Published: 28-Aug-2012
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As Sierra soundly slept, Dave worked on his story. While working, he phoned his sister Tammy and shored up plans to bring the girls to the house for the two week visit. He also determined to tell her about his little girl feet adoration. How would she take this news? Would still she let him care for the kids? Dave didn't care... he resolved that she needed to know about his strange adoration.
"Tams, since you're leavin' in the mornin' anyway, bring the kids by tonight so you don't have to worry about bringin' them by so early in the AM. Listen, I have something to tell you you might not like. I adore little girl feet..." Dave began.
"I see... what makes you think I wouldn't understand? As long as it's above-board, I have no problem with it. The kids LOVE feet play anyway. As long as we are laying our cards on the table, this "convention" Sam and I are going on is actually a two-week honeymoon to Aruba." Tammy matter-of-factly states.
"Wonderful... You two deserve time away from the kids. We will expect you here in a couple hours then." Dave enthusiastically states.
"See ya then." Tammy replies hanging up.
At this time, the conversation ended. Dave went back to work. Pretty soon, he heard little footsteps entering the kitchen. Sierra came in, climbed on papa's lap and watched him work.
"Hey, sweetness, sleep well?" Papa asks tenderly kissing her on the cheek.
"Yeppers. Daddy, that was fun-you lickin' my toes. It tickled like crazy, but I liked it LOTS. When are my cousins coming?" Sierra asks getting some juice.
"Good... I'm glad, honey. You're cousins will be here in a couple hours. So, if your room isn't ready, best get it ready." Daddy calmly suggests.
"It is, papa. You can go look if you want." Sierra replies shrugging shoulders.
"Let's look together. Come on, munchkin. Up we go!" Dave states lifting Sierra up and flying her to her room for the inspection.
All the way to her room, Sierra giggled. Proudly, she opened her door and showed her clean room. Knowing first appearances with kids are NOT as they seem, he was skeptical and carefully inspected her room. It was BEAUTIFUL! (Okay, so there was a few things out of place which she couldn't reach. But what she could clean, she did fantastically.)
"See, punkin pooh, you are capable of doing a super job on your room." Pop says inspecting her closet.
"Are you gonna play with my cousins' feet?" Sierra asks, sitting on her bed playing with her teddy bear.
"We'll see. I plan to, yes, but your cousins will let me know if/when they want me to pay attention to their feet. Now, let's get some dinner." Dave answers carrying her to the kitchen.
Later on that evening, (approx. 8pm) while dad and daughter were watching TV, Tammy and the kids arrived. After the obligatory run-through of what is/isn't permissable, Tammy kissed her kids goodbye and left. Reminding them to behave and mind their uncle.
Even though they are triplets, at age 7, the girls are different in EVERY way. Lizzie,(strawberry blonde, blue eyes, very petite, tomboyish) was dressed in a t-shirt, sweats, pink frilly socks and Donald duck sneakers. Mandy, (brunette, brown eyes, also small in stature, hates getting dirty) was dressed in a white dress, white frilly socks and jelly sandals. Sammy, (blonde hair, freckles, skinny as a rake, doesn't mind getting dirty, but won't go out of her way to get messy) was in blue sun dress, red socks, and Daisy Duck sneakers.
The prospect of caring for four little girls for the next two weeks made Mr. H. very nervous. Dave looked at the doe-eyed munchkins sitting on the couch waiting to be entertained. He knew the girls wouldn't want to play a board game as they had played all the games a ZILLION times so he decided to make up a special game called "let's see who's more ticklish."
"Girls, why don't I take your shoes and socks off and play a game called 'let's see who's more ticklish'. The idea is to test how long you can go without laughing while being tickled. There's one catch though... whoever loses first gets tickled for five minutes by the others. Sound fun?" Dave proposes.
"Yeah, that DOES sound fun." The girls enthusiastically reply.
First, he went to Mandy and took her shoes and socks off. Her feet are beautifully tanned with pink nail polish. The feet themselves are small and the toes also petite. Dave held her small feet in his hands for a moment, put them to his lips and kissed them also breathing in their scent. What a wonderful smell and taste. They smelled of bubble bath soap and tasted as sweet as watermelon. Mandy giggled as his mustache tickled her delicate little feet.
"Sweetie, your feet are beautiful and very soft: like velvet" Uncle Dave states stroking her feet across his cheeks.
"My turn!" Lizzie anxiously announces
"Nuh-uh!" Mandy retorts in typical childish fashion.
"Yes, it is, Mandy-pooh. I will come back to your feet pretty soon sweetness." Uncle Dave asserts as he unties Lizzie's sneaks and slips off her socks.
"Pretty?" Lizzie asks hopefully.
"Yes, very pretty, punkin-doodle" Uncle Dave assures.
Lizzie proudly smiled. Just like her sister's, her feet are adorably tanned. They also showed the typical tomboyish scars. Dave held these feet to his nose and mouth and breathed in. They smelled just as wonderful as Mandy's with the same bubble bath smell. Just as you'd expect, she had no polish on her feet. He gently grabbed her feet by the ankles and felt of them with his cheeks. How soft and warm they were. She has very small feet with toes the size of mini Snickers. Dave kissed her adorably cute little feet, peppering them with small wet kisses all over.
Finally, he went Sammy's feet. She also had pretty feet which were also golden tanned from spending time in the sun. They too smelled of watermelon bubble bath. Her toes (the size of a penny) had on red nail polish(her favorite color). Just as he had with the other two, Uncle Dave put her feet to his nose and mouth. Hers were the best and most sweet feet he'd ever tasted and smelled. Sammy's feet were the tiniest. (Maybe that's why he enjoyed their scent and taste so much.) She was embarrassed about them being so small. Uncle Dave assured her they were just as sweet. This seemed to alleviate her anxieties.
"Well, my goodness, look at this. Eight cute little feet!" Dave teases looking down at them. "What shall we do with them?"
"I know!" Sierra exclaims going into the kitchen.
When she returned, she had chocolate sauce, maple syrup, grape jelly, peanut butter, and a spoon in her hands. Daddy looked at her with a parental look. To his surprise, the other kids liked the idea of getting their feet messy. Seeing no harm in this gooey activity, Uncle Dave got towels and a wash tub of soapy water. He placed the towels down and gave the kids one last chance to back out. NO WAY! Full steam ahead. Sierra went first. She wanted chocolate sauce and honey. Daddy took a healthy spoonful of each and coated her feet with each item. How this tickled! But, it also felt very good. It was also sticky, but she didn't mind. With his tounge, Dave lapped up the goo. After a few minutes of licking, Sierra's feet were becoming a brownish glaze. Curious about the taste, the other three munchkins helped lick.
"I've never done this before. This is fun!" Mandy exclaims giggling very hard.
Pretty soon, the gooey remains were licked off and Sierra's feet were washed. Mandy's turn. This is the child who hates getting dirty. However, she decided she wanted EVERYTHING on her feet. What a mess this would be! But, Uncle Dave granted this request.
"We wanna help!" The other munchkins exclaimed.
"Ok. Get down here and help me." Dave motions.
Mandy is very ticklish on her feet. She was going nuts wiggling and giggling. For a girl who hates getting messy, she was havin the time of her life. Dave and Sierra worked her right foot while Lizzie and Sammy did her left. Dave was really enjoying licking Mandy's feet licking and watching her giggle and thrash around on the couch, so were the kids.
When Mandy's turn was up, and her feet were cleaned, Lizzie took her place. She decided she wanted none of what was out there. She wanted rediwhip on her feet. Dave sent Sierra to the kitchen to get it. After she returned, Uncle Dave sprayed some on Lizzie's cute feet. (He licked this up by himself because he knew if the children helped he would have another mess to clean which would not be so pleasant.) At last, Sammy took her turn. Once the last child was done with her turn, Dave washed all eight of their feet in clean soapy water.
"Thank you Uncle Dave. That was fun." The triplets chime in.
"You're very welcome kids" Dave says drying their feet.
The kids put their shoes and socks in their bags and got settled into Sierra's bedroom while Dave cleaned up the living room mess. Pretty soon, he went into Sierra's room and checked on the kids to make sure they were fine.
Yes, they were. They were happily playing Barbies. Since it was just about bedtime, he had the kids get into their nighties and do nighttime duties, promising to rub their feet before bedtime.
Mandy finished first and went to get her feet rubbed. She lay on the floor by Uncle Dave who was sitting in his recliner. Uncle Dave slathered her feet with lotion and rubbed it it. He went all over and between her toes. The little girl purred with contentment as her uncle rubbed the lotion in.
"This feels so good Uncle Dave. Thank you" Mandy says with a big smile on her face.
"Anytime, punkin." Dave replies kissing her toes.
Lizzie came in the room. She sat on her uncle's lap and put her feet on her sister's face. Mandy buzzed her sister's feet in such a manner that tickled the little cutie. Lizzie is very ticklish on her tiny feet. Mandy often buzzes them with her lips. She knows how much Lizzie loves this attention and how fun it is fun to watch her giggle. Uncle Dave decided to test how ticklish these little soles were.
"Uncle Davey this is too ticklish!" Lizzie laughs.
"How can i help it? Your feet are absolutely adorable, baby." Dave says kissing her toes.
"I wanna be next, please. Daddy ALWAYS uses lotion on my feet." Lizzie reveals.
"Sure baby. Lay down and let me rub them for you." Dave says grabbing the lotion.
Lizzie giggled as Uncle Dave put the lotion on her feet and rubbed in the stuff. She was even more ticklish than her sister. As Dave finished up, he kissed her beautiful little feet. Sammy came in and wanted her feet rubbed.
Lizzie and Mandy busied themselves with a game of "go fish". During the rub, they decided to come over to their sister and tickled her feet. This little girl went absolutely nuts. Finally, in utter exhaustion, she sank back on the couch. Her sisters stopped tickling and went back to their card game. Uncle Dave gave her a kiss on her forehead. Finally, Sierra came into the room. She sat down to get her rub. The other three little girls came over and helped their uncle rub in the lotion.
Bedtime hit. Uncle Dave instructed the children to go to bed. Begrudgingly, the complied. The girls asked to be carried to bed. Mr. H. agreed to their request. First, he carried Lizzie and Sammy. Then Mandy and Sierra. He tucked them in and kissed each child on her forehead.
"Goodnight, my little darlings. See you in the morning." Uncle Dave says turning off the light and closing the door.
Getting his jammies on, Dave thought about all the many wonderful feet things he would do with his daughter and her cousins. Just he was climbing into bed, he heard little knocks on the door. Sierra and her cousins decided they wanted to sleep in his bed. It would be a tight squeeze, but he allowed it. Sierra and Mandy at the head of the bed. Lizzie and Sammy at the foot.
As it turned, Sammy's feet were aimed directly at his face. Dave fell asleep with them AT his face. This was truly gonna be a wonderful two weeks.
The End
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