Jess Joins the Club, Part 4

[ Fg, enem, ws, bd, toys, mild scat ]


Published: 8-Jun-2011

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Go Girl Go!

All around the studio I head gasps, whispers, and giggles. I looked over at Hannah in the chair next to me. She had a disgusted look on her face, that made me start to worry. I wondered what enema games were. I'd never even heard of that word before. It certainly wasn't anything like the games Daddy and I normally played. Scanning the audience yielded another set of mixed and conflicting information. Some of the men looked very excited, while others looked disappointed and disgusted.

"I can see we have some mixed feeling" said the staff leader. "Deciding on which fetish to cover this month was not easy. While we have covered this topic a number of times in our history, it is not one of our most popular fetishes, and it has been several years since it was last used. In fact, a few of out staff members were actually part of the last enema game!" she continued. "Last month, we explored one of the most extreme and dirtiest fetishes we cover in this club, and the results were very interesting. First, the video demand was so great, we have broken the all-time record! I am happy to announce that we are planning two new international week-long club trips for the coming year, and all participants from last month's video are invited to participate in one, all expenses paid! Second, we received some very surprising feedback from the girls themselves. While we expected scat to be one of the kid's least favorite topics, many have reported that it wasn't all that bad. In fact, many of the girls claim it has really expanded their perspective on sex. So with all of that in mind, we decided this would be a great month to bring back the enema games!"

Hearing all of this made me really worried. I knew that last month Anna had been forced to eat Sarah's poop, and I didn't want to eat any poop. But they had promised not to worry, because they never did the same thing twice. But now, it sounded like the poo eating was so popular, they were doing these "Enema Games". I still had no idea what an enema game even was, and was very glad I hadn't drawn number one!

I listened, as the leader continued her introduction. "It's been so long since we played these games that we know none of the chosen girls have taken part in previous editions. So girls, we are wondering if you've ever had enemas at home?" She paused. Both Caroline and Hannah shook their heads no. A couple of the other girls nodded yes. I couldn't see everyone. I didn't think I had ever had an enema. I didn't even know what it was, so I wasn't sure. "Jennifer" I whispered, "I don't know what an enema is." Hearing this, Jennifer raised her voice. "I'm not sure that all of our little girls know what an enema is. Can you tell us about them?" she said to the leader.

"Oh, what a good idea, Jennifer!" said the leader, turning to look at us. "Girls, if you've never had one before, let me tell you a bit about what an enema is!" she said. "Sometimes enemas are used if you've having trouble going poo. Other times they are used to help clean out your bottom so a doctor can look up inside and help fix a problem. But some people just enjoy having their bottoms cleaned out, and find it a very unique feeling that is very arousing - especially if you like anal play! You see girls, when you have an enema, a special tube slides into your anus, just like a small buttplug. Then, water or other special fluids flow through the tube an up inside your bottom. At first it might feel like when daddy cums into your bottom, but enemas can last a long time, and can feel really nice going in! Then, it starts to fill you up, like a nice big buttplug! When you're all full, we remove the special tube, and you poop all the water back out! It feels kind of like peeing from your bottom. When it's all out, your bottom is much cleaner inside, and you can play games without worrying about getting poop on your toys or on daddy's penis!"

I just sat and listened. I didn't really know what to think. I certainly knew I'd never had any water in my butt, but I couldn't even imagine what it felt like. Daddy had never even cum in my bottom before. The biggest thing that had ever been in was my 1-inch plug. I knew I did like the full feeling that gave me. It did sound kind of dirty, but it also sounded kind of clean. At least they didn't say anything about eating poo, and so hopefully I'd dodged that bullet.

"So now," began the leader "without further ado, let's get started! To begin the evening, all of the girls are about to receive three cleaning enemas. These enemas aren't part of any games, but will be used to help clean out the girl's rectums and colons. We have found that enema games are much more fun if all of the old slimy fecal material gets cleaned out ahead of time. With it gone, the girls can take larger enemas, hold them for longer, and release them without making a smelly mess. We could stay here cleaning all night and still never get it completely clean, but have found three to be the magic number for the cleanest results!"

With that said, the staff all disappeared behind the curtain at the back corner of the stage, and started rolling out poles with pink bags on them, and long tubes running down. They looked a lot like what I'd seen in hospitals before. Jennifer parked the pole next to my chair, where I could look up and see it. The bag was hanging about a foot above me, and I could see where the sides bulged out with the liquid inside of it. Clear tubing ran out from the bottom of the bag, and was hanging from a hook on the side. On the end I could see a slim black pointy part. Jennifer walked around in front of me carrying a tube of lube, and squirted some on her finger.

"Ok Jessie" she said "I'm going to get your bum hole all nice and slippery, so I can put this nozzle in. It shouldn't hurt at all, so let me know if it does. Just relax, ok honey?" I just nodded my head in reply. The next thing I felt was the cold lube being smeared onto my anus, and Jennifer's finger rubbing it around and pushing little gobs inside of my bottom. She squirted more onto her fingers and then resumed rubbing it in. She did a really nice job, and it actually was starting to feel a bit good, like when daddy rubbed the vibrator on my butthole. I looked over at Hannah. She was leaning back in her chair with her eyes closed. It looked like she was really enjoying having her butthole rubbed too. On my right, Caroline was sitting more upright, looking really desperate to pee. I felt bad that she wasn't able to enjoy having her hole rubbed like we were. Actually, I was starting to feel like I had to pee pretty bad as well. After another minute, Jennifer stopped rubbing in the lube, and went and got the hose and nozzle off of the hook on my stand. All of the other staff seemed to be in sync, also getting up and getting the other girl's hoses.

I watched as she applied even more of the lube to the nozzle itself, and then went back between my legs with it.

"The first enema the girls will be receiving is one quart of plain water, which they will retain for five minutes" announced the leader over the microphone. I felt the hard plastic of the nozzle against my anus. It felt a bit different from the jelly buttplugs I was used to. Fortunately, it was only about as large as my smallest plug, which I knew would fit no problem. I relaxed, and felt Jennifer slide the plug in and hold it in place. She reached a hand up and rubbed my thigh, smiling at me. "I hope you enjoy your first enema, honey" she said. "It makes me real happy that I can be the one to give it to you!" I smiled back, probably more out of nervousness than anything else. Here I was, tried to a chair with a room full of people watching, and cameras giving everyone closeups of where the plugs entered out bottoms, about to try something completely new.

The next thing I heard was a series of clicking noises, as each staff member squeezed little plastic parts on the tubes and then released them. Suddenly, I felt something tingly inside my butt. It was unlike anything I'd ever felt before, warmer, and hard to describe. I could feel a strong little stream of warm water shooting out and hitting the walls of my rectum. On both sides of me, I heard little squeals and sighs from the other girls, undoubtedly feeling the same thing. At first, I could feel a single point inside of me that felt like the warm water was poking, but after about 30 seconds, that went away, replaced by a different feeling. I could feel the warm water growing inside of me. It continued to get bigger and bigger. I started to feel like when I had my big butt plug. Then it started feeling like when I had to go poo really bad.

"Ohh...." I said, feeling myself getting very full. Jennifer squeezed down on the clamp a few clicks. "How are you doing Jessie?" she asked. "I feel really, really full!" I said. She gave the clamp a couple more clicks. "You've taken most of the quart. I've stopped the flow for a moment. Try to relax and get used to the water inside of you. I'll start the flow again in a little bit." She then started rubbing my belly with her hands. They were soft and her touch was gentle and kind, but I could feel the strength in her fingers as well. I felt a bit of rumbly feeling down inside. After maybe a minute, I heard the clicking sound, indicating she was resuming the flow. "Just a bit more to go, you're doing really well!" she said, offering encouragement.

Suddenly, I heard Caroline start making noises in the chair next to me. "Oh! Oh! Oh no! Oh!" she was saying. I twisted and tried to see what they were doing to her. I couldn't see anything unusual, apart from her face looking all clenched up. Then, I noticed the camera pointed at her, and remembered the big screen up over the audience. I looked up, and sure enough, it was showing her. I could see where we staff member was holding the nozzle into her bottom. As I continued watching the screen, I suddenly saw a squirt of pee shoot out from her cunny, just as she uttered another "Oh!" sound.

The pee sprayed out, onto the staff's hands, over the nozzle, and was dripping down into the basin below her chair. The basin had been slid out so that the back curve of the basin matched the inward curve of the special chairs, and there was a little over a foot of the basin sticking out in front. I felt bad for the poor five year old. If it felt like a lot of water inside of me, it must be even more inside her little body. But here they were, making her pee herself while everyone watched!

"I think you're almost there!" said Jennifer, bringing my attention back to myself. She was pointing up at the bag hanging on the pole. As I looked up, I was just in time to see the last of the water exit the bag. It formed a little line inside the tube, where water ended and air began. I watched as the line slowly slid down the tube, disappearing between my legs.

"Very good job!" announced Jennifer. "Ok, now I'm going to very slowly slide this nozzle back out of your bottom. You should squeeze down and try to hold the water inside you, and don't let it follow the nozzle back out." Just as she said, I felt the piece of plastic start to move inside my tight bottom hole. I tried to squeeze down on it. As it slid free, I felt some water running down out of me. Jennifer then brought her finger up and pressed it against my anus. That seemed to help me hold it in. I relaxed a bit, and didn't feel any more water coming out.

"Very good!" said Jennifer. Next, she slowly lifted her finger away. This time, no water tried to escape. "Now, you need to try and hold that water inside for five minutes. I'll let you know when we get close to being able to let it out." she said.

I looked around again. Some of the other girls were already done, and others were just finishing up but still had their hoses in. Little Caroline had apparently let off enough pressure and had her bladder back under control. Hannah still has her eyes closed, and a pleasant smile on her face. Jennifer started rubbing my belly around in little circles. I could feel the water moving around inside as she did so. She announced that there were four minutes to go.

I tried closing my eyes and relaxing. I could feel all the heavy warm water inside my bottom. I could feel Jennifer's strong hands, rubbing my tummy. I thought about all that had happened so far. The past couple of hours had been pretty exciting. I'd already made one new friend. I thought about Maddy, way over on the other side of the stage, and wondered how she was doing. Having my bottom filled with water had felt strange, but it hadn't hurt. Jennifer seemed really nice. Everything felt good, but I wasn't having any sexy feelings in my cunny yet.

My thoughts were interrupted by Jennifer announcing that I was halfway though, and had just over two minutes to go. A minute later, I heard the leader on the microphone. "As you can see, many of our little girls have to pee quite badly. Some of them can't even seem to hold it in while receiving their enemas. For the next 15 minutes, while the girls release their enemas, I'll allow them to also empty their bladders. In fact, I highly recommend all of you girls take this opportunity to empty as much out as you can. I'm sure you've all absorbed part of your current enema, and will need to pee it out again before the evening is over."

I couldn't believe it. They expected me to pee here, on stage, with my legs spread open for everyone to watch? I wasn't even on a toilet, or sitting upright! Of course, I did have to pee pretty bad, and from what she had said, it sounded like it would only get worse.

I tried to relax and go, but found my bladder was a bit too shy. Plus, I was afraid that if I pushed, I might leak out of my bottom. "Don't try to go yet" said Jennifer. In fact, she told me not to try to go at all, but not to try to hold it either. She said to just relax, and forget all about peeing. She promised that I'd be able to go before the 15 minutes were up. Then, as I was trying to relax and focus on other things, Jennifer announced that it was time to release. I'd already head some of the other girls starting to release their enemas. It sounded a bit like they were peeing and farting at the same time. I wasn't quite sure how to begin. Jennifer rubbed my belly and pressed in on it. I felt a little water leaking out in response to her push. "Good Job" encouraged Jennifer. "Just go ahead and relax and let it all out.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, leaning back in the chair. I held my breath for several seconds, and then started to let it out. As I did, I felt the water start to pour out of my bottom. It was like a damn had burst, or a faucet had been opened. A huge torrent of water just poured out of me. There was no stopping it, once it had started. Then, at the same time, I realized I was peeing! I took another deep breath, and out came another flood of water from the bottom, and pee from the top. My pee sprayed straight out into a giant arch. I couldn't even seem to help it, they were just both pouring and spraying out of me into the basin and onto the stage.

Jennifer continued to rub my stomach. "You've got some gas in here" she announced, "I'm going to try to massage it down into your rectum so you can get it out! You'll want the room later! She started massaging on my right side, working across my belly, and then down. Then she tilted my chair back a little more, and started massaging the bottom part, pushing water back up inside me. As she worked, I started to feel bloated, and suddenly let out a great big fart. It sounded very wet and juicy. I could hear it echo off the back wall of the theater. It was soooo embarrassing!

"There you go!" said Jennifer, as if it was nothing. "Lets try to get some more out!" She continued massaging, and I farted a couple more times, then let out another jet of water. As the water came out, I could feel some lumps in it, and realized it was my poo. Several little round balls of it shot out in succession, then more water. I could hear some of the other girls also letting out big wet farts. It was actually pretty funny, and when I laughed, even more water and pee would shoot out of me.

After another minute or so, the water had stopped shooting out. "Give me a little grunt!" said Jennifer. "Huh?" I asked. "Go ERRRGUUUTTT" she said. I tried imitating the sound she'd made. "Harder! Deeper!" she encouraged. I did it again. As I grunted, I felt another burst of water spraying out of my bottom. "ERRGGT GERTTT GERRRT" I said, as little lumps of poo shot past my sphincter and into the bucket.

"Very good Jessie!" she said. This continued for another 5 or 6 minutes. Much less water was coming out now, but every minute or two Jennifer would have me do the grunts again, and we'd get a bit more to spray out. Finally, she said the 15 minutes were almost up. If I had to pee any more, this was my last chance. If I peed again, she said I'd be punished for it later in the evening. I tried to go a bit more, but all that came out was another small drizzle of water from my bottom.

"Ok, time to get you wiped up and ready for your next wash." said Jennifer, producing a baby wipe, and starting to rub around my bottom. She cleaned it all up, then headed back stage, only to return with another bag, which she hung on the pole. This one looked even more bloated than the first had. Once again she set about rubbing the slippery lube all over and into my bottom, and then on the new nozzle, before she pushed it in.

The leader once again took up the microphone. "The girls have all done an excellent job receiving and expelling their water enemas!" she praised over the loud speaker. "It looks like we did some nice cleaning! But now it's time to get down to business. This time, the girls will each receive a 2 quart soap suds and water enema."

"Soap in my bottom?" I asked Jennifer. "Oh, don't worry" she said, "It's a lot like water, except it will help to soften up any of the leftover poo, and it helps work your colon a bit more, to get you all cleaned out. You might feel some more cramps. I'll let this one in a bit slower for you. Let me know when you're having a bad cramp." she explained.

Once again I heard the clicks, and felt the jet of warm liquid going inside of me. As more and more of the soapy water went into me, I started to feel the pressure building back up. As that pressure continued to build, I felt a bit of a pain down inside of me. "I think I'm having a cramp!" I told Jennifer.

Rather than stopping the flow, she instead reached over and began rubbing my tummy. "Lets keep going" she said. "You've got quite a bit more to go still. Be a brave little girl for me, and try to relax." she said. As the liquid continued going into me, she continued to rub my tummy. I looked up at the bag. It was starting to look less bloated, and more like the first bag had when we started. Suddenly, I felt my tummy cramping again. This one was much stronger than the first one. "UGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG OH OH OH!!!" I moaned, feeling as if my insides were trying to tie themselves in a knot! This time, Jennifer did clamp down on the flow. "It's ok!" she said. "Just relax".

She continued rubbing my tummy, as I felt the wave of the contraction crest. She slowly began to rub her hand up, bring it up to my chest, and over my left nipple. Her warm hand felt nice. When she touched my nipple, it was like a little spark had shot through me. She then brought her hand back down and continued to rub my tummy. I heard more clicks, and new the flow was starting again.

By this time, I was full enough that I could no longer feel it going into me. I was only vaguely aware of the continued increase in pressure. I already felt heavy and bloated. "Almost done!" said Jennifer at last. I turned my head once more and saw the little line coming out of the bag and starting its journey down the tube and between my legs.

Jennifer then produced a bright pink plug, slightly larger than the one we usually used at home, and started putting the lubricant onto it. It was short and sort of round. It looked a lot like a jumbo egg on a little base. There was then a string coming out of the end, with a little ring on the end of the string.

"I'm going to remove the nozzle in just a bit" she explained "and this time, we're going to use this plug to help you hold it in. When I tell you do, I need you to relax a bit, and push out like you're going to expel for me. A little of the water might come out - don't worry about it. That will just help me push the plug in without it stretching you and hurting. Once it's in, you should stop trying to push, and squeeze down on it to help hold the plug in, ok?" she said. I nodded my head to show I understood.

"Do I really need the plug?" I asked. It looked really big.

"I think it would be a good idea, just this time." she replied. "You might have another cramp while we're waiting the five minutes, and without the plug, the cramp might make you expel too soon. If that happened, I'd have to immediately give you another full quart, without letting you expel the rest of whats in you, and then start the five minutes over. Knowing that, is it OK if I plug you this time?" she asked.

I didn't think I'd be able to even hold another quart, so I decided she was probably right. "Ok, you can use the plug." I said.

I felt the nozzle begin to wiggle in my butthole and she slid it out. As it came out, I felt the tip of the plug instantly replace it, pressing firmly into my bottom. "Ok, relax and push for me" said Jennifer.

As I relaxed and pushed outward, I felt Jennifer pushing the plug up inside of me. It was bigger than any plug I'd taken before. She gave it a nice firm push, and it popped in. "Oww!" I said, feeling my hole stretch to it's limits. I felt very stuffed, as if I was being stretched wide open. I could feel my anus squeezing down hard on the plug, trying to close back to the normal size. "All done!" said Jennifer. "Now, that wasn't so bad, was it?" I was about to object, but as I thought about it, the little bit of pain I'd felt as the plug went in had now completely faded away. Instead, I just felt stretched open more than usual, and very full of water, but not in any pain.

"I guess not." I said. Just then, I started to feel a tightening inside of me. "Ohhh..." I said, realizing I was about to have another cramp. It felt as if someone had reached right through my skin and was grabbing and squeezing my insides. It was much worse than when the plug had gone in a moment earlier. "Ugggghhhhhh!!!!" I moaned. Jennifer rubbed my tummy, saying it would be over soon. This cramp was the worst yet. I'd had stomach cramps before, but these were some of the worst I could remember. Finally, I felt the cramp starting to recede, and let out my breath. I hadn't even realized I'd been holding it.

All around me I could hear moans and grunts from the other girls. They, too, were having the cramps, caused by the nasty soap in our enemas. 30 or 45 seconds passed before I felt the next cramp begin. This one was just as bad as the last had been. Jennifer had to keep one hand on the plug to keep it from coming out as I grunted and cringed in the chair. I wanted to curl up into a little ball, but the ties wouldn't let me. With her other hand, Jennifer again started to rub up onto my chest. The cramps continued. Just as one started to feel like it was fading, another one would sneak out and grab me.

Jennifer's hands returned to my nipples. Gently, she just barely dragged her finger across one. I could feel the little electric shock run through me, despite the cramping in my gut. Back and forth between my two nipples she'd rub, sending shock after shock through me. It was so confusing! It felt really good when she played with my nipples. So good, in fact, that as she continued, the cramps actually started to feel a bit good. Like the nice little electric sparks would travel down toward my cunny, and get amplified and mixed up with all the cramps. For the first time since we'd started the enemas, I realized my cunny was starting to feel good again. Around me, the grunts and groans of the other girls were also turning into moans of pleasure.

I was actually a bit disappointed when Jennifer stopped tickling my nippes and announced the five minutes were up. She moved her hand out onto the string connected to my plug. "Ok Jessie" she said, I need you to relax, but don't push just yet. I'm going to remove your plug, and then you can expel the enema.

All of the other helpers had moved over to the sides of the girls, with strings in their hands. "Three.... Two.... One..." announced the leader. I felt my asshole explode, as Jennifer yanked on the string, pulling the plug out. A giant grunt escaped the stage, as every girl had their plugs forcefully removed all at once, stretching our tight holes. As the plug came out, a torrent of foamy brown water burst forth from all 10 of our poor stretched bottom holes.

This time, having been stretched wide and gaping by the plugs, our bottoms all gushed a giant stream. It poured out of me for several seconds. I could smell a poopy smell in the air. Looking down, I noticed the water coming out was all a watery yellowish brownish color this time, unlike the clear water with some poop in it from before. All around me, the other girls were expelling their smelly butt slime as well.

As the pressure inside of me went down, the cramps also began to fade. I continued to grunt and sputter for another 10 minutes, shooting small jets of slime out into the basin as I emptied once more. The cameras moved between us, getting closeups of our little holes as the pushed out and clenched tight again, blowing foamy bubbles and spitting and sputtering. The helpers all went back stage and came out with clean basins. As 15 minutes drew near, Jen began to wipe me down again with more wipes. This enema had been messier than the last, and she had to use several wipes to clean me all up. As she finished up, she informed me the 15 minutes were up, and I should stop trying to expel now. She then swapped out the basins, and he and the other girls carried the full ones back stage. I was glad to see them gone, as they'd all stank really bad. Butt slime smells nasty.

When the helpers returned, they were carrying yet another enema bag. The leader once more took to the microphone, as Jennifer set about re-lubricating my anus and the new nozzle. "As you've all seen, and smelled, the girls did an excellent job of cleaning their colons with that last enemas! Before the games can begin, we want to give them all a good rinse. This next enema will be two quarts of salt and soda." she announced. "Warm water, mixed with sea salt and baking soda forms a wonderful, relaxing, and pleasant enema. We hope you all enjoy!"

I hoped she was telling the truth. I once again heard the tell-tale clicks as the clamp was released, and for the third time this evening, the third time in the last hour, and the their time in my entire life, my rectum began to fill.

They had indeed been telling the truth. As the salt and soda enema filled me up, it was the most relaxing and pleasant I'd received. Gone were the cramps from the nasty soap suds. I took the entire two quarts without having to stop or even slow down. This time, when Jennifer removed the nozzle, I was able to hold the enema without the need for the plug. Not that I would have minded it again.

When it was time to release, I found I'd gotten better at that too. If I took a nice deep breath beforehand, I found I could generate a nice strong jet of water out of my butt, and keep it going for several seconds. When Jennifer saw this, she started making suggestions. "Push Harder" she said. I took a nice deep breath and fired away! The stream shot straight out of me a good 3 or 4 feet, right out across the stage, entirely missing the basin.

"I'm sorry!" I said, realizing I'd just made a mess. "Don't worry about it." Jennifer reassured me. "Hey, can you do that again?" she challenged.

"You really want me to?" I questioned. "I mean, it missed the bucket and stuff." Jennifer walked around to stand in front of the chair and just beyond the basin, crouching down slightly. "I dare you to try and hit me." she challenged.

"Ewww, gross!" I responded, then "REALLY?".

"Yea, Really. Think you can?" she responded. She reached out with her hand and wiggled a finger in my butthole, causing me to giggle. As I did, little bits of the water leaked out around her hand. She slowly withdrew it, and then challenged me again. "Go on, take your best shot!"

I closed my eyes and wiggled my hips. I could feel the water sloshing around in my bottom, and knew I was armed and ready. I took a deep breath, opened my eyes, and give a good hard grunt.

"Uggghhhhhhhhhhhhttthhhh" I said, as a big, hard jet blasted out of my little hole, easily crossing the distance between us and nailing Jennifer right in the chest, spattering everywhere. After only a couple of seconds, I found I was running out of juice, and the stream died down, landing once more in the basin, until becoming just a trickle.

"NOW you've made a mess!" said Jennifer, as the enema water still dripped from her breasts. The front of her T-Shirt was soaked with the water that, moments before, had been deep inside my bowels. She smiled reassuringly. "Nice shot kiddo!" she said. "Looks like the audience liked that one too!"

I looked up at the screen, and realized we were both on the big monitors. "Can we get a replay?" called out Jennifer. A moment later, the screens flashed "Instant Replay!" and then there, filling them, was a closeup of a butthole. My butthole, I realized. God, how embarrassing! I'd gotten so caught up in the games and funny feelings that I'd forgotten all about the cameras!

We watched in slow motion as the ring around my butthole clenched down tightly, and then relaxed, opening up. As it opened, we could see the white of the water start to come into view, filling the gap, and then leaping forward toward the camera. The view then switched to another camera, looking at Jennifer. The same arch of enema water slowly entered the frame, and moved closer and closer until it crashed into her, going in all directions.

"Ok, I think that's enough TV for you young lady!" Joked Jennifer, drawing my attention back to the present. "It's time to get the rest of that water out of you and into this basin!" She once more set about massaging my stomach, as I grunted and pushed and relaxed and felt the streams of water working their way out of me. By the time the 15 minutes were up, I could no longer get anything but a few bubbles.

Once again Jennifer got out the wipes and cleaned my bottom all up nice. When she was all done wiping, she bent over and gave me a kiss, right on my butthole! I couldn't believe it! "Ewwww! Nasty!!!" I said, making a face. "Nonsense!" laughed Jennifer. "You're bottom has never been cleaner!"

She then started rubbing more of the lubricant into my hole. "I thought we were done?" I questioned. "Well, we're really only just getting started." She corrected. "But you're not getting another enema just yet." she explained. She then produced another of the egg-shaped plugs like she'd used earlier, and began lubing it up. "Go ahead and relax again, and push like you're going poop" she said, as she pressed the plug against my butthole. "We're just going to pop this in here until it's time for our game, just in case you might still have some water up inside you." As I relaxed and pushed, it felt like I was taking a giant poo, only it was going in instead of out. As the largest part of the plug moved past my sphincter, I squeezed down, and the plus settled down inside of me. It hadn't hurt at all this time, and actually felt kind of good with the soft jelly material holding my bottom wide open, but not letting anything out.

All around me, the other helpers were finishing up with the other girls. Jennifer took the basin back stage, then came out and got the pole with the three empty enema bags, and wheeled that away. Then, she undid the restraints holding my hands and legs to the chair, and lowered the poles. She extended her hand and helped me get up out of the chair. My legs felt a little weak, as the blood rushed back into them after they had been elevated for almost an hour. I walked around a little bit. The plug inside my bottom felt funny as I moved around. I could feel the base sticking out between my butt cheeks, and the little string with the ring dangled between my legs. All of the other girls on the stage had identical plugs in their butts too.

Jennifer led me over to the chairs along the right of the stage. These were the unusual chairs with the bags handing under them. "Ok, Take a set!" she said. As I started to sit down, I felt the plug make contact with the chair. I stopped, and started to stand back up. "What's the matter?" asked Jennifer. "Chair cold?" she questioned.

I explained to her about the plug. She asked if it had hurt when I sat on it. It hadn't. It just sort of felt like I was sitting on something! She made me sit back down again. As I did, my body weight pushed the base of the plug firmly into me. There was no way the plug might accidentally fall out sitting like this. There was also no way I'd forget it was up inside of me.

Now that I'd taken my seat, Jennifer returned and began rolling the giant chair back off of the stage. Once all the chairs had been removed, the girls brought out a hose and cleaned up any of the spots where our enemas had missed the buckets. They then used giant squeegees to push the water into the floor drains. It was now becoming clearer why this stage was designed the way it was.

As all this was going on, I scanned the audience, looking at all the fathers. I found mine. It was hard to see him so far away and up in the dark. I hoped he was enjoying the show.

As the cleanup was wrapping up, the voice of the leader once more rang forth from the loudspeakers. "We hope you all enjoyed that little cleanup warm-up!" she announced. "And now, without any further ado, Let the Games Begin!"

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Love the story but you should have the girls receive a milk enema after they're cleaned and then have it squirt into each others mouths. I hope there is a lot more coming...

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