Bride From Back Home

[ rom, spank, pedo, enema, humil, cons ]

by Liko


Published: 24-Jul-2012

Word Count:

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show Story Summary
All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Chapter 1

Starting with the ususal discalmer: I do not support hurting children. This is fatasy. This is also not my first language. (This is however my first attemt in writing) It starts slowly until it gets to the good part. Enjoy

In need for money, this girl-child aproches mid-twenties man, who has been observing her sicretly.

She asks if he could give her ... "in exchange to what?"

Now she is confused.

"How about you let me take a look at your ..."

That sounded resonable to the girl,after taking a quick look to make sure that nobody else was around, she quickly turn around and lifted her skirt, revealing her young bottom clad in cheap masproduced underware. One did not need to look hard to notice that it has been washed too many times and was worn, while still servisable.

"That was not very bad." It felt like the stranger was doing her a favour. She has seen some granfathers who liked to tease the girls including her, about how beatiful it has become lately, or "It will be time soon to get engaged" and other such things. She liked when people were giving their attention to her, but still it felt embarasing.

In any case the "uncle" gave her the promised bill with a gentle smile.

Again he was sitting on the same bench near the child playground.

She quietly aproched him feeling shy.Conflicing thoughs going trough her head: He had helped her last time, but it will be too much to impose on him again. Then again she did not have much choice. If she asked any familier grown-up they will surely tell her mother."

"Um, uncle (low key)..." No reaction. "Uncle (litle louderer)".

He turns with a fleeing expresion of deep thought."Oh sweety it you.

Can I do something for you?"

Even as she was expecting the question, the way it was said silenced whatever words she was about to say.

"May be you need more money?" gently probed the "uncle".

Nob "Yes, I need ..."

"That is some money, did you already spend your whole allowence?" Another miserable nob.

"I have such a sum, on me. Thou am not willing to just to part with it."

"I understand. may be I can wash your dishes for you or clean the house. "

"Unfortunetly, I am just visiting relatives here. I live some distance away."

It make sence, she had not seen him before. However, some elder aunts and uncles have children in other cities, though she could not imagine a good reason for somebody to volonteraly leave his parents to move far away.

"If you wish you can repay be by showing me your ... again. But this time i like to see it in natur-no panties to hide it under."

She blushed that will be embarasing, but she really needed the money.

"Can we go between the trees?" she said perfectly aware that even if he refused she would not back out.

He paused giving it consideration. It would be harder to see and she looked like she would agree either way, but he did not wish to alinate the child.

"Ok." trying to sound reluctant.

They went with her leading the way. He made her face a big tree with her panties ans skirt around her ancles. Then she had to hug the tree, thus giving him an unobstracted view of something more then the barganed, as the child inocently spread her legs wilder for better support.

On her birthday, despite promising otherwise had to work.

The young girl stayed home feeling miserable as she had not invited any friends-she new they cannot afford to invite all her friends and if she invited only one or two it would be unfair to the rest of them.

Then she though of the "uncle". She had seen him few times, but was to unsure that she will betray her emotions and did not aproach him.

As luck had it he was again near the playground.

She invited him to share her birthday cake and he agreed to came latter.

there was a knock on the door, which was strange.

Their bell worked fine. It was the "uncle". And he carried a package.

The child was both trilled and bit ashamed, she did not mean to beg a present.

"You should not have."Still she was sicretly trilled at the prospect to get something. She tryed to open the package slowly, but soon could not contain her curiocity.In the box was a beautiful red shirt. In her excitment she forgot that she was in the presence of a stranger and started to remove her own worn skirt in order to try it on the spot. The child was midway in putting her present on, when she registrered her guest was in the room, looking at her.

"I am sorry that, that was not polite from me."

" No problem, that skirt was ment to be worn."


"And i must say you look even better than i could hope."

"Thank you."

She lifted her gaze to see that he has turned around and was inspecting the room.She took a deep breath, as much as her fast beating heart allowed and collecting her courage said:

"Still, this was very impolite and naughty of me, if mother was here she would punished me if not that today is my birthday."

"You want me to punish you in her stead?" the question sounded half-jockingly, yet in husky undertone.

The girl's face turned several shades rosier and she indicated her greement silently. He motioned her in a broad gesture "Your lead" and followed her to the only bedroom of the apartment.

There she stood in unsertanty, torn between her disire for attention and indesition. Notising her wavering emotions the adult promted:"So, young one, how does you usually get punished?"

This snapped the child from her inner contemplation and desiding that she was gone beond the turning point responded: "Mother usually spanks me."

"On the bare?" he could not contain himself, even if he cursed himself the next moment for his lapse.

The girl did not seem to notice absorbed in her own thoughts:

"Sometimes, when we are out or have visitors she punishes me over my clotes."

"We are inside now" he sounded restrained, because he was trying to keep his wishfull thoughts to himself.

"We are."

She went next to her bed, bend over using it for support; reached back to flip her new skirt up and then lower her worn undergarments to just above the knees.

The man could see from her practiced movements that she had not lied about beingpunished often this way. He aproched her side enchanted by her lovely preadolesent bottom, it was small and smooth yet her thights were well shaped from hours of play outside-just lovely. He came from his euphoric daze aware that the child has turned her head to reguard him and was staring at him almoust as hard as he was at her. As their eyes met, she blushed again and said:

"Please do not make my bottom as red as the skirt you gave me." however, there was a certain whimsical gleam in her eyes, contradicting her words.

"Uh-ummm. It will be only fair that your bottom match you face". those teasing words had the disired effect- she blushed in even deeper shade of crimsom.

"Just like that" pointing to her burning face."In fact that is such a lovely color i would not mind painting your whole body in it."

This gave her a moment of scare, until she realized he was jocking.

As much as he was enjoying this conversation, he longed to proceed. The man took two quick steps forward and with one hand pinned both her hands on the small of her back, while the other he placed in light contact with the middle part of her bottom. For a moment he enjoyed the solf feel of her skin, then quickly brought his hand up to sholder level and back down on the same spot in a slap with more noise then force. Still it must have hurt judging from her small moan. He rested his hand for few moments feeling the small surge of heat brough by this first hit, then he rose his hand again and brought it down a little harder choosing a different spot for his next hit- her thights-this broght a near hiss of pain. But she did not protest or try to escape. He gently rubbed the newly reddend area bringing a small sigh of relief from the child. So it went for the next few minutes- with him spending few minutes between hits to confort the newly affected area. Still slowly her posterior took a rosy shade.

When he released her she supprised him by turning around and buring her head in his chest, sobbing from relief, only partly due to the completed punishment.

He gently embraced her, until her sobs subdued. the issued silence was unerving him so he asked:

"How does your mother treat your "wounds" afterwards?"

"She puts some face cream on my a.. sit...sitting area."

He turned around to look for the said item in the room. Her next words nailed him fast to his spot:

"Though she ususally gives me a bath beforehand. Would you wish to give me a bath?" The last was said with such earnest and longing on her part the words seemed to run like lightning up his spine.

He turned and smiled:"Yes, I would definatly enjoy doing that."

Still tearful, her face was brighten by a radiant smile.

She turned around and slit her panties all the way with one hand placing the other on her bed for support. Then she took his hand and lead him towards the apartment small bath, while still holding her undergarments in hand. The meonet they arived she let go and started to deftly undress taking care not to wrinkle her clotes, especially her new red skirt. Suddunly she paused, turned her head around to reguard her red behind, took a pasing glance at her folded new skirt and said with mischevious smile:"You did not paint my bottom as red as my skirt."

"Its not too late, little imp" he said with mock seriousness and demonstrated by putting her under his arm her small cute rosy bottom sticking up. He delivered few quick love spanks.

"Let me go, I promise to be good" he let her off. The girl took few quick steps back and rubbed her re-awaken pain in the ass away, facing him with causious experesion. But soon she smilled mischevous fire re-ignating her gaze.

She commented, oh so inicently:"You should undress too." Then seeing his expresion explained:

"The humidity will damage your clotes."

"That's ok, i have more clostes at home." Trying to evade the problem, so far his extra deep pants had maniged to conseal sertain "growth", but if he take them off the "tent" in his pants will show clerly.

She frowned: "This is stupid. You should take better care of your clotes. If you are shy we have extra tower." It was his turn to blush. seing that she added:

"Plus I did see my father plenty of times."

"Did see?"

her expesion saddened:"Yes, he left mother and I when I was five."

Her smile returned lost i memory:"he was nice."

Figeting in place the child added softly "Though, you are nicer."

"Lets go in before you catch a cold" He could not think of anything else to say.

"But you should undress first" she said feeling close to victory. The man grugingly agreed promising himself to return the favour. He quickly took his shirt, socks and pants dropping them where they fall. Then after quickly snaching the old tower the girl offered him and tieing it around his waiste he ashured her in the litlle bathroom. There was not enough room for two adults to stand confortably, in fact he though the space left free from the heater, washing basin and variety of small claturs (including a old plastic, child-sized bathtub) was little more then one of those one man bathrooms, people of his country reffered as 1/2 bath. Good thing one of the two people now in was a child.

He quickly collected a shampoo bottle and the only sponge, then turn on the water. he got a small revange by setting the water a little hotter than he suppected the child would like it. His effords were rewarded by a small yeap, when the hot spray hit her. When she turned to accusingly glare at him, he was prepared and give her straight face explanation that it was not hot to him, even demonstrating by spalhing some of the water to his face without flinching. His bluff molified her and she set to wash herself with his help. First was the hair, and while she was effectivly blinded he let his eyes wander, eating hungrily her body with his eyes. Once she washed her face of the shampoo she offered him the rough clothe used for scrubing. He took great pleasure at the chance to touch her whole body, the smell of her sweat was especialy entising mixed with shampoo. After a quick wrince to get the dead skin off her body came his favorite part-washing her with soap. He moisten the sponge and put a lot of soap on it before he was satisfied. The result was a large amonth of soft foam, which he liberaly applyed to her body. When he got to her bottom, he could not contain himself and give it a light pinch. The unexpected attach produced a loud yeap from the victim.

Fom all the washing and heat her bottom has become very sensative and even redder.He commented that it is almoust the shade of red he has promised her to make her little bum-bum, after taking a quick look she agreed.

Just as he had soaped her behind and thinghts and was wandering if she will allow him to wash her "sicret place" the bathroom door opened. The child mother had arived. The woman took one look at the scene: her young child willingly allowing a stranger to wash her in the nude and exploded.

First she jumped the man, however while he had lived a relativly layback life he had nearly 10 inches and more then 60 lbs more then her, so he fended her off with just a few scraches. Then the woman turned her ire on the naked child, cuffing and punching her the whole time screaming that the girl was a whore, disapontment, shameless and whatever else could came to her confused mind.

The child was just crying, not trying to protect herself. The other adult quickly stepped in to break the beating. He held the small woman away from her crying, bruised daughter until the mother calmed down a bit.

"Why?" the wonam voice was filled with exasperation.

The child responded troght her sobs:"I just wanted to make you happy".

This make the woman explode again about how this shameful behaviour could not make her happy not in thousant, no then thousant years.

The girl started to cry harder again, her responce nearly imposible to understand.

From what the man gathered, the daughter was telling her mother that ever since her daddy left them both, they been having a very rought time. The mother was never at home and her daughter knew her mother was miserable, beacause she could not earn enough money to buy everyting they needed. The woman calmed a bit, a trace of gentle empathy in her face, it was gone fasted then snow in July, her fury back full force:"And what has all this have to do with this, THIS INDICENCY?!!"

The child explained between her fits of sobbing and sniffing that she had found a good man for her mother. He was kind and gentle, did not allow disrespect and not less importanly seemed well off.

The man in question would had laught if the situation was not so grave. So the child was hunting him, not the other way arround? Her wishfull interpretation of his actions was amusing to say the least. The mother's hot fury has turned winter cold"I see." The calmness of her voice was deseptfully steady. The young girl lifted her head in innocent hope. The man knew better, he took few steps back and quietly collected his pants and shirt, unnoticed by the actors of the blooming drama before him.

"I see." repeated the woman, this time something in her tone allerted her child and the girl twisted her face in preparation to cry again. The woman did not let her. She saized the child long brown hair and bring her young pray out of balance, then the woman deftly caught her child around the waiste and bodily trew her at the other adult. The man was half expecting something like this, so he maniged to catch the light living missale without hurting either of them. He set her down.

"If you like him so much, you can have him" the woman was screaming at the top of her lungs."Get out. I do not want to see you again. I no longer have a daughter."

The child crying started to collect her close only to have them tugged out of her hands by the angry woman-"You have no need for clotes, your whore. Everybody what a shameful child you are. GET OUT! GET OUT!"

The woman started pushing her naked, soup covered girl-child out of the appartment.

Once the little one was out the woman turned to the man, who had fallowed them to the door:

"YOU, You too should show your sins to the world" She tried to snach his clotes away, but could not and he almoust gently pushed her, but still with enough force to send her on her back.

"Get away I never want to see either of you ever again. And I hope your are happy together" the woman screamed before slamming the door.

"That is a predicament." though the man while putting his pantalones on."Still the woman is emotionaly out of balance, so she would not keep his remaining clotes. Probaly either trowing them away or burning them."

He spread his shirt and went to confort the now histerical, wet child.

"There, there. It will be alright."

The girl looked at him in incomprehension:"I have nowhere to go."

"No grandparents or relatives."He was hopping for a negative, but wanted to make sure.

"No, nobody... NObody to care for me."

"Shuuauush, little one. I care." He wrapped his shurt around her soggy form."i will take you home."

He meant his home of coarse, but the statment seem to bring some confort to her. "Children are like kittens it seems-cannot relax unless they have a place to call their own.

His summer appartment was some way off and the child fell asleep in his arms, good thing it was summer or both of them would have cought a serious cold. By the time he oppened his front door he was sniffing loudly. He put down his presious burden and went to check his own bathroom. Yeap , there was plenty of hot water. The man gently shook the sleeping child awake.

"Sweety, wake up." She awoke slowly, reluctantly exsated from the eventful day. Then jurked awake realising that she was in strange place. After taking a minute to look arond she turned a questioning gaze at him. "You have to take a shower, before going to bed."

Wild fear shone in here eyes. He sighed and pointed to her legs, where the soap was dried and left a ugly looking white mess. "Plus you might catch a cold otherwise." She jsut nobed.

"At least undressing you will not be a problem" he tryed a weak jock while removing her or rather his shirt from her body. His apparment bath was almoust five times bigger then her has been and with much more free space. He make her take a shower first, this time ajusting the temperature to confortable level.

The warm water semed to return some spark of life to the child. He make her sit on the tiled floor, while he took a wash down himself. He noticed that the child ws looking at his erection with mild, but growing curiosity, but forced himself to finish before attending to other matters.

He turned facing the child and addressed her:"You look alfally curious imp."This make her look down, red." Do you know what this is?" he gestured to his crouch. Without looking up, she responded:

"It means you like me."

"Yes, I do like you."pause"You know now that we be living together."

She looked up starteled at this apperent change in conversation. Then she saw his speculative expresion.

"I cannot cook that well, or be much use around the house."she said. I will not be too much use to you." she started sobbing againg."I am of no use to anybody." She started hitting herself on the head."Bad girl, bad girl."

As much as he found the scene arousing, the adult did not want the child to hurn herself."I will do this for her, latter."-he silently promised himself. So took hold of her hands and brough them around him. "I love you and have use for you."That much was true, but not in the way the child expected.

It took some time but she calm down again.

"Now I was saying I like you and all, but if we are going to live together..." he begun.

"You are not going to trow me out too" tears forming in her eyes.

"NO, no" he quickly reasured her. "Because i know you are a good girl and would not disapoint me."

This trapped her even more, he knew she would do almoust anything to prove that she is a "good girl" like actually acting as a "bad" one.

"Now man and women who live together and are not related by blood do sertain things for each other." he started vaguely.

She nodded in consentration.

"Things they will not do for other people. Or even talk in front of others. Their personal sicret."

Another nod.

He desided to test her:"Turn around and show me your butt." She turned with only trace o hesitation in her eyes. "you are not going to punish me again. Are you?"

"Not right now. Plus" he added lightly "you enjoyed a bit today did not you?"

In a small voice she responded, her blush apperent"Yes, i like it. You carred enough for me to spend your time punishing me." In his mind he responded "It was a pleasure."

"Now spread your cheeks for me."

She looked at him in confusion, reaching for her face.

"No the other cheeks."

Understanding shown in her eyes and she reached back placing each hand to the coresponding half-globe and gently parted her posteriour.

He put some shampoo on his fingers, without looking, his gaze was glued to her little rosebud.

"Some soap has gotten in" That much was true, the shower has not removed all the traces of dry soap. he put his left hand between her cheeks to keep them parted and slowly started to draw closing spiral towars her butthole. Then his index finger slowly entered her. This make her shutter.

The lubricant was cool but quickly started to burn. he took his finger out put some more shampoo, directly on her rosebutt and repeatedly entered and removed his index finger from her ass.

Then he stood up and started to disasable the shower by unscrewing it head.

As much as he was tempted, and tempted he was, he did not wish to start this relationship by hurting her badly, it would take some time for her hole to get use to his regular size "tool".

Meanwhile he had other amusements.

Once the shower head was removed the water tube, which ended in a small opening could be eaily inserted in the child lubriated hole. This intrusion broght new distress to the young one, untill he conforted her promising that this will help bring away the burning sensation.

Then he started the warm water slowly, keeping the tubes end firmly inserted.

True to his words this brought some releif as the shampoo got deluted. However, this treatment soon broght an unconfortable feeling of fullness. At first sh was too embarased to tell him that she has to go , and he enjoyed her dilema between the building up cramps, incresingly hot water and her unwillingness to admit that she has to "go potty". At the end her physical needs won.

"I have to go." she said with great urgency dancing in place.

"Go where?" He engoyed pretending he did not know.

"I have to, oh hot please stop it" he imediatly stopped the inflow, but still kept the tube inserted.

"Please I have to go to.. the establishment."

"What establis...or i see. You have to go to " he deliberatly left the sentance unfinished enjoying her little dance. "Ok, i will carry you there. But you have to promise that you will hold it." She nodded miserable clenching her buttcheeks. The man quickly took the tube's end out bringing a cry from her.

Then he caried her to the nearby toilet, few door down.

Such was her relief to have reached the destination safely, she did not ask him to leave, and of coarse he did not volunteer. After nearly fifthteen minutes of clenching to get all the water out (some of it was trapped deep inside her) he took her back to the bathroom to finish the bath.

To her relief he put the shower back togetter and just gave her and himself a soap wash.

Then he took her out dryed her. make a jock about going to the bathroom before sleep and tucked her in. Not suprisingly she quickly went under, while he spend some more time regaurding her sleepy face before falling asleep himself.

Chapter 2

The next morning the girl awoke groggy and in t the first moments after waking she looked like a caged wild cat, one can almoust see her hair rising up. Then she rememebered.

"Morning my sunshine." Came his cheerfull greeting.

"Why sunshine?" she ask with the singelmindness of children.

"Well you are like the sunshine of my life, bringing me hapiness and light."

She nodded satisfied. Then her face darkened: "I do not have any clothes to ware."It was true she did not have a single piece of clothing on her name after yesterday. He suspected her mother had already thrown all her daughter's clothes away, judging how engry she was last night.

The man has spend hour and half searching through his old posesions for something which would fit his new friend. His search was not in vain. He smilled and lifted his discovery for her to see- small old sailor-type shirt and blue pants. Both has weathered the years suprisingly well, but was apperent they were not new. They were a little baggy as even when the man was her age he had been bigger in frame. And she still had not got any underware, as his old pants had long ago been turned into rags to be used for around the house. The child did not mind for her any clothes were better then none. He smille shariring her joy. Then he smille again, the morning search goal had been not only clothes. He had another suprise for her, or two rather.

"Turn over to your tummy. "He said with mock sturness. Her face drew in supprise, but she obayed without comment."Now lower your new pants" she obayed again with small apprehension, wandering what she has done to make him want to punish her.She left a small cry when he placed his hand covered in something cold and slimyon her buttocks. "Baby oil" came his explanation. he had found an old bottle, dryed out among his parents boxes in the basement.

When the child relaxed under his menistrations he took out quietly his other finding-old medicine. If he remembered corectly it purpose was for healing stomach cramps, but he was more interested in another of its effects. You see, once its been in the system for about half hour the patient started to feel the deseptfull sensension that something was leaking from his or in this case of this intended victiom her anus. For this medicine was a suppository. WHen he was a kid he had dreamed of trowing this medice away, now he was glead he didnot.

The man quickly shoved put one of the remaining capsules, which had the shape of small candle, in the intended area, before the child could realize what was happening. He then explaind that that was medicine, even showing her the box.

Afterwards he took her with him to the nearby market, with promise to buy her some underpanties as she called them. The girl quickly learned to keep one hand close to her oversized pants, as they had the tendancy to slip and trip her. Her companion quickly reinforced the idea by littly strinking her bottom the next time it was exposed and saying "You are tempting me to spank you, by showing me your fanny so teasingly. I am a simple man and cannot resist the temtation".The had breakfast standing in front the boot, from which he both two freshly baked [insert your favorite morning snack]. Then as he promised he took her to look for undergarments. He left the choice to her both to make her happy and because he did not much care about her panties. He was more interested of what they covered. what he did choose for her was a new costume, matching yellow shirt and skirt. Soon after she chose few pairs, some with cartoon charectes and one with fishes, the medicine started to take effect. The child started to squirm and step nervously from foot to foot. She motioned him to come closer and in an embarsed small voice said in his ear "I think I am leaking."

"You had an incident?" he said gravely, sicretly enjoying her disconfort.

"I am a big girl." was the only defence she could master.

He took her by the hand and lead her to a nearby secluded side allay. Then he turn to her and said "Please explain."

She was deeply embaresed and mummbled, and his probing she finaly said:

"I think my behind is leaking."

"Your behind."


He truethfully explained that that could be side effect of the medicine and will pass soon. Still she was unconfortable and pleaded him to "check out" for any leacks. The man took a quick look around and not seeing anybody agreed. He turned her around and lowered the pants to her knees, then took nearly half minute carefully examining her psoterior and of coarse ejoying every second. Finaly to her relief he reported that everything is all right. As he turn around to lead them to the main streat, she shyly pulled his sleave and ask if she could please put one of the new panties on. The man cosidered it, but desided that it was too much risk, he had shielded her moments ago, but it would be much too easy for any passerby to notice if she took her pants off completely. However, he gave the girl the excuse that if she did "leak" her new panties will become dirty.

Once back to his apparment appartment he ask her to take another shower and she readily agreed- apperently she enjoyed showering. The man put on old shirt and pants and joined her in the bathroom.

"You se" he said-" one does not have to strip down to help another with her bath."

"Your bath is much larger" she concluded after giving it some thought.

Despite the trepidation in her hearth, the adult did not do anything painful this time.

He was content to just enjoy the feel of her young body under his arms, while he was soaping her for the thurd time.

"Your soap will be eaten away very fast if you apply so much"- she admonishing him. After trowing her a quick glance to be sure that she has not caught on he replied with a wink: "That is OK, I know where to find more." He ending his statement by tickling her exposed armpit, bringing out giggles from her.

"Still money does not grow on trees" she did not relent.

"If somebody was listening it would be difficult to tell who was the child and who was the adult" he though annoyed. "I know much better then her about earning money. I live for a living!"

"There is no small saving" she quothed a local saying.

"Boy she is persistent" he thought."Time to change tacticks."

"Well you were a very dirty girl."

This shut her up, but also started to bring tears in her eyes, so he quickly added:"Thats why I washed your so much. I care about you."

"I love you too" came her response.

He was mentaly slapping himself on the back for the skillful reposte. Indeed he has masterfully redirected the blame on her and then conforted her in just few seconds. However, her next words were not what her expected:

"Will you marry me?"

"Will you marry me?"

If she has taken a gun of thin air and shoot him, he would be less supprised not to mention confuced. He knew the child love him, but to propose and it this early age.

"Do I look like someone , anybody will want to marry" He tried to turn it into a jock.

She gravely nodded:"You are gentle and kind, that why I chose you."

He had not forgoten last night, it has just slipped his mind. Now he remembered,no, recalled her statmet that she has chosen him. And he had half the mind to willingly allow himself to fall in her trap. In his original plan he was to leave her with some of his distant relatives, thurd cousins who lived in completely different part of the country. They had a large family and he, being single, could easily afford to send money every two three months, more then enough to offset her expensise. That was the plan. Now he was not so sure. The prospective of having this willing toy with him was very tempting.

"You know young one," he desided to test her- "people who marry do even more things together then ones who just live in the same place." This was no longer the prevailing truth, but she did not know that.

"I know." under his questioning stare she added:"one night, while mother and fathr were back together I woke up late from a nightmare and went to their room. We used to live in a different bigger place then. I.... I saw them fighting in bed. At fisrt I was scared, but then I really looked and realised that mother was bot being hurt. They were having fun even."

"And you never asked about it afterwards?"he probed.

She blushed and said:"I was big enough to know that adults like to play some games with each other late at night, and jelosly keep such games a sicret from children.

He nodded, not exactly the way he would have put it, but close enough to the truth. "OK" he thought "time to get back to the current problem."

"If you are to merry me you will have to take part of such games" he tested her resolve.

"I will do my best" came her repled with great resolve.

Neither said anything for some time after this. He silently helped her dry and dress, giving her calculating looks when her back was turned. In the end he desided to pospond deciding how to proceed for after lunch. He felt much to excited to to be very hungry. However this provided him with plausable excuse to delay his next move and think over it. He liked this child- no douth, but could he trust her enough to keep his sicrets. As the silent lunch grew to its end he make a gut desision and took off.

His absance was less the fifthteen minutes, and he came back running and out of breath, but for the young maiden it felt like fifthteen hours.

He assured her that he had to buy some things nessesary for adult games.

Her eyes shone:"So you will marry me?"

"Hold your horses, Rome was not build in a day." he could not resist to trow on his turn a proverb at her.

Her face dimmed, but the light of determination in her eyes hardened. His remark had the desired effect.

He took her by the hand and guided her to the bedroom he has been using since childhood. The apartment was all his now, but he had grown acustomed to the smaller one.

Once there he lifted her and place her on the bed, then ask her in a husky voice filled with desire to undress, while in the process of removing his own garments. Once they both were in the nude, and after he had put a preservative on, did he finnaly stopped to consider what exactly he wanted to do with her. Oral sex tempted him, but he grew affraind that he might hurt or even kill her in his passion-he had little experience with adults, much less with children.

Anal sex has been his sicret dream for years, but again he was afraid he do some lasting damage to his toy. This type of toy could not be fixxed with simple engeeniaring and glue in few strategic places.

That left "vanilla". "But first" he thought-"lets warm her up a bit".

Took a seat next to her and after warning her not to resist, put her over his knees, face down. He gave her a brisk, business-like spanking, which had little in common with his last day's tease spank. Now she was in his mercy, and he did not feel like acting nice-he wanted to make sure he could trust her.

Only once he realised that she was bearing this ordeal silently, despite her apperent pain did he slow down. "Her behind right now" he thought " could give her the skirt I gave her yesterday a run for reddness." He desided to buy her another one soon so he could compare. The men reached for the baby oil he has left on the bedside table and with suprising gentelness rubber some of it to her crab-red postreior in a sooding massage.

Afterwards he took one of the items he had been in such hurry to obtain, his country equivalent to kjelly. The man put liberal dose on his index finger and after spreading her legs and "other" lips run it slowly around inside her.

At first she run stiff when the stuff started to take effect, but once she found that the heating sensetion did not burn like the shampoo yesterday she relaxed, even starting to enjoying the feeling a bit.

He attempted to put two lubricated fingers in. It was a tight fit. Then he tryed tree. At first it was not bad, but soon he was stopped short by her small cry:"It hurts" and he felt her insides tighten arond his hand, even worse he realised he could not pull his hand out freely- he was stuck. That unnurved him a bit as he always had considered to have "pianist fingers" -long and slim. True his had had grown during teenhood, but they were still more slender that most other man he had met, who were close to 6 feet- his hight.

"You have to trust me" he adminished the panishing child. He could had forced his hand out, but he liked to keep his nails long and well his fingers were in a delicate place.

He stared pulling his fingers one at a time, while reasuring her in a soft voice, latter he could not remember half what her said, but it must have had some effect for her clamp -like grip. he inspected his long nails, but could not find any blood or flesh on them. After some petting on her head and a promise to use only two fingers she let him spread her legs again. He cut his nails down before proceeding, just in case. She started to enjoy it again an even "juice up" a little, but still will tighten unconciasly when he went exploring too deep. In the end he desided with regret to pospone the intercoarse for another day.For cosolation he desided to continue his advance in another avenue. The man turn his lithle bed partner on her tummy and consentrated his attention on her rosy openning, his fingeres covered with jelly and her juice. he still could only put two fingers in, but they met less resistance from the previous day (more due to her getting accustomed to the procedure then to actual splinter streching).

He nearly colapsed afterwards, enving the girl for her young residiance.

Before falling asleep that night he heart her soft voice.

"I have played adults' game with you. Will you merry me, now?"

In his half-asleep, half-awake state, he could not even remember when he said "Yes."

R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s


Worst story I've read in months. The spelling and grammar were appalling. You cant even spell words like 'marry' the same way twice(merry). Crap build up then no action. Waste of space.


use spellcheck

The reviewing period for this story has ended.