So Many Toes, So Little Time

[ Mg, inc, dad/dau, feet ]


Published: 24-Aug-2012

Word Count:

Author's Profile

Story Summary
This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Dave Henderson is the proud parent of two very active, beautiful little girls. Blond haired, blue eyed, seven-year-old Sierra and strawberry blond, hazel-green eyed 5-year-old Emily. Dave and the girls live in a three bedroom home in Phoenix, Arizona. Daddy and the girls have always been a very closely-knit family, but grew even closer when momma died of cancer when Sierra was five and Emily was three. The first week after comma's death, the girls were so shaken they slept in daddy's bed. Eight days after mom died, Sierra moved to a sleeping bag in daddy's room for a couple nights after, while Emily continued to bunk with daddy another week. Eventually, they got used to the idea of mommy not being alive and returned to sleeping in their own rooms.

Dave and his girls spend lots of time together going for walks, playing games, etc. Because of this closeness, the neighborhood kids have teasingly taken to calling the Henderson girls "daddy's girls"- a moniker they not only adore but encourage. It is such an honor for them that they have ironed that into some of their t-shirts.

Papa works at home as a stay-home father and fiction writer. He begins his writing day the moment the school bus comes for the girls (usually 7:30am) and ends the moment Emily returns home (usually at 1pm). Mr. H. chose to be a stay home father so he can see his girls off to school and be there when they come home. This saves quite a bit on after-school day-care... which they go to on Mondays.

Getting back to the story, one late spring day, '99, papa was at the kitchen table surfing the net. He'd just finished the first chapter of his latest book and was about to reward himself for a job well done with some time on the Internet. The time was 1pm. Time for Emily to come home. PERFECT excuse to stop all-together.

Just as he fired up the net, in walks Emily. As per usual, she set her backpack on the table, emptied her lunch box, gave dad a hug and kiss and got a snack. With juice and a couple cookies in hand, she sat on his lap and asked what he was doing.

"I was about to go online. How was your day, punkin?" He answered with a gentle back massage.

"Fine. We had a substitute teacher today. Can I surf with you?" was her answer.

Flashing her a smile, Dad replied,"sure, just let me check my email."

When the email screen came up, it indicated one new message. To dad's horror, the young lady opened it. She was confused by all the pictures of little girls' feet and asked what was up. Dave answered that this message was from a place that snaps pictures of little girls who take their shoes and socks off and model their feet.

"Huh?" she replied, still confused.

"Honey bunch, these pictures are from a place that takes pictures of sweet barefooted little girls, like you and sister, and sends the pictures over the net to people who like to see little girl's feet."

"Oh." (Emily pauses a moment and ponders that answer before continuing, catching onto the word "barefooted".)

"Do YOU like to see little girls' feet, papa?" was the quizzical response.

"Well, yes, sweetness. Yes, I do," he replied matter-of-factly, looking into Emi's eyes, realizing she deserved a straightforward answer.

Quizzically and out of the blue, Emily pipes up and asks "you wanna see my feet daddy?"

This was NOT happening! Was it? Dave could not believe his ears! Here was his kindergarten-aged daughter asking if he wished to see her cute tootsies. Being her daddy, Dave has naturally seen her and her sister barefoot plenty of times, but never allowed himself to entertain desires to play with their adorable feet. That was until recently.

It was a typical Friday afternoon in March. Emily was dressed in a cute little watermelon sun dress, white headband, pink frilly socks, Scooby-do tennies (and yes powder blue Cinderella panties). She looked sweet as can be.

As he watched her get off the bus, the thought of ACTUALLY playing with her feet came across his mind.

He thought to himself "she's your daughter and would love the attention."

Since then he's been thinking about how to get the ball rolling on this foot play. If only he would have realized how easy it would be, he would have done this LONG ago. Emi's asking if he wished to see her feet seemed WAY too easy so he had to ask his daughter... just to make sure.

"I would LOVE to look at your cute feet, angel. Are you sure you don't mind daddy looking at and playing with them?" He replied making sure he understood her.

"Nope. Every night, before momma went to heaven, at bedtime, she took my slippers off me and would rub my feet with lotion. That felt so good but it tickled a lot. My feet are my worst tickle spots! So, you wanna see my feet.

Ok." Emily replies shrugging her shoulders.

The young lady reached down and began to untie her shoes. Daddy stopped her and asked if she would let him take off the shoes and socks. Happily, the little girl agreed. Hand and hand, dad and daughter walked into the living room and sat down on the sofa where it would be more comfy. Dave's heart pounded as the anticipation of playing with Little Emily's feet built.

Slowly, Dave untied his daughter's pink sneakers, one at a time, while the child watched intently. As he removed them, Emily smiled in anticipation. Daddy stopped and went to the medicine chest and got the bottle of lotion. When he returned to his child, daddy removed her socks. Once the blue socks fell from her warm, supple, little feet, daddy began to tickle her sweet feet.

Emily let loose with the most adorable collection of little girl giggles. Freshly bare, her feet were pink and very sensitive. Daddy stopped the tickling and peppered the tootsies with wet kisses on the soles. Emily purred contentedly. The child was immensely enjoying this special treatment and in between giggles asked if her feet smelled. Poppa took a deep breath and inhaled their scent.

"No, sugar. They smell just fine." (Ok, a small white lie. They did have a pleasant faint sweaty smell he found very agreeable.)

At this time, daddy, picked up the lotion and put some on Emi's feet. Rubbing the lotion in, he tickled her feet a bit more. Miss Henderson really liked this and asked if he would pay attention to her feet each day after school and at bedtime. He agreed provided she behaved and did her chores and homework without fuss. Then he asked her if she would like to sleep in her panties, figuring her dress would be a bit hot and uncomfortable. Papa also offered to give her a back massage with the lotion.

"Oh yeah. Please Daddy. I really want to...." She pleaded turning on her tummy.

This gave Dave full view of those ten cute little toes of hers. Once he unsnapped the dress and took it off her, and her little Cinderella panties was all she had on, his attention focused on her doll-like feet. Did he dare suck on them? They looked as appealing as a tootsie roll. He took one of the big toes in his mouth and sucked. It was pure heaven. The taste was as good as a lollipop. The combination of her perspiration and the lotion was wonderfully sweet. Dave went to each consecutive toe and sucked, licking between each. The more he sucked and licked, the more pleasure he got from it. He finished that foot and moved on to the other. Once her toes were completely sucked, Emily giggled and turned on her back.

"I liked that, daddy. It felt very nice. Thank you. It also felt weird but good. I didn't say anything because I didn't want you to stop. Please do it some more." She sheepishly responds.

"Sure, angel. No problem. Daddy loved doin' it for you" was his answer.

Yawning and stretching, she asks "May I please take off my panties? I like sleeping nude."

Dave chuckled softly, slipped his daughter's underwear off her, got up and covered her up with the afghan from the couch. He softly pecked her on the cheek and said he would give her the massage after her nap and dinner. He wished her a nice nap and headed for the kitchen.

"Night-night," she replied blowing kisses to him.

Dad responded in kind. Emily turned over and fell back to sleep. Meanwhile, poppa went back to work on his story. As he wrote, Dave kept one eye on his work and another on his sleeping little angel. Pretty soon, daddy heard his angel call out to him.

"Daddy would you please kiss my body?" she sweetly asks.

"Sure, sweetie. But not your pee-pee. Cause that's a no-no area." He replies.

Dave went to his daughter. He'd never done anything like that, so he felt a bit nervous. However, she DID ask for it. And, he wasn't going to kiss her vagina. So why NOT? Besides, he did create this beautiful child.

"Sweetness, are you sure this is what you want?" He asks, making double-sure this was HER idea.

"Yes, daddy. I'm sure. I trust you." She nods, consenting.

From the tips of her toes, up to her knees he kissed. Her response? Not much more than a little smile. However, as he went up to her tummy, she started giggling. Here, daddy stopped and blew a raspberry on her tummy. She laughed like crazy. From that point, papa moved northward and kissed her chest. What a strange sensation this was for her! IT TICKLED LIKE CRAZY. Not wanting to get her too riled up, papa kissed her sweetly on the forehead and tucked her in.

"Don't worry, papa. I asked for this and this is what I wanted. This was certainly a lot nicer than what Grandpa does" She replies, turning back on her tummy.

This comment bothered Dave. However, before he could ask what she meant, Emily was sound asleep. Certainly Grandpa wouldn't hurt her. Would he? Dave made certain to find out what she meant when she woke up.

The End

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