The Slut

[ Mg, pedo, cons, oral ]


Published: 12-May-2013

Word Count: 3573

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.


Not what I expected to hear being yelled from behind me as I walked down the hall to my apartment. I turned around and, about four doors down on the other side of the elevator, a very wet and cold looking girl pounded on a door.

"Shit!" She turned around and fell back against the door, then slid down to sit on the floor.

"Ahhh, is there anything I can help you with?" I asked.

She looked up at me with a brooding expression-sort of a 'what the hell are you doing here'-look.

"Not unless you can pick locks."

"Locked out, huh?"

"What was your first fucking clue?"

I put my laundry basket down as I dug in my own pocket for my keys. "The super'll let you in."

"That little cocksucker won't be any help," she said in a low voice. "Told me the next time I could wait for my mom..." She gently beat her fist against the door jam. "Son of a bitch," she said under her breath.

I had retrieved my keys and was picking the one I needed out. "When's your mom getting home?"

"Two fucking AM."

"You've got quite a wait." (It was around seven.) I unlocked my door. "You can't call her?"

"Only if I'm bleeding."

"Maybe you can go to her and get a key."

The girl rolled her eyes, her expression told me the thought I was an idiot. "She dances, her boss doesn't want kids around."

"Oh." That told me volumes. I noticed a slight shiver, her lips were a little pale. "Come on in, I'll give you a towel."

I opened my door and picked up the laundry as she stood and walked to me. I guessed her to be ten or eleven (ten actually). How she had gotten stuck outside in a driving rain and 45 degrees wearing only jeans, a white tee-shirt and flip-flops I couldn't guess. She was soaked to the skin-wet tee-shirt contest soaked. I noticed slightly raised but tightly contracted nipples through the cotton. She glared up at me, her face between two very straight, very black lines of hair the didn't quite reach her shoulders. Her black eye makeup was beginning to run. A little young to pull off being goth, it made her look cute, not scary. Sort of like Wednesday from "The Addams Family" except with shorter hair. I followed her into the apartment and closed the door with my foot.

"What's your name, anyway?" I asked.

"Carly. You doing laundry?" she asked.

"What was your first clue?" I asked (now was my turn to be sarcastic).

She surveyed the living room. "If I sit down I'll get your couch wet."

I pulled a clean and still warm towel out from under the bottle of detergent. "Here, sit on this."

She took the towel but instead used it to dry her face and arms.

"By the way, I'm Scott." She was maybe four and a half feet tall, couldn't have been an ounce over 60 pounds-kind of skinny.

"Here," an idea was forming-I really had no hope it'd pan out. "I'll get you a robe and then I'll put your clothes in the dryer the next time I go down." I headed down the hall, not waiting for an answer.

I thanked the Gods that my terrycloth bathrobe had been in the first load. It was hanging on the hook in my bathroom, smelled of Tide, and was even still a little warm. I transferred the clothes onto my bed, then took the empty basket and the robe back out.

"Bathrooms right there," I indicated the door in the hallway. "Just leave your stuff in the basket."

Without saying anything she went in and closed the door. Only a minute later I heard my girlfriends hair dryer start. I went to my computer and got back to work.

A couple of minutes later the dryer stopped and she came out, walking up behind me, looking over my shoulder.

"So, you sit home and surf porn sights all night?"

I smiled...this was a live one. "Actually, no, I'm working."

"Looks like hard work," she said. At the moment there were about 20 thumbnails of some blond fucking herself with a candy red dildo on the screen. I hit the submit button and another menu came up.

"No," I said, "I run a website. I was just uploading some stuff to it."

"A porno site?"

"Yeah." I swiveled around in my chair. "I do the web design for a few sites. That one was 'Toy Lovers'. I also do '', '', '', and 'My Gay'." This was it, either she was going to run from the apartment screaming or it was going to be an interesting evening.

She started to smile. "You some kind of fag?"

"I'm not a fag, but the guys who pay $40 a month to get the site are. And I get five of each forty." I paused. "It keeps me in beer." I turned around and closed the browser, then stood up. "You want some food? I got a frozen pizza."

She sat down in the seat, "Where's the sites?"

"Just click on the icons," I said as I went into the kitchen and dug in the freezer.

"What do you really do?" she called after me.

"Computer shit." I lit the oven, then pulled out a sheet and took the wrapper off. "I hope you like pepperoni and sausage on your Tombstone." I slid the pizza into the oven and set the timer.

From there I want through the living room and back down the hall. She had 'Sluthousebitches' open, looking at some big-titted gal with a mostly shaved snatch, just a 'landing strip' of short brown fur. I retrieved the basket from the bathroom. Wet tee-shirt, wet blue jeans, damp thong panties-Cool! I took it into the bedroom and pulled the sheets off the bed, then went back and put it next to the door. I noticed that she had opened 'My Gay Pride.'

On the screen there was a threesome going. A skinny little white guy was laying on his back on a kitchen table. He had his legs in the air and was jerking himself off. The big black dude was slamming him in the ass while he hung his head off the opposite edge of the table and sucked another black guys cock. We watched as they all three came together-the ass man buried his entire twelve inches into the fellows colon, humping with his head thrown back. Meanwhile, the black stallion at the 'head' of the table stared pumping his cum into the white guys mouth. Cum ran out the middleman's mouth then 'down' into his nose and over his eyes. Meanwhile, the recipient of all this sperm shot his own cum onto his belly.

The girl started to giggle, "Fuck, I've never seen so much cum."

The ass man pulled his cock out of the guy, the camera swiveled around to see brown tinged goo run out of a two inch glory hole.

"Is that shit or spunk?" she asked.

"Probably both," I said as I looked down the front of the robe, getting a glimpse of one very small tit with a rounded pink nipple.

She closed the window, then opened 'ToyLovers'. "You take these pictures?"

"Naw, I just sell 'em-I run the websites."

"Lucky you," she said.

"It gets kind of boring after a while. You can only watch people fuck for so long."

She looked up at me, "and then what?"

Without thinking, I reached down and pulled the top of her (my) robe open slightly. "As I said, you get tired of watching."

She jerked the top of the robe back closed. "You're kind of an asshole."

I stood up. Something in her tone indicated that she wasn't too serious. "I've got to switch the laundry, I'll be back." I went over and picked up the basket that had her wet clothes laying on top.

"Don't spent too much time sniffing my panties," she said.

"I'll be back in a minute."

In the elevator an incredible wave of horniness passed over me. 'Jesus fuck,' I thought, gulping at a huge lump in my throat. Before throwing them in the washer I did sniff her blue and white thong-no smells I could identify, just wet and musty.

When I got back to the apartment I first listened closely at the door. I could hear the soundtrack of some video going, some girl moaning and a faint buzzing that left me pretty sure she was still watching 'ToyLovers.'

I very quietly turned the door knob and carefully peeked through just a small opening. I was definitely rewarded for my stealth. The girl was still sitting at the computer, I could see her mostly from the side. I couldn't see the computer screen but she was giving a better show than anything I'd ever seen there. The ten year old had the robe completely open, only her shoulders and arms were covered. She had slouched down in the chair, one of her feet was on the edge of the desk, the other leg was stretched out straight under it. From the side, I could see that her nipples had swelled, now standing out like small rounded strawberries placed on end on a counter top. She had one of her hands in her crotch, the other one was grasping the chair arm.

I ran back to the elevator, it hadn't been called away, and stepped in-then, after the doors had closed, I pulled the STOP button (I knew that the alarm bell was broken, doing this would just keep the thing from moving). I pulled off my shirt, pants, and shoes and put them in the basket. My cock was hard from watching the preteen masturbate, I stroked it a couple times to maintain the erection. Then, checking that the hallway was quiet, I quietly ran back to my door and stepped in-dick first.

My timing couldn't have been better-from the flushed and damp skin and the thrown back head, mouth open, panting-I assume she had just gotten herself off. The 'clunk' of the door closing brought her out of her rivalry and she turned and looked up. For just a moment a look of shock passed over her face, then embarrassment, then she looked like she was going to laugh but that too was suppressed as she forced a bored expression. She looked at my straining cock, then up at me.

"If you think I'm shocked or anything-I'm not. I've seen bigger cocks than that."

I walked across to her and held my dick in front of her face. "Yeah, but I bet you've never sucked a better one."

She looked up at me with a brooding expression. "What makes you think I'd want to suck your cock?"

I put one hand on the side of her face and pushed her toward me, my dickhead brushed against her cheek. "Isn't that what you do...suck?"

She reached up and wrapped a hand around my shaft, again gave me a pouty look, then took me in her mouth.

Her lips closed around the shaft, just behind the head and I felt the wet roughness of her tongue on my glans. With suction she drew me in deeper until my cock head fit into the back of her throat, then she started moving back and forth. I brushed her hair back some so I could really watch her as she blew me, sliding about half of me in and out.

"Do you think you can take the whole thing?" I said as I pulled gently on her head, pushing at the back of her mouth. I was definitely rewarded when, with the next stroke, she opened her mouth wider and pushed against my hard on, sliding it deep into her throat. Slowly, she leaned forward until her nose pushed into my dick hair. I held her there for a moment, humping slightly inside her face until she started needing air and pushed me away.

She went back to bobbing, making small burping noises as air sucked in between my cock and the corners of her mouth, and breathing hard through her nose. I was really beginning to build, holding both sides of her head and humping into her face.

She pulled back and looked up at me. "Don't cum in my mouth-I don't like that."

I grabbed her head and shoved my schlong back down her throat. "What do you mean?" I said. "Your going to swallow every drop you little slut."

As I built and began to hump harder she put her hands on my hips and tried to push me away but I held her in place. "Come on, take it," I said as I started to hump harder into her mouth. "I'm going to blow in your mouth and you're going to swallow it." She tried some to pull back but I wouldn't let her, still, she didn't try too hard and, of course, she could always have bit down if she really didn't want it. She glared up at me as she continued sucking my cock. I was really beginning to lose control and she could tell. Again, she tried to turn her head and pull back but I just held her face in place and shoved my cock deep. After three more hard pushes into the back of her throat I blew the first of my load into her mouth.

As soon as I started emptying sperm into her face she relaxed and took it all, sucking harder, running her tongue from side to side. A few white bubbles oozed out at the corners of her mouth as my jez flowed down my cock and into her mouth. More and more of my goo shot into the little girl's mouth as she glared up at me, a white ring of semen around her lips. She coughed a little, adding a brief pressure to my dick and a drop of cum blew out of her nose and ran down her lip.

After what seemed like an hour I finished, emptied out, exhausted. I held her head, my dick still in her face. "You get it all?"

She nodded and grunted, "Mmm hmm."

I pulled back. "Show it to me."

She looked up at me and opened her cum filled mouth, moving her tongue around in the white goo. Some was pushed out and a drop ran down her cheek from the side of her mouth.

"That's fucking awesome," I said. "Swallow it now."

She closed her mouth and swallowed. Then she pulled air deeply in through her nose and swallowed again, clearing her sinuses of my little swimmers.

"Show me."

She opened her mouth-it was empty. Then she pushed me away, "You really are a fucking jerk, you know that?"

"Ever eaten more or better cum?" I asked.

She turned the chair and spread her legs. "Ok, you bastard, it's my turn now."

The sight of this vampy little cocksucker was something great. She had a wide forehead over her widely placed blue eyes (I had noticed while she was blowing me that there were brown roots to her black hair). She was wearing a lot of mascara and eye liner, trying to make herself look spooky. Even though her mouth was kind of small, she could still fit a lot of cock inside it.

Her chest was really flat except for the two erect nipples breaking the plain of translucent white skin. Her skin was pulled taunt across abdominal muscles, broken only be a rather small navel. She had her legs spread wide and it was obvious that she was no virgin. The larger lips were pulled apart, her clit ridge would have extended well outside from them if they were together and her inner lip were pulled apart too, no cherry closed off the darker passage that was just a little bit shiny with pussy juices.

All I could do at the sight of her preteen pussy was dive in. I dropped to my knees, shaking a last few drops of jiz out of my still hard cock onto the carpet, and leaned forward.

"Oh, fuck!" she moaned as I ran my tongue along her clit, "I love having my pussy licked."

I passed up and down her slash a couple of times, she humped along with me, then pushed my tongue at the entrance to her vagina, dipping the tip into her.

She was gasping for breath and bending to look down at me while I gave her head. "Suck my clit."

What could I do but comply? I took her clit between my pursed lips and gently sucked, then ran the tip of my tongue back and forth across slippery nub of flesh.

"Ahhhh...!" she breathed as she pushed her crotch into my face. "Oh God, that's...."

She was breathing and humping, I could feel her pussy getting wetter against my lips and chin. While I kept up my treatment of her clit, I reached up and pushed a finger into her, sliding easily into the soft, wet pussy.

The preteen cum-slut started to uncontrollably hump her hairless pussy into me face, keeping time with my finger-fucking of her little pussy. I was amused to see beads of sweat on her forehead and upper lip as she looked down at me, mouth agape and gasping for air.

"Ahhhh! Fuck, I'm cummiinnggg!" she yelled as her vaginal muscles cramped around my finger and her entire body was suddenly covered with a sheen of sweat.

I kept us my oral and digital assault on her pussy as she grunted and shoved.

"Oh fuckkkk! That's toooo much!" she gasped. She pushed my head away from her, leaving me to admire the view of my finger buried deep in her.

She seemed to be half conscious, collapsed back in the chair, chest heaving.

"Now I'm going to fill your pussy with cock." I said.

She looked at me and grasped the arms of the chair, stiffening for the invasion. I put my purple-red bulb against her lips, then pulled them apart with my thumbs. As I pushed it was incredible to watch a hairless preteen pussy spread open and take my cock. Slowly the head pushed in, then the hood disappeared into the stretched inverted V below her pointed clit. I pushed on until almost half of the shaft was buried when I reached the top.

Although this little one was no stranger to fucking, (she probably lost her cherry when she was three), she was still really tight. It was lovely to really see a pussy taking my dick, a clean hairless (not just shaved) cunt wrapping around my Johnson.

I started a regular in-and-out and she lifted and spread her legs more, sliding her ass down further onto the edge of the chair.

"Damn, I love having a cock inside me," she said, looking at me with wide eyes.

"You've got a really nice pussy, little girl," I said as I pushed against her womb, shoving her back against the chair. I kept fucking as she started to breath deeply again. Her hair was wet around the roots and her skin on her chest and thighs was shiny. I put my hands on her ribs and rubbed her strawberry nipples with my thumbs.

"Oh fuck...oh...oh...oh..." she whimpered as she again started to move uncontrollably with my lashings. Her eyes lost focus, she was looking at the ceiling, panting, her body moving up and down in the chair as I built to my second time that night.

"OH God, Fuck me,..." she said as she arched her back. "Do it! I want your cum inside me!" she yelled as her pussy clamped down again, this time on my cock.

She shivered and jerked and this brought me over. With a shove that lifted her in the chair I flooded her ten year old sex with my sperm, pumping gobs into her immature womb. I watched as white jez was squeezed out from around my cock. I jabbed into her eight or ten times, each time pumping more cum inside her, before it was over. I stayed up, my back arched, my cock as deep inside her as it could go.

"Ohhhhh....." she moaned, sinking back down into the chair.

"Fuck, you're awesome," I said, surveying her exhausted body spread over the chair, still impaled on my dick. I sank back onto my heals and watched a stream of jez run out of her snatch and down into her ass crack.

She reached down with both hands and started rubbing her cunt, smearing the semen around on her mons. She pushed a couple of fingers inside her pussy and more cum oozed out.

"So, you ever been fucked like that before?" I asked.

In her exhausted state I had finally broken through her tough act. "No," she said, "that was the best."

The sight of this wasted little girl, spread out in the chair, sweat shining on her chest, her pussy stretched open and dripping cum, is an image I will always remember. I looked up at the clock-7:45-there was a lot of time before her mother got home. Give me a while and I'd fuck her again.

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Loved it!

Philip Spencer

The author's ego wins out over good story-telling.

To be consistent with the rest of the story, it should have ended, 'In her exhausted state I had finally broken through her tough act. 'Well, that was pretty good,' she said, 'but I've had better.'

Another example of ego: the guy goes for an hour-long blow job(!) and then discovers--surprise--Carly isn't a virgin. (Later he reveals that the entire incident takes only 45 minutes--much more realistic).

One other thing--the author has the maddenly bad habit of providing details he cannot figure out how to work into the story by adding parenthetical comments.

Summary: If you want to stroke, read this. If you want good entertainment, skip it.

The reviewing period for this story has ended.