Published: 2-Sep-2011
Word Count:
The front cover is a single photograph. The whole of the page is taken up by the upturned spread bottom of a naked little girl of maybe eleven years old. She is lying on her back on a desk top with her knees pulled up against her chest and her legs widely spread. Her bottom is bright red, swollen and covered with a mass of crossing red raised lines. Laid across her tummy is a yellow rattan junior cane, about two feet long.
The girl's face is just in shot at the top of the page. She is pretty with strawberry blond hair that is cut in a short bob. Her face is bright red and soaked with tears and snot. Her mouth is wide open in a continuous howl. Each of her hands both tightly clutch a chunk of each buttock, the swollen red skin visibly squeezing through the white of her fingers. As she pulls at her bottom she opens up her little pussy and anus to the camera's intimate inspection. The photo captures the interior of each hole in crystal clear detail.
To the top left of the shot, only just in focus, standing to one side of the girl's leg is the front of a man who is naked below the waist. His is in the process of squeezing a tube of lubricating gel onto his big erect penis.
At the top of the page, overlaid on the photograph in large bold typescript the words "LITTLE GIRL DISCIPLINE MAGAZINE" are emblazoned. On the left hand side there is preview of the contents: Photo shoots Model of the month Hot stories Contacts Readers' letters
Written at the bottom of the page in the centre in large type is "11 year old Tammy is our model of the month. See all the intimate details inside."
At the bottom right hand corner of the page, in smaller type, is "Issue 42"
Hello and welcome to Issue 42.
After an extended stay of nearly half a year my daughter has finally taken her leave, along with my darling eight year old granddaughter. I must admit that the house does seem a little empty without them. Still, before they left my daughter treated me by handing over her daughter for one long final disciplinary session. She told me to make it one that her daughter would "remember for a long time to come". I most certainly did!
My daughter left us alone for a whole day and I ensured that no disciplinary route was left unexplored. As her Mummy drove away the poor little girl was already begging granddad if only he would be so kind as to spare her bottom she would be nice to his willy in all the ways he liked best. For the first hour or so I let her show me just how nice she could be to my willy. Her enthusiasm to please in the most degrading ways possible was commendable. But when I had eventually squirted nicely into her gagging little mouth, she found that granddad still had the most severe plans for her bottom.
Poor girl; her distressed sobbing at the prospect of her punishment to come was a delight for this old gentleman. I spent a long time working through all my favourite ways of punishing her. That naughty little bare bottom found itself poking out at me in countless humiliating positions as I took advantage of the unique disciplinary opportunities each of them offered.
At 10:00 a.m. she was being spanked with a small lexan paddle over my knee. At 11:00 a.m. she was being switched in my shed with a fresh whippy willow stick. At 12:00 a.m. she was taking a deep enema in the bathroom. At 2:00 p.m. she was on all fours on the bed with her head down getting a vigorous strapping between her bottom cheeks. Her Mummy didn't come home until 9:00 p.m.. By then my little darling was a very very sorry little girl.
I stood proudly by as my daughter examined her little girl's red, swollen, marked bottom, thighs, hands, anus and pussy. My daughter's eyes glinted as her daughter told her how granddad's big willy had done such a good job of punishing her little holes. My daughter tucked her little girl up in bed with a reminder to be good in future and asked me if she could have a little word.
My daughter said she wanted to thank me for having her and her daughter to stay with me for so long and for having taken such good care of my little granddaughter. Before I could say anything she had dropped to her knees and was taking my limp used cock out of my pants. She looked up at me. "For old times sake!" she said and took me in her mouth. I never thought that I would make it, given the number of times I had already cum in her daughter, but in just a few moments I was as hard as iron. She was so good at using her mouth and knew just how I liked it best. I thought of all the times I had required her to take me in her mouth and throat as part of her strict upbringing. Her mouth still felt so good on me. I relaxed and let her pleasure me for a long time until eventually my cock twitched and spat against her flicking teasing tongue.
So my daughter and granddaughter left. But, you know, as one chapter closes another opens. I have been corresponding for a while with the mother of two young girls who wrote to me asking for some advice. She has invited me to go and stay with them for the weekend to "give my girls the benefit of your guidance". I shall let you all know how I get on.
This month we have a great line-up for you as always. We have a story of a divorced gentleman who finds a kindred spirit in 'Deep South'. We have story set in the first part of the twentieth century 'The house of Lady Jane'. Here we meet a well-to-do lady with only one thing on her mind and the resources to make it happen. We have some delightful photo-stories. You will already have met our model of the month, Tammy, on our front cover. Isn't she cute! I love those little budding breasts! We continue our practical articles for child discipline enthusiasts. This month a representative from the Disciplinary Schools Advisory Service talks to us what to look for when selecting a school that will support the strict disciplining of children. And as always we have our ever popular Readers' Letters and Contacts sections.
Please enjoy your magazine.
Photo 1: The scene is a hallway in a small suburban house. The camera is positioned at waist height shooting upwards towards the foot of the stairs where there is a woman in her mid thirties dressed in typical housewife clothes. She looks irate; her face red with anger. She is pointing up the stairs. In her hand she holds a paper clearly marked 'School Report'. With her foot on the first step of the stairs is a little girl of maybe ten years old, dressed in a red gingham check school summer dress. She is pretty with dark brown hair cut into a short bob, almond eyes and clear white skin. Her face has a beseeching expression and we can see little tears just starting to trickle down her cheeks. Her mouth is open as though she is pleading.
Text: "Poor little Annabel! She's only ten but Mummy and Daddy have such high expectations of her and her Daddy is so terribly strict. Mummy knows he will do a good job of punishing their disappointing young daughter. She has already called him at work and he is on his way home. He likes to take a good long time making sure that he has properly disciplined Annabel."
Photo 2: The scene has shifted to a child's bedroom. There is a dolls house and little toy ponies on the floor. On the wall there are a few posters with horses. The camera is taking the shot from high in the corner of the room towards the closed door. There is a straight backed chair tucked under a small workdesk. On the desk are pens, pencils and a large eighteen inch wooden ruler. Carefully folded and hung on the chairback is Annabel's school dress. Annabel is sitting on the bed in her underwear. She has a little white vest, white knickers and white knee socks on. Her eyes are red and her face is wet from tears. She is clutching a teddy bear to her chest. Hanging on a big hook on the back of the bedroom door is a whippy, two foot, yellow rattan junior cane.
Text: "Waiting for Daddy is horrible. He'll be all excited when he comes up. Annabel thinks that really he likes disciplining her, even though he says he doesn't. Hugs from teddy make her feel better, but there's that nasty thing on the back of the door. Oh please don't let it be the cane! What's that noise! Is Daddy back already?"
Photo 3: The camera has moved to waist height near to the side of the bed. The photo takes a whole page and is a close up of Annabel. She is lying on her back on the bed facing towards the camera. Her legs are held up to her chest and spread wide apart. The back of her knickers has been pulled to the tops of her thighs. Her bum cheeks are small and firm and nicely parted so her anus is on show. The anus is dark with bright red skin surrounding it. Annabel's little pre-pubescent pussy looks used. It gapes slightly and the lips bulge; we can see the pink inner lips starting to develop. Annabel looks down her tummy, over her stretched knickers directly into the camera. Her bottom lip is curved down in a pout and tears flow down her face.
"Annabel knows what Daddy likes to see when he comes up. She's left her knickers on; Daddy likes to take them off himself. She can hear him coming up the stairs now. Oh please don't be so strict tonight, Daddy!"
Photo 4: The camera has remained in the same position and Annabel is still on her back on the bed with her legs pulled back and apart. Her knickers have been taken off completely and lie on the bed next to her. Bending over her from the left we can see the back of a man dressed in an office suit. He is standing to one side of Annabel so the camera still has a perfect view of her bottom, pussy and anus. We cannot see the man's head in the photo but we can see his hands at work between Annabel's legs.
In his left hand the man holds a large tub of lubricating gel; three fingers of his right hand are inserted deep into Annabel's vagina. The fingers are pulling apart the opening of the vagina for the camera to see. Annabel's face is bright red and we can see she is crying hard now; her face wet with tears and her nose running.
Text: "That's right, Daddy! Stretch her first and get it nice and slippery up there! You don't want to be wasting time when you really need to use it later! We bet Annabel wishes she'd got better grades now!"
Photo 5: The camera has pulled back and most of the man is visible. Annabel is now completely naked and has changed positions. She is kneeling on the bed, her head down resting her body on her elbows. Her legs are parted and her knees drawn up so they touch her elbows. Her bottom is pushed up high, jutting out and ready for her parent's strict disciplinary attention. Her anus and pussy are completely exposed.
The man holds a cane in his right hand. It is drawn up high in the air, poised and ready to strike down on the little bottom offered so obediently before him. Annabel's frightened face peeps out from between her legs. Her mouth is open as she pleads with her strict Daddy. The man's erect penis pokes out of his flies. It is big and the skin has peeled back off the helmet which is wet and sticky with pre-cum.
Text: "Looks like Daddy's ready to start now! You can plead as much as you like, Annabel, but when Daddy's cock gets that hard you know he's going to really hurt your bottom!"
Photo 6: The camera has moved in for a close up. The whole page is filled with Annabel's naked bottom and upside down face. The caning is well advanced and the little bare bottom has fifteen red cane marks across it. The skin is bulging where the cane has landed. We can clearly see how the deep red lines are swelling up. The caning has been delivered from the left side and there are some nasty marks on Annabel's right flank. Annabel has been caned despite her wriggling and the cane has landed at some unusual angles across her bottom. Annabel's hands grip the duvet cover tightly. Her face looks straight back into the camera. Her eyes are wide open and her mouth is open too, her teeth bared; we can see that she is screaming.
Text: "Daddy loves to cane! He's taken a long time over this; plenty of time for him to look at Annabel's bottom and listen to her promise him anything if only he'll stop. Annabel knows that Daddy won't just be caning her bottom!"
Photo 7: The camera has pulled back and is taking this shot upwards from near the floor. Annabel is on her feet with her back to us. She is looking back over her shoulder towards where it seems the man is standing; we can clearly see her face. One of Annabel's legs is raised, her knee level with her body. The slight blurring of her body in the photo shows that she is rapidly moving, her whole body jumping and writhing. The angle of the camera allows us to see up between Annabel's legs. Annabel's hands have grabbed fistfuls of her scalded bottom cheeks and her little anus is being rudely exposed to the unblinking eye of the camera. Her face is a wet mask of tears and snot. We can see that even the hair around her face is wet. Her mouth is open. It is hard to tell whether she is howling or pleading. There is something about her expression that looks desperate.
Text: "Annabel hates the cane. It hurts so much! Daddy has really done it hard this time. Those marks are going to last forever! However hard she rubs it still seems to sting just as bad. From the look on Annabel's face her Daddy must have told her there's more to come!"
Photo 8: The camera is mid distance from the bed and at waist height. Annabel is back in her original position of lying on her back facing the camera with her legs held up to her chest and spread wide. The man slightly obscures the shot from the left. He holds an eighteen inch wooden ruler firmly in his right hand and is bringing it down vertically between Annabel's legs. The tip of the ruler is slightly blurred as it speeds towards its vulnerable target. We can already see a vivid red stripe the width of the ruler on Annabel's right inner thigh. The combined effects of two or three hard spanks with the ruler on Annabel's cute little pussy have turned it completely red. The man's left hand holds both of Annabel's hands firmly out of the way to stop her interfering with her strict pussy spanking. The man is naked from the waist down. His penis sticks out in clear view. It is bulging angrily and a glob of pre-cum drips off. Annabel's head is thrown at an angle, her mouth wide open as she wildly cries and screams.
Text: "Daddy certainly knows how to discipline little Annabel. She is just sooo sensitive down there and Daddy insists on using such a big ruler. Her Daddy looks like he's having fun!"
Photo 9: The photo is shot from the same place with Annabel in the same position. Her little pussy and inner thighs have been spanked a deep red with the ruler. The man is now leaning further over Annabel and using his left arm to keep her legs back while still holding her hands firmly in his left hand. The ruler has also been harshly applied into Annabel's bottom crack so her inner cheeks and anus are now as red and welted as her pussy. Annabel's face is in a mess; wet, bright red and howling.
Text: "Almost finished now, Annabel! Daddy just has to give you a last few smacks to remind you to perform better at school. Then it's time for Daddy to enjoy himself with some good old fashioned intimate discipline."
Photo 10: The camera is in the same position. The man has stepped back but is still in shot. Annabel is partially sitting up and almost bent double. Her hands are between her legs; one hand crammed between her buttocks, the other grabbing her pussy. Her legs wave around in the air. The man is pointing at his big hard penis.
Text: "My word, a good pussy and bottom crack spanking really stings, doesn't it Annabel? Better be good now and do as Daddy says or you know he'll give you a second dose!"
Photo 11: The camera has moved in for a close up at waist height. Annabel is kneeling up on the bed. The man is standing by the bed next to Annabel. Two thirds of the length of his cock is pushed down Annabel's throat. The photo captures in intimate detail how Annabel's lips wrap around the girth of his cock, how her throat bulges where his cock is and how she has the wild look in her eyes that tells us she can't breath with that big adult penis in her throat.
Text: "Mmmmmm! Daddy's enjoying himself now! After such a long hard time disciplining his daughter's bottom he's more than ready to move onto some intimate discipline. Annabel doesn't like it though!"
Photo 12: The camera takes this photo from head height looking down on the bed. Annabel is lying on her side on the bed facing the camera. Behind her lies the man. Annabel's upper leg is raised and this gives the camera an excellent shot of the man's cock deep in her spanked pussy. The whole length of the big cock is in her. The man holds Annabel's head so she is forced to look directly into the camera. She is crying bitterly.
Text: "Daddy likes to do it really deep. Annabel can feel it all the way up inside her. If only Daddy's willy wasn't so big!"
Photo 13: The camera has moved to the end of the bedroom, taking the photo from waist height towards the door. The man is still lying on the bed. His cock is now limp and covered with a wet sheen. Annabel has got off the bed and is standing by the door hanging the cane back on its hook. We can see that her caned bottom has dramatically swollen, the cane marks vivid and sore. Annabel is standing with her legs a few feet apart, her pussy too painful to close them properly. If we look carefully we can see sperm trickling down her inner thigh as it leaks out of her gaping little pussy.
Text: "All over for today, Annabel! Daddy has given you a strict lesson in how to perform at school. Let's hope tomorrow's school report is better!"
CHAPTER 1 - Death sentence
There was a low hum in the Church; expectant, the service was about to begin. The air conditioning wasn't working hard enough to combat the oppressive heat and people were starting to sweat. Behind me I heard a rustling, a shuffling and a whining little voice.
"Mummeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey! I don't want to be here! It's too hot!"
I glanced behind me and saw a woman in her late twenties, a good ten years younger than me. She was clean and had made an effort but her clothes had seen better days. Sitting next to her and wriggling about was a pretty little girl of about ten years old. She had strawberry blond hair that was plaited in two bunches and a cute little snob nose. Her face was round and she had a hint of puppy fat. She was wearing an old frayed summer dress that showed most of her young legs.
The girl was fussing about and complaining. The mother gave me a pained look. I turned back to face the front. Behind me I could hear the girl carrying on.
"Momma! I'm hot! Why did we have to come?"
I heard an exasperated whisper from the mother.
"Kaylee-Jane, now you be quiet child!"
"But Momma!" the girl persisted, "Why do we have to get to know that man?"
I felt the hairs on the back of my neck rise; she was talking about me. I heard an enraged snort from the mother and this time an angry whisper.
"When we get home young lady, we're gonna be cuttin' you a nice fresh switch!"
My cock started to get hard. The thought of that naughty little girl being stripped naked and having the stuffing whipped out of her little bottom, whilst she squealed and danced, was so damn hot! I listened for a response but heard nothing. Then there was a quiet snuffling noise. Oh God! She was crying! My cock went as hard as iron. What a pretty sound! I just had to see her with her little tears flowing. I risked a glance behind.
Sure enough, little Kaylee's eyes were full of tears and she looked frightened. The mother looked at me sadly; it seemed she felt she had blown her chance. I gave her a little smile, nodded at her girl and winked at her. She brightened and gave me a knowing smile.
I had not been in the deep south long, having been moved there by my company. It was a move I had requested. I had given some reasons about wanting to broaden my horizons, but the real reason was my penchant for the vigorous punishment of little girls' bottoms. The deep south was somewhere that, at least if not publicly then privately at home, little boys and girls could still expect their young bottoms to pay a high price for bad behaviour. I was on the lookout for the strictest single mother of the cutest little daughter. And where better to look for strict mothers than in church where the most god fearing strictest mothers always congregated.
Of course, there was no use me seeking an independent well-to-do woman; what I needed was someone who would need me such that she would be happy to turn a blind eye to my vigorous disciplining of their little girl. Someone who would ignore my need to keep taking their tearfully pleading daughter off to her bedroom for yet another bare bottom whipping, to ignore their daughter's screaming from behind a firmly locked bedroom door and, most importantly, to ignore their daughter's complaints about 'new Daddy' making them do dirty sex things when they were locked behind that bedroom door with him.
I had picked a church in the poorer part of town and had been attending for a few weeks now. I had already had a number of interesting chats with ladies of the church who were all keen to match-make and find out what I was looking for. I used words such as 'don't mind children, but they have to be kept firmly in order' that seemed to make it clear. One name kept surfacing; that of Lindsey. "Down on her luck", "Could do with a good man to support her", coupled with "Sure keeps her girl in order", "That little girl of hers gets it good", seemed most encouraging. Indeed one lady went further "You know, I was round there once and she actually had that girl drop her britches and whupped her right in front of me. What do you think of that?" I knew what I thought of it and it involved a wailing naked girl with a well marked bottom and a big erect adult penis. So, I guessed news of these enquiries had got back to Lindsey as it appeared she was now sitting behind me with a quietly crying little girl.
The service passed without further incident and after it finished I found myself standing next to Lindsey and a very sorry looking Kaylee. I reached out and shook Lindsey's hand and formally introduced myself.
"Hi, I'm Steve. Good to meet you."
Lindsey smiled and blushed slightly. But behind the smile I could see how tired and sad she looked, and there was something else too; the sense of fear. She introduced herself.
"Hi, I'm Lindsey. Nice to meet you too. You know, I'm real sorry for Kaylee's behaviour. But I'll be straightening her out just as soon as we get home. Yes sir, good and hard."
I smiled back at her.
"You know Lindsey, I'm glad to hear that. I'm a great believer in administering a good attitude adjustment. And I think doing it 'good and hard' is the only way. I'm sure you'll teach Kaylee a good lesson."
"Yup!" she continued, "I sure don't spare the rod. I got one little girl whose goin' to be dancin' good for me!"
"Look," I wondered aloud, "it's such a nice day, why don't you and Kaylee come round to my house and have some lunch. I'll give you a lift in my car if you don't have transport."
Lindsey looked so excited and grateful.
"That'd just be great!" she exclaimed, "Kaylee and I would just love to visit you, wouldn't we Kaylee?"
Kaylee mumbled unhappily, "Yes, Momma."
I showed Lindsey and her young daughter to my car; a large, new SUV. Inside it was all air-conditioning and leather. Lindsey settled herself in the passenger seat next to me.
"Say, this is real nice!" she said, "You gotta be doin' real well for yourself?"
"I do OK." I said modestly.
As we drove across town and the houses started to get more expensive I could see Lindsey looking carefully and nodding her head to herself. We reached my house; a large affair, well set back from the street and surrounded by gardens.
Lindsey gave a low whistle.
"Nice! Real nice!" she said.
We got out of the car and I gave Lindsey and her young daughter a guided tour. Lindsey seemed most impressed with what she saw. There were a lot of questions about my job, my income and my divorce, but at almost every opportunity Lindsey seemed to come back to my favourite subject.
As she walked into one of the smaller bedrooms she remarked, "Gee, this would be a great room to have a little girl stay in! Why, there's room for a proper spankin' chair and even a little school desk to have her bend over. 'Course you might have to tie her legs to the desk to stop her kicking!" Lindsey winked at me. "If you tie 'em at the knees it'll keep her nice an' spread."
"Mmmm! My favourite position!" I encouraged her.
She laughed at our shared joke and we both looked at Kaylee. The little girl looked back at us and tears started to trickle down her bright red face.
When we reached the bathroom, Lindsy was off again.
"I love these wet rooms!" she enthused, "Ideal for soaking little girls bottoms before their spankin's! Have you ever spanked on a wet bottom? Kaylee hates it, don't you darlin'? Stings so much more! Though not as much as when I put baby oil on! You should see her when she's getting' the belt after I've oiled her bottom. The way she carries on! Still I guess all those blisters must sting quite a bit. Say, talking about bathrooms and baby oil, what do you think of enemas?"
I smiled back at her.
"An excellent discipline for naughty little girls." I answered, "Especially if you use a nice big nozzle to give them with!"
"Oooo! Do you hear that, Kaylee!" Lindsey asked her daughter, "Steve knows Momma's right when she hurts your bottom hole."
"Kaylee, what do you hate most about an enema?" I asked the crying little girl.
Kaylee mumbled something I couldn't hear. Lindsey jumped straight in.
"Kaylee, you best speak properly to Steve, or your little hieny's gonna regret it big time!"
"Boo hoo! Boo hoo! I don't like it when I have to hold it in an' I'm being whipped!" she sobbed.
"And what happens if you let it out?" I asked.
Unsure if she should answer, Kaylee turned to her Mum.
"You can tell him!" confirmed Lindsey.
"Boo hoo! Momma sticks this real big thing up my ass!" Kaylee whined.
I looked to Lindsey for guidance. She smiled at me.
"I use a butt plug. It's about this wide!" she said, holding her thumb and index finger about an inch and a half apart, "You should hear her squealin' when I stick it up!"
I smiled at Lindsey.
"That's good punishment for a little girl!" I said.
She grinned back.
"Oh yeah! She's real good after a deep hot enema session!" Lindsey said.
When we reached the kitchen, Lindsey had another go. She noticed a row of wooden spoons and spatulas hung up on hooks.
"Well look at that! A whole row of spankin' spoons! Kaylee hates the wooden spoon, don't you darlin'? Your lil' ass bruises so easily when Momma gets goin' with the wooden spoon, don't it?" Lindsey taunted.
She bent down so her face was level with Kaylee's.
"Course'," she whispered to Kaylee, but loud enough that I could hear, "When you've been real naughty, Momma has to spank your lil' ass hole with the handle! Oh, I do it so hard, don't I, darlin'! My, the way you scream when I'm spankin' your ass hole! An' the next day, the way it's all swollen up! I have to put all the cream on so you can poo poo! Get my finger all the way up, don't I? Sometimes, if you're real sore, I put two fingers up. You cry so nicely when I do that!"
Little Kaylee was crying very nicely as her mother taunted her. My cock was as hard as iron as I watched the tears dripping down the naughty little girl's face. I thought about how cute she must look when being punished; her face all red and contorted as she squealed out her pain during her long bare bottom beatings from her mother.
We finished the tour in my garden. Lindsey again was most complimentary, and then something caught her eye. She went over to a tree on the edge of the lawn.
"Well now, look at this!" she exclaimed, "My Momma used to have a tree like this! If I remember right, nothin', an' I mean nothin', used to sting like a switch from this tree on the bare!"
As she started breaking a long wicked looking switch off the tree she turned to her daughter.
"Kaylee-Jane, you an' Momma have some unfinished business! I think I made you a promise in Church! Momma's gonna keep her promise now!" she said.
Lindsey started breaking off a second switch.
"I'm sure I'll wear out more than one switch on her!" Lindsey said matter of factly.
Kaylee's sobbing increased in volume.
"Boo hoo! Momma! Please! Not here! Wait till we get home! Please! Don't give me my lickin' here! You can do it harder at home! Boo hoo! I'll be good! I promise! I'll stay still for you! Please! You can give me a real hard whuppin' at home! Boo hoo! Not here! Please! Pleeeeeeeease!" Kaylee begged.
Lindsey turned to me.
"Steve, I'd be real obliged if you'd 'bear witness' to this naughty girl's punishment. I'll be takin' all her clothes off so she don't tear them. I think naked punishments are the best! Don't you?" Lindsey asked.
I grinned back at her.
"Yes, naked punishments are definitely best. I like little girls to be 'fully exposed' when they're spanked!" I agreed.
"Mmm, 'fully exposed'!" Lindsey replied, "I got some real special ways of spankin' Kaylee! If you like to see 'fully exposed' then I can take care of that! Now, let's take this naughty girl inside an' I'll give her lil' ass a lickin' she'll remember every time she sits next week!"
Lindsey took a firm hold of Kaylee's upper arm and dragged her towards the house. The blubbering ten year old pleaded with her mother to spare her little bottom, or even delay the punishment until 'Mr Steve' couldn't see. But it was to no avail. Lindsey pulled her young daughter upstairs to the small bedroom that had caught her eye earlier. As we entered the room she turned to me.
"Steve, would you lock the door please?" she asked, "I don't like anything to disturb me when I'm givin' Kaylee a 'special spankin''! An' I like to make sure that Kaylee stays in the room until she's got everythin' she's gonna get!"
"No Momma! No! Not a 'special spankin''! Please! No! Pleeeeeeeease!" Kaylee was almost hysterical.
My cock throbbed. This was going to be good! I locked the door whilst Lindsey pulled off Kaylee's clothes. The little dress was roughly pulled up and over the girl's head. Then her white panties were pulled sharply down and off. Finally, her little socks were pulled off her feet and she was standing completely naked in front of me. She tried to cover her pubis with her hands but was quickly rebuked.
"Hands on head!" Lindsey instructed.
Immediately Kaylee did as she was told revealing her cute hairless little girl pussy to me.
"Isn't she pretty?" smiled Lindsey.
"Yes! Very!" I replied a little self consciously.
Lindsey spun her daughter around to show me her little bottom. It was one of those nice chubby little bubble butts some girls that age have. Lindsey grabbed her daughter's buttocks with both hands, squeezing them and tugging them apart to reveal the little anus in all its glory.
"This lil' ass can take a lickin'!" Lindsey enthused, "You just see how much it can take! She squeals like a pig when she's getting' it, but this ass can just soak it up! 'Course she'll get a pretty crop of blisters an' bruises to last a week, but then she shouldn't be so naughty, should you honey?"
"Momma! Please! Please! I'm sorry!" begged Kaylee.
"Too late for that now, sugarlumps!" said Lindsey, leading Kaylee to the bed, "Momma's gonna have to give her lil' girl a switchin' for bein' naughty at Church!"
Lindsey grabbed two pillows and stacked them on top of each other in the middle of the bed.
"Climb on top, honey! Stick that lil' ass up nicely for Momma!" Lindsey said.
Sobbing her heart out, Kaylee climbed onto the bed and crawled over the pillows, lying down with them under her so they pushed her bottom up. Her elevated bottom and the backs of her thighs made an unmissable target for the bendy switch that her Mum flexed and swished through the air.
"Hands!" commanded Lindsey.
Obediently Kaylee put her hands together in the small of her back. Lindsey bent forward and grasped both her daughter's wrists firmly in her left hand. Her right hand brought the switch up high in the air, where it hovered for a moment. Kaylee's desperate cries and pleas showed she knew only too well what was going to happen next.
The whippy green switch bit deep into the little girl's soft bottom flesh. Lindsey was bringing it down hard. Red lines started to form immediately on the small white cheeks. And little Kaylee squealed for us as her bottom medicine was so strictly applied.
Lindsey smiled at me and shouted over her daughter's screaming.
"Go and stand at the end of the bed! You'll get a better view from there!"
As Lindsy carried on switching Kaylee's little bottom I went and stood at the end of the bed. Lindsey was right. As Kaylee kicked her legs uncontrollably they splayed wide so her little pussy was nicely on display and kept winking open. The little bottom was covered with swelling vivid red lines. Lindsey started switching down the backs of Kaylee's chubby white thighs.
But Lindsey didn't stop. Far from it! She carried on whipping the switch down onto her screeching daughter's bottom and the tops of her thighs. Soon both became a seething swollen mass of red switch wheals. Kaylee's hoarse squeals and howls were music to my ears as I watched the punished bottom dancing in front of me. Bits began to fly off the end of the switch as Lindsey whipped her small daughter's bottom. Lindsey didn't stop until over half the length of the switch had broken off.
Lindsey let go of her daughter's hands and Kaylee treated me to a powerfully erotic display of little girl bare bottom rubbing. Oblivious to the show she was giving me, Kaylee brought her knees right up to the side of her body pushing her pussy and anus out at me. Then she grabbed her bottom cheeks in both hands spreading them wide apart so that her pussy and bottom hole opened up. How much I wanted to take my cock out and push it into those spread little holes.
Lindsey let her daughter entertain me for a few minutes and then called to her.
"OK sugar, now it's time for your special lesson! Get on your back, legs up, apart an' back! Don't make me tell you twice girl, or you'll regret it!"
Groaning in pain, Kaylee rolled around onto her back, lifted her legs up and pulled them into her chest. Then slowly, sobbing with embarrassment, she separated them until they were wide apart. Her pussy and bottom cheeks were spread open. Lindsey smiled at me.
"Now she's 'fully exposed' for you!" Lindsey said gleefully.
"What are you going to do?" I asked eagerly.
Lindsey smiled and picked up the second switch. She put her finger between her daughter's buttocks stroking the anus and skin around it.
"See all this white skin? Switch can't get to it when she's bent over. When I punish her bottom I like to do it properly. That means it all gets punished; especially these nice sensitive bits between her cheeks. That's where the switch does most good! Now Steve, I need a bit of help here. Could you get on the bed, kneel behind her and keep those legs out of the way, please. Don't work, you'll still get a very good view from there!" Lindsey promised.
I did as she asked. She was right; I found if I pulled Kaylee's legs back far enough I could see her anus perfectly. Lindsey knelt down in front of her daughter. The switch quivered in her hand, eager to punish the most private and sensitive bits of young Kaylee's ten year old bottom.
Lindsey spanked her daughter vigorously between the bottom cheeks with the squeal inducing switch. The noise the switch made when it smacked Kaylee's little anus was appreciably different from when it landed on the inner bottom cheeks. It was a more hollow duller sound. The howls and screeches of young Kaylee as her bottom hole was thrashed provided shrill counterpoint to the whipping sound of the switch. Soon Kaylee's young hole and the surrounding skin was dark red and swollen, ridged by multiple switch marks.
Lindsey signalled to me that I could let go of Kaylee's legs. Reluctantly I did so. The sight of the wriggling pussy and ass as Kaylee had had her anus switched had been incredible. My cock throbbed, almost ready to squirt its cum. Lindsey pointed to the door.
"Let's go downstairs and have a drink. We can have a little chat there." she said.
I followed her, taking one last look behind me at the wailing girl, her hands wedged between her bottom cheeks grabbing and rubbing at her scalded anal hole.
I fixed Lindsey and myself some drinks and sat down with her.
"Did you enjoy that?" she asked.
"Yes, I like seeing little girls having their bottoms hurt. Do you think that's wrong?" I asked.
She shook her head.
"No, not wrong. I think lots of men, and women too, like seeing little girls' bottoms being spanked. I think it makes them feel powerful, and excited. Did your cock get hard?" she probed.
"Er, yes!" I admitted, "Really very hard, to be honest!"
She nodded again.
"That's OK, Steve. I understand. I'm sure a little girl displayed like that whilst being spanked would make any man's cock go hard. Would you consider punishing my daughter with your cock? You know, putting it in her mouth or pussy or even, perhaps if she's been very naughty, in her bottom hole? Would you, Steve? Would you give her that punishment?" she asked earnestly.
I nodded.
"Yes, Lindsey." I agreed, "Yes, I would punish Kaylee like that. She needs more punishment. Even now!"
Lindsey nodded again.
"I understand, Steve." she said, "I know when a man's cock gets hard he has to let the juice out or he gets sick. Kaylee will have to do that for you. It's her fault! She got you all hard with her wriggling when she was spanked. Now she has to pay the price by being punished by your big hard cock. My Daddy taught me that, Steve. My Momma used to spank me to please my Daddy. Switches, paddles, belts, she wore my ass out with all of them. An' then, afterwards, Daddy's big nasty cock pushing into my holes and making me scream; especially when he put it in my ass. He loved pushing it up my ass, listening to me cry and plead with him, it just made him stick it up more. I wouldn't mind you doing that to Kaylee, Steve. That's why I want her to come and live with you, when I'm gone."
I raised my eyebrows in surprise.
"You're sick?" I asked.
She shook her head and then buried it in her hands. The sobbing started.
"It's all her fault!" she sobbed, "It's all that stupid girl's fault! I wouldn't be in this mess if it wasn't for her! You see, Steve, that's why I want her to live with you! I want her to hurt for what she's done to me. You'll do that, won't you Steve? You'll hurt her every day for your pleasure! Just like my Mom an' Pop did to me!"
"She'll not go short of spankings!" I answered with a tight lipped smile, "But I still don't know what the problem is."
"Oh Steve!" she sighed, "I owe so much money. To the wrong people! They're gonna kill me!"
She shook her head, almost not believing it.
"They're gonna kill me! Oh God, they're gonna kill me! It's all her fault! I'd never have got into debt if it wasn't for her! I hope you make her suffer, Steve! I really do!" she sobbed.
I stroked my chin, thinking.
"How much do you owe, Lindsey?" I asked.
"Fifty thousand dollars!" she said, shaking her head.
"You see, Lindsey, I have an idea." I said, "I don't have time to look after a little girl. But I have a real high sex drive and I sure would like permanent access to a pretty little girl and her bare bottom to spank and punish as hard and as often as I like, then to be able to use to satisfy my big hard cock. Even better, to have that girl's mother here so I can have the variety of watching her punish her daughter and train her to please me. Hard training, Lindsey! I mean it! Would you like to do that for me?"
"Oh God, yes Steve!" she said, shaking, "But what about the money? What about that?"
"Let me have his number!" I said.
I made the call. He was an unpleasant character. But his main interest was the money. A hit would have cost him but was necessary to send a message. Getting the money meant he saved on the hit as well. But he sensed I had more money and I couldn't quite get out of everything. I went back to report to Lindsey.
"All sorted!" I said, "Just one thing. He took the money but he wants five hundred dollars a month for 'expenses' or something. But I said I'd pay that as well. But, Lindsey, you have to know, if that doesn't get paid he will follow through with the hit! I'm sorry I couldn't fix it all!"
Lindsey rushed over to me, throwing her arms around me.
"Oh God, Steve! Thank you! Thank you!" she gushed, "I know having your cock pleased is the most important thing to you. I understand that. I promise that your cock will always be kept happy. I'll make sure my daughter sees to that, as many times a day an' night as you want. An' I'll have her crying for you. I'll keep her crying for you for ages, as often an' as long as you want. There's so many ways my Mom used to hurt me to excite Pops. I know so many tricks! Even out of the house! Mom used to carry a paddle in her handbag. If Pops got the feelin' when we were travellin' it would be into the nearest rest stop an' then a family trip to the bathrooms, a quick check no one was there an' then I'd be stripped off for a butt blisterin' from the paddle. I used to dance an' squeal until Pop was ready to take me back to the car. An' then Pop's big ole cock would come out, I'd bend over an' take it in my mouth, Mom would throw a blanket over me so no one could see an' for the next hour Pops would use my throat as his lil' girl fuck pipe! Let's go upstairs now, Steve! Come on, let's go! I want to show Kaylee how her new Daddy's gonna punish her! How do you want to do it, Steve? How do you want to punish her?"
I smiled.
"I think little Kaylee needs to learn how to please new Daddy with her anus!" I answered.
"Oh God, I can't wait to see that!" Lindsey whispered breathlessly, "The way she cries when I stick the butt plug up her! Come on, Steve, let's go up!"
I followed Lindsey up the stairs. She grabbed a tube of lubricating gel from the bathroom and then opened the bedroom door. Kaylee was lying on the bed mewling soft sobs. The sight of her whipped bottom and tear stained face had me getting hard immediately.
Lindsey knelt next to Kaylee.
"Honey-bun!" she whispered, "I've got some real exciting news for you! Steve is goin' to be your new Daddy! Ain't that great news! Me an' you gonna live here with him in this nice big ole house, an' he's gonna look after us real good. We ain't gonna get cold in the Winter an' we always gonna have good food to eat. Maybe he might even buy you some of them pretty clothes like your friends have. Does that sound nice poppet?"
"Yes Momma." Kaylee sniffled.
Lindsey squeezed plenty of lube onto the fingertips of her right hand. She began to stroke the lube between the cheeks of her daughter's bottom. Her wriggling fingertips played around the outside of Kaylee's bottom hole and then she introduced the end of her index finger into the anal passage. She began to worm her finger up the tight hole.
Her voice, as she spoke to Kaylee, was soft but firm. The child was being told what was expected.
"Kaylee, darlin', we all wanna be good for Steve, don't we? An' your new Daddy is just like your Momma. He knows that lil' girls like you need a lot of discipline, good an' hard on the bare bottom. An' he likes to see it when you're gettin' whupped. It makes him feel real good. Makes his big ole willy get all hard. An' when his willy gets hard it has to squirt its juice out or he gets sick. An' that's gonna be your job, Kaylee; to make his willy squirt. An' the only way for his willy to squirt, darlin', is for him to hurt you with it! He's gonna hurt you with it now, Kaylee! He's gonna stick it right up your bum, just like Momma does with the 'stretcher'! Only your new Daddy's willy is much bigger than the 'stretcher'! This is how your new Daddy's gonna punish you all the time now!"
Lindsey had pushed a second finger into her little daughter's tiny anus and was moving them around, making Kaylee whine and wriggle. I slipped off my trousers and underpants and knelt next to Lindsey. She grasped my penis and positioned the end of it next to her daughter's bottom hole. She withdrew her slick fingers I began to push whilst she held Kaylee in position.
"Momma! Momma!" Kaylee wailed, "Waaaaaaaaaah! Don't let him! Oh my! Oh, it's so big! I'll take the 'stretcher'! Not this! Boo hoo! Not his willy! Aaaaaaaaaah! It hurts! It's stretching me too much! Please Daddy Steve! Take it out! Pleeeeeeeeeeeease! I beg you! Take it out! I'll be so good! I'll never be naughty again! Oh, don't punish me like this! Not your willy in my bottom! Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! It hurts!"
The feeling of her tight hole around my straining cock was incredible! I grabbed hold of her crying wriggling body and pushed myself up hard. Slowly another two inches of my cock pushed into her.
I started to drive my cock in and out of her. The dirty sounds her lubricated bottom made and the way she cried and pleaded with me; it wasn't long before my cum started to boil in my balls. I could feel it coming up my cock and I exploded into her rectum, roaring my joy as I blasted into her.
When I had finished and my cock plopped out of her red raw little hole, Lindsey was all over me. She had no regard for her daughter at all.
"Was it good? Did you enjoy her little ass? You came real hard! It must have felt good for you! Her ass looks so good when she's been whupped, don't it? You can use her whenever you want. She'll do anything you tell her or I'll whup her so bad! You hear that, Kaylee? You do anything your new Daddy wants or I'll whup your pretty ass until you cry every time you sit down for a week." Lindsey lectured her daughter.
"Oh, I'll be good Momma! I'll do what he wants! I promise I'll be good for new Daddy!" Kaylee pleaded, desperate to calm her mother down. "I'll make his willy squirt. He can hurt me with it all the time. I'll be good while he's hurtin' me! I promise, Momma! I promise!"
I smiled down at the little girl as she begged to be allowed to pleasure my cock. I could tell that Lindsey was real committed to making sure her daughter met all my severe disciplinary needs. Life was going to be so good with little Kaylee to attend to.
A year later and I was enjoying the good life with my new little 'daughter' and her strict young mother. Over time Lindsey's disciplinary zeal had developed into a far deeper sexual enjoyment of her daughter's punishments. She was now dedicated to ensuring that the most severe punishments of Kaylee excited my cock to a degree where I could administer the very hardest intimate discipline to her daughter. Poor little Kaylee still found the length and girth of my big erect adult penis very difficult to take in each of her holes. Both Lindsey and I enjoyed her pleading and crying as we made her do so.
Friday evenings were my favourites. With the whole weekend ahead, Lindsey could afford to be particularly severe with Kaylee as by Monday morning most of the marks would have faded. Unknowingly, Kaylee's school helped Lindsey find all the excuses she needed for Kaylee's Friday 'spank nights'. Their practice of publishing a weekly report for all the kids resulted in a tearful Kaylee standing, with her hands on her head, as a slow careful reading of the report by her Mummy and new Daddy resulted in us identified the most severe punishments for her little bottom and more intimate areas.
On Fridays, with such a terrible fate awaiting her little bottom followed by having new Daddy's very excited penis used on her, Kaylee had started dawdle on the way home. So I now went to pick her up in the car. Lindsey and I wanted to make sure that we were not kept waiting for our pleasure.
I sat waiting in the car outside Kaylee's school. I smiled and waved at the other parents I knew until finally Kaylee emerged. At 11 years old Kaylee was now the cutest little spanker's toy one could wish for; such a pretty sad little face, that mouth always ready to pout and her sniffly tears not far behind. Nice long firm legs and a perfect rounded bubble butt. Underneath her clothes her little breasts had just started to bud and her little pussy was swelling so the lips were nicely defined. Just seeing her in her smart school uniform and thinking about how she would soon be cavorting naked for me screaming and howling as Lindsey punished her bare bottom made me start getting hard.
Kaylee opened the passenger side of the car and got in beside me. She looked up at me with that pretty face of hers and tried to give me a smile, but I could see the fear in her eyes.
"Hi Kaylee!" I said, "How was your report this week? Was it good? Your Momma and I were really clear with you that it had to be good this week. You know what's going to happen if it's bad. Your Momma's going to punish you severely. You don't want to be punished severely, do you Kaylee?"
Kaylee's little mouth pouted. I knew the tears weren't far behind.
"I tried real hard! I promise I did! An' I did everything right! An' I was good in every lesson! An' the teachers said I was good!" she wheedled.
"Then I'm sure your grades reflect that!" I smiled, "Your Momma and I will take a close look when we get home."
I drove away from the school. A few moments later I heard the sniff sniff sniff of Kaylee quietly crying to herself. I looked down and enjoyed the sight of the little tears slipping down her face.
"Kaylee, I hope you didn't get any D's!" I taunted, "Your Momma said she would give you the cane if you did. Can you remember how much the cane hurts?"
Kaylee burst into full loud sobbing. My cock went very hard. If the silly girl had been careless enough to get a D then I was in for a lovely treat. Lindsey would apply the most severe discipline to her little girl; something Kaylee's bottom and private parts would not forget for a long time.
Kaylee turned her tear filed little eyes up to me.
"Boo hoo! Dadeeeeee!" she pleaded, "Please can you stop at our quiet place? Boo hoo! P-please can we have a private chat? Pleeeeeeease!"
I gave a little smile to myself. A private chat with Kaylee meant her being very nice to my engorged penis. The best bit was that Kaylee would pretend that she liked to do the nasty sex things new Daddy wanted, even though her tears would leak out and she would stifle her wails as Daddy enjoyed the intimate discipline.
I stopped on a deserted back road that was almost never used. A car could be seen approaching from a long way away.
"What did you want to talk about?" I asked her.
"Boo hoo! Daddeeeee! I did real bad an' I got three D's!" sobbed Kaylee, "I know you an' Momma gotta whup me but I wanna go shoppin' tomorrow. Boo hoo! My friends'll see the marks if we try clothes. Boo hoo! Please, can you whup me tomorrow night? Please! You can do it extra hard! I'll be real good an' stay in place! You can do everythin' you want! I'll be real good for you! Boo hoo! Please Daddy! Pleeeeeeeeeease!"
She put her hand into my lap and began to draw down my fly. My big cock pushed out my underpants in a tent. She reached inside my underpants and pulled out my cock.
"Boo hoo! Please Daddy!" she begged, "Punish me tomorrow. I know your willy needs to squirt its stuff. I'll make it squirt really nicely! Boo hoo! Pleeeeeeeeease!"
Kaylee's head went down into my lap. I felt my cock go deep into her mouth. I put my hand on the back of her head and pushed it into her throat. She began to squirm as she gagged on me. I felt her young throat contracting on my cock.
"Gak! Gruuurrrrrrk! Gak! Courrrrrrrrgh! Gak!"
I let her head up and watched the tears flooding down her bright red face.
"Please Daddy! Sniff! Sniff! Did you enjoy that?" she tried to smile artificially, "Does it make you feel nice! I can do it more if you want! Sniff! Sniff! You can go in deep! I know you like that! Please! Whup me on Saturday! Pleeeeeeeeeease!"
"I don't know!" I said, pretending to consider it carefully, "You need to be punished very hard for being so bad!"
"Boo hoo! Oh yes, Daddy! Yes, I do! I need to be made to hurt! Boo hoo! But please-please, do it tomorrow! I'll be so good for you!" she begged.
Kaylee looked up at me, her pretty eyes looking into mine for a glimmer of hope.
"Please Daddy!" she said quietly, "I'll even do a film if you want!"
I was taken aback. Making one of my very special films required the most absolute obedience from Kaylee. She needed to act nicely in the setup and intermediate scenes. For the main bottom and intimate punishment scenes no acting was required as the very real pain and humiliation drew the most animated shrieking and dancing from our little star.
"Hmmmm! I may be persuaded!" I said.
Kaylee read my mood and she began to undo my belt and trouser button. I lifted my hips so she could pull off my trousers and underpants, then she clambered down into the foot-well between my legs. I knew what she wanted to do and I put one of my feet up on the dashboard. I watched as her head disappeared under my balls and she used her hands to pull my bottom cheeks apart. Her face pushed between my bum cheeks and her little tongue started to lick and probe my anus.
"Sluuuuuurp! Sluuuuuuurp! Squish! Squish! Sluuuuuuurp! Squish!" she sucked and licked at my big bottom hole.
She pulled her head out and looked up at me.
"You like to have your bottom hole licked, don't you Daddy?" she asked.
In answer I pushed her head back between my buttocks. The pretty sounds and glorious feeling of her tongue servicing my ass started again.
I let her carry on for what must have seemed ages to her. Then I pulled her out from between my bottom and pointed at my cock.
"You know what I like, don't you Kaylee?" I said.
Kaylee nodded at me. The artificial smile came on her face but I could see the fear in her eyes.
"What do I like, Kaylee?" I demanded.
She swallowed and stuttered her answer.
"Boo hoo! P-please D-Daddy! F-For you willy to go all the way into my mouth! D-Deep throat, Daddy! Boo hoo! All the way in, Daddy! B-Balls deep! Boo hoo!" she blubbered.
"Good girl!" I smiled, "Take Daddy's cock now!"
She knelt up and her mouth went down on me again. Amidst terrible gagging my cock slid into her rebelling throat. I thought about that first video Lindsey and I had made with her. All my special friends on the internet had been so excited and pleased with it. I had got almost a dozen videos in return. All of them recorded Mummies and Daddies giving their naked little daughters the most severe canings and strappings whilst the girls screamed and howled for the camera. I had been promised many more videos in return for another.
The video had been a little classic of schoolgirl punishment. The first scene opened with Kaylee dressed in a navy blue school pinafore and a pink gingham checked blouse. She was lying on her bed with her teddy bear. Her legs were parted and her panties pulled down to her ankles. Her fingers were busy between her legs as she enthusiastically masturbated herself. Three of her fingers were pushed up her stretched little pussy and she pumped them in and out. Her body shook and writhed as she gasped towards a little girl orgasm. Lifting her legs up high and wide apart she spread her pussy for the camera and, arching her back, she shuddered and came. The camera caught a close up of her pussy rhythmically contracting on her fingers. When the camera pulled back, Lindsey was standing at the foot of the bed with a look of total disgust on her face.
"Just wait until your father gets home!" Lindsey spat at her, "I'm gonna cane you naked an' then he'll deal with you in a real special way! Teach you how men treat dirty little girls!"
Kaylee started to sob, letting the camera get a good close up of the tears coming out of her eyes and dripping down her face.
The second scene was set in the lounge. Kaylee was naked, standing with her hands on her head facing the camera. Her pretty body was on display and she was sobbing mournfully. Lindsey sat on a straight backed chair smacking a palm sized drilled wooden paddle into her hand. I was sitting on the sofa with my head out of shot. I had taken off my trousers and was sitting in my underpants. My erect penis pushed my pants out. Lindsey scolded Kaylee remorselessly for her dirty masturbation as she pulled her over her lap with her bottom stuck out towards the camera. Lindsey tucked one of Kaylee's legs between her own letting the other one kick free. This had the effect of exposing Kaylee's pretty little pussy and anus to the camera.
The paddle spanking was long and hard with Kaylee's screeching hitting all the right notes. The little girl with a bright red bottom was eventually allowed off her mummy's lap to dance for the camera. Now Kaylee had lost all her modesty and was quite happy to show all her bits to the camera as her hands worked feverishly trying to rub the sting from her swollen bottom cheeks.
The third scene was still in the lounge. Kaylee was kneeling on the chair seat. Her hands had been tied to the chair back to stop her interfering with her strict bottom punishment. Her back was dipped and her little bottom stuck out towards the camera. Behind her Lindsey limbered up with the cane. On the sofa my underpants had been removed and my erect penis was in full view. My penis was slick and wet; a little girl's penitent mouth hand been busy.
The bottom caning was severe. Lindsey whipped the bendy stick time and again into the madly swerving little cheeks. Kaylee's bottom tried to wriggle away from the biting cuts of the cane but Lindsey was ready for her daughter's every move. The cane bit into the tender little bottom causing Kaylee to emit the most heartfelt screams and pleas. Her strict mother paid no attention to her daughter's begging and the bottom became dark red and ridged.
The fourth scene was back up in Kaylee's bedroom. The sobbing girl lay on her side on her bed. Her hands had been tied to one side of the bed head. I lay behind her with my head out of shot, now fully naked. My cock was big and very hard. I used my hands to spread her burning buttocks and the camera zoomed in for a close up. The tip of my cock started to push into her reluctant bottom hole.
The camera watched as the penis slowly embedded itself into the tight little anus. The squeals and complaints from Kaylee as this delightful procedure took place were deafening. My cock then began a slow hard pumping action up the little bottom and a naughty little girl was treated to the most severe of intimate punishments.
It was a lovely memory and Kaylee's mouth and throat were working hard on me. Her gagging slurps accompanied her efforts to please her Daddy so he would delay her punishment until tomorrow night.
"Kaylee, you're not doing it right!" I admonished her, "Daddy's willy has to go all the way into your mouth! Put my willy down your throat Kaylee or you'll get your whipping tonight!"
Kaylee's panicky eyes looked up at me as she fought to push more of my cock down her throat. I could feel her reluctant throat trying to expel me as she coughed and gagged; the way it contracting around my pulsing cock drove me to the edge. I grabbed her head and held her down on me just letting the movements of her throat make me cum. I squirted deep into her. Her punishment would be delayed for a day but the chance to make her comply with making another video was more than worth it. I couldn't wait to see how excited Lindsey would be when I told her we were making another film.
I was woken up on the Saturday morning by the sound of my door opening. I saw Lindsey framed in the doorway. She was naked. As she moved closer to the bed I could see that her pubis had been clean shaven. Her pussy was engorged and wet and her clit stood out.
"Steve, are you awake?" she whispered, "I'm sooo hot! I can't wait for tonight! Do you know how she did? Am I gonna be able to whup her good?"
I turned over and looked up at her with bleary eyes.
"She got three D's!" I said.
"Oh God! Three D's!" Lindsey exclaimed, "Oh Steve, I'm gonna make it so good for you tonight! Kaylee's gonna learn that momma don't accept no D's in this house! The things I'm gonna do to her little heiny! You love it when I cane her, don't you?"
"She sure feels the cane!" I smiled.
"Oh yeah! She's gonna feel it good when I whup her with it tonight!" Lindsey grinned.
Lindsey's hand had found her pussy and was stroking the wet folds.
"I'm gonna do some special stuff on her, Steve! Stuff that's gonna make you real happy! Stuff that means she's gonna be real good when we make that film with her. When I do her tonight that cock of yours is gonna think it's died an' gonna heaven!" Lindsey gasped.
She shuddered and her breath came in halting pants as she orgasmed in front of me.
"God, Steve, that felt so good!" she moaned, "Is there anything I can do for you?"
I looked at the clock. There was plenty of time to recover before this evening's fun. I threw back the bedclothes and revealed my erection.
"Could you throat fuck me, please?" I requested.
She climbed up on the bed, held my cock and bent over me. She looked up into my eyes.
"It would be my pleasure, Steve! Thank you for lookin' after me an' Kaylee so good!" she said earnestly.
My cock slid down into Lindsey's throat. She was well practiced and I quickly came. I was sure that part of this evening's activities would be a strict lesson for her daughter on how to get new Daddy's cock all the way down her throat and keep it there. Poor Kaylee hated those lessons as much as I loved them.
At seven 'o' clock in the evening Kaylee stood before me and her mother as we sat on the sofa in the lounge. The punishment had been delayed but now it was time for her bottom to pay the price. Her mother and I were in a state of high excitement. My cock was hard and Lindsey's pussy juices had already soaked through her jeans. Kaylee could see the signs of how sexually turned on we were and was crying with fear at how severe the punishment was going to be.
The report had sat unopened on the mantelpiece all day; a potent reminder to Kaylee of her punishment to come. All afternoon I had watched her fearful eyes keep glancing up at it, her hands unconsciously moving to cover or rub her bottom.
"Kaylee!" Lindsey said, "Go and fetch your report and bring it to me. I want to see how good my little girl has been this week. You better have been good Kaylee! You know what momma promised you!"
On wobbly legs Kaylee collected the report and handed the envelope to her mother. Lindsey slowly undid the envelope and removed the report card. Kaylee sobbed miserably already knowing what her mother would find.
I watched with growing pleasure as Kaylee reluctantly shed her clothes. Lindsey paced up and down the room; the enraged parent ready to demonstrate, through the use of the strictest bare bottom discipline, just what was deemed acceptable grades at school. Kaylee had reached her little vest and panties. The vest came off and I admired her budding breasts; small cone shaped mounds with a dark nipple topping each. Then slowly, knowing her bottom would be bare and ready for the nasty punishment coming, she pulled off her panties. Her shame at having to show her developing pussy to me was clear. She would shame herself much more as her bottom pain made her forget everything and her rubbing and jumping exposed her most intimate places.
Lindsey fetched the straight backed 'spanking chair' and took a thick wooden oval paddle off the top of a cupboard. The paddle was the size of a large clothes-brush and was peppered with half inch holes. Firm use of this strict disciplinary item could both bruise and blister a tender little bare bottom. Kaylee had good reason to fear it; I had seen it used many times to great effect on her tiny bum.
Lindsey sat in the chair and pulled Kaylee towards her.
"Hands on head!" Lindsey barked.
Keen to show obedience Kaylee did as she was told. Lindsey turned Kaylee to face me. Reaching down with both hands she pulled Kaylee's young vulva wide open. Kaylee had such a pretty pussy and I could see the delicate coral pink of her inviting little vagina.
"Look at that Daddy Steve!" Lindsey said, "Look at her naughty hole! You can do whatever you want with her there later and I'm goin' to give it a good spankin' too!"
"Momma, please! Oh please! Not a spankin' on there! Pleeeeeeeeeease!" begged Kaylee.
Lindsey swiftly turned her daughter around so her bum faced me. She pulled the cheeks apart to reveal the anus. Lindsey stuck her head around until it was near her daughter's bottom and sniffed loudly.
"Kaylee-Jane, your bottom smells!" Lindsey scolded, "How many times I gotta tell you to keep it clean. I can smell it now! You know you gotta wash good before a whuppin'! I'm gonna give you the enema tube for that, girl!"
"Boo hoo! Not the enema tube! Boo hoo! Oh please Momma! Please! Nooo! Use the nozzle, not the tube! Oh please! Pleeeeeeeeeease!" Kaylee sobbed.
Lindsey pulled her shaking and humiliated little girl over her knees. She tucked one of Kaylee's legs between her own and left the other one free to flail about. This had the effect of making sure Kaylee's legs were permanently spread and I had a perfect view of her little pussy and asshole. Lindsey picked up the paddle; a sound spanking would make little Kaylee very obedient to her mother's and my demands during this long punishment.
Lindsey spanked hard and fast, making sure that Kaylee's small young bottom felt every ounce of her displeasure at such bad grades.
"YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! MOMMA! MOMMA! NOOOOOOOOO!" squealed Kaylee as the bottom pain started.
Kaylee's soft bum cheeks were starting to redden and her free leg kicked and jerked as the paddle landed. It was such an exciting sight I began to take off my trousers and underpants. Kaylee was going to be serving me more than once during her punishment.
Lindsey had established a steady hard rhythm and Kaylee squealed and bucked as the paddle repeatedly whacked into tender little bum cheeks.
Kaylee's bottom was now bright red but Lindsey continued spanking her. The howling child's burning hindquarters started to go a deep dark red; sitting down would hurt for some days to come. Lindsey released her and Kaylee jumped up, her hands glued to her tiny bottom. She capered about the room kicking and wriggling as her hands pulled and rubbed at her swollen buttocks.
"OWWWWWWEEEEEEEEEEE! IT HURTS! I'M SOREEEEEEEY! I'LL BE GOOD!" she howled as she danced about.
Lindsey looked over at me and saw my state of undress and my engorged straining penis. She knew that I required her daughter to perform. She hurried off and returned with a bucket. I smiled; it was going to be a strict deep-throat lesson for our naughty little girl.
"Kaylee!" Lindsey said sharply, "Come over here! New Daddy wants to put his willy in your mouth. Deep in, Kaylee! All the way in! Momma's gonna help you! I'm gonna hold your head so you do it right!"
Boo hooing loudly, Kaylee reluctantly made her way over to where I was sitting with my legs spread wide and my hard cock waiting for her. Her Mum took hold of her shoulders and pressed her down until she was kneeling in front of me. Lindsey bent down and took hold of my penis, pointing the tip of it towards her daughter's face.
"Open wide, Kaylee!" Lindsey instructed, "Time to learn how to make Daddy's willy happy!"
Kaylee looked miserably at the bucket and slowly opened her mouth wide. Her Mum grabbed the back of her head and pushed her down onto my cock. The hot little mouth slipped down my cock and I felt my cock end touching the soft back of her throat. A firm push from her Mum and my cock pushed into the tight confines of her throat.
"Currrrrph! Gak!" Kaylee gagged and pulled off me.
"Momma! Momma! Don't! Please! Not like that! Pleeeeeeeease!" she begged.
Lindsey was furious.
"Git that lil' mouth of yours open now missy, or I'll whup you so hard you can't walk for a week!" Lindsey threatened.
Mewling with despair Kaylee opened her mouth again and her head was pushed down onto my straining cock. For the next ten minutes Lindsey taught Kaylee just how new Daddy's big adult penis likes to be treated by his little daughter's mouth and throat. Poor Kaylee; Lindsey was very strict and paid no attention to Kaylee's loud gagging, the tears and snot flowing down her face and the copious volumes of goo coming out of her mouth and dripping down my cock. Time and again Kaylee found the whole length of my cock pushed in her mouth, her mother's hand firmly on the back of her head so she had to hold it there. Eventually I felt the sweet tingling in my balls telling me that a massive orgasm was on its way. Lindsey saw my gasping and squirming and correctly guessed what was happening. She held Kaylee firmly down on me whilst I exploded down her throat.
When I had finished I signalled to Lindsey and she allowed Kaylee off me. The well punished girl bent down on her hands and knees coughing and sobbing hoarsely.
"Did you enjoy making your new Daddy's willy happy, darling?" asked Lindsey.
"Boo hoo! Cough! Urrrrrrp! Please Momma! No more! Please! I've been punished now! I've had enough! Cough! Cough! Boo hoo!" Kaylee begged.
"I said, did you enjoy making your new Daddy's willy happy?" repeated Lindsey more firmly.
"Boo hoo! No! No I didn't!" said Kaylee defiantly, "It was horrible! It's too big! I couldn't breath! You made me feel sick! I don't like it!"
"HOW DARE YOU! HOW DARE YOU!" Lindsey was incandescent, "I'm gonna whup you, child! I'm gonna whup you like you never got whupped before!"
"Boo hoo! I'm sorry Momma! I didn't mean it!" Kaylee sobbed fearfully, all defiance gone, "I did enjoy it! Honest! I like havin' new Daddy's willy in my mouth! I want to make him happy! Please! Oh God, please don't hurt me more!"
But it was too late for little Kaylee to save herself now.
"Steve," Lindsey smiled at me, "if you'd like to join my daughter an' me in the bathroom; I can promise you a most pleasant time."
Laughing, Lindsey and I took the wailing Kaylee upstairs to the big white tiled bathroom.
Lindsey locked the bathroom door behind us. She put Kaylee in the tub and showered her down, all the time landing big meaty smacks with her open hand on the little girl's wet bottom and legs. Soon the backs of Kaylee's thighs were covered with burning red hand marks. Kaylee squealed and jumped around as she was being showered and smacked.
Eventually Lindsey took Kaylee out and roughly dried her. Then Lindsey opened one of the bathroom cupboards and took out a long black rubber colon tube. Kaylee wailed when she saw it.
"Not the tube, Momma! Not the tube! Boo hoo! I beg you! I'll be so good! Anything but the tube! Pleeeeeeease! Oh please, Momma! Pleeease! Boo hoo!" Kaylee begged.
Lindsey lubricated the tube and set up the rest of the enema kit. She filled the bag with hot water and then added soap.
"Boo hoo! Oh Momma! Noooooo! Not with soap! Oh please! Please! I'll be good! I promise! Boo hoo! I'll be good! Not with soap! Oh, boo hoo, it hurts inside when you do that! Oh don't! Please!" Kaylee cried.
Then Lindsey took out a large black butt plug and showed it to Kaylee.
"You need a dose of the 'stretcher', girl!" Lindsey taunted her.
"Oh not that! No! Boo hoo! Please! Not the 'stretcher', Momma! Please! I'm sorry! Boo hoo! It hurts so bad! It's so big! Boo hoo! It'll hurt me inside! Don't use it! Oh God! Please don't use it on me!" Kaylee begged, her eyes as big as saucers as she gazed at the big rubber thing.
"Bend over the side of the tub an' stick your ass out, girl!" Lindsey commanded.
Little Kaylee did as her Mum told her and her red welted bottom stuck itself out at us. Lindsey took the colon tube in her right hand and with her left she parted Kaylee's buttocks to expose her anus. She began to slowly to insert the tube into Kaylee's rectum. Kaylee cried with humiliation and discomfort as the tube slipped up her bottom. Her Mum fed more and more of the tube in. Soon over twelve inches of the black rubber tube had been pushed up Kaylee's bottom and Kaylee could feel it deep in her.
"Oh God, Momma! It's too deep! You've pushed it in too far! Boo hoo! Not so deep! Oh please! I beg you! Don't do it deep! Boo hoo! Pleeeeeeeeeease! Momma!" Kaylee sobbed.
Lindsey gave a couple more good pushes and then released the clip, allowing the hot soapy water to begin Kaylee's strict enema punishment. As soon as the enema started to flow into her, Kaylee reacted.
"Yaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Momma! It's hot! Stop it! Pleeeeeeeeeeeeease! Oh God! It hurts! It's so hot! It's burnin'! Stop it! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!" wailed Kaylee.
Kaylee's little bum did a wriggly dance for us. She looked so cute with the tube embedded in her anal hole and her little pussy winking open at me. My cock started to harden again.
As the water continued flowing into her the soap started its work, irritating her bowel and making her wail and writhe. Lindsey stood her up so I could see how her little tummy was starting to bulge.
"Boo hoo! Please Daddy!" she begged, "Please make it stop! I'll make your willy happy for you! I'll do it now! Boo hoo! It's gone hard so I know you want it! Please! You can put it in my mouth again! Anywhere you want! Boo hoo! Make it stop! Please! Please! I'll do it any day, any hour you want! Pleeeeeeeeeeease!"
I put my hand on her squirming tummy, pretending to examine it and give my serious Daddy opinion. I turned to Lindsey.
"Yes, it feels like that enema's doing good work there. I'm not quite sure she's had enough though!" I said.
Kaylee grasped my arm and looked up into my eyes.
"Boo hoo! Please, Daddy! I'll be good! I'll make your willy feel so nice! I know how to! Let me do it! Pleeeeeeeeeeease! Boo hoo! Ooooooooooo! It hurts! Oh God! Daddy, please! You can loan me to your friends again! I'll be good for them! Boo hoo! I promise! They can spank me as hard as they like! An' I'll kiss their willies until they squirt! Boo hoo! Please Daddeeeeeeeeey!" she begged.
I stroked her hair.
"Will you really stay with my friends, Kaylee?" I asked, "Will you really be good when they spank you? You know how much they enjoy spanking your bare bottom? How hard it makes their willies? Will you swallow all the stuff they squirt, like a good girl?"
"Boo hoo! Yes, Daddy! Yes, I will! I'll swallow it all! They can spank me real hard! Boo hoo! 'Till I'm really crying! I'll be good! I promise!" Kaylee sobbed.
"And what about when we make our film next week, Kaylee?", I asked, "Will you be a good girl then, when you have to do things for the camera? Will you say and do the things you're told to?"
"Boo hoo! Oh yes, Daddy! I will!" she promised, "I'll be so good! I'll say whatever you tell me to say! I'll do whatever you tell me to do! Boo hoo! I'll show my bottom to the camera the way you like! I'll be so good when I'm p-punished! Boo hoo! Even though I know it's going to be, boo hoo, boo hoo, really s-s-severe!"
I signalled to Lindsey and she grabbed Kaylee, sat her on the toilet and pulled the tube out. Kaylee suffered the agonies of humiliation as she publicly evacuated herself on the toilet. Quick as a flash, Lindsey had the toilet flushed and Kaylee cleaned up. Lindsey picked up the big butt plug and showed it to Kaylee.
"Time to get you stretched an' ready for Daddy now, Kaylee!" Lindsey said, "You know how much he likes it when you've been stretched so he can push his willy right up your bottom hole! We want to make it nice for new Daddy, don't we! We want to make it nice for him when he sticks his willy up your bottom hole! Bend over the tub, Kaylee, an' stick that lil' butt back out! Momma's gonna stretch your ass real good this time!"
Sobbing miserably, Kaylee complied. Once again I enjoyed watching her push her little bottom out so her holes were nicely exposed for us.
Lindsey took the butt plug and smeared copious amounts of lubricating gel onto it. Then she bent down and touched the tip of the plug to Kaylee's pink crinkled anus. Kaylee's anus immediately contracted as the plug touched it, the skin pursing up as the sphincter tried to prevent the entry of the plug. But poor Kaylee's sphincter was no match for her mother's strict treatment of her little daughter's anus.
Kaylee sobbed and wriggled as Lindsey worked the butt plug into her reluctant bottom hole. By the time Kaylee's anus had been dilated to about an inch wide she was sobbing pitifully.
"Boo hoo! Owwwwweeeeeeeeee! It hurts, Momma! Please stop! Boo hoo! Take it out now! Boo hoo! It hurts too much! Owwwwwwwwch! Stop pushing! Pleeeeeeeeeease! Yowwwwwwweeeeeeeee! Boo hoo!" Kaylee cried.
Lindsey's face was flushed red. She leaned over to me and whispered breathlessly in my ear.
"Oh God, Steve! I'm so hot! Wank me! Please! I need it! When I do this to her ass hole! God! The way it makes me feel" she smouldered.
I was happy to help. I loved watching Lindsey get off on punishing her daughter. When she was approaching orgasm she was at her very severest.
I pushed my hand down the front of her jeans, into her knickers. Her pussy was freshly shaven and absolutely soaked. I found her clit and began to tease and stroke it. She groaned and twisted the butt plug in Kaylee's ass, pushing it further up.
Lindsey was panting as I rhythmically stroked her pussy lips and clit. Kaylee's little butt hole was stretched obscenely around the very widest point of the butt plug. In just one short moment the sphincter closed pulling the plug deep into her.
Lindsey was getting near now, I could tell from her husky breathing and the way she had bared her teeth. She grabbed the end of the butt plug and dragged it out of Kaylee's ass. Then, in almost one movement, she thrust it back into the gaping hole. Kaylee screamed as her mother pistoned the butt plug in and out of her yawning bottom hole. Lindsey was shaking and I could feel her pussy convulsing around my rubbing fingers, covering them with her juice.
When Lindsey had finished her hard deep orgasm I pulled my hand out of her jeans. She had removed the plug from her howling daughter and, holding a buttock in each hand, she spread her daughter's ass for me so that I could see the widely gaping hole. She leaned over and whispered in my ear.
"Oh God, Steve! That's gonna feel so good for you later. I want you to enjoy using her so much! I'm gonna hurt her now, just the way you like best!"
Lindsey led her sobbing daughter to our bedroom. I followed after them, my hard cock bouncing as the little red bottom wriggled along in front of me. When we got to the bedroom door Lindsey opening it with a flourish. There, in the middle of the room, was a small school desk. The legs of the desk had various Velcro straps attached. On top of the desk were two pillows and on top of the pillows was a wicked, whippy, yellow rattan junior cane. Kaylee put her hands up to her face and screamed when she saw it. She tried to run away but Lindsey held her tightly by the shoulders.
"Boo hoo! Not the cane! Momma! Use the switch! Use the strap! Boo hoo! Pleeeeeeeeeeease! I'll take anything! Not the cane! Oh please...please...please! Oh God, no! Boo hoo! Please! No!" Kaylee begged and pleaded.
"Three D's!" Lindsey reminded her, "Three D's! We don't get D's in this house, Kaylee! An' you got three! It's gonna be the cane alright! When I'm finished you're gonna be one sorry lil' girl! Come with me now! Momma wants to get you in position!"
My cock throbbed joyfully as I watched Lindsey bend her little daughter over the desk and push the pillows under her tummy. Kaylee's little bottom poked up high in the air. Then Lindsey attached Kaylee's knees, one to each desk leg, with the straps. Kaylee's legs were spread wide apart like a little frog doing the breast stroke. Then Lindsey tied Kaylee's wrists to the legs on the other side of the desk.
Lindsey stood behind Kaylee flexing the cane. My cock dribbled pre-cum as I watched Lindsey get ready to give Kaylee's bare bottom its first agonising smack with the cane.
Kaylee shrieked and her splayed bum wriggled and writhed. Her pretty holes were open and deliciously waved in front of me. The red lines of the cane were starting to appear over the hot paddled bottom. My cock jerked and a thin gob of pre-cum jumped out.
Lindsey was enjoying herself and had no intentions of stopping yet. She knew Kaylee could take plenty more.
Kaylee's bottom was a throbbing nicely cane whipped ball of agony as the pretty little girl begged her mother to spare her poor bottom any more cane. Big swollen stripes ran across both cheeks cutting into each other and forming blisters. Lindsey started to aim for the tops of Kaylee's thighs.
Lindsey stopped and untied Kaylee's hands. She knew how much I enjoyed watching Kaylee nurse her punished bottom. Kaylee's hands flew back to her burning red bum and she grabbed a big handful of each swollen buttock. Her holes cheekily parted as she pulled and mauled at her bum desperately trying to stop her agonising bottom pain.
Lindsey stood behind her still, a look of grim determination on her face. Even whilst Kaylee rubbed and pawed at her caned bottom, Lindsey put her fingers between her daughter's legs and traced up over her anus.
"Look at this!" Lindsey exclaimed, "Look at all this unpunished bottom! Why it's as white as when I started! I need to spank you right between your cheeks, Kaylee! Momma can't finish until all your bottom has been properly spanked! Momma's gonna go and get her big hairbrush so she can spank you here! Right on your lil' ass hole!"
Through her howls Kaylee somehow heard her mother.
Lindsey had fetched the brush. It was a medium sized solid wooden backed hairbrush; perfect for working into the gap between Kaylee's cheeks. Lindsey took Kaylee's left wrist and dragged it away from her bottom, refastening it to the desk leg. Then she repeated the same action with Kaylee's right. She knelt behind her daughter and held the hairbrush up so it was vertical and a couple of foot behind Kaylee's bottom crack.
"Time for your special spanks now, darlin'!" teased Lindsey.
Lindsey whacked the hairbrush down right between Kaylee's little cheeks onto her exposed bottom hole.
"YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" screamed Kaylee, her little body bucking wildly on the desk, "NYAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! STOP! NOOOOOOOOOOO!"
Kaylee's bum crack was bright red as her mother carried on whacking the hairbrush down in between her cheeks. The little anus was red and swelling and the sensitive skin between the cheeks was scorched. I could see tears flying off Kaylee's face as her mother's strict bottom discipline taught her never to come home with such poor results again.
I signalled to Lindsey who stopped her bottom crack spanking. She stood up and got out of my way. I walked over, my bulging erect penis desperate to be pleasured. I stood behind Kaylee and pushed my penis down until the tip rested against Kaylee's anus. Still begging to prevent any further spanking with the hairbrush between her cheeks, Kaylee turned her red tearstained back up towards me.
"Bwaaaaaaaaaah! Please, Daddy! Please! Put it in! All the way. Boo hoooooo! Use me how you want! No more hairbrush! Waaaaaaaaaaah! Please, Daddy! Pleeeeeeeeeeeeease!"
I pushed hard with my cock against her tight little bottom hole. At first it remained obstinately closed, but after the severe stretching and copious lubrication it had received earlier, the sphincter soon gave way and I was in her.
"Owwwwwwwwweeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" mewled Kaylee, "Not so hard, Daddy! Do it gently!"
My cock was far too hard for me to listen to her and I drove right up her with barely a moment's pause.
"Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Not hard! Please, Daddy! Don't do it hard! Bwaaaaaaaaaah! I'll be good! Be more gentle! Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease!"
I began to slide in and out of her tiny ass; my whole length slipping almost out and then being rammed back up until my belly slapped into her punished bum. Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap! My belly making firm contact with her ass cheeks as my cock delighted in the feeling of her tight hot anal hole gripping around me.
As I looked down at my cock sliding in and out of the red welted little bottom I could feel my cum building up, my prostate filling and the gloroious tickly tingling in my balls as I went over the edge. Bellowing in delight I began shooting my cum up Kaylee's bottom.
After the hardest cum I had enjoyed for weeks I pulled my cock out of Kaylee's anus with a rude plop. Kaylee turned back to look at me, tears and snot streaming down her face.
"Th-Th-Thank you, Daddy!" she cried, "Thank you for hurting my bottom with your willy! I will be a good girl now! I'll never get another D again! I promise!"
I smiled back down at her.
"I'm sure you won't, my darling. But don't worry, your Momma, me and you are going to have a nice time next week making a special film, aren't we?" I teased.
Kaylee's miserable wailing increased in volume as her mother and I laughed at her predicament.
Carol's pussy started to tingle again; it'd been like this for the last few days. In her late twenties, a poor single mother with a nine year old daughter, she had little in life to interest her. Apart from spanking her little daughter, Tara's, bottom that is.
Carol had been spanked by her own parents for as long as she could remember. Not for doing anything wrong, but just because they enjoyed it. Daddy's willy thick and hard, Mummy's pussy wet and squishy. Most nights it had been panties down and her screams and shouts as Mum and Dad enjoyed themselves with paddles, canes, straps, hairbrushes and anything else they decided to use on her cute young little bottom. After they'd finished making her bottom red and swollen they would start her 'intimate punishment' session. By the time Carol was ten years old there was no sexual practice that her demanding parents hadn't forced her to do.
You would have though that such treatment would have put Carol off spanking for life, but not a bit of it. Carol's main ambition was to have her own daughter so she could subject her to the same punishments that she had received as a girl. Even when Tara had been a toddler Carol had pulled her diaper down, put her over her knee, and set about her bottom with a hairbrush. The little toddler had screamed and thrashed about as she had her bottom spanked bright red, but to Carol this was the most exciting thing she knew.
Carol's husband had whinged and moaned about Carol's treatment of their daughter until Carol got fed up and got rid of him. After that life had been lonely but Tara and her cringing little bum had kept Carol and her growing collection of hairbrushes and paddles company.
Then Carol discovered the internet. She found scores of friends who were only too happy to discuss her severe punishments of Tara and share with her details of how they disciplined their own children, equally severely. One thing led to another and soon Carol was capturing little Tara's punishments on cam and sharing with her special friends. They in turn sent Carol cams of their own children's punishments. At least once a week Carol would post Tara's latest squeal inducing session with the paddle or strap. And, maybe, three or four times a week she would receive something in return. However, Steve was different. Everyone agreed. The video he had posted had been long, almost 30 minutes, and was well shot and edited. The punishments were real, oh yes, no doubt about that. Carol's pussy began to throb more as she thought about it. And a few days ago Steve had sent a message to say there was another on its way. Maybe it was there now! Carol decided to log on and check.
Carol logged on went to the email box where she was known as 'StrictTara'sMom". There it was! An email from Steve! Carol opened it. It was a link to a file sharing site and a password. She followed the link. God, the file was massive! It must be something really good! Carol hit the button and began to download the file. She stripped off her jeans and panties. All she was wondering now was how many times she was going to cum whilst watching it.
It took forever to download but eventually it finished. Carol used the password to decode it. She hit the player button and it began.
The first scene was a steady shot outside in a yard of a young girl dressed in a majorette's uniform. Carol recognised Steve's daughter, Kaylee, from the previous film. Kaylee inexpertly tossed the baton into the air and failed to catch it. The baton fell to the ground. A caption appeared on the screen, "Majorette's Misdemeanours".
The camera zoomed in on Kaylee's midriff as she picked the baton up. The uniform skirt was cut extraordinarily short and Kaylee's legs obligingly parted for the camera. Kaylee was wearing a tiny little thong that had slipped between her pussy lips giving the viewer a good look at Kaylee's pretty private parts.
Kaylee tried to twirl the baton once more, but again she dropped it. This time she turned her back to the camera and, keeping her legs straight, bent to pick the baton up. Her tiny skirt rose up her back and the thong revealed her cute wobbly buttocks. Carol felt her pussy dissolve in wetness as she thought about what was likely going to happen to that little butt.
After a few minutes of Kaylee flashing at the camera Lindsey stormed into camera frame.
"I told you girl! I told you to practice! This is rubbish! You're rubbish!" Lindsey ranted, "All the time I've put into training you; wasted! It's only a few days 'till your test! What will all the other Mums say when you fail? They'll say I'm no good! I'm not having that, girl! You know what we're gonna have to do, don't you!"
"Oh no, Momma! Please, Momma!" Kaylee pleaded.
"Oh yes, my girl!" said Lindsey, nodding in affirmation, "We're gonna have to do a special private session with your favourite judge, Mr Tim! I'm sure after we show him how well you get trained he'll give you a pass! Maybe if I let him see a real good hard training session he might even give you a merit! What do you think, darlin'?"
"Boo hoo! Please, Momma! Don't let him see! Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease!" begged Kaylee.
"Come on! Let's go an' call him!" said Lindsey beckoning to Kaylee to follow her off camera.
Lindsey led the way and Kaylee, already softly crying, followed her out of frame.
The next scene was inside a living room. The curtains were closed, although it was bright sun outside. Lindsey was on the phone.
"Yeah! ... Yeah, of course! ... She needs to pass! ... Real strict!... Bare bottom! ... Real hard! ... Sure, like last time!" Lindsey said.
She passed the phone to Kaylee.
"You say what I told you to say, girl! If you don't, you'll be real sorry!" warned Lindsey.
Kaylee took the phone. Her voice trembled.
"Hello, Sir!" she said softly, "I've been real bad an' not practiced! Momma's gonna spank me bare! If you come an' watch can I pass?"
There was a moments silence as Kaylee listened to the response. The camera caught a tear trickling down her cheek.
"Sniff! Sniff! Yes Sir, I'll be bare naked! You'll be able to see everythin'! An' you can do things to me after I've had my lickin'! Boo hoo!"
Kaylee took the phone away from her ear and turned to Lindsey.
"Boo hoo! He says he'll be right around, Momma!" she confirmed.
The third scene was in the same room. The difference was that Kaylee was now naked and, sitting on the sofa with his head out of shot, was a naked man with a big erect penis.
Lindsey sat on a straight backed chair holding a large wooden paddle. Kaylee was crying loudly.
Carol started to stroke her clit. It wouldn't be long before that pretty little girl on the screen was screaming her head off as her bare bottom was enthusiastically paddled by her strict mother.
"Get over my knee, girl!" commanded Lindsey.
Kaylee clambered over Lindsey's knee and Lindsey trapped one of Kaylee's legs between her own. The camera had a perfect view of the little girl's bottom and pussy. Lindsey used her spare hand to part Kaylee's buttocks, exposing her anus to the eager camera. Then her hand went lower and little Kaylee's pussy was opened up. Lindsey played with her daughter for a few moments more making sure that the camera had caught the most intimate views of her young daughter.
Lindsey put her arm round Kaylee's body to hold her firmly. Then she started to rub the paddle across Kaylee's bum.
"I'm gonna teach you good this time, girl!" Lindsey scolded, "Gonna learn what Momma expects!"
Lindsey whacked the paddle down with a massive crack across both Kaylee's bottom cheeks. Kaylee screamed. Carol watched the spanking with open mouth. The little girl on the screen howled and screeched as her mother laid the paddle on again and again whilst the little bottom bucked and writhed. Carol felt her orgasm building and she plucked at her clit, willing it on. It seemed to come from deep back in her anus, rushing through her pussy, surging through her body. She gasped and shook as on the screen the child's bottom was being made dark red.
Carol sighed and settled back in her chair for a luxurious view of little Kaylee's bottom whipping. Lindsey had let Kaylee up and the little girl was dancing round the room, howling and clutching at her burning butt.
Lindsey had now got a flexible green switch in her hand and had turned the chair so that the seat faced the camera. She commanded Kaylee to kneel up on the seat and stick her bottom out. The man came and held the girls hands to keep them out of the way during her switching. Carol noticed that his penis was straining, its purple head was exposed and pre-cum dripped down it. She shivered as she remembered how he had used it to punish Kaylee in the last film. Carol felt her pussy start to tingle again. She realised with delight that she was going to be able to orgasm again watching this.
"Please! Momma! Please! Not the switch! Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease!" begged Kaylee.
Lindsey kept moving the switch through the air making swishing noises as Kaylee sorrowfully apologised for anything and everything she had ever done wrong. All the time her little bum waggled itself in fearful anticipation of the dreadful switching her mother was going to give her. Carol started to wank again as the tearful child's pleas turned her on.
The wicked switch worked away at the screaming child's bottom. The naughty little girl twisted and turned as the nasty red switch marks began to welt up on her bottom. And her squealing and pleading; Oh God! Carol felt the tingling start. She gritted her teeth and held back from letting herself cum. This time she wanted to keep herself just on the edge for as long as she could.
When the switching was over the man released Kaylee so that she could put on another display for the camera of a howling, well punished little girl, hopping and bottom grabbing. Carol came close to her climax as she saw how swollen and welted Kaylee's little bum was.
After about a minute of letting Kaylee cry it out for the camera, Lindsey went and took hold of the girl and started to pull her towards an armchair. Clearly Kaylee knew what was going to happen as she started to struggle and plead for forgiveness. When Lindsey got her daughter to the armchair she pushed her backwards into the chair so she was sitting. Then Lindsey lifted Kaylee's legs up so her anus and pussy were exposed. The man came and stood behind the chair and took hold of the girl's ankles, one in each hand. Then he separated the ankles wide apart so Kaylee was in the most extreme diaper position. Carol's clit felt like it was going to burst. The girl's ass looked so big red and exposed in that position.
Lindsey picked up a big heavy plastic ruler and knelt in front of Kaylee.
"You've really gone an' asked for this, darling! I'm gonna make you learn!" Lindsey taunted Kaylee.
Lindsey started to spank Kaylee right on her small hairless pussy with the ruler. Carol climaxed! She couldn't stop it! Watching that little pussy spanked sent her right over the edge. The spanking was short and very hard. Maybe only fifteen or twenty swats, but laid on with force.
Carol watched as Lindsey and the man swapped places. Now she could see the back of his head she was sure it was his Steve. He was going to give Kaylee her penis punishment. Carol wished she had a man in her life who could discipline Tara like that; just like Carol used to get from her own Dad. She watched as Steve positioned his cock head against Kaylee's little ass hole and began to push. As Kaylee woefully sobbed and pleaded Steve's cock pushed into her until almost his whole length was embedded. The cock began to push in and out of the little hole, thoroughly punishing Kaylee. Carol's pussy began to tingle again. On screen the little bottom hole was being vigorously fucked. She saw Steve go rigid and gasp with pleasure as he squirted into Kaylee's punished bottom.
On the screen the words "The End" appeared. Carol was covered in sweat and panting with her sexual high. Her pussy was ready for more. It was time to say thank you to Steve with something he'd really appreciate. She went to Tara's room and began to set up the video cam.
Tara arrived home from school. The moment she opened the door she could smell it. The smell of her mother's highly excited pussy that had been played with for the last hour or so. Then she saw her mum standing at the top of the stairs; stark naked with a punishment paddle in her hand. The tears sprang to Tara's eyes; Mummy was going to hurt her bottom real bad.
This is a full page advertisement. The first quarter of the page is a photograph. This is followed by a set of three smaller photos with some text and a final piece of text. Title:
Photo 1: The photo shows a rocky cliff top overlooking a beautiful blue sea in bright sunlight. It looks like the Aegean or Black Sea coastline. Standing on the cliff top is a naked little girl of maybe ten or eleven years old with her back to the camera. Standing next to her with his side to the camera is a naked man. He holds the girl firmly by her upper arm and is whipping her bottom and the backs of her thighs with a switch. The girl is dancing about as he switches her. Her bottom and thighs are bright red and there are many crossing switch marks over the surface. The man's cock is big and erect. Kneeling in front of him is a second girl who is also naked. She has taken half the man's cock deep into her throat. We can see from the thin welts on the side of her bottom that she has already received a most severe switching.
Text: We specialise in holidays for the discerning disciplinary traveller. Single, couple, male or female; we have no restrictions on who books with us. Maybe your daughters have left home? Maybe you don't have a suitable girl to discipline? Whatever your situation, we provide luxury holidays in our Eastern European resorts. We currently have two resorts that we wholly own and operate. They are both situated in beautiful coastal areas and have all the facilities you would expect from any first class holiday destination.We maintain a high ratio of girls to guests. We guarantee that there will be a least one girl available for you at any time during your stay; often more than one! Our girls are all selected for their pretty features and compliant natures. You will not be disappointed! All girls have a healthy grasp of English, with some other international languages also being spoken.
Photo 2: This is a smaller photo with some text beside it. The photo shows the side of a tennis court next to the umpire's chair. Sat on a player's chair is a man dressed in white tennis kit. Over his knee is a little girl with long blond hair; she looks to be about eleven years old. The girl's little white tennis skirt has been lifted up and her frilly tennis knickers taken off. The man is spanking her bare bottom with the sole of a tennis shoe. We can see that the man is missing one of his shoes. The girl's bottom is a blazing red and she is kicking. Her face is turned towards the camera. It is bright red and soaked with tears and her mouth is open as she howls.
Standing to one side is another little girl of perhaps twelve years old in a ball girl uniform. She has dark black hair that is tied in a pony tail. She is facing towards the camera. Her hands are holding up the front of her skirt and also holding a two foot junior cane. Her knickers are pulled down to her knees. Her pretty pubescent pussy pouts out and there is the tiniest dark moustache at the top of her slit. She does not look directly at the camera, but down slightly at the ground in shame. The tears are flowing down her cheeks. The man slippering the girl has a broad grin on his face. A black line has been stencilled on the photo across his eyes to guard his privacy. As we look a little further down we can just see a couple of inches of his erect penis protruding above the level of the girl's spanked bottom.
Text: Guests can enjoy our extensive sports facilities at no additional charge. Here our guest helps a young tennis player to improve her game. He reserves a special punishment for the ball girl who suggested that one of his serves was out. After the game both girls will be available for our guest to relax with in his room.
Photo 3: This photo is of an older couple in their fifties. Both are sitting side by side in chairs facing the camera. We can see from the background that the room appears to be a nineteenth century classroom with a blackboard and metal frame one-piece desks and seats. The detail is good with wooden parquet flooring, a dunce's hat on a stool in the corner, ink pens on the desks and old exercise books. Kneeling on the floor in front of the couple are two little girls of maybe ten or eleven years old. The girl kneeling in front of the man is a little blond and in front of the woman a little brunette. Both girls are wearing old style school uniforms of black pinafore and white blouse. The pinafore skirts have two large button holes just above the hem. These have been attached to two large buttons sewn onto the upper back of the pinafores. This ingenious design ensures that the girls' skirts can be easily raised and kept out of the way. The girls are both naked from the waist down. They are kneeling up with their bottoms towards the camera and their backs dipped to show their fulsome buttocks. Both of their cute little pussies and anuses peep out from between their legs and bottom cheeks. Lying by the side of each of the girls on the floor is a birch, both of which have been worn almost to a stump. The girls' soft young bottom cheeks have been reduced to a scalding mess of thin red raised welts and blisters.
Both of the couple have removed their underwear and are sitting with their feet up on the chair with their legs spread wide. Their pubic hair has gone grey and both have large pot bellies. The girl kneeling in front of the man has his big, hard, old, gnarled, vein covered penis in her mouth and partly down her throat. With one hand she spreads his big buttocks apart; with the other she has two fingers inserted deep into the man's anus to stimulate his prostate. The clear lubrication gel is visible around the man's anus. The man's head is thrown back in ecstatic bliss. The girl kneeling in front of the woman has her face buried deep in the woman's old loose vagina. The girl parts the woman's buttocks and stimulates her anus with her fingers. The woman is crouched over the girl as though she is willing her to lick harder and faster. Both of the couple have thick black lines stencilled on the photo over their eyes.
Text: Our purpose built themed playrooms are available to all our guests at no additional charge. We have three separate school rooms from different ages gone by, a doctor's room, a baby room and several differently decorated young girls' bedrooms. We are adding to our themed rooms all the time.
Photo 4: This photo is of a slim athletic woman in her late thirties by the side of a swimming pool sitting on a sun-lounger. Lying over her knees is a young girl of about eleven years old. The girl is pretty with black hair cut into an urchin crop. She is wearing a blue one-piece swimming costume that has been pulled down to her knees. The woman has a folded leather strap in her hand and is vigorously applying it to the girl's bare bottom. The girl's bottom is red and welted. The girl is struggling hard, her arms and legs waving about. The woman holds the girl firmly over her knees as she wields the strap. Standing next to the woman and the girl, and facing the camera is a second little girl of may be twelve years old. She is a slim blond with a narrow face. She is wearing the smallest micro bikini. The top is awkwardly arranged with one nipple uncovered. Her developing breasts are just little cones. Her bikini bottoms have a small patch of material above her slit and a thin string that disappears into the top of her pussy leaving the lips bare. The girl is looking into the camera and crying. One of her hands is behind her back rubbing her bottom. We can see strap welts all around both her flanks. In her other hand she is holding a large 10 inch long strap-on rubber penis. It looks like when the woman has finished the girl's strapping she has a further punishment ready for them. A thick black line has been stencilled on the photo over the woman's eyes.
Text: Relaxing by the pool has never been such fun! Our girls really are there for your pleasure.
Final text: We really do offer the best in disciplinary holidays. If you have stayed with us before we would welcome you back. We always have new girls for you to enjoy and are constantly developing our facilities. If you have not travelled with us before then, subject to us confirming that you are a bona fide customer, we will send you a DVD of our resorts.
We do not declare our resorts' exact locations but you will be met and transported from the nearest international airport. Your privacy is very important to us and we have many repeat guests. Our resorts are fully inclusive as we expect guests to stay within the resort during their holiday.
Contact us by phoning xxxx xxxxxx. Our lines are open until 9:00 p.m.
This month we interview Alexandra who is an advisor for the Disciplinary Schools Advisory Service (the DSAS). Alexandra talks to us about how to find a school that supports parents who have chosen to strictly discipline their children.
LGD: Alexandra, welcome to LGD. A:
Many thanks. It's good to talk to you. I'd just like to say, before we kick off, that we know a lot of parents who contact us read your magazine.
So, it's great to get the chance to get our message across.
LGD: And what is that message?
A: Our message is clear. If you're a parent who strictly disciplines your children then there's a school near you that will support that.
LGD: And you publish a league table to help parents.
A: Yes. Each school is rated from zero to five stars.
LGD: How does that work?
A: There're a number of different criteria. Take a school with zero stars for example; if a child comes in exhibiting the signs of a sound caning they're likely to be sent to the nurse for treatment. Whereas in a school with five stars the child is likely to be stripped naked in front of their class and given a second caning for misbehaving at home.
LGD: So a vast difference then. What should our readers do if they want to find a good school that's local to them?
A: Talk to us. We can help advise the best course of action. Most cities will have at least one decent three star school, and some are lucky enough to have a four start school. In smaller towns it's a little more hit and miss. You may find that you have a four star institution right on your door step, or you may have to travel further-a-field.
LGD: So Alexandra, give us taste of what the best schools can offer.
A: Of course; it would be my pleasure. I'll talk about my daughter's school as I happen to be a governor there.
LGD: You have a daughter? And you practice strict discipline?
A: (Laughs) Yes, although I'm not really here to talk about that. She's twelve and we've just stepped her up to the senior cane. LGD:
So some noisy nights at your house?
A: (Laughs) Yes. I'd swear that when she starts squealing the windows rattle.
LGD: (Laughs) Yes, my own daughter was the same. Sorry for digressing. Please continue.
A: Thank you. As a strict disciplinary girls school our policy is to focus on discipline as the primary objective. So, when a lesson or activity of any kind is planned, the disciplinary opportunities have to be identified and exploited. I'll give you some examples.
Each girl's parents are required to send a slip in each morning detailing behaviour the night before and, of course, any details of punishments given. Failure to present the slip merits an instant five with the strap across the bare bottom. So we find that the girls are the first ones in the morning to remind their parents to complete the slips. As the register is called each girl presents her slip. Any misbehaviour at home is punished. If the girl has already been punished at home then the fire in her little bum is reignited. If she has not then a more exemplary punishment is delivered. My daughter tells me that it's not unusual for half the girls in her class to be in tears before the register is taken.
LGD: And your daughter?
A: Yes. There're plenty of times she's had notes about being punished at home and her little bum, already nicely marked, has been bared and a good paddling has brought that sting back to life. And I must admit that if she's been a pain getting ready in the morning and I don't get time to punish her then I put a little note on the slip. At register time its skirt up, knickers down, bend over teacher's desk and six smart smacks with the cane where it does most good. After that she shouts and jumps about half naked in front of her friends. Good humiliation for her.
Now, I'll give you some more examples. Assembly is where the more formal punishments take place. The girls to be punished are presented naked. Given the punishment's severity the girls are usually restrained in some way. If it is a younger girl then a firm hand in the small of her back to hold her down while another teacher administers the discipline is usually adequate. For an older girl, she may be put over a gym horse and straps used to restrain her. The idea of having a girl touch her toes and stay in position for this kind of robust discipline is laughable.
On a recent governors visit I had a front row seat when a naughty little thirteen year old called Sarah was brought up on stage. She'd been stripped naked and your readers will appreciate what I mean if I say she was 'just budding'. In the centre of the stage there was a gym horse that had been placed end-on to the audience. At the foot of the horse were some kitchen steps. Young Sarah was obliged to climb up the steps and straddle the horse like she was riding it, then to lean down until her body was flat against the horse. Her hands were tied to the front legs of the horse and her knees were tied such that they were pulled up towards her body.
I can tell you that she was completely and utterly exposed to the audience in the most intimate way. Her form teacher then stepped forward with a very whippy cane. He proceeded to be very strict with her. Her squeals were deafening and he made sure to give her chubby little bum a proper smacking with that cane.
LGD: How were you afterwards?
A: Hmmm, 'stimulated', shall we say.
LGD: (Laughs) And for relief?
A: (Laughs) A little trip home with my daughter at lunchtime for a long mother / daughter chat with my stingy lexan paddle with the holes in it. After that my daughter was very eager to please and there was a nice intimate discipline session.
LGD: What a lovely lunchbreak!
A: (Laughs) Very nice!
LGD: So given this was the strict application of the cane to a young lady's bare bottom, does the school permit blistering and bruising?
A: This is strict discipline and the girls need to be taught a lesson they will remember. Of course, I can reassure your readers that no teacher would ever dream of breaking a girl's skin. All punishments stop well before that point. But blisters and bruising, yes.
Let me give you another example. My daughter told me about her Physics lesson recently where a girl who had misbehaved was made the subject of the lesson. Her skirt and knickers were removed and her blouse pinned up. Then the class was split up into groups that were given the problem of developing an experiment to measure the speed of the cane as it smacked into her bare bottom. Each group was required to use the girl as the subject of the experiment. For nearly an hour this girl was taken from group to group and time and again the cane was whipped into her little bum. My daughter said that by the end of the lesson this girl was jumping and howling so much that they could barely test their apparatus.
Probably the best example I have is History. I'm sure you've heard of many schools having 'Victorian days', where the children get a chance to experience what it was like one hundred years ago. In too many schools they get told about it but don't actually experience it. In our school they experience it first hand. Absolute silence is required in all lessons. Even a cough or a sneeze merits a good hard smack across the hand with a ruler. And woe-betide the child who cries at a small punishment. Their teacher will soon follow up with 'something to cry for' and that will be on their bare bottom. Each teacher is issued with a birch rod and by the end of the day there isn't a little bottom in the school that hasn't felt a birch across it. Each teacher takes it as a challenge to wear their birch down to a stump. I think they even compare stumps in the staffroom after school. (Laughs)
LGD: What about P.E.?
A: (Laughs) Oh yes, I'm sure your readers would enjoy hearing about that. All P.E. is conducted in the nude, including outside sports. We consider it considerably healthier. I might add that houses surrounding the school playing fields seem to attract a considerable premium for some reason! Our P.E. teachers are all equipped with a two fingered tawse that they carry with them throughout the day. Any slackers are vigorously encouraged right across their sit down spots. And in team games the losing team knows what it can look forward to in the changing room.
LGD: And what's that?
A: Out of the showers, soaking wet, line up against the wall, hands on wall, bottom stuck out, teacher works up and down the line with the strap or paddle. Stings like the devil on the wet. After a session like that the whole losing team will arrive at the next class crying and rubbing. Of course, they know if they don't sit down and get on with their next lesson they're likely to get their knickers taken down and a repeat dose.
LGD: That sounds just like the way a little girl should be disciplined.
A: Thank you. The school has excellent standards. We achieve four stars in the DSAS rating.
LGD: What's required to get to a five star rating?
A: OK. There are a few specialised schools in this country that achieve that and the major difference is how intimate discipline is handled.
LGD: Ah, intimate discipline! I was wondering when we'd get to that.
A: (Laughs) Along with most of your readers, I imagine. Well, to compare, in our school intimate discipline can be administered in private but only on the express wishes of the parents. Like many parents my husband and I prefer to deal with this type of discipline ourselves. My husband is particularly keen and takes every opportunity to deliver a strict lesson.
LGD: How strict?
A: (Blushes) He's quite a 'big' man.
LGD: Very strict then.
A: Certainly from the way my daughter carries on, yes. Sorry, where were we? Oh yes, five star schools. OK. So, my expertise is mainly focussed on girls' education and as I have visited and appraised some five start girls' schools I'll talk about this.
The schools facilitate, at every opportunity, the application of severe bottom and intimate discipline. So, rather than looking at an activity and then working out the disciplinary opportunities, they work out what discipline they wish to administer and then fit the education around that. Let me give some examples from a school I visited.
The school uniform consists of a short tunic that ends at the belly button, navy blue gym knickers, white knee length socks and black plimsolls. Their hair has to be held out of the face in either bunches or a pony tail. The slight variation to the uniform is that you will see some girls walking around wearing tiny black lacy g-strings. This is when they have received a recent severe punishment so their marked swollen bottoms are on display to all.
The lacy little things they wear also serve another purpose. They are deliberately provocative, the intention being that it will excite the teachers, both male and female, such that they administer strict intimate discipline to the girl. It's not unusual that if a pretty girl receives her punishment first thing in the day then, by the time she goes to bed, she has been subject to upwards of fifteen separate intimate punishments.
LGD: Sore holes?
Very. Sometimes they can hurt more than the original punishment.
LGD: Which is why it's so effective!
A: (Laughs) I couldn't agree more. But, of course, although all the girls wear knickers they are not retained for long. All girls are obliged, when they enter a classroom, to remove their knickers and put them in their desks until the lesson is finished. As a result, all girls are naked from the waist down during lessons. They sit on these special thin stools so it's quite a sight from the back of the class; twenty little bare bottoms all protruding over the edge of their stools.
LGD: Sounds lovely!
A: Oh, it's certainly quite 'stimulating'.
LGD: I can imagine. No wonder intimate discipline takes place.
A: Yes, the teacher just wonders around the class during the lesson and as they bend over a girl to examine her work their hand is moving over the girl's bottom and slipping underneath to explore her little holes. If during this process the teacher takes a liking to a particular girl he might well take her to the small ante-room each classroom has for a private punishment. This always starts with a vigorous bottom punishment so that the girl is in the right frame of mind to please her teacher. And believe me, those teachers are very demanding.
LGD: Did you experience this first hand?
A: Yes. When I was assessing I was invited to the ante-room with the teacher to assist.
LGD: Please tell us more.
A: Of course! The girl was a sweet eleven year old brunette called Sally. She was crying really nicely by the time we got into the room. The teacher was quite a lean chap in his early thirties called Mike. As we got into the room he made sure to carefully lock the door behind us. This is less to stop intrusion and more to ensure that the girl doesn't try to leave until the teacher is fully satisfied. By the time the key had turned in the lock, Sally was already taking off the remainder of her clothes. I have to say that all the girls in that school are very well trained. She was so cute! It reminded me of how pretty my own little daughter looks when she's like that. The ante-rooms are well equipped with a medical examination couch, a straight backed chair, a collection of lubricants, a range of different sized latex penises and a large selection of punishment implements.
Mike selected a solid heavy wooden paddle and asked me if I'd like to blister Sally's bottom with it. Naturally I accepted and took the sobbing girl over my knee. I didn't hold back and a little time later Sally was screaming with a nice little crop of blisters on the plumpest parts of her bottom cheeks. Mike, by this time, had stripped off his trousers and pants and was standing rubbing a very hard erection as he watched me dealing with Sally. His cock was about six inches long and quite thick. I've heard that he does a lot of work with the younger girls in the school. When I'd finished he lifted Sally off me and bent her over the edge of the examination couch. Her little feet swung in mid air as she wailed and rubbed her bottom. I could see now how well positioned she was with her bum just at the height of his cock. Mike lubricated his stiff penis well and then proceeded to anally punish little Sally very vigorously. After he had finished, in somewhat spectacular style I might add, he offered little Sally to me.
LGD: Did you accept?
A: (Laughs) It would have been rude to decline! She had a remarkably skilled little mouth and tongue too.
LGD: Do the girls receive training in such matters?
A: Yes. I was lucky enough to witness a tutorial of a group of six girls whose parents had requested some additional special lessons.
LGD: Why?
A: From what I can gather, some of the girls' parents can be very demanding. They want to make sure their girls are taught to properly satisfy them.
LGD: So what did you witness?
A: The girls were aged between ten and twelve and were nearing the end of their course. They were all very keen to show me what they had learned. First they stripped off and did poses for me. The teacher, who was a lady called Sasha, instructed them how to show themselves off in the most exciting way. Sasha then set out six stools, each with a pre-lubricated latex penis mounted on it. Sasha clapped her hands and the girls instantly located their own stool. I could see that the penises were each sized to be a real challenge to the girl with that stool.
"Show Mrs X how nicely you can take them!" Sasha said. The girls all turned so they had their backs to me and I watched as six little bare bottoms sat down over the big latex willies, six little hands went behind their owners' backs to hold the cocks firmly and to position them against tight anal holes. Then, accompanied by grunts, groans and squeaks of pain, six little bottom holes were stretched by their owners to accept a big adult sized intruder. I was quite amazed that even the youngest ten year olds, despite gritted teeth and a few tears, were able to completely absorb the whole cock length into their anus and then fully sit down on the stool with the whole thing embedded in their rectum.
"Show how we please Daddy!" Sasha told them. Then the girls started to move up and down on the artificial cocks. I could hear squelching and 'wind' noises as the cocks went in and out of such tight little holes. The two twelve year olds bounced up and down with the whole length of the cock being swallowed by their ass in each downward movement. The ten year olds moved slowly with the cock slowly appearing and then inch by painful inch being reinserted. The pouty mouths and stifled mewls told me this was good discipline for them.
"Vocalise!" insisted Sasha. Then each girl started talking out loud, "Oooo Daddy, your willy feels so big in my bottom!" said one, "Am I bouncing fast enough for you, Daddy?" said another. Soon they all joined in, "Push it all the way up my bottom, Daddy!", "Daddy, push it deeper!", "Uncle, your cocky's so big it hurts my bottom!", "Yowee Daddy, it hurts my bum hole!", "Push in harder, Daddy! I've been so naughty!". And so it carried on, each girl with her own line of words ranging from sobbing pleas about how much it hurt to positively encouraging harder and deeper insertion into their bottom holes. Each girl knew what their own parent or guardian liked to hear.
When the girls had had a good ten minutes work out with the penises in their bottoms and their skins glistened with sweat, Sasha clapped her hands again. "Show us your holes, please girls!" she instructed. Each of the girls pulled herself off her stool, bent over, grabbed her bum cheeks and pulled them wide apart. Imagine six little girls all in a row in front of you, bent over with their bums pulled apart and their little anuses gaping wide open. It was quite a sight!
LGD: Gosh, I can imagine!
A: But Sasha wasn't finished yet. "Clean your Daddies off now. Nice and deep, please!" she told them. The girls all turned around to face us and got down onto their knees in front of their stools. The big cocks all covered with their bottom mess were right in front of the faces, And, I'm not kidding, to a girl they each took those cocks down their throats in one go. I was deeply impressed. Naturally this was followed by a significant amount of retching and gagging, but I'm sure their Daddies would have been very pleased with their efforts.
LGD: You mentioned that you experienced some intimate discipline first hand.
Was that your only experience?
A: No it wasn't. In order that I could experience the behaviour of their girls first hand, the school arranged for me to stay overnight.
LGD: With full spanking rights?
A: Yes.
LGD: You had a girl stay with you?
A: (Blushes) Yes, that's right.
LGD: The school chose her?
A: Well, the school asked Sasha to talk to me about what I'd like.
LGD: And?
A: (Laughs) OK. You want all the sordid details.
LGD: Yes please.
A: I said I'd like a girl who is a real coward. One who cries and begs at the very thought of being spanked. And when she actually has her bare bottom dealt with goes absolutely frantic. Also one who is, shall we say, especially skilled at pleasing a woman.
LGD: Mmmm, one who has been with a demanding Aunt or Mother, perhaps?
A: Exactly! Anyway, they brought me this sweet little girl who was just nine years old; a darling little thing, all wide eyes swimming with tears. I made her undress so that I could have a little play with her. She was so obliging; being extra good so that I wouldn't hurt her bottom. Then I got the cane out. Oh the way she cried and pleaded with me not to use the cane. The things that she promised would have shamed the lowest whore. I told her that if she did all the things she'd promised then I would give her a chance; she could choose her own implement to be spanked with.
Oh, it was so cute! Watching her look at all the punishment implements one by one, trying to work out which would hurt her bottom the least. In the end she chose the soft leather belt, about three feet long. Big mistake! As you and I and probably any disciplinary parent knows, the reason the leather is so soft is so that it can get into all those hidden, usually untouched places. I can't tell you how excited I was when she chose that belt.
I had her get into the frog position, kneeling on the bed resting on her elbows with her head down, her back arched, her legs apart and her widely spread bum thrust out. Then I rubbed baby oil all over her bum, right into the crack, down her thighs and all over her pussy. Although I say it myself, the belt spanking I gave her was exemplary! What with her squealing, jumping about and rubbing it took ages, but that's what I like. When I'd finished her bum was like two huge swollen tomatoes. Not only that, but her pussy and ass hole were nicely red and welted too. Then I put her to work between my legs; she really was incredibly skilled.
LGD: I wonder if, for our readers, you would care to share a little more about your daughter?
A: Well it's not strictly what I came to talk about.
LGD: True, but I'm sure as a reader of our magazine you know yourself how nice it is to hear about strict discipline from other parents.
A: (Laughs) OK, what can I tell you?
LGD: Have you always enjoyed disciplining her?
A: To be honest, no. I was strictly disciplined by my own parents, including intimate from an early age. And like most little girls, I hated it. My husband was clear before we married that he was going to be strict with our children and I accepted this. When our daughter was a little baby he was quite forgiving, but by the time she was about two years old he took to disciplining her strictly. If she did even the slightest thing he didn't like, then he'd pull down her diaper and spank her little bottom really hard until it was bright red and she was screaming. Then he'd take his cock out and make her kiss and lick it until he squirted in her face. I have to say that as I watched him do this over the years I got to like it more and more. I began to think about my own childhood punishments quite differently. I really wanted to make my daughter feel the same as I'd been made to feel as a child. By the time she was five we were both actively disciplining her and enjoying it greatly.
LGD: What's your favourite way of disciplining her?
A: (Laughs) Gosh, I hope none of her school friends see this; she'll be mortified! But the thing I like best is making her get off on the spanking too, even though she doesn't really want to. I'll bring her downstairs in her pyjamas and we'll have the lights down low and a few candles lit. I'll sit in an armchair opposite hubby with a massive tub of lube next to me. Then my darling daughter comes and sits in my lap facing her Daddy. I slip her pyjama trousers off and have her put her feet up on my knees and spread her legs wide apart. Then I cover my fingers with lube and start slowly massaging her little pussy. It takes her a little time to get going, but when she is, wow, she puts on quite a show! There's nothing that her Mummy's slippery fingers can't do to her pussy and anus that doesn't have her groaning and squirming with pleasure. Sometimes I've got three fingers up each hole pumping away whilst she begs for more. But I never let her cum. That's not what I like to see.
I push her off my lap at the stage she's begging me to let her cum. Then I tell her to get up on the armchair in either the frog or diaper position. I have this big leather paddle that I literally spank her pussy with until she cums. I do it very hard and she's absolutely screaming but at the same time she's thrusting her pussy out for more. Eventually she climaxes, and then comes the bit I really enjoy; as the orgasm subsides, the real pain of the spanking hits home and she's shrieking and howling and clutching at herself between her legs. I love the fact that just a few moments ago she was begging me to spank her pussy harder and faster. It's like she really deserved the punishment she got.
While she's having a good cry and rub my hubby strips off ready to do his bit and I send her over to him. He always wants the same after he's watched her getting it like that. He sits on a low stool with his legs together and she has to straddle his legs facing him like if she was going to ride a horse. Then he puts his cock in her bright red welted pussy and she has to take the whole of his cock up her. Then she bounces up and down on his cock until he has a lovely cum up her. Then it's my turn. I like to take her upstairs to my bedroom for some very private time with her. I don't like my husband to see what I do with her.
LGD: Why not?
A: I like to make her perform analingus on me. I even have a special little fabric chair I sit in. The seat is only about eight inches off the ground and there is a gap in the fabric for my ass hole. She lies underneath with her head on pillows so her face is stuffed right between my cheeks. God, I make tongue my for hours, really eat my ass out, until finally I turn around and stick my pussy over the hole and let her finish me off.
LGD: Thank you so much for sharing that with us. I'm sure our readers will really appreciate your candour. You know, I think it's important that our readers know that when they seek advice from the DSAS, they will be talking to people who really understand and support their parenting choices.
A: Yes, I can assure your readers that all our advisors have first hand experience of the strictest discipline of children, be they boys or girls. They really will be able to help.
LGD: And how can you be contacted?
A: Your local DSAS office will be listed in the phonebook or parents can go to our webpage for contact details.
LGD: Alexandra, thank you for talking to us.
A: Thank you very much.
Photo 1 We are in a dusty school office. The walls are lined with shelves of text-books and piles of old exercise books. There is no window and a single fluorescent tube lights the room. There is a teacher's desk and behind it sits a balding man in his forties. He is holding up and reading a hard back exercise book. The book is clearly labelled "Punishment Book".
Standing by the side of the desk is a cute little girl of about eleven years old. She is a strawberry blond with her hair cut in a short bob. She is wearing a navy blue school pinafore that comes up to her mid thighs, white knee socks and underneath the pinafore a pink gingham school blouse. A slight bulge in the pinafore at her chest gives the hint that tiny mounds are starting to form. The girl is in tears and sucking her thumb. She stares fearfully at the top of the desk where a sturdy wooden hairbrush and a whippy junior cane are sitting.
Text: "Eleven year old Tammy hates the fact that Mummy has given her Teacher permission to give her special punishments when she misbehaves at school. Today Jane dropped her pencil in class. Teacher doesn't need any more excuse than that."
Photo 2: Tammy has taken off her pinafore and blouse. She is holding the waistband of her navy blue knickers with both hands and is pulling them down her legs. To accomplish this she is bending over, her bottom sticking out. The camera position has moved in slightly behind her and is shooting up from just below her bottom which fills over half the page. Her little anus and pussy are in crystal clear focus. We can see that her Teacher has moved his chair out from behind the desk. His penis sticks erect through his flies. In his hand he sternly holds the hairbrush.
Text: "Tammy's Mummy is delighted with Teacher punishing Tammy. The merest threat of a note being sent to her Teacher ensures Tammy's instant obedience. In return for his trouble Mummy is happy that he administers strict intimate discipline to her daughter. She knows how much he enjoys it."
Photo 3: Tammy is bent over her Teacher's knees. She is naked apart from her white knee socks. Her bottom is bright red and her buttocks have started to swell. The hairbrush is a blur as heads down fast towards its squirming target. Teacher's left hand is firmly in the small of Tammy's back holding her down. Despite this it is clear she is struggling to escape the hard spanking with the hairbrush. The camera is shooting up from the ground between her legs. One leg is raised in a kick and her pretty hairless pussy pouts open. She has twisted round so that we can see her chest and face. Her little tits are revealed to be tiny developing cones. Her face is red and soaked with tears. Her mouth is wide open and her teeth bared as she howls with the bottom pain. We can see her Teacher's hard penis rubbing against her bare tummy.
Text: "Oweee! That hairbrush really stings! No wonder Tammy can't help promising to do rude things for Teacher if only he'll stop. Making that little bottom red and listening to her naughty promises makes Teacher very excited."
Photo 4: Tammy is off Teacher's lap and kneeling on the floor. Teacher is still sitting in the chair but he is naked from the waist down. His legs are parted and Tammy is kneeling up between them. His penis is pushed far into her mouth and throat. His hands are on her head pushing down. Tammy's eyes are wide open and goo drips from her mouth.
Text: "Teacher likes his willy sucked. Tammy promised this for the spanking to stop. When his willy goes down her throat Tammy sometimes wishes she was still being spanked instead."
Photo 5: Teacher is still sitting in the chair but now has his feet up on the seat and his legs spread. Tammy is using her left hand to lift up his balls and her right hand to pull one of his large bum cheeks to one side. Her face is buried between the cheeks and we can see her tongue embedded in his anus. Teacher's cock is rock hard and a blob of pre-cum is oozing out of his cock slit. Tears stream down Tammy's cute little face.
Text: "Tammy knows now that Teacher's going to be very strict today. He makes her lick his bottom hole when he wants to get extra excited so he can be very severe. The cane hurts so much! It's just not fair!"
Photo 6: Tammy and her Teacher have changed positions. The chair and desk have been moved back against the wall. Tammy is standing up, bent over with her legs spread and her hands flat on the floor. The camera is positioned behind her so we can see between her widely spread legs. Her pussy gapes open slightly and her anus is fully exposed. Her upside down face looks back at the camera. Her hair hangs down and she is bright red, her face soaked with tears. Her mouth is partially open and we can see she is mournfully sobbing. Behind her to one side we get a glimpse of her Teacher. His erect cock sticks straight out and in his hand is a cane, raised and ready to strike.
Text: "Such a nasty exposed position! And her bum so spread and open to the cane. Teacher's going to hurt her so much. Don't you wish you could hear her crying!"
Photo 7: The caning is well advanced and Tammy's little bum is a mass of thin red raised cane marks; dark red and massively swollen. Her pussy and bum-hole are pushed out towards the camera. Her anus is a perfect ring with the tight sphincter muscle well defined. It seems to be winking at the camera. One of her legs is raised off the ground and the hand on the same side is out behind her trying to fend of the cane. Her face looks into the camera. Her eyes are wide open and tears seem to fly off her face. Her mouth is caught mid-squeal; wide open and desperate. Teacher can be seen ready to strike with the cane again. It is clear that Tammy's caning is not over yet. The purple end of Teacher's penis is exposed and glistens with clear stick pre-cum.
Text: "Ooooh Tammy! Teacher does cane hard, doesn't he! From the way you're screaming your bummy must really hurt. We bet that Teacher will want to use his willy on you very strictly."
Photo 8: Tammy is standing up. The camera has pulled back to get the whole of her in shot. She has her back to the camera but her body is twisting to the side slightly. Her hands are both clamped to her bottom, each hand grabbing a thick chunk of buttock. The burning red bottom flesh is being squeezed out between her fingers she is squeezing so hard. One foot is off the floor; the slight blur of the knee shows she is in the process of raising it quickly. Her bright red, tear soaked face is turned towards the camera. Hair is sticking to it, soaked with her tears. Her puffy red eyes are streaming tears and her mouth wide and howling. The camera has caught her right in the middle of some frenzied hopping and dancing as she tries anything she can to soothe her poor bum.
Text: "A caning from Teacher really stings and Tammy is making a lot of noise. Poor Tammy thinks that her cane punishment is over but she doesn't know that our excellent disciplinarian has the caning position she hates the most planned for her next."
Photo 9: Tammy is lying on her back on top of the desk. Her knees are pulled up to her chest and her legs widely parted in a fully exposed diaper position. She should have both hands locked behind her knees to keep her legs in position. But one hand is pulling desperately at a bum cheek where it seems the cane has just whipped down. This has the effect of opening her pussy and anus for the camera to capture the coral pink of inside her holes. The cane can be seen in the top of the frame being pulled back for the next stroke. Tammy's face has a stretched terrified look. Her mouth is open as if she is talking and her tear filled eyes look beseechingly up out of shot to where her Teacher is. We can't see Teacher's body but protruding into the shot, so close as to be out of focus, is his large erect penis.
Text: "The cane always seems to hurt more in this humiliating position, doesn't it Tammy? Little Tammy can't take any more and is begging hard for the horrible caning to stop. I wonder what she's promising?"
Photo 10: Tammy is still up on the desk in the diaper position. Teacher has moved up to the edge of the desk between her legs. He is holding both her ankles, one in each hand, stretching her legs wide apart. Half the length of his cock is embedded in her anus. We can see in detail how the reddy purple skin surrounding the bottom hole is tightly stretched around the penis, painfully accommodating the disproportionately large girth of the big adult cock. Now that she is not required to hold her legs back, Tammy's hands are both busily employed rubbing and pulling at her bottom to try and make that horrible bottom pain go away. Tammy's face is a perfect picture of severely punished girlhood; her wailing mouth and tear-filled eyes both testify to the effectiveness of her intimate discipline.
Text: "Teacher needs to do it hard to Tammy. He is very excited now. We can almost hear him grunting as he thrusts into her. Tammy can cry and wail as much as she likes but nothing is going to stop Teacher until he has cum."
Photo 11: The camera has moved back to capture Teacher as well as Tammy. Teacher's thick cock is still pushed up Tammy's little bum hole. Tammy is looking at the camera and her hand is raised in what looks like a wave. But Tammy's eyes are not focussed properly on the camera and she barely seems to know what she's doing. Whatever she's been told to do it's clear that she would far rather be using her hand to soothe her poor bum. Teacher is also waving at the camera.
Text: "Goodbye Tammy and thank you for being our model of the month. It looks like Teacher is going to be pushing his willy into your bottom hole for a long time to come. Let's leave him to finish his discipline session in peace."
CHAPTER 1 - How it all began
Lady Jane tended her roses in the bright morning sunshine. It was early yet, before nine in the morning. The air was fresh and it looked like it was going to be a most pleasant summer's day. Lady Jane enjoyed her roses; she won prizes with them. Her gardeners tended the rest of the grounds but the roses were hers. It was the 1920's and there had been big advances in rose breeding over the last few years. Lady Jane had managed to obtain some of the new varieties this year and was watching their growth with interest.
Lady Jane stood up and admired the blooms. The vivid blush red of a particular flower put her in mind of a naughty little bottom after a very long wicked spanking. Her pussy began to tingle. She took off her gardening gloves and began to wonder towards the house. A tall willowy blond in her mid forties, Lady Jane had inherited her father's large estate almost fifteen years ago. Over that time she had spent much of her father's fortune turning it into a shrine for her own particular needs. As she headed towards the open French doors she breathed deeply, dragging the air into her lungs. She felt her pulse quicken and her body tense as her pussy throbbed; it had been several hours since her cravings had last been sated.
When Lady Jane had been a young woman her cravings had frightened her and she had sought to suppress them. But as she got older they had become irresistible and she began to use her wealth and influence to create a lifestyle dedicated to satisfying her desires.
Lady Jane's particular desires had been formed in her childhood by the chance encounter with an estate worker's child. When she had been ten years old she met little Katherine who was eight. Lady Jane found her hiding behind some bushes in the gardens. These gardens were strictly for the use of the family and certainly not for the use of estate families. When Lady Jane found her, the girl's face was bright red and she was crying great heaving sobs. What really interested Lady Jane though was that the girl had her skirts raised and both hands thrust down the back of her bloomers where they rubbed furiously away at her bottom.
"What are you doing here?" Lady Jane demanded.
The startled girl hadn't seen her approaching and Lady Jane saw her surprise turn to shock and dismay as she realised what a terrible predicament she was in. The girl fell to her knees.
"Oh please, Miss! I'm sorry, Miss! Honest, Miss! Don't tell, Miss!" the girl begged.
"My father will have your whole family thrown off this estate for trespassing." Lady Jane said, enjoying her moment of power.
"No! Don't Tell! Please! There's only me an' my mum! We ain't got no where else to go! We'd starve! Don't tell! Please!" the girl sobbed.
"Why are you here? And why are you doing that?" Lady Jane asked pointing at the girl's hands that were still inside her bloomers.
The girl, suddenly realising, pulled out her hands.
"Oh please Miss! I got the most awful whipping from my mum! I ran out before she'd finished an' hid here! If she finds me I'm going to get it really bad! That's why I hid here. She won't dare look here." the girl tearfully explained.
"I don't believe you! Show me your bottom!" Lady Jane demanded, deeply interested by the girl's story.
The girl looked as though she was going to protest but then decided better. She looked around to see if anyone else was around. When she had satisfied herself there wasn't she hung her head.
"Alright then." she said softly.
The girl turned her back to Lady Jane and, keeping her skirts raised, pulled the back of her bloomers down to reveal her little bare bottom.
Lady Jane marvelled at the sight. It was the most perfect peach of a little bottom; a place so naughty that Lady Jane wasn't even allowed to look at her own in the mirror. And now here was one right in front of her eyes to look at, at it wasn't even her own. And how it looked! The whole bottom was deep red and swollen with strange raised marks on it. The girl reached back with her hands and vigorously rubbed both cheeks. As she did so Lady Jane marvelled at how the bottom moved, opening up so she could see the hole deep between the cheeks. The girl looked back at Lady Jane.
"It really stings!" she explained.
For the first time in her young life Lady Jane felt the most extraordinary tingling feeling between her legs. Not just a tiny inconsequential thing but insistent sharp pulses of pleasure. She clamped her thighs together and wriggled involuntary. She was fascinated with the bottom in front of her, how it looked and what had caused it to look like that. She was a smart girl and her mind worked fast.
"What's your name?" she asked.
"Katherine Brown." the girl answered truthfully.
"Well Katherine, I want to meet your mother now!" Lady Jane said.
"Miss! I can't! She'll kill me! I told you! She'll rip me to threads! Please!" Katherine begged.
The tingling between Lady Jane's little legs got stronger still.
"Do you want me to tell me father? For you to be thrown off this estate?" Lady Jane threatened.
"Oh Miss! No Miss! Please Miss! It's just that... I mean... She'll really hurt me, Miss. She's terrible strict. An' she whips me with allsorts. Don't make me, Miss!" Katherine sobbed in a panic.
"Do you want me to tell me father?" Lady Jane repeated.
"No Miss. Don't! Please! I'll take you to me mum." Katherine said. Her voice was miserable and reluctant.
Katherine pulled her bloomers up and dropped her skirt and with one final forlorn rub, knowing full well that she'd be rubbing the sting out all over again soon. She set off towards home with Lady Jane following closely.
Katherine led her to an isolated estate cottage. As Lady Jane approached she could see a big muscular woman sitting on a chair outside the cottage. As she saw the two of them approaching she quickly hid something that she had been holding. As they got closer still Lady Jane saw the woman's eyes widen with surprise as she recognised Lady Jane. The woman got up to greet Lady Jane.
"Hello Miss. Thank you for visiting, Miss. How can me and my daughter help you?" she simpered.
"I found her trespassing in our private gardens." said Lady Jane, indicating Katherine, "She showed me her bottom. I want to see how it got all red like that!"
Katherine's mum nodded, smiling a little smile.
"You won't tell anyone about her being in your private gardens if I show you, will you?" Katherine's mum asked, nodding her head with the little smile still there.
"No, I won't." Lady Jane agreed. She felt she liked Katherine's mum.
"Would you like her to have her clothes on or off when I show you?" Katherine's mum asked.
"Please take them off." said Lady Jane.
Again Katherine's mum smiled and nodded.
"Tell me, Miss," she enquired, "did you think my daughter's bottom looked pretty after I'd hurt it?"
"Yes. Kind of!" Lady Jane answered blushing. "You can call me Jane." she added after a slight pause.
Katherine's mum smiled more broadly and nodded.
"Did it make you feel funny down there?" she asked, pointing at the spot between Lady Jane's legs.
Lady Jane blushed more profusely but nodded her head to agree.
"Don't worry, Jane. That's quite normal." Katherine's mum said, "When I've finished showing you how I make her bottom go like that, would you like my daughter to do something for you that will make that feeling even nicer?"
"Yes please!" said Lady Jane excitedly.
"It's a secret, so you can't tell anyone!" Katherine's mum warned.
"I won't!" promised Lady Jane.
Katherine's mum reached down to where Lady Jane had seen her hiding the thing earlier. She pulled out a small bundle of three long twigs that looked as if they had been freshly broken off a tree. The twigs were firmly tied together at the base. She turned to her daughter.
"Look Katherine! Look at what Mummy's made for you. Running away before you got all of what's coming to you, trespassing in the big garden and showing off your bottom! I'm going to give you something you forget for a long time!" she growled.
"Mummy! Please! Not the birch! Please, not the birch! I beg you! Anything but that! Anything!" Katherine bleated, the tears literally jumping out of her eyes.
Katherine's mum turned to Lady Jane and beckoned.
"Please Jane, come into my home and see how my daughter's bottom gets all hot and red when I hurt it."
Lady Jane felt her little ten year old heart pounding as she followed the wailing Katherine and her mum into the cottage. She couldn't wait to see Katherine's bottom again. Even now her mind was making pictures of how that bottom would look when it got that big birch whipped across it. She wondered if Katherine would scream. It was just so exciting! That place between her legs was so tickly, so itchy!
When they got inside Katherine's mum closed the door behind them.
"Would you like to sit there, Jane." she said, indicating a comfortable wooden seat with arms, "Don't worry, I'll make sure you get a really good view."
Jane sat down in the chair. It was big and had a nice cushion on it. She felt very comfortable. She was really looking forward to seeing Katherine's bare bottom being hurt.
Katherine's mum started to roughly pull off her daughter's clothes, throwing them across the room in a pile.
"You naughty naughty little girl!" she scolded, "How dare you run away like that before your whipping was finished! How dare you go into the private grounds! How dare you show your bottom in public! I'm going to hurt that little bottom of yours until you sing so loud they can hear you in the next village! You won't be able to sit down for a week by the time I've finished."
Katherine wailed and pleaded as her mother explained what was in store for her.
"No Mummy! Please Mummy! Not the birch! Not like that! Don't hurt me so I can't sit! Not again! The birch hurts too much! It goes everywhere! I'll never be bad again! I'll only be good from now on! Oh please Mummy! I promise! I promise!" Katherine blubbered.
Lady Jane watched as item by item the eight year olds' clothes were pulled off; her little dress, her vest, her short stockings and finally her plain old bloomers. Katherine sobbed miserably as she stood naked in the middle of the kitchen. She made no attempt to cover herself, seemingly unaware that both her mother and Lady Jane were staring at her little unfledged pussy. Katherine's mum turned to Lady Jane.
"She's very pretty, don't you think?" she smiled.
"Yes, very pretty!" answered Lady Jane. She felt much more confident with Katherine's mum now.
Katherine's mum pulled a straight backed chair from under the kitchen table and put it side on in front of where Lady Jane was sitting. Then, holding the birch in her right hand, she sat down in the chair and pulled her wailing daughter over her lap with her daughter's feet dangling only a foot or so away from where Lady Jane sat.
"You should get a good view from there." she smiled at Lady Jane, "Don't lean forward though, she kicks like the devil when she's getting it!"
Katherine's mum lifted the birch above her head.
"You're going to feel this whipping, young lady!" she said in a cold hard voice.
Lady Jane couldn't believe how fast and hard Katherine's mum brought the birch down onto her daughter's bottom. She must have used all her strength. The birch twigs whipped into the little bum biting the red spanked cheeks. Katherine's response was instantaneous.
"YAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" she screamed, her little legs kicking and her body bucking, "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEIGH! MUMMEEEEEEEEEY! NOOOOOOO! AAAAAAAAAAAAH!"
Her mother meanwhile had raised the birch and brought it whipping down again.
But it was to no avail. Her mother was whipping her bare bottom hard and fast now.
Lady Jane was engrossed. Her heart felt like it would jump out of her chest. Katherine kicked and lunged across her mother's knee as the birch spanked into her bottom. As Katherine's legs kicked, Lady Jane found she could see right up into the little girl's wee hole, and her bottom hole too. It was just incredible! But the best bit was Katherine's bum. The eight year olds' tiny bottom cheeks were getting redder and redder and little white and red lumps were appearing all over the surface. Lady Jane's own wee hole seemed to be on fire, but it was the most pleasurable burning sensation. She found she just couldn't stop wriggling in her seat. Katherine's bottom seemed to be covered with little lumps now. They were starting to form big raised areas on the most prominent bits of each cheek.
Katherine's mum stopped the birching and pulled her screaming daughter off her lap, setting her on her feet. Katherine's hands flew to her bottom and she danced about the kitchen screaming at the top of her voice. While Lady Jane watched enthralled, Katherine's mum leant down and put her mouth next to Lady Jane's ear so she could make herself heard over her daughter's howling.
"Jane, is that place between your legs still feeling funny?" she asked.
Lady Jane nodded her head. Katherine's mum cuddled up to her.
"The secret thing feels nicest when it's done on the bare skin. Is it alright if I take your bloomers off?" she asked.
"Yes please!" said Lady Jane. The throbbing between her legs felt so strong that Lady Jane thought she would have agreed to anything that Katherine's mum had proposed.
Carefully and respectfully Katherine's mum adjusted Lady Jane's skirts until they were around the child's waist and then slipped down the silk bloomers taking them off and carefully folding them.
"Jane, lift your feet up onto the chair and spread your legs wide apart." Katherine's mum smiled.
Lady Jane did as she was asked, aware of how completely she was exposing her most private parts. It felt so incredibly naughty. It seemed to make the tingly throbbing even more intense.
"KATHERINE!" shouted her mum, "Get over here! You're going to say sorry to Lady Jane and thank her properly for not telling on you."
Katherine turned to face her mum and Lady Jane. Her face was soaked with tears and snot. Her hands stayed welded to her bum. She stumbled towards them unable to see properly through her tears.
"Turn around and bend over, Katherine. Lady Jane wants to see your bottom." her mother instructed.
Katherine did as she was told. Lady Jane marvelled at the sight; it was so red and swollen and so heavily marked.
"Touch it! Go on, play with it!" Katherine's mum encouraged.
Lady Jane reached forward and stroked the cheeks. They felt so hot. She pulled one cheek to the side to look at Katherine's little bottom hole. And then, gaining confidence, she used both hands to spread the cheeks and take a really good look.
"Are you ready for Katherine to make you feel nice?" asked Katherine's mum.
"Yes please!" Lady Jane said enthusiastically.
"Katherine, kneel in front of Lady Jane and apologise to her properly!" her mother instructed.
Katherine turned around; her head bowed with humiliation she knelt down. Her head was level with Lady Jane's ten year old pussy. Before Lady Jane could work out what was happening, Katherine bent her head forward and glued her mouth to Lady Jane's exposed little pussy. Katherine's wriggly tongue found her clit and Lady Jane bucked as a massive jolt of pleasure sparked between her legs. Her eyes wide she panted as the little mouth and lips sucked and rubbed and the naughty tongue probed and flicked. The pleasure was so intense that Lady Jane began to push herself up into Katherine's face. Katherine backed away but her mum, seeing what was happening, grabbed the back of her head and pushed her forward so Lady Jane could grind up against her to her hearts content. The tingling aching feeling was just so intense, it seemed to get stronger and stronger, and then, from nowhere, her wee hole seemed to explode with pleasure. Her whole body was one knot of ecstatic agony; she could barely breathe. And then it was gone. She was left feeling calm and good.
"Did you enjoy that?" Katherine's mum asked.
"Oh, it was so nice!" exclaimed Lady Jane, "I've never felt that before!"
"Would you like to come back and visit us again?" Katherine's mum asked, "Katherine's often naughty and I'm always having to whip her. You could watch again. Then, if you like, Katherine could do the secret thing for you as well."
"Oh please! Yes! I'd love to come back!" Lady Jane bounced in her chair like she'd been offered the biggest cake in the shop.
"You know," said Katherine's mum, "this place is nice but it really could do with some work. Do you think you could have a word with your father? A nice fresh coat of paint would be lovely. You could come round and see us next Sunday afternoon then."
"Oh yes! I'm sure I can get Daddy to do that." Lady Jane said, the smile on her face slightly fading.
"That would be so lovely, Jane." said Katherine's mum, "You can call me Annette if you like."
Annette carefully re-dressed Lady Jane and showed her to the door.
"See you on Sunday, Annette." said Lady Jane, relishing the opportunity to call an adult by their first name.
"I'll have Katherine ready and waiting." promised Annette.
Lady Jane left the cottage. Her little body burned with desire. She's get her father to agree to paint the cottage but there'd be a price to pay.
Lady Jane knocked on the door to her father's study and opened it a crack. Her father beckoned her in. Lady Jane entered and then turned around and locked the door. A dirty smile appeared on her parent's face.
"Why are you locking the door, Jane?" he asked, "Do you want a private chat with me?"
He pushed his chair back and motioned for her to sit on his lap. Lady Jane went to her father with a big smile on her face. It was a false smile; she hated him and the nasty things he did to her. Normally she tried her best to keep out of his way. But when there was something she wanted, something she really wanted, she knew if she did the nasty things that he liked so much he'd do what she asked. Lady Jane jumped up into her Daddy's lap. She wriggled her bum purposefully.
"Gosh Daddy, I can feel it starting to get big already!" she exclaimed, "I didn't put my bloomers on this morning. Would you like to see?"
She watched her father's face go bright red. He was breathing heavily now and she could feel the big lump in his trousers pushing into her bum. He started to pull her skirts up. She didn't resist but let him take them up to her waist. She turned around on his lap until she was facing him. She saw him feasting his eyes on the naked parts between her legs.
"Daddy," she said, "I met a nice lady and her daughter today. They live in the little cottage at the end of haystacks meadow. It needs painting and making nice. Could you make it happen, Daddy? Could you do it this week?"
Her father moved his chair further back from the desk. Lady Jane knew what he was going to say. She felt sick inside. It was horrible, but she kept smiling. She wanted very badly to go back and watch Katherine having her bottom hurt again. Her Daddy was touching her bottom and pushing his fingers between her legs. It didn't feel nice like it had when she was in charge and it was Katherine being forced to humiliate herself.
"Of course I can do that, darling." Her father said, "But you know what Daddy wants in return, don't you?"
"Yes Daddy." she said softly.
She slipped off his lap and knelt on the floor in front of him. Then she carefully unbuttoned his trousers and pulled out his big hard willy. She hated the way it looked; all big, twitching and hard; the end of it slick and dribbling. She rubbed the loose skin up and down the length and kissed the top of it, pretending to like it. Then, when she could delay it no longer, she opened her mouth and put the end of it inside. She slipped her tongue all over the bulbous end that filled her mouth as she kept jerking the skin up and down. Her father let out a groan. She felt his hand on the back of her head. She tried to calm her stomach. This was the bit she hated most. The grip on the back of her head became firmer and he started to push his willy further into her mouth. She felt it hit the back of her throat. She fought valiantly to open her throat and let the big thick end in. It was going in now. She couldn't breath and her throat convulsed as she gagged on his cock. He pushed more down her; it felt like it was going right down into her stomach. She felt his horrible hairy willy hair pushing into her face. Oh God! He was all the way in now. She fought for breath. Then he pulled out and she was left retching and coughing in front of him. She looked up at him, tears streaming down her face.
"Please Daddy! Please can I have some more?" she begged, opening her mouth wide. Her delighted parent immediately repeated the exercise of choking her with his big adult cock.
Ten minutes later Lady Jane's throat was sore and her stomach muscles ached from the effort of not being sick. Her face and dress were covered with a nasty slimy goo that was a mix of her drool and her Daddy's pungent pre-cum. Daddy was almost there now. He was gasping and pushing his willy in and out of her mouth and the top of her throat. Then he started to make these high pitched moans and she felt his willy go super hard in her mouth and start to twitch. As his willy twitched great spurts of the gloopy salty stuff shot out into her mouth. She desperately tried to swallow it all. Daddy would be angry if she didn't.
She looked up at her smiling, satisfied parent. She hoped that Katherine's bottom would get whipped harder than ever to make up for her doing that disgusting thing for her father.
On Sunday afternoon Lady Jane could barely contain her excitement. The episode with her Daddy was a distant memory and she was looking forward to reaping her reward. For the last few days she'd thought of nothing else apart from the screams and pleas of Katherine, her red dancing little bottom and the incredible feeling of her mouth and tongue between her legs.
Soon after church Lady Jane set off for the cottage. As she approached it she saw Annette sitting outside in her seat. The cottage looked very smart with its new coat of paint. Annette held out her arms and embraced Lady Jane.
"Oh Jane," she simpered, "how lovely of you to come and visit us again. Look how lovely our house is now. I knew you would be such a good friend to us. I think a lovely little girl who has done such a good thing deserves a special reward! Katherine's been so naughty this week I'm going to be able to show you a very special punishment I give her sometimes. Would you like to see?"
"Is it on her bottom?" Lady Jane asked.
Annette laughed.
"Some of it is." she answered. "You'll see! Katherine! Katherine! Come out here now!"
Lady Jane heard some movement from the door and Katherine poked her nose out. Slowly she emerged. She was completely naked and sobbing quietly. Her eyes were red and her face was soaked. She looked like she'd been crying for a long time.
"You like to see Katherine without any clothes on, don't you?" Annette encouraged.
"Yes. She looks nice!" said Lady Jane.
The bit between Lady Jane's legs was really tingling now.
"Let's go inside." said Annette, You'll be able to have a better look in there."
Once again Lady Jane followed Katherine and her mum into the cottage's kitchen. A child's straight backed chair had been placed in the middle of the room. The chair Lady Jane had sat in was facing the seat of the straight backed chair. Annette motioned Lady Jane to sit in the comfortable chair with its cosy cushion.
"Katherine, you know what to do!" Annette instructed her daughter.
Katherine straddled the chair seat facing away from Lady Jane and, holding on tightly to the back of the chair, she arched her back and stuck her bum out. Lady Jane had never seen anything like it. Katherine's pussy and anus were completely exposed and the pussy was even gaping a little allowing her to see up it. The way the chair came between her legs meant that Katherine couldn't close her legs however hard she tried. Annette busied herself tying Katherine's hands to the back of the chair with a skipping rope.
"We don't want anything getting in the way of her punishment!" Annette remarked to Lady Jane.
Annette picked up a leather strap that was split down two thirds of its length.
"You see," she said to Lady Jane, "when Katherine has been especially naughty I have to punish more than just her bottom; I have to punish here." Annette stroked her finger down her daughter's bottom crack and across her anus. "And here." Annette traced her fingers up Katherine's inner thighs, "And, most importantly, here." Annette cupped Katherine's little pussy. "I think you're going to enjoy this!" she smiled at Lady Jane.
Annette stood back and lifted the strap up high. She brought it down at speed wrapping it around her daughter's bottom with the utmost vigour. Katherine squealed and bucked, but her legs remained stretched apart.
For the first five minutes Annette satisfied herself with strapping her daughter's little bum a dark shade of red, making big searing welts that ran vividly across both buttocks. When she was satisfied that she had wrung every last ounce of pain out of Katherine's bottom she turned the strap's attention to Katherine's more sensitive parts.
The strap flailed through the air and cracked right into the most private parts of Katherine's little body. Katherine screamed and she kept screaming as her strict mother strapped her little pussy and bottom hole. Lady Jane's heart was in her mouth. Her own little pussy throbbed and tingled with the most indescribable pleasure. The sight of Katherine's swollen purple/red buttocks and rudely displayed, deeply welted pussy and inner bum cheeks wildly thrashing about right in front of her made her desire the intimate insertion of Katherine's obedient little tongue as a matter of urgency.
Katherine's mother finally rested allowing her shrieking daughter to entertain Lady Jane's avid gaze with more bottom jiggling gymnastics. After waiting a short while Annette prolonged the show by untying her daughter's hands and letting her get up to prance about the room, hands grabbing bottom cheeks, hopping from one foot to another howling out her ravaged bottom despair.
Annette knelt down beside Lady Jane and, like the last time, she carefully and respectfully undressed the ten year old, baring her little pussy for its forthcoming pleasure. Jane put her feet up on the chair and spread her legs ready.
"Jane," Annette said, "I've told Katherine that she has to say a special thank you this time. I wonder if you could lie back and push your bottom forward a bit please."
Jane did as Katherine's mum asked.
"Katherine! Over here girl! Get on your knees and say thank you to Lady Jane!" Annette instructed.
Still hopping about and desperately rubbing her bottom, Katherine approached. She stumbled to her knees and looked up at Lady Jane.
"Waaaaaaaaaah! Please miss! Boo hoo! Thank you for being so good to us! Bwaaaaaaaah!" Katherine wailed.
Lady Jane looked down as Katherine's face moved towards her crotch. But then she noticed Katherine's face was going lower and she was amazed when Katherine put her face between her bottom cheeks. She felt the hot little tongue probing her anus. She gasped and writhed. Annette held her hand.
"Doesn't it feel nice?" she asked.
"Oooooo! It feels nice!" Lady Jane confirmed.
"When you need her to kiss you between your legs, just tell her." Annette said.
Lady Jane revelled in the feeling of the wriggly tongue going up and around in her bottom hole. It made the tingling and throbbing between her legs so powerful. After two or three minutes she couldn't stand it any more.
"Kiss between my legs!" she demanded.
Immediately Katherine's mouth was on her pussy slurping and sucking, that well trained tongue lashing at the most sensitive little places in her whole pussy. It seemed only a moment before Lady Jane was whooping with delight as the hugest orgasm overtook her.
As Lady Jane lay back, dazed by the experience, Katherine's mum leant forward.
"I'm so glad you enjoyed that, Jane. You know that Katherine and me are always here when you want to come and visit. We're your friends here. I can show you lots of ways I punish Katherine and she'll always make you feel so very nice afterwards. I'm sure you'll be our friend too, if we ever need anything. Why don't you visit every Sunday? You know I'll always have a special treat for you, don't you? Katherine is so very naughty and her bottom always needs so much spanking!"
For the next four years, until Lady Jane left for Ladies Collage when she was fourteen, she became a regular visitor to the little cottage. Occasionally Annette had a request and Lady Jane had to spend a horrible time in her father's study. But mostly she spent week after week enjoying witnessing the most severe punishments of a naughty little girl and the frantic ministrations of her lips and tongue to Lady Jane's own pussy and anus.
So the die was cast and Lady Jane's compulsion for the strict discipline of little girls was born. Now it had become her lifestyle and one that she enjoyed to the full.
CHAPTER 2 - A lovely day
By the time Lady Jane had walked from the rose bed to the French doors leading to the drawing room, her pussy was throbbing hard and her face was flushed. She took her gardening shoes off and padded into the room. It had only just past 9:00 a.m. but the servants would have been up for hours; with luck there would be a little servant girl waiting for her.
Lady Jane had used much of her father's fortune to establish a private children's home for girls. The title 'children's home' gave it an air of respectability and modernity that 'orphanage' could never have managed. But the home was run to Lady Jane's very own specifications. 'Active discipline' was the euphemism used to the outside world. Inside the walls of the home it meant severe bare bottom punishments for all of the unfortunate destitute little girls that were placed in its care. Lady Jane sought only to employ staff with a natural inclination to enjoy the intimate company of small girls. Like kids in a sweet shop they did so at every opportunity.
Lady Jane had the pick of the crop for her own private use. They were installed as 'maids' in her house. Stories circulated amongst these maids of what might happen if one of them didn't remain obedient and was sent back to the home; of the terrible things that would be done to them with everyone watching. However awful what might happen to them at Lady Jane's house it couldn't be worse than being sent back. As a result, apart from Cook, the Head Housekeeper, her older daughter's Tutor and her younger daughter's Nanny, all the house staff were girls under the age of fourteen.
Lady Jane padded into the hall, taking care to tread as softly as possible. If there was a girl waiting then she didn't want her to see her just yet. Girls guilty of even the most trifling faults were always stood in the hall to await the attentions of Lady Jane; always the same place, just to the right of the grandfather clock. The clock was one of Lady Jane's purchases. It had a glass front and face and housed a complete human skeleton; the skull sitting just behind the clock face. The man the skeleton had belonged to had been a murderer who had been hanged. If you looked hard enough you could see where the neck had been broken. The girls were terrified by it. They said that when the clock struck midnight it came to life and moved. Lady Jane had found that standing the girls by it to wait for their punishment scared the wits out of them and made them particularly compliant when she came to discipline them.
Lady Jane could hear the stifled snivelling of a little girl having a good cry but trying to be quiet about it. As she peeped around the corner her heart was filled with joy and her pussy tingled with delight; it was her newest little maid, Sukey Jenkins. Only eleven years old this was her fifth week at Lady Jane's house. She had beautiful long legs that tapered out into a large round bottom, the cheeks of which were big and fleshy. She had black shoulder length hair held back with a hair band and perfect milky white skin that contrasted with her black hair in the loveliest way. She was dressed in the maids' uniform of a little black pinafore dress and white blouse with her legs and feet bare. Little Sukey Jenkins felt the pain of a bottom whipping so keenly that she was a delight to punish.
Hung around Sukey's neck was a sign that had 'Slovenly Work' written on it. Sukey was crying miserably. She hadn't noticed Lady Jane's stealthy approach. Lady Jane crept up the final few yards.
"BOO!" Lady Jane shouted.
"Ahhhhhhhh!" shouted Sukey, jumping in the air.
Sukey started to cry properly now; big tearful sobs echoed around the hall as the terrifying figure of Lady Jane towered over her.
"Oh Sukey!" Lady Jane sighed, running her fingertip down Sukey's face tracing the line of her tears from her right eye, "Poor little Sukey! She's been a naughty girl! A naughty girl that does slovenly work! We can't have that here, Sukey! No, we can't! Why don't you come with me to my study and we'll see if we can't make you into a good little girl!"
Lady Jane was rewarded by the look of horror in Sukey's face. The girl actually began to shake with fear.
"Not the study, Miss! Please, Miss! I'm only new here! Don't take me to the study! I beg you! Please, Miss!" Sukey stammered.
Poor Sukey; she knew that if Lady Jane was busy with other matters then girls who were stood in the hall received a perfunctory, if severe, whipping with the strap or eighteen inch ruler. But a trip to the study meant that Lady Jane wished to spend quality time with the girl, hurting her bottom in the most prolonged and degrading way. Lady Jane beckoned Sukey and led her to the study. Sukey followed behind; her legs felt like jelly and she was crying so hard she could barely see. When they got to the study, Lady Jane took out a set of keys from a pocket in her skirt and unlocked the door. She ushered Sukey in and locked the door behind them.
In the study it was dim and dusty. Bright light filtered in from behind the closed window shutters partially illuminating the room. The study was sparsely furnished; there was a large desk pushed against one wall, a little armchair and a straight backed chair. The rest of the room was free space. There was one large wall mounted cabinet that Lady Jane went and opened. Inside was a collection of spanking implements; canes, brushes, straps and also some medical looking things.
"Oooo, Miss! Please, Miss! No, Miss!" wailed Sukey, putting her hands over her bottom protectively, "Not all of them, Miss! I'll never take it! Boo hoo hoo!"
Lady Jane smiled.
"Oh Sukey, you silly goose! I'm not going to use all of them on you at once! I'll only need one or two to hurt your bottom so much you won't be sitting for a long while. Did you see Annie James standing to eat for half of this week?" she added.
"Y-Yes M-Miss!" stammered Sukey.
"Did you see how her bottom looked?" Lady Jane continued.
"Boo hoo! Yes M-Miss!" Sukey wept.
Sukey remembered Annie's bottom well. The first night it had been a burning red swollen mess. The girls had taken it in turns to dab water on and fan it. Annie had cried and cried all night. A few nights later the black and blue bruising had come out and Annie still couldn't sit down.
Lady Jane pulled a big three foot senior cane out of the cupboard. It was shiny yellow rattan and Lady Jane bent it double to show how flexible it was.
"I did all that with just this!" she smiled.
Sukey gave a small involuntary bleat of despair. Now she knew her bottom was going to hurt badly.
"Do you think I should use this on you?" asked Lady Jane.
"Oh please Miss! No Miss! I beg you! No! I'll never be bad again! I'll always be good! I'll work so hard! I'll do all my tasks! I'll be your best maid! Don't hurt me like Annie! I couldn't take it! Honest Miss! Not like that! I beg you! From my very heart! Please Miss!" Sukey pleaded as though for her very life.
"Hmmmm!" said Lady Jane, pretending to give it serious consideration, "Well Annie is thirteen and you're only eleven, so maybe this is a little strict!"
Lady Jane put the senior cane back and withdrew a whippy two foot junior cane. She bent it double and whipped it through the air.
"Yes, this is much better! Much more suitable for a little bottom like yours! What do you say, Sukey? What do you say to me for having spared you?" Lady Jane taunted.
"Th-Th-Thank you, Miss!" blubbered Sukey, her eyes transfixed on the whippy cane that was only moments away from making painful acquaintance with her poor sensitive bum."
"Let's get these clothes off!" instructed Lady Jane, "Put you arms up!"
Sukey held her arms up straight above her head. Lady Jane pulled her pinafore dress off with one short jerk. Sukey was naked below her waist; undergarments were not allowed for maids here. Lady Jane made quick work of unbuttoning Sukey's blouse and roughly pulled it off her. In what had seemed just a moment she had been stripped naked. Sukey stood there dazed at the speed she had been stripped whilst Lady Jane stood back and admired Sukey's pretty body; such lovely legs and such a cute hairless little girl pussy. Lady Jane thought that her gentlemen friends would enjoy their encounters with this little one.
"Sukey!" said Lady Jane, flexing the cane, "I want you to stand with your feet apart and, keeping your legs completely straight, bend right over so you can touch the floor with your fingers."
Lady Jane stood behind Sukey and watched with delight as she completed the little bending trick that she'd first watched her perform at the home. Such a flexible little body, Lady Jane gloated. The position showed off Sukey's long legs and her large, soft, snowy white buttocks to perfection. With the girl's legs parted, Lady Jane could see her upside down face looking up at her from between her knees and, framed between her legs, her pretty pink pussy and partially open bottom cheeks, the pretty anus just visible.
Lady Jane gave a sigh of pleasure. It was such a perfect little bum. She reached forward and prised the buttocks open with her thumbs. The stretched red skin formed a little star around the anus itself. Lady Jane popped a finger into her mouth, wetting it with saliva, and then returned it to the bottom. She carefully inserted it into the anus. Sukey grunted with discomfort as Lady Jane moved her finger about. The tiny hot hole gripped her finger tightly. She loved this little bottom and her pussy tingled with joy. Lady Jane went back to the cupboard. She hadn't planned to do this but that little hole was so cute she wanted to play with it some more.
Lady Jane took out a glass rod eight inches long, half an inch thick and rounded at both ends. Then she took a jar of petroleum jelly and smeared the lubricant over the bottom three inches of the rod. She returned to Sukey who was still bending over. Lady Jane parted the young bottom with her left hand and began to firmly insert the rod into Sukey's tight anus. Sukey made a panicky whining sound and wriggled her bum.
"Stay still girl!" Lady Jane rebuked her, "This is for your own good!"
Lady Jane amused herself probing and stretching the little hole, moving the glass rod this way and that to make Sukey's anus display itself to her in a variety of exciting ways. The pretty show made Lady Jane even more eager to deliver the most exemplary whipping to little Sukey's bottom. Eventually she removed the rod and set it to one side. Then she picked up the cane. She was going to make this caning tight. Poor little Sukey would really have something to cry for then.
Lady Jane stepped back to a distance that allowed her a full swing with the cane. She levelled the cane up to the pretty target and then raised it back up high. Then she delivered a full bloodied stroke, following right through so that the cane bit right into the proffered cheeks. The impact seemed to momentarily lift Sukey off her feet. The scream, when it came, was deafening; a scream of shock and absolute agony. Sukey's cute little bum had received its first introduction to the cane.
Lady Jane watched as Sukey stumbled forward, put her hands up to her bottom and then involuntarily straightened up jumping about from one foot to the other.
"Sukey! You disgraceful child! That was only your first stroke! How dare you get out of position! I shall return you to the home immediately!" Lady Jane threatened.
Sukey fell to her knees in front of Lady Jane.
"Boo hoo! Oh Miss, no! No Miss! Please! Anything but that! I'll take my caning! Boo hoo! I'll stay bending while you do it! Just one more chance! One more! I beg you! Please Miss! Boo hoo! Please!" pleaded Sukey.
Lady Jane seemed to consider the pleas carefully. Inside her blood boiled with the desire to give this little girl the strictest bare bottom discipline imaginable.
"Very well then, Sukey. I shall give you one more chance. I am going to cane you for a long time and you will stay bent over until I am finished. And don't you dare put your hands in the way! Your little bottom has to be properly ready and stuck out for the cane." she smiled.
"Boo hoo! Oh yes, Miss! Thank you, Miss! I'll be good now! I'll stay bent over! I won't put my hands in the way! Boo hoo! I'll keep my bottom stuck out!" Sukey sobbed appealingly.
"Get back in position then!" demanded Lady Jane, "And Sukey, I suggest that you grip your ankles tightly this time. That will help you stay bent over!"
Sukey bent back over and, if it were possible, her little bum seemed to bulge out even more as she pushed it up to demonstrate her absolute obedience. Lady Jane stepped back; this was going to be good.
Lady Jane began to vigorously cane the beautiful soft cheeks.
Sukey's little bottom danced. The girl had a vice like grip on her ankles and she stumbled about the floor but her bum remained raised and offered to the cane. She had no control over its movements though. Her bottom was an enchanting sight as it contorted in wild gyrations to escape the biting cane. But Lady Jane's cane always found its mark and every time it made hard stinging contact it bit deep into the bottom flesh. The lily white cheeks were now dark red and covered with thick swollen purpling lines that stood proud of the red skin surrounding them.
Sukey's howls and pleas began to merge into one wailing screeching symphony that assaulted Lady Jane's ears and made her pussy beg for attention.
Lady Jane put the cane to one side. She grabbed Sukey's arm and pulled her upright. The girl's bright red face was a mess of tears, snot and drool.
"You can rub now!" Lady Jane loudly over the noise Sukey was making.
Lady Jane stood back and watched the stricken girl performing acrobatics in front of her. With her hands holding big chunks of each bottom cheek, Sukey jumped about weaving her bum from side to side. She crouched down sticking her bum out and waving it in the air, she stood on tiptoes with her body stock straight prancing like a demented ballet dancer. All the time her hands were working on her scalded cheeks, rubbing, pulling and kneading, desperately trying to relieve the awful pain in her pretty little bum. Her mewling wails and heartfelt choking sobs made the fire in Lady Jane's pussy burn fiercer than ever.
Lady Jane unbuttoned her skirt at the side and drew it down her legs. She sat herself on the edge of the desk, put her feet up on either side of where she sat and spread her legs wide open.
"Sukey, come and say sorry to me!" she commanded.
Sukey had been well trained in the home and dragged herself over to where Lady Jane sat; her big open soaking pussy surrounded by a huge bush of whitening pubic hair. Sukey smelt the strong odour of Lady Jane's pussy as she bent over to service it.
Lady Jane's firm hand on her shoulder stopped her.
"Oh no, my dear! You've been far more naughty than that!" she heard Lady Jane say.
Sukey found herself being pushed down lower. With horror she realised that Lady Jane's buttocks were parted and her big hairy bottom hole was exposed and ready.
"Lick it clean!" said Lady Jane.
Fresh tears of despair, disgust and humiliation poured down Sukey's face. She bent forward towards the hole and began to feverishly lick and suck at the anus and dark crinkled skin surrounding it.
"Deeper!" moaned Lady Jane.
Sukey stuck her tongue into the hole, her lips in full contact with Lady Jane's anus. She probed deep onto the orifice, the bitter taste strong in her mouth. Anything was better than being sent back to the home.
Lady Jane leaned back in delight. Oh little Sukey was going to be one of her favourites; she knew that even now. Poor Sukey; for her that meant years of long intimate sessions with Lady Jane where her bottom would be reduced to a wobbly red welted mess day after day.
Lady Jane grabbed Sukey by the hair and dragged her face up to her pussy. She plunged the child's mouth and face deep into the wet folds. Then she wrapped her legs around the girl forcing her face deep in. Lady Jane began to ride Sukey's face, rubbing herself off against it. The child struggled and gasped as she fought to breath. Lady Jane was so close now she could feel her mouth go dry and her stomach tense. Then, just at the moment before her climax, Lady Jane felt something deep in her pussy that only happened on rare occasions, and she wasn't going to stop it; she was going to gush. As the full force of the orgasm hit her Lady Jane arched her back and a massive flood erupted over Sukey. The horrified child tried to escape but Lady Jane's legs held her prisoner. The orgasm was the most intense Lady Jane had had for months and her body twisted and writhed in the most extreme pleasure.
As the orgasm subsided, Lady Jane released the soaking girl who fell to the floor crying and gasping. Lady Jane looked at the blubbering little wretch on the floor at her feet. She got off the desk and stood up.
"Go and clean yourself up and then come back here and clean up this mess!" she instructed.
Lady Jane quickly pulled on her bloomers and put her skirt back on as Sukey tried to get off the floor. She went to the door and unlocked it. Just as she was leaving, she turned back to Sukey.
"Oh, and Sukey, one more thing." she gloated, "You can come and wake me tomorrow morning; 7:00 a.m. sharp. And be a dear will you and bring the housekeeper's big wooden hairbrush along. A hairbrush on your bruised bottom is something you'll find hurts quite unlike anything else!"
Lady Jane closed the door on the wailing child and went back to the drawing room. She rang for coffee and spent a most comfortable hour reading. As she looked up at the clock she saw it was coming up to eleven o' clock and her pussy tingled; yes, it was time to go and have a look at how her darling daughters were getting on.
Lady Jane went upstairs and walked along the long corridor to the nursery wing which housed the schoolrooms and nursery. She was so lucky to have two such pretty daughters; blond haired Alice who was twelve years old and little brunette Georgina who was nine. Lady Jane had employed a private tutor for Alice last year after a suitable gentleman had become available after complaints over the state of his little charges' bottoms and other somewhat more unsavoury stories. Lady Jane had hoped the stories were true.
Lady Jane reached a door. Like many of the doors in Lady Jane's house it was locked. Lady Jane unlocked the door and went in. The room was completely bare apart from a sturdy wooden wardrobe standing against the wall. Lady Jane took her shoes off and opened the wardrobe door. The wardrobe was like a small corridor extending through the wall into the next room. On the opposite side was a door with a large metal grille. The floor was padded and there was a chair next to the grille. In the schoolroom next door no one could tell that the purpose of the locked cupboard there was to house someone sitting behind the ornate metal grille looking into the room.
Lady Jane made her way silently to the chair. As she did this she could hear a sound coming from the schoolroom.
Then again.
As Lady Jane reached the grille her pussy tingled and she beamed with delight at the scene that met her. Her daughter knelt on the floor. Her navy blue tunic had been pinned up at the front and back and she was naked underneath. From the top of her bottom to just above the backs of her knees she was covered with thick red cane marks. They were fresh and still swelling up. Alice's face was every inch the picture of a caned little girl; bright red, with tears that just wouldn't stop flowing and a nose that dribbled. Her tutor stood in front of her, a three foot long senior cane in his hand. In her hand Alice held her tutor's engorged penis. Her mouth was open and her head went forward. The big cock entered her throat.
Alice gagged on the cock as it pushed down, her eyes wide because she couldn't breathe. She pulled back sucking and licking on the cock as she went.
As her mouth reached the big helmet at the end she tightened her lips and did an extra big suck as she pulled off.
Then she opened her mouth and bending forward sunk the cock back into her throat.
"Gurrrrrrrrrk-Slurrrrrrrrrp-Pop! Gurrrrrrrrrk-Slurrrrrrrrrp-Pop! Gurrrrrrrrrk-Slurrrrrrrrrp-Pop! Gurrrrrrrrrk-Slurrrrrrrrrp-Pop!" the noises came as Alice's mouth and throat repeatedly pleasured her tutor's cock.
Lady Jane watched fascinated; any normal man would have squirted long before now, but Alice's tutor was made of sterner stuff.
"Alice, you are not taking it deep enough!" he complained, "I can see you are still disobedient. Bend over. That bottom of yours needs more cane."
Alice's face crumbled, she'd pushed it down so far. She'd tried so hard. Her bottom hurt so much.
"Please sir! No more cane, sir!" she begged, "I'm really trying to take it deep! I'll be sick if I take it any deeper! Honest! Don't cane me any more! Please! I beg you! Let me kiss your bottom hole! I'll my tongue all up! Right up! Just how you like it! Please sir! Please!"
"Ah, you'd like to lick my bottom hole, would you?" he wondered aloud, "Well, after you've had some more cane you may do that. You may stay kneeling down there. Bend over and put your face on the floor, keep that bottom stuck up!"
Alice sobbed pitifully as she complied with her tutor's demands. Her head touched the floor and her bottom rose and pushed itself out. Her tutor stayed where he was and raised the cane. Lady Jane could see that he was going to reach over and cane vertically down her bottom. It was really going to sting when it crossed all the other stripes.
Her tutor stopped and put down the cane. He unfastened his trousers and they dropped to the ground. Quickly his underpants followed. He turned his back to Alice and bent over slightly, crouching as he did so. Alice knew what was required and in her desperation to please her strict tutor she pulled his buttocks apart and buried her face between them. Then the room was filled with the loud sloppy sounds of an anus being comprehensively tongued and licked mixed with Alice's sobs and snivelling. Alice let one buttock go and reached around to grasp her tutors cock. She began to rub it vigorously, pulling the loose skin up and down the shaft. Her tutor groaned with pleasure. Lady Jane could see that making her daughter do this to him was one of his favourite activities.
He pulled away from Alice and turned around. His cock was fearsomely hard.
"Take it all the way down, Alice!" he instructed.
Fearing a repeat dose of the cane for not taking his penis deep enough again, Alice complied. She took the cock firmly in her hand, opened her mouth wide and with grim determination forced it down her own throat.
The drool ran out of Alice's mouth, snot flowed from her nose and the tears flooded from her eyes. She pulled off her tutor fighting to breathe.
Alice fought to keep control. Her tutor waited calmly until she looked up at him.
"And again, Alice!" he commanded.
Alice's bottom lip trembled and she opened her mouth ready to begin being punished again.
Lady Jane's hand was busy under her skirt as she watched the tutor strictly training Alice to please him. Where a lesser man might have taken pity and stopped, her strict tutor was having none of it. He insisted that Alice repeatedly take his whole length down her throat and he delighted in her desperate reactions. Eventually, when he was fully embedded, he held her ears and the poor girl turned almost purple as his cock revelled in her tight convulsing throat. Roaring with delight her tutor spurted squirt after squirt directly into her stomach.
Alice's tutor pulled out of her throat leaving the girl to collapse in a sobbing gasping heap on the floor. He crossed the room to where there was a wash-bowl and jug of water and proceeded to clean and dress himself. He went to his desk and collected a paper. He went over to a child's school desk and put the paper on it.
"Alice, get up and stop feeling sorry for yourself! I have put a maths paper on your desk. You have half an hour to answer all the questions. Anything less than eighty percent and I shall punish you severely tonight!" the strict tutor instructed.
Wailing in panic Alice struggled to her feet and stumbled over to her desk. She sat down and squealed with pain as her bottom came into contact with the seat. Sobbing and trying to wipe the tears from her eyes so she could see the questions, Alice began her maths test.
Lady Jane's pussy ached for relief, but she wanted a little girl's tongue to do that for her. She knew just where she could find what she was looking for. She left the back of her cupboard hiding place, put on her shoes and left the room, locking it behind her. Then she went directly to the nursery. She unlocked the door and entered.
What a delightful scene met her eyes! Nanny was just in the process of pulling down nine year old Georgina's drawers. The little girl's dress had already been taken off and was neatly folded on a nearby table. Nanny was sitting on a straight backed chair and resting on her lap was a big solid wooden hairbrush. It seemed that the naughty little girl was due for a very severe spanking. Nanny looked up.
"Oh look Georgie!" Nanny smiled, "Now Mummy's here I'm going to have to spank you very hard indeed!"
"Good morning, Katherine," Lady Jane smiled back.
Nanny Katherine rose to her feet and the two women embraced. Lady Jane and Katherine kissed lasciviously, their tongues sliding together.
"She looks just like you used to!" smouldered Lady Jane.
"I'm going to spank her even harder than I got!" Nanny glowed.
"Are you going to bruise and blister?" wondered Lady Jane.
"She'll be sleeping on her tummy this week!" Nanny confirmed.
"I need it so bad!" Lady Jane groaned passionately.
"She'll take care of both of us afterwards." Nanny agreed.
Georgie cried miserably; when Mummy and Nanny got each other excited like that they just went mad with hurting her bottom. Nothing seemed enough to satisfy their desire to administer the most severe discipline to her. And afterwards they egged each other on to be more and more demanding of her.
Nanny sat back down in her chair holding the hairbrush.
"Over we go!" she grinned at Georgie.
Wailing with despair, Georgie laid herself over Nanny's lap. She felt her hands being pulled behind her and held firmly out of the way by Nanny. Oh God! Any moment now! Any moment it was going to start!
It had been a real Nanny special; full force with a big heavy hard hairbrush, right across the chubbiest parts of little Georgie's cute sit-upon.
Lady Jane's pussy felt like it was bursting; watching Alice being tutored and now little Georgie's hot nursery punishment was bliss. Georgie's madly bucking little bottom was turning redder by the second. Nanny Katherine wasn't messing around. This spanking was to teach a firm lesson and its purpose was to hurt. Lady Jane reflected that Katherine was a credit to her mother's patient and vigorous lessons in the art of spanking that Lady Jane had witnessed all those years ago. Katherine had clearly learned those lessons well and now she knew just how to make a little bottom hurt most painfully. The hairbrush kept spanking down onto the upturned cheeks with pistol sharp cracks.
Lady Jane watched her daughter's dark red bottom bouncing about. Good old Nanny! A few more like that and the blistering would start. Then Georgie would learn a real lesson.
Lady Jane watched the first blister form, and then another. Nanny Katherine carried on her stern lesson with the hairbrush. How a spanking on blisters must sting! Georgie seemed to agree. Her howling shrieks told Mummy and Nanny that the hairbrush was really getting through to her, and that soon she would be a most compliant little girl, ready to satisfy their most demanding needs. As the bottom blistered, Nanny Katherine swapped her target area to the white backs of Georgie's thighs.
The hairbrush carried on doing its stern work down the backs of Georgie's thighs. Georgie's voice was starting to break now and her hoarse dry howls worked their magic with the women's pussies. Panting with the effort, Nanny stopped spanking and released the little girl off her lap. Hardly knowing what to do or where she was, Georgie seemed lost in her world of bottom pain. Flailing her arms and legs she fell off Nanny's lap onto the floor where she writhed about. Her hands found her wounded bottom cheeks and attached themselves as the tears and snot flowed down her face.
Lady Jane and Nanny Katherine began stripping off their clothes with indecent haste until they were both quite naked.
"You take her first, Kathy!" said Lady Jane, her voice deep with passion, "I want to watch her do it to you!"
"My pleasure, Janey!" smiled Nanny, "Will you be a dear and bring her to me?"
No one else would have got away with talking to Lady Jane like that but the two of them had been lovers for so long that they continually forgot protocol. Nanny sat her big bottom down in an armchair and put her feet up on the arms. She slid forward so her bottom projected out. Lady Jane dragged her daughter to her feet and marched her over to where naked Nanny was so explicitly positioned.
"Show Nanny how sorry you are!" Lady Jane instructed her daughter.
Desperate to please her mother and Nanny, Georgie stumbled to her knees and stuck her face between Nanny's big ass cheeks. The squelchy sucking and tonguing noises began as Georgie worshipped her Nanny's big hairy ass hole. Nanny groaned and writhed with delight. She held out her arms for Lady Jane and the two of them kissed long and deep as the penitent ass eating carried on. Nanny drew back from the embrace.
"Oh Georgie, your tongue's so sweet when you've had a good spanking! Put it in my wee hole now!" she told the compliant girl.
Georgie's head moved up and her mouth buried itself in the large folds of Nanny's pussy. Hours of long painful training had taught her how Nanny's and Mummy's wee holes liked to be pleased best and her little mouth and tongue kissed, flicked and probed just as Nanny liked it. Before too long Nanny was making those braying sounds she always made when she was going to go 'pop inside'. Nanny's legs kicked out and her wee hole ground into Georgie's face as the woman moaned and shivered. After falling back into the chair and lying with a dreamy expression on her face Nanny started to get up.
"Your turn, darling!" she said to Lady Jane.
Lady Jane wasted no time getting into the chair and adopting the same position as Nanny. Dutifully Georgie applied the same enthusiastic fervour to pleasuring her mother's bottom hole and wee hole as she had done to Nanny's. Mummy was soon gasping and wriggling like a fish on a hook as Georgie ate out the great soaking spread hole in front of her. Georgie held Mummy's pussy apart so she could get her mouth and tongue even deeper in. Her Mummy loved it when she did that! Mummy's shaking and grunting told Georgie that Mummy was going to go 'pop inside'. Then the muscles in Mummy's bottom and wee hole started to rhythmically contract and relax as her Mummy made those strange high pitched squeaks. The muscle contractions and squeaking seemed to go on forever. Mummy always carried on going 'pop inside' for ages.
Soon after, Lady Jane took her leave of the nursery. What a lovely day this was proving to be. She went to the dining room where she was quickly served with a delicious light lunch. Then she withdrew to the drawing room where, lying on a comfortable chaise longue, she had a delightful little sleep, her dreams filled with the bottoms of little girls under her care past and present, all subject to the strictest discipline.
Lady Jane awoke just before 2:00 p.m.. She looked at the clock and felt her stomach stiffen and her pussy moisten. She had a very special job to do, one she had been looking forward to. One of her older maids, thirteen year old Sybil Johnson, had been caught with a garden boy. His hand had been up her skirt and she had had his short fat dick in her mouth. Sybil was offered the choice of dismissal and inevitable destitution or a long private chat with Lady Jane. Sybil knew what the consequences of the chat with Lady Jane would be; it had not been an easy decision for the child.
Lady Jane went upstairs to her private quarters. Sybil was waiting outside the door. She was a pretty thing, her strawberry blond hair in a tidy bob and her cute face with its little snub nose. You could see from the front of her pinafore that her breasts were budding; tiny little mounds that pushed the pinafore out in an enticing way. Sybil's eyes were red from crying and her face still damp from where she had wiped the tears away.
"Hello Sybil!" smiled Lady Jane, "Are you ready for our chat?"
"Yes Miss!" the girl replied fearfully.
"It's going to be quite a hard chat!" Lady Jane taunted.
"Please Miss, I'm so sorry!" sniffed Sybil.
"No! Not yet you aren't! But you soon will be! Very sorry indeed!" gloated Lady Jane as she opened the door for Sybil to follow her in.
Inside was a suite of rooms; Lady Jane's bedroom, dressing room, bathroom and private sitting room. The door they had entered led straight into the sitting room. Lady Jane led Sybil through to her dressing room and then on to her bedroom.
"Take your clothes off, dear!" said Lady Jane.
Crying openly now Sybil began to strip. Suddenly she noticed with surprise that Lady Jane was undressing too. She'd had many punishments at the hands of Lady Jane and only the skirt and bloomers had ever come off afterwards to allow for a fulsome oral apology. Lady Jane noticed her surprise.
"This is going to be a very private chat, my dear!" she said, "One that you'll remember for a long time to come!"
Sybil's tears came faster now; she wished she hadn't even looked at Lady Jane undressing. When Lady Jane and the young girl were both naked, Lady Jane stood there grinning like a toddler with a big toffee. Sybil made desperate high pitched whining noises as her tears trickled down.
"Oh dear!" said Lady Jane, reaching out and stroking Sybil's face, "Poor Sybil! One moment it was all so nice; that boy's hand between your legs doing I-don't-know-what to you and you putting his willy in your mouth. The next moment Cook comes into the pantry and finds you. What a shame! Tell me again why I shouldn't throw you out?"
Sybil looked up at Lady Jane, her tears coursing down.
"Boo hoo! Don't throw me out! Please Miss! Give me the whipping I deserve! I'll take anything you decide! Boo hoo! You can whip me as hard as you like with anything you like. Boo hoo! Boo hoo! When you've finished I'll do whatever you want! Please Miss! Don't throw me out!" she begged.
Lady Jane put her head on one side, admiring the girl's body. The little breasts had started to sprout; tiny cones each topped with a prominent nipple. And between her legs dark shading under the skin that would soon grow into hair. But more divine than anything was the girl's pussy; dark and bloated, the hormones had made the lips swell out into the perfect little pubescent pouting pussy. The pink parts of the inner lips were just visible as they began to push out. Lady Jane knew that at that stage of growth those lips would be more sensitive than at any other time in the girl's life. She smiled to herself; Sybil was never going to forget this little chat.
Lady Jane went to her wardrobe and opened the door. She heard Sybil gasp with horror as the door opened revealing a large collection of spanking implements hung on the back of the door. Lady Jane selected a three foot, whippy, yellow rattan cane; the senior cane was ideal for girls aged twelve to sixteen and would be a very memorable experience for the slim thirteen year old. Then she unhooked a stiff, very thin leather strap that was only half an inch wide and very thick. Lady Jane knew that Sybil had never seen a groove strap before, but she would be making its acquaintance very soon.
"Do you know the 'frog' position, Sybil?" asked Lady Jane.
"Yes Miss!" Sybil snivelled; all the girls knew that one, legs and bottom cheeks wide open so that everybody could see everything.
"Up on the end of the bed then! Make sure you really stick that bottom out nicely for me!" Lady Jane told her.
Sybil walked slowly around to the end of the bed and then climbed up on her hands and knees. When she was a foot or so way from the end of the bed she bent down supporting her upper body on her elbows and resting her head on the bed cover. Then she shuffled her knees up and out until they rested on the outside of her elbows. Through her tear filled eyes she looked back between her obscenely spread legs into the beaming face of Lady Jane.
"Why, how pretty you look, Sybil!" smiled Lady Jane, "Your little bottom hole is all on show!"
Sybil squeaked as she felt Lady Jane's rude fingers between her spread buttocks touching her anus and then a thick finger being forcefully inserted. The finger withdrew and the hand slipped lower down and stroked that most private place of her wee hole.
"Oh Sybil! You've been so naughty! Is this where the garden boy touched? Did you like it? Oh dear! That simply won't do, will it? You see this little strap?" Lady Jane said, holding up the groove strap so that Sybil could look back between her legs and see it.
"This is made especially for those hard to reach places." said Lady Jane and meaningfully stroked her fingers down the whole length of Sybil's crack; from her coccyx, into the deep division between her bum cheeks, past her anus and down between her legs onto her pussy.
"After I've caned your bottom my little strap will take care of all these naughty bits that you saw appropriate to let that boy touch. I don't think you'll want anything touching them after I've finished!" she gloated.
Sybil's terrified mewls as Lady Jane described the fate of her bottom crack and pussy made Lady Jane's pussy throb angrily. It was time to start caning that wonderfully displayed little bum.
Lady Jane put the strap down and picked up the cane, stood back and measured out her stroke. She placed the cane across Sybil's bottom and sawed it back and forth making the child squirm and show herself off even more.
"Boo hoo! Please Miss!" Sybil begged, "Please don't give me the strap like that! I promise it'll never happen again! I didn't want to! Boo hoo! He made me! I'll never touch one again! Oh God! Cane me all you want! I've been bad! Boo hoo! I deserve it! Just don't strap me up there! Boo hoo! Boo hoo! I'll be good! I'll be good forever! Don't do it! Pleeeeeeeeeeeeease!"
"Have you quite finished, dear?" asked Lady Jane coldly.
She was met by the terrified choking sobs of the child, so tightly bent and explicitly exposed.
"Stick that bottom out, Sybil!" she commanded.
Her pussy sparkled as she saw Sybil push her tummy down and arch her back making her buttocks rise and spread even more. She drew the cane far back for the first whippy stroke.
Lady Jane admired the wildly wriggling bottom, the little holes winking open as the bottom danced about.
Lady Jane's pussy throbbed happily; this was a very strict caning. Sybil's little bottom was nicely marked with thin red lines that became ever more vivid and swollen. Lady Jane made no effort to space the lines, happy to whip the naughty bottom at whatever angle it had wriggled into. As a consequence the cane marks all crossed each other forming blisters where they met. Sybil fully expressed her bottom agony with the kind of waving wiggling bottom contortions that would have done an experienced erotic dancer proud. Her howling squeals, as the cane bit into her tender cheeks, filled the room. Soon there was no other sound bar the child's screaming and the sound of the cane repeatedly whipping through the air and meeting soft bottom flesh with a solid meaty thwack. Lady Jane alternated her gaze from the red swollen bottom to the girl's pretty little face which was bright red and covered with tears and snot, her little mouth wide open and screaming. Lady Jane carried on whipping the cane across the angry red bottom cheeks; she wasn't finished yet.
Lady Jane stood back and admired her work. The little bottom blazed burnt red. It was swollen and welted from its severe caning and Sybil's hands clutched at the bed cover as she fought to stop herself putting them over her bottom.
"You may rub!" smiled Lady Jane.
She stood behind Sybil and enjoyed the girl's crazed grabbing, squeezing and pulling of her bare buttocks. What a fine show she put on! Lady Jane swapped the cane for the groove strap. She climbed up onto the bed herself and knelt in front of Sybil's head.
"Back in position!" she instructed.
Sybil wailed miserably and reluctantly removed her hands from soothing her bottom, putting her weight back on her elbows with her forearms in front of her. Carefully Lady Jane edged her knees forward until she trapped Sybil's forearms under them. Then she laid the groove strap over Sybil's bottom so its length trailed into her bottom crack. The message was clear and Sybil began to howl in terror. Lady Jane lifted the groove strap up high and brought it down right between Sybil's shaking bottom cheeks.
Lady Jane gave Sybil a final five very hard ones.
Sybil lost control, her body shaking and writhing. Lady Jane moved away from her freeing her hands which flew to her bottom crack and between her legs pushing in, rubbing and pressing at her welted anus and pussy. Lady Jane peered down for a closer look. She could see how virtually all the smacks from the stern little strap had landed in the thin line from the anus down to the pussy; both of which were heavily welted. The sight made Lady Jane's pussy demand immediate attention.
"Turn over and lie on your back!" she demanded.
Howling with bottom pain Sybil complied, her hands still welded to her bottom cheeks underneath her.
Lady Jane crawled over her putting her knees either side of Sybil's head. Then she sat down on the little girl's face. Lady Jane happily rubbed her engorged soaking pussy against the pretty face whilst Sybil desperately thrashed about unable to breathe. Lady Jane lifted her bottom up and Sybil took huge gasps of air.
"Are you ready yet?" asked Lady Jane.
"Please Miss! Don't..." Sybil didn't finish her sentence as Lady Jane sat back down and recommenced her orgy of pussy rubbing on the girl's face.
Sybil made strange muffled screaming sounds as her body shivered and writhed. Lady Jane lifted her bottom up again.
"Are you ready to say sorry to me properly, Sybil?" Lady Jane asked.
"Yes Miss! Yes! I'll do anything! Don't sit on me again! Please! Anything!" begged the child.
Lady Jane moved herself until she was sitting with her back against the headboard, her legs up and wide apart.
"Come here, Sybil!" she beckoned, "Come and say sorry for putting me to the trouble of punishing you!"
Terrified of the consequences of not pleasing Lady Jane, Sybil rushed to get her face between Lady Jane's thighs. Then, using her hands to part the big hairy smelly pussy, she pushed her face right into its depths and began to eat her out. Her little lips, mouth and tongue worked harder than ever to please her strict employer and Lady Jane began to tremble. Lady Jane could feel the orgasm building deep within her. Oh yes, this was going to be a good one! And then it came - in every inch of her body! Groaning lustily, Lady Jane humped herself against the busy mouth and tongue. Oh what bliss! It seemed to go on forever! Until eventually it subsided. Lady Jane rolled over satisfied.
"Collect your things, you may go now Sybil." she instructed, "I don't think you'll be touching another boy for a long time now, will you?"
"Boo hoo! Boo hoo! No Miss! I'll never touch another boy again! I promise!" Sybil said as she collected her clothes and, still naked, slowly waddled out of the room, unable to close her legs after her dose of the groove strap.
Lady Jane admired the view of the departing Sybil; her bottom massively swollen, the welts covering the cheeks and extending deep into the bottom crack and all over the pouting rear of Sybil's pubescent pussy.
CHAPTER 3 - A most enjoyable evening
Lady Jane fell into a deep sleep and woke at 5:00 p.m.. She washed and put on some relaxed evening clothes and then went to the dining room at 6:00 p.m. where she rang for her supper. She was served by three of her little maids. Their dresses had been pinned up at the back so their little bare bottoms were on display. Lady Jane amused herself by fondling them as the girls attempted to serve her with food and wine. The creeping, tickling, probing fingers had their desired effect and one by one the little girls dropped a pea, spilled a drop of wine or splashed the gravy.
Laughing with delight, Lady Jane pulled back her chair from the table and taking one child after another over her knees spanked their little bottoms red raw. How the three little girls squealed and danced around, their hands rubbing at their bare bottoms. Lady Jane's pussy tingled urgently; it was time for her to start her evening rounds. She checked the clock; it was 7:00 p.m., time to go and watch her daughters.
Lady Jane went upstairs and headed towards the nursery wing. Just before she got there she took a turning into a small dark corridor that cut off from the main walkway. At first the corridor appeared blind with no doors leading off it, but as she reached the end set into the side of the corridor was a doorway. Lady Jane unlocked the door, entered and locked it behind her. In front of her was another thin corridor, dark, dusty and uncared for but with a thick carpet on the floor to deaden any footsteps. At strategic intervals along the corridor chairs had been positioned. On one side of the dark corridor were what appeared to be large windows every ten feet or so. Most were dark but further down the corridor she could see light blazing out of one and then from another towards the corridor end. Lady Jane smiled to herself as the unmistakeable sound of her daughters' pitiful crying and whining pleas came to her ears. She hurried to the first window.
Lady Jane reached the window, sat down on the chair positioned by it and looked through. There was no reaction to her presence from the people in the room. To them it just looked like a large mirror. Lady Jane raised her leg and gave her pussy a rub; her eldest daughter, twelve year old Alice, was being subjected to the most exquisite discipline at the hands of her strict tutor.
The room Lady Jane was looking into was the tutor's private study; a comfortable room, brightly lit, a fire burning in the grate, books lined the walls and there was a large desk. Sitting down in a chair was the tutor. His flies were open and his big erect cock was out. Alice was dressed in her pyjamas. Her little trousers had been pulled down to her ankles and her bottom and the backs of her thighs had been strapped to a deep cherry red. She had her back to the tutor and was sitting down, her bottom almost resting in the tutor's lap. Lady Jane could see in perfect detail how the tutor's hard cock was deeply embedded in her young daughter's anus. A think long leather strap lay over the arm of the tutor's chair. It seemed that Alice had been obliged to pull down her pyjama trousers and get over her tutor's lap, his penis probably already out, for a long hard bare bottom strapping. The reason was evident. Alice's maths test paper lay nearby on the floor; written in red on it were the words '40%. Not good enough! See me at bedtime!'
The tutor had a firm hold on little Alice's hips and guided her to sit fully on his cock until the whole thing disappeared into the girl's tiny fundament; then to stand again so his cock was drawn out. As delightful as this intimate bedtime discipline was for the tutor it was degrading and painful for little Alice who cried and pleaded constantly as she moved her anus up and down the big thick intruder.
"Yooowwweeeee! Please sir! My bum! I've had the strap and cane today! It's so sore! Boo hoo! Your willy's too big! It hurts too much! Owwweeee! Oucheeee! Please finish and take it out! I want to go to bed! I want my teddy! Boo hoo! Don't punish me this way any more, sir! It hurts so much! Yeeoucheeee! Boo hoo!" Alice blubbered.
Alice's tutor quickened the pace of her rectum on his cock until she was bouncing up and down in his lap, his cock pistoning in and out of the poor abused little hole. Alice wailed in pain at the vigour of her tutor's punishing thrusts. The dirty wind noises of air being sucked into and expelled from the tight little lubricated hole accompanied her begging wails.
"Waaaaaaaaaah! Too hard! Too fast!"
"Oucheeeeeeeeee! My bottom hole!"
"Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Stop it! Please! I beg!"
"Yeeoweeeeeeeee! Stop! Stop!"
The tutor grasped Alice's hips, holding her tightly to keep her still whilst he bucked his cock in and out of her little ass at a frightening speed. Alice squeaed as her hole was so severely stretched and punished. Bellowing with joy her tutor ejaculated into her sorry bottom hole.
With a happy smile on his face the tutor lay back in his chair, still fully embedded in Alice's anus. Lady Jane knew he would stay like that for some time enjoying the delightful sensations of Alice's tight gripping rectum. If Alice was unlucky he would get hard again whilst still in her and she would be required to perform for him a second time that evening.
Lady Jane's pussy was nicely wet and tingling now. She got up and went to the second lighted window. The room she could see into was the nursery bathroom. Nanny Katherine had nine year old little Georgina naked and had just bathed the child. Georgie's bottom was still in quite a state from the exemplary hairbrush spanking she had received earlier; yellow and blue bruises covered her bottom and some nasty blisters could be seen. Given the state of her little bum, Nanny had been deprived of her nightly pleasure of delivering a sound bare bottom, on-the-wet-after-your-bath, slippering with her trusty big leather soled slipper. So instead she had found another way to humiliate and punish the little girl.
Hung up from the shower rail was a big red enema bag. Georgie was bending over the side of the bath sobbing with fear, her bum well stuck out for Nanny's attention. Nanny held the most enormous enema nozzle in her hand and was carefully lubricating it. When she had finished smearing on the petroleum jelly, she turned to the youngster.
"Well now, Georgie! What do we have here then? It's Nanny's special big one, isn't it? I'm going to push it all the way into your bottom hole now. Do try not to make a fuss whilst I'm doing it please!" Nanny taunted her young charge.
She bent over the child and applied the end of the nozzle to the tightly closed hole and started pushing hard. Little Georgie reacted.
"Yaaaaaaaaaaah! Nanneeeeeeeeeeeeey! Don't! It'll never fit! Stop!" the little girl begged, sobbing and pleading with her strict Nanny.
"Poppycock and fiddlesticks, my girl!" her implacable Nanny replied, "It can and it will go all the way in! Now stop fussing and open up your bottom hole like a good girl!"
Nanny pushed, almost lifting the squealing Georgie off her feet. The tiny anus was stretched over an inch wide and Georgie let everyone know how much it hurt her.
Nanny carried on pushing and twisting the nozzle until the bottom hole was stretched to about an inch and a half and the end of the nozzle was reached. At that point Georgie's sphincter pulled the nozzle deep into her.
Nanny proceeded to release a little valve on the black tube from the enema bag to start the liquid flowing into Georgie's bum. Georgie felt it start to fill her rectum.
"Waaaaaaaaaaaah! Nanny! I sorry I naughty! Please stop enema! Pleeeeeeease! I be good now! Bwaaaaaaaaah!" Georgie sobbed.
Nanny smeared more lubricating jelly onto the fingers of her right hand. She put her fingers between Georgie's little legs and began to massage the girl's tiny pussy.
"There-there, my darling! You be a good girl and take all your enema for Nanny. Nanny will help you take it all!" Nanny Katherine said softly to Georgie who quietened under Nanny's rubbing and probing fingers.
Nanny rubbed slowly and rhythmically down Georgie's little slit and over her clitty mound. Over and over again Nanny repeated the exciting motion as Georgie began to wriggle and gasp with the sharp tingling feeling between her legs. Nanny checked the enema bag and, finding it almost empty, decided that it was time to bring things to a close. Her fingers changed their action to one of rapidly rubbing and wobbling the top of Georgie's slit where her little clit had erected itself, standing proud of its surroundings.
"Don't have a cummy, Georgie! Nanny will be very cross if you do! Don't you dare have a cummy!" Nanny scolded, at the same time feverishly rubbing the bucking gasping girl to the very thing she had so strictly forbade.
Georgie's body stiffened and she let out an involuntary moan as she shook and convulsed. Nanny expertly drew out the longest, most satisfying cum for the little girl.
Nanny started spanking Georgie's little exposed post orgasmic pussy good and hard.
"Naughty girl! Naughty! Naughty! Naughty! Nanny told you not to have a cummy!" she scolded.
The pussy spanking accelerated as Nanny put speed and strength into her smacks.
Nanny spanked until little Georgie's tiny pussy was burning bright red. Then she lifted the screaming child, sat her on the toilet and, to the accompaniment of fresh intensified squeals, dragged the big nozzle out and let the child empty herself.
Lady Jane left Nanny to tend to Georgie. She felt sure Nanny would insist that Georgie apologise to her with her little mouth and tongue until Nanny's pussy had been fully satisfied. Given the look in Nanny's eyes as she dragged Georgie off to the bedroom, it would be a very long apology indeed.
Lady Jane's pussy was leaking badly. She could feel her inner thighs were slippery; her bloomers must be soaked through. She lifted up her dress and pulled her bloomers off. Her pussy felt good to be uncovered. Lady Jane's body tingled; bedtime was her favourite time of the day, but not for her eleven year old niece, Annie. Poor little Annie's Daddy had gambled away all their money and Lady Jane's sister had had to come on bended knee to beg her to take their child into her house. Her sister was only too aware of Lady Jane's predilections and had spent a long time emphasising to Lady Jane what a beautiful little bottom her niece had and how spankable it was. "But darling," her sister had said, "think of her as another daughter but without any of those 'maternal restrictions' you might feel." The message could not have been clearer. Lady Jane had privately always lusted after her little niece and was only too delighted to have her in her clutches.
Lady Jane made her way up to her bedroom. She opened the door to her private suite and went through. As she entered her bedroom she saw Annie kneeling down next to the fire looking up at her. Annie was wearing a cute little pair of pyjamas. The trousers were pulled down to her knees and her hands were clasped on top of her head. She was so pretty, thought Lady Jane. The family resemblance was clear; she could see her sister's face in the girl's with her short blond hair, blue eyes, pretty little nose and perfect teeth. How lovely! Annie's eyes were full of tears and she was sniffing quietly. Lady Jane admired Annie's little pussy; such a cute little thing, slim, delicate, hairless, not quite pubescent yet but maybe just starting to bulge a little.
"Why good evening, Annie!" Lady Jane greeted her with a smile and sat down in her favourite armchair.
"Sniff! Sniff! Hello Auntie!" Annie replied.
Lady Jane watched Annie's bottom lip quivering. The girl was so near to having a good proper cry that Lady Jane had the irresistible urge to push her over the edge.
"You know, Annie, I've had such a lovely day today! I gave little Sukey Jenkins the junior cane earlier. You should have heard her scream! And then Alice got the senior cane. Gosh, her bottom was a mess! And then I gave Sybil Johnson a very stiff dose of the senior cane over that business with the garden boy. Oh yes, and a good few with the groove strap! That should teach her to leave those bits alone! You know how much I enjoy caning, don't you Annie?" Lady Jane said, taunting her poor niece.
"Boo hoo! Boo hoo! Yes Auntie!" Annie replied, the tears almost unstoppable now.
"Come here, Annie!" demanded Lady Jane.
The girl got up and waddled slowly over to the armchair where Lady Jane sat, her pyjama trousers still around her knees.
"Let's have these off, darling!" said Lady Jane.
She reached over and pulled the trousers down to Annie's ankles. Obediently Annie stepped out of them, leaving the soft trousers like a little puddle at her feet. Lady Jane reached out and began to fondle Annie's pussy. Annie obligingly shuffled her feet apart to give Lady Jane better access. Lady Jane's middle finger began a long intimate examination of Annie's pussy until the whole finger had disappeared deep into the recess. Annie snivelled helplessly. Lady Jane withdrew her finger.
"Turn around Annie! Hands on knees! Bottom out!" Lady Jane instructed.
Annie quickly obeyed. The glorious little bottom stuck itself right out into Lady Jane's face. Lady Jane parted the buttocks with her thumbs next to the anus. The pretty hole was fully exposed to her view. Lady Jane's sister had been right about her daughter; she did have the most spankable little bottom with its thick rounded cheeks, nice shape, deep crack and luscious anus.
"Oh Annie!" sighed Lady Jane, "I'm going to have to cane you so hard tonight!"
The dam broke and Annie began to cry great choking sobs; her whole body shook as s he wailed her disappointment. From her bent over position she looked back over her shoulder at her Aunt.
"Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Not the cane! Pleeeeeeeeeeeease Auntie! I'm soreeeeeeeeeey! Boo hoo! Don't cane me! I'll be good for you! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaah!" she sobbed.
Lady Jane spread her own legs apart a little. It was a signal that Annie immediately recognised. Annie turned around to face her Aunt and knelt down at her feet.
"Please Auntie, don't cane me!" she begged, "I'll kiss your wee hole for you! I'll do it just how you like! You know how good I am! I'll do your bottom hole too! Get my tongue right up! All the way!"
Annie reached up to Lady Jane's knees and began to gently push them apart. Lady Jane allowed the child to position her with her legs widely spread, her big hairy pussy open and waiting.
"Please let me show you! Pleeeeeeeeeeeeease!" begged Annie.
Lady Jane put her hand behind Annie's head and guided her towards the gaping hole. She felt Annie's mouth and tongue on her, licking, sucking and probing. She arched her back; this was good! So good it might even make her cum if she didn't stop Annie now. She pushed Annie away. The rejected girl began to cry forlornly; she could almost feel that wicked cane whipping away at her agonised bottom cheeks.
"Annie!" wondered Lady Jane idly, "Tell me again how your Mummy trained you to lick wee holes so nicely!"
Annie choked on her tears. It made her feel sick to even say what her Mummy had done.
"Boo hoo! If I didn't do it nicely she used to tie me in the cellar, with no clothes, over a bench. Boo hoo! Boo hoo! Boo hoo! Then she used to let the big mastiff in with me. He got on top of me and put his thing in me. Oh God! Please Auntie! It was horrible! Don't give me to the dogs again, Auntie! Oh please! Pleeeeeeeeeeeease!" Annie wept in desperation.
Lady Jane's pussy dripped in anticipation. No wonder the girl was so good with her mouth!
"You know, Annie. If I give your bottom the strap instead of the cane would you do all the nice things Auntie likes?" teased Lady Jane.
"Oh yes, Auntie!" said Annie enthusiastically, "I'd suck and I'd lick your wee hole so nicely. I'd get my tongue right into your bottom hole and wee hole. And I'd do my special licky sucky thing on your bumpy bit at the top of your wee hole. Mummy loved it when I did that!"
"OK Annie!" said Lady Jane, "Go and fetch 'the bar' and my nice big tawse".
Annie ran off and struggled back dragging a heavy thing like a wooden clothes drying rail. It had two legs that were attached to two long lateral feet. Connecting the two legs were a number of sturdy bars, the highest of which was at the height of Annie's waist. At the base of the legs were some straps and buckles attached to the frame. Annie went off again and came back with a fearsome heavy leather two fingered tawse. She handed it to Lady Jane and then went back to 'the bar'. Annie parted her legs wide so she could stand on the lateral feet on one side of the bar. Then she bent over the top bar good and tight holding on to the two legs next to where her feet were on the other side. Lady Jane got up and began to fasten Annie's hands and feet with the buckles and straps. Soon Annie was fastened in position over the bar waiting for her strapping. Her bottom was widely spread and stuck up and out. Lady Jane picked up the strap, trailing it over the wobbly bottom whilst Annie blubbered fearfully.
Lady Jane set a blistering pace with the strap on little Annie's bottom.
Lady Jane took no notice and continued to strap Annie's bottom hard. She wanted to see her little niece's cute bum all red, swollen and welted. The strap whacked down across the spread bottom; the cheeks flattened and then bounced back, a new deep red welt forming where the strap had smacked.
Annie's bottom cheeks were burning red and the strap welts were swelling up now. Lady Jane started aiming the strap so that the stinging tails caught Annie between the bottom cheeks and on her little pussy.
"EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEIGH! NOT THERE! NOT LIKE THAT! YAAAAAAAAAAAAH! EEEEEEEEEEEEE!" howled Annie, tears and snot flying off her wildly twisting face.
Lady Jane put the tawse down and quickly unbuckled the straps holding Annie in position. Her pussy needed attention right now! She pulled her skirt off and waited for Annie to get into position.
Annie jumped and hopped about, her hands rubbing and squeezing her strapped cheeks. It hurt so dreadfully! Despite the terrible burning in her bottom, Annie knew that she had to please her Auntie. If she didn't make her Auntie happy then, just before she went to bed, the cane that hung on the back of her bedroom door would be taken down and her strapped bottom would be given a whipping that would make her howl for hours.
Annie stumbled over to the armchair and lay back down on it with her head on the seat facing upwards, her hands clutching the arms to keep her steady and her feet in front of her holding her body up. Lady Jane backed towards Annie with her legs straddling the child's body. Annie watched her Auntie's big bare bottom looming over her face, the big hairy anus filling her view, closer and closer, until it rested over her mouth, the bottom cheeks covering her face as her Auntie sat down in the armchair.
Annie licked and sucked at the big anus for all she was worth. She stuck her tongue deep into the hole, the sphincter tight against her burrowing tongue. How she ate up that big bottom hole, like it was the most delicious sweetie she had ever had. Lady Jane's eyes rolled at the exquisite pleasure. Unable to bear any more, she raised herself up, turned around and sat back down with her pussy on Annie's mouth. The little eleven year old showed why she was the best pussy licker in Lady Jane's whole house. The great slurps and squelches were music to Lady Jane's ears as Annie ate away. Lady Jane felt her engorged clit being assaulted by the most amazing combination of tongue and slurpy lips; her orgasm came quickly and was profound and deep.
After she had cum, dazed and senseless, Lady Jane dismissed Annie who hurried back to her room. Then Lady Jane fell into a deep sleep.
Some hours later, at maybe 2:00 a.m. or 3:00 a.m., Lady Jane awoke as another body slipped into bed beside her. She felt another naked woman take her in her arms.
"Mmmm! Katherine, it's late!" she murmured, half asleep.
Katherine's hand found her pussy and began to stroke.
"Oh Katherine!" moaned Lady Jane, in partial protest. But her pussy was quickly getting wet.
"I couldn't sleep!" sighed Katherine, "I didn't get to give Georgie her bedtime spanking! I needed that!"
"Mmmm!e What do you want?" Lady Jane asked, squirming back onto Katherine's expert fingers.
"A little bottom to hurt! One that we can make really scream!" smouldered Katherine.
"Mmmmmm! OK!" agreed Lady Jane, her body needing it now, "I gave little Sukey Jenkins the cane and told her to come back in the morning with a big hairbrush. Why don't you go and get her now, and bring the hairbrush with you?"
"Well, I'm not sure!" said Katherine, "The hairbrush doesn't seem very strict!"
"Her bottom is going to be very bruised after the caning I gave her; I think she'll scream plenty!" countered Lady Jane, "But if you want, bring the bath brush instead. That should do the job!"
"The big two foot one?" asked Katherine, her excitement palpable.
"Yes, if you want her really screaming! You can work it down her legs as well!" agreed Lady Jane.
She felt Katherine getting out of bed and smelt her excited pussy. She was throbbing hard herself. She couldn't wait until Katherine arrived back with little Sukey Jenkins in tow. It was so lovely living in such a nice house!
Brownies are a youth organisation for girls aged 7 - 11, before they become Girl Guides.
Photo 1: The photo is of the inside of what looks like a church hall. The curtains are drawn and it is dark outside. The camera is taking the picture from the centre of the hall into a corner. On the walls of the corner are Girl Guide and Brownie posters showing the exciting different things girls can do when they join. There is a large chart in the centre, surrounded by the posters. It is clearly titled 'Brownie Demerit Chart'. Listed down the left hand side of the chart are nine girls' names; Emily, Jilly, Sarah, Janet and so on. Next to each girl's name is a series of red crosses, each occupying a square on the chart. Most girls have one or two crosses, but the name Jilly has eight crosses that fill the whole length of the chart.
Standing in front of the posters is a young girl, maybe eleven years old. She has shoulder length blond hair that is tied into pigtails. She is dressed in a Brownie uniform of light brown shirt and darker brown skirt. There are a number of Brownie badges sewn on the shirt. The skirt is too small for her and its hem finishes at mid thigh. It is tight around her waist and her bottom protrudes, pushing the skirt out. Standing in front of the girl is a woman in her late thirties; fit and athletic looking, she wears jeans and the same design of brown shirt as the girl. There are many badges sewn on the woman's shirt. She is 'Brown Owl', the leader of the Brownie pack.
Brown Owl is pointing at the demerit chart. Her face is stern and her mouth is open as if she were talking. The girl's pretty face is covered with tears and she holds out both arms in front of her with her palms upwards. Resting across both palms and being offered up to Brown Owl is a heavy brown leather strap, about eighteen inches long, split down two thirds of its length, stitched along its edges with a wooden handle. The strap looks ancient and well used.
Text: "Eleven year old Jilly is the naughtiest Brownie in the pack. Years ago Jilly's mother gave Brown Owl permission to discipline Jilly however she saw fit. Jilly's mother doesn't care; she uses the time to entertain her gentlemen friends. The longer Brown Owl takes the better! Brown Owl loves to make Jilly hurt just like she used to when her own mother used that same strap on her bottom. Poor Jilly!"
Photo 2: The camera has moved in for a closer shot. Brown Owl is kneeling in front of Jilly preparing her for her discipline. The photo is taken over Brown Owl's shoulder so we get the same view she does. Jilly is standing and still holding out her hands offering up the strap. Brown Owl has been busy; Jilly's skirt has been pinned up at the front and back with big safety pins. Brown Owl is in the process of pulling down Jilly's knickers. They are inside out as Brown Owl drags them down her legs. Jilly's little pussy is nicely on show. It is smooth and hairless with a deep seductive division between the two lips. Jilly is just starting to show signs of early pubescence and her pussy lips are starting to swell. Jilly's face is red with humiliation and her tears have started to drip off her face onto her smart uniform shirt.
Text: "Knickers down, Jilly! Brown Owl can't wait to get started! Looks like she's going to be really severe tonight!"
Photo 3: The camera shoots at waist height from just behind where Brown Owl is standing. Jilly's knickers have been taken off and are lying on the floor next to her. The strap has also fallen to the floor. Brown Owl holds both Jilly's hands firmly in her left hand. She is bending down and in the process of spanking Jilly's pussy and the fronts of her thighs. The whole of Jilly's front area is covered with bright red handprints from Brown Owl's hard meaty smacks. Jilly is contorted, her legs splayed out as she attempts to avoid Brown Owl's strict smacking hand. The tears are jumping off Jilly's face and her mouth is open as she squeals.
Text: "That's it Brown Owl! Spank those naughty thighs! And make sure you get plenty of hard ones on that naughty bit between them!"
Photo 4: The camera is shooting up from floor level behind Jilly. A four legged heavy wooden stool has been fetched and placed where Jilly was standing. The stool has been cut down so it is maybe only twelve inches high. Jilly is on her knees bending over the stool. We can see that straps with buckles have been passed around the backs of Jilly's knees to fasten each of her legs to the stool legs. This has spread Jilly's legs so far apart that we can see the muscles in her inner thighs straining. Jilly is bent right over the stool with her upper body folded over the other side. Her bottom is stuck up high; two prominently displayed large rounded cheeks, smooth bouncy globes they bulge out towards the camera. They are soft and white and even in the photo seem to be quivering.
The extreme spread of Jilly's legs has pulled her bottom cheeks so wide apart that there is almost no visible division between them. Instead her anus is completely displayed in all its puckered glory. The skin surrounding it is red and stretched and the hole itself dark, tight and small. Below her anus is her spread pussy. Nothing is left to the imagination as the camera is shooting directly up into her pussy. We can see the bright pink of her little vagina and catch a glimpse of the tight smooth purple skin of her cervix. Lower down we can see between her legs to where her upside down face is looking straight back at us. Her blond pigtails hang down on the floor and her red face is soaked with tears. Her mouth is open in what appears to be a wailing sob.
Text: "All ready and in position now! Brown Owl's Mummy used to use this stool too. Brown Owl thinks Jilly is lucky; her Mummy used to leave her over the stool for Daddy to enjoy afterwards!"
Photo 5: The camera has pulled back slightly and is at the same level as Jilly's bum. We can see part of Brown Owl's body to the left of the shot. Her body is bent towards Jilly. In her right hand she has the strap. The photo captures the strap as it descends towards Jilly's bottom. The strap is flung straight out and the end is slightly blurred as it speeds towards it cowering target. Jilly's bottom is bright red and welts from the strap cover the chubbiest part of her cheeks. One of her hands has come away from where it was holding onto the stool leg and waves about behind her in a forlorn attempt to stop the strapping. Her face looks straight back into the camera. Her eyes are wide and her mouth open, teeth bared as she screams.
Text: "What a little coward Jilly is! Brown Owl has only just started! Brown Owl won't like that naughty hand coming back. Jilly will get a special punishment for doing that!"
Photo 6: The camera is shooting from the floor looking up at Jilly's bottom. This time the photo is a close up that captures from the top of Jilly's bottom down far enough for us to see her face. The whole of Jilly's bottom and the tops of her thighs are a livid red, dark and burning. Swollen welts cover the surface crossing each other. On the lower half of her bottom and on her upper thighs we can many stinging copies of the end of the two fingered strap etched out in red swollen lines. Jilly's face is bright red and soaked in tears, her mouth is open as she howls. Her head is twisted at an angle and her pigtails are up in the air; it looks as though she is thrashing about with all the agonising bottom pain that the strapping has generated.
Text: "Ouch! Brown Owl certainly straps hard! We bet Jilly will be sleeping on her tummy tonight! If only Jilly hadn't put her hand back it would be over now. Instead it's time for some of Brown Owl's special smacks!"
Photo 7: The camera has moved back and is level with Jilly's bum. We can see that Brown Owl is now standing the other side of the stool facing Jilly's head. The strap is still in her hand and the leather tails rest on Jilly's back. It in not clear whether Brown Owl has finished what she was doing or is waiting for the photo to be taken before continuing. Between Jilly's bottom cheeks and on her pussy the formally white skin has been turned burning red and welts show vertically down the bottom crack. On her pussy we can see overlapping several times the welted shape of the end of the two fingered strap. Jilly's head is thrown back as she squeals at this painful intrusion.
Text: "Never put your hands in the way Jilly! You know how much Brown Owl's strap stings when she smacks you there!"
Photo 8: The camera is in the same position but is taking a slightly closer shot. Jilly's left hand is deep in her bottom crack; the fingers seem to dig into the anus itself. Her right hand pulls her pussy even wider apart. We can see that two of her fingers are inside her pussy where a welt has formed from a particularly strict smack with the strap. Jilly's head is back down and looking between her legs. Her face is covered with tear matted hair. We can see that from one side Brown Owl's hands are busy unfastening the strap that holds Jilly's left leg to the stool.
Text: "That's right, Jilly! Have a good rub where it hurts the most! Now Brown Owl has given you permission you can get your hands right back there!"
Photo 9: The camera has pulled back to capture the whole scene. Jilly is up off the stool and on her feet near the camera. She has grabbed both her bottom cheeks and is squeezing and rubbing them. One foot is off the floor and it is quite clear she is hopping and jumping about. Her bottom squeezing means we can clearly see her strapped little anus between the parted cheeks. To the right of Jilly we can see Brown Owl standing a couple of yards in front of her facing the camera. Brown Owl has pulled her own jeans and panties down to her calves. It looks like she is preparing to step out of them. Brown Owl's action gives the impression that she is very hasty. We can see Brown Owl's big black bush of pubic hair and big protruding pussy lips. The lower parts of Brown Owl's pubes are wet. Her pussy lips are engorged and pouting; a slick wet sheen covers them.
Text: "My word, a strapping from Brown Owl stings, doesn't it Jilly? It's going to take a lot of rubbing to make that hurt go away! Looks like Brown Owl's getting ready for Jilly to say sorry!"
Photo 10: The camera has moved in to take a much closer shot. A metal frame table with a wooden laminated surface has been fetched. Brown Owl is sitting on the table with her feet up and her legs spread wide. Her pussy is large, juicy and bright pink, surrounded by a big bush of pubic hair. Jilly is standing bent over with her face between Brown Owl's legs. The camera is shooting from waist height just behind Jilly's bottom up towards Brown Owl's pussy. We can see, slightly out of focus in the foreground, Jilly's dark red welted bare bottom. In perfect focus we see Jilly's face buried in Brown Owl's pussy. Brown Owl pulls her right pussy lip to one side so that we can see Jilly's busy tongue at work on her clit.
Text: "Brown Owl loves this part of the punishment. No wonder her own mother used to strap her so often! She wonders if Jilly hates it as much as she did. We expect she does! Don't you?"
To clients old and new; Mrs S has adopted a new girl. Tracey is a sweet eight year old blond. You are invited to visit and participate in Tracey's severe training regime. Her bottom marks well and her low tolerance levels makes her reactions a delight to any serious lover of little girl discipline. Tracy will reluctantly accept all forms of intimate discipline. Spoil yourself and book Jenny, Fiona and Julie to join you and Tracy in the schoolroom. Box 1347
Custom made videos for sale. Husband and wife have two daughters, aged nine and ten, who will be punished to your instructions. Let us know the scenario and punishments you require. We have a wide range of uniforms and pretty clothes for the girls. Both of us are delighted to administer severe bottom punishments and demanding intimate punishments to the girls. [Please note that due to the severity of the punishments our daughters can sometimes forget their lines!] Price per 20 - 30 minute custom video is $300. Box 1348
Single mother delighted to welcome gentlemen and ladies to her home to assist with the strict discipline of her 6, 9 and 11 year old daughters. All my daughters can receive a diaper position caning, although the 6 year old still requires restraint. I am a great believer in intimate punishment and all my girls are trained to a very high level of acceptance. Box 1349
Recently widowed father seeks new woman to help raise my two girls, aged 8 and 10, and my boy, aged 11. You must be the strictest disciplinarian, willing and able to administer a whippy three foot cane with zeal. You must strongly support the intimate discipline that all three of my children regularly receive from me. In return you will have carte blanche to administer punishments, including intimate, as severely and frequently as you like. Box 1350
Parents, Uncles and Aunts: Would you like access to hundreds of new live spankings and severe discipline of little boys and girls every week? Would you be prepared to join in and discipline your kids live on the internet? If the answer to both these questions is "yes" then contact us for details. Box 1351
Pony girls. Take a trip to the stables with my two girls aged 10 and 12. Both girls can be harnessed and bridled up. Each has their own tail attached to a disciplinary stretching plug which you may insert. Choose the riding crop or training whip to make them prance and whinny for you. Both can be made the subject of the hardest intimate discipline. Box 1352
Brother and Sister (boy aged 12 and girl aged 13) available for hard bottom and intimate discipline. Both can be made to punish the other; ideal for those who enjoy strict family discipline scenarios. Watch them intimately comfort each other afterwards. They will both comply with all your needs. Box 1353
My two daughters, aged 11 and 13, are both specialists in receiving anal discipline. When you have dealt with their naked bottom cheeks to your hearts content (I have a wide range of canes, paddles and straps) then start work on their little bottom holes. Enemas, speculums and large object insertion can all be administered; however, restraint may be required for more advanced stretching. Strict disciplinarians will be delighted with the quality and volume of my girls' reactions. Box 1354
Recently married woman seeks couple who regularly administer strict little girl discipline to their own daughter/s (this should include intimate). I am a strong supporter of LGD, having been brought up by my own parents in this way. My father was very demanding and practiced intimate discipline on me from an early age. My new husband has a daughter, aged 9, and although he spanks her he does not practice LGD to the level of severity or intimacy I would like. I have explained to my husband how I was brought up and his response has been very positive. We would like to attend a discipline session, including intimate, so that my husband can learn what to do and my new daughter can see how strict discipline families operte. During the session my new daughter will be 'handed over' to you to receive her very first severe bottom and intimate discipline. Both my husband and I are keen to participate if required. Box 1355
Please visit me if you enjoy administering strict discipline to two little cowardly girls. Both my daughters, aged 8 and 10, are still very new to receiving the strictest discipline from visitors. When you arrive they will already be crying and ready to persuade you, with all their little girl wiles, not to hurt their bottoms. Man or woman, their little tongues and holes can be very persuasive! If they fail then I have a leather belt, wooden paddle and whippy cane that can all be applied most vigorously. Their reaction levels are excellent and restraint may be required. After punishment their compliance is very high. Box 1356
Single mother seeks solvent supportive male for full time or part time fatherly duties. I have three daughters aged 7, 9 and 12, all of whom require the most severe regular strict discipline. The recent loss of my husband has left my daughters without their regular attitude adjustments and me in financial difficulties. If you can help with both of these problems then please contact me. The girls all received demanding intimate discipline from my husband. I would be happy for you to continue this. Please note that I am only seeking one man to fill this gap in our lives. Box 1357
Couple looking for like minded couple to exchange girls for strict discipline. Our pretty daughters, aged 10 and 12, are both most entertaining to punish and well versed in satisfying the intimate discipline requirements of both Mummies and Daddies. We are happy to receive single or multiple daughters to our house in return for sending ours to yours. Any limits will be agreed beforehand and respected throughout, although please note before contacting us that we are both severe and intimately demanding. Joint punishment sessions can also be arranged. Box 1358
Does your girl require a strict Auntie to go and visit on a regular basis? Do you need some extra money or time to yourself (or both)? I am a single woman in my late forties looking for a girl (sisters considered), aged between 6 and 14, to spend regular weekends with me at my large secluded house. Your girl will be subject the strictest bottom and intimate discipline from me. Please be aware that punishments will include harsh caning, enemas and bottom hole stretching. I am also intimately demanding. In return for regular visits I will be most generous to the parent(s) concerned. Box 1359
Male ex-schoolteacher offers no fee service to mothers of young daughters (up to age 14) who are inexperienced in administering strict discipline but wish a severe attitude adjustment to be delivered. I will administer firm spankings, paddlings and canings to the level of severity required. With your approval, I will also administer intimate discipline. When I have finished, your little devils will behave like little angels! I will also be delighted to administer any repeat sessions that you feel are required. Box 1360
This is a full page advertisement with a section of text followed by four photographs, each with a short caption underneath it and text beside it. At the bottom of the page there is a further section of text.
Sub title:
Girls aged 9 - 16. High educational standards with a heavy emphasis on strict discipline.
Text: At St Katherine's we pride ourselves on getting the best performance from each and every one of our girls. There is no secret to our success; we use the strictest discipline to achieve our results. St Katherine's is one of the few schools in this country to be awarded a five star rating from the DSAS. Parents who have chosen to adopt strict discipline as their preferred parenting method will be delighted with our approach. Each girl in our care is individually assessed and any performance that does not meet our expectations for her is dealt with severely; we waste no time in getting to the bottom of the problem!St Katherine's is superbly equipped thanks to the generous donations of private philanthropists who sit on our select board of governors. All girls are subject to intimate discipline, the level of which is agreed with a girl's parents at the beginning of each school year.
Photo 1: This photo shows a small brightly lit room with white walls and ceiling and a parquet wooden floor. On one wall is a large board hung with a collection of spanking implements; canes, straps, paddles, slippers, hairbrushes all adorn the display. The room is furnished with a straight backed chair, a school desk and a medical examination couch. Behind the examination couch there are some shelves mounted on the wall. These are stacked with various dispensers of lubrication gel and numerous items of medical equipment. The item most prominently displayed is a set of five butt plugs arranged in increasing size.
In the middle of the room is a slim, pretty, black haired girl of maybe eleven years old. She is completely naked. She is half turned away from the camera and the view is mostly of her bottom although we can see her face and part of her chest. Her bottom protrudes out towards the camera and we can just see her left nipple which has started to bud into a small mound. Her cute little bottom has been severely caned. It is bright burning red which contrasts to the white skin of her lower back and thighs. Many visible dark red lines run across her bottom from side to side. The girl has her hands on her head to show her bottom to the camera, but her body is twisting and her legs lifting as she hops and jumps. On the photo a thick black line has been stencilled over the girl's eyes to protect her identity. This doesn't hide the tears streaming down her face or the way her mouth is open as she wails.
Caption: One of our well equipped discipline studios
Text: St Katherine's prides itself on being able to deliver the most exemplary discipline to the girls in our care. To help us do this each classroom is equipped with its own discipline studio. Having the right equipment means that our teachers are able to do the best job possible when it comes to encouraging your child to perform.
Photo 2: The photo shows a school assembly. It is shot from the position of several rows back in the audience looking up onto the stage. We can see the backs of the heads of the girls in front. They are all wearing school uniform. On the stage is a stout desk. Bent over the desk is a naked girl. Her legs are wide apart, each one tied around the knee to one of the desk legs. The camera angle, shooting up from the audience, shows us that everyone can see the girl's exposed pussy and anus. We cannot see the girl's face or body, but we can see that her pussy is slightly puffy and has a small black moustache at its apex. We can judge that this girl might be around thirteen years old.
To the girl's left stands a formal looking teacher in her fifties. She has a three foot yellow rattan cane in her right hand that is drawn back high in the air. The girl's bottom and upper thighs are heavily marked with ten vivid red swollen lines from the cane. It is clear that the teacher has not finished yet. The girl's body is twisting and pulling but it seems that her hands are also restrained and she is powerless to stop the severe public caning she is subject to.
Caption: Traditional discipline is encouraged
Text: Traditional discipline such as public caning is a commonplace event at St Katherine's. No time or expense is spared when it comes to ensuring your girls receive the most memorable disciplinary experiences possible. In addition, parents are able to nominate their own girls to receive this type of discipline to ensure compliance at home.
Photo 3: This photo shows a changing room. There is a naked girl of maybe twelve years old standing leaning with her hands pressed against a wall, her legs are spread and her bottom pushed out. Behind her stands a young female teacher dressed in a tracksuit. The teacher holds a large wooden paddle and is spanking the girl's bottom with it. The bottom is dark red and has a slightly purple patch on the fullest part of the right buttock. The girl is looking back at the camera and screaming. On the photo a thick black line has been stencilled over the girl's eyes.
The girl is the last of her team to be paddled and surrounding the girl and her teacher are five other naked twelve year old girls. All of them have burning red bottoms and thighs, right down to the backs of their knees. Welted red paddle marks can be seen on all of the girls' bottoms and thighs and many of them have some areas of blistering across the plumpest part of their bottoms. The girls are all grabbing and pulling at their agonised rear ends and each of them is engaged in their own little hot bottomed dance. We can see some of the girls full frontal with their hands behind them, some are at an angle to the camera and we see some of their bottom and a little of their face; one little girl has her back to the camera, is partially bent over and clutches her buttocks with her hands so tightly that she spreads open her pussy and anus. There is a wide variety of body shapes and stages of development amongst this team of girls. Some have a little hair on their pussies, some have none. Some have big bottoms, some have tiny cheeks. Some have little cone breasts, some have nothing. All of them are united in their crying and howling and desperate bottom rubbing gymnastics. Where any girl's face can be seen a thick black line has been stencilled on the photo over her eyes.
Caption: Failure is not an option at St Katherine's
Text: At St Katherine's we take a 'will to win' very seriously. When our six-a-side team failed to take the title at last years inter-schools championships they required some very strict encouragement. We feel sure they will perform better this year! All our girls are encouraged in this way during the twice weekly compulsory P.E. lessons. All girls attending our school are kept in the peak of health and fitness.
Photo 4: This photo is a close up taken from chest height. A naked little girl lies on her side on a bed with her back to the camera. We cannot tell her exact age but from her body size she is maybe nine or ten years old. Her bottom has received a severe caning and the welts on the backs of her thighs suggest she has also had a dose of the strap. The girl's legs are tucked up to her tummy. Behind her lies a naked man. He has a large thick erect penis that is inserted in the girl's tiny vagina. We can see a couple of inches of the penis not yet inserted, suggesting that a good five or more inches are already in the girl. The cock is thick and the little vagina looks painfully stretched.
Caption: Intimate discipline is part of our core curriculum
Text: At St Katherine's, intimate discipline is compulsory. All girls receive full tuition to a high level. Parents can also request additional tuition if they have special requirements. Our girls are tutored by both male and female staff to ensure an all-round education.
Final text: St Katherine's is a wonderful opportunity for girls to experience high performance education in a strict disciplinary setting. Our outstanding facilities are designed to bring out the best in all our pupils. See what some of our parents had to say:
Mr and Mrs C, Parents of daughters aged nine and fourteen: "Both our girls are at St Katherine's. They are achieving standards we never though they were capable of. Clearly all that attention to their bottoms makes a real difference. We also find that they are very 'keen to please' during holidays and have been taught some tricks that even we didn't know."
Mr B, Parent of daughter aged ten: "Following the tragic death of my wife, I sent my daughter to St Katherine's. The school has been able to care for her as severely as her own mother did. The staff have all been so wonderful. They have even instigated a special programme to help her physically accept me to the same extent as a grown woman. I can't thank them enough."
Mr and Mrs K, Parents of daughters aged twelve and fifteen: "Both our girls had become most tiresome; complaining about their discipline and resisting their father's right to intimately discipline them. After just two terms at St Katherine's their grades have rocketed, they are the most respectful girls you could wish to meet and they willingly encourage their father to exercise his intimate disciplinary rights with them; often the two of them together. Thank you St Katherine's!"
To contact our school admissions office please phone xxxx xxxxxx.
Child Care Conundrum
Dear LGD,I'm Penny, a (happily) single Mum and a great fan of your magazine. I have a ten year old daughter called Marcy, whom I enjoy administering both strict bottom and intimate discipline to. Recently I experienced a most enjoyable little sequence of events. After having had so much fun over the years looking at LGD readers' letters, I felt it would be nice to write so that others could hear about what happened.
Marcy is looked after two days a week by a friend of mine, Debbie, who also has a young girl; 11 year old Angie. I look after Angie two days a week in return. On the day in question I picked Marcy up from Debbie's as usual. She looked quite red eyed and I guessed that she had had a good bottom smacking. Both Debbie and I enjoy full 'spanker's rights' with each other's girls (and I do mean enjoy)! All the way back home Marcy was shifting about and wriggling in her seat. I wasn't surprised she was keeping quiet as we have a rule here; whatever she gets at Auntie Debbie's she gets again at home. I couldn't resist teasing her.
"I hope you were good for Auntie Debbie today? I hope you weren't naughty? I hope you didn't get your little bottom spanked? Mummy's going to give it to you extra hard if you did! Mummy hopes your botty isn't all red! You know how excited that's going to make Mummy and how hard I'll have to spank your bummy!"
Poor Marcy was sobbing by the time I'd finished. Her tearful reaction made my blood race. She must have got it pretty hard to be crying like that. The fear of another dose was actually making her start to plead with me.
"Please Mummy! It wasn't my fault! Don't do it tonight! Pleeeeease! I'll be good! Do it tomorrow! Not tonight! Pleeeeeeeeeeeease Mummy! Pleeeeeeease!"
Now, if there's one thing that makes my pussy start to tingle it's when she starts pleading. I couldn't wait to get home to take a look at her little bum and see what fun I was in for that night.
When we got home I told her to get up to her room, take her clothes off and get into position so I could inspect her bottom. Crying loudly she ran up the stairs into her room and closed the door behind her. I was quite intrigued as she doesn't usually behave like that. I gave her a few minutes and then went up after her.
When I opened her door quite a sight met my eyes. She had stripped naked and got onto her bed on all fours resting on her elbows with her head down on her bed and her bottom stuck up and out pointing towards the door. As soon as I stepped into the room I could see she had received a severe caning, far beyond what was usual for her. Her little bum and upper thighs had scores of thin vivid red swollen lines crisscrossing the surface. But the thing that struck me most was the way that her anus was absolutely gaping open. When I looked closer I could see her little hole was red raw. It looked like she'd had an army use her! I asked her what had happened and, between her little sobs, she told me.
It seemed that Auntie Debbie's hubby, Ted, had been at home that day and from the moment she arrived Marcy had subject to his special attention. Auntie Debbie had been on her case about not being respectful, talking too loudly, not saying her thank you's, pretty much anything and everything. From what Marcy said it seemed Auntie Debbie was keen to find an excuse to spank her in front of Ted.
Not surprisingly, all this had the effect of making Marcy rather nervous. When the time came for mid morning milk and cookies she was in quite a state and proceeded to knock her milk over. Almost immediately Auntie Debbie stripped her naked and paraded her in front of Ted. Then it was over Auntie Debbie's knee for a blistering tattoo from Auntie Debbie's stout wooden hairbrush. I could well imagine the scene of her legs kicking and splaying as her bottom was turned deep red. Ted must have had a most exciting view. Marcy was then allowed up to perform her post-spanking hopping, howling, bottom rubbing routine for Auntie Debbie and her family's benefit. From my own experience I knew just how arousing watching her do this was.
Auntie Debbie told Marcy that her Uncle Ted was going to take her to their bedroom to put some cream on her bottom. She was told that she had to be good for her Uncle Ted while he was creaming her because the next naughty thing she did would earn her a dose of the cane. Now, I don't cane Marcy regularly, but she has had it enough times to be scared out of her wits at the prospect of that whippy stick biting into her little bum. So off little Marcy was taken to the bedroom by a, so it proved, very excited Ted.
When they got to the bedroom Ted took his trousers and pants off revealing a very erect penis. Marcy said she was scared because it was so hard and angry looking; all big and red with all the veins sticking out. Then Ted demanded that Marcy get up on the bed on her hands and knees and stick her bottom out. Ted told her that naughty little girls got cream put on their bottoms by a man's willy. Then Ted started to run his cock all over the surface of her bum. Marcy said he must have rubbed cream onto his willy because she could feel it was all slippery when he rubbed it against her. Marcy said he kept rubbing and pushing his willy between her bottom cheeks making the end of it push against her bottom hole. She said that she could hear him groaning and panting. Then pushed Marcy down so her face was on the bed, held her hands behind her back and pushed his big cock up her little bottom.
"Boo hoo! Mummy! It was so big! It hurt so much! I just couldn't stop screaming!" my little one cried as she told me.
Well, it seemed that Ted gave my young daughter's bottom hole a very good stretching, much to her distress and his delight. She told me how he started to grunt and she felt his willy throbbing in her, then she felt it all go all warm up her bottom.
Marcy was taken back to the family room and she was surprised to see Auntie Debbie and her daughter, Angie, had taken their clothes off. Angie told Marcy that she and her Mummy had been playing with each other whilst they had been listening to Marcy screaming. Then she said that she hoped her Daddy pushed his willy into Marcy's bottom a lot because it would make him too tired to do it to her later. Auntie Debbie then told Marcy that she better be real good because it was the cane next and if she got the cane then her Uncle Ted's willy would get really big again.
Of course, in hardly no time Auntie Debbie found an excuse to further punish my little ten year old. Marcy was so scared and shaky that she bumped into a table knocking a picture off. Auntie Debbie told her that clumsy little girls needed big spanks. She took Marcy to Angie's bedroom. Ted and Angie came along to watch. Auntie Debbie and her family then all stripped naked. Marcy cried miserably as she told me that Auntie Debbie kept telling her again and again how much they were all going to enjoy hurting her with the cane. She was made to kneel up on the bed with her head down and bottom thrust out. Ted took the cane he and Debbie used on Angie out of the wardrobe and then began to give Marcy a slow hard cane whipping on her little red butt. Marcy said she just couldn't stop screaming and Auntie Debbie had to hold her hands out of the way to stop her covering up her bum.
Marcy said that as soon as the cane stopped biting into her bum, she felt the end of Uncle Ted's cock pushing against her tiny anus and then going in to her. She said this time Uncle Ted seemed to last forever, pounding into her repeatedly and that all the time he did it Angie and her Mum were rubbing each other's pussy's and enjoying themselves.
By now I was soaking wet and throbbing like mad. It was time for me to enjoy giving my daughter some strict discipline. I couldn't wait to see what how the cane on her already severely punished little bum affected her.
"You know our rule! Don't you, Marcy!" I said huskily.
I started taking off my clothes and Marcy began to sob hysterically. She knows only too well that if I'm excited enough to take off my clothes then I'm going to make her bottom hurt plenty.
"Boo hoo! Please Mummy! Not tonight Mummy! My bum! It hurts so much! You can do it hard tomorrow! Pleeeeease!" Marcy begged me.
I finished undressing, went to her cupboard, pulled her cane out and showed it to her. Her pleading became even more frantic. My pussy was so hot and throbbed so deliciously that I wanted to make Marcy's little bottom hurt like never before. I put the cane on the bed next to her and went to my bedroom and picked up something a little bit special. I went back to Marcy's bedroom and showed her what Mummy had got. Her screams of horror and disbelief almost made me cum. I had put on a huge black strap-on penis eight inches in length and an inch and a half wide. At my end of this lovely article an equally large penis was fully inserted in my pussy and a super knobbly stimulator rested against my clit.
"This is for your butt hole, Marcy!" I taunted her, "If your Uncle Ted can put his willy into your bottom, then so can I!"
Poor Marcy wailed in distress at how I was going to punish her but it just excited me even more. I made her get into the diaper position. She hates doing that but I love the way her pretty holes are exposed to me when I punish. I couldn't wait to see the way her holes were going to wink open and closed when my cane whipped into her sensitive little bum.
Oh, what a caning I gave her! How I made that thin whippy stick bite into her cute little cheeks. The way she screamed and thrashed about every time the cane thudded to a halt on her red welted bottom flesh was so exciting. In her howling bare bottomed pain she exposed deep inside her pretty holes to me. My pussy contracted around the plastic cock every time I whipped her.
Poor Marcy was in a sorry state when I finished her caning. Her punishment wasn't over yet though. As I enjoyed watching her grabbing and kneading at her agonised bottom I lubricated the big plastic penis. I knelt down and held her little legs firmly, pulling them apart. She started to beg when she saw the end of the cock advancing towards her red raw little hole. I rested the end of that mean plastic cock against her anus and pushed firmly. God, the feeling as I pushed into her! Just the way double ended cock thrust up me! I pushed harder still. This would be a very stern lesson for my little girl.
Before long I had a good four inches up her. The width of the cock stretched her hole obscenely wide. I pushed hard and managed to get another inch in. Her shrieking sent little electric tingles through me. I began to push in and out of her. All the time the plastic cock in my pussy was rubbing away nicely. I was so excited I couldn't stop myself from using little Marcy very vigorously until a long hard climax overtook me.
Eventually I pulled out, leaving her little anus gaping wide; it looked so pretty. Marcy was mewling irreconcilably so I decided to cheer her up by giving her the little treat she only gets if I have been particularly hard on her. I went to the kitchen and took the moisturising cream out of the fridge where it's kept nice and cold for such occasions. I spread it over my hands and began to smooth it over her scalded cheeks. She half sighed and half moaned as she felt the cold soothing cream on her. She spread her legs wide for me and I watched her little clit erect and unsheathe itself in anticipation of the pleasure Mummy's fingers were going to bring. Slowly my slippery fingers started to stroke and dip into my little girl's tingling honey pot. Marcy pushed herself into me.
"Oh please Mummy!" she groaned, "Make it happen! Make the feeling happen! I need it so bad!"
My fingers started to rub firmly but still gently in a fluid rhythmic motion up the little slit onto the clit. Marcy began to pant and her body wriggled and tensed. I could tell she was really near. A few slight brushes with the tips of my fingers across her clit was all that it took to bring her off. I held her as her body bucked uncontrollably and she emitted little squeaks of pleasure. Afterwards her eyes were full of tears and love for me; she just couldn't stop thanking me for making her feel so nice. The little minx even tried to persuade me to give her seconds!
As I tucked her up in bed a wicked thought came to me that made my pussy start to throb again.
"Marcy, my darling, Angie wasn't very nice to enjoy seeing caned like that, was she?" I cooed.
"No Mummy. She was horrible!" Marcy agreed.
"Don't you think that when we look after her next week you should get your own back? That would only be fair, wouldn't it?" I suggested.
Marcy wriggled a little bit; I think her little pussy felt it too.
"You mean she could be caned while I watch her get it?" Marcy asked enthusiastically.
"Yes darling!" I smiled.
"An' you'd touch me like Auntie Debbie did to Angie. You know, how you did it just now?" Marcy asked her eyes wide with excitement.
"Oh yes darling. And I'll give you my special 'wobble stick' to play with while I'm actually caning her." I promised.
"Oooo Mummy! I can't wait!" she said, flinging her arms around me.
"Of course," I whispered in her ear, "Mummy might just need a little bit of extra persuasion from you now!"
"Extra persuasion?" she asked with a slight tremor of concern in her voice.
"Yes darling! Something to show how much you love Mummy. Something that Mummy really likes you doing for her." I murmured hotly.
I reached down, undid my strap-on and pulled the large plastic penis, still imbedded in my pussy, out with a loud squelching sound.
"Oh that thing." said my daughter flatly, not happy to be given a task she found so unpleasant.
"You will cane her really hard, won't you?" she checked.
"Oh yes! Very!" I assured her as I slipped naked into bed next to her.
Her little head disappeared under the covers and I opened my legs ready for her. A moment later I felt her hot little mouth on me and her well trained little tongue lapping away at my swollen clit. I gripped the bedclothes tightly in my hands, arched my back and indulged myself in that special pleasure that only a well trained little daughter can give her deserving mother. I let her work very hard on me for a long time before I wrapped my legs around her head squishing her face into my spasming pussy and squealed with delight as I came.
Both Marcy and I were in a state of high anticipation the morning that Debbie was due to drop her daughter with us. At the normal time Debbie arrived with an already unhappy looking Angie in tow. Debbie and I embraced as usual; I could tell that she had something she wanted to say.
"Look Penny," she sighed, "I'm real sorry things got out of hand with Marcy last week. It's just Ted was so damn horny he wanted her little ass hurt bad. I don't want this to come between us so I guess it's Angie's turn today. I mean, I know you like it an' all. You can do her as hard as we did Marcy. Harder if you like! We can still be friends, can't we?"
I just reached forward and hugged my friend.
"Of course we can darling!" I smiled, "What's a naughty little kid's butt between friends?"
I pulled back and looked her in the eye.
"But you know I'm going to work really hard on Angie today, don't you?"
"Of course! Absolutely!" she smiled back at me, "I'll expect her little bottom to be black and blue by the time I pick her up. And darling, please-please do feel free to administer intimate punishments to her. Anything you want to do to her, or her to do for you, is fine with me."
We both looked down at Angie. The cute little 11 year old had tears streaming down her face. Debbie bent down so her face was pushed right into her daughter's.
"You've been asking for this, Angie." she hissed, "I told you you'd get it good if you were naughty this weekend. Now you're going to get it. Your Auntie Penny's going to give it to you real good!"
She turned up to look at me.
"What are you going to start with?" Debbie asked me.
"Mmmm, my big hard hairbrush, all over her bare little botty, I think!" I mused.
Debbie put her hands behind her and comically rubbed her own bottom.
"Ooooo, the big hairbrush! I remember my Auntie giving me that! Gosh, how I screamed! I could still see the bruises a week later! I bet Auntie Penny's going to spank you real hard with the brush, Angie!" Debbie teased her daughter.
"Don't worry, darling!" I smiled wickedly at Angie, "You won't see the bruises from the brush. That's because they'll be covered up with the bruises from the cane!"
Debbie and I laughed heartily as Angie cried. Debbie turned and began to walk out of the door.
"Please Mummy! Please don't leave me with Auntie Penny! Pleeeeease! I beg you! I'll do whatever you and Daddy want! Don't go! She's going to hurt me! I don't want to be hurt! Not the cane! Pleeeeeease! Don't go Mummy! Boo hoo! Don't go!" wailed Angie.
Debbie turned to me and winked.
"I love it when they beg! Have a good time with her darling!" she said and closed the door behind her.
Angie looked up at me, her eyes pleading with me through the tears.
"Please Aunty Penny! Don't give me the cane! I'll be good! I'll kiss your wee hole! I'll do it really good! With my tongue an' everything! I'll do Marcy too if you want!" Angie sobbed.
"Marcy!" I commanded, "Be so good as to go and fetch our guest my biggest hairbrush!"
"Oooo yes, Mummy!" Marcy gasped enthusiastically, "Can I get your 'wobble stick' too please? You said I could!"
I smiled and nodded at Marcy who gleefully raced off. I wasted no time in stripping Angie naked. My pussy throbbed joyfully as I inspected the vulnerable naked little girl in front of me. Angie was shivering with fear and sobbing helplessly as I played with her young body.
Marcy came back with the hairbrush in one hand and a high powered vibrator in the other. There was no doubt she was going to fully enjoy watching her little friend get it.
I led both girls to the lounge and sat in a straight backed chair already strategically positioned in the middle of the room. I pulled the shaking pleading young girl over my knee and positioned her bottom pushed up ready for a good hard dose of the hairbrush. Marcy pulled her knickers off, sat on the sofa with her legs pulled up and apart and turned my vibrator on ready to give her 10 year old pussy an intense masturbatory experience. I knew that my pussy would already have soaked my panties.
I gave Angie's little bum the kind of spanking that a mother could never give her own daughter. That hairbrush cracked into her wriggling cheeks like there was no tomorrow. She screamed blue murder as I turned her bottom a deep burning red. I can't describe how turned on I got watching her bottom buck and twist under the tutelage of my big heavy wooden hairbrush. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Marcy have at least two cums as she watched Mummy in action on her little friend.
When Angie's squealing had turned into hoarse wails I released her. She staggered to her feet, stumbling about, her hands welded to her agonised bottom. Her face was bright red and soaked with tears. As she capered about trying to soothe her blistered buttocks she fully exposed herself making my pussy throb powerfully.
Eventually Angie threw herself at my feet. Staring up at me through her tear filled eyes she begged.
"Please Auntie Penny! Pleeeeeease! My bum! It hurts so much! I'll do anything! Anything! Don't hurt me anymore! Pleeeeeeeas! I'll do whatever you want!"
I looked over at Marcy.
"Marcy, if you'd be so kind, please fetch my biggest cane for little Angie here!" I asked my daughter.
Pleased as punch Marcy ran off to get my cane. Angie started this exquisite terrified high pitched sobbing that set my pussy absolutely on fire. That sobbing alone made me want to cane her so very hard.
Marcy returned with the cane and handed it to me.
"Make her really scream, Mum!" Marcy said, her eyes sparkling.
"Oh I will, darling, I will!" I assured her, "And now Angie, I think it's time that your little bottom learnt just how much it can really hurt! This cane is so whippy, when it meets your bottom it's going to feel like a knife cutting through butter!"
Angie begged and cried as I positioned her
"Auntie Penny! Auntie Penneeeeeeeey! Pleeeeeeeeeeeeease! Not the cane! Oh God, not the cane! I'll be good! I promise! I'll be good!" she wailed.
Silly girl! Her tearful pleas did nothing except excite me even more. I made Angie kneel on the sofa with her head down and legs apart, just like had happened to Marcy. Her up-thrust bottom presented such a delightful target and framed her little pussy and her anus peeping out from between her spread cheeks. I flexed the cane menacingly whilst Angie looked up from between her legs sobbing with fright; this was going to be a caning that she wouldn't forget for a very long time.
Gosh! I have to admit it; I really wrapped that cane around her little bum. Her squeaks and squeals as I dealt with her young bottom were so loud they hurt my ears. I was so hot that however many times she jumped off the sofa or covered up her bum I made her get back in position and stick her bottom out for more. I can't remember how many times I whipped the cane to a juddering halt in her soft tender buttocks. Marcy, who was enjoying the whole thing and masturbating furiously with my vibrator, said she counted about thirty! Certainly by the time I'd finished the state of Angie's bruised little bottom told the story of how severely I'd caned her. The cane marks had merged into one big swollen red and purple patch on each cheek and Angie's hoarse cries and strange jerky movements told the story of a well punished girl.
I hadn't quite finished with her yet though. There was one part Marcy's punishment that Angie still had to experience. I stripped my clothes off, took my big strap-on and with a grunt of pleasure, which I just couldn't help, plunged my side of it deep into my pussy. I adjusted the straps so that it was firmly attached and then approached Angie.
"Angie, darling, what do you think of this here?" I asked, showing her the big plastic penis, "Is it bigger than your Daddy's? I know he uses his on you all the time. He likes your bottom hole, doesn't he? That's where I'm going to put this. Just like your Daddy did to Marcy. I want you to lie on your back, Angie, and put your legs up. I want to see your face when I push it up your bottom hole."
Sobbing prettily, Angie did as I had told her. Her scalded bottom cheeks provided all the encouragement she needed. She lay on her back on an armchair and lifted her legs up, pulling them back so her anus was fully exposed to me. I knelt in front of her, lubricated the plastic penis with some gel and touched the end of it to her tightly clenched little hole.
Despite Angie being used to receiving punishment from her Daddy's cock in her bottom hole, the big plastic penis I was wearing proved to be an entirely different story. Her yelps and whines as I thrust forward showed what good punishment this was. She howled that it was too big and she couldn't take it but I was determined that I was going to get the whole length into her. When, after five minutes of hard struggling, I pushed the final two inches up her she made the most amazing gurgling crying sound. It pushed me right over the edge and I came more strongly than I can ever remember.
Amidst a great slurping sound I removed the penis from her. Angie's little bottom gaped wide and I quickly moved to clean her up with my ever present pack of wipes. What a sorry sight she made; her bottom an inflamed mass of wicked cane marks and her pretty hole open and deeply stretched. Her sweet little whines made me shiver.
I looked over at Marcy. Her legs were spread wide and her little pussy was red and puffy from the sustained wanking she had given it. I thought one last act of penance from Angie was called for though.
"Angie, my dear!" I called, "I think you should say sorry to your friend for being so cruel to her, don't you?"
"Boo hoo! Yes, Auntie Penny!" she sobbed, "I'm sorry I was so cruel, Marcy!"
"No, No, dear! I meant say sorry properly, with your mouth and tongue!" I smirked pointing between my daughter's legs so there was no misunderstanding.
Angie groaned through her sobs and crawled across the floor until she was between Marcy's legs. My little daughter looked as though Christmas had come early as, her little eyes sparkling, she guided Angie's mouth to her small pouting pussy. I swished the cane behind Angie.
"You better try hard, dear!" I encouraged her.
Angie did indeed try hard. My delighted gasping daughter was treated to a first class pussy licking from her little friend. The slurping, sucking and lapping sounds made my own pussy start to throb again. As my daughter squeaked and shuddered her way to another breathtaking orgasm I sat down beside her and opened my own legs. Soon Angie's busy tongue and mouth were engaged pleasuring my own more mature, wet, sloppy pussy. I pushed her head down for her tongue to experience the dark musty delights of my deep bumhole. From the miserable spitting and gagging sounds Angie made, it seemed she did not favour the somewhat bitter taste her tongue found there. I was not satisfied and instructed Marcy to give her friend a little reminder with the cane, right across the sorest most swollen part of her little botty. How Angie squealed! And how she pushed her tongue right up my big bottom in her desperation to please me! I subjected Angie to a long long session of pleasuring me until it seemed the poor girl was exhausted.
For the rest of the day I kept Angie naked for Marcy's and my amusement. What a fun time it was! Although not for Angie, I fear. Just before her mother came to pick her up I gave Angie another session with my strap-on. Not just for my pleasure but I also wanted a little something to show my good friend, Debbie.
As I had expected, when Debbie arrived her face was flushed and I just knew, from her movements, that her pussy was dripping too. She couldn't wait to see her daughter and 'examine the damage'. I had Angie get back into position kneeling on the sofa with her head down and legs apart.
Debbie whistled slowly, "Wow! That's what I call a caning! Ted's loves it when her ass looks like that! God, what did you do with her hole? The way it's gaping! Ted's going to go wild! He'll want to fuck that all night!"
There was a wailing sob from Angie.
"Less of that, young lady!" Debbie chided, "When your Daddy sees you like that you'd better be ready to please him big time or there's no telling what he'll do to you! Remember what Daddy did to your cousin when she got sent round to be punished? I don't think you want that, do you?"
Debbie turned back to me and I showed her the strap-on I had used. I explained what exquisite pleasure it gave to the wearer and what strict discipline it delivered to the little girl with the misfortune of receiving its punishing length and girth. Debbie seemed to physically sway as she handled it.
"Why don't you give it a try?" I encouraged, indicating her daughter's waiting anus.
Debbie needed no second bidding and tore off her clothes with indecent haste. As I had correctly predicted, her pussy was sopping. She slipped the whole length up herself in one quick motion. Then I helped her do the straps up. Soon her screaming daughter was being treated to a long hard mother - daughter chat about her recent misbehaviour; real or imagined I cannot tell. But Debbie sure pounded hard into her daughter's red raw anal hole.
I could feel my pussy juice running down my inner thighs. I sat back in an armchair and spread my legs across the arms.
"Marcy!" I called, "Get over here on your knees, young lady! You better give me the best pussy and bum licking of your life or it's your turn to get my strap-on up your bottom tonight!"
Well, I have to report that, as the awful punishment of her little friend by her strict Auntie Debbie carried on, a terrified Marcy rushed over to me and threw her face between my legs. My God! How she sucked and pulled at my clit with her mouth! And how her tongue probed and twirled in my asshole! I was in Mummy heaven! As I watched Debbie's body heaving in a massive orgasm, I came so hard I squirted all over my horrified little girl's face. Bliss!
Now minding each others girl has become less of a chore and more of a pleasure. I fear our poor sore bottomed little children would not agree. But Debbie and I are in agreement, little bottoms were made to be punished.
I do hope I haven't gone on too long, but I'm sure readers will appreciate my friend's and my passion for strict little girl discipline.
Penny xxx
Dear LGD, This is an open letter from my daughters Susan, aged 11, and Karen, aged 12, and from me, Portia, to their father and my husband Dave.
From your loving wife, Portia
My dearest darling Dave,I am so sorry that I disagreed with the way you wanted to bring up the girls. I know that LGD is your favourite magazine and so I am writing this, hoping that you read it. I understand fully why you left us for another woman who practices strict discipline on her own two little girls. I hear they are both very cute and, after a hard caning, are most compliant when receiving their intimate punishments from you.
Since you left I have experienced a dramatic decline in the girls' behaviour resulting from the lack of your firm hand. From talking to my friends I also realise that your demands were not unusual. Indeed, it seems that many of our friends operate the strictest regimes for their girls. And yes, that includes Daddies delivering the most severe intimate punishments. Darling, both Susan and Karen are now subject to the very strictest punishments on their bare bottoms. Stricter, I believe, than your new woman would ever give to her own two girls.
Darling, if you could just come back to visit us I could show you how strict I am with them and how lovely your life would be. I know you love your daughters and would want to be the one ensuring that their intimate punishments are done properly. I am making sure that they are well prepared and obedient for you.
Every night, before bed, the girls have to come down to the lounge in their tight little pj's, bought especially two sizes too small for them, and bare their own bottoms for punishment. I will have laid out on the coffee table all the nice new punishment implements I have bought. My darling, they both cry and beg so prettily before their punishments. With their little bottoms and pussies all on display I'm sure it would make your cock lovely and hard.
I like to start with Susan; it's fun to make Karen wait and get all scared and weepy. First I open Susan's holes a little, like I would if I were showing her off to you. She's got such a cute puffy little pussy and I like to pull the lips wide apart so she's fully opened. She doesn't have any hair yet but I'm sure it won't be long. Then I turn her round, pull her bottom cheeks wide apart, get my thumbs in there and pull open her bottom hole. It's so yummy, that little hole; all pinky brown with crinkled skin that stretches tight when I pull it. Darling, I'm sure you could push your lovely cock up there if you wanted to. Just imagine how much she'd cry and scream!
Once I've finished my inspection I put her into the diaper position on the sofa. You'd like that I'm sure, her legs held back and everything on display. I start work on her bottom with a nice little paddle I've bought. It certainly seems to sting from the girls' reaction! I spank away good and hard. The paddle makes these lovely loud woody popping noises when it smacks their bare bottoms. By now Susan is howling. I spank hard and fast until her two little cheeks are cherry red. Gosh, she wriggles like mad; her burning bottom makes her forget how much she is showing off.
When I've finished her paddling then I put her in the corner with her hands on her head and her little bum on display. Darling, if you were here you could have her sit on your lap and do a tearful wriggly dance all over your hardness. She could be doing that for you whilst you watch me deal with Karen.
How our little Karen has developed in the last few months! Little hairs have started to sprout under her arms and on her pussy. Naturally these are shaved off. She cries like her heart has been broken when I do that. But I tell her she is still a little girl and will both be treated like one and made to look like one. Her little breasts have started to bud too; cute little cones that jut out an inch or so with big nipples. I make fun of them and pinch them so that she squirms and cries even more. Then, just like Susan, I give her a thorough humiliating genital examination. Now she's older and feels that she is growing up this is so terribly humiliating for her and so delightful to watch.
Her pussy has just started to swell and her bottom hole is becoming bigger and more wrinkled. I'm sure your cock would fit right up both her holes. I'd love to see you do that! I'd hold her for you whilst you did it, just like the good wife I now am. Then it's into the diaper position for Karen. She looks so pretty, her face looking up between her legs all tearstained and her bottom and holes all spread and on display. Oh darling, I just spank her sooo hard. She really squeals as I swat that paddle down on her tush. If only you could hear her, it would make you so hard.
When I've finished with Karen's little bum and it looks like a pair of overripe tomatoes, I call Susan back and have the girls both kneel on the sofa in the 'frog' position. Do you know that one? I'm sure your new woman has her girls get in it for you. The mom of one of Susan's friends told me about it. The girls have to get on the sofa on their knees with their bottoms facing out. Then they have to bend over resting on their elbows with their head down in the cushions. Finally they have to spread their legs and tuck their knees in either side of their elbows. They are just so exposed like that. Their little bums stick right out and their cheeks part showing their pretty holes. They are crying nicely by now because they know that I want their cheeks to be apart for a good reason; the belt.
I've got a really nice belt for them. It's made of shiny black leather, quite long so that it wraps around my hand nicely, about ¾ of an inch wide and heavy enough to hurt and mark soft little bottoms. I try to get it just so the tail end flicks into their open bottom cracks. When I get it right they just scream. I'm getting quite good at it now and it seems to get into their cracks almost every time. It can become quite deafening with both of them going. After a while I change sides and use a good backhand stroke (remember how good I am at tennis) to make sure both cheeks catch it. Their bottoms show the raised swollen belt marks off to perfection. Where I've belted into their cracks it swells up so they can't sit down without crying. I know you would love to see that. When I'm happy that their bottom cheeks and cracks have taken a good dose then it's time for their caning.
Yes darling, I cane them. I know your new woman doesn't, but I do, good and hard. I hope your cock gets stiff reading this. Just imagine, such a severe punishment for your little girls. I'd bet you'd cum on the spot watching me do it. They just scream and scream! I have them both kneel up on the seats of kitchen chairs and hold on to the backs for dear life. My nice little cane is about two and a half foot long and perfect for little bottoms.
I always start with Susan and give her a couple of good whippy strokes. I can hear Karen choking back her sobs when Susan squeals as the cane cuts into her swollen cheeks. Then it's Karen's turn; six for her, slow hard whippy strokes. How she squeals and wriggles. And if little hands get put in the way the cane soon smacks them away again. Back to Susan for her last four strokes. Sometimes she jumps right off the chair when she gets these. Dances around clutching her bum! How sexy she looks. I make her get back on the chair to take the strokes again. Finally back to Karen for her final four. Ten nice scalding lines across her writhing bum
If you were here, darling, now would be your time. Both of them so eager to please with their mouth or holes including, I might add, their cute little bottom holes. You see, I've been training them for you. I have a big rubber penis that I put in their mouths and push into their throats. They are both learning to give lovely deep blow jobs. You can be as rough with them as you like. The thing that you will like best though, my lovely darling husband, is that I am stretching their bottom holes open so that your cock can go up there too. Such pretty little holes, gaping open for you, me rubbing lube onto your cock then pushing your way up. Pleasure for you, good hard punishment for them!
Please come back to us darling. You can see now how I have changed my ways and will be the best wife in the world. I promise you that both girls are dealt with most severely and will be very compliant to all your requirements. I have made both girls write to you so you can see how obedient they will now be and how sorry they are for how they used to behave.
Your loving wife,
Dear Daddy,I'm missing you so much. Please come back to us. Everyone's been so sad since you went away. Mum has no money and can't buy any treats for her or us. You used to treat us all, all the time and I never said thank you. Daddy, I'm so very sorry for how I behaved to you. Mummy is teaching me how to behave now. She teaches me every night before bed. Oh Daddy, it hurts so much! She really hurts me! Maybe if you were here I would still get hurt, but not as bad as when Mum does it.
Daddy, I was so bad and naughty when you lived here; I know that now. I have been talking to my friends and they get punished hard by their daddies. You know my best friend Tracy, well she gets it the worst out of all of them, and I got to see it too!
I went over to her house and her Mum said she wasn't allowed friends round. But I saw her at her bedroom window and she threw me a note telling me to go to her back door. I went there and she sneaked down to let me in. We went to her bedroom and she said I had to be really quiet. We played for a bit and then we heard the door downstairs open and shut. Tracy got really scared and said that I had to hide or she would get in trouble. I hid in the wardrobe. It had these slats so I could see out but not be seen.
Tracy's Dad came in. He started telling her off and saying it was punishment time. Tracy was in tears and was begging him not to hurt her. Her Dad shut the curtains, turned on the light and told her to get undressed. She kept pleading and desperately looking at the cupboard door where I was. By the time she got down to her panties she was really crying. Her Dad sat on the bed and told her to 'get your ass here'. She did, but very slowly. Her Dad took her panties off and threw them into her bin. He told her she wouldn't be needing them for a while.
Then her Dad started to play with her wee hole and bottom hole. She really squirmed because he stuck his fingers up her. He reached over and opened the drawer in her bedside table and took out a tube of stuff that he put on his fingers, all clear and slippery. Then he started pushing his fingers in again. This time he was pushing them all the way in and getting two in at a time. Tracy was sobbing so bad whilst he did this. He kept telling her he wanted her nice and ready for when he had finished her spanking.
After a while her Dad stood up and started taking his own clothes off. When he took off his underpants I couldn't believe how his willy was so big and sticking up. I'd only seen willies when soft. This was the first time I'd seen a man's willy all big and hard. It looked so huge and frightening. Tracy sobbed and covered her face with her hands. Her Dad pushed his willy into her face and told her to 'kiss it'. Tracy looked over at the cupboard where I was, her face bright red. She opened her mouth and her Dad pushed his willy in. He pushed it really far into her mouth and she made these horrible choking sounds. I thought she was going to be sick. Her Dad had a big smile on his face though and kept sticking it in. He kept doing it for ages and then took it out. It looked bigger and harder than ever.
Her Dad turned round to a chest of drawers and opened the top drawer. He took out a thick brown leather belt and wrapped the buckle end around his hand. He told her she was getting a belt spanking in the 'diaper' and pointed meaningfully at the bed. Poor Tracy was really sobbing now. She lay on her back on the bed, pulled her knees up to her chest, put her hands behind her knees to keep her legs held back and then spread them wide. Wow Daddy! Everything of hers opened up and I mean everything! Maybe it was what her Dad had done with his fingers but you could see into her holes. She was begging her Dad not to smack her bum with the belt. Her Dad didn't listen and began to whack it down really hard. Tracy started to scream, I mean really scream. He was cracking the belt down so it smacked into her bottom with such loud whacks I could hear them echoing. I had to put my hands over my ears because Tracy's screaming was so loud. Her bottom had got all big and red, it looked like it was twice the size! And it was like that belt had gone everywhere! I mean, all between her legs and right up her bum crack. No wonder she screamed like that.
I could see her Dad's big willy and it was actually jerking and dripping stuff out. He threw the belt down on the bed, grabbed his big willy and started to push it up her bottom hole. I was so shocked! Katie, like, howled and begged him to take it out. But he kept pushing it in and, like, telling her how good it felt. Then when it was all the way up he pulled some out and stuck it back up again. He kept on doing that for ages. Then he pushed right in her, arched his back and went really stiff. I now know that he was squirting into her, but I didn't then. After groaning for a bit he pulled his willy out, picked up his clothes and went to the bathroom. Tracy got off her bed still crying and shaking. She told me never to tell anyone. I sneaked out of the house while her Dad was showering.
Tracy's Dad hurts her but he still lives at home. Please Daddy, if you came back to live at home you could hurt me like that, whenever you want to! I promise I'll be good when you want to punish me. I'll be just like Tracy and get into position and do everything. You can put it in my bottom just like her Daddy does. Please come home.
Susan xxxxxxx
Lovely darling Daddy,Mummy explained to me that you had left because we had not shown you that we were good girls by having our bottoms hurt and pleasing your willy. She has been hurting our bottoms so very much every night and teaching us how to please your willy. If only you could come home and let Susan and me show you how good we are now. Our bottoms are kept all red how you like them and we will do such nice things to your willy.
Daddy, please, I need you to help me. I really need you to come back. Mummy has had to sell my pony, Angus. I walk past the field where he now lives every day and he trots over to see me. But I can't ride him or groom him anymore. I cry all the time when I think about it. It would just be so good if you could come back. I really promise that I would be such a good daughter for you. My best friend Jess (the one you like) has told me in private what to do.
Jess has a pony but had to do a special deal with her Dad to get him to buy her one. We could do a special deal too if you get Angus back for me. Jess has to give her Daddy big adult sex whenever her Daddy wants and take her bedtime spankings without any fuss. Since Jess's Mummy died her Daddy makes her do stuff all the time. Sometimes she gets to school all messed up because her Daddy has stopped the car and made her put his willy in her mouth. Jess can take all of his willy in her mouth now. She hates doing it but she loves her pony so much she will do anything to keep him. She says her bedtime spankings are the worst. Her Daddy gets so excited hurting her bottom his willy gets bigger and harder than ever. He uses loads of different things to hurt her bottom with; straps, paddles, canes, belts, brushes, rulers. It's like a big collection he keeps in her top drawer. Jess says her spankings go on forever because her Daddy loves hurting her bottom so much.
One day at school Jess was tearful and couldn't sit still. She told me she's been spanked really hard the night before. I asked to see her bum so at break we went to the toilets and she showed me. Gosh Daddy, it was a real mess! She said her Daddy had had a bad day at work and wanted to hurt her bottom more than usual. He had got them both naked and spanked her with the paddle, strap and cane. She even showed me how he'd used the strap right between her bottom cheeks. After he'd done spanking her he put his willy into all of her holes. She said he had done it very roughly.
Daddy, she was so sad that I asked her what I could do to make her feel better. She said she wanted me to kiss her wee hole. She'd asked me before but I'd said no. I felt so sorry for her though that I said yes. I know it was really bad but I wanted for her not to feel so sad. We did it in a cubicle. She's asked me to do it lots of times since then but I haven't said yes. Honest, Daddy!
Please could we have a deal like that, Daddy. I'd be super good for you! Whenever you want to do things to me with your willy I'll do whatever you want. Mummy has been training me with the rubber willy. She's very hard with me but I can take all the rubber willy in my mouth now. I have to sort of swallow it when she pushes it in. It made me real sick at first but now I can do it. Mummy says that men like it when a little girl drools all over their willy. I do a lot of drool when Mummy's pushing the willy in my throat, so you will like that. Mummy is stretching open my bottom hole too so that you can fit your willy in. She says that's where men like to put it the most after giving a little girl's bottom a very hard spanking. I know it will hurt but I will be really good so you can push it all in.
I know that the thing Jess's Daddy likes the best though, and Mummy says you will too, is the bottom spanking. Please Daddy, help me get my pony back. You can come to my room when you like, not just bedtime but anytime, to spank my bottom. I will take my clothes off and not make a fuss. You can use the strap or cane or anything you want to hurt my bottom with. I know I will cry and scream and my bottom goes so red and all bumpy with the marks. I know you will like it. Please come back and help me. I love you so much.
Dear LGD readers,As a single mother I recently had to correct the most errant behaviour of my eldest girl, Clarissa, who is twelve years old. In the process my ten year old, Fiona, also learnt a good lesson and I made a new friend.
About two months ago I received a telephone call. It was Saturday and I was cleaning the house. The call was one that all mothers dread; my eldest had been caught shoplifting. The store manager explained that she had been part of a group of girls but the security camera clearly showed my daughter as the girl who had pocketed the item. He explained that store protocol meant he had to call the police but that I was entitled to attend. I immediately begged for him not to call the police and if he could just wait until I got to the store I could explain everything. Reluctantly he agreed to my request.
I left my youngest with a neighbour and drove downtown. I was absolutely fuming and deeply shamed. How dare my daughter behave in such a way! I had taken the time and trouble to bring her up in the strictest manner. I can tell you that her bottom was no stranger to the excellent guidance of the cane, the two of them having become acquainted on her tenth birthday. She was very naughty at her party. In front of her little guests I stripped her naked for a toby tickling ten with the stick. Her humiliated shrieks and pleas are a memory I will treasure. But now it seemed my hard work had been for nought. I made up my mind that there was going to be a very stern reckoning for my naughty little girl.
When I got to the store I was shown to the manager's office. It was quite an expensive store and the office was all plush leather and deep carpet. The manager was an older distinguished gentleman; portly with grey balding hair. He invited me in and closed the door behind us. Clarissa was standing in the corner, facing the wall and crying.
"Mrs. M------" he began, "I'm very grateful you could come. My name is Charles S------ and I'm the manager of this store. Our policy is to discuss matters with the parents before we contact the police. Your daughter was caught leaving the store with these in her pocket."
He held up a pair of red, lacy, high-cut panties for me to view. My blood boiled. The little tramp! How dare she humiliate me like this!
"Clarissa!" I said, my voice one of controlled fury, "When we get home, young lady, Mummy's big cane and your bottom are going to have a long, long chat. And because you've been so naughty I think I shall give you and 'special' spanking with the hairbrush too."
Clarissa turned her tearful face back towards me.
"Boo hoo! Oh please Mummy! Don't use the big cane! Don't give me special spanks! Boo hoo! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" she sobbed.
I looked at Mr S-----. His face had gone a little red and he had a delightful twinkle in his eyes. I smiled at him hopefully.
"I'm a very strict Mummy, you know!" I told him.
He smiled back and nodded.
"I'm delighted to see it." he said, "In my view, too many mothers aren't. Now, I do have discretion over whether the police are called or not."
"Of course, yes." I simpered.
I picked up the pair of tiny lace panties from his desk.
"You know, it strikes me," I added, "that as my daughter saw fit to try and steal these, maybe we should see what she looks like with them on?"
His face flushed.
"Yes, that would be most interesting." he said hoarsely.
"Clarissa!" I intoned, "Turn around and take your clothes off so Mummy can show 'Uncle Charles' what you look like!"
Slowly my young daughter turned around to face us, tears streaming down her face.
"Boo hoo! Please Mummy! Don't make me! I don't want him to see me!" she pleaded.
I smacked her across the face. She squealed and her hand flew up to where her cheek had been slapped. I began to pull her clothes off. She wailed but didn't resist me stripping her. Soon she was naked apart from her plain white cotton panties; sobbing and rubbing at her red cheek.
"Look at this!" I said, pointing out her budding breasts that were just tiny cones, "She has these tiny things and she thinks she's all grown up."
I took Clarissa's left nipple between my thumb and forefinger and pinched it hard.
"Yeeeeeeeeeeowwwwwwwww! Mummeeeeeeey!" she yelled.
"Silly girl!" I scolded, "You're just a baby!"
I pulled her panties down and she wailed with embarrassment.
"See what a baby she is, Mr S--------!" I said pointing to my daughter's pubis, "She doesn't even have any hair yet!"
Mr. S------- stared at Clarissa's bare pussy. My pubescent daughter's vulva had started to swell and the lips had started to become more pronounced, but there was no hair yet. I took a little look at Mr. S-----'s trousers. It was clear from the lump there that he was finding little Clarissa's body most stimulating. I was beginning to like Charles.
I took the lacy little panties and put them on Clarissa. She looked quite the little tart in them.
"Bend over and touch your toes!" I commanded.
Clarissa jumped to obey, pushing her bottom out towards us as I had trained her. Most of her bottom was bare and the panties were so lacy that what they did cover could be clearly seen. Her little anus was nicely visible and her pussy opened slightly so that the pink of the inner lips showed.
"Now look at this!" I said to Mr. S-------, tracing a faint bluish line that ran across Clarissa's bottom, "This is from when I gave her six with the junior cane two days ago. She hadn't tidied her room properly. Please, take a close look!"
Mr. S------- peered closely at Clarissa's young bum, his face only a few inches away. I could hear him drawing in the air through his nose to catch the smell of the young bottom crack and pussy in front of him.
"Mmmmm! Six with the cane for an untidy room!" Mr. S----- wondered aloud, "I imagine that you will be a little more severe for shoplifting?"
"Oh yes!" I agreed, "Like I said earlier, she's going to get a good dose of the senior cane. It's three foot long and really stings! I'll work over her bottom and then finish on the tops of her thighs. Then I'll move on to a little spot of intimate punishment with the hairbrush. Do you know what I mean by 'intimate punishment', Mr. S-----?"
"Mmmmmm! I'm not sure I do, Mrs. M-------." he smiled at me, "Perhaps you could tell me."
I slowly drew the naughty little lace panties down my daughter's bottom revealing her tight little anus and bare pussy in all their glory. I reached out and with the fingers of one hand spread her bum cheeks so her anus was fully exposed.
"I shall be using the hairbrush on here!" I announced, "I find it a particularly effective punishment for my girls."
My hand moved down to Clarissa's pussy. I spread the lips for him to see.
"I may also consider using it here if Clarissa doesn't behave herself during her punishment." I added.
Mr. S------ was sweating and I could see a wet patch on his trousers at the end of his bulge.
"You know Mr. S------," I said, "it's not easy being a single Mum. Both my girls require such severe punishment, so regularly, it's almost too much for me. I often wonder if I couldn't do with some male assistance?"
"Well of course I'd be delighted to help!" he beamed, his eyes fixed on my daughter's privates.
"Oh that would be lovely if you could!" I said, clapping my hands, "Of course I understand that Daddies and Uncles can get quite 'tense" when spanking their little girls."
I looked down meaningfully at his bulge so there should be no misunderstanding. He coughed and attempted to hide his erection.
"No, no, please!" I said, holding up my hand, "A good Mummy knows that such 'tenseness' is perfectly normal. Indeed, where I was brought up, if the punishment of a little girl caused such 'tenseness' in a Daddy or Uncle then the little girl in question was deemed responsible. The Daddy or Uncle was then quite within his rights to use her to 'ease' himself. Of course the little girl in question might not enjoy the process but it was deemed to be part of the punishment. Now, if you did experience such 'tenseness' then I would be more than happy for you to use my girls to 'ease' yourself."
"Mummyeeeeeeeeee! Pleeeeeeeeeeease! Nooooooooo!" wailed Clarissa, horrified at the prospect.
"Tell me Mr. S-------," I said, parting Clarissa's bum cheeks again, "do you enjoy anal sex?"
"Oh yes. It's one of my favourites!" he smiled cruelly.
"Yes, I believe most men find that." I smiled broadly, "I understand it's something to do with the tightness of the grip around the penis. I think you'll find Clarissa's bottom hole delightful. Now, what I suggest is that I return this evening with both my daughters and you witness how I punish a little shoplifter. Also Fiona, she's my youngest, has been asking for it for some days now. Perhaps you can help me with her. In the meantime, it appears that you are quite 'tense'! Clarissa will help ease you. Please sit down."
I turned to my naked daughter.
"Clarissa!" I barked, "Kneel in front of your 'Uncle Charles' and take his willy out of his trousers. I want you to put it in your mouth and kiss it until he squirts. And remember, I want to see it going down your throat, young lady!"
Mr. S------ sat back in his big desk chair, a wide smile across his face. Sobbing with shame Clarissa knelt in front of him and her inexperienced fingers started to pull at his fly and grope inside his trousers for the hard penis that lay within. Eventually she extracted it and I could see that Mr. S-------- was well preserved for his age with a nice hard cock. Clarissa held it, opened her mouth and bent her head over into his lap. The penis slipped up into her mouth. Mr. S------ groaned with pleasure. My young daughter's head began to bob up and down accompanied by slurpy sucky sounds as she pleasured Mr. S------'s cock. Every so often she would gag and splutter; her throat rebelling as the big adult cock was pushed in. It seemed like no time before Mr. S------gasped and tensed. I held on to the back of Clarissa's head whilst Mr. S------- gratefully pumped himself deep into her throat. In a few moments Mr. S------'s ecstasy had passed and I released Clarissa. She pulled herself off him, retching and spitting. We both watched, highly amused at her little antics.
I gathered up Clarissa's clothes, dressed her, made the final arrangements for that evening and left.
It was 8.00 p.m. when I returned with my repentant daughters. It was dark and raining. The girls were both dressed in full length raincoats. As we all stood outside the rear entrance to the store they both sniffled tearfully. They knew only too well what was packed into the small case that I carried with me.
A key grated in the lock and the door opened. Charles stood there beaming. He was clearly looking forward to his new role as a strict Uncle. I ushered the girls in and followed Charles to a small service elevator. We travelled up to the top floor where his office was. He showed us back into the plush room and locked the door behind us.
"I can assure you we won't be disturbed." he smiled at me.
"Well thank you, Charles." I smiled back, "And I can assure you that we will have a most enjoyable time disciplining these naughty little girls tonight."
I turned to the girls.
"Clarissa and Fiona, take off your raincoats please." I instructed.
Both girls blushed beet red and the little tears tricked down their cheeks. Slowly Fiona started to comply and Clarissa followed her younger sister's lead. As my daughters slowly undid their buttons I saw the glint in Charles' eyes as he realised that they were already stark naked underneath.
"They both need this spanking soooo bad Charles, I just didn't want to be fussed with clothes." I announced.
Charles nodded his agreement. He was almost drooling as he watched their pretty naked bodies being exposed. I opened up the case and took out a small plywood paddle. It had four holes drilled through it, each an inch wide.
"Charles, Fiona has been really most tiresome. I wonder if you'd be so good as to take her over your knee and give her a good hard dose of her paddle. I want her to be well marked for a few days by the time you've finished." I said.
"That's a good little paddle!" Charles remarked, "Would you like me to blister her with it?"
"That would wonderful!" I replied.
I grabbed Fiona's arm and started to drag her towards Charles who had sat down in a sturdy chair. Fiona was wailing and begging as her bottom approached its doom.
"Boo hoo! Bwaaaaaaaaaah! Pweeeeeease Mummy! Noooooooo Mummy! I'll be good! I'll be sooooo good! Boo hoo! Not a blistering! Pweeeeeeeeeeeeease! I'll be good! I pwomise! Waaaaaaaah!"
I swung her over Charles's ample lap and he held her firmly there. I handed him the paddle.
"Do your worst!" I said.
Charles didn't hold back. My youngest daughter's soft pretty bottom was treated to the hardest paddle spanking Charles could deliver. She was only nine years old but Charles paddled her butt like she was sixteen. Every time the paddled landed the force flattened her bum and the paddle bounced off. The cracks were like pistol shots. And her squeals! Oh my! I've never heard her shrieking like that before. There was no doubt that Charles was doing an excellent job. He held her as she cavorted over his lap without the slightest modesty to the most revealing sight she made for Charles's eager eyes. I watched her bottom turn a deep fiery red, then eventually that dark dark red that means that bottom blisters are not far away. Sure enough, within a few spanks, I saw a little blister appear in her right bottom cheek. Like a true gentleman, just as he'd promised, Charles stopped and let Fiona twist herself off his lap.
Shrieking and jumping my naughty little daughter put on a perfect display of the most explicit bottom rubbing for us. Nothing was left to the imagination as her bottom cheeks were held apart for us to admire her anus and pussy as she pawed at her scaled cheeks. I looked down in Charles's lap. Administering the stern spanking to my little girl's bare bottom had clearly made him very 'tense'. It was Fiona's fault and she would have to take responsibility.
"Charles, if you'd like to remove your trousers and pants Fiona will ease your 'tenseness' with her mouth while you watch me give Clarissa the cane. Now, if you'd like to hold back and use Clarissa's bottom hole when I've finished then you are most welcome." I offered.
"Why, thank you!" he smiled, slipping his clothes off.
He hard cock and balls were in full view now and I indicated for him to sit on a small low couch. I pulled Fiona over to him and had her kneel on the couch with her head buried in his lap. I saw his cock slip into her little mouth.
"Clarissa!" I said, "Come over here!"
Shaking with fear my eldest approached me. Her twelve year old little legs seemed like jelly as she sobbed and begged to try and save her bottom. I had her climb up and kneel on the big leather topped desk.
"Clarissa, get into 'the frog'!" I commanded.
Sobbing with shame and fear, Clarissa bent over, lowering her herself down until she was resting on her elbows. Then she shuffled her knees forward so they touched the outside of her elbows. In a desperate display of obedience she dipped her back, thrusting her bum out towards us. How beautifully her buttocks split showing us everything between her legs. Her bum was spread, full and large, her cheeks at their widest stretch to present the best possible target to the cane.
I took the cane out of the case. It was truly vicious, reserved for only the most severe punishments of my eldest daughter. This would still have her shrieking at seventeen, never mind twelve. She was going to learn a good lesson tonight. I lined it up against her bum. Her wails and pleas hit a crescendo. I brought the cane back, up above my head, and then in a sweeping stroke I whipped it hard into her shaking chubby cheeks.
But I was in no mood to hold back. I fully intended to teach my shoplifting little daughter a lesson she would never forget.
Her bottom writhed about, her hands making fleeting trips to rub and grab at the burning lines the cane was leaving on her before she snatched them back and stuck her bum up for more. She knew only too well what treatment I had promised her little pussy with the hairbrush if she wasn't good.
I caned her good and hard, whipping the cane into her wobbly little bum time and time again as the deep red lines blossomed into purple welts. Soon her whole bum was covered with the evidence of a severe caning. I moved on to the backs of her thighs. Her renewed shrieks told me I was punishing the right spot. I looked back at Charles. He was groaning with delight as his cock was treated to the most delightful sucking by my youngest daughter's mouth, whilst he enjoyed watching me severely discipline my naked oldest daughter.
When I finished Clarissa's little bum was an awesome sight; bright red and purple cane marks all over her bottom cheeks and halfway down the backs of her thighs. She writhed uncontrollably and her hands pulled and grabbed at her cheeks. Her anus and pussy gaped wide open in an abject display of punished little girlhood. I gave her a few minutes to compose herself. Her punishment wasn't over yet.
I swapped the cane for a sturdy little hairbrush. The hairbrush was wooden, solid and heavy. It was time for the intimate spanking I had promised there.
"Clarissa! Diaper! Now!" I barked.
Clarissa was lying on her side on the desk, both hands welded to her bum as she rubbed and squeezed it. Sobbing hoarsely, she started to comply with my demand. She rolled onto her back and, mewling with pain and humiliation, brought her knees up to her chest and then spread her legs wide.
"Charles, would you be so good as to hold her hands and legs for me?" I asked.
Charles readily got up and went behind the desk to firmly hold Clarissa open for me and keep her hands out of my way. Fiona trailed after him and as he stood there and knelt beside him so he could continue to use her mouth.
I lined the brush up with Clarissa's clenching bottom hole. She hated having her anus spanked almost as much as I enjoyed doing it. I whacked the hairbrush down right into the centre of her bottom crack. The deep hollow smacking noise echoed around the room, shortly followed by the disbelieving shrieks of my daughter. It seemed that every time I punished her this way she had forgotten how much it hurt. The hairbrush soon reminded her as I spanked it in nice and hard. She was soon nice and red between her cheeks and I cracked the brush down even harder to really teach her bottom a lesson. When I had achieved a deep burning red I stopped and admired my handiwork. She was nicely swollen and her little bum hole would give her trouble pooing for some days.
I put the brush down and out of my case pulled a large tube of lubrication gel. I squeezed a plentiful amount onto the ends of my fingers and started to massage it into her anus. I worked first one finger up, then two. Clarissa groaned and writhed as I stretched her hole.
I looked up at Charles.
"Perhaps you'd like to swap positions?" I offered, "I think she's ready for you now."
Charles and I swapped ends. He looked as though he was extremely 'tense' now and couldn't wait to ease his poor hard cock in my daughter's little bum. He touched the end of his penis to Clarissa's anal hole and pushed almost straight up. He must have been very hard, no doubt due to the good work of little Fiona's mouth. His stout tummy flopped over Clarissa as he pumped his cock in and out of her tiny bottom. Her humiliated broken cries told me this was good discipline. Charles pumped harder, his body slapping into Clarissa's wounded butt. I saw him tense and his face distort as he came, gasping and wriggling with pleasure.
So, let this be a cautionary tale for any daughter out there that ever thinks about being as silly as mine. Not only did she get a good punishment but she also found herself and her little sister a new strict Uncle. An Uncle who visits several times a week to administer discipline and seems to need almost constant 'easing' from my girls. It seems a very high price for a pair of lacy panties.
Clarissa's and Fiona's Mum
Dear Sir,My husband and I are the greatest fans of your wonderful magazine. We have read it from the first ever edition and it just keeps getting better and better! We particularly enjoy the 'readers' letters' section as it gives us just so many wonderful ideas for disciplining our youngsters. It seems only fair to share some of our past and present experiences.
Both my husband and I come from families that practiced the strictest discipline and we have taken many of the family traditions that we were subjected to as kids and applied them to our own naughty brood. I will talk a little bit about my upbringing, then my husband's and finally the strict discipline we administer to the little bottoms under our guidance.
My sister, Jemma, and I were brought up on the outskirts of a small town in a nice leafy suburb. There were two years between us; my sister being the eldest. I have photos of us back then that show two pretty little girls with their dark hair tied back in pony tails. On the outside everything seemed like a picture postcard. But, behind carefully locked doors, Mum and Dad created a house of strict discipline for me and my sister. The truth is that they both enjoyed administering the most severe punishments to our little bare bottoms and then making us degrade ourselves by satisfying their insatiable sexual appetites.
You might have though that all of this would have made me not want to spank my own kids. But not a bit of it! I hated it at the time, but when I think about it now and remember the things they did to us my pussy dribbles. My sister is the same. The last time we talked about it we ended up wanking each other we were so turned on. And then my sister called her kids in to show me just how well she punishes them. Gosh, that was a great day!
So, just image me at nine years old and Jemma at eleven years old in our little school uniforms coming back from school. We'd often start to cry just walking up to the house. We'd have been promised our spankings before we went to school so we had all day to think about them. By the time we got to the house we'd both be in a real state. Mum would open the door for us and we'd hear it being shut and locked behind us. We'd already both be taking our clothes off; we knew what was expected and woe-betide-us if we didn't do it. Soon we'd just be in our underwear; white knee socks, little white knickers and a white school vest. Then we'd help each other tie our hair back into neat pony tails. Mum and Dad liked our faces to always be visible so they could see them bright red and screaming with the tears and snot streaming down. They also didn't want anything getting in the way of our mouths which were used for choking on Daddy's willy, being suffocated by Mummy's soaking pussy and eating out both their big smelly bottom holes.
As we got our clothes off Mum would be scolding us all the time, saying how naughty we were, talking about getting our knickers down to bare and expose us. Her hand would be in our knickers squeezing our nervous wriggling cheeks and getting her fingers into the crack to touch our holes. She'd tell us how our bums were made for spanking and how she and Dad were going to hurt us. All the time she'd be making a note of the things she said we'd done wrong. This would go on for ages until she had a massive list. Then, when she thought she'd got enough reasons to justify giving us the most severe punishment, we'd be sent upstairs to wait for Dad to get home. Before we went up she would tell us what position to get into ready for Dad. 'Frog' and 'diaper' were favourites, but 'touching toes', 'kneeling on chair' 'doing the splits - head between legs' all made their appearance.
We'd have to go upstairs to the 'punishment room'. To the unsuspecting eye it was just a spare bedroom with a bed, a couple of straight backed chairs, a small desk, a locked wardrobe and an abnormally big lock on the bedroom door. But when we went up the wardrobe door would be open. Hung on hooks inside of the door would be all the things our parents used to discipline us with. Everything was guaranteed to bring total agony to a little girl's cringing bare bottom. There were ropes to restrain us if the punishment was so severe we couldn't stay in position, lubrication gel to help with fitting big adult things into small girls' places, special clothes to make us look cute whilst being punished, adult sex toys to stretch open our little holes and all manner of other things they had collected, been given or made themselves with the single purpose of punishing us until we squealed and squealed.
Imagine the two of us having to wait up there all alone with just our sniffling and tears to keep us company. Both of us thinking about how, in just a short time, our knickers would be coming off, our legs would be spread to fully expose little holes and our bottoms would be hurt and hurt until we barely knew our own names; finally, how Mummy and Daddy would enjoy themselves as we spent hours obediently satisfying their engorged sex organs. It was terrible waiting but we just dreaded the time when we heard Dad's car pull up, the sound of him getting out and then coming through the door. There'd be low murmuring that we could never quite hear, the rustle of them getting ready and then coming up the stairs. That was when we really started to cry; when we heard their feet on the stairs. There was no turning back then, no magic spell to save us, no Dad delayed at the office, just horrible horrible bottom pain.
We would scramble to get in the position we'd be given. Often it would be 'diaper' and we'd be on our backs, our legs up and spread. The footsteps would stop outside the door, the handle would turn and then the door would open. Mum and Dad would be standing there both naked from the waist down. Mum's hairy pussy would be wet and smelly and Dad's willy would be sticking out big hard and scary. We would start to plead with them like crazy; begging them to spare our bottoms in return for the most extreme sex acts possible. Mum's pussy would dribble and Dad's cock would jerk at the graphic descriptions we gave. What silly little girls we were! I realise now from when my kids beg and plead with me how exciting it is and how much more I like to hurt their little bottoms because of it. Sometimes, when I've decided I'm going to paddle them and then they start begging to make Mummy's pussy feel nice instead, telling me all the fine things their mouths will do for me, I get so excited I give them the cane. And afterwards, how much harder they try and how much more delicious it feels.
So there we would be; two little girls ready to be spanked turning our parents on by crying and pleading with them to let us sexually gratify them if only they wouldn't whip our little bums. No doubt all the time we were doing this our punishment was growing more and more severe. Eventually Dad would say something like "Take off your knickers! Only bare bottoms get punished in this house!". Then, our little faces beet red with embarrassment, we'd peel down our knickers in those horribly exposed positions and present the most explicit show of our little genitals.
Whatever position we were in, Mum would start scolding us and manipulating our little parts to excite Dad. Our pussies would be spread wide open for Dad to see and our bums would be pulled apart until the holes themselves opened up. Dad would go to the wardrobe and get out the big tub of lubricating gel. He'd give it to Mum and always say something like, "Make them nice and slippery dear, I'm going to go in really deep tonight!". Of course we'd start crying even more because Dad was big and when he went in deep it hurt so much. Mum would start scooping lubrication gel out of the tub with her fingers. We'd be crying and pleading but still holding our legs obediently apart for her to do the nasty things to us. Then she'd put her fingers deep into our pussies and bottom holes. Sometimes she'd get two or three fingers up us whilst we moaned with pain as our holes were stretched. Dad used to get so excited watching Mum do our holes for him that his big cock would be presented for our little mouths to pleasure. He was very strict about making us take him in our throats and we'd have to listen to each other gagging and retching as he thrust in and out, knowing that any moment that big thing would be back in our own compliant mouth being pushed impossibly far back and down.
Dad never came like that because he wanted his willy to stay hard to punish us more later on. When he'd had enough of enjoying our mouths he'd go and sit down so Mum could start punishing us. Dad liked to watch Mum do the punishing and Mum liked to do the punishing, so I guess they were pretty well matched. Mum would go to the wardrobe and select the things she was going to hurt our bottoms with. Two of her favourites were the strap and the switch. She liked the strap because she could get at all our 'hard to reach places'; the places that when the strap cracked into made us scream like nothing on earth. When a strapping from Mummy had finished your pussy and bottom crack would be as red and swollen as your bum cheeks. Mum liked the switch for the same reason I love using it on my kids. Thin and whippy it stings horribly but leaves narrow marks compared to the cane. That means you can keep whipping away at a naughty little bottom and thighs for ages. I love to keep my kids squealing and jumping for as long as I can. When I get my switch out they know that I'm ready to give them a session they won't forget.
So Mum would punish our bottoms with Dad looking on. Our poor little bums would get bright red, swollen and welted. Mum loved doing it so much she would take her time over each stage of the spanking, prolonging the process, taunting us and enjoying our wild efforts to rub and squeeze the sting out of our wounded bottoms. And the squealing! I can remember my sister getting switched right in her bum crack. Her squeals were so loud my ears rang for the next two days. Eventually Mum would stop and her two little girls would howl and jump about clutching their bum cheeks.
When we had quietened down, you could not find two more compliant, eager to please little girls in the whole world. Something that Mummy's pussy and Daddy's willy would then take full advantage of. Mummy loved to sit on our faces and grind her pussy in. We'd kick and struggle because we often couldn't breath. Mummy would sit up and we'd grab a few breaths and then her dripping wet pussy would be rubbing over our face again. Daddy liked to put his big penis in tight places. He loved our bottom holes the best. He would never miss the opportunity to push up our tightest most painful hole. How we wailed when he was going really deep into our tiny bottoms. In a really bad punishment session both Mum and Dad would cum several times. How we hated it!
So that was a little bit about how I was brought up. However, compared to my husband I think I got it easy! My punishments were in private but my husband's parents had an open door policy for their children's punishments. When I first met my boyfriend, as he was then, he soon found out that when he talked about his punishments I quickly became so turned on I was willing to give him any sexual pleasure he desired. When I told him about my punishments we soon realised ours was a relationship that was going to work. If I can just describe to you a typical 'spank night' at my husband's parent's house then I'm sure you'll see why my pussy needed him so badly.
My husband is the middle of three with a younger brother and an older sister. There is about two years between each of them. I love it when he talks about the times when his sister was twelve, he was ten and his brother was eight. I can just imaging how cute all three of them looked at that age. At least once a week, sometimes twice, all three of them were punished together. The fact that they were going to be punished that night was advertised by their Mum taking a paddle and hanging it up outside on their porch. To those in the know this was a public invitation to the evening's proceedings.
At 7.00 p.m., half an hour before punishment time, the kids were prepared. They all had to present themselves naked in the kitchen for strict, painful and humiliating anal discipline. My hubby says that his parents were already excited; his Dad would have a big erection and if his Mum was wearing jeans then they could see the wet patch. In the kitchen, on permanent display, were three high stools. Each stool had one of the kids names painted on. Screwed into the centre of each stool was a sturdy varnished wooden peg with a rounded end. The pegs were of varying thicknesses and lengths; the older the child the thicker and longer the peg. The pegs would all have been well lubricated ready to fulfil their painful purpose of stretching little bottom holes.
The oldest would be made to go first. My hubby's big sister would try to be brave but little tears would be leaking down her face. She had to climb up on the stool, position the peg against her tight anal hole and then her Dad would put a firm hand on her shoulder and push her down. Then the yelping started as the nasty peg started to stretch her little hole. Hubby says she'd be going "Oweeeee! It's too big! It hurts! Pweeeeeeease Mummy! Pweeeeeeeeease Daddy! Yoweeee!" Even then my hubby said he found this exciting and his little cock would rise. His Mum used to laugh and comment to his Dad that when he grew up he'd be a good spanker (they were right). His Mum would sometime kneel down and wank his cock for him while he watched. Many years later she told him that his Dad and her were keen to reinforce his disciplinary tendencies.
After his sister had been firmly seated on the stool with the peg fully inserted it was my hubby's turn. He tells me he was stoic, but I have it good authority from his sister that he cried and begged as much as she did. Finally, it was his little brother's turn. Everyone agrees, including his little brother himself that he made a tremendous fuss. My hubby says he used to squeal like a little piglet.
After the kids were seated their parents carried on with preparations for their guests and usually ten minutes or so later the first guests started to arrive. My hubby says that there were usually about ten people, some couples, some single women, some single men; his parents put no restriction on who could attend.
At 8.00 p.m. sharp the children's punishment would begin. The kids would go in strict age order with his sister first. His Dad punished his sister while his Mum punished him and his brother. Apparently this arrangement was what his parents enjoyed most. His Dad would start by helping his naughty little twelve year old daughter off the stool. Everyone could see the thick peg sliding out of her bottom. The first thing he would do is bend her over with her bum facing their guests and spread her buttocks wide so they could all see her gaping anus. After a period for examination as he spread and probed her holes, she would be left touching her toes whilst her Dad picked up the paddle or switch. Then it was a good hard paddle spank or switching. After a while that little twelve year old couldn't hold her position so she was put up on the kitchen table either on her knees, head down, bum stuck out or in the diaper position. In either of those two there was plenty for everyone to see. The final part of the punishment was always with a short heavy leather belt. Apparently she used to shriek the whole time she was being punished.
After she had been allowed to humiliate herself further with the bottom rubbing dance, her strict parents handed her over to their guests for their use and enjoyment whilst my hubby took his turn. There were no restrictions on how she could be used so she was required to lick pussy, suck cock and make her front and back bottom holes available to any fingers or cocks that might wish to use them. Unfortunately, my hubby was unable to enjoy watching this as it was now his turn. His Mum started the same way by showing of his gaping hole but then took him over her knee with a hairbrush or paddle. When his bottom was good and red and he was howling, he was knelt up on a chair and a dose of the switch was applied. He too did the dance and was given to the guests. My hubby states that there just as many people there who enjoyed the strict discipline of boys as they did girls. His little mouth and bottom hole would soon be full and would stay that way for some time.
My hubby's little brother got a similar treatment to him but, as before, squealed and shrieked like a little girl whilst getting it. When they had finished punishing their kids' bottoms his Mum and Dad joined their guests to exercise the strictest intimate discipline. This would go on until 10.00 p.m. when it was deemed time for children to be in bed.
So, as you can see, a very strict household even by the standards of this excellent magazine. Now, perhaps most importantly, a description of how hubby and I have taken what we feel to be the strictest disciplinary aspects of both our upbringings and combined them for the benefit of our children.
We have three kids; Alice aged 11, Johnny aged 10 and little Emily aged 8. We are most strict with all three of our little ones. Nothing delights us more than turning their little bottoms bright red by vigorously applying our large collection of spanking implements. Every Friday we have spank night where, in theory, all the weeks' misdemeanours are paid for by their naughty bottoms. In practice we enjoy disciplining them so much that we can rarely wait all week. So, for example, I might 'feel the need' and take little Johnny (my favourite) upstairs with me to my bedroom and lock the door behind us for nice little session. Of course, little Johnny is crying well before we get to the bedroom because he knows what Mummy has in store for him. I soon have all his clothes stripped off and start with the hairbrush or paddle until that cute little bottom of his is good and red. Then, when he's nice and compliant, Mummy can enjoy his eager to please tongue, often encouraged I might add by a regular application of the switch.
My hubby is no different. Several times a week he can come home from work with a pesky erection that has persisted most of the day. Nothing can shift it apart from administering the strictest discipline to one of his little daughters. My wicked hubby always takes some time choosing which one he will take up with him whilst they beg and plead to save their little bums. Eventually he chooses one and a very sorry young lady accompanies Daddy up the stairs. I can hear the door shut behind them and then the key moving in the lock. Usually then it's quiet for a few minutes while hubby enjoys their bodies and their little mouths try their hardest to persuade Daddy's willy to cum before he spanks them, but this rarely works. Then the screaming starts as we hear the regular CRACK, CRACK, CRACK of the lexan paddle with holes (hubby's favourite weapon) and a little girl is reduced to a squealing, howling state where nothing but her dreadful bottom pain matters. At that stage, begging Daddy to do the most degrading things to her is better than more paddle. Oh yes, we hear all the promises of the most explicit acts! After Daddy has administered what he considers enough spanking he allows his daughter to make good on all those promises. Something that can cause a fresh round of wailing as a big hard adult penis satisfies itself in tight little holes.
By Friday morning we have usually collected a substantial list of their wrongdoings during the week. This list is published out on the internet to a close group of friends as an invitation to the evening's entertainment. When evening arrives, like my hubby's family, we prepare the kids. In the kitchen each child has their own high stool with a varnished wooden peg screwed onto the seat. The pegs are all of a size where they act in a most disciplinary way when inserted into the rectum of the child in question. I lubricate the pegs whilst our sobbing kids get naked. Then, one by one, hubby and I sit them down as, wailing miserably, their bottom holes are stretched.
Soon, our guests start to arrive and, in a development from hubby's upbringing, our guests are given drinks and snacks and are free to chat with and physically examine our naked little children as they, so humiliatingly, have their bottoms stretched in front of everybody. Many a buttock is pulled up so a stretched little hole can be seen, many a hand fondles exposed little genitals and our kids are grilled on their behaviour and scolded by all the adults present.
After everybody has had their turn we take the kids off their stools, exposing their little stretched butts to our eager audience. Hubby and I then leave to get ourselves ready. Our little ones are left to the tender mercies of our guests. They are not allowed to take the kids over their knees but they can most certainly express their displeasure with their behaviour by landing a good smack on bottom or thighs. The moment we leave the rooms our eager guests descend and we hear a cacophony of loud smacks and yells from our kids. A few minutes later we enter and our kids' bums and thighs, front and back, are bright red with big red handprints; everybody's had a go.
When we re-enter the room we are naked from the waist down and receive rounds of rapturous applause. The audience settles down in sofas and seats and make themselves comfortable. That is to say the women remove their knickers and the gentlemen expose their penises. Our friends know they will be enjoying our hard disciplinary work. Our kids stand facing the audience with their hands firmly on the top of their heads. One by one we deal with them; my husband with the two girls and me with our boy. First up, my hubby calls Alice out. Sobbing and petrified she goes to him, her legs all wobbly and fearful. She can't resist those tearful little pleas that she'll be good and do nice things for Daddy. The audience laps it up. Then, without any preliminaries, we put her up in the diaper position on the kitchen table and I hold her in position. My word, what a lovely sight she presents to everyone, all spread and exposed like that. Then hubby takes the switch and gives a long vigorous switching that seems like it's never going to stop. Some of our audience actually cum just watching that! When hubby finishes I keep her down with her legs apart but let her hands free. Gosh, the way she rubs! Pulling herself so far apart that she exposes deep into her holes. The audience goes wild.
When she regains composure she stands next to our other kids with her hands on her heads and her back to the audience. Everyone can feast their eyes on the forever wriggling, red, welted bum cheeks of our oldest daughter. Then it's Jonny's turn for Mummy to discipline him. We have such fun! Well, the audience and I have fun; I doubt Johnny has anything apart from extreme bottom pain. Like my husband, I favour the switch and it is deployed with the utmost severity. How I enjoy myself! Then there are two red wriggling little bottoms and one weeping begging little eight year old girl left. Sometimes our smallest one actually wets herself when witnessing her older siblings punishments. Naturally, if she does such a thing, this means some extra smacks on her pussy with the heavy ruler.
My husband especially delights in punishing our youngest. He says her crying is the sweetest of the three. I have to agree, it really is quite something. Hubby takes her over his knee and then asks the audience what she deserves. All the audience shouts out the name of an implement and the most popular wins. Sometimes it's the paddle, sometimes the strap, sometimes a little switch. My husband receives the chosen implement from me and then sets about the little bottom with gusto. Her squeaking and squealing leave our audience on the edge of their seats as a naughty little bottom is turned into a dark red welted mess. When hubby lets her up we allow her to dance for us, hopping about and clutching at her scalded cheeks.
When all three bottoms are dealt with then our audience are free to request private sessions with our kids or deal with them publicly. Some like to discipline little holes in front of others, some like to retire upstairs with a sniffling young girl or boy who is only too desperate to do their bidding. Soon little mouths are pleasing big cocks and big soaking adult pussies and before long those big adult willies are being pushed into tight little holes and being brought to a point where the ultimate pleasure results and squirt after squirt is deposited.
When our guests have departed it is Mummy's and Daddy's turn. Hubby's cock and my pussy are aching for it having witnessed the delight of our audience. We both take a switch in hand and have the kids kneel up on a chair seat holding onto the chair back with their bums stuck out. We then remind them with the switch to be good for Mummy and Daddy. Our fat engorged cock and pussy and deep bottom holes are then devoured by three kids whose only thought is to save their bottoms from more punishment. Hubby's cock slips in and out of hole after hole and eventually whichever and whoever's hole he's in at the when the crisis arrives receives a soaking with pints of Daddy's cum. By that time my pussy will have spasmed time and again as different mouths have tended to it constantly.
I do hope that you have enjoyed hearing about how discipline takes place in our house. I can only say once again, thank you to LGD and all its readers for providing my husband and I with so much enjoyment and new ideas over the years.
Yours truly,
Julie xxxxxxxx
This is a full page advertisement. Almost half the page is a photograph followed by some text. There are then two smaller photos with text and then a final piece of text. Title:
Sub title: Summer camp for girls aged 9 - 13. Our camp motto is "We spank to hurt!"
Photo 1: This is a large photo of the Camp Spank entrance. There is a high fence and a road that leads up to a gateway. In an arch across the top of the gateway, picked out in rustic wood lettering, are the words 'Camp Spank'. The gates are open. Standing in the gateway with their backs to the camera are five naked girls. The girls are of different sizes and builds and appear to be of different ages, perhaps between nine and fourteen years old. All five of the girls have their hands clasped on top of their heads. Their bottoms are a deep cherry red with splotches of bluey purple. Standing to their left side facing the camera is a male camp councillor of maybe nineteen or twenty years old. Standing to their right is a female camp councillor of a similar age. Both are fit and attractive and wear a camp T-shirt and nothing else. The young man's penis sticks out fully erect; it looks vigorous and youthful. The young lady's pussy is partially shaven and looks pretty and tight; the lips are engorged and have a wet sheen. Each councillor holds a large paddle with many drilled holes in it. It is clear from the marks on the five little bottoms that it is these paddles that have done such damage.
Text: Need to send your daughter to camp? Worried that discipline standards won't match home? Worried your daughter might tell tales about your disciplinary techniques? Then worry no longer! Camp Spank is here for your girl. Our camp motto is "We spank to hurt!" We can guarantee you that we will give your daughter regular attitude adjustments just the way you do.We have a full range of camp facilities, such as a swimming lake protected by a trained lifeguard, an excellent canteen, full medical facilities with an on site matron; everything you might expect from a first class summer camp.
Our camp councillors are young and healthy and backed up by our trusted team of experienced coaches. All of our staff are carefully selected enthusiastic disciplinarians who truly enjoy their work. We intimately discipline all girls on a regular basis.
Competitive sports with strict disciplinary penalties for the losers, naked days and regular preventative punishments are just some of the fun things that await girls at Camp Spank.
Photo 2: This is a smaller photo and shows the inside of a camp cabin. The room is pleasant and clean with six steel frame beds neatly made up. Kneeling on the beds with heads down and bottoms up are five girls. The girls all look to be about ten years old. The photo is shot from behind the girls. Their bottoms are all perfectly pushed up and out, their cheeks divided to reveal their cute little anuses and their pussies that pout out from between their legs. All five bottoms are burning red and welted. Standing behind one of the girls is a young male councillor. Again he wears a camp T-shirt and nothing else.
He holds a thick heavy belt in his hand by the buckle. The belt has been wrapped round his hand once to ensure a firm grip. He is swinging the belt down across one of the obediently offered bottoms. The girl being belt spanked has one of her hands held out behind her trying to stop the belt smacking her bottom. The hand is red and marked as the camp councillor carries on spanking her bottom regardless of whether the hand is in the way or not. The camp councillor's big youthful penis is strongly erect. Kneeling in front of him as he administers the spanking is a sixth girl. She is side-on to the camera and we can see dark red welts from her belt spanking stretching around her flank. She holds the base of his penis firmly and has taken all but two inches into her mouth and throat. A long line of goo dribbles from the girl's stretched mouth onto the floor. A thick black line has been stencilled on the photograph over the girl's eyes to protect her privacy.
Text: Our camp cabins are well equipped and comfortable. Daily preventative punishments are delivered here. Every girl takes it in turn to be the recipient of intimate discipline.
Photo 3: This photo is the same size as the previous photo. It shows a bedroom, smaller than a camp cabin but with a larger double bed. Lying on the bed on her back is a young girl of about eleven years old. She is naked and has her knees drawn up to her chest and spread wide apart. Both her pussy and anus are completely exposed. Bending over her is a young female councillor who is inserting a thick butt plug into the girl's anus. The little anus looks painfully stretched and the girl's face is red and wet with tears. The councillor wears a camp T-shirt and is naked from the waist down. She is standing with most of her back to the camera. As she bends over the girl on the bed her T-shirt has ridden up to present her toned muscular buttocks to the camera. Kneeling up behind her is another girl, maybe eleven or twelve years old. The girl is naked and has her face buried between the tops of the young councillor's thighs, her mouth pushed deep into the councillor's open pussy.
Standing in a queue, waiting by the bed, are three other little girls who are all naked and facing the camera. The youngest looks about nine years old and is pre-pubescent with a flat chest and cute little girl slit. The oldest looks about thirteen years old and has a pretty pubescent body with budding breasts and a developing pussy; the external lips just starting to push out and a little moustache is just forming at the top of her slit. Each of the three girls holds a butt plug of differing size depending on her age. All three girls have tears streaming down their faces and hold their butt plugs as though they detest them. The girls whose faces show have had a thick black line stencilled on the photo over their eyes.
Text: While your daughter is away from home we ensure they are kept nice and open for you. This is just one of the services we offer. Like everything else, it is all included in the price at Camp Spank!
Final text: Camp Spank is the place to send your girls for that long summer break. We will keep up the discipline they have come to expect in our proud Camp Spank tradition. If you miss your little one then come and visit us on a parental visit. We have private parents' rooms where you can have a long hard talk with your daughter. Don't forget, at the end of their stay you will receive a two hour long DVD of all the disciplinary highlights of that summer at Camp Spank. We are now in our twentieth successful year of offering a quality disciplinary camp experience to young girls. Remember, at Camp Spank "We spank to hurt!"
I truly hope that you have enjoyed this issue of Little Girl Discipline Magazine. Next month we can promise you more of the same excellent stories, photos, readers' letters, contacts, etc.; I can hardly wait! Thank you and goodbye until next time.
The back cover is a single large photograph. It shows Tammy, the model of the month. It has been shot after the completion of her punishment. She is lying on her side on top of the teacher's desk facing the camera. Her knees are together and drawn right up to her chest. Shot at this angle the photo captures the detail of both Tammy's face and the whole of her bottom area. Her bottom is perfectly presented to the camera, tight and thrust out. It is a dark burning red and the mass of crossing cane marks have caused it to swell to an extent that it appears twice its normal size. Tammy's head is resting on her lower arm. Her upper arm reaches down so that her hand can firmly grasp her uppermost buttock. She is pulling the cheek up so that the camera can clearly see her distended anus. A trickle of sperm leaks out of the gaping hole. Tammy pouts tearfully at the camera.
At the bottom of the page is a clearly stated piece of text: "THE END"
Janet & Robert
But still as a nice fantasy I like this periodical and read in it now and again. I very much hope there will be
another edition in due time.
Thank you very much!
Next month we can promise you more of the same excellent stories, photos, readers' letters, contacts, etc.; I can hardly wait! Thank you and goodbye until next time.
When will 'next month' be?
The reviewing period for this story has ended. |