Marie was sitting in the bathtub when her aunt came in with her little cousin in tow.
"Is it alright if I put Bobby in with you?"
The idea of splashing around with her little four year old cousin sounded fun. "Sure!"
"Do you want to take a bath with Marie?" her mom asked the little boy.
"YES!," he chimed, then started tugging at his shirt.
The little one was soon stripped, Marie moved back, pulling her knees up under her chin, as her cousin climbed over the edge, then plopped into the soapy water, sending a splash into Marie's face and a wave up the tub.
The two played for a couple of minutes, getting water on the floor, soaking the mat and sending the family tom cat running. Her mother had left, warning the ten year old to be careful and make sure her little cousin didn't get soap in his eyes.
After a couple of minutes, the girl's motherly instincts took over.
"Here, let's get you washed."
Marie soaped up a washcloth and started rubbing it on Bobby's shoulders, then she worked down his arms to his hands. The little boy just sat and watched, holding still.
"Close your eyes while I rinse," she said as she picked up a plastic cup that had been floating with them and poured it over his head. The water streamed down, straightening his blond hair down over his forehead. He pursed his lips and blew out, making a burping sound, then opened his eyes, blinking.
The washcloth had sunk, Marie looked around for it but, when she didn't immediately find it, she soaped up her hands and started washing her little cousin's chest and up under his arms. They were sitting in the waist deep water, facing each other. Bobby was sitting cross-legged, Marie was kneeling back on her heals. As she soaped up the little boy's stomach her hand brushed against something where she hadn't expected there to be anything. She pulled her hands back and was surprised to see Bobby's penis sticking up out of the water, the reddish-pink end looked like a little bald head.
Marie eyes grew big as she stared down at this-she had never really paid attention to the little piece of flesh that Bobby had, she had helped her mother and aunt change him when he was a baby-he was just a little boy. She had seen her daddy's occasionally, (on the rare weekends she spent with him) when he just got out of the shower and even a few times when they had gone camping in tents on the beach, away from where most people were.
Without thinking she reached down and touched it, wondering what it felt like.
"Noooo...." Bobby giggled and batted her hand out of the way. "That's my privates..." he laughed.
This brought Marie back to reality. Her mother and her father, at different times, had told her NEVER to let someone touch her privates. Suddenly, Marie was sure she had done something wrong. She snatched her hands back.
"I'm sorry," she said. She really didn't know what to do next, she felt real uncomfortable, but Bobby had found the wash cloth and had lifted it out of the water. He was flattening it out on the edge of the tub, ignoring her.
Just then, her mom walked in. "How are you two doing?"
"I'm ready to get out," Marie said and she stood up.
"Ok," Mom said, and she moved aside to let the dripping girl by her. "You two got a lot of water on the floor."
Marie pulled a towel off the counter and started drying herself.
"Come on, you, stand up," Mom said as she pulled Bobby to his feet. Immediately, Marie noticed that his penis was again just hanging down, much smaller that it had been just a minute ago.
Mom opened the drain, then took the hand sprayer and turned on the water, adjusting its temperature. She fished around for the wash cloth that had found its way back into the tub, then started spraying the boy down. Marie watched as she washed him and, again, when the wash cloth rubbed across his crotch his penis got hard and started sticking up.
"Why does it do that?" Marie asked.
Her mother was a little surprised, she hadn't really noticed the little boys erection.
"Oh, little boys get like that if you rub against them."
Sherry looked at her daughter, wrapped in a towel. "Well, a man's penis has to get that way so it can go up inside you, you know, so a baby can start growing in your belly."
Marie hadn't really thought of that before, but it made sense when you thought about it. She had always known that men and women did that to make a baby, her mother had sort of explained things to her in pieces all her life. She had seen dogs pink things sticking out when they mated.
"Does that mean he wants to make a baby?" Marie asked.
"No silly," her mother answered, turning back to finish washing the boy. "He can't make babies yet. He has to grow up a lot more before he can be a daddy, the same as you have a lot more growing to do before you can be a mommy." She shut off the water and lifted the boy, dripping, out of the tub. "Now you go get your PJs on before you catch a cold."
Marie wrapped the towel around herself and went to her room. She pulled on panties and her warm flannel PJs, it was a cold night, it and snowed most of the day. Her feet were cold so she hunted around and found her thick pink socks, the ones with rubber on the bottom, under the corner of her bed, then went down stairs.
She had just settled in front of the television when the front door opened. Her other cousin, Billy, came in with a blast of cold air and a few snowflakes. He stomped on the mat, shaking bits of snow off his shoes.
"Hi Billy! How was work?"
The sixteen year old had an after school job bagging and cart wrangling at the grocery store. "It sucked! It's just too fucking cold."
"BILLY! WATCH YOUR LANGUAGE!" his mother (Marie's aunt) called from the kitchen.
Billy looked at his little cousin with an 'I've been busted' smile. "Sorry Mom."
Marie smiled back up at him, both laughing and sort of shared his embarrassment. His mother came into the living room, wiping her hands on a towel. "I saved a plate for you, hun. I can zap it in the microwave."
"Thanks," he said. "Let me get out of my shoes and change some, my feet are freezing." He was hanging his coat up. He looked out the window at the front walk. He'd have to shovel the sidewalk before school The city had an ordinance and he knew his Mom couldn't afford a fine.
As he went through to the hallway he said, "Have you heard anything from Dad?"
"He sent an e-mail," his mother replied. Says it's too cold for anyone to move right now so they're just hanging around the barracks and playing video games."
Bill's father was three months into a years' deployment to Afghanistan with his National Guard unit. For the year his aunt, Margret, had moved in. His mom had explained that Sherry's ex, Marie's dad, had never been good about paying child support and she was really struggling. Still, Bill wasn't too hot on sharing his bedroom with his four year old brother so Marie could have her own room. But, then again, now his mom and aunt were sharing a room like when they were kids too. But, he kind of wondered why Marie and Steve couldn't share and let him have his own room.
Since his dad had left he had sort of taken over as 'the man of the house.' Mainly, this was a real drag-the snow shoveling never ended and, when the snow melted, he knew he'd have to do the mowing. He went into his bedroom. Stevey was playing with some Duplos on the floor.
"Hi kid," Bill greeted his little brother.
"Hi, I'm making an airplane!"
"Oh, cool," Bill squatted down next to his brother.
"It's like Daddy's," the little one said.
A wave of sadness and anxiety swept over the young man. He knew his father was relatively safe, maintaining airplanes on a large Air Force base but, still, occasionally you heard about suicide bombers in trucks and the like.
The little boy stood up and started flying the blocky plane around the room, making whrrrring noises. "It's a fighter!" he said.
"Pretty neat." Bill sat on his bed and pulled his shoes off, then his socks. His feet and toes were white from the cold. His jeans were wet up to his knees, he stood and pulled them off, then lay them over a chair. He was standing in his briefs when he saw his cousin in the doorway. She ducked down the hall, he'd forgotten to close the door. He smiled a little to himself, half embarrassed.
That night, Sherry, Marie's mother went out with a guy she had met somewhere. The kids all went to bed in turn, first Stevey who had a bedtime of nine, just after Bill got home. Then Marie was in bed by ten and Bill stayed up until eleven doing some math homework. Again, he wished he had his own room, he didn't like studying in the dining room, but his little brother was asleep in his room. He and his mother both turned off the lights at about the same time.
Marie woke up when she heard her mother come in. The clock on her dresser read 1:14. She pretended to be asleep when her mom looked in on her. She came into the room and stood over her daughter, watching her 'sleep'. She leaned down and kissed her head.
"Mmmm, hi Mommy."
"Hi Dear. Sleep tight. I love you."
"I love you too, Mommy."
Sherry went out, leaving the door open. Marie listened as she went into the master bedroom next door. She could hear her mom and aunt talking, they didn't know that the heating vents allowed her to hear everything they said. She was also always curious about the men her mom went out with.
"How'd it go?" she heard her aunt ask.
"Oh, alright, I guess. He's a bit of a...well, you know...the kind of guy who buys you dinner and expects you to put out."
"You mean a jerk."
"No, no...he's really kind of nice. He's just, well, he wants more than I do."
"Yeah, he wants to screw," Margret said.
"Well, he's actually really sweet, I took pity on him."
"Sherry! You didn't! Did you?"
"No we didn't, don't worry," Sherry said. "I just gave him a hand job."
Sherry started laughing. "He was really kind of pitiful-I'll bet he had a hell of a case of blue-balls. So, well, he left his mark out front in the car."
"Shit Sherry, what if one of the neighbors saw?"
"There were no lights on, no one would know," she paused, then went into the bathroom. "Anyway, it'll keep him coming back."
"Yeah," Margret said. "Just 'cause he'll expect to be 'cumming' every time you go out."
"I don't mind. It's not like I had to swallow his spunk or anything."
"He'll expect more every time until you end up in bed. You better make sure you don't present Marie with a little sister."
"Don't worry," Sherry said. "I know how to deal with guys."
The water started to run and Marie heard the sound of her mother brushing her teeth. A few moments later she heard her aunt say, "Good night dear."
"Good night Marge."
The dim light that Marie could see in the hall, leaking out from under the door to the master bedroom, went out. -----------------
Two days later, Marie was sitting on her best friend's bed at a sleep over. The two girls were playing a video game, the cords from their controllers were strung across the room to the game console and TV on Vickie's dresser. Each girl had a character on the screen, their futuristic warriors were battling through a series of rooms full of monsters, and gargoyles. Behind them, the girls left a path of carnage. Somewhere a register in the game's programming kept tally of the body count, when it reached 24B (hex) they'd graduate to the next higher level. There was no equivalent register counting down the amount of ammunition the girls had.
Vickie's older sister, Laura, came in and sat down next to them.
"I get the next round."
"How bout if we just hook up the other controller?" Vickie asked as she nuked a 25 foot tall robot.
"It's not working. The joystick's fucked up-all floppy like."
"Like your boyfriend?" Vickie giggled.
"No, his stick's always stiff," Laura said back to her little sister in a conspiratorial tone.
Marie's character blasted its way through a wall into the next room, Vickie ran in behind her and, together, they engaged a brown dragon who alternately spat fire or had laser beams shoot out of its eyes. She really didn't know what to say, so she decided to not say anything.
"That what you were doing when I came home?" Vicky asked in a teasing, laughing voice.
"That's none of your business," the older girl said.
"Laura was giving her boyfriend a blow job in the living room when I got home from school. He was all moaning and groaning," Vickie said to Marie.
"And if you ever tell Mom I'll kill you, you little brat," Laura said.
"You did that?" Marie asked. Her character took two rocket blasts and fell down, shaking his head.
"Well, I'm not going to go all the way with him-I could get pregnant."
"Did he shoot in your mouth?" Vickie asked.
"Yes, if you must know, he came in my mouth."
"Euuuuuwwwww!" both girls said simultaneously.
"I'd make him go home and jerk off thinking about me," Vickie said. Her character took three RPGs in short order and was blown up. "SHIT!" She dropped the controller.
"I don't mind," Laura said. "Ron's a lot of fun. Anyway, he always returns the favor..." She grabbed her little sisters head and rubbed her knuckles back and forth in her hair, "Unless he's interrupted by a little sister!"
"I guess you'll just have to use your vibrator and think about him," Vicky laughed.
The gargoyles were ganging up on Marie, it was only a matter of time before she died.
"If I can get it away from you," Laura said.
One of the gargoyles threw a saw blade and it neatly sliced Marie's character in half and he exploded.
Laura picked up Vickie's controller and paged through the menus, finding her character and selecting it. Then the game started anew, this time with Laura and Marie. About half way through the first level Marie handed her controller to Vicky. "Here, I need to run to the bathroom."
"Hey, bring some chips and a coke," Laura called after Marie as she left.
A couple of minutes later, Marie searched around the unfamiliar kitchen. She found two cans of Coke in the fridge but took a Dr. Pepper for herself. The chips were on top of the refrigerator so she had to move a chair across the room and climb up on it to reach the bag of Ruffles. She had her arms full when she came back into her friends bedroom.
"Here, pause it," Vickie said.
Marie put the cans on the bed, then went to the console and pushed a button, the screen froze with missiles in mid-flight.
The three, two ten year olds and the older high schooler, sat in in circle on the floor and opened their drinks. Marie was really curious about Laura's boyfriend but didn't want to just ask her right out. Luckily, Vickie brought the subject up.
"Are you going out when Mom and Dad get home?"
"Well, Charlie gets off at 11:30. I think we'll go out then."
"Nothing's open that late," Vickie pointed out.
"We'll just hang out at his place."
"I'll bet something will be hanging out."
"Geez Vickie, is that all you think about?" Laura said, rolling her eyes.
"Well, you're always doing it," her little sister responded.
"We're not 'always doing it,'" Laura responded. "And, anyway, it's none of your business."
"What's it like?" Marie was suddenly embarrassed, she didn't know why she'd blurted the question out. Both Laura and Vickie looked at her in surprise. "I mean, his thing, his...penis, what's it like?"
Vickie giggled at the question and Laura chuckled but then she got a conspiratorial but amused look on her face. "Well, it's about this long," she indicated a bit less that a foot with her hands, "and about that big around," she held her fingers up, holding them a little more than an inch apart.
Now Vickie really did giggle.
"The skin is really smooth but it slides around on it." She paused, thinking, "The head is kind of spungy, softer, and really sensitive and warm."
"And he shoots his stuff out?"
"Yeah, after you rub it for a while it gets real hard and he, well, he kind of looses control and starts-well, you know, have you ever rubbed yourself?"
Now Marie was really embarrassed. She did rub herself almost every night, it made her sleep better.
"But guys shoot that..." Vickie chimed in.
Now Laura started to laugh, "Yeah, the other night he hit the roof of the car." All three girls started laughing.
"It shoots that far?!" Marie asked.
"Not always, usually it just sort of dribbles out but, if he's really hot, hasn't done it for a few days, then there's a lot more."
"Really?" Vickie asked.
"Yeah, guys sort of save it up. In fact, they have to get rid of it every few days or they get blue balls."
"What's that?" Vickie asked. Marie just kept her mouth shut, she was learning lots.
"Well, if a guy doesn't cum every few days his balls start to ache. Charlie said that a guy can even get some sort of like infection sometimes. He called it 'epidytamustis' or something like that. That's why guys are always jerking off."
The younger girls giggled more.
"If they can't get a girl, a guy just goes off into the bathroom and..." Laura made a motion with her hand and they all three broke out laughing.
Then Laura's phone rang and she dug it out of her pocket. Looking at the display, she jumped up and ran out of the room with the phone.
"Charlie calling," Vickie said.
"Does she really do that?" Marie asked Vickie.
"Today I caught them when I came home from school. I forgot my key so I climbed into the back yard-Mommy sometimes leaves the back door unlocked-and when I got to it they were on the couch. He had his pants open and Laura was leaning down sucking on him, moving her head up and down."
Both girls laughed.
"He had his head back like this." She lifted her face and closed her eyes, breathing hard. "He pushed up a couple of times and Laura sort of-well, I think he was shooting in her mouth because she had her eyes closed real hard and kind of,...she didn't like it. But then she sat up and they talked and laughed."
"What was his thing like?"
"Oh, she was holding it, it was sort of bouncing and leaning over. But that's when I went around and came in the kitchen door. They were all scrambling around and trying to look like they were just watching TV when I came in."
"I don't think I'd do that, it sounds yukkie," Vickie continued on after a pause.
"I don't know, I'd just like to see what it's like," Marie responded. Then, "Does she really have a vibrator."
"No," Vickie jumped up and ran to her drawer, "I do." She lifted it from her top drawer, a shiny gold penis shaped dildo, about a foot long and maybe an inch in diameter. She rotated the black knob at the base and it started buzzing. "I took it out from under her bed before Mom went in and vacuumed. She'd of been so busted!"
"Does she know you have it?"
"Mom, oh NO! She'd be real mad."
"No, I mean Laura," Marie said.
"Yeah...she says she doesn't need it with Charlie around."
"Let me see it," Marie asked, reaching out.
Vickie turned it off and brought it to her friend. Marie inspected it with wide eyes. She turned it on, then started to giggle when she discovered that the 'on/off' switch was actually a speed control.
"Do you really?" she looked at her friend with an incredulous look.
"Oh yeah. It feels real good to, well, sort of rub it against you."
"Do you put it up, you know, in you?" Marie asked.
"Sometimes," Vickie fidgeted a little nervously, the conversation was suddenly making her self-conscious.
At that moment they heard a car door close and the dog, somewhere else in the house, started to bark.
"Mom and Dad's home!" Vickie said. She grabbed the dildo and put it away, then turned on the game again. By the time Vickie's father knocked on the door, then looked in, the girls were seated on the floor battling it out, their cans next to them and a half eaten bag of chips between them.
He came into the room and looked down at the TV, watching the electronic mayhem and blood-letting. Although he was prematurely bald, Kevin Warren wasn't letting middle age eat away at his looks. He kept his hair very short and his stomach flat.
"Hi girls," he said, "how's your evening gone?"
"Fine," they said in unison.
"Be sure to clean up those cans and chips before you go to bed, keep the ants out."
"Sure Dad," Vickie said.
"Honey," they heard Vickie's mom, Melissa call from the living room, "come make us a night-cap."
He turned and went back out, closing the door. The girls didn't miss a beat in their game. A few minutes late a car horn sounded outside. Through the walls they heard Laura call, "Bye Mom, be home later!" Vickie gave her friend a knowing smile. Only a little while later there was another knock on the door. Vickie's father again looked through.
"We're going to bed. You two don't stay up too late."
Behind him was Vickie's mother. She looked at her daughter and held her finger to her lips, a signal that Vickie knew meant, "Keep it quiet and don't disturb us."
Another knowing smile crept across the little girls face after the door closed. "Laura's not the only one having fun tonight." Marie really didn't understand her meaning.
A while later, Marie had to go potty. During a break in the game she got up and went to the door.
"Be quiet, don't disturb Mom and Dad," Vickie said.
Marie crept down the hall in the dark, then waited until she had closed the door before turning on the bathroom light. She cringed at the sound of the toilet flushing but waited until it had finished to turn off the light and creep out.
When she came out of the bathroom she noticed that Vickie's parent's door was slightly open and a faint orange light was making a line on the floor. She moved very quietly to the door and peered through the narrow opening. She almost gasped at what she saw.
Vickie's Dad was laying on his back in the candlelit room, her Mom was kneeling between his legs, slowly stroking him. Marie was totally shocked by the size of his cock. It stood up, at least a foot tall and maybe an inch and a half in diameter. The couple were talking in low voices that Marie couldn't make out. As she watched, Vickie's Mom leaned down and took the (to her) enormous head in her mouth. Kevin pushed his hips up and gave out a low moan. Then, watching his wife as she bobbed on his schlong, he reached down and brushed her hair back, caressing the side of her face.
"God that's wonderful dear," he growled in a low voice.
For the next couple minutes Marie watched as the Melissa gave Vickie's dad a slow blowjob, occasionally licking the length of his shaft, sometimes sucking on the wrinkly sacks lower down. Then she heard a little squeak behind her and turned to find Vickie trying to look around her to see what was going on. Marie stooped down so her friend could see and Vickie quietly giggled.
By now, the adults were getting more energetic. He was breathing hard and humping up into his wife's face as she took almost half his enormous cock in her mouth, moving up and down while stroking the shaft.
"Oh, God it....Ooooh"
Vickie's mom stiffened as Kevin pushed hard into her mouth. A sheet of white fluid ran out of the side of her mouth and down his dick, then over her fingers. She held him in her mouth, sucking hard as his load overflowed her. She swallowed what she could but knew that she'd never be able to keep up with his torrent of sperm.
He settled down onto the bed, panting. Marie's mom let go of his cock which slowly bent over, bouncing with his pulse.
Melissa crawled up over him, her nipples stood out. Melissa, unlike her husband, was pleasantly plump but not too fat. She was short, her stomach was rounded, and her tits were proportional to the rest of her-fairly large with half dollar aureoles. They hung down jiggled as she crawled. She leaned down and kissed her husband, an open mouth kiss that let him taste his own jez remnants still in the creases of her mouth. She lay down on top of him, covering his cum covered dick as they continued to kiss. Then, slowly, he rolled his wife over, now she was on her back and he was above her.
He rose up on his hands and knees, his still half hard cock rubbing on her thigh, leaving a trail of sperm where it slid along her. He kissed her chin, then her neck, then he sucked on one of her nipples. She wrapped her arms around his head, holding him to her breast, and pushed her chest up against him. Meanwhile, with one of his hands he was rubbing along her slit. As he moved down the crevice he'd push a finger inside her.
Watching the couple making love was causing Marie begin to feel a little horny (although she didn't know exactly what that term meant). She felt just a little light headed and realized, with some surprise, that she was feeling a little gooy between her legs, like she does when she plays with herself.
By now, Kevin had worked his way down his wife's torso and was kissing her hips and belly. She spread her legs and Marie got just a glimpse of her pussy, it didn't dawn on the ten year old that Vickie's mom must shave herself, after all, she looked just like her.
Then Vickie's father buried his face in his wife's snatch. She held his head as he licked and sucked her. The girls watched as Vickie's mom's orgasm built. Over time the small rocking of her hips became stronger, just as her breathing deepened, her breasts started to move back and forth with her movements. She reached up and started playing with her nipples, pinching them and rolling them between her fingers. Small moans started to escape her mouth. The girls watched, each of them imagining the feelings that were flowing through the woman. The tingling between Marie's thighs was becoming stronger and Vickie was rubbing herself through the flannel nightgown and cotton panties she was wearing.
Vickie's Mom lifted her legs off the bed, her knees bent. They were rocking back and forth in the air with her breathing and moans. As he continued to eat out her pussy, she spread them wider, pointing her toes. Then she gasped and humped into her husband's face, pushing her heels into the bed, holding her butt off the bed to better allow his tongue to move over her clit and probe the opening of her cunt. Then the wave passed and she settled back down.
While he had been eating his wife's pussy, Vickie's Dad had also been stroking his cock, bringing it back to its impressive hardness. Now he simply crawled forward and, settling the head against her crotch, he pushed inside her. Her pussy, long used to his size, took him in like a comfortable old friend. He held himself up on his elbows and knees while her legs swayed in the air above him. She had never really calmed down and he was well on his way before they had started fucking so it was only after a minute or two that he shoved deep inside her, pushing her up higher in the bed, and flooded her familiar womb with more sperm. She grasped him, wrapping her arms around his shoulders and digging her nails into his back as she felt his warm jez fill her.
He stayed on top of her for a moment, holding himself above her as they both panted, then he rolled to the side, pulling his cock out of her and landing on his back next to her. Both girls could see his cock, wet with cunt juices and still dripping sperm, flop across his hip, leaving a pool of jez there.
The sight actually caused Vickie to have a small orgasm-Marie thought she was just catching her breath at the sound. She turned and looked up at her friend who gave a silent giggle. Then they crept back down the hall to Vickie's bedroom and closed the door.
"Mommy and Daddy do that a lot. Sometimes they're so noisy they keep Laura awake and she comes in here and sleeps."
Marie was amazed. She had never even considered that her parents did THAT. "Do they know you can hear them?"
"Oh, they leave the door open all the time. Laura said that she thinks it turns them on to think we're watching. Once, they made a movie and someone left it in the VCR."
"I can't believe that!"
"Mommy also has a dildo. A couple of times I've seen them using it."
"Do you want to see?" Vickie asked.
Marie really didn't know what she meant. Did she have a movie of her parents? What did she mean?
"I guess so," Marie said.
Vickie got up and went to her drawers and took the dildo out. She turned and paused for a moment, then, with a smile she bent over and lifted the hem of her nightgown. She reached up under it and pulled her panties down. She let the hem drop and then stood back up.
"Ok," she said. She sat down on the floor, leaning against the front of her bureau, her knees up, her feet flat on the floor. She turned on the vibrator, it hummed quietly. Then she gathered the hem of her gown, pulled it over her knees and bunched it across her midriff.
Marie had only ever seen things like this when she stumbled across porn on the Internet. She had always immediately clicked to another site, getting away, but still, she had always wondered why those women did that, whether they liked it or were just pretending. She had only seen Vickie naked a couple of times, changing into their suits in the locker room at the city pool, once she had come into the bathroom while Vickie was in the tub and they had talked while she was getting ready for bed (this was at Marie's house). Then Marie had showered and so, for a few moments, they were together in the bathroom, Vickie drying off and Marie getting in the shower.
But now, well, now she was looking directly at her best friend's sex. Her slit was pulled apart and Marie could see the pink ridge down the middle and the darker small lips lower. These were also pulled slightly apart and Marie was really curious to see the red opening there. She really didn't look much different form herself. Marie had used a mirror to examine herself a couple of times. Once she had even watched as she pushed her finger up inside. Maybe Vickie's lips weren't quite as full as Marie's. In fact, her slit looked a lot shallower and, when she thought about it, Marie remembered that that little ridge pushed Vickie's lips apart when she stood while Marie's bigger lips and longer slit was fully closed.
Vickie started rubbing the rounded end of the vibrator along her slit. "It feels best when you put the tip against your little bump." As she did this she inhaled deeply. "Sometimes I rub the side up and down." She changed the angle of the phallus and started moving it along her snatch. Her breath started to deepen and speed up, "You just have to sort of play with it dow....dow...down"
Vickie was loosing focus as she started to build. Suddenly she realized what she was doing and alarm bells went off. With a shock she stopped masturbating herself in front of her best friend. There was a awkward silence as Vickie regained her senses. She was just beginning to feel really embarrassed when she blurted out, "Do you want to try it?"
Marie was a little taken aback. So many things had happened tonight-the conversation with Laura, then watching Vickie's parents, and now watching her friend rub herself with the vibrator. She was, in one way, way beyond herself and a part of her was saying 'NO!' But, also, she was gooey and itching down there and all she wanted was to rub herself to relieve the tension. "I guess so," she heard herself say.
"Here," Vickie said, "I need to clean it first." She jumped up and headed for the door, then stopped. "Oh, I have these." she said. Then she went to her desk and opened a plastic box of make-up towelettes. She pulled out one of the towelettes and wiped down the plastic toy, then turned to her friend. "Well?" she sort of nodded.
Feeling really uncomfortable, Marie lay back on the floor and undid her jeans, then she lifted her hips and started to pull them down. She worked them over her butt and they bunched up on her thighs. "Oh," she said as she sat up smiling and untied her shoes. She pulled them off, and her thick socks, then, just as she worked the pants free of her feet, Vickie moved over next to her, walking on her knees.
Marie lay back down, her friend kneeling next to her, she was still wearing her sweater and panties. She could feel Vickie's eyes on her, examining her in a new way, a way she wasn't used to. It made her feel both more nervous and, well, in a small way good with anticipation. She felt really tense in her stomach and neck, her throat was tight. Part of her wanted to cover her eyes and roll away, part of her wanted to stay.
"Well," Vickie said, "you can't be wearing these."
A shock and thrill went through Marie when she felt her friend's hands on her panties. She pulled them down over her hips. Without thinking, Marie lifted her rear off the carpet as Vickie slid the cotton bikinis down her thighs, over her knees, then down her calves and free of her feet. Now, as she lay there, naked from the waist down, in front of her friend, a strange calm came over her. Still, it was a surprise when she felt her friend's fingers on her pussy. Of course, this was all completely new to Vickie too, regardless of her trying to act like she knew all about it. She had NEVER touched someone else's privates, in fact, no one had ever touched hers (that she could remember).
Marie had a noticeable rise to her sex, a large vulva and deep slit. Her outer pussy lips were soft and spongy, unlike her own that were firm, pulled over the bone of her pelvis. She used two fingers to pull them apart, exploring the new landscape with a sort of detached, clinical eye. She picked up the vibrator with her other hand.
"I usually start by rubbing it along me here," Vickie said.
The humming phallus sent a shock through Marie when it touched her clit. She gasped and pulled her legs up, her stomach muscles tightened and she lifted her head and shoulders off the floor. "Oh!"
"Did I hurt you?!" Vickie said, pulling the toy back in alarm.
"" Marie lay back down. "It just...sort of really tickled..." She tried to calm herself. "Keep going..." She relaxed back and, this time, spread her legs some.
Again, Vickie caressed the girl's clit with the vibrator, sending shivers of pleasure through her. She worked the tip around her hard little nub, then ran the shaft along her, pushing the full lips open. Pressure was quickly building in Marie's belly and thighs.
"I also like putting it up inside," Vickie said. She slid her fingers further down, between her friends legs and pulled the full lips apart. Marie really wanted to know what it would feel like, she spread her legs further and bent her knees, opening herself to Vickie's explorations.
Vickie really didn't know much about what she was looking at, she had seen some things on the Internet and her mom had given her a book that was really kind of boring, but she did remember a drawing in the book. Still, the drawing showed everything surrounded with wavy, curly hair and it was kind of ugly. Marie's didn't have any hair, the parts seemed smoother, not as crinkly, not with all sorts of folds and crevices. Marie's inner lips were opened some and she put the end of the dildo there and gently pushed. It didn't want to go in, the skin sort of stuck to it. She twisted it but it still wouldn't move.
She stopped and looked at her friend. "We need something else." She lay the vibrator on the carpet next to Marie and jumped up and ran back to her dresser, then came back with a small make-up bottle. "Sometimes it doesn't want to go in so I use this." She squirted a few drops on the end of the vibrator, then reached down and spread Marie's lips, putting the bottle's nozzle near her.
"What is it," Marie craned her head to look down.
"It's just baby oil."
Marie lay back, then felt the warm wetness of the oil in her crack. Again Vickie picked up the vibrator and pushed it at the opening to Marie's womb. This time Marie felt a completely new feeling as the tool slid up inside her. At first the tightness was a little uncomfortable, but at the same time, she could feel the the vibrations up through her belly and down her thighs. Vickie moved it in and out a little and wonderful waves spread up across Marie's stomach.
"Do you like that?" Vickie asked.
"Oh yeah," Marie more breathed than said.
Vickie reached down with her free hand and started rubbing Marie's clit while she worked the vibrator with her other. The tight, warm feelings grew quickly in Marie, spreading up her stomach and down the insides of her thighs. She spread her legs further and started to rock her hips. As the tension built she really didn't notice the small twinge of pain or how some of the uncomfortable stretching was lessoned. Her friend moved the dildo in and out, twisting it a little, as she ran her finger from side to side across Marie's clit. She had watched her mom like this before and could see that her friend was getting closer. Marie's humping became stronger, more desperate as she felt her orgasm building in her loins. But this was much more than what she felt when she rubbed herself in bed or scrunched down in the tub, letting warm water dribble on her pussy.
Then her mind wandered. She thought about her cousin Billy, imagining what he looked like. Then she remembered the sight of Vickie's father and mother, when he had his face buried in her crotch. Marie reached down and grabbed Vickie's hand, pressing her fingers against her clit. "Oh!" she grunted as she came, a small explosion passing over her, rippling up along her torso and down her legs. Her toes were pointed and she lifted her hips off the floor as the wave passed.
"Wow," she said in a high voice.
Vickie leaned back on her heels and surveyed her friend. The skin on her hips and thighs was shiny with sweat. "That was good, huh?"
"Oh yeah," Marie breathed.
Vickie pulled the vibrator out of her friend and her eyes got big when she saw that it was stained with a little blood. Then she remembered that the same thing had happened the first time she used it. She didn't want her friend to see it. She went to the dresser where there was a box of kleenex and wiped off the phallus. There was just a little stain of pink on the tissue, she quickly threw it away. She turned back and held up the vibrator. "My turn now."
Just a few minutes earlier, the furnace had cycled on, there was a blast of hot air coming in the vents in the room, and Marie was feeling uncomfortably warm. She pulled her sweater and undershirt off in one and dropped them on the floor next to her. She hadn't intended it but then she realized that what she had done must have looked real sexy. She smiled.
Vickie got a tight grin on her face and, not saying anything, she also pulled her nightgown up over her head and dropped it on the floor. Then she walked over and crawled onto the bed, laying down on her back.
Marie sort of chuckled, then, kneeling on the floor, touched her friend's pussy, spreading her lips. She started to rub her ridge with the pad of her finger, Vickie spread her legs wide for her. The shallow, small lips pulled apart and her vagina opened, she had almost no inner lips. Marie reached up with her other hand, inspecting, and pushed at the entrance. She had heard of 'finger fucking', in fact she often pushed her own finger up inside herself when she masturbated. She looked at her friend who smiled at her, then pushed her finger inside.
It slid in almost all the way and Vickie gave out a groan, relaxing back onto the blanket. Marie pulled her finger back, then pushed back it. "Ohhhh" Vickie breathed. Marie was using both hands, one to finger fuck, the other to rub Vickie's clit. The child started to hump to meet her. Then Marie pulled her fingers back and straightened out two. Her pointer and middle finger slid into Vickie.
"Ohhhh God..." Vickie said in a horse voice. Marie kept up the movement as she watch her friend hump and shudder, her skin getting flushed. Then, without thinking, Marie leaned down and ran her tongue along Vickie's slit.
It was like an explosion had gone off between Vickie's thighs. She was instantly overcome with the most intense orgasm she had ever experienced. Her whole body shook and quaked, animal grunts came from her throat as her legs and torso convulsed. Marie dug at her clit with her tongue while she continued shoving her fingers up inside her friend, feeling the bump of her cervix at the end of her cunt.
The crashing began to pass and Vickie started to settle down. Instinctively, Marie also let off. She looked up at her friend, her fingers still buried in her pussy. "Was that..."
"Oh God, yeah..." Vickie said. She lay there for a moment. "I need to go to the bathroom."
Marie stood up, removing her hand from Vickie's sex and Vickie ran out of the room, leaving the door open. Marie also had to go but wanted to wait until her friend came back. She heard the toilet flush and Vickie was just coming through the door when they heard the front door open.
With shocked looks the two girls ran to the bed and jumped in, pulling the covers up to their chins. Vickie had left the light on, the switch was near the door and couldn't be reached. Laura appeared in the doorway and surveyed the two girls cowering in the bed. Then she saw the vibrator, forgotten on the floor and laughed.
"Looks like you two've been having fun."
With a laugh, she turned and went down the hall. They heard her door close. The two girls looked at each other with surprise and embarrassment, then they shared a silent giggle.
After a few moments, Vickie got up and turned off the light and closed the door, then climbed back in bed. They lay there next to each other, their shoulders and arms touching.
"Do you think we're lesbians?" Vickie asked.
"I don't know."
"Laura told me she's done this with Kate and she's not a lesbian. At least, her and Charlie do it a lot."
"Yeah, but they don't go all the way," Marie replied.
"I don't think so."
"I have to go now," Marie said. She climbed out of the bed but, in the dark, she couldn't see anything to cover herself with. She walked quickly down the hall, then closed the door. She sat down on the toilet and peed. She was really gooey and greasy down there from the baby oil. She took a big wad of toilet paper and wiped herself, then dropped it. She did this again, then stood up. She looked down in the toilet and was a little scared when she saw the pink stains on the paper. Then she remembered the sharp little pain she had felt when Vickie had first pushed the dildo up inside her and she understood what had happened. 'Oh well,' she thought, 'it's no big deal.'
It was when she was on her way back that she met Vickie's father. He was in the hall, coming from the living room. It was dark and she really couldn't see him but she did see that he was naked also. He didn't make any comment about the fact that they were both naked.
"I was checking that the door was locked," he said.
Marie was real embarrassed but she couldn't help but look down and, in the dark and shadows, she could see his enormous dick hanging down between his legs.
"Good night," he slipped by, not saying anything more.
Marie climbed back in bed with Vickie after closing the bedroom door.
The next Friday night Billy came home earlier than expected. There was a school dance, it was supposed to run until 11, then he and his girlfriend were planning to go to a party. Everyone was surprised when he came through the door at 9:30 and went straight to his room without saying a word-obviously something was very wrong.
After a few minutes Margret got up from watching TV and went down the hall. She knocked gently on the door, "Billy, can I come in?"
"OK," he said. His voice was low, not just to keep from waking his little brother but also from something else.
"Things not go well at the dance?" she asked as she sat down on the bed where he was reading a book with a detachable reading light.
He looked up at his mother, not sure what to say so all he did was shake his head and look back down at the book.
"Well," she said, "I'm sorry, hun." She put her hand on his thigh. "School dances are that way, either they're great or a disaster."
He looked up and gave his mom a little smile. "Thanks Mom," he said. "I'm sorry, I was rude when I came in."
"That's OK. Did she break up with you?"
"Yeah," he paused. "Ron Tomlinson was there. I think she was planning to meet him."
"That's pretty nasty-not very honest." She got up, then leaned down and kissed her son on the forehead. "I'm sorry. She'll probably realize what she gave up in a couple of weeks."
He looked up at her and the realization came to him that there were much bigger problems in the world than his ex-girlfriend. "Did you hear from Dad today?"
"Yeah. He said things are going fine. He works 16 hours a day, that's about all. I told him to call on Sunday morning-I'd make sure you were home to talk to him."
"If you want, come out and join us for a while."
"I'll be out in a few."
Twenty minutes later he came out to the living room. The TV was off and the poker chips had been broken out. So had the potato chips, Dr. Pepper and Lowenbrau. "Come on and join, I'll deal you in," Sherry said.
After the second hand Bill was sent into the kitchen for reinforcements. "Mom, can I have a beer?"
Margret paused, "I guess so. Don't you have to work tomorrow?"
"Not until five." The fridge door closed and he came back in carrying three longnecks hanging from his knuckles and a can of DP in the other hand.
"You look like you've had a bit too much experience carrying," his mom commented dryly. "By the way, we're all going down to Springfield tomorrow to visit the Johannsons. I guess you won't mind missing it."
Bill rolled his eyes. "No, that's alright," Bill said with a sarcastic voice.
"Oh Mommy, do I have to go? They're so boring," Marie said to her mother.
"Yes dear," she responded, "you can't stay here alone all day."
"But Billy's going to be here!"
Sherry looked at her nephew. "He has to work, dear."
"Not until five."
"I don't mind," Bill said. "I wasn't planning on doing anything but watch basketball."
"See!!!" Marie said.
"Honey, we won't be home 'til late. You can't stay home alone like that on a Saturday night."
Marie looked down and pouted, she really hated going and visiting her mother and aunt's friend. They didn't have any kids and there was absolutely nothing to do.
The game continued around and, on the next hand, Marie drew a full house. She knew she had to be careful to keep the bidding going so, she kept just raising a red chip every time. Sherry folded early and Bill two bids later. Now it was up to Marie and her aunt and they went back and forth for five more bids until, finally, Marie lost her nerve.
"I'll see your three and call," she said.
Margret looked around with a smile, then put her cards down. "Two pairs, Kings over 10s."
Marie grinned: "FULL HOUSE! Sevens and threes! Woo...Wooo...Wooo!" She pumped her arms over her head. Everyone started to laugh and then she grabbed her cousin's beer and took a swig.
The two mothers looked at each other in surprise, not sure how to react. Then Sherry shrugged. "Go get us another round, Marie," Sherry said. When she came back she was carrying four.
The game got more lively as it went on, especially for the two youngsters and more especially for Marie. About half way through her first beer things started to be in a bit of a haze and she realized that her nose was numb. She slowly got more and more giggly and her poker playing (usually she was pretty good) really suffered. The two adults smiled at the ten year old as she descended into complete inebriation on two beers. At about eleven her mother had Bill carry her to her room and dump her on her bed, fully clothed.
"Here," she said, "give me a hand getting her in her PJ's."
This really surprised Bill.
"Look in her top drawer."
Bill pulled open the drawer and found a set of flannel pajamas bunched up in a ball on top. He turned around just as Sherry pulled the sweatshirt off her half conscious daughter. The girl swayed, sitting up, now topless. Bill looked at her, his eyes large. She was still completely flat, her chest had the same proportions of his little brother but, somehow, on a girl with her wavy dark hair that didn't quite reach her shoulders, she was incredibly sexy.
She flopped back on the pillow, her arms over her head. "I'm not sleepy," she murmured in a slurred voice.
"I think you're going to sleep pretty well tonight," her mother said. She reached down and pulled at one of her stockings, then the other, then started undoing her belt and fly.
Bill stood there, his blood pressure rising, not sure whether he should leave or not. He was just drunk enough to stick around and risk an awkward moment with Marie's mother.
She started working at pulling the girl's pants down but couldn't quite get them over her hips. "Grab the cuffs and pull," Sherry said.
Bill's cock was growing in his pants. He stepped to the end of the bed and grasped the cuffs of the girls jeans, lifting her legs, and gave one big heave. Her hips lifted off the bed and the pants came free, pulling down to her knees and taking her blue panties with them. The blood rushed in Bill's ears when he saw his cousin's bare pussy. He pulled again and the pants came off her feet, leaving the panties around the ten year olds ankles.
Sherry looked up at Bill and, seeing the look on his face, her eyes then went down to his crotch where his straining cock made a clear lump in his pants. She said, "Nice surprise for you, huh?" Then she removed the child's panties from her feet and dropped them on the floor.
"Let's get those on her." She nodded toward the PJs that Bill had dropped on the end of the bed. She picked up the bottoms.
"Come on, girl, lets get you dressed." She sat her back up, then swung her feet around on to the floor. When she let go of her daughter to start working the bottoms over her feet, she fell back on the bed again.
With her laying down flat, her butt half hanging off the edge of the bed, her hips were pushed forward and her thighs naturally spread apart slightly. For Bill, this was about the sexiest thing he had ever seen. This was something new, he had screwed around with three girls before this, two one-night stands after parties and then a regular girlfriend over the summer, but the youngest of them had been 15 and was fully developed. Marie was, well, she was still a girl-flat chested and hairless pussy-but she wasn't a little girl. If you weren't especially hung up about tits, all the parts were their, big enough to be interesting, just smoother and totally sexier. He had real difficulty not staring.
Marie sort of came to and rocked her head from side to side. "Why am I naked?" she asked her mother.
Sherry was working the pajama bottoms over her feet. "We're getting you ready for bed, dear."
"And Billy's here." Her speech was slured.
"Yes, he's helping me-you've gotten too big for me to dress by myself." She pulled the flannel bottoms up to her knees. "Pick her up standing so I can get these on her."
Bill stepped around Sherry and reached down. He pulled the naked girl up. She put her arms around his neck. He was painfully aware of her warm soft skin against his hands and arms. For a moment, until Sherry worked the bottoms to her hips, he could feel her warm pussy through his pants against his thigh.
Sherry worked the pants up around her waist, then Bill sat her back down on the bed. She remained sitting. "Here, let's get your top on."
Sherry worked the girl's arms into the shirt, then pulled it over her head and down over her torso.
"Pick her up while I turn down the bed."
Bill picked his little cousin up and held her while the bed covers were pulled down, then he lay her on the sheets, her head on the pillow. Sherry pulled the covers over her.
"Good night dear, you'll sleep well tonight."
"Good night Mommy," she murmured.
They left the door ajar. "Thank you Bill," Sherry said.
"Good night Aunt Sherry."
Bill went into his room and quickly pulled off his clothes. There was a dull ache of blue balls and his cock was at half mast. He climbed into the bed without closing the door (Sherry and Margret had closed theirs) and gathered the sheets and the inner blanket in his hands, wrapping them around his cock. He looked at his little brother to make sure he was still asleep, then started jerking off into the sheets.
Marie lay in the bed looking at the dim strips of light across the ceiling from a night light that was in the hallway across from her half opened door. Then it seemed to her that the room started a slow rotation to the left. For some reason, the lights on the ceiling kept shifting over to the right, then snapping back. Then her bed started to roll to the left.
She sat up and tried to clear her head. The house was quiet except for a soft swishing sound somewhere-maybe the cat was scratching herself. She lay back down and closed her eyes. That's when the bed started to pitch up, her feet rising above her head. She grabbed the edges of the mattress with both hands to keep from falling....
Bill kept the image of his cousin's full pussy lips, her legs just slightly apart, her lovely flat chest, in his mind as he quickly built. As he had walked around his aunt he had gotten a real good look up between her legs. Her clean lips met all the way down, no ugly 'roast beef' sticking out from between them. He kept seeing her again and again and he started blowing his spunk into his sheets, humping to meet both hands as he pumped his goo.
After that, he relaxed back, still holding his hard cock through the blanket and sheet, and started to drift off to sleep. He was jolted awake by the BANG! of a door. The light in the bathroom next door came on and then he heard a choking sound, then the loud plopping sound of someone throwing up in the toilet.
"Agghh." He recognized Marie's voice, then more plopping and then she started to cough.
"Shit," he said to himself. He jumped out of bed and quickly found his undershorts and pulled them on. When he came into the bathroom, Marie was kneeling in front of the toilet, her arms on the seat, her head on one arm. There was vomit on the mat and floor, more had splashed against the wall next to the toilet. His cousin looked up.
"Oh Bil-lil-lil-ly" she softly cried. She held her arms up. Her shirt was covered in what used to be her dinner and desert, as was one of her thighs. For a moment Bill almost laughed, he was amazed that she could have held so much puke.
Another wave of nausea bent her over the toilet again and she heaved twice before more orangish-brown vomit spilled out of her mouth and nose into the bowl. Bill stepped carefully around the splashes of half digested chicken, potatoes, salad, and chocolate cake, then stooped down next to her. He put one hand gently on the back of her neck and with the other squeezed her hand that was holding on to the seat for dear life.
"Geez, Marie," he said.
"G...go close the d...door. Mom'll kill me!"
Bill went and closed the door, then went back to his cousin.
"You done?" he asked.
She sat up, nodding. "I...i think so." She leaned back on her heals but kept on going. Bill grabbed her as she fell and ended up sitting on the floor leaning against the tub that was opposite the toilet.
"Christ, Marie, what a mess."
He stood up and surveyed the scene. The room reeked of puke. The sight of what was in the toilet almost made him puke-he pushed the flush handle. "You're a mess," he said, looking down at his vomit covered cousin. She just sat there, panting, looking up at him. Her pajamas stuck to her where there was vomit clinging to them. There was more bits clinging to the ends of some of her hair. The rest of her was shiny with sweat.
"I need to get you in the shower," Bill said.
He pulled the curtain closed, she blocked part of it, then reached over her to turn on the water. She just sat there as he bent over her, adjusting the temperature. He stood up.
"Come on, let's get you cleaned up." He stooped down and carefully worked her top up and off of her, trying real hard not to get more puke on her.
"Come on, stand up," he said, pulling her up under her arms.
Marie was actually able to help, she stood up but swayed unsteadily, looking at him. He stooped down in front of her and pulled at the sides of her bottoms. They slipped over her hips and crumpled to the floor around her ankles. For a moment, Bill was eye level with her snatch. He could see it close up, the clean pussy-not a hint of hair-full lips. He had the urge to lean forward and run his tongue along her slit but didn't.
He stood up. "Get in the shower," he said.
Marie stepped out of her PJ bottoms and went into the shower, then Bill turned and surveyed the room.
He used towels from the cabinet and a spray bottle of cleaner to clear away the puke. Gathering the whole mess up into a bundle, wrapped in the bath mat, he carried it all, mat, towels and PJs, down to the basement dumped it in front of the washer. Then he went back upstairs.
There was no movement in the shower.
"Marie?" he called through the curtain. No response.
He peeked around the curtain. Marie was laying in the tub, the shower spraying water over her-passed out.
"Crap!" Bill muttered. At this point the novelty of the naked ten year old was beginning to wear off-now she was more like a drunk, passed-out chick.
"Marie!" he rocked her-no response.
He turned off the water.
"Marie!" Again he pushed at her shoulder.
"What? Oh?!" she grunted.
She stood up, "Can I have a towel?"
Bill got another towel out and handed it to her. He watched her while she dried off, then she wrapped the towel around herself.
"Are you OK now?" he asked.
Marie looked at herself in the mirror, then around the bathroom.
"Thank you," she said in a small voice.
"Brush your teeth," he said. "You'll be alright?"
Bill went back into his bedroom, his shorts were wet so he left them on the floor. A few minutes later the door to the bathroom opened and the light went out. Then he heard Marie's door closing. It took him a little longer to cum this time. Then he fell asleep.
At seven o'clock in the morning, Sherry came into Marie's room. "Time to get up, dear."
The child opened her eyes, then closed them, the light was much too bright.
"Come on dear, it's a long drive."
Marie lifted herself up with her arms and suddenly her head started pounding, she was weak, her mouth was dry, the muscles in her thighs and arms ached. She dropped back down on the pillow. "Oh Mommy, please let me sleep."
"Where are your pajamas?" Sherry asked, now she could see her daughter's naked shoulders and back.
Marie rolled onto her side and tried to look at her mother. She put her hand to her forehead. "I got sick Mommy. I have a headache...."
"Oh," Sherry started to smile. "You drank too much beer last night, now you're learning." She surveyed her daughter's form. She lifted the covers enough to see her hip, verifying that she was naked. "Where are your PJs?"
Marie rolled onto her back, still holding her hand over her face. "I don't know," she whined, "Billy took care of them."
Sherry stood up and walked out of the bedroom. Her sister was coming down the hall. "From the smell in there, seems someone had too much."
"Did she leave it a mess?!" Sherry asked.
"No, it's cleaned up but there's a pile of really rank stuff down by the washer."
Sherry looked back at her daughter's bedroom. "What do you think Barbara will think of my hung over ten year old?"
"You'd better let her sleep it off, Bill will look after her and she'll be alright for a couple of hours till we get home."
Stevey came walking up, dressed but carrying his shoes.
"Looks like it's only you today, kid," Margret said to her youngest.
"I'll tell Marie," Sherry said.
Half an hour later the three climbed into the freezing cold car. There were just a few snowflakes on the windshield that had collected after Sherry had scraped the ice off.
* * *
At 10:13 Bill rolled out of bed...his bladder was just too full to ignore. After a really long piss he turned around and started the shower. He looked around, seems he had done a reasonable job of cleaning up after last night. The water felt good as he showered. When he stepped out he went to the linen cabinet for a towel and pulled out the last one-an old faded 'Finding Nemo' beach towel. That's when he remembered the mess he had left on the floor in the basement. After he had dried off he threw the towel over his shoulder and headed for the basement-his mother would be pissed if he left it.
As he passed through the livingroom he noticed that it was snowing really hard. "Fuck," he said to himself, "work is going to suck."
He had to rinse the dried and drying puke off towels and the mat in the laundry tub-the process almost made him puke. Still, as he worked he went over in his mind the sights of the night before and he decided it was well worth it. As he set the washer to fill and put detergent in it he really began to feel horny again. His dick started to grow and, a couple of times, he 'gave it a hand'. He was looking forward to a soft piece of velor he kept in his dresser as he started up the stairs.
"Marie!" he said when he came into the kitchen.
The girl turned from the fridge where she had been looking for something to eat.
Bill was completely frozen-he didn't know what to do. He was standing in the doorway at the top of the stairs, stark naked in front of his little cousin. Anything that he did would make him look ridiculous. He quickly recovered from his surprise.
"I'm sorry," he said, "I didn't know you were here." He started to walk across the kitchen toward the bedrooms.
For her part, Marie had been thinking about what had happened last night. She felt embarrassed about having thrown up the way she did, she also realized that she owed her cousin a grateful apology for taking care of her. She was also a little embarrassed, but also a little pleased, that he had seen her. For some reason, she remembered the look on his face when she was laying on the bed, then later when she was in the shower, and she knew that he liked what he saw.
As he walked through the room, her eyes followed him. She didn't know much about men but she did know that he was very good looking-sort of a Greek statue figure.
"Hey," she said, [he stopped in the doorway] "it's unfair that you got to look at me last night and now I don't get a look."
Bill turned, surprised by her but much more surprised by his reaction. He knew he WANTED her to look. His stomach and throat suddenly felt tight, along with a tightening in his cock. "Sure."
He walked back and leaned up against the counter, just opposite of where she was standing at the fridge. Marie looked at him with an inquiring expression on her face. She turned her head sideways a little, first to the right, then to the left. She walked closer, bending down for a closer look.
Bill, still very amused and getting a little bit firmer, pushed himself up so he was now sitting on the edge of the counter. Marie bent down even closer. She pointed just to the side of his cock, at his balls.
"Is that where the sperms come from?"
"I guess so," Bill said.
"Make it hard. I can see it growing."
"Do you need to have the sperms come out? I've heard that if a guy gets hard he has to have his sperms come out or his balls hurt." She peered around. "Make the sperms come out."
"Ummm..." he took her hand and pulled it to his cock, "rub it."
Marie giggled and pulled her hand back. "Nooo!" she laughed. "You do it."
Bill looked at his little cousin. Did she really know what was going on?
"I've heard that boys rub themselves and make their sperms come out. I want you to do it." The idea of jerking off while his cute little cousin watched was really exciting to Bill. He took his cock in his left fist. "Ok, but this takes a couple of minutes." He pushed back so he was sitting properly on the kitchen counter.
His dick grew quickly to full hardness and Marie stared at it, kind of fascinated. Billy wasn't nearly as big as Mr. Warren, maybe eight inches long and a big around as a broom handle, but now she was getting a real good look at the package. It looked like the reddish head was straining, under pressure, as was the shaft that bent up slightly. Below, the two loose sacks seemed to have relaxed, now the shape of the testicles was clear in the wrinkly scrotum.
Billy's breath was getting short and he was pulling harder on his cock, he was also beginning to rock with his strokes. As he jerked off he tried not to look directly at Marie, instead he kept the picture of her laying sideways on the bed, her feet on the floor, in his mind. Somewhere, in the back of his mind, he knew that it was really perverted to be so turned on by jerking off in front of a girl, then he remembered how, once, he had jerked off while watching his girlfriend do the same (they had been in the woods, it was cold and they both were bundled up. They had agreed that this was the best way to 'take care of their needs' while not freezing their asses off. He had pulled his cock out of his fly while she pushed her hand down in her jeans). Then his mind went back to the image of Marie laying in the bathtub.... "Ugh,"
When the first gob of white goo shot out, Marie tried to jump back but she wasn't quick enough and most of it splattered on the front of her flannel night gown. She also felt a warm wetness plop on her foot. Another, weaker stream of cum flipped out and landed on the floor between them, the rest dribbled out over Bill's hand onto the countertop. He was panting, no longer stroking his dick.
"Did that feel good?" Marie giggled.
"Oh yeah."
Marie pulled her nightgown away from her and looked down. "Sometimes guys do that in a girl's mouth." With one finger she gathered up a glob and rubbed it between her fingers. "Slimy," she said. Then she sniffed it, then put her finger in her mouth. Bill watched in amazement as his ten year old cousin tasted his sperm. Then she bent down and gathered the dollup off her foot and did the same.
"Doesn't taste much...just real slimy," she said. Then she stood back up. "That was cool."
Bill's mouth hung open as he watched her run out of the room.
Ten minutes later, Bill (now dressed in jeans and a Black Hawks sweater) was searching around the kitchen for some food. Marie came in wearing a pink Tinkerbell sweatsuit and fluffy slippers that were made to look like cats.
"I guess you're feeling better?" Bill asked.
"Are you?" Marie responded with a smile.
"Ummm...yeah. Feeling a lot better. So, when am I going to get to see you feel better?"
"You're nosey." she said. Then, in a really saucy voice, "Maybe later." She paused,"Right now, I'm hungry."
"I think I'll make some eggs and toast."
Bill looked at his cousin's eyes, they didn't look bloodshot. "So, how'd you talk your Mom into letting you stay?"
"I felt like shit when Mom wanted me to go this morning. Thank God I didn't have to."
Bill looked out the window, at least two inches of new snow had fallen. "It sure is coming down, no fun driving."
"What ya going to do today?" Marie asked as Bill put a plate with scrambled eggs and two pieces of toast down in front of her.
"I have a report to write for school," he said, "then I work from five to ten."
"Going out?" Marie asked. Then she remembered the night before and saw the discouraged look on her cousin's face. "Oh, I'm sorry,...that was stupid of me."
"It's OK," he said. "Maybe I'll see if I can hook up with a couple of my friends, see if there are any parties around."
"I'll do the dishes so you can study," Marie offered.
The rest of the morning was pretty quiet as the snow built up outside. A couple of times snow plows went buy, making a wall across the entrance to the driveway. At about noon, Bill came down from his room and went out the front door onto the porch. Marie followed in her slippers, they stood under the cover, a mound of snow had built up where the steps went down into the front yard.
"Fuck, it's going to take me a half hour to shovel the driveway so I can get Dad's truck out."
"Let's go in and look at the forecast," Marie said.
They closed the door behind them, Bill grabbed the remote and was about to switch to The Weather Channel when they hear the familiar voice of Tom Skilling on WGN.
"This is really turning out to be quite a snow event," he said. Behind him was a map of Northern Illinois that was titled 'Expected Snowfall Amounts.' "As you can see, the northern suburbs and most of the city will escape the worst of it but south and west of the Chicago you can expect accumulations of up to 18 inches. It's even worse downstate where Springfield can expect more than two feet of snow."
"IDOT is reporting treacherous conditions on I-80, 55, and 57. And, 88 and 90 aren't too much better. So far, the Tri-State and Eisenhower are doing OK and the Edens is clear but don't expect that to last much longer. The Kennedy is backed up near O'hare. The State Police are asking anyone planning to travel today to please consider other options. O'hare's reporting delays of up to two hours and this is causing a nationwide airline bottleneck."
"I expect the snowfall to taper off now in Chicagoland but down south of us can expect it to continue falling for at least another eight hours."
"I'd better call Mom," Bill said.
"Hi honey," his mom said over the phone. "Yes, we're alright but it looks like you might have to watch your cousin overnight."
"Have you gotten there?" Bill asked.
"Yeah, we just arrived about an hour ago but it was really bad. Just when we started thinking about turning around the radio said there was a wreak just south of Joulette and that the freeway was backing up. We decided to keep going."
They talked for a few more minutes, then Bill handed his cell to Marie. "Your Mom wants to talk to you."
"You'll be alright there with Billy?" she asked.
"Sure Mom."
"Let's not have a repeat of last night. I don't want you drinking unless I'm there." Marie, who happened to be standing next to the fridge at the time opened it. "I won't, anyway, looks like all the beer's gone."
"Now you behave for your cousin and keep the doors locked and you can only use the microwave while he's a work."
"Yes Mom," Marie had a 'shining her on' tone in her voice. The conversation ended and she handed the cell back to her cousin.
The late night and other events were beginning to have their affect on Marie and she was getting sleepy. Quite suddenly a wave of exhaustion came over her.
"I think I'm going to take a nap," she said as Bill searched the channels for something to watch. She climbed the stairs to her bedroom.
Her bed was unmade and looked really inviting. She stepped out of her slippers. The furnace was running at that moment and, the way the ducts were built in the old house, her room was always warmer that most of the other rooms. She pulled her sweatshirt off over her head, then pushed her pants down. She hadn't intended it, but her panties went with them and, with a giggle to herself, she crawled onto the bed and lay down on her stomach, slipping her legs under the covers, then pulling them up over her shoulders. It was less than a minute before she was sound asleep.
Two hours later she woke up. She flopped over on her back and looked at the window. Snow had built up on the frame, a heavy, wet snow that covered half of the bottom pane. She stared at the ceiling in the grayish light, then rolled over to sleep again.
But, this time, her mind was wondering. She remembered the night before, her mother undressing her in front of her cousin, then being in the shower, feeling his eyes on her, then watching him stroking himself. She remembered seeing Mr. Warren in the dark hallway, then the feeling of Vickie rubbing her with the vibrator.
She moved her hand down under herself, feeling the softness of her vulva then moving a finger along her slit. She started moving her finger back and forth across her clit. As the tight feelings started in her stomach and began to spread she again felt too warm, the furnace was running and a current of warm air was hitting her face. She worked the covers down off her shoulders to the small of her back as she got more excited. She was building higher, now humping against her hand, breathing deeper. The backs of her thighs broke out in a sweat, her pussy was getting quite wet. She spread her legs further under the covers and started moving her hips with more authority.
She usually masturbated this way, laying on her stomach with her hand under her, fingering her cunt. Her breath was beginning to become short and the tension was really building in her tummy but she was so hot. She realized that the backs of her knees were even sweaty. Moving her feet and legs, she worked the covers down further, uncovering her butt. She worked them down even further, moving her legs and butt, then gave up and lifted up on her knees, the blankets and sheets fell to her calves. She flopped back down on her stomach and went back to masturbating, now completely uncovered except for her legs below her knees.
Meanwhile, the game that Billy had been watching had ended and he decided to go back to his room to work a little more on his school project before getting ready for work. As he passed Marie's door, it was slightly ajar, he peeked through and stopped in his tracks.
From the door, he could see Marie laying on the bed, on her stomach, the covers only up to her knees. She was naked, rocking her butt in the air, her legs apart. He could see her fingers, now two of them, pressed between the lips of her clam. She was flexing them, quickly scratching at her clit, pulling the lips apart so he could see her inner lips and some of her dark pink vagina. She lifted her hips and pushed her other hand down underneath herself, this one snaking between the first and the bed. She reached further down and bent her fingers around and pushed at the opening of her cunt with her middle finger.
Before, Marie had never really wanted to push her fingers up inside her but, after the feeling of Vickie's dildo in her cunt, she was curious. She reached down with her free hand and pushed her finger at the opening. It was a bit awkward but she pushed up inside herself, feeling the incredibly soft and moist skin of her snatch, sliding inside herself to the second knuckle.
Bill's cock was crying out, straining at his jeans. He didn't want to disturb her but, considering that she had watched him wank off just a couple of hours earlier, he wasn't too concerned about being caught watching her. As quietly as he could, he undid his trousers and unzipped, pulling his member out, and started stroking himself.
Marie now had two fingers pushed inside her cunt. She was breathing hard, humping against her hand, her shoulders hunched so she could reach down, her upper chest pushed into the mattress, her hips lifted off the bed. She had her legs spread very wide as she suspended her pelvis just off the bed and humped against her hands, two fingers buried deep inside her pussy.
She lifted her head, looked forward at the headboard, craning her neck as she was overcome. She dropped her hips onto the bed and humped madly against her hands.
"Oh,...oh,...oh,..." she grunted as her pussy shivered around her fingers. Then she seemed to freeze there, panting. She turned her head to the wall, breathing hard, her back and thighs shining with sweat.
Bill was beyond himself. He had a massive hard-on in his hands and already there were strings of precum dripping down onto the floor. He really wasn't thinking clearly any more as he worked his pants down, then stepped out of them. While he was pulling his shirt off over his head his elbow hit the door, making a hollow "thump" and pushing it open more.
She turned her head and her eyes grew in surprise when she saw her cousin standing there, naked with his hard-on in his hand. "" she said with somewhere between a whine and a giggle. He walked into the room, standing over her next to the bed.
Without thinking much, Marie rolled over on the bed, as if to make room, but in doing so, she rolled up an one elbow and lifted one of her knees, spreading her legs and giving Bill one of the most inviting poses possible. Bill simply knelt down on the bed, putting first one knee and, after she shifted, laying down on her back, his other, between hers.
Months later, Marie would realize that the first time she ever touched a cock, it was pushing inside her. All Bill did was lean down and position his dickhead, then with gentle pressure, his dick slid into his little cousin's cunt. Neither of them had thought much about it, they certainly hadn't talked about it, but now Bill was fucking his ten year old cousin.
For Marie, the feeling of his warm dick sliding inside her, his warmth on top of her, the feeling of his skin against hers, it was intoxicating. As they started to rock together, sliding in and out, she lost all sense what she was doing except for the here and now.
Bill had fucked three different girlfriends, all his age, but this was completely new. The smallness of Marie, her smoothness and softness, was incredible. He lifted up on his hands and looked down at her hairless cunt, accepting his cock as she flared her hips up to meet him. He lowered himself back down on his elbows, sliding one hand under her back and cradling her head with the other. He made short, quick strokes in, then slowly pulled out. With each shove, Marie would grunt. As he speeded up her eyes lost focus and she looked at the ceiling beyond him.
Her tightness and wetness made him quickly build as Marie's grunts morphed into groans and she held his shoulders tighter. She was moving faster, pushing back at him with every stroke. She lifted her legs and clamped them around his ass as he slammed harder into her. Then he felt her shiver and she squeezed around him, making a high-pitched 'MMMMMMmmmm.' Her pussy shivered too and she bit his collarbone as she came. Two shoves later, banging them both against the headboard, Bill shot his jez, filling the little girl's cunt with sperm, pumping a dozen times as he slammed his cock into the top of her cunt.
Now, as they both calmed down, Bill rolled to his side, pulling Marie with him so his dick stayed deep in her vagina, and wrapped in each other's arms, they lay and panted. The sweat was cool on both of them and, still coupled, they managed to work the covers up over themselves. Marie looked at her cousin giggled while she held them together, her leg wrapped around his thigh. Billy pulled the covers up over their shoulders, holding her against himself. He looked down into her brown eyes and she giggled again, wiggling her snatch against him. It was only then, with his dick still deep inside his preteen cousin's cum filled cunt, that Bill kissed his little lover.
"Girls, looks like we're pretty much done here," Kevin leaned against his shovel after pushing it into a snowbank.
His two daughters had been a big help, Vickie had worked with him on the drive while Laura had cleared the sidewalk and walkway to the door. He was looking at Vicky, she was smiling up at him when her face changed, an expression of disappointment mixed with a little anger came over her. At the same time, Kevin heard the scraping and diesel sound of a snowplow.
The plows had only been down the street once that day, and since then a rutted accumulation of several inches had built up. The two moved away from the street and watched in consternation as the plow came up, clearing the road. As it went by it showered the three with snow and left a berm of at least three feet across the entrance to the driveway. The driver waved.
"Shit!" Vickie said.
Kevin roll his eyes. "Come on, it'll only take a few minutes to clear.
Laura walked up, her shovel over her shoulder. "That sucks."
The three of them went at the new pile and within five minutes had moved the berm into two large humps on either side of the drive. Then they went and cleared the space in front of the mailbox.
It was a wet snow, the temperature outside was just below freezing, but that made it actually seem colder. The snow had melted on their clothes and all three had wet feet and legs, their hands were pink from the cold. They stripped off their wet coats, mittens, boots and socks in the garage.
"Girls, lets get all this wet stuff in the dryer," Kevin said as he undid his jeans.
Vickie simply complied, pulling her pants down and off. Laura smiled to herself-her dad was always doing things to try to see her naked, or at least partially naked. She looked at him. His briefs were damp too and she could plainly see the outline of his cock through the white fabric. He was so much bigger than Charlie. She pulled her pants off, knowing that her father liked the sight of her thong underwear and the imprint of her shaved camel toe. She caught him staring just before she turned and went into the kitchen, showing him her ass cheeks.
Vickie was wearing blue cotton panties-very brief but not thongs. However, Kevin just got a flash of these because her sweater reached halfway down her thighs-she could have worn it as a dress. Still, she was incredibly cute as he watched her willowy legs. She had really lengthened out over the summer.
Kevin was making sure nothing had been left in the pockets of the pants and coats before stuffing them in the dryer when Vickie reappeared.
"Daddy, Laura's in our shower. Can I use yours?"
"Sure, hon, just don't take too long, I need to get warmed up too." The little girl scampered off and, a few seconds later, he followed. When he came into his bedroom he caught a glimpse of her naked form as she stepped into the shower. As he sat on his bed in his undershorts, his mind wandered back...
When Laura was born, seventeen years ago, he had been working swing shift at the hospital where he was a rad-tech. The job was often difficult and upsetting, by the time he came on most of the scheduled patients had been through, so he got more urgent and emergency cases. Almost every night he had to wipe blood off the equipment as auto accidents, fight victims, occasional GSWs would walk, be carried or rolled into the X-ray room. Of course, he'd regularly get looks at naked patients, a flash of tits, occasional pubes, but his patients were usually in pain, often not terribly cooperative as he had to position them to get the best picture. This was true also of the kids that came into his X- ray room, almost always with their parents, usually crying. One case would haunt him.
The little girl had been brought in by the police. A full set of X-rays had been ordered. She was four, a Hispanic girl with rich dark hair that reached the small of her back, olive skin, and she would have been really beautiful.
She was dropped off by the Charge Nurse from Emergency. The nurse had run out when her pager sounded. The child sat on the gurney and looked at him with her one good eye-the other was swollen shut. She didn't answer when he asked her name, only stared at someplace behind him-the 100 meter stare he occasionally saw in severely injured patients.
She didn't react as he lifted the hospital gown off of her or when he put her, naked, on the cool table. She was eerily silent as he rolled her around, taking different pictures of her on her back, on her stomach, close ups of the discolored area on her side, then arms, legs, and finally scull. All told, more than 20 shots.
The X-rays, as they rolled out of the developer, told the entire story. Three broken ribs, the orbital of her right eye socket was fractured but not displaced. And there were old injuries, a poorly healed right radius, two ribs on her right side, a finger that would always be crooked.
All through the exam she didn't say a thing, she just followed instructions or was completely listless. Kevin knew she had to be in excruciating pain but she never once whimpered. When he was done he wrapped her in a blanket and, mindful of her current injuries, carried her back to Emergency where he was directed to a room. The next day, and for two days after that, he went and visited her in Pediatrics. Only on the last day did she even smile at him.
That night, after his shift, he climbed into bed with Melissa and cuddled up to her back, spoons. He wrapped his arms around her stretched and firm belly. He felt a little foot kick at his wrist. He resolved that he would never spank his daughter, Laura, due sometime in the next three weeks. He would never touch her except with kindness and tenderness.
Two weeks later she decided to make her appearance. While she was in the tadpole stage, until she was around six months, Kevin never really looked at her carefully. He did notice that she had all the right parts, just tiny small. With Kevin working eves, that allowed him to be home most of the day while Melissa was home with Laura and they really shared a lot during that time. Then, when Laura was six months old, Melissa went back to work.
Now, Kevin was the daycare. Melissa would get up around six, bring Laura to bed and nurse her, then leave Kevin and the baby sleeping and go off to work. Usually Kevin slept until around eight, when Laura would wake up and want to be active. Then they would spend the day together.
It was one of these mornings, when Laura was around eight months old, that things changed. Kevin had been sleeping, laying on his side, curled around his little girl. It had been a warm night, but not hot, and they had left the windows open. Maybe during the day they'd need the AC, but for the night it was really comfortable. As normal in the summertime, Kevin was naked and Laura had nothing but a diaper on. It must have been a good dream because, when Kevin came awake, he had a raging hard-on. But what had woken him with a start was the feeling of tiny hands on his cock.
He looked down to see his baby daughter holding his cock and, as with anything that a baby that age gets in her hands, the next stop was her mouth. The feeling of the tiny baby's wet lips on his dickhead was incredible-and she sucked so hard! It was almost painful.
Kevin shifted up so the end of his dick was in the tiny one's mouth, and then started to gently stroke his shaft. Of course, she couldn't fit, didn't try to fit, the head of a man's cock in her mouth, all she was doing was suckling on the tip of his rod, moving her tongue back and forth across the pee hole, sucking just the same as she did on her mother's tits. She even looked up into her father's face with the same contented and loving expression she gave her mother.
This time, however, the milk didn't let down right away and she began to wonder what was wrong while, at the same time, she became aware that her Daddy was breathing hard and had a really tense expression on his face. He also seemed to be moving funny, pushing into her mouth and wiggling whatever it was she was sucking on with his hand. Still, she wanted to drink and just worked harder to get the milk.
Kevin was just beside himself with the feelings of having his cock sucked by the infant. She was looking up at him with such a loving expression, holding on to his cock with her tiny hands as she worked her jaw, lips, and tongue on the tip of his dick. The whole thing had just blown him away and he really didn't think about it as his balls churned and he humped into his daughter's face.
The cum built fast and, just when he noticed a change come over Laura's face, a look of concern, he gushed his first load of cum into her mouth.
Suddenly her mouth was full. But this wasn't the gentle flow that came from her mother, his was spurted into her mouth. It was a miracle that she wasn't inhaling when it happened or she would have choked on the torrent of sperm. Instead she swallowed some and the rest overflowed around her lips. Still, she was finally being fed, so she sucked even harder and was rewarded with another gush of milk, too much and she began to cough as the jez filled her mouth and some even went up into her sinuses.
Laura pushed away but the white goo kept coming, shooting out of her daddy onto her face and neck. It tasted different, it wasn't sweet, and it was slimy, not the warm liquid of Mommy's. She opened and closed her mouth, feeling it in her mouth and tasting. Then she swallowed what she could. There was more on her hands, so she put her fingers in her mouth and felt the goo.
Kevin lay on his side, panting, cum dribbling out of his cock to make a pool on the sheet. His baby daughter was covered with sperm. White goo clung to her face, more ropes and drops ran down to the sheets from her chest and throat. She spread the sticky stuff between her fingers, then put them to her mouth. He knew she had to have swallowed some but there seemed to be more on the outside than on the inside. There was more wetting her brown hair.
He sat up, his dick still sticking out, the last drops of cum oozing out of it, then pulled his little girl up sitting (she had just a couple of weeks earlier started to sit up). "You're such a wonderful little girl!" he said in a high 'baby talk' voice. "That was awesome."
He picked her up and held her to his chest, smearing his semen on his chest. He kissed her, smearing more on his face. "Such a wonderful girl!" he said again.
Laura could tell her Daddy was pleased, although she didn't quite know what she'd done to make him happy, but she smiled at him anyway, a string of cum still between her lips.
As Kevin wiped the cum off his daughter's face with the sheet, he thought about what he had just done. His daughter, at the ripe old age of eight months, had just given her first blow job. It had been unexpected and awesome, the feeling of her tiny hands wrapped around his shaft, just behind the head, and her wet lips and tongue, sucking furiously at his cock, was incredible. He had just blown a good sized wad of cum into his daughter's mouth, she had sperm in her belly. He knew he shouldn't have allowed this to happen but, no harm done, she was happy and healthy and didn't seem to mind having a mouth full of cum. He knew also that this would never go anywhere, she didn't know anything about what had happened, it was just a new experience in a life that was full of new experiences. Still, he knew he could never do it again.
Feeling both elated and guilty, they went through their morning routine-breakfast in, on, around, above, behind, below the high chair, some time spent with Laura in the playpen while Kevin did a few chores around the house, a bottle, a poopy diaper, then a nap. Then, around two, she woke up, crying from her crib and pulling Kevin away from the computer.
He had her on the changing table and, well, this time he took a really careful look. Kevin didn't have anything to compare to, the only baby he'd ever changed was Laura, but still, it seemed that she was just a micro-miniature version of her mother, or the hundreds of other pussies he'd seen (some in the flesh, many more in pictures). He gently parted the lips and inspected her vagina, a tiny opening, maybe a quarter inch, mostly closed off by her cherry (that's something he'd only seen once before when he was a teenager). Smiling to himself, he put a clean diaper on her, then got her dressed for her afternoon at the daycare center at his hospital. She'd be picked up around five by Melissa.
It was two days later, as Melissa was moving around the house getting ready for work. She had nursed Laura, then changed her and put her back to bed next to Kevin. Her warm body was cuddled up to his side, she was in the crook of his arm, and his hand naturally lay on her thigh. In his drausiness, Kevin started rubbing the soft and smooth baby skin, feeling the puffyness of her baby fat. The tape on her diaper caught on his wrist and stuck some, pulling away slightly from the other side, loosening it.
Kevin raised his head and looked around, Melissa was in the bathroom working with the curling iron and makeup (she'd be at least ten more minutes). With his heartbeat speeding up, Kevin pulled his hand back, then slipped it under the diaper.
The gauzey lining snagged on his fingernails. He looked around again, then rearranged the covers so no one could tell what was going on under them, then he pulled the other tape free and pushed the front of the diaper down some. Now he could feel the soft shapes of his baby girl's pussy. He ran his finger up and down her slit and was rewarded by her wiggling her legs and a soft coo.
Melissa came out the bathroom and he froze. She dug in the top drawer of her bureau as he pulled his hand out of his daughter's crotch. He watched through slitted eyes as she put on knee-highs and shoes, then went out of the room. Kevin pushed his hand back down between the baby's legs.
His finger would just part the puffy lips, sticking in the moist warmth there, but there was not enough wetness to let is slide. He wiggled his finger back and forth, Laura kicked her legs some, but, looking down at her face, Kevin couldn't tell whether she liked it or not- she was just looking around, inspecting her fingers, then grabbed a piece of the sheet and pushed it in her mouth. Melissa walked back in.
"You're awake? I'm going now," she said.
"Umm...have a good day, dear."
She leaned down and kissed her husband, then leaned across him and kissed Laura. "Bye- bye sweetie," she said (she had no idea that her husband's finger was nestled in her little girl's pussy lips).
After he heard the apartment door close and the clicking of the lock, he started rubbing Laura's pussy again. This time, with his other hand, he started stroking his cock. Laura continued to lay quietly, enjoying the new feeling of her daddy rubbing her, she pushed her hips forward a little but then her hand found the plastic ring of keys and she started playing with them.
Kevin's cock was rock hard in his hand and he was getting ready to cum when the image of his little girl smeared with his sperm came to him. He rose up, rolling on his side and pulled the covers down. Laura lay there, naked, her diaper opened and pulled down, and smiled up at her daddy. Kevin shifted around to kneel below her, his rather large cock, as big around and as long as one of her thighs, sticking up. He grabbed two pillows and lay them next to her, then lifted the baby up and, leaving the diaper behind, placed her on the pillows.
Laura looked up at the ceiling, the pillows were soft under her, it was comfortable, then rattled the keys some. She felt fingers on her and looked down. Kevin was spreading her pussy lips, inspecting the rice size clit and tiny slit opening to her cunt. Then he leaned down and licked her between her lips.
Laura was startled by the warm wetness of her daddy's tongue and she looked down at him with surprise. Still, the it felt really good that he was licking her there and, for a few moments she watched as he did it. But then she got distracted by the fan above the bed going around and started watching that. She was beginning to feel a little tightness between her thighs, a new feeling, and kind of good.
From what he had read, Kevin knew that there was some sexual response in babies but that it wasn't nearly as strong as with adults, but he was still kind of surprised when Laura started humping her tiny hips up into his mouth. The idea was such a turn on, he was stroking his member with his free hand and building quickly. As he neared the top he lifted up and started to rub his cock along the baby's tiny crack.
Laura again looked down at her daddy. He was no longer licking her but was rubbing something, that part that she had fed from earlier, on her. He had that tense look on his face again and she was a little scared that he was mad. He kept rubbing against her and that made the itch, the feelings in her thighs, a little better. She spread her legs apart a little more-that was even better.
Kevin's cock was huge against the tiny girl. Her belly was soft and she was actually pushing her pussy up against his shaft. He was about to cum and suddenly the idea of pumping his jez into her cunt crossed his mind. He went over the edge as he pushed the tip of his cock at the tiny opening and spewed white goo into her crack. He slipped up, his dick on her belly and shot more cum, making a pool of white slime on her stomach and a couple of ropes up over her chest and shoulders.
Now he was kneeling over the baby, panting, as the last of his cum dripped off his dick onto her. Laura ran her hands through the mess on her belly and chest, then put her fingers in her mouth. She chewed at the sperm, exploring the feeling to the salty slime.
"Fuck, that's sexy," Kevin said. He leaned back on his heels, surveying his cum covered baby girl. Then he used his fingers to collect a big dollop of goo off her belly and fed it into her mouth. Laura looked at him, then smiled, a bubble of sperm on her lips. Kevin leaned down and, with his thumbs, spread her pussy lips, opening her cunt. Inside the tiny vagina, pushed through the small opening, was more of his sperm-swimmers working their way into his baby girls womb.
After a while, however, the fun and sexiness of cum-spattering his baby started to wear off. First, Kevin noticed that the little girl started to push away his cock. Apparently she really didn't like the taste of semen and, when he'd offer his schlong for her to suck, she'd avoid it, only after a while taking it to her lips. Then, as soon as the first load of jez would fill her mouth, she'd push it away, then look at him with an unhappy expression as she spat out his cum, having it run down her cheeks and chin. OK, the thought, so his little girl didn't like to drink his spunk, he certainly wouldn't force her.
Then, after a couple of months, he noticed that she simply wasn't really paying attention. She'd watch and smile when he sucked and licked her pussy, sometimes she'd shiver some with what seemed like an orgasm, and she'd usually become quiet as he rubbed his cock up and down her slit and belly, but more often she'd just lay there and play with her hands or a toy, ignoring him. After she began to walk, although she was getting sexier by the week, she'd just look down at her cum covered pussy and belly, then get up and toddle away as if to say, "Daddy's done, time to go find something else to do."
He did think it was awfully sexy to watch her roam around, cum running down her legs, but by October it was simply getting too cold to hang around the house naked. No matter how high you set the thermostat, there were still drafts, cold air coming off the window or blowing in under the door. Also, around the first of the year, he moved to day shift and she went into daycare full time. Now, with all of them on a normal schedule, the opportunities just became fewer. And, as she approached two years old and started to talk, he had to stop. By the time she was 30 months old she had completely forgotten the taste of her daddy's sperm or the feeling of him rubbing his cock on her slit.
There was one other thing; Kevin, very obliquely, suggested to Melissa that he thought the new trend of women to shave their pubes was really sexy, and she took the hint. One evening, when they were driving home after a 'date' (Laura was at her mother's for the evening) she guided his hand up her dress. He actually did loose control of the car when he felt her sexy smooth cunt and they ended up in a rainy ditch, laughing their heads off. It cost $120 to have the car pulled out, but it wasn't damaged, and they went home and fucked like newlyweds. The sight of his cock running in and out of his wife's shaved cunt was something that he'd never get enough of.
When Laura was five, and had started in Kindergarten, they decided that it was a good time to grow their family. Once Melissa took the patch off her thigh it only took six months before she was pregnant. Four months after that, when she was having a check up and Kevin and a Rad Tech worked together doing a Sonogram, they knew that Laura was going to have a little sister.
Vickie liked it inside and refused to come out. Eventually, after 20 hours of labor, Melissa gave in and she was wheeled off to the operating room. Vickie was a beautiful pink baby but a bit underweight. Actually, she was normal length, just thin with long slender legs and arms. "This one's going to grow up to be a runner," the doctor commented.
Kevin was, however, a little concerned about one part of her. Her pussy was just the tiniest of clefts, almost just a wrinkle, down between her legs. No one else mentioned it, so he figured it was OK. Still, when she was just a few days old, just home from the hospital, he inspected her closely. Everything was there, just very shallow. Her clit ridge ran between the slight rises of her outer lips, the smaller lips pulled apart to show the tiny opening to her vagina. It just seemed that, like the rest of her, the skin was pulled taunt across her muscles and bones-she didn't have any babyfat.
What Vickie didn't have in external genitalia, however, she made up for in sexual response. She was just a couple of weeks old, Melissa and Laura were asleep, when Kevin picked the baby up and took her to the changing table in the nursery. First he just gently rubbed her with some baby oil on the tip of his finger and he was surprised that she started rocking her hips with his movements. Then he went down on her, licking her tiny crack and she almost immediately shivered and grunted, breaking out in a sweat. Kevin was amazed-obviously this tiny baby had just had an orgasm. It took only a minute more and she came a second time but, when he continued tongueing her, she began to fuss, then whimper-obviously the feelings were a bit too intense.
Still, the opportunities were few. Kevin had moved into an administration job and was working days. If he was at home with Melissa gone, he had both girls. Laura was always very interested in helping with her little sister, in fact, they seemed to be almost inseparable.
But, unlike her older sister, Vickie didn't seem to mind the taste of cum. Some evenings, when Melissa was out with a friend and after Laura was in bed, Kevin would take his baby girl into his bedroom and lay down with her on the bed.
When she was about ten months, and crawling, she crawled right up between his legs and took his cock and started to suck. She wanted to! Kevin sat on the bed, his back against the wall, and watched as his little girl tried to work his entire dick head into her mouth while grasping the shaft with both hands. His balls were rubbing on her thighs.
He brushed her dark hair back to get a better view as she looked up at him with shining eyes. After just a few moments more he started spewing in her mouth. A look of real concentration came over her face as she tried to get every drop of her daddy's cum. Still, some leaked out but he watched her throat working as she swallowed over and over again.
Sometimes, when he was changing her, she'd lift her legs up, holding her feet in the air, her knees bent, and also lift her head so she could look down at her pussy. Then she'd give him a smile that only the two of them knew about. He'd seen her do this when her mother was changing her, and assumed that the same request was made of others, like at day care. But he was the only one who knew how she would also pull her legs up and look down at him when he licked and sucked her pussy. Then, as he licked and pushed at the tiny cleft with his tongue, she'd begin to breath harder, then slowly lean back, her feet sinking to his shoulders. When she came, she'd push her cunt into his face, lifting her tiny butt by pushing down on his shoulders with her feet.
She also liked it when he'd rub his Johnson along her cunt. She especially liked to sit in his lap with his cock up between her legs. She'd hold it against her belly, hugging her daddy's dick, and rock up and down until he'd smear up her belly and chest with his goo. Then she'd turn around and hug him, sliding against his chest with his own sperm, and kiss him, pushing her tiny tongue out to meet his.
One evening, when Vickie was about 18 months and Laura had just turned eight, Kevin realized that it was time to cool it with his baby daughter before he got caught. The two girls had been playing in the bath, Melissa was in the living room watching TV and Kevin went into the girl's bathroom to get them out and ready for bed. Laura stepped out of the bath and was drying herself as Kevin stood Vickie on the toilet lid and dried her. When he put her down, she ran from the room and across the hall into the master bedroom. There she jumped up on the bed, landing on her butt, and spread her legs to show her daddy. There was no mistaking the invitation in her smile-a universal language that all women instinctively know. Laura looked up at her daddy with a bit of a confused smile while Kevin tried to keep his face expressionless. He went into the room with the towel and bundled the baby nympho up to take her to her room.
It was kind of difficult, however, to let it drop. The main reason for this was Melissa. From the time Laura had come home, while they still lived in a two bedroom apartment, she had insisted that they leave the bedroom door open, 'so they could hear'. Laura had been just moved out of her crib when, one evening while Melissa knelt between her husband's thighs, they both became aware of an audience.
Kevin pushed her a bit but Melissa just looked up at her husband and said, "Oh, don't worry about it, she doesn't know what we're doing," then went back to sucking his cock. Of course, Laura did exactly know what they were doing and, as he humped up into his wife's face, filling her mouth with his goo, she turned around and went back to her room. She thought about it, thinking it strange that her mommy liked to drink her daddy's milk-she thought it was yucky.
As the girls grew up, their mom was very open with them about sex. By the time she was five, Laura knew exactly were babies came from and had watched her parents practicing a few times. In fact, Kevin sometimes wondered if Laura had watched her baby sister being conceived. Still, she didn't really take all that much notice. "Oh, you're doing THAT again," she once said.
With the little sex pot Vickie, however, things were a little different. She was probably eight months old when she discovered that she could undo the tapes of her diaper and pleasure herself. The sight of Vickie masturbating became somewhat common, sometimes, to her parent's embarrassment, she'd do it in public and they'd have to pull her hand out of her pants to stop her. "Mom, she's doing it again," was a fairly common complaint from the back seat. Melissa's mother was at first scandalized by the child's sexuality but then dealt with it the same way Vickie's parents did-telling her to go to her room or not to do it with other people around. There were a couple of comments from daycare workers and, once, her kindergarten teacher told Melissa that she had noticed Vickie 'rubbing herself' and that it was a sign that she may have been molested.
"Oh no," Melissa had said, "she's done that since she was a baby-we've tried teach her when and where but occasionally she forgets. If you just call on her, she'll stop."
Sure enough, a couple of days later during a quiet time the teacher had just had to look at her from across the room and say, "Vickie." The girl had looked up with an embarrassed expression, then gone back to her drawing, this time without her hand in her lap.
All of this came flooding back into Kevin's mind as he crawled back into bed next to his sleeping wife that evening of the sleep-over. Seeing the sexy ten year old, Marie, naked-being caught naked himself-had reawakened certain thoughts. He jerked off next to his wife, remembering the feeling of his baby daughters mouths on his cock, the feeling of their baby pussies on his tongue, and he wondered what the ten year old would be like.
Now, with a teen and a tween, he was contented with the regular, comfortable sexlife with his wife. Still, he loved the short glimpses he'd occasionally get of his daughters. Once, a year ago, they had driven to a secluded beach on a river and, after some talking and conjuling by both parents, first Vickie and then Laura had stripped down. As the afternoon had progressed he had gotten a few pictures of them. Now they were on a CD, hidden amongst the piles of old back-ups and obsolete programs, but they did occasionally get looked at.
At about four o'clock Bill woke up, he and Marie were intertwined still, her leg over his, an arm across his chest, hand on his shoulder, head on the other. Bill thought for a few moments, remembering the incredible experience of screwing his little cousin. Then he realized something else. Normally, with women, after a while their weight became uncomfortable laying on him. His arm was under her but she didn't make it get pins and needles. Then he realized that she must weigh less than 70 pounds.
He craned his neck to look down at her. Her breathing was slow and shallow, druel ran out of the side of her mouth and onto his shoulder. Her hair was messed up, making a gauzy covering to her face. He was warm and comfortable, all he wanted to do was stay.
Outside the light was getting dim, the room was lit by a weak steel light through the icy snow on the window. He knew it was cold as shit out there, it would be a miserable night at the Jewel Osco. At least the snow would keep most customers away. He began to work his way out from under his new little lover. He got on his hands and knees next to her, then backed down the bed, leaving it by the foot.
Marie stirred. "Ohhh...." she said in a disappointed sounding voice, "I was so nice and warm."
He stood at the foot of the bed. "I need to go to work-it'll take fifteen minutes to dig the truck out."
Marie rolled onto her back, throwing the covers off and stretching like a cat, arching her back, pushing her sex up for Bill to see. "That sucks."
Bill surveyed her body, flat chest and belly, lovely bare pussy. There were dry white flakes around her crack and on the insides of her thighs. "We'll take this back up when I get off."
"I'll be waiting," Marie said.
Bill walked back up and leaned down and kissed Marie. Their tongues met and she reached up and put an arm around his neck. "What happens if you don't go?"
"I get canned."
"Too bad!" she said with a pout.
Bill went to the door and started picking up his clothes, then started dressing. "I get off at 10. Sometimes they close early."
"OK," she pouted.
After he got his clothes on, he went down stairs and then, after putting on a jacket, cap and gloves, went out the back door to the garage. He had to wade through more than a two feet of snow to the door. When he pushed the button the garage door opened to a low wall of snow. He climbed in the truck and started it, then got out and took the shovel down.
He had six feet of 18 inch high snow, then a berm of three feet to make it to the alley. He had cleared the first foot when Marie appeared next to him and started helping. In ten minutes they and enough cleared that the truck would make it through. "Thanks," he said as he draped his arms over her shoulders and kissed her.
"It's cold," Marie said.
"Well, get back in the house."
Marie turned and went through the door into the yard, he watched through the window as she went up the stairs into the house, imagining what she looked like naked. He smiled when he thought about what was going to happen after work. He got in the truck and shifted it into reverse. It took him three runs at it, in four wheel drive, before he broke through the ice and snow into the alley. Then it was only a five minute drive to the store.
When she got inside, Marie pulled off her coat, boots, and snow pants. Now she had on a long-sleeved t-shirt, panties, and socks. Marie went into the kitchen and raided the fridge. There was some left over chicken from the night before, plus a bowl of mashed potatoes. These went around in the microwave while she searched the channels until she found "The Deadliest Catch" and settled on the sofa cross-legs with a plate on her lap. She was really hungry. After there was nothing left but bones and a few traces of spuds, she went back into the kitchen and returned with a container of yogurt. This was followed a few minutes later by Oreos and Coke. When the show ended she realized that the sour smell she was getting small wifs of was her-she put her hand down into her panties and then sniffed her fingers-whooo! She remembered comments other girls had made about what happens after a boy leaves his stuff down there. She headed for the bathroom.
As the tub filled, Marie looked around under the sink and found a bottle of Mr. Bubbles. The tub exploded in a froth of white and she settled into water that was just a bit too hot to be entirely comfortable. She lay back as the foam rose to her chin, she even got occasional tastes of soap when a bubble would burst and send a drop onto her lips. She used her toes to turn off the water, then sighed. The house was silent except for the soft wooshing sound of the furnace. Through the vents she heard the click of the gas being turned off, then a couple of minutes later the blower died. The house was silent except for the occasional pop of the heating ducts cooling and a slow hiss as bubbles broke in her bathtub.
She was dreamily laying half asleep when suddenly she was overcome with a shock. Suddenly she realized what had happened. She had gone all the way! She was no longer a virgin! She was shocked by the realization. She knew only one other girl in her class that wasn't a virgin. She had done something that she could never take back, she would never be a little girl again. She was a little awed, shocked and scared by what she had done. With a wave of anxiety she realized what Billy could do to her reputation. If he told his friends she knew it'd get down to her school. Maybe things would be different at Mathews Middle School but at Crown Elementary, where she had one more grade to go, the other girls would be really nasty to her.
Well, she'd have to talk to Billy about it. Make sure he kept it a secret!
But then, as her mind wandered, she remembered what it was like. It was so warm, rocking back and forth, the feeling of being filled with him, his chest against hers, arms around each other, the warm embrace.
Under water, she started to rub herself, remembering her first fuck, imagining that Bill was there, on top of her now, his cock deep inside her, her legs wrapped around his hips.
She pushed a finger inside herself, then another. Then she remembered the vibrator that Vickie had had-she really wished she had it because, now that she had something to compare, the tool was much more like the real thing. Even as she was building she thought about what might be around that she could use, something about the size and shape of Billy's cock.
On the edge of the bathtub there was a bottle of shampoo that was a round bottle with a hemispherical top that made it close to the right shape. But it was really a lot larger than Billy or the vibrator. Also, when she thought about it, the seam between the screw-on top and the body might scratch her. Even worse, what if the top came off? Then she remembered something. In the drawer next to the sink was a tooth brush case. The bottom was rounded off, just like the dildo, there were no seams, it was just one smooth piece, except that it was slightly flattened.
She climbed out of the tub, dripping on the floor. In the mirror she saw that the white bubbles were clinging to her, making streaks down her chest and belly, more on her arms and she had a little goatee of foam on her chin. She giggled at herself and then dug through the drawer. There were two, one blue the other orange. She pulled the end off the orange one, it was empty, then she replaced the top.
She stepped back into the hot water and sat down in the bubbles. This time she started rubbing the smooth plastic along her slit. It slid easily in the water and felt really good. Then she slid down in the tub, her head in the water and her knees sticking up. She experimentally spread her pussy lips with two fingers and, with the other hand, pushed the tooth brush case up into her self. She was thrilled that it went in so easily. She squirmed with pleasure, feeling her cunt filled by the plastic. She let it go and just lay there, her hands on her hips, with the new feeling of having her vaginal cavity filled.
After a minute laying there, not moving, not touching the phallus she had pushed into herself, she began to wonder. She reached down and gently pushed on it. It seemed to move a little deeper into her but then she felt a pressure and some stretching as it reached the top. She grasped it with her thumb and finger, right up against her pussy lips and then pulled it out to measure how deep she was. Looking, she guessed that it had been 3 ½ or 4 inches inside her. Then she experimentally pushed her middle finger inside herself bending down so she could reach, and pushed it in as far as she could. She felt the top of her vagina and the bump there, although she didn't know what that was. Then she moved her finger around it and felt a small indentation in the middle of the bump. That's when she remembered seeing a drawing-that was her cervix and the indentation was the opening to her womb.
"Huh," she said to herself.
She explored the lining of her vagina more, it was soft and smooth and very sensitive. A couple of times she felt scratching from her fingernail, she'd have to be careful. She pulled her finger out slightly and, as she bent it, trying to get a better idea of what her vagina was like, a huge shudder went through her. She wiggled her finger against that spot again and an electric jolt of pleasure shot into her belly, down her thighs, and up to her nipples.
She crooked her finger more, rubbing against a spot just inside the entrance, just behind her clit and had another jolt of pleasure. Now she stopped thinking about exploration and just concentrated on what she had found. She slid down even further in the tub, her head in the water, her knees sticking up, spread wide, using her index finger to massage this new sensitive place. She started rubbing her clit with her thumb, gently squeezing the fleshy structures between her thumb and finger, moving them around, and she was almost instantly crashed by an overwhelming force that rocked her, made her entire body writhe, shivering her entire torso, down her legs and up into her throat. Her rocking became so strong that water slopped out of the tub and onto the floor.
She relaxed in a hot pink attitude, breathing hard. She was now way too hot. Her heart was pounding in her throat, she could hear it in her ears. With shaky legs she climbed to her feet and opened the drain, then she closed the curtain and showered off.
She dried herself, then wrapped in the towel, and went down the hall to her room. That's when she realized how silly it was to be covering up-she was alone in the house but still, by habit, had a towel wrapped around herself. With a smile, she dropped the towel on the hallway floor and went down the stairs. She sat down on the sofa and searched the channels, finding "Scrubs." Then she settled into an evening of TV watching, covered in a blanket against the chill when the furnace was off, throwing it to the side when the furnace cycled on.
At about 9:30 the back door, off the kitchen, opened and Billy came in, stomping snow off his boots.
"How was work?" Marie called from the living room.
"Fucking cold!" Bill came into the living room, stripping off his coat, he had left his boots on the mat in the kitchen.
"Well, it's nice and warm here." Marie threw off the blanket. She was laying on the couch, her head propped up on one arm. One of her feet was on the floor, her other leg bent, knee up against the back. From where Bill was, at the closet, he could see up her spread legs and her hairless pussy, pulled slightly open.
His face broke into a shit-eating grin. "Can I climb in?" He pulled his sweater and tee shirt off as one, then started working at his belt and fly.
After he had stepped out of his pants he walked over to the sofa and stood over her, his cock standing out above the girl. He reached down and ran his finger along her little-girl slit, parting the soft lips, rubbing the cleft of flesh between.
Marie felt a wave of relaxation pass over her. She reached up with her right hand and took Bill's cock, stroking it inside her fist. Bill pushed his finger lower and then bent it, pushing into his cousin's cunt, watching it disappear inside her. She was remarkably wet, owing to the fact that, just before he had arrived, Marie had been absent-mindedly fingering herself, maintaining a low level of arousal in anticipation of Bill's coming home.
Bill had spent his entire shift in a bit of a sexual frenzy, thinking, dreaming, about what awaited him when he got home. He had thought a lot about what he wanted to do, different positions and sensations, the places they might fuck (too bad it was winter, he had always wanted to get it on under the moon at a certain picnic area on Round Lake, he had also always wanted to reenact the closing scenes from "Risky Business"). Now, he desperately wanted to go down on Marie, lick her clean and hairless cunt.
"Here, turn this way," he said, pulling on her knee and turning the girl so her legs hung off the couch. Bill knelt down and then leaned over his cousin and kissed her. He pushed his tongue into her mouth and was pleased by her first, tentative, flirtations with hers. They both opened their mouths, Marie put one of her hands on the back of Bill's neck, the other on his side, then pushed it up and over his back.
Bill had his hands on her thighs, down by her knees where he had pulled her, positioning her on the sofa. Now he brought them up, along her hips and sides, holding her waist. A couple of times his cock head brushed against her pussy.
Marie reached down with one of her hands, taking his cock and began to pull it down towards her snatch, at the same time, slouching down further on the couch.
"Not so fast little one," Bill said, breaking their kiss and straightening up. He rocked back on his heels, pulling his dick out of her grasp, and then bent down to her cunt. The smoothness of her preteen pussy was wonderful, no course hair, and she didn't have the strong smell of his girlfriends. She smelled like the Irish Spring soap his mother bought and had only the mildest of musky taste. He ran his tongue along her slit and was rewarded by a sigh as she spread her legs further and lifted her hips up to meet him. He pushed his tongue at the opening of her cunt, Marie moaned a low "oh" and closed her eyes.
Bill only had to lick and suck for a short time before Marie humped hard up into his face and grabbed the sides of his head, shoving him against her cunt. She broke out into a sweat and Bill felt a sudden increase in her moistness.
He lifted up, looking down at his little ten-year-old cousin spread beneath him, waiting to take his cock in her smooth pussy. He spread the pink pussy lips apart with his thumbs and, with steady pressure, watched as half his dick slid up into the fourth grader.
Holding her hips, he moved back and fourth, pulling back until just the head was in her cunt, then pushing in, filling her, pushing to the top her her vagina. He fucked her like this for a while, moved his hands up to her shoulders while she did the same, looking intently into his eyes as she took her cousin's cock inside her.
Bill was building fast. Occasionally he'd look down at the sight of his dick inside the girl, then he'd look back into her face as it slowly became more tense with her breathing- beads of sweat appearing on her forehead and upper lip. He had to stop soon, take a rest, or he was going to loose it much to soon. He pulled Marie up against him, wrapping his arms around her small shoulders, then lifted her, impaled on his dick, and spun around so he was now sitting.
"Oh!" Marie giggled as she assumed the superior position with her knees on the couch, straddling her cousin's hips.
At first tentatively, but then with more vigor, Marie started to rock back and forth, moving Bill's cock in and out of her pussy. "Oh..ho...ho," she giggled in a low voice. "I like this..." she said as she learned how to fuck, to control the action.
Bill sank down more on the couch so, now with his chin in his chest, he could watch his cock part her lips and move inside her. Marie put her hands on his shoulders and straightened up further as she lifted and fell faster.
"Oh, God..." she gasped as she built more and more towards climax, now putting her hands up behind her head, arching her back.
Bill looked up at her stretching herself above him and was surprised to see that her little girl nipples, until now just slightly colored bumps on her boyish chest, were now sticking out like small dime-sized cones. He reached up and ran his thumbs over them, holding her under her arms.
Marie looked down at him a giggled but then an her eyes and mouth opened, her nose flared like in anger. "Oh...oh...ohhhh,....FUCK!" she yelled as she slammed down on him, shoving his cock painfully deep into herself.
Bill unloaded a gush of sperm, erupting inside her cunt, pushing semen up into her womb. Her vagina and uterus contracted and squeezed, swallowing his swimmers up inside, pulling as much of his goo into her as they could, filling her with him.
Marie fell forward, pressing her sweaty chest against his face as they both panted in the aftermath. "Fuck, that was awesome," she panted.
"Mmm, yeah," he said in a low voice.
They stayed like that for a few minutes as both of their breathing returned to normal. As Bill's cock began to relax, Marie lifted off him, then fell to the side, landing on her back again on the sofa, her head propped up on the arm, her legs still entangled with his. Bill sat up and admired the sight of her pussy with his white spunk oozing out from between her lips and running down into the crack of her ass.
"Mom needs to get stuck in Springfield more often," he said, admiring his destruction.
"I'll say," she giggled back.
After a while, Bill got up and went into the kitchen. He searched the fridge, then pulled a pot-pie from the freezer and stuck it in the microwave. Marie followed him, standing in the doorway.
"Do you want anything to eat?" Bill asked.
"Maybe some ice cream later."
They settled on the couch and found a rerun of ER. Five minutes later the beeper went off and Bill got his meal, again settling next to his naked cousin. A while later they each ate a bowl of ice cream, Bill had really enjoyed watching Marie through the doorway, naked, serving them. Then, as "Late Night with David Letterman" came on, they cuddled together under the blanket, their naked hips warm against each other, Bill with his arm around his preteen lover's shoulders. During the commercial break, after the Top 10, Bill felt a hand on his thigh. Then it moved and settled on his cock.
Marie wrapped her hand around the soft member and gently began to pull on it. She was curious as she felt it grow in her hand, becoming firm and larger. With a giggle, she pulled the blanket off, then turned slightly and started using both hands. Bill's cock quickly grew and became hot and hard. He had his hand on her back, stroking her, when he put a slight pressure, pushing her softly between the shoulder blades.
Marie had been watching his cock grow, the head swelling. She looked up at him with surprise, then she realized what he wanted.
"You want me to suck on it."
"Mmmm, yah,..." Bill half groaned.
She looked back down, then back at his face. "Well, alright, but don't cum."
Bill leaned back and his eyes glazed over as he felt Marie's mouth on his dick. She moved her hand down and cupped his balls, gently squeezing. His cock tasted a bit like she had smelled earlier, but not strongly. With some amusement she realized that she was tasting herself. As she sucked and moved his dick in and out of her mouth he began to breath harder and hump slightly. His cock was actually smooth and warm in her mouth- not unpleasant. She pushed it deep against the back of her throat a couple of times but the angles wouldn't allow it to go any further.
Bill, even though he had already come three times that day, was building rapidly. He was humping up into his little cousin's mouth, the feeling of her cool hair on his hips just added to the pleasure of the blow job. He started to have to fight the urge, getting ready to blow.
"'d better..." But the expression on his face told a completely different story.
Marie stopped bobbing and sucking and lifted her head, pulling him out. "OoooKay," she said in a resigned tone, "you can do it." She leaned back down.
Her mouth closing around his dick head again, now with no need to fight, Bill went out of control. He started to hump uncontrollably into the child's mouth, grunting with each shove.
"Ooooo....God!" he groaned, "oh fuck...."
Marie closed her eyes, feeling his cock twitching in her mouth as he shoved at the back of her throat. Then there was a sudden rush of slimy goo, not a whole lot, on her tongue and sticking to the roof of her mouth. She stopped moving and, grasping his hard member in her hands, sucked real hard as more of the slime shot into her. She tried to swallow but really couldn't with her mouth full of his cock, she she kept sucking and then slid him in and out a couple of times.
Bill had lifted his ass off the cushions as he shot his load, his mind reeling. The cumming ended too soon, he just didn't have much after that day, and he sank down as he looked at his little cousin, her eyes closed in concentration as she sucked cum out of his balls. He was done, he couldn't believe his sweet little preteen cousin had just sucked a load of sperm out of his dick. He lifted her chin.
"Oh, God Marie, that was awesome."
As she lifted off, her mouth holding his sperm, Marie again closed her eyes and swallowed. The stuff tasted rank, a salty sweaty goo, like snot, that balled up on her tongue. She had to work it and swallow again.
"That was really gross," she said in a cross between an amused and a disgusted tone. She reached for a can of Coke and took a swig, washing the last sticky bits of semen down her throat.
"I'm sorry," Bill panted.
Suddenly Marie started laughing. "No you're not! You loved every second!"
Bill just lay there in a daze.
"Don't worry, I'm not mad," Marie said. "Just don't expect that every day." "Oh, hell no," Bill said.
They curled up in Marie's bed for the night, sleeping wrapped around each other. Marie woke up to the feeling of Bills cock, now rock hard, pushing at the back of her thighs, pushing between them, while his hand worked its way between them from the front. Marie spread her legs, hooking one knee over his thigh, and then reached down to guide his cock.
It was difficult because she really wasn't at all wet, having been asleep and not having any foreplay, but after a while Bill worked his dick inside her pussy while rubbing her hairless cunt from the front, fingering her clit.
He pulled her back so she was now on top of him, being fucked from behind. As she grew, Marie lifted up on her feet and hands, in a crab-walk, the covers long having been thrown aside. She rocked back and forth as he humped into her. His dick was incredibly hard, more like a stick than flesh. Then, too soon, and before she came, Bill pumped his morning seed into her pussy, making well up for the small amount of sperm from the night before.
Marie lay back down, spread eagled on top of him, his cock still deep inside her.
"Oh, good morning," he said.
Marie giggled.
Then, somewhere in the house, the phone rang. It was Margret, they would be home in about two hours.
The thick covering of snow kept the kids at Crown Elementary indoors for recess. The first day they played games in their classroom, the same on the second, but by the third day the Principal was facing growing resentment from his faculty over the lost down time. A change in the schedule was arranged and, at 1:15 all of the fourth graders went to the lunch room. The tables had been cleared away and a 'Game Day' had been arranged with different activities for the kids. Some threw rings onto bowling pins, there were two tether ball poles set up, egg races (using plastic eggs) and other sorts of diversions for the 35 minutes.
Vickie and Marie weren't in the same class but they stayed together whenever the classes mingled. "Ask your mom if you can come over for a sleepover on Friday," Vickie said just before Mrs. Andersen blew the whistle calling the classes to line up.
On Thursday the girls sat next to each other on the school bus. "Mom and Dad are going for a 'romantic weekend' downtown," Vickie said.
"You can come over to my place," Marie suggested.
"No, Mom wants me and Laura to stay home. I know Laura's planning a party, Mom and Dad don't know. How bout if you just come over like we've planned? Keep it a secret from your mom."
"She'd be really pissed if she found out."
"We'll just say I forgot to tell you it was off."
(Neither girl thought about whether Sherry would find out after the fact-typical ten year old planning.)
At about 5 on Friday evening, Marie came be-bopping down into the livingroom with her things packed in a back pack. She started pulling on her boots, then pulled her coat out of the closet.
"Where are you going?" Sherry asked as she went through the room.
Sherry stopped, "Huh?"
"Sleep-over at Vickie's. Don't you remember, Mom?" Marie rolled her eyes with an 'adults are idiots expression.' "I asked you a couple of days ago, you said OK."
"Oh,...yeah..." Sherry said. "Who's taking you over?"
"It's only three blocks, I'll walk."
"Oh, OK, ah, call me when you get there and be sure to behave yourself."
"Yes Mother."
"Don't stay too late tomorrow. I'll call you if we make plans. Is your phone charged?"
Marie dug the phone out of her pocket and flipped it open. "Four bars."
"Ok, have fun and be good."
"Bye." Marie zipped up her coat and pulled on her backpack. She had no intention of being good.
It had cleared up during the week and the temperature had dropped. As the last long rays of the sun lurked through the trees and out from between the houses, it got a lot colder. By the time Marie reached her friend's house she was quite chilled by the 12° weather.
"You walked!" Vickie said as she let Marie in. "It's so cold."
"I didn't want Mommy to bring me over and Bill's at work."
"Good idea," Vickie had a conspiratorial tone.
"Hi Marie," Laura said as she came in from the kitchen.
"We've ordered some pizza."
The three sat around in a circle on the livingroom floor and ate, giggling and talking. About seven, the doorbell rang and the dog ran to the door, barking with his tail wagging. Laura ran to the door and opened it.
"Hi Laura," it was another guy Marie had never seen. Standing next to him was a girl who looked vaguely familiar.
"Oh, hi Steve," Laura said.
"Ron's just behind us. Oh, there he is, I'll go help."
"Come on in Sarah," Laura said. The girls stood up.
"Sarah, this is my sister Vickie and her friend, Marie."
"How ya doing," the older girl said, giving Laura a funny look.
The door banged open and Ron and Steve struggled through, Ron burdened with a case of beer and Ron carrying four plastic bags with 'Buy & Save Food and Liquor' logos.
"Helps to have a brother working at the booze bazaar," Steve said as he followed Bill to the doorway that led down to the basement. They were followed by the other high schoolers. Lastly, Laura stopped at the doorway and looked at the two youngsters.
"You two stay up here and, if a word of this gets to Mom or Dad, we'll all be dead!"
Vickie and Marie settled in Vickie's room to a DVD of 'Sex in the City' a bag of chips, cans of Dr Pepper, and a laptop that they used to paruse Facebook, Youtube, MySpace,, and dozens of other clothing sites. Meanwhile the thumping of music and occasional outbursts of laughing came through the floor. At one point the dog barked when someone else arrive. By 9:30 the chips and drinks were gone so the girls went looking for reenforcements.
Kevin had converted half of the basement into a family/game room with a wet bar, fake fireplace, pool table and 52 inch big screen. The sofa and chairs had been cleared to the side and a folding ping-pong table was set up, there was just enough room to get between it and the pool table. The game of 'beer pong' had been going for almost an hour.
The girls stood to the side for a few minutes, watching-the music was deafining, the guys shouted at each other as balls splashed in cups or bounced on rims and onto the floor. Ron seemed to have the job of refilling the cups after to loosing side gulped down a cup. Marie went to the bar where there was an ice chest and looked inside. No sodas, just longnecks of Blatz. Marie took one but couldn't manage to twist the top off. Steve came over.
"Here, let me help you with that," he yelled over the music. He took the top off and handed it back to Marie.
"Thanks!" she yelled. At the same time there was an eruption of laughing from the table and Sarah picked up a single glass that was alone on her end of the table, then gulped it down. Replacing the cup. Then more yelling from the guy's side of the table... "Come on Sarah!.... Loose it!.... Shoes don't count!..."
Sarah laughed, "Fucking pervert!" She pulled her sweater off over her head, now in jeans and a bra. "You satisfied!"
The guys cheered. Then Laura took to her end of the table. "You motherfuckers! We're going to see what you don't have!" With a practiced eye she threw the ball and it splashed down in the #3 cup. Ron took the cup and emptied it, then put it to the side. Laura cleared five of the six cups but then missed the last one to the amusement of everyone.
Meanwhile, Marie had managed to open a second beer for Vickie and the two stood near the bar, watching. Next up was Claude, a tall blond exchange student from Sweden. He had arrive with Chris, a friend of Steve's. This had made for a basically unfair advantage for the guys-four against two-and the uneven amounts of beer consumed over the past two hours was showing. The switch from standard beer pong to strip pong has had been Chris' suggestion only a few minutes before Marie and Vickie arrived.
Claude only hit three cups before he missed and the sides switch again. Sarah, now seemingly having forgotten that she was shirtless, quickly ran the table and Claude pulled his shirt off. The girls, younger and older, exchanged glances-they definitely liked what they saw. Next Ron was up and, after Laura gulped down her sixth shot in a row, the room erupted again.
"Hey!" she yelled across as she pulled her shirt tail out, "This is unfair....there're four of you and two of us!"
"Great!" Ron called.
"We're here!" Vickie yelled.
Laura froze and looked at her sister, as if it was the first time she had seen her. The guys quieted down-for a moment Vickie thought she had done something really wrong.
Steve was the first to regain his composure. "Sure, why not?"
Laura finished pulling her shirt off. She broke into a smile. "Sure, come on."
Vickie was still a little undone, surprised by what she had done. Marie walked over to the table and Sarah handed her a ping pong ball. Chris went to the opposite side.
"Do I bounce it?" she asked.
"Well, you can but, if he blocks it you have to loose a piece of clothing. It's safer for you to just throw it."
Marie felt the weight of the ball, then carefully pulled back and tossed. The ball landed squarely in the #2 glass. The girls clapped and Chris picked up the glass, gulped the shot of beer, then put it to the side. Marie's next toss hit the rim of #4 and then went off the table. There was clapping-her turn was over.
Now Chris took a ball and tossed, it landed in #4. Marie picked up the glass and gulped the beer, swallowing it in one. Chris threw again and scored another hit, then another, then another. Marie felt the beer boiling in her stomach. It also twisted when she realized that he had only one more shot and she'd have to take off her shirt.
Ron tapped Chris on the shoulder and whispered something to him. He nodded, then grinned at the little girl. He pantomimed pulling his shirt up then took aim. The ball bounced next to the last cup, then went off the end. There was some laughing and Chris made to act like he was disappointed. Marie stepped back, relieved, and Laura started setting up the table for her little sister.
The guys understood not to push it with the two preteens and so they went easy with them. Laura was the first girl to loose her shirt and bra while Chris ended up in his shorts, much to the cheers of the girls and a lot of pats on the back for Marie. However, after this, Steve was out for blood and in six quick tosses, Vickie looked around shyly as she unbuttoned her blouse, then got whoops of laughter when the guys saw she was wearing a sleeveless undershirt. On the next up, Claude got Sarah down to only her thong.
Finally, Laura had a run of luck and Ron was shirtless, leaving Marie the only fully clothed player. As Chris came back to the table, he was determined to win and, with four very carefully aimed tosses Marie was only two glasses from loosing her shirt. Then, he got cocky. His next shot was a bounce and landed squarely in the #6 cup.
"You know, if it bounces, you can bat it away?" Sarah said to Marie.
"Yeah, just don't hit the glass."
Chris carefully aimed his shot, lofting it high and short. Marie swung after the bounce but her finger hit the rim of the cup and sent it flying.
"AHHHHHH!!!!" the guys yelled and, with only a "Oh-HO!" Marie pulled her shirt off over her head. Two of the guys clapped and she stuck her chest out at them, hands on hips, then gave them the finger.
Now emboldened, Steve made Vickie take her undershirt off.
During Sarah's next up she ran the table and there was a little surprise when Claude undid his pants, then looked up with a grin and said, "I guess the game's over for me." Not only was he 'free-balling' but a couple of the girls did a double-take. For Marie, she had heard about circumcision but had never seen one uncut-even in pictures. Then there was the size, almost as big as Kevin, Vickie's dad. She tried not to stare but he caught her eye a couple of times and he grinned at her.
Claude was tall and thin, his hair, that was fairly short and straight, was almost white. He had deep blue eyes and a well built chest with a light coating of blonde curls. He had an impressive six-pack and muscular legs and ass. But what was most intriguing to all the girls was his large cock, hanging at least nine inches, maybe a little swollen but giving promise of much more.
Marie's mind was wandering and she didn't really realize that Chris was running the table until the cheering brought her back. The table was empty in front of her, six drained cups lined the side. She laughed, then gave a shrug and pulled her pants off, now joining Sarah and Laura in panties only. On the next round, Laura showed everyone what she liked most about Ron and he, in turn, made her the first stripped girl. The guys tried to keep their glances at her cleanly shaved pussy from being obvious. Next Sarah had to drop her thong, she was trimmed down to a landing strip of tight brown curls and Vickie ended up in nothing but a pair of pink panties.
Marie tried really hard on the next round and, sure enough, Chris was naked. Then it was his turn. After downing six shots in a row, Marie took off her panties, feeling strangely unselfconscious as she stood in front of the four high school guys, naked. On the next set a winner was determined-Steve was still in his undershorts while everyone else was naked.
The guys high-fived and whooped. "Ok, Steve," Laura called, "who's the prize?"
"I don't know," he said. "You four line up and I'll make my choice."
"What does he mean?" Marie asked Sarah in a low voice as the four naked girls lined up against the bar.
"He's the winner, he gets to do his choice."
"Oh," Marie said.
"Don't worry, he'll go for Sarah-they're friends," Laura said.
"How bout we blindfold him?" Ron said.
There was some more loud talking and yelling, then Ron tied Vickie's tee shirt around his eyes. The three guys spun him around several times, then stopped him facing the girls. He stumbled forward, his arms outstretched like a zombie, tripped and fell forward, only keeping from falling flat by grabbing Vickie's shoulders.
The room was silent with shock. Steve hadn't intended to pick one of the youngsters, he had intended to pick Sarah-she was his age and Laura was, of course, Ron's girlfriend, so she was off limits regardless of the game. Vickie pulled the blindfold off of Steve, he was down on one knee in front of her, (he was staring directly at her tiny, hairless preteen slit) and, after a pause, she leaned forward and kissed his forehead.
"Ok," she said.
Steve looked up at her with a shocked look on his face.
"Vickie, it's only a game," Laura said.
Vickie looked back at Steve. "No, I want to." She stepped around him and went to the pool table. Turning her back to it, she lifted herself up and sat on the edge, her legs spread. "Come on."
"Vickie, No!" Laura said in a sharp tone.
"Yes Laura...I know what I'm doing and I want to."
Steve walked over to the child, standing about a foot from her, looking at her. "You're sure?" His note of concern was betrayed by the growing bulge under his briefs.
"Yeah, I'm sure," Vickie said as she slid off the table onto her knees, then pulled the front of his shorts down. She leaned forward and took his cock in her mouth.
Everyone watched in silence as the ten year old sucked on Steve, his cock growing quickly and stiffening in her face. As she worked him in and out of her mouth he began to hump into her. He put his hands on top of her head to guide her.
Marie was really surprised as she watched her best friend give a high schooler a blow job. In the back of her mind, Marie wondered if Vickie had done this before.
Steve's dick was warm and musky in Vickie's mouth. It felt comfortable, natural there. Somewhere in her subconscious old memories were affecting her feelings and impressions. Somehow this was familiar, pleasant, and good. She didn't remember sucking her Daddy's cock when she was a toddler, but still the impression was there.
She could tell Steve was building, she had watched her father and mother several times, and she could tell by his breathing, by the fact that every muscle in his body was getting tense, by the look on his face, that he was building...and she wanted something more.
She pulled back, then lifted back up on the pool table, lifting her knees and spreading her legs. Steve was almost an atomaton, his eyes glazed over, as he moved forward and put his dickhead against her tiny cunt. He could see that her vagina was pulled open, a dark pink passage that looked only big enough for his finger. He pushed at it and it stretched, admitting half of his head. Steve rocked back and forth slightly, then pushed again and she took him, his dickhead pulling the little crack open and sinking inside the ten year old.
Vickie pulled in her breath, the stretching of her cunt caused a sharp burning pain. Steve rocked back and forth a little more, then pushed more and almost half of his cock slid into her.
"Oh, Jesus Christ she's tight," he said.
"What do you expect?" Laura said. "You're fucking a fourth grader."
She had watched in shock as her friend pushed his cock into her baby sister. She was standing next to him. "Are you OK?" she asked Vickie.
The discomfort of the stretching was passing, being replaced by a growing warmth and tingling. "Uh-huh," she said.
As she had stood near the bar, watching her friend getting fucked for the first time, Marie had felt that someone was standing behind her. Without turning to look (the sight of Steve's cock sliding in and out of Vickie was making her own pussy tingle) she reached back, intending to maybe brush whoever it was. Instead her fingers slid across something warm and a little bit firm, it moved easily. Somehow, Marie knew it was Claude behind her. She wrapped her hand around his cock, stroking and moving down toward the head. She reached back with the other hand and, with her fingers, explored the shape, feeling the foreskin that extended over the head, partially covering it.
Claude's cock grew quickly as the child rubbed it. As it rose she could no longer hold it behind her and he stepped forward, wrapping his arms around her, down across her chest and pushing his cock against her back where it pointed up between her shoulder blades.
Marie desperately wanted him to finger her slit, so she pulled one of his hands down. Claude had to lean way over, bending over the girl, now his cock head pushed directly into the middle of her back, as he pushed a finger between her lips and started rubbing her clit.
There was a whimper from Vickie, she was laying back on her elbows, her knees in the air as she took Steve's dick. She threw her head back and whined again as Steve shoved into her, flooding her with cum. White goo filled the cracks around her cunt and his dick as he emptied his balls into the girl. He leaned forward, his own elbows on the table, panting, and humped like a dog into her, leaving the last traces of sperm inside her.
They both stayed there for a few moments, catching their breaths. Then Vickie started to laugh.
"I'm not sure who won," she said.
Steve stumbled back and everyone could see her cum drenched pussy, gobs of white jez filling the gap between her crack and the top of her thigh, more goo filling her, some running down into a small pool on the wood edge of the table.
That show over, Marie saw Ron leading Laura to a sofa where he lay down. Laura climbed across his hips and took his cock.
Marie turned around, her face only came up to Claude's stomach, she was looking just above his navel. She stroked his ridged cock, large in her hands, and watched as the head moved in and out of the foreskin, appearing and disappearing under the white sheath. She pulled the skin back, uncovering his head, then leaned down and took him in her mouth.
As Marie blew him, they sort of dissolved to the floor, ending with Claude on his back and Marie kneeling between his legs. She could feel his cock grow in her mouth and his shivering, then, suddenly, her mouth was full of his slime. She tried swallowing but every time she gulp down a wad of his thick goo it'd be replaced by another onslaught of sperm. Marie hadn't realized that, because this was his first time that night, there'd be so much more cum. She was shocked and a little grossed out as more and more mucus flowed into her face and squeezed out of her lips to run down her chin.
Finally, he relaxed and Marie let his dick slide out of her mouth. He lay there for a moment, then looked down at the little girl, staring up at him from between his thighs. "Now it is your turn," he said.
Claude sat up, then pushed Marie back so she rolled off her feet onto her ass and then onto her back. With no preamble, Claude lowered his mouth to her pussy, licking her clit, opening her slit with his tongue.
The tingling in Marie's thighs quickly grew. Claude pushed his finger inside the hairless pussy, admiring the beauty of a preteen cunt, then leaned down and licked her hard clit more.
Marie was shocked when she realized that he knew about that real sensitive spot too. Claude bent his finger, rubbing that area just inside the entrance, at the front. At the same time he pushed at her clit with his tongue, moving it in a circle. Marie exploded with orgasm, moaning loudly as he pressed her clit between his tongue and finger. She just seemed to roll, cumming again and again until the pleasure became excruciating and she had to push him away. She rolled up into a ball, laying on her side.
When she opened her eyes she saw Ron and Laura. She was still bouncing up and down on him, his cock buried in her puss, but Chris was standing next to them and Laura was sucking his cock. The sight of his girlfriend sucking someone else's dick while he fucked her was too much for Ron and he exploded inside her. The feeling of being filled with cum brought Laura off and, at the same time, Chris started pumping semen into her mouth.
In her writhing, Chris' dick slipped out of her mouth and he grabbed it, jerking off and cumming on Laura's face. Ron watched his girlfriend get her face painted as he finished emptying his balls inside her.
Now, with everyone spent, the party quieted down. Marie was sitting on the floor, leaning against the bar when Vickie came over and knelt down, offering a shot glass. The Jack burned her throat and she took a swig of the beer she had just opened to wash it down. Later, Chris handed her another shot glass. The girls sat next to eachother, still naked, and watched the teens play pool. Marie moved to the sofa and lay down as the room faded. Eventually, she was aware that the party was breaking up, people were leaving. Someone threw a blanket over her. At some point in the night she felt someone laying with her, something warm and hard against the small of her back. Another time she was led up the stairs by Laura and put to bed in Vickie's room.
In the morning she woke up. There was sun shining through the window onto the floor, Vickie was in bed with her, they were both naked. She rolled onto her back. There was a dull pain in her butt. She reached down and gently felt her ass hole, it was tender and ached slightly.
A few minutes later they were both awake.
"I was on the couch. Was there someone with me?" Marie asked.
Vickie was still sleepy. "Ah, yeah....I think it was Chris. He was behind you, you didn't seem to mind."
Later that morning as Marie walked home in the bright sun, cold over the icy sidewalks, she thought to herself that she wished she could really remember it. She was really sore, it hurt slightly to walk. She really didn't mind that Chris had fucked her in the ass while she was passed out, she just wished she could remember more about it. Maybe, in a couple of days, after the soreness had passed, she could ask Bill....
That Saturday night Margret called them all down for dinner. Marie had been in her room reading a book. She was surprised that Bill wasn't there.
"Is Bill at work?" she asked.
"No," Sherry said, "he has a date with Carry. I guess they patched things up."
Marie felt a knot in her stomach, her throat was tight, and she had to fight to keep from crying. She pushed at her food, she had lost her apatite, and after about 10 minutes she left the table and ran to her room-Margret and Sherry exchanged knowing glances.
She lay on her bed in the dark, confused and angry. She thought they were in love but he had never said it...she was so stupid to think she could keep an older guy...he was cheating on her...she had cheated on him just the night before... She rolled on her back and used the corner of the sheet to wipe her eyes. She was just being stupid.
Sherry opened the door. "Honey, can I come in?"
Her mom sat on the edge of the bed. "You're hurt because Billy went out?"
"No," (Her denial sounded empty).
"Oh honey, I know you have a crush on him. Me and your aunt can see that."
Marie stayed quiet.
"But, hey, he's 16, that's a big difference."
"I's OK," Marie said.
"You'll have plenty of time to worry about boys when your older, don't get started now." Sherry patted Marie's leg. "You can't expect a high school boy to be around for you."
"I know."
"Well, you just stay here if you want, I'll save some food for you later."
Marie lay in the dark and thought about Billy, Claude, and then Chris. She remembered watching Steve fuck Vickie, then remembered being fucked by Bill. She thought about different guys, then she remembered meeting Kevin in the dark hallway. "I wonder if...." she fell off to sleep.
On Wednesday, Vickie and Marie sat together on the bus ride home.
"Do you want the come over on Friday?" Marie asked. She really wanted Vickie to do a sleep-over at her house.
"No, I can't, Mom, Laura and I are going to visit Grandmother in Milwaukee. We're leaving as soon as school's out."
Later, maybe on Thursday, Marie found out that Kevin wasn't going, he had meetings on Saturday morning.
Saturday turned out to be pretty boring. Bill was at work and all Margret and Sherry wanted to to was clean house, then sit around and talk and read. Marie played with her little cousin for a while, helped clean, played some video games, but by 3 PM she was bored out of her scull. That's when an idea took hold.
She went up to her room and started digging through her drawers. She was looked for certain clothes, what her mom called 'little girl sexy,' things little girls could wear that on them was cute but on older girls or women would be weird or slutty. She found a black leotard, long sleeve, then leotard stockings to go with it, but these had bright green and yellow stripes, inch wide running cross-ways. She stopped and thought for a moment, then pulled all her clothes off and replaced her cotton panties with her only thong-she pulled the hose and leotard back on. A black 'skort' made of the same material as the leotard. Then she crept downstairs and looked-Margret and Sherry were in the kitchen.
"Mom, I'm going to go over to Vickie's house."
"I thought she was out of town."
"She said she'd be back this afternoon." (a lie)
"OK, dinner at six when your cousin gets home."
"OK." She pulled on her hot pink snow boots and matching ski jacket. This was topped off with a long (3 foot) bright blue stocking cap. As she walked down the street she knew she'd catch a few eyes-some would say "weird", others would say "cute", some would say "jail bait."
Ten minutes later, with butterflies in her stomach, she rang the doorbell at Vickie's house. The SUV was gone but Kevin's BMW was in the driveway.
The door opened. "Oh, hi Marie," Kevin looked down at her with a smile, steam came from his voice. "Vickie's at her grandmother's for the weekend."
"Oh," Marie acted like she was surprised.
"She won't be home till tomorrow afternoon."
Marie put a disappointed look on her face, then, at just the right time, a shiver ran through her.
"Come on in, dear, you're cold." He stepped aside and let the girl pass, then closed the door.
Being a regular visitor to the house, Marie knew the routine. She pulled off her hat, coat, and mittens, then hung the coat on a hookboard that was just inside the front door. Her outfit gave him pause, he thought 'jail bait.' A wave of horniness move up his stomach when he remembered her in the hallway.
"Ah, can I get you something warm to drink?"
"Can I have some tea?" (the youngsters commonly drank tea at Vickie's house)
Kevin got a cup and filled it with water from the sink, then went over to the microwave. While he was doing this, Marie went to the cupboard where she knew the teabags were kept. When Kevin turned around he got the sight of the preteen stretching way up, reaching for the box, on her tip toes. The outfit clung to her lean form as she stretched out like a cat after a nap. At this point, the little head started doing the thinking for the big one. Kevin went on horny auto-pilot.
After they sat down, the little girl with tea (milk and sugar) and Kevin with coffee (black), and without thinking, he started:
"I'm sorry about the other night, I thought you were asleep."
"Oh," Marie giggled, "that's OK, I didn't mind."
With a smile he said, "Well, at least we were both dressed alike."
"Uh-huh," Marie said. She slid her chair back from the table, then pulled up one of her feet, putting the heel of her boot on the edge. She unzipped it, then pulled it off. She gave Kevin what she thought must be her sexiest smile as she did the same with the other.
Kevin stared at her, his mouth open. The skort had ridden up and there was a tare in the tights she was wearing, an oval opening right up in the crotch that showed soft pink skin. His dick surged in his trousers.
"It's nice that you came over, even if Vickie isn't here," he said. Marie kept her knee up, putting her hands and chin on it. She had caught Mr. Krouse looking at her crotch.
Marie wanted to stay on subject. "It's OK, the other night. Vickie says all of you don't worry a lot about how you're dressed at home."
"Ahhh, yeah," Kevin started. It was true, as a family they generally left doors open and often were around each other in varying states of undress-he was a little surprised that Vickie had told anyone. "I guess that's true."
There was a pause in the conversation, then Kevin started, "So, I guess you kids had quite a party last Friday."
Marie was suddenly scared. "Ah,..."
"It was pretty obvious, ya'll didn't clean up very well."
"The empty cups, the dried beer on the floor and a couple of .... ah .... unidentified pieces of clothing around, I get a pretty good idea what happened. I've played beer pong a couple of times too."
He got up. "I need to get out of my work clothes." He headed down the hall but continued talking. "So, did you play too?" he called.
"Uhh,... yes."
"Were you playing strip pong?" he called from around the corner, he had gone into his bedroom.
Marie realized he hadn't closed his door. She got up and followed.
"Yeah,... some."
"How bad you loose?" he called.
Marie came around the corner, Kevin was standing next to the bed in only his boxers. Marie stopped, a little surprised.
"Pretty bad," she said with a smile.
He walked back to her, looking down as she smiled up at him. "Do you know where this is going?" he said. He reached down and took her hand.
"Yes." She moved it and brushed against his cock that was pushing against his shorts.
He let go of her hand and reached up, pulling at the elastic collar of her leotard, pulling it out and starting to work it over her shoulders. Then he stopped. "You'd better do this, I might just rip it."
He turned and walked to the bed, then pushed his boxers down, letting them fall to the floor. He sat down and swung his legs onto the bed, reclining with his back against the headboard. His half hard cock leaned across his hip, bouncing with his pulse. He was giving an audience, sitting waiting to watch the fourth grader strip.
With a smile, Marie undid the tie that closed the skort and then pushed it down over her hips and let it drop to the floor. Next, slowly and a sexily as she could, she pulled the leotard down over one shoulder, working the sleeve down her arm and off her wrist. In the process she flashed one of her nipples. Letting it snap shut around her upper chest, now covering her undeveloped breasts, she then worked it over the other arm. Now she crossed her arms across her chest and hooked her fingers over the top. With a swaying motion, she worked the leotard down, off her chest, then over her stomach. She was careful to keep from pushing her hose down as she worked it over her ass, then dropped it.
"You're gorgeous," Kevin said, "sexy as hell." By now his cock was pushing up, still a little to the side but definitely reaching the hard category.
Now Marie started to sway more, swinging her hips to an imagined song, as she hooked her thumbs over the waist band of the hose and, being careful not to push down the thong, pushed them down, bending to get them past her knees, then stepping out of them. She straightened up in only the thong.
"Fuck, your sexy," Bill said. He patted the bed next to himself. "Come over here."
Marie walked to the bed, then turned around. Kevin admired the round orbs and, before she could sit down, he reached up and put his left hand across her right cheek. Rubbing it he said, "You've got the most awesome ass I've ever seen."
Marie twisted some and looked down at him. She was actually really nervous, scared actually, scared that she'd do something and he'd push her away, realizing that she was only a little girl. She was trying to act a lot older, like she had seen in movies, have a quick wit.
"If you don't let me sit down, that's about all you're going to see."
Kevin pulled his hand away with a grin. She sat down, then swung her legs up next to his. She half rolled toward him and reached across, taking his cock in her hand. To her it was huge, at least 11 inches and an inch and a half in diameter.
She stroked it up and down some. "Wow, you're big."
"I've never had any complaints," he said.
She looked up at him. "You may be too big for me."
"I'll go slow."
By now his cock was fully hard, a stretched out tool, the size of a donkey dick, a smooth beige shaft for most of its length, then the pulled out wrinkles, white, before a round bull head, whitish-pink. A drop of clear pre-cum was at the piss hole.
As she stroked it, Marie lifted it. The size was truly frightening to the little girl, she couldn't imagine how it was going to fit up inside her-it was like a bundle of three of the dildos she had played with, only longer. She pushed herself up, sitting next to him, and started using two hands. The drop of pre-cum ran slowly down over the head.
"Are you cumming?" she asked.
"No," his voice was strained, "that's some pre-cum. You should lick it."
The first drop had reached the hood of his dickhead and another was welling up. Marie looked at Kevin with a suspicious expression, then leaned down and licked the viscus clear fluid. It tasted musky, not like sperm, not objectionable. She looked up and smiled, then leaned down again and, opening her mouth as far as she could, she took his head in.
"Oooohhh, gawd," Kevin moaned, looking down at the girl. He brushed her hair back so he could watch the preteen sucking his dick. He knew he had to burn the image into his mind, this kind of opportunity would probably never present itself again. The child moved up and down, cupping his dickhead, then pulling back to kiss the tip. She lifted up and and looked at him with a slutty smile, there was a string of precum between her lower lip and his piss hole.
"Is this OK?"
He ran his hand down the side of her face. "Oh, fuck yeah."
She bent down again, this time taking the head an a little of the shaft. Kevin lay his head back, looking up at the ceiling. Marie licked the length of his shaft, then sucked again on the head. Kevin watch, stroking her face, a couple of times taking her head between his hands and directing her as he started to hump up into the girls face.
He ran his hand down her back and around her ass, then pushed at the soft area between, covered by the thin nylon thong. He could feel her lips and the crack between. He put his other hand on the top of her head and gently directed her, speeding her up and slowing her down as needed while rubbing her cunt through the fabric.
"If you keep doing that, you know..."
Marie lifted off. "Yes." Then she went back to sucking him.
Only a half an minute later, Marie felt Kevin's right thigh stiffen where her knees were against it. He started to shiver and his cock grew even bigger in her mouth. She looked down and saw that his toes were pointed as he buck his hips up. With a groan he started to cum. Her mouth was suddenly full of his nasty tasting goo, she felt some running out around her lips as she tried to swallow but really couldn't with her mouth full of his cock. More cum shot into her mouth, he was holding her head so she couldn't get back even if she had wanted to.
Kevin's sight blurred as he came, holding the little fourth grade slut's face on his dick. He pumped shot after shot into her mouth and watched as it ran around her lips and down his shaft and over her hands. She tried to pull back but he held her there, making short strokes into her, almost lifting his hips off the bed.
Finally he was done and he relaxed, letting go of the child. "Oh fuck..." he moaned.
Marie looked up at him. Her mouth was still full of his sperm, she could feel more on her chin and cheeks. She thought it was funny, her best friend's dad was completely exhausted by her. She smiled, an open mouthed smile like she'd seen in a couple of movies on the Internet. She knew her mouth was full of his goo. Then she closed her mouth and swallowed. The nasty spunk slid down her throat. She leaned down and wiped her face on his stomach.
"How was that?"
"Awesome," he said.
Marie sat up, then rolled back on her ass, sitting with her knees up, thighs spread, leaning back on her hands. She shook her hair away from her face. "It's my turn now."
With a huge grin, Kevin got on his knees, between her feet. He leaned forward, pushing the little girl down onto her back, on his hands and knees above her. He leaned down and kissed her, pushing his tongue through her lips, she still tasted slightly like spunk. He felt her hands on the back of his neck as they had a rollicking wet kiss. Then he lifted up.
"You're really something," he said.
Marie giggled, then pulled his face back down to hers.
After a few seconds, Kevin broke the kiss, rising up to take in the sight of the preteen, her hair in a halo around her pretty face, thin shoulders and flat, undeveloped chest. He moved down and planted a kiss on her tiny right nipple, it was contracted into a small sharp cone. He moved down and kissed her belly just above the black triangle of fabric that covered her sex. Then, slowly, he uncovered the most beautiful pussy he had ever seen. Her lips were soft and full, only the barest small hairs, like the hairs on the back of her hand, were on the lips. Her darker pink clit ridge was just barely in view, pushing up between the larger gate.
Marie lifted her hips and allowed Kevin to pull the string of the thong out of her ass crack, then down over her thighs. He sat up on his heels and lifted her legs so he could get it clear of her feet. His cock was sticking up at full hardness. When she put her feet down again, on either side of him, her thighs were wide apart, her knees up, and her pussy pulled open. With a mesmerized expression, Kevin leaned down and started licking the ten year old's slit.
Almost as soon as his tongue started probing her sex, Marie started to cum. She bucked and shivered as orgasms flowed over her. Kevin had to wrap his arms around her thighs to hold her as he looked up along her belly and flat chest. Her eyes were clenched shut, her mouth open, a silvery sheen of sweat covered her torso and there were small beads of moisture on her upper lip, cheeks and forehead. Finally, after probably two minutes of constant climax, she pushed at his head, pushing his face down and away from her crotch.
Kevin sat back up, looking down at the panting fourth grader. She was splayed out, her arms up over her head, her thighs spread, knees up on either side of Kevin's thighs. "Wow, that was intense," he said.
"Yeah..." Marie responded in a high, breathless voice.
"You know, I've got to fuck you now."
She looked down at his enormous cock and a shadow of fear passed over her face. "'re too..."
"I'll go slow," he said. "Anyway," he leaned way back and, behind him, pulled open a drawer on the bed stand, "I have something that'll make things go easier."
He pulled out a tube of K-Y that he kept there for the nights (not often, just once in a while) that his wife, Melissa, asked him to put it in her ass. Marie watched as he put a dab of the clear jell on the end of his cock, then spread it around the head.
Now Kevin ran his hands under the ten year old's hips, just below her ass, and lifted and pulled her up his thighs, sliding her and opening her even more. With her butt up on him, her chin was down against her throat. Kevin leaned forward slightly and pushed his cock down, nestling it at the gates of her wide open pussy. He used his thumbs to pull the inner parts more open, then pushed his hips forward slightly and watched as his dick head sank into the hairless preteen pussy.
Marie's eyes got big as she felt his cock opening her, pushing inside. She sharply drew in her breath with a slight hiss.
"Does that hurt?" Kevin asked.
Marie took a deep breath, then exhaled. "It's OK. Just kind of stretching."
Kevin pulled back some, then pushed forward again, this time sinking the entire head of his cock into the little girl. Marie arched her back and pushed against the bed, pushing away, but Kevin held her hips, keeping his cock inside her. He held still, not wanting to hurt the child more than necessary.
"Shhh...shhh...shhh," he said. "Just relax and don't move."
Marie lay there, looking up at the man, the same age as her father, who was invading her cunt. Slowly, the stretching discomfort passed as she got used to having the huge cock inside her. Then Kevin started making small rockings of his hips, gently moving his cock inside the preteen. Marie began to relax and, as he moved more, pushing deeper inside her, the tension began to build as the pain diminished.
Kevin moved his hands to her narrow hips as he watched his cock sliding in and out of the grade schooler. He flashed back to his daughters, years ago when they were babies, watching their little bodies rock as she fingered or tongued their tiny cunts.
Marie was breathing harder now, her eyes were big and dark with her growing passion. She reached up and grabbed Kevin's arms, wrapping her hands around the thick biceps. "Oh, God, I didn't think I'd be able to take you," she said.
"You're fucking awesome," Kevin replied. "I've wanted to fuck you ever since that time in the hall."
The child was now pushing down on her feet, lifting her ass off of Kevin's thighs to better take more of his cock. He leaned forward and ran his hands under the little one's shoulder blades, then lifted her up. He was amazed at how light she was, like a feather to lift. Now, sitting on his heels with the girl impaled on his cock, he held her under her arms and lifted and lowered her on him. Marie was now squatting across his hips and helped, bouncing up and down on his rod, taking as much as she could of him. She had her eyes wide open, looking into his face, breathing hard. Suddenly she grabbed him, wrapping her arms around him and clutching to him. Her nails dug into his shoulders and she bit his collarbone as she came, her tiny pussy clamping around his dick.
Her orgasm took Kevin by surprise, he hadn't expected the little girl to cum so quickly, and the pain of her teeth sinking into his chest cleared his head. He held her, still moving her up and down on himself, feeling her pussy squeeze down on his cock. He felt her break out in a sheen of sweat as her breath was loud in his ear.
She relaxed against him, releasing her bite on him, putting her face against his chest and panting.
They stayed like that for a minute or two, then Kevin started moving the child again-he hadn't cum yet and his nuts were knotting. They rocked up and down again, building, still clutched together. Kevin had to cum, he was too near the end to stop as he held the light little girl against himself and fucked her tiny pussy. He was building fast but, with his legs underneath him, the pressure was too much in his gut. He lifted her and rocked forward, laying her on her back with him on his hand and knees above her. She had her eyes closed and lifted her hips up to meet his thrusts.
Again she was rocked by an orgasm as she felt herself being flooded by his warm gush of sperm. Kevin had his head thrown back as he jammed his dick into the girl, pumping shot after shot of goo into her. He lifted up and looked at her cum filled cunt, white slime oozing out around his cock.
He was done, his thighs on the bed between her legs, his arms outstretched, elbows locked, holding himself off her.
"OH MY GOD!" Marie screamed, "You're bleeding!"
Kevin looked down, Marie's cheek was smeared with blood and more drops were falling on her throat. He looked at his chest and saw the smear of blood.
"Daaammnn." he said. Then he chuckled. "You really bit me, little girl."
"Oh Fuck! I'm sorry!" She tried to move but he moved with her.
"Don't...don't..., just stay there," he said. Another drop splashed on her shoulder. "It's alright." He held there, feeling her pussy as he squeezed the last of his swimmers inside her. Then he looked back down at her. "I've never had a fuck like that."
Now he rolled sideways, off of the ten year old. She was a mess, her face and upper chest was smeared with blood, her pussy was wet with white slime. His cock was slowly deflating, still bouncing with his pulse, still dripping with the last of his sperm.
He got up and walked into the bathroom. In the mirror he could see three little slices in his skin, two along the top where her top teeth had cut and one below from one of her lower teeth. There was also a raising red welt of a bruise-obviously a bite mark. He'd have trouble explaining this to Melissa. Even after he wiped the blood off with a wash cloth, more welled up. He'd need stitches.
Marie walked up behind him. "Oh my God! I'm so sorry!"
He held the washcloth to the wound. "It's alright," he said. "You were awesome. But, you better get cleaned up." With his free hand he pulled another cloth off the rack and gave it to her. At the other sink, Marie washed her face and chest while Kevin tried to bandage the cut.
The two got dressed and Kevin drove Marie home. She looked up at him guiltily just before climbing out of the beamer. "I'm so sorry." she said.
"It's OK. It's stopped bleeding," he lied. He was planning on a trip to the Emergency Room. Just as she opened the door he grabbed her coat and pulled her back, planting a kiss squarely on her lips. "I want to do that again..., maybe this time with no teeth."
Marie giggled back. "OK," she said in a sultry voice. She kissed him again and got out. Kevin watched as she went up the shoveled walk way and opened the door. She turned and waved. Then he drove away.
Kevin was honest with the hospital staff-his girlfriend had gotten a bit too frisky. He didn't add the detail that she was a fourth grader. Melissa and the girls accepted the excuse that he'd been working in the garage on his car and a wrench had slipped and he had fallen forward against the tool. The cuts were just far enough apart to be the jaws of an end wrench. He said that the shirt he was wearing was so badly stained that he threw it away.
Kevin wasn't the only one to have an accident that day. It was the next morning that Margret got a call from her husband. He had landed wrong while jumping off the wing of an F-16 and broken his ankle-he'd be home in a week. Marie and Sherry quickly found an apartment to move to but, unfortunately, it was in a different district and Marie and Vickie no longer were in school together. They still talked on the phone and even had a couple of sleepovers, but as spring approached and the snow turned to mud, their friendship lapsed.
For Vickie and Laura, they kept the party a secret (they thought) and never did that again.
Marie ended up in a class with a first year teacher, Mr. Billings. He was 23, single, and real cute.
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