Published: 24-Aug-2012
Word Count:
"Doyle," Mom said as she put her cell back in her purse, "that was Billy Coughman's mom. She asked if you could watch their little girl next week while Billy's at football practice."
I had thought Bill was kidding when he said his mom was going to ask.
"She said she'll pay you, might be a way for you to afford that new game console you want?"
"What about Lisa?"
"Oh, can't you watch them both?" she asked. "After all, you are only really watching Lisa in the afternoons after camp." She paused, "You don't have to do it if you don't want too, it'd just be nice to help out a single mom."
So, it was all arranged, Bill and his mom came over one evening, with Abby, and I was given a thousand instructions on how to do everything I already knew how to do. Abby would either be dropped off by her mom on the way to work (around 8) or Bill and Abby would ride their bikes over at lunch time, depending on what hours the coach wanted the team for practice. As usual, Lisa would be dropped off by the church van around 3 and I'd be paid $75 a week for my troubles. The following Monday Abby and her mother were at the door right at 8, Mom had made me get up a few minutes earlier when she left with Lisa.
Abby had already eaten, so she watched TV while I got myself some Cheerios, we sat on the floor of the livingroom and spent the next couple of hours watching 'Sesame Street' and 'Thomas the Tank Engine.' I was getting pretty bored, normal for summertime, so I went to my room and resumed my latest 'Zelda' game. Only a few minutes later Abby joined me so we started a new game, this time with two characters, and went at it.
I guess that it really was better than being alone, Abby isn't your usual eight year old, she doesn't whine and is actually pretty tough. In Zelda, she was a good partner to have watching your back, saved my ass a couple of times.
Lisa arrived home at about 3 and the girls played together in her room for most of the rest of the afternoon while I watched some TV and was generally bored.
It was the next day that I was playing a game and Abby came into my room. I wasn't paying attention to her as she looked around through my stuff and I didn't see her take off with a pack of DVD's I had burnt. A few minutes later, when I was on the way to the kitchen for a coke, I heard moaning and grunting in the livingroom.
"Abby, you shouldn't be watching that stuff," I said. There was a fuck flick on the tube, scenes I had downloaded from some sites.
"Why not, you boys do all the time." The stud was down to the short strokes, holding his cock over the redhead's open mouth, then he started shooting streamers of cum on her face. The scene changed to another couple, this time on a balcony, doing it doggy style, the girl holding on to the bars.
"Do you want to see the one you made?"
Abby looked down for just a minute, then shrugged, "Ok."
I turned through the case and pulled out my favorite DVD, (I had labeled them as music CDs, my parents would never pay any attention to them) ejected the one in the drive and replaced it, then sat down next to her on the floor. Abby was silent except for saying she had never watched it before. The entire vid took 12 minutes and 48 seconds (I had memorized every second), and my cock was making a tent pole in my shorts by the time it was done.
"Do you like it?" she said when it was finished, looking at me.
"I think it's the hottest movie I've ever seen."
Then she noticed my hard on and started laughing, "I guess you really do!"
I was embarrassed and wondering what I should do when she asked, "Let me see it."
That stopped me, and made my already straining cock surge. I didn't even think about it, all I did was lift up on the elastic of my waistband, then push it down and my dick sprung free for her to see.
I think she was a little shocked that I had done it, first she gasped, then she started to giggle, "Woooow!" She looked up at me, "Pull your pants down so I can see everything."
I lay back and worked my shorts over my butt, down to my knees, my cock was pointing up and bouncing with my pulse. Abby leaned foreword, looking closer, then she reached out and wrapped her hand around my shaft. I jumped and she jumped back.
"Oh, I'm sorry," she said.
"No, it's Ok." I took her hand and put it back on my cock. She moved it up and down the shaft and an incredible wave of pleasure passed through me. "Oh God!" I sort of strangled out. I had NEVER had anyone touch my cock before (at least that I could remember, well, except for doctors) and this was THE most awesome thing.
"Are you going to shoot your sperm?"
All I could do was make some strangling noises as I was completely overcome. She probably had her hand wrapped around my dick for 15 seconds before I was shooting cum all over the front of my shirt.
Abby started laughing. "I guess you really liked that!" she said as she wiped cum off her hand on my shirt.
"Aaah, yah," was all I could muster, my head still swimming, my cock still dripping jez. Then it hit me what had happened. I had just been jerked off by a girl, she had seen me with a hard on and EVERYTHING. I was suddenly soooo embarrassed, all I could do was pull my pants up and walk out of the room without saying a word.
I went to my room and changed my shirt, then sat down and wondered what to do next. A few minutes later here was a soft tapping on the door.
"Doyle?" Abby's voice was soft, "is everything alright. Did I hurt you?"
I got up and opened the door, then turned and sat back down on my bed. Abby came in, looking a little scared. "No, it was, was great....I guess I just...well,"
Now her expression changed, again to one of amusement. "Oh, you liked it."
I looked up at the soon to be third grader with a sheepish grin, "Yeah, it was awesome."
Now she got a serious look on her face, "We can't tell anybody."
"Yeah, I know."
"You promise? My mom would kill me."
"Don't worry, Abby," I said, "My mom and dad would never let me out of the house, I'd be grounded for life."
We went to the kitchen and had lunch, then played Frisbee in the back yard for a while until it was time for Lisa to get home. We were in my room playing a video game when the door bell rang and the driver was standing there with Lisa. The girls ran off to her room, then I remembered that all the disks were still in the livingroom and ran and got them. Mrs. Coughman picked up Abby at 5 and my dad got home a few minutes later. That night when I went to bed I put the DVD on my computer and filled my sheets with cum.
I knew I'd feel awkward when I saw Abby the next morning, but things worked out a little differently. When Abby arrived I almost fell over in shock. It was warm, yes, and she did ride her bicycle that day but... damn, I couldn't believe anyone would let her out like that! She was wearing a yellow tube top that was no more than a two inch wide strip of cotton with elastic around the top (it looked like the elastic band around the bottom had been cut off), a pair of very tight blue nylon bikini bottoms (they may have last fit her in the first grade) and hot pink tennis shoes with knee length athletic socks. Her bottoms were so tight that the shape of her pussy was clearly outlined and her butt cheeks were half uncovered. I had a growing hard on almost from the moment she came through the front door.
"I'm hungry, can I have a snack?" was the first thing out of her mouth. We went into the kitchen and she climbed onto one of the bar stools while I rummaged through the fridge. I almost dropped the bottle of cola when I turned around, she was sitting on the stool cross- legged. The leg holes of her 'shorts' were pulled open and I could see half of each of her pussy lips, just the slit down the middle was covered. I know she saw me staring because she had an amused smile on her face as she took the glass of coke and granola bar. She also had a knowing look on her face when she looked down at the lump in my pants.
Soon we were sitting on the livingroom floor in front of the TV watching MI3 on the DVD. Abby was again cross-legged, showing me as much of her hairless pussy as she could get away with. We were joking around and a couple of times she 'accidentally' brushed her hand across my crotch. Still, I simply had no idea how to make the first move, should I hold her hand? Should I try to kiss her? Should I...what?
We were goofing off and she fell back on the floor, throwing her arms over her head, and her top flew up, uncovering her little nipples. She saw me looking at them.
"Do you like my nips?" she said, a smile on her face.
"Ah...yeah," was all I could come up with.
"Rub them."
My heart was pounding as I reached out and, with the pad of my fingers, gently rubbed her tiny pointed nipple. She had no breasts, really, only her areolas stuck up slightly above the white skin of her chest. As I moved the soft pink cone around she closed her eyes and breathed out. I watched as she took a number of deep breaths, I moved from the near nipple to the far one.
She reached up and took my hand, then pushed it down over her belly and placed it on her bottoms. I felt the shape of her pussy through the nylon, pushing along her slit, my hand on the inside of her thigh.
"Please, inside," she said as she lifted the waistband of her shorts and I saw the rise of her mons and just the beginning of her slit. I pushed my fingers underneath and along her smooth snatch, rubbing along her moist crease and she almost instantly started humping against my hand.
I had never felt up a girl before but I knew from her reactions what to do. I ran a finger up inside her and she moaned (it was later that I realized that she should have had a cherry). It was probably only a half minute later that she caught her breath and pushed against me, cumming.
Now, with my finger still buried in her preteen vagina, she calmed down, still breathing hard but not writhing like she was. When she moved to push her bottoms down I pulled my hand back. Then she pulled her top off over her head and lay back, displaying herself for me. I pulled my shirt off over my head, then made a really awkward time of it getting my pants off as she watched and even giggled a couple of times. When I was, again, kneeling next to her she reached out and wrapped her hand around my rod, pulling is a couple of times.
"Lick me, like in the movies," she said.
Without saying a word I moved around between her legs that she spread for me. She was propped up on her elbows, looking down at me with her mouth open as I leaned down. Her little girl pussy was lovely smooth and really didn't have much taste as I ran my tongue along her slit. I really don't know what took over but, somehow I knew exactly what to do as I licked and sucked her snatch.
After a few minutes of feeling her clit and inner pussy lips with my tongue, occasionally sucking on her entire mons while still tonguing her slit she humped against my face and grabbed my head.
"Do it harder!" She lifted her ass off the carpet as she smashed my face into her crotch, rubbing her pussy up and down against my mouth. She groaned and shivered, pushing her legs further apart to open herself for me, then sank back down on the floor.
I sat up on my heals, my dick pointed up at a 45 degree angle. Abby was covered with a sheen of sweat and was still panting, her eyes were glazed as she stared at the ceiling.
"Wow," she said, "that was great." Her breath was slowing. Then she sat up, her legs still spread, her feet outside my knees. She looked down at my cock. "I guess you want it now too."
She wrapped both hands around my shaft and started stroking it.
"Ohhhmmmm," was all I could say.
Then she leaned forward, looking carefully at the head nestled between her palms, then leaned further, bending double. I was in total shock when I felt her warm moist mouth close over my dick head. I straightened my hips, humping out toward her and she took me deeper, into the back of her mouth, then bobbed up and down some.
I was beyond help when she let go and, still stroking me with both her hands, looked up.
"Does that feel... OH!" She jumped when my first wad of sperm splashed against her throat. Looking down she straightened up (but still kept stroking) as more shots landed on her chest and upper stomach, then the last pumpings ran down over her hands.
I was on the verge of collapse and Abby started to laugh. "I guess it does!" she kept laughing as she looked at her cum covered hands. "You really did like that," she laughed at me as I tried to overcome my own dizziness. She looked down at her semen covered chest. "Huh, that's quite a bit." Then she ran her hand over one of her flat tits and, lifting the white goo (a string stretched out from below her left nipple to her hand) she inspected it (the string broke). Then she sniffed at my cum, then experimentally licked some off her finger. For a moment Abby had a thoughtful look on her face as she moved my sperm around in her mouth.
"Slimy!" Then she jumped up and went into the kitchen. I was wiping my cum off my dick and out of my curlies when she came back, wiping herself with some paper towel. We spent the next hour watching TV, sitting naked on the floor.
After a while, she got up and went into the bathroom down the hall. I moved onto the couch and when she returned she sat down next to me, leaning against my side. The feeling of her warmth and soft skin, in addition to looking down her chest and belly to the rise of her sex had the expected affect and, well, things started to swell a little. I don't know whether she noticed or not but, during a commercial, Abby reached over and wrapped her hand around my dick.
"Is it Ok?" she asked.
"Yeah..." I sort of breathed.
She started stroking up and down, running it through her hand. I leaned back, enjoying the wonderful feeling. I ran my hand up and down her back, into her hair, then, without thinking, pushed gently on the back of her head. She looked up at me, a questioning expression on her face and I sort of shrugged downward.
"Ok.." she said softly, "if you really want to."
She leaned down and I had the awesome feeling of her mouth on my cock. First she just kissed the head, then just sucked on the tip. I pushed a little harder and she slid my whole head into her mouth. I guess I groaned as I slid down some, straightening so I could watch.
Abby kept her head down, sucking my dick head in and out, opening as wide as she could to take the head and some of the shaft. I started to hump up into her and felt the back of her throat as I gently pushed her head down to meet my thrust. A couple of times she pulled back, a small string of spit and pre-cum stretching between her upper lip and the tip of my dick.
I was building fast, humping in and out and directing her head. She could sense that I was getting ready to blow and started to pull back some but I held her head more firmly, pushing her down on my cock. She tried to turn away.
"Oh,..keep going!" I groaned. She looked at me out of the corner of her eye, my cock deep in her mouth, then closed her eyes. I was humping and shivering, too far gone to stop. She jumped when my first shot of semen flooded into her mouth, trying to pull away but I held her and fired again. She relaxed, stopped fighting me, and started sucking harder as more of my jez emptied into her mouth. I could see her throat working as she swallowed over and over again.
I was finished, my heart pounding in my throat, as I sank down, relaxing. Abby pulled away, her hands on the sofa and my thigh, and looked at me. I guess she was both pissed and amused, there was white slime around her lips and a drop had run down her chin. She wiped her face with the back of her arm.
"Well, did you like that?" she said in a sarcastic tone.
"Oh, God, that was awesome Abby."
"That's disgusting. It tastes yucky!"
I really didn't know what to say, there was no question I had forced her to give me a blow job. "You're wonderful Abby,... That was so great,...loved it,..."
She looked at me and a small smile started to appear. "Well, don't expect me to do that again," she paused, "at least"... The doorbell rang.
Abby ran off down the hall, grabbing her back pack while I tried to pull my shorts, gym shorts, and shirt on. The bell rang a second time just as I ran through the kitchen and into the entry way. I could see through the window on the door that it was Mrs. Doughty, an elderly neighbor.
"Doyle, Jessie [her little scraggly dog] has run out. Can you help me find him?" That's when Abby came around the corner. "Oh, hello dear."
Abby was dressed in blue shorts and a halter. "Hello," she said.
I did the introductions and we spent the next 45 minutes roaming around the neighborhood looking for the little dog. Finally, Abby saw her in the side yard of a house on the next street. The thing wouldn't come anywhere near us, so I told Abby to stay on the sidewalk where we could see her from a distance and I'd run and get Mrs. D. Ten minutes later the dog was on a leash and walking at Mrs. D's heals as we made our way home.
"Come in for lunch." she said. "You both must be hungry after all this running."
I knew it'd be alright, but Abby wasn't sure. "Abby, I'm over at Mrs D's all the time, it's fine."
We introduced Abby to something new...peanut butter and banana sandwiches. Mrs. D. doesn't just slice the bananas, she mashes them in with the peanut's been a favorite of mine as long as I can remember.
We got back to my house around two and Lisa arrived not long after that. A couple of minutes later I went into the kitchen. Abby and Lisa were in there getting a snack. Abby was stuffing the clothes she had come in that morning into her backpack. I guess she didn't want her mother knowing what she had worn over that morning.
That had been a Friday, so I slept in the next morning, it was probably around 10 before Mom woke me for a phone call, it was Bill, Abby's big brother.
"Hey, bro, come on over, Abby and Mom have gone to the mall, they'll be hours."
We ditched my bike in his garage, then headed for his room. Bill had a new game and we spent the next three hours trying to beat it. I was a little jealous when I saw his jersey and helmet but wrestling is my sport, that would start up around October.
I was so engrossed in the game that I didn't hear Abby arrive and I jumped when she put her hand on my shoulder.
"Hi, Doyle," she moved her arm around my neck and hugged me from behind. I guess I froze, she let go real quick and stepped back.
"Oh, hi Abby," I sort of stumbled, looking up from the game. "What'd ya get?"
My character died, impaled by the gorken.
"I'll show you!" Abby skipped out the door.
"You blew it," Billy said, giving me a strange look. I guess he had picked up on something going on. It was his turn now.
Monday morning and Abby was, again, dropped off by her mother around 8:30. As soon as we were alone she walked up to me and looked up with a nervous expression. My cock started to swell. Without saying a word I reached down and started pulling her shirt up. She raised her arms and it came off over her head, she shook her hair out, then started tugging at the button at my waist, a grin across her face. I pulled my own shirt off over my head as she worked my zipper down, then started pushing my pants down over my hips, taking my undershorts with them. My cock sprung free in front of her face.
Abby giggled, "Well, he missed me this weekend." My pants were around my knees, Abby wrapped her hands around the shaft and started stroking.
My reaction was instantaneous, I guess that's the way it is with 14 year olds, after only the third or fourth pull I shot a gob of semen straight into Abby's face, splattering on her cheek. She turned her head and the second shot hit her in the forehead and in her hair. I grabbed her hands and kept them moving as more cum shot into her hair and on her shoulders. The final dribbles ran down over her wrists and forearms.
She was still on her knees in front of me, she dropped my cock and held out her cum covered arms, looking at them, then reached up and tried to wipe a drop of slim away that was making it's way over her eyebrow and into her eyelashes.
"That didn't take long," she looked up at me, her face was awash with my white goo. She stood up and walked down the hall into the bathroom, I stepped out of my pants and followed, the last drips of my cum landing on the carpet, one hitting the top of my foot. When I got there she was using a towel to clean off her face, trying to get it out of her hair without smearing it in more.
"I'm sorry, Abby, that was too fast."
"Yeah," she said, "but what about me?"
I walked up behind her and wrapped my arms around her, putting one of my hands in her crotch, feeling her through her shorts. "I'll return the favor." She leaned back against me, her warm shoulder blades felt great against my lower chest, my now only firm cock was against the elastic waistband of her pants, her head fit under my chin if I leaned down some.
From were we were standing, we could see ourselves in the full length mirror on the shower door. We were looking at each other in the mirror. I pulled at the elastic that held her shorts up, working them down over her hips, then she took over, bending down and pushing them over her knees, then her feet, then she stood up again, now naked in the mirror.
"Do you like what you see?" she leaned back against me, I had my hands at her waist. I was admiring her straight lines, tanned skin where her bathing suit didn't cover. There were white triangles on her chest and, where her underwear would cover, was also white.
"I don't have any breasts like those girls in the movies," she said.
"I don't mind that a bit," I said as I brought my hands up over her nipples, the pink cones of her areolas were standing out. She reached up and over her head, putting her hands in my hair and, at the same time, stretching herself, showing off her flat belly and smooth slit. I moved one hand down, watching in the mirror, as, from the side, slid my fingertips along her crack then pushed in between her thighs.
Abby broke away and ran down the hall, laughing, and into the livingroom. I followed, my now hardening cock bouncing along. When I got there she was sitting on an ottoman, leaning back, her legs spread, displaying her eight year old pussy for me.
"Now, you're going to lick me," she said.
I was instantly on my knees and had my head between her thighs. Her smooth, hairless pussy was wonderful to my lips and tongue. She tasted mainly of soap but, as she started breathing harder, laying back into the chair against the ottoman, that taste and smell were slowly overcome by her pussy juices. I brought my hands up and spread her thick outer lips, like I had seen guys do in the movies, and uncovered her clit and vagina. I leaned forward and, pursing my lips, started to suck on her clit. Her reaction was almost immediate...she bucked and groaned, shoving her pussy into my face, and there was a rush of wetness against my lips. I went back to licking, now reaching up and rubbing and pinching her nipples, and brought her off again with a low groan.
Now I rose up and my cock naturally pushed against her slit. We looked at eachother. "Ok," she said, her hands grasping the overstuffed upholstery of the ottoman.
My cock was along her snatch, I held it and ran it along the slit a couple of time, pushing the lips apart. Abby spread her legs further and scooted down some, hanging her ass halfway off the furniture. I pushed a couple of times at the entrance but didn't go in.
"Here," she said and, reaching in, spread her pussy much wider than I would have pulled it. Her privates were so open it looked like it would hurt. I pushed my dick head against the moist pink skin of her inner lips and almost half of my cock slid into her.
I couldn't believe I was fucking a girl...I didn't even think about that she was my best friends eight year old sister...I was fucking! It was later that I remembered how incredibly sexy it looked to see her moving under me, my cock sliding in and out of her pink pussy, her little nips sticking up. I sucked on one, then the other and she writhed under me, holding my head against her flat chest. As I built to my second time in less than half an hour, I straightened up and looked down at her. She was shiny with sweat, I felt a drop running down the small of my back, her skin was flushed pink around her neck and upper chest. She had her knees up against my sides and was squeezing my upper arms with her hands. Then I looked down and saw my cock moving in and out of her and lost control.
Abby caught her breath when she felt my first shot of sperm filling her tiny pussy. I shoved into her again I fired more inside her, filling her. I must have humped and cum four or five times before I calmed down, relaxing. Abby was panting now, staring at the ceiling. My cock was ringed with white goo where it entered her little pus. I pumped a couple of more times, not moving from being as far inside her as I could go, then slowly pulled out. An ooz of my cum ran out of her slit and down into the crack of her ass. I sat on my heals and looked at her stretched and reddened pussy its folds and creases now filled with my white.
Abby lifted her leg and rolled off the chair and hassock, her foot catching me across the chest. Now she was on her knees, her arms still on the ottoman, her ass in the air. I stumbled to my feet and got a great view of her cum covered clam and ass before she stood up and turned around, looking at me.
"Don't ever tell anybody we did that," she said.
She went and picked her shirt up off the floor, then headed down the hall. I was pulling my shirt back on over my head when she came back in, dressed again.
For the rest of the day we just hung out together. She sat on my lap some when we watched TV and we giggled and wrestled some but it wasn't until Wednesday (practice was called on Tuesday because it was raining) that she was over at my house again.
I had stayed up real late that night watching movies and when Mom came to wake me up I got her to agree not to get me up until she left. A while later I heard the doorbell ring and Abby and Mom's voices. Then Mom came in and told me that Abby was eating some cereal and I needed to get out of bed for my 'guest.' I heard the rumble of the garage door opener, then fell back to sleep.
Somewhere in the fog, my door opened, then closed. A couple of seconds later, Abby slid into bed next to me. I ran my hand down her back and over her ass to confirm that she was naked. Her hand slipped into my shorts and wrapped around my cock. I pushed my hand between her legs from behind and started fingering her slit, then hooked my finger and pushed it inside her pussy.
A little while later, after Abby had hugged me real hard and dug her chin into my chest as she came, she climbed on top of me and, as I reached around her ass and spread her pussy lips, she guided my cock. I sank all the way inside the little one, at some point I wondered how many other girls in her third grade class had been fucking that summer. She rocked back and forth, her hands on my shoulders, holding herself up as I rubbed her nipples with my thumbs. As she jammed herself down on me, her head thrown back, mouth open, I blew my cum inside her. Then she lay down on top of me, panting, her knees on either side of me, her ass in the air. A while later she lifted off, after I had gone soft and slipped out of her, and we both fell asleep.
I think it was around 9:30 when I started awake again to the feeling of Abby sucking my cock into her mouth. She had her head on my belly, my dick was not hard but the feeling of her warm, moist mouth, sucking me in and out, made me instantly hard. She stayed laying on her side next to me, one of her legs thrown across my leg, her head on my stomach as she sucked me. I started to uncontrollably thrust to meet her, I ran my hand through her hair and down her back.
"Oh, God, honey, I'm going to cum," I said as the pressure built. She just held my shaft harder with her hand and sucked harder.
"Ohhooo, damn, I'm cumming!" I had my hand on the side of her head, my fingers in her hair. She didn't do anything to try to pull away as I shot my load into her mouth.
Abby kept sucking and bobbing as I finished. Then she lifted up and looked at me. She had a dreamy expression on her face, her short blonde hair was a tangled mess. She opened her mouth and a string of my cum ran out of the corner and down her chin, then she pushed more out with her tongue, making a pool of white slime on my belly above my hip. She closed her mouth and swallowed, then climbed forward and wiped her face on my chest, then looked up at me and smiled.
I don't think I'll ever see anything as sexy as Abby was that second, her hair a mess, her brown eyes droopy and her mouth and chin wet with my sperm. I hooked my hands under her arms and pulled her up on top of me, smearing my discarded cum down her thigh and up my stomach, and kissed her, this time pushing my tongue into her mouth.
We stayed in bed until lunch time, sometimes sleeping, sometimes playing. Just before we got up I fucked her again, this time I laid on my side, Abby was on her back with her legs over my thighs and hip. I was able to watch her as she came three times before I just made a little dribble inside of her.
We stayed naked for the rest of the day, even took a shower together but we didn't do anything...Abby was sore and I was just too tired out. We had just gotten our clothes on when Lisa got home.
For the next two weeks, until school started, we fucked all the time. Once we even did it on the back patio where we had gone out to lay in the sun. Our neighbors behind us were on vacation and the neighbors to the sides couldn't see us. We fucked doggy style, Abby shoving her ass back against me as she came. After school started we really didn't see each other much, and never alone. Still, she and Lisa got to be good friends.
In fact, it wasn't until I was a senior and Abby was in sixth grade that we ever got together again. By that time she was wearing bras and had hair growing around her pussy. We ran into each other at a party and left together...she had called her mom and said she'd get a ride home with me. We fucked on a blanket off in the woods, this time I used a rubber. It was afterwards that she gave me the biggest shock of my life.
She had just climbed off of me and lay down next to me as I stripped the spent condom off when she said, "Was that fun?"
"Mmmm, yes, you're wonderful Abby." I squeezed her against my side.
"I guess so, Doyle," she said, a different tone in her voice. "But...well...Doyle, I'm really gay... I've been making love with Donna Meyers for, oh, since I had her in the fourth grade." Mrs. Meyers had been MY fourth grade teacher too!
I sort of rose up and looked at her in the darkness, "Oh."
"Don't be mad," she said. "It's just's the way I am."
I lay back down, looking at the stars through the leaves of the trees.
"No, it's alright." That's when some things hit me, a few things connected. I lay silent for a minute, she put her head down on my shoulder.
"You and Lisa?"
"Well...yeah...when I come over to your house after school..."
I wasn't sure what to think that she was fucking my third grade sister.
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