Take Your Daughter to Work

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Published: 25-May-2013

Word Count:

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

"Hi Bobby, you want a date tonight?"

"Naw, not tonight honey," he said, then took a pull on his beer. "I'm pretty bushed, spent the whole day in fucking meetings."

Loretta was up on stage in the process of untying her g-string. One of the more senior dancers at BT's she'd been working there for as long as Robert had been a customer.

Maurine sat down next to him, the place was pretty empty on a Thursday evening. She had always liked him. He was always well dressed, never drank too much, always respectful and didn't assume things.

"How's the kid?" he asked. She had an eight year old, had shown him pictures-they had even run into each other once in a McDonalds. That time, Maurine and Robert had sat together while Colleen (she called her 'Cally') climbed around in the Play Place.

"She's fine-at my cousin's right now. She starts fourth grade in three weeks."

"She looking forward to it?"

"Yeah, she did real well last year." Maurine watched Loretta for a second. "How 'bout yours? Your little one-Stacy ?-she ought to be in, what, ninth?"

"Yeah," he paused. "You remember, that's nice. Yeah, incredible, she's starting high school."

"And you have a boy-Billy(?), still in high school, right?"

"Yeah, we'll be talking a lot about college."

Maurine leaned her head on his shoulder-in a friendly way. "You're nice, I try to remember the nice people."

Robert put his hand on hers for a second, then patted it.

Loretta was now in her birthday suit, working her way between the guys sitting along the runway-collecting dollars in her garter. There weren't many, not a lot of money to be made.

"You want to see some new pictures of Cally, I just got some."


Maurine got up and went into the dressing room, then returned just as Loretta was coming off stage-they met at the door, Maurine coming out, Loretta going in carrying her clothes. She went to the table and sat down with her iphone. "Here, we were at a friend's birthday party last weekend."

The two went through the pictures of the party-little girls and their mothers, cake, presents, a hired clown. Cally was in most of them.

A different girl went up on stage. "Who's she? I don't know her."

"Oh, that's Shannon. This is her first week. Gives a hell of a lap dance."

"I'll only buy them from you."

"You're sweet."

"I'm flying back to Chicago in the morning...I'll be back next week. I'll bring you some pictures of my rugrats."

"Great," she said.

Maurine sat for another two minutes. Then, "Got'a go, I'm on next."

For Maurine's dance, Robert moved to an empty seat on the runway. He carefully put a $20 in her garter as she squatted down in front of him, giving him a close inspection of her shaved pussy-a pussy he was fairly familiar with. After the set she got on her hands and knees on the runway as he stood up. They kissed, even teased their tongues together some for a second.

"I'm going to go hit the rack now," he said. "Early flight tomorrow. Will you be here on Tuesday next?"

"Should be," she said.

"I'll come by and see you."

She leaned forward and gave him another peck on the lips. "I'll make sure I'm on the schedule."

On the two hour flight home the next day, Richard thought about Maurine and her cute daughter, Cally. If things went well he might have something to celebrate next Tuesday-and a big bonus. Then, when the engine note changed and the 737 started its decent into O'Hare he put those thoughts away. He'd stop by the office before heading home. Most weeks when he got in from Miami his wife had a nice family dinner planned.

Actually, that Friday he got great news, then spent the entire weekend working on a proposal. He hit the pavement running when the wheels of the A320 screeched on the asphalt of runway 26L the next Tuesday afternoon. By 4:00 PM Wednesday it was all over. Richard had sealed a merger worth $50 Million-the stockholders would be fools not to accept. At 6:00 he walked into BTs and looked for Maurine.

She stopped when he caught her eye, then waved as she went into the dressing room. Richard went to one of the front tables (again the place was almost empty) and the bartender sent over his usual Jack and Diet Coke. Maurine was on next and she seemed to ignore everyone else in the place as she gave Richard a private dance.

Maurine was petite-just making it to 4' 12". She probably didn't push the scale much over 100. Somehow she had managed to get back a flat belly after carrying a baby, just a little softness around a slightly enlarged belly button hinted that she was a mother-that and a slight droopiness to her AA boobs that gave them a lovely giggliness. Still, she probably couldn't hold up a pencil for long.

Her hair was dark and she kept it short. There were three rings in her left ear, five in her right and one on the right side of her nose. She had given up on the one in her belly button and let it heal over. When she was younger she'd had one of her nipples pierced but had come to regret that after Cally was born. Now it was mostly healed. There were three tats-a Chinese figure on her right shoulder blade, a rose just to the right of her belly button (gotten after Cally was born) and a snake on the front of her left thigh. When she was clothed she favored Goth.

When her set was over she picked up her discarded clothes and walked to Richard's table, sitting down with him, still naked. This was technically against the rules but Bobby was a regular customer and, with only a half dozen guys in the place, the 'crowd' was not at all unruly.

"Back so soon?" she asked.

"Yeah, big day today, great things at work."

"Cool! You get that merger you were talking about?"

"Sure did!" Bobby took a big swig of his drink. "You free tonight?"

Maurine looked at him with a bit of disappointment. "Oh, I'm so sorry Bobby but I have to take Cally tonight."

Robert looked down for just a second. He knew it would be stupid to try to force the issue. "That's alright dear, what time do you have to get her?"


"Well, at least let me buy you a cup of coffee on the way home."

"Ok, but it'll have to be quick," she said. "I worked lunch today so I get off at five."

They sat together and watched the next two sets. Bobby commented that he didn't like the 'landing strip' on one of the dancers and that the other one's tits were way too big. "When they get that big they seem insensitive. Girls with small tits get a lot more turned on by having them sucked."

Maurine danced her last set and Robert held a rolled up $50 in his mouth that he transferred to her in a kiss. She ran to the dressing room and came back out dressed. He gulped down his third drink before they left.

At the Starbucks a block down they showed each other the pictures they had promised.

"Your Cally is incredibly cute," he said. "I love her in that bathing suit."

"Yeah, that's only when she's at the pool. We usually go to a nude beach."

"I'd love to see those pictures."

This caught Maurine off guard, and she looked at him thoughtfully. "You don't seem the type to like little girls," she said quietly.

"Oh, quite the contrary..." Suddenly Robert could see where the conversation was going. He hadn't planned it but a rush went through him with the thought.

Maurine was still looking at him. "Have you ever...?"

Richard was thinking fast. If this was going to pan out he couldn't let her think that it'd be alright with her daughter but not his. "Well, when she was little, still needing diapers at night,..." He could see she wasn't convinced. "There'd be no way I could have kept it away from Donna." [His wife] "Still, I've..."

She smiled, a wicked smile. "I could have you arrested. Drop a dime on your wife."

"You wouldn't do that," he said.

"No, I wouldn't." She reached across the table and took his hands. "I'm sorry about tonight."

"It's Ok," he said. "How about next week? I'll be back in town on Wednesday."


"How 'bout you and Cally?"

Maurine's face froze. "What do you mean?"

Robert's guts tensed, but he hadn't gotten where he was by shrinking away once he started down a path. "Exactly what I said. A date, you, me and Cally. We'll do dinner and a movie...then more later."

Maurine didn't know whether she should slap his face, run away, scream for help, laugh, or cry. From somewhere the old business woman took over. "That'll cost a lot...a lot more than my usual $250."

"$5,000." Robert had always been a shrewd negotiator. "Return $3,000 if she wants to stop."

Maurine stood up. "I'll think about it." She started for the door, then looked over her shoulder. "Call me at the club or I'll leave a message there."

He watched her go out and head back toward the club.

For a couple of days she put it out of her mind. She worked lunch the next day, then the night on Friday and Saturday. Both nights she made some good money, usually about $30 in tips every set and $50 each for two lap dances on Friday and three on Saturday.

Sunday she always saved for Cally. They drove down the Keys to their favorite beach. There were more people there than usual as they set up their beach chairs, then pulled their clothes off.

Cally ran off into the water (there was no surf on the Gulf side of the key). As she watched her, Maurine thought about what Richard had proposed. She'd been told that the reason she was so popular at the club was because she was so small-certain men liked that. That explained why Richard had made her is favorite. Someone had a boom box and Cally started dancing.

'Oh God yes, she is sexy,' Maurine thought with a shock. And Richard had always been so sweet...

During the day she pulled out her iphone and took a few pictures of her little one.

On the drive back the 'Check Engine' light in her eight year old Dodge came on.

She was making dinner as Cally sat at the table, holding her Gameboy in her lap. The apartment was quiet except for the tinkling sound from the game and the various sounds of food preparation. Cally got bored with the game and sat, watching her mother.

She'd be starting fourth grade soon-a normal looking little girl. Her complexion was clear, she didn't have any freckles, a wide face with full cheeks, a small mouth and nose, hazel eyes. Her brown hair barely made it to her shoulders, she had straight bangs across a broad forehead.

She was just a little bit heavy for her age-by no means fat-but her ribs did not show and her belly was just a little soft.

"Mommy, can I ask you something?"

"Sure honey."

"One of Sammy's [her cousin] friends said you shouldn't be a dancer. He said it was wrong for a mother to do that."

"How did he know what I do?"

"I don't know, maybe Sammy told him."

Maurine had never kept what she did for a living a secret, but she didn't talk about it much either.

"He's probably saying what his parent's said, it's none of his business."

They were silent for a moment.

"Do you like dancing?"

Maurine paused, wondering what to answer. "I guess so. Sometimes it's fun, sometimes I'm pretty bored. I guess any job is like that." She started peeling a potato. "It puts food on the table."

Cally looked down at her game. "What's it like, dancing like that? I mean, dancing without anything on?"

"Well...I kind of like it. It makes me feel...free. Some of the guys, you can see it in their eyes, they're turned on."

"Doesn't that bother you, that they're looking at you like...that?"

"That depends. Sometimes yes...some guys are real jerks. But most, well, they like it and appreciate me."

"Are those the ones you go out on dates with?"

"I don't go out on dates much anymore."

"Does it make you feel good?"

"Well, yes. I enjoy it. I only go on dates with guys I like, guys who've been at the club a few times, that I've gotten to know. Besides, sex is fun."


Maurine laughed. "Why!? It feels good! It's exciting and warm and it's fun to make other people feel good."

"What does it feel like?"

"You know, well,...not really. It's like when you rub yourself, only it's better....Sometimes I rub myself when I'm dancing...."

"MOMMY! You can't do that! In front of people?"

"Yes. Sometimes it's great because I'm in front of people...it feels really great."

"I don't know," Cally looked down at her Gameboy. "I've never...I've seen women in movies, moaning...it looks silly."

"Don't knock it 'til you've tried it, girl," Maurine said. She turned the oven on and put the cheese, ham, and potato casserole in. They'd eat for three days off of it.

She looked down at her little girl. She was dressed in a loose spaghetti string top and her panties.

"Go lay down on the couch."

Cally looked up at her mom. "Why?"

"Do as I say, you'll see why I like dancing."

The little one left her Gameboy on the table and went across the room to the sofa in the living room area. She lay down, her head on one of the arms.

"Cover yourself up with the blanket."

She pulled a Mexican blanket off the back and covered herself up.

"Now, close your eyes and relax. Think about laying on the beach in the warm sun, listening to the water." She was silent for almost a minute. "Breath slowly, listen to the waves."

The child calmed, her face became relaxed, her breathing slow.

"Now, real gently move your hands up to your chest and slowly rub them across you. Be real gentle...listen to the waves...think how nice the sun feels..."

Under the blanket, her hands moved up, then started caressing her chest, back and forth.

"Take deep breaths; think about how it feels..."

Cally relaxed further, taking a deep breath.

"Tell me how it feels."

"Kind of tingly."

"Do you like it?"

After a few moments, "yes.."

"Now take your top off under the covers."

Cally looked at her mom, then squirmed under the blanket. She pulled the tank top out from under the covers and dropped it on the floor.

"Go back, rub your chest."

Cally's hands moved again under the blanket.

Maurine watched as her eight year old pleasured herself, watched as her face became more tense with the feelings spreading across her chest and down her belly.

"Move one of your hands down to your thigh, gently, do what feels good to you..."

One hand moved down. After a few seconds her knees rose and moved apart.

"Go ahead, you can rub yourself there."

The movement disappeared where the blanket was lifted off from her stomach to her knees.

"Now take your panties off."

Cally looked at her mother, then lifted her butt, then legs. The panties dropped out onto the floor.

"Ok, go on honey. You can't hurt yourself..."

Again the child's right hand disappeared into the void between her legs while the other still rubbed her chest. She lifted her knees more as she started to hump against her hand and her breathing deepened. Her face began to flush and Maurine could see little droplets of perspiration break out on her forehead and upper lip. She could hear Cally's breathing.

"Now, imagine you're still on that beach."

The child's movement became stronger, more deliberate. She was beginning to arch her back and push her head against the arm of the sofa.

"Just concentrate on what you're feeling..."

Her breathing began to morph into moans.

"Imagine that there are people, strangers on the beach, watching."

Her moans became louder, her movements more desperate. Maurine quietly walked over, looking down at her little girl as she masturbated.

"They love you, they love seeing you."

"Ohh...ohhh..." Cally began.

Maurine reached down and slowly lifted the blanket, uncovering the child.

"They can all see you, they love you, they want you..."

Cally was covering her vulva with the fingers of her right hand, moving it quickly in circles as she stroked her tiny erect nipples with her thumb and fingertips. She was humping up against her hand as she squirmed her ass some from side to side. Her tiny nipples were like pin heads sticking up from her completely undeveloped chest, the areolas, normally the size of dimes, had contracted smaller. Maurine could see some shininess in the crease between her hairless pussy lips, an occasional a little clear mucus in the folds of her sex.

"You can feel them watching. Some of the men are getting bigger, a couple are even rubbing themselves-getting turned on watching you."

Cally was getting lost in her feelings. She pushed her middle finger into her slit, moving it along her reddened clit. Her brown hair was getting damp at the roots.

"Imagine one of the men kneeling down, his breath on you, his hands on your hips..."

The little girl started to shake and jerk, she through her head back, her mouth open, breath coming in gasps.

"Go ahead, push your finger in, think it's a man entering you."

Cally bent her finger and Maurine watched as she pushed it in to the second knuckle. Suddenly she seemed to lift off the sofa, groaning as an orgasm rocked through her. She held herself there catching her breath and shaking for several seconds before she fell back down, her arms, her body going limp.

She opened her eyes and looked at her mother, then smiled. Maurine reached down and covered her with the blanket. "You nap while I finish dinner."

Actually, it turned out good that Maurine couldn't go out that Wednesday. Robert was still in the Starbucks when his phone rang. It took him a few moments to figure out who was calling him.

"Mr. Randolph? This is Charlie Briggs, I'm a pilot for Statforth and Ashton. We're just over Tallahassee and will be in Miami in about 45 minutes. It'll take about a half hour to turn around the airplane; we should be able to get you back to Chicago by 9:30."

"Uhh...What's this about?"

"No one called you? Mr. Ashton sent us down to get you."

Robert had never been on the corporate jet...they had sent it especially for him. HOLY FUCK!

The Gulfstream touched down on a rainy runway at Chicago Midway and was met by a limo. Richard gave the driver his keys and, sometime in the night, his Avalon was rescued from the garage at O'Hare and delivered to a parking garage near the Hancock Center. The Limo was at his house in Skokie at 7:30 AM to take him to work.

Stratforth and Ashton leased the 67th and 68th floors of the John Hancock Center. When Richard walked into the Acquisitions Department at 8:15 everyone in the office stood up and started to clap. Richard's boss came out of his office and approached as Richard stood dumbfounded at the elevator.

"As soon as you drop your coat off, Mr. Ashton wants to see us upstairs."

He didn't get the jet for the ride back to Miami the following Monday, but he was in seat 2A rather than back in coach.

He spent that evening having dinner with the executives of Windward Island Properties, an undercapitalized development firm with leases on land on Canouan and Mustique Islands but not enough money to develop them. With a little luck, everyone in the room would be a lot richer soon. As for Richard, he'd already done well-an EFT of $100K into his account as a bonus was the first thing Mr. Ashton had told him about.

He had already told Donna that he had moved some for a tax dodge. This gave him $25,000 in play money and he hoped to spend the first $5000 soon.

During a pit stop he called BTs. After dealing with the obligatory recorded menus he finally got a live human being.

"Hi, I'm Bobby Randolph. I'm wondering if Maurine may have left a message."

There was loud music thumping in the background. "Just a minute..." the sound was deadened as the guy answering covered the receiver. Then, "What's your number?"


"I'll give it to her," ...click.

Twenty minutes later his phone chimed for a text:

"U in town?"


"Still want a date?"

"U n Cally?"



"6 @ BTs"

"U bet!"

The next morning at breakfast Maurine watched Cally as she munched on a poptart. Summers were great because they got their mornings together and, during the week, most evenings. Still, Maurine had to work Friday and Saturday nights, that's when she made most of her money. Over the past few years she had really cooled going out on 'dates'. She really felt conflicted going to pick up her little girl from her sister after having turned a trick with some guy-even if she made $250 for an hour's visit to a hotel.

She had, however, developed a better sort of clientele, she liked to think that she was a high-class hooker. These days she charged $750 for an entire evening-and the guys who she dated seemed satisfied. She had 'dated' Bobby around half a dozen times. The past two times they spent the whole evening together.

He never talked about price-she had told him up front and he had given her the cash. After that they never talked about money. He always took her to a nice restaurant, not super expensive, middle class places, then they'd walk for a while before going back to his hotel. He was good at small talk, always made her feel comfortable, like she was with a friend. A couple of times he'd bought her small things while they were out-a blouse, an inexpensive necklace.

He was always at the Coral Gables Marriott. It made Maurine feel a little uncomfortable when they went through the lobby, the bell boy or desk clerk sometimes smirked. But they became nothing but professional if Robert even looked at them.

He was respectful, appreciative, and, yes, very good. It was on their third date that she let herself go. She usually didn't feel so comfortable with a guy that she could do that. Then again, he was the sort of guy that got what he wanted but never made other people feel coerced or used.

Afterwards they always took a cab back to her car and he stayed until she drove away, making sure she was safely on her way home.

Cally was a no-nonsense child-direct-and Maurine had always made it a point to be honest.

"Cally, there's a guy, Bobby. I've dated him a few times and he wants to take both of us out."

The girl stopped and looked at her breakfast. "You mean like a daddy?"

Maurine paused, "No, like one of my dates." She watched as the girl absorbed the idea-she looked tense.

"He's really sweet, a very nice man. I've shown him pictures of you that I took at the beach..."

"You mean, we'll go to a hotel?"

"Yes, after a nice dinner, maybe a movie."

The child looked up pensively. "You mean he wants to...do it...with me?"

"Both of us."

Cally got a mischievous smile. "Mommy, you said you don't do that with the other girls...!"

Maurine smiled, almost laughed, "You're not an 'other girl'."

Her next question totally shocked Maurine: "How much is he paying?"

"Five thousand."

"Can we get a new car?"

Maurine had just thought about getting the current one fixed...but. "Well, actually, now that I think about it, I think we can."

"OK." Colleen picked up the second poptart and bit into it.

At 5:30 Richard walked into BTs and was seated at his usual table, just across an isle from the runway. At the time, Maurine was in the dressing room having just finished her last set. She had showered, dried her hair, pulled on the jeans, shirt and boots she had worn to work that day, then put on makeup and combed her hair. Loretta came in.

"Morri, your friend's out there."

A shot of anxiety went through her. "Ok..." she smiled nervously, "thanks."

Loretta caught her look. "Anything wrong...just a word to Oscar and he'll never come back.

"Oh no! It's nothing like that! I guess...fuck Lori...I'm getting to like him."

Loretta whistled and walked away, waving her hand over her shoulder.

Maurine put on her calmest face and went out.

Richard was sitting at his table in his usual coat and tie. He had gone back to his hotel after the meetings and showered and shaved. He had also made sure of the movie schedule and the addresses of a couple of nearby 'kid's' restaurants. What Maurine didn't know was that he had used some of his resources and knew exactly where she lived and where Cally was. Maurine walked up to him as he stood up. They greeted each other with a friendly kiss.

"Are you off?" he asked.


He handed her a small leather envelop that closed with a zipper. Maurine opened it and saw a ream of bills. She pushed them and looked closer-they were $100s. It looked like it could be 50 of them. She handed it back.

"You at the Marriott?"


"We'll be there at seven."

"I'll wait in the lobby."

Maurine ran to her car, then pushed through the traffic as best she could to her sister's house. She had told Cally to take a shower and get dressed before she got picked up. If she was asked why, she was supposed say that she and Maurine were 'going out'. That's all, most of the truth.

She was pleased that her little girl was ready, she had even talked her aunt into putting a touch of makeup on her-light mascara, eye liner and a pail lip gloss.

In the car, Maurine looked down at her daughter.

"You still want to do this."

Cally looked up at her mother but paused before she answered. "Yes mom."

She put the car in drive and pulled away from the curb.

A few minutes later they were sitting at a traffic light. It cycled through the green but they didn't make it.

"Mommy?" Cally was looking at her mother.

"Yes honey."

"What's he goin'a do?"

Maurine reached over and put a friendly hand on her knee.

"Oh, Bobby always goes 'round the world'."

"What's that?"

"That's were you fuck him and give him a blow job," Maurine explained.

Cally looked forward at the dashboard. "How big is he?"

Maurine thought for a moment, then held her hands up. "Oh I don't know, what's that, about ten inches?"

"That's too big," Cally said. She was quite familiar with what she could accommodate, having played with a few of her mother's toys occasionally.

"He knows that," Maurine said. "Bobby's really sweet-he won't do anything that would hurt you."

The light changed, this time they made it through.

Cally watched the traffic for a minute. Then, "What does it taste like?"

Maurine smiled. "It's not that bad...not good...but not bad. Kind of salty and maybe it's...oh, hard to explain. Different guys taste a little different I guess. And Bobby's always very clean, he never has BO or anything. It is kind of slimy, sort of like when you have a real bad cough or maybe get snot in your mouth when you have a cold...only there's a lot more..."

"How much is there?" Cally asked with a hint of concern in her voice.

"Well...I guess it's really only a couple of tablespoons full or so...but it can seem like a lot more...Especially Bobby, he seems to have a lot." She smiled, remembering. "And with Bobby, there's not less the second time around either, unlike most guys."

"It sounds kind of gross."

"Only if you let it be."

"Am I supposed to swallow it?"

They came to another stop. "With Bobby, you do both. He likes to see it running out of your mouth while he cums, then when he's done open your mouth for him to see, then swallow, then show him again."

Cally had seen this in movies and knew what her mother meant. "Does Bobby taste bad?"

"He's about normal," Maurine said, although she really couldn't particularly remember.

"I'm kind a scared," Cally said in a low voice.

Maurine put her hand on the girl's arm. "Bobby's nice, he won't do anything that will hurt you."

"No, I'm scared that it'll taste real bad."

Maurine chuckled. "It won't make you puke, if that's what you mean. I think the feeling of the gooey stuff is worse than the taste. Of course, it doesn't hurt but, yeah, it's kind'a gross."

They turned into the hotel parking lot.

"What about you? Is he going to do it with you too?"

Maurine was trying to find a parking space. "Well, he's paying a lot of money...he showed it to me...so I guess he gets to do whatever he wants."

Cally turned and looked forward with a serious but somewhat surprised expression. It hadn't really dawned on her before that they were there to do only what he wanted. The realization that this was a business transaction, and what that meant, was something she hadn't thought of.

Maurine was inching into a tight space. "Then I have to do anything he wants?" Cally asked.

Maurine put the car in park. "I'm not going to let anything bad happen, honey. And Bobby won't ask. But once we're going, you can't chicken out, OK?"

"OK," Cally said.

They were ten minutes late.

"I'm sorry we're late," Maurine said as she came hurrying up.

"No problem, I know traffic's awful." He recognized Colleen walking up behind her mother.

Richard had the unique experience of feeling nervous about meeting an eight year old.

"Bobby, this is Cally," Maurine introduced them.

"Hello," he said. Her hand was tiny in his.

"Hi," she said in a quiet voice, not really willing to meet his eye.

"What do you think of dinner at Chuck E. Cheese's," he asked.

Cally's face broke into a big smile. "Great!"

"That would be perfect!" Maurine said.

Both of them got wide-eyed when they saw the white limo under the awning waiting for them. "A perk from the company," he said.

As they sat in traffic Robert had Jim and Coke while Maurine made herself a screwdriver. She also slipped a small shot of vodka into Cally's Dr. Pepper.

Dinner was pepperoni and sausage pizza, but both of the grown-ups had salads too. Richard spent most of the time with Cally, playing video games but he also lost a round of foosball to Maurine. They made it into an 8:15 showing of 'The Sorcerer's Apprentice' just as the previews were ending.

By the time they got into the theatre Cally had quite a crush going on Robert, and the two shots of Vodka hadn't hurt. When he pulled her onto his lap after they had sat down in the almost deserted theatre she settled comfortably against his warmth.

Cally was wearing a yellow strapless sundress, which was held up by an elastic bodice around her chest, and high heel sandals. Maurine had chosen it because it was the sexiest dress she owned. Robert had changed into slacks and a polo while he waited for the girls. The theatre had seats that rocked and the arms folded up so the three of them cuddled together, Maurine leaning against Robert with Cally in his lap, her legs across her mom's.

As the movie started, Maurine turned to Bobby and they kissed, then again, then they shared tongues. Cally looked up, watching them frenching. When they broke, Richard looked down at the girl, then leaned down and gave her a peck on the lips.

She leaning against his left arm that stretched across her back, he had his hand on her hip, his fingers around the back of her thigh but outside the dress. His other arm was around her mother's shoulders-she was snuggling comfortably against his right side. The three of them were a warm group-a close family together for a night out. A couple of times Robert kissed the top of Cally's head, smelling the fragrance of her shampoo.

"I'd like some popcorn," Maurine said.

Robert dug his wallet out, upsetting Cally's comfortable seat, getting her a $20. Maurine took orders and then carefully made her way down the stairs in the dark, leaving her daughter.

Robert and Cally took the opportunity to get settled comfortably again. She was still on his lap, still leaning on his left shoulder and arm, but this time his right hand rested on her thighs. When he kissed her head she turned toward him, then reached up and put her hand on his cheek. Again they kissed on the lips, but this time just a little longer than would be proper between a man and his daughter.

Maurine returned with three drinks (two diet Cokes and a Dr. Pepper) and a bucket of popcorn. As the movie progressed they disposed of most of the popcorn and the empty drinks ended up in cup holders spread across three seats.

Robert looked around. There were less than 20 people in the theatre. They had sat in the third to last row, up near the top. No one was behind them, the closest people were three rows below and to their left some seats. Maurine had held the popcorn, so he did not have his arm around her. When he contemplated the warmth of Cally's thigh through the thin fabric of her dress his pulse sped up.

He began to move his hand back and forth on her left thigh, moving the fabric. Cally looked up at him, her eyes wide. He leaned down and kissed her, then went back to watching the movie while he still stroked her thigh. He was a little startled when Maurine's hand brushed his. She had reached across his and was pulling at her daughter's dress, pulling the hem up. He felt flesh against his palm. Cally tensed, then Maurine smiled at him and he felt Cally relax.

Over the next ten minutes he slowly worked his way up her skirt until his fingers brushed the hem of the girl's panties. Then he moved his hand across to her nearer thigh, his fingers brushing the front of her panties. As he wrapped his hand across the top of her right thigh, his fingers between her warm thighs, Cally lifted up slightly and slid down, spreading her legs a little. Robert moved his hand up and felt the soft cotton of her panties, and the subtle shapes underneath. His cock lurched against the eight year old's butt as he explored her through the dulling interference of cloth.

Slowly, Cally started to flare her hips against his finger as he ran it along her slit. Then, during a break in the action in the film, he was shocked when she lifted her left leg, putting her foot against his right knee, bracing her leg up, her knee bent to an acute angle and spreading her legs very wide.

Her pussy opened under the fabric and, with his fingertip, he could feel her slit, the slight fullness made by the little girl clit, then, farther down, the void where her vagina opened. Robert's heart was pounding in his throat and his cock was hard up against the child's ass, painfully bent over down the inside of his right thigh.

He could feel Cally beginning to breathe more deeply as he stroked her, a warm dampness through the cotton. He moved his finger to the side and tried to pull the elastic of the leg hole and work his finger underneath. He felt the softness of her hairless pussy lip, Cally let her knee flop out, but the elastic was too tight.

"That's pulling," she whispered up to him and he gave up his attempt to finger her directly.

Maurine had watched as Bobby worked his hand up under her daughter's dress, then when she spread her legs for him. She saw his fingers working at her crotch, then understood when she whispered to him and he relented.

With a break in the action, both on the screen and in the seats, Maurine leaned over to her daughter. "Come with me to the Ladies Room." Robert pushed his hand down his pants and readjusted his cock as the girls made their way down the stairs.

In the restroom, Maurine took Cally to the end stall, a large one marked for handicapped. She checked that the place seemed empty.

"Do you need to go?" she asked.

"Yeah," Cally danced some.

Maurine waved her daughter by as she turned and locked the door. Cally had her panties around her ankles and was working her way on to the high toilet seat. Her piss started to tinkle in the water.

"You OK?" Maurine asked.

Cally looked at her mother with a thoughtful expression-she knew what the question meant. "Yes mommy, it's OK. Bobby's really nice." She tore a piece of paper off the roll and wiped herself, then slid off the seat.

"My turn," Maurine said as she worked her jeans over her hips. The two worked around each other and Maurine sat down. Cally had her dress hiked up as she worked her panties up.

"Wait," Maurine said as she pissed. "Give me those."

Cally stopped, a confused look on her face.


"Give me your panties, Bobby'll really like it if you aren't wearing any."

With a wicked smile, Cally pulled them back down, then worked them over her sandals without sitting down. There was a bang as someone came in, then went into one of the other stalls. Maurine put her finger over her lips. "Shhhh..."

Cally handed her the panties and, when Maurine opened her purse, she pulled out a blue plastic container, flat with a hinged lid. She opened it and took out a moistened towelette-actually a baby wipe.

"Here, clean yourself up with this."

She handed one to Cally, then used one on herself to wipe. She stood up and threw it in the toilet, Cally did the same.

As Maurine stuffed the wipes and Cally's panties in her purse she leaned over. "Don't go flashing in the lobby," she whispered with a smile.

"M...m...mommy!, you're silly," Cally giggled.

The thought had occurred to Robert that Maurine and Cally might have just left. He decided that, if they did, he'd just chock it up as a lesson learned. Still, he would be surprised if Maurine had done that-she was usually really up front.

He felt just a little relief when, a few minutes later they were carefully picking their way back up the stairs in the dark, their night vision destroyed by being out in the lobby lights. When they reached the level he was at, Cally smiled and ran down the isle, her arms out and a huge smile on her face. She bounced twice and then rotated in mid air, landing on Robert's lap. She arched her back and turned her face up to his where he placed a little kiss on her lips.

In the shimmering light from the movie, he could see the smile on Maurine's face as she walked up, then sat down next to them. She opened her purse and, in the top, Robert caught a glimpse of light colored fabric with Hello Kitty. With a surprised smile on his face he looked at Maurine when he realized he was looking at a pair of little girl panties.

Colleen looked at her mother's purse, then up at Robert with a big smile. She took the hem of her skirt in her fingers and pulled it up, uncovering her nakedness below the waist. In the dim light, Robert could see her young pussy. He put his hand on her thigh and pushed his fingers down between her legs as Maurine reached over and pulled her daughter's skirt down over his hand.

After a few minutes, Cally was spread out across Robert's and her mother's laps, her legs open and her skirt pulled up to her waist. There was no covering what was happening if anyone had come by to see the man with his hand in the girl's crotch, pushing his finger up into her vagina. Robert wasn't too surprised to discover that the girls hymen was gone (she had done it to herself a year earlier while playing with one of her mommy's toys).

As Richard finger fucked the little girl, her mother gently stroked her thighs, then she too started rubbing her pussy along with Richard. She had an especially intense climax as Robert pushed his thumb deep inside her, his fingers wrapped around the back of her thigh, and her mother stroked her clit. After the third time that Cally had arched her back, digging her head into Robert's arm, and caught her breath, Maurine reached up and pushed his hand out of the way. Cally looked at her mother with big eyes when she felt her hand. Richard couldn't help but stare as Maurine stroked her child's pussy, then turned her hand and pushed her finger up inside.

The position was awkward, so Robert lifted his arm and put it around Maurine, then reached down and started fondling her right breast through her shirt. Her nipples were already hard, obviously she found molesting the little girl exciting.

After a few moments, Cally was beginning to build on her fourth orgasm. Maurine was also breathing deeply, the combination of pleasuring her little girl and having her own tits caressed was a real turn on to her. Then Richard got a really hot idea. He leaned down and whispered in Cally's ear, "Put you hand up your mother's shirt and rub her breast."

This broke Cally's concentration and she looked at him with surprise, then at her mother. Richard lifted his arm off of Maurine and took Cally's left hand, then raised it to her mother's left tit. He went back to rubbing her right.

Maurine seemed to go critical at this, moaning softly and then moving to finger-fuck Cally even faster. Richard pulled up on Maurine's shirt, uncovering a strip of her flesh, and Cally took the hint, reaching up under her shirt.

Richard had heard of women cumming from having their tits rubbed, but he had never seen it before. Within a minute of this they both came, Cally shivering and grunting while her mother, who had pushed her other hand down under Cally and between her own legs, also moaned quietly. Both of them were digging their heads painfully into Richards upper arms as they came. Luckily, their moans were covered by the explosions in the movie.

After Cally had cum four times she had to stop it-she just couldn't go on with the feelings. She sat up, hugging her mother as she gasped for breath. Then, after a few minutes, she lay back across Robert, her head in the crook of his arm. Still, Maurine pulled her dress up playfully to flash her little girl pussy for Robert to see. In the sintilating light from the screen, Bob could see that her hairless pussy lips were shiny.

In the limo on the way back to the hotel, Robert again gave Maurine the bag with the bills in it. Maurine took the bag, then looked across at Cally. "Is this OK?"

Cally looked at the bag with wide eyes, then up at her mother, then at Richard. She nodded with a smile. She moved forward to the seat that ran across the front of the limo, just behind the driver. She sat, looking at her mom and Richard, and pulled her dress up, spreading her legs. Richard could only stare at her opened pussy, her inner lips like a flower at the entrance to her sex.

"You've been on the Internet too much," Maurine said.

The limo rocked as they turned into the hotel driveway.

When the bell hop saw Mr. Randolph and Maurine get out of the limo, he really didn't think anything of it. But seeing Cally confused him. He had always assumed she was just his trick for the night, the addition of a child meant he had it all wrong. The desk clerk was also surprised.

Robert told the driver he wouldn't be needing the limo any more that night and verified that the limo would be there at 8:15 in the morning. Then they went in.

"Do you want anything to eat?" Richard asked. "The snack bar is open 24 hours."

Maurine looked down at Cally who smiled and shook her head. "No, I guess not."

The elevator ride to the 18th floor took only seconds, then they were down the hall and Richard opened the door.

"Oh WOW!" Cally said as she ran to the window to see the view. The full length window faced northeast and had an awesome view of the high rises of Downtown and Miami Beach. Maurine went up behind her as Richard locked the door.

Maurine put her arms around her daughter and leaned down. "Are you sure this is alright?"

Cally contemplated the view for a few moments. "Yes mommy."

At this, Maurine started to pull her daughters dress up.

"Mommy, can't people see?"

"Probably not. We're just one window in hundreds." She pulled the dress up over the child's head. Cally raised her arms and let her mother pull it free. Cally kept her arms over her head and stretched, rocking her hips from side to side in the diffuse light shining up from below-showing herself to millions of people, if they should happen to look up.

This was one of the sexiest things Robert had ever seen. The thought of an eight year old little girl displaying herself like this-he shook his head in disbelief.

Maurine turned her head and looked at him as her daughter brought her arms down by her side. "Pretty, huh?"

"Awesome," Richard said.

"Hey everybody! Look at meeee!!!!" Cally called out, putting her hands on the widow.

"You want to dance for all those people?" Maurine asked, pointing down.

Cally leaned forward and looked down. The street was full of cars, there were people walking along the sidewalk and to their cars in the parking lot. "Ya, ya, ya,...." Cally started dancing in front of the window, swinging her hips. Then she turned around and stuck her butt out at the glass, pressing against it.

"How much vodka did she have?" Richard asked.

Maurine considered her eight year old. "Enough I guess."

She had turned around again and was pushing her hips out against the glass, her hands down, obviously spreading her pussy lips for any bystanders.

Richard walked over to his laptop that was on the desk. He had a set of speakers that he set up so he could listen to music. He lit off itunes and selected 'The Fame'. As 'Just Dance' started, he turned it up. Both Cally and Maurine turned around, then Maurine started dancing with her daughter to the music. When the song ended, Maurine pushed her daughter toward the bed where Richard was sitting.

"My turn now."

Richard scooted back, making room for Cally to sit down on the edge between his legs. He patted the mattress and the girl came over and sat. As 'Love Game' played, Maurine started working her pants down.

As Richard and Cally sat and watched Maurine do a very professional strip, he moved his hand up the inside of Cally's thigh and started rubbing her hairless pussy. As 'Paparazzi' played and she slowly pulled her panties free from her ass, Maurine watched as Bobby worked his middle finger up inside her daughter's vagina.

By the second verse, Maurine was finishing up. She sashayed over and took Richard's hand (the one that wasn't buried in Cally's cunt) and pulled. "Ok, it's your turn!"

As 'Poker Face' played, the girls sat on the bed and hooted with laughter as Richard stripped. First he stepped out of his shoes, then worked his shirt off, throwing it to Cally. As he bumped and ground to the cheers of Maurine and Cally, he undid his belt and the clasp on his slacks. Then, doing his best Elvis impression, he worked his zipper down.

Cally looked up at her mother with shock when Richard's dick sprang free from his shorts. She had never seen a man's cock for real, and Richard's looked huge. Maurine smiled down at her little girl. "I told you he was nice," she said.

When 'Poker Face' ended, Richard walked over and turned down the music, then he returned and stood at the foot of the bed, his ¾ erect cock hanging at face height in front of the two.

"Here," Maurine said, taking Cally's hand and lifting it to his cock. Cally gently wrapped her hand around the warm shaft, just behind the head. Maurine directed her and, after a few moments, she had to reposition her hand as his cock came to full hardness.

"Oh God, that's awesome," Richard croaked.

Maurine pulled Cally's hand away, then leaned forward and took the head in her mouth. Slowly she sucked half the ten inch length into her mouth as Cally watched. She moved in and out a couple of times, Richard started to hump into her, then she pulled back.

"Your turn."

The feeling of the little girl's lips sliding over his dick head almost made Richard blow right then. He had to clench his teeth, there was a sharp intake of breath. She really had to stretch her jaw to take his dickhead into her mouth. It was smooth and kind of spongy and had a subtle musk taste. She remembered video she'd seen and, grasping the shaft with both hands, she began to stroke it as she moved the head and as much of his shaft as she could in and out of her mouth.

It was an incredible turn on to have his dick sucked by an eight year old, even though her mother was actually better-more accomplished. He had to clench his jaw and consciously fight the pressure that was building. He reached down and brushed the girl's hair back, she looked up at him with a nervous expression in her hazel eyes, asking, 'am I doing it right?'

"Oh God, honey, that's incredible," Richard croaked.

Cally redoubled her efforts, sucking harder and moving her hands faster.

"Honey, take long, slower strokes," her mother said.

She looked over at her mom and slowed down.

"Damn," Richard muttered, his voice deep from his throat.

Cally, eyes got big when she felt some liquid was leaking into her mouth. As she pulled away she realized that it was probably his precum. A string of the clear fluid strung between the tip of his dick and her upper lip. She leaned forward and started to suck again.

Cally was able to move back and forth only a few times before he gently pushed her away.

"That's enough or I'll be finished way too quick." He looked at Maurine. "I've got to lick her."

"Alright," Maurine said as she stood up and turned around. "Slide back, get up on the bed."

Cally moved back, crabbing up the king bed until she reached the pillows, then she lay back down and flopped her legs out, spread and straight. With a shit-eating grin she gestured with her finger: 'come here.'

Richard was mesmerized as he crawled up the bed. First he licked her right knee, then the other. He worked his way up, licking the top and insides of her thighs. When he reached their meeting, he placed a kiss on her slit, then licked the crease between her vulva and her right thigh, then the other side. He worked his way out, kissing and licking her to her hip bones, then moved up, tickling her ribs with his tongue and frenching her naval. He paused to suck and kiss each of her nipples, then her collar bones and throat before kissing her mouth.

Cally had never been French kissed before and, at first, she smiled through the kiss as she met his tongue with hers. But, quickly, other feelings took over and she reached around him, her hand on the back of his neck as their tongues danced and explored. She felt his cock brush against her pussy and pulled back.

Resisting the urge to just shove his cock against her, with a smile he moved back down, again kissing and licking her dozens of times. He especially noticed that her little nipples were sticking out, be-bees on top of dime sized cones. When he got down to her pus, he took a careful look at Cally's eight year old sex. Her vulva was a soft, slight rise at the meeting of her thighs, bisected two thirds of the way up by the slit that ended with a small dimple. The lips were spongy and soft-there wasn't even a hint of hair on the smooth pink skin. Just as the shape began to turn down between her legs, another pink line of flesh appeared between them. On the sides there was some slight wrinkling of the flesh where her vulva met the skin of her thighs.

Richard was on his stomach, Cally's hips were turned out, frog like, her knees bent, under his shoulders, her legs extending down his sides and feet just below his hips. His weight was pinning her legs down, but he was supporting himself mostly on his elbows. He brought one of his hands over her thigh and, with two fingers, spread her lips. As he opened the furrow, now the ridge of her clit came fully into view. It ended with a sharp point, then the folds of her clit and piss hole beneath. Her inner lips were closed, a thin line marking the opening to her vagina. He pulled his other hand over and, with his thumbs, gently pulled her lips apart. Her vagina opened and he could see the darker red passage up inside her. The passage opened, giving him a view up inside her, even to the dimpled bump of her cervix inside.

He looked up at Maurine who was on her knees next to them. "She's not..."

Maurine smiled, then reached down and brushed Cally's hair off her forehead. "She got kind of rambunctious with the handle of a hairbrush a couple of years ago," she said. "Got really scared when she saw the blood."

"Mommeee..." Cally whined in embarrassment and she kind of squirmed.

"Awesome," Richard muttered under his breath as he lowered his mouth to her sex, wondering if he'd actually be able to fuck this fourth grader.

He ran his tongue along her preteen slit, tasting just a hint of saltiness and sweat. There was also a slight fruitiness, a left over from the wipe she'd used at the movie. He had to smile because it reminded him of her mother.

Until this day, no one had ever touched Cally in this way. No one had ever caressed her softness before with their hands or fingers but, of course, those feelings were expected because of her own explorations. But she had never even thought about the feeling of a smooth warm tongue, the hot breath, the slight brushes of lips...

As Maurine watched, her daughter started to hump slowly into Bobby's face, her breaths deepening, her hips pushing up. She lifted up on her elbows so she could look down at Richard as he licked and sucked her pussy.

Her skin started to shine as perspiration spread across her chest, stomach and sides. She started small vocalizations with her movements. Richard looked over at Maurine with a smile as he lashed Cally's clit, moving his tongue up and down her preteen slit, tasted the slight musk of her sex.

The scene was so intense that Maurine started to rub herself, her own crotch getting slick just as her daughters was. She leaned back, spreading her legs slightly, to be sure that Richard could see her rubbing and fingering herself as he ate out her daughter.

Cally's eyes were huge when she saw her mother masturbating, and this took some of her concentration away from her own feelings. But the sensations from Richard's tongue were too strong to be ignored. When she turned her attention back to Richard, she seemed to forget about watching her mother.

As Cally built, the pressure and desire building in her hips and across her stomach, her mother was experiencing the same thing, but this from her own fingers caressing her clit, penetrating into her own womanhood.

Cally was beginning to squirm under Richard, his weight holding her too tightly. Without removing his mouth from her cunt, he lifted up onto his knees, his ass pointing in the air. Cally was now able to lift her legs, bending her knees and pulling her legs up, her feet in the air, as she looked down with her mouth open, breathing hard. As she built, she lay down on her back, no longer watching as feeling washed over her.

Richard pushed his tongue hard into her vagina and this brought to little one off.

"EEssss...ohh...ohh...oh," she grunted as she shoved her sex into his face, her head thrown back, eyes closed. She shivered half a dozen times more, each time thrusting her crotch up, her knees bumping her shoulders. Then she relaxed back, laying her legs across Richard's shoulders and back.

"Oh...wow..." she breathed.

Richard looked up at her with a smile, his mouth and chin wet with his own spit and her pussy juices. "You liked that, huh?"

Maurine was recovering from her own small orgasm. "I told you he was pretty good," she said to Cally.

Richard rolled over on to his ass, so now they were on each side of the girl, looking down. "God, she's gorgeous," Richard said.

Maurine contemplated her girl. Her body was shining with sweat, she was flushed, pink spread across her chest and throat. Her preteen sex was glistening wet, the lips still pushed slightly apart by her darker pink clit. "Yeah, pretty sexy...in her way."

"Well, I've always thought little girls are sexy."

Maurine reached down and ran her hand along Cally, from her chest down to her pussy. She slowly started rubbing it, using her finger to move her clit around.

Cally opened her eyes. "Oh Mommy..."

"You two do each other," Richard said with a smile.

Maurine looked down with a questioning face.

"OK," Cally said.

Maurine bent down and kissed Cally's nearest nipple.

"Cally, how about if you do it?" Richard asked.

Maurine smiled to Cally, "Come here."

The girl climbed onto her knees, facing her mother. Maurine put her arms around her and pulled her into an embrace, then they kissed. At first it was just a peck on the lips, normal. But Maurine pulled her daughter back. Cally's eyes got huge when she felt her mother's tongue pushing against her lips, but after the initial shock, she opened her mouth.

As they kissed, both of them began to breathe more deeply and, with Maurine starting the movement, Cally began to rub her body up and down against her mother. Maurine took one of Cally's hands and moved it between them, to her left breast. As they kissed, Cally caressed her mother's tits, first the left, then the right.

After a minute or so of this, Maurine started pushing her child down and, quite naturally, Cally moved her lips to her mother's breasts. However, this wasn't like it used to be, Cally was moving her tongue around on her mother's nipples, then sucking, then going back to flicking it with the tip. Maurine started to breathe more deeply and, almost on cue, Cally ran her right hand up the front of her mother's thigh, then down between her leg.

When Maurine felt her daughters hand on her pussy, she pulled back and looked at her child in the face. Cally giggled.

"I thought you didn't do girls," she said quietly.

"You're not most girls," Maurine said, her voice thick. Then she lifted up and pulled her legs out from under her, sitting on the bed. She looked at Richard who nodded, then, as she lay back she gently pushed her daughter down.

Cally had never looked at her mother before-she'd seen plenty of videos on the computer, and knew the landscape-but this was the first time she'd ever looked closely at a woman (or a man for that matter). Her curiosity took over as she inspected her mother's cunt.

She was cleanly shaved, there was just a bit of a shadow where her bush grew. Unlike Cally, Maurine's vulva did not stand out appreciatively; there was a smooth transition from her belly to the curve down between her legs. In spite of the way she made extra money, Maurine did not have much 'roast beef', she wasn't stretched out. Cally slid down so she was lying on her stomach, propped up on her elbows. She took one finger and ran it along her mothers slit.

It was slick, she could smell her musk. Her finger easily slid between the lips and along Maurine's clit ridge. She looked closely, inspecting. She pulled the inner lips apart and saw the smooth sides of her mother's vagina. Then, experimentally, she pushed her finger up inside.

Maurine let out a sigh, both from the feeling of the finger entering her and from the thought that it was her daughter's. Cally looked up with a mischievous smile, then started moving in and out. Her mother gently pushed her hips forward.

"Use two," she said in a low voice.

Cally looked again at her mother's sex with a bit of a surprised expression, but she did as told and pushed her middle and pointer finger into her mother. She was amazed as she pushed inside and her entire fingers were enveloped in the warm, soft, moistness of Maurine's vagina.

"Oh, that's wonderful dear," Marine said. Now use your thumb on my clit."

Cally started moving her mother's clit around in slow circles as she moved her fingers in and out slightly. Maurine moaned softly and then started moving her hips with more authority.

Robert couldn't believe his eyes, he had never even thought of the idea of a little girl finger fucking her own mother, and the rush of blood filling his penis almost made it explode when Maurine reached down and drew her daughter's face in.

At first, Cally thought the smell and taste of her mother's cunt was gross, but then she saw how her mother was reacting to her tongue and, remembering her own feelings from just a few minutes earlier, she was happy. The thought made it all OK and she started to work harder, pushing her tongue more firmly into her mom's snatch and watching her shiver and occasionally moan with the pleasure.

She lifted up to inspect her mother's wet slit, surrounded with clear wetness that became milky white in the deeper folds. She again pushed two fingers inside, and Maurine pulled in her breath. After she had stroked a few times her mother said, "Lick it too."

Maurine's humping became uncontrollable with the sensation of Cally's tongue on her clit and fingers in her cunt. An orgasm rolled over her, unremitting as it convulsed through her. Her breath came in gasps as sweat covered her body.

As she calmed, her eyes came back into focus. She looked down at her daughter who was also watching her, now sitting up on her knees but still with her fingers deep in Maurine's vagina.

"Oh, that was incredible."

Then she looked at Robert. "I want you to fuck me now."

Bobby got up and walked around the bed, stroking his cock as he went. Maurine sat up, then turned so that she was sitting. Robert knelt onto the floor between her knees.

"Hand me those pillows," he said to Cally.

He lifted up and then put them on the floor so he could kneel on them and now his cock was level with Maurine's cunt. Without any preliminaries he just pushed his cock into her.

Maurine let out a low hiss as she felt him slide in, Cally was wide-eyed watching the man fuck her mother. Maurine had lay back on the bed.

As he fucked Maurine's familiar pussy he looked over at her daughter. "Turn so I can see you," he asked. Cally had been sitting on her legs. She rolled onto her ass, her feet spread and her knees apart, displaying herself to him.

As he kept humping into Maurine, she looked over at her daughter. She then reached up and pulled her toward her, hugging and kissing the eight year old, their tongues dancing. As they made out, Richard ran his hands over the girl's back and ass, then reached down and fingered her anus, then her pussy.

"Here, honey," he said, pulling on her hips slightly, "get on top of your mom."

Cally shifted and Maurine helped as she climbed over her, now her ass in the air against Robert stomach. From his view, it looked almost as if he was fucking the little girl doggy style. All he could see was her small ass as his cock slid in and out of Maurine.

The cum was beginning to build but, for Maurine, the feeling of his cock deep inside her, along with making out with Cally, her light weight on top of her, put her over the edge. Robert felt her pussy shiver and she caught her breath, squeezing her daughter to her and kissing her deeply.

Robert almost lost it but, with tremendous self-control he was able to hold back. Over the months he had cum enough in Maurine's snatch, he wanted to leave his seed somewhere else tonight.

After Maurine had calmed he pulled Cally up against himself, wrapping his arms around her small frame. He had one hand covering her flat chest, with the other he ran a finger along her slit. "Turn around and sit on your mother's lap, he said quietly in her ear, almost a whisper. Then he looked at Maurine, "I want to fuck her while you hold her."

Cally looked down at her mom with a scared expression.

"It'll be alright honey," Maurine said.

With uncertain moves, the little girl slid off her mom. Richard stepped back and she hit his cock with her elbow as she turned around.

"Oh! I'm sorry!" she said, thinking she might have hurt him.

"That's OK," he laughed as she moved her to sit down on her mother's lap.

Maurine put her arms around her daughter and kissed the side of her face while Bob went and pulled a cushion off of one of the chairs. As he bent down to move the pillows, then place them on top of the cushion, Maurine and Cally started to kiss again as Maurine rubbed her daughter's clit. When he knelt down next to the bed, Cally looked at him with some fear on her face.

"I'll go slow," he said.

Maurine held Cally, leaning back on one arm, her other around Cally's middle as Robert positioned his cock at the entrance to the eight year olds pussy. With slow and steady force her lips yielded and his dick pushed inside her.

The girl squirmed in her mother's arms as she was filled with his cock. She took the head and about three inches of his length before he reached the end. He started to rock back and forth, moving in and out as she arched her back, pushing her shoulder blades against her mother's tits.

"Do you like that, honey?" Maurine asked her daughter.

Cally's breathing was getting deeper. "Ye..ah," she whined between breathes.

Maurine lay back on the bed, pulling her daughter with her. Cally's legs came up into the air, her knees and feet swinging back and forth as Robert moved he cock in and out of her hairless preteen cunt. Maurine reached down and started fingering her clit, feeling Richards cock moving inside her little girl.

Cally was now rocking with Richard's thrusts, looking up at him, her hands on his elbows, her own knees against her upper arms. She lowered her legs as she began to arch her back, pushing her head against her mother's shoulder. An orgasm overtook her quickly, she grunted, then moaned. Maurine felt her shiver as Bob shoved into her little girl cunt. In two more strokes he unloaded, slamming into her as a huge load of sperm shot inside the premature cunt, filling her and overflowing around the sides of his cock. He pushed again, pumping more into her vagina and womb and she came again, rocking against her mom.

Richard slowed down, his hands on the bed, leaning forward, panting, feeling his heart pound in his chest.

"Was that good or what?" Maurine whispered into her daughter's ear.

Cally came too from her reverie and nodded with a smile.

Richard rolled back onto his heels and watched as some of his sperm oozed out of the girl and ran down over her ass hole. "Wow," he said, "that was awesome." His cock was still bouncing with his pulse but slowly going down, some cum also still dripping out of the end.

Cally laid, sprawled across her mother, her arms stretched out to the sides, her legs apart, her knees outside her mother's. She was drenched in sweat, her chest heaving. Her little girl pussy was smeared with sperm, a milky stream still ran out of her crack and down her ass, only to drip down onto the coverlet. When Richard reached out and ran his thumb along her slit she unconsciously squeezed, another rush of cum out that ran down and made another splash of jez on the flowered bed spread.

All three were silent for a couple of minutes, the girl's on the bed, Cally still on her mom; Richard kneeling on the floor, between both sets of knees. The album had ended and it was quiet, all three's breathing could be heard, slowing.

Richard stood up, his cock now mostly soft, the cum and pussy juices drying into whitish flakes along the shaft but his dick hair was still wet. He bent over and kissed Cally's belly, just above her pussy.

She came too and giggled, pulling her knees up.

"Tell me that wasn't fun?" Maurine said to her daughter.

Cally swiveled her head around and looked at her mom. "Uh-huh."

Maurine rolled them both to the side, then worked her way onto her feet, standing next to Robert, looking down at the eight year old. Cally rolled back onto her back and smiled up at the adults.

"She needs to get a bath," Maurine said to Richard. She walked around him as Richard stood and watched the naked fourth grader. She stretched her arms out over her head, arching her back and pointing her toes. Richard was enthralled by the site-the long, lean and straight lines of the girl, her flat chest and flat tummy. Now, with her legs straight down and together, her pussy lips were pulled long too, and pressed together. Still, there was some redness, maybe some swelling as they disappeared between her thighs. They were also shiny wet with his cum. The water started running in the bathroom.

"Come on," Richard said as he leaned over and picked up the girl. When they got to the door, Richard holding her in his arms, Maurine was just wiping herself, sitting on the toilet.

"I gotta go!" Cally said. She ran to the toilet, dancing.

The room had a big whirlpool bathtub that was filling with steaming water. Maurine stepped in, then knelt down. She moved over, to the side, to make room for Cally who sat down, her legs straight out in the water. "Lean back," Maurine said as she gently pushed her little girl down. When her head was in the water she smiled up at Richard who stood over them.

Maurine leaned down and kissed her daughter, then took the small bar of soap from the holder and rubbed it between her hands. She started washing Cally.

Under her mother's gentle caresses, the girl relaxed back in the warm water. It felt good against her cunt that was sore after being stretched by Bobby's cock. Still, she had had a wonderful experience. She thought back to how it felt to have him inside her and then the feeling of fullness as he had cum-pumping his seed inside her. She even thought she could still feel it, a fullness and warmth in her womb that she had never felt before.

She felt some one push at her leg, moving her over. Bobby was stepping into the tub, but, instead of getting in, he sat down on the edge with his feet in the water. He reached down and, with her mother, started rubbing the soap up and down her frame. It was warm and comfortable, the caresses of the adults felt good up and down Cally's sides, her chest, her arms and legs. She felt Bobby's hand, slippery with soap, moving along her slit and she lifted her knees and spread her legs.

"Don't get any soap up inside her," Maurine said. "That can really irritate."

"I've heard that," Bobby said and he moved his finger out of the little girl's slit but still kept massaging her vulva.

Maurine looked at Robert's again straining cock, then reached up with one soapy hand and started stroking it. "Not irritating for you, though," she said.

Cally opened her eyes and watched, then reached up and her hand joined her mother's. Bobby took her arm and pulled gently, urging the girl to sit up.

"He wants you to give him a blow job," Maurine said. She put her hand under the girl's shoulder and helped her up. "Go on, it doesn't bite."

Cally slid around so she was kneeling between his legs, then took his dickhead in her mouth.

"Oh!" she pulled back, a sour look on her face, "soapy..."

With some giggles and a couple of laughs from all of them, Maurine and Cally rinsed the suds off Bobby's dick, then wiped it with a wash cloth.

"OK," Cally said after a tentative lick, then she again took his dick in her mouth.

Now, after the washing, Richard's cock really didn't have any taste to it. She lifted up and worked him deeper into her mouth with each stroke.

"See if you can deep-throat him," Maurine suggested. "Stretch out your neck and relax, then just push forward slowly."

Cally pulled his cock out and looked at it, then opened her mouth as she craned her neck. Robert was mesmerized as he watched his cock slide through her lips, first the head, then the lighter area behind it. She stopped when he felt the back of her throat. Her eyes swiveled over to look at her mother, then back down. Then she pushed more and Robert's cock pushed down her throat, swelling her neck. She moved forward, holding her breath, until her nose was in his short cropped dick hair. Robert couldn't believe that the eight year old had taken his entire cock down her throat. She couldn't stay that way for long, holding her breath as he cut off her airway. She pulled back and took a deep breath.

"How was that?" she panted.

"Great," he panted.

Cally went back to sucking, moving him in and out of her mouth, occasionally stopping to lick the shaft or his balls. A couple of times she felt the slick wetness of his precum oozing out and, when she stopped to look at his dick, a couple of strings would hang from her lips to his head.

The whole time, Maurine stayed kneeling next to her fourth grader, coaching her. She instructed her on how to circle the head with her tongue, then plunge deep. She also had the little girl gently suck Bobby's balls, taking the sack in her mouth and moving his nuts around, first one then the other, all the time continuing to stroke his shaft with both hands.

She could see that Richard was getting close when he started to rock his ass on the edge of the tub and his breathing fell into sync with his thrusts. She could also see the glazed look on his face as he watched the eight year old.

"He's getting ready," Maurine said when she saw his thighs start to shiver and he lifted up on his toes.

Cally knew to redouble her efforts, lifting up slightly and, with her hands wrapped around the shaft, she bore down on him, sucking hard and taking over half his cock with each stroke.

Richard couldn't lean back, so he leaned forward, wrapping himself around the little girl's head, holding her to him, his stomach and chest against her hair. Doing this, he pushed deeper into her but he was careful not to push too deep, not to hurt her.

He was shivering as he balanced on the side of the bath tub, his toes only on the bottom. He bent down more, his face just inches from the girl's back.

"Ahh..ahh...ahh...ahh...." he breathed as he lost control.

Cally knew it was coming, she could feel him shivering as he held her, shoving his cock into her mouth. She tried to pull back a little but he held her head down with his chest, his arms wrapped across the back of her neck and shoulders. When his cock started to twitch in her mouth she just relaxed and let it happen.

Still, she was surprised at how, all of a sudden, her mouth was filled with his goo. It seemed to just appear out of nowhere, slimy, salty stuff sticking to the roof of her mouth and forcing its way between her cheeks and teeth. She tried to swallow but couldn't really with his cock in the way. She felt some of his jez leak out the corner of her mouth.

He held her as he pivoted on his ass, pulling back, then shoving in again, each time shooting more slime into her. Cally was able to swallow just a little a couple of times. She pushed on his knees to try to pull back, she couldn't breath with him holding her like that, but she was trapped.

A couple more times he shoved into her, the last time going too deep and choking her with his dickhead in the back of her throat, but then he relaxed and leaned back, releasing her head from his arms.

Cally stayed there with his cock still in his mouth as she felt the last bits of his load leak out. She reached up and held on to it, sucking some and was surprised to feel that it was already shrinking some, getting a little softer.

"Show him," Maurine said to her daughter.

Cally let Bobby's cock slide out of her mouth, then sat up on her knees. Her hair was wet and messed up, strings of it stuck to her cheeks and forehead. She looked up at him while still keeping her head down, and opened her cum smeared mouth. His white goo was pooled on her tongue, more between it and her lower teeth. She pushed at it with her tongue and a sheet of sperm ran over her lower lip and down her chin. Then, as she brushed some of her hair away from her eyes, she closed her mouth and swallowed the load, having to suck at her tongue and swallow again. Now she raised to face him and opened her mouth wide to show him it was all gone.

"That was great dear," Maurine said as she rubbed her hand across her daughter's shoulders.

"Oh damn,...incredible..." Robert said.

"Let's get the shower going and rinse off," Maurine suggested.

Bobby admired his view of the naked girl as she stood up in front of him, but then had to stand and work the curtain closed. It was crowded with three of them but they had fun washing each other. After they got out, Maurine wrapped her little girl in a towel and picked her up.

"Ugh...she's getting too big for this," she said as she took her out the door.

By the time Richard was dried off and came out of the bathroom, the girl was asleep on the bed.

Maurine and Bobby sat naked on the bed and played two hands of gin while the girl slept. They also snacked on some cookies Robert had and shared a cup of coffee. At 1 AM they dressed the child, then themselves.

As he carried the sleeping child through the parking lot Maurine checked to make sure the envelope was still in her purse. "Get your money's worth?" she asked.

"Oh yeah-memories for a lifetime."

"You're leaving tomorrow?"

"Eleven o'clock flight."

"When will you be back?"

"A couple of weeks," he said.

They had reached to car, Maurine was digging for her keys. "Will we see you?"

Bobby looked down at the sleeping child, then the image of watching her cum as he sucked on her hairless pussy went through his mind.

"I do alright, but I really can't afford to do this again."

The door was open and Richard worked the girl into the right seat, then buckled her seatbelt across her.

When he stood up, Maurine pulled on his collar, then reached up and kissed him. "Depending on how Cally feels, there might be a discount."

R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s




Great story. Super writing job.


Great story, just one observation. What was the guy's name. Richard or Robert?


Ohhhh yessss wonderful story, i was cumming hard several times. Thanks.


Not just a great story, well written, credible and true to life, but also the most authentic description of memorable moments in first-time child sex I've ever read -- a masterwork of pedo-erotica.


I love this story, I can't wait for the next chapter. Maybe in the next one Richard asks Maurine and her daughter to move in with him.


I absolutely love this story Leslie. Please more!!

Hina Setsuko

I love it.


Richard or Robert?

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