Jess Joins the Club, Part 8

[ Fg, ggggg, ws, enem, bd, toys ]


Published: 2-Jan-2012

Word Count:

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show Story Summary
This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

The Show Must Go On

Little Caroline, bound upside down inside a cylinder, was still expelling her fifth enema. She'd given up on the slow and steady technique and would simply take a deep breath and push, causing a geyser of milk to erupt from her anus, rise above her cunny, and then thunder down, splashing all over her face. She'd wait a few seconds for it to run off, and then exhale, only to take another breath and repeat the whole cycle.

The level of milk was up over her neck, so that, from the camera perspective looking straight down, her face was framed in an oval of white. Each time she expelled, that oval tightened. By the time the six minutes were up and the assistant called a halt, it was over the tops of her ears, and making it's way onto her face, headed for the corners of her mouth, which she held tightly shut, the tube connected to her catheter still running between her lips.

Lube was squirted into her now gaping asshole, causing it to tighten back up, only to be forcefully penetrated by the nozzle for the sixth time. The valve was opened, and the final two quarts began to flow in. As she was being filled, the assistant gave her some advice. If the milk level went over her mouth, she should take a breath through her nose and then open her mouth to take in the milk, swallow it, and repeat until the level was too low for any more to come in. If she kept her mouth shut and didn't start swallowing, it wouldn't take very long at all for the level to reach her nose. If she inhaled milk and started choking, the game would be over, and she risked expulsion from the club.

While the minx filled, I thought again about all that had happened. So many new things had happened so quickly! First there was the enemas. I'd never done that before. I still wasn't really sure what to think of those. The feeling when they first went in was really tingly. The feeling as I got fuller was nice too. But the cramps were no fun at all. Then there was the whole thing about drinking pee. Before tonight I'd never even thought of doing something so disgusting. But having done it, I had to admit that it really wasn't that bad. Even when I'd tasted pee that was up Hannah's butt, it still hadn't been bad. It didn't taste good, that was for sure. But, as best I could determine, I guess it tasted what daddy called sexy. Just like cum.

Licking another girl's cunny was yet another new adventure. That was actually a lot of fun! They tasted a bit like pee, but better! But the thing that stuck in my head the most was the kiss. I wondered what it meant. Did she like me, like a boy? Was she just being friendly? I didn't know what to think. Even worse, I didn't know what to feel.

The announcers voice brought me back to the present. Apparently the final coin had been flipped, and come up heads, meaning the vibrator would be used in this round. The wand was inserted and this time rested against her anus, and the large external vibrator was brought to life. The camera inside gave us all closeups of her holes, and the audience seemed to be holding it's breath. Rather than using the vibrator to force an explosive orgasm, as they'd done before, they were now using it to relax her anus. This seemed to catch Caroline off guard, as she'd been expecting to need to relax and avoid orgasming, only to have the teens seemingly help do just that!

Every so often, the assistant would send a little extra burst of vibration, which made the asshole pucker slightly, then relax even more. After about four minutes, the assistant finally began moving the vibrator away from the asshole. As she did, the camera let everyone look right down inside. Her anus was so relaxed that there was at least an inch, if not more, of wide gaping hole, filled entirely with white milk.

The assistant continued moving the vibrator away from the open asshole toward her pussy. As she reached it, it nestled down into her slit, as the little girl's rosy lips tried to eat it up. She was visibly trembling with excitement, and milk was starting to spill over from her hole - not in squirts as before, but more like someone shaking a really full glass of liquid.

The spilled milk seemed to follow the path of the vibrator, trickling around her cunny lips, spurred on by the vibrations. A little stream made it's way to her inverted clit hood, pooling inside and then overflowing in a little stream pouring from the pointy tip of sensitive flesh. The stream fell straight down toward the little girl's face, splashing against her red lips. Her face scrunched up at first, surprised at the sudden sensation, but then relaxed as the lips parted, allowing the milk to drizzle into her mouth.

She held her mouth open, allowing the milk to pool inside, mixing with the constant trickle of pee through the catheter. Her mouth filled until it resembled her asshole - a circle of white framed by rosy red. It seemed particularly interesting, given that the milk was also framing her entire face. She closed her lips momentarily to swallow, forcing some of the milk out the corners of her mouth to trickle over her face. As she swallowed, she trembled, a mini orgasm working its ways through her little body, spurred on by the vibration in her vagina, the trickle of now warm milk over her clitoris, and perhaps the nastiness of what she'd just done while everyone watched.

As the last second ticked by, a buzzer sounded, and the valve on the bottom of the cylinder opened, allowing the milk to start draining out. At the same instant, the assistant removed the vibrator from where it had snuggled down into the folds of a clearly aroused cunny, and lifted the lid from the top of the cylinder She then picked up a new nozzle that was nearby, and quickly plunged it into the little girl's bottom, bringing the small trickle to a stop.

This was one of the largest nozzles that had been used all evening. It had an inflation bulb attached, which the assistant squeezed, causing a moan to echo out from the container. A tube ran up from the nozzle, up toward the ceiling. As the assistant gave the inflation bulb a second squeeze, there was another moan, and a line of milk started raising up the tube. Two more squeezes were applied, eliciting more moaning and an increased level up the tube.

Next, the assistant reached in and clamped off the catheter, stopping the trickle flowing through it. Then, the contraption to which Carolina was attached was slowly lifted back out of the cylinder, which was then rolled aside, so that she could be lowered back down. They lowered her until her head was about a foot above the floor, and left her swinging, milk still dripping from her short dark hair onto the stage below.

"We'd like to congratulate little Caroline here for her excellent job holding her enema that last round" said the announce. "Because she did so well, and now has an entire bottom full of milk that we're betting she'd like to get rid of, we've decided to play a little bonus round!"

While the announcer was talking, the assistant was busy hooking the catheter up to a bag which was hanging down from the ceiling. The catheter was connected to the top of the bag, and then a separate tube ran out of the bottom of the bag. The second tube had a larger valve in the middle of it, with a wire coming out of it and connected to a small little black box on the floor. The bag was hanging from a rope, which I could see ran up and over a pulley, then back down to the floor, where a small plastic weight rested. Yet another rope connected from the bag down to the floor, through another pulley, and then back up to the ceiling. The assistant adjusted this rope, and I realized that the tubes coming from Caroline's butt-plug were connected to the upper end, held a couple feet above Caroline's body.

The assistant tugged downward on the bag a little bit, to test the whole setup. When she did, the weight lifted up from the floor, and the tubes hanging high in the air lowered. She let go of the bag, and it slowly rose back up to hang just about equal with Caroline. The whole setup seemed almost perfectly in balance, so long as the bag remained empty.

Caroline's assistant went over and picked up some new strange new looking item and brought it out onto the stage, holding it up for the camera. It looked like some new type of enema nozzle, but seemed larger and the others. There were tubes handing down from what looked like a dildo of some sort, and straps coming out the sides.

"We're really thrilled to demonstrate a fun little toy our engineers have cooked up!" said the announcer to the audience. "Many of you may remember our ejaculating dildos from the past, and now we've got a new one, more advanced than any of the previous models! This is the first model to be made entirely with the latest cyberskin polymer, giving it the perfect indistinguishable texture from a real cock! But that's just the start. Inside you'll find a small ejaculation chamber, connected to this hose via a one-way check valve."

The assistant held up the larger of the two clear tubes coming from the dildo.

"The tube is half-inch diameter, to insure rapid refilling of the chamber. A little more than once per second, a piston compresses the chamber, forcing it's contents out through an eighth inch hole in the tip of the dildo, mimicking a male ejaculation. However, there's more!"

Now, the assistant held up a second, slightly smaller diameter tube.

"This other tube can be connected to what we call our 'precum' supply. Of course it can be any liquid we want. The liquid exits through 3 tiny holes located around the edge of the larger ejaculatory tube in the end of the dildo."

Done with the demonstration, the assistant took the dildo contraption over to Caroline, and had her open her mouth so she could stick the head inside. It was pretty big for her tiny little mouth, and her lips sealed tight around it. The straps which I'd seen were used to fasten the dildo to her head, holding it in place so it couldn't fall back out.

Next, the larger of the two tubes, feeding the ejaculation chamber, was connected to the end of the tubes hooked up to the butt-plug. The enema milk level in the tube was about halfway between Caroline's bottom and the rope holding the tubes up in the air. The smaller tube was then connected to the bag which hung equal with Caroline.

All connected, the assistant then removed the clamp from the catheter. When she did so, a trickle of urine began drizzling into the bag.

The announcer then began explaining things for little Caroline, who looked somewhat confused. "The more pee in the bag, the heavier it gets. The heaver it gets, the lower your enema tube goes. If it gets too low, your enema starts draining into the dildo, which ejaculates it into your mouth. But you can help keep the bag high by drinking the pee again. To do so, you'll need to suck really hard on this penis in your mouth. A couple times a minute a electronic valve will open for a few seconds. The harder you're sucking when it does, the more pee you can get. Good luck!"

The urine almost instantly began to pool in the bag, and it and the tubes lowered an inch or too. Her pee, once quite clear, was starting to take on a yellowish golden hue, as it had been repeatedly recycled all evening, allowing the wastes to build up despite the frequency of her pissing. Her cheeks pulled in as she sucked away on the fake penis in her mouth. As I watched I noticed a quick shot of pee move down through the tube as the valve opened, only to shut again just as quickly. It did little to decrease the level accumulating in the bag.

My attention was then drawn away by the announcement that the games were to continue with the other girls. It was now Ryan's turn. Ryan looked a couple years older than me. She had blond hair that ran to the middle of her back in two braids, and looked like a pretty athletic girl.

When they called her name, she carefully stood up from her seat and wobbled out onto the stage, keeping her legs held close together. The assistants had hung a black reclining sex swing in the center of the stage, and were in the process of hanging more of them to each side of it. The girls helped her up into the sling, and had her recline back in it. Her wrists were placed in Velcro cuffs and fastened above her head. Next, the assistant helped spread her legs apart, fastening a strap around each knee and attaching it to the ropes holding the front of the swing.

As they spread her legs apart, the cameras zoomed in to capture little spurts of pee leaking out of her cunny. She was trying the best she could to hold it, but the wide spread position they had forced her legs into was making it near impossible. Next, the assistant took two clips and attached one to each side of Ryan's cunny. She let out a little sequel as each of them clamped down on her puffy lips. Before I had a chance to wonder what was going on, chains were attached to the clips and run over to the ropes suspending the sling. Each was pulled tight, which cased the lips to open up and show the rosy pink and wet interior of Ryan's cunny. As they were spread, the camera captured little strands of gooey white cream being pulled apart.

Next, the back of the sling was lowered just slightly, moving Ryan into a more reclined position. With her lips spread wide, the camera could get a nice closeup view of her pee hole, and the occasional spurts that were escaping. Between the spurts, we could see a little trickle coming out. With the new reclined position, the pee was actually running down inside of her vagina and disappearing inside.

"It looks like Ryan here is having trouble holding her pee inside!" said the announcer. "Luckily, we have just the trick to help her out!" With that, the assistant set about lubricating her pee hole, and then, just like with little Caroline, and catheter was slid up inside and inflated, then clamped off to stop any pee from escaping.

Ryan let out a little shutter as the catheter was clamped off, ending her ongoing struggle to hold in the pee, but only forcing her poor little bladder to hold more and more as the balloon inside inflated.

"We know you have to go pretty bad honey - as I bet a lot of your co-stars here on stage do to - and we'll be happy to help you go in just a few minutes, but there are some things we need to do first." said the announcer. The assistant then produced an inflatable enema nozzle like the one that had been used on me and some of the other girls, and started lubing up the tip and first balloon. Nice and slippery, she poked it effortlessly into Ryan's bottom, and then began twisting it back and forth to work the large deflated balloon past her sphincter. Once inserted, she continued to feed the tube in until the second balloon was pushed partway into her anus. She then began slowly inflating the first balloon. On the third squeeze of the bulb, Ryan's eyes popped open wide. Like me, this was apparently the first time she'd felt something growing inside her bottom. The assistant gave the bulb a few more squeezes, until Ryan was letting out little moans each time as the pressure grew inside her.

Next, she moved to the outer balloon, and began pumping it up. Because she'd pushed it so far in, the first few squeezes started stretching and inflating Ryan's anus, as the pressure of the first balloon held it firmly in place inside her rectum, not allowing it to slide out. As the inflation continued, and her asshole stretched wider and wider, Ryan let out a little yelp as things finally gave way and the nozzle slid outward, coming to rest with the two balloons fully inflated and pulled tight against each side of her anal sphincter, establishing a tight seal.

The assistant fiddled around a bit with the tubes, and then moved off toward the chairs. She walked over to where Ryan had been sitting in the clear, concave chair, and removed the bag which hung from the bottom. She held it up and carried it back over to the center of the stage. It appeared to be about half full of Ryan's pee.

"As you all know", began the announcer, "our girls are not allowed to pee unless given permission. These collection bags are fitted to their chairs in case they have accidents, so that their pee can still be used in games. If the pee isn't needed, she must drink it all, to put it back where it belongs."

At that moment, our attention was drawn away by a sudden moan coming from further back on the stage. I looked over just in time to see the shivers quake through little Caroline's body, as a particularly nasty cramp ripped through her bowels, forcing a sudden gush of milk up through the tube, and a sustained burst of pee to enter the bag, until it had lowered itself almost to the floor. This of course lowered the enema tube, and allowed the milk to run straight from her asshole down to the dildo, where we knew it must be getting squirted straight into her mouth. I could see the little ripples in her throat muscles as she sucked and swallowed away to keep from choking, as her mouth was pumped full with spurt after spurt of the warm milk finally emerging from deep inside her colon.

The valve on her pee bag opened up, allowing a steady trickle to run through the tip of the dildo, mixing with the milk that the little minx was now gulping down. We all watched in a mix of horror and amazement as the tiny five year old mastered the grotesque job of drinking her ass-milk, and began to suck more and more of the pee from the bag. After only a few minutes, the bag, now lightened, began to lift back up into the air, bringing the enema tubing up as well, until a pocket of air finally emerged at the apex. We then watched as, inch by inch, the level of milk decreased in the tube, with each ejaculation into the girls mouth. When the tube was once again empty from the high point down, she set about trying to suck as much pee from the bag as she could, as the valve was closed down again, ready to begin the next round.

"As I was saying..." resumed the announcer, sending little chills down my spine as my attention shifted back to Ryan, "any pee which is expelled before a girl's designated game must be drunk. To make it more fun, we've come up with a special surprise!"

Caroline's little show-steeling moment has clearly put Ryan into a real spot of bother, as her body continued to fill her bladder fuller and fuller with every passing moment, but the catheter now sealed the only way out. She lay watching the assistant, wondering what would come next.

What came next was that Ryan's assistant produced a life-sized dildo, dropped her own panties, and worked it deep into her own cunny while everyone watched. She worked it all the way in, then slid it back out, then in again. She buried it 5 or 6 times before removing it. When she pulled it back it, it was all wet and slimy from being inside her cunny. As we watched, she began to feed a tube coming from the urine collection bag into the back end of the dildo until it was deep inside. Holding the tube pinched shut, she lowered the dildo until it rested against Ryan's tightly sealed lips.

"Open up honey, we've got a drink for you." she urged. Slowly, Ryan's mouth gave way, and the slimy wet toy made it's way inside. "Lick and suck it clean for us honey" urged the assistant, as Ryan's little tongue began to feel around the shape of the realistic penis head, and taste the assistant's slimy pussy cream.

As she got more into the licking and sucking, the assistant started releasing the tube, allowing at first a trickle, and then little spurts of pee to flow through the dildo and out the head, into Ryan's mouth. This didn't seem to phase her too much, as she continued to lick and suck away. The assistant then reached down and did something with the tubes connected to Ryan's nozzle. It was hard to see what had happened, and I didn't think Ryan even knew she'd done it.

Suddenly, I heard Ryan try to say something around the penis in her mouth, but it only came out as a mumble.

"What was that honey?" asked the assistant, squeezing shut the tube feeding the pee into her mouth, and withdrawing the dildo"

"I feel like I'm leaking pee!" said Ryan.

"Actually, honey, we're helping you go pee now, just like we promised. Just relax. Can you guess where your pee is going?" she asked.

"Oh, god." said Ryan. "I think I feel it. I'm peeing up my own ass, aren't I! Oh, fuck..."

"It's okay honey, let it all go..." said the assistant, as she lowered the dildo back into the girl's mouth. As she loosed her squeeze on the tube and allowed the trickle to resume, she reached down and adjusted the valve on the catheter, allowing the full force of pee to pass through the catheter and straight into the enema nozzle, to give the girl the most accurate feel of both peeing, and allow her to feel her hot urine spraying against the walls of her rectum.

I could hear the girl let out a little moan, as the assistant finally let go the tube feeding the dildo, and the pee shot into her mouth with the same force it was now entering hew bowels. The camera gave us all a nice closeup of her spread pussy, where we could see the catheter shooting out from the fleshy pink of her vagina, filled with the yellowish clear pee on it's way out of one section of her body, and into another.

The pee bag emptied a good minute before her bladder, and the assistant removed the dildo from her mouth, holding it so Ryan could lick the entire thing clean. As the flow of urine finally tapered off, the assistant rubbed her belly, massaging out the cramps from having held her bladder for so long. I could see the perspiration dripping from her body, and the relief on her face looked practically orgasmic. I wondered if she might have even had a mini orgasm as the relief of her emptying bladder combined with the warm tingly sensations inside her bottom.

The assistant then clamped off the catheter, but left it inserted into Ryan. To the end of the enema nozzle, she connected a small length of rubber tubing, which she then connected to a funnel. This was hooked high on the ropes suspending the sling, to keep the enema from leaking back out. They then asked the rest of us if any of us had to pee.

Immediately, four hands shot up. Meagan, Katy, Abby, and my new friend Maddy - all of whom had yet to play any games - all needed to go. Of the four, Meagan, the oldest, was the only one whose collection bag still appeared empty. As she also held number 7, she was the first to be called up. The teen who was her assistant helped her waddle up to center stage, keeping her legs tightly together to prevent any pee leaking out. A step-stool was brought up and positioned right below Ryan's head. Meagan climbed up, facing the audience, and straddled her face, one foot on each side of Ryan's head, bending slightly at the knees and arching her back, pulling her pussy lips apart. The assistant then held the funnel out over Ryan's upper body, a good couple feet above her.

Once given the OK, Meagan let loose a stream of pee. It started as a trickle, falling down and landing on Ryan's face and neck, but it only took a moment to get the flow going. The assistant helped position the funnel, and Meagan aimed the stream as best she could, allowing her pee to all be captured and fed into Ryan's waiting butt. This continued for probably an entire minute. It was clear the girl really had to go! When she was nearing the end, her pee started coming out more in little spurts, as she squeezed down on her muscles to push it out. While the assistant tried her best to catch the spurts, it also ended up giving Ryan a bit of a golden shower.

Once she was done, Meagan came back down from the stool, and the assistant guided her over to one of the eight empty slings that had been hung, four on each side of Ryan's. Just like Ryan, she was strapped in, hands above her head, legs spread wide apart, and then clips added to her pussy lips, pulling them wide open. Then it was Katy's turn.

Katy was just a bit older than I was, but looked it be about the same height. She gave me the impression she was a bit like an older version of Caroline - another kinky little minx. She hobbled up to straddle Ryan, spreading her legs wide and arching her back as if she had no shame in the world, and was trying to pee on the audience. Her assistant held the funnel way out in front in anticipation of a piss jet, only for her to start dribbling out right into Ryan's unsuspecting face, as she let out a burst of giggles. The assistant tried to bring the funnel in to catch the pee, and suddenly the anticipated jet took off, showering more pee straight across Ryan's body until the assistant countered again, finally catching the flow. Like Meagan before her, she seemed to go on peeing forever, before finally coming to a dribbling spurty finish.

She was then helped down and over to a sling, where she too was strapped in and spread. However, once secured, her assistant was there waiting with her pee bag from the chair. Her bag appeared to be the fullest - except for maybe the one still hanging over under Caroline's empty chair. The teen assistant threaded the tube from the bag into the same dildo that Ryan had used, and then plunged it up into her pussy to get it nice and slimy. She worked it in and out several times, working up a nice froth of pussy cream, then seemed to get an idea. Carefully, she straddled Katy's head, continuing to work the dildo in and out of her now dripping wet pussy. Finally she plunged it up inside herself and seemed to leave it there for a moment.

"Open your mouth and keep it open!" she ordered the little girl, and she began to slowly slide the dildo back out. As it popped out of her pussy, a flood of piss and pussy cream poured out, sliming Katy in the face and filling her mouth. The teen had used the dildo to shoot Katy's pee up inside her vagina, then released the piss douche right into the unsuspecting preteen's mouth. I couldn't believe the assistant would do that, but Katy hardly missed a beat, gulping down the mouthful she'd been given, and opening her mouth as if she wanted more. Instead, the assistant just pushed the dildo in, and let the tube go, letting the piss stream in and down her throat until the bag was empty.

Next up was Abby, who appeared to be the same age as I was. She was a pretty little girl, her blond hair tied back in a pony tail, and a nice firm looking butt. She had just started peeing into the funnel when we were all distracted again by a moan from back on the stage where Caroline still hung suspended. Once again the piss bag was down to the floor, and spurt after spurt of milk was getting pumped into her mouth.

This time, rather than stop the main show, the teens had Abby continue peeing into the funnel, and we all watched back and forth between her show and little Caroline struggling to get things back under control. By the time Abby finished peeing, it was clear that Ryan was starting to get filled up. More and more little moans could be heard coming from her as each girl took turns peeing into her through the funnel.

The assistants helped Abby over to another of the slings and got her strapped in. Yet another assistant took a turn with the dildo, warming and lubing it up inside her pussy. This time, rather than the piss douche approach, the girl simply let Abby suckle on the penis head while a gentle trickle of pee ran through it. In the background, Caroline seemed to be making more progress toward draining her bottom than the piss bag, as she continued sucking and swallowing away.

Finally it was my friend Maddy's turn. When this game had began, there had only been an inch or so in her pee bag, but by now it was over half full. Apparently watching everyone else peeing made it too hard to stay distracted, triggering bladder contractions that she just couldn't help hold back. Once she was up on the stool standing over Ryan's head, with funnel in place, she let loose a powerful jet right into it, adding a good pint of fresh pee to Ryan's already bursting bottom.

By the time she'd come down and been strapped into her sling, Caroline was at last making some real progress toward draining the bag and stopping the flow. Maddy's assistant seemed to take the same approach as Abby's had, flavoring the dildo with her pussy, but then allowing Maddy to slowly suckle on it as her pee trickled through. This took a few minutes, and by the time they were finally done, Caroline had managed to get the piss bag back up high and stopped the reverse enema flow.

All attention then shifted back to the five year old, as a few of the assistants went back and started clamping off the enema tube coming from her nozzle, and the tube leading from the piss bag to the automated ejaculating dildo gag. They then unfastened the straps, and slide the penis head out of her mouth. I could see her working her jaw, obviously relieved to have the contraption removed. The second cable was then re-lowered from the ceiling and reattached to the bracket, where it had been earlier. They then winched her up once more so that she was horizontal, and this time released the bottom cable, leaving her swinging right-side-up for for he first time since her adventure began. Her asshole now pointed straight down, and her neck was bent over to also stare at the floor.

A large bucket was then positioned directly beneath her, and the assistant began slowly deflating the plug crammed in her ass. As the air slowly left it, they started pulling straight down, and more and more of the black plug began to appear as the little girl's asshole expanded. Suddenly, it gave way, and out popped the plug entirely. In it's wake came a torrent of milk, gushing out of the little girl in a sudden flood, her anus completely stretched and unable and unwilling to hold anything back. It thundered down into the waiting bucket below, as if someone had upended a carton.

It didn't take long for the massive flow to stop. From there, it was more little squirts every so often, as her body worked to move all the liquid up and over through her large intestine so it could be expelled. The attention then shifted back to Ryan, and the other four girls spread wide in the slings, and the four remaining empty slings as well.


Happy New Year Loliwood Studio readers & writers! Sorry it took half a year to get this chapter out. With any luck, I'll get the next one finished a bit quicker. There are 3 or 4 more chapters still to come. I've got the story line pretty much all mapped out now, but feel free to leave suggestions in the comments. If they don't make it into this story, they might give me an idea for the next.

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Great story!! Very hot, look forward to the next..


Will there ever be a part 9 posted? This series is one of my favorites.

The reviewing period for this story has ended.