Jess Joins the Club, Part 2

[ FFMg, slow, nosex ]


Published: 5-Jun-2011

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

The Club

It was only two weeks ago when I first heard about the club. Daddy was approached and asked if we'd be interested in becoming members. We were told that it was a special club for parents and girls my age, who liked to have sex. I was told that if we joined, I would have a chance to meet other girls my age who liked having sex. I'd also have a chance to learn and try lots of new kinds of sex play. The club specialized in fetishes and unconventional sexual play. I wasn't quite sure what that meant, but I thought maybe it was like when we played with my butt plugs. That was the only type of unusual sex I knew of, because sometimes I could have gasms without even touching my cunny. When I asked if that's what they meant, they said yes! I thought that sounded OK, because, though I'm a bit embarrassed about it, playing with my plugs is actually one of my favorite games. It just feels so naughty! They promised I'd play lots of games, many of which were even naughtier than playing with my plugs. I had no idea what they might be, and even though I was a bit scared, I really wanted to find out.

For daddy, joining the club offered other benefits. First, it meant he'd get to watch live shows of little girls learning about sex. The club met once per month, and each time they met, 10 of the member's kids were chosen to learn about sex and play sex games while all the other members watched. The club also made movies of all of these sex games, and members could buy the best versions of them. Edited versions of the movies were also sold outside of the club, for much more money, and we were told that if any of the movies I was in sold exceptionally well, we might get rewards like cool toys or vacations! Finally, the club offered a number of services to members, like family doctors that wouldn't be alarmed if he saw signs that a little patient had been sexually active, computer repairmen who wouldn't turn daddy in for having his videos, or expert lawyers if daddy was ever arrested.

Daddy and I talked it over and thought about it for a few days. Up until then, all of our games had been our special secret. Daddy wasn't really happy with other men watching me have sex, and especially unhappy about the videos being made. I had to remind him about all the videos he already had of other little girls, and how much we liked watching them together. If it hadn't been for those videos, we might never have started having sex! I was really excited about joining. Learning the new naughty sex games was part of the reason, but what I wanted most was to have a friend that I could share all my secrets with. By the end of the week I was begging him to join. He finally agreed.

We wouldn't actually become members until I'd completed my first performance. Luckily, we only had to wait a week before the next club meeting. We had no idea what the games would be about this month. It was always kept a secret until after all 10 girls had been chosen. Any member who attends the meetings has to bring their little girl. Most of the time, the girls just get to hang out at a party with all of the other member's kids. There would me music and food and all kinds of games and activities. We could hang out and make friends and talk about sex with each other. Every kid who attended a member meeting knew there was a chance of having to perform, but only those of us attending our first meeting were guaranteed a role.

Each performance always included 10 girls. Any of the girls attending could volunteer to be part of the sex games that night. Any new members always got selected first. Next, five girls who had not volunteered would be randomly selected to participate. Finally, the remainder of the girls would be chosen from those who had volunteered. If enough girls hadn't volunteered, more would be chosen from the non-volunteer group until there were 10. Most girls who didn't volunteer would get chosen only once or twice a year. Only a few girls usually volunteered, so those that did often got chosen every other month or sometimes several months in a row.

A few hours earlier, daddy and I had got in his car and drove in to the city. We were given an address that was a special bus stop. We were told to go there, park, and wait together for a special bus. The car ride in had been very quiet. I know I had lots of thoughts running through my head. All week, I'd thought of little else than tonight, but now that it was here, I had to admit that I was pretty scared. Earlier in the day, daddy had given me a nice warm bath. He said we needed to make sure my cunny and my bum were both nice and clean for tonight. Afterwards, it had taken me forever to just get dressed. At first, I'd wanted to wear my favorite pair of lucky panties. When I showed daddy, he told me I probably shouldn't wear them, because I'd probably have to take them off and might lose them, or that maybe we'd play a game where they got ruined. I wondered what kind of sex games someone could play that would ruin my panties, but daddy said he didn't know. He said that chances are, I wouldn't be the only one learning new games - he was in for a lesson too! Finally, I decided to just wear a plain cotton set of panties, and some old play clothes that I didn't really like that much anyway. They didn't make me feel sexy, but I wouldn't mind if they were lost or ruined. While I knew I'd be required to take all of my clothes off, daddy had been told that he wasn't allowed to take any of his clothes off during the meeting. He chose to wear a pair of loose boxers and sweatpants, because they'd be the most comfortable when he got an erection inside of them.

We only had to wait at the bus stop for 10 minutes before the bus arrived. It was a big fancy tour bus, except it had no writing or pictures on the sides. The windows all looked dark and tinted. When we got on, we found lots of fathers and daughters already sharing seats. There were even a couple of mothers and their little girls, and a family with mom, dad, and two twin sisters! The youngest girl looked to be about 5, and the oldest was probably 12. The inside of the bus was brightly lit up, but all the windows were still completely dark, so that we couldn't see where we were going. There was lots of buzz and excitement from all of the families. I could hear kids laughing and giggling and the occasional shriek or squeal Daddy and I just cuddled together for the entire ride. The bus stopped a couple more times to pick up more little girls and their fathers, and then drove on for what felt like a really long time without stopping.

Finally, we came to a stop and the driver announced we had arrived at the club. We got up along with the rest of the families and moved off the bus. We were in what appeared to be an underground garage, with a single tunnel leading down a hall. We followed the others, but hung back a bit, not exactly knowing where we were going or what we should be doing. At the end of the hall, we turned into a brightly lit room. Inside were a few tables, behind which stood teenage girls, who appeared to be checking people in and crossing them off of lists, finding out of the girls were interested in volunteering for the night's performance, and directing people to their destinations. Many of the little girls had small insulated jars, like what I use to bring soup to lunch, which they were handing to the girls behind the table. I wondered what they were, and if we were supposed to be bringing a snack or something. We walked up to one of the tables.

"Hi there!" said a girl who looked it be maybe 17 or 18 years old. She looked really pretty, with long blond hair, and small little breasts poking out of her tight little top. "You must be Sam and Jessie Moris?" she asked.

"How'd you know?" asked daddy.

"You're the only new members this month!" she said. "I've been here for the past 12 years, and this is the first time I've ever seen you two. My name is Morgan - Welcome to the club!" Morgan found us on her list and crossed us off, and then called over to another one of the teens in the room. "Kristie! The Moris's are here! Are you ready take them back and help prepare them for the show?"

Another nice looking blond with curly hair came over. "Hi", she said. "I'm Kristie. Welcome to the club! Why don't you come with me and I'll get you guys all ready!" She started toward one of the exits, and we followed. We walked down another hall and went into what looked like a small private dressing room.

"Are you a member, or do you just work here?" Daddy asked, trying to ease our nervousness with some small talk.

"Sort of both." Said Kristie. "My daddy and I became members back when I was five years old. We were members until I had my first period when I was 12. We were at almost every meeting, and I loved playing the games. I used to volunteer every month. After girls reach puberty, they can no longer perform in the shows. Without a daughter to perform, my father couldn't attend the live shows anymore. He's still a member though, and buys all the movies to watch at home."

Kristie went on to explain to us how the club had formed, and it's history. Several years ago, a group of pedophile friends got together and formed the first club. Some of them had little girls, and others did not. Initially it had just been the founder's kids putting on the shows, but slowly they began to recruit other fathers and families to join in. As the years went by, the original founders started hiring former girls who had grown too old to star in the games to help run them. These girls were eventually promoted, and took over club leadership. Today, all of the club leaders and staff were made up of former girls. Each year, as girls grow too old, the kinkiest and most enthusiastic of them are chosen to become staff.

"I'm called a handler around here, but that's misleading" she said. "I'm one of the few people who won't have my hands on you. I represent both of you to all our staff. I advocate for games that you tell me you like, and against games you've told me you didn't like. I do the same thing for the food or music at the parties!" Then, addressing daddy, she said "I'm also the person who manages all of your membership benefits. If you ever want to take advantage of any of the services we can help provide, you just let me know. I'm also your representative. After tonight, we can get together and talk about some of your favorite fantasies and turn-ons. I then bring those back to our game designers each month, and try to find ways to incorporate them."

"Interesting" said Daddy. "I had no idea this club was so well run!"

"There's a good chance that whatever game you get to star in today, I've done it too!" said Kristie. "Of course, we're always working to come up with kinky new games, or make our games better, for both the girls and the audience!"

I thought all of that sounded rather interesting too. A pedo club run by teen girls, teaching other young girls how to have sex! I was already starting to feel less nervous.

"So, it's almost time to start getting you ready for the show Jessie", said Kristie, "But first you and your daddy need to discuss your safe word." Before each performance, every girl is given a safe word. If at any point during the game a girl is unwilling to continue, she may use the safe word and the game will be stopped. She and her father will be immediately escorted from the club, and never allowed to return. All membership benefits are immediately terminated. "So, do you understand all of this, Jessie" she asked me.

"I think so." I said.

"Good", she replied. "But only the little girl has a safe word, not you're daddy. And it's your choice when to use it. You won't be able to ask your daddy first. But if you use it, he will lose his benefits too. That's why we require you to come to an understanding right now about what happens if you use it. He may punish you as he sees fit, so long as it does not harm you, but he must decide the punishment right now, and explain it to you. Regardless of circumstances, he may never punish you any more or any less for using your safe word than is decided right now. If he ever wishes to change the punishment, he'll need to inform one of the registrars when you arrive at a meeting, and we'll all meet here again and discuss the new one."

"Can you give me some examples of situations where girls have used safewords in the past, or games when they are likely to use them?" asked daddy.

"I'm sorry" started Kristie, "but until Jessie has completed at least one performance and your membership is confirmed, I can not discuss any of our past games or activities. Additionally, games that ended in the use of safewords are never shown in videos, and members in attendance are barred from discussing them, as the games are often revised and used again. Future games are never discussed. However, you should both know that some fetishes we will explore involve doing things that most little girls would find very gross, at least until they've tried them. And while we go to extreme lengths to make sure that no little girl is ever harmed in any game, you should both be aware that many of them may involve some moments of discomfort, and others are downright painful."

Hearing that certainly didn't help my nervousness. I think Kristie must have seen how frightened I looked, because next thing I knew she was giving me a big hug, and telling me not to be scared. "Don't worry honey! Most of our games are lots of fun!" she said, "I bet you've done other things with your daddy that you thought were gross at first, or that hurt a little bit, but that you later decided you really liked. We always make sure you have lots of good feelings during the games too! And don't forget that all the girls leading the games have taken part in them when they were younger, and know what it's like."

I thought back to the first time I'd swallowed daddy's cum. When I'd seen the girl in the video do it, I thought it was really nasty. But now, I actually loved swallowing cum! And then there was my 1-inch buttplug. The first time daddy had pushed that in, it did kind of hurt, and it made me feel rather uncomfortable. But then the more we played, the more I realized it felt pretty good, and that being stuffed with it was actually better than the smaller ones. So maybe Kristie was right.

My thoughts were disrupted by Daddy's loud and angry sounding voice. "I do not want Jessica taking part in any games that involve pain" he said. "You can not choose which games Jessie takes part in, Mr. Moris." Said Kristie, maintaining her calm friendly voice. "But she may choose not to participate in any game she is uncomfortable with, by using her safe word" she reminded us. "It's OK Daddy!" I said. "I'm not afraid!" I wasn't sure if I quite believed that or not, but Kristie's words had helped reassure me.

"Let me explain a bit more about how we choose our games" said Kristie. "Every month, all of the game designers get together with all of us handlers, and we decide which theme or fetish to do next. I use my knowledge of your fantasies to help suggest topics you'll both enjoy. Then, the game designers go away and come up with a series of game ideas. They come back and present all of their ideas to us handlers and a panel of experts. We have a pediatrician, an expert in pediatric gynecology, and a psychologist who specializes in adolescents. If any of the experts feel a proposed activity will permanently harm a child, it must be revised or removed. I also offer suggestions to help advocate for Jessie. I have final authority on all of the rules for games my girls participate in, so if we can't reach a compromise, those activities must be performed on a different girl. For any activity we think is extreme, we can require the game designers to do a practice run through with each other. Every designer will have experienced the same activity they will be performing on the girls themselves. This not only eliminates games which are too extreme for the children, it also helps the designers find the most pleasurable parts of the experience, and enhance them for the girls. The handlers and the experts watch every performance, and if we find that the rules aren't being followed, or spot an unsafe activity, the game will be immediately stopped."

"Jessie", my dad started "If they ever want you to play a game that you don't want to play, or if they hurt you at all, I want you to use the safe word. I will not punish you at all, ok? We got along just fine without this club, and if you want to walk away right now, or at any point tonight, just say you're safe word."

"OK", said Kristie "Mr. Moris, Jessie, do you both understand and agree that only Jessie may use her safeword, and it is entirely her choice when to use it. If she uses it, you will both have your club membership terminated and will leave at once, and can never return. However, you, Mr. Moris, have agreed not to punish Jessica in any way for terminating your membership."

"Yes, I understand" I said. "Yes" said daddy.

"Great! Then lets get this show started!" said Kristie. She reached down to her waistband a unclipped a small radio. She turned up the volume and pressed the button. "Kristie to control room" she said. "Go ahead Kristie" came the response from the radio. "Can you please send an escort to room 0423 to bring Mr. Moris to his seat in the studio." She replied. "Roger. Someone is on their way" was the response. She turned down the volume and clipped the radio back on her belt. "Enjoy the show Mr. Moris. Try to relax and don't worry too much about Jessie. She'll be fine." With that, there was a knock on the door. Kristie opened it up to let daddy leave. "Don't worry daddy." I said "I love you!" "I love you too honey. Have fun!" he said, and with that he was escorted away.

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fantastic story. thank you for writing!

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