Published: 27-Aug-2012
Word Count:
Author's Profile
Ashley Edmunds and her parents live in a two bedroom apartment in Southern California... Palm Springs specifically. Ashley is a bright, articulate, spunky, seven year-old with golden blonde hair and the most gorgeous blue eyes! The child is also extremely ticklish and just loves to be tickled. In fact, most times SHE initiates the tickling between herself and her tickler.
One Friday evening, late April, '99, Ashley's parents decided they wanted a night on the town without Ashley. When told daddy and mommy were going out and would not be home that evening until real late, Ashley wasn't too happy at first. However, when she realized this meant she would be watched by her favorite sitter and get to play with his daughter, Miss E. got very excited. The sitter's name is John. A young man in his twenties who loves children and would never do anything to harm them. John is also in a wheelchair as a result of a football injury suffered in high school. John's daughter's name is Stacey. A cute, petite, blondish brown haired, bluish-green-eyed, 4 yr. old girl who loves her daddy and loves spending time with Ashley as well.
Anyway, John arrived promptly as usual. (Seven o'clock.) This time, with Stacey in tow. She was wearing her very favorite nightie- a sparkly pink gown coming to her knees. (And, yes, pink panties with hearts on them.) She also was wearing her MOST favorite slippers- white fluffy puppy-dog. When John and Stacey entered the house, the first thing Stacey did was remove the slippers. Mr. and Mrs. E. picked the child up, hugged and kissed her, and spent a moment tickling her cute feet. Ashley was in the family room coloring. After the obligatory run-thru of what's allowable and not, Mr. and Mrs. Edmunds kissed the young lady on the forehead, reminded her to behave, and then headed out the door. John bid them adieu and he and Stacey went into the family room to greet Ash.
Since it was a Friday night, Ashley was still in her clothes. She wore a pretty blue sun dress with a white t-shirt underneath, baby blue panties, green socks, and Pocahontas sneakers. Ash, an affectionate child, went up to her sitter, threw her arms out and gave John the biggest hug she could. He responded in kind and hugged her big-time too, without hurting her of course. The youngster then returned to her coloring book. Mr. and Mrs. E have told Stacey to make herself at home... which she did. The little one turned cartoons on, took her nightie off and lay on the sofa. A moment or two later, off go the panties.
"Taking this 'make yourself at home' thing literally, aren't you Pooh Bear?" John asks smiling and kissing Stacey on the tummy.
Stacey simply giggled. Ash's parents DO encourage Stace to make herself comfy. She even has a few toys stashed away in Ash's room. (And vice-versa) Mr. Jentson has the ability to transfer from his chair and get down on the floor, which he did. He sat next to Ashley and watched her color. The young lady offered to share her coloring book and crayons with him. John declined, saying he had something very special planned for the evening. Curious, Ash asked what it was.
"You'll see, honey." He replied, smiling.
"C'mon, tell me!" Ashley begged.
"Nope. You'll find out soon enough. It's a surprise," was his answer.
This type of banter went on for a couple minutes longer until Ashley gave up realizing she wasn't getting anywhere. With a huff and stern look, she returned to her coloring book. As soon as her attention was diverted with coloring, John lightly walked his fingers up and down her back, along her sides, and down the back of her legs. Ashley responded with light giggles but continued her coloring. Without her noticing, he moved down to where her feet were and began to untie the sneakers. She stopped coloring and looked at him to see what he would do next. John removed her sneakers and then VERY slowly slipped off her socks. There, in front of him, were two small, supple, little feet that were pink and warm from being in socks and shoes all day.
"John, whatcha gonna do, now?" She asks in a child-like manner
"You go back to coloring punkin... Just trust me, ok?" was his response.
John lightly walked his fingers up and down the soles and heels, around the insteps and up toward the toes. Ash's feet wriggled slightly and the toes squirmed as this unusual touch she liked very much tickled her immensely sensitive feet. Then, John peppered the tootsies all over with small wet kisses.
Without her knowing it, John begins unbuttoning her dress. Ash looked at him with curiosity. But, he hasn't hurt her before so she went along with it. Besides, the two have known each other since Squirt was in diapers. John thinks of her as his little sister and as such is very protective of her. As Ash sat up, her dress falls to the ground. This revealed the pink panties with hearts on them. John had her lay down so he could give her a relaxing body massage with lotion. He then went to get the lotion. While he was gone, he heard mysterious giggling. When he returned, he witnessed Stacey taking off Ash's panties.
"Two cute nudie little girls!" was his reply.
"Oh, daddy. You're silly." Stacey giggles.
At this time, Stacey put her hands on Ash's chest and rubbed. Ash followed suit. As gently as he could, John advised the two innocents this was probably not something Mr. and Mrs. E. wouldn't be pleased about if they found out about it.
"But daddy, I'm just touching my friend. I'm not touching her no-no spot."
Ashley points out.
"Just be careful NOT to. Ok, sweeties?" John urges.
Both agreed. He sat back a few minutes and observed them to see that this play did not get out of control. Each girl kissed the other's chest, as if expecting to extract milk from their baby nipples. John pointed out that, because they are so young, there was no chance of succeeding.
"Uncle John, I rub myself at night between my legs before I fall asleep. Mommy and Daddy tell me it's fine if I do it in private. Are they right?" Ash inquires.
"Yes, darling. That's right. Just be careful not to hurt yourself when you do. Stace, do you do that too?" John replies.
Sheepishly, she replies, "yes sir. And sometimes I get real wet down below. What does that mean?"
As tactfully as he could, and in the words both would understand, he explained. The whole explanation was not easy but necessary. And DID lead to the "where do babies come from" talk. First, the whole orgasm thing. And NOW the "birds and bees". The children listened intently as this was explained.
"Got it, munchkins?" He asked as he finishes the explanation.
They nodded in agreement. At this time, John asked both girls to lay on their backs so he could begin the lotion rub. With trusting eyes, and eagerness, they obeyed. First up was Ashley. John squirted enough on his hands to massage her feet, starting at the heel, and up to the toes. Little Miss Edmunds was loving this. Mr. Jentson made sure to go between the toes. (A particularly tickle-sensitive area) From there, he rubbed her legs. As the massage wound its way northward, Ash began to get sleepy. Her sitter knew he was doing a good job. At its conclusion, John let her rest while he started on Stacey.
"Uncle John, can I help you rub Stacey? I'm a very good helper." Ash asks doe-eyed.
"Sure, you can. You can rub her back and tushy" was his response.
With eagerness, the child did as asked. Johnny made certain to emphasize NOT going anywhere near Stace's "no-no" spot. Well, the massage soon escalated into playful wrestling. While the two played, he set about doin' laundry. Since he needed to do some, he brought what he needed to do and mixed it in with what was in the laundry buckets. As he went to the laundry area, located in the garage, he picked up the girls' outfits they had on earlier and started the wash.
As he was putting the wash in, he heard sneaky giggles and the fridge opening. NOT A GOOD SIGN. When he returned to the rugrats, he discovered they had found a new use for chocolate pudding. Apparently, it can also be used as body paint.
Immediately, he ran the girls to the tub and washed them. It took the strength of a sandblaster. But the girls got squeaky clean. Once out of the tub, he toweled them off and put baby oil on them from head to toe. Not wanting to stop having fun, knowing bedtime was near, Ash and Stace grumbled and groaned.
"I know you two wanna play some more, but now it's bedtime. Stace, here's your tooth care stuff. I want you two to go potty, brush those pearly whites, and then go to bed." John instructed.
Brushing her teeth, Ashley asked John if he would do another massage for her next time. He promised. Once good and dry, the girls were sent to Ash's room without jammies, and tucked in. John lovingly pecked their cheeks, turned out the light and pulled the door just to. Little Miss Edmunds thanked him for a fun time.
"No problemo, honey. I knew you'd like what we did tonight. Now, you two monkies close them peepers and go to sleep. I love you both bunches." He stated blowing a kiss to each.
He went back to the laundry room and put the clothes in the dryer. When Ash's parents came home, around ten o'clock, folding a pair of Ash's panties, John gave a status report. Letting them know their daughter behaved very well. When asked what they did that night, he hesitated at first. But then reported all the night's activities. Knowing in his heart he did nothing wrong.
Handing him the night's dues, mom and dad replied, "John, don't be ashamed. That is all innocent. The girls need to learn what feels good sexually and how not to do things physically harmful. We trust you with the most precious thing we have. So, as long it is with love, you did nothing wrong."
Shocked at that response, John admitted they were right and asked if they were okay with this activity. They assured him they were cool with it as long as Ashley didn't mind. With that, John finished up and put away the laundry. He started to wake Stacey but Mr. and Mrs. Edmunds suggested he just let her stay the night. Knowing she was in good hands, he agreed. As he picked up his and Ash's clean clothes, save for a clean outfit of hers and a pair of her socks and panties, he headed out the door. Waving to him, they thanked him for his service then went to check on the rugrats.
As is custom at bedtime, Ash was snuggled in her bed and reading a few moments before sleeping. Stace was sleeping in the make-shift bed the Edmunds have set up for her when she visits. Mommy and daddy quietly entered knowing there was an extra person in the room. As they were tucking the tykes in, Ash gave them hugs and kisses. Before falling asleep, she said she hoped John would watch her again real soon. They promised her he would. Mom and dad kissed Ash and her little friend on their cheeks, walked out the room and closed the door. Ash settled down, closed her eyes and drifted off to dreamland remembering the fun body play she, Stacey and her sitter had earlier. This was certainly a night the three would NEVER forget.
The End
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