Kindred Spirits

[ MF/gg, nc, spank, pedo, oral, anal ]

Published: 14-Jun-2012

Word Count:

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This is a work of fiction not fact. The two are very different.

Chapter 1 - A Surprise Meeting

Betty Harper sat in her home office. The sun filtered in through the blinds. It was a hot Friday afternoon outside, but Betty's mind was focused on the spreadsheet on her PC. It made grim reading. Times were tough; there was no doubt about that. Betty was tough too; when her husband had run off with another woman and left her with two daughters, Betty had seen a gap in the market and started selling mortgages. She had been successful, very successful. Her hard work had bought a good house and car and private schooling for the girls.

Betty put her success down to her upbringing. She was a hard worker; it had been beaten into her backside from an early age. Her mother never lost a single opportunity to pull little Betty's panties down and give her the most terrible spankings. When her Mom told Betty she was going to give her a 'blistering', that's exactly what she meant; two blistered little bottom cheeks so that Betty spent the few days unable to sit still at school. 'Miss Fidgetybott' and 'Little Miss Shufflecheeks' her elementary school teachers had called her, unaware that the little girl in her class of seven and eight year olds was sitting on a bottom with blisters the size of dimes right on her sitting-down bits.

Betty's upbringing had given her another advantage; she learnt early on that sex sells. Or at least she had learned that attending to Daddy's willy or Mommy's pussy meant her spankings were shorter. Betty had successfully translated this to her business life; she knew how to close a deal. She had taken any number of thick hard cocks down her throat so her male clients would agree to sign the paperwork, their moans of pleasure often being drowned out by her copious choking and gagging. Her female clients had been no better, demanding hours of pussy and ass tonguing until her mouth ached and tongue and lips were sore. Sometimes it was days before she could taste anything other than the pussy and ass she had been required to eat out.

Betty looked at the spreadsheet again; it really was bad. If there was business to be had, she was getting it, but it just wasn't enough to fund her lifestyle. The most obvious thing to go was the girls' private schooling But there was a problem with that; the private school she sent her daughters to, in return for the considerable fees she paid, seemed happy to turn a blind eye to the persistent marks and bruises down the backs of the girls' legs and on those areas covered by their panties. The fact was that the local schools would be only too interested in the girls' welfare and Betty would soon find herself in trouble. A nine year old and an eleven year old with their bottoms in the state Betty left them after a spanking would attract the most immediate and dire consequences for Betty. And that was a problem; Betty had no desire to stop spanking her daughters. Far from it! Betty was only too keen to confer the advantages on the girls that her own upbringing had given her.

To that end, eleven year old Debbie and nine year old Amy received ad hoc spankings during the week and then every Friday night, come hell or high water, Betty would spend her time dealing with every single one of the girls' wrongdoings that had accumulated during the week. Just like her own mother, Betty saw nothing wrong in sexually enjoying her daughters' spankings. The more the girls screamed and cried, the hotter and redder their bottoms got, the wetter and tinglier Betty's pussy became. When the girls' spankings were over and Betty's pussy felt like it was going to explode, she took the girls to bed with her. It seemed that after a spanking there was no act too extreme, no instruction too degrading, that her daughters wouldn't immediately comply with it. Betty's sexual pleasure and writhing orgasms went on late into the night as two exhausted little girls sought to satisfy their mother's insatiable demands.

Betty stopped looking at the PC screen and looked at the clock. It was time to pick the girls up from school. She shut down the PC; things were bad but she was sure they would work out; they always did somehow.

James got out of his luxury SUV and walked across the car park to the supermarket. It was hot and James looked forward to getting into the air conditioning. He was currently feeling pretty good about himself. It had been a messy divorce but that was behind him now; about one thousand miles behind him, James mused as he crossed the car park. It had seemed a good idea to move out of the area once the divorce was finalised. It was quite by chance that the business he worked for had a position to offer him in his hometown. He hadn't been back for over a decade since his parents passed away, and the decade before he had only made sporadic visits. At forty one years old it was a good 20 years since he had really lived in the town and it felt quite strange to be back. Of course things were different now; he wasn't a high school student struggling to make grades anymore. He was successful, a well-paid expert and, if the rumours were correct, a likely future VP.

James made it to the supermarket doors and grabbed a trolley. It had been a long week and he planned to meet up with some work colleagues that evening. A quick trip around the supermarket should sort out his supplies for the next week.

After selecting the groceries he went to hunt down some shower gel. There weren't that many people in the supermarket and, as he turned into the toiletries aisle, he saw a woman bent over examining something on a shelf with two young girls standing next to her. The woman seemed to be in her late thirties; she had blonde curly hair, large breasts that were prominently displayed with a low-cut blouse and bra, a sensible but tight business skirt and 4 inch heels. Her body was carrying some extra weight and James could see the way the tight skirt bulged over her belly and barely seemed to contain her well padded buttocks. She was bending slightly away from him so he could not see her face.

Standing next to the woman were two young girls. James guessed they might be around eight and ten years old. James closed his eyes, willing himself not to stare, but they were both so adorable he couldn't stop himself. As he discreetly admired them he felt his balls tingling as blood started to flow to his genitals.

Both girls were dressed in smart private school uniforms with blue and green plaid skirts, white blouses and sweet little white socks with black sandals. Their skirts came down to just above their knees and were pushed out at the back by their prominent little bubble butts. James felt the beginnings of an unwanted erection; he loved little bottoms like that. The girls seemed to have their mother's blonde curly hair; the elder girl had hers tied back in a pony tail and the younger had hers tied up in two bunches, one either side of her head. As James looked further, both the girls seem to be wriggling their bottoms about in a most exciting way.

James moved up the aisle, stopping every so often to examine something on the shelf, but always watching the small group out of the corner of his eye. As he got closer he could see that the younger girl's eyes were red and wet; she looked like she might be crying. James' erection grew stronger; the sight of little girls crying always reminded him of when he was a little boy and his big sister, who was probably only nine or ten at the time, being paraded naked in front of him, red faced and tearful, by his annoyed mother with the big hard wooden paddle already in her hand. Then watching as his sister was bent over the arm of the sofa and had her bottom spanked until it blistered. Afterwards his sister didn't seem to care that he was watching as she ran about howling and clutching at her bottom, showing off her anus and pussy to him. He would always masturbate furiously afterwards, listening to his sister howling in the next bedroom. James' cock was hard now that the vision of his sister's red blistered bottom had come into his mind; he hadn't even started to think about his first girlfriend, but then he did, because the mother of the girls had stood back up and was looking directly at him as if she'd seen a ghost.

James was equally surprised; it had been twenty years since he'd seen Betty Fitzpatrick. She'd been sixteen and he'd been eighteen. Of course she'd been younger and slimmer then, but so had he. After a moment's silence he remembered his senses and put out his hand, smiling at her.

"Betty Fitzpatrick?"

The woman smiled back, her face still shocked and quizzical.

"Betty Harper, now."

James felt a sudden twinge of regret. Most women he met were married. He tried to cover up the sudden look that he was sure had showed on his face with a bit of flattery.

"Lucky husband."

Betty smiled and held up her left hand to show she wasn't wearing a wedding ring.

"I thought so too. Clearly he didn't. He ran off eight years ago and left me with these two."

James shook his head.

"Gosh! Sorry to hear that!"

Betty put her head on one side.

"What about you?"

James tensed; it all still seemed quite fresh in his mind.

"Well, I was married for fifteen years, but then she found someone else. She got the house and kids!"

James felt stupid for mentioning the house and kids. Perhaps it made him sound mean. Betty was still smiling though.

"Lucky wife!"

Betty's retort made him smile.

"Yes, lucky wife."

They smiled at each other for a few brief moments. It still seemed they had so much to say. James knew he might not get another chance.

"Look, er, I don't know if you're with someone, but if you like we could, er, meet and catch up?"

He saw her looking sideways at the girls.

"I'd love to, James. Not tonight though; I've got some family business I need to take care of."

James nodded. He was missing something, but for the life of him he couldn't think what. He pulled a business card out of his suit pocket and wrote his personal mobile number on the back. He handed it to Betty.

"Give me a call sometime."

She smiled and nodded.

"Yeah! Sure! Maybe when I've finished my business later, I'll call you then."

James smiled and moved of towards the checkout.

As he drove back home, James' cock was uncomfortably hard as he thought about Betty. She had been his first real girlfriend, and what a girlfriend she'd been! He didn't know whether it had been their ages, but they had had a lot of sex. Not at first; Betty had been shy and withdrawn. Only when it had seemed that James had been going to leave her had she sworn him to secrecy and then taken down her panties. James still remembered the massively swollen welted buttocks that had been pushed into his face, the smell of Betty's soaked engorged pussy and, when Betty reached behind her and pulled her bruised blistered buttocks apart, the sweet bitter smell as her anus had gaped open. "Put it in my bottom hole! You'll like it!" she'd said. And he did. She'd reached behind her to pull him into her and then pumped her bottom up and down on his cock until he squirted deep inside her.

After that James' cock received almost daily rations of Betty's eager mouth and tight slippery anus. She always seemed to have a new set of blisters or welts to show him from her Mom's latest spanking.

When James got home he went straight to the bedroom. His cock was raging and he needed to cum. He pulled his trousers and pants off and sat on the bed, closed his eyes and thought of Betty and her whipped bottom. He grasped his cock and started to rub. Suddenly he realised! Of course! 'Family business', that had been what spankings were called in Betty's house. And Betty had said that she had to take care of 'family business' tonight. She was going to spank the girls, or one of them anyway! Suddenly something else registered. When James had left Betty she had still been holding what she had taken off the shelf, a family sized container of baby oil. James knew all about baby oil. Betty's bottom always smelt of it after a spanking. Betty told him that her mom always smothered her bottom with it before a spanking and that the pain of having a spanking on a bottom covered with baby oil was indescribable, "Ten times worse than a normal spanking!", Betty used to say. James sperm shot all over the bed, his legs and stomach. The mere thought of one or both of those cute little girls getting that kind of severe spanking from Betty excited him more than anything had for years.

Afterwards James thought about it logically. He had to be wrong. In this day and age the spankings his sister and Betty had been subject to just didn't happen anymore. His sister didn't spank her kids and, despite James desire to do so, his ex wife had forbidden him from spanking their kids. No, it just must have been a figure of speech from Betty with no hidden meaning. As for the baby oil, well, that was just coincidence; plenty of families bought it. Didn't you put it in the bath to make your skin smooth or something? James felt a bit silly, getting all excited over nothing. Anyway, it would be good to catch up with Betty, if she rang that was. With a terrible sinking feeling, James realised he hadn't taken Betty's number and suddenly suspected she had just being polite to an old ex-boyfriend. James sighed. He went to have a shower and get ready to go out; he still had hours to kill before he was meeting his friends.

It was about 8:30, James was ready to go out and was checking himself in the mirror. The cab would be picking him up in ten minutes. His mobile rang. James rolled his eyes; no doubt the cab company telling him they were going to be late. He took the call.

For a moment he couldn't make out anything other than loud noise. Then, in an instant, he realised it was crying; not just soft tearful crying, but howling, almost screaming. He could immediately tell it was a child, more than one by the sound of it. Then he made out Betty trying to make herself heard.

"James! James! Sorry! Hang on a moment!"

James heard a door closing and the sound of what he now realised was Betty's little daughters' distressed crying reduced in volume. He felt his cock flooding with blood and quickly hardening. Betty was speaking.

"Sorry, James! Sorry! Bit noisy in there. Just been taking care of the week's 'family business' with the girls."

James cock was solid as he listened to the background noise of the girls' howling.

"You mean..."

Betty laughed.

"Yes, that's right! Giving them a good spanking! Just like I used to get! I'm sure you remember those!"

Visions of Betty's young welted cheeks bouncing up and down as her anus pumped his hard cock swum into his head.

"How could I forget!"

"I haven't forgotten either, James. You used to like to hear me crying! Said it turned you on! Does it still turn you on? Can you hear the girls?"

James mind went blank. He couldn't tell the truth; that his cock was as hard as iron and he was trying to pull it out of his trousers to masturbate with. But he could tell Betty was driving at something. Was it to test him? Confirm something? He didn't know. He knew he had to say something.

"I can hear them. You must have done a good job. What did you do?"

Betty laughed again.

"I bet you've got it out in your hand, haven't you? Giving it a good rub whilst I tell you the details!"

James blushed; she'd got him! He laughed self-consciously.


"Mmmm! I hope it's as hard as I remember! They've both been brats this week, so they both got the paddle and belt. Debbie got it worst; she's eleven so she should know better. Baby-oiled their little butts first, so there's very few blisters tonight. Bet you'd like to have seen it!"

"Yeah, I think you got me there!"

"Thought I might have! They're both naked in there now. They've got such cute bodies and these wobbly little butts that are all red now. Bet they're still rubbing. Are you going to take me out somewhere real nice? Somewhere very expensive?"

"Yes, very expensive!"

"Oh James, I've got so much to tell you. I've never really found someone like you. Look, I'm going in there to finish them off now. Shall I leave the phone on? Do you want to hear?"

"Oh yeah, Betty! I sure do!"

"It'll be my pleasure, James. After I've finished I'm going to put them to bed, so don't worry about me. What night?"


"Till Tuesday then."

"I'll pick you up at eight."

"Looking forward to it."

On the other end of the phone James heard a door opening and the volume of the weeping dramatically increased. There was a clatter as the phone was put down on some surface.

"Right! Momma's gonna to finish you both off now! Ten each with the paddle! Amy, you come here first! Debbie, gonna teach you a lesson big time when it's your turn!"

There were two girlish wails of despair followed by the sound of bodies moving and a high pitched frightened "No Mommy! No Mommy!". Then there was an almighty 'CRACK!' and a terrible squealing as a firm paddle met a little bottom. There were further cracks accompanied by howling and frantic begging. Unable to control himself, James ejaculated over the carpet. At the other end of the phone Betty was changing daughter and James could hear Debbie's desperate pleading not to get the 'big paddle'. From the screams that erupted when the spanking started it appeared that she had not been granted her request. Hadn't Betty said something about Debbie's bottom having some blisters on already? No wonder the child was screaming like that! As the spanking finished, James could hear the thumping and bashing about that suggested a very energetic post spanking dance. Suddenly the horn of the waiting cab sounded. Standing there with his softening cock in his hand, sperm dribbling down his fingers, James cursed. He rushed to the bathroom to clean up.

As James sat in the cab he rather wished he wasn't going out now. His balls ached from cumming twice and he couldn't get the sound of the paddle whacking down onto Betty's little daughters' bottoms and their desperate cries and screams out of his head. Then something else came into his mind; Betty had definitely said something about him not worrying about her because she was 'putting them to bed'. Just like 'family business' being 'put to bed' had had a specific meaning in Betty's home. Is that what Betty had meant? He'd been right about the spanking, but surely she couldn't be doing that as well with her daughters! Despite James' best efforts to put the vision out of his mind, he felt an uncomfortable third erection starting. In a moment he was as hard as iron. It was going to be a difficult evening hiding that thing in his trousers all night. Now he couldn't wait until Tuesday.

It was dusk on Tuesday when the cab with James in it pulled up outside Betty's address. Betty immediately opened the front door and came out without a backwards glance. James guessed that she must have been waiting next to the door, although he was surprised that there had been no final goodbye to her daughters or instructions to the babysitter. Maybe she'd already sorted all that out.

James got out of the cab to open the door for Betty. She gave him a blinding smile.

"Why thank you kind sir! You always were the polite one!"

James smiled as he walked round back to his side of the cab. He'd had the best sex of his life with Betty; no one had ever come close, especially his ex-wife who thought that lying on her back with her legs open and demanding he service her was doing him a favour. He shuddered at the thought.

As he got in the cab Betty asked where they were going. When he told her she was genuinely surprised and delighted. James had made sure that, as Betty had requested, they were going somewhere expensive. Betty had a lot of questions about James' job and career. James answered openly, not feeling the need to underplay the position he held or the prospects he had, but he was careful not to appear boastful; having seen Betty's meagre house he was not so certain things had gone well for her. Betty was meanwhile expertly deflecting any questions he asked about her circumstances.

They reached the restaurant and were immediately seated at a prime table. James had got his PA to book it in the company name. The restaurant was keen on corporate business. Betty was clearly impressed as the waiter left with their order for drinks and she flashed yet another smile at James.

"Well James, you've certainly come a long way from the young man I used to date!"

"Thank you. How have things worked out for you?"

Betty sighed and her mouth became a harder line.

"Not so well. You know that when you went to college I married Steve?"

"Yes, I'd heard."

"It didn't work out. He wasn't interested in, well, the things you and me had been interested in. You know, 'those things'. By the time Amy came along he was with another woman, so I divorced him. I did pretty well for myself up to a few years ago. I sold personal finance but, well, you know what it's like now; not a lot of people buying that!"

James nodded his head empathetically. Betty looked James directly in the eye.

"Look James, I don't want to lead you on here. I'm almost broke. I'm not asking for money, but I want you to know my situation so I don't have to lie to you."

James nodded again.

"I appreciate you telling me, Betty. There's not much point in us lying to each other from the start."

Betty smiled wryly.

"I've had enough of that in my life!"

James smiled back.

"Me too!"

They made small talk during their starters. James was secretly disappointed; he'd expected that after being allowed to listen to Betty spanking her daughters and with her teasing him they would have been talking about it all night, but Betty didn't seem ready to go there yet and James wasn't going to push. He was certain that if Betty had already gone that far with him she would have some sort of game plan for the meal. The main course arrived. They took their first mouthfuls and Betty looked up at him.

"Why did you get divorced, James?"

James looked into the middle distance. There were two answers to that question; the well-rehearsed one that he handed out on a plate and the real reason. In Betty's case though, he thought he might make an exception. James sighed.

"If you're ever asked, it's because me and Carol grew apart and it was an amicable divorce."

"And the real reason?"

"I wanted to spank my daughters and she wouldn't let me."

Betty's eyebrows raised.

"You have daughters?"

"Yes, two, twelve and fourteen, never spanked in their lives."

Betty's face was grim.

"Pardon me for saying, James, but that's just plain wrong!"

"I agree. Carol said I was a pervert for even wanting to and she threatened to call the cops if I ever did."

Betty waved her hand dismissively. She leaned closer to James so she could speak more discreetly.

"James, all children need to be spanked, right from when they are babies. I had Debbie's and Amy's diapers down for the wooden spoon before they could even talk properly!"

James grinned.

"I bet they could cry okay though!"

"Oh, screaming their little heads off as mommy attended to their tiny tushies wasn't a problem for them! But James, whether a parent enjoys spanking their children or not doesn't matter, it still needs to be done! If I might say, I think Carol was wrong. I only wished I had a husband who enjoyed spanking my daughters is as much as I do!"

Betty's face flushed bright red the moment the words left her lips.

"Oh my, James! It must be the wine! I'm not certain what I just said!"

James smiled and poured Betty some more wine which she accepted.

"Betty, when you let me listen-in the other day..."

Betty nodded and moved even closer so they could whisper.

"I got very excited."

"How excited, James?"

"I had it out whilst I was listening."

"Mmm, was it hard?"


"Were you rubbing it?"

"Oh yes!"

"Did it squirt?"

"Yes, when I was listening Amy getting it."

Betty gave a little sigh that could have been a moan. James felt a slight movement under the table. He felt Betty's foot travelling up his leg. She'd slipped her shoe off and he could feel the side of her foot and toes as they travelled up to his knee. He parted his legs slightly and the foot slipped up to his groin when it began to massage the hard lump in his trousers.

"Oh James, I always remember it being hard like this!"

James fought to stop himself moving as the toes flicked at the end of his cock. He couldn't stop himself from asking what he wanted to know.

"Do you spank them bare bottom?"

"Always. I have them naked if we're at home."

"You spank them out of the home?"

"Rest stops, mall toilets, changing rooms, the back of the van, you name it! But when we get home, that's when those little butts really pay!"

"Do you, you know, do more than their butts?"

Betty giggled.

"Butt cracks, butt holes and their front bits too. Just like I used to get, James. You remember what I used to look like afterwards, don't you?"

James gave an involuntary little moan. Betty's foot was persistently rubbing his cock through his trousers now.

"Betty, you need to stop that or I'm going to cum."

Betty gave a short throaty laugh and her foot disappeared. She leaned right over until her mouth was against his ear.

"Let's get the cheque and go back to my place. I want to show you something."

The ride back in the cab seemed to last forever. There was no point talking with the cab driver listening. When they got out at Betty's house James paid off the cab driver along with a good tip. The cab driver winked at him. Betty let them in and closed the door behind them, locking it carefully. James looked Betty enquiringly.

"No babysitter?"

Betty smiled and beckoned him.

"Don't need one!"

She pointed at the foot of the stairs where, fastened to the wall, was a board with a short row of hooks on it. Two of the hooks were occupied; hanging from each was a pair of child's cotton pyjama bottoms. Both were pink. The smaller of the two had cartoon characters of princesses decorating it. The larger of the two had a yellow sunflower pattern.

"I had them take them off and hang them there before I went out. I'm going to give them both a nice spanking tonight. I find if I leave them waiting bare bottomed for a spanking when I go out then they're very well behaved indeed. Would you like to come up and meet my daughters, James?"

"I'd like that very much, Betty."

Betty smiled and pushed herself into James, her face on his. They kissed, their tongues in each other's mouths. James felt Betty's hand on his cock, finding the zip in his trousers and pulling it down. Her hand slipped in, found his cock and took it out. She went down on her knees in front of him, her eyes looking up into his; her mouth opened and she swallowed his cock down her throat.


She gagged on him loudly and slowly pulled her mouth off, passing her lips along its length as she did so.

"Oh James, nobody's ever fucked my throat like you did. Remember when you used to hold my hair and fuck my throat till I puked? You just didn't care what it was like for me until you'd cum."

James smiled down at her.

"I remember you used to like it! You used to bring me a bucket and say it is time for you to show me how a good girlfriend looks after her boy? And how you used to do your hair in pigtails when you were going to do that so I could really pull on your hair?"

"Yes James, I remember. I was brought up to know how to please a man, but I haven't found any since you!"

Betty took James' cock and put it back in her mouth. Then she put her hands on his buttocks and pulled him into her throat, her watering eyes locked on his.


Her throat slid up and down his cock. James moaned. She was so much better than any other woman he'd been with. The drool from her gagging throat flooded the front of his trousers. She pulled her mouth off him, again pausing to rub her lips up the whole length. She knelt in front of him, drippy strings of saliva falling from her mouth. She started to undo his belt and take his trousers off. He didn't stop her and he didn't help her. She dutifully stripped him until he was naked from the waist down.

"I love your cock, James. I wish I'd never let you go. This time I'm going to try even more to please you. Do things for you so you'll never leave me. You like little girls, don't you James? Like their bodies, don't you? Like their bottoms all red and welted, and them screaming and dancing whilst they're spanked. Say you do, James, please!"

James stroked Betty's hair.

"I never should have left you, Betty. We were made for each other. I love spanking little girls and watching them being spanked. And I like their little bodies too."

Betty held James cock in her fist and slowly jacked the skin up and down.

"James, I want my girls to be brought up how I was. I've tried my best, but I need a man with one of 'these'; a man who doesn't care about using a little girl for his own pleasure; a man who likes them crying and pleading for him to stop. Will you help me, James? Help me teach my girls how to please a man the way I was taught? Think how their mouths and pussies and butt holes will feel on your cock, James. You can use them any time you want. And spank them too. Spank their little butts red raw every day! Oh please James, please say yes!"

Tenderly, James took Betty's chin and lifted it so she stood and faced him. He kissed her slowly and passionately before answering.


They climbed the stairs hand in hand, Betty elegant in her evening gown, James half naked with his erect cock bouncing in front of him. Betty led him to a bedroom door which she opened.

"Hello darlings, Mommy's home. And look, Mommy has brought a friend of hers back to meet you!"

As James entered the room his mouth dropped open at the sight; he felt his stomach go light and his cock quivering harder than it had been for years as he drank in what he saw. Right in front of him the two little girls, whose pretty forms and tantalising bottoms he had admired in the supermarket, were naked from the waist down wearing just their pyjama tops. But more than that, it was as if all he could see were two juvenile girlish bare bottoms stuck up at him. Both of the bottoms' cheeks were wide apart and two little anuses were being displayed. Between two sets of parted young thighs two sweet hairless little pussies were partially open showing the clits and the red vaginal openings. The girls were each kneeling on the end of a single bed with their bottoms pointing towards the door. They were bent almost double with their heads and elbows down on the bed. Their knees were spread as wide apart as their shoulders and had been tucked under their bodies so that their knees touched their elbows.

As Betty and he walked into the room he saw the girls straining their necks to look over their shoulders at their mother and who this friend might be. Their pretty faces were both red and tear stained; it looked like they had been crying for some time. As they caught sight of him, James saw their eyes each suddenly fix on his penis and the shock on their faces. Debbie let out a frightened wail.

"Sniff! Murrrrrrr! A-huuuuuuu! Mommy! No! Not a man! Please!"

Amy wailed miserably.

"A-hurrrrrrr! A-hurrrrrrrr! Mommy! Why's he got no pants on! A-huuuur! Why's his thingy all big?"

Debbie was already moving to cover herself. Her hand came back between her legs to cover up her anus and pussy. Amy started to put her legs together. Betty sharply clapped her hands twice.

"Debbie and Amy, you'd better get back in position or we'll show Uncle James what happens if you don't!"

Immediately the crying girls moved back to how they had been. It seemed to James that they both dipped their backs and stuck their bottoms out even further than before. He noticed that at the centre of the pink puckered skin surrounding Debbie's anus the little red anal ring was now showing. He could see her straining to push her bottom out further. Betty was smiling happily.

"That's right, young ladies! You keep those bottoms pushed out. We don't want any of that nasty stuff happening if you don't, do we?"

Betty wandered up to Debbie and idly stroked one of her daughter's tightly stretched bottom cheeks.

"That's very good, Debbie! Uncle James, can you see how her bottom hole is actually opening up?"

Debbie gave a wail of despair as her mother humiliated her so explicitly. Betty moved to stand between the beds next to the headboards so that both her sobbing girls could clearly see her. She pointed to a low chair facing the foot of the two beds for James to sit in. As James sat down he found his head was at same level as the girls' spread bottoms; the perfect viewing position for their spanking, he thought. Betty began to lecture her daughters as James admired the quivering little bottoms that twitched fearfully in anticipation of their spankings.

"Now girls, I want you to listen to me very carefully. I told you what would happen if you kept being naughty; that I would get a man to help me punish you! Uncle James is a very old friend of Mommy's and he knows how we do spanking here. He's going to help Mommy with your punishments all the time now. Did you see how his willy is all hard and sticking out? That's because he likes seeing little girls getting their bottoms hurt. And afterwards, when Mommy has finished with your bottoms, he's going to hurt you with his willy. He's going to like doing that because hurting a little girl with his willy feels nice for a man. Remember how Mommy showed you those special films of girls like you being hurt by men sticking their willies into them? That's what Uncle James is going to do to you!"

Debbie lifted her sobbing face up to her mom.

"Bhurrrrrr- hurrr! A-hurrrr! Please Mommy! Not that! Spank me more! Please! Please! Don't let him put his willy in me! A-hurrrrrr! Don't! I'm sorry! I'm sorreeeeeeeeey!"

Amy joined the tearful chorus.

"Whaaaaaaa! Please Mommy! Make him do Debbie! Not me! His thingy's too big! It's gonna hurt real bad! A-hurrrr! A-huuuuuur!"

James cock throbbed as he listened to Debbie and Amy piteously pleading with their mother not to let this man sexually abuse them.

Betty was grinning like a cheshire cat as her daughters desperately begged. James could see how flushed Betty was and guessed that if she was anything like years-gone-by then her pussy would be dribbling juice. The fact that Betty was so into punishing her little daughters made James even more excited. A glob of pre-cum formed at the end of his cock and his foreskin suddenly peeled back to expose the smooth helmet subdivided by its oozing slit. Betty saw it happen and her tongue passed over her lips to moisten them. Her face was a mask of pure lust.

"Oh James, I've never seen you so hard! Is it looking at my girls' bottoms that's doing that to you; seeing their poo and wee holes all opened up? I bet I know what you're thinking, 'When is Betty going to start spanking them?' I bet you want to use that hard willy of yours them! Girls, Mommy is going to show Uncle James how hard she can spank. And I think we'd better use Mommy's lexan paddle for that, don't you?"

Amy was shaking and crying loudly.

"Whaaaaaaaa! Not the lexan! Noooooooo! Pleeeeeeeeeease! Mommeeeeeey! It hurts! I can't take it! Please! Don't lexan me! Whaaaaaaaaaaa! A-hurrrrrr! A-hurrrrrrr!"

Debbie, in between choked back sobs, tried to reason with her mom.

"A-hurrrr! Whoooo! A-hurrrr! Mommeeeeeey! I haven't been naughty! Honest I haven't! I don't want the lexan! Please! I've got games at school tomorrow! Everyone will see!"

Betty smiled grimly.

"Yes Debbie, everyone will see what a naughty girl you've been and how your Mommy has had to spank your little bottom for you. Do you think Mommy should use the bath brush later to give you some blisters to show to everyone too?"

"Whaaaaaaa! No Mommy! No! Please! Not blisters! Oh no! Anything but that! Bwaaaaaaaah! I'll be good whilst you spank me! Don't blister! Pleeeeease!"

Betty crossed the room to a wardrobe and felt around on the top of it. There was a clattering as her hand encountered various things until eventually she lifted down a clear plastic spanking paddle. It was about a foot long with a handle formed from the plastic at one end and a broad flat rectangular spanking surface about three inches wide and a quarter of an inch thick. Drilled into the surface of the paddle was a regular series of three-quarter inch holes. Betty held it up for James to see.

"They didn't have this when I was a girl! It's made of stuff called lexan. It hurts soooo much, doesn't it girls?"

There was a miserable crying from her daughters as they answered her.

"A-hurrrr! A-hurrrr"! Yes, Mommy!"

"Bhurrrrrr! A-hurrrr! It hurts, Mommy! Please don't! A-hurrrrr! A-hurrrrr!"

Betty grinned and pointed to the paddle surface.

"You see all these holes? They're for blistering. I just have to spank long and hard enough. I like them to have nice sore little bottoms!"

Debbie and Amy wailed as their mom talked about how much their bottoms were going to hurt. James could almost smell their fear of the blister spanking they were being promised. Their bottoms wriggled in dread of their mommy's paddle and James' cock throbbed as he watched their pussies winking open at him.

Betty positioned herself behind Debbie, her hand firmly on Debbie's back and the paddle raised up behind the little up-thrust bum.

"Eldest first, Debbie! Stick it out! Keep it there! No hands or I'll start over! Are you ready for your spanking?"

"Whaaaaaaaa! A-hurrrrr! A-hurrrrr! Ooooo, Mommy! No Mommy! Don't blister! Bwaaaaaaah! Pleeeeeeease!"

"I said, are you ready?"

"Bwaaaaah! A-hurrrr! Bwaaaaah! A-hurrrrr! Yes, Mommy! Whaaaaa!"


Betty walloped the paddle onto the wriggling eleven year old's bottom cheeks. Debbie began to squeal lustily.


Betty didn't stop. She carried on whacking the paddle into Debbie's chubby little cheeks. The child screeched and began to try and twist her bottom to avoid the stinging paddle.



Betty responded firmly.

"Stick it up, Debbie! Stick it up, girl! Do as you're told! Push that bottom right out! Keep it still! I've only just started!"


Debbie howled as her bottom got turned into two red tomatoes, the swollen cheeks tight and shiny. James could see little circular marks from the paddle holes beginning to appear on the Debbie's bottom. Debbie put her hands behind her, trying to ward off the paddle.


Betty grabbed Debbie's hands and held both the child's wrists firmly in her left hand. She put her foot on the bed and pulled her little daughter over her knee so that Debbie's feet dangled kicking in the air. Then Betty set-to with the paddle in a way that made the previous spanks look like she'd been playing a game. Debbie screamed continuously as her bottom was thrashed. James cock dripped a line of pre-cum as he watched Debbie's out of control kicking and screaming whilst Betty spanked until there were big blisters on each of Debbie's red bulging bottom cheeks.

When Betty decided that Debbie had had enough she pushed her off her knee. As Debbie's feet touched the floor she began to move and twist. Betty released Debbie's hands and Debbie began grabbing and squeezing big handfuls of her punished cheeks.


Debbie's hoarse howls and screams accompanied her desperate dancing and bottom rubbing. She was completely oblivious to the spectacle she made as she repeatedly exposed her pussy and anus whilst she jumped and rubbed. Betty looked happily at James' dribbling cock.

"See how nice I make things for you, darling! I know that's how you like little bottoms to look; all red and blistered. I'm going to do that for you all the time. They're going to be so good for you when I've finished. Don't cum yet! Wait until you can use you willy to properly hurt them. I'll lube their little bottom holes up for you. They'll cry so much when you put it in there. It'll be sooo tight and feel soooo good on your cock!"

Another dribble pre-cum oozed out of James' cock and Betty laughed happily. She turned to Amy who was shaking and weeping in terror, having seen what mommy had done to her big sister. Betty held up the paddle.

"Your turn now, Missy!"

Amy's mouth opened wide and she wailed as a stream of urine spurted out of her pussy. James cock oozed as the little girl wet herself with fear. Betty's face was like thunder as the arch of urine soaked the bed and carpet; her voice came like ice.

"You dirty little girl! Mommy's going to have to clean all that up! You never think of anyone but yourself! You didn't think of Debbie, did you? You know that if one of you wets then you both get punished. And you know how Mommy punishes for wetting, don't you?"

There was an outraged wail from Debbie.

"You idiot! Oh God, Amy, you idiot! I won't be able to walk afterwards! Please Mom, give her it twice! Not me! I didn't wet! Don't give me 'the chair'! Please don't make me get in 'the chair'! My bum's so sore! I've got blisters! I hate you, Amy! I'm going to bash you tonight!"

Amy was weeping hysterically.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

Betty smiled at James.

"I think Debbie is going to give Amy quite a pounding tonight. I like the girls to settle their own arguments."

Betty moved closer to James and took a firm hold of his cock, slowly jacking the loose skin up and down it. Her mouth came close to his ear so she could whisper.

"You're going to love it so much, James, when I put them in 'the chair'! The way they scream! Sometimes I cum just watching and listening to them when I spank them like that! I'll make your cock feel sooo good every day! I know how much you love punishing them too!"

Betty stood behind Amy. She took the little girl's hands and held them tightly in her own, then pressed down with them firmly on Amy's back to restrain the child and ensure that her bottom was pushed out. Betty rubbed the paddle against Amy's bottom.

"You're such a naughty naughty girl, Amy, aren't you? Always being bad and needing to be spanked. No wonder Mommy has to hurt your little bottom so much! I'm going to give you blisters just like your sister. You won't be able to sit for days! Uncle James is going to have you sitting in his lap at night with no clothes on. I bet the blisters will make you wriggle about like anything! Uncle can put cream on your botty so it's all slippery against him. Uncle loves blistered little bottoms to play with. It makes his willy all hard!"

Amy whined at the thought of such rude humiliating games.

"Please Mommy! Please don't blister me! I don't wanna be naked in Uncle's lap! I don't wanna make his willy hard!"

Betty drew back the paddle and delivered the first tremendous smack to her young daughter's bottom. If anything, it seemed to James that Betty had smacked Amy harder than Debbie.


The next full-bloodied whack from the paddle landed right across the sit-down part of Amy's bottom. The child started screaming.



Amy's bottom twisted about as her mother held her firmly. James' whole body seemed to tingle as he watched the chubby little bottom reddening and Amy's little pussy and bum hole being waggled about for his pleasure. Betty set up a slow hard rhythm as the as she paddle spanked her half naked daughter.



The darkening cheeks danced about and James drank in the sights and sounds of this strict little girl spanking. The beautifully exposed little anus was deep set between the two separated bottom cheeks. Surrounded by pink crinkly skin, the little hole looked so enticing. James loved anal sex and had missed constantly since he had split up with Betty. The thought of pushing himself up such a tight little hole as Amy wailed and begged for him to stop made his cock twitch and bounce.





Betty carried on oblivious to the shrieks and pleas of her little daughter. She smiled broadly at James and winked at him. She constantly adjusted Amy's bottom so her anus and pussy were stuck out at James. She paddled the little bottom just to make her daughter present herself in the most exciting revealing way to James' lustful stare. The spanks from the paddle became harder and harder as Betty sought to make her daughter scream louder and wave her bottom more fiercely and frantically, until eventually the crowns of Amy's little bottom cheeks started to blister and the child's squeals became demented shrieks for leniency.

With calm deliberate movements, Betty took the screaming kicking child off the bed and put her standing on the floor in front of James so he could enjoy Amy's screaming post-spanking war dance. James watched spellbound as Amy jumped about, her hands glued to her bottom pulling her cheeks wide apart so her anus opened up and her little vaginal opening was clearly visible from behind.

Betty came and stood next to James, her hand on his cock gently and smoothly rubbing up and down his shaft.

"Look at these two naughty bottoms, James! See how I blistered them! They'll be sore for days now. I love watching them start crying just because their bottoms still hurt so much. If they've been really bad I spank them again the next night, right on top of their blisters. You should hear them screaming then! I'm going to do something really special to them now. Try not to let this lovely thing cum whilst I'm doing it! It'll feel so much better if you're really hard when you stick it up their asses!"

Betty left James and went to a built-in wardrobe. She opened the door and reached inside to drag out the most unusual object. It had obviously at some point in its life being a straight-backed chair, perhaps for a kitchen or dining room. Now the seat had been removed and the front legs had been cut off at the frame. The chair back consisted of a number of spindles and on the two outer ones a couple of sturdy Velcro straps had been fastened.

Betty lay the chair on its back on the bed with the underside of what would have been the seat facing James. Then she put a couple of pillows down the length of the chair back. She turned to Debbie who had started to hyperventilate, becoming hysterical at the sight of the modified chair. Debbie seemed to dance about, her little feet moving and her bottom wriggling. Betty gave James an amused smile, encouraging him to enjoy Debbie's hysterical fear. She beckoned to Debbie.

"Come and 'sit' in my 'chair' young lady! You won't be going to the toilet without feeling this for a while!"

Debbie was visibly shaking and seemed almost unable to control her involuntary movements.

"Mommeeeeeey! It wasn't meeeeee! I didn't wet! It was her! Not me! Spank her in 'the chair'! Not me! Mommeeeeeeeey! Please! Uncle James can put his willy in me like in those films! I'll be good! I'll keep still while he does it! Not 'the chair'! Oh please! Not 'the chair'! Whaaaaaaaaaaaa! Bwaaaaaaaaaaaah!"

Betty's face was grim, her jaw set hard.

"Get into 'the chair', Debbie, or I'll put something so big in your bottom that your poo will be leaking out for a week!"

Debbie gave a frightened wail at her mother's description of the punishment for not obeying. James watched with delight as the weeping child climbed onto the bed and sat down on the pillows positioned on the chair back that was lying flat against the bed. Debbie lay down on her back and then lifted her legs up until her knees were against her chest. She then shuffled down the pillows on her back until her bottom was against the chair frame where the seat had once been. Debbie then reached out with her hands and held onto the seat frame, pulling herself forward until her bottom poked through and the front and the seat frame held her legs back against her chest. She wriggled down more until the backs of her knees sat snugly against the front of the seat frame. Then Debbie put her arms down against the chair back and Betty used the Velcro straps to secure them.

James' cock twitched obscenely as he saw the exposed position the wicked device held Betty's daughter in. Debbie's knees were held tight back against her chest with only her legs below the knees able to kick in an entertaining manner. Her hands were well secured out of the way to prevent any interference with her strict punishment or any movement of her bottom away from the painful consequences of her sister's actions. The pillows under her back pushed her bottom up to a perfect spanking position, the red swollen cheeks tight, jutting up and spread wide apart. Debbie's anus and pussy were now completely exposed in a way the kneeling position hadn't quite managed. Debbie's bottom crack was deep with the anus a dark inviting hole at its centre. The skin around the anus was pink and stretched smooth and James could see the crinkle of the sphincter keeping the bottom hole closed. In contrast, Debbie's pussy had opened up wide by an inch and James could admire the pretty pink interior with the slightly parted vaginal opening; it looked so tight and inviting. His cock throbbed with the desire to push into those cute little holes and listen to Debbie crying. Betty smiled at him.

"Do you like my chair, James? It opens them up nicely for when Mommy has to spank their naughty bits. But Debbie doesn't like having her naughty bits spanked, do you darling? She says it hurts! Especially when Mommy uses her 'crack-strap'!"

Debbie wailed in terror.

"Bwaaaaaaaaaaah! No Mommy! Nooooooo! Not the crack-strap! Use the spoon instead! A-hurrrrr! A-hurrrrr! Don't use the strap on my holes! Use the spoon! Please! I beg you! Don't strap! Not there! Use the wooden spoon! Pleeeeeeeeease!"

Betty shook her head firmly as she went over to the wardrobe and reached up on top of it. She brought down a narrow strap about half an inch wide and 18 inches long. It was made of thick supple black leather and was shiny and wet with oil. Betty wrapped one end of it around her right hand until there was twelve inches left hanging free. She approached the terrified child who was making high pitched whining noises as the little bottom wriggled frantically in fear of the hole strapping that Mommy was going to give.

Betty positioned herself at the foot of the bed next to Debbie's spread bottom. She held the strap up so that it was ready to spank vertically down Debbie's bottom crack. Debbie wept hysterically and babbled desperate pleas to her mother not to strap spank her 'wee hole' and 'poo hole'. If only Mommy would be good enough to spank her holes with the wooden spoon then Debbie would be extra good in bed for Mommy. Betty winked at me as Debbie promised faithfully to satisfy her strict parent's obscene sexual demands.

Betty raised her hand and brought the strap whipping down the length of Debbie's open pussy. James watched the strap bite into the open mouth of the little pussy and the exposed little clit.


Debbie's eyes bulged in their sockets and there was a momentary gurgling noise from her throat, then a piercing scream erupted from her as her nose and eyes began to stream tears and snot. Her body twitched, her lower legs kicked vigorously and her bottom wriggled as much as the confining seat frame would allow. Betty lifted the strap up and then brought it down hard on her daughter's pussy again.



Betty moved her aim and this time the vicious little strap tail landed squarely on Debbie's anus.



Betty repeated the action, landing another excruciating spank with the strap on her daughter's anus. The child twisted and writhed in the chair frame that held her so rudely exposed to her mother's intimate spanking. Betty slowly and methodically strapped her prepubescent daughter's hairless pussy and anus, alternating between the two twitching winking holes. The fact that the strap was continuously spanking between her daughter's pussy lips into the tender pink interior and Debbie was emitting the most terrible screams and howls did nothing but drive Betty to strap even harder. James cock drooled pre-cum as the little bottom crack and pussy became bright red, welted and swollen.

James watched with admiration as Betty carried on strapping her daughter's exposed genitals long after her daughters shrieks had become hoarse moans and the red welted pussy lips had swollen to the point they almost closed. The writing child was taken out of the chair frame by Betty and put standing on the floor in front of James. There was no modesty as Debbie squeezed and pulled at her pussy and anus in front of James showing him her holes in close-up detail. The child had no concern now for anything other than stopping the terrible sting her Mommy had strapped into her.

Betty beckoned to her terrified wailing youngest daughter.

"Come on, Amy! Time for you to 'sit' in my 'chair'! It was you who wet yourself, so you can expect Mommy to strap you much harder!"

Amy was dancing about with fear, her legs running on the spot, barely able to carry her over to where Mommy waited with the horrible chair. Like her sister, despite her mewling tears and pleas for forgiveness, Amy got herself into position in the chair frame. James took a good look at her exposed pussy and bottom hole.

Amy was smaller than her sister and her protruding bottom cheeks hadn't filled out as much. Her anus was deep-set like her sister's, but she had darker skin around it and the little rim was dark red. It looked a little sore and James wondered if Amy had been subject to a very recent workout of her little bottom hole. Amy's pussy was a sweet little puffy thing. The lips were not as full as her sister's and they didn't gape as much. James could see some pink between the lips and the little clit was standing erect with fear at the top juncture of the nine year olds' pussy.

Betty finished positioning Amy and fastening her wrists. Satisfied with the helpless exposed position her young daughter was restrained in Betty took position next to the wriggling bottom with her strap. Raising the strap she began to vigorously spank her daughter's pussy and anus. Like Debbie, Amy screamed and wriggled wildly as her bottom hole and pussy were punished. As her pussy was strapped, little squirts of urine fountained out for her to be met by an angry strapping Mommy.

"How DARE..."


"You STILL..."







Amy's screams reached fever pitch as her Mommy gave her pussy double hard quick spanks with the strap, drawing out even more urine from her daughter's uncontrolled bladder.



With a final solid spank on the strap right on the pussy opening and clitoris, Betty finished the spanking. Like Debbie, Amy's anus was red and welted, but her pussy was a grossly inflamed dark red that would be painful for days. When Amy was released from the chair and put on her feet, delirious with the pain her mother had so strictly applied to her bottom and privates, she seemed unable not to put on the most exciting show for her Uncle James. She stood open-legged in front of him holding her pussy lips with the fingertips of both hands repeatedly pulling them wide apart. James thought his cock was going to explode as the howling little girl displayed herself to him, her cute tear and snot soaked face as red as her spanked bottom.

Betty grasped James cock to gauge its hardness.

"I think you're ready to enjoy their bottom holes now. I gave them both enemas earlier so they should be clean for you. But let's go to the bathroom just in case they have any 'accidents'. I'll stretch their holes for you first. I think they'll cry and wriggle on you very nicely after their strapping. If they don't move how you want them to then a few little pinches on their pussies should encourage them. Come on, girls! Time for you to show your new Uncle how good you are and how nice you can make him feel with your bodies!"

Betty led the two sobbing spanked little girls to the bathroom. James followed, enjoying the sight of the two blistered wriggling bums, imagining that soon he would be pushing his cock into the tight yielding anuses hidden in the deep valleys between the girls' bottom cheeks.

Betty led them into the bathroom and put two thick towels over the edge of the bath tub. On the other side of the bath tub was a large wall mounted mirror.

"Over you go, girls! Just like when you get your bottoms cleaned! You know what to do!"

Debbie and Amy bent over the edge of the bath tub, their legs wide apart and their bottoms stuck well out. James' cock throbbed angrily as he saw both girls reach behind themselves, take a bottom cheek each hand and pull them wide apart. Without being told, both girls wormed their fingers in towards their anuses until their finger tips were next to the hole and then pulled apart to open themselves up. Debbie's little bottom hole opened up so James could see the first part of her anal passage. Amy pulled hard and the tight pink crinkled skin of her anus was displayed but the hole didn't quite open. The girls obediently held themselves open ready for their mother's painful treatment followed by the use of their Uncle. The girls' fearful tearstained faces looked up into the mirror to try and see what the adults were doing behind them. James looked from their bottoms to their pitiful faces reflected in the mirror. He couldn't wait to see their faces crying and pleading with him as he inserted his cock deep into their tiny anuses.

Betty opened the bathroom cabinet. James cock twitched and another glob of pre-cum dripped off the exposed purple helmet as he saw Betty's butt plug collection. The different lengths and sizes made it clear that they were all for use in reluctant little child anuses. Betty selected two from the shelf; a pink rubbery plug, long at five inches but only three quarters of an inch at its widest; it was ribbed and meant to strictly punish a tight little sphincter. Betty smiled at James.

"This one's good for Amy. I like her to take it deep and if I use it fast it makes her really sore!"

Betty held at the second plug she had selected; a more traditionally shaped shiny black plastic plug, three inches long and an inch thick at its base.

"This is good for Debbie. You'll love how she gapes after I used this on her!"

The girls mewled with self pitying sobs as their mother explained how she was going to get her bottom holes ready so this man could stick his willy in them. The man's willy looked so big and hard and scary. Both girls were in no doubt that it was going to hurt a lot when he stuck it up their bottoms. The girls wept uncontrollably as their mother began to prepare them so this man could enjoy hurting their private little bottom holes.

Betty knelt behind Amy and applied plenty of sex lubricant to the butt plug. Amy was whimpering in a way that made James cock pulse and twitch. Betty put the thin end of the ribbed plug against Amy's anus that her daughter obediently displayed. She began to push firmly. Amy's whining got louder as the first rib began to stretch her little anus open. The first rib passed and her tight hungry bottom hole seemed to pull the vivid pink butt plug into it. Betty carried on pushing so that the next rib pressured the tight little sphincter opening the hole up again. As the first two inches of the plug disappeared into Amy's small bottom the child began weeping loudly.

"A-hurrrrr! A-hurrrrrr! Mommy! Please! Not all of it! Please! That's far enough! Don't do anymore! Please!"

Betty paid no attention and carried on pushing the plug up her pleading daughter's anus. As the next three inches of the plug were inserted, Amy's bottom wriggled and twisted and she begged her mother pitifully to stop. Only when the full five inches had been inserted to Betty finally stop. She turned to James and smiled.

"Now the real fun starts!"

Betty gripped the round plastic ring at the base of the plug and pulled it backwards dragging the plug out of Amy's anus. As the plug was dragged out, the ribs down its length punished the little hole. The slurping noise of the anus sucking in air to replace the plug accompanied Amy's desperate screams.



As the plug reached the point that only an inch remained in Amy's bottom hole, Betty suddenly reversed her action, jamming the ribbed tool back into her daughter's rectum.



Amy howled as her mother began to pump the butt plug in and out of her tiny tight anus, painfully stretching the sensitive little hole. Betty carried on her strict treatment of her little daughter's bottom hole for a good five minutes as James watched the sphincter lining become more and more sore. Betty pulled the whole length of the plug out of Amy and used her fingers to hold the hole open for James to admire the tiny rectum.

"Doesn't that look pretty, darling? I'll just get Debbie ready for you and then you can use both their little asses as hard as you like!"

Betty thrust the plug back up Amy's bottom and then moved to where Debbie was lent sobbing forlornly as she thought of the fate that awaited her little bottom hole. Betty took hold of the butt plug she had selected for Debbie. It was short, but almost twice as thick as Amy's. Debbie's anus already gaped slightly as her fingers pulled tightly at the skin surrounding it. James couldn't wait to see it stretched until it gaped open like a huge mouth.

"Betty, I'd like to see you hurt her with the plug!"

Betty looked up at James with an expression of surprise and admiration for this man who so clearly shared her desires.

"Oh yes, darling, just wait until you hear her screaming!"

Debbie began to plead desperately as she heard the two adults gloating over her bottom's forthcoming painful treatment.

"A-hurrrrrr! A-hurrrrrr! Mommy! Nooooo! Don't hurt me with the plug! It hurts so much! I can't take it! Honest I can't! I've been spanked so bad! I really hurt! Uncle, please do me with your willy! Don't let Mommy plug me! Pleeeeeeease!"

Betty positioned the point of the butt plug against the tiny gap of Debbie's anus and began to push the butt plug in, twisting it as she went. The hole stretched to half an inch as Debbie yelped in pain and then the sphincter began to resist the entrance of the plug. Betty braced herself and gave an almighty thrust that almost lifted Debbie off her feet as young child's anus was instantly stretched by half an inch to accept the plug. Debbie's screams echoed around the bathroom has a sharp windy noise escaped from around the edges of her anus.



Betty had no interest in her daughter's entreaties and dragged the plug out re-stretching the tender hole all over again.



Betty began to vigorously work the plug in and out of Debbie's little anus. The child shrieked with pain as her mother stretched her.

Parrrrrrrrrrrp! Surrrrrrrrrrk! Parrrrrrrrrrp! Surrrrrrrrrrrk!


Betty took her time as she strictly punished her little daughter's hole. James' cock throbbed angrily; he was ready to use these two little girls' anuses to pleasure himself.

Betty pulled the plug out of Debbie's bottom and displayed the almost one inch gaping hole to James for him to enjoy the sight of Debbie's pink inner rectum. Then she pulled the plug out of Amy's bottom eliciting another shriek from her younger daughter. She smiled invitingly at James.

"All yours!"

Betty stood up and to one side to let James get access to the girls' bottoms. James watched as Betty pulled off her evening gown to reveal her lacy bra and the fact that she was wearing no panties. Betty's pussy was shaved and only now could James truly appreciate how engorged and soaked her pussy was. It seemed as though the whole of her pubis and inner thighs were dripping. Betty thrust the three of her fingers into her pussy and began masturbating loudly whilst encouraging James.

"Go on, darling! Stick it in them! All the way! Make it hurt! Do it hard! Fuck their tiny asses! Make them cry! They're so red and sore! See how good I spanked them for you!"

James knelt behind Debbie. It was the perfect height for his cock to square up to her gaping anus as she bent spread-legged over the edge of the bath tub. He held his cock firmly and moved the end against the gaping hole. He pushed forward, making Debbie wail miserably as the first inch of his cock entered her. He began to taunt the sobbing child.

"That's right, Debbie! My willy's in you now! It feels so nice for me! My willy likes hurting you! Does it hurt, Debbie? Does it hurt, having my willy in you like this? It's bigger than the plug, isn't it?"


James firmly held little Debbie's hips and thrust another three inches up her. Debbie screamed and kicked as her little bottom hole was stretched more than it ever had been before.


James grabbed hold of Debbie's shoulders and pulled the wailing girl back on to him until his whole length was up her and her sore thrashed little buttocks nestled in his tummy.


James began to thrust himself backwards and forwards, working his cock in and out of the hole by an inch or two every time. Debbie shrieked and twisted as her new Uncle's cock punished her tiny sore hole. James pulled out with a slurping plop and his rigid cock bounced up hard and elastic against his stomach. Debbie wailed, clutching at her red raw open anus. James grinned at Amy who was shaking with fear as she looked at the big hard fleshy thing that had caused her big sister such terrible pain.

James moved behind Amy, positioning himself so the length of his cock nestled in her bottom crack. He bent over her so his head was near hers. He began to move his cock in her bottom crack as he whispered to her.

"My willy's so hard after hurting your sister's bottom, Amy! So big and hard for a little bottom hole like yours! Did you hear your sister crying? It's going to hurt you more! I'm going to put all of my willy up you, just like with Debbie! A tight little bottom like yours is going to feel even nicer for my willy!"

Amy was crying hysterically with fear as her Uncle told her all about how his big hard willy was going to punish her little hole. As James knelt back up and positioning his cock against Amy's tiny hole she babbled pleas and promises to him that she would do anything he wanted if only his willy would be kind to her bottom hole.

James tensed himself; his cock was rock hard but the hole was so small and tight. He pushed forward and Amy screamed as the head of his cock almost instantly dilated her sphincter.


James grabbed Amy's small shoulders and bore down on the tiny bottom, pushing himself into her. Amy screamed continuously, almost without drawing breath, as James laboured to get his cock up her. With the first five inches up her, James began to enjoy himself in the little butt, pumping himself into the little hole. Betty was groaning ecstatically behind him as her fingers pleasured her pussy, her hand moving like a blur.

James pulled out of the hole, his cock stronger and vibrating with the need to cum. Amy's screams carried on as she thrust her fingers into her bottom hole to try and stop the pain. Debbie wailed as she felt her uncle moving behind her and she realised that he was going to punish her bottom hole even more with that terrible willy of his.

"I was gentle with you the last time, Debbie! This time I'm going to show you how a man properly punishes a little girl's bottom hole!"

James held the tip of his cock against Debbie's cringing anus; her hips twitched fitfully as her bottom tried to avoid her anus being home to her Uncles cock yet again. James thrust forward hard and smoothly, pushing the squealing girl almost over into the bath tub. The whole length of his cock pushed right up into Debbie's rectum.


James began to ride Debbie's small bottom hard and fast. The dirty squelching noise of his cock being moved in and out of Debbie's anus accompanied her shrieks and pleas for mercy. James could feel his cum starting deep in his balls, stronger, bigger, more awe-inspiring than anything he had experienced for years. He could hear Betty behind him making strangled wailing noises as her orgasm ripped through her. The sounds of the little pre-teen girls' own mother's ecstatic moans as she watched her daughter howling as James' cock punished the little hole pushed him over the edge. He shouted with joy as the kind of orgasm he had chased and desired for years exploded in every cell of his body. His cock jerked and spurted into Debbie's bottom as his body twitched and shook. His cum seemed to last for ever as he groaned and spasmed.

Slowly the feeling left him as he gasped and panted, his cock still hard and up the young child's anus. As he came back to earth he pulled his cock out of the ravaged little hole. Betty put her hands on his shoulders, massaging and soothing him.

"That's what a man needs, James! A real man, like you! He needs to hurt little girls to get the best cums. That's what you need, James! Amy and Debbie need a man to hurt them like that! They need a man's willy to punish them like I was punished! You need to rest now. Go downstairs and lie on the sofa. I'll sort out the girls and then come and be with you. Don't worry about anything! All you've done is help to discipline two naughty little girls. You go downstairs and I'll sort everything out."

James stumbled downstairs; it had been so intense, but what had he just done? He collapsed onto the sofa, spaced out with post-orgasmic pleasure, but also with a growing concern. He wanted Betty to come down and talk to him. Maybe she could make it all seem alright thought James, she always used to!

Chapter 2 - Sealing The Deal

A few minutes later Betty came down. She had changed into a push-up bra that showed her large breasts to perfection and self-supporting black fishnet stockings that came to the tops of her thighs. Other than that she was still naked and her shaved pussy was just as wet and swollen with lust as before. She sat next to James on the sofa. Her hand immediately went to his deflated cock and the tips of her fingers traced along its shrunken length. She smiled at him, wriggling her wet pussy onto the sofa seat.

"I loved the way you always used to get hard again so soon!"

James gave a hollow laugh.

"Yeah, but that was some years back. I'm a bit older now!"

Betty smiled up at him.

"Or maybe you've not had a woman who knows what you like!"

James felt a stirring in his balls; it was true, no one had known what turned him on like Betty. Her fingers were still gently playing with him and her index finger had started to circle his slippery glans under the foreskin.

"You know, James, I often like to give the girls and a bit of time so they think their punishment is over and then go and get them out of their room and start spanking them all over again. I think I'm going to do that tonight. Would you like to watch? The way they cry and beg when they're going to get a second spanking is sooooo hot!

James felt his cock started to twitch and fill out again. Betty gripped it gently in her hand and began to very softly masturbate him.

"I could bring them down here and make it really sexy for you. Remember when we used to baby-sit my cousin Suzie? I used to love punishing her for you."

James groaned softly as his cock became hard again. He remembered little Susie. She'd only been six or seven when Betty and he had started looking after her. Of course, in Betty's family it was perfectly acceptable that the child being babysat was abused by the family member baby-sitting them. James always remembered Susie's mother's parting shot as she left for a night out with her friends, "Now Betty, you and James enjoy yourselves with her. Don't be afraid to spank hard! You know where all her spanking things are! And James is welcome to use any of her holes he likes!" Then, as she left, James and Betty would go upstairs to a small pink bedroom where a pathetic weeping pleading little child was waiting for them dressed in just her nightie, her shaking hands holding a large oval hairbrush that would soon be put to good use on her bottom. Betty grinned as James cock got harder.

"God James, remember how we used to punish her? Spanking her little butt with everything we could find! You holding her whilst I did it, me holding her whilst you did it! Stretching her holes, getting her to tongue our butts, eat my pussy out, have your cock in her! Remember when I used to dress her up to play with you, her little red butt on show? Your cock was always so hard when I did that. Just think, we could do those things to Debbie and Amy!"

James groaned.

"Jeeze Betty, I'd like that so much!"

Betty slipped off the sofa onto her knees in front of him. She put her hands on his knees and spread his legs apart. James sighed as her head went between his legs so she could gently suck his balls into her mouth one at a time. Then her mouth was on his cock, her tongue expertly teasing and flicking. She took her mouth off him and gripped his hard cock firmly in her hand.

"I know what you like best, James!"

James cock stood hard as iron.

"Oh God! What Betty?"

"When I let you baby-sit Susie on your own!"

It had been a special treat. Betty had only done it twice; once when he used his considerable intellect to avert a family crisis and once when he'd spent most of his savings on a ring for her. Susie's mom hadn't cared that he wasn't family. She'd been quite happy for Susie to receive her normal abuse in return for having the child taken off her hands. James remembered feeling of absolute power when there was just him and the sobbing little girl alone in her bedroom; only him for her to plead with and to promise the dirty sex things to; only him to decide which position he wanted her in; only him to give all the horrible spankings and only him to receive her little body's repeated efforts to 'make his cocky feel nice'.

Betty smiled broadly as she felt his cock throbbing in response to his memories.

"You'd like having Debbie and Amy to yourself, wouldn't you?"

"God yes! I'd have to punish them so hard, Betty!"

"I know, darling. They'd be all yours to do what you wanted with. You know I want you to be hard with them! You could have them to stay with you for a weekend; maybe longer? You could get a little cabin in the woods, miles from anywhere. Nobody would be able to hear anything! You could be so strict with them!"

James moaned again as Betty's mouth went to work on his cock, slurping loudly, her fingers playing with his asshole.

"You're a good man, James. You always looked after me when I was younger. I know you want to do that again."

The delightful pleasure Betty was giving to his cock made James feel very sympathetic to Betty's suggestion of helping her out.

"How much?"

Betty's tongue found his anus and began to work its way up. Nobody had done that for him since he split up with Betty. James put his legs up so Betty could get her tongue deep into his anus. The tongue wriggled further up and Betty noisily ate his ass out for him. A muffled voice came from between his buttocks.


James' brain was already well ahead.

"And how much a month?"


"Perhaps the girls could spend a weekend with me every month?"

Betty's face emerged from between James' buttocks. She grasped the base of his cock, kept her eyes locked on his and swallowed his whole length producing a loud rasping gagging noise as she did so. James moaned with pleasure and spoke.

"I'll take it that's a 'yes'!"

Betty withdrew his cock.

"Oh James, darling, I promise that from now on your cock will never go unsatisfied. I know how much you love watching the girls' naughty bottoms dealt with and having them all to yourself to punish and use. You were always so generous. Now I'm going to pay you back. You just keep this thing nice and hard whilst I fetch the girls!"

Betty got up and left. James lay back on the sofa. His cock was solid and he knew he'd last for a long time before he came again. He wondered what delights Betty had in store for him as a blob of pre-cum dripped off his cock onto his stomach.

James could hear Betty and the girls moving around upstairs. There was definitely some preparation going on. He could hear loud frightened weeping from the girls and muffled high-pitched voices. His cock throbbed almost painfully as he thought of what Betty might be doing with the girls. She had always had the most exciting ideas for how they could punish and abuse little Susie.

James heard footfalls on the stairs as Betty and her daughters came down. The girls' crying became almost hysterical as they approached the lounge. The door opened and Betty trooped in with the girls.

Amy was wearing a tiny pink leotard that would barely fit a seven year old, never mind a nine-year-old. The straps were stretched tight over her shoulders and the front of the leotard came below her nipples. The strip of material at her crotch was pulled up tight between her red welted pussy lips and deep into her whipped bottom crack. She whined and wriggled as the material cut into her sore spanked parts. In her hands she held a wicked looking leather strap; a foot long, thick and cut into two down its length. Amy was crying desperately and unable to take her eyes off the strap that she held out in front of her.

Debbie was naked. Drawn around her mouth in bright red lipstick was a large circle. Two arrows, one on either cheek, pointed to the circle. On her stomach, written in the same red lipstick, were the words 'SUCK SLUT'. She carried a plastic bucket in front of her and was weeping with fear and shaking.

Betty beamed down James as his hard cock dribbled more pre-cum.

"Uncle James, please may I introduce my children to you. This is Amy Gymnast. I spend lots of money on Amy's gymnastics but she never fails to dissatisfy me with her poor performance. Let's see if the strap can help her to do better. And this is Debbie Suck Slut; my little cum dump in training. I've been teaching her to throat for a year now, but she still seems unable not to make a complete mess everywhere. Perhaps you could give her some rough training whilst I entertain you by strapping Amy?"

"I'd be glad to, my darling!"

"Wonderful! Amy, come over here. Debbie, kneel in front of Uncle James. And for God's sake make sure that bucket's under you! I don't want you making a mess all over the carpet!"

James' cock pulsed rhythmically as a tearful Debbie positioned the bucket under his cock and balls and knelt in front of him, tears streaming down her face. She looked up into his eyes pleadingly and begged with him.

"Please Uncle! Don't do it roughly!"

She leaned forward and her tongue peeped out between her lips. She grasped the base of his cock and began to lick around the edges of his stretched foreskin.

Betty turned her attention to Amy, who was weeping pitifully at the prospect of a bare bottom strap spanking.

"Well young lady, whilst your sister gets her throat trained, let's see if you can help entertain your Uncle James. Stand with your back to him and do the splits; legs apart and body flat on the floor!"

James watched as Amy showed how flexible her little body was. She slid her legs wide apart, lowering herself to the floor as she did so. Then she bent her upper body forward until her arms and face were touching the floor. James admired the widely spread buttocks, the thin strip of bright pink material running down the centre of the cheeks. Amy's red blistered bottom bulged out, the skin taunt. Betty stood over Amy, the strap in her hand.

"Not good enough, young lady!"

"Mommy! Mommy! Nooooooo! Pleeeeeeeease!"

Betty bent over so that the strap could reach Amy's bottom and then raised her arm up high. The strap was brought down with force. The ends of the two strap tails whacked into the lower part of Amy's left buttock and curled around biting into her smooth untouched inner thigh.


Amy squealed like a stuck pig. Her hands shot behind her to grab at the place on her inner thigh where the strap had landed. Betty brought the strap down again, right across her daughter's rubbing hands.


Amy howled shrilly and pulled her hands away, shaking them and rubbing where the strap had smacked. Betty brought the strap down again lengthways into Amy's spread bottom crack. The tails of the strap landed with a dull cracking noise on Amy's pussy. Unable to help herself, Amy shrieked and put her hands back to grab and rub at her pussy. Again the strap was brought down hard across her hands. Amy screamed and pulled her hands away leaving her spread bottom an open target to her mother's strap.

Debbie had started to slide her mouth up and down the top part of James' cock, her soft lips rubbing wetly against his exposed glans and pulled-back foreskin, her tongue working madly at flicking across his large smooth helmet.

James watched Amy's strict strap spanking with glee. How he loved little girls shrieking, begging for forgiveness and twisting their little bottoms like that. He took the back of Debbie's head in his hand and pushed her down on his cock. Debbie wailed in distress as she felt his cock start to enter her throat and then the loud strained gagging began.

"Gurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrk! Urrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrp! Garrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrk!"

James pushed her head further down onto him, his cock pushing down her throat. A desperate series of coughing gags were emitted. The feeling of her tight little throat convulsing around his cock was incredible, and every time she gagged her throat vibrated on his cock. He pulled her off him so she could breathe and she retched over the bucket. Her mother looked up from the fearsome strapping she was giving to her youngest daughter's anal crack, pussy and inner thighs; she shook her head.

"Disgusting child! You better make sure your Uncle has a nice time or I'll be doing this to you too!"

Debbie made strange high-pitched frightened warbling sounds as James pushed his cock back towards her mouth.

"Open wide, Debbie! My willy wants to go in your throat again!"

Debbie whined and falteringly opened her mouth. Slowly, weeping dismally, Debbie bent over him and James sighed as his cock once again disappeared into her hot soft little mouth.

Betty pulled Amy up to her feet, the little girl dancing about shrieking and rubbing at the fresh strap marks. Betty started to unceremoniously pull Amy's leotard off. Amy wailed as she was stripped; now she would have no protection at all from that dreadful strap. Betty fetched two chairs and put them a few yards in front of James with the seats facing him. She positioned them side by side and a little distance apart. She turned to Amy.

"Up you get, Amy! One knee on either seat!"

The miserable girl climbed up onto the chair seats. Her knees were spread wide apart and as she dipped her back her bottom pushed out exposing her anus and opening up her little pussy that sat nestled between her thighs.

James took hold of the back of Debbie's head and started pushing her mouth down on his cock again. Debbie's terrible gagging got worse. James was enjoying himself making her throat him. This was the kind of strict punishment that naughty little girls deserved.

Betty had repositioned herself on the other side of the chairs standing in front of Amy. She took hold of both of Amy's hands in her left hand and bent over her daughter's right shoulder. Immediately James saw that now the strap had full access to Amy's bottom and exposed little intimate areas without Amy being able to put her hands in the way. He took hold of Debbie's ears and pulled down firmly. There was a gargled wail from Debbie as, unable to prevent herself, she took the whole length of the horrible man's big willy in her throat.

Betty began to strap Amy's anus, pussy and inner thighs. The child screamed and shook violently as the stinging strap tails sought out her most sensitive places. James moved his hips so his cock pistoned in and out of Debbie's throat. Then he released her so she could use the bucket. James' cock twitched as he watched Amy's little bottom and spread pussy dancing about as the child was strapped. Her pussy was red and welted and her inner thighs were covered in red swelling strap marks. He looked into Debbie's puffy red face, soaked with tears, snot and drool.

"My willy wants to squirt in your throat now, Debbie! Uncle's going to have to do it very roughly so he gets the nicest feeling! Put your hands behind your back and keep them there, or I'll send you to your Mom for what Amy's getting! Now, open your mouth wide and get ready for it!"

Debbie's mouth opened in a woeful 'O' as saliva and drool dripped down her chest, her terrified crying joining the shrieks and howls of her little sister as the strap thwacked away at Amy's little bottom. James wound Debbie's hair around his fist and brought her head down, guiding his cock into her mouth. He pushed her down so his cock went down her tight convulsing throat until her lips touched the base of his cock. Then, using his hand tightly wrapped in her hair to direct her movements, he pumped her head up and down on his cock.


James felt himself starting to cum. His body stiffened and he went light-headed. It seemed as though he were almost looking down on the scene of Betty strapping her naked little nine year old daughter's bottom and private parts whilst he used his cock to vigorously punish the throat of her cute eleven year old. The tight all-pervasive pleasure overcame him and he let out loud moans and ground his crotch into Debbie's face. Finally, he collapsed back allowing Debbie to pull herself off him and drag huge breathes deep into her lungs as she retched pitifully into the bucket.

Betty let Amy tumble off the chairs onto the floor where she rolled about screaming and grabbing at her strapped parts. Betty went straight to James. She sat by him and tenderly put her arms round him, stroking his shoulders and chest.

"Oh God, that was some cum! I love seeing you get of like that! The way you did Debbie's throat! It almost made me cum watching you! That's going to make me wet every time I think about it! I'm so glad we met again! I've missed you so much!"

James turned and kissed Betty passionately. Betty kissed back. Eventually she pulled her lips away.

"Mommy needs some sugar now! I'll let you watch!"

Betty clapped her hands.

"Girls! Time to make Mommy feel nice!"

Betty sat back on the sofa and put her feet under her buttocks, spreading her legs wide apart. The girls didn't hesitate for a moment. James could see that they knew only too well that any delay to their mother's pleasure was strictly dealt with. Amy knelt in front of her mother and crouched down, pulling her mother's buttocks apart and putting her face between them. James watched the little tongue come out and began to twirl in the large adult anus. Debbie bent over the top of Amy and, using the fingers of both hands, spread her mother's pussy wide apart. She buried her face into her Mom's pussy and began licking and sucking loudly. Betty groaned and wriggled herself into her obedient children's mouths. She turned to James, seeking his lips again, and they kissed whilst the sound dirty sex sounds of her children's mouths on her genitals filled the room. Betty writhed as her orgasm approached. She pulled away from James' lips and began to wail in ecstasy as her body shook and twisted with a life of its own.

As her orgasm subsided she settled back down.

"Amy, your tongue wasn't deep enough, and Debbie, you need to lick my wee-hole more quickly. You can both practice on me again later, when Uncle has gone. Now, go upstairs to my bedroom and wait for me. Amy, take that strap up with you; I might need to use it if you don't perform better!"

The two wailing children almost ran out of the room and James heard them scampering up the stairs. Betty calmly collected his clothes and helped him dress. As James was leaving they hugged and kissed again.

"You're so generous, James. Why don't you have the girls to stay with you the weekend after next? That way their bottoms will be nice and white and ready to be spanked again!"

James smiled lovingly.

"I'll get everything organised to pick them up from here early Saturday. I hope you don't mind, but I want to introduce their bottoms to the cane."

Betty clapped her hands excitedly.

"Oh God, James! That's so hot! I'd love to see that!"

"Why don't you come and join us on Sunday afternoon and you can see how much they liked the cane?"

"Oh James, I'd love to do that. Thank you!"

"Text me your bank details and I'll sort everything out."



"I love you."

James didn't reply but kissed her on the lips. He knew she would work harder if he didn't respond. Betty pouted.

"I'm going to make things so good for you, James. I promise!"

James smiled and left.

Chapter 3 - Going To Stay With Uncle

Amy and Debbie stood by the door with their overnight bags and the big suitcase their mother had packed for them. They were both dressed identically, each in a pair of tight white cotton shorts and white T-shirt. The little shorts were tight on their crotches with a thin width of material that barely covered their pubic mounds and were cut high at the back of the leg so the lower parts of their bottom cheeks were on show. The waist of their shorts was low and the top inch of their bottom cheeks with the deep seductive cracks was displayed. Their T-shirts were cropped so the girls' lower tummies, right up to their belly buttons, were bare. The girls both wore short white socks and white tennis shoes. Debbie's hair had been plaited on either side and Amy had her hair tied into two sweet bangs on either side of her head. Betty had taken every opportunity to ensure that Debbie and Amy looked as cute and enticing as possible and that their delectable little bottoms were begging to be spanked.

The girls fidgeted nervously, their little palms sweaty with fear. Their mouths were pulled down and Amy looked to be on the verge of tears. Their mother had made them watch her pack the big suitcase. She had carefully put in their punishment uniforms, their enema kits, a wooden table tennis bat, a stout hairbrush, a long-handled wooden bath brush, their lexan paddle and both of their nasty straps. She had then gone and fetched the baby oil, the lubrication gel and the things she used to stretch their bottoms and wee holes from the bathroom. Finally, and with great ceremony, their mother had taken the plastic bucket she kept for their horrible sick-making how-to-please-a-man-with-your-mouth training and put that by the door also. The girls had been left in no doubt that this weekend with Uncle was for nothing but his pleasure and their punishment.

Betty grinned down at her two fretting little girls. She was sure that James would waste no time in spanking them and enjoying their little bodies. She wondered if he would even be able to wait until he got the cabin. She was looking forward to going there on the following afternoon. The place that James had booked was in the middle of the woods, isolated for miles it was a log cabin with luxury rooms. There was no chance of being disturbed there, inside or out. She couldn't wait to see what he had done to the girls by the time she arrived. Would their anuses gape? Would he have used their pussies? What would their bottoms look like after the cane? Would he thrash their pussies and butt holes? In the last couple of weeks, since the first time she had punished the girls with him, James had visited a few more times. Betty had held off giving the girls any serious discipline on their bottoms so that they would be lily white and perfect for his pleasure this weekend. Instead she had satisfied herself and James with giving hand spankings and abusing the girls' little holes. She had shown James how to make the girls compliant, so they would follow his orders and obediently offer the most degrading and painful sex. She loved listening to the girls squeal and weep pitifully as James' cock was pushed deep into them. Betty checked the clock. James would be with them in a few minutes. She knew what he'd want to see when he arrived. She knelt in front of the girls so her face was level with theirs, grasped one of each of their arms and roughly pulled them towards her.

"Now, listen to me you brats! You're going to stay with your Uncle and you better do every damn thing he tells you to! I don't care how bad he hurts you, how many times his willy makes you sick or how deep he puts his willy into your front and back bottoms! If I hear one word that you've not done what he wants, I'll get my little kitchen blowtorch, take you down to the basement and you'll get what Fluffy got!"

Betty watched the tears start flowing; God, it made them look so cute! The final touch for James! Debbie and Amy trembled as they remembered the terrible time their pet cat, Fluffy, had clawed the sofa and Mommy said Fluffy needed to be punished. They'd been made to watch as Mommy used the kitchen blowtorch on Fluffy. If Mommy could do that, their frightened minds reasoned, there was no reason why she wouldn't do it to them!"

"A-hurrr! A-hurrr! We'll be good, Mommy!"

"Sniff! A-hurrr! We'll do whatever he says!"

"Sniff! Sniff! I'll stick my bottom out when he spanks me!"

"A-hurrr! I'll be good when he makes me sick with his willy!"

"Bwaaaaah! A-hurrr! I'll spread my bottom when he wants to put it up my hole!"

Betty adopted a stern look.

"Be sure that you do, girls! Your Uncle is helping this family a lot with his money. I've told him that he can punish you as much and as hard as he likes. I expect you to do everything he wants, however much it hurts!"

"A-hurr! We will, Mommy!"

"Sniff! We promise!"

Betty heard a car pulling up; perfect timing.

James got out of his SUV. He already had a slight erection. The excitement of having the girls alone for a weekend with carte blanche to punish them as much as he liked was overwhelming. He'd been on the Internet and bought a genuine rattan junior cane; ideal for their bottom size, he thought. He wasn't sure if Betty would have thought to pack sex lubricant, so he had purchased a large tub with a pump action dispenser. He had also taken the precaution of purchasing a supply of Viagra. He wanted to make sure that for the whole of the weekend his cock stayed hard enough to penetrate the girls' tight little holes. He walked to the door. He knew that Betty would have got the girls ready on time. He knocked and Betty opened the door, ushering him inside.

As soon as James walked through the door the sight of the two little girls waiting for him took breath away. They looked so cute in their tiny white shorts and cropped T-shirts. His erection filled out as he saw that half their bottoms were bare; the shorts seemed to emphasise their tiny bubble butts, teasing him as to the treasures that lay within. The way their pretty hair had been tied up enchanted James; it would be so sweet being able to see their little faces as he punished them. And they were already crying, how cute! James couldn't wait to make them cry properly. Betty was smiling at him.

"Like what you see? They're all yours! You can hurt them as much as you like! I've had a little chat with them and they'll do anything they're told. Won't you, girls?"

"Sniff! Sniff! Yes Mommy!"

"I've told them that you're going to want lots of sex with them as well as spanking their bottoms. They're going to be good when you make them sick with your willy in their throats and when you use your willy to stretch their front and back bottoms. You're going to be good while Uncle does sex with you, aren't you, girls?"

"A-hurrrr! Bwaaaa! Yes Mommy!"

"I've packed all their punishment things. You can spank them as hard and long as you like! You can blister and bruise wherever you want to; bottoms, thighs, hands, wee-holes, poo-holes, anywhere! I've got all their enema stuff and hole stretchers in there. If you want a bit of variety, I've put in their school uniforms, Girl Scout uniforms, cheerleader kits and majorette kits. They've got their spanking pyjamas packed; the cute little tight ones. Anything else? Oh yes! I packed a big tub of lubricant for you; to make it feel nice for you when you want to use their holes. Now then girls, are you going to be good and stick your bottoms out for Uncle when he wants to spank you?"

"A-hurrr! Bu-hurrr! Yes Mommy!"

"Are you going to open your holes when he wants to use them?"

"Bwaaaah! Yes Mommy!"

"Are you going to take your clothes off nicely when he tells you?"

"Bu-hurrr! A-hurrr! Yes Mommy!"

"Good! Because you know what will happen if you don't! Don't you?"

"A-heee! A-hurr-hurr! Yes Mommy!"

James watched with delight at the panicked look in the girls' eyes at their Mom's final threat and the way they almost immediately jumped to attention and answered.

"Right, you can go now!"

Betty hustled the girls out of the door while James picked up the bags and suitcase. As he turned to go, Betty pressed herself against him, her hand rubbing his erect penis through his jeans.

"Don't hold back! Use them everywhere! Hurt their little butts until they can't sit down! I can't wait to see the state they're in tomorrow! I'm so wet just thinking about it! Remember, you've paid a lot of money; you can take every last cent out of their asses!"

Her eyes lowered and then came up to meet his again.

"James, I love you. I know how you love hurting little girls. We could have such a wonderful life together. See how much you enjoy this weekend. You could do it all the time if you were their Daddy. Just think about it; that's all I'm asking."

James nodded and then kissed her. It was a long lingering kiss."

"I'll think about it."

James walked back to the SUV. The girls were already inside. He liked Betty's suggestion, but wasn't quite sure. He put it out of his mind. Now it was time for him to enjoy being the girls' cruel perverted Uncle. He put the bags and case in the trunk and got into the driver's seat. He was surrounded by soft black leather and the coolness of the air conditioning against what promised to be another hot day. The light was subdued in the car owing to the heavy tinting of the windows. The girls were sat in the rear, sniffling back the tears and occasionally wiping a hand across a tearful face. James estimated it would take three hours to get over the city and out into the woods. The last hour would be fairly remote. He left the girls to their own devices as he drove across the city to the interstate.

After about an hour's driving, James was safely on the interstate. It would be an hour or so before he turned off. Traffic was very light. He took a good look in the rear-view mirror, altering it so he could watch the girls. Two frightened pairs of eyes looked up at him. It was Debbie who spoke first.

"Please Uncle! Don't spank us hard! We'll do all the sex things you want, but getting spanked hurts our bottoms real bad! You can spank us with your hand all you want! We know you like it! But, please, not the paddle!"

Amy joined in.

"Not the strap! Please! Not the strap! I hate the strap so much! 'Specially 'tween my legs!"

James smiled back at the girls.

"What did your Mommy say about being good, doing everything I said and getting spanked by me? Do you think I should tell her that you're not be good and saying I shouldn't spank you?"

He saw the panic in the girls' faces. Debbie started babbling.

"Oh, Uncle! Don't tell! Please! Mom'll be so cross! You can paddle and strap us all you want! I didn't mean you weren't to! Oh, don't tell her! Please don't tell!"

"I might need some persuasion."

"I'll do what you want! Anything! Just say! You mustn't tell Mom! Please!"

"All right. Why don't you both take off your shorts and we'll play some games."

The girls looked around, bemused.

"In the car?"

"But people might see!"

"They might see our bottoms!"

"And 'tween our legs!"

"Girls, I hope you're not going to be disobedient."

"Sniff! Sniff! No Uncle!"

The girls started to peel off their shorts. They had no panties on, but they struggled because the shorts were so tight.

"Take off your safety belts!"

The girls slipped off their belts and twisted themselves into different positions as they pulled down their shorts. After a few minutes they both were virtually naked, sitting with legs demurely together, hands on knees.

"Put your feet up on the seat and spread those legs wide apart. I want them wide apart so that you're showing me your bottom holes!"

The girls shuffled into position. James saw their little pussies come into view and then open up as their legs were spread. Keen to show their obedience, the girls spread their legs obscenely wide and their buttocks parted until the tight, dark, little buds of their anuses were exposed. James' cock ached; how delicious they both looked like that, their little eyes looking at him through the rear view mirror, begging for some kind of approval of their actions.

"Your Mommy told me you were naughty girls who like to play with your wee-holes until you get nice feelings. Show me how you do it. Carry on until you get the feeling. Don't stop before! I'll know if you cheated and I'll tell your Mom!"

The girls looked at each other. Debbie shut her eyes. She put her index and middle finger into her mouth and brought them out wet. She put the tips of the two fingers on the hood of skin that covered her clit and began to rub the fingers in a slow circular motion, manipulating the sensitive flesh. Amy watched her sister intently for a few seconds. She put her hand down between her legs and spread her fingers out. Then she began to pass the spread fingers back and forth across the top part of chubby pussy lips. Rather than shutting her eyes, Amy kept looking at her sister playing with her own pussy. It was clear that the little girl was finding it exciting to watch.

For the next few minutes the girls' rapt attention was focused solely on their pussies. Debbie's eyes remained shut and she started to make the occasional stifled sigh. Amy was completely different. She rubbed her pussy with her spread fingers at lightning speed. She stared directly at her elder sister's busy fingers working on a pussy that was two years older than her own. Amy began to make gasping noises and then pushed her pubis out of the seat, flailing her spread fingers across her pussy as she wriggled her bottom about. She sighed and sat back down.

"That was a nice one!"

Debbie was still working on her pussy, but James could see she'd speeded up and the circular motion had become jerky. Debbie tensed and James could see her little anus rhythmically clenching and unclenching as she let out a high pitched squeak. She opened her eyes.

"I got the nice feeling, Uncle!"

"Well done, girls. I'll pull off at the next rest stop so I can give you both a good spanking!"

The girls' faces fell. Amy's bottom lip quivered.

"But Uncle, we did what you said!"

"And if and if you hadn't you'd be getting an even harder spanking! Don't bother putting your shorts back on. You won't be needing them at the rest stop!"

The sounds of Amy's quiet sniffy crying reached his ears.

Twenty minutes later James pulled the SUV off the road at a small picnic site. It was behind some trees and there was nobody else there. He parked up.

"OK girls, out you get!!"

Debbie looked imploringly at him.

"Not outside! Please! People will see! Do it in the car!"

"Nobody is worried about a little girl getting her bottom spanked! Now get out!"

James hoped nobody did turn up, otherwise there might be questions to answer, but getting the girls used to being spanked in public was something James wanted to do. Miserably the girls got out of the SUV, trying to use their hands front and back to cover themselves. Whilst their hand at the front fully covered their pubis, their hand behind covered virtually nothing of their large soft cheeks.

"Get those hands on your heads! No covering!"

Whining in distress the girls obeyed. James marched them over to a picnic table and sat facing outwards on one of the benches.

"Amy, over my knees first! Get right over and stick your bottom up! Keep your hands flat on the floor at all times or I'll go and fetch a paddle."

"A-hurrrrr! Bwaaaaah! Yes, Uncle!"

Amy climbed over James' lap, her little bare bottom pushing up towards him. James stroked the soft little bottom, feeling the smooth white skin, pulling a buttock to one side to admire the dark anus and slightly open pussy. He squeezed the buttock to feel its soft resilience and stroked his fingers back along Amy's pussy and the length of her bottom crack, taking time to feel her hot little anus.

"Waaaaaaah! A-hurrrrr! How many, Uncle? What with?"

"As many as I like! With my hand!"

"A-hurrrrrr! A-heeeeeee! Don't do it hard! Pleeeeeeease!"

James started spanking Amy. He spanked hard so the red handprints started to appear on Amy's bottom and the tops of her thighs almost immediately. Amy began squealing and kicking her little legs.


"Yeeeeeeeeeeeigh! Uncle! Yeeeeeowwwwwww! It hurts! Not so hard! Whaaaaaaaaaaa!"

James carried on. The feeling of controlling the twisting kicking girl as she howled and cavorted over his lap was deeply exciting. Amy's legs kicked about constantly so her pretty butt hole and pussy were exposed.

James enjoyed himself. He took his time and it was a full five minutes before he let the shrieking girl off his lap to clutch to her bright red bottom. Freshly spanked, Amy danced about wailing and rubbing at her sore cheeks.

James beckoned Debbie and pointed at his lap. The eleven year old bent over in the same way as her sister had done, her bottom poking up under James' nose. Like with Amy, James toyed with Debbie's bottom and genitals for a few minutes first. The girl obligingly spread her legs and pushed her bottom up even higher so her anus and pussy were more accessible to him. James fingered Debbie's pussy and anus whilst she twisted and let out little mewls of displeasure at his rude intrusions. Giving Debbie's delightful chubby little bottom a last hard squeeze, James started spanking. His hand still stung from having Amy over his lap, but he was determined to spank Debbie even harder this time He let fly with tremendous spanks that jerked the child forward every time his hand met her bottom.





James spanked away, watching the red handprints join up into two throbbing bright red patches covering each bottom cheek as Debbie bounced about screaming over his lap. Every so often he stopped to admire the twisting bottom and the view between Debbie's kicking parted legs. After a good long hard spanking he let Debbie up for an energetic noisy war dance. As Debbie began to her vigorous rubbing and hopping about a slow hand clap came from behind where James was sitting.

James spun round. Standing there was a fat woman with a small girl of maybe five years old standing next to her. The woman was smiling; the small girl was not. He realised that with all the howling from the girls he hadn't heard the car arrive and park behind him.

"Yo'all gotta good right hand on you there! Yesiree! Taught them two a lesson!"

James smiled back, a little unsure. It didn't seem like he was being criticised.

"They were being a pain in the car."

"So yo'all gave 'em a pain in their ass!"

The woman clapped her hands again at her joke. James laughed along with her. She turned to look at her small child.

"So Mary-Lou, y'see, like I gone told you, even big girls get their butts spanked bare!"

The woman started rummaging in her handbag and pulled out a small wooden paddle that look like it came from a child's game. Mary-Lou began to cry when she saw the paddle.

"Momma! Momma! Please! I done be good now! Don't spank! Please!"

The woman sat down next to James. She pulled Mary-Lou to stand in front of her and then dragged the child's jeans and panties down in one swift movement. She seemed completely unconcerned that Mary-Lou's little pussy was being shown to James as she pulled the wailing child over her lap.

"Be real obliged if y'all could help! Kicks like the devil! If y'all could just hold her feet, I'll be giving her her licks."

The woman pulled Mary-Lou's jeans and panties off and threw them on the floor. James grabbed the child's kicking feet and held them. As an after-thought he opened the legs up under the pretence of finding a more comfortable position. The woman looked up with a slight smile.

"Y'all can see good now?"

Without waiting for a reply, the woman turned back to her child's little bottom and, grabbing Mary-Lou's little hands that were protectively covering her small cheeks, pulled them out of the way and began to paddle spank her little daughter. Mary-Lou squealed as her mother gave her a long hard no-nonsense paddle spanking. James watched the tiny pussy and bottom hole being flashed at him as Mary-Lou's bottom was turned bright red. The woman stopped just as the skin looked like it might blister. James had the strong sense that if he hadn't been there then Mary-Lou would have had two big bottom blisters before her Mom had finished. Mary-Lou was let up to scream and jump whilst her Mom put the paddle back into her handbag.

"Reckon these here girls gonna be good for a while!"

James nodded in agreement.

"Y'all be havin' a 'chat' with yours when y'all get home?"

James smiled at her.

"Oh yes. A long hard chat."

The woman smiled and nodded.

"An' what sorta' thang y'all be chattin' with?"

"I think the strap and maybe the switch."

The woman nodded again.

"Reckon I might go an' pick a switch later. This one ain't had enough yet."

The woman held out her hand to shake James'. He took her hand and they shook. She got up and began to drag a wailing Mary-Lou back to the car. She turned and waved.

"Happy switchin'!"

James waved back.

"Amy and Debbie, get back in the car! See how hard that little girl got spanked? And she was half your age! When we get to the cabin, I can see I'm going to have to be very strict with both of you!"

James got back in the car. The two red-bottomed girls squirmed into their seats behind him, unable to sit comfortably. Their sniffling as they surreptitiously rubbed at their bottoms made his cock harder than ever. He noticed that there was now a dark wet patch on the front of his jeans from his pre-cum. He wondered if Mary Lou's Mom had noticed it too.

An hour or so later they arrived at the log cabin. It was miles from anywhere, up a small track in the middle of a forest. James had the keys and proceeded to open up the cabin. It was big with luxury fittings and three large bedrooms. James pointed the half-naked girls towards the car.

"Debbie and Amy, when you've finished carrying everything in, come and see me in the lounge. I want to have a 'little chat' with both of you."

There was a fearful mewl from the girls. They knew that 'little chats' meant the most unbelievably painful whippings for their bottoms. Crying miserably, they went to fetch the things from the car. As the girls carried the bags in, James took charge of the holdall he had packed. He took it to the lounge and extracted the yellow rattan junior cane from the bag. It was two foot long, thin and very flexible. James had ordered it off the Internet and, after it had arrived, he had practised with it using the arm of his leather sofa. He had imagined a small wriggling bottom attached to a naked screaming child at the end of the cane. Surprised at the force with which the cane met the sofa, he had learnt that flicking his wrist at the last moment produced the loudest most fearful cracks from the padded leather. From the exciting talks he had had with Betty, he was certain that the cane would hurt Debbie's and Amy's little bottoms far more than anything they've ever had before. His body tingled with excitement as he imagined their hysterical responses to their first caning.

Debbie and Amy finished loading the car and entered the lounge together. James thought how cute their naked pussies and bums looked and how sweet their red tearful faces were. As the girls came into the room, they saw the cane he was holding. Amy did a little nervous dance and pointed at the cane.

"Oooooo, Uncle! What's that?"

"It's called a cane, Amy. It's something that has been used for many years to punish naughty children's bottoms."

James thwacked the cane with full force into the sofa. The loud noise made the girls jump. Debbie's bottom lip quivered and her buttocks clenched. Amy put her hands protectively over her buttocks and began tearfully pleading with James.

"A-hurrr! A-hurrr! Uncle! Please don't cane! It looks real bad! It's gonna hurt awful! I know it is! Don't use the cane! A-hurrr! A-hurrr! I'll do all sex things with you! I don't wanna be spanked with the cane! A-hurrr! A-hurrrr! Punish me with your willy, not the cane!"

James' cock formed a large hard bulge in his trousers.

"Take off the rest of your clothes!"

The girls slowly took off their T-shirts, trainers and socks until they stood in front of James naked. They both wept and moved from one foot to the other, unable to keep still as they imagined how painful their bottoms were going to be when their Uncle whipped that scary stick thing across them. The sight of the naked little girls crying and scared made James blood course through his veins. He'd talked to Betty about this moment just before he began the girls' first private, intimate Uncle/Niece punishment session. Betty had advised him what to say.

"Put your hands on your heads, girls, and listen to me! I only met your mother a few weeks ago, but I can tell you that you are two of the most disgraceful, badly behaved little girls it has been my displeasure to meet. It's no surprise that your poor mother has to punish your bottoms so much. You really deserve everything you get. Luckily I love spanking you and I'm really going to enjoy myself hurting your bottoms. I'm going to spend all weekend spanking you. I'm going to spank you until you haven't got any bottoms left! If you're very good, and do what I say when you're being spanked, then I'll use my willy to punish you instead of spanking. But you have to be good girls if you want willy punishment and not spankings to happen. And just remember, if you don't do as you are told then your Mommy will be very very angry!"

Debbie and Amy were crying loudly by the time James had finished his speech. Uncle was going to hurt them and their bottoms were going to get the cane. They knew that when their bottoms hurt too much they wouldn't be able to stop themselves from begging their Uncle, from the bottom of their hearts, to use put his big adult willy into their little bodies; the pain in their bottoms would make them degrade themselves by doing all the revolting things their Uncle enjoyed forcing them to do. If they resisted just one tiny bit, then Mommy would find out and use that blowtorch on them. They just had to be the goodest, bestest, little punishment girls that their Uncle had ever spanked and done sex things to. Debbie turned her tear soaked face to look up into her Uncle's.

"A-hurrr! A-hurrr! Oh please, Uncle Sir! You can spank me and Amy as hard as you want and we'll do everything you want us to! A-heeeeee! A-heeeeee! We're sorry to be so naughty! We'll take our punishments like good young ladies! A-hurrr! Please to give us sex with your willy instead of spanks! We've got a bucket and things to make our holes big so you can fit in! A-hurrrr! A-hurrrr! We'll be good for you! We promise!"

Amy nodded her head, keen to demonstrate she would be good too.

"A-hurrr! A-hurrr! Sorry we're bad! We be good while you spank! A-hurrr! A-hurrr! I make your Willy feel nice! A-hurrr! A-hurrr!"

James bent the cane in his hands and swished it noisily through the air, making the girls dance about in terror.

"I'm going to teach you girls how proper young ladies get spanked with the cane. You're going to learn how to get into my special positions for your spanks. You will both get into the position, call out the name of the position and then I'll give your bottom one smack with the cane in that position. There are six positions, girls. Now, I think we should go upstairs because we might need to use the bed!"

James picked up his holdall and the plastic bucket and led the girls upstairs to the large master bedroom. He thought about taking his own clothes off so he could enjoy being naked whilst punishing the girls. But he resisted the temptation until they had both had their first six with the cane and would be insanely eager to pleasure him. James thwacked the cane onto the bed to get the girls' full attention.

"Well now, young ladies, time for you to learn your spanking positions! They are called 'the frog', 'the cat', the tortoise', 'the ostrich', 'the hedgehog' and 'the giraffe'. These are the positions that all little boys and girls learn to be spanked in. First you're gong to learn 'the frog'. You know this one already. I want you to get onto the bed on your hands and knees, bend right down with your bottoms at the end of the bed, rest on your elbows, spread your legs and get them so your knees are touching the outside of your elbows. Quick now!"

James thwacked the cane onto the bed again for emphasis. The girls scrambled onto the bed making frightened hiccuppy sobs. They were used to the position and soon James found himself presented with two spread little bottoms, their pretty anuses pink and brown and their pussies both gaping open slightly between their legs, the coral pink vaginal opening showing. James stood behind Amy. He lined up the cane across her bottom, pressing it into her little cheeks.

"A-hurrr! A-hurrrr! Uncle! Please don't! Please! Please!"

"What's this position called, Amy? Say what it's called!"

"A-hurrr! A-hurrr! A-hurrr! Don't! Oh please, Uncle! Don't! It's called 'the frog'!"

James drew back the cane and whipped it into the little bottom making sure to give his wrist a sharp flick so it really hurt. He eagerly watched for little Amy's reaction. The child gave a small strangled wail and her body twisted. Her hands shot behind her to grab at where the cane had spanked. Then James heard her dragging air into her lungs and she screamed. It was a deafening piercing scream as Amy's hands worked feverishly on her bottom.


Her bottom bucked and twisted as she screamed blue murder. James was glad he didn't have his cock out, otherwise he would have put into Debbie's mouth and cum just watching her sister perform like this for him.


As Amy's screams gave way to howling sobs, James held the cane against Debbie's proffered trembling little bum.

"Say what the position's called, Debbie!"

"A-hurrr! A-hurrr! Ooooo, Uncle! No! Please no! I don't want the cane! Bwaaaaaaaah! Let me do sex instead! Pleeeeeeeease! A-hurrr! A-hurrrr!"

"What's it called, Debbie?"

James flicked the cane so it gave Debbie's bottom a stinging tap.

"Owwwwww! A-hurrr! A-hurrr! 'The frog'!"


Debbie's reaction was just as stimulating as her little sister's. James noticed Debbie's anus tighten the moment before her hands flew back to grab at the white cane stripe. Like Amy, Debbie began to scream her head off. She was trying to talk, to say words between screams, but it was unintelligible.


Debbie's grabbing hands had stretched her bottom cheeks wide open so that even the little anus gaped slightly and her pussy was open a full half an inch. Her bottom twisted uncontrollably.


James had to shout over the howling so he could be heard.


The girls try to stifle their wails, but their hands rubbed furiously at the dark red line that was swelling up on each of their backsides.

"The next position is called 'the cat'. Stay kneeling like you are, bring your knees together behind you and arch your back downwards, just like how a cat stretches."

James watched as the girls did as he ordered. They kept giving their bottoms surreptitious rubs, but it looked so cute he didn't stop them. Their bottom cheeks poked up, full and inviting. The cheeks were not so spread as in 'the frog', but the buttocks seemed much more pronounced. Their pussies were framed as puffy slits between their legs. James rested the cane across Amy's bottom.

"What's it called, Amy?"

"Whaaaaaaa! Don't cane! Don't cane! I'm sorry!"

"I'll cane you twice if you don't tell me!"

"Bwaaaaaaah! Oooooo! Bwaaaaaaah! It's called 'the cat'!"


Amy sprang forward as the cane whipped into her little bottom and landed flat on the bed. She began screaming and pulling at her cheeks. James moved on to Debbie.

"What's it called, Debbie?"

"Bwaaaaaaaaaah! Oh God! Please Uncle! I'll do anything! A-hurrr! A-hurrr! Truly I mean it! Anything your willy wants! A-hurrr! A-hurrr! As hard as you want! Don't cane me anymore! I'll be so good! A-hurrr! A-hurrr!"

"What's it called, Debbie?"

"Oh! A-hurrr! A-hurrr! Oh! A-hurrr! A-hurrr! 'The cat'!"



Debbie continued kneeling up but her screams and rubbings were more frantic than Amy's. James wondered if Debbie was going to prove to be more sensitive to the cane then her sister. He hoped so! It would be great to have something that the bigger girl really feared, so he could make her do the dirtiest things for him.

James gave the girls a few moments to rub and cry.

"OK, young ladies, the next position is called 'the tortoise'. Actually the tortoise is lying on its back! I know you've done this one before. Roll over so you're on your backs, pull your knees up to your chest and spread your legs wide apart. Hold your legs back by holding the backs of your knees with your hands. Let's go! Be quick about it! I'll start giving you two smacks with the cane in every position if you don't!"

As the girls rolled over, James saw their faces properly for the first time since he had started caning them. They were bright red and completely soaked with tears and snot that streamed out of their eyes and nose. The girls' eyes had puffed up with the constant crying and their mouths were open as they wailed. Obediently they brought their legs up and spread them. Their genitals were completely exposed and gaped open. Their bottom cheeks and the backs of thighs were stretched tight and would sting all the more when spanked like that. James considered it one of the most perfect spanking positions; ideal for if he wished to take a break from spanking them to give his cock a good hard workout in a little pussy or anus.

It was Amy's turn to go first and James rested the cane against her bottom as the little nine year old wept and made frightened twitching movements.

"What's it called, Amy?"

"Ooooo! Ooooo! It hurts! Bwaaaaaaah! The cane hurts so much! Don't make me say it, Uncle! Pleeeeeeeeease! A-hurrr! A-hurrr!"

"Tell me what it's called, Amy!"

"Bwaaaaaah! 'The tortoise'!"



James noticed with delight how Amy's bottom rubbing in this position caused her little holes to open right up. He moved on to Debbie.

"What's it called, Debbie?"

"A-hurrr! A-hurrr! Oh my bottom! Oh please, Uncle! Bwaaaaaaah! 'The tortoise!"



Debbie's little display was none-the-less exciting than Amy's as her desperate rubbing opened up her slightly larger girlish holes in a subliminal invitation to her Uncle's willy.

James stood back to the view of his two spread little girls, madly rubbing their bottoms, each with three stinging cane marks across them. His cock throbbed angrily; when he'd finished caning their bottoms he was going to need to use their bodies.

"Get off the bed, young ladies! The next position is called 'the ostrich'! I want you standing up and facing the bottom of the bed!"

Debbie and Amy climbed off the bed, wailing and rubbing their bottoms. They stood with their backs to him, still rubbing their little bums.

"I want you to keep your legs straight, bend right over and hold onto your ankles!"

The girls bent over. Both were super flexible from their gymnastics and ballet lessons. It was the classic position for a naughty child to get caned in. Their bottoms were high up, their buttocks prominently displayed and stretched tight. Their little pussies peeped out between their thighs. James decided it wasn't perhaps his favourite position, but it would be good when he wanted a bit of variety. He stood behind Amy and pressed the cane against her bottom.

"What's it called, Amy?"

"A-hurrr! A-hurrr! Ooooo! 'The ostrich'!"



Amy stumbled forward as she brought her hands up behind her to grab at her bottom cheeks. As the edge of the bed was in front of her, she fell forward onto the bed so her upper body was lying on there and her legs kicked and twisted over its edge. James moved behind Debbie and pressed the cane into her flinching bottom.

"A-hurrr! A-hurrr! A-hurrrr! Don't! Please don't, Uncle!"

"What's it called, Debbie?"

"Bwaaaaaaaaaaah! 'The ostrich'!"



Debbie grabbed at the scalding cane mark, straightening up as she did so and dancing about screaming. James stood back and admired the sight of the two howling girls getting their very first caned bottoms. He needed to get on quickly now; his cock was hard and needed relief.

"BE QUIET! LISTEN! If you don't I shall cane you all night!"

The girls, still wailing and rubbing, fearfully turned their heads to look at him.

"Two more positions! I expect you to take the cane like good young ladies! Do as you're told now! Both of you get back on your feet! This position is called 'the hedgehog'! I want you to stand up and face the bed again!"

James watched the enticing sight of a Debbie and Amy complying with his orders, despite the terrible bottom pain to come.

"Put your legs wide apart, bend right down and stick your head between your legs. Use your hands to hold the backs of your thighs so you can keep your head through your legs."

The girls struggled with the difficult position and James had to push down on Debbie's back to force her head further through her legs. He stood back. This was a good position. Their little ass cheeks were perfectly spread with their anuses and pussies nicely displayed. He could look into their upside-down faces as the cane spanked into their little bottoms. James decided that this position would be one that he would be using a lot. He moved to Amy who was wailing fearfully and pressed the cane into her bottom, which now had four puffy purple cane weals standing proud of its surface.

"What's it called, Amy?"

"A-hurrrr! A-hurrrr! Bwaaaaaaah! Doooooon't! Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease!"

"Shall I give you an extra one?"

"Bwaaaaaah! Noooooo! Pleeeeeeeeease! A-hurrrrr! Buuu-hurrrrrr! 'The hedgehog'!"


James looked into Amy's face at the moment the cane whipped into her little bottom. Her eyes flashed wide open and her mouth gaped. For a moment nothing came from her mouth, and then the screams erupted. Her hands flew up her thighs to her bottom and grabbed at the fresh thin white cane weal. Her anus and pussy opened up as she pulled at her bum cheeks. It was all James could do to stop himself from pushing his cock into her tiny anus there and then. He moved on to Debbie. Her broader bottom looked so full and fleshy in that exposed position. Her little holes were parted, inviting him to touch. He stroked his finger into her pussy and pushed it into her hot little bum hole.

"Put your willy in, Uncle! Put it in now! It'll feel so nice! I'll be so good when you're doing it! You can put it all the way in!"

James moved back. He needed to finish all six positions; then he could fully enjoy the girls. He put the cane against Debbie's bottom. There was a wail from Debbie; she'd felt sure she was so close to persuading Uncle to put his willy into her and stop caning.

"What's it called, Debbie?"

"Whaaaaaaaa! A-hurrr! A-hurrr! Whaaaaaaaaa! 'The hedgehog'!"


Like Amy, Debbie's face showed the painful shock as the cane spanked her little bum. Her hands pulled at her cheeks giving James the most exciting display of her little girl holes, all open and ready for him to use.

"Last position, young ladies! Listen to me! Do as you're told!"

The girls seemed almost not to hear James now. The pain in their bottoms had put almost all other thoughts aside as they shrieked and grabbed at their cane wealed cheeks, dancing about, showing off their genitals to their excited adult carer.

"You're both going to get caned again tonight now! How many extra smacks with the cane shall I give you?"

The girls squealed desperately and stood up to obey.

"Bwaaaaah! Sorry! So sorry! Don't! Please!"

"I sorry, Uncle! No cane tonight! I be good! I promise!"

James pointed at the floor.

"Bend over again. This position is called 'the giraffe'. You have your legs apart like before but bend right over and put the palms of your hands on the floor. I want to see your faces between your legs.

Wailing, almost unable to control themselves, the girls got into position. James decided it wasn't quite as sexy as 'the hedgehog' but he wondered if it would be good for longer, more intense, canings. The girls' bottoms looked so hot with the five burning red stripes on them. The girls could barely take their hands away from rubbing and kneading the sting out. A good hard sixth stroke should really push them over the edge, James thought. He had a special plan for the last stroke. He was going to lay it on diagonally, so it would cross all the others, 'a five bar gate'. He couldn't wait to see the girls' reactions.

James stood behind Amy to one side of her and measured up his stroke. This time he did not press the cane into Amy's bottom; he wanted the position of the stroke it to be an unpleasant surprise. He drew the cane back and looked down into Amy's face that was anxiously watching him from between her legs.

"Are you going to be a good girl, Amy?"

"A-hurrr! A-hurrr! Yes, Uncle! I'll be good!"


It was a really good hard flicky stroke; right across the other burning cane marks. The little girl squealed and, as she used both hands to grab at the horrible pain, she fell flat onto the carpet and began to thrash about.


Amy was on her back kicking her legs wide open, her hands under her bottom cheeks squeezing them in great handfuls. Her mouth and eyes were wide open as her bottom told her how much that nasty stick thing could hurt it. Amy tried to move about, getting on her hands and knees, but again her need to have both hands vigorously rubbing her bottom caused her to fall on her front. She lay there howling and kicking the floor with her feet, as her hands pulling her bottom cheeks apart, showing James her anus.

Debbie had seen her sister's hysterical reaction to the last spank with the cane. She had no idea that the cane had been whipped across the other cane marks and just thought her Uncle had done the last one really hard. Her scared little face looked up at her Uncle who was lining up the cane against her bottom.

"A-hurrrrr! A-hurrrrr! Oh please, Uncle! Please! Let me make your willy feel nice! A-hurrrr! A-hurrrr! I'll lick and kiss the end the way you like! You can push it down my throat as much as you want! Pleeeeeeeeeeeease! Don't spank me with the cane again! A-hurrr! A-hurrr! Not again! A-hurrr! Not hard! Bwaaaaaah!"

James smiled at Debbie.

"Are you going to be good for me, Debbie? Are you and Amy going to show how good you both are and pleasing, Uncle?"

Before Debbie could answer, James whipped the little cane diagonally across her bottom. He quickly stood back and watched the show.

Debbie stumbled about, her hands coming back to hold her bottom cheeks. She stuck her bottom out and obscenely pulled the cheeks apart to open her holes. Cracked hoarse ear splitting screams filled the room as she stamped about like a tiny demented sumo wrestler. After a few moments she straightened up, pushing her bottom inwards and her crotch out. She jumped about, her face soaked with tears and snot that flew off as her screaming head whipped about.

James began to take his clothes off. He needed hard sex now and he was going to demand the most extreme obedience from the girls to pleasure his cock. He was soon naked and his cock stuck straight out, big and scary to the naughty girls. He reached into his holdall and pulled out a plastic sheet. The sheet was designed as a feeding sheet to go under a baby's highchair. It was decorated with cute cartoon characters. James wanted to protect the carpets and furniture when he did a very different sort of feeding. He spread the sheet over the seat and arms of a small armchair and over the carpet in front of the chair. His cock twitched at the thought of what the girls were going to have to do. As his cock twitched, his foreskin peeled back to show his shiny reddy purple helmet. It made his adult penis look even scarier. He picked up the cane again and swished it noisily through the air.

"Well girls, now you've learnt your positions, we can go through them all again for your next smacks from the cane. I think I'll give you two cane smacks in each position this time! I've taken my clothes off so I can really enjoy caning you both now!"

The girls' terrified faces met his as they turned to him. They looked so cute, their naked little bodies heaving with sobs, their tearful hoarse weeping, the way they nursed their red cane striped bottoms rubbing and squeezing and the painful cheeks. James' cock dribbled pre-cum as he looked at them. He saw the girls looking at his exposed penis, choking back the sobs as they watched it dribble. After only a few weeks of him meeting their mother again, both Debbie and Amy had learnt to associate the sight of their Uncle's excited erect penis with their bottoms being whipped and their bodies being painfully abused. The thought of getting more cane on their bottoms drove them mad with fear. They knew their Uncle would do what he said with them with no concern for the terrible consequences for their bottoms. The plastic sheet and bucket told them all they needed to know; Uncle was ready to be 'persuaded'.

Betty had taught both her little daughters from an early age that a strict adult who has just spanked a little girl, might, if that little girl is very nice to them, be persuaded not to spank them anymore, for a while at least. Being nice to Mommy meant ages trapped between her legs, her huge soaked pussy on their faces and her gross dirty hairy bottom hole being pushed into their mouth and nose. Their Mommy's moans and groans of pleasure as her daughters worked to please her contrasted absolutely with the girls' own suffering at their mother's hands. Pleasing their Uncle was even worse than pleasing Mom though; his nasty hairy bottom hole was just smelly and dirty as their Mom's, but his stiff willy was like a terrible punishment tool, ready to hurt their holes and make them sick. The plastic covered chair and floor, with the bucket positioned in front of the seat, told them that they would soon be retching into the bucket as their Uncle's willy mercilessly punished their mouths and throats for his own personal enjoyment. But even the idea of being made sick by Uncle's willy was better than the idea of having more cane on their agonised bottoms. Amy looked up, past Uncle's twitching hard fleshy penis, past the horrible whippy cane he was flexing in his hands and into his face. She put her hands together as if in prayer.

"Bwaaaaaaah! Oh please, Uncle! I love you, Uncle! Don't cane me no more, Uncle! Whaaaaaaa! I want to please your willy now! Show you how good I am! Kiss it all the way down! Bwaaaaaaah! Kiss your hiney hole! Tongue all the way in! Make me sick with your willy! Just how you like it! A-hurrrr! A-hurrr! Anything! Please don't cane my bottom! Whaaaaaaaa!"

Debbie looked startled and scared. Sometimes Uncle only picked the first little girl to plead. She could pleasure him as he carried on whipping the other child. He would be delirious with pleasure as his penis was attended to by one obedient little body whilst he thrashed the bottom of the other. She desperately sought to outbid her sister by offering even more outrageous acts.

"Sniff! A-hurrrr! Please Uncle! Don't give me any more cane! I beg you so much! A-hurrr! A-hurrr! I can make your willy feel even nicer than Amy will! I'll love you better! You can pump it down my throat! Hold my ears and really pump it hard! I know you like that! A-hurrr! A-hurrr! You can sit down on my face like a chair so I can get my tongue really into your bottom hole! I'll do anything if you don't cane me more! A-hurrr!"

James smiled the girls. He put the cane down on the bed and sat on the chair, his legs up over the arms.

"You may persuade me not to give you more with the cane. Both of you come here and show me what a good job you can do with your mouths!"

The girls eagerly rushed over and knelt in front of James. His cock jerked and bounced at the thought of the two little mouths trying to please him.

"Debbie, you may kiss my bottom hole. Amy, let's see how good a little girl you can really be; my willy needs some special attention!"

There was a sniffle from Amy as she contemplated being the first to have Uncle's big fleshy thing stuck down her throat. James watched Debbie get her head under his balls. He felt his bottom cheeks being parted. There was a whine from Debbie. James grinned; he hadn't washed his bottom for a few days."

"Make it nice and clean for Uncle, Debbie!"

He heard Debbie's soft sobbing mewl as the child's tongue began to lap and probe at his anus.

Amy took hold of the base of his cock and guided the leaking end towards her mouth. Her tongue came out and she began to lick over the helmet, probing her tongue into his stretched back foreskin and the pee-slit. She slipped her wet lips over the bulbous end and began to rub them up and down over the ridge where the purple helmet met the foreskin. As her head obediently nodded up and down, accompanied by a wet slurping, James sighed. Having a little tongue probing his anus and another young mouth and tongue working on his penis was exquisite. But the excitement of the morning meant his cock needed harder relief.

"Debbie, move please. Your sister is going to throat me now and she may need to use the bucket!"

There was a frightened wail from Amy, muffled by James' adult cock in her tiny mouth. Debbie ducked out of the way so that the bucket was free for Amy to use. James took Amy's head in both hands and pulled it down onto his cock. Amy's eyes went wide in fright as his cock pushed past the back of her throat. She began to wave her arms about as her face went red and she gagged over his cock.


James pulled Amy off him and she retched over the bucket whilst trying to drag air into her lungs to breath. He beckoned to Debbie and pointed to his cock.

"Your turn!"

Debbie's bottom lip quivered as she bent over him. What a dreadful punishment this was! Her lips slipped over his cock and James grabbed the back of her head, forcing her down as he had with Amy.

"Amy, move please. Be ready to take over from your sister."

Debbie squirmed as James pumped his cock into her throat.


James let the red faced struggling girl pull off him and use the bucket. Amy was kneeling ready to take over, crying prettily. Her mouth went back on him and he began to pump into the first part of her throat. Amy had never had her Uncle's cock pumped in and out of her throat before and she gagged and reached over him, the goo dripping off his balls into the bucket.


"Get ready, Debbie! I want my willy to go all the way down your throat!"

Debbie wept as she knelt next to him, ready for her strict punishment. The dreadful sight of her sister being so roughly used left her in no doubt as to what was in store for her.

James released Amy and guided his cock to Debbie's waiting mouth. He took hold of both her ear lobes and pulled her head down by her ears so his cock sunk into her throat. He carried on pulling her head down as the tight slippery throat gripped and convulsed around his cock until Debbie's lips touched the base of his penis. Then he began moving her head up and down on him. The child produced deep guttural gagging as her sticky throat goo leaked out of her mouth. James squirmed, ready to cum. He could feel the tingle in his balls and he began to vigorously bang his cock in and out of Debbie's mouth. His body tightened and he shouted loudly as he came, his cum squirting down Debbie's throat. When he finished he released the desperate child who retched into the bucket, weeping hysterically.

"You both need to practice harder. I think I shall give you some more with the cane tonight to remind you. You may go now, and take the bucket and plastic sheet with you. Get them and yourselves cleaned up. I'm going to have a little rest and I'll see you girls later. Don't you dare make a noise whilst I'm sleeping, or I'll hurt your bottoms so much!"

The girls cried forlornly as James passed sentence on them; more with the cane after the terrible punishment that Uncle had given their throats!

As the girls tidied away and left, James relaxed on the bed; a few hours to recover and then further punishments for the girls, exciting his cock to a level of hardness where he could put it in all their holes. James pulled some Viagra out of his bag and took it; he wanted his cock to be extra hard for the evening. He drifted off into a satisfied sleep, thinking of what punishments he would give to the girls later.

James awoke refreshed. The first thing he noticed was that its cock was rock hard. He got off the bed and went to find the girls. They were huddled together naked on the sofa, looking scared and very cute. Their little tears started as they saw his hard erection bouncing about; Uncle was going to hurt them even more!

James gave them some light food to eat. Their fear of more spanking and the memory of having their Uncles cock in their throats gave them little appetite. James ate well himself, enjoying a few glasses of his favourite wine. He had the girls show off their pussies and bums to him as he considered their evening punishments.

By early evening, James felt the girls were suitably recovered for them to properly feel the effects of another spanking.

"Debbie and Amy, it's time for your next spankings. I'm going to give you a bath first, like your Mom does. We need to make sure all your naughty places are good and clean!"

The girls shuddered as they thought of all the enema stuff their Mom had packed. Uncle seemed to love playing with their bottom holes and pussies. He was bound to spend ages doing that humiliating 'touching' with them in the bath; he always did!

James led the girls to the bathroom, taking the case with all their punishment things up with them. He unpacked their enema equipment, butt plugs and lubrication gel. Then he drew a hot bath for the two girls and had them step into it.

"Yeeeeoww! It's hot! Owweee! Uncle!"

"Ow! Ow! Ow! Too hot! Let me out!"

The girls protested as they hopped from one foot to another.

"Sit down, young ladies, or I'll give you some of that cane now!"

The girls bleated with dismay at the thought of putting their swollen cane welted bottoms into the steaming hot water, but the thought of more searing strokes on their little cheeks made them do as they were told. Wailing before her bottom even touched the water, Debbie sat down. As she sat down she howled miserably.


Amy cried and pranced as she watched her sister's animated reaction, then she slipped and lost her footing, suddenly sitting in the hot water, bumping her sore bottom as she did so. Water splashed everywhere as she slipped in. As she landed on her bottom in the hot water, she shouted in pain.


James enjoyed watching the two naked little girls, wet and squirming in the hot bath.

"Stand up, young ladies, and put your hands on your heads. I'm going to make sure you're nice and clean!"

Debbie and Amy got shakily to their feet and put their hands on their heads. James soaped his hands and began to rub them over the girls' wet naked bodies. He had Debbie and Amy adopt the most revealing positions so that he could enjoy looking and feeling their most intimate places, the slippery soap aiding his fingers as they penetrated a wriggly little pussy here or a tight resisting anus there. Finally, James had the girls sit back down in the water so he could rinse them, their naked little bodies pink and glowing.

James left Debbie and Amy sitting in the bath as he prepared their enemas. Betty had already thoughtfully put together two of the kits ready for James to use on her daughters. James filled the two rubber bottles with water that was on the hot side of warm and hung them from the shower rail. The only thing that Betty had not done was to select the nozzles. He picked up two large ones; they were pink plastic imitation penises, about five inches long and an inch thick. He put them back down, letting the girls know his thoughts.

"Too small!"

The girls, who were watching him with rapt fearful attention, mewled at the thought that those huge things were 'too small'. James picked up two monsters, six inches long and an inch and a half thick, they were made of stainless steel and shaped like butt plugs.

"What about these, young ladies?"

Debbie sobbed, her eyes like saucers. Amy wailed, moving her hand to put her fingers over her bottom hole.

"A-hurrr! A-hurrr! A-hurrr! No! Please, Uncle! Not that! It's only for when we've been real bad! Oh God! It hurts! Don't use that!"

"Bwaaaaaaah! It's too big! It'll break my bottom! It really will! Don't! Please! Pleeeeeeeeease!"

Debbie put her hand out and took hold of James hard penis, rubbing it firmly.

"Use your willy on us now, Uncle! Don't enema us! I'll fetch the bucket again, if you want! Or we can use the toilet! We'll do what you want!"

James took Debbie's hand away, although he was very tempted by the idea of hard sex with two little girls who would be only too compliant with his most extreme demands.

"Stand up girls, with your back to me. Lean over, put your hands flat against the wall and push your bottoms out. I'm going to give you a good punishment stretching."

Debbie and Amy wept loudly as they stuck their bottoms out at James. Their cute little bottoms were presented to him and he played with them for a little while, wobbling the cheeks and spreading them to examine the girls little pussies and anuses. James took the sex lubricant and squirted out a dollop onto his finger, then pressed it into Debbie's anus. His finger slipped in as Debbie grunted; then he pumped his finger in and out of her hole. He repeated the exercise with Amy as she squirmed and whimpered. James then connected the two nozzles to the black rubber enema tubes coming from the rubber bottles. Then he lubricated both nozzles with the sex lubricant. When he'd completed lubricating the second nozzle he positioned the tip of it against Debbie's anus. The child wailed as she felt the cold hard metal against the sensitive skin of her bottom hole.

"Keep still whilst I pushing this up, Debbie, or I promise you your bedtime caning will be one you never forget!"

Debbie wept loudly as she braced herself and thought of the dreadful prospect of a caning at bedtime. James cock quivered and started to ooze a clear drop of pre-cum. He'd loved watching Betty stretch the girls' bottom holes and had longed to do it. He pushed the nozzle upwards very firmly. Debbie gave a wail and danced her little feet. A good inch of the nozzle had entered her rectum.


James pushed much harder and Debbie rose up on tiptoe trying to escape the pain her anus was suffering. Two and a half inches of the nozzle was in her now and Debbie's anus had been stretched open by about an inch.


James carried on pushing, watching as the little hole yielded to the huge nozzle that was stretching it open to an unbelievable extent as Debbie shrieked with pain and stamped her feet in the bath. As the nozzle pushed past its thickest point, Debbie's tightly stretched sphincter pulled the remainder of the nozzle into her. She let out a desperate high pitched groan of defeat as the full six inches of the nozzle disappeared up into her bottom.

James turned his attention to Amy. Smaller than Debbie, the large nozzle would be good discipline for the little girl. Amy mewled pleadingly to him.

"Bwaaaaah! A-hurrrr! A-hurrr! Please Uncle! I can't take it! It'll be too big! You can come into my room at night, when you visit Mom! Get in bed with me! I'll take my pyjamas off and you can put your willy in me! You can do it every night! As hard as you like! Don't hurt me with that thing! Pleeeeeeeeease!"

James cock twitched; he loved the idea of repeated private sex sessions in Amy's own small bed, surrounded by her pink cartoon quilt cover and teddies. He would do that anyway, but now he was going to insert the biggest enema nozzle that little Amy had ever had in her anus.

James pushed the nozzle upwards and Amy began squealing and splashing her feet in the water.


James pushed the nozzle much deeper and Amy's squeals and became fully fledged screams as her tight anus was forced open.


James began to twist the nozzle to force more of it up. Amy's little hole was stretched to over an inch wide now and the child screamed remorselessly. Another good shove saw Amy's bottom absorb the remainder of the nozzle deep into her rectum. Amy howled and shivered as the huge metal thing filled her.

James released the clamps and the water began to flow into the girls' bottoms. The effect was almost immediate as the hot water to started to flow into them.



The girls began to wail and twist their bodies as the hot enemas filled them.



James knelt next to the bath and applied copious lubricant to his fingers.

"Face me girls! Keep those hands on your heads and stand with your legs apart!"

Debbie and Amy, still twisting and wailing as the enemas drained into them, turned and faced James. His hard cock tingled as they stood with their legs apart, their little pussies bobbing about in front of him. He reached out and began to spread the lubricant over the girls' smooth mounds. His fingers carefully slipped over their pussies and their seductive little slits, grazing the tops of their slits where the children's tiny clits nestled. As the enemas completed draining, James rubbed the girls' slits, his fingers stroking gently upwards stimulating the sensitive lips and circling the tiny clits. After a few minutes, despite themselves, the girls' clits began to engorge and erect themselves, just standing shy of their puffy mounds. James continued the persistent stimulation of their underage genitals. Debbie began to sigh and almost imperceptibly rub herself against his fingers. Amy began to make little 'Ooooo!' noises and her tiny hips wriggled suggestively. The big thin gs filling their anuses and the hot enemas filling their guts seemed to have made them more receptive to his careful manual stimulation of their small pussies. The girls' tummies were now distended with the volume of the enema and they stood in the bath like two little pregnant women as, gasping and trembling, they let their Uncle touch them.

"You were very naughty earlier in the car, girls! I hope you're not going to have another cummy on my fingers! It will be the cane for you if you do!"

The girls were both so near to cuming now that they couldn't stop themselves. They only put up the weakest of protests.

"Oooo! Don't cane, Uncle! Ooooo!"

"Please, Uncle! I'm sorry! Don't stop!"

The girls were now both grinding themselves into James' hands and gasping as the squelchy noises from his fingers in their pussies filled their ears.

Debbie came first, accompanied by a high pitched squeak and some jerks of her hips. Amy wasn't far behind, panting hard, her eyes glassy and fixed.

"Disgraceful dirty girls! I'm going to cane you before bed now! Get out of the bath so you can use the toilet!"

James unhung the empty enema bags from the shower rail and carried them over with the girls to the toilet. He clamped the tubes closed.

"Amy, squat over the toilet so I can take your nozzle out!"

Amy did she was told, the sweet little girl trembling and crying at the thought of her sphincter being stretched so painfully again. Reaching under Amy's bottom, James took hold of the base of the nozzle and began to pull hard. Amy rocked back with the force and James held her lower back to keep her in position. She began to wail and squeak as the huge nozzle started its return journey out of her tight anus.

"Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Oweeeeeeeeeee! It hurts! It hurts! Whaaaaaaaaaaa!"

James cock throbbed; he loved Amy's pathetic mewling. He saw the child's anus open up to pass the big nozzle. He promptly sat Amy on the toilet so she could humiliatingly and noisily void herself, accompanied by her distressed weeping.

When Amy had finished, James put her back in the bath and instructed her to clean her bottom. Then it was Debbie's turn. The elder child proved to be just as big a baby as her little sister as her strict anal stretching began again.

"Yeeeeowwwww! Eeeeeeeeee! Uncle! No! Don't pull it out! It hurts! Owwwwwww!"

James carried on pulling just as hard whilst Debbie waved a hand behind her in a useless attempt to make him stop. Her anus stretched open just as obscenely as before and Debbie was sat on the toilet for a miserable voiding session as her windy guts humiliated her. When she was finished, James sent her to join her sister in the bath for a closely supervised bottom washing until the two little girls had the cleanest pink little anuses.

"Bend over! Bottoms towards me!"

James was met by the sight of the two bottoms perfectly presented to him, pushed well out and slightly spread. He applied lubrication gel deep into their anuses whilst the two humiliated obedient girls kept their bottoms pushed up for the treatment. They both wept quietly in the certain knowledge that their bottom holes were being prepared for long deep insertion of their Uncle's big hard willy. James spoke conspiratorially to them.

"I'm going to give you both a chance to show me what good young ladies you can be. I'm going to go down to the lounge and wait for you there. You've got ten minutes and then I want you to come down and put on a show for me. You know what I like to see. Then we're going to go up to your bedroom for your bedtime spankings. If you do a good show then I shan't spank you too many times with the cane."

James left the girls tearfully contemplating how they should entertain their Uncle and went to sit downstairs. His cock was still hard and throbbed angrily. The girls' little bottom holes were ready for him, but he would enjoy their enthusiastic efforts to please him first.

James heard various movements upstairs as the girls readied themselves; then he heard them coming downstairs. He was keen to see what sort of thing they felt he would enjoy.

As the girls entered the room, to James' delight, he saw they had dressed in their little cheerleader outfits. The tops were really no more than straps over their shoulders and a band of material across their flat chests; the skirts were little mini affairs which ended above the level of their crotch showing off their sweet puffy little pussies at the front and chubby lower bum cheeks at the back. Both girls held a pair of mini pom-poms each. They had tried to clean up their faces as best they could, but their eyes were red and inflamed from their crying and their cheeks were red from the humiliation of showing themselves like this to a naked man that they hardly knew.

Debbie took the lead, starting to dance and kick her legs up; Amy quickly joined in. The girls kicked their legs high and apart so James could have a perfect view of their pussies winking open at him. The girls punched the pom-poms in the air as they danced. Debbie began to chant and Amy joined her.

"We love Uncle! It is true! He spanks our bottoms through and through! We are naughty all the time! He spanks our bottoms so we are crying! When our bottoms are so sore, his willy hurts us even more!"

The girls both dropped down in perfect lateral splits, their skirts riding up to show their pussies and red cane-marked bottoms.

James clapped his hands, his cock dancing as he clapped away.

"Very good, girls! Very good! An excellent start!"

Debbie and Amy, panting from their exertions, got up from their splits position. James could see their eyes full of hope from his compliment; perhaps there was a chance they could persuade Uncle to punish them sexually rather than with more from that nasty cane. Debbie fluttered a little smile at him.

"Thank you, Uncle. Mommy makes us practice our cheerleading with a paddle. We get spanked so hard if we get it wrong. Can we show you some of our exercises? You'll like them!"

James smiled back at the girls.

"That would be lovely. I like to see that!"

Debbie stood back and held out her hands in front of her. Amy took a few steps away to one side and then looked carefully, judging the distance. Amy then did a cartwheel facing James. As she reached the upside-down position in front of Debbie, Debbie caught her legs and stopped the cartwheel with Amy now doing a handstand. Amy's little skirt flipped down showing off her cute little slit. Debbie opened up Amy's legs wide apart so the whole of her pussy was exposed. Amy lent back against Debbie and Debbie let go of her legs. Amy opened her legs up further until she was doing an almost perfect horizontal splits; her pussy opened up, gaping a little. Debbie put her hands between Amy's legs and pressed a thumb into either side of Amy's pussy, spreading it apart. James could see now that the little hole was full of clear viscous lubricant. Debbie smiled up at James.

"Look Uncle! Amy can get her legs really wide apart! Would you like to come and put your willy in her wee-hole when she's like this? It's really slippery in there! I bet you'll get it in!"

James couldn't resist such a cute offer. He got up and went over to where the little pussy was so invitingly held open for him. He squatted down so he could position the exposed purple helmet of his cock against the hole. It was the wrong angle for a deep insertion, but, holding the base of his cock firmly, James pushed and the head of his penis popped into the small tight hole. There was a stifled squeal from Amy as his big thing entered her. Debbie took his cock and began to rub it as James enjoyed the feeling of Amy's tight little hole around his cock's sensitive tip.

James withdrew and saw the disappointment on Debbie's face.

"You can stay in if you want, Uncle! You can squirt in there, if you like!"

"Thank you, Debbie. It felt very nice. Are there any other exercises you would like me to see?"

Debbie let Amy get out of her handstand position. The little girl's face was red from having the blood rush to it over an extended period. She seemed a little dizzy as she got back on her feet. Debbie looked as if she was in a panic and the two girls whispered together. It looked like they had only had limited plans to entertain their strict Uncle. They knew that it was only going to a moment before they were taken upstairs for Uncle to entertain himself with the cane on their bottoms.

Debbie stepped forward. She sat down on the floor and put her hands behind her. Then she pushed her body up so her back was arched and her tummy was pushed up. Amy stepped forward and flipped the little cheerleader skirt up over Debbie's tummy so her pussy was exposed. Debbie shuffled her feet apart so her legs were stretched wide open and her pussy was displayed in the most exciting way. Amy stepped forward and, reaching over her sister, took hold of Debbie's pussy lips and pulled them apart.

"Mommy calls this the crab position. She says it helps us to be flexible. If you kneel down then you can put your willy in Debbie's wee-hole!"

James knelt between the little girl's open thighs. He positioned the big helmet of his cock against the hot coral pink of Debbie's spread pussy. Then he pushed and the end of his cock entered her. Debbie gasped and gave a whine as he went in. This time James was better positioned for a deeper entry. He held Debbie's caned bottom tightly, hurting the stinging cane weals. Debbie wailed as the pain in her bottom was reignited. James pushed another two inches of his cock up Debbie's tight little hole, making the child start to cry and squirm.

"This is a very nice position, Amy and Debbie! I can see your Mommy and I will have you get into it lots of times! My willy can fit into you nicely this way! You've both done very well! I'm going to have you entertain me lots of times now! As a reward I shall give you both only another six with the cane, each instead of the fifteen that you were going to get!"

James watched the girls' pretty faces as a mix of relief and fear came over them. He pulled his cock out of Debbie's little pussy and the girl struggled to her feet. Her hands stole behind her to touch her bottom and she cried softly.

"A-hurrr! A-hurrr! Thank you for not giving us so many with the cane, Uncle! A-hurrr! Oooo, another six, Uncle! The cane hurts so much! A-hurrr! A-hurrr! Don't do them hard! Pleeeeeease!"

Amy had the backs of her hands to her bottom, the palms facing outwards protectively. She danced from one foot to the other.

"A-hurrr! A-heeee! A-heeee! Not the cane! Please, Uncle! We'll be so good for your willy! You can hurt us with it all you like! Not more cane! Bwaaaaaah! Oh please! Pleeeeeease!"

"Go upstairs and put your pyjamas on, girls! I want you ready for bed. Get the cane out ready for me to use on you. I'm going to teach you what bedtime for little girls should be like! You've got two minutes! I'm counting now!"

The wailing girls both took to their heels and rushed upstairs. James had seen their Mom train them to do as they were told quickly, setting them impossible tasks to do in short times and then thoroughly blistering their bottoms when they failed. He could hear the girls jumping about above him in a desperate attempt to be ready for when he came up.

James checked his watch and started upstairs. He heard one of the girls thundering across the landing back from the master bedroom where she must have been to get the cane, then the slamming of the girls' bedroom door. As James got the top of the stairs there was silence. He got the girls' bedroom and went in. Debbie and Amy were in their usual punishment position, kneeling on their hands and knees at the end of the bed with their bottoms stuck out. They were both wearing the smallest, tightest, little pair of pink pyjama bottoms that seemed to have the sole purpose of emphasising how chubby their little bums were. James guessed the pyjamas had been bought especially for his benefit as he could see the material would soon split under the stress from being stretched so tightly over the children's trembling bottoms. On the bed next to Debbie was the cane, lying in wait to begin its strict scream-inducing job on the two little bums.

James stood behind Debbie and took the back of the waistband of her pyjama bottoms in his thumbs and forefingers. He pulled the back of the pyjama bottoms down so Debbie's bottom was bared. Then he went to stand behind Amy and did the same thing.

"When I tell you to put your pyjamas on and get ready for bed, this is how I expect to see you, with your bottoms bare; even if you're downstairs. Little girls always have bare bottoms before bedtime so that the adults looking after them are able to hurt their bottoms properly. I'm going to give your bottoms six nice hard ones with the cane. If you dare to not do as I say whilst I'm punishing you then I shall give you both fifteen spanks with the cane; that's nine extras, girls!"

The girls were both crying loudly now. James' cock twitched at the pitiful sound. He picked up the cane and swished through the air. The terrifying swooshing noise made the girls wail and wriggle their bottoms about in fear.

"Take your pyjama bottoms right off and get into 'the giraffe' for me. I want to see those bottoms really stuck out for it!"

The girls crawled off the bed. They were weeping and shivering as they looked at the thin whippy cane their Uncle was bending between his hands and the thick hard cock erect between his legs. As they peeled off their tight pyjama bottoms, all they could think about was how much that cane was going to hurt their bottoms and that if only Uncle would let them use their bodies to please his excited willy, then maybe they could save their bottoms from the cane.

"A-hurrr! A-heeee! Hurt me with your willy, Uncle! Not the cane! Please! Pleeeeeeeeeeease!"

"Bwaaaaaah! Cane hurt so much! I get bucket! You put willy in my throat! I not be sick! Waaaaaaaaaah!"

As the girls wept and promised James the most exciting sex acts, they got into 'the giraffe' position for their caning. They were on their feet, bent over, with their palms on the floor, their legs wide apart, looking back between their legs. The obedience with which they pushed their bottoms out towards him made James' cock tingle and another drop of pre-cum dripped of the end.

James went to stand behind Debbie, smacking the cane repeatedly against her little bottom so she could feel the sharp stings.

"A-heeee! A-heeeee! No! Noooooo! Please, Uncle! Don't cane! Put your willy in me! I don't care where! Don't cane! Whaaaaaaaaa!"

James drew back the cane and, without warning, gave Debbie's cringing wobbly little bottom a really strict flicky stroke; then two more in quick succession.



Debbie's shrieking squeals filled the room as the child tore at her cane whipped bottom cheeks with her squeezing hands, her little anus being opened up to gape for her Uncle.

James left Debbie stumbling about, still bent over, pawing at her bottom and went to Amy. The small girl wept and twisted, unable to keep still as she thought of the cane on her bottom.

"Bwaaaaaaah! Uncle! I do anything! It hurt too much! Don't! Oooooowhaaaaa! Ooooooowhaaaaaa!"

James gave the little bottom three quick hard flicky spanks with the cane.


Amy's reaction was even more exciting than Debbie's. The child jumped straight up, grabbing her bottom cheeks, one full in each hand, and began to dance about, screaming and kicking her legs up.


James enjoyed the cute show the girls put on, his cock twitching as they danced.

"'The frog' now, girls!"

Still howling and holding their bottoms, the girls started climbing on their beds, almost out of their minds with the pain in their little bottoms; they only wanted to be good for Uncle so he didn't give them the promised extras. The girls were soon kneeling with their legs spread, their heads down, their knees tucked in under them and pulled apart touching the outside of their elbows. Their red cane-wealed bottoms were spread wide apart, their little gaping pussies and anuses exposed for James' enjoyment. Their pretty anal holes fascinated him; the way the tight little hole showed the promise of pink inside and how, despite being tighter and more painful for the girls than their pussies, he would be able to insert the whole length of his cock there. Another three spanks with the cane and the girls would be thanking him for letting them work their own anuses on his cock.

James stood behind Amy and lined up the cane. Her red swollen bottom jiggled and twisted with the stinging cane marks already across it. Her frantic wriggling meant that the cane was going to cross other earlier stripes, hurting her little bottom even more. James' cock throbbed at the thought of punishing the little girl's bottom again.


Amy screamed; her high-pitched howling shrieks were music to James' ears. As the full effect of the wicked cane strokes sunk into her bottom, Amy feverishly pulled at her cheeks and the thick red cane marks on them. Her anus and pussy were held open as she rolled over on the bed kicking her legs and shrieking. Amy fell off the bed and carried on writhing about on the floor, screaming and grabbing at her wounded bottom. James' penis was solid, standing up against his tummy. He stood behind Debbie who was shaking and making terrified wailing noises. As she looked up at him from between her spread legs she begged helplessly.

"A-heeee! A-heeee! Please! Please! No! Please! I'll be good! Anything! Don't! Please! A-hurrrr! A-heeee!"


James gave Debbie's bottom three hard stinging strokes. Although Debbie was two years older than Amy, her reaction was just as extreme. She gave a hoarse strangled scream and straightened up, grabbing at her bottom. Kneeling upright she screamed repeatedly as she held her burning cheeks, twisting them about in agony.

James went and sat on a small chair in the corner of the bedroom, his hard cock flat against his stomach.

"Girls, come here and we can discuss how you might not get any extras!"

Sobbing and dancing across the room, the two girls came to him, still holding their bottoms in their hands and crying desperately. James grinned at them.

"My willy wants to use your bottom holes!"

Amy responded immediately.

"Bwaaaaaah! A-hurrrr! A-hurrrr! Please, Uncle! Please! Use mine! A-hurrr! Put it in! A-hurrrr! I don't want no more cane!"

Debbie followed immediately, desperate that she wasn't left out and ended up getting extras instead of her Uncle's willy up her bottom.

"Whaaaaaaa! Ooooowhaaaaa! Put it in mine! Put it in mine, Uncle! Bwaaaaaaaaah! I'll do it better! A-hurrrr!"

James smiled at them.

"We'll have a little competition. You can both try putting my willy in your bottoms. Whoever does it the best can get into bed; the loser gets three extra with the cane."

Tears dripped out of the girls' eyes as they each contemplated chance they would be getting another three spanks with the cane on their welted blistered bottom. They each resolved to do whatever it took to beat their sister and make sure it wasn't their little bottom being hurt even more. James' cock quivered as he told the girls what he wanted.

"Debbie, you can go first. Stand with your back to me, bend over and I'll put my willy against your bottom hole; then you can sit down and get my willy up your bottom. When it's up there you need to move your bottom up and down so my willy feels nice. Then it's your turn, Amy."

Debbie did as she was told. James was treated to a little red bare bottom, swollen to huge proportions by the welted strap and cane marks, being stuck into his face before it was lowered down towards his engorged cock. James held his cock firmly, guiding the tip between Debbie's sore bottom cheeks until it rested against her anus. As Debbie felt the big smooth purple helmet against her little hole she let out an involuntary wail at the thought of how much Uncle's willy would hurt as it went up. But the thought of getting more cane spanking on her bottom was worse and she started sitting down in James' lap, forcing his big adult willy up her.

"Ooooowhaaaaaaa! Uncle! Oooooooo! It's so big in me! A-hurrr! A-hurrrr! It hurts so much! Whaaaaaaa! A-hurrr!"

James sat back, enjoying it as Debbie did all the work. Her swollen bottom pushing down harder as it became more difficult for her to fit his big adult penis up her. Eventually, after many tears, her little cheeks touched his thighs. Then she began to raise and lower herself, accompanied by delicious bottom hole squelchy noises.

Slurrrrrrrrrrp! Frrrrrrrrrrp! Slurrrrrrrrrrp! Frrrrrrrrrrp! Slurrrrrrrrrrp! Frrrrrrrrrrp!

James' cock enjoyed Debbie's attentive bottom hole sex as her anus attended to his hard cock's needs. The sight of her thrashed little bottom rising and falling and the tiny anus stretched around his penis, along with the exquisite sensations of the hot tight gripping hole milking his cock, had James in ecstasy. But he wanted to see how much tighter little Amy's bottom hole was.

"Debbie, it's Amy's turned now. Amy, come here. Do it just like Debbie."

Debbie stood herself up on shaky legs and James' penis popped out of her tight anal hole. Despite there being just two years between them, Amy was much smaller than Debbie, and as she bent over her bottom only came up to James' chest. As she lowered her bottom into his lap and his cock rested against her anus, Amy began trying to get her Uncle's willy into her poo hole. James gritted his teeth. The copious lubrication in Amy's bottom hole allowed his cock to enter her. There was a wail and stamping of feet from Amy as her sphincter was so rudely dilated.

"Whaaaaaaaaaaa! Yeeeeowwwwwww! Whaaaaaaaaa! Oucheeeeeeee! Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeigh!"

Amy was desperately putting more weight on his cock now so that it would push up into her. She couldn't bear the thought of getting more cane on her bottom. She put her hands back to hold James' thighs and, with a miserable wail, sat down on his lap. As she did so, James' cock slipped up deep into her bowels. James moaned with pleasure as the tight little bottom engulfed him and Amy squeaked with pain as she waggled her bottom to make it feel nice for Uncle's willy inside her.

Amy's squeaks and squeals as she ground her bottom into James' lap and then alternately shook it vigorously so her slick lubricated tight bottom lining could stroke his hard penis was more than James could resist; he lent back in the chair to let Amy's extraordinary movements pleasure him. In less than a few minutes James felt his orgasm coming. He started to gasp and moan. Clutching Amy's small body and thrusting into her until, roaring with delight, he pumped his sperm into her little bottom.

As James recovered, the first thing he heard was Debbie's hysterical crying in dread of the three extra spanks with that nasty wicked cane. James smiled over at her.

"Get into 'the cat' please, Debbie. Your sister did a much better job with her bottom than you. You need to try harder next time!"

Almost unable to move, Debbie climbed up onto the bed on her hands and knees, bent over further so she was resting on her elbows and then, with her legs together, pushed her tummy down, dipping her back so her bottom jutted out and her pussy peeped out between her thighs. Her woeful little face looked over her shoulder at James.

"A-hurrr! A-hurrr! Oh please, Uncle! I'll do anything! A-hurrr! Just don't cane me! I can't take anymore! A-hurrr! Make me do anything! Pleeeeeeease!"

James swished the cane through the air; Debbie's bottom was already a purple splodge of cane marks but James knew that she could take more, however much it was going to hurt her.

"Stick it out, Debbie! Right out! The cane's going to spank you really hard!"

There was a howling sob from Debbie and her bottom was pushed up another a few inches, the cheeks parting to show her red raw gaping anus.


Debbie's shrieks filled the room as a child writhed on the bed, her hands pulling at her caned bottom cheeks as her legs kicked wildly. James watched the exciting spectacle for a while until Debbie's performance subsided into hoarse moans and sobs.

"Good night, young ladies! I'll see you both in the morning! We'll be up bright and early; I've got lots of discipline I need to give you tomorrow!"

Grinning to himself, James left the girls' bedroom. It would do them good to spend all night worrying about tomorrow; they would be extra compliant to his slightest wishes and keen to use their little bodies to please him.

Chapter 4 - A Hike In The Woods

James woke up and checked the clock. It was 7:30 AM. He didn't usually sleep this late, but the excesses of yesterday had worn him out. As the world came into focus, James thought something must have woken him. Then he heard hushed voices outside his bedroom door; it was the girls. He quietly got up and moved silently to the door, putting his ear against it to hear better. Amy was speaking.

"Are you sure this will work?"

Debbie's voice answered unsurely.

"I don't know, but our butts just can't take any more! He said he's gonna spank us more today. If we make his willy squirt, maybe he won't do it so bad!"

"But it hurts when he puts his willy in me!"

"Not as much as the cane!"

"I don't want the cane!"

"Then we better let him put his willy in us! You know what we planned!"

"Sniff! Sniff! Alright!"

"Don't cry! You'll spoil it all! We've got to be, like, we enjoy having him put his willy up us. Okay?"


There was a knock at the door, which startled James as he had his ear held against it. He crept back to the bed, by which time there had been a second tentative knock. James called out in answer.

"Come in!"

The door opened and the girls walked in. James' cock started hardening as soon as he saw them. They were each wearing a white lacy crop top and a tiny white lace thong. The lace of the thong was virtually see-through displaying their little pre-pubescent pussies at the front; it then disappeared between their prominent bottom cheeks behind. James could see a sheen of lubrication gel on the crack between their bottom cheeks and smothered around their pussies. They were trying to smile, but James could see that their eyes were wide and frightened.

The girls' bottom cheeks were a revelation; still swollen with big red patches on each, a little blister here and there, but almost no bruising. The regular workouts their little bottoms got from their mother must have conditioned them to recover quickly. James' cock was now fully erect as he thought of how much more the spankings would hurt the girls today now that their bottoms were already sore. But, for now, he was going to enjoy the girls' absolute compliance and desperate desire to make his cock squirt. He dramatically drew back the bed covers so the girls could see he was naked and his cock was hard and sticking out. Debbie swallowed audibly and Amy took a shaky step backwards in shock; it seemed even bigger then she remembered it. James smiled at the girls.

"You're both looking very pretty this morning!"

Debbie replied, her voice high and quavering.

"Th...thank you, Uncle. We've come to p...please you!"

James looked down at his twitching penis.

"I'm going to need a lot of hard pleasing that hurts your holes!"

Amy's face went white and James could see her trembling as she bit her lip and fought back the tears; she looked so cute. Debbie tried to smile but the smile turned down the corners as she watched the big adult willy jumping and the skin peeling back off the head to show the angry red helmet.

James smiled at the girls.

"You both look so pretty. Why don't you show each other off for me."

Debbie nodded her head. She remembered the 'showing off' the girls had done in the films that her Mom had made her watch; explicit 'showing off' of little holes that had made the willies of the men in the films get really big and hard.

"Yes, Uncle! I'll show Amy off for you!"

Debbie moved Amy to the edge of the bed and told her what to do.

"Put your foot up on the bed and keep your legs really wide apart!"

Amy did as her elder sister told her. James looked up into the cute lace covered little pussy, only a foot or so from his face. Debbie reached round from behind her sister and hooked her finger into the lacy front of the g-string. She pulled it to one side so Amy's little pussy was exposed. Then Debbie reached round from the other side and, using both sets of fingers, she pulled Amy's little pussy lips as wide apart as she could, completely opening up Amy's vagina for intimate avuncular inspection. James could now see the quantity of lubrication gel had been pushed up; little Amy was clearly in no doubt as to what her Uncle's big adult willy would want to do to her. Debbie's disembodied voice came from behind Amy.

"Does Amy's wee-hole look nice, Uncle? Can you see inside it? You can put your willy up it! Amy will be very good for you!"

"Very nice, Debbie! Show me her bottom hole now."

Debbie moved her sister's position, encouraging her younger sister as she did so.

"Come on, Amy! Show him your bottom! I'll open your cheeks for you so he can see your hole! Come on, bend over and stick it in his face!"

Amy was now crouched with her bottom pushed out over the bed next to James' face. Debbie reached round and pulled open the cheeks. She scrabbled her fingers into the centre of the cheeks next to Amy's anus and then pulled the g-string away to show the dark skinned little hole. Then she gripped the cheeks and anus surround tightly and pulled, opening up the anus itself so that James could see into the red anal canal.

"Look Uncle! Her butt hole's all open for you! When we get in bed with you, you can do everything you like to her!"

"Very good, Debbie. Now you can swap and Amy can show you off."

Debbie and Amy obediently moved positions. This time it was Debbie who was facing James with her legs wide apart and her foot up on the bed. Amy moved the sexy g-string to one side and pulled open Debbie's young pussy.

"Uncle, this is Debbie's wee-hole! She's bigger than me, so you can really do it to her hard!"

Debbie gave a little mewl as she realised her sister was trying to get Uncle to use her more than she got used. Amy carried on.

"Mommy can get four fingers up Debbie's wee-hole, so you could get your whole willy up there!"

Debbie gave a stifled wail.

"Shut up, Amy! I hate you!"

James grinned at the girls' falling out; this was great entertainment.

"Show me Debbie's bottom hole now, Amy!"

Encouraged by her Uncle, Amy positioned her elder sister so that her Uncle would have the very best view of her anus. Amy dug the g-string out of Debbie's bottom crack and then, pulling as hard as she could, opened up the cheeks and anus.

"She's got a big bottom hole, hasn't she Uncle? Mom gets this huge thing up there to punish her. It's like a big rubber willy! You could push your whole willy in and out of there like Mommy does with the rubber one!"

Debbie stamped her feet.

"You horrible bitch! I hate you!"

"Now then, girls! Don't be falling out so soon today! I'm sure my willy can punish both of you. Why don't you take those little panties off and come into bed with me. One of you can lay either side of me."

The girls slipped their little g-strings off leaving just the lacy crop tops on. They both looked so cute that James' cock leaked more pre-cum. They lay either side of him facing towards him. He was facing Amy. Breathlessly, he instructed her.

"Put my willy in your wee-hole!"

Amy looked sick as James watched her take hold of his cock and position the end of it against her pussy. The feeling of her hands on him and the hot slippery smooth skin of her pussy against the tip of his cock made him shiver. Then Amy began to wriggle down on his cock so it was forced up inside her pussy. Tears began to leak out of her eyes and she winced and squeaked as the engorged cock stretched her tiny sensitive hole.

"Deeper, Amy! I want to get at least half of my willy in you! You've only got a third of the way now!"

Amy wailed as she bounced a little on the cock, trying to get more of it up her. The feeling for James of the tight little girl pussy around his cock was sensational and watching little Amy quietly weeping as she painfully probed her own tiny unfledged pussy with the big adult willy was delightful.

James withdrew his cock from the tight little hole with a sucky plop noise. He turned over to face Debbie.

"Well now, Debbie, let's see if your Mommy's fingers have got you ready! Let's see if you can get all of me up you?"

Debbie's bottom lip quivered and tears fell down her cheeks. Mommy had managed to get four fingers up her, but it had hurt so much and made her shriek and beg her Mom to stop. This was going to be so much worse; Uncle's willy looked so huge!

Debbie's hand slowly encircled James' cock and rubbed the sensitive end over her tight slippery vagina. James put his hands on Debbie's shoulders and the girl wailed as she realised her Uncle was going to be rough with her. James pulled her down on him, his cock pushing up her.

"No! No! Not all of the way! Please! A-hurrr! A-hurrr! Owweeee! Owweeee! Bwaaaaaaaah!"

James kept pushing up as Debbie's squirming and tears became more frantic.

"Whaaaaaaa! Please Uncle! No Uncle! Do it in my bottom! You can get it all in! Eeeeeeeeee! It hurts! Punish me in my bottom! Yaaaaaaaah!"

James was a few inches away from full penetration, but he could feel his cock lodge, unable to go any further. He withdrew and watched Debbie holding her sore used pussy as she wept uncontrollably. James turned over to face Amy.

"Lie on your other side, Amy, so your bottom is next to me. Push it out nicely, so I can put my willy in!"

Making frightened little high-pitched wails, Amy turned over and stuck her bottom into her Uncle's crotch so his willy was between her bottom cheeks.

James held his cock and put it against Amy's tight little bottom hole. He pushed up and Amy wailed and wriggled as anus felt the big fleshy thing pressing against it. James gave a little thrust to get past the sphincter and Amy squealed as the tight muscle gave way to the first few inches of her Uncle's large willy. James gave a harder more vigorous thrust and another three inches went up Amy's bottom.


James held Amy's shoulders firmly and pushed himself up until only an inch of him was left outside the tight hole. James could feel the tight hot slippery tunnel gripping him and moving on to him as Amy squirmed about with the painful intrusion.


James began to slowly gyrate his hips so his cock moved in the little anus. Amy squealed and wriggled at the movement.


Daddy's incensed wails came from behind James.

"You total bitch! Shut up! Give her all your willy, Uncle! She deserves it!"

James withdrew from Amy's gaping red-raw anus and watched the sobbing girl putting her fingers into herself to try and stop the hurt. He turned over to Debbie who was still facing him.

"A-hurrr! A-hurrr! Oh God! Please Uncle! Not rough! Don't do it rough! I'll help you get it all up! A-hurrr! I'll do it good! Don't be rough with me! Oh please! A-hurrr! A-hurrr!"

"Turn around Debbie and stick it out!"

A little bottom presented itself to James and he positioned his cock against the anus. He needed to cum and he had every intention of being very rough with Debbie so he could enjoy listening to her squeals and begging. His hands went firmly onto Debbie's shoulders.

"Are you going to be a good girl, Debbie? Is your bottom hole going to take all of me? Will you be good when I want to push my willy in and out?"

"A-hurrr! A-hurrr! Uncle! Please! No! Not like that! Don't do it like that! Bwaaaaaaah!"

James pushed his cock up. He noticed that Debbie's anus, although small and tight, was a little more accommodating than her sister's; clearly the long intense stretching sessions her Mom was giving her were working. He pushed harder and, despite Debbie's shrieks and entreaties for him to stop, managed to fully penetrate her. He whispered in Debbie's ear.

"What happens now, young lady?"


James began to vigorously pump his cock in and out of the eleven year old's lubricated anus. Debbie shrieked as her punishment was so strictly delivered.


James couldn't hold on and he gasped and shook as his cock squirted repeatedly into the howling girls reluctantly presented anus.

James lay with his cock in Debbie's bottom for a short while, enjoying the sensation of her sobbing body trembling on his shrinking cock. Then he withdrew to leave the gaping hole, sloppy with the mix of lubrication and his cum.

"Girls, you are both to have breakfast and shower. I want you to meet me by the rear door in an hour's time. Oh, and don't bother putting any clothes on; you won't need them!"

As the weeping girls departed, James turned over and went back to sleep.

An hour later James bounded downstairs; some extra recovery time and then a shower had reinvigorated him. An additional dose of the Viagra he had brought with him would do the same for his cock in a few hours. James had dressed in jeans, a light shirt and light walking boots. He carried a small knapsack with him and the girls' socks and trainers. As he got to the rear door where the girls were standing he threw the trainers and socks on the floor in front of them.

"Put them on! Quickly!"

The girls immediately sat their bruised bottoms on the floor and began to get their shoes and socks on. James filled up a water bottle and checked the contents of his knapsack, taking out a GPS. He turned back to the girls, smiling.

"Well, young ladies, a bit of exercise I think! We're going on a nice long hike!"

The girls looked up at him in horror as realisation set in. The look of shock and dismay on their faces made James' balls tingle. Debbie began to try desperately pleading.

"B...b...but Uncle! We can't! Not without our clothes! We'd be naked!"

"That's right, Debbie, you're going on a naked hike. Perfect for little girls who have been naughty! Everyone can see your spanked bottoms. And, if you don't walk fast enough, well, your bottoms will be all ready for me to punish!"

Debbie threw herself on her knees in front of James. The thought of being publicly exposed terrified her. It was one thing to be severely punished in private, but in the open, where people could see! Amy went down on her knees too; she was scared of the big forest and its creatures. Being there naked was her worst nightmare. Debbie was babbling out her pleas.

"Uncle! Uncle! Please! No! Stay inside! Punish us here! I'll do everything your willy wants! I know you like busting our butts! We'll stick them out so you can really whack them! Won't we Sis?"

"A-hurrr! A-hurrrr! Yes, Uncle! I'll stick my butt out for you! You can cane me again! I'll get in every position! A-hurrr! I promise!"

"A-hurrr! A-hurrr!You can put your willy in our throats! And our poo-holes! And our wee-holes! Don't do it to us outside! Pleeeeeeeease!"

"Bwaaaaaaah! Please, Uncle! Please!"

James response was firm and measured.

"Get up! We're going out and you'll do as I say! If you don't get up and go out now then I'll cane you and then we'll go out!"

Weeping loudly, Debbie and Amy stumbled to their feet and scampered to the door. James smiled; there was a million to one chance of meeting anybody this far out in the forest, but the girls didn't know that.

James led the way into the forest. He kept a good check on his GPS and compass. He had the girls walk in front of him and enjoyed watching their naked bodies and their bottoms as they lewdly displayed their genitals whilst crossing over streams and rocks. James encouraged them to keep up the pace and after an hour they were panting and their bodies were covered in glistening sweat. They came to a good size clearing with a little stream and a fallen tree that looked perfect to James. He ordered a stop.

"Okay, girls! I think this is a nice place for you to play some games!"

He watched their cute little faces fall, their mouths turn down at the corners and their bottom lips quiver. A little tear appeared in Amy's eye and trickled down her cheek; she turned her innocent frightened face to him.

"What games, Uncle?"

James ignored Amy's frightened question and began to prepare. He opened his knapsack and took out a roll of duct tape, a pair of garden clippers, a plastic handled skipping rope, a sealed plastic box full of fresh strawberries, a reel of Velcro tape, a large tub of sex lubricant and finally a shiny black leather strap, an inch wide and split down its length. The girls mewled and squirmed their bottoms as they saw him take out the strap.

Next James went to the stream where a fresh young tree was growing and began cutting switches with the garden clippers. The thin new growth was whippy and flexible, but it was late enough in the season for it to have some weight. Amy wailed as she saw switch after horrible switch being cut from the tree.

"Whaaaaaa! Uncle! Please! Don't cut any more! That's too many! My bottom hurts! A-hurrr! A-hurrr!"

James brought the green sticks back to the girls so they could see how strong and whippy they were. He used the duct tape to bind some together into twos and left the others as singles. The girls wept, unable to take their eyes off the strap and pile of switches next to it.

James went to one end of the clearing and put a branch on the grass, then to the other end of the clearing, some 15 yards away, and put another branch on the ground parallel to the first branch. Then James opened the pack of strawberries and placed two piles on the ground behind one of the branches. He stood up and grinned at the crying girls.

"Debbie and Amy, listen to me! This is a race. You have to pick up a strawberry between your bottom cheeks and then carry it over to the other side where that branch is and drop it the other side the branch. You can't use your hands. If you drop a strawberry you have to go back and get a new one and if your bottom squashes a strawberry then it doesn't count. The one who gets the least strawberries across goes over the log for a switching."

James picked up the leather strap.

"Oh yes! One more thing! I shall be strapping your bottom and the backs of your legs whilst you do it! You have ten minutes, starting now!"

The girls stood in stunned silence for a few moments, trying to work out everything James had said. James raised the spanking strap and the girls immediately scooted over to the two piles of strawberries. Crying in a delightful way that made James' cock get hard, the girls sat down and tried to get a strawberry to go between their bottom cheeks. They found it was more difficult than they thought and James saw Debbie starting to panic as she realised she'd already squashed some of her precious strawberries by sitting on them, Amy managed to get a strawberry between her bottom cheeks and hold it there by squeezing her bottom on it. She set off on a slow journey to the other branch, desperate not to lose the strawberry being squeezed by her bottom. James went up behind her with the strap.


The strap harshly wrapped around Amy's tender little bum. She squealed and jumped about. The crushed strawberry slithered out between her cheeks. James laughed at her as she howled and rubbed at her strawberry juice covered bottom cheeks.

"Silly child! Go and try again!"

Debbie had managed to get her first strawberry and was well on her way to the other branch. James strode up behind her, strap at the ready. As she saw him approaching Debbie broke into a little run. The strawberry immediately popped out from between her wobbling bottom cheeks and fell on the floor. Debbie wailed with frustration. James was ready with the strap.


Debbie howled and rubbed at her bottom as she scampered back to the strawberries. Amy had managed to get a strawberry to the other side and was now running back. Debbie had lodged another strawberry between her bottom cheeks and was making her way to the other side. James whacked the strap across the carefully clenched bottom.


Debbie squealed and twisted her bottom but managed to keep the strawberry between her cheeks and not run or dance. James let her carry on. Amy saw him approaching her and started to wail.

"Bwaaaaaaaaaah! Please Uncle! No Uncle! Whaaaaaaaaa! Don't!"

James reached the naked little girl standing with her bottom outthrust, the precious strawberry held between the little cheeks.


The strawberry fell out from Amy's bottom after only the second spank from the strap. Amy howled and danced about as her bottom was thrashed. She carried on wailing and howling as she ran back to the ever smaller pile of strawberries to collect her next one.

The next ten minutes went all too quickly for James, who was having a lovely time strapping the girls' bottoms and thighs as they tried not to be one to be switched. Eventually he called an end to the game and counted the strawberries. Amy had four and Debbie had five. The anguished cries of the little nine year old echoed around the clearing as she begged James not to carry out the promised switching.

"Whaaaaaaaa! A-hurrr! A-hurrr! Anything! Oh God! Please! Don't! I'll do anything! A-hurrr! A-hurrr! Your willy! Use your willy! Bwaaaaaaaaaah!"

James picked up one of the twin switches. The backs of Amy's pretty thighs were going to learn a strict lesson.

"Do 'the ostrich', Amy!"

Howling in fear, Amy bent tight over with her legs straight and grasped her ankles. James stood behind her to one side with the whippy double switch.

"A-heeeee! A-heeeeee! Uncle! Don't! Please! Use your willy!"

The backs of Amy's thighs were still white, apart from the occasional red welt from her recent strapping. James began to vigorously switch the untouched tender area.





Amy began to bend her legs and waggle her bottom in the most enticing way as she fought to stay bent over and holding onto her ankles as her poor thighs were vigorously switched.


Amy shrieked as the stern switching continued and the double switch whipped her tender legs. James continued switching her and Amy's wriggling became more exaggerated until she fell over on her back, grabbing her tender legs with them spread wide apart showing off her open pussy to her delighted Uncle.

When Amy's more frantic gymnastics had abated and she was wailing and rubbing at her thighs, James left to setup the next game. He took the plastic handled skipping rope and smeared lubricant over both of the handles. Then he called the girls over. Debbie came quietly, tearful the prospect of another game. Amy was still crying loudly and limped over, holding her stinging thighs tightly in her hands. James held up the rope.

"This is a simple tug-of-war, girls. The only difference is that I'm going to put these handles up your bottoms! The loser gets switched. Bend over so I can put them up you!"

The miserable girls bent so James was presented with their cute punished little bottoms.

"Pull them apart!"

The girls reached behind and obediently pulled their bottom cheeks apart to display their anuses to their strict Uncle. James carefully inserted a handle, first into Debbie's anus, and then into Amy's. Although the handles were not particularly thick, the girls still squirmed as their little holes were invaded. James stood them apart until the rope was taut.


In almost no time the skipping rope handle had come out of Debbie's bottom. She gave a howl of despair and Amy a secret little exclamation of joy. Debbie protested desperately.

"Please, Uncle! She cheated! I wasn't ready! It's not fair! Do it again! Pleeeeease! I'll suck your willy tonight! I'll kiss your poo-hole too! Oh pleeeeeeeeease!"

James smiled at Debbie.

"Very well. We shall have the best-of-three! But if you lose, Debbie, then when you get home tonight I shall watch whilst your Mommy gives you the biggest ever poo-hole stretching you've ever had! Okay! Bend over and spread your cheeks again, girls!"

James re-inserted the handle into Debbie's anus and adjusted the one in Amy's to make sure it was fully in. Then he stood them apart again.


Amy gave her bottom a crafty little tug and the handle popped out of Debbie's anus. The girl gave a miserable wail, not just at the thought of her horrible thigh switching, but at the terrible bottom hole stretching her Mommy was going to give her. The thought of it being forced up her sensitive hole with Uncle watching and listening to her screaming and begging her Mom to stop made her weep with fear.

"Ostrich, Debbie!"

Debbie bent over, her bottom pushed out and her sensitive vulnerable thighs exposed and waiting for the nasty double switch. James admired the way Debbie's little pussy pushed back between her thighs. He took some time to enjoy fondling and opening the little hole. Then he stood back with the switch.






Debbie was a delightful girl to spank. Her desperate obedience and desire to please the adult spanking her, made her push out her bottom and keep it stuck out as much as she could. Her little thighs were crimson and covered with innumerable thin raised switch marks by the time James decided she'd had enough.

"Debbie, you may rub!"

The child's hands came up from her ankles and pawed at her whipped thighs as she stumbled about, still bent over. As she pulled at her thighs, her pussy gaped obscenely letting James see her little pink vagina.

James cock was solid in his clothes and he needed it to be released. He slipped his trousers and boxes off so that he was naked from the waist down. His cock stood hard against his stomach, the red exposed end slimy with pre-cum. He was looking forward to the final part of the girls' spanking and then to using his cock on them.

James selected one of the fallen trees in the clearing. It looked just the right girth so that the girls would be able to bend over it with their palms on the floor one side and their feet just touching the ground on the other. He led the weeping girls over to it.

"Amy, I want you to bend over this log with your bottom towards me. Debbie, I want you to go around the other side and bend over a yard away from Amy so you're facing me."

James watched happily as the girls obeyed him. Then he looked around to find two short branches about an inch or so thick and 3 feet or so long. When he had found what he was looking for he returned to the girls. He knelt behind Amy and, with Debbie carefully watching his movements, spread Amy's knees apart and using the Velcro straps fastened them to the short branch. The branch acted as a perfect little girl spreader bar, keeping Amy's legs spread, pussy exposed and bottom cheeks apart. He went around the log and repeated the exercise with Debbie, who wept in shame and humiliation having seen first-hand how her little sister's genitals were so completely exposed. James tore off four lengths of duct tape, each about a foot long.

"Girls, it has come to my attention that I have not dealt with a certain part of your bottom yet! I think you need to be reddened between your cheeks!"

Debbie and Amy let out terrified squeals at the thought of one of those whippy switches spanking them on their bottom holes. Debbie lifted her face to James, her eyes wide and desperate.

"A-hurrr! A-hurr-hurr-hurr! Uncle! No! You mustn't! Not there! Not on the hole! I'll do anything! Anything!"

Amy joined in.

"Bwaaaaaaaaah! I'll kiss your willy! You can put it all the way in! I'll be good and take it! Don't spank my bottom hole with the switch! Please, Uncle! Pleeeeeeeeeeease!"

James took the first piece of duct tape and stood behind Debbie. He pulled the little eleven year olds left buttock to one side and then laid the tape firmly across the crown of the cheek so it stuck and then pulled it tight before smoothing the rest of the tape around Debbie's tummy. The tape held the buttock to one side as well as if Debbie herself were pulling it open. Debbie wailed as she felt her bottom crack being held wide apart.

"Whaaaaaaaa! Uncle! No! Not open like that! It'll hurt too much! They'll all go on my bottom hole! Bwaaaaaaaaaah!"

James repeated the exercise with Debbie's right bottom cheek. He stood back to admire his work. The buttocks were pulled apart so widely that it almost looked like a flat surface with the dark pinky wrinkled skin in the middle surrounding the slightly open anus. James' cock jerked. It was so tempting to push his cock up the little anus and pump it hard there and then. But first James wanted to hear the girls squealing from their bottom hole switchings. He went around the log to Amy's bottom and gave it the same treatment so that her inner cheeks and anus were held open and exposed ready for their punishment. James picked up one of the switches and whipped it through the air. In their exposed positions with their sensitive inner cheeks and anus held open and ready for the switch the girls wept in terror of their imminent switching; they felt so vulnerable with their bottom cheeks pulled open like that. James stood in front of Amy.

"Amy, put your hands behind your back!"

Amy complied, sobbing in dread of her terrible punishment. James took both of Amy's hands in his left hand and pulled her further over the log so her opened bottom was perfectly positioned for him to switch vertically from where he was standing. He laid the switch in Amy's bottom crack and rubbed it up and down the centre of the crack over her anus. Amy howled in terror as she realised how completely open her bottom hole was to the switch.

"Eeeeeeeeeeeeee! Oh God! No Uncle! Put your willy in my throat! Up my bottom! Anywhere! I beg you! Every night after school! As much as you like! Anything!"

James raised the switch and began to vigorously spank Amy's bottom crack.



James could see the vicious red switch lines starting to rise on the soft white skin exposed between Amy's bottom cheeks. A good few of the smacks from the switch had landed directly on Amy's cute little anus. This was a spanking she would remember for some time; something he would only have to mention to have her pulling her panties down and begging him to take her up to her bedroom so she could please his willy.





As James thrashed Amy's little bottom hole and inner cheeks, the child's little legs kicked freely below her knees where the spreader bar was fastened; above her knees her bottom bucked and lurched over the log, her thighs looking almost as if they were trying to clamber over the log to move her bottom away from the switch. James' cock bounced about as he held Amy down and switched her anus. The previously white inner cheeks were now a mass of thin stinging red switch weals and James knew the little anus would be swollen and sore for days to come. He envisaged long humiliating deep creaming sessions for Amy.

When Amy's little hole and surrounding inner bottom cheeks had been whipped to a uniform swollen welted red, James released his grip on Amy. The screaming child's hands flew to her anus where her fingers stuffed themselves into the little crack, rubbing and pushing in a futile attempt to try and stop the horrible sting.


James' cock dripped pre-cum as he watched the amazing display Amy was putting on as the nine year old shrieked and poked her fingers in her bottom hole.

Debbie had seen firsthand the terrible effects of the anus switching on her little sister. As James approached her with a brand-new switch and his with his cock twitching she looked up at him, her wide frightened eyes transfixed by the whippy switch and his big erect adult penis.

"A-hurrrrr! Whaaaaaaa! Oh God! Please Uncle! Please! Don't! Anything! I'll do anything! Don't switch my bottom hole! Oh God! Please! Please! Pleeeeeeeeeeease!"

"Put your hands behind your back, Debbie! Uncle's ready to spank your poo-hole with this nice little stick! Your bottom's nicely open and ready for it!"

Debbie wept frantically as she put her arms and hands behind her back as she'd been told. James held her hands in the small of her back and, like with Amy, he rubbed the rough switch up and down her bottom crack over her sensitive little hole.

"Bwaaaaaaaaaah! A-hurr! A-hurrrr! Not there! Not there! Oh please, Uncle! I beg you, Uncle! Do anything! Not the switch! Not there!

James lifted the switch and began to spank directly onto to Debbie's bottom hole.



As Debbie twisted about, the switch whipped into her white untouched inner bottom cheeks that lay fully exposed by the duct tape.



Debbie's body wriggled like a cut worm on top of the fallen tree trunk. Her upper legs, held firmly apart at the knees by the makeshift spreader, moved helplessly against the log whilst her lower legs and little feet kicked about in the air. James' cock throbbed as he whipped away at Debbie's anus. The child's shrieking pleas and wild reaction to having her bottom hole switched sexually excited him more than ever.



With Debbie pulled over the log, James could see her little anus and inner cheeks were covered with stinging red switch marks, but he was enjoying himself far too much to stop. With his penis twitching and bouncing about, he thrashed the little girl's anus with the fearsome long whippy switch.



When Debbie's inner bottom cheeks and anus had been switched to a uniform puffy dark red, James released the screaming child. Debbie fell off the log onto the ground and rolled around with her hands stuffed into her bottom crack trying to press at the scalded switch spanked area. With the constricting branch holding her legs apart, she flopped around displaying her open genitals to James' delighted gaze.

As Debbie's howling continued, James turned his attention back to Amy. His cock was so very hard from the outrageous sexual stimulation of giving the girls their anal spankings combined with the effects of the Viagra; he was ready to give the very hardest sex punishment he had planned. James grinned as he bodily picked up Amy and bent her back over the log in the same position she had been in before. Amy wailed in terror of her bottom being whipped even more.

"Whaaaaaaaaaaa! A-hurrr! A-hurrr! A-hurrr! Please, Uncle! No more! I beg you! Use your willy! Oh please! Use your willy to punish me! I'll be good! I'll do anything you say! Not more spanking! Pleeeeeeeeeease!"

"Are you going to be good for me, Amy?"

"Oh please! A-hurrrrrr! Please, Uncle! Yes! I'll do anything you want! I'll be so good for you! A-hurrrrrr! A-hurrrrrrr!"

James turned and lifted up Debbie, who was still wailing loudly. As he positioned her back over the log, lying in the opposite direction to her sister, Debbie panicked at the thought of more bottom spanking.

"Eeeeeeeeeeee! Please, Uncle! No! A-hurrr! A-hurrr! I hurt too much! Please don't spank more! Whaaaaaaaaa! Put your willy in me! Bwaaaaaaaah! I'll be good!"

James took the lubrication gel out of his knapsack and squeezed a line of it down the length of this erect penis. Then, using his hand, he liberally spread the gel over the whole shaft. He stood behind Debbie's sore swollen bottom.

"Debbie, do you want more spanking?"

"Whaaaaaaaaaa! No, Uncle! Please! Anything!"

"If you spread your bottom cheeks and asked me nicely, I might give you something else instead!"

Without a moment's hesitation, Debbie reached behind with both her hands and pulled apart her bottom cheeks. The dark red whipped interior, inflamed and bumpy with switch weals, was presented to James. In the centre, massively swollen and sore, was her obediently offered anus.

"A-hurr! A-hurr! P...please, Uncle! P...put your willy in my hole! A-hurrr! You can it as hard as you like!"

James put his cock against the hole that had tightly constricted in fear of the big adult penis about to penetrate it. Holding the base of his cock firmly, James pushed forward. There was a howling wail from Debbie as her little sphincter gave way and she was painfully stretched open. James gasped in pleasure as the hot tight little hole gripped him, seemingly pulling him deeper in. He thrust forward harshly, spearing little bottom onto his cock. Debbie squealed and twisted about.

"Eeeeeeeeeeeeee! Oh please be gentle! Please, Uncle! Don't pump me hard! Pleeeeeeeeease!"

James grinned; he had no intention of listening to Debbie's miserable pleas. He grabbed hold of Debbie's hips and began to push himself in and out of the juvenile bottom hole as Debbie wept, wailing entreaties for him to go slower and not 'pump' her so hard.

After a short while of enjoying the delectable feeling of Debbie's tight anal hole on him, James pulled out. Debbie had not had a morning enema and he could see the slight yellow streaking on his cock. He moved to one side and his cock was in Amy's face. Amy recoiled at the disgusting thing presented to her, slick with lubrication gel and reeking of her sister's bottom.

"Open you mouth, Amy! Uncle's going to put his willy all the way in!"

Amy's red, tear and snot soaked face looked up at him.

"A-hurrr! A-hurrr! It's all p...pooey, Uncle! A-hurrr! I don't want any more spanks! B...but do I have to? A-hurrr!"

"I think there's a little girl here who's saying that she wants some more spanking with the switch!"

"Bwaaaaaaaah! I sorry! I open mouth wide now! Don't spank! I be good!"

Amy opened her little mouth wide and James fed his cock down her bulging gagging throat. He slipped his dirty cock in and out of Amy's throat as the terrible retching and gagging of the little girl being orally punished filled the forest glade.


The feeling of poor little Amy's throat convulsing on his engorged cock made James moan with pleasure as the child obediently let him use her mouth. After a short while he pulled out of her throat and Amy's retching was unleashed in its full fury. Ignoring the little girl's misery, James re-lubricated his cock and went round the other side of the log to stand behind Amy's little bottom.

"Spread your cheeks, Amy! Uncle wants to use your hole!"

Frantic to obey her Uncle and avoid even more terrible punishments, Amy opened her bottom up and pushed it out to entice her Uncle to use her little hole. James steadied his cock against her anus and pushed hard. The tight sphincter resisted and James bent his knees to get better angle. The tip of his cock slipped in and, accompanied by Amy's squeals and pleas for forgiveness, he drove his cock up her bottom. Amy screamed as the last few inches entered her. The feeling of him in so deep hurt and frightened her.

"Eeeeeeeeeee! Not so deep! Please! I'm sorry! I'll be good! Take some out! Put it in my mouth! Whaaaaaaaaaaa!"

James was almost delirious with pleasure. His whole length was being squeezed and rubbed by the super soft grippy lining of Amy's rectum. It was almost as if the child's agitated little bottom hole was trying to draw the cum right out of him. He looked down at Debbie's face that was only a few inches from where his cock was revelling in the sensations of her little sister's anus. Debbie red face dripped with tears; she knew what was going to happen next.

"Open your mouth, Debbie!"

Debbie looked up at James; her mouth obediently opened wide ready for him. James withdrew his slimy smelly cock from Amy's bottom and inserted it deep into Debbie's reluctant throat. Debbie obscenely retched over him as she jerked her head back and forth in an effort to please her insatiable Uncle. She didn't care how sick his big willy made her; all she knew now was that pleasing her Uncle's willy and making it squirt was the most important thing in her life. When Uncle's willy squirted, he was happy and wouldn't spank her for hours. Debbie violently rammed her head back and forth, repeatedly forcing her Uncle's hard willy down her throat as she constantly gagged and retched over him. James moaned with delight at Debbie's efforts to please him. He lent back and pushed his crotch forward to let Debbie throat his cock even more obscenely.


Debbie's throat drool dripped off James' balls as her loud retching startled birds in trees and sent deer running. James could feel his cum arriving; hard, aching, almost painful after so many other cums, he raised his head up and let out a roar of pleasure as his cock pulsed and spat in Debbie's throat.

James let Debbie throat him for a little longer after his cum. The desperate girl would do anything to please him now. When he decided he'd had enough, he withdrew and let Debbie deal with the consequences as he sat down in the grassy glade to recover. After a short rest, he removed the girls' leg spreaders and packed up the knapsack. As he led the way back to the cabin, the girls made a most amusing site as they walked bow-legged with their huge inflamed red bottoms stuck out and on show.

As they neared the cabin, they could all see a smart new car parked next to James' SUV. As they got nearer they caught sight of Betty sitting on a swing seat on the veranda. She stood up to wave them. James could see that she was virtually naked with only a small white lacy Teddy on, fastened between her legs and emphasising her large cleavage.

Betty ran down the steps to meet them. The girls ran to her, keen to tell her about all the horrible things Uncle had done to them. As they reached her she hardly broke step and roughly pushed them out of the way as she ran to James, flinging her arms around him.

"Oh darling, did you have a good time with them? Did they please you? Did you love whipping their little bottoms? Did you spank them everywhere? Did your willy make them sick? Did they cry nicely for you? Did you make them scream with the cane? How did they jump about? How did they dance? Oh, tell me you loved it! Tell me they made you cum more than ever before! Have you seen my car? I bought it yesterday! Oh darling, I love you so much! Thank you for everything! Tell me you loved hurting them!"

James smiled.

"Take a look at their bottoms!"

Betty sharply clapped her hands together twice.

"Girls, bend and display!"

Immediately Debbie and Amy dropped to bending positions, their legs wide apart and their hands on their heads. They dipped their backs so their bottoms were pushed well out. Gasping, Betty marvelled at the sight.

"Oh my God, James! Look at the state of them! They look so fucking hot! I've never seen their butts look like that!"

Betty went and knelt behind the girls to examine their whipped bottoms in intimate detail. Her hands fondled and squeezed the little cheeks, opening them to examine her daughter's pussies and anuses.

"I didn't know you could get their butts to swell up so big! It's like you've spanked them so many times they've got marks on their bruises. And these cute little blisters! Were they from the cane? And where you've whipped their butt holes, they're so raw!"

Betty's hand dropped to the front of her crotch and began to play with her wet pussy through the lacy material. The soft rhythmic squelches as she masturbated herself were clearly audible.

"Mmmm, it makes Mommy so hot, seeing her little girls' bottoms after a good spanking! Did you like your spankings, darlings? Did Uncle James hurt your bottoms? Did he put his willy in your holes and make you cry? I hope he did! I hope you both screamed your heads off! You know how much Mommy enjoys you crying and screaming whilst you're being punished! You've made Mommy's wee-hole get all wet with Mommy-juice now!"

Betty stood up and grabbed Debbie and Amy by the hair. She started to purposely stride towards the veranda, pulling the girls along with her by their hair. Debbie and Amy clung to their mother's arms as they danced after her, squealing as their hair was pulled. Betty climbed the steps to the veranda and stopped next to the swing seat, releasing the girls who were both weeping and holding their scalps where their hair had been so roughly yanked. Betty pulled open the poppers that fastened the teddy between her legs, revealing her soaking red pussy that gaped obscenely with lust. She sat on the seat with her feet up either side her bottom and let her legs flop apart. Her dribbling pussy and hairy anus were exposed.

"Debbie, get that tongue of yours up my ass! I haven't washed it all weekend so it needs a good cleaning! Amy, eat my Mommy-gash! And if you don't do it the way you know I like, then I'll do things to your bottom tonight that you'll never forget as long as you live!"

Betty gave a satisfied moan as her daughters threw themselves on her genitals as though they were starving and had just been presented with the most delicious ice creams. The reality could not be more different; Betty's anus stank and Debbie's eyes watered from the smell as she salivated copiously from bitter taste as she forced her tongue deep into her mother's anus to satisfy her. Amy felt as if she were drowning in her mother's pungent unwashed pussy. Mommy required that her children's tongues were inserted deep into her vaginal opening. Only by forcing her mouth and nose and part of her chin into her mother's gaping hole could Amy be certain of avoiding the most terrible consequences for her young bottom. The juice leaking from her mother stung her eyes as it covered her face. Betty moaned more deeply as her daughters worked on her ass and pussy.

"Yessssss! That's it, girls! Mommy needs this! Work harder, damn you! Lick faster! Deeper! Mommy needs to cum! Keep licking, Debbie! Don't you stop! Oooooooo! That's it! Both if you! Keep going or I'll spank you silly! That's it! That's it! God-damn little bitches!"

Betty grabbed Amy's head by the hair and pushed her daughters face deep into her pussy, ferociously rubbing Amy's face up and down her soaking gash.

"Lick it deep! Lick it deep! Little bitch! God! I'm cuminnnnnnnnnng!"

Betty's body twisted, her back bending and her pubis thrusting out as she wailed in ecstasy. A gush of clear liquid erupted from her pussy, soaking the heads of her children who carried on desperately licking away at her. Not until she pushed them away with her feet did they dare to stop. Betty purred contentedly.

"Mmmmm, that was a lovely Mommy-cum! Just what a good hard-working Mommy deserves!"

James was shaking; he had never seen anything as erotic in his life as the cute miserable red bottomed little girls being so thoroughly abused by their mother. His cock, despite his previous orgasms, had slowly and painfully erected itself and stood proud quivering. Betty eyed it greedily.

"I think my girls need just a little more punishment, don't you James? Perhaps you could stop by on the way back for a glass of wine and watch me deal with them? I noticed that their little wee-wee holes looked almost untouched. I've got this really special thing I hardly ever use them. It's like this thin white nylon rod with a proper handle on the end. I found it at a yard sale. The rod's really flexible and soooo stingy; we call it 'the screamer'. I could make them get in 'the chair' for a little session with 'the screamer'. And afterwards, well, I bet that nice thing of yours would get so much loving attention from two little girls who want to be very good indeed!"

James smiled happily; his cock and balls tingled at the thought of watching such severe discipline.

"That would be lovely, Betty. It would be a pleasure to enjoy your hospitality."

Betty clapped her hands in delight.

"Well, it's decided! Let's get on our way! Girls, go and pack!"

James and Betty watched with wide smiles on their faces as Debbie's and Amy's bodies heaved with sobs and shook with fear at the thought of getting 'the screamer' and of their new wicked Uncle's big adult willy punishing their bodies. It was never going to stop; they were going to be punished every day of their lives! On shaky legs they began to walk obediently to the cabin to do their packing. Perhaps, if they were really good, Mommy wouldn't spank their wee-holes so hard with 'the screamer'.

R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s


Another brilliant story by this author LITTLE GIRL DISCIPLINE who is in my opinion the very best writer of this kind of fantasy fiction.
A lot of work must have gone into this story and the many others for our pleasure. I beg you to continue and hope there will be more to in the near future. MANY THANKS AGAIN. From Your Devoted Fan Robert.

Little Girl Discipline

Robert, thanks for your very kind words. I'm about to start writing a new story, but it will take some months to complete. Yet to decide the storyline.


Excellent story and very well written, as it covered all my fantasy themes. I have always had a thing for young girls not wearing underwear EVER, ALL the time even when out and about so maybe your next story could have more in the story about that... Like I said, EXCELLENT.


Just the very best stories on the net! Thanks a lot. I have tried to mail you a suggestion (text) for a future story, but it looks like your email does not work. Could you please drop me a line, if you are interested? Thanks again for publishing your stories here. Best regards

The reviewing period for this story has ended.