Published: 5-Jun-2011
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"Your safe word is Applesauce" said Kristie, once we were alone. "Applesauce?" I questioned. "Yes, Applesauce" repeated Kristie. "Hopefully that isn't something you usually shout during sex. And now that you've said it once and we know you understand it, please never say it again while at the club or on the bus. There is to be no practicing, or joking around, or sharing your safe word with others. Every staff member here knows your safe word, and we take them VERY seriously." I nodded my head to show I understood. "In some of the games, you will be unable to talk. In those situations, you will be handed this small pink ball." Kristie held up a pink ball about an inch in diameter. "If you wish to use your safe word in these situations, you should drop this ball, and then cross your fingers on the hand which was holding the ball." Kristie explained that this was because many girls accidentally dropped their balls in "moments of great pleasure or stimulation". By requiring them do then cross their fingers, the girls were refusing to take the ball back, and demonstrating that they were purposefully using their safeword. I paid very close attention to all of this, not knowing how soon I might have to use my word.
"What kind of soda do you like to drink" asked Kristie, moving on to a different subject. To be honest, I wasn't exactly thirsty. "I'm fine thanks" I said. "Actually, honey, all of the girls playing tonight have been asked to drink a glass of soda. It's for one of the games, and because we don't know who will be playing which game, everyone needs to be prepared." she explained. "Now, what can I get you? Coke? Sprite? Mountain Dew?" "I'll take a coke" I said. I wasn't sure what kind of sex involved drinking soda, but if I understood the rules correctly, I either drank the soda, or quit the club... and this was the LAST thing I'd ever want to quit over! Kristie said she'd be right back, and stepped out of the room.
While she was away, I looked around the room for the first time. Wherever we were looked like a rather old building. The walls were covered in wallpaper that looked like it had been there for a while, and was starting to crack and peal. The room was really bright, with lots of light, and there was a large floor the ceiling mirror on one wall. It was only a few moments later when Kristie returned. When she had said "drink a glass", I had pictured the glasses like we have in the kitchen at home. The glass she had with her was bigger than that. It was even bigger than large cups we get at the fast food places. No, what she meant by "glass" was a ginormous 42oz extra-extra large cup that was probably the size of my head. "Here you go honey" she said. "Try and drink as much as you can!"
As I started sipping away at the behemoth, Kristie said there was about 45 minutes before the games would begin, and that this would be a good time to go meet the other girls in the club. She asked if I was ready to take all of my clothes off. The only people allowed to be naked before the show began were the people who had been selected to perform. She said if I wanted to leave my cloths on until closer to the start, that was fine too. I was still pretty shy, having never really been naked in front of anyone except daddy, mommy, and maybe the doctor, so I asked to keep them on.
Kristie then led me down the hall to another big open room. Inside were all the girls I'd seen earlier. There was music playing, and everyone was gathered around in little groups, talking and giggling together. Looking around the room I could see that some of the girls were butt-naked. Nobody even seemed to care or noticed. They were all holding giant cups like mine, and sipping away on them. Kristie had the staff turn down the music, and took a microphone. "Girls!" She announced, "If I can have your attention for a moment, I'd like you all to meet Jessie, who, if she makes it though tonight's performance, will be our latest member!" "Hi Jessie!" said a number of the girls. I just kinda waved back. The music came back up louder, and Kristie gave me a little push off toward the others. "Go have fun. I'll find you when it's time to get undressed" she said.
I just kind of stood there, sipping my drink, not really sure what to do. One of the little girls who looked to be about my age and was already naked started walking over to me. She had a slightly chubby looking face, with some freckles around her nose and cheeks. Her dirty blond hair was in a ponytail and went to the middle of her back. The rest of her body looked nice and fit, a strong, tough girl. "Hi Jessie!" she said, "My name is Maddy! I'm nine! How old are you?" "I'm eight and a half." I said "and you can call me Jess if you want. That's what all my friends call me." "Ok, hi Jess!" she said. I laughed. "Hi Maddy. So, it looks like you're going to be performing tonight." "Yea," she replied. "Don't you have to perform too? Why are you still dressed?" "I don't know" I replied. "Awww, don't be shy." she said. "Besides, I'm pretty sure you don't have anything we haven't all seen before. When they get you up on that stage, you'll be showing off everything you've got, like it or not!". "Yea, I guess. I've just never been naked in front of strangers before. Doesn't it feel weird?" I asked. "Well, not here. When you're on stage with your legs spread and you see all the father's looking at you, it feels a bit funny. But good funny. I like seeing them all turned on because of me. But around here, we've all seen each other naked plenty of times before. Besides, I like being naked." "Yea, I do to. I think." I said. I really didn't know, but I was already wishing I'd been braver and taken them off.
"So", I asked, trying to change the subject, "did you volunteer for tonight's show, or were you just chosen?" "I volunteered." said Maddy. "Daddy and I made a deal. If I volunteered for tonight's games, even if I wasn't chosen, he said he'd buy me a cool new vibrator that I want. It's got a strap so you can wear it under your clothes, and it goes right against your pussy. But the control for it is separate, so that daddy can turn the vibrator on or off secretly whenever he wants." "You're pussy?" I inquired, having no idea what she was talking about. "Uh, yea!" she said, somewhat surprised. "What? Haven't you ever heard it called a pussy before? You know, your cunt! This thing!" she said, pointing at her cunny. "Oh, my cunny!" I said, rather embarrassed "Yea!" Said Maddy. "Adults like to call it your pussy. Only little kids call it a cunny." "Hmm, guess I'm learning things already!" I said.
"Comeon, lets meet some of the other girls." said Maddy, grabbing my hand and dragging me along. She brought me over to a group of girls about our age who still had their clothes on. "Sarah, Anna, Lexi -Meet Jess!" she said. "Hello" I said. "Hi Jess" said Lexi. "Welcome to the club!" said Sarah. "Any idea what fetish they're doing tonight?" she added. "I hope it's furries" said Maddy. "They haven't done that in forever my dad says." "That's because it's stupid and boring" said Lexi. "Yea", said Anna, "Why would you want to do that?" "Because it's easy, and just like normal sex. Unlike what YOU had to do last month!" said Maddy.
"What's furries?" I asked. "It's where you wear animal costumes and pretend to be those animals, and have sex like they would, and stuff." Said Lexi. "What did you have to do last month?" I asked Anna. "Last month was scat month, and Sarah and Anna both had to perform" said Maddy, making a face. "Scat?" I asked. I was really starting to feel like an idiot. Why didn't daddy teach me about any of these things?
"I pooped in her mouth, and she had to eat it." Said Sarah. "You ate her poop!?!" I said, hardly believing what I'd just heard. Even the thought made me feel a bit sick to my stomach." "Yea", said Anna. "I know it sounds gross, but it's not really that bad. But, word of advice... if it's been a while since the last scat month, don't poop on the morning of the next meeting. I made that mistake last time, and because I couldn't go poo, I ended up having to eat it." "Gross!!!!" I screamed, then, realizing what she'd said, I started to panic "Oh no! I already pooped today! What do I do? I don't want to eat poop!" I said. "Don't worry" said Maddy. "They never do the same fetish two months in a row. We're safe. And anyway, given that they're making us drink these things" she said, gesturing to her huge cup of soda "at least some of us are going to be doing watersports." "Watersports?" I asked, picturing swimming or water skiing. "Don't tell her." Said Maddy to the others. She'll find out. "Come on guys" I begged, but none of them would give in. "Don't worry", said Anna, "It's WAY more fun than eating Sarah's poop." Yea, that was reassuring.
Maddy continued giving me the tour of the room. I met the twins I'd seen earlier. They with both seven, and named Michelle and Juliet. We also met a little minx named Caroline, five years old and naked as the day she was born; full of energy and looking for adventure. She loved showing off her huge smile and it's rows of tiny little teeth. Her dark brown hair was cut short, just above shoulder length, with bangs seeming to frame her exceptionally cute little face and big brown eyes. She seemed to be really enjoying her giant drink - which truly was bigger than her head! Where she was putting all that drink I have no idea!
Before I knew it, Kristie was back. She lead me back to the room we were in earlier, and said it was time to take off my clothes. First, I removed my shoes and socks. The old and cracked ceramic tiles felt cold on my bare feet. Next off came my old shirt. I didn't have any tits to speak of, not even little puffy bumps. My nipples were actually quite small, but the little nubs were sticking out hard as Kristie looked on. Now it was time to get serious. I undid the button and unzipped my old pair of play jeans, and paused for a moment. "Hurry up" said Kristie. "We've got to get you out to the stage with the other girls!". I pushed down the old jeans, exposing my cotton panties. As I bent over to remove them from around my ankles, I saw the big wet spot that I'd made in the crotch of my panties. It was so embarrassing! I was suddenly glad I'd left my clothes on! I could just imagine all the other kids seeing my girl goo running down my legs, pointing and laughing at my runny cunny. Would Kristie think I'd wet my pants? "Ooo - Looks like someone's getting excited!" she said. "Ok, now off with those yummy looking panties honey."
This was it. The moment of truth. I thought back to Maddy and Caroline, and how neither of them had been even slightly embarrassed by their nakedness. Well, it was now or never. I slipped my thumbs into the waistband and pushed them down. The wet crotch clung to my cunny and I could feel it peal away as I took off the panties. Kristie reached out her hand. "I'll take those Jessie." She said. "I think I know someone who will be glad to see you're enjoying yourself already!". I couldn't imagine why she, or anyone else, would want my gooey panties, but I handed them to her as she'd requested. She took them and placed them in a little plastic bag, then slipped them into her pocket. "Ok honey, take one last big drink of your soda, and then come with me."
I hadn't managed to finish the monster drink, but I'd tried. I knew I'd drank at least half of it. I put my lips to the straw and gulped down several more mouthfuls as Kristie had requested. As I did so, I realized that all of this soda was making me feel like I needed a wee. I knew I'd better get that done before going on stage. "Kristie", I said, slightly embarrassed, "I need to use the bathroom before we go on stage." She looked at me a little surprised, but then just smiled. "Oh, I know honey. But we don't have time. You'll just need to be a good girl and hold it until after the show, OK." she said. "OK" I said. I was now really regretting having taken that last big drink! I really hoped I could hold it all, especially if they were going to play with me or make me gasm. If I accidentally peed myself on stage I would surely die of embarrassment!
Kristie led me back down the hall and around a corner to yet another room. Inside where nine other little girls, all as naked as I was. I looked around and spotted my new friend Maddy, and walked over. "Hey Jess! Good to see you finally lost those stupid clothes!" she said, looking me all over far more carefully than I liked. "Hey, turn around and let me see your ass" she said. I did a little spin for her. "Very nice!" she said. "You're pretty hot, you know that? And your pussy, I mean, you're cunny looks nice and wet! I wish mine would get that wet all on it's own!" Upon hearing this, I blushed from head to toe. Did she really mean it, or was she making fun of me? "Aww, don't be embarrassed" she said. "I'm serious. You're hot."
"Why doesn't your pussy get wet like mine?" I asked. "Oh, it will soon!" said a different girl who I hadn't met earlier. "Hi, my name is Hannah, and I'm 10." she said, introducing herself. "I'm Jess" I said.
"Everyone gets wet when they start playing with your pussy on stage" said Maddy "You've just got a head start. You probably just get wetter easier than I do, or produce more juice. Everyone here is different, but don't be ashamed about it! I bet you'll get really wet later, and all the men will think it's really, really hot!" she explained.
"Ok Girl, it's time to draw numbers!" said one of the staff members. "Draw numbers?" I asked? "Yea" said Maddy. "We all draw a number from the bag, and that number determines the order we perform in. The best ones are usually in the middle." I followed Maddy up to the girl and reached into the bag, pulling out a folded slip of paper. Maddy reached in next and got hers. "You look first" she said. I unfolded the paper and looked at the big printed number. "Four!" I said excitedly. "Is that good?" I asked Maddy. "Yea, probably." she said. "Ok, your turn now" I said. As she unfolded the paper, her mouth suddenly dropped open. "Oh fuck!" she said. "What's wrong?!?" I asked. "I got 10!" she responded.
"What does that mean?" I asked, suddenly concerned for my new friend, especially because I wasn't used to hearing girls my own age using such bad words! "The worst numbers to draw are 1 and 10," she explained "because whoever gets number 1 had to go first before we know what to expect, and because whoever gets number 10 goes last... and they always save the nastiest game for last." "What are you going to do?" I asked? Maddy must have seen how concerned I was. "Aww, don't worry. I'll be fine." she said. "We don't even know what types of games we're playing. Maybe it will be something I like. Or maybe the order will have to be revised based on the games, like last month. Anna got moved to number 10 part way through her game because she couldn't poop when she was told to.
Maddy started asking some of the other girls what number they'd gotten. "Hah, Maddy got number 10!" said Katy, another nine-year-old blond. "Hope you're hungry!" she said. "Or Thirsty!" added Meagan, a 12 year old brunet who was the oldest performer. Meagan was the only one of us girls who had any real titties, although her cunny was still just as hairless as the rest of us. "Shutup" responded Maddy. "Who got number 1?" she asked. It turned out that unlucky number had been drawn by a cute little six-year-old strawberry blond named Erin, who's freckle collection made Maddy look like an amateur.
Lucky number 5 had gone to Caroline. Based on her earlier exuberance, I was rather surprised to see her looking rather subdued. "What's wrong?" I asked her. "Anna dared me to drink my entire soda" she exclaimed, "and now I have to piss really bad!" "Hah" scoffed Maddy, "Serves you right. And don't think you can fool me. You'd have drank the whole thing anyway, just to make sure you get punished for not being able to hold it." "What do you mean?" I asked.
Before Maddy could answer, we were interrupted "Show time girls!" said the staff member who's given out our numbers. "Everyone follow me", she said, heading for the door. I could feel my heart pounding rapidly in my chest as I started down the hall toward the stage along with the other girls. I was sure everyone else would be able to hear it as well. I shivered. Maddy reached over and put her hand in mine, and we walked silently together toward our fates.
When we reached the stage, it was all brightly lit. There were cameras like in TV studios, and then rows of seats going upward toward the back of the room. These seats were all filled by all of the girl's daddies. I looked around for mine, but couldn't spot him. All of the lights were pointing toward the stage and made it quite bright, while the seats were all in the dark. Huge television monitors hung on each side of the stage. There was also another large monitor hanging up above all of the seats, facing the stage, that we could look up at and see ourselves. However, this stage was different from any other's I'd been on. When I'd been in plays at school, that stage had a big curtain, and was made of wood. Here, there were no curtains or dividers out front. Instead, there were many ropes hanging down. Many had been pulled off to the side to be out of the way. This stage was also entirely covered in tile and linoleum There were drains in the floor and all around the edges of the stage was a lip, just like our shower in the bathroom at home. In the back stage right and stage left corners were big heavy black curtains We'd passed through the curtain on state right when we came out to the stage. I didn't know what might be behind the one on stage left.
Along the right side of the stage were 10 unusual chairs. Each one was made of completely clear plastic and was slightly concave. Underneath the center of each seat, at the lowest point in the concaved surface, hung a clear plastic bag. Along the left side of the stage were 10 more chairs. Like the ones on the right, these were also made of clear plastic. However, these seats were flat and had no bags.
All of these things were dwarfed by the most prominent items on the stage - 10 large padded black reclining chairs. Each was larger and higher than the chairs on the sides. The 10 of them spanned the entire stage width. Each one faced out toward the audience. The padded backs reclined at around a 45 degree angle. The front of each seat had a slight inward curve cut into it, and below the curve and under the seat I could see a round wash basin, like the ones we used for washing dishes when camping. Sticking out from the chair at about a 45 degree angle forward, and also angled off to each side, were two metal inverted L shaped poles, the long part of the L disappearing under the chair, and the short part on top, very well padded, and angled more toward the basin. There was a small foot stool at the base of each chair. The back of each chair had a small pillow or headrest, and above the headrest was a number, starting at 1 on the right side and going to 10 on the left.
Many of the staff members who had accompanied us from the room moved to stand behind each chair. There was one staff member per chair, and then a staff leader who picked up a microphone. "Welcome girls!" she said. "If you'll each take a seat in the chair which matches your number, we can get started". I gave Maddy's hand a little squeeze, and she squeezed back, and then we both headed off to our respective chairs. It felt kind of funny being naked with all of these men looking at me. I used the stool to climb up into the chair. The staff member who had been standing behind my chair came around to the front to help get my situated. "Hi there!" she said. "I'm Jennifer, and you and I are going to be partners for tonight's games. I actually helped design all of these games we will play tonight, and even tried a couple myself".
"Hi Jennifer" I said. She was a pretty looking girl. She was one of the shortest staff members on stage, and had nice firm but small breasts inside a tight black skin-hugging top. Her hair was brown in color, and was in a ponytail, reaching to about mid-back. She had a nice smile and friendly sounding voice. "This is your first time performing, isn't it?" she asked. "Yes" I responded. "Well, don't you worry about a thing!" she said reassuringly. "I'll take care of everything for you. You just sit back and relax and have a good time! If you have any questions, don't be ashamed to ask."
I lay back in the chair and tried to relax. Jennifer had me lift each of my legs up and put them over the padded bars sticking out on the poles. She then started extending each pole out from under the table, until the padded part was behind my knees. She then extended them just a tiny bit more, and I could feel myself sliding down in the chair, until my butt cheeks were right on the edge. As she had extended the bars higher in the air, they forced me to spread my legs apart in order to avoid having my legs fall off the padded parts. Jen then wrapped a soft strap around each leg out by the knee and connected it to the pole. "This is just to make sure your legs don't slide from side to side and fall off the pads, ok" she said. "Now you can relax, and just let the pads and straps take all the weight from your legs. With the chair reclining backwards, and the poles standing upright and sideways, it was like I was now sitting in a big chair that had been tipped halfway over backwards. Next, Jen reached under the table and started making more adjustments to the poles, causing them to angle outward even more. The position made my feel incredibly vulnerable. My legs were spread wide apart, showing my entire cunny to everyone in the audience, and with the straps in place, there was no possible way to close them.
With nowhere to go and nothing to do, I decided to try and find daddy in the audience. I started searching around. There must have been at least 40 men and women in the audience. As I looked, I noticed that their chairs were special too. Everyone was wearing a seatbelt across their lap, like they were in a car or on a roller-coaster That seemed really strange. "Why are all the daddies wearing seatbelt?" I asked Jennifer. She turned and followed my gaze up into the seats.
"Well Jessie" she began "some daddies and mommies who come and watch the shows enjoy them so much, and get so excited, that they really want to come down and join in. They know they are only allowed to watch, but sometimes, because they're all excited, they forget. The seatbelt help remind them that they aren't allowed to leave their seats until the show is over and they've relaxed. Also, sometimes daddies and mommies see their little girls playing games that they don't like. When you're here on stage, only you can decide if you don't want to play a game, by using your safe word. The seatbelt help remind them to just sit back and enjoy the show. If you look carefully, you'll see they also have little black straps on their wrists." I looked, and saw what she was talking about. Everyone's hands were on the armrests, and everyone had a black strap around each wrist tethering it in place. They could only move their hands a few inches in all directions. "Another one of our rules is that everyone in the audience must keep their clothes on during the show, and they aren't allowed to masturbate. The wrist steps keep them from doing so, or unbuckling their seatbelt If you watch carefully though, you'll see that some daddies are so turned on by what they see, they have orgasms in their pants without even touching their penis!"
As I continued looking around the audience, I saw Kristie headed up the stairs. She walked down one of the aisles and stopped next to a seat. When I looked, I realized it was daddy! He was looking right at me, staring right between my legs. I instinctively moved my hands down to try and cover up. "No no no" said Jennifer. "You must leave your hands at your sides. You may not touch yourself or cover yourself. If you do so again, I will have to use the straps on your arms too." I reluctantly moved my hands back to my sides. "Look at all the other girls," she continued "See how they all love showing off?" I looked over at Hannah on my right. Indeed, she had her legs spread just as wide as mine, if not wider, and seemed to have a big smile on her face. On my left however, Caroline's face was that of intense concentration. I realized how her current widespread position must be one of the worst possible for trying to hold in all her pee. They'd have to make an exception for her so she could go to the bathroom! I could hear her partner talking gently to her. "You can hold it baby. Good girl. Hold it nice and tight. Be a big girl! Just a little while longer."
I shifted my attention back to Kristie and Daddy. I wondered what they were talking about. Then, I saw her reach into her pocket and pull out the bag with my wet panties. How embarrassing! She was showing them to daddy! As I watched, she removed them from the bag, and held them right in front of his face. Then she even rubbed them on her face. I could see that Daddy's penis was very hard, making his sweat pants poke up like a tent. Did he really like my gooey panties? Kristie finished rubbing them on his face, and brought them down and put them in his hand. He had a big smile on his face and seemed really happy. He looked back down at me and smiled. Kristie left him and started back toward her own seat.
"Welcome Everyone" said the staff leader over her microphone. "I am pleased to welcome all of you back for what I'm sure will be a very exciting performance this evening! I'm also pleased to welcome, for the first time, Jessica, in chair number four, and her proud father Sam, here in our audience this evening!" As the leader spoke, the big screen above us, showing the same thing both screens on the sides of the stage were showing, sprang to life, showing a view of all of us in our chairs. When the speaker mentioned my name, the camera started zooming in on just me. As I watched, I realized that, in the position I was in, my asshole was fully exposed pointing straight at everyone in the audience, and my cunny, still quite wet, had actually drooled all over it and was trickling a little stream down off of the chair! Apparently, the camera girl had noticed too, because she started zooming in right on my wide open runny cunny.
"Oh my" said the leader, "It looks like she's already enjoying herself!" I don't think I've ever been more embarrassed in my life. Here I was, strapped to a chair, with my legs spread wide apart, my cunny getting all wet and runny, and now it was being shown to everyone in the room on the big huge TV screens! Before I realized what I was doing, I had started to move my hand back over to cover up. Instantly, Jennifer reached over and grabbed my hands, pulling them back. Next thing I knew she had a strap around them and was fastening them to the sides of my chair. "Some gooey little holes, but looks like she's still a bit shy" said the leader to everyone. "But I'm sure she'll learn fast! Lets give her a nice warm welcome." Everyone in the room seemed to cheer. I tried my best to smile.
"And so now" she continued, "the moment you've been waiting for all evening! What does fate have in store for these 10 horny little girls? Well, tonight's fetish dates back for thousands of years. Like many other fetishes, it has it's origins in the world of medicine. In fact, many medical institutions still practice it today. And like many of those other fetishes, while it is still used today for health reasons, here, tonight, we will be exploring a far kinkier side of things! Tonight, I welcome you to the Enema Games!"
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