Published: 20-Aug-2011
Word Count:
"Joan! Hi, Joe Johnson here. How 'ya doing?"
"Oh,...hi..." Joan paused on the phone, a little disoriented because it had jarred her out of a deep sleep. "I'm fine."
"Are you busy right now?"
"Umm, no, not at all." She certainly wasn't going to admit to him that she had been napping in the middle of the day. Of course, not having a job, she really didn't have too much to do with Sara at school.
"Good, do you have a minute to talk?"
"Ahh, sure, I'm not doing anything right now." Joan was immediately a little on guard. She had sensed Joe's disappointment when she told him that Sara would be skipping the 'party' at his house the weekend before but she just wasn't quite ready to get her eight year old involved in another movie right away. The five grand they had made a week ago had taken a lot of pressure off, she was planning that the movie would be a one time thing.
"Ok," Joe started. He was trying to keep his voice business-like, "Sara's little film, well, it's sold way beyond our expectations and, well, we've received quite a few requests...."
"You'd like her to make another?"
"You know, she can't lose her virginity twice," Joan said with some amusement.
"Yeah, it's just that she's a real hot little number." Joe immediately regretted saying that. "I mean, she's made a real difference in our hits, our customers want to see more of her."
"Uh-huh." Joan was thinking fast. Just how much traffic had they seen? In the contract there were provisions for more movies but Joe had told her that they generally waited for at least a month before even talking about that.
"You want to make another so soon?" Joan asked.
"Well, yeah, I'd like to offer a whole new contract for another film."
"Wow, she must really be popular."
"Well, yes she is...she's gotten more hits than any girl we've had before, almost twice..."
Now Joe was talking too much and he knew it. 'Damn, shut up you fool,' he thought.
"Well, I'd have to talk to Sara," Joan said. "She's got to want to...she wasn't too comfortable last time, even though she didn't show it."
"That's normal," Joe said. "But, after a couple of times, most girls really get to like it, they like the attention, like to be grown up."
Actually, Sara really hadn't said much about making the film. She'd complained that she was sore and she bled some the next day at school, came home with some stains on her panties, but hadn't been upset about it. When Joan had tried to talk about it a couple of day later, Sara had just said that she was OK, that making the movie had been "OK". When Joan had asked her about the party, Sara had asked if they could go to Knot's Berry Farm instead. Then, later, she said she'd make another if her mother wanted.
"How much are we talking about?" Joan asked. She had been told that later movies would not pay nearly as much but if she was really THAT popular.
"Well, we usually don't pay nearly as much for follow-on films."
"But, if she's really selling a lot..."
"Yes she is," Joe admitted.
"Ten thousand."
Joe was shocked. He expected Joan to name a high price but this was way out there.
"Well,..I don't know...that's a lot of money."
"If she's that good..."
There was a pause on the other side. "I'll tell you what. Ten thousand but no royalties."
Joan was silent.
"And we'll actually make two films, one right after the other."
"Yeah, we'll make one like the last but also I want her to do a blow job."
"She's seen that," Joan said.
"I mean she swallows and all."
"I'll have to talk to her about it...she's seen movies but..." there was quiet on the line. "It has to be Charlie."
"Oh yeah, Charlie'll be there."
"In cash."
"Of course." The deal was made.
"When do you want us?" Joan asked.
"What about this evening? What time does she get out of school?"
"Three, but we couldn't be down there before six...traffic and all."
"Sure, I'll have some pizza." Joe said. "What kind does she like?"
"Pineapple and Canadian bacon."
"Pineapple and Canadian bacon it'll be." Joe said.
Joan waited outside the school on 9th Street, right next to the telephone box in the parkway. Her phone chimed for a text message.
"Check e-mail-training film for Sara. -Joe"
There was a swarm of little ones coming out of the school and crossing the street. School busses filled the drive, more sat on the street. Traffic always came to a standstill at dismissal time.
As she watched them crossing, all the kids going home to their own lives, Joan, with a stab of guilt, wondered how many of the little girls had porn films on the web. Then she saw Sara, carrying her backpack from one of its straps, not on her shoulders. The little girl was dressed in a lime green shirt and jeans, pink sneakers on her feet. She was walking with another girl, a slip of an oriental child, just as tall as Sara but probably 15 pounds lighter. When Sara saw her mother she said something to the other child, then broke into a run.
"Hi dear, how was school?"
As they pulled into the street and passed the other girl, Sara waved.
"Who's she?"
"Ming, she's in my reading group."
Joan negotiated her way around a double parked SUV and was waved on by the crossing guard. She was unsure how to bring up making another movie.
"What are we doing tonight Mommy?" Sara asked.
Joan paused. "Well, I need to talk to you about that." She paused again. "Mr. Johnson called today and he wants to see us tonight."
"Are we going to his house?"
"No, at his office, where we were before."
The little girl looked at her mother for a long time. "Will Charlie be there?"
"Yes honey, if you want to go."
"They'll make another movie?"
"Yes...but we'll go only if you want to."
The little girl was quiet for a few moments, looking out the window. When they stopped at a light she turned back to her mom. "Will it hurt this time, will he make me bleed?"
"No, honey, that only happens the first time."
"I was kind of scared at first, it hurt some but then it was OK."
"Well, when we get home you have to run right off to the bath. Then I'll find you some real sexy cloths and we'll go, OK?"
As soon as they were in the house, Sara ran off to the bathroom and Joan could hear the water running in the pipes. She had stopped on the way to pick up her daughter and bought two thong underwear for her. She had also checked to be sure that the girl still had the white 'Under Armour' shirt and some very short shorts. This, with her pink Reeboks would make a great outfit.
Sixty-five in bumper-to-bumper traffic but Charlie still answered the phone when he saw who it was.
"Yeah Joe."
"What ya doing tonight?"
"Hopefully dipping my wick in some preteen split-tail."
"Sara Brogan?"
"Cool! Gettin a woody just thinking of her."
"We're going to teach her how to swallow tonight."
Joe reached down and pushed on his swelling cock. "Can't wait. What time?"
"They'll be here around six."
"Cool, I'll be along."
"Oh, and Charlie," Joe added before ringing off, "I'm going to do her too, but in a second shoot."
"Sounds great, as long as I get to watch."
"Watch hell, you need to run the camera."
"OK," Charlie said. "See you then."
A wave of frustration washed over the ex-Marine as traffic slowed. What the fuck use was it to drive a car that could do 180 if you were always sitting in a fucking LA traffic jam? He banged the wheel after downshifting to 2nd-fucking 30 in a 65 zone.
Charlie was a small man, that's what made him so perfect for the job of making fuck flicks with little girls. He had barely reached the 5'3" requirement to get into the corps. Now that he was out he stayed in really good shape. He could bench over 250, a little less than twice his weight, and dead lift 350. He had clear, almost boyish features with crew-cut blond hair. All of his parts were proportional to his height-maybe a disappointment to some women but, again, just right for the little ones he made money on the side with.
While Sara splashed around in the tub, Joan downloaded the film clip and opened it. It was really quite short, only a few minutes. Joan really hadn't watched much porn in her life but she wasn't at all surprised. It was a compilation of women giving blow jobs. They all ended the same way, with the guy cumming in the girls mouth-not jerking off on her face, mouth open, but blowing mid suck, his white goo running out of her mouth and down his shaft. In a few the girl licked semen off his dick, other times she'd gather up the sticky from around her lips and chin, then slide it back in her mouth. But, in every case she'd show off the white on her tongue, then close her mouth and swallow.
The Santa Anna had been stop and go but the Costa Mesa Freeway was moving well. It was quiet in the car with the windows rolled up and the A/C on.
"What's it like, I mean, when he...does that in your mouth?"
Joan looked at her little girl. Her nipples were barely visible through the thin fabric of her skin tight top.
"It's sort of gooey, like thick gravy."
"Does it taste bad?"
"Well, it doesn't taste all that good, kind of salty, hard to describe."
The girl turned and looked out the window.
"You don't have to if you don't want to."
"No, that's all right. I know we need the money."
Joan concentrated on her driving, trying not to think about what she was doing to her little girl. She decided that this would be the last time. The five grand from the first time had saved the house and gotten a couple of bill collectors off her ass. This movie, however, would get her almost out of debt. After this, she'd maybe be able to live on the unemployment. Then she remembered the mortgage payment-not quite. It'd win them, maybe, four months, then they'd be threatening foreclosure again. She just had to get another job.
"Joe's got pizza for us there."
"Oh," Sara said, not sounding too enthusiastic.
"It won't hurt this time, there won't be any blood or anything."
"I know, just like in the movies. I'm just not sure about getting that stuff in my mouth. You know, maybe he'll pee or something. That would be gross."
"Men don't pee when they're hard like that." It was quiet in the car again.
"Did Daddy do that in your mouth?"
Joan was a little startled by the sudden question. "Sometimes, when I was in the mood."
Now Joan began to wonder. Joe said there would be two films. Was Charlie really that much of a man?
"Joe said they are going to make two movies."
"Yeah," Joan explained. "One's going to be like the last time, then the other's going to be when he does know."
"Which first?"
"Well, I really don't know. My guess is that we'll do one, then eat, then the other. It takes a guy a little while to recover."
They pulled off the freeway and made their way to the office on surface streets. There weren't many cars in the parking lot but Charlie's Porsche was there. They held hands as they went through the lobby to the stairs.
"Ah, they're here," Joe said as he went to the door of the office suit.
"Cool." Charlie stood up to meet them.
"Hi Joe...Charlie..." Joan nodded as they came in.
"Hi, Joan," Joe said. "It's great to see you again Sara."
Charlie walked up to the little girl. "Hi sweetheart," he said as he took her hand. "How ya doing?"
"I've missed you," he said to the child. "I've been thinking about you a lot." (His dick was already swelling at the thoughts.)
"Is Sally here?" Joan asked.
"No," Joe responded, "It's just Charlie and me."
Joan had an uncomfortable look cross her face. "Oh, I just thought..."
Joe saw the problem. "Hey, I really hadn't thought of it but getting some stills would be great too. Let me call her."
Charlie, Joan and Sara made small talk as Joe called. He put the phone down. "It'll take her about 20 minutes to get here, why don't we have some pizza?"
The four sat around a table in the studio and ate. Joe and Charlie each had a beer while Sara drank Coke and Joan finished off two screwdrivers out of the mini bar. The bed was now made with light blue sheets and a grey blanket-the lights were still around it. Joan was a little distracted, not really following the conversation as the two men asked Sara about school and her favorite TV shows and things like that. Joan sat and wondered how many little girls had lost their virginity in that bed, who the last child to be violated and how long ago...yesterday?....the day before?....two hours ago? She got up and went to the fridge, retrieving the last small bottle of vodka and another can of orange juice.
Sally came through the door.
"Hi everyone! Hi Sara!"
There were greetings all around. "Do you want some pizza?" Joe asked, turning one of the boxes toward the newcomer.
"No, I just ate. I was enjoying a Lean Cuisine in front of the tube when you called."
"Well, Sara here's decided to make another film with Charlie."
"Great," Sally said, tuning to the little girl. "First one was so much fun, want to do it again?"
"I guess so..." Sara responded with a shrug.
"Did you're mom show you some movies this afternoon?" Joe asked.
"Then you know what we want you to do."
"Uh huh."
"Just do what Charlie and I say and things'll be really great."
There was a pause and Charlie reached across for another piece of pizza. Joe looked at Joan. "Do you want to get the paper work now-standard contract, like before."
"We'll be right back," Joe said looking around. "Sally, why don't you put a little makeup on Sara."
Now in the office, Joe had the paperwork ready.
"It's all right here?" Joan asked as she thumbed through the five sheets of legalize. She noted the "$10,000.00" filled in a blank area and "paid in cash" elsewhere.
Joe pulled a cash box out of his desk drawer and opened it. Inside there were four bundles of new 100 dollar bills, each with a wrapper that read "$2500" on it. Joan's eyes lit up when she saw the cash.
"Payment in full...actually it's the same as before, five-thousand except that this time we're doing two films. Oh, yeah, and...this time I'm going to be in the second."
"You?" Joan was surprised. "I thought it'd be Charlie."
Joe smiled kind of sheepishly. "You really think Charlie's that much of a man? Anyway, how could I pass up the opportunity..."
"Sara doesn't know."
"She'll be alright with it."
"I guess so." Joan wasn't sure what to think. Now her little girl was going to be doing it with two different guys...what was she doing to her daughter...? She put the thought out of her mind, then picked up the pen and signed.
"I have one more question," Joe started. "Have you ever noticed...does Sara ever play with herself?"
Joan was a little taken aback. "Well...I guess almost all kids do," she paused. "Actually, I guess, now that I think about it, a couple of times last week she was...well...restless after I put her to bed. I suppose...once, when I went in to check on her she was kind of sweaty...maybe...yes...I think she was masturbating under the covers."
"Do you think she'd be willing to play with herself some for us?"
"Maybe, do you want me to talk to her about it?"
"That would be great."
"How's it going, are we ready to get started?" Joe said as he and Joan came into the studio.
Sally looked up from where she was applying the last touches to some eye makeup on Sara. Charlie had just finished loading new disks and memory sticks into the cameras and testing the lights.
"Are you ready to go, honey?" Sally said to the second grader.
"Ok" she responded in a small voice.
"Great," Joe said. "Sara, you go over and sit on the bed."
"Everything's set, Joe," Charlie said, bringing him a hand-held camcorder.
Joan went over and sat down next to her daughter while the men talked quietly to each other.
"Honey, are you alright?"
"Sure," the girl shrugged.
"There are a couple of things different today," Joan put her hand on the girl's shoulder. "First, you know what you're going to do with Charlie, right?"
"Yes...he's going to...shoot...his stuff in my mouth."
"Yeah, and he'll probably want to put it inside know...down there... before that too. Just follow his directions and everything will be great."
They were silent for a moment. "And then, well, Joe is going to do it with you too."
The little girl looked up at the men where they were talking. Joe looked at her and winked.
"You mean, in my mouth?" The little girl looked concerned.
"No, well, maybe he'll want you to suck on him some at first but, no, he's going to put it in your vagina and cum there-like Charlie did last week."
The girl nodded absently. "Ok."
"Also, they want you to do something else. You know how, if you rub yourself between your legs, sometimes it feels real good? We've talked about it before, remember? You know it's perfectly Ok to do that."
Sara nodded again, slowly.
"Well, they're going to ask you to do that some for them, they want to film you doing that."
"Mommmmy...." Sara shifted uncomfortably... "that's private..."
"I know but...some guys think it's really sexy too."
She let the conversation drop because Joe and Charlie were walking over.
"Well, honey, are you ready to get started?"
Sara looked up at the man, then at her mother, then back. "Yeah, I'm ready," she said in a quiet voice.
"Great," Joe said.
Joan leaned over and hugged her little girl, then kissed the top of her head. "I'll be right here honey," she said. Then she stood up and walked to a chair next to one of the lights. "Just do what Joe says."
Joe lifted the camera; the lights came up bright when he pulled the trigger.
"Ok, honey, slide back on the bed."
Sara did as he asked, scooting her bum back, then reclined back on the pillows.
"So, Sara, we're going to make a movie tonight, right?" Joe said.
"Do you like making movies like this?"
For a moment, Sara wasn't sure what to say but she looked over at her mother and saw her nodding. She turned back and smiled and nodded.
"You know, you're really sexy." Joe said.
Sara again didn't know what to say. "Well...thank you," she said.
"That's a really sexy top you've got on. I can almost see your nipples through it."
Sara looked down at her chest, then back up.
"Where did you get it?"
"Mommy bought it, she gave it to me."
"Have you worn it to school?"
Sara began to laugh. "We can't wear things like this to school, it'd be against the dress code."
"I'll bet," Joe said. He panned the camera up and down the eight year old.
"Why don't you show me one of your nipples?"
Sara giggled a little, then pulled one side of her shirt up. The fabric stretched up across her torso as she uncovered her right nipple. Joe zoomed in on the tiny, smaller than a dime, colored patch on the child's totally flat chest.
"Awe, that's awesome," Joe said. "Now, your mother told me she bought you some really cute new undies. Is that right?"
"Yeah, their really tiny and only have a string up the back."
"What color are they?"
"Can you pull your pants down just a little and show us?"
The child hooked her thumbs under the waist band of her shorts and pulled the front down some, showing her royal blue nylon thong that was not more than two inches wide at the top.
"Wooowww, those are soooo sexy." Joe zoomed in on the tiny fabric covering. "You say they're only strings in back? Why don't you roll over and show us."
Sara giggled again and rolled to her left onto her stomach. Then she stuck her butt up and worked the shorts down in back, half uncovering her smooth rounded orbs. Across the top was the blue shoe string of the waist strap and another was attached, then traced down to disappear into the little girl's ass crack.
"Honey, lift up on your knees and slowly pull your shorts down."
The child lifted her ass into the air, her shoulders and face pushing into the mattress. She worked the shorts down further around her butt, then pulled them down along her thighs to were they bunched against the back of her knees. Joe stooped down so he could get a clear view up between her legs. The second grader's clam was barely covered by the thin blue nylon-the shape of her mons and an indentation along her crack clearly outlined.
Joe's stomach was churning and he could feel his cock straining against the zipper of his pants. Charlie was being less subtle-he was rubbing his cock through the nylon gym shorts he was wearing. What Sally was thinking couldn't be guessed as she concentrated on the still camera, this time taking pictures with no flash. As for Joan, she was actually a little amused by the site of her eight year old making these two guys so obviously horny.
"Ok Sara, that's great. Now roll back on your back and let me see what those undies look like from the front."
The girl fell to the side, then with a big smile stretched out her legs and threw her arms straight over her head. "See!"
The thong was still in place, her shirt pulled up uncovering her midriff and her shorts down around her knees.
"Holy fuck! I'm about to jiz right here," Charlie muttered under his breath.
"Awesome," Joe said. "Now, I want you to real slow-like pull your shirt off."
The little girl sat up and, still smiling at the camera, hooked her thumbs under the hem of her skin-tight shirt and slowly raised it. When it was up, uncovering most of her chest, her thumbs at her arm pits, she looked at the camera with a sultry smile and sort of rocked her shoulders, toying with anyone watching.
Joan was shocked...where the hell had her little girl learned that! All she could guess was that it must be innate knowledge. She recalled when she was in Junior High at a sleep-over and the girls got into a strip tease contest. She was only 12 at the time, and had never seen such a thing, (they only undressed down to their panties and bra) but still won the prize of a Hershey bar.
Sara pulled the shirt up and off, pulling her hair free and shaking it out.
"That's great, now lay back." She did. "Now, really slowly, start pushing your thong down."
Sara started pulling at the strings were they crossed her hip bones. Her skin across her belly and chest was a wonderful translucent white, her thighs, arms, neck, and face just a shade darker. The string hung up slightly at the rise of her sex but then slipped, uncovering just the top of her slit. She had to raise her hips and pull on the strings behind her, pulling them down between her butt and the mattress, but the string down her crack held up, not letting her get the waist string as far down as she wanted. Still, the small triangle of fabric worked its way down, uncovering more of her smooth pussy. Joe moved in to get an extreme close-up of the completely hairless lips with just the hint of her clit ridge pushing out from between them.
Sara lifted up and twisted to the side, reaching behind herself to pull the string out of her ass crack. Joe had the camera in extreme close-up and lost the framing. He had to stand back up and zoom back to get a complete view of the child working the thong down to her knees. Then she sat up and worked it and her shorts down her legs and free of her feet.
"Here Mommy," she said, holding the discarded clothing out for Joan. Joe panned around and got just a glimpse of Joan taking the shorts and thong. He'd have to decide later if he wanted a shot of Sara's mother in the movie.
(He actually left it in the final cut. After discussing it with Charlie and a couple of friends it was decided that the idea of a little girl's mother sitting, watching her eight year old daughter fuck and suck two guys was simply too hot to pass up. Anyway, as things turned out, this wasn't the only time Joan would be in the film.)
Sara lay back down, reclining against the pillows. "See, now I'm nakkie, just like you like Charlie."
"Oh, you bet."
"Honey," Joe started. "Do you remember what your mommy talked to you about just before the movie?"
She got a serious look on her face, then looked at her mother, then back. "You mean you want me to rub myself?"
"That would be really cool," Joe said.
Sara looked down at herself, then tentatively ran her hand between her legs, pressing her fingertips against her sex. "I usually lay on my belly when I do that."
"Ok, dear," Joe responded.
She looked up at her mother with a questioning face.
"It's alright hun," Joan said.
The little girl looked back at the camera, a nervous expression on her face. Then she slowly rose up and rolled onto her hands and knees; then lay down on her stomach, her legs spread slightly apart, her arms underneath.
Joe stooped down so he could see up between the child's legs. Two of her fingers were on her pussy. She started moving them back and forth, then from side to side. After a minute she bent her knees and started swinging her feet around in the air. She lifted her head and turned it facing her mother, then turned back. The movement of her fingers became faster and more deliberate as she started to wiggle her butt back and forth and push her pussy against her hands. This went on for almost two minutes before she stopped and lifted up slightly, puller her knees farther apart and bending her knees so her ass was lifted some into the air. She kept up the fingering of her cunt as her breathing became faster and she moved more. She started to hump her puss against her hands and lifted her head slightly; panting, then she caught her breath and tensed up her entire body. She held her fingers still, pushed between the thick lips of her crotch. Then she moved her fingers again, side to side and had another orgasm, this time quietly grunting.
Her body relaxed, she straightened her legs and cleared her throat. Her shoulders were slightly shiny with sweat; there were a few beads in the small of her back. She lay, relaxed, panting.
"This is too much, I got to join in," Charlie whispered, rubbing the bulge in his crotch.
Sara lay for about half a minute with her eyes close, then they fluttered open. She slowly rolled over and let her arms flop out to her sides. She looked up at Joe.
"Was that good?" he asked.
Sara took a deep breath, "Yeah..." she said dreamily.
"Are you ready for more?"
The child lifted herself up on her arms and pulled her knees up. She slowly moved her head back and forth, as if trying to clear her mind. She looked back up at Joe, squinting into the lights. "I guess so."
"Come here and sit on the end of the bed," Charlie said.
Sara paused, then slowly moved forward to the edge. Charlie stepped up in front of her, his straining cock at eye level. Joe moved around to the side.
"Ok, honey, pull Charlie's shirt off."
Sara pulled up at the shirt tail as Charlie raised his arms over his head. She had to stand up to get it over his head and Charlie pulled it free of his arms, then dropped it behind him. Sara plopped back down, sitting on the bed.
"Now his shorts."
The girl looked up at Charlie with a smile as she grabbed the sides of his gym shorts and pulled them down. His dick sprang free, sticking straight out its full five inches, staring the eight year old in the face.
Sara's face went from surprise to shock to fear. The hard shaft of Charlie's cock bounced slightly with his pulse, already a small, clear droplet of precum was oozing from his pee-hole. Sara looked at her mother, her eyes wide.
"Go ahead, honey," Joan said, nodding slightly, "they don't bite."
Again Sara looked straight at Charlie's dick, her head pulled back slightly. Then she leaned forward and just put the tip against her lips. She moved it in and out, just a bit of the tip of his cock, then she pulled away, looking at it. A string of precum goo stretched out between them.
"Come on, dear," Joan said again, "open your mouth and suck on him."
She turned and looked at her mom, the string broke and fell down across her chin. She reached up and wiped it off, then looked at her hand, then turned and took all of Charlie's dick head in her mouth.
"Oh fuck," Charlie moaned while Sara began to move him in and out like she'd seen in the movies.
The feeling of the little girl's mouth wrapped around his cock head, her lips closed around the shaft, the soft roughness of her tongue on the super-sensitive rounded glans on the bottom of the head made his prostate shiver.
Sara pulled back, again a long string of clear goo strung out from her mouth to his dick.
"That's just his pre-cum, dear," Joan said, "just keep sucking."
The second grader pushed his cock back onto her mouth, this time to the back of her throat, taking about half of him. She started bobbing back and forth, like she'd seen in the movies. Charlie put his hands on top of the child's head, directing her as he started to gently hump into her face. Charlie looked down into the child's half closed eyes and brushed some of her hair back, better to see his shaft disappearing in her mouth.
Joe moved around to the side, then lifted the camera up. Charlie leaned back so Joe could hold the camera where he would normally be. "Look into the camera, dear," Joe said. Sara's eyes fluttered open, her mouth wrapped around cock. Joe had the viewfinder positioned so he could see the action. "Oh, that's awesome," he said to the girl. He moved back around to the side.
Charlie pulled back, taking his dick out of the girl's mouth. "Do you like sucking my cock?" he asked.
For a moment Sara looked a bit confused, not knowing what to answer. Then she broke into a big grin and nodded.
"Take his shaft and lick it," Joan said from the side. Joe and Charlie looked at her in surprise. Then Joe looked back at Sara.
"Why don't you do that?"
Sara reached up and tentatively grasped Charlie's rod. She looked up questioningly.
"It's alright hun," Charlie said. "I'd like that a lot."
She lifted his rod up and then ran her tongue along it.
"That's right, just like a popsicle," Joan said, encouraging her daughter along.
The child ran her tongue along the length a few times, concentrating on the head.
"Lick his balls too," Joan said.
Both men and Sally looked at her with shock.
"In for a pinch,..." Joan shrugged, "in for a pound."
Just prior to the girls arriving, Charlie had taken a shower and carefully shaved his pubes and his nuts. He was as hairless as a boy Sara's age-little girls found that a lot less intimidating. Maybe it was innate-be just like the boys she might play doctor with.
Sara looked at her mother, then, still looking at her, went lower and ran her tongue along his right sack.
"Be really careful honey," Joan said, "and suck on one."
The girl looked at the wrinkly rounded double sack with the almond size testicles making noticeable lumps inside. She opened her mouth wide and gently took one in while holding his cock against his belly.
"Oh Ggggoooodddd...." Charlie moaned at the feeling of the eight year old gently swishing his right nut around in her mouth.
Joe looked up at Charlie. "Don't cum yet," he said.
She let go of his right nut and licked the length of his dick. Then she returned and started sucking the left.
"Stroke him too, dear," Joan coached.
The girl started to run her hand up and down, his cock in her fist. After a few seconds she dropped his nuts, pulled his dick down and shoved it into her mouth, taking the head into the back of her throat.
After another minute of having his cock sucked, Charlie reached down and pulled the little girl off of him. "That's wonderful dear, but we're getting a little too far along," he panted. Charlie stepped back. "Now, lay back on the bed."
Sara sank back onto her elbows as Charlie dropped to his knees at the foot of the bed. "Do you know what we're going to do now?" he asked.
"Nnnnooo," Sara said.
"I'm going to return the favor," he said.
She looked at her mother.
"He's going to go down on you dear. You know, lick you down there."
Sara smiled at Charlie and spread her legs more. "OK."
Charlie leaned down and started licking the child's hairless slit. He pushed his tongue between the lips and along her clit. Sara looked up at her mother and smiled nervously. Then she looked down at Charlie. She reached down and put her hand on his cheek. Then she put the other hand on his face and started to direct his movements along her cunt. After a minute or so, Sara began to lose focus, she looked up with her eyes half closed and her breathing became deeper. Then she started to hump up into Charlie's face and her face began to flush.
As her breathing deepened she began to quietly moan, now grasping the sheets with each hand, bunching them in her fists. Her humping became more automatic, working to meet the movements of Charlie's tongue. She lifted her feet off the floor. Her knees hovering in mid air as her entire body began to rock.
Charlie reached down and started stroking his already achingly hard cock. Even though he could feel the little girl building toward orgasm, he had to keep his professional detachment, concentrate on what to do next. Her child cunt was moist but not wet, not like a woman would be as she moved up toward climax.
He reached out and waved, then pointed at his cock.
The feeling of Sally's hand on his cock, spreading lubricant on his member, almost put him over the top, especially since at just the same moment Sara caught her breath and shoved her cunt into Charlie's mouth.
Charlie just rode it, keeping with the little girl as she rode the wave of her preteen orgasm. She gasped and shivered, her hips uncontrollably thrusting into his face. She turned her head to the side, eyes closed, mouth open, gasping for air.
Joan was fascinated to watch her child's face as she came-flushed pink, looking almost like she was in pain-making small grunts. Also, a part of her was shocked to see this, shocked to think that she was enjoying the site of her little girl being molested by a strange man.
As the wave passed, Sara opened her eyes and looked at her mom. For a moment, when their eyes met, Joan didn't know what to do. Then she smiled and gave a little nod. Sara smiled to and closed her eyes. Somehow a message had passed between them-what it was Joan didn't really know but she did know that her little girl wasn't a true child anymore.
Charlie lifted up, surveying the naked girl in front of him, her pussy lips shining with his spit and her own little girl juices. She was still panting, coming down from her heights. He pulled her down so her ass was right on the edge of the bed.
Joan leaned forward for a better look as Joe moved to film from above. Sara still had her eyes closed, she was far away when she felt the head of Charlie's cock against her pussy.
A stab of fear went through her. The last time he had done this it had hurt. She tried to pull away but Charlie held her hips and then pushed. With a shock, Sara realized that he had pushed inside her. It didn't hurt-she felt him sliding deep, filling her.
Joe had caught the whole thing-Charlie positioning his cock against the little girl's crack and her look of fear as she tried to pull away. Then Charlie holding her by the hips and pushing, her lips spreading to accept his dick, the head and then shaft sliding inside the girl until more than half of him was inside her, his piss hole against the nub of the little girl's cervix.
He lifted her knees, pushing them up until they were against her shoulders. Sara looked over at her mom as she was rocking up and down with Charlie's thrusts. This was the second time Joan had watched her little girl being fucked by a man old enough to be her father. This time she wasn't as shocked by the sight, she actually was kind of enjoying watching her daughter having sex with the man. Partially this was because of the shear outrageousness of the situation but it was also because she knew that her little girl was experiencing truly awesome sex. She could see that Charlie was VERY good at what he did, that he made her little girl feel comfortable and loved, then took her up to ecstasy.
The cum was really building in Charlie and he knew that soon he would lose control and he'd just have to blow. Watching the eight year old rocking back and forth with his thrusts as his dick slid in and out of her little hairless slit was enough to make any guy blow his nuts. The pressure was just too much, the time had come to move.
Charlie lifted up, pulling out of the little girl, and he stood up.
"It's time honey," he said. He picked the child up as he stood up, holding her under the arms and out in front of him. His muscles bulged-a testament to the kind of shape he was in to hold a 55 pound girl out in front of him, almost at arm's length. She was a bit like a rag-doll as he stepped onto the bed and walked, his swaying dick batting at the eight year old's thighs. He sank down onto his knees, then lay her out, her head on some pillows. Charlie shuffled forward until his knees were in her arm pits. He directed his cock to her lips.
Sara opened her mouth and took him. Her eyes flew open with surprise. Before his dick had just had a little bit of musky taste but now it tasted like strawberries. It seemed like it was smeared with strawberry jam. She didn't know at all about the lube that Sally had put on Charlie's cock-strawberry flavored.
Charlie now had the child's head pinned between his cock and the pillows. He started humping into her mouth, sliding his shaft in and out, each time pushing it just a fraction of an inch deeper into the girl's face. Sara's surprise at the taste now started to be replaced by some concern as she looked up at him while he bore down on her, pushing deeper and deeper.
He began to hit the back of her throat, making her gag a little. She squirmed and waved her hand.
"Back off a little," Joe said. "Don't hurt her."
Charlie relaxed his hips some, giving the girl some breathing room.
Joe continued filming as Charlie humped his cock in and out of the grade schooler's face. He was really building; the pressure was becoming intolerable as he went onto automatic, no longer in control of his movements. Again he started shoving deep. Sara tried to push herself away, lifting her legs and pushing against the mattress. She tried to turn her head but Charlie held it, keeping facing him.
"Oooo, oooo, ooo, here it comes girl," Charlie breathlessly said.
Joan was about to tell him to stop when Charlie grunted, his ass tight, his thighs shivering. His cock exploded in her mouth. There was no way she could have held or swallowed all the sperm even if she had wanted to. His goo filled her mouth, some shooting down her throat, more overflowing around her lips and running down her chin. Charlie pulled back, then shoved again and another huge wad of cum filled her mouth, some even pushing up into her sinus. For eight or ten strokes, Charlie pumped cum into the girl's face, each time grunting. Wave after wave of white sperm ran down her chin to drop onto her throat, then run down the side around her neck.
Joan had never dreamed that a guy could shoot so much jez as her baby girl was taking in her mouth right now. She was festinated, repulsed, awed and amused all at the same time. Sara didn't know what to think. Charlie was shivering and groaning above her, a wild look on his face as he kept shooting his sticky slimy stuff in her mouth. She looked at the camera, she couldn't see Joe's face, only the inhuman lens watching it all. She turned to look at her mother but couldn't read her expression. She looked up at Charlie and saw the ecstatic tension in his face. Even as more goo shot in her mouth she began to think he looked funny.
Then Charlie started to slow down. His cock was no longer twitching and spewing. He seemed to be sinking back, not pushing so hard into her throat that it made her gag. Now she began to taste his cum-salty, sweaty, gooey stuff filling her mouth, warm down her chin and slipping down her neck.
Charlie sank back, pulling his dick away. It made a gooey trail of slime down the little girl's flat chest, down the middle of her breast bone between her nipples.
"Oh God, that was incredible," Charlie said between pants.
"Show us your mouth, dear," Joe said as he zoomed in on the child's cum covered face.
Sara opened her mouth-now smiling, almost laughing at the sight of Charlie's face. Her mouth was full of white slime, a sheet stretched between some of her teeth and her lips. Her tongue seemed to be floating in a pool of sperm.
"Ok, swallow."
Sara closed her mouth and swallowed. Then she sucked in through her nose, pulling the sperm that had shot up into her sinuses into her mouth. She swallowed that too, like swallowing a big load of snot. Again she opened her mouth, again smiling.
Joan picked up a towel that was laying on a bed stand and started wiping the cum off her daughters face and neck. "Here honey," she said, "we can clean you up some now." She could smell the semen that covered her daughter. She leaned down and kissed her-her breath smelled of cum.
Joe filmed her as she wiped the sperm off of her daughters face, neck and chest. Charlie was still kneeling across her, a small pool of clear goo dripping out of his cock on to her upper stomach.
"That's enough Charlie," Joan said. "You can let my little girl up now."
"Oh,...OK," Charlie said, coming back to reality. He lifted up and climbed off the child, then looked down at her, cum still dripping out of his deflating cock.
"Was that OK, Sara?" he asked.
She looked up at him from where she was concentrating on wiping her face. "You pushed kind of hard; that hurt me."
"I'm sorry."
She smiled. "That's OK." She looked at her mother. "Mommy, there was a awful lot of it."
Joan looked across the bed at Charlie. "Yes there was," she smiled.
Joe put the camera down. "OK, let's take a break for a few."
Charlie picked up his shorts where they had been discarded on the floor and started to pull them on.
Sara crawled off the bed and went around it were her clothes were.
"Why don't you stay naked, hun," Joan said to the surprised looks of the men. "You're just going to have to take them off again."
Sara looked down a little uncomfortably. "Ok," she said in a small voice, dropping the thong underwear where her mom had left it. "Can I have something to drink?" she asked.
"Whatever you want, dear," Joe said, walking to the fridge.
"Can I have another Coke?"
Joe took a can out. He opened it as he walked back to the bed where the girl was standing. She sat back down on the bed and took a long drink. "I can still taste his stuff," she said to no one in particular.
Joan sat down and put her arm around her. "What's best is a big swig of bourbon to get the taste out of your mouth."
"I can arrange that," Joe said and he went back to the fridge. "If it's alright with you, Joan," he looked across at her.
"Ahhh...yeah...sure," She responded. Hell, she was allowing these guys to fuck her daughter-talked her into swallowing their spunk-a little liquor couldn't make the situation any worse.
Joe came back over, pouring a small shot bottle of Jack into a cup. "Here, honey, just drink this in one big gulp."
Sara took the plastic cup and looked down at the amber liquid. She sniffed it, then pulled it away from her face, her eyes squeezed shut.
"On big gulp," Joan said.
Sara looked at her mother with a brooding expression, then down at the glass. She looked back at her mom and raised the glass. Joan reached out and, with one hand on the back of the little girl's neck, she tipped the cup into her mouth. Sara closed her mouth and swallowed, some of the bourbon ran out of the sides of her mouth and dribbled down on her chest.
"HHhhhhaaaaaaaaa...." she straightened up, gasping for breath. Her eyes were watering, she shook her head and then coughed. "Agh, agh, agh..." she stumbled, her hand on her chest, leaning forward. Then she drew in a huge breath. "Oh...god..." she gasped. "It burns."
"It'll pass," Joan said, gently slapping her on the back, "but you don't taste his cum anymore, right?"
Sara looked up at Joan, her eyes still wet. "I guess not." She looked around again, shaking her head, "Can I have that Coke now?"
"Sure," Joe said, handing her the can.
"Can I have one of those?" Joan asked, looked at the empty bottle in Joe's hand.
Joe went to the fridge and retrieved another shot bottle of Jack. When he gave it to Joan she twisted the top off and drank it off.
"Oh yeah!" she said breathlessly.
"Hey! Why don't we watch the movie?" Charlie called. He had just removed the disk from the camcorder and was holding it.
"Sure," Joe said, "put it on the big screen."
"Here, I'll set it up," Sally extended her hand and Charlie gave her the disc. She went to a DVD player that was set up near the door. She picked up a remote control and pointed it. First a 72 inch TV mounted on the wall came on, then she put the disk in the player and walked back toward the bed, sitting down on one of the chairs. She pointed the remote again and "PLAY" appeared in green letters on the screen. Then a shaky image of the bed and Sara appeared.
"Ok honey, slide back on the bed," Joe's voice could be heard on the speakers.
Sara moved back, sliding her butt along the bed until she was reclining on the pillows at the head.
Joan moved swung her legs up on the bed and sat next to her daughter. Sara was in the same place now that she had been when the movie started-except that now she was naked and her hair was a bit of a mess. She was also beginning to feel the effects of the whiskey she had drunk. Her mother put her arm around her daughter and looked down at her.
Joan could see that her little girl was...well...a little girl. Her chest was completely flat, a single plain down to her belly. Her she had her thighs together so her sex was hidden from view. Joan looked at her face, wondering what she was thinking.
On the screen, Sara was pulling up her shirt tail, showing Joe one of her mosquito bite nipples. The image zoomed in, blowing up the tiny pointed areola ludicrously. Joan looked down at her daughter's nipple. Without thinking, she reached out and ran her finger over the tiny point.
Sara looked up at her mother with shock, just as the same shock ran through Joan.
'What the hell am I thinking?!' went through Joan's mind.
She pulled her hand away, overcome with emotions. She couldn't believe that she had, just barely, molested her own daughter. Still (and to her even greater shock) she didn't feel overwhelmed with remorse. Her head felt light with the drinks she'd had. She smiled and leaned down to kiss her little girl. As she did her hand found its way back to her child's breast.
Sara was really feeling the shot of bourbon she'd chugged (on a mostly empty stomach). She felt a little dizzy and her nose was numb. Then again, her mother's light touch on her nipple seemed to be transmitted across her chest and down into her stomach.
Joan felt her daughter suddenly relax. She breathed out as she gave over to the feelings-the tightness in her stomach, a warmth and sensitiveness between her legs.
As the Sara on screen was working her pants down over her knees, showing him her blue thong, Joe was blown away by the site of the little girl and her mother making out on the bed. He looked over at Charlie to make sure he hand the camera rolling.
Joan's hand moved down to the top of the girl's right thigh. She pushed her hand forward and down between. Sara pulled her left leg up, then straightened it out, spreading her thighs for her mother's hand.
The soft, smooth skin was both new and familiar to Joan. She had, of course, many times touched Sara there when she was a baby, even as a toddler in the bath, but she had forgotten about it. Her mind was on a different thought-she knew the feeling of herself, the feeling of her sex under the soft hair-now she thought back to when she was a little girl.
She hadn't thought of it for years, laying in her bed in the morning when she was probably eight or ten, the sun streaming in through an open window, a warm breeze moving the curtains. She was naked, her nightgown and panties on the floor, the covers were pushed down by her feet. The warm puffs of air from the window felt wonderful as they passed up her body, the sun warm on her skin.
She reached down and felt along her slit, she pulled the lips open to feel the sun and air on herself, letting one of her legs fall off the side of the bed. That was the only time that she could remember masturbating when she was a little girl-but she knew that she did often. That time, laying open to the sun and the breeze, she remembered having an especially intense experience, pulling her legs up in the air and lifting her head and shoulders as she curled up, shuddering and shaking as the waves passed over her. She had lay back down, now being cooled by her sweat, and dozed off with one of her fingers deep inside her. In her sleep she had moved and woke up to a sharp pain as she pulled on herself. A sound had woken her. She rolled onto her side to see a glimpse of her father closing her door. She was afraid he'd be mad at her but he never mentioned what he had seen.
Now, as Sara was pulling Charlie's shorts down on the screen, his cock jumping out at the second grader's face, Joan was exploring the girl's soft folds with her finger, feeling the warm moistness. She felt the stiffness of her daughter's clit, then moved further down in the folds. Experimentally, Joan pushed at the opening to Sara's vagina. Her fingertip was admitted; she could feel the slippery warmth. She pushed finger in, knowing that her cherry was gone, that the girl's pussy was open. It slipped in.
Joan pulled back, looking at her daughter who had her eyes closed, her mouth open, her lips asking for another kiss. Joan leaned down but wasn't surprised when she felt the little girl's tongue on her lips. As Joan opened her own mouth, touching her daughter's tongue with her own, she pushed her finger in. Around their kiss, Sara cooed as Joan pushed her finger up to the second knuckle, then felt the top. Sara started to hump her pussy against her mother's hand.
On screen, Charlie had his face buried in the little girl's cunt. He was thrashing her slit with his tongue as Sara humped into his face. Joe couldn't believe what he was seeing. Never in his dreams had he imagined something like this. A parent was always present when they made a movie-a couple of times a father had joined in-but never had a mother done an impromptu lesbian scene with her preteen daughter. Almost automatically, Joe stepped out of his shoes, then pulled off his shirt and trousers, freeing his cock.
He had to stroke it, but it was impossibly hard already, straining beyond its normal, large, ten inches.
The two on the bed seemed to be completely oblivious to the rest of the room. Charlie was busy filming, moving from shots of the little girl's cunt being filled with her mother's finger to the little girl's mouth being filled with her tongue. As they watched, Sara began to move more, obviously getting more and more turned on by her mother. Her neck, shoulders, and face became flushed. Meanwhile, Joan began to time her probes of her baby's sex with the panting of the girl, knowing that she was rising. Quite suddenly Sara broke the kiss, lower her head, her eyes closed, her face tense. She grabbed her mother's arm and held it to her as she seemed to be taken over. She started humping more and faster, rocking her entire body so she rubbed against her mother's arm, pushing her hand against herself.
"" the child came, her entire body breaking out in a sweat, her legs spread with her knees bent-frog like, toes pointed. She clung to her mother's arm, still panting, as her orgasm passed. She looked up at her mother and smiled.
"Was that good?" Joan asked, her voice horse.
"MMmmmmmm...yeah," Sara said, now looking out at the room. Her eyes got bigger when she saw Joe's cock.
"Well, come on over here, Joe. It's about you're turn at her," Joan said.
Sara just watched Joe's cock as he walked to the bed. He sat down to Sara's left, opposite her mother, the whole time Sara didn't take her huge eyes off the penis.
Joan took Sara's hand and guided it to the dick. Sara grasped the shaft, then began to stroke up and down. She looked up at Joe.
"Honey, suck it some," Joan said. She pushed down on her daughter's head and Sara leaned to the left, opening her mouth wide and taking the head.
"Ohhhh, god that's great..." Joe moaned as he felt the warm moistness of the preteen's mouth on his tool.
Joan took her hand away, then started fingering Sara's cunt again, digging in her crotch for her slit and clit. Joe put his hand on the eight year old's head, directing her. At the same time, Sara spread her legs for her mother and Joan's finger slipped back inside the girl.
Charlie moved in for a close up of the girl's lips around the cock head, then panned down to see Joan working her second finger into her daughter's hairless pussy, pushing the clean lips apart to accommodate.
Sara loved the feeling of her mother's fingers in her cunt. She felt Joe oozing precum into her mouth, she pulled back and saw a string of goo between her mouth and his dick head. She leaned down again.
The sucking and fingering went on for over three minutes, Sally catching many stills as Charlie began to wonder how long Joe could hold out. He knew just how good a cock sucker this little second grader was and had a pretty good idea that Joe must be really getting ready to blow.
Joe lifted her face, another string of precum between her chin and his dick. "That's enough dear," he said. "I want you to climb up on me now."
Joan pulled her fingers out of her daughter's cunt and helped her stand up, her feet on either side of Joe's hips.
"No, turn around toward the camera," Joe said.
Sara had trouble keeping her balance as she turned, standing over the man's erection.
"Now squat down," Joe said.
Sara looked directly at the camera, then down at Joe's cock. She bent over at the waist, then bent her knees. Joan grabbed Joe, holding his dick pointing straight up as Sara lowered herself.
At first, Joan thought she'd have to spread the little lips but, as she lowered herself, Sara's cunt opened up-a pink flower target. By the time his cock head touched the little girl's pussy it was pulled open.
Just before her cunt enveloped his cock head, another drop of clear precum pumped out of his dick hole. Charlie caught the entire process as the little girl's pussy stretched and opened for the dick. Joe reached forward and cupped the little ass in his hands, then directed her to move up and down on his cock, working just the head in and out.
"Fuck she's tight," he groaned, letting his head lay back on the headboard. He stopped having to direct her as Sara took over, sliding him in and out of her. She arched her back and then fell back on the man's chest, her hand grabbing for her mother for balance.
The little girl was completely spread open, her head back, legs pulled wide apart, chest pushed out. Then she looked down bending forward some, getting a better position to lift and fall using her legs and knees.
This only lasted for half a minute before Joe moaned, "Oh FUCK, I'm gonna cum!" and pulled the child back against him. Charlie zoomed in as Joe's cock surged, a load of sperm making a bulge as it moved up his dick. Joe pulled back, bringing a white line of goo out around the base of his dick head, then shoved back up into the little girl. A stream of jez ran down his cock as he overfilled the preteen cunt. As he humped and shot sperm into the girl, more oozed out, a big drop falling free onto the inside of his thigh. More surges of cum moved up his cock, only to leak out of Sara's cunt and run back down over the balls where they had started.
Joe hugged Sara against him, jamming his dick into her. Sara squirmed and whimpered with some pain as he tried to push deeper into her that she could take.
After a couple more pushes, Joe calmed down, panting and relaxing the bear hug he had been holding the tiny girl with.
"Oh fuck..." he panted, "that was great..."
Joan reached up and moved a sweat stained lock of hair off her daughter's forehead. She looked down at where the man's cock was still deep inside he eight year old daughter's cunt.
"Are you alright, honey?" she asked.
Sara's eyes came back into focus. "Oh yeah," she said in a low voice. Then she pushed, trying to get up. As Joe's cock slipped out of her pussy it stayed stretched open for an instant and more white goo ran out. She stood up. Charlie filmed her reddened pussy lips as more cum ran down the insides of her legs before she turned to her mother.
"I'm alright," she said. Then she bent down and, lifting Joe's face by his chin, kissed him. "That was nice."
The film ended with a shot of her reddened and cum smeared pussy lips peeking out from just below her ass cheeks-there were more streaks of white wetness down the backs of her thighs.
A few minutes later, Sara was soaking in a hot tub while Joan finished off another screwdriver. Just as she finished drinking off the OJ and vodka she remembered that she had a half hour drive home-she'd have to be careful as she wasn't sure she could pass a drunk test.
"The bath feel good?" she asked.
Sara's eyes were drooping. "Oh yeah," she sighed. Then she opened her eyes, fighting sleep.
"If there's a party this weekend, can we go?"
She was referring to a party that they had been invited to at Joe's place after she had finished her first movie.
"Ah, I guess so, dear," Joan said.
The door had been ajar, now it opened. Joe was dressed again, he was holding a large yellow envelop. "Charlie and I are leaving, Sally'll lock up. Here's the money."
He handed Joan the heavy envelop. "How ya doing, dear?" he said to Sara, eyeing her reddened pussy through the water.
"Is there a party this weekend?" Sara asked.
"Ahhh, well, I hadn't planned on it but I can have a few friends over, I guess."
Sara nodded and sank back down into the water, again her eyes drooping with sleep.
"It's been quite a night for her," Joan said.
"Quite a night for all of us," Joe replied. "I'll call you about this weekend."
Joan turned back around the leaned against the counter, watching her child, wondering what she really thought about what she had just done. Again she thought about the millions of sperm that were swimming around inside the second grader. The thought brought a bit of a shock to her-but not as much as the last time. She absently counted up that they'd have to do something in three or four years to stop that-at least prevent her from getting pregnant.
By now, Sara seemed to be asleep, her head against the end of the tub, the rest of her body stretched out in the warm water. Joan heard Sally behind her.
"How's she doing?" Sally asked, reaching up and starting to massage Joan's shoulders.
Joan relaxed, enjoying the feeling. "She's alright."
"Some of the girl's get kind of upset but yours doesn't," Sally said.
"Yes, I think she really enjoys it," Joan replied, leaning back. "How often have you done this?"
"Made movies?"
"Oh-hundreds," Sally said.
"Doesn't watching make you..."
"Well," Sally interrupted, "I'm really not into little girls, but I've been in a few movies. I prefer someone...older." Her hands moved forward on Joan's shoulders.
"It's awfully late for my little one," Joan said, leaning back against Sally, feeling her ample tits against her back. "I don't think she'll be going to school tomorrow."
"Why don't you stay at my place?" Sally said. "I've got an extra bedroom and a couple of tooth brushes."
Joan turned around to face Sally. Sally's hands were still on Joan's shoulders. Joan put her hands on Sally's hips.
"Sara can stay in the extra room?"
"Sure," Sally said with a smile.
Joan leaned forward and kissed the younger woman, her mouth slightly open.
Cannot wait for the next instalment.
There are a lot of small typos - always annoying in a good story: and instead of hand, too for to, that for than and festinated is an obsolete word for hurried. You must have meant fascinated. Please be more careful with the proof reading, your fans will appreciate your efforts.
Dave Miyagi
You make us feel like Charlie, Joe and you do, that Sara is just amazing.
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