Baykit, Part 5

[ M/F/f/g ]


Published: 1-Jun-2012

Word Count: 9062

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

I really did appreciate the attempt that Magda made at a Thanksgiving dinner. Roast goose, mashed potatoes, vegetables, even a pumpkin pie. No cranberry sauce however. I did get to tell the girls the story of the Pilgrims and the first Thanksgiving, with Natasha translating for Vika when she didn't understand something. Then I was even able to find a (American) football game on the satellite (Georgia Tech vs. Florida State) and I had to explain the game to the girls. While I was doing this, Natasha came over and sat down next to me.

During the day I had hinted to Magda a couple of times that I wanted to go back to my place that night and, in a manner of speaking, she said that she didn't mind. It was during dinner that she offered me her car. She had privileges to park in the maintenance garage at work. I would drive back out in the morning and get her-she had an appointment with a patient at 1000. It was around 2200, I was making moves to get ready when Natasha called to me from the loft. I climbed up, she was sitting on her bed.

"You're going to your apartment tonight?"

"Yes, I need a change of clothes," I said.

She 'looked' down (it's strange how blind people so often mimic the movements and expressions of sighted).

"Can I come with you?"

At first I thought I had misheard her, she said it so quietly, but then I decided I had heard her correctly. "Ahh...sure, if your mother says it's OK."

I had to park the Range Rover in the garage at the main building, then we walked to my apartment building in the cold (-43C) dark. As is not uncommon, it was calm and very clear. There seems to be a rather permanent high pressure region over Central Siberia that makes for the clear, cold and windless weather. There is also surprisingly little snow, the area is actually dry enough to be considered semi-desert. What snow there is doesn't melt, however, so it builds up. Also, when storms do come along they blow the snow around, making it seem that there is more snow falling than there actually is.

As we made our way from streetlight to streetlight, sometimes having to duck under the above-ground steam lines that deliver heat to the buildings, Natasha kept hold of my arm. Even through the thickness of parka, sweater, gloves, and heavy mittens her hand felt comfortable just above my elbow. I know it was imagination but I thought I could feel the warmth. We didn't say much-I wondered what was going through the eleven year olds head, accompanying a 40 something guy to his apartment with the intention of having sex.

When I let her into my place she seemed to remember how to get around. She started stripping her heavy clothes off-first her mittens, then lighter knit gloves, these she shoved in her pockets. She put her hood back and pulled the stocking cap free, her hair was frizzed up and stayed flying away due to the static. She unbuttoned the cover, then unzipped her coat and let it slid down her back.

"Where should I put this?" she asked.

"There's a chair a meter to your right," I said as I pulled my own parka off. She moved cautiously over and found the chair, then hung her coat over the back. I was putting mine on hanger on the wall next to the door.

She sat down in the chair and undid the plastic clasps on her snow boots, then pulled them off, she had thick stockings on underneath. Next she stood up and pulled her insolated ski pants down, leaving them on the chair. By now, I had done the same and was down to my jeans, socks and sweater. Natasha was wearing fleese sweatsuit-green and purple of the FC Tom Tomsk Football team. "Do you have tea?" she asked.

"Sure, I'll put some water on."

Magda, with the help of her friend, had supplied me with a really nice kitchen. I lit the gas and put water on. We shared a small pot; ("Milk and sugar?"... "Thank you."...) during which she told me about her school and the kids she ran with.

"Where's your toilet?"

"Do you remember the bedroom? It's to the right after you go in." I had learned that Natasha could take care of herself well, but still I was not sure she could find it.

"Oh, I was wondering if there was a different one out here," she said as she stood up.

I watched her as she left the kitchen and crossed my small living room to the sofa where she had left an overnight bag. She picked it up, then went right around a chair that was in the way and just had to feel one door jam before going into the bedroom. She turned right and just seconds later I heard the door close. She didn't, however, turn on the light in the bedroom and I noticed that she didn't turn the one in the bathroom either. I put the tea cups in the sink, then followed her, turning the lights on in the bedroom this time.

I just sat down on the bed when I heard the toilet flush, then the water running and then the sound of her brushing her teeth. I waited. The door opened and she came out.

"Are you here?" she asked.

" could you tell?"

"The lights are on," she said. "I can see light and even some shapes, like, is there a window across from me because I see a dark place with light around it?"

Sure enough, the window was across from her, on the other side of the bed. "Yes, the window's there."

"Don't you think you aught to close the curtains?"

The building was on top of bluff overlooking Baykit. The nearest house that could see anything but the ceiling of my apartment was a good 400 meters away. "You'd need a telescope to see in, but if you want..."

"No, that's OK," she said.

"I want to take a shower," I said, standing up.

"OK," she said. She turned and grabbed her overnight bag off the counter, then came out and put it on the bed.

I got up and paused for a moment, then shrugged and started stripping. I'm sure she heard the sounds of my clothes but she didn't react, she just dug in the bag, pulled out an MP3 player and put the ear plugs in. She was sitting on the bed listening when I went into the bathroom and closed the door.

A few minutes later, when I was done, I went into the bedroom to find Natasha sitting up, the covers up to her waist, wearing a flannel nightgown. She pulled the earphones out of her ears and turned off the MP3 player, putting back in her bag (that was next to her) and then said, "Can you put this somewhere safe?"

I put the bag on my dresser, then walked around the bed and pulled down the covers. I noticed as I slid in with her that Natasha's night gown was pulled down to her knees. I reached across her and put my hand on her cheek, turning her face to mine, and kissed her. She wrapped her arms around my neck.

My cock had been swelling in anticipation in the shower, now it was hard under me. I moved my hand down onto her chest, feeling the little rise of her left tit through the soft cloth. I moved my palm around on it some, she let out a long breath. I slid my hand under the covers to her crotch, rubbing her slit through the fabric. The feeling was incredibly sexy, the shape of her through the flannel. She spread her legs some and began to move with my finger.

Next, still laying off to the side of her, I pulled up on the nightgown and uncovered her sex. My finger easily slid into her and she humped against my hand.

"Can I take your nightgown off?" I asked.

She stretched her arms over her head and, lifting up, I worked it over her head, then dropped it on the floor. She was uncovered for me, I moved my hand back down to her sex and watched as my finger disappeared up inside her almost hairless slit.

I was surprised at how wet she was, usually little girls don't get very wet, but she was really well lubricated. I started to move down to lick her but she stopped me.

"No, not this time. I want to have you on top."

Well, why wouldn't I comply? I crawled around on top of her, the covers were across the back of my legs, and, holding myself on one elbow, used the other hand to place my cock at the entrance. A slow push and my cock slid into her. She lifted her legs, the inside of her thighs against my hips, as she clutched against me while I moved in and out of her.

As I watched, and slowly built up the speed and force of my thrusts, I could see her building. She had her eyes closed but, slowly, over time, she began to squeeze them shut harder, tension built in her face as her breathing deepened. What were small gasps became low moans as she rocked with me.

I simply relaxed, not concentrating on the feelings in my cock but enjoying the warmth and softness of her, enjoying watching her impending climax build within her. When I sensed the time was right I jammed into her, pushing as deeply as I could, and was rewarded by her grunts and the feeling of her pussy shivering around my cock. She was suddenly even wetter and there were small beads of sweat on her forehead and upper lip.

I rocked more slowly, bringing her down, letting her relax. She let out a long exhale, then opened her eyes. My cock was still rock hard inside her.

I lifted off, pulling my cock out and knelt on my heels. "Here," I pulled on her hips, "roll over."

"What?" she said as she moved. "Didn't you?..."

I pulled her up onto her hands and knees, then moved behind her.

"Don't put it in my!..."

"No," I said, although her little pink poop shoot did look inviting. Still, her pussy lips were shiny, the inner lips swollen and opened between them like a flower. I directed my cock against the opening, then took her hips and pushed back inside her.

"Oh!" she said, throwing her head back and pushing against me.

I fucked her doggy style for at least five minutes, my guess is that she came three times, before I pushed her forward and lay on top of her. I was now getting ready, so I pulled her on top of me as I rolled onto my back, fucking her from behind with her on top (my favorite position). Now my hands had free reign over her preteen body while we fucked. She arched her back, pushing her head into my collar bone and came again while I fingered her hairless cunt with one hand and her little tits with the other.

I rolled her again, I was on top with her spread-eagled on the bed and flaring her ass up to meet me. Her hair was wet and sticking to her neck and the side of her face as she grunted to my thrusts. I slid my hand under her and felt her pussy as I pushed my cock in and out of it, fingering her clit. She came again and I lost it. I unloaded a gawd awful amount of sperm inside her, cumming for what must have been almost a minute, filling her cunt and womb with my goo.

Now I lay on top of her, my full weight on her, panting. This lasted for only a few seconds before I felt her squirm and I pulled her, rolling onto our sides like spoons, my cock still deep in her preteen pussy. I pulled the covers up over us. A few minutes later my slackening cock slipped out of her-she was asleep. I got up and turned off the lights, then cuddled up to her back again.

We slept late in the morning, although we were both up in the night to use the bathroom. When I woke the sun was blazing in the window and across the bed. I quietly climbed out and went to the kitchen where I put water on the stove. When I returned, Natasha moved and stretched in the sun, hands over head, back arched, toes pointed-she was absolutely the ultimate in sexy on my peach colored (a joke by Magda?) sheets. She was wearing nothing but a thick silver chain necklace. I leaned down and kissed her again.

When I reached down to stroke her slit she pulled her hand in with a hiss. "I'm sore."

I led her to the kitchen where she had tea and I drank a couple of cups of coffee. We had toast and honey, then, reluctantly, dressed. The -30C air was a shock as we walked to the maintenance building but the Rover was not too cold and warmed up fast for the drive back out to Magda's. It was simply too cold to do anything outside, in spite of the brilliant sun, so we spent the day reading and watching TV. That night Magda and I screwed for hours in front of the fireplace while the girls slept up in the loft.

It seemed that the all of Siberia had gone into hibernation. At night, nothing moved and during the day there was almost no traffic. The children were still going to school, people still went to work, but mostly things were put in a holding pattern until spring. Generally, people showed up for work at a comfortable hour, there was a lot of 'shooting the shit', then, after lunch, the people would filter off until, by 1600, the building would be empty.

It was now the second week in December, a warm day saw -25C and at night it approached -50. Many days there was 'ice fog' in the still air that would be lit up by the sun, making the air seem bright, with a blue sky overhead, but obscuring buildings and trees only a few meters away. It was during this time that I noticed a change in Natasha. She seemed to become a little distant, sometimes avoiding me, especially if we were alone. She also, after our night at my apartment and a couple of other evenings at the Dacha, completely stopped sleeping with me. Not that she ever refused me, but that's because I never asked. Always, Magda had arranged for the girls and I to get together, and I saw no reason to change this. Usually Magda and I were a couple at night.

Vika, however, was another subject. It seemed that if we ever got alone she's start pulling her clothes off, and often in inappropriate times and places. Once, when we were in the grocery store we got separated form Magda and Natasha. While I reached up to get a can off a high shelf she put her hand right on my cock and rubbed it. Another time, when we had gone as a family to the make-shift movie theatre at the community center she crawled into my lap, took my hand and pushed it down her pants-this in a room full of other people, at least 20 of which could have seen what we were doing if they had looked. It was that same night that she came down the ladder at about 0100 and woke me, beckoning me to climb off the sofa where Magda and I were curled up. She led me up the ladder and into her bed.

She was very quiet in the dark, trying not to wake her sister, but still I licked her pussy until she was rocked by an orgasm, then she went down on me and, tasting her mother's pussy, still swallowed my full load.

When I crawled back under the blankets with Magda, she said, "Did you and Vika have good time?" Then, petting my flaccid cock she laughed quietly before rolling over and going back to sleep.

I began to get the idea of what was going on with Natasha one day when I was driving near the school and saw her walking with a boy down the street toward the community center where she played oboe in the youth orchestra.

Russians celebrate Christmas in January, but their New Year's celebration is actually the main event. Because LukOIL has pretty much taken over the village, they do a lot more than just keep their employees occupied-they've built a community center, largely fund the local school, and Magda is the only doctor in town. At New Years they put on a party for the entire town and, it was at the party, that my suspicions about Natasha were confirmed.

There was a lot of dancing and drinking-all generations were present. There was a lot of Christmas stuff too, Santa Claus, Christmas Trees, even a sleigh pulled by reindeer. Various bands came and went, a group of LukOIL guys put together a pretty crappy rock band, there was a much better group of old locals playing traditional Russian folksongs, they also did some Evik music with drums and some Chinese sounding sting instruments.

The different groups of kids and adults were in groups around the large room, I hung out with Magda, Vika ran with a gaggle of girls her age, but I noticed that Natasha spent the entire evening on the arm of a dark haired young man. So, it appeared that she had found a boyfriend. At one point, Magda made her bring him over and introduce him-Pierre-the son of a French engineer. He looked to be about 14, maybe 15. Old enough to get some ribbing from other boys his age but, as Magda confirmed when I asked, he was getting plenty to pay back for his trouble. She didn't seem concerned that her eleven year old was showing one of the local boys what I had taught her-all I could do was envy him, Natasha was an awesome fuck.

Christmas was a quieter affair. Magda made a nice dinner and we exchanged gifts that evening. I gave Vika a couple of video games and Natasha a subscription to an on-line audio book club, but thinking up a gift for Magda was a problem.

Russian women are very fashion conscious, and they always look great-they take a lot of care in their looks and clothes. The problem was that I simply didn't have much of an idea what to get her that she'd like, in the way of clothes. So I resorted to that old male standby-jewelry.

Then again, I didn't want her to read too much into my gift so a pair of diamond stud earrings with a matching pendent necklace filled the bill (I had ordered these on-line back in late November). Still, I was shocked by her reaction-I had not realized that this was the first time anyone had given her diamonds. She had some really nice jewelry but apparently she had bought it all for herself. She was crying when she hugged me, then turned away and went into the kitchen. Vika ran after her and, picking up on the emotion, Natasha followed.

A couple of minutes later Natasha came back. "You have made mama very happy, she just says she needs to be alone for a few minutes. She's on the porch."

It took about ten minutes but when she came back she was beautiful wearing the jewelry. I noticed her, a couple of times, looking at herself in a small mirror near the front door and that night the diamonds sparkled red from the fire and blue from the moon as we made love.

Then, the next morning, the other shoe dropped-the reason for her emotion-but I didn't know it at the time. We had dropped the girls off a school and were driving to the offices.

"Leslie, I have favor to ask you."


"I have arrangement for Natasha to see specialist in Germany. I want to take in two week. We will be gone for 12 day, can you watch Vika?"

I was a little surprised-she hadn't told me about any plans like this. "Of course, they won't be sending me out at all until March. What's up with Natasha?"

"There is possibility that blindness caused by old hemorrhage blood clots putting pressure on optic nerve. If this true, clots may be removed and some sight restored. She never be fully OK, brain visional cortex not properly develop as baby due to blindness, but she may have some function restored." We had parked in the garage by now, the engine was idling. We kissed, then got out-she was wearing the necklace and earrings.

It was on a Tuesday that I watched the old AN-26 rattle into the air- the next two weeks were going to turn out to be an incredible ordeal-at least physically. Pretty much, by the time I got to sleep on the second night, I knew I was getting my ass whipped by a nine year old. I really can't remember the time well enough to give a day- by-day, blow-by-blow description, just let me say that she turned out to be absolutely insufferable. If I could have kept up, she would have demanded, hell, she did demand, a constant train of sexual gratification. That's not to say that she was selfish-not at all. She enjoyed watching me get off as much as I enjoyed getting her off but, somewhere back behind her brown eyes, she was laughing at me, taking joy in the fact that, at age nine, she had complete control over a 37 year old man.

She also took great pleasure in her own pleasure, sometimes having me extend (sometimes demanding that I extend) her gratification. Luckily, she realized early that, after the first time of the day, I could go a lot longer, and she took advantage of this. She was also completely unabashed-she would do anything and wanted me to do everything. On the third night I started downloading some porn, sort of as a training aid. As soon as she saw something on the computer, she wanted to try it. She didn't care what part went in whose orifice and what was left behind, she wanted to try. I realized after she demanded that I give her a rim job that I better be more selective in the porn I showed her (although the idea of a nine year old in leather, heals and carrying a whip is cute, I didn't want to be the target of that sort of love, especially considering how 'energetic' Vika was).

The day that Magda and Natasha flew out, I picked her up from school at 1615, the usual time. It was almost dark, we were in the Land Rover. Almost as soon as I had pulled away she reached over and started rubbing my cock through my jeans. I took her hand and moved it away. "Later dear," I said with a smile. She smiled back but didn't say anything.

We arrived at the dacha and each took a bag of groceries in. Then, as I put them away, Vika disappeared. Only a couple of minutes later she called me from the loft. I went from the kitchen to the front of the main room and looked up. There she was, naked, standing at the railing, her hands grasping it, feet shoulder width apart. She looked down at me with a serious expression. "Come here."

As I went to the ladder and started to climb she moved to the opening in the rail, blocking my way. She just stood there, in my way. As I was still a couple of rungs down, my head was even with her pussy. I stopped, then leaned forward and licked her slit, pushing my tongue between the hairless lips. After a couple of minutes, as she had started bending her knees to spread her legs a little more for me, I looked up and said, "Are you going to let me off the ladder?"

She walked backwards to her mother's bed, then sat down on it and pulled her feet up, so they were on the edge, her knees up near her shoulders. "OK," she said. Then she reached around her ass from the outside and, with her fingers, pulled at her little pussy, opening her cunt like the skanks in Hustler. This was way beyond little girl sexy, this was little girl slut-porn-I couldn't get my clothes off fast enough.

First, I stood next to the bed. Vika sat up on the edge and sucked my cock, holding the shaft with one hand and pumping it as she licked and sucked on my bulb. This only went on for a minute or so before she let go and slid back on the bed leaning on her elbows, her knees up, legs spread, a very serious look on her face as she fixed my gaze.

I crawled over her and she lay back on a thick pillow, then reached down with both hands and took my cock. She guided it to her puss and, supporting myself on my hands and knees, I worked inside her. I had to pull the pillows off from under her head and shoulders, then I started humping her with authority.

You'd never think a nine year old would really get off with a good hard fucking but that certainly is what Vika likes-a good hard fucking. What started as firm pushes met with little gasps ended with hard slams and loud yelps. She had her legs clamped around my hips and dug her bitten fingernails into my back as I pumped shot after shot of jez into her. I rolled off of her, she lay spread out on the bed, panting, shining with sweat. Her pussy lips were filled with my cream and a thick drop worked its way down her ass cheek to make a dark spot on the coverlet.

This was before I had even started dinner.

A few minutes later, I got up and went down the ladder. I turned to watch her follow me, naked, facing out, her back to the ladder, my cum running out of her slit and down her thighs. She went past me and into the bathroom.

I cooked us some chicken and potatoes, we hadn't put on any clothes. As we finished (there hadn't been much conversation) she said, "Come to sauna." As soon as I sat down she climbed onto my lap, facing me, and shoved her tongue into my mouth as she rubbed her pussy against my stomach. I ran my hand up the back of her thigh, then pushed my fingers in from behind and rubbed her pussy.

We were both getting awfully sweaty in the heat but that didn't seem to bother her. She suddenly climbed off, then sat down on the bench across from me, her legs spread. She pointed down at her pussy and said, "Tongue-use tongue please." I slid forward off my bench and on to my knees.

Here pussy was pretty sour tasting, what with her sweating, not having had a shower since the day before, and the crusty remains of my sperm. Still, I've tasted worse, and I soon got the little nine year old off. She humped and panted, her entire body a bright pink and streaming with sweat. Her heart must have been doing 250 a minute when we stumbled outside into the -35C night. I just stood on the steps but Vika threw herself face first into a snow bank, then rolled over on her back and giggled. We were only outside for a minute or so, then went in to the shower.

Here we soaped each other up. I washed her hair, then, from behind, ran my slippery hands over her shoulders, chest, stomach and, finally, her bare pussy. I concentrated on cleaning her slit, pushing my fingers up inside her as she held on to my arms for support and my cock got hard against her back. Soon she came, pulling down on my arms, holding herself standing with bent legs, then I lowered her down onto her knees.

My cock pushed out over her shoulder and rubbed against her cheek. She looked at it, then grabbed it and smiled up at me. She turned around and, still on her knees, took me in her mouth. Now it was my turn, I held her head as I made short strokes into her face, sometimes pushing into the warm softness of the back of her throat. She had both hands wrapped around my shaft as she sucked, sliding my dick in and out of her mouth. I could see no particular reason to go slow so I gave in to the sights and feelings of having this cute little blonde suck me off. I let myself build quickly. She stiffened when my sperm emptied into her mouth, my knees were weak as I humped into her. I pumped a couple more times before I pulled her off. She looked up at me, the shower spraying down into her face, a small drip of white goo extending out of the corner of her mouth onto her cheek. We dried off and went back into the kitchen-we were both pretty tired. After cleaning up we crawled into Magda's bed, curled up together, and Vika was snoring softly before I feel asleep while watching a third-quarter moon rise through the trees.

The moon had to be close to the zenith, behind the eves that jutted out almost two meters from the window, when I woke up to the feeling of little hands tugging on my hard cock. It was quite dark but, even with the dim light, I could see the sparkle in Vika's eyes-apparently my dream, and my cocks reaction to it, had waken her up. Because she was sore we ended up getting each other off with hand jobs. I had to be especially gentle, massaging her little clam rather than rubbing it. After a while, as she held my cock against her hip and I humped along the smooth skin (me on my side, her on her back) I slimed up her thigh and side. We drifted off again after that.

The rest of the time kind of runs together-I can only remember snippets, not times and dates. It was, I think, the third evening that I went on line and pulled down some porn. She watched with wide eyes while sitting on my lap. Of course, we were both naked and pretty soon she was impaled on me, facing the computer, bouncing up and down while she watched short after short of fucking, sucking, cuming, and licking. While some slut knelt in front of a guy and had him jerk off on her face, Vika leaned back against me while I fingered her hairless snatch. She came just after I did, then flopped forward, bent double, her arms hanging over my knees. Looking down, I could see her ass was spread wide, her pink bung hole slightly opened and my cock still lodged in her cunt. After a little while she slid forward, pulling me out, and ended up on the floor, kneeling in front of the computer as she searched through the libraries of porn. Later she knelt in front of me while I spewed ropes into her face and hair-obviously she was a quick leaner.

One time, just after we had arrived home, she wanted me to lay on the floor while she got on top. Instead of kneeling, she stood over me and squatted down, taking my cock with both hands and guiding it inside her. She stayed squatted like that, bouncing up and down with her hands on my shoulders-sort of like a frog. It being early, and the watching and feelings were new, so it wasn't long at all before I came adding more to the quart of semen I had already left inside her over the past days.

But, it was too quick and she hadn't gotten off. She looked down at me, a little peeved, then lifted up and fell forward on her knees. She quickly moved up and shoved her little cum soaked snatch into my face. "Lick me."

I couldn't help but smile as my own jez leaked out of her pussy and on to my tongue as I gave the girl head. She put her hands on my forehead and really ground her sex into my face as I sucked and licked her and, when she did come, I got a squirt of my own medicine.

Another time, she had been watching some bitch getting herself off with a dildo and communicated to me that she wished she had one to try. The next day at work I used some silicon sealant, a condom, and a piece of 18 mm hose to create a pretty nice rubber dildo. I had put the rubber over the end of the hose, letting about an inch hang off the end. Then, from the open end of the hose, I injected the clear caulk so it filled up the end of the condom and most of the hose. The assembly was hung in an oven at 120C for a couple of hours, then I took it out and removed the condom-vau'la-homemade dildo just right for a nine year old nymphomaniac. I gave it to her in the car-it was still warm from having been in the curing oven. She giggled, then, much to my delight, started working her pants down. Before we had even left the town she was slouched down in the seat, her pants and underwear around her ankles, and was pushing my homemade phallus in to her cunt. The view was great. She had the blue coat that she wore that day bunched up around her middle, her snow pants, jeans and pink panties were pushed down below her knees, uncovering her little girl sex from her waist to her knees. Then she spread her legs and, using both hands, placed the hospital green hose with a clear rubbery end at the opening. She slowly pushed it inside herself. I had to reach over and finger her slit while she fucked herself and, just as we were reaching the turn off the main road out of town, she came.

Much of the rest of the evening was spent playing with her new toy. Even after we had fucked twice, once in missionary position, then doggy style, she masturbated herself with the dildo. After dinner, while I did the dishes, she sat naked and crosslegged on the floor playing a video game with the toy still lodged in her pus. When I got out of bed in the morning and looked down at her, she was laying asleep on her stomach, the dildo was between her thighs. I could only surmise that she had woken up in the night and done herself with it again while I slept, then fell asleep with it still in her or she had just let go of it down under the covers when she was done. In the night it had slipped out of her pussy but was still there between her legs.

That must have been a weekend morning because the sun was out-that meant that it had to be around 9 AM. I climbed back in bed with Vika, she cuddled up to my side and made some contented little noises, then we both dozed. It was probably only a few minutes later that I woke up again as she pulled the covers down.

Without saying a word, Vika slid down, laying across my leg, my foot between her thighs, and lifted my limp tool into her mouth. She looked straight at me as she started to suck me to hardness. Then, without saying a word or ever letting my cock go, she gave me a really nice blowjob. I realized that we had watched a short like this just the evening before (at the time, I was doing her doggy style, us both on our knees, her pushing her little butt back to meet my thrusts) and, true to the video, she never let me go.

I put my hands behind my head and relaxed, watching as the nine year old sucked my cock just like she had seen the pros do. She moved up and down, stroking with her hand and twisting her head, shoving me deep into her throat, then licking my shaft, only to do it all over again.

By this time, Vika was getting very familiar with the signs of my impending explosion and, as my cock grew to new hardness, she concentrated on pushing me deep into her throat. I was humping and shivering, just ready to cum when she stopped and held just the head in her mouth while she furiously stroked my shaft. I blew into her face and, holding her mouth loosely around the head, she let my sperm run out of her mouth and down over her hand. The sight of my cum in her mouth, running down my shaft and gooing up her little fingers just made me pump more-I must have cum for a good 20 seconds before she clamped down on me and sucked the last of my sperm out of me.

She looked up and smiled, showing me the white pool on her tongue, more slime was smeared around her lips and down her chin. She closed her mouth and swallowed.

That day we went skiing up the river. Like so many Siberia winter days, there was a bright clear blue sky to set off the white of the snow. Even though it was around -20C, the exercise warmed me up nicely. We were out for about three hours, working our way about 4 km up stream before turning around.

This deep into winter, the rivers have become roads, cars and trucks move between the villages and snowmobiles are also a common form of transport. While we were out a convoy of about a dozen trucks drove by, belching black diesel exhaust. Most of the drivers waved, taking time to put down their vodka bottles for a greeting. A reindeer herder went by with a couple of dozen head, he was riding a snowmobile. At one point I heard a helicopter in the distance but I never saw it.

When we returned to the dacha, I made us a lunch of boiled eggs and toast. As we finished, Vika ran into the bathroom, then, a minute later, as I stood at the sink, she took my hand. With a smile, she led me across the living room to the ladder. The sight of her little ass and pussy lips from below as she climbed the ladder made my nuts hurt. She sat down on her mothers bed and spread her legs, leaning back.

I fucked the little one, me on my knees next to the bed, her spread out. I simply can't get enough of watching my cock move in and out of a hairless preteen pussy, the clean pink lips opened by my shaft, the darker pink clit at the top of the V, moving back and forth with my strokes.

Still, I had cum so many times recently that I had a lot of staying power and I had brought Vika off twice before I was even building.

After her third time she whimpered, "Sta-a-a-p, it hurt."

She was breathing hard, her flat chest was shining with perspiration, a flushed pink filled her throat and ran down over her chest to her stomach. I pulled out, her pussy stayed open, it was definitely reddened by use. Still, I had to cum. I climbed on the bed, on my knees over her chest and pushed my cock at her mouth. She took it, tasting her own pussy juices and, putting her elbows on my thighs, held my cock while looking up at me with big brown eyes. I put my hands on the bed, now on all fours, pushing my cock down into the little girl's face, and started to hump down. She stroked my cock, looking up at me, her mouth filled with my member. This was too great and, after only a couple of minutes I emptied my balls into her face, pushing down. She writhed under me, pushing her head back into the mattress, trying to turn her head away as I jammed down and pumped.

I lifted off of her, sort of like getting off a bicycle, and ended up kneeling next to her. She had her mouth half open, filled with my white goo, a drop ran down the side of her face. She pushed it out with her tongue, over her chin and a large gob of sperm landed on her throat, then ran down the side of her neck. Then she sat up, more sperm dropped onto her chest.

She smiled. ""

Panting, I said, "Oh yes."

Amazingly, I was kind of glad when Magda and Natasha arrived home-I was getting pretty tired-frankly, I was being totally fucked out. Still, that first night back, when I climbed into my own bed alone, I had to deal with myself while images of Vika bouncing up and down, her flat chest flushed pink and shining with sweat, in my memory.

It was obvious to me, however, from the minute I met them in the terminal that Magda was upset about something. That first night she wanted to spend the evening home with her girls, I ate a microwave dinner in front of the TV at my apartment. The next morning, after a somewhat sleepless night, I called her.


"Magda, hi. Good morning."

"Good morning Leslie."

"You getting unpacked?"

"Yes, much laundry."

"How are the girls?"

"Tasha is happy to be home-know her way around, but not happy about the cold."

"How was the weather in Frankfort?"

"It rain and usually above freezing."

"And, you didn't tell me what the doctors said." Now there was a pause.

"I must talk to you, Leslie," her voice sounded tight. "Please may I come this evening. I still must finish to unpack and want to be with Vika today."

"Ahh, sure, just you? I mean tonight."

"Yes, may come for dinner? Oh! I forget! Thank you so much for leaving much food at house...everything here cleanest, plenty food and Vika very good, very happy. Thank you much."

This outburst really made me feel less nervous...obviously she wasn't mad at me.

"Sure,...the last thing you needed was a house in shambles."

"But, please, thank you. I take today off, come by at five?"

"I'll love it...I'll make you a nice dinner." I paused, now was a good time to ring off. "Ah, I need to run across to work. See you then?"

"Yes, please....and....I've missed you."

I mostly puttered around the shop that day- calibrated a couple of pieces of test equipment and set up some tool boxes. At 1500 I drove to what passes for a grocery store in Baykit and put together what I'd need for a lasagna, then went back home to cook.

Magda arrived right on time, just after I had put the lasagna in the oven. She grabbed me and kissed me as soon as the door was open...OK...she wasn't mad at me. She told me about the trip, making connections through Moscow and having an extra day there on the way back to see a few of the sights. She had taken advantage of the time there to also do some shopping and had dropped a couple of boxes off at the LukOIL offices for shipping to Baykit. She asked about my time with Vika, a smile on her face, then told me that Vika had told her about everything we had done (I'm not sure what detail she went into). It was while we were doing the dishes that she got to the serious stuff.

I had purposely not asked about what the doctors had said-I knew that there was something difficult there and was waiting for her to bring it up.

"Leslie, I must tell you about Natasha's eyes."


She stopped for a minute. "Doctors spent three day testing, do x-ray, CT, MRI. Then they do many vision test with computer monitors, EKG and PET scanner. They bring in special therapist who begin to teach Tasha color and even shape and line, up-down or sideway. I never knew she could see such."

She had stopped, holding a plate with the towel. Then she wiped away a tear and smiled at me. "I feel so bad...if I knew could have done much for her."

"Did she even know?"

"No....she not know she could see this...she very excited...very happy..."

"Well, that's great!" I said.

"There more," she paused. "Doctor discover blood clots cause scar tissue around optic nerve behind eyes. This put pressure on nerves, keep from working correctly. Doctors think they can remove scar tissue, restore maybe 30 percent of sight," she was silent for another moment. "Surgery can be done any time but after...require three year of therapy to teach to to use eyes. Then she be able to move around city by herself, maybe read large print....Oh!" she lost control and began to cry ... "she already able to recognize numbers and some letters! She can read a little if letter put very large on computer screen. She tell you colors and tell you square and triangle and rectangle."

She collapsed against me, sobbing. "I such a fool, she lost so much because I..."

A little later I was surprised that she had arranged to stay the night with me, leaving the girls alone in the dacha. They talked on the phone, then we went to bed. The sex was soft and warm and we finished with Magda on top of me, I massages her tits as she arched her back moaned at the ceiling. Then she fell on top of me and began to cry again. I held her, my hand on the back of her head, and kissed her hair.

"Leslie," she sobbed. "I must take Natasha to Germany."

"I know, what else can you do?"

"I have applied for position at hospital...industrial medicine consultant and internal medicine practice."

I was quiet for a few moments. "What else are you going to do?" She looked at me in the darkness. "You must do what you can."

"But, if I have position, we move."

"Of course," I said. "I'll miss you but...I wouldn't have it any other way." I pulled her face down and kissed each of her eyes. My cock was beginning to get hard in her cunt again.

This time I grunted to a halt on top her, her legs in the air above me. "Thank you," she said as we calmed down. She slipped out at about 5 AM to get back to her house before the girls woke up.

The entire process took months-although Magda was informed that she had the position only two weeks later. In February they all went to Yekaterinburg for a week to do paperwork for their visas and work permits. There were also some difficult times between Vika and her mother. I'm afraid that the poor little one was left behind with all the excitement about her older sister, and the fact that Natasha was even now, able to do many things on her own, just because she knew she could.

Then, initially, there was a lot of jealousy on her part...she definitely didn't want to share me with her mother. This was kind of strange but, after a while, Magda and I worked it out that I'd spend enough time alone with Vika to keep her from feeling neglected. In fact, with Natasha getting so much attention, even spending hours in the evening with her mother working with the computer, Vika became a regular at my apartment. Many times she spent the night with me and I took her to school in the morning after an exhausting night. Still, more than once, I saw a warning look from Magda to her youngest daughter when it was getting near bedtime.

About mid March it began to get warm enough again for work to start and that meant a lot of time out of town for me. In late April it began to thaw and Siberia began to show its worst encumbrance-mud. It seemed that everything and everybody was constantly covered with the dark brown sticky mud. There also were sink holes that would suddenly open up, sometimes devouring cars or parts of roads. But, by mid May the place was becoming really beautiful...if you ignored the clouds of mosquitoes. The forest floor was covered with flowers and mushrooms, the trees were greening up and the rivers were full. Fish that had escaped to deep pockets of water in the larger rivers were coming upstream and most of the locals were out on the banks with fishing poles, sharing the river with a large population of bears who, occasionally, would look to the catch of a fisherman for a quick meal. Twice, while sitting on the end of Magda's dock I had to shoo one of the beasts away by banging on a metal trash can lid with a stick before I could go up to the house.

Vika spent a lot of evenings with me fishing and, more than once, she'd sit in my lap, facing me as my feet dangled in the water. Once, on a warm Saturday afternoon, Magda and Natasha came up behind us as I was filling the little girl with sperm. We were both totally naked in the sun, the feeling of Magda's warm breasts against my back and her arms reaching around her daughter and I about made me jump in the river.

This was when I learned one of Vika's real loves...having unabashed fuck-sex in the open under a clear sky and sun. In fact, there was a place, on a gravel spit along the river, a short boat trip from the dock at the docha, that was a special favorite of hers. As the evenings lengthened she'd beg me to take her fishing there after work. We'd always end up there, on the beach, fucking next to the river. If we got caught be a boat going by it was even better for the little one and she'd grid her pussy down on my cock, taking every drop of cum I could pump, while she moaned. Then she'd wave and laugh at the passing boat while I caught my breath. Once a passenger riverboat went by. I was a bit concerned to be seen fucking a child by so many (I'm sure some had binoculars and could see us closely enough to recognize that Vika wasn't just a small woman). Still, the situation really got my little one off as the vessel made it's slow way upstream.

As for Natasha, her relationship with the French boy took up were it had been before. They spent quite a bit of time together and, Magda assured me, Natasha was in no need for sexual companionship. She never made any moves toward me and I certainly didn't press her in any way-she accepted that I was sleeping with her mother and her little sister and kept to herself. This even continued after she and the boy had a falling out in April, she seemed content to keep to her own bed. Magda said she was actually glad because Natasha was developing and, although she did several abortions a month in her clinic, she didn't relish the idea of doing one on her own daughter. She asked me that, if Natasha ever wanted me, that I use a condom-she was still somewhat young for most other birth control.

Then the day finally came. On June 28th I watched as the three of them climbed the stairs into a Tu-134 for the flight to Tomsk where they'd make connections to Minsk and then Frankfort. Two days earlier we had finished packing their stuff and taken it to the shipping department at work-they owned remarkably little, the dacha having been fully furnished. It was a cozy two nights with the four of us at my apartment, Natasha on the sofa and the three of us in my bed.

When I got back to work I noticed the Land Rover parked in the motor pool.

The company brought in an older fellow from Rumania to take Magda's place but he decided to live in an apartment in my building with his wife. He did get the Land Rover but an engineer from Japan took the Docha a week after Magda left.

The summer kept me very busy, I was out in the fields most of the time- even got a couple of the helicopter pilots to let me take the controls some-but the prospect of a lonely Siberian winter didn't appeal to me so, in September, I accepted a position in Nigeria and left once my year contract was up.

There can be no greater change than to go from the nearly virgin Tiega forest of Central Siberia to the ruined rain forest of the Niger River delta in West Africa. Also, Africa is a dangerous land, and Nigeria more so than most of the rest of the continent. But, on the other hand, that part of the world offers certain opportunities not found in much of the rest of the world.

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Thank you for this absolutely well written story series. I really like all the details you put in to it, I could imagine very well being there myself. The characters are also very lovely and realistic. Keep it up!


I hope the author is reading this and knows that Baykit is quite possibly the best story of its kind ever written. The prequel, Rollercoaster, was fantastic as well and I very much look forward to more of Leslie's adventures. Please write more and soon. Thank you.

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