Video Favourites

[ MF/g, NC, spank, ped, oral, anal ]

Published: 12-May-2011

Word Count:

show Author's Profile

Story Summary
This is a work of fiction not fact. The two are very different.

Chapter 1 - By Chance Two Separate Glances Meet

It was Friday night and it had been a hard week at work. I'd decided to drop into one of the myriad of porn shops on my way home to pick up something for the weekend. I was heading for my favourite shop that specialised in child discipline. When I arrived Burt was sitting behind the counter.

"Hi Simon!" he greeted me, "How are you?"

"Fine thanks." I answered, "Got anything new in?"

"Yeah, got a couple you'll really like." he said indicating down towards the end of the shop where the young girl section was.

I wondered down the shop past shelves packed with DVDs, their garish covers displaying punished bare bottoms. Initially the bottoms were adult, but as I travelled down the length of the shop the bottoms began to get noticeably younger. At first they belonged to girls in their late teens, then their mid teens and as I neared the end of the shop the swollen marked bottoms of red faced weeping young girls of thirteen and fourteen were displayed on the covers. On the end wall of the shop was the section for young girls.

I let my eyes scan along the shelves to pick out the new titles. The young girl section was dominated by three main series. For the lover of very young punishments there was `Tiny Tears' which covered three to six year olds. A typical video title was `Cathy's Tantrum Trouble' accompanied by a picture of a naked four year old girl receiving a sound spanking over her Mother's knee. For those who preferred their girls a little older there was `Primary Punishments' which starred five to nine year olds. A typical title in this series was `Classroom Crime' accompanied by a picture of an eight year old girl with her panties down over teacher's knee receiving a hard hairbrush spanking. Then there was my own personal favourite, the `Cane Botty' series. This was the most severe of the young girl series where nine to twelve year old girls had their bare bottoms caned and more often than not their cute little holes stretched by the strict punishing adults.

There had been two new titles published in the last week; `Angela's Agony' and `Thrashed Twins'. I picked up `Angela's Agony' for a closer look. The front cover showed the rear view of a naked ten year old being severely caned. The picture was shot from about a foot off the floor looking upwards. The skirts of the woman giving the caning could be seen as could the cane, raised back and ready to strike. The rest of the picture was the girl bent over double touching her toes. Her legs were together and held straight, her bum thrust out towards the camera with her little pussy bulging out between her thighs. The bottom was scarlet and heavily marked by the cane. The girl's face peeped round her legs and her tear soaked eyes looked beseechingly straight into the camera. Her face was bright red and her mouth formed a perfect O as she howled with the bottom pain. I turned the case over to look at the back cover.

The back had four smaller pictures and a description of the contents. The first picture showed `Angela' in a school uniform with her panties down masturbating. The second picture showed her naked being spanked by a paddle. The third picture showed a scene from her earlier during her caning, this time with her bent over a chair with maybe just ten burning red lines across her bum. The final picture showed her after the caning lying on her back with her legs up and a large vibrator held firmly in a woman's hand being inserted into her tight little anus. Once again `Angela's' mouth was open in a silent wail. I read the text.

"Naughty little ten year old Angela has been caught by her Mum masturbating again. This time her Mum decided that a really big punishment was due. Happy to get some money for carrying out this onerous duty Mum gave us a call and we arrived later that day with our cameras. We think you'll agree that this bad girl was well and truly punished. Angela certainly blushed when made to show us the naughty act that got her into trouble. But not as much as her bottom blushed when Mum sets to with her old trusty paddle. After a good hard caning Mum teaches Angela that those holes between her legs are for punishment purposes only! This is one hot punishment! Buy it now!" I kept hold of the case. This video was going to provide me with plenty of pleasure.

I looked at the second DVD, `Thrashed Twins'. The front cover was a picture of two eleven year old girls, both nude apart from short white vests and white knee socks. The girls were not identical twins but they looked enough alike for it to be clear they were both sisters. On one side of the twins there was a woman and on the other a man. Both the woman and man were holding a cane each. The picture was an action shot and both the twins had their hands clamped to their red welted bottoms and were dancing about madly as tears streamed down their faces.

On the back there was the usual format of four smaller pictures and a description. The first picture showed the twins standing in front of a mantelpiece. Both had their hands on their heads and their jeans and panties pulled down to their knees. The woman held a broken vase in one hand and wagged a finger at them with the other. Both girls were already crying. The second picture showed both girls bent over the back of a sofa. The girls' jeans and panties had been removed but they still had pretty blouses on. They were both receiving a severe strapping on their bare bottoms. One twin was getting it from the man and the other twin from the woman. The third picture showed the caning itself. The blouses had been removed and just the vests and socks left on. The twins were both kneeling up on chairs, their bums stuck out towards the camera. The camera had caught the moment that the cane actually landed on one of the twin's bottoms. The bottom cheeks had flattened with the impact around the line of the cane. Both girls looked back at the camera, their faces screwed up and their mouths open and wailing. The final picture showed both twins naked kneeling on a bed side by side. Their heads were down on the bed and their bums thrust up high in the air. The man stood behind one of the twins, his pants and trousers let down and his large erect penis buried several inches into her little anus. Kneeling next to her was her sister who was fairing little better with two of the woman's fingers inserted deep into her anus. The woman held a tube of lubricating gel in her hand. Again both twins looked back at the camera and from the miserable tearful expressions on both of their faces it was clear that this act was a humiliating and painful punishment. I read the text.

"Don't we all love twins? We at `Cane Botty' do! When we got the call from the parents of eleven year old Sofia and Nicole we rushed over to find them standing with their jeans and panties down ready for action. Too many warnings about playing carelessly in the house had been ignored. Now the girls' bottoms were going to have to earn back the money for the broken vase. And we were glad to pay! Just look at the pictures! Their Mum and Dad don't hold back for a second. This is one hard punishment! And afterwards both girls have to say `sorry' to Dad with their tight little assholes. WARNING: This DVD contains scenes of hard anal sex!"

I bought both DVDs and left the shop in a hurry, keen to get home and `relax' with my new purchases. A few streets later I must have been so focussed on getting back that I didn't see a woman coming round the corner deep in conversation on her mobile. We knocked straight into each other and the bag with the DVDs went flying. I was temporarily stunned.

"I'm so sorry!" she exclaimed, "All my fault! Please let me help!"

She started fussing around as I collected my wits. When I turned around she was holding the two DVDs which must have fallen out of the bag. Her face had gone red. She looked up at me.

"Ooooo, `Cane Botty'!" she said, "They're really severe ones aren't they?"

I couldn't quite believe what she'd just said.

"Er, yes!" I managed.

"Do you have many of these?" she asked.

"A few!" I confessed.

"I don't know if you've seen `Report Card Reprimand'" she said, "But I made that about a year ago with my two girls."

Then I recognised her! `Report Card Reprimand' was one of my all time favourites. I had watched it any number of times. Of course my attention had been focussed on the two little girls rather than their Mother, but I recognised her alright now.

The DVD starred two girls, Hazel who was nine and Lucy who was eleven. They had both received bad report cards and the DVD started with their Mum giving the crying girls a real telling off and stripping them both naked. She kept emphasising how severely she was going to have to punish them. Every time she did this there was a fresh flood of tears from the girls. Then, one by one, the girls went over their Mum's knee for a hard spanking with a large plywood paddle. The howls and squeals of the girls as they were spanked were incredible, but perhaps not surprising given how hard and vigorously their Mother spanked them. After the paddling you could see blisters on both of the howling girls' bottoms as they stuck them out for the camera to film. Next, both girls knelt side by side in the bathroom and were given a large enema each. This had necessitated lots of painful bottom hole stretching and tearful pleading. After this was the obligatory caning scene of which `Cane Botty' were justifiably proud. Only the most severe canings made it into their DVD series. Both girls had screamed their heads off as, one by one bent over and touching their toes, their Mum whipped the cane across their bottoms with enthusiastic zeal. Finally, there was perhaps my favourite scene. Both girls were lying on a bed next to each other, on their backs, each holding their own legs up. Their Mum knelt in front of them and in each hand she held a large rubber penis which she pumped in and out of their bottom holes. All the time the girls were wailing and begging her to stop.

Gathering my wits I smiled back at her.

"It was great!" I said, "One of my favourites! Hazel and Lucy, wasn't it? I particularly enjoyed the last scene."

She smiled back at me.

"Wow! You remember! You must have really enjoyed it! I loved doing the last scene. I'm always doing that to them. They're both really tight though, so they hate it!"

"Well, it was really nice to meet you." I said, putting the DVDs safely back in their bag, "Say hello to Hazel and Lucy for me!"

She looked crestfallen.

"Please." she said, "We've only just met and, well, I mean you liked the DVD I did with the girls. Couldn't we talk a little more? I could tell you more about Hazel and Lucy, if you like? Please, I just don't meet many men like you!"

"Well, OK." I said, "We could go for a quick coffee, if you like?"

"Thanks, that would be great!" she smiled.

We introduced ourselves properly and I found she was called Karen. She had a Latte and I had an Americano. We sat at a secluded table. For the first time I took a good look at her. She was perhaps in her early thirties and quite attractive. Her clothes were smart but had seen better days. She sipped her Latte appreciatively.

"You know, I used to be quite something before the kids!" she said suddenly.

"Mmm!" I nodded encouragingly.

"I had it all mapped out, and then they came along and spoilt it!" she continued.

"Yes, they were naughty from the very beginning?" I prompted.

"Exactly!" she agreed, "I think that's why I enjoy it so much when I'm making their bottoms hurt."

I smiled back at her, "And you have every right to!"

She looked like a huge weight had been lifted from her shoulders.

"You know, all the other men I've met don't think it's right what I do to the kids. But you understand, don't you? You know it's the right thing?" she said, looking at me imploringly.

"Yes of course I do!" I reassured her, "Girls need to be disciplined like that! Look at all the DVDs out there. Lots of people do it. And if you enjoy doing it, well, that's a bonus!"

She looked me straight in the eyes.

"Come and visit us! Please! I want to show you how I deal with the girls. I want you to see it with your own eyes. You like the `Cane Botty' films! I'll do loads more for you than I did in the DVD!" she pleaded.

I was torn. It was a great offer but I knew that she wanted more than a one off visit. It was becoming clear that a longer term relationship was the goal and I was happily single.

"I'd love to." I said, "But, you know, I'm pretty tied up with my career now!"

Her eyes looked up at me, desperate now.

"Please!" she said, "Lucy is twelve now and Hazel is ten and they have the cutest little bodies. After I've finished with them you can take them upstairs for some private time. You can do whatever you like to them! I'll have stretched and creamed them ready for you. You know, that way you can do it really hard!"

My cock answered.

"OK!" I said.

Relief and joy covered her face.

"Oh, that's great! How about next Friday at 7.00? I'll put on a real show for you! You won't be disappointed. I can promise you that!" she gushed.

We exchanged phone numbers and addresses and said our goodbyes.

Chapter 2 - Getting Ready

It was Friday afternoon and young Lucy Smith walked slowly home. She walked a good deal more slowly than her usual speed. Her mind didn't want her to reach home but her feet kept plodding forward. Nothing had been said but Lucy knew the signs. Her Mum had been smiling for the past few days; a bad sign for her bottom. As if this wasn't enough, her Mum's hands hadn't been able to keep off her and her sister's bums. Only this morning Mum had put her hand down the back of Lucy's pyjama trousers for a really good feel. Any moment now Lucy would round the corner to the road she lived on. She knew just what to look for.

With mounting dread Lucy neared the corner. As she turned it she hardly dared look. She drew up all her courage and looked up at her house. The curtains were drawn, despite it being a bright sunny day. Lucy bit her bottom lip and felt the tears burning behind her eyes. That was a sure sign that Mum was getting things ready inside; ready to give her the most horrible bottom pain imaginable. Lucy's bottom began to tingle involuntarily. She wanted to run away but somehow she kept walking forward until she reached the front door. Shaking, she put the key in the lock and opened the door.

As she went inside the first thing that Lucy could hear was Hazel crying upstairs in their bedroom. Poor Hazel, she was so sensitive! She'd be scared out of her wits at the prospect of a severe punishment from Mum. As Lucy passed through into the hall she met her Mum dragging an exercise horse into the lounge.

"I've got a new boyfriend!" Karen told her daughter happily, "He loves the film we made and he's coming over tonight to meet both of you. I've told him I'm going to put on a really good show hurting your bums. Now, go upstairs and get ready. I've put your clothes out!"

Lucy ran upstairs. She could feel the tears starting to come. When she got to the bedroom she found Hazel in a real state.

"Did she tell you? Did she?" Hazel sobbed, "She's found some man who likes hurting bottoms! Oh please, Lucy! I'm scared! Don't let them hurt us! Please!"

"Hazel, I can't stop them!" Lucy said tearfully, "They're going to hurt us and we just have to do what they say! That's the only way to stop us from getting it really bad!"

"But Lucy, what if he wants to use his willy on us? Just like those men who made the film! It hurts so bad! Please don't let him! Boo hoo!" Hazel sobbed.

"Oh Hazel, we've got to do what he wants! You know what she'll do to us if we don't!" said Lucy.

Hazel's sobbing intensified. Both girls knew just how Mummy dealt with uncooperative little girls. Their bottoms cringed at the thought.

Lucy looked at their beds. Laid out on hers was a little tutu and a school uniform and on Hazel's a gym leotard. Hazel looked up at Lucy.

"Mum says she's going to enema us too!" she sobbed.

Lucy started to cry properly. More than anything she hated that. Having to bend over and have things put into her poor sensitive little bottom hole and then the nasty nasty feeling of the water going up inside her. All in front of some man as well! The humiliation would shame her forever. Then, at the same instant, both girls heard Mum's foot fall on the first stair. Panicking they tried to get ready, bumping into each other as they heard Mum approaching.

Karen opened the door to the girls' bedroom and went in. Neither of them was ready. Karen sighed; with such a big punishment coming up she would have thought that the girls would have been trying desperately to please her. But not a bit of it! These girls deserved everything they got!

Karen busied herself getting the girls ready. First she stripped them naked, ignoring their sobs and pleas for modesty. Then she tied up their hair in pretty little bunches with red ribbons. They looked so cute. At twelve years old Lucy was on the edge of puberty. Her little breasts had started to form and her pussy had puffed out, rudely exposing her fresh pink little lips. At ten years old Hazel had a narrow little pussy which was in stark contrast to her big bum cheeks. It was a source of constant fascination for Karen that such a little girl could have such a fully developed bottom. Something that Hazel regretted whenever she was spanked. The bigger her firm cheeked little bum got the more surface there was for Mummy to hurt. Karen bet that Simon's cock would be beside itself when he saw them ready for him.

Karen helped the girls into their costumes. First, Lucy into her tutu; after Karen's clever alterations the tutu was just like a band worn around the waist. There was no top and no bottoms. Lucy looked so vulnerable with her little forming breasts on show and her bum and pussy nicely visible below the tutu. Then Hazel into her leotard, that stretched tightly between her legs. Karen had reduced the width of the leotard's crotch. Now there was just a thin strip of material between Hazel's legs showing her little pussy lips and ass cheeks off a treat.

Karen left the girls to cry and went to get herself ready. She felt elated. At last a man who knew how to properly look after little girls. She could feel the blood coursing through her, everywhere tingled, especially her pussy. She stripped her clothes off. Out of her bedside drawer she took a tube of lubrication gel and a pair of vibrating `love eggs'. The plastic egg shaped vibrators were attached by wires to the battery pack. Karen put her leg up on the bed and slipped one egg up her dripping wet pussy. She smeared the other egg with lube and slipped it up her anus. She just loved the way the `eggs' vibrated and rubbed against each other through the thin membrane separating her ass and pussy.

God, she really hoped Simon would be relaxed enough to take his trousers and pants off whilst she punished the girls. It would be so sexy looking at a big hard cock and thinking how he was going to use it to hurt the girls. The men who had made the film had undone their flies and had their hard cocks sticking out all the time. When they'd finished filming the final scene the men had knelt in front of the girls and stuffed their cocks up the girls little bottom holes. The girls had squealed as the men had had really hard sex in their bottom holes. It made Karen's pussy throb just thinking about it.

Karen put some sexy lacy knickers on and slipped the battery pack into the waistband. She wanted Simon to know when he arrived that this was going to be a very sexy show so she put on a mini skirt and boob tube with no bra. She admired herself in the mirror. She looked very slutty but that was just the message that she wanted to give. She heard the doorbell go. Perfect timing! Karen slipped on some white stilettos and went downstairs to answer the door.

Chapter 3 - Let The Punishment Fit The Crime

I found the house with no problem. The location wasn't great and from the state of repair it was clear that Karen was having difficulty making ends meet. I rang the bell and Karen answered the door. She had dressed to show her body off, which it did nicely.

"Wow, you look stunning!" I said.

"Oooo, thank you!" she replied, "Feel free to touch if you like!"

Unable to resist I slipped my hand under her miniskirt to feel her pussy. She was wearing lacy knickers which were soaked with her juices. I could feel a wire coming out of her.

"What's this?" I asked.

"It's for wanking my pussy!" she giggled.

I traced the wire to a box and found the switch which I clicked. There was a low hum and Karen sighed, doing a sexy wiggle.

"Mmmm! That feels good!" she said.

I slipped my hand down the front of her knickers and found her large engorged clit. I began to gently fondle it.

"Oh God! Simon! That feels great! Wank my pussy for me! Go on!" she groaned.

I used her own copious juice to lubricate my fingers as I stroked them over her clit. She gasped and squirmed as I wanked her. Her breath was coming in short little gasps now as my fingers speeded up. Her legs started to shake and her body stiffened.

"Nnnnng! Yeah! My pussy! Mmmm!" she exclaimed.

I withdrew my hand.

"Oh Simon! Thank you!" she smiled at me, "That felt so good. There's just no substitute for a man's fingers. I promise I'll do things for you tonight with the girls that will make your cock feel soooo good!"

Karen showed me to the lounge. The room had been largely cleared and laid out ready for the evening's activities. In one corner was a crude ballet bar mounted on legs with a full length dressing mirror behind it. In the other corner there was an exercise horse and mat. Laid out on the sideboard was a collection of punishment instruments. A little girl's worst nightmare; straps, hairbrushes, paddles, canes, everything required to hurt little bottoms.

"Please sit down." said Karen indicating the sofa, "If at any time you feel like slipping your trousers and pants off then please do so. Whilst each girl is punished her sister will sit with you on the sofa. Please feel free to do anything you want with each of the girls whilst they're on the sofa with you. Anything at all! This week the girls have been particularly naughty and you're going to see four hard little girl punishments. First, Lucy has failed her dance exam for the third time, so I'm going to give her a dance lesson she will never forget. Second, Hazel's gym teacher has complained about lack of attention, so I'm going to give her what her gym teacher should have. Third, Lucy has been seen with boys at school. I'm going to give her a dose of the senior girls' cane on her bare bottom. Finally, we'll go upstairs to my bedroom where I'm going to give both girls an intimate bedtime punishment for being so naughty. I bet you like watching enemas! They're going to get one of those too! So, just sit back, relax and watch the show."

Karen went upstairs while I sat back on the sofa. My cock was already hard. This was going to be some evening!

Karen returned with Lucy in tow. Karen was dressed in a leotard and leggings, but it was Lucy I was looking at. She looked so cute. I felt my cock jump in my pants. Her delightful pubescent body was fully exposed. Her little breasts were tiny cones, each topped with erect little nipples. Her little pussy was smooth and puffed out with its pink lips starting to rudely show themselves. Her bum cheeks were wide, protruded nicely and were framed beneath her pretty tutu. Her little face was red and the tears were slipping down.

"Well Lucy!" her Mum said, "This is the third time you have failed the dancing exam!"

"Boo hoo! Please Mummy! I tried my best! Please don't hurt me! Please! Boo hoo!" Lucy said eying the collection of punishment implements fearfully.

"Do some ballet for me and let me see what the problem was." said Karen.

Tearfully Lucy did as her Mum told her. For the next ten minutes Lucy treated me to the most comprehensive display of her naked little charms. She did the splits low in front of me and put her face to the floor arching her bum up towards me. Her little split peach opened up so I could peek at her pussy and anus that were nicely displayed between her spread cheeks. She used the practice bar in front of the mirror, putting her leg up on the bar stretching her body down the floor. Again, she showed off her pretty little private parts to me.

After Karen felt that Lucy had shown me as much as she could she spoke to her firmly.

"I can see why you failed, girl!" Karen said, "Did you practice at all?"

Karen went to the sideboard where she picked up a thick tan leather strap, the last foot of which was split into two tails. Karen gripped the handle and curled the strap around her hand so that she could wield it at full power. She slapped the strap down into her open hand as she approached Lucy.

"I'm going to give your bare bottom a strapping now, Lucy!" she said, "I'm going to do it really hard! This is going to hurt you so much!"

"Boo hoo! Boo hoo! Please Mummy! Boo hoo! Don't hurt me! Please!" Lucy blubbered.

"Bend over the bar! Head right down, legs wide apart and stick that bum up!" Karen ordered.

Sobbing miserably Lucy followed her Mum's instructions. Her white fleshy little bottom presented itself to me jutting out and spread nicely.

Karen stood behind her daughter and lifted the strap back above her head. In one fluid movement she brought the strap down with full force across her daughter's quaking little bum cheeks.


"AIEEEEEEEE!" squealed Lucy.

Her bottom weaved about as she desperately fought to stay in position.


The strap cracked across the reluctantly offered little cheeks leaving large red welts on the quivering white mounds.





Karen's face shone as she strapped her young daughter. Each time the strap landed it seemed to almost lift Lucy off her feet. The little bum was now red and covered with strap marks.


Karen paid no attention and carried on thrashing her daughter's bottom. The more that young Lucy wailed and yelled the harder Karen belted her. Soon Lucy's naked twelve year old bottom was vivid dark red, horribly swollen and thoroughly welted. Lucy howled with pain as she stamped her feet and bucked her bottom madly with the pain.

"You can rub now!" said Karen.

Lucy's hands clamped themselves to her injured bum cheeks as she sprang up from the bar. She jumped around stamping her feet and waving her bum at us as she howled her bottom pain out to us.

"I've not finished!" said Karen, "You're a big girl now! You know what comes next!"

Lucy threw herself at her Mum's feet, kneeling with her hands clasped together as if in prayer.

"Please Mummy! Please! Anything but that! Don't! Not there! I beg you! Please! Don't strap there! Boo hoo! Boo hoo!" pleaded Lucy.

Karen shook her head firmly.

"You know the rule, Lucy! Once you're twelve you always get strapped between your legs before we finish! Now get your leg back up on the bar so I've got a good target!"

My cock throbbed angrily. This was first class little girl discipline!

Lucy falteringly got into position. Stretching her leg up onto the bar and bending her body over so her face touched the opposite end of the bar.

"Please Mummy! Please! No!" Lucy begged.

Karen swung the strap up from behind angling it so that the twin tails hit Lucy very smartly between the legs.


"EEEEEEEEEEEE!" Lucy's screaming filled the air.


"YEEEEEEEEEEE!" the squeals could break glass.

Lucy's cavorting body twisted as her wide eyed howling face showed in the mirror. Karen angled the next stroke differently.


The strap landed between Lucy's bottom cheeks.

"AIEEEEEEEEEE!" screamed Lucy as her bottom hole caught the full force of the heavy two tails.

The squealing reached a new intensity.


A second stroke on the bottom hole.


Another stroke back up between the legs.

Karen put the strap back on the sideboard as Lucy squealed her little head off.

I stood up and started to undo my trousers. Karen looked on licking her lips. I dropped my trousers and pulled down my pants. My cock sprang out. I've always been quite proud of it. Not the longest in the world but very thick.

"Oooo Simon! God, it's so thick!" gasped Karen, "You know when you do the girls later, is there any chance I could watch? You can still do them in private if you want, but I'd love to see that thing going inside them. It'll just be so hot!"

"Yeah, sure you can!" I smiled.

"Wow, thanks! I'm just going to come so hard when I watch you do that!" she smiled back at me.

Karen went across to Lucy who was still sobbing. She pulled off the tutu so that Lucy was completely naked.

"Look at Uncle's big willy." Karen said, pointing at my cock, "I bet it really hurts when he puts it in your poo hole later!"

"Oooo Mummy! It's too big!" sobbed Lucy, her hands going behind her to protectively cover her little hole, "It'll never fit!"

Karen smiled wickedly.

"Oh it will Lucy! But it's going to hurt an awful lot when he puts it up!" she said, "But if you want someone to feel sorry for then just imagine what it'll feel like for Hazel!"

"Oh Mummy! Not Hazel!" sobbed Lucy pitifully as she imagined Hazel's squeals and wails as her tight little bottom hole was stretched to fit that huge thick willy.

"Now Lucy, I'm going upstairs to fetch Hazel." said Karen, "You go onto the sofa with your Uncle Simon and see what you can do to please his willy for him!"

I grinned happily as the shaking little girl with her bottom strapped to a red splotch approached me crying mournfully.

Karen went upstairs and stripped her off her leotard ready to change into her gym tracksuit. She spent some time with paper tissues trying to mop between her legs where her pussy had been leaking copiously. When she finished changing she went to pick up Hazel. The poor girl was in a dreadful state having listened to the screams of her older sister. Karen smacked her hard across the face to calm her down and led her downstairs to get her nasty bare bottom punishment in front of Uncle.

As Karen entered the lounge the sounds told her instantly what was happening.

"Gak! Guuuurck! Gak! Gak!"

Karen turned and saw Simon standing up with one foot on the floor and the other on the sofa. Lucy knelt on the sofa with her Uncle's cock deep in her mouth. Karen could see that Simon had tight hold of both of Lucy's hair bunches and was pulling hard to get his cock further in. Karen watched as Lucy's eyes bulged and watered as the cock went further into her throat. Simon let go.

"Cough! Cough! Splutter! Mummy! He's going to make me sick!" Lucy whined.

"Gosh, I'd love to see that!" Karen smiled enthusiastically, "I'll go and get a bucket so it doesn't damage the carpet!"

Simon waved his hand.

"Plenty of time for that later!" he said and pointed at Hazel, "I want to see that little one getting it now."

"Come on darling!" Karen said to Hazel, "Your turn now! Time to learn what happens to inattentive little girls!"

She led Hazel, who was sobbing miserably, over to the gym mat and exercise horse.

"Now Hazel!" Karen said, "Your gym teacher has complained again! I'm going to give you one more chance. If you don't show me how good you are at gym I'm going to hurt that little bottom of yours so bad you'll cry every time you sit down for a week. You can start by doing your stretching exercises for us."

"Yes Mummy!" Hazel blubbed.

I sat back and watched as Hazel bent forward, put her hands flat on the mat and did the splits. Her body lowered down to the ground as she found her stretching limit. She arched her bum up towards me as her legs splayed widely apart. The thin strip of material between her legs disappeared between her pussy lips and ass cheeks. Karen bent down and pushed her daughters bum further down to stretcher her legs apart further. At the same time she pulled the strip of material out to one side revealing Hazel's cute little holes to me.

"Please Mummy! Don't let him see!" Hazel tearfully begged.

"Let's have this thing off so that he can see everything!" Karen said grimly as she roughly pulled the leotard off her sobbing daughter.

"Oooo Mummy! Noooo!" wailed Hazel as her most private places were revealed to me.

Hazel tried to cover but her Mum slapped her hands away.

"Show yourself off nicely!" Karen warned her daughter.

The blubbering little girl began a cute gyrating dance pushing her crotch out towards me.

"Do some rolly pollies." Karen instructed.

Hazel did some somersaults for us. Her large fleshy bum and holes showed off to perfection as she rolled over.

"Not good enough!" said Karen and walked over to the sideboard.

"Please Mummy! Please! Don't!" cried Hazel as she watched her Mum going to fetch something to hurt her bottom with.

Karen selected a large heavy wooden hairbrush. She held it up to show it to her cringing naked daughter.

"I'm going to make your bottom red now, Hazel!" Karen taunted, "Red hot! It's going to hurt so much!"

Karen took a straight backed chair and sat in it. Hazel, desperate to show her obedience, climbed up over her Mum's knees without any further instruction. She was perfectly positioned so that I could see right between her legs. Her large firm cheeks quivered in fearful anticipation of their coming thrashing.

"Please don't! Don't hurt my bottom! I'll be good! Not the hairbrush! Please, just use your hand! It'll hurt enough! Please!" Hazel begged.

"Hazel! I'm going to spank you with this hairbrush. Then I'm going to give you one more chance with your exercises. If you don't do well then I'm going to whip that little bottom of yours with the cane. You don't like the cane, do you?" said Karen.

"Please Mummy! Not the cane! I'll be good while you hairbrush me! I promise!" sobbed Hazel.

To emphasise this Hazel stuck her little bum right up under her Mum's nose. As she did this her naked pussy and ass hole pushed out towards me. I looked up at Karen. She nodded at me and raised the hairbrush.


"YEEEOWWWWW!" howled Hazel.



That little bare bottom was really feeling those hard smacks with the hairbrush.





Karen whacked the hairbrush down hard leaving big red marks on her youngest daughter's naked bum cheeks. Hazel waved her bum around. She had none of the reserve of her older sister and started howling as soon as her bottom was hurt. Before long she was the epitome of a naughty little girl getting her bottom blistered by Mummy; howling and squealing, legs kicking and red bottom jerking. Karen took no notice and, if anything, seemed to spank harder still.







Hazel's cute little ass was bright red and my cock strained as I enjoyed watching her Mum hand out the harshest discipline. I could feel Lucy shaking with sobs as she watched her little sister's bottom being beaten so wickedly. I guided her head down to my cock and felt the delightful pleasure of her mouth slipping over the engorged head. Karen had really picked up the pace with Hazel and the solid wooden back of the hairbrush was landing hard and fast across the wriggling bare cheeks.











Karen stopped spanking and let Hazel go. The squealing girl clamped her hands tight to her bottom and ran around the room uncontrollably bumping into things and tripping. Her legs seemed to dance as her hands rubbed frantically at her stinging mounds.

"BOO HOO! BOO HOO! TOO HARD! MY BUM!" she howled as her revealing naked dance continued.

"Come on, Hazel!" said Karen, "You don't want the cane, do you? Show us how good you are at gymnastics! Do some more rolly pollies for us."

"Boo hoo! Yes Mum! I'll be good!" Hazel cried.

Eager to prove her goodness Hazel put on a special show. She did somersaults with legs open and splayed her legs wide open in front of me. Her bright red scalded bum cheeks made my cock twitch as I watched her.

"You're not trying hard enough!" warned Karen, "It's going to be the cane soon!"

"Boo hoo! Please Mummy! Not the cane! I'm trying! I'm working hard! I'm really showing myself off! Please! Not the cane! Anything but the cane!" sobbed Hazel.

"That's enough now, Hazel!" Karen said firmly, "Time for the cane! Come and climb up on the punishment horse! You know how!"

"No Mummy! Please! I'm sorry! Don't cane me! Please! Let Uncle hurt me with his willy! Please! I'll take it in my bottom! Not the cane! Please! Please!" wailed Hazel.

"Get up on the horse or I'll give you Lucy's cane!" shouted Karen.

Hazel scampered over to the horse. She climbed up and sat astride it. The body of the horse was wide and it splayed her legs wide apart. Hazel lowered her body down until she was lying flat against the horse. The rear of the horse faced me and the split rear cheeks of Hazel's bare bum stuck out in an obscene display of pre-teen bottom. Karen went to the sideboard and selected a two and a half foot whippy flexible cane. Karen bent it almost in two so that I could see just how whippy the stick was.

"Hold the handle!" instructed Karen.

In front of Hazel at the other end of the horse was a large handle. Hazel reached out with both hands and gripped the handle. Her sobbing wails filled the room.

"Hold on tight! Here it comes!" shouted Karen.


The cane caught Hazel right across the centre of her thrust out bum cheeks. The force of it seemed to push her forward.






Hazel's hands left the handle and grabbed her bum cheeks squeezing and pulling them. Karen rapped her daughter's hands with the cane.

"Move those hands! Naughty girl!" Karen commanded.

"I CAN'T! I CAN'T! IT HURTS!" Hazel wailed.

Karen crossed over to the sideboard and picked up a thin flexible leather strap. She went back to the horse, grabbed her pleading daughter's hands and proceeded to tie them to the handle.


"You know the rules, Hazel!" said Karen, "If you have to be tied you get twice as many!"













Karen lowered the cane. Hazel's little girl bottom cheeks were covered with a mass of red raised cane wheals. The thorough caning had made Hazel scream herself almost hoarse. Karen untied Hazel's hands which shot to her bottom where she pawed at her raw thrashed cheeks. However hard she tried to squeeze or rub the awful stinging carried on.

Karen helped the thrashed child off the horse and led her to the sofa. Poor Lucy was shaking so badly.

Karen beckoned to her, "Come on, young lady! Your turn next! I'm going to teach you what happens to daughter's of mine who get seen with boys!"

Lucy got up onto wobbly legs.

"Please Uncle!" she sobbed "Don't let me be caned! Take me upstairs! You can hurt me with your willy! I'll do what you want! I'll make you feel nice! No cane! Please!"

"I'm sorry Lucy!" I said, shaking my head, "What I want to see is your nice little bottom cane whipped and listen to your pretty screams!"

"Oooo Uncle!" she cried, "Don't say that! Mummy will do it! She'll hurt me real bad! Please Mummy! Don't! No! Please!"

Karen took Lucy by the arm and led the desperately pleading girl upstairs leaving me alone with the quietly sobbing little Hazel.

I stroked Hazel's hot cane marked little bottom while she mewled and wriggled prettily. My fingers slipped between her cheeks so I could play with her bum hole.

"Do you like that, Hazel?" I asked as I poked my finger the first little way into her bottom.

"Oooo Uncle! No! I don't like things in my bummy! It hurts!" she whined.

I wriggled my finger about making her squirm.

"What about when Mummy gives you an enema, Hazel? Are you going to cry when I put my willy in your bottom hole?" I teased her.

"Please Uncle! Don't! It's too big!" she cried, looking at my willy fearfully.

"Oh yes, Hazel! Later tonight my willy's going to stretch your little bottom hole nice and big. And you're going to cry so prettily for me, aren't you?" I said.

"Boo hoo! Boo hoo! Please Uncle! Don't! Don't hurt me! I'll be good for you! Please!" she sobbed.

Karen returned with Lucy and smiled down at me when she saw the blubbering state I'd reduced Hazel to. My cock gave a jump when I saw Lucy. She was dressed in the cutest little school summer dress. The hem had been cut to just above the level of her crotch. She was wearing a tight white micro thong that left most of her pussy lips bare and emphasised the swell of her naked strap welted bottom cheeks.

"This is how we should send Lucy to school!" Karen announced, "Then all the boys could see just how she's treated like a naughty girl. Would you like that Lucy?"

"Oh Mummy! Please don't! Don't make me show myself! I'll be good for you! Honest I will! Please!" Lucy pleaded.

"Hmm! Remember when you had your little friend Charlie round for tea and you had to wear your little dress? What was it you had to promise him to stop him from telling at school?" Karen enquired of her horribly embarrassed young daughter.

"Boo hoo! Boo hoo! I had to kiss his willy for him!" Lucy sobbed.

"Yes, every week for a year!" smiled Karen, "What a shame he moved away. Maybe you need a new playmate?"

"Oooo, no Mummy! Please! No!" Lucy cried.

"Yes, well perhaps with Uncle Simon around you won't need one!" Karen grinned at me, "Now Lucy, ask Uncle Simon nicely to take you knickers off for you!"

"Boo hoo! Boo hoo! Please take my knickers off, Uncle Simon." Lucy snuffled.

I slipped my fingers between her legs playing with her little pussy as I pulled the thong down.

"That's right!" said Karen, "Uncle wants to see everything between you legs whilst I cane you! Now Lucy, stand in the middle of the room with your bottom towards Uncle and touch your toes."

Sobbing bitterly Lucy did as she was told. As she bent the little dress rode up and left her bottom completely bare. Her cute little pussy bulged out between her legs. Karen went to the sideboard and selected a long three and a half foot cane. She swished it dramatically through the air. Lucy wriggled her bottom in dreadful anticipation.

"Please Mummy! Please! Don't!" she begged.

Karen took up position to the side of Lucy.

"Hold on to you ankles, Lucy! I'm going to do this hard!" she warned.

Lucy's sobbing became frantic.


Karen landed the first wicked stroke across the red strapped bottom. Lucy stumbled forward with the momentum of the stroke.



Another juicy stroke, right across the fullest part of the bum.





The cane whipped around Lucy's little girl bum cheeks leaving agonising red welts.


Her whole body was wriggling until she just couldn't stand it anymore. She jumped up, her hands grabbing bunches of her burning cheeks.

"MUMMY! MUMMY! I NEED TO RUB! PLEEEEEEASE!" she begged as she jumped around.

"GET BACK DOWN! RIGHT NOW!" shouted Karen angrily.


"How dare you stand up!" lectured Karen, "If you stand up I'm going to tie you over the horse. Then you're going to get it!"

"BOO HOO! BOO HOO! DON'T TIE ME! I'LL BE GOOD!" sobbed Lucy bending back over.


"YAAAAAAAAAAH! NOOOO! MUMMYEEEEEEEEE!" squealed Lucy, her bottom weaving madly.



Lucy stayed bent over but her hands let go of her ankles and waved behind her just resisting the urge to get in the way of her bottom.


"EEEEEEEEEEEEE! NYAAAAAAAAAAA!" Lucy screamed jumping up.

Her furious mother grabbed the girl and dragged her to the horse. As Lucy begged and pleaded her Mum tied her into position. Then Karen stood back, a grim look on her face as she raised the cane.

"You silly girl!" Karen spat, "Now you're going to get you legs caned!"



The cane whipped the backs of Lucy's thighs whilst she screamed and kicked her legs wildly.

"EEEEEEEEEEEEEE! YAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Lucy howled at the top of her voice.


Lucy's howling was becoming hoarse now. Karen turned to me and held up her open hand indicating that Lucy was to get five more strokes.


"DON'T YOU!" shouted Karen.









Karen put the cane down and released her squealing daughter. I took Hazel's head and pushed her mouth down onto my cock whilst I watched Lucy howling and dancing. Her red swollen bottom and thighs were crisscrossed with vivid cane marks. Lucy wailed and jumped around the room she showed her pretty holes off to us. I took my cock out of Hazel's mouth; I was going to need it to be really hard to stretch their bottoms with.

Karen stood by and let me enjoy the spectacle of her daughter's bottom shaking war dance. When Lucy had stopped dancing and was merely howling, Karen took Hazel's and Lucy's arms and led them to the door.

"Give us a few minutes and then come up." she said to me.

Chapter 4 - Upstairs Later

For the next few minutes my cock throbbed with anticipation. When I couldn't wait any longer I started up the stairs. I could see the light coming out of the main bedroom so I opened the door. What a lovely sight met my eyes. Karen was naked, as were Lucy and Hazel. Karen was sitting on her bed and I could see her vibrators were still inserted. The humming sound was more audible now. Her pussy gaped as was soaked with her juices. It was clear that she had climaxed a number of times. She had a large tube of lubrication gel and was smearing it over her fingers. The girls stood in front of her.

"Poor little girls! Mummy make it feel better!" she cooed.

Both girls had tears in their eyes and looked shamefaced but I could sense their anticipation.

"Don't let him watch!" whispered Lucy.

"I'm sure Uncle wants to see how Mummy makes her girls feel better!" said Karen and held out her hands at the level of the girl's crotches.

Of their own accord the girls pushed their little pussies forward so Karen had one in each hand. Karen's fingers started to slide and slip over her daughter's sensitive naughty bits. The girls moved their hips and I heard their breathing become harder. Karen started to slip her fingers inside the girls as her thumbs flicked over the erect little clitorises presented to her. Hazel was getting very excited and I could see her grinding herself onto her Mum's hand. Lucy was trying to hold back but her slack jaw and gasping breaths gave her away all too easily. Hazel came first.

"Oooo Mummy! Mummy!" Hazel gasped as her hips bucked and her body stiffened.

Lucy was not far behind. Karen's skilled fingers manipulated Lucy's pussy lips and clit in a way that Lucy found irresistible.

"Yes! Like that! Ooooooo! Mummy! Harder!" Lucy moaned loudly.

The slick noises of Karen's fingers working on Lucy's little pussy filled the room. Then Lucy's back arched and her body shook as she started to cum.

"Yeah! Oh God! Yes! Keep going! Ooooo!" Lucy cried out.

Her orgasm was clearly much stronger than her sister's.

"Mmmm! That was fun!" Karen said, "Time for your enema now girls!"

The girls little faces dropped.

"Please Mummy! Don't!" whined Lucy.

"Mummy! Please! Not in my hole!" sobbed Hazel.

Karen led the crying girls to her en suite while I followed. When we go there I could see that the enema kit had already been set up. There was a stand on which the enema bag hung and two tubes which came out of the bag. Karen reached up to the shelf and took down two large black plastic nozzles. The nozzles were about an inch wide and six or seven inches long. She connected the nozzles up to the hoses. Then she took the bag down, turned on the tap and began to test the temperature of the water coming out. When the temperature seemed right she filled the bag with water and hung it back on the stand. While both girls watched her, tears dripping down their faces, Karen lubed up the nozzles. She held one up, smiling.

"OK girls! Who's first?" she asked.

The girls sobbed and stared at the floor not answering her.

"Come on! Tell me now!" Karen said, "I want an answer! Who's little poo hole am I going to stretch first? You'd better give me an answer!"

Lucy wrung her hands and Hazel clasped hers together, as if in prayer. Karen was getting annoyed.

"Right! It's a paddle spanking for both of you after this. You two never learn! You'd have thought the state your bottoms are in you wouldn't want any more! I'm going to blister both of you! Now get down on your knees, get your faces down and your bottoms stuck up! Hazel, you're going to get your hole stretched first!" shouted Karen.

The girls immediately threw themselves on their knees and bent over with their noses touching the floor. The big firm cheeks of their heavily beaten bottoms presented themselves to us. Rudely exposed between the cheeks of each girl was their tight young anus. The promise of the paddle was uppermost in their mind.

"Boo hoo! Mummy! Pleeeeease! Don't give the paddle! I'll be good!" sobbed Hazel.

"Oh please, Mum! Boo hoo! I beg you! Not the paddle! I'm too sore! You can really stretch my bottom! Boo hoo! I'll take the whole stretcher!" Lucy wailed.

Karen waggled her bum at me to show how hot their pitiful pleading was making her. She took one of the lubricated nozzles and bent over Hazel. Holding the nozzle firmly in her hand she placed the end of it against Hazel's sensitive little hole and began to push. Hazel wriggled her bum in discomfort.

"Mummy! Please don't! It's too big!" Hazel whined.

Karen pushed harder still. The tight skin around Hazel's bum hole distended as Karen kept pushing. Without warning the sphincter gave way and the first inch was buried in Hazel's bottom.


Karen kept pushing the nozzle further up.


When the nozzle was embedded a good five inches into Hazel Karen stopped pushing and turned her attention to the shaking Lucy.

"Now, my darling!" Karen whispered in Lucy's ear, "Let's see if you can take all of this like a good girl for Mummy!"

Karen started to push and twist the nozzle up Lucy's young bum. Lucy's sphincter gave almost immediately and her anus yielded to the nozzle. She made panting and grunting noises as the nozzle went up. Karen had clearly spent some time training her daughter's anus to accept such large objects. I listened to Lucy sobbing bitterly. The shame and the pain both hurt her deeply. Karen inserted the whole seven inches up Lucy.

"Nooo! Mummyeeee! It's too deep! It hurts! Not so deep! Pleeeeeeeeeease!" blubbered Lucy.

Karen stood back and stroked my cock.

"Look at that!" she said, "That is going to feel so nice for your cock!"

A blob of pre-cum dripped over her hand. She put it up to her mouth and licked it off.

"Mmmm! Tastes nice!" she said, "I shall have the girls swallowing this lovely stuff soon!"

Karen undid a clip letting the water flow into the girls' bottoms. Immediately both girls started to protest.

"Mummy! Mummy! It's too hot! Stop it! It's burning!" cried Lucy.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh! Too hot! Mummyeeeeeeeeeee! Stop!" begged Hazel.

"This is a punishment! It's meant to hurt!" smirked Karen, "And if you think this hurts then just wait until you get the paddle on top of those cane marks!"

As the enema drained into the girls they wailed and shook their little bottoms at us looking like two little dogs with the enema hoses wagging like tails. When the bag had drained Karen shut the nozzles off and let the girls stand up. Both wriggled as their tummies cramped.

"Mummyeeeeeeee! Pleeeeease! I've got to go! Let me go! Please!" sobbed the humiliated Lucy.

"Oooooo please! Me first! Let me go first!" wailed Hazel, hopping from foot to foot.

"Hmmm! OK girls!" said Karen, "Whoever uses the toilet first gets the paddle first!"

The girls cried and danced around, their tummies and guts making them desperate to sit on the toilet and `perform'. Hazel cracked first.

"Mummy! Please! Take it out! I need to go!" Hazel panted.

Over the toilet Karen removed the nozzle to much anguished sobbing from Hazel. The sobbing little girl plonked her bottom firmly on the seat and went. With no reason to wait now Lucy was not far behind. Karen swiftly cleaned the girls up.

"Now, my darlings!" she said, "Bend over for Uncle Simon and show him your nice clean holes."

Both Lucy and Hazel bent for me, their hands behind them pulling their bottom cheeks wide apart. Their anuses gaped slightly, looking pink and squeaky clean and my cock throbbed ready to be pushed up there. But they still had one more nasty bare bottom punishment to come from their Mum.

"Come on girls!" said Karen, beckoning them to follow her.

Weeping and with shaky legs the miserable girls followed her. When we got to the bedroom Karen sat on the edge of the bed and reached under the pillow. She drew out a large paddle with many holes drilled in it. She reached out and took a firm hold of Hazel's arm and pulled the reluctant Hazel over her knees.

"Over we go, Hazel!" Karen said happily, "Soon have you singing again!"

Hazel's chest heaved with great sobs. The thought of having the paddle on top of her caned bottom terrified her.

"Please! Mummy! No! Don't!" Hazel cried, "I'll be good! Uncle can put his willy in my bummy! Please! Not the paddle! Not after the cane! Pleeeeeeeease!






Karen laid the paddle down hard across her daughter's wriggling bottom.




I could see the first blisters coming on the bottom cheeks. Karen started spanking on the backs of the legs.





Karen let Hazel up. It had been a short spanking but very hard. On top of the hairbrush and cane the paddle had raised a horribly painful crop of blisters. Hazel screeched wildly as she pranced about, her hands working overtime as the pulled her cheeks this way and that showing her holes off to me.

Lucy was next. Scared by the blistering she had just seen her sister receive she turned to me.

"Please!" she begged, "Please, Uncle Simon!"

Lucy turned her back to me and stuck her bottom out. She reached behind her and pulled the cheeks apart displaying her anus. She looked over her shoulder at me.

"Please Uncle! Put you willy up! Put it up now! Please! I'll be good! You can stick it all the way up! Please! Don't let her blister me! She'll listen to you! I'll come and visit you after school! You can stick it up me again! Pleeeeeeeease!" Lucy sobbed.

"Sorry Lucy!" I said, "I want to see you bottom get plenty of blisters!"

"Oooo No! No! Mummy! Please! Don't! No!" Lucy wailed as Karen pulled her over her knees.


Karen spanked Lucy's naughty wobbly twelve year old bum as hard as she could. Lucy's squeals were ear splitting.








I saw the skin on Lucy's bottom start to collect its share of pain inducing blisters. Again Karen switched to the backs of the thighs.








The backs of Lucy's thighs had started to blister too. Karen released her. Lucy was completely unable to control herself. She dropped to the floor and started rolling around, her hands clamped to her bum. Watching and listening to her made my cock very hard.

Karen collected her two wailing daughters up and led them to the bed. She had them kneel up on the side of the bed, their legs apart and bums stuck out. She took the lube and smeared it over the length of my cock.

"All yours!" she said, smiling at me.

The little bums shook with the sobs of their little owners. Karen took hold of my cock and guided it towards Hazel. She touched the end of my cock to Hazel's anus and I heard the girl wail. Karen held me against the hole whilst I pushed hard. I heard Hazel howling as her sphincter dilated. Then tip of my cock was in her.


I pushed on until the first three inches were in. She was so tight I couldn't go any further. I stood still and enjoyed the feeling of that tight little bottom around my cock as little Hazel wriggled and wailed, all of which added to my enjoyment. I withdrew with a plop and watched her bottom hole gape and then begin to close up. Karen moved my cock to rest against Lucy's bottom hole.

"Please don't hurt me! Please!" Lucy begged.

I pushed harder than I had for Hazel. My cock popped straight in her. She wasn't expecting for her tight anal hole to be stretched so quickly and started to squeal. I pushed on until I was fully up her. It felt fantastic. I started to eagerly pump in and out of her, watching my cock sliding between those lovely punished bottom cheeks. I could feel my cum ready to squirt out. My body stiffened and I started to orgasm, pumping jet after jet of cum up her little bum. Eventually I finished and withdrew.

Karen held me in her arms.

"Just imagine darling!" she said, "You could do this to them every night! They could be your little sex slaves ready for you when you walk in the door! And if you've had a hard day, don't worry, you can take it out on their little asses. Cane them until you feel better! And then your hard cock in their little holes, making you feel soooo good! Come and live with us! Please! I'll have the girls ready for your willy at the drop of a hat! Please say yes!"

"OK, yes!" I said.

I heard the girls' keening cries in the background as they contemplated the painful future that lay in store for their naughty bottoms'.

R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s


perfect story. Hope there is more.


great story love hearing about naked little girls, with they were getting there little pussy's ate & fucked also.


Fantastic story. I hope nest time you belt or cane Hazel's pussy. Only as a suggestion, you can whipping her with the belt buckle.


Please write more but more nc sex too.

Rat Tails

I loved the story. Please do keep them cuming; I mean coming.

The reviewing period for this story has ended.