Published: 14-Jun-2011
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"The first game this evening will actually be a competition between our first two contestants" announced the leader. "Erin and Sally, please come forward!" The cute little six year old Erin, with all of her freckles, and another little blond, named Sally, got up from their chairs. Sally was seven years old, and about the same hight and build as Erin. The leaders had them both get on their hands and knees, facing each other, giving the audience a side profile. The assistant girls then wheels out a pole stand with a large gallon-sized enema bag with a whole mess of tubing coming from the end.
The assistants then began applying the lubricant to each of the girl's bottoms, pushing it into their buttholes and wiggling their fingers in and out. Next, they put the lube on what were apparently the nozzles. These nozzles were very different from the ones that had been used on us during the cleaning. While those had been small, hard, and plastic, these nozzles were all soft and flexible looking. They are also huge! There were several fins sticking out from the central tube that ran though them. The fins were all slanted, going to a point near the end, and then getting bigger. Then there was a gap of maybe an inch, and new fins started. These were in the opposite direction of the first. Each fin stuck out maybe half an inch or more from the central tube. As there were fins on each side, plus the width of the tube, it was probably over and inch and a half big!
As the assistants put lube on to the nozzles, I could see the fins were actually quite flexible however. The leader explained what was going on for the audience, as the cameras gave closeups. "For many of the games we will be playing tonight, the girls will use these wonderful inflating nozzles!" she explained. "They feel absolutely naughty going in, and even more exciting as they're inflated! But the best reason of all is, once inflated, it's almost impossible for the girls to expel the plugs or leak any of the enema, regardless of their position. The larger bulb seals the rectum, and the smaller one remains outside to hold everything in place." As this was all being explained, the assistants were slowly pushing the plugs in to the two kid's tight pink holes, giving them a twist as they went, causing the fins to all fold over onto their sides and the tubes to slide easily up their bums. Once pushed in, they reached down and took hold of little squeeze balls connected to the nozzles. They looked a lot like the balls on the thing the doctor uses to take my blood pressure
Each of the assistants looked at each other and then nodded, squeezing the balls at the same time. As they did so, Erin and Sally's eyes both shot wide open. The assistants gave another squeeze, and then another. On the 4th squeeze, Erin let out a grunt. On the 5th squeeze, both girls let out a loud moan. The assistants then switched to different bulbs, and I watched as the second, smaller set of fins that were just barely peaking out of the girl's bottoms enlarged and turned into a round ball, pulling out away from their cheeks.
"I've gotta go poo, really, really bad!" I heard Sally whimper. The assistant rubbed her buttcheeks, and reminded her that there was no poo left inside of her at all. It had all come out when she'd been cleaned earlier. It was just the new nozzle inside, pressing against the walls of her rectum and making her feel like she had lots of poo ready to come out. They told the girls to relax, and try to get used to the feeling of the big nozzles inside of them.
The girls then stretched out and sorted the hoses coming from the bag. A single hose ran down from the bag to a special little box, with some little sliding valves. Two hoses ran out from the box. Each passed through a flow indicator with a little ball inside a round plastic case, and then went to each of the girl's inflatable nozzles. The assistants turned and pushed some of the valves on the special box.
"We've switched the box so that this enema will only go into Erin's nozzle" announced the leader. "She will be receiving two quarts of salt water." With that, they released the clamp, and water started draining from the bag. The flow indicator for Erin began to spin counterclockwise, indicating the water was flowing in. Slowly but surely, the first quart of water drained into the little six year old's belly. From the side view, everyone could see her gut enlarging and hanging lower.
When the water level finally reached the mark on the bag indicating two quarts had emptied, the girls re-tightened the clamp, cutting off the flow. The indicator slowed and finally game to a rest. The assistants then made some adjustments to the splitter box, and poured two fresh quarts into the bag, once again returning it to a full gallon.
"Now," announced the leader "it is time for Sally to receive her two-quart enema. We have closed the valve for Erin, so that no fluid can flow in or out of her tube. This enema will go only into Sally." she explained. Much like before, the clamp was released, and this time Sally's flow indicator sprung to life, spinning round and round as the seven year old was also filled. When she too had taken two quarts, the flow was stopped.
The leader spoke once again. "Both of these little girls now have two quarts of water inside of their bellies. We have now closed the valve leading up to the enema bag. Using our control box, a check-valve which allows water to flow in a single direction only has been selected in the tube leading to Sally's nozzle. When this valve is released, Erin will have five minutes two expel as much of her enema as possible back out through her nozzle. As you can see, the only place for that water to go will be though the tube and into Sally! Any water Erin pushes out can not flow back in thanks to the valve, but Sally may apply as much pressure as possible to try and keep the check valve closed. I'd recommend Erin expel as much of that water as she can however, as when her five minutes are up, she is to receive another quart!"
The assistants then reached down and picked up the bulbs connected to the nozzles, giving them another squeeze. Both girls let out a large grunt. "As the girls will be pushing hard, we need to make sure there is an excellent seal inside their rectums." the leader explained.
They then counted back from 5, and upon reaching 1, released the valve. At first, nothing happened, but as we continued to watch, the flow indicators slowly came to life. This time, Erin's indicator moved clockwise, indicating the water was flowing out. Sometimes we could see her grunt and push, and the indicator would spin a bit faster. Sally tried to push, but nothing she was doing seemed to be able to stop the flow. However, at no time did the indicators spin anywhere near as quickly as they had during the original enemas.
When the five minutes were up, Erin would have done well if she'd managed to push half of her enema into Sally. This left Sally with close to three quarts, and Erin with just over one quart still inside of her. The assistants once again made some adjustments on the box, and then released the clamp, causing the enema water from the bag to flow into Erin, delivering her additional quart as promised.
As Erin quickly took back the quart worth of water she had just worked so hard to eliminate, I looked at Sally. The poor seven year old was very bloated looking, with her entire colon now well defined and sagging below her. The desperation to expel was all over her face. Her assistant occasionally patted her bottom or rubbed her belly, and I could hear her whispering to the girl about how good she was doing.
When the quart had been emptied into Erin, they once again clamped off the bag and opened and closed valves on the splitter box. "We now estimate that Sally has three quarts of water inside her belly, and Erin has two." announced the leader. "Now, we have reversed the connections from earlier, and Sally will have five minutes to expel as much of her enema as possible, back out through the nozzle, past a check valve, and into Erin. Just like before, we now urge Sally to expel as much as possible, because when the five minutes are up, she'll be receiving an additional quart!"
When the valve was released, the flow indicators sprung to life, and I could see that Sally was rapidly expelling into Erin. Where as the first time the girls had each had an equal two quarts, this time Sally had the upper hand, having the pressure of close to an additional quart of water over little Erin. Erin did her best to mount a defense, but it was clear she was no match for the older and fuller girl. By the time the pressure had equalized, Erin had resigned herself and didn't even put up a fight as Sally continued to push more and more water out of her bottom and straight into Erin's.
By the time five minutes were up, it was only the fact that little Erin was close to maximum capacity that had slowed the flow. The valves were adjusted, and the final quart of water began to drain from the bag and into Sally.
When the bag had finally emptied, a gallon and a half of saltwater was shared between the two preteens. The majority, probably somewhere between three and a half quarts and an entire gallon, was in six year old Erin. That left the remaining two or so quarts in Sally. The final round of adjustments were made to the splitter box, and then the leader made another announcement. "It is now time for the girl's final face-off. The object of this game is to force as much enema water into your opponent as possible. For the next five minutes, the girls may freely expel their enemas back through their nozzles and into each other. There will be no check valves this time. What is gained may be lost if you let your guard down. Now girls, get ready! Get set! Go!"
With that, the valve was released, and the flow indicators spun back to life. For the first couple of minutes, the flow was all from Erin into Sally. The huge pressure difference between them left Sally with little resistance. I realized that the game had been designed so that whatever you did to your opponent actually made it easier for them to do the same thing back to you in the next round.
After the pressures were equalized, it became a bit like an inverse tug-o-war, with each girl staring each other in the face, grunting, and bearing down, trying to push water into her opponents bottom. The indicators spun one way, and then back again. By the time the five minutes were up, I don't think anyone knew who had more inside of them. Both girls appeared very bloated. Had the indicators spun one way 5 times, and the other way 6? I couldn't keep track. I wondered how they would decide the winner.
At that point, the assistants clamped off both of the nozzles, and then disconnected them from the hoses, wheeling the stand and empty bag back off-stage, and returning with two commodes with clear buckets mounted under the seats. "It is now time to judge a winner" announced the leader. The seats were positioned back to back, and each girl was instructed to sit on one.
"To determine our winner, the girls will now be allowed to expel their enemas. After 15 minutes are up, whichever girl has expelled the least will be assumed to have had the least amount of water in her, and be declared the winner." she announced. "Now, I know what you're thinking. Why not just hold on to as much of your enema as possible? Well, that is a strategy our girls may wish to try! But it comes with a warning. When the 15 minutes are up, the loser will be plugged, and must retain anything they did not expel for the next several hours. If you hold back, you risk your opponent having held back even more. Given the choice, I think sitting with a belly full of water for the entire evening would be even worse than losing the game, but it is up to the girls!"
Ear protectors were then placed onto both girl's heads, to stop them from hearing when and how much each other expelled into the buckets. The assistants then turned the valves on each nozzle, letting the air back out of the balloons. As the pressure in the balloons released, both nozzles were forced out of the girl's by the torrent of water up inside of them. For the first minute, neither girl had any control of her bowels, as the water relentlessly thundered out into the bucket.
This of course made the retention strategy even less appealing. Both girls knew they had expelled a great deal of water, but had no idea if their opponent had done the same. If not, they had already lost, and should get rid of as much water as possible. Both girls apparently decided it would be best to empty, continuing to grunt and expel for another nine or so minutes.
It was then announced that, while on the commodes, the girls were both allowed to pee if they needed to. However, their pee would go toward the total expelled. If they chose not to pee now, they would need to hold it for a while longer, or face "consequences". Hearing this made me realize that my own bladder was once again quite full. I looked over at little Caroline, and noticed she was peeing in here seat that that very moment! It wasn't hard, more a slow tinkle coming out, and disappearing under her, were I realized it was going into the bag hanging from her chair. She actually looked quite relieved, and a bit naughty. I thought about going in my chair, but for the time being I knew I could hold it, and didn't want to learn what the consequences might be.
Both girls apparently decided they could hold it no longer, as each peed freely into their buckets.
The last five minutes passed with nothing more coming out of either girl. I couldn't tell if they were both drained, or had decided to hold back the rest, just to be safe.
When time was finally up, the assistants checked the levels. Erin was declared the winner by 8oz. It was also observed that about two quarts of water was still missing. A large 1.5 inch buttplug was then produced, lubed up, and pushed into Sally's ass. From it hung a small tube with an inflater bulb like the one that had been on the nozzle. The assistant gave the bulb two firm squeezes, and little Sally let out a moan.
It was then announced that the winner would be given an orgasm as a prize, and Sally, as the loser, had to give it to her using nothing but her tongue. Sally was then instructed to lay down flat on her back, while Erin squatted over her face. As she squatted, a bit of water leaked out of her anus and drizzled onto Sally's face, causing her to close her eyes and mouth and keep them firmly shut. Erin settled down with her cunny pressed against Sally's shut mouth. The assistants then handed the inflater bulb to her, and told her that if she believed Sally could do a better job of licking her, she should squeeze the bulb, and continue doing so once a minute.
Erin instantly gave the bulb a good firm squeeze, further inflating the plug lodged deep inside Sally's rectum. Feeling the inflation, Sally's eyes shot open, and she stared up at Erin's little six year old sex, rosy and wet with desire. Slowly she let her tongue out from between her sealed lips, and started lapping away at the inflamed slit.
When a minute had passed, Erin once again gave the bulb a hard squeeze. This seemed to get Sally's attention, as she opened her mouth a bit and started licking more in earnest. Yet, as the next minute rolled around, Erin gave yet another squeeze, causing Sally to redouble her efforts once more. Erin was clearly enjoying things now, riding up and down on Sally's tongue, with little gasps and moans of pleasure escaping her. When another minute once again came around, Erin gave the bulb a final squeeze. That brought the total up to 6, and the pressure inside Sally's rectum must have been even worse than with the nozzle inflated, given the much larger core of the plug.
The final squeeze caused little Sally to go from an enthusiastic little pussy licker to a pussy devouring animal. She ferociously attacked the little six year old, thrusting her tongue deep and hard into her, and biting down on her little clit. It didn't take long of this sort of treatment to push Erin over the edge. With a howl, she let lose her orgasm. As the waves of pleasure washed over her, she let loose jet after jet of enema water, blasting it into Sally's chest, stomach, and pussy. By the end of her orgasm, she'd completely hosed down the little girl's body.
Her assistant then came over and popped her original lubed up plug, like all of the rest of us still had up our bottoms, back in, and helped her to one of the chairs on the other side of the stage. Then, wet little Sally was brought over to another chair, with her much larger plug still deeply embedded and fully inflated. Whatever water she had neglected to expel would not be making it past that plug, no matter how desperate for release she became or how hard she pushed.
The stage was then cleared and cleaned up in preparation for the next game. I looked over at Hannah, sitting next to me. She had a look of nervousness on her face, but her little cunny was all rosy and puffy looking as well. It would be her turn next.
Once the stage had been cleared, a strange new chair was wheeled out. Unlike the earlier ones, it was not nearly as reclined, and it had no poles coming up for the legs. There was no bucket under it like the commodes, just a U-Shaped opening like half a toilet seat, left open in the front for all to see. Above the chair was some sort of spinner like you might expect to see at a fair or on a game show.
The announcer then called Hannah's name, and she and her assistant girl got up and went to center stage. Her assistant helped her up into the chair. Her legs were spread slightly apart, and she was slightly reclined, but not as much as earlier. A strap was then placed across her lap like a seatbelt. Her hands and arms were fastened with soft Velcro straps to the arms of the chair. The same was then done to her thighs and legs, so that she was completely bound to the chair. A very shallow gag was then placed in her mouth. The gag had a tub running through it and sticking out a centimeter or so into her mouth. The gag was shallow enough to still allow her to move her tongue. It was more like a sealed o-ring gag, with only the tube sticking though. It was then inflated to fit firmly around her teeth and hold her mouth open and sealed. An inflatable enema nozzle was then lubricated and pushed up into her bottom. They only gave her bulb 4 squeezes, two less than the girls had gotten in the first game, but it still made Hannah moan and grunt with each squeeze. Finally, a pair of clear safety glasses were fitted to her face.
The announcer then addresses the audience. "We like to call this next game Milk and Honey" she said. "This is actually a game of chance. Here's how it works. A girl, like cute little Hannah here, is strapped to the chair. In a minute, she'll be asked to fill a standard drinking glass with her pee. That glass then goes into one of the enema bags up above her head. The second bag above her head contains a glass of cold milk. The third bag contains the remainder of the gallon jug the glass was poured from. As you can see, the spinner above Hannah's head contains two options, Milk, and Honey. However, the wheel does not decide the girl's fate - she does. Once the wheel has spun and selected either milk or honey, the girl, not knowing the wheel's selection, chooses whether she'd like to receive the chosen liquid as a drink, or as an enema. If the spinner lands on milk, and she chooses enema, Hannah will receive the gallon of milk as an enema, and the glass of pee to wash it down. The milk enema will continue flowing until the pee enema is completely drank, so the quicker she drinks it, the less cold milk she gets up her bottom. If the spinner lands on honey, she'll get a golden enema, and wash it down with the glass of cold milk. In that case, the next girl will come take a turn in the chair, and the game will continue until a girl drinks her honey."
I couldn't believe what she'd just said. Hannah might drink her own pee? GROSS! I couldn't imagine that! Even worse though, I realized that if Hannah didn't drink her own pee, it meant I was next in that chair, and it might be me! I guess it shouldn't have come as a huge surprise - after all, I already knew that girls in these games had eaten each other's poop. Still, I'd never thought about peeing anywhere but in a toilet before, and drinking it seemed disgusting!
Wasting no time, Hannah's assistant produced an eight ounce drinking glass, and held it under the girl's cunny. She was then told she had 1 minute to fill the glass with pee. Hannah took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and a steady stream began to flow. She obviously had to go pretty bad, as she kept right on peeing until the glass between her legs was overflowing. When she was done, the assistant lifted the glass for her and everyone to see. The liquid inside was a slightly yellowish color, but not too golden. It's contents were emptied into an enema bag, and a rope was pulled, lifting the bag up above Hannah's head.
Next, a board was fitted to the front of the chair's seat. It slid right into place and completed the circle that had been left open in the U shape. Sticking out of the top of the board was some sort of dome shaped head, and sticking out of the bottom was a long appliance-looking item with a power cord coming from the end and plugging in to the chair. This device was turned on, and I could hear it humming, like a really strong vibrator. It made the entire chair vibrate. It was then slid in until the dome was pressing gently against her cunny. Hannah relaxed, and seemed to melt into her chair.
The assistant then gave the wheel a spin. Around it went, clicking and clacking. I could see it on the TV monitor up above the stage. I then realized that Hannah would be able to see it on the monitor too! She'd cheat! Obviously the designers had forgotten about the monitor! I wondered whether I should say anything, or remain quiet. If I didn't say anything, she'd drink the milk for sure, and it would be my turn. But then, I could probably cheat too... If I gave it away, there was still a 50/50 chance that I'd have to go. I decided to stay quiet.
The spinner finally game to rest on Milk. Hannah was told she had 60 seconds to decide, or else she would receive her fate as an enema. As she was currently gagged, she would need to use her fingers to signal her choice. If she stuck out one finger, it meant drink. If she stuck out two, it meant enema. As the timer counted down, the audience began to chant "En Em Ah!" "En Em Ah!". She looked distracted, and confused, and couldn't seem to make up her mind. With 5 seconds left, she extended a single finger.
She'd seen it. Discovered the screen. I knew she would. For a while I thought she wasn't going to see it and follow the audience! But she must have seen it. She'd chosen correctly, and in doing so, determined my own fate. I finally knew what my game would be. A pee enema.
As the timer expired, the enemas automatically released themselves. Hannah seemed to brace herself for the milk, but then relax and eagerly suck it down, while her own warm pee flowed into her bowels. When both bags had emptied, the humming thing was turned off and removed from the chair. The gag was deflated and removed from Hannah's mouth. They then helped her from from the chair, and had her kneel on the stage, bending over and sticking her butt up in the air. In that position, her nozzle was deflated and gently removed, and the plug was once again popped into her, to hold her pee up inside. She was then lead over to the chairs to sit next to Erin and Sally.
It was my turn next.
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