Published: 17-Apr-2012
Word Count:
The next morning he woke first, his head blurred, his usual morning hard on demanding. Looking over at Sarah still sound asleep he slid out of the bed as quietly as he could. The shower seemed his best option and the rest of the house was silent. He pulled on his boxer shorts, flinching as they caught the sensitive tip of his cock and quietly headed to the bathroom.
He walked quickly towards the bathroom, but not quickly enough. A door opened and out came Claire, wrapping a dressing gown around herself.
"Good morning." She was smiling and her eyes looked down, to where he realised, in horror his erect cock had pushed it's way through the front of the boxers.
So fleetingly he could have sworn he was still asleep her hand caressed him, one finger along the length of his cock. It twitched in response, he looked at her,her eyes were amused, "Enjoy your shower, I'll put the coffee on." Then she was gone.
He turned the shower on full, a wet room of course, attached to the large bathroom. He remembered helping James with the tiling, when he was a lowly registrar and the house their dream. No wet room then, and Claire and the ex were friends, one drunken night they had even talked about wife swapping, his ex had been more adventurous then, but it had never gone beyond talk.
The room was starting to steam up, he stepped in and the bathroom door flew open. Sam came running in, naked,already eager to seize a new day. Sam started to piss in the toilet, "Can you pay football with me uncle Peter, Daddy has to go to the ward today?"
Silently sighing,his erection fading Peter nodded, "Sure Sam,after breakfast though." He had forgotten there were no locks here, it seemed he was destined to have to wait.
The morning passed quickly, football, chatter,the house full of noise and laughter. Peter could feel himself relaxing, slipping into holiday mode. Claire needed to do some shopping, he agreed to watch the girls and Sam,give them some lunch. Claire bent over and kissed him lightly on the cheek, he breathed in the scent of her hair, realising that he missed those smells, the contact.
He finished stirring up the big pan of pasta, threw in some rosemary from the garden and went to find the girls. Sam was already waiting, the eating machine that was a young boy.
"Don't touch,Peter warned him. "It's still hot, I'm going to find Emily and Sarah."
The volume of the music coming from upstairs suggested why they hadn't heard him call. He knocked on Emily's bedroom door, the room the girl insisted on sharing, but it was pointless, they were giggling and shouting over the music.
Reluctantly he pushed it open, the girls were posing in front of the full length mirror,their faces made up, and both were just dressed in lacy knickers and bras. Peter froze, Sarah turned and smiled at him, "Emily has been doing my make up and says I can have these Dad, there way nicer than the stuff mum buys,"
Part of him had to agree, the panties were high cut and lacy, the bra emphasised the beginnings of her cleavage. The make up made her look older, and he realised with a start,attractive in a way he had never considered before. "Very nice Sarah." He managed to get out.
Emily came and stood by her cousin. Where Sarah looked like a girl dressing up Emily seemed comfortable in the back lace underwear. Her breasts were pushed together, and he caught himself staring at the lace v that covered her pussy, wondering if it was still hairless.
Turning quickly he told the girls to get dressed and come for their lunch. As he went downstairs he heard them break out into fits of teenage giggles. He wondered what the joke was.
James had made it back in time for dinner. Running about in his pjs Sam had climbed onto his mummies lap, snuggling up against her breasts he asked "Will you put me to bed tonight Mummy ?"
Claire looked down at him,and Peter took the chance to look at her nipples, visible under the thin silk dress that was clinging to her body.
Despite two children Claire could get away with not wearing a bra. He idly wondered if she was totally naked beneath the dress. He knew she would be hairless. Last Christmas he had caught her in the bathroom, her leg on the toilet seat, shaving her legs. A glimpse of a smooth pink pussy before she stood up.
He wondered again at the removal of locks, but had never been comfortable asking. He knew that not long after his divorce Claire had given up her job that something had happened.
Sam was wriggling, smiling up at his Mum, using his big blue eyes to best effect.
"Now Sammy,it's daddies turn tonight,you know that, now be a good boy."
Peter laughed, "They will do anything for an extra 5 minutes won't they?" Sammy looked at him, then smiled up at Claire. " When will it be Uncle Peter's turn?"
"Another night Sam."said Claire smiling back, "Now be a good boy, you dont want to keep Daddy waiting."
The girls were in the playroom, competing on the wii, and James hadn't returned from putting Sam to bed. Feeling sightly self conscious Peter grabbed the half empty bottle of wine and wandered outside. As he suspected Claire was there having a cigarette.The sea glimmered in the darkness, the house seemed ready to sail away.
"A doctors wife shouldn't smoke you know, "said Peter, joining her at the railing on the edge of the deck. He held up the bottle in a silent question and she passed him her empty glass.
"A doctors wife shouldn't do a lot of things, including drink, but then doctors are some of the worst risk takers going. Are you a risk taker Peter?" The loaded question hung between them. Peter considered it, trying to take it at face value.
"No, or at least I have never been, but I am begining to look at my life and think..." His word trailed off.
"I look at my life and think,if people only knew,if they suspected what I really wanted" said Claire. she turned towards him, lent close and whispered in his ear.
"I hope Sarah sleeps well tonight, I sometimes find myself awake and wandering during the night. "
He ended up in the study,drinking whiskey with James,talking about old friends and where it had gone wrong with the ex. At the back of his head was the idea that if he drank enough he would not be tempted, or that Claire would be asleep by the time he went to bed.
The conversation lulled and Peter asked a question that had been there for the past 4 years.
"Angela once said he made a pass at you and you turned her down" James looked at him, his face confused, but concerned. "Did she? Bitch."
Then he laughed,"With tits like hers I wouldn't have turned her down little bro, fucking hell she was out there!"
Peter joined in the laughter,relief washing over him. Slightly unsteady he stood up,wished his brother goodnight,and stumbled up the stairs.
Something woke him, confused,still drunk he tried to work out where he was. He felt two soft hands stroke along his thighs,up across his chest, he struggled to speak. "Claire....god Claire"
She was under the duvet, he felt her hot breath against his balls, her tongue teased the tip of his cock. Running along the length of it, he groaned as she teased him to hardness, taking his cock in her mouth, sucking slowly, he reached under the duvet, grabbing her head, she wanted his cock,he would give it to her. Pushing her head down onto his cock he heard her gag. Exciting him more he started to thrust into her mouth, touching the back of her throat he needed to fill her mouth with spunk. He didn't care that it was his sister in law, that she was choking, he needed to come, to fill her mouth. The past two days had been too much, her lips,her mouth, smaller than he imagined, he fucked it the way he had imagined fucking her in the garden.
Crying out "Yes Claire. Yes!" he came, holding her with 2 hands now so every drop went into her mouth. She gagged again and that just made him harder. He wanted her to choke on his spunk, to take it all. She stood,and he knew he should say something, but he lay there,his cock limp now sated.
At the door she paused,switching on the light, blinded for a moment he tried to work out what looked wrong, and from the door Emily smiled at him,her hair wild,her nipples hard,her cunt as hairless as he imagined, then she was gone.
Emily pushed open her bedroom door, careful not to swallow. Sarah was sitting on the bed, waiting,nervous eager and wet as she has listened to her father and her cousin in the room next door. "So did you?" She asked,her eyes wide, her voice shaking.
Emily walked over,grabbed Sarah by the hair,bent and kissed her,pushing her spunk covered tongue into her cousins mouth. Hungrily Sarah responded,her hand reaching between Emily legs, feeling the wetness.
Emily broke off the kiss. "So do you like the taste? It's better than Sammy he doesnt come."
little bitch
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