"For our entertainment tonight I propose a game of chance. Nothing more than a friendly game of poker, gentlemen, and let me introduce the dealer."
Gerald went to a door that opened to an antechamber.
"Louise, please come in."
A girl, dressed in a very fancy dress, red satin and with wide lace sleeves, a lace collar and white ribbons, stepped in. She looked up at her uncle nervously.
A couple of the men in the room quietly called their greetings, smiling. Louise was relieved to see some familiar faces. In fact she walked to the Colonel and gave him a friendly hug.
"How lovely to see you again, Louise," he said, hugging the child back and brushing the curly chestnut hair that cascaded down over her shoulders.
"Hello, sir," she replied, smiling up at him.
"For those of you who have not met my niece, this is Louise. She's been living with me for a five years; ever since she was a toddler."
"Tonight she will be dealing the cards for our game," Gerald continued. Then, addressing the girl; "Louise, please climb up on the table where you'll be able to reach all of us."
Louise looked questioningly at her uncle.
"If you sit in the middle of the table you won't have to reach honey," he said.
Mr. Abbot slid his chair back and Louise climbed up onto the round table. It was difficult to crawl into the middle wearing the long satin dress and petticoat, and she had to stop from the pulling. Then she discovered that she could slide her knees on the smooth wooden surface. When she reached the middle she turned around and sat. She looked around at the six men who were taking their seats at the table. The petticoat made her dress poof up around her, as if she were sitting in the middle of a red cloud.
Her uncle reached out and handed her a pack of cards. "OK, Louise, do you know how the shuffle?"
The nine-year-old shook her head, the curls that framed her face swayed. She had to pull a strand of hair free from her dark red glossed lips.
"Then we'll agree that the winner of the last hand will shuffle," he said addressing the other men. There were nods of consent. "Otherwise, here are the rules; the winner of each hand may donate his gains to our charity in order to buy an object of clothing, which Louise here will provide."
"This may take a while," Mr. Grover said. "She looks pretty well dressed to me."
"We have all evening," Louise's uncle replied.
Then he addressed the girl: "Louise. Count up everything you're wearing."
The child was a little taken aback by the question-she had never really thought about counting that.
"What do you mean, Uncle Gerald?" she asked.
"Well, your dress is just one piece, right? But I notice you're wearing a petticoat, so that's another, and each of your stockings are one-so we're up to four. Just count everything up, and don't forget the ribbon around your waist and the combs in your hair.
Louise sat for a moment, thinking. It made her feel uncomfortable with all those men looking at her. Dress... petticoat... stockings... belt... bloomers... her eyes got big.
"Yes dear, even the jewelry, you have a really pretty necklace on."
It was hard to remember it all. Darlene had helped her get dressed, saying that she was going to have a special place at her uncle's party that night. She was dressed in such fancy clothes-it was a lot of fun.
"Just count everything up, dear."
Actually, her uncle knew exactly what she was wearing; he had picked it all out specifically and given it to Darlene.
It was difficult for the girl to keep it all straight and she had to go back and start over a couple of times but she finally, after remembering her shoes, counted 16.
"Sixteen, Uncle," she said.
"There you have it gentlemen. A maximum of sixteen hands-assuming none of you choose to keep your winnings.
"Well, let's begin then," Mr. Jackson said.
Gerald shuffled the cards, showing some skill as he did so. Then he cut them into three even piles that he placed on the table in front of Louise. "Pick one."
The girl tapped the left pile, which he picked up. Then she picked the right and the deck was finished. He handed the cards to Louise.
"We'll start with seven card stud. Deal everyone two cards, honey."
Sitting on the table, it was a bit awkward, turning and reaching. She really didn't understand what was going on as each man in turn put some money on the table. They went around three times before everyone had said 'call' and they all looked up at Louise.
"Put one card down on the table, face up," her uncle said.
It was an eight of hearts, and the betting went around again.
The next card she put down was a five of diamonds.
This time, two of the men said 'fold' and leaned back. Still, there was a lot of money on the table, mostly ones and fives but Louise did see a couple twenty dollar bills too.
By the time she put down the fifth card, only Mr. Jackson and Mr. Abbot were playing. They put more money on the table but then it was over when Abbot said 'call'.
Mr. Jackson turned his two cards over. "Full house, kings over eights."
A couple of the men laughed. Abbot smiled.
"Four tens."
Now there were more laughs and congratulations. After a few moments it quieted down and everyone looked at Louise, then at Abbot.
"Can I choose the piece?" he asked Gerald.
"We'll leave that up to Louise."
Gerald nodded at Darlene who came forward and took the winnings off the table. These she put in one of six slots in a cash box she had on her tray. Then she stepped back to watch.
"Go on, Louise," Gerald said, "give Mr. Abbot a piece of clothing that he bought. Maybe, your right shoe."
The girl was very surprised, she hadn't realized that they would be buying her clothing.
"Take your shoe off and give it to Mr. Abbot, dear."
Feeling very uncomfortable, she undid the buckle on the strap and slipped the shoe off. Mr. Abbot took it and inspected it.
It was obviously brand new-the soles were still shinny and there was only the barest of a mark where the buckle had creased the leather of the strap. He placed it on the table to his side.
"And what happens when there is no more clothing to buy?" Mr. Abbot asked as he lit his Meerschaum.
For a moment Louise didn't understand what he meant, then the blood began to roar in her ears as she felt herself blushing and perspiration broke out across her back. Was she really going to slowly sell ALL her clothes to these men?
"The man who donated the greatest amount will receive a most special gift from Louise," her uncle said with a smile.
Louise looked at her uncle in total shock-she knew exactly what he meant by 'special gift' and, so far, she had only given it to him. He smiled at her, a smile she had seen before. She looked down, embarrassed and scared.
Darlene, wearing a very short "French Maid" outfit, with a bare back, came in carrying a tray with the drinks-one scotch on the rocks, a Bud Lite, a long island ice tea, two gin and tonics, and a stout for Louise's uncle. There was also a fruit drink that she had received special instructions on-this she gave to Louise.
"You shuffle Abbot," Gerald said as he pushed his cards in front of the shoe. "Give Mr. Abbot the rest of the cards, Louise."
Mr. Abbot smiled up at Louise as he got all the cards in a pile and started to shuffle them. His smile reminded her of one of the hyenas from "Lion King."
Louise picked up her drink. She was so nervous that she emptied half the glass all at once. Again, she picked one of three piles for the cut-this time the center one-then Mr. Abbot gave her the deck back.
"It will be five card draw," he said.
Louise looked at her uncle with a confused expression.
"Deal everyone five cards, face down, honey."
Louise found that if she sat on her hip, with her legs folded under herself, she could reach around to each of the men. After she had finished the men started betting again. They went around twice, two of them, including her uncle, folded. Then Colonel Tibbet (Louise called him 'Colonel T', he was her favorite of her uncle's friends) put two cards on the table in front of Louise.
"I'll take two," he said.
"Deal him two cards," Gerald said.
Louise gave him two, then the other men took cards, Mr. Jackson taking two, Father Fitzhugh three and Mr. Abbot, only took one.
Again they betted. Each of them had brought a case and had put piles of bills on the table in front of them. As the betting went on, Mr. Abbot and Mr. Jackson folded and put their cards on the table in front of them. Finally Father Fitzhugh called Colonel T.
This time there were only a couple of chuckles when Father Fitzhugh threw his cards down after seeing Colonel T's three queens.
"That's an especially lovely ring you're wearing, can I win it?" the Colonel said to the girl with an easy smile.
Louise took the green emerald off her thumb and handed it to him. She was feeling warm and a lot calmer. Again, Darlene took the money that had collected in the middle of the table and all the cards were passed to the Colonel.
Her uncle won the next round and, as she leaned forward to unbuckle her left shoe he stopped her.
"Oh, we forgot the earrings-that makes it eighteen. Give me one of your earrings dear."
Louise left her shoe unbuckled and worked the backing off the diamond stud, then gave it to Gerald.
What happened in the next round was very confusing-again Louise dealt two cards to everyone, then put down five-but the betting went on for ever. Four of the men were still betting when it was finally 'called' and they showed their cards. The room erupted in laughter when Colonel T put down his cards, they were all the same color. Louise didn't understand that the two clubs in his hand combined with the three she had put face up, but she still smiled at him when she gave him her shoe.
Two hands later and her necklace and bracelet were gone. Then, when she took the comb out of her hair and gave it to Mr. Lee her hair fell down around her shoulders and across her face. When she cleared it away she noticed all the men were looking at her-Mr. Abbot even licked his lips.
Another round of drinks was brought in by Darlene-again Louise got fruit juice. Louise was feeling warm and relaxed. Her nervousness from earlier was mostly gone and she was laughing with the men as they won or lost the hands. Her belt went to Mr. Lee but, when Colonel Tibbit won the next round, she surprised everyone by lifting up and working her petticoat off over her bloomers (it had been bothering her anyway). She threw her stocking at Mr. Jackson but her Uncle asked if he could remove her other one. The table was silent as he rolled the leg of her bloomers up, then slowly drew her stocking down. When he pulled it free he held her foot, then leaned forward and kissed it.
"Lovely gentlemen," he said.
"Well, you know what they say," the Reverend added. "If you can get a little girl to remove her socks, she'll remove everything."
There were a few guffaws around the table.
"And how would you know that, Father?" Mr. Lee asked.
"I'm Catholic, of course," he responded with a smile.
As the game went on, Louise began to think about the six men, imagining each of them.
Her uncle, of course, she knew very well. He was medium build with brown hair and a small mustache. She really didn't have anything to compare him to other than a few men she'd seen on the internet, but she really liked the feeling of his cock when it was inside her. She also didn't mind how it felt in her mouth when she sucked it. She didn't like it when he came in her mouth, his goo was slimy and didn't taste very good, it was most exciting when she felt it twitching inside her, filling her with cum.
Of his friends, she knew the Colonel best-and he was a friend. In fact, she'd kind of like it if he won. Other than her uncle, he was the only one she'd ever seen without a shirt on, they had swum together a couple of times. He was old though, and bald. He was really skinny and tall and, when she thought about it, she could remember seeing the outline of his cock in his swim suit. She thought it'd be long and thin.
Mr. Abbot she didn't like. He was fat and dark and had a five o'clock shadow, but she liked the smell of his pipe tobacco. His hands were hairy, so she figured he'd have hair all over him. He also looked at her like she was a steak on a plate, not looking at HER but at her body.
Mr. Lee was oriental and seemed nice. He was really quiet and the youngest man in the group. She couldn't help but think that he'd be really nice to her.
She had met Mr. Jackson a few times, once he had been to her uncle's house and she had also met him at her uncle's office. She was a little scared because, in the movies that Darlene had shown her, black men were always SO HUGE. If he was as big as some of the guys she'd seen in movies he'd split her in two! Still, he was really funny, joking a lot. Some of his jokes were dirty-and a couple of them he had directed at her-but still... It always seemed like the women in those movies were really turned on by Africans. He was also very nice to her, asking her for a certain card and, a couple of times, asking if he should take two or three. All she could do is shrug. Still, thinking about it made her a little more nervous, and excited. She was surprised when she realized that she was getting a little slippery in her crotch.
Of course, she knew Father Fitzhugh from church. He preached sometimes and seemed to be liked by all the grown ups but he had never done more than said 'hello' to her. The idea of doing it with him was just weird. She couldn't imagine what he'd look like without his cassock and collar. He was old and thin but had full white hair. She wondered if he had white hair on his chest...
It came as a shock to the nine-year-old after two more hands, that the only thing to remove next was her dress. Mr. Abbot had won the hand with four of a kind in a game of Texas Hold'em.
"Go ahead, honey," her uncle said from behind her.
Louise was sitting on her feet and she looked down at the bright red dress. She reached up and undid the first button at her neck, then worked down. Abbot counted ten buttons before she reached her waist and had to shift to her knees. The room was silent as she pulled on the sleeves, then worked the dress off her shoulders. She realized she'd have to stand up to get it off.
Darlene came in and caught her breath at the site. The grade schooler was standing in the middle of the table, in an ivory camisole and lacy bloomers, her dress around her feet, while six men looked up at her with rapt expressions. The room was smoky, Mr. Abbot puffed at his pipe while a cigarette and two cigars sat forgotten in ash trays. Her hair was messy, falling in a frizzy mass around her shoulders and down her chest and back.
With the sound of the door closing she turned. Darlene saw that her almond shaped grey eyes were huge, she was biting her lower lip. She dropped to her knees and spun around, then crawled to her uncle.
"I need to go potty," she whispered in his ear.
Gerald nodded, then stood up. "Gentlemen. I suggest a brake in the play. My niece here requires a visit to the powder room as, I'm sure, a few of us could use too."
He lifted the girl off the table and she almost ran to Darlene. The teenager took her cousin's hand and led her through the kitchen into a servant's bathroom. Louise was dancing as she worked the bloomers and her thong down, then sat down to pee. Darlene looked at herself in the mirror.
"How ya doing, kid?" she asked, looking at Louise in the mirror.
"I don't know. I'm kind of scared. Uncle Gerald wants me to...you know...do it with one of those men."
"Yeah, I know," Darlene said as she brushed her hair. "He gets off on watching his buddies. Who do you think's winning?"
Louise had finished urinating and pulled a piece of paper off the roll. "I don't know. I hope it's Colonel T."
Darlene laughed quietly. "Yeah, he's nice."
Louise's eyes got big. "Have you?..."
"With the Colonel? You bet, quite a few times. A couple with the Reverend (he's kind of cold) but not any of those other guys. A couple of them I've never seen before."
Louise stood up, pulling the bloomers up, then turned and flushed. The two went out into the kitchen and Louise started toward the door.
"Don't be in a hurry, they'll wait," Darlene said. "Here, let me give you something."
She opened her purse and dug around, pulling out a small plastic case, like lip rouge comes in. She put it on the table and carefully unscrewed the lid. Then she dipped her finger in and came out with a small mound of white powder on her nail. She slowly lifted it to her nose and sniffed it in.
"That's cocaine," Louise said.
"Come here and try some. It's make you feel great." Darlene took some more for her little cousin and held her hand out.
With a weary expression Louise went to her cousin and looked at the pro-offered snort. She leaned forward and, placing her finger on her right nostril, pulled the drug up her nose.
She pulled back, her eyes watering and she coughed twice, then shook her head, blinking.
"Here, other side," Darline lifted more blow up on her nail.
This dose went up the girl's right nostril, then she wanted a drink.
Darlene gave her some more fruit juice (it was already spiked with vodka, but she didn't put the ecstasy pill in this one).
After Louise finished the glass, she put it on the counter. The world seemed bright to her, everything had clear, sharp edges. Her nervousness had turned into excitement. She remembered the looks of the men as she had unbuttoned her dress and she thought it was funny, the way they had made big eyes at her.
"Ready to go back?" Darlene asked.
They headed toward the door, holding hands. Then Darlene stopped.
"Just a minute. I can't let my nine-year-old cousin get ALL the action."
Darlene reached behind herself and untied the white lace apron she was wearing, then she lifted it over her head. Next she untied the bow tie at her throat and the front of her outfit came off. An elastic band around her torso was held by a clasp, then the dicky came free.
Louise had seen her seventeen-year-old cousin's breasts many times, they often talked while Louis or Darlene was in the bath. The older girl's tits were firm but small, just a crease underneath, but they were full and her nipples large and pointed.
Darlene was short, just reaching five feet. She straightened her hair and dyed it jet black. She had a stud in her nose, two earrings in one ear and three in the other. Her father had refused to allow her to have her tongue pierced but her belly button was. She wasn't petite, but she didn't carry any extra fat either. Even though she was small, she could still spike the ball on the volley ball court and was known for her all out dives to save a set.
Louise, on the other hand, was tall for her age-she could almost look her cousin directly in the eye, even though she was eight years younger. Her chestnut hair reached the small of her back. She was willowy, but not skinny. Her face was not beautiful but it was pleasant-a bit long with a bit of a sharp chin, full but small mouth, straight nose and large grey eyes. The silver nail polish fit her well, her toe nails were plain.
Her skin was clear and she had a moderate complexion. The camisole just showed the barest of beginning of development-her nipples made small bumps through the cotton. The bloomers would normally go down below her knees but, because she had pulled them up to remove her socks, and because she was just a bit tall for them, they now ended just above her knees. This extenuated the length of her legs. Also, the camisole was just a bit short so about an inch of her midriff was showing.
All the conversation in the room stopped when the two girls came through the door. The pre-teen dressed in bloomers and a camisole with the teenager in just a short-short miniskirt made quite a sight for the six men gathered in two groups.
"Well," Gerald said, waving his cigar, "shall we start again?"
As they walked to the table, Darlene leaned over and said, "In the next round, give them your bloomers. You'll drive them crazy in your thong."
The child climbed onto the table and sat down, looking around at each of the men as they pulled up their chairs. Her face was flushed, eyes sparkling. She sniffled.
Jackson looked at her with a smile. "Been making that nose work overtime, huh?"
Luckily, due to the noise and hub-bub around the table, no one but Louise and Mr. Lee heard the remark. Lee looked at the girl with surprise.
"If I remember, it was your game, Abbot," Gerald said.
Louise dealt the cards in another round of Texas Hold'em. She really didn't understand what was happening and had to follow her uncle's directions on when to deal. Then, for a long time, all they did was round after round of bets. But when it was finally finished everyone laughed when her uncle showed a flush-he and five cards that were all spades.
Now she turned to her uncle with a big smile. She climbed onto her knees, facing him and began to pull on the hem of her camisole, but then stopped. With a grin she turned around, still on her knees. Then she stuck her ass out and, slowly, reached back and started to peal her bloomers down. Gerald watched, mesmerized, as his nine-year-old niece slowly uncovered her ass. Just the black strings from her thong, across the top of her ass and another snaking down her butt crack, covered the pure white flesh. As they came down, she leaned further forward, pushing her ass out more for her uncle to admire.
Under the table, his cock began to become uncomfortable as it pushed against his slacks. He had to reach down and reposition it as the bloomers move along, exposing the girl's thighs.
After the bloomers were around her knees, Louise turned around and sat down, facing her uncle. Then she carefully pulled the bloomers off, her legs spread, showing him everything but her pussy that was covered by the black silk of her thong. She pulled the bloomers free of her feet, then threw them at her uncle.
Before Gerald could finish shuffling, Darlene had to replenish all the drinks. Gerald called Oxford Stud as the game.
First, Louise, still sitting on her feet, gave each man two down cards. She watched as they betted. When everyone had called, Gerald said, "Give everyone one up card."
Louise dealt the cards, still sitting on her feet with her knees together. Again, the men bet but it seemed that their minds were more on the table centerpiece than the cards.
"Deal again," Gerald said when everyone had called.
This time, Louise climbed onto her knees and turned to each man. She slowly pulled the cards off the deck, carefully placing them in front of herself. She purposely pushed her ass out so every one of them got an awesome view of her barely covered quim while she gave a card to the fellow opposite.
By the time the next round was to be dealt, her knees were hurting, so she sat down again, but this was uncomfortable too. When she got to Colonel T, with a saucy smile, she shifted onto her butt, her feet on the table in front of her, her knees spread. She put the card directly between her feet, face up-it was the Queen of Hearts.
The Colonel's face flushed as he stared directly at the thin strip of black silk that just barely covered the nine-year-olds pussy. For just a moment, she let her knees flop out and the fabric pulled so that a gap opened between her thighs and the thong, uncovering half her vulva but keeping the slit hidden. Then, when she pulled her knees back together, the fabric was caught in her slit so it outlined the shapes underneath.
Mr. Abbot leaned over to get a better look so, as punishment, Louise kept her knees together as she dealt him his card-a three of clubs.
For her uncle she made like she was scratching the inside of her thigh and she, playfully, pulled the thong aside, giving him a flash of the pink clit and open vagina that he was very familiar with-he got a Jack..
As she dealt the cards around the table, each man became more excited. Several had to wipe sweat off their foreheads and two, Mr. Abbot and Mr. Lee, were trying to hide that they were stroking their cocks under the table.
This time, the betting lasted longer than it ever had. Finally, three of the men had folded, leaving her uncle, Mr. Jackson and Mr. Lee. The trio went around several times, unwilling to give up the chase but, in the end, Lee's king-high full house prevailed.
Louise lifted up on her knees, back and hips straight and, with slow, wavy movements, pulled her camisole over her head, then she shook her hair out as she held it in her hand. She moved forward and, with a quick movement that caught everyone be surprise, pulled it over Lee's head.
There were laughs and congratulations around the table as Louise dealt a simple hand of five card draw. Everyone stayed in, taking cards after four rounds of betting. A couple, the Reverend and Mr. Abbot, even took four cards. Meanwhile, at a side table, Darlene was counting up the winnings of each of the players.
After five rounds of betting, three had folded. The game seemed to go on and on, none of the three were willing to give up the chase. Finally, Mr. Abbot actually ran out of money and had to fold. This left the Colonel and Jackson.
The bet was to Jackson--$73.
He counted out five twenties. "I'll raise twenty-two," he said.
"I'm getting a little tired and I want to see who won-I know it isn't me, my game's been off tonight. Twenty-two and call," the Colonel said, putting in three bills.
Jackson smiled and put down his hand-a ten high full house.
"As I said, my game's been off," the Colonel put down his cards.
The room was silent, just the mantle clock's ticking could be heard. Louise stood up and walked to stand over where Jackson was sitting. She gave him a saucy smile, her feet apart. Then she stretched up, reaching above her, almost touching one of the wooden beams in the ceiling. Then, swaying her hips slightly, she hooked her fingers on the strings around her hips and slowly pulled down.
Jackson's mouth hung open as the long slit and full pussy lips of the nine year old were uncovered. Louise pushed them half way down her thighs, then turned and walked to the Colonel.
"You can have them," she said, looking down at her favorite.
The Colonel reached up and pulled the thong slowly down over her knees and calves. She stepped out of them.
"Thank you, darling," he said in a rough voice.
Because the money had been removed from the table after each hand, no one was really sure who was the winner, although most would say that Gerald, Father Fitzhugh, and Mr. Lee were probably not the winners.
Now all eyes turned to Darlene, who had been keeping a running total all through the evening. She came to the table and, with Louise's help, gathered the large collection of bills into a pile, then took them to the credenza where she had been keeping the money. Suddenly, Louise felt nervous as she watched her cousin sort the bills into four piles, then counted. The little girl bounced up and down on her feet as she watched her cousin counting. A quick set of calculations, a note on some paper and Darlene approached her father.
"Well, gentlemen, here are the results. First, I will say that Reverend Fitzhugh, myself and Mr. Abbot are, unfortunately, out of the running. Then, I'm sorry to say, Lee, you are a distant third. Finally, Jackson and Colonel, I must admit that you're only 57 dollars apart. Your game was not as off as you might think," he looked at his best friend.
" Colonel, you contributed $12,833 but, Mr. Jackson, I guess we're all going to get to see whether what they say about African's is true. You contributed $12,890!"
There was an exclamation of congratulations all around while Louise looked at Mr. Jackson with a certain expression of fear.
"Well child," he said while he started to unbutton his shirt. "I might not be as big as some but I'm sure you won't be disappointed.
"Just remember to go slow, Archie," the priest said. "Little girls don't get wet, they just get sticky."
Louise had sat down on the table, sitting on her butt, facing Jackson with her legs spread.
"Actually," Gerald said, walking forward and touching Louise's shoulder, "Louise gets plenty wet with the proper oral encouragement." He pushed her forward, toward Jackson who ended up sitting at the table staring into the most beautiful pussy he had ever seen.
"Well, my daddy used to say, "Don't eat anything that's goin'a get up and walk away but, what the hell does he know."
He reached out and wrapped his hands around the back of the child's thighs and pulled her to him, burying his face in her hairless cunt.
Louise's drew her breath in with a hiss at the sensation of the man's tongue sliding along her slit. First he moved up and down the crevice but then, after a few passes, he insinuated his tongue around her clit and then into her vagina.
The girl's nipples were standing out now as she fell back onto her elbows and arched her back, her legs in the air, feet swaying above bent knees. The combination of her anticipation and the chemicals made her build incredibly fast. Jackson lifted up off his seat and pushed her thighs up until her knees were almost touching her shoulders. Louise had to grab the edge of the table to keep from sliding away.
He pushed her knees apart, then down, bending her back and making her ass lift off the table, pushing her pussy up and into his face, as he penetrated her with his tongue, his nose in her slit.
Louise pointed her legs up into the air as she groaned and pushed her head against the table, her first orgasm exploding across her.
Jackson, still holding her knees against her upper arms, lifted up and stared down at her wide open pussy. He could see deep up inside the red passageway.
"Holy Fuck, that's awesome," he said. "Are you ready to get fucked little girl?"
Louise's eyes got big as he stood up and undid his belt. His pants went down around his ankles and he stepped out of them, now wearing only his socks. His cock, true to speculation, was almost a foot long but wasn't fully hard yet. He pulled her up, sitting.
"Suck it."
The girl sat on the edge of the table and bent down, taking the black dick head into her mouth. As she sucked, it only grew larger. Gerald estimated fourteen inches and an inch and a half in diameter.
The site of his little niece sucking the black cock was an incredible turn on. Darlene could only smile at all the tented pants around the room. Then she was surprised when Mr. Abbot started undoing his pants and pulled his cock out.
Jackson had started to hump up into the girl's face and was beginning to breathe hard. He lifted the girl off his cock. "I want to fill that little hairless twat with cum," he said. "I can get a blowjob anytime."
Louise leaned back with a fearful expression as she moved to the edge of the table and lifted and spread her legs. He pushed her down, her back on the table, and then pulled her legs up so her calves were on his shoulders. Reaching down, he rubbed his cock along the hairless slit. Then he pulled the thick lips apart with his thumbs and pushed inside the little girl.
She bit her lower lip as her cunt stretched for the huge black dick. Slowly, the head parted her and disappeared inside the nine year old.
"Damn, I never thought I'd fuck such a little girl," he said as he started pumping, moving slightly in and out of the stretched cunt.
By now the Colonel also had his cock out and was stroking it. Louise looked over at her friend and smiled at the site-long and thin as she'd imagined. As Jackson fucked her, she beckoned her friend over.
The Colonel walked to the table, leaving his pants on the floor where he'd been standing and Louise tried to move sideways toward him.
"Seeing as we were so close, you don't mind sharing?" he asked Jackson.
"No," he laughed, "Be my guest."
They shifted the girl so she was along the edge of the round table. Jackson hooked her right knee over his shoulder to keep her from rolling off and Colonel T supported her right shoulder with one hand while he fed the child his cock with the other.
Louise had never even considered the idea that she could have a cock in her cunt and in her mouth at the same time. Until now, she had only ever been with her uncle. She had cum for the first time when she was five and had swallowed her first load of semen soon afterward. He had pumped her tiny cunt full of jez many times, but not actually penetrated her with his cock until about a year ago. A few times she and Darlene had been with him together and, lately, just she and Darlene while Gerald watched.
Now she was stuffed with Jackson's huge member and it was really nice to be sucking on her friend, Colonel T's, cock. She was quickly building toward her fourth orgasm and really wanted to feel her snatch being filled and wanted to taste the Colonel's goo.
Then she saw that Lee had walked up next to the Colonel. He had his cock out, a small, well proportioned dick that looked...well...she thought it was actually pretty. She reached out and started to stroke it.
With all the movement, she didn't feel the table shake as Abbot climbed up on it, then shuffled on his knees, his pants around his ankles, and started masturbating his short, thick and uncut cock over her. For a moment she let the Colonel's cock slip out of her mouth and she looked up at Abbot. As she had imagined, he was covered with dark hair-he was ugly. She turned back to the Colonel and started sucking him again.
"It looks like you'll miss out on the action, Gerry," Father Fitzhugh said. "There doesn't seem to be any room."
"I have her all to myself," Gerald replied. "Besides," he pulled Darlene against his side, then cupped her breast, "my daughter here will keep me company tonight since I expect Louise will be tired."
"What about you?"
"Well," the priest said, "I really prefer the other gender. Besides, the boy's choir is at the retreat center this weekend and I figure I'll go there later and do some chicken hunting."
Gerald smiled at the response, then turned his attention back to the table. Jackson had started a regular pumping into the girl, now he was breathing hard with each thrust. The Colonel as also building, pushing deeper into the girl's mouth, even down her throat. Louise was still stroking Lee and had wrapped her hand around one of Abbots hairy thighs to steady herself.
The Colonel made a high grunt as his ass shivered and he pushed his cock into the girl's mouth. A couple of strokes later a long drip of cum oozed out of the corner of her mouth and stretched down before plopping on the floor.
Louise tried to swallow his load but the feeling of Jackson's cock spewing his goo inside her pussy made her cum again. At the same time she felt Abbot's warm cum plop on her chest as his white goo dribbled out of his dick. Finally, Lee grunted and a stream of cum shot over the girl and onto Abbot's stomach, balling up in the hair.
"Oh FUCK!!" he said as he jumped back.
Darlene started to laugh.
All of the men now stepped back from the wasted girl. The cum from four men covered her. Cum dripped out of her cunt and ran down her ass crack while more was on her cheek and chin. Lee's and Abbots white nasty mixed across her chest and stomach, she had more of Lee's on her hand, wrist and arm.
She lay on the table, a pool of cum and little girl, panting.
A little bit later, as Gerald bid his guest's goodbye, Darlene used the sprayer in the tub to rinse her little cousin off. She washed the cum out of the child's hair, then let her soak in the warm bath.
"How is she?" Gerald asked when he came into the bath.
"She's fine," Darlene answered. "Aren't you dear?" she said, looking at the exhausted nine-year-old.
"Yeah," Louise said dreamily.
"Louise," Gerald asked the girl. "Colonel T is wondering if you might want to spend the weekend with him at his cabin. What do you think?"
"MMmmm," the child stretched in the water. "That'd be great."
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