The Silent Man

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Published: 23-Feb-2013

Word Count:

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

The doorbell rang and Alexi, Callie's Yorkshire Terrier, ran to the door yapping and growling.

"Callie!" her mother called, "come get Alexi and take him to your room."

The nine year old dropped her Nintendo DS on her daybed and slid off, then hurried down the hall. Her mother had her hand on the doorknob. Callie picked up the bundle of fur who quickly turned his head and ran his impossibly long tongue from her chin, across her lips, over her nose, then up to her right eye.

"Take Alexi to your room dear, I'll call you in a few minutes."

Callie carried the dog under her arm to her room and closed the door, then went back to her game. Alexi lay down next to her hip and licked her thigh just below the hem of her shorts. Callie didn't pay any attention to her mother's muffled voice from the other room, or notice that she didn't hear the voice of the visitor.

Only five minutes later her mother called again and Callie, again, dropped the game and went to the door. Alexi sniffed at the gap under the door, his tail wagging in the air. As soon as she opened it, the dog dashed through the gap and ran down the hall. He was settling down in her mother's lap before Callie entered the room.

"Honey," her mother said, "this is Mr. Anderson, he's one of the executives at my work."

The girl looked at the man with an uneasy feeling. She knew that the 'executives' at her mommy's work were really important people. He was wearing a suit and a tie and was sitting very straight in the arm chair that her mommy usually sat in when she worked on her lap top. He wasn't an old man, but Callie did notice some grey in his dark hair. He was clean shaven.

All he did was nod at the girl, but it made her feel a little more uncomfortable the way he looked at her-he was looking directly at her-she felt like he was studying her, x-raying her. She could feel that, somehow, just by looking at her he knew everything about her. His eyes blazed dark blue, clear lasers that made her realize he was a very powerful person and how small she was.

She looked at her mother nervously.

"Callie," she said, "we want you to take off your clothes."

For a moment the girl didn't understand what her mom had said, then a fog of shock passed over her when she realized.


"Take your clothes off so we can look at you," her mother said in a very matter-of-fact voice, as if it was the most normal thing.

The girl looked back at Mr. Anderson whose face was expressionless, then back at her mother.


"We just need to look at you," her mother replied.

Again she looked, unbelieving, at the man, then back at her mother.

"Mommy...I can't do that," she whined.

"Sure you can," her mom replied. "Come on, do what you're asked."

Again, Callie looked at Mr. Anderson, she felt his eyes on her, then back at her mother. Diana's expression was very direct-no nonsense-Callie knew she was completely serious and wouldn't allow her to disobey.

Callie pulled up on the hem of the red tank top, felt the cool draft of the air conditioner on her side, and dropped it. Another glance at her mother told her she had no choice. She pulled the top up and over her head, then shook out her short blonde hair. Her mother reached out and Callie gave her the top. Again she looked at Mr. Anderson while her mom folded the top and put it on the end table next to the sofa.

"OK, now your shorts," her Diana said.

She faced her mom, then slipped her thumbs under the elastic waist band.

"Face Mr. Anderson," her mom said.

Callie turned, then looked at her mom over her shoulder.

"Go on dear," her mother said, "we just have to see you naked.

The girl pushed her shorts down, but not her panties, then stepped out of them. She held them out to the side and her mother took them, placing them with her shirt.

"Panties too?" Callie asked, looking over her shoulder.

"Of course, dear," her mom answered.

Callie looked at the picture on the wall behind the strange man. It was a watercolor of a bird sitting on a branch. He mother had painted in art class in high school. She took a deep breath, then pushed her panties down and stepped out of them. Again she handed them to her mother, then turned and looked at Mr. Anderson.

Callie was a pretty typical fourth grader-about 4'6" and 65 pounds. Her hair was blonde, not real light, it would probably darken to 'dirty blonde' when she was older, and she kept in short, just down to her collar and parted a bit to the side. It was wavy and often unruly. Her face was pleasant, a wide forehead and widely set hazel eyes, a small impish nose, high cheeks, and a wide mouth. Her chin might be just a bit weak with the hint of a dimple. There was a mole (many would say a 'beauty mark') on her right cheek.

Of course, she was completely pre-pubescent. Her chest looked just like those of the boys in her class, except that occasionally her nipples would rise up into small domes. Her stomach was flat and the soft lines of her stomach muscles could be seen. She was actually a pretty strong little girl, if she put her arms up, her hands behind her head, then the sized of her shoulders and the muscles in her arms became exaggerated. She had the build of a swimmer and was stronger than most of the girls in her grade (and more than a few of the boys, as a couple had been embarrassed to find out).

As you'd expect, there wasn't a hint of any hair on her body, other than the light hairs on her legs. Her vulva was somewhat prominent, he bare pubic mound bisected by a deep slit that created large, rounded outer lips with a dimple at the top.

All this Anderson took in in an instant. His cock surged in his slacks and he felt a rare feeling of anxiety-something I wasn't used to.

His face had an almost clinical expression. His eyes were staring straight at her middle, between her legs. He looked tense, he took a deep breath and pulled in his lips just a bit-he seemed to bite his upper lip.

She could feel his eyes move over her-from her feet, up her legs and thighs. Then they paused. She wanted to cover herself but she knew she couldn't, her hands wouldn't move from her sides. Then his eyes moved up her stomach to her chest where they stayed for a moment. When he looked at her face, their eyes locked for just a moment before Callie looked away. When she looked back he was, again looking at her middle.

"Turn around, honey," her mother directed.

The girl did as she was told, now looking at the dark television in the shelves that also held the cable box and twenty or thirty DVDs. Still, it seemed she could feel his eyes on her back, thighs, her rear.

"Turn around again."

This time she was ready for his gaze. Again she looked up at the painting but then at his face. It seemed like he was studying her, his eyes moving slowly up and down and across her. She had to fight the desire to stoop down and hide herself.

Callie was super nervous, hardly breathing. Her vision seemed like it was through a tunnel of fog as she looked at the man, knowing he was seeing her. Then his eyes shifted to her mother and he gave the slightest node.

"Callie," her mom said, "sit down on the floor."

It was a relief to drop down onto her knees, then sink back on her heels and lean to the side, her hip on the carpet. Again she looked at the strange man, then at her mother.

"No honey," her mom said. "Sit on your bottom and put your feet out in front of you."

Callie lifted up and shifted her feet out, keeping her knees bent and putting an arm around her knees.

"Lean back on your elbows," her mom said.

She did, but kept her knees firmly together.

"Honey, spread your feet apart."

Callie again looked at her mom. Why was she doing this? Why did she have to show this strange man herself? She was scared, nervous and...ashamed. She'd been told over and over never to do something like this, that it was nasty, wrong.

She put her feet a few inches apart but kept her knees together.

"Farther honey, spread your legs."

Again she looked at the painting, then she lifted both feet and put them about a foot apart on the floor, holding her knees slightly out to the sides.

She looked at the man from between her knees. She could tell he was looking at her sex.

"Lay back dear," her mom said, "and spread your legs farther."

Callie was overwhelmed. She fell onto her back, then lifted her legs and put her feet down, now over two feet apart. She knew the man was looking at her vagina. She put her hands over her face-she wanted to hide.

She lay like that for over a minute, she felt tears squeeze out of the corners of her eyes and run down her temples. She pulled her hands away and looked at her mother, imploring her to make it stop.

"Don't' be scared honey," she said. "Nobody's going to hurt you."

Diana looked up at Anderson, asking him with her eyes if the girl was done. He nodded, then waved his hand.

"OK honey," she said. "You can go back to your room."

Callie rolled onto her stomach, then jumped up and ran from the room. Alexi jumped from her mother's lap and ran after, he was almost caught by the door as she threw it closed behind her and jumped onto her bed, sobbing into her elbows.

She lay there for a few minutes, calming down. She stopped crying. She didn't know what to think about what had happened. She was OK-no one had even touched her, no one had said anything mean or laughed at her. It had just been so-unexpected and so-strange.

Callie pulled her pillow over her head.

She didn't hear the front door open and close until Alexi looked up and gave a little bark. A few seconds later there was a light knocking at her door.

"Honey," her mother said, "can I come in?"

Callie kept her head under the pillow. She heard her mother walk over, then the bed sank as she sat down. Her mother pulled the covers from the side and covered her legs and lower back, then rubbed her shoulder blades.

"Honey, I know that was uncomfortable but...well, there are some men in the world...well, people just naturally do what they want. I think you felt that with Mr. Anderson"

Callie lifted the pillow and turned her head so her mom could see her face. Strangely, she knew her mom was right.

"It just felt so strange," she said. "Like he was taking me apart."

"Mr. Anderson is just like that. He's very powerful. I don't know why but, it's just like, you know, you have to do what he want to."

Callie rolled onto her side and looked at her mom, her face very serious. "Yeah, I know. I was embarrassed...but...I...I wanted him to see me too."

"He's that way," her mom said as she ran her hand over Callie's forehead. "You just want to do what he matter what. I guess that's what they call 'natural leadership' or 'will'. But you also know that he'll never hurt just know you can trust him."

Callie nodded, then hugged the dog to her chest. "Will he come back again?"

"I don't know," her mom said. "I think he will."

Callie looked down at Alexi, then pulled her head back to avoid a lick.

"Does he ever talk?" Callie asked.

"Very little," her mom said. "Mostly he tells people what to do by e-mails. He's really high up, like my boss', boss', boss. I've been in a couple of meeting where he was. He just let everyone talk, then got up and said he'd send us his plan for input before he made a decision."

"Why'd he come here?" Callie asked.

"He saw you at the company picnic and then he called me and told me to expect him here today-and not to tell you he was coming but that he wanted you here. It wasn't until he got here that he told me what he wanted."

"Why, why'd he want me to do that?" Callie asked.

Diana didn't want to answer directly; she didn't even want to admit to herself what she knew.

"I don't know him but he has a reputation-he loves and collects beautiful things. I've been in his office once and there were a number of paintings and some sculptures. I guess he just likes looking at beautiful things-and that includes you."

It was a week later, on Thursday, that an e-mail from 'andersonj' appeared in Diana's Outlook.

That Saturday, Callie was two doors down, at Jessica's house, when her phone rang. "Rang" really wasn't the right played an electronic "Call me Maybe" tune.

"Honey," Diana said to her daughter, "I need you to come home now."

The call was actually kind of welcome, Callie was a bit bored with the DVD her friend was watching and her mother had said they'd be going shopping later. As she ran through the house to the door she passed Jessica's father.

"Bye Mr. Carson!" she called.

"You going home?"


"Thanks for coming dear," he said as the door closed behind her.

Callie didn't notice the blue BMW M Series parked on the street across from her house but she froze in place when she saw Mr. Anderson sitting on the sofa. Her mother was standing in the doorway to the kitchen.

"Say 'hello' honey," Diana said.

"Hello," Callie said in a small voice.

Anderson nodded.

"Come her honey," Diana said, then turned into the kitchen.

Callie followed her mother, not looking at their guest.

Diana had a glass in her hand and was opening the freezer. "Honey, dig out a couple of Diet Cokes for me."

Callie went to the cupboard that they used as a pantry; in the bottom was a 12 pack.

"Mommy," she whispered as her mother poured. "Does he want me naked again?"

"Yes dear," she whispered back. "I want you to take your clothes off here and follow me out in a minute or so. Sit down in my chair, then do as I say."

"Do you want a drink?" Diana asked in a normal voice, looking down at her daughter.

The change in her voice surprised Callie and she took a couple of seconds to answer.

"May I have a Sprite?"

"Sure, bring it out with you," Diana said, then took the two glasses and walked to the living room.

Callie walked back to the pantry, then she stopped, turned and went to the table. She was nervous-had been since she came into the house. Again she turned and looked at the doorway. She couldn't see her mom or Mr. Anderson, and it was very quiet. Then she shrugged and pulled her t-shirt off over her head. She put in on the table. She looked down at her chest. Her nipples were sticking out a bit, like rounded little cones. She pressed her shoulders forward and moved them back and forth, imagining she actually had tits. Then she looked back at the doorway.

She was wearing flip-flops that she stepped out of. Then, after a pause, she undid the button on her jeans and unzipped. She pushed them down with her panties and they bunched around her feet. She had trouble getting free from them but left them in a pile on the floor. She realized she was taking too long and headed for the door.

When she stepped into the living room she stopped for a second. Her mother and Mr. Anderson were looking at her. This time she wasn't scared, just kind of nervous and-well-anxious, anxious in a bit of an exciting way.

"Come on and sit down honey," her mother waved her hand toward the overstuffed chair that Mr. Anderson had sat in last time.

She smiled at Mr. Anderson, then walked over and sat down. She pushed herself back but the chair was too big for her and she had to lean back in it. This naturally made her knees part and she knew Mr. Anderson could see between her legs. She relaxed more and even pushed her knees further apart and smiled at him while she brushed some hair away from her eyes. Then she put her hands on the arms of the chair, wondering what to do.

"Honey," her mother said, "we want you to masturbate."

Callie looked at her mother with a confused look. "What?"

"You know, we want to watch you rub that time I saw you in the bath. You thought I'd be mad but I told you it was perfectly OK...normal...healthy..."

The fourth grader looked at Anderson, then back at her mom. "But, I...I...that's private."

"I know," Diana answered, "but it's also really sexy to watch." She paused. "Just close your eyes, don't think of anything, you know..."

Callie again looked at the strange man there, directly across from her and able to see everything, then back at her mother.

"Scoot down on the chair dear," her mom said, "so you can lean back."

She did. With the edge of the cushion across the back of her thighs her legs fell even farther apart. Her toes only barely touched the floor.

"Here," her mother stood up and walked over. She reached down and pulled a throw pillow that was in the corner of the chair out. "Sit up and let me put this behind your back."

Callie pulled herself up and Diana put it behind her. Then she lay back, now more comfortable with her back straighter.

"OK honey," Diana said softly, brushing her daughter's forehead, "close your eyes and go ahead."

Again the girl looked at the strange man, then she tentatively moved her hand down to her crotch. She saw his eyes following her hand as she reached down and felt the smooth skin and softness of her monz. His eyes got bigger as she pushed her finger along her slit and felt the warmth inside it.

Suddenly she realized what she was doing and a wave of embarrassment swept over her. She pulled her hand away and lifted one of her legs, pulling her thighs together.

"Mommy..." she whined. "I can't do that."

"Sure you can," Diana said in a calm voice. "Just close your eyes and relax. It'll come naturally. You''ll be'll really like it, honey."

"But Mom-me..."

"Close your eyes dear, lean back and relax..."

Callie closed her eyes and relaxed. She took a deep breath, blowing it out. She tried to think of something, somewhere else.

"Honey," her mom said in a quiet voice. "Do you remember last summer, that day on the beach in Santa Barbara when you fell asleep on the beach, we both did. How calm it was with the waves and the breeze?"

The adults saw the girl visibly relax.

"The sun was so nice and warm, sometimes a seagull would fly by. That was so nice that day."

Callie's hand moved back down to her sex. Her eyes were closed, her breathing slowed.

She coved her vulva with her hand and squeezed softly.

"Do you remember how warm the sun was?" Diana asked. "Sleeping with the sound of the waves on the beach."

She began to move her hand around in a circle, moving her monz in her cupped hand. The movement rubbed her clit between her lips and she felt a twinge, both a little pulling and a bit of excitement. She moved her hand again, pressing a little harder this time, and there seemed to be a small release of tension. Suddenly, there was a little slipperiness inside her. Something broke free, the pulling stopped as her clit slid against the soft skin of her lips.

She pushed with the palm of her hand, pressing down and this caused her lips to open slightly under her fingers and her clit to push up. The change made her middle finger move down and the pad of her finger touched the tip. A small electric spark snapped between her legs. She stopped moving, then pushed her finger in more...another spark...she moved her finger like she was just barely scratching...more sparks...

Anderson and Diana watched as the little girl forgot where she was, forgot what she was doing, forgot that they were watching. Her hand, first just covering her sex, started to move more and more deliberately. Her finger pushed between the lips, pressing against her clitoris.

Her movements changed as her breathing deepened, she started moving her hand from side to side. Her ring finger slipped into her slit, pressing her clit between her fingers. Her skin began to develop a sheen as her whole body became more tense. She began to push her hips forward, against her hand as she moved it more quickly back and forth.

She turned her head to the side, her eyes closed, her mouth open as she panted. Her other arm, her left, was across her torso, her hand pressing into her ribs on the right. Her nipples had risen into cones, the areolas rounded domes capped by the tiny points. Her body began to shine as sweat broke out on the girl.

The muscles in her stomach and thighs began to stick out as her body started to tremble. She was breathing hard now, her chest raising and falling with her gasps. She was moving her hand quickly, her two fingers pressed deep in her slit, her clit between them. Moving her clit in a circle. She lifted her knees so she could spread her legs farther and rub herself harder. Her whole body began to shake and rock.

Then she seemed to be shaken, moving her legs up and down as she caught her breath and lifted her head off the back of the chair, her eyes scrunched closed.

As she came, she made two soft grunts, deep in her throat.

She sank back and took several deep breathes, opened her eyes and stared at the ceiling while she lifted her hand off her sex. For a moment she looked up, a vacant expression on her face, then she put her hand back on her sex.

Again she was rubbing herself, her fingers deep in her slit, and she brought herself off a second time, this time grunting and hooking one leg over the arm of the chair.

Now she lifted her hand over her head and took one last really deep breath. Her eyes opened and she looked at Mr. Anderson as she lifted one of her knees and rolled onto her side, an embarrassed smile on her face. She laughed quietly, then rolled the other way and looked at her mother.

"Mommy, I can't do that any's too much," she said in a breathless whisper.

"That was wonderful dear," Diana said to her spent nine year old.

Callie pulled her knees up, rolling into a fetal position. She couldn't say anything, she didn't know what to do but she was feeling antsy, she couldn't say there. She sat up, then stood up and, with shaky legs, walked into the kitchen.

She picked up her pants and pulled her panties out of them, then pulled them on. She sat down on a chair and slipped her shirt back on. She heard the front door close. She was sitting in her panties and shirt when her mother came back in.

"Are you OK?" Diana asked.

Callie looked at her mom. "Yup," she said.

Diana knelt down next to her little girl and brushed her hair back.

"Was that...did you really mind doing that?"

The little girl thought for a minute. "No Mommy, it was...OK, kind of...I don't know...funny the way he looked at me."

She looked at her daughter. "You know, if I ask him not to come back he won't. He won't be mad."

"That's OK Mommy. He can come back."

Her mom stood up and went over to the sink. Her mouth was dry-she could taste the chemical taste of her own adrenalin, she had been so nervous as she watched her daughter masturbate in front of the man. She filled a glass with water, then took a drink.

"Ya know," Callie said in a quiet voice, "it was better, I mean, it felt better than before."

Diana leaned back some. "You know, eventually he'll want to have sex with you." She turned to face her daughter.

Callie looked out the window over the sink, then back at her mom. "I know."

Diana stood up. "Well, I'm not sure I want that."

The girl looked up at her mother. "I don't know...he's really kind of cute."

The two spent the afternoon shopping, then ate a Chili's. It was dark and quiet in the car as they drove home.

"Mommy," Callie asked from the right seat, "why does Mr. Anderson want me to do those things?"

"Honey, there are some men who...well they want sex with children. The same as there are some men who want sex with other men or women who want sex with women."

"You mean gay people?"

"Yeah, I guess it's sort of like that."

"But it's wrong to want sex with children."

Diana was silent for a minute. "Do you think what you're doing with Mr. Anderson is wrong?"

"I'm not sure," Callie said.

"Well, you can stop any time, just tell me," Diana responded.

"Won't he be mad at you?"

"No," Diana said, feeling as certain as her voice sounded. "He's not the kind of man that would be mad about that. Anyway, I don't work for him...he's way up in the company. In fact, he really doesn't even work for the company but for a parent. If he tried to retaliate..."

She realized she was getting too complicated for a nine year old to understand. "It's just not like that. If I told him no, that would be the end of it. Also, of course, you can tell him no."

She stopped at a light. Diana looked directly at her daughter. "Do you want me to stop it?"

Callie smiled. "I don't think so. I think it's, well, it makes me feel excited, like when you do something that you think is scary but then when it's over you feel real good because you were scared and now you know you don't have to be."

On Tuesday, Diana and her supervisor were called into the branch head's office.

"This has come down from 'on high,'" he said. "It's a special project and somebody up there wants you to have it Di..."

It was the opportunity of a lifetime. It would make Diana's career (or destroy it). Four months of independent market analysis and development research with only weekly reports on her progress. If it went well she'd be launching into a tremendous future.

She was sitting in her chair in the living room, working on her laptop when Outlook chimed. After opening the e-mail she looked up at Callie.

"Alright if Mr. Anderson comes over tomorrow?"

He was due at seven and Diana was surprised when she heard the shower running at six. She went into the bathroom.

"Honey, what are you doing?"

"I was all sweaty and want to be pretty when Mr. Anderson gets here."

"Oh." Diana wasn't sure how she felt about that-her nine year old getting gussied up so she could put on some sort of sexual performance. Still, she dried Callie's hair when she got out and even put a little make-up on her.

"What do you want to wear?" Diana asked.

"Should I wear anything? I'll just be taking it off."

Diana had to smile. "You want to meet him at the door in the buff?"

Callie thought about it for a moment. "No, someone might see me."

"Ok, so where will you be?"

"I'll just wait in my room."

Diana moved around the house nervously, straightening things that didn't need straightening, wiping imagined fingerprints off the shiny wooden surface of the coffee table. Anything to distract her from the fact that her nine year old daughter was waiting, naked, in her bedroom for the visit.

At 7:02 the doorbell rang and Alexi went yapping into the foyer. Diana picked the little fur ball up and opened the door.

Anderson stepped in and Diana closed to door behind him. She could see the tension in his face. He smiled.

"She's in her bedroom...waiting for you," Diana said. "Door on the right at the end of the hall."

Anderson's eyebrows went up, then he turned and Diana followed, carrying the dog.

He knocked gently at the door and Callie called, "Come in."

She was in the bed, the covers pulled up to her chin. Anderson walked up to the bed and looked down. Suddenly Callie threw the blanket and sheet off, uncovering herself down to her right knee and left foot.

Anderson caught his breath, looking down at the naked preteen who was smiling up at him. She raised her arms over her head and stretched, arching her back and pointing her toes, making sure she was on her best display. Then she smiled up at him, a coy smile on her face as she fingered her hair that was spread out on the pillow.

Anderson reached down and ran the fingertips of his right hand over her right nipple. For a moment they both froze-this was the first time he had ever touched her. But, when she smiled and squirmed her shoulders some, he knew he had permission and he started moving his fingers again.

After a few moments he moved to her other nipple, fascinated by the sight of them rising from her flat chest into the pink domes he'd noticed when he watched her masturbate to two orgasm the week before.

Callie reached up and took his hand, then pulled it up and kissed it, then she moved it back down and, pulling his arm, flattened his palm on her preteen breast.

Anderson had to lean over some now as he ran his hand in a circle on her tit. Callie arched her back slightly again, pushing her chest up against his hand, and blew out through her lips.

Now Anderson brought his left hand up and put it on her thigh, rubbing up and down, moving his fingers slowly in between with each gentle pass up and down the smooth skin. Callie closed her eyes and made a low moan as she pushed her legs just a little farther apart.

Diana stood in the doorway, leaning against the side. She couldn't believe she was standing there watching a man molest her daughter. Alexi took advantage of her distraction to reach up and lick her cheek. She put her hand on his head and gently pushed him down while absent mindedly scratching his ear.

A sharp intake of breath caught her attention and she looked to see that Anderson had moved his hand up to the child's crotch and was moving his finger along her slit. Her fourth-grader bent her knees, lifting her legs slightly and spreading them more. Diana's eyes flared when she saw him turn he hand and push his middle finger into her crotch.

For the next couple of minutes, Anderson gently worked the child up, rubbing her clit and nipples as he felt her sex slowly moisten and her breathing deepened. Callie spread her legs further and pushed her hips up, opening herself more to him. Now Diana could see the parts of her sex normally hidden in her lips-her clit had grown and reddened and the inner gates to her vagina had also swelled and opened.

Twice Anderson pressed his finger into the child's vagina, testing her half-moon hymen. Then he lifted his hand away and Callie looked with surprise as he generously wetted his fingertips with his spit. Leaving a large drop on the end, he reached down and the girl caught her breath as his finger stretched and pushed by her cherry, deep into her sex, filling her vagina but not stressing her so much as to cause her more than a twinge of stinging-certainly not enough to tear her maidenhead.

Diana had never even imagined her daughter being finger-fucked. If asked, she would have said she'd expect that this wouldn't happen until she was fourteen or fifteen-certainly not when she was still in grade school. She could see that Anderson was rubbing the girl's clit with his thumb while he carefully moved his finger in and out of her vagina. With a shock she realized he was pinching her vaginal wall between her clit and her g-spot and the realization of how that would feel made a sudden rush of passion pass over her. She wanted to move her own hand down to her crotch but couldn't bring herself to.

Callie wondered what was happened when Anderson pulled both his hands away, but then, with a shock, she saw that he was unzipping he pants.

Diana smiled at the sight of his cock. It wasn't especially big, maybe seven or eight inches and about as big around as a broom handle. It wasn't fully hard yet, pointing down at a forty-five degree angle and bouncing with his pulse. Anderson lifted Callie's hand and wrapped it around his tool, showing her how to stroke him, and his cock quickly hardened. Then, after putting more spit on his fingers, he went back to finger-fucking the nine year old.

Callie had her fingers wrapped over his rod and, with her thumb along the bottom, was stroking the sensitive nubs on the bottom of his cockhead. Anderson was building fast. Diana could see his breath getting deeper and sweat breaking out on his temples. His rubbing of Callie was getting more desperate-and she didn't mind a bit. Thirty seconds later she bucked and lifted her hips off the bed as she jerked hard on his cock. Just a couple of seconds later, as he threw back his head and grunted, a white stream of sperm shot across the girl's chest, leaving a white trail from her ribs, up across her sternum between her nipples and ending in a large gob on her left collar bone. The second and third stripes crossed her just below her chest while, after that, more cum dribbled out of his cock to run down her wrist and arm.

Anderson stood, panting while Callie looked down with big eyes at her cum striped torso and gooed up hand and arm. Then he regained his composure and pushed his lowering dick back into his pants and zipped up. Next he reached across the girl and, taking the sheet, wiped his cum off the girl's chest, then her arm and hand. Diana wondered about whether she'd have to dispose of her daughter's cum stained sheets-it just wouldn't do if her grandmother saw them.

The thought ran through Diana's mind that, if he was done now, her daughter would be learning the first disappointment about sex-often the guy was done before the girl. However, instead of stepping away he dropped down on his knees. Then he reached out and grabbed her hips, pulling the child toward the side of the bed.

Callie didn't know what was happening as he lifted her butt off the mattress and pulled her legs off the side of the bed. She finished off kind of twisted around.

"Honey," Diana said. "Turn sideways on the bed with your legs off the edge."

Anderson looked up and smiled at Diana, then nodded as Callie moved around. He leaned back and pushed her left knee across him so he was now kneeling between her legs.

"OH!" Callie said when he leaned down. She drew in a ragged breath as he put his mouth on her sex, then giggled when she felt his tongue working between her pussy lips. But just as quickly her eyes got huge and she lifted her legs, her feet hovering a few inches above the floor.

Anderson licked and sucked and teased and tormented the little girl's sex for over fifteen minutes. She had at least three crashing orgasms-once with her ankles locked around the back of his neck, crushing his face into her crotch. Diana had never imagined that a preteen girl could have such intense, moaning, screaming, orgasms as she watched her little girl writhe while Anderson lashed her pussy with an, obviously, well practiced tongue.

Finally, Callie had to push him away and both the adults watched as she rolled over onto her stomach, then pushed herself into the bed, her feet still hanging off the edge.

Anderson stood up, a smile on his face, then covered the child. He turned and, after wiping his mouth on his sleeve, walked toward Diana. She moved out of his way and closed the door, then followed him into the living room.

"Do you have some Scotch?" he asked. "I'd like a drink while we go over some ideas on your project."

Forty-five minutes later her left. Diana went into her daughters room where she was still sleeping-not having moved a muscle since she was left. Diana sat down on the bed and rubbed her little girl's back.

"Mmmm..." Callie stirred. She looked up at her mom. "Is he gone?"

"Yeah, he left a few minutes ago."

Callie collapsed back down on the bed. "Oooh," she said with disappointment. "That was so nice."

"It looked like you felt good," Diana said.

Callie rolled over, her hair was spread out on the pillow. Diana looked at her daughter. The covers weren't up over her chest, her mother noticed how she looked like a boy. Callie laid her wrist across her forehead.

"That was so...incredible. I've never had something feel like that!" Then she looked down at herself. "Was that his sperm?"

"Yes," Diana said.

The child's eyes got big. "I didn't know it'd shoot out like that."

"Yeah, sometimes it does like that, when a guy's really turned on."

"Can you feel it shooting in you?" Callie asked. "Like, inside you?"

"Sometimes," Diana said with a smile. "You feel it more if he shoots like that in your mouth."

Callie looked at her mom with a serious expression. "He's going to want to do that in my mouth, isn't he?"

"Only if you want him to," Diana answered.

"Should I, you know, eat it? I've heard that sometimes you spit it out."

"Guys really get turned on if you swallow."

"Have you ever swallowed any?" Callie asked.

Diana smiled at her little girl-this wasn't a conversation she'd ever thought she'd have.

"Yes," she replied. "I seemed that spitting it out would be so messy. Still, sometimes it's so quick that you can't swallow it all fast enough."

"What happens then?"

"Some might dribble's kind of messy and gooey but guys think it's real sexy."

"What does it taste like?"

"Well," Diana said, "it tastes kind of salty and doesn't taste good...but...well...the worst part is it's really gooey and slimy. Then, if you don't swallow it all it kind of makes little balls, little sticky balls."

"Did you swallow Gordon's?" Callie asked. [Gordon was a fellow Diana had dated a few months back. He'd spent a number of nights and Callie had heard them making noise at night.]

"That's really not your business," Diana replied, "but, yes, I did a few times."

On Wednesdays, Callie and Jessica had dance lessons at the Community Center. Usually Jessica's mom picked them up after Diana dropped them off. It was 8 o'clock when Callie came be-bopping in the front door and screeched to a halt. Mr. Anderson was sitting at the kitchen table with her mom. The table was covered with papers and there were two laptops open.

"Hi honey," Diana said. "You go get in the shower while Mr. Anderson and I finish up."

Callie didn't say anything, she just turned down the hall.

Two minutes later both the adults were surprised when she came into the kitchen, naked.

"Can I have a Coke?" she asked as Mr. Anderson's eyes ran up and down her.

"A Coke Zero-it's late for you to have caffeine."

"Oh mom, those taste awful!"

Diana looked at Mr. Anderson, then smiled to herself. Chances were Callie'd be tasting something else soon that she'd want to wash down with the Coke.

"OK honey."

The two watched as the slip of a preteen walked back across the living room, her firm little ass shaking nicely.

From the kitchen, the two could hear the water running in the bathroom-Callie had left the door open. After ten minutes it turned off, another door down the hall opened but it did not close.

"Looks like you're getting some really useful information, I'm looking forward to seeing the synthesis," Anderson said to Diana in a low voice-too quiet for Callie to hear. Then he stood up and went down the hall.

Diana acted like nothing was happening, she just picked up and organized the papers, then saved some data and shut down her computer. Anderson's she'd leave alone. Still, she was just too curious and had to follow him a few minutes later.

When she got to her door she was a little taken aback by the scene. Her nine year old daughter was across the bed, naked, her feet on the floor and her legs spread. Anderson was just stepping out of his pants which he carefully folded and then lay over the back of a desk chair. There was a tent in his boxer shorts.

Callie lifted up on her elbows, her eyes wide, as he pushed the waistband of the boxers and uncovered his cock.

Diana had to admit, he had a really nice ass. His cock wasn't overly large, maybe seven or eight inches. He had a slim and muscular body-a runners body-and very little hair. In fact, Diana realized, he had trimmed his dick hair really short to look less threatening to a child.

He walked up to the girl, stroking his cock to full hardness, and stood over her. Callie looked scared but also excited-like she did just before getting on a zip line a couple of months ago when they were on vacation.

He reached down and took her hand, then pulled her up, sitting. His cock was right at her face level. He brought her hand to his dick and she wrapped her fingers around it. She gently pumped it a few times, looking up at Anderson for reassurance, then brought her other hand up.

Anderson leaned back some and pushed his hips forward as the child stroked his cock while looking at it directly in the eye. He closed his eyes and, a couple of times, Diana heard his breath. Then he looked down at the girl and touched her hands, stopping her. He put his hand on the back of her neck, running his fingers through her hair.

Callie looked up, her eyes big, then at his cock, then back up. Diana saw him very gently pull her, just a suggestion really. Again Callie stared at his dick, looking almost scared, but she leaned forward.

She opened her mouth and took his cock, moving her head from side to side to work it in. Then she closed her lips around the shaft and started moving back and forth, running him in and out just a little as she got used to the feeling and taste of a man's sex.

Anderson blew out a long breath as he put his hand on the side of the child's face, then began to hump in and out of her mouth. Callie put her hands on his hips and ran them up and down his thighs as she gave her first blow job. As for Diana, she was amused as she watched her little girl take, for just a few moments, such complete control of the most powerful man she knew. He had his head back, mouth open, eyes closed while he humped his dick in and out of her mouth. His breathing was becoming more labored and he started to make small grunting and panting noises.

Diana was surprised at how deep her fourth grader could take his cock-a couple of times Callie actually pushed all the way forward, pressing her nose into his short-cropped dick hair as her throat expanded with his shaft. Then she'd pull back, grunting and breathing hard through her nose, her big eyes looking up at him.

The muscles up and down his back, his ass, and thighs were getting tighter as his humping into the child's face became more rhythmic. Diana could see that he was quickly building and she wondered if her little girl could recognize the signs of the impending explosion.

A rivulet of sweat ran down between his shoulder blades. Callie shifted her weight, sliding forward some so her butt was on the edge of the mattress. This made her more comfortable as she didn't have to lean as far forward to hold the man's dick in her mouth. She brought her hands up onto his ass and Diana was surprised to see how she bobbed her head back and forth.

'I wonder where she learned that?' Diana thought. Then a feeling of shock ran through her when she realized what she was actually watching. Her little girl, nine years old, a fourth grader, was giving a man who she didn't know a blow job. She was sucking his cock, about to have her mouth filled with his spunk, and she wasn't even in training bras yet. She was a little girl-her chest was as flat as the boys she sat in her class with, she didn't have a hair on her body below the ears-and she was performing a completely grown-up sex act on a stranger, like a hooker leaning over the shifter in a car after being picked up on a street corner.

Anderson put his hands on either side of her face as he stared down at the girl. He held her with just the head of his cock in her mouth, then looked up at the wall behind the bed. Diana could see him shivering as he made tiny thrusts into the girl's mouth.

Callie's eyes got huge when her mouth was suddenly filled with Anderson's slime. Diana saw her swallow and the man's dick pulsating as he pumped semen down his cock and into the girl. She swallowed hard, two or three times, but still a drop of white goo escaped out the side of her mouth and ran down her chin, only to be followed by another that then dripped onto her thigh.

Anderson made small grunting noises as he held the child's face and pumped cum into her mouth, every muscle in his body tense and shivering. He was desperately fighting the need to just shove his cock into her face and down her throat-choking her with his dick while he blew cum down into her throat and lungs. He could feel her mouth working as she repeatedly swallowed the enormous load he was spewing. He had purposely saved up for four days-anticipating the feeling of her little mouth, her tongue on his dickhead.

He was dizzy as he drained his prostrate into her mouth. She had swallowed five or six times, each time only to have more semen shoot into her mouth. But now it seemed like he was finished. He was no longer holding her head so tightly, the shivering had stopped and she could feel the muscles in his ass relax. He pulled back and she let his cock slip out of her mouth. Cum dribbled out of it and dripped down onto her chest and stomach.

She looked up at him and closed, then opened her eyes. Diana could see his cum smeared around her mouth and on her chin. There were two stripes of white goo on her stomach and chest along with the droplets on her right thigh.

Anderson lifted her chin and leaned down and kissed her. Then he dropped to his knees and wrapped his arms around her shoulders. Callie's eyes flared again when he pushed his tongue into her mouth, then ran it around her teeth and even behind her lips while he licked the remnants of his sperm out of her mouth. As he kissed her he leaned forward, pressing her back onto the bed. As Callie leaned back she spread her legs as he knelt down his hips went between her knees. Diana wondered if Callie realized that his cock had rubbed down along her slit, undoubtedly leaving a trail of sperm on her sex.

Then he lifted his face off of hers and, with a smile, slid back and lowered his head between her legs. Diana watched as, for the next ten minutes, Anderson licked and sucked Callie's clean, hairless little pussy. She came at least three times, bucking her hips as he pushed his tongue into the opening of her vagina. The scene was so sexy that Diana started to unthinkingly rub herself through her jeans while she watched her daughter rocked by repeated orgasms.

Meanwhile, Anderson had been stroking himself back to full hardness. Diana was brought back to reality when, with the girl laying splayed out on the bed, panting after several minutes of rolling orgasms, her pussy glistening wet with Anderson's spit and her own small amount of preteen pussy juices, He raised up and brought his cock level with her.

Callie froze when she felt his hands on her hips, his thumbs spreading her lips. He positioned his dickhead at the gates and, looking straight into her eyes, began to increase the pressure.

Diana bit her knuckle as she watched the man's cock slowly push into her daughter's vagina. Callie closed her eyes and, as his dickhead disappeared inside her, a tear ran out of the corner of her eye and across her cheek. When he pulled back, Diana could see that his cock was stained red with her Callie's virgin blood. Then he pushed back in.

He gently fucked the little girl for the next five minutes as her pain was replaced with a growing need. Soon she was humping up to meet him as he held himself up on his arms over her, thrusting between her upheld thighs while her feet swung in the air behind him.

Then he grunted and shoved while, at the same time, Callie squealed and humped up against him. Diana knew that her daughter's womb was being filled with his sperm as they both gasped and grunted. Then he held still, panting and catching his breath while she also calmed down, her breathing deep.

He sank back down into his knees, then moved back, pulling his cock out of her. Diana watched as his blood stained jiz ran out of Callie and down into her ass crack, then onto the sheets to join the rest of the red blood stain. When he stood up, looking down at the bloody and wasted little girl on the bed, she reached down and felt between her legs, then pulled her blood stained fingers up and looked at them. She looked at her mother with an expression like she was going to cry.

"Oh Mommy," she whimpered.

Diana went forward as Anderson stepped back. She gathered her child into her arms.

"It's OK honey," she said. Callie wept into her shoulder as she listened to Anderson dressing. When she heard the front door close she took Callie into the bath and put her in the tub.

"Did it hurt you too much?" Diana asked after she had turned off the water and leaned back on her heals. She brushed a strand of Callie's hair back off her forehead, then looked down and noticed a couple of dark red congealed blood clots drifting in the water along with small white balls of Anderson's cum that had squeezed out of Callie's vagina.

"It stung a lot Mommy," Callie said, looking up at her. "But then, after a while it was OK and began to feel good."

She lay back and wet her hair, at the same time spreading her legs and more bits of white goo floated away from her pussy. Then she sat back up. "And, when I felt him shooting his stuff in me-I just, well, it was like there was an explosion in me. It felt soo good!"

She began washing her arm. "Do you think he'll want to come back?" she asked, looking up at her mom with a serious expression.

"I'm sure he will," Diana answered, "if you want."

Callie looked off to the side, then nodded. "Yeah, I think so," she said.

As a matter of fact, Anderson was back four days later and Diana watched as they fucked in the chair in the living room, Callie straddling his hips, facing him. She could clearly see his cock inside her from behind, below her ass, and when he came she watched waves of semen run down his shaft and over his balls. The fourth grader's pussy was just too small to hold a full load of his cum. Over the next four months he was there once or twice a week, inspecting the work Diana was doing, then having sex with her preteen daughter.

The entire time he never said a word to the girl, although she often overheard him and her mother talking about work. He also always insisted that Diana watch them, even once telling her to stay when she tried to leave them alone.


In December, just before Christmas, Diana turned in her final report to her boss, then took a week off for the holidays. When she returned on January second, she was called into the Division Manager's office.

"Well Di, your report was pretty impressive and it's gotten some wheels rolling on opening up a new market as you suggest." He handed her a paper across the desk. "That's an offer letter for a new position, they want you to move forward as Project Manager. You'll have to move, they want to run it from a sub in Seattle-it's all in there including a sizable increase in salary."

On her first day at the new job she was surprised to find Anderson sitting in her office when she returned from lunch.

"You all settled in?" he asked.

"Mostly," Diana, "still have a few boxes around."

"Callie like her new school?"

"Yeah, she's making some new friends."

"Think she'd mind if I came over to visit this evening?"

"Sure," Diana smiled, "I think she'd like that--alot."

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Dave Miyagi

Interesting angle and very tense sexual aire to the story. Thanks Leslie.

The reviewing period for this story has ended.