Jocko the Clown

[ M/g, ped ]


Published: 9-Jul-2012

Word Count:

Author's Profile

Story Summary
All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Lucy had such a wonderful third birthday party out in the back yard. Mommy and Daddy had invited all the other little children in the neighborhood, and they had birthday cake and chocolate and vanilla ice cream, and there were balloons and toys and games. It was so much fun. Lucy laughed and laughed with delight.

But the best part of it was Bonzo the clown, with his big, red ears, red nose, and his white face, with the black tears running down from his eyes, and his wide, red lips, which went all the way across his cheeks. Bonzo had kissed her and tickled her a little when mommy went into the kitchen, and then he had put a finger to his lips, telling her not to tell mommy about the kiss and the tickle.

Now mommy had put Lucy to bed, and she was all alone in her little pink bedroom on the second floor of the house, happily drifting off to sleep with beautiful memories of Bonzo, and sitting on his lap while he scared her by popping a balloon near her ear - funny, funny Bonzo. She wished she could see him every day.

She wished he would come up to her room and sing to her as she was falling asleep -funny, funny Bonzo. She laughed a little, remembering the happiness of the day. She was three years old now. She was a big girl.

Suddenly in the twilight, she heard a noise across the room. Someone was opening the window. She peered in the semi-darkness wondering who it could be. "Who's there?" she asked.

"Knock, knock," said a voice.

"Who's there?" she asked again.

And the voice said. "It's me, Bonzo, Lucy. I came to visit you."

Lucy was overjoyed. Her little face just lit up. Bonzo had come back to see her. Then she remembered her room was upstairs, and he was outside, and there were no stairs outside. "How did you get here?" Lucy asked.

"I have a ladder. I'd like to come inside where you are, so we can talk and play. Can I come in?"

"Yes, please, Bonzo come in and see me." She was so excited. The party wasn't over yet. Bonzo climbed through the window and came over to the bed.

"It's so dark, I can't see you," Lucy complained.

"Well, we'll just turn on the light," said Bonzo, and he switched on the lamp next to the bed. There he was, with his big, red ears and his big, red nose and his wide, red mouth, and the black tears running down his white cheeks. Lucy giggled. He was so funny.

Bonzo sat down on the side of her bed and put his hands over his eyes. As he whipped them off, he said "Boo!" and Lucy got a little scared for a second, but it was so funny she couldn't help but laugh again.

"You're a very pretty little girl, Lucy. Did anyone ever tell you that?"

"Yes. My mommy and my daddy tell me all the time."

"Look at this long, wavy, beautiful yellow hair. So smooth, so soft. I would just like to run my fingers through it all night long." And he started to play with her golden locks. "Oh, such pretty hair. I love it."

He looked at her beautiful, pink cheeks and her pert little nose and her perfectly sculptured chin, and almost went out of his mind.

"I would like to kiss you, Lucy. Would you let me kiss you?"

She thought for a minute. Then she said, "Yes."

Bonzo was so happy. This was going so well. He lowered his white face to her tiny one, and pressed his red lips against Lucy's. She gave him a quick teeny kiss on the lips.

"No. No. No, Lucy. That's a baby kiss. We have to do a grown up kiss. Don't you want to do a grown up kiss?"

"Of course," Lucy insisted. "I'm all grown up now. I'm three years old."

"You certainly are," Bonzo asserted. "Let's do a grown up kiss." He lowered his face to hers again, and put his lips on her mouth. This time he stuck his tongue out and began licking her lips. When she opened her mouth to complain that the kiss was all wet, he stuck his tongue into her mouth and began licking inside.

"So this was a grown up kiss," she thought. She would show Bonzo that she knew how to do a grown up kiss. She stuck out her little tongue and put it into Bonzo's mouth, and he started sucking on it. She was starting to feel a little funny. Funny, but good. His hands wandered all around her little body, touching it, squeezing it. He rubbed her little behind, and pinched it a little. "I'd like to kiss that," Bonzo said.

"You want to kiss my behind?" asked Lucy.

"Yes, I do," said Bonzo. I'd like to kiss it and lick it. I bet it's so pretty."

Bonzo was being so silly. Kissing her behind. What a silly.

"I brought a friend with me. He'd really like to meet you."

Lucy looked all around the room. "I don't see anybody," she said.

"He's hiding."

"What's his name?" she asked.

"His name is Jocko. He's Jocko the clown. Would you like to see him?"

Another clown? This was too good to be true. "Yes," she said excitedly. "Where is he? Where's Jocko?"

"He's hiding in my pants."

"Make him come out," Lucy said.

"I don't know," Bonzo teased her. "He's very shy."

"Oh, I want to see him. Make him come out."

"All right," said Bonzo. "I'll have to take off my pants. Then he won't have any place to hide. But cover your eyes, and when I say 'now', you can open your eyes and say 'Peek-a-boo. I see you.' He'll be so surprised."

"Okay," said Lucy agreeably, and put her hands over her eyes. Bonzo opened up his big floppy clown trousers and stepped out of them. Inside the wide trousers was a slender hard young man. Hard bodied and hard......

"Now," said Bonzo, and she whipped her hands away from her eyes and opened them.

"Peek-a-boo. I see you," she laughed, and there was Jocko. He was a very small man, and he was standing straight out between Bonzo's legs. He had red lips and a red nose and little red ears drawn on him. And his face was white just like Bonzo's.

Bonzo put his hand around Jocko and made him speak. His voice was little and high. "Hi, Lucy. I'm very happy to meet you."

"And I'm happy to meet you," Lucy answered. Jocko was so cute. He was like a pole standing out between Bonzo's thighs.

"Let's shake," said Jocko.

Lucy looked up at Bonzo. She was puzzled. How could they shake? Jocko had no hands.

"Just wrap your hand around Jocko and shake him," Bonzo instructed.

She shook Jocko and he laughed delightedly. "I love it when you shake me, Lucy. It feels so good."

She was so happy she had made Jocko feel good. Then Jocko said, "I wish you would give me a kiss, Lucy."

Lucy looked up at Bonzo, and he reassured her. "Go ahead, Lucy. He likes you and wants you to kiss him." Bonzo moved closer, placing Jocko directly before Lucy's lips. She leaned forward and gave him a little peck on the lips.

"Now. Now. Now, Lucy," said Jocko. "That was a baby kiss. I know Bonzo taught you how to give a grown up kiss. I want a grown up kiss."

Lucy looked up questioningly at Bonzo.

"You have to put his whole face and as much of his body as you can into your mouth, and lick him and suck on him. He likes that so much."

Lucy stretched her little mouth and put it over Jocko's face, and tried to get as much of his body in as she could manage, and she licked Jocko all over and sucked on his face.

"Oh, Lucy. That's such a sweet kiss," he said. She wondered how Jocko could talk from deep inside her mouth.

"Hey, Lucy," said Bonzo. "Jocko and I are getting so tired standing here. Would you mind if we got into bed next to you?"

"No. Come on. Get into bed," she invited, patting the place next to her. Bonzo lay down, and now Jocko was for the first time really standing up.

"Jocko's a tall little clown," isn't he?" asked Bonzo, putting his arm around Lucy and squeezing her.

"Yes. He's really tall. Skinny and tall," she said.

"Would you be surprised if I told you that you had a clown living between your legs?" asked Bonzo.

"I do not," said Lucy. "I don't have a clown between my legs."

"Yes, you do. I'll show you," said Bonzo, and he reached down into his pants pocket on the floor and took out some tubes of greasepaint. "You have to take off your nightie, Lucy." He helped her pull it over her head. "Now shut your eyes until I say 'now'"

Lucy covered her eyes again. Bonzo looked down at the sweet delicious little pussy, that luscious mouth with those two precious, closed little lips. He opened the tubes of make-up and began to paint around the little lips, a red nose, and red ears, and he even made the lips red. But the cheeks and forehead were white inside a black outline, and the little eyes were black. Bonzo reached into his pocket again and took out a pocket mirror. "Now," he said, holding the mirror at the proper angle so that Lucy could see her own little clown.

"That's Clara," said Bonzo. "Say hello to Clara."

Lucy was practically screaming with happiness. "Hi, Clara," she said.

"Hi, Lucy," said Clara. "I'm so happy to meet you," and with the help of Bonzo's hand, Clara's lips moved.

"Clara's so pretty," said Bonzo. I'd like to give her a kiss. Is that okay?"

"Okay," said Lucy.

Bonzo moved down on the bed and put his face before Clara's, and looked up into Lucy's eyes. "A big, grown up kiss," he said. And with that he started kissing Clara. His tongue worked its way between the gorgeous lips into the fresh moist mouth, and he licked and licked. It was so sweet. So wonderful. He was in ecstasy. And Jocko was getting so rigid, that he was almost hurting Bonzo. Bonzo lapped and lapped away at Clara's lovely mouth. Kissing her, sucking on her. Clara was so beautiful, so very, very beautiful.

Lucy started tossing around on the bed. She had a fantastic feeling down there. Bonzo may have been kissing Clara, but Lucy was feeling a delicious tickle. She started moaning. "Ughh, Ughhh, Ugghhhh."

Then Bonzo moved to the top of Clara's mouth and began kissing and sucking on the sweet little button up there.

"Unnggghh," Lucy groaned.

After about ten more minutes of kissing, Bonzo took his mouth off of Clara's and moved up next to Lucy on the bed.

"Do you think Clara enjoyed the kiss?" he asked.

"Oh, yes," said Lucy. "She loved it. I know she did. Tell him how much you loved it, Clara."

"I really, really loved it, Bonzo," said Clara, her lips moving with the help of Bonzo's hand. Funny, her voice was so much like Jocko's voice.

"Jocko would like to kiss Clara too. Wouldn't you, Jocko?" said Bonzo.

"Yes, I would. I'd like to give Clara a big grown up kiss."

"Do you think it would be all right for Jocko to kiss Clara?" Bonzo asked Lucy.

"I think so," Lucy decided, after pondering for a moment.

Bonzo had Lucy lie flat. He moved down on the bed so that Jocko's face was directly in front of Clara's face. Slowly, Jocko pressed forward and tried to ease his fat face between Clara's tight lips.

"Uunnggg," said Lucy.

"That's all right, Lucy," Bonzo reassured her. "Clara just has to get used to Jocko kissing her. Then it won't hurt at all."

Lucy was very brave and did not cry out as Jocko was pushing into Clara's mouth. Now he was pulling out, no, now he was moving back in, no, now he was........

Jocko could not get as much of his sensitive body into Clara's mouth as he would have liked. Clara was very tiny, and Jocko didn't want to risk hurting her. So he moved just his head and neck inside the tiny hole. What a nice kiss. It felt so good to be inside of Clara's mouth. He couldn't have asked for anything better.

Bonzo worked his ass cheeks with precision so that Jocko could get the maximum stimulation from the walls of Clara's mouth - "oh, all right, Clara's pussy. Clara's little cunt," Bonzo thought. Jocko couldn't take too much more of this incredible stimulation. He was itching and tickling all over, and Bonzo's two big balls were ready to shoot something through his body into Clara's belly.

"Aaagghhhh," Bonzo screamed in sympathy as Jocko shot out spurt after spurt of thick white cream into Clara.

Lucy was amazed. She had felt Jocko twitching and getting fatter, and now she had all this white stuff on her and in Clara. She looked up at Bonzo. "What's that?" she asked.

"That's Jocko's milk," he answered. "He liked Clara so much, he wanted to give her a present. He fed her his milk. See Jocko is like a clown baby bottle full of milk, and when a nice baby sucks on his bottle, he gives her his milk. Clara got Jocko's milk."

"Oh," said Lucy in wonder.

"Do you think Clara enjoyed that?" asked Bonzo.

"Oh, yes," said Lucy, nodding her head solemnly.

"Let's just clean you up," said Bonzo. And he took a large rag from his big deep clown pocket and began sopping up the milk, and erasing Clara's little face.

"We don't want mommy and daddy to find out about this, or they might get mad that you didn't go to sleep like you were supposed to." He worked the cloth around her slightly red pussy. And when she was clean, he put the cloth and the greasepaint back into his pocket. He stood up to put on his pants.

"Oh, look!" said Lucy. "Look at Jocko. He looks sick."

"No. He's fine," said Bonzo. "He's tired. He went to sleep." He flipped his soft penis a couple of times, and then put little sleeping Jocko back inside the big clown pants.

"Now remember," Bonzo said firmly. "This is our little secret. Mommy and daddy must never know I came to see you, or anything about Jocko and Clara. That's our little secret."

"Okay," said Lucy. It was nice having a secret from mommy and daddy.

"And if you're real good and keep the secret, maybe we can all come back and visit you again. Isn't that right, Jocko?"

"That's right," piped Jocko from deep inside Bonzo's pants.

Bonzo climbed out the window onto the ladder, shut the window, and descended. He carried the ladder with him when he went.

Lucy lay contentedly in her warm cozy bed, thinking of all her wonderful new playmates. She couldn't wait until they all got together again. Lazily she stretched her hand down and stuck her finger into Clara's little mouth. Clara was feeling really good, and so was Lucy. She rubbed and rubbed and rubbed the little button, and it was tingling and feeling so wonderful, and she rubbed and rubbed and rubbed, until she realized she was getting sleepy. Finally, she took her hand out of Clara's little wet mouth, fell asleep and had wonderful dreams.

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I really love this story please don't stop writing!!!


i really think this is long over do for a part 2 and than some


What a clever idea! Very risky for a second story (no pun) for THAT little girl, but the clown can do so much more! Well written. The audience is screaming MORE, MORE!

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