During the winter, storms come in off the Pacific every couple of weeks giving LA some very needed rainfall. The rain cleans the air and dumps snow in the mountains above the basin. The result is, a few times a year, the LA basin takes on a little of the beauty that attracted people to the area 100 years ago. These days it's all destroyed by smog, urban sprawl and over crowding. But, on such days, if you look in the distance, it's pretty. At least until the smog comes back and blocks the view of the mountains.
Joan stood up from her cubical on the 23rd story of an office building and looked across the line of identical cubes and out at the San Gabriel Mountains. Things had really started to look up for her and she was thrilled at the feeling of contentment that passed over her. For so long she'd only felt anxiety-now she was working processing insurance claims in a 9-5 office. The mortgage was paid up, the credit cards were current, and she was even starting to think about replacing the car.
Then, as a bonus, there was the cash that appeared every month in plain envelopes. Joan really didn't know what to do with it so she kept it in a strong box in the closet. It was a different sort of money worry-as the stash moved into five figures she knew she'd have to do something with the money. It would be too easy for it to be stolen, but it did belong to Sara.
It was Friday and she was a bit tired at the end of the week. Problem was, she wouldn't be able to sleep in. She'd agreed to a sleep-over, Sara's friend Ming was staying the night. For a moment she thought it was strange-people always expected oriental girls to be quiet and obedient. Ming was usually obedient, but she was anything but quiet. In fact, when the two girls were together they usually managed to raise far more hell than you'd ever expect two eight year old girls to raise. Still, they were an awful lot of fun, as long as you could put up with the noise.
So, Sara would be going home with Ming instead of going to Latch-Key and Joan would pick them up around quarter of six. Then the plan was an evening at Disney Land, stay for the Electric Light Parade, then home. Usually Joan let the girls stay up as late as they wanted, but that generally wasn't too late as the eight year olds would fade fast. Problem was, that usually meant that she'd be waken by giggling or the TV around eight.
Ming was going to stay for most of the next day-her dad had to work. He usually came by around four.
Joan was surprised when she realized that she was sort of looking forward to seeing Mat, Ming's dad. Single men were a dime-a-dozen, but a single man raising kids alone probably found it hard to find women. Sara had told her about Ming's parents-her mother deported back to China and leaving her daughter with Mat because she (Ming) was a US citizen, having been born in San Francisco. Mat was a citizen-he'd just known Ming's mom for a couple of months when she got pregnant. Immigration had been so good as to not deport the woman before Ming was born.
Joan was just sitting down at her desk at the end of her morning break when her Iphone chimed. She opened the text.
"Don't be such a stranger-call sometime. -Joe"
Joan was waiting outside "The Haunted House" for the girls. They wanted to go alone so she had seen them to the entrance, then gone around to the exit to wait. On a whim she pulled out her phone and looked at Joe's text. She pushed 'Call' on the touch screen.
"God! Joan! It's great to hear from you!" Joe said from the other end.
"How's it going, Joe?" Joan asked.
"Great...and you?"
"We're doing awesome. I have a job now, office work, and we're really getting our lives back together."
"That's wonderful. How's Sara?"
"She's great. In the Haunted House at Disney Land right now. I'm waiting for her and a friend to come out." She paused, then: "How's business, Charlie still with you?"
"Charlie's great. We just finished a shoot this afternoon."
"Anyone I know?" Joan asked with a laugh.
"Probably not. A twelve year old who snuck across at San Ysidro with her brother a few weeks ago."
"Where would you be without those little Mexican illegals?"
"I admit," Joe's tone changed, "we'd have a lot less business."
They talked for a few more minutes. Joe told Joan that the money would drop off fast if Sara didn't make another film soon and Joan told Joe she didn't want Sara making any more porn. They rang off with Joe saying he hoped she'd reconsider. With that, Joan realized there'd be no more unmarked envelopes with cash.
The giggling woke her up. Joan looked blurry-eyed at the clock-1:03. What the hell were the girls doing still awake this late?
Joan went into the bathroom, then decided to at least check on the girls. When she got to Sara's door she peeked through, and the blood drained from her face. For a moment she was dizzy, then angry, then scared.
The girls were sitting at the computer and Sara's second movie was on the screen. She was laying on her back, her head propped up on pillows as Charlie, on his knees and astride her chest, was jamming his cock in her mouth.
Joan had watched the movie a couple of times. She hated this part as Charlie started pushing too hard, shoving his cock too far in and hurting the girl. Sara squirmed and tried to turn her face away but he reached down and held her, then started to cum.
It was an amazing amount of spunk that the guy unloaded in her daughter's mouth. Waves of white ran down her chin and dripped onto her throat as he unloaded. The next day, as they drove home, Sara told her mother that Joe had hurt her a little but that it really was OK.
She stood in the dark hallway for several minutes wondering what to do. The girl's had quieted down as, on the screen, Joan masturbated her daughter to a rolling orgasm.
"I love it when Daddy does that to me," Ming said to Sara.
Joan was completely shocked! Now her mind spun...Ming and Mat....!
"I don't like it when he cums in my mouth, that tastes NASTY!" the little girl said.
Sara giggled. "I didn't mind."
Joan's head was spinning as she climbed back into bed. It was 1:35 now but she knew she wouldn't be able to sleep. She had called to the girls from down the hall that it was time for lights out after they had finished the film, watching Sara astride Joe's cock, facing the camera, as he filled her preteen womb with sperm.
When Mat picked up Ming the next day they just exchanged pleasantries until he was in the car, engine running ready to back out. "I'm afraid the girl's got into some stuff on the Internet last night they shouldn't have."
"Oh, I'm sure it was nothing," Mat said.
"Nothing you might object to," Joan said, putting the emphasis on 'you'.
He looked at her curiously, then turned around to back up.
On Tuesday evening Mat called.
"It seems we have something in common."
"I'll keep your secret if you'll keep mine," Joan said. "Of course, if the girl's talk, they won't let us share a jail cell."
"I'd like a phone number," Mat replied, not commenting on their shared anxiety.
"Joe only wants virgins, does Ming really qualify?" It pissed Joan off that Mat was being so forward.
"I'd still like to talk to him,"
Joan gave him the number and that ended the conversation. It had been tense and testy. All she could do was roll her eyes and take another drink of her wine.
On Thursday Joe called while she ate her lunch in the break room.
That evening Joan heated up a frozen lasagna for dinner. As they sat at the kitchen table, she was unsure how to bring up the idea of making another movie, especially one like what Joe wanted. Finally, she decided to just ask directly.
"Honey," she started, "have you ever seen movies on the computer of two women having sex?"
Sara's fork stopped mid-way from her plate to her mouth, she looked a little perplexed. "Well...yeah...I guess so. At least, I once saw this movie and two ladies were hugging a kissing."
"Then what did they do?"
"Umm...mommy, that's embarrassing."
"Oh honey, you know not to be embarrassed with me. Were they naked?"
The girl put her fork down. She did not look directly at her mother. "Yeah, they were naked, and they kissed and licked each other all over, even down there."
"Do you remember when I rubbed you down there when we made that movie?"
Now Sara did look up, and she smiled. "Yeah, that felt really nice. Then when Joe put his thing in me, well, that hurt some because he was so much bigger than Charlie. But, after a while it felt good too."
"You liked making the movies?" Joan asked, wondering if, after five months, the girl's feelings had changed.
"Yeah, it was fun. I kind of miss Charlie, he was really sweet."
"Well, Joe called me today and he wants you to make another movie."
"Really," the child's face lit up, "with Charlie?"
Joan's eyebrows went up with surprise. She was shocked that her eight year old (almost nine) would be so enthusiastic about making a porn film. 'Holy shit! What have I done to my little girl?' she thought as she digested the idea. She had to pause for a few moments to figure out how to answer.
"Well....I'm sure you can make a movie with Charlie if you want, but....Mr. Anderson had the idea of you doing it with another little girl."
Now it was Sara's turn to be shocked. Her face looked perplexed. "Do you mean like those ladies on the computer?"
The child sat thinking, then picked up another bite of lasagna.
Joan decided to tell one of her secrets. "Honey, I can tell you that it's really nice to do it with another girl. Girls, well, another girl really knows what feels good and they're never rough or do anything that hurts."
The girl's eyes got big. "You've done it with another girl?"
"Yes, a few times, when I was younger." (She didn't want to tell her daughter about Sally, Joe's assistant).
"Does Joe want US to make a movie?"
"No," Joan smiled at the idea-quite sure that Joe would love it. "No, he wants you to make a movie with another girl...your age."
"Well,...actually,...your little friend Ming."
Again the third grader stopped eating. Joan wondered what was going on inside the girl's head, she was obviously deep in thought. "Do you want me to kiss her and lick her like in that movie?"
"Yes dear. That's how two women make love. Do you remember how great it felt when Charlie licked you between your legs-it will feel just as good for Ming, and for you."
"But I've never kissed Ming."
"You'd never kissed Charlie either, but you liked kissing him. Right? Don't you really like Ming? I'll bet you'll like kissing her too."
Again the girl was quiet. She bit off a piece of the garlic bread that Joan had made from some English muffins. "Ok, if Ming wants to, it'll be fun."
"OK, we'll go tomorrow night."
The two went back to eating in silence. Just as they were finishing up, Sara looked up at her mom.
"Yes dear?"
"Can I make a movie with Charlie too?"
The two girls ran into each other in the breezeway outside their classroom. Sara ran up to Ming. Here excitement was too much, she was shaking, jumping up and down as the two came together.
"Hi Ming!!...."
Ming looked at her friend, then put her finger over her lips.
All morning the two girls were very distracted. The teacher had moved them apart months ago, but even she could see that the two girls were very excited about something. Sara put her backpack on the seat next to her while Ming went through the lunch line. Sara wolfed down her sandwich and yoghurt while Ming quickly dispatched her pizza burgers, green beans and fruit cup. Their hands went up in unison for permission to leave and go to recess. They were the fourth and fifth children on the playground.
Like so many elementary schools, what passes as a playground at Stoddard is an asphalt parking lot with lines for volleyball, basketball, and hopscotch painted on it. The 'playground' is bounded one side by the school, a cement drainage ditch and Stoddard Park, an oasis of lawn and palm trees. Unfortunately, the children are forced to look at the grass and playground of the park through an eight foot chain link fence-minus the concertina wire on the state prisons.
Still, the girls were able to find some privacy by the fence that ran along the drainage conduit on the west side of the school.
"Are you coming tonight?" Sara asked her friend.
"I guess so," Ming said, looking down at her best friend. At the beginning of school, the two had been the same height, but now Ming was at least two inches taller than her friend. She had always been rail thin but now, with all her growth happening in her legs, she was almost becoming a physical example of the girls in Japanese anime.
"Daddy told me what they want us to do, it sounds kind of fun," Ming said. "I love it when Daddy does that to me."
"I've only had it happen in the movies," Sara said.
Another girl was approaching so they had to break off the conversation. Still, just having talked that little bit about it calmed both girls down. They sat together as usual during reading group and then worked together on their science fair project. When Ming was climbing onto the bus, leaving Sara to go to Latch Key, they just said 'bye'.
Traffic on the Costa Mesa Freeway was brutal. It was stop-and-go from Tustin until you got past John Wayne Airport, then sped up to a steady 35 miles per hour. As it was, Joan and Sara were almost half an hour late for their promised 7PM arrival. Luckily, Ming and Mat had also been delayed in traffic, so they had missed their 6:30 by about the same amount.
Joan led her little daughter through the atrium and up the stairs to the second floor balcony. She couldn't help but think that she was a little like a Judas goat but she also knew that Sara was actually looking forward to tonight.
"Honey," Joan had started as they sat in traffic, "are you alright with what's happening tonight?"
Sara looked up from her Game Boy. "Yes mom, it's OK." They were quiet as Joan let the car creep forward another 25 feet toward their goal. "I really want to see Charlie again. He's always so nice to me."
"What about Ming?"
The girl had turned back to the game. "She's cool," was all she said, with a bit of a shrug.
When they let themselves into the office, Sally was sitting at the receptionist desk.
"Hi Joan!" she said with genuine warmth. "Why have you been such a stranger? I've really missed you."
Suddenly Joan felt a bit guilty. She and Sally had talked a couple of times over the phone since the night that Sara had made her last movie but Joan had not really thought that the younger woman would feel any sort of attachment. Now she realized that she may have jilted the girl. Joan had always just considered it a one night stand and had been clear that she and Sara wouldn't be back (at least that had been her plan).
Sally saw the look on Joan's face and decided to let it drop. "It's great that you've come back, Sara. Let me take you back and get you ready." Then she looked at Joan. "Don't worry, I'm not mad." She reached out and put her hand on Joan's arm. "We'll talk later. Right now, Joe needs you in his office. I'm going to take Sara and put her in a bath. I need to wash her hair and then put it up-Joe has some pretty specific ideas about how he wants the girls to look."
Joan leaned forward and kissed Sally's cheek. "I'm sorry-I guess I've not been a very good friend."
"It's OK," Sally responded in a low voice. "Let me get to work," she said, looking down at Sara. "Maybe later..."
"Yes," Joan said. "I'd like to..."
"You go with Sally," Joan said to Sara. "I'll be in in a few minutes."
Joe looked up from his desk when Joan entered. His face broke into a huge smile.
"Joan! God it's great to see you!"
Mat swiveled around in his chair where he was sitting reading a pile of papers and from the corner Charlie said, "We've missed you. It's great that you're back."
"Hi Joe, Charlie, ...Mat." It was a little awkward to suddenly be the center of attention for the three men.
"I was just going over the contracts with Mat here. You can tell him about it."
Joan looked at Mat, wondering what to say. "It's all just as he says...at least it was for me."
"I'm paying Mat the $500 for signing, then there's another $7500 if we complete both films tonight."
Joan quickly did the math. "So it's three grand for Sara and Ming's to us?"
"Yes, and another thousand for Sara and Charlie, plus the royalties for the download count."
"OK," Joan said. She couldn't believe that she was becoming such a pro at the contracts surrounding the making of kiddy porn films.
"Sara's with Sally?" Charlie asked.
"Yeah, she's getting a bath."
"I think I'll go say hi," he said.
"Ming might be in there with them. She might be...embarrassed if you walk in," Joan said.
Mat's eyebrow went up, the whole idea of what was going on was just beginning to really sink in.
"Oh," Charlie stopped, hand on the door, "I'll knock."
"These are for you," Joe said after he had sat back down.
Joan picked up the ream of paper and thumbed through it. She'd be adding another $4,000 to the cash box after tonight. "OK."
She and Mat signed their contracts at the same time.
"Sally's going to be a while with the girls," Joe said. "I've got outfits I want them in and their hair has to be done. I hope you don't mind, Mat, but we'll be putting some purple color in Ming's hair. It's the kind that'll wash out in a couple of days. Charlie and I worked on the set most of the day too...not what it was last time you were here, Joan."
"Let's go into the studio, I have some snacks and drinks. Also, Mat, I hope you'll take this the right way but, I've asked Charlie to give you a few pointers on what I'll want."
Joan looked questioningly at Joe.
"Mat's going to make the film with Ming, Father-Daughter thing. Anyway, I'm sure Charlie 'ill be needing time to recover after his shoot with Sara. Frankly, he's been missing her and is kind of-keyed up-about making another movie with her."
Joan was kind of set back by the idea that her little eight year old would actually be specifically exciting to a twenty-something man. After all, Charlie was fucking two or three little girls a week. What made Sara so special?
After Charlie had left the office he went to the studio. The door to the bathroom had been left open and he could hear the girls giggling and water splashing. He walked over and leaned against the doorpost so that he could see Sally kneeling next to the tub but his view of the girls was blocked.
"Hi Sally, OK if I come in?"
"Charlie!!!" Sara squealed. She leaned out of the tub, facing him. Shampoo suds were running out of her hair and down over her shoulder, then dripping on the floor. She held her arms out for a hug.
Charlie couldn't resist and he walked in, knelt down and got a wet hug from the girl. She kissed his cheek.
"How ya doing doll?" he asked, looking into her eyes while he brushed some suds that were threatening to run into her eyes.
"I'm OK," she said.
Charlie leaned forward and gave the girl a peck on the lips. "God, I've missed you a lot."
Then he turned his attention to the other eight year old in the bath tub. Joe had shown him a couple of pictures her father had sent from his phone, so he did recognize her despite the wet hair.
"You must be Ming," he said.
She was looking at them with an astonished expression-the strange man suddenly appearing and kissing her friend was a real surprise. Then, suddenly realizing where she was, the color began to rise. Her face and throat flushed red as she blushed, being seen by the stranger.
The water was full of suds, so the interesting parts were covered, but Charlie did like what he could see. Ming had the small nose and mouth, high cheek bones and oriental eyes of her Chinese parents. She was very fine boned, with small shoulders and skinny arms. Her skin was stretched over her rib cage, tiny nipples just a shade darker than almost white skin.
Her black hair was very long, reaching down so far that the ends floated out in the water around her waist.
Charlie had dealt with a lot of embarrassed preteen girls before and he knew that the best thing was simply to ignore her nudity but still complement her and make her feel at ease. (In fact, his big talent was for transforming an embarrassed child into an unabashed, lustfully overwhelmed slut.)
"I've been looking forward to meeting you," he held out his hand to the girl. "Hopefully we'll get to know each other."
The child, being treated like an adult, had her embarrassment change. All she could do was take the pro-offered hand for a wet shake. This put her off from her initial reason for blushing.
Charlie stood up and turned to Sally. "Do you need to my hair too?"
Sally laughed. "I would if you had any-you Marines are useless to hairdressers."
He laughed, then looked down at the two girls. "I'll see you guys later-but don't take too long, I think most everyone's ready." He reached down and squeezed Sara's shoulder, then left.
The studio had been transformed into a 'Hello Kitty' hell. Partitions had been put up that were painted to a little girl bedroom cartoon. The walls were white with pink and royal blue trim. A fake window looked out on a field with a brilliant blue sky and neon green grass. There was a Justin Barber poster and another with a Chihuahua wearing sunglasses. A white four drawer dresser was decorated with hearts and flowers. Instead of the queen bed there was a girl's daybed with a white metal frame, the tubes bent into a heart in the middle. The bedspread was also white with pink and blue hearts in a pattern. Four large pillows, each a different neon color, were on the ends and against the back.
"This all will break down in about three minutes," Joe said to Mat and Joan as they entered. "The room you remember is behind the fake walls."
Charlie was just finishing mixing himself a drink. "Can I play bar tender for you guys?" he said over his shoulder.
"I'll have some red wine," Joan said.
Charlie knew that Joe wanted Scotch but, after some talk back and forth, Mat got a can of beer.
"What's that?" he asked as Charlie added some vodka to two glasses of fruit punch.
"A little something for the girls."
At this point, Sally led the two children out of the bathroom. They were wrapped in big towels. "You guys need to get out of here while I do the girl's hair and get them dressed," she said.
"OK," Charlie said with a disappointed tone.
"Can I stay and help?" Joan asked.
"Sure, I was going to ask you."
The three men went back out into the office.
"First, we're going to do the shoot of the two girls," Joe started after the three had sat down in his office. "I'm counting on Sara to pretty much set Ming at ease."
"She'll be good at that," Charlie said.
"Now, you just be encouraging to her," he said to Mat. "I'll coach them along and I'm pretty sure we'll get a great movie. Then the three of us will have to break down the set in a hurry...I'm not going to have Sara get dressed but Sally'll dress Ming back in her street clothes...and then you, Charlie, and Sara will get on."
"Damn, I'm looking forward to that!" Charlie said.
"OK, then, Mat, it's your turn. I plan to start with you naked but your little girl dressed. Again, I'm going to talk to you...introduce you and the like...then I want you to undress Ming for me. After that, you should do things pretty much the way you guys normally do it, get her off a couple of times, before..."
"It's going to hurt," Mat said. "She's really small."
"Yeah, it hurts them some," Charlie said, "but if you have them properly turned on, they want it too. You can't just jam it in and expect the girl not to fight. Go slow and talk to her, reassure her. If you don't take at least two or three minutes to get in, you're moving too fast. Also, there'll be a tube of K-Y at the foot of the bed."
"I'm afraid she'll cry."
"That's normal-they all cry. The trick is to be slow and gentle. Then they're actually sort of happy tears. If you just jam it in, then they're really hurting, we don't want that. She'll also be scared when she sees the blood, so try not to let her see it, at least until after you've cum. Also, don't try to hold off. She'll probably not cum when you actually fuck her, just let yourself go once you're in. But make her cum at least two or three times before-that way she'll be relaxed and a little wet."
Mat couldn't believe he was getting instructions from a stranger on how to destroy his daughter's virginity. It was all very surreal. Still, the idea of making porn films had always turned him on...a few times he'd set cameras up when he molested Ming. The whole thing was making his blood pressure rise.
"It looked to me like Sara came when you popped her cherry," Mat said.
"Well," Charlie replied, "Sara's really special. She's such a cute proper little thing until you get her started. Then she'll just cum and cum and cum. Also, you can tell she really likes getting me off."
"You don't seem to mind," Joe said with a laugh. "Anyway, it's not just you she likes to get off." Then he asked Mat, "Have you watched many of our other movies?"
"Yeah," Mat said with a smile, "quit a few."
"Then you've seen how it's done."
The door opened and Joan stuck her head through. "I guess we're ready."
"Cool," Joe said as the three men stood up.
In the studio, the girls were already on the set, sitting next to each other on the bed. They had both been transformed. Sara was dressed in a black leather short skirt and vest. Her shoulder length chestnut hair was pulled back in a really severe ponytail-one that would make any girl jock proud. She was also wearing thigh length black leather boots with stiletto heals.
Ming, on the other hand, was in a skin-tight Underarmor leotard with half-inch wide horizontal yellow and lime green stripes and a matching green wrap-around short skirt. The leotard was short sleeved and the legs had been cut off just below her knees. Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail too, this one reaching her waist and tied with a large blue bow. Her bangs were straight across her forehead but two thick strands of hair had escaped the bow and fell down on each side of her face to her stomach. The ends of these were dyed neon purple.
They looked up when the men entered.
"They're perfect," Joe said to Sally.
He walked up to the bed where the girls were sitting. "You two are just awesome."
He leaned down and touched Ming's hand. "You are so cute, like you're straight out of an anime."
"Don't you mean Lolicon?" Charlie said.
"Yeah, guess so," he replied.
At this, Mat and Sally smiled but Joan didn't understand the joke.
"OK, girls," Joe said, "just a moment for us to get the cameras going, then we'll start."
Sara smiled while Ming nodded gravely.
Sally and Charlie were setting the lights while Joe checked out the batteries and memory in his hand-held camera.
"Charlie, why don't you get that mini camera ready too-we may want to both get shots at the same time."
Meanwhile, Sally had taken her digital SLR out of its bag and was checking it out.
"Let's pull up chairs," Joan said to Mat. "Our part is to smile and maybe give them some encouragement but let Joe do the talking."
"Everybody ready?" Joe said to Charlie and Sally. They nodded. He turned to the girls.
"Don't be surprised when the lights come up, that happens when I start the camera. Now, all we're going to do at first is talk, then I'll ask you to do some things-I think I'm going to have Sara get undressed first, then she'll help you get undressed Ming."
"Sara, I want you to show Ming what to do, kind of lead her along, and I'm sure you two will have a great time and we'll make a great movie." He paused. "You two ready?"
"Yup!" Sara said. Ming just looked nervously at her friend.
They both squinted when the lights came up bright. Sally had to make some adjustments to her camera.
"So, here we are again with Sara," Joe said. "Sara, wave and say 'hi.'"
"Hi," Sara waved and smiled.
"So, you've got your friend here today, right?"
"Yeah, this is Ming," Sara said.
"Say 'hello' Ming," Joe said.
"Hello," the girl said with a nervous smile.
"I understand you two are really good friends. Are you best friends?"
Sara looked at Ming with a questioning smile, and they both smiled and nodded, obviously happy in the realization. "Yeah, Ming's my best friend."
"What about you, Ming?"
"Are you in school together?"
"Yeah, we're in the same class," Ming said.
"Really! Where do you go?" Joe asked.
"Stoddard Elementary," Ming replied.
"What grade are you in?"
"Third," Sara said.
"So, you spend all day together in school?"
"Well...," Ming started, "We used to but then Mrs. Oliver moved us."
"She got mad because we talked too much and she sent me to ISS," Sara said.
Mat looked at Joan with a wry smile and she nodded, then they turned back to the girls.
"Do you study together?"
"We're in the same reading group," Sara said.
"And we're doing our Science Fair project together," Ming continued.
"Sounds like fun," Joe said. "Do you see each other after school?"
Again the girls looked at each other. "We have sleep-overs," Sara said.
"And we chat on line," Ming continued.
Now the two parents looked at each other with surprise.
"So you sleep together?" Joe asked.
"I have a double," Ming said.
"But I just have a day bed like this...except its wood," Sara finished.
"Cool," Joe continued. "When you get in bed together, I bet you talk and giggle and drive your parents nuts."
Both girls smiled. "Sometimes," Sara said.
"When you have sleep-overs, what do you wear?"
"Mommy buys me PJs," Sara said.
"And I just use one of my daddy's T-shirts," Ming said.
"You have a night gown, its blue!" Sara looked at her friend.
"Yeah, but that's when I'm at your house."
"What do you wear when you're not having a sleep-over, Ming?" Joe asked.
The child thought for a moment. "I have night gowns but I like daddy's T-shirts best."
"What about you, Sara?"
The girl fell silent for a moment and looked at her mom. Joan nodded OK.
"We usually sleep nakkie. Mommy always does and so do I."
"But you don't sleep naked when you have sleep-overs?"
"I see," Joe said, then paused. "Tell me, when you two have sleep-overs, do you ever hug each other?"
"You mean in bed?" Sara asked.
"Well..." Ming started, "we usually hug each other good night."
"OK, why don't you hug each other now?"
The two looked at each other with a smile, then leaned against each other and embraced in a friendly hug.
"That was lovely. Do you ever kiss?"
They both giggled, then leaned in and shared a peck on the cheeks.
"That's cute, but I want you two to grown-up kiss. Sara, I know you know how."
The two girls looked at each other, then again they kissed, but this time they opened their mouths and the kiss lasted a lot longer. After a few moments they broke apart, Ming giggled while she wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. Sara, however, never looked at the camera, she put her hands on Ming's shoulders, then kissed her again. Slowly, she pushed the other girl back down onto the bed. For a second, Ming's eyes flared open with surprise, but then she reached up and put her hands on her friend's sides and closed her eyes.
Joe moved around to the side to get a better picture. Sally turned on some music for the background:
(In the final cut, Joe mixed two songs by the Russian teen girl pop group 't.A.T.u.' to cover his coaching of the girls.)
'Not Going to Get Us'
'All the Things She Said'
(for an essay on the Russian pop duo, t.A.T.u. click here).
Now Ming was on her back with Sara kneeling over her. Their tongues intertwined and breath deepening, Sara moved her hand up on Ming's chest and started massaging her left nipple with the palm, moving her hand in a circular motion. Ming now had one of her arms around Sara's neck and with the other hand, started gently fingering Sara's vest where her left nipple would be. Joe got occasional shots up Sara's leather skirt, flashes of her round ass and the black leather thong.
"Sara, rub her pussy," Joe directed in a low voice.
Sara's hand moved down the girl's abdomen. Ming's skirt had ridden up. She flared her hips when she felt her friend's fingers pressing on her through the skin tight fabric of her Underarmor. This went on for a couple of minutes, the girl's breathing deepening and their color rising, until Joe told Sara to stand up and remove her vest and skirt.
Sara climbed off her friend and, standing over her, unbuttoned her top, then let it fall off her shoulders to the floor behind her. Then she pulled on the zipper at the small of her back and the skirt joined its mate on the floor at her feet.
"Now climb back on top of her, but this time I want you to pull Ming's top down before you start kissing again."
Sara was wearing only her thong and the boots. She climbed over Ming, on her hands and knees. Ming looked up nervously as her friend settled astride her hips, then ran her fingers under the low neck line of the leotard and slowly pulled it down. Ming had to help Sara work the garment free of her arms as her flat white chest and stomach was uncovered.
The girls went back to kissing, but this time their fingers were on each other's nipples. Sara's dime sized areolas began to push out into cone points but Ming's almost invisible pin-head bumps didn't seem to react. Still, however, both girls were now breathing hard enough that they couldn't hold the kiss.
Without prompting, Sara rolled off to the right, laying next to Ming, and then moved her hand down over the girl's stomach and worked her hand under the leotard. But the tie of the wrap skirt kept her from pushing her hand under and she went back to rubbing her crotch through the fabric.
"Ming, undo your skirt," Joe said.
The girl, for a moment, looked up at him and nodded nervously, but then, as Sara lifted up to give her room, she looked down and with both hands pulled the bow knot that closed the skirt. Now, with the ties loosened, the girls started kissing again. This time, much to everybody's surprise, Ming took Sara's hand and directed it down and under the leotard.
As Sara's hand found its way onto the other child's crotch, Ming started to hump up against it. Now, Sara moved down and ran her tongue in a circle around one of Ming's nipples. Joe panned from Sara's hand working under the cover in the girl's crotch to her mouth, licking and sucking her nipple, to Ming's flushed and shining face, eyes closed, mouth open, breathing hard. Charlie walked up with his camera and started filming from the other side.
After less than a minute, Ming's small frame shuddered and she caught her breath. Her chest was glowing, wet with sweat and Sara's saliva. She humped against her friend's hand, twice, then sank back.
Mat was astonished at how quickly Sara had gotten his little daughter off. Usually it took him ten minutes of gentile persuasion before his little girl would cum. True, she was getting off faster these days. When she was a toddler it took a long time of licking and sucking before she'd whimper and squeak when she came. His tongue was always painfully tired and his mouth dry before she was done. It was almost an afterthought when he'd rub his cock up and down her tiny cunt, then smear up her belly with his cum.
These days she was reacting faster and more deeply, usually urging him on. Then she'd take his cock in her mouth and blow him. Mat knew that she really didn't like it when he came in her mouth, he could see it in her expression just before he started to shoot, but Ming wanted to make her daddy happy and usually would let some white goo run down her chin while swallowing the rest.
She was a tiny baby, just learning to get up on her hands and knees, the first time she tasted her daddy's cum. Babies will suck anything, as Mat discovered one evening when they were playing together after a bath. He'd felt her up a couple of times before this, but when the little one took his cock like it was her evening bottle he went out of control.
The tiny baby made a face and spit out the goo after he shot in her mouth, but after the third or fourth time she was used to it and would swallow his entire load. When she was two and a half or three she started pushing his dick away, not even sucking on it a little. It wasn't until she was five that he was able to talk her into sucking him again, and even then she insisted that he not cum in her mouth. Finally, when she was almost seven, just a year of so ago, she had allowed him to cum. (It had taken some talking: 'Come on, Dear, I lick where you pee and poop-isn't it only fair?')
"Sara, take the rest of her clothes off," Joe asked.
Sara looked up at the camera, smiled and waved, then climbed on to her knees. Apparently, Ming had not heard Joe because she looked at Sara with surprise when she felt the other girl tugging on her leotard. Still, she lifted her hips and let Sara work it down her legs and off her feet. She did not have on any underwear.
When Mat had described Ming as being very small, he had not been kidding. Her pussy was just an inch long slit way down between her legs. Sara, knowing what was expected, pushed the other girl's knees apart for Joe to get a close up. Ming really didn't even have pussy lips, there was no rise or fleshy puffiness in her crotch, just a small opening with a pin-head size clit and tiny vagina. She didn't have inner lips, the sides of the vaginal opening were tight, the bottom end half closed off by the pink skin of her cherry. Her bung hole was also just a small dark asterisk in her small ass. Joe couldn't help but think that it'd be like fucking a two-year-old.
Joe pulled back and Sara's face came into view, looking up. She raised her eyebrows as to say, "What you think?" Then, with a smile she leaned down and ran the tip of her tongue along Ming's slit.
Now Ming was the one with experience, Sara had only had men go down on her twice, when she had made her earlier movies, but Ming had been having her pussy eaten for as long as she could remember. She lifted her legs up, her feet in the air over Sara's shoulders, and started rocking her hips against Sara's face. As she built, she reached down and put her hands on her friend's cheeks, moving her face up and down with her own flares.
"Suck in it," she moaned in a low voice.
Sara put her mouth over her lover's cunt and gently sucked, using her tongue to play along the slit. After a few more seconds, Ming arched her back and grunted again as she came for a third time, catching her breath, then gasping.
Finally she squirmed, pushing away. "Oh God," she moaned, "no more, please..." she started to laugh.
Sara lifted up, smiling at her lover, her lips and chin shiny and wet.
"OK, its Sara's turn now," Joe said.
Both of the girls looked at him.
"Stand up on the bed, Sara, over Ming."
Sara started to step up onto the bed but Joe stopped her. "Oh, wait, Ming, take off her boots."
Sara put one of her feet on the edge of the bed and Ming slowly pulled the zipper that ran along the inside of her thigh. Sara had to straighten her leg and help as the zipper went around her knee. The leather fell off the side of her leg as Ming moved down Sara's ankle, then she pulled on the heal and Sara stepped out of the boot. The same was done with her left boot. When they were crumpled on the floor Sara stepped up on the bed as Ming slid back, sitting between the other girl's legs.
Joe moved around the bed so he was to the side while Charlie stayed at the foot, getting down on his knees so he was looking up at Sara's ass.
"Take her thong off," Joe said.
Ming sat up, then reached out and hooked Sara's thong. Sara had her hands on her hips.
"Slowly dear," Joe said.
Ming followed his instructions, inching the leather thong down so the strings moved over her hips, then as they moved down her flanks, the leather covering was pulled down. At first it hung up on her pubic rise but then, as the strings came taunt, it pulled free and uncovered Sara's vulva at once.
Sara looked straight at her friend's cunt, then looked down, avoiding the sight and instead watched her hands pulling the strings down, past Sara's knees to her feet. Sara lifted one of her feet, then the other as Ming pulled the Thong free.
"Kiss her," Joe said.
Ming looked up, uncomfortable, but then put her hands around Sara's thighs. She rose up and kissed her friends thigh, then moved to the other side. She moved across again, this time kissing Sara a little higher and a little closer to the middle.
Joe couldn't believe the video he was getting as the girl slowly worked her way into the middle. She couldn't quite reach, so Sara bent her knees some, opening her pussy lips. She shivered when, after at least twenty kisses, Ming finally brushed her lips.
Sara lowered herself even more and both Joe and Charlie, one from the front and the other from behind, watched as Ming ran her tongue along Sara's slit.
After a few moments of watching Ming tonguing Sara standing, Joe said, "Sara, why don't you sit down."
Sara stepped back down onto the floor, then turned, looking back, and sat down.
"Ming, kneel on the floor and, Sara, lean back and put your feet on the edge of the bed."
As Ming moved off the bed, Sara raised her heels to the edge of the bed, spreading her legs and opening her pussy. Ming knelt, then walked on her knees. She leaned forward and made a tentative lick along her lover's slit. She looked up at the camera with a nervous smile, then went back.
Sara caught her breath when she felt her friend's tongue on her clit. As Ming started licking more, she craned her neck to look down.
"Do it harder," she said as she began to pant. Her legs slowly moved down, swaying with Ming's movement, as her color slowly started to rise and a sheen of sweat spread across her chest.
Joe zoomed in for and extreme close-up of Sara's full pussy lips and open vagina while Ming ran her tongue up and down the slit. Then she tried to push her tongue inside Sara, working the tip back and forth between the inner lips, then maybe a quarter of an inch inside. After holding it there, pushing, she went back to licking.
"Suck on her honey," Joe said in a low voice.
Ming covered most of Sara's slit with her mouth and gently sucked. This made Sara groan and her hips shudder. Then Ming went back to playing along the slit with her tongue.
Charlie moved around, filming from above while Joe shot from the side. Joe knew he'd be able to mix the two sets of footage into an awesome movie.
"Honey, push your finger in her while you lick her clit," Joe asked.
Ming pulled back, looking up at Joe with a surprised look. Then she looked back at Sara's cunt, her eyes big. She put her pointer finger along the slit and moved it up and down, sliding along in the wetness of her spit and Sara's cunt juice.
"That's right," Joe encouraged.
Sara was now humping against Ming's hand, definitely building. Her legs had been slowly moving down until her feet were on the floor now, her back arched. Ming pointed her finger and pushed the first knuckle inside. Sara's breath chattered in her throat and her hips shivered.
Ming pulled her finger back and looked at it. It was shiny with Sara's slime.
"Taste it dear," Joe suggested. "Get your finger good and wet."
Again Ming looked at Joe, her eyes big. Then she lifted her finger to her mouth and slipped the tip inside. She pushed her finger in her mouth deeper, then withdrew it with-shiny with her spit. She turned back and, this time, her finger slid deep into the other girl's cunt. Ming pushed her finger all the way in, the entire length.
"Fuck her with it," Joe said.
Ming started to finger fuck Sara, and the other girl began to hump to meet the probes.
"Lick her at the same time," Joe said. At the same time he looked up and Charlie and nodded, indicating that he wanted him to film Sara's face.
All of the adults could see the signs of Sara's impending orgasm. She had flushed from her waist to her throat, she was shiny with sweat, small beads on her forehead joined to make droplets running down her temples and wetting the roots of her hair. Her humping was becoming automatic, a regular, rhythmic rocking of her hips with her breathing that was moving to gasps.
Just seconds after Ming started licking her red clit, the little girl went over the edge. She grasped the edge of the bed with her hands as she lifted her ass off the mattress, pushing up on her toes groaning loudly.
Charlie filmed her face as she pushed back into the bed, eyes squeezed closed, mouth open. Her body shook, her stomach muscles making two hard ridges down her abdomen and the veins in her neck standing out.
She grunted three times, shoving her pussy into her friend's face before she sank back.
Ming lifted up, looking at her wasted girlfriend. She pulled her finger out of Sara's cunt, looked at it, then put it in her mouth, tasting Sara's pussy.
"Climb on top of her and kiss her," Joe asked.
Ming moved up onto the bed, taking her panting friend in her arms. The two naked preteens embraced, then kissed...first a small peck, then more certainly, then their tongues found each other.
The two necked for a few moments before Sara started to giggle. Then the giggling spread to the other girl and they started to laugh together. Finally Sara pulled Ming's face down and kissed her again. Then she looked up at the camera.
"How was that, Joe?"
The room was silent for a moment. "Awesome," he said.
Joan and Sally helped the two shaky little girls off the daybed as the guys went to work. The bed and chest were moved off to the side against a wall. Then the partitions broke down into four pieces that were easily carried off to the side and leaned against the wall at the back of the studio. Behind the first scene was the room that Joan and Sara knew, as well as any regular visitor to the site. Behind the little girl's room were the soft colors, queen bed, and classical erotic artwork that were familiar.
When she saw it, Sara ran to the bed and launched herself. She rotated in mid-air and landed on her back, bouncing once to end up leaning back against the pillows. She let her legs open on the second bounce.
The adults looked over with surprise and astonishment.
"I'm ready!" the child called.
After his surprise had passed, Joe said, "That was awesome! Can you do that again?"
Sara's smile faded as she thought. "Sure, if Charlie's ready."
"Cool!" Joe said.
Three minutes later the lights were up, Joe and Sally were filming, and Charlie was already naked, stroking his dick to hardness.
"OK, Sara, let's go!" Joe said.
Again the girl ran across the studio and went airborne as she approached the bed. She did it perfectly, a 180° rotation, then bouncing once onto the pillows and landing with her legs spread and a smile on her face.
She crooked her finger. "Come here, Charlie," she said in a sultry voice.
Charlie walked into view, his fully erect cock bouncing in front of him. He stepped up onto the bed, walking across it, and stood, his feet next to the girl's knees, looking down at the child. "Come on, girl, you know how to suck cock," he said.
Sara immediately moved around, getting onto her knees. She took Charlie's tool and, looking up at him, put it in her mouth. Charlie put his hands on top of her head and moved with the girl as she moved his cock in and out of her mouth. After a minute or so she pulled back, a string of precum strung out from Charlie's cock to her upper lip. Sara looked up and, as she broke into a big grin, the string broke. She went back to sucking.
Charlie let the eight year old suck his dick for another half minute or so, then said, "Lay back, I want to lick that beautiful little pussy of yours before I fuck the daylights out of you."
Sara sat back down and Charlie dropped to his knees over her, but she kept hold of his dick. He leaned down and, mouths wide open, their tongues met before their lips. All through their incredibly wet and sexy kiss, Sara kept stroking Charlie's dick with both hands, pulling it down toward her waiting cunt. She even lifted up on her feet and rubbed the head against her slit.
Charlie broke the kiss and moved down (Sara had to let go) and he licked and sucked, first her left, then her right nipple. Sara put her hands on the back of his head, first holding his face to her flat chest but then pushing him down.
Charlie kissed and licked his way down the child's torso. She giggled and pushed at him when he frenched her belly button.
When he reached her cunt, Sara whispered, "Oh yeah, I love this."
Joe zoomed in on Charlie's tongue lashing of the girl's hairless pussy. Sara started to build, humping up against his face. As Sally filmed, Sara's face became flushed, then a sheen of perspiration appeared.
It was only a few moments later that Charlie pushed his tongue into the preteen vagina and Sara gasped, clenching the bedclothes in her fists as she lifted her ass off the bed, rocking her hips and shaking.
From where she was, sitting off the foot of the bed, Joan was stunned by the intensity of her daughter's orgasm. Ming, who was getting dressed in the jeans and sweater she'd arrived in, watched her friend with her mouth agape. Then she looked up at her daddy who smiled back as he ran his hand over her chest. He pulled his own child against him and she slipped up, sitting on his thigh. Mat was enthralled watching the sex act while Ming felt nervous, knowing that she'd be doing that soon.
Slowly, Sara sank back, panting. Charlie looked up at her with a shit-eating grin.
"You like that little girl?" he asked.
"Fuck me."
Joe and Mat both started to laugh.
"Well, if you insist," Charlie said as he lifted up onto his knees. Then he stopped. "No, wait,...I want to fuck you doggy style."
Sara seemed to come back to Earth. She looked confused. "Huh?"
Charlie sat up on his heals, his dick sticking up. "Get up, on your hands and knees."
Still confused, the third grader lifted her legs, then rolled over. Then, as she lifted her ass up: "Oh!"
Getting the idea, she stuck her ass up at Charlie but only got up on her elbows. She looked back at him and slapped her ass cheek.
There was a short break as Charlie put some KY on his dickhead, then he shuffled forward on his knees. His cock slid easily between the clean pussy lips, half of it disappearing inside the girl as she pushed back against him. Charlie grabbed the child's hips and worked them back and forth against his thrusts. Sara, with a smile, started sticking out and pulling in her tongue in time to Charlie's pushes. But soon the feeling got too strong for her and she slowly sank down, her face in the pillows, her ass in the air.
Charlie looked down at the child's ass, her anus puckering with his pushes. He looked up at Joe with a raised eyebrow but he shook his head. The scene was simply too good to set the child off with something unexpected and, possibly, painful. He'd have to talk to Sara and Joan about it for a later film.
Both men had their attention drawn back as Sara had another orgasm, shoving her hips back against Charlie. As Joe filmed, the spasms of her pussy looked like it was munching on Charlie's cock.
Charlie held her hips still as he fought the need to cum. Sara tried to catch her breath. They both calmed down.
Charlie pulled out, then fell to his side and rolled onto his back. Sara lifted her head and turned to look at him.
"It's time for you to fuck me now," he said.
Sara pulled in a deep breath, then exhaled. "O...k..."
The little girl lifted up like there was a weight across her shoulders and shook her head, trying to clear it. Then she crawled over and straddled Charlie. He looked down between them and took his cock, lifting it to her pussy. When Sara felt it against her slot, she pushed back.
As they fucked, Sara rocking back and forth on top of Charlie, he wrapped his hands around her ribs, rubbing her cone-erect nipples with his thumbs. They kissed a couple of times but then settled into a regular rocking. Sara raised her head, looking at nothing as she built again and Charlie, with obvious elation, watched and let himself go. The movement got more direct as they both started to breath with the thrusts. Sara put her hands on Charlie's chest, lifting up some as she flared her hips back against his cock.
Their breath became more urgent, Charlie humping up into his preteen lover, still fondling her flat chest and pushed-out nipples with his thumbs. Sara moved harder, shoving back against his cock and caught her breath again, shivering as another orgasm passed over her. At the same time, Charlie slammed up into the little girl's cunt, his cum bursting in to her womb.
Sara squealed as she felt herself being filled with Charlie's sperm. White bubbles of slime squeezed out around his cock as he overflowed the eight year old's sex. The two stayed in their position, Sara on top of Charlie, his dick deep in her cunt, as she sank down on him, out of breath.
After a while, Charlie lifted her, his hands in her armpits, and his cock slipped out. Joe filmed as white goo leaked out of her and formed a droplet to fall onto Charlie's balls.
"So, where're here with Mat and his daughter Ming. How ya doing Mat?" Joe started.
"I'm pretty good."
"Say 'hi' Ming."
"Hi," the eight year old said.
Mat was sitting on the bed, naked. Ming, however, had gotten dressed again in the jeans and sweater she'd come to the studio in. Sally had combed out her hair; it wasn't the mess it had been after she finished with Sara. She was standing with her back to her father, facing the camera.
"Now, Mat," Joe continued, "I understand you've had a special relationship with your daughter for quiet a few years, right?"
"Well, yeah, you can say that-at least, Ming's been both my daughter and my girlfriend for quite a while."
"What do you mean?"
"I think you understand," Mat started...
"We have sex together," Ming said, finishing her father's sentence.
"Really!" Joe said. "What sort of sex?"
"Well," Ming looked down, embarrassed, "we kiss and hug a lot and, well, he licks me, then, sometimes, I suck on him."
"That sounds great," Joe said. "Does he cum when you suck on him?"
Ming looked back at her daddy and smiled. "Some times..."
"She really doesn't like for me to cum in her mouth but, sometimes she's OK with it," Mat said.
"If I feel like it," Ming said.
"If he doesn't cum in your mouth, where does he cum?" Joe asked.
"Oh, on my tummy or chest," Ming answered.
"I really like to hold against her pussy and shoot up in her vagina," Mat said.
"Yeah, that too," Ming finished.
"But you've never really fucked?" Joe asked.
"No," Mat replied. "I've never popped her cherry."
"So, when was the first time you ever did anything with her?" Joe asked.
"Oh, God," Mat replied, "she must have been five or seven months old."
"What happened?"
"I had her in the bath tub and, well, she was so cute that I ended up having to rinse more than soap off her."
"When was the first time you came in her mouth?"
"That was a couple of days later...baby's suck on anything you put in their mouth."
"And you came in her mouth?"
"Yeah," Mat continued, "she swallowed but made a bad face. A few times later she started spitting it out. Actually, she was cute as hell with cum running down her chin and dripping onto her chest and belly."
"But you kept cumming on her pussy, didn't you?"
"Yeah, when she was around two she stopped sucking on my dick completely," Mat answered.
"But I'll do it now," Ming said.
"A couple of years ago she started again," Mat added.
"Why do you do it now?" Joe asked.
Ming looked back at her dad and smiled. "Because he makes me feel so great-it's only fair."
"So you really like it when he goes down on you?"
"Oh yeah!" Ming answered.
"But you've never fucked-really."
Ming looked uncomfortable. "I'm kind of scared. I think it'll hurt."
"Well, honestly hon," Joe said, "the first time it probably will, some. And you'll also bleed a little, but after that, it won't hurt and you'll really like it."
"I knoooww," Ming whined, "still...I'm scared."
"You still want to do it though...right?"
"Ye..ah," Ming said slowly, "I guess so..."
"And I'm going to make a movie of it too, right?" Joe said. "Just like I did with your friend, Sara."
"Yeah, Sara said it only hurt a little and now she loves doing it."
"OK," Joe said. "Your daddy has promised to go real slow and easy."
"Uh huh," Ming said as her father reached out and brushed her hair. Then she turned around and hugged her dad. "Its OK daddy-I want to do it with you."
"Mat, why don't we start with you undressing Ming. Honey, turn around and face the camera."
Ming stood back up and turned, looking at the camera while Mat moved to sit on the edge of the bed with Ming between his knees. Mat had dark hair and was clean shaven. He probably stood around 5'9" and couldn't be more than 170 pounds. During the conversation, Mat's cock had started to swell. Like most oriental men, he wasn't hugely hung, but he wasn't too small either. Also, typically, he didn't have much body hair, just a thick dark patch around his cock.
He pulled up on the shirt tail of Ming's blue sweater. "Raise your arms, honey," he said.
Ming put her hands over her head, arms straight, and Mat pulled the sweater up. He gathered it so that it was bunched up around her neck, uncovering her torso. Ming was wearing a lacy training bra. He slipped the sweater over the child's head and she pulled it down her arms and free of her hair.
Ming looked back at the camera, a calm look on her face. She put her hands on her dad's knees. Mat reached up behind her and the bra loosened. Ming looked down, then, with a small smile, she let the bra slip off her shoulders and down to her elbows. She pulled it free from one hand, then the other. Joe zoomed in on her mosquito bite nipples that were almost invisible against her white skin.
"You're such a pretty little thing," Joe said. "I'm really envious that your daddy gets to keep you all to himself."
Ming smiled with embarrassment, not knowing how to respond.
"Yup, she's all mine," Mat said, looking up at his daughter with admiration. "She's the prettiest thing I've ever seen."
Ming looked back at her dad, then turned back to the camera. Mat reached around her and started trying to unbutton the fly on her jeans but then said something too quietly to be picked up. Ming reached down and undid the button, then pulled down her zipper.
In the opening, her belly was uncovered and only the very edge of blue panties. Mat pulled the jeans down her straight hips, they only moved the panties slightly, then worked them past her knees. Now Ming had to help and she bent over, then leaned to the side to work them free of her feet.
For an instant, Mat's hard cock could be seen-maybe eight inches long but thin and with a pointed stirrup head.
Now the third grader hand on nothing but a very brief pair of blue cotton panties. She was almost painfully thin-her ribs and hip bones clearly visible, skinny legs with a gap between them. Light shoulders and thin arms that bulged slightly at her elbows (as did her knees).
Now Mat took the sides of her panties and pulled them slowly down. They came free easily, uncovering her hairless crotch and almost falling to her knees. Ming bent over to finish taking them off.
When she had worked the panties free, she stood back up, facing the camera. Joe slowly panned down, then zoomed in on the girl's tiny slit. It was almost lost between her legs, not extending at all up her front at all. There was no rise to her sex.
"Boy, you weren't kidding when you said she has a little pussy," Joe said.
"That means she'll be real tight," Mat replied. He pulled the girl back onto the bed and she immediately arched her back, pulling slightly away from him. Her face broke into a huge grin.
"Daddy, you're already hard!" she giggled as she reached behind herself with one hand.
Mat pulled her back against him, pinning her arm and his cock between them. She giggled and squirmed, positioning his cock against her back, then pulled her arm out from behind.
Mat slipped his hand under Ming's right thigh and pulled it up and out, dragging her foot over his thigh, then he let the leg fall outside his own. When he moved his hand down between the child's legs she lifted her other leg and pushed her knee out, making herself available to his hand.
Mat moved the pad of his finger in a circle against the girl's tiny clit. Ming leaned back against her father, then reached over her head with one hand and pulled his head forward. At the same time she turned her head and the two kissed, their tongues visible in the awkward kiss. He pushed at the opening to her vagina and the very tip of his finger worked between the tight lips. As they kissed, Ming started to hump against his hand.
After a minute or so of kissing and fingering, Mat said, "Get on the bed, I want to go down on you."
Ming rolled off her father and crawled up the bed as Mat stood up, his dick sticking out, and turned around. Ming flopped down, her head on the pillows, legs spread, and mimicking what she'd seen Sara do half an hour earlier, she crooked her finger saying 'come here,'
Mat crawled up between his daughter's legs, his ass in the air, then lay down. Joe moved around the bed as Mat started to lick his eight year olds little pussy. He pushed at her slit with the tip of his tongue, then moved it up and down the tiny crevice. Ming craned her neck to watch, then looked up at the camera and smiled, then looked back down.
Obviously she was very used to having her daddy lick her as she started to hump up into his face with his licks. Mat ran his hands under her ass, cupping her and lifting her slightly. Ming pulled her legs up, bending her knees and spreading wide. Her clit was a sharp point at the top of the small opening of her vagina.
Soon the girl was rocking her hips uncontrollably to her father's licking. She grunted and shuddered when she came, holding her legs in the air and shaking. She seemed to relax but in just a few seconds she was overcome again, pushing her head back against the pillow with her eyes closed.
The little girl seemed to cum four of five times before she pushed at her father's head.
"That's enough..." she moaned.
Mat looked up at her with a grin. Then, without saying anything he got up on his knees and shuffled forward. He got over her thighs, then moved again until his balls were on his daughter's solar plexus and his dick on her lips. Ming smiled, then took him in her mouth.
Mat put his hands on the headboard as he pushed his cock into his daughter's mouth. Ming, obviously knowing what she was doing, put her elbows on his thighs and wrapped both her hands around his shaft and directed him as he humped into her face.
Joe filmed the little girl giving her daddy a blow job while Charlie went around to the foot of the bed and got a shot of her little, still virgin, pussy and legs sticking out from under her father's ass.
The blow job went on for around three minutes. Mat felt the bed move and looked over his shoulder to see Sally putting a warmed tube of KY next to his leg. She smiled at him, raising an eyebrow. Mat looked over at Joe who nodded.
He looked down at his little girl, her mouth full of his cock. For the past minute or so he had been building quick-it was such a kick to watch her as he filled her mouth with cum-but this time he pulled back.
Ming's eyes got big when he started shuffling back off her. After he was astride her knees, he lifted her legs, working her knees and feet out without getting his nuts kicked. Then he lay her legs out to the side. She was now laying out, open to him. She had her arms over her head, her sweaty torso was stretched full length, her legs were apart, opening her slit, uncovering the small ridge and bee-bee size clit, then pulling her vagina open and stretching the translucent pink membrane of her hymen.
He moved back some more, then leaned down and licked her slit. As he did this, he lifted her ass into the air. He made sure to leave a generous amount of spit on the girl's sex. When he straightened back up he shuffled forward, then put her butt on his thighs.
His thin, pointed dick was sticking up at a forty-five degree angle, a drop of pre-cum glistened on the head. Mat ran his finger in a widening circle on the head, spreading the goo, then he picked up the tube of KY and spread some of that on his dick too.
Ming watched with large, fearful eyes as he then squirted a dab on her slit, then ran his finger along it. He even pushed his fingertip inside her, forcing some of the lubricant into his daughter's cunt. Then he leaned forward and, with his right hand, guided his cock to her.
Joe and Charlie had planned how they'd film. Joe was on one side of the bed, focusing on Ming's cunt while Charlie stood back some and zoomed in on the girl's face. As Mat gently pushed his cock against the eight year olds sex, Charlie watched as her eyes, large and fearful, looked up away from her father, and then she shut them and pursed her lips.
Mat desperately wanted to just shove his dick in to the child, ramming deep and tearing open her sex, then slamming inside her. The pressure of his cum was going critical behind his balls, he knew that if he didn't concentrate he'd just blow his jiz at the entrance, like he had hundreds of times before. Instead he carefully rocked his hips and, with each movement, a little more of his dick head moved inside the girl. Her vagina opened and closed on the tip of his cock, the excess KY was pushed back, leaving a ring that, each time, was moved a little farther back on the head. When half of his cock head was inside the girl, with a whimper she tried to push away but Mat held her, his thumbs pressing into her hip bones.
The child bit her lips, squeezing her eyes closed. With his next small push, Ming whimpered again and jumped with the pain. A tear ran down the side of her face, across her temple, and a line of red appeared around Mat's dick head.
The pulse roared in Mat's ears when he felt the sudden release in pressure. He pulled back and saw his dick was stained with his daughter's blood. He pushed again and was amazed as almost half his cock slid into the girl.
Ming's eyes were now open and more tears ran down her face and into her hair as she stared at the ceiling. She blinked some away, then ran the back of her hand across her face and sniffled. As Mat started moving back and forth she was rocked up and down on the pillows. She looked down at her father, his eyes were locked on hers. The child smiled up at her dad. The stinging was still too much for her to feel any pleasure but she could see the force building in her father's face. He pushed harder and she squinted her eyes closed again with pain but gave herself up to it. Mat was now pistoning in and out of the girls ruined cunt, his dick red with her blood-some was being smeared on her pussy and the insides of her thighs, more was on the top of his thighs.
Very soon he couldn't hold it any longer and with a rattle in his breath he arched his back. Pushing in as far as he could go, his dick twitched and pulsed as he pumped sperm into his daughter's womb. Pink tinged goo squeezed out of her cunt and ran down her ass crack as he shivered.
After a few seconds, Mat relaxed, sank back, and looked down at his destroyed little girl. Her face was puffy, her nose red, as tears flowed out of her eyes. She was breathing hard, gasping and sniffling. Her cunt and his dick were covered with goo and blood-KY, cum, and their own mucus made her sex a smearing, reddened mess.
"Pull out slowly," Joe whispered.
Mat pulled his hips back and his cock moved out of the girl. Her bruised and bloodied slit stayed open and a stream of sperm ran out of it and down into her ass crack. More dripped off the end of Mat's blood stained cock.
Now Mat leaned forward and gathered his little girl up, pulling her up, seated across his thighs and he held her face to his chest. Charlie quickly moved around the bed and, using the LCD viewfinder, was able to position the camera so that it looked up at Ming's bloodied ass. Another big dollop of cum dropped out of her vagina onto the top of her father's thigh.
A new set of sniffles and tears escaped the girl as she cried into her daddy's chest. He kissed the top of her head. Ming pulled back and looked up at her daddy. She sniffled again but also smiled.
"I love you, Daddy," she said.
"I love you too, Babe," he replied. Then he kissed her lips and again held her face to his chest.
Ming was back in the bath tub, soaking while Mat sat with her, feeling rather uncomfortable.
Charlie and Sara were both dressed, Joe and Sally were busy downloading files from the cameras into Joe's editing system in his office. Joan really didn't have much to do, so she stripped the blood-stained sheets off the bed. In one of the closets was a washer, so she put the linens in and started it-cold water. When she turned around she saw Charlie and her daughter slipping out the door. She went around and started picking up empties.
The studio cleaned up, she went looking for Sara and found her in the office, reviewing the raw footage with the others. She was sitting on Charlie's lap; he had his hand in her lap but stopped any movement when Joan opened the door.
On the computer, Ming was sucking her father's dick.
"Honey, it's time we go," Joan said to Sara after walking up next to her and brushing her hair back around her ear. She saw a look of disappointment pass across both Sara's and Sally's faces.
The door opened behind her and a strange woman, leading a dark little girl who looked not a day over five, came in.
"Joey!" the little one said and she ran over and hugged Joe.
"¿Cómo estás mi amor?"
"OK," the little girl said.
"Joan," Joe started. "This is my housekeeper, Gabrella, and this," (he tustled the little girl's hair), "is Esparanza."
Gabrella held out her hand. "Hello," she said in a thick Mexican accent.
"Gabrella usually cleans up after we film," Joe said.
"Oh," Joan said with suprize, "I already did a lot of it."
"Gracias," Gabrella said. "I go look." Then to Joe (now holding Esparanza on his lap) "She been wanting to see you all night." Then she turned and went out the door.
The conversation started again, now in Spanish, between Joe, Charlie and Esparanza. Sara slid off of Charlie's lap and went to her mother.
"Mommy?" she looked up plantively. "Charlie wants me to go to his house."
Joan was shocked-her eight year old was asking to spend the night with a thirty something man. For a moment she was totally speechless.
"It's alright," Sally said. "I live only a couple of minutes away from Charlie."
An hour later, just as Joan let herself go with the feeling of Sally's tongue, she wondered if her little girl was feeling the same thing.
Dave Miyagi
Thought I had missed a chapter as this one picks up five months after the second movie. Seems like this story would have started the next day, the way the last chapter ended.
I know the party is the next and last chapter so far in this series hoping you will continue for all the Sara fans out here.
The reviewing period for this story has ended. |