Midwinter Offering To The Earth Mother

[ Mf, humil, exhib, bd, whip ]

by Lisa


Published: 3-Aug-2012

Word Count:

Author's Profile

Story Summary
All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Chapter 1

I almost missed Lisa as she walked down the ramp into the main airport terminal. The airport was very busy but I had taken up a position where I could watch for her and yet she would find it difficult to see her. However, a group of men speaking some eastern European language blocked her from my view. It was by chance that I had to move to allow someone to pass me and as I turned my head I caught sight of her back. At least, I thought it was her.

I followed her at a discreet distance waiting to see if she would take the next step in her journey. This was a test.

I watched as she stopped by one of the doors to the outside world. I watched as she took a deep breath, looked around the terminal quickly and then reach into a pocket of her backpack and took out the wrap around sunglasses.

The sunglasses were special and I knew that. I had asked her to paint the inside of her glasses pitch black so that no light could get through. As she put the glasses on and fitted them closely to her face, I knew she could not see a thing.

Now it was time wait and watch. An anxious time for her. Would I be there? Would someone else pick her up? Would her nerves break and would she take off her glasses.

I waited for some time. Not certain how much time but I worked on a cross word puzzle to pass the time. She was determined. People jostled her, bumped into her and she reacted to every noise and voice. But she was determined. The glasses stayed on. She did reach up but only to adjust the glasses to fit more firmly.

It was time. I knew she had passed this stage of the test. I walked up behind her, held both shoulders firmly and spoke softly into her left ear, "Virgin sacrifice?"

Her body went rigid for a moment. "Ric?"

I let go of her shoulders and grasped her left elbow firmly. "Follow me but do not speak." I told her.

I walked slowly so she would not trip but it took just moments for her to place her trust in me as I led her to the car. I could feel her body relax and I felt a moment of satisfaction and pride. She trusted me. That was a better compliment than any spoken word.

I placed her back pack in the back seat and then helped her into the passenger seat.

"Hands behind you now."

She did as she was told and put her hands behind her. I adjusted them and locked her wrists behind her seat. She was unable to move very much and she had no defense. I smiled because I knew she could not see me. Just as I dreamed. God she was good!

When I sat behind the wheel and started up the car, I looked over to get a good look at my passenger. She was nervous but that was to be expected. And excited. Her breath came shallow and fast. I leaned over so she could feel my hot breath but I did not touch her. She reacted but not in a negative way.

The road out of the airport and through the traffic circles took all my concentration. The traffic was very heavy at this time of the day. However, I soon found the small country road I was looking for. It was more awkward by distance but there were few cars and I could relax.

I had no wish to speak at this time and she was under instructions not to speak until spoken to. I enjoyed the views both outside and inside the car. Later, perhaps, I would show Lisa more of the countryside, the hedges, the fields, the rolling, friendly hills. Later, when it was all over. If she wanted to and if she was able.

The cottage I had rented was a tourist trap and all dressed up to seem quaint but I knew it had not been there only 5 years before. Still, it was a good choice. There were no nearby neighbours so no one would be upset with her screams. The view over the hills and facing the Hill of Slane was superb. I wanted to see where the sacrifice would take place.

I escorted Lisa into her own room. I had placed a cover over the window on the outside so she could not see out and the door had a key which I could use to look the door from the outside. I left the backpack with all of her clothes and things in the kitchen. Now it was time for her to take the next step.

I unlocked her hands but left the glasses on. "Hand all your clothes to me. I am on your left side."

I watched her carefully. This was a new step for her and I wanted her to do it on her own as much as possible. She had to take the next step. She had to offer herself as a virgin sacrifice.

I was surprised because there was so little hesitation in her actions. She must have been thinking about this for some time. She really was determined to make the sacrifice.

Her jacket, and her sweater or jumper came first. She was very careful to keep the glasses on firmly. She knew I would cancel everything if the glasses came off without permission.

Then she took off her shoes and socks. She took a deep breath before she undid her jeans but she slipped them off - almost toppling over at one pint as she lost her balance. I reached out and steadied her.

I was standing slightly behind her to try and give her some sense of privacy. The bra came next but she was slightly stooped shouldered as she handed me the bra. It may have been because of the damp coolness of the room or a defensive reaction or a gesture of modesty.

She did hesitate with the panties. But she was determined and she pushed down her panties very quickly just to get it over with.

She stood for a moment with her arms vaguely covering the front of her and her shoulders were stooped and her head down. What would she do? Just in case she wanted to back out, I stayed quietly behind her so I could hand back her clothes if she asked for them.

Somewhere inside her, the need to fulfill her dream, her need to be the sacrifice and to suffer for the goddess, somewhere inside her she decided to take another step as the whip slave who longed to be.

She stood straight, put her hands down at her sides (although her hands were tiny little fists) and she turned around to face me. She stood at attention, not even breathing but she had done it. She had displayed all of herself to me.

After a moment, I asked softly, "Are you open?"

There was some confusion on her face as she wondered what I meant. Then it dawned on her. She spread her feet so that her vagina was open for inspection if needed or desired.

I placed her clothing very carefully on a chair nearby. Then I stood in front of her and carefully examined the small woman before me.

Small. Delicate. Small breasts with lovely pink nipples. Erect nipples. Her skin was flushed beneath the tan. Perhaps she was too cold. Perhaps she was embarrassed. It did not matter because I had no intention of waiting much longer.

I reached out with both hands and touched her flesh for the first time. She was warm but her body jerked nervously. To be expected. I was touching a part of her body she was not expecting. I held both of her hands. She was too tense and I wanted her to relax a bit more. I opened her fists and straightened her fingers.

Finally I leaned over and gently kissed her right cheek and whispered, "Lisa, you are terrific. I am so proud of you. You really have the courage to suffer and endure for your goddess.".

I gave her new instructions. "When you hear me knock on the door after I leave, take off the glasses and try and sleep. It will be a long night for you and you will need to be fresh."

I left her there, closed the door and knocked.

She would take off her glasses now and find herself naked, alone, and locked in a strange room. She would soon realize that she was helpless. No one can her screams. She had no way out, to escape. All of her options were closing down. Soon she will have no options at all. Soon, she would be bound hand and foot. Soon she would scream and scream and scream.

Chapter 2

I made myself a pot of tea. I knew I would not be able to sleep before we went for the sacrifice. I tried to do some cross word puzzles but I had trouble focusing. My thoughts kept returning to what would happen that night, what was needed for the ritual sacrifice. How she might react to the reality of the actual pain.

The twilight was a very long one - or at least it seemed longer than usual for me. I knew the way but it would be dark that bight. It would be a quarter moon that night. Not ideal but it was the only time Lisa could get away.

At midnight, I decided it was time to set things in motion. I knocked on the door of Lisa's room. She answered immediately which made me believe she did not sleep either. Through the door, I told her that everything she would need was located in the drawers of the dresser. I told her I would unlock the door and she could go and take a bath and prepare herself in the bathroom down the hall. She would not need her glasses as I would close the door to the hallway. I told her I would return when it was time and I would expect her to be ready with her glasses on firmly so she could not see. She could use a sheet or blanket to keep her naked body warm.

As I filled a water bottle with cold water, I heard her move down the hallway and into the bathroom. Later as I finished another cup of tea, I heard her return to her room. I looked at the clock. I wanted to be ready for the sacrifice at three am. I would need at least a half hour to get her ready, another half hour to an hour to get to the top of the hill - especially in the dark, and a half hour preparation of her body here. It was time to move. I did not finish that cup of tea.

I went down the hall and knocked on the door to her room. It was a signal for her to put on her glasses but I checked to make certain. "Lisa, are you prepared? Do you have you glasses?"

She called out in a voice that had a higher pitch to it than usual. "I am ready sir."

I opened the door and she was standing in the middle of the floor with her glasses on, her legs spread apart so she was open for inspection and her hands at her side with her fingers uncurled. I had to smile. She really was ready. She seemed to be a combination of fear, excitement, nervousness, determination and submission.

I told her to remain where she was but to place her hands on her head with her fingers interlaced. She did as she was instructed with just a hint of puzzled hesitation.

I opened a drawer and took out some skin lotion. I poured a large daub onto the palm of my hand and then started my chores. I used the cream on her skin everywhere I could reach. I covered her arms and shoulders and neck. I used some on her face and I tried to be gentle and slow and sensuous. It was something I had to do. The cream had a lot of vitamin E, the healing vitamin, and I wanted on her skin to help her heal quickly. It was a job I had to do but I found it intensely pleasurable. I loved touching her young, firm flesh.

I could smell the clean skin mixed with the scent of the cream. I loved it when I caressed her ribs along her side and tried not to tickle her. I admit to a sensual arousal, not exactly sexual, but truly sensual, as I covered her small breasts with cream and rubbed across the nubs of her nipples several times. Perhaps I caressed her nipples one or two times more than was needed. Then there was the area just under her ribs which I find is so sensitive in so many people. I used both hands to cover her stomach and to press down on the flesh for her belly button. I stopped there and turned to her back. All along her sides and across the shoulder blades and then, saving the best to the last, my hands almost whispered along the back of her neck and she shivered. From the cold, of course. And then that sensitive area just between her shoulder blades. I made certain there was a lot of cream running along her spine and then over the curve of her ass.

I think she was surprised when I invaded the cleft of her ass and stroked the opening of her anus. The muscles in her ass tense and moved but she kept herself open for me. She was determined. It was a very good sign. I felt more confident as I roamed over her body.

Every part of her body was to be involved in the sacrifice. I turned next to her feet and calves, the back and inside of her kness and along the outside of her thighs. I moved slowly. I wanted her to anticipate where I would go next. I wanted her to think about it.

Finally, I added another daub of cream and caressed the soft, warm skin on the inside of her thighs. First one leg, her left, and then he inside of her right skin. I took my time. She trembled almost constantly now but I was enjoying every moment. I moved up as if to reach the centre of her being but then moved away. I played a dance on her flesh, a caressing striptease.

Higher and higher I moved with every movement of my hands. Finally I withdrew both hands to let her wonder and ache. I waited as long as I felt her anxiety building and then I thrust both hands deep within her legs and covered her entire mound with one go. It was almost a violent intrusion despite the fact she knew it was coming, despite the fact that my hands did not grab or invade her vagina, I heard a sharp intake of her breath and then she exhaled but she was shaky. It was dome.

I stood up and looked at my victim for a moment. I knew I was not done but she did not.

I took out some scarlet red lipstick. Some decoration was in order. I reached out and cupped her breast and lifted so her nipple was thrust out to me. I took care and I covered her nipple and areola with a scarlet red. I looked at my handiwork to see if it was too much. If her areolas were much larger, it would be too garish but I was satisfied with hers. I covered both set of nipples and areolas.

Now for the shock. I told Lisa to get on the bed and spread her legs wide open. I helped her to the side of the bed and then she lay down and with her knees up, she opened herself but not as widely as I wanted. Gently, I pried her knees apart until she was as open for inspection as she could be. However, it was not an inspection I wanted to do.

Once again, I took out the scarlet lipstick and used it to rouge the lips of her vagina.

Even though she was wearing glasses, Lisa turned her head to the side as if she did not want to see what I was doing.

This was not necessary and I had no fetish for lipstick or painted vaginal lips. I wanted to strip her of any shyness she had left. I wanted her to trust me in everything. I wanted her to place her whole, entire being in my hands and I wanted her to believe she had no other options.

She was now the sacrifice. She was not to be lisa. She was not to be a girl from Australia. She was not to be a daughter, a friend, an individual. She was to be the virgin sacrifice. She was to lose all she was in the sacrifice. She was to be nothing more than pain and a scream.

She was almost ready now. I took the robe out of a package and asked her to stand. It was a simple white sheath that would drape from her shoulders. I had her raise her arms and then I put it on her. She wore nothing else.

Then I placed a collar around her neck. I would lead her to the site using a leash and collar.

Finally, I locked her wrists behind her back.

"I did not use her name now. "Are you ready? Do you want to be let free?"

Her words stumbled from her mouth and they reflected the roiling mixture of emotions within her. "Yes. ---I mean -- not to be free --- I mean, I'm ready!"

Chapte 3

Getting to the top of the hill is not that easy at night. There is no road to the top and you have to cross fields to get to the hill and then climb the path to the top. Fortunately, the land to the north of the hill is much higher than the valley to the south.

I parked the car on the grass near a gate to the field. I turned off the lights and got out of the car and closed the door. I waited until my eyes adjusted to the dark. I looked up to see if the moon was out and if I could see stars. Clouds covered most of the sky but I could see stars in small patches. The air was very fresh and damp after a rain shower earlier in the evening.

I brought the slave out of the car but kept her glasses on and her hands tied behind her back. I took off her robe so that she was naked for all to see. I had her open her mouth wide and inserted a leather strap and tied it tightly around her head. This would protect her tongue and teeth as she contorted and her muscles spasm with the pain. The strap also would help to reduce the volume of her screams so nearby residents would not call the police. I loped the ropes and the straps around her neck and over her shoulders. I tied the bundle of tools around her waist. She is small but I saw no reason why she should not carry the instruments used in her own sacrifice.

Once I attached a leash to her collar, I led her to a gate and helped her climb awkwardly over the gate. On the other side was a pasture and I could see a small herd of cows looking at us with little interest.

I had to walk slowly because the slave found it hard going to walk at the end of a leash in her bare feet and on a rough path. The rain had made the path quite muddy and she had a problem slipping and keeping her balance. She fell to her knees thee times but I help her regain her feet and we trudged slowly on and up. It was a good thing I had left earlier than I thought necessary.

The climb up the side of the hill was even slower. Here there were stones on the path and her feet were suffering. By the top of the climb, even though I could not see in the dark, I was certain she was leaving a small blood trail from the cuts and scratches on her feet. I had to stop so she could catch her breath again. It had been a hard climb for her. The full realization of what she was doing must be filling her mind and soul by now. This was no longer a game or a fantasy.

At the top of the hill there is a ruined church and a cemetery. At the edge of the hill on the other side is a small woods and I led her to that area. She would be sacrificed there.

I looked at my watch again. Time was getting short. I had a quick look around. There were few lights in the area around the hill. At 2:30 in the morning, most of the lights were yard lights etc. I could not see any lights that indicated someone would be up.

I looked over at the hill just across the valley and outlined in the dim starlight. Then I took a long slow look about the hill where I was. This had been one of the most important religious centers. Christianity had tried to appropriate this hill and its religious aura but the ruined church seemed to be a profound statement of its failure.

Everything was ready. I used a torch to see the ropes and the pulleys I had set up earlier in the morning. I brought a nylon rope and pulley used by climbers -very strong but light and easy to use. However, I did not want anything not designed or created by nature. I would not allow the nylon ropes to touch her skin and spoil the sacrifice to the Earth Mother.

I tied a thick, hemp rope around her ankles. It was difficult as I was not used to working with such ropes. However, I wrapped the rope around her ankles several times and tied the rope into a knot. Then I formed a loop and tied the nylon rope around the hemp rope.

Next, I unlocked her hands and tied the same hemp rope around each wrist and tied the nylon ropes to the hemp one.

I look at my watch. Had to move quickly. Fortunately the mountain climbing rope and pulley made it easy to lift her from the ground.

I stood back to catch my breath and to relax for a moment. The nylon ropes were tied to two trees and as she was hauled up from the ground, her legs were forced to spread wide and opening up her vagina like a night flower eager to be pollinated.

She was upside down and she needed a bit of time to get used to being upside down. Even in the dim starlight she looked extraordinary stretched out like a St Andrew's cross, a large X.

Another glance at my watch and it was just minutes before 3 am - the hour of the sacrifice.

Quickly, I put on my all black robe, took out a needle and pricked my finger so I could produce some blood. I stepped forward and placed a drop of blood on her stomach just above her womb. I placed another on her forehead. My blood on her to join her in her sacrifice.

And then the moment of truth for her. Another 12 fingers placed blood on her stomach at the same time and anointed her head. I reached down and removed her glasses.

She could not speak because of the leather strap but she quickly realized we were not alone. It took some doing on my part but I managed to find some witnesses. So many did not want to witness this sacrifice. However, after many phone calls, I tracked down a man and woman who were into the darker aspects of ancient religions. They ran an herb store, a place that sold ingredients for alternative medicines and so on. The whole family were involved - mother, father, two daughters and a younger son. They arranged for others to join us and flew from England to be here this night.

12 witnesses and me. 13 present for the sacrifice. All except me were naked. All had joined their blood to her sacrifice.

The 12 passed a flask of some potion among them and each drank with some eagerness. I did not. I wanted to be very alert to make certain she was safe.

I reached down to my instruments and picked up a nice long supple and vicious looking alder switch. I tried it out in the air to find the right balance. I wanted the first stroke to be perfect.

I looked at my watch. 3 am. It was time for the pain.

Chapter 4

The time had come for the pain to start, for the sacrifice and the screaming to begin.

She was held up upside down with her legs stretched wide between two trees and her hands spread out and tied to the rocks on the ground. Her body was stretched out as far as it would go. She held a leather strap in her mouth to protect her tongue and teeth but also to reduce the volume of the screaming so the people living nearby would not be disturbed.

12 men and women formed a human ring around her like the astral signs in the sky. I stood inside the ring and I looked down at her face. Her eyes were just allowed to see for the first time that evening. She tried to see the people, strangers all, who surrounded her and watched her sacrifice. It was a sight that must have surprised her. All except me were naked and wearing masks. They had been passing a flask around the circle and each was sipping some potion or brew. What it was I did not know but the effect it was having was obvious. All of the men, old and young, were supporting erections and all erections were pointing at the sacrificial victim.

It was a surprise to me but I hesitated only for a moment.

Each witness held a flashlight and each shone on the victim's body so all could see. I had set two cameras up and they were filming the ritual.

She looked frightened, anxious, apprehensive, fearful, determined.

I spoke out "I call to the ancient gods of this earth, to the horned male god of the earth and to the Earth Mother of us all. I call you to witness this sacrifice. I call on you to accept this sacrifice of the virgin female who traveled so far to worship you. I call on you to accept her cries of pain..." and now I raised my hand high into the air, gripped the alder rod tightly and slashed through the air as viciously and as strongly as I was able. The rod had to strike evenly. I had taken great care to measure my stroke, to make certain I would lash her precisely where I wanted.

I struck and took a deep breath of satisfaction. I could see the mark. Not yet a welt - a white line where the rod had struck. I took a moment to savor my achievement and to watch the white lines slowly turn red. I knew there would be a lovely welt.

I had stood to one side of her so that my elbow was at a level just above her small breasts. That allowed me to bring down the rod at great speed and very hard. The noise as the rod struck her flesh was almost like a pistol shock - not a thud, not a slap, but something loud, sharp and delicious.

I had not told her where I would strike first. To strike her nipples or her cunnie first would be easy but there would be no build up after that. I wanted to build to a climax. I struck her just where the soft skin of her breasts meets her ribcage. Because the rod was driving down against the bottom of her breasts, the rod drove deep into her breasts so the bones of her rib cage would not be damaged.

She did not scream or cry out. She had been holding her breath and it gasped out of her lungs as if her lungs were on fire. Then she made mewling sounds around the leather strap.

The screaming would come soon. I knew that.

The reviewing period for this story has ended.