciously show-off her puffy pussy lips below.

Suddenly, as if from nowhere, a large black Labrador jumped on her back, knocking over the 85 lb youngster, hovering over her, nipping at her neck and growling ominously in her pretty little baby-girl ear. Tina's knees ground into the mud, and grass, twigs and leaves tangled in her hair. Tina was terrified. The beast was prancing around and on her, the nails on his paws scratching her porcelain thighs, and her little back. This dog is going to eat me alive! the kid thought.

"Buster! Down!" barked Jim. He towered above little Tina, her saviour. Buster jumped off the preteen and kneeled sheepishly at the man's feet, whimpering and whining. Poor dishevelled Tina got up, blubbering, and went over to Jim, hugging him and thanking him for saving her. Her tears and messy appearance made Jim want to fuck her right then and there, but he resisted.

"Hey, hey! Calm down, honey, it's ok, I'm here sweetie," Jim laughed, hugging her close, pressing her little skinny body into his hardening cock. "Calm down Tina, you're fine! Buster here would never harm you, would ya' fella?" he said jovially, bending down and patting the dog warmly on its head. Buster looked frantic, as if filled with so much excited doggy energy, he was having a hard time staying down at Jim's feet. "He's good with kids, I promise. He especially loves little girls."

"I can't believe you'd say that!" Tina sobbed. "He couldda killed me!"

"Tina, Tina, be friends with Buster! I only got him to keep nosy people off my property," Jim explained. "Look at him, he likes you!" Tina looked and saw that the Labrador did indeed look friendly, panting and flapping his tail, as if he didn't really want to hurt her, as if he only wanted to play with pretty little girls, to have some fun with them. Her sobs slowed to a whimper, then she began to giggle.

"He scared the life outta me," the small girl admitted. "Hello, Buster, you brat!" Tina bent down, closed her eyes and stuck her tongue out at the animal. Buster immediately licked his big pink floppy tongue sloppily over the underaged cutie's face, dragging his massive broad tongue over her own sweet young tongue, leaving dog spit dripping off her lips.

"Eeewww, yuck!!!" Tina recoiled, giggling. "That's disguuustiiing! My first doggy kiss!"

"C'mon, you silly goose," Jim teased the child. "Get in the house and let's start today's sex lesson. Buster, no, no, stay! Outside Buster!" The sexy child and big grown up man entered the house alone. Jim kept his hands tightly on the little girl's shoulders, firmly steering her into his house, spanking her ass playfully just as they entered the doorway. Tina jumped. The door was shut and locked.

Outside, beady black canine eyes waited patiently for Jim to come and fetch him.

First, Jim made his vulnerable sex-student a drink of her choosing, and got a gin and tonic for himself. As Tina waited in that cold kitchen, Jim praised the sweet underaged piece of ass on her new look, with her skirt a little shorter, the top two buttons of her blouse open, the sexy panties and her use of lipstick and eye shadow. Weeks ago, the sexually innocent and ignorant little girl would never have dreamt of making herself look "slutty" in this way. Now, Tina wanted to look good for men. She wanted men like Father Ted, Jim and her own Daddy to find her sexy.

Carrying both drinks in his hands, Jim walked up to his preteen lover. "How, are you honey, are you good? Are you horny to see me?" He kissed little Tina on the mouth, her tiny candy lips parting, their tongues dancing sloppily together. At the same time, the grown man reached down to grope tiny Tina's hairless pubic region, roughly grabbing a handful of the child's pudenda, cupping her sex in his rough hands. Tina responded by a low, lusty moan and a movement of humping her privates against her boyfriend's molesting touch. Jim pulled his mouth off of Tina's, looked hungrily into her big brown puppy dog eyes, and whispered contentedly, "You lewd little bitch!"

Tina broke the spell. "C'mon, last one in is a rotten egg!" she laughed, grabbing her drink and making for the special video room where Jim taught her to do the kinds of things that big girls do. By now, Tina understood that her lesson was going to be filmed by hidden cameras in the room, and that Jim would probably sell the videos to collectors of kiddie porn. I want to be a good performer for Jim, she thought. That's what I'm good at, milking his cock juice and making him lots of money.

"Wait, wait, wait!" Jim said, just as the pretty eleven year old was about to bounce onto the bed that was in that room. "You're a mess; first take off your clothes, and then we can get started." Mr. Phillips took a sip of his gin and tonic and watched his young lover undress. The pretty sex kitten was 4 feet 2 inches tall, her light blond hair reaching just to her shoulders which were slender and trembling. Tina undressed slowly, aware that her tight pussy was already starting to moisten under the commanding stare of her adult lover's gaze. The little girl stood there, naked as a newborn, and smiled at him, shyly. Her little molestable pussy was totally bare, not a hair on it. Her chest was almost flat, and her figure almost completely straight. Her hips were slender, almost skinny. She couldn't have weighed more than 85 pounds, and she looked fantastic to him, completely nude, a preteen fuck bunny come true. He took a sharp breath in, and shook his head. The paedophile had had many underaged lovers in his forty-two years, but few came close to matching the raw mixture of little girl cuteness and pure erotic sizzle that Tina possessed He quickly tore his own trousers shirt off and tossed them on a chair

"Hey, I want to show you what I've been working on!" Jim suddenly remembered, pulling Tina next to him on the bed. He reached for the DVD remote, pressed a button and the tv sprang to life. There was blackness, then Tina was surprised to see her own face appear. She was looking straight at the camera and nervously said, "My name is Tina West, I'm 11 years old, and I want to learn all about sex." Tina fondly remembered that day, the first time she had ever come to Jim's house, the first time she was ever molested. Before she had time to reflect on that afternoon, the movie on the screen erupted into a montage of Tina's sexual abuse, as scene after scene of the little girl getting defiled quickly flashed by. Hard rock music played over the images of her small holes being stuffed, fingered and fucked, close-ups of her licking hairy man asshole, of hot, sticky cum being shot over her innocent face, her small cherub lips, her pink lapping tongue. Just as suddenly as the images had started, they stopped. The music stopped abruptly as well, replaced with the sound of a heart beat. The words, "Teaching Tina" appeared in white, over a black screen.

"That's the opening of your movie," Jim explained. "That's what I'm gonna call it. The first scene is that first afternoon. You've already seen that footage, but I just finished editing it. It'll be ready for sale in a week or so. I just want to shoot another scene or two. You're gonna be famous, honey," Jim beamed proudly and kissed his darling fuck-puppet on the head. As he did so, he pulled her closer to him on the bed, reaching around her shoulders and sliding his big male hand to her chest, rubbing her tiny flat nipples between his fingers. The pert pink buttons were already erect. Jim waited for a response from Tina, as this was the first time that he had ever openly spoke to her about the fact that he was going to release the private videos that he had been making of them fucking.

"Oh, Jim!" Tina gushed, her face a look of delight, "Thank you, thank you, thank you! I'm so glad you're my boyfriend!" Inside, Tina was not as sure. Part of her, the bold, sexy girl that loved being complimented DID want to make Jim a lot of money. But another, small part of her, somewhere far off, as if it were underwater, still told her that this was wrong; that it was bad to open her legs up in front of big men to show them her hairless little kitty; that it was a sin how much she enjoyed feeling the smooth warmth of a wiener filling her small preteen mouth. Still, Tina knew at this stage that there was no way back, that Jim was going to do what he was going to do, and that deep, deep inside she enjoyed being a good little girl for him. Besides, if she stopped being his girlfriend, Tina knew that Jim might stop fucking her and teaching her all the things that she needs to know to be a big girl, and that was definitely something that the burgeoning slut didn't want. She wanted so much to be as popular at school as all the pretty bratty girls were. So the kid responded by moving her hands down to the front of Jim's boxer shorts, reaching under the elastic band, and grabbing his stiffening dick tightly in her hot grip. The eleven year old smiled broadly and said, in what she hoped was a seductive voice, "That looks brilliant, Jim, can I see more of your new movies?"

Mr. Phillips was actually touched that the little girl cared about his work. He rooted around on the DVD menu until he found another. As the middle-aged man pressed play, he explained, "This is the opening titles on my latest one." Tina settled herself and wished she had some popcorn, still holding Jim's dick. Sex lessons with Jim were FUN!!!

This time the screen opened with a colourful display of computer generated balloons and flowers. Expertly produced, the still image had a kind of pink and baby blue colour scheme which suggested a baby's nursery. Over the infant-inspired graphics there was the sound of a little girl giggling, which was slightly muffled. There was also a nursery lullaby playing, the kind that comes from a wind-up mobile or jewellery box. The words appear on the screen: Who's Laughing Now?

Opening credits over, the tv now shows a little girl, about seven, who is a dead ringer for Elsie Fisher, the American child actress. She is dressed super cute, almost like a little Minnie Mouse. She says with a beaming smile, "My name is Amber Joy, and I love to laugh!!" The scene cuts to the little porn star with all her clothes on, being tickled by a man who you can't really see. The tiny darling explodes with giggles, squirming, and shouting. Cut to: Amber, now with just her panties on, is standing reading from a joke book, "Why did the sand cry?" She pauses. "Because the seaweed!!! Get it? Get it? The sea weed! It peed!" The sweet child laughs and laughs, throwing her little head back in pure innocent and unguarded delight. She reads another one which also triggers spasms of trickling little girl giggles.

There's another quick edit, this time of Amber totally naked, being pulled spread-eagle on a bed by four men, all of whom are off-screen. They are all tickling her, the ones holding her wrists tickle her hairless little armpits, and the men gripping her ankles tickle her knees and inner thighs. She is squirming her small baby-fat body like mad, unable to stop laughing, unable to breath. Her miniature slit glints open, wet and pink. Then, a scene of the girl standing, a man sitting on a chair next to her, Amber's hands pulled up and tied above her head. The man is slapping her flat chest, the tiny gumdrops that are her nipples, red as berries, as he smacks her hard, demanding to know, "Who's laughing now, baby? Who's laughing now?!" Amber is crying, her eyes shut, tears rolling down her cheeks.

Final quick scene jumps now to someone fucking Amber doggy-style, the seductive tiny pornstar looking straight into the camera, each violent thrust into her light preteen body lurching her forward on the bed. Suddenly the man screams, "BIIIITTCCHHH! I'MMMMMMMMMM CUMMMMINGGGG!!!" He jumps from behind the small performer up to her face, grabs her pretty pigtails and yanks her head up, jacking off over her adorable Elsie Fisher face. Cum drenches the hungry whore who, to Tina's absolute surprise, opens her tiny mouth and desperately tries to catch as much of the spunk as she can. The man says over and over, "This will wipe the smile off your face, cunt!" The tv screen returns to the childish animated balloons seen at the beginning of the trailer, as the words again appear, "Who's laughing now?"

Tina is shocked. Jim has never shown her anything that rough before. It takes her a minute to formulate the question in her mind. "Did...did...did she enjoy making that?" Tina asked hesitantly. "Of course, pumpkin," Jim assured his young lover. "Didn't you see how much she savoured her daddy's sperm? She knows that sperm will make her pretty, remember?" He figured that after today's lesson, there would be nothing held back from little Tina anymore.

The child porn on the DVD continued, finally getting to the theme of today's lesson. This time the scene opened on an extreme close-up of a stuffed puppy dog's face. The camera scanned to the left of the bear, to a Barbie doll, then to more little girl toys. Slowly, the camera pulled back and the viewer could see that the shelf was just next to a child's bed, on which sat a pretty little ten year old, dressed in white ruffles, almost like a southern belle, with pink ribbons tying her brown shoulder length pony tails back. She held a large fluffy stuffed Snoopy tightly to her flat chest. The underaged angel was made up with her mommy's make-up which really brings out her youthful exuberance, and more than hints at a slutty core. She smiles sweetly for the camera, revealing a mouth that is missing it's two front upper teeth. "Hi, daddy," she whispers with a slight lisp and a naughty smile, cocking her head adorably to one side and batting her big brown eyes. She giggles.

"It's Julie!" Tina gushed, amazed that her little friend could possibly look so professional and pretty on screen. Tina had met Julie a few weeks earlier at Jennifer's birthday party right here at Jim's house. Tina had been amazed to watch grown ups and little pre-adolescent girls fucking happily right in front of their mothers, who urged their tiny girls on, all the while begging the child rapists to pummel the shit out of their princesses' tight little baby-makers. That afternoon had been a real eye-opener for Tina, and though she returned home a few hours later with the smell of man-ass on her breath, aching jaws and sore fuck-holes, it had been the most fun that Tina had ever had.

"So, what's this I hear about you having a new boyfriend?" a voice from off-screen asks Julie. Tina recognized the voice. It was that of John, Julie's daddy.

Julie turned her chin down, but cast her guilty eyes straight up into the camera, biting her lower lip. The youngster looked so adorably fuckable. "It's true, daddy," she said in a soft, baby voice.

"Honey, what's so special about him, baby?" John asks his kiddie whore daughter. "You can tell your daddy."

The preteen smiled. She continued, "He's always up for it, daddy...other men I've fucked always, like, you know, want to dress me up, read me bedtime stories, umm, spank me, and, well, um, but, um, when it's time to actually, like, fuck me," Julie gesticulated her little hands to emphasis fuck me, "they don't last more than, like, two minutes in my tight cunny, even less in my butthole...then it takes all night for them to get hard again!" Julie pouts playfully, "I NEVER have any fun..."

Another male voice said, "Julie, maybe it's time to let us see your tight cunny. That's it, sweetie, show us your cunt like a good girl...keep talking but show us your hole."

Tina also recognized that voice. It was Jim's. The catholic girl looked up at her adult lover and grinned. On the screen, the immature fuck-star pulls her poofy white skirt up and opens her porcelain thighs. She wears no panties, and the bald little pussy parts slightly, revealing its pink inner regions. Tina felt herself getting wet, and couldn't stop herself from squirming slightly on Jim's bed, rubbing her small knees together.

"Like this? You want to see it, Daddy?" Julie pants, starting to get noticeably turned on now as she pulls her doll-sized pussy lips wide apart to show her tight little hole. The nasty pixie begins to play with herself, masturbating for the camera.

"And your new lover? What's he like?" Jim asks from off screen. Julie is now fingering herself with two little fingers. "He fucks me like an animal," Julie purrs in sensual delight. "All day and alllllll night."

"Shit, Daddy's gotta touch that pretty pussy now, pumpkin," John moans. Hands reach in, big callessed fingers against her perfect little girl flesh. Index fingers and thumbs push into her pudgy skin and pull her open, as far apart as she can go, both her strawberry-fresh pussy and her puckered little anal rosebud stretches open for all your pedophile viewing pleasure.

"Goddamn you're a pretty little girl, Julie. That tight little rape-hole you've got there must have milked gallons of baby batter right up into your preteen womb," her father said, his voice husky and dark. "Continue to tell me how much your new lover fucks you, honey, while I molest you a little."

The sexy airhead giggles a tiny princess giggle that sprinkles like ice water. She says, "Well, what can I say....it's only about the sex. There's no talking, there's no apologizing, what is, is...plus, he loves me. He's loyal," she shrugs. "And, Daddy, he can cum alllll night long. (giggle) You know how I llloooovvvve cum, Daddy, especially yours." John says nothing, only grunts, so Julie continues.

"I love cum in all my holes, Daddy," the sperm-addicted preteen admitted. I love it in my tiny, almost virgin pussy Daddy, because I know that it's shooting against my cute cervix opening, right up into my little baby womb, washing my ovaries! And I love warm, salty cum up my asshole, Daddy, you KNOW that about your little pumpkin, don't you?" Julie teased, wrinkling her little girl nose. "Cum up my asshole gets me really excited! It's like a..." Julie struggles as if trying to remember her lines, "like a testosterone suppository! It feels like it does when I'm on cocaine!"

John is by now finger-fucking the kiddie-twat's ass. Julie is continuing to finger her own tight pussy and now has three digits up her slippery fuckhole. "What kind of anal lube are you using, John?" Jim's voice asks from off-screen. "It's diaper cream," he explains, holding the tube up to the camera. "It's not as smooth for the girl, but I like the perverse symmetry of it." John then addresses his sweet ten year old daughter. "Because diaper cream reminds me of when I first started to molest you, honey."

The scene cuts to one in which Julie's daddy is standing, looking down at his daughter, POV style. With one hand he's rubbing his satin smooth dickhead across little Julie's face. She is now naked. He rubs her eyelids with his daddy meat, leaving gloopy streaks of pre-cum wherever it touches. Whenever John's prick comes near little Julie's fairy tale lips, the girl bobs for it, but John frustrates his daughter and bounces his cock off her wet tongue, leaving trails of her own spit on her face as well. The scene continues for a few minutes while the little porn slut's face gets wetter and wetter.

"So, you love cum in your vagina and in your rectum, pumpkin, where else do you love my cum?" "All over my innocent, young, sweet. little girl face, Daddy," Julie says, making her voice sound younger than it actually was. "I don't know if it's true that sperm is good for the skin daddy, but you know how you taught me since we were at the cabin that I should never wipe it off, but wipe it IN? Well, I don't know what it is daddy but the next morning I wake up after a cumbath, I always look in the mirror and I think to myself, 'Goddamn, Julie! You are looking sooo fucking cute today!"

Both father and daughter continue whispering a non-stop stream of degrading filth to each other. Tina couldn't believe that Julie was so polished in front of the screen, able to talk to her father like that. For the first time, Tina understood about talking dirty. The fifth-grader was getting more and more turned on as Jim continued lightly molesting her little taboo snatch. Plus, Jim was fully erect now, he had pulled his underwear right off as Tina began to pump his giant wiener. Jim grabbed the back of Tina's neck, and pushed her face onto his lap, her nose right into his crotch. "Suck it a little bit for me as you watch this, sweetheart," Jim said, not unkindly, just matter of fact. So, as he enjoyed his own latest kiddie porn classic, the lucky man had an obedient, attention-starved, illegally young kiddie-slut sucking his dick. Some guys have all the luck!

Finally John says on-screen, "Well, I think it's time we meet this new boyfriend of yours, Julie." He continuing to run his man-meat over her face, but now concentrates on glossing his ten-year old's pretty lips. They shine. "Are you ready?"

"Oh, I'm super-dooper-wooper ready, Daddy!" Julie grins.

"Ok, but you've got to let me cum all over my favourite little girl's face first," John took his cock—which by now had almost doubled in size, so full of cum it was like a water balloon just about to pop—and he started to jack it furiously over his daughters face. "Tell me how much you want it, you fucking cumrag!" John insults his daughter. He was too far gone to have any human decency left. The ten year old child was far too gone to have any dignity left, so they made a filthy and perverse pair of porn actors to watch.

"I want your cum, so baaaaddddd," Julie moans. "I love cum all over my innocent preteen fucking face the most!" As her own father desperately jacks off, the little starlet urges her best daddy-in-the-world on, talking in a baby girl lisp, as if she were only three. "Oh, cum for me daddy! Pwease, pwetty pwease. Bathe your sweet little pumpkin in hot delicious spunk!"

John can hold back no longer. He grabs the little girl's beautiful shiny hair, a big clump in his strong, manly hand, and yanks his daughter's face exactly where he needed it. "Don't you fucking move, you dirty little piece of shit!" he grunts, jerking furiously. "AAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!" he groaned. Thick heavy creamy ropes of his hot salty sperm shot through the air, as if you can picture it in slow motion, and land all over the 10 year old's outstretched pink preteen tongue, her doll-like full little girl lips, her cute-as-button childish little nose, her peachy pre-pubescent cheeks, her sad little sparking blue eyes, over her eyebrows and all over the filthy little bitch's shampoo-smelling hair. "UUUUmmmmmmm," Julie moans in absolute heavenly pleasure as her need for daddy's delicious special sauce was being fully satisfied. Little Julie lurches forward, open mouthed and whimpering, catching as much of her father's seed as she can, her small tongue licking, swirling hungrily over her own father's ejaculating penis. By the time John quit twitching, and his spasms began dying down, the child slut was completely drenched in her father's sticky cum. The well-trained preteen pornstar moans in satiated pleasure, squeezing her small fists around her daddy's slippery dick, milking her father of every last drop. Julie licks a droplet of semen off her daddy's pisshole, smiles in pleasure as she closes her eyes to savour it, then shoves her tiny little girl mouth over her father's dick helmet and sucks hard, like one of heaven's angelic little cock-sucking cherubs that wander the gardens up there, just to be fondled and molested by the SAVED. She wants every last drop.

"God, you covered me, Daddy!!!! What would Mommy say if she knew you had just cum all over my pretty little third grade face, you dirty man," she teased, wrinking her spermy nose, and giving a wink of her cum-filled eye. "I'll let you fuck me anytime you want, Daddy, I'll be your dirty little secret!!"" Julie scraps up some spunk that had landed on her skinny little shoulder and puts it in her mouth as she talks, licking her lips and swirling her tiny tongue around her jizz covered lips.

With his daughter's face still covered in his own baby batter, John says, "Well, maybe it's time to meet your new Mr. Big, honey. I want you to introduce me to him like that, with your face covered in my cum. I want him to know that he can fuck you, but you're MY BABY GIRL! You ready?"

"Oh, I'm ready......Buster, c'mer boy," Julie calls, and suddenly, there is the same black Labrador that has just attacked Tina, jumping all over the Julie's bed, licking her face, while Julie erupts in a peal of giggles and tries to push the frantic beast away! Tina cracked up, shaking her legs violently, laughing her ass off.

"That was GOOD, Jim!!! Really funny. You really had me going!" She laughed.

"Ssshhh," Jim said. He pointed to the tv. "Watch."

Tina looked. She saw that Julie was now kissing her boyfriend back, licking her tongue out, canine-like. Buster laps up the man sperm that covers his human fucktoy, as the two lovers shared salty spermy kisses. When Buster pants, his long floppy tongue hangs out and the kid reaches as much of her little mouth around it as she can, and sucks on the dog's tongue, drinking up the nectar of doggy drool and daddy spunk.

"You're baby girl's a doggy whore, Daddy," Julie purrs nastily. "Aren't you proud of me? It's you who turned me into one!"

Just then a male hand comes into view, holding a squeezable plastic food container, and squirts white liquid onto Julie's little face. It's mayonnaise. Buster obviously loves the white stuff and starts excitedly to lick the fourth-graders face, lips and tongue. Julie licks back, just as excitedly, and as the girl continues to French kiss the dog, the man continues to spray her. Julia catches some on her tongue, holds it, and allows the four legged creature to lap it all up out of her mouth. She's a slime covered mess, but the dog loves her. The man covers little flat-chested Julie's nipples, and Buster hungrily laps the mayonnaise off her boyish tits, her little nipples stiff. The excited mutt can barely contain himself, licking all the dripping mayonnaise off of Julie's skinny chest, down her flat tummy, drinking the mess out of the preteen's tiny belly button. Buster is panting and breathing hard just like Howard, Jim's fat friend, does, thought Tina.

"Good boy, good boy..." Julie encourages the lusty beast, patting his black hairy head. "You wanna taste my pussy now, Buster?" The child cumslut looks up at the camera and says, "He loves to eat my muff, Daddy." Julie lays on her back. Hands pull her legs up into the air, her knees are firmly pushed down to her chest, forcing her molestable fuck-holes to be exposed and unprotected. She looks like pedophile candy, all puffy, pink and bald. Mayonnaise is squirted onto the cute kiddie snatch and sweet-looking puckered asshole.

Buster begins to hurriedly drag his huge doggy tongue over the bitch's shithole, all the way up to her doll-sized clit. The slime from the lusty animal's mouth combined with the oozing cunt juice; all this mixed with the mayonnaise, making the little girl a sticky, filthy, degraded mess.

Tina was absolutely in shock. Despite the fact that she loved being Jim's girlfriend, that she really loved his compliments, and despite her understanding that sperm helps little girls grow up into 17 year old princesses with nice round tits that make men want to rape them, Tina still felt a knot of apprehension in her bowels every time she went to see her dirty boyfriend. And right now, that knot felt like a fist shoved up her rectum. She had come to understand that her lessons with Jim would only ever be over after Jim had shown her everything that men and little girls can do with their bodies. She wondered when Jim was going to use her as a toilet, pissing into her open mouth. Yet, despite all the depravity that had been going on in the little victimized girl's head at night, she had NEVER, EVER in a MILLION years imagined that she, little Catholic Tina West, might be expected to do the, well, the sex thing, with an animal!

And yet, what she was seeing on the screen was almost impossible to tear her eyes away from. It was the most weird freak show that Tina had ever seen, and she was way too young to process this. Jim, she knew, was going to have to process it for her, explaining it and telling her how to feel about it. Still, there was no denying that her bald little slit was responding. Maybe, she though, as she watched the smile of absolute bliss spread across her friend's over-sexed face, maybe, like Jim, I just like watching young girls! Maybe I've become a pedophile too! Tina thought, the shocking idea bouncing around her eleven year old brain and added to her confusion.

Jim was paying extremely close attention to Tina's responses. He registered her muscle tension, he heard his little whore's breathing change, meaning she was getting aroused. He smelt her fear. He wondered how much longer he should wait before getting off the bed, walking through his living room, through his cool kitchen to the back door and letting Buster in to come join the party. A few more minutes, he thought. Instead, he moved his fingers back down to Tina's forbidden preteen fruit. He started to molest her, rubbing her clit. God, that little cunt was wet!

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Great job staying true to the original,keep going.


Part one nice will be looking for more parts to this story


Very cool, please write more


I love the original and this may one of the best

I've got to ask are you including all the characters what about Lisa and Mary


OMG Gorgeous story...precum on the end of my dick


more of making tina beg for cock.and more description of finger fucking tiny


Followed this storey from way back and thought it was the best storey i have ever read. Great that you have taken it over and continued with it.......looking forward to the next chapter and to get Tina,s mom involved at some stage with young boys would be brilliant.
Keep up the good work.

porn reader

wow thanks it was exciting and after many years Tina's story is continued - well written please cunt in u :)

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