Baykit, Part 2

[ M/F/f ]


Published: 1-Jun-2012

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

When I arrived at Magda's house there was no one there. Siberia was having a late season heat wave, it was up to 5ºC and drizzling. The ground was very soft and, if you stepped hard to break the covering of grass and mosses, would rip into mud. I pulled the hood of my jacket up and walked around the place.

Out of the back of the house a pathway, lined with soggy and half sunken gravel, led down to the river where there was a floating dock and a small aluminum boat turned upside down. I had noticed an outboard motor under the back stairs of the house. Leaning against the dock were a couple of small hand pickaxes.

The river was frozen for the first 10 feet or so out from the shore, it seemed to be running faster here than below by the airport. Across the river there were wisps of fog rising out of the trees and patches where the rain of the past couple of days hadn't melted the snow. As I stood on the dock a moose ambled out of the forest on the other side and drank. I listened. The only sound, at first, was the wind in the trees, then I heard the crunch of a car's wheels on the gravel.

"I'm sorry, we late," Magda said as she got out of the car.

"Naw, I think I'm early."

She looked at her watch, then at me; "No, I think you polite."

She opened the hatch on the back of the SUV and lifted a bag of groceries. "Here," I said, and took it from her. I carried two, Natasha carried one as we made our way up onto the porch.

"It take about 45 minutes to make dinner," Magda said as we put the bags down in the kitchen. "You like beer, I have Baltika 5."

"Sounds great," I said, taking the bottle of red colored beer.

I sat and watched as Magda chopped mushrooms, green onions, carrots and celery finely. Then these went into a bowl with ground beef and Natasha rolled the mixture into balls that went into a fry pan. Magda made a Caesar salad while Natasha set the table and, with an air of domesticity, we all sat and had dinner.

That's when I realized that I was being set up. There was no question that Magda was making a play for a husband, and, well, so far the food and the sex had been awesome-what more can a guy ask for? I smiled to myself at the idea, not rejecting it outright.

After dinner I helped clean up (Magda looked at me like I had grown horns when I offered), then we sat in the living area and I read an English text book to Natasha. It was strange to read a book written to teach English to a non-English speaker. Actually, we made a set, Natasha in the middle with me on one side and Magda on the other. I'd read the English, Magda read the Russian and Natasha answered the exercises.

When we had finished the chapter, Natasha said something to her mother and a conversation went back and forth. Then Magda looked at me. "Do you want to go for a swim and sauna?"

"Ehhh...yeah, sure."

The women got up and went to the ladder. "We be right down." They went up. Only a minute later Natasha came down the ladder. First I saw her feet on the top rung, then her calves, then thighs, then torso (!). When she reached the bottom, Magda came down, facing outward so I only saw her backside until she turned around. "You leave clothes on chair," she said as they went by.

I hadn't gotten a very good overall look at Magda before, we had been pre-occupied. I had gotten really good close up looks, just not overall. She is tall, almost looking straight into my eyes. Her hair is dark, almost black, and she keeps it short, she wears it parted in the middle with shorter bangs on her forehead. Her eyes are green, her face just a little narrow, small nose and lips, high cheek bones. She's quite thin, under 60 kilos (132 lbs) but at least 180 cm (5'11") tall. As can be guessed, by no means could she be described as 'buxom', her shoulders are narrow, as are her hips, she's very light boned. Her tits are small A cups and, as can be expected after having two children, they are a little flat and saggy with fifty-cent piece areolas and pencil eraser nipples. Her stomach is flat but has just a little wrinkling from stretch marks on either side of and below her navel. As I described earlier, she keeps her black pussy hair saved into a small patch and trimmed short, her lips can be clearly seen through the fur, her clit ridge just peeking out. Long long legs, thin and shapely with well cared for feet, her toe nails painted the same silver as her finger nails.

Natasha is the split image of her mother-only younger-a prepubescent 11 year old version. There's just the beginning of a rise under her nipples, they stick out in small sharp cones and she has never had a need to even touch a razor. On closer inspection (I'd get that chance in a few days) there were just the first of dark downy hairs on her long pussy lips.

I undressed, then walked through the kitchen. I heard them talking in the sauna so I went in. The room, maybe two meters square, was lined with a yellow wood and had two built in wooden benches down each side. At the far end was an electric heater with stones piled inside the grate, a reddish glow was behind them. The room smelled of the hot wood, and the thermometers needle pointed at 75º C (165º F). Magda threw a towel at me that I spread on the bench opposite the women and sat down.

"Do Americans have saunas?" Natasha asked.

"Not much, maybe at health clubs in the locker rooms." The air was hard to inhale, it felt thin and hot on my tongue and in my throat.

She got a confused look on her face. "Lock room?"

"At pubic gymnasiums, a place to change and shower with small compartments to lock up your street clothes and wallet."

"Oh. You don't have saunas in home?"

"No. But, a lot of people have hot-tubs. Large bathtubs or a small pool that will seat four or five. We keep the water hot for soaking- no soap. Usually you shower after because of the chemicals that you put in the water to keep it clean."

"That sounds nice," she said.

I was beginning to get uncomfortable from the heat, I could feel my heart starting to beat in my neck and temples, but the two Russians seemed to feel completely at home. All of us were sweating, rivulets were working their way down between Magda's tits and were beaded around her nipples. Natasha had lines down her arms and chest. Making me sweat even more was the site of Natasha's hairless pussy. She was sitting directly across from me with her legs spread slightly giving me a wonderful view of her lips and clit. I know that Magda noticed me noticing, she smiled a private smile at me a couple of times after looking at my partially inflated cock.

I was really beginning to feel uncomfortable from the heat when the girls got up. "Time for swim," Magda said as she opened the door. It was raining again as we went out into the dimness of the evening, steam rose from our skin as we walked quickly down the path, Magda leading Natasha. As soon as they gained the head of the dock, Natasha broke free from her mother and ran its length, then landed in a cannon ball in the river. Magda wasn't too far behind, jumping feet first.

I really couldn't feel the cold, only a little when a rain drop landed on the back of my neck, but there was no way I was going to be outdone by these two. In my turn I ran down the dock and dove in, head first but a shallow dive. I took three or four strokes under water before I came up. I still couldn't feel the cold except on the end of my nose, my chin and in my arm pits. The girls were laughing and splashing when I came up. They were standing in chest deep water but I was well beyond them and discovered that I couldn't stand. The current was moving me farther away and I started swimming back toward them. By the time I gained their position and put my feet down in the mud of the bottom the warmth of the sauna was really beginning to ware off. Now I was really beginning to feel cold, the chill was working its way through my skin and I was beginning to feel the tension in my abdomen and legs. Magda saw the first shiver run through me, at the same time I noticed that Natasha's face was beginning to lose its color.

"Time to go," Magda said. She took her daughter's arm and they made their way back to the dock where a ladder was mounted. It was also getting quite dark and the house could only be seen by the lights that were left on. We walked quickly up the path (this time I noticed the sharp rocks gouging my feet) and we were all shivering by the time we got to the steps.

With a shaky voice Magda said, "Wash your feet" and pointed at a strategically placed faucet on the landing. I waited while she did hers, then Natasha. I followed, a common sense way to keep the mud out of the sauna but still an uncomfortable wait in the cold.

When I sat down in the sauna my mind was a long way away from the naked beauties I was with, I was amazed that you could be cold at 75ºC.

Over the next few minutes, as the heat began to seep back in, I began to realize why the Russians did this-it really was exhilarating, all my senses seemed marvelously acute, my skin tingled with the warmth but (on the down side) my nuts had disappeared into a hard patch of darker skin and my cock had shrunk down to the size it was when I was a six year old.

Just as the heat began to be oppressive again, Magda got up, "We shower, you wait five minutes, then come."

I sat in the heat for the time, breathing deeply and watching the drops of sweat make their way down my chest and stomach. I could hear them talking in the shower but couldn't catch any of the words. Parts of me started to come back out and, when I heard the water in the shower across the hall stop, I got up. I was met by the girls, Magda was wearing a white terrycloth robe and Natasha was wrapped in a towel. "I left you robe, come to living room when done."

I didn't take long, I wanted to get back and sitting down, so I soon found them. Magda was putting logs on a fire in a free standing iron fireplace (a Jefferson stove). When she stood up the front of her robe was open and she really didn't make any moves to close it.

"You like Russian custom to swim in frozen river?"

"Definitely a new experience," I said.

"In summer the river very nice for swimming, we spend hours on dock."

"How's the fishing?"

"We don't fish much but do catch some."

"Can you fish now?"

"Oh yes," she said. "In winter some people put hole in ice. Catch trout. In summer we also have....little lobster...."

"We call them 'crayfish' or 'crawdads' in America.

"Crayfish..." she said.

"People in Louisiana, around New Orleans eat them lots. The people there are called Cajun, they're originally from France."

"They make good bait."

For desert we had Russian Honey Cakes. These were layers of a pastry with a cream filling between the layers, the entire thing then had been rolled in chopped nuts. Before meeting Magda, I hadn't given much thought to Russian food but I had heard the reputation that Russian women had for pleasing their husbands at meal time. Of course, I had also heard the reputation they had for pleasing their husbands at bed time too. Just, now, it seemed that this was being extended to daughters keeping their fathers happy.

We had just finished when some conversation passed between the girls, along with some giggling and then an amused look on Magda's face.

"Leslie, Natasha has a question for you."

The girl started blushing and giggling nervously, another exchange went between the two, then Magda 'OK' as if she was giving in.

"Leslie," she tried to take on a serious expression. "Because of the blindness, Natasha knows nothing about men, she is...uneducated.... She would ask if she can...feel (?) you."

I wasn't absolutely sure exactly what she meant but... "Sure, Natasha, come ahead."

The girl got up and walked toward me, then stumbled a little when she stepped lightly on one of my feet. She was standing in front of me, still wrapped in the towel, I was sitting in a upholstered chair.

"You are sitting?" she said as she reached out and her hands touched my face.


She put her hands on top of my head, feeling its shape.

"You have very short hair," she said.

"I don't like messing with it so I keep it very short."

"Some men shave their heads-do you?"

"No, I just keep it about a centimeter."

She had moved her hands to my ears, moving them around behind, then she moved her hands to my face, exploring.

"You shave your face," she said. Then she explored my lips, nose and eyes. Next she moved to my neck and shoulders. She ran her hands under the edges of the robe I was wearing.

"Here," I said, and I pulled the robe off my shoulders and free of my arms. As she felt my shoulders she said something to her mother.

"She says you feel very hard and strong," Magda said.

I can't explain how incredibly erotic this was, having the cool hands of this lovely preteen moving over my face, neck, and shoulders, and my dick was swelling some. Luckily, under the thick robe it wasn't obvious-yet. At this point the towel that Natasha was wearing fell open (accident?) and slid off her back onto the floor. She made a grab for it but missed. When she leaned down her shoulder hit my knee as she searched with her hand behind her. Magda said something and she stopped, then stood up.

"Leslie, why don't you lie down on the rug? Then things won't be so awkward." She had a knowing smile on her face and, well, who was I to refuse?

Next I was laying on a red woolen rug in front of the fire with the girls on either side of me, Magda still in her robe but with the front open and Natasha naked. Magda took her daughter's hands and moved them over my chest and arms, speaking in Russian. In some way I think the doctor had taken over, she seemed to be giving her daughter an anatomy lesson. She pulled my robe further open (the belt was still tied so my crotch was covered but, by now, my cock was getting pretty hard and pushing the soft fabric up in an arc over my right hip). A couple of times, Magda had looked at the rise, then at me with amusement, but she kept up her lesson for her eleven year old.

They moved down my stomach, Natasha commented about how hard it was, "no fat" and they fingered my navel, then continued down. Magda looked straight at me while she pulled the knot of my belt out, then opened my robe. My cock slid around to point up, the head just bouncing on my stomach. Magda said something in Russian and guided Natasha's hands to it.

The girl giggled when she felt it, saying something to her mother.

"He has an erection, is sexually aroused," she explained in English. "This is making him to want sex." She moved Natasha's hand up to the bulb. "The end is very sensitive, like clitoris, center of pleasure." The girl ran her fingers around the head, brushing it lightly. "The urethra is at end, where urine and semen come out. Also," she guided her fingers to just below the head, "feel loose skin here. Men have skin that cover the head, a," she looked at me "sheath? called foreskin. Some men it cut off when little boy, called circumcision."

"Does it hurt?" Natasha asked.

"I don't remember, I was a baby," I said. "I know some men have it done when they're older, they use Novocain."

"Sometimes man get infection or fungus, removing foreskin allows to heal," Magda said. "But most done for religion-Jews all circumcised."

"Almost all Americans too." I said, but there was beginning to be a strain in my voice.

Next she moved the girls hands down to my balls. "This is mans testicles, very sensitive, make sperm." Natasha moved my balls around some, this just about drove me crazy.

"Leslie very aroused, we make ejaculate, make sperm come out."

For the next couple of minutes Magda coached her tween daughter in the art of giving a hand job, then left her to it. "He beginning to get very tense, breathing hard," Magda said, "getting ready to climax."

Was I ever! This was totally unreal, to have a woman instruct a little girl, in a very clinical way I might add, on the proper way to give a hand job and how to tell when a guy was really getting ready to blow.

"He starting to thrust, penis getting bigger and harder, move faster and stay near head."

I was beginning to hump to meet her hands.

"When he point toes, he just about to ejaculate." (I'm not sure how a blind girl was supposed to tell I was pointing my toes.)

"Now, just the head, he about to..."

Natasha cupped her hands around my bulb and moved them up and down. My first shot of sperm leapt a good six inches in the air, then more gushed out over the child's hands and ran down my cock.

"Oh!" Natasha said as her hands were flooded with my warm slime, but she kept stroking, milking more of my jez out and onto her hands. The goo lubricated her hands and she moved them up and down half of my 15 centimeters almost driving me crazy as it went from pleasure to boarder on pain.

"He done, you may stop now."

I was panting as she lifted her hands away, letting my cock sink down to my belly in a pool of cum.

"It's slippery," Natasha said.

"Is mucus with sperm in it. Sperm too small to see."

Natasha held her hand up to her nose and sniffed. "Go ahead, taste. Men always want to put sperm in your mouth." She experimentally licked a little off her hand, then licked some more.

"It doesn't taste very good..." she laughed.

Laughing Magda said, "Big drink of vodka to wash down." They both laughed as Magda picked up the towel and wiped the cum off my crotch and dick. Then she gave the towel to her daughter.

"Men always want to...shoot sperm. Sometimes in vagina, sometimes in mouth, sometimes...anywhere. They do this two, three times a day if you let them."

"Do you want to shoot again?" Natasha asked me.

"Oh...god...(I was still a little out of breath) let me rest a few minutes."

Both girls giggled.

A couple of hours later, after Natasha had gone to bed, Magda and I fucked again. This time on the rug and with more time. She sucked my cock back to hardness, then impaled herself on me, rocking back and forth until I unloaded again in her cunt.

Afterward, as we lay cuddled with a blanket over us she propped herself up on one elbow. "You like sex with Natasha. She need to learn about men."

I was a little taken aback but still, how could I deny it. "She's a really sexy girl but still a bit young."

"Don't lie," she said smiling. "I see you, you want to have sex with her. I see you when you first saw them last week, you turned on by both." She paused. "Vika too young but, I worry about Natasha. Most Russian men get drunk, be I don't want that for them. My first time, maybe rape, maybe no...I don't know. I don't want that for my daughters."

The conversation ended with that and we both dozed for a few minutes. Then, after I had gotten up to take a piss, it was time for me to get dressed and leave. Magda kissed me good night standing at the door. "Can we have lunch tomorrow?" she asked.

"You bet."

I was so tired out on my ride home that I was afraid I'd fall asleep.

The next morning word came of a failure with a link near Yengida. It was a 200 km drive-all I could do was leave a note on the infirmary door for Magda that I'd be gone for a few days.

What in most of the world would be a two or three hour drive is 10 hours in Siberia. The road is mostly good but in a few places mud reined. At one point there was a semi loaded with well casings lying on its side in the ditch. The driver was sitting on the side of the road on a plastic chair with a tarpaulin rigged as a small tent over him, a smoky fire and two empty vodka bottles at his feet. He didn't need help (said a crane had been dispatched from Yengida) but asked if I had any more vodka. (I have since learned to always carry a couple of bottles with me- it's the most recognized currency in the Russian hinterlands). Another ten klicks down the road I passed a crane and another truck coming the other way.

I had the gear fixed by noon the next day but didn't dare start back for Baykit until the next morning-I surely didn't want to be on those roads at night. Also, all during that day the temperature dropped and, by sundown, it was -15C. The next morning the world was a frozen sea of grey, brown, and black mud.

When I arrived back at the 'hotel' there was a note pinned to my door. I had been issued an apartment and was directed to move in the next day. In the morning, after checking in at work, I packed up my stuff and drove to the apartment building. My digs were not bad at all-the building was pretty new, I had a second floor view of the river (a southern exposure I would really come to appreciate) a separate bedroom and kitchen and full bath. Also, the building had its own satellite TV (Star Network out of India) and internet service. After taking possession, I drove back to work and found Magda.

Her kiss was very welcome and welcoming. After taking her back to my flat, she walked around the living room, then into the kitchen.

"You are going to need more equipment," she said.

"Yeah, I know. Too bad I need to buy stuff, I've got stuff for a whole house stored back in Texas."

"House furnishing very expensive here-you should arrange shipping with truck driver, pay on side. I have friend in Bratsk will buy for you, then meet with driver to bring here."

"That would be great," I said. "Thank you."

"You need pictures for walls. Some...native...Enenks do art. You may like."

"Thank you."

Suddenly, she walked up to me and kissed me, her tongue insinuating its way through my lips. At the same time she pushed her thigh against my cock.

"I need to be back at 1300. We have 45 minutes." With a smile she led me into the bedroom.

The bed wasn't made, there was just a pile of sheets and blankets. As I spread a blanket out, Magda pulled off her sweater, then her shoes. I was working to untie my boots when she released her bra, then pulled down her pants. I was sitting on the bed, unbuttoning my shirt as she stood directly in front of me in a blue pair of panties.

"I have surprise for you," she said.

I pulled my shirt off, then looked up.


"I know how you like little girl." She slowly pulled her panties down, uncovering a cleanly shaven snatch. "So I make myself like little girl."

Her lips were long and thin with just a shadow of darkness from being saved smooth. I didn't say anything, I just leaned forward and ran my tongue along the slit.

"Oh!" she said. Then she bent her knees slightly and flared her hips out as I worked my tongue between the lips to find her clit. Almost immediately she started to breathe harder, putting her hands on top of my head.

Holding my head against her crotch, she moved around against the bed. I cooperated, shifting around and eventually onto my knees as Magda sank down, her ass on the edge. For the next five or seven minutes I licked and sucked her pussy, loving the smoothness and cleanness of the newly shaved clam. I think I got her off three times before I straightened up and buried my schlong inside her.

As I pistoned in and out she looked up at me and said, "Do not ejaculate, I want to have sperm in mouth."

Something about it, watching my dick plunging into her shaved puss, the way she said she wanted to swallow-it just got me off right then. All I could do was pull out and then scramble up on the bed, on my hands and knees over her, and push my cock into her face. She stroked it with both hands while sucking on my dick head and, almost immediately I started blowing my goo while jamming my cock down into her face. I know I shoved deep into the back of her throat as I pumped gobs of sperm into her (it had been days since I had cum). It overflowed, some running over her chin and dripping on her neck, more oozing down the side of her face. With a groan I rolled onto my back next to her and Magda moved up, laying on her side, propping her head on one elbow. Her face was a mess with wet streaks along her cheek and down her chin. The drops on her neck made their way across her shoulder. She still had her mouth full of my sperm and, with a smile, showed it to me as she played with it by moving her tongue around in the goo. A stream ran over her lower lip and down onto her chin where it dripped off in a long string on to my upper arm. Then, with a giggle, she closed her mouth and swallowed. She used the edge of one of the folded sheets to clean the rest of my sperm off her face and neck.

She reached down and wrapped her hands around my balls. "You like me shaved?"

"Oh, yeah. It's sexy as hell," I said.

"You find sexy because you like little girls," she held my balls firmly, causing me some anxiety.

"I just think it's sexy," I said.

She gave my nuts a little squeeze-not enough to hurt.

"No, I think you like because you want sex with girls."

"Ok,...I do think little girls are sexy, yes."

"What the youngest you have sex with?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

I started to answer but she squeezed my balls a little. "Don't lie."

"Ahh,...the youngest girl I've had sex mean...well...she was ten."

"You actually have sex...I mean intercourse, or just molest?"

"Oh, we really did it," I answered. "I also had oral sex with a...I guess she was five or six, in Kindergarten."**

**See my story "Rollercoaster Ride."**

"Tell me about it," Magda released my nuts.

"Well, her father asked me to watch her while he was out of town and...well, one thing led to another and we went to bed."

"Was she virgin?" she asked.


"And she want it?"

"Yes," I said. "She could have stopped any time."

"Did you have sex more than once?"

"Oh," I thought for a moment, "probably seven or ten times over a weekend."

"What about six year old?"

"That was a few days later...after her father had come home. He knew, in fact, he kind of set the whole thing up." I paused, thinking how to explain. "You see, Lindy, that's the girl, she had been trying to get her dad to...we think it had to do with her mother leaving. Phil actually sort of told her to come on to me, hoping she'd leave him alone. It didn't work out that way and a couple of days after he came back we both..." I realized I was talking way too much.

Magda had a strange smile. "So you and other man both have sex with little girl? At same time?"


"So, what about six year old?"

"Oh, her," I continued. "Phil's girlfriend, she had a little girl, in Kindergarten. We were all at his house and got in the hot tub. Things got strange and Lindy told the little one to suck me-coached her even, with her mother watching."

"I see why you Americans like hot tub. Sex in sauna cause heat exhaustion."

We both started laughing, then she kissed me.

"You nice to little girls. Not rough?"


"Will you have sex with Natasha? Be nice, gentle for her first time?"

This, while not totally unexpected, was still a bit of a shock. Here was a woman arranging for me to fuck her eleven year old daughter.

"Well, of course,...I'd love to," I stammered.

"Good. She come here with you tonight after dinner at my place," she said, rolling off the bed. "We make bed, put sheets on."

We made the bed, the bed where I was supposed to take her daughter's virginity. Then Magda helped me inventory the kitchen and make a list of things I'd need. She left to go back to work and I finished unpacking my stuff. I checked in at the shop before heading out the west road-Magda's Land Cruiser was not in its parking space.

Dinner was, again, awesome. This time it was fish and chips of a sort. The salmon had come out of the river that day and the potatoes were pan fried, but it was all seasoned with local herbs and dressed with some vegetables.

As soon as the dishes were put up Magda said something to her girls and all three of them started taking their clothes off. Vika stared at her mother when she saw her shaved pussy. There was a short conversation after that, then all four of us were running down the dock and landing in the river.

After about 20 minutes in the sauna, Magda sent the girls out to the shower. "You have tomorrow off too?" she asked.

"Yes, I'll finish moving into my apartment."

"You still will take Natasha with you?"

"Tonight?" I asked.

"Yes, you take her tonight. In morning you come here, about 8. I have breakfast for you, then we drive to place were there is beautiful waterfall."

We showered together (the shower is actually a room by itself with two nozzles). She played with my cock some and I rubbed her tits but we didn't go any further. ('You must save for Natasha,' she said). Then, a few minutes later, me and Natasha were driving through light snow back to town. She had even packed an overnight bag.

"What do you want me to do?" she asked after I had closed the door behind us.

I stepped up behind her and wrapped my arms around her small frame. She leaned back against me in a way that was fully reassuring that she wanted to be there. Her head came up only as far as the middle of my chest, my arms were across her shoulders and chest, each of my hands were on her ribs. She put her hands on my forearms, hugging them softly. I brought my hands up, covering her newly developing breasts. She wasn't wearing a bra (although I had noticed that she often wore a 'training bra') and I could feel the soft rises underneath her fleece sweatshirt. I moved them in slow, gentle circles with the palms of my hands, she let out a long, slow breath and leaned more into me, letting me take her weight.

I bent down and kissed the side of her head, she turned her head and I kissed her cheek, just in front of her ear, then moved closer to her mouth. I slid my hands down her sides again, then up under her sweatshirt. I was a little disappointed to discover she was wearing an undershirt but the feeling of her tween tits through the thin fabric was incredibly sexy. My cock began to become uncomfortable pushing against my jeans. I pushed it against her, just above her butt, almost in the small of her back, and she made small movements from side to side against it.

Natasha turned further and we kissed with our lips, she reached up with one hand and stroked my cheek. Now she twisted in my arms, turning around and we embraced, our tongues met, she was a really good kisser.

I pulled my hands out from underneath the back of her shirt, then leaned away. "You've been kissing boys before."

With a slow smile she nodded. "Well...da...we sometimes play...spin parties in the forest."

Without saying anything more, I pulled her shirt up, she raised her arms and allowed me to pull it off. There was a crackle of static electricity when her hair came free, then her hair stayed frizzy. Natasha just looked forward, obviously not looking at me. I stepped back some from her. Her shoulders were very light boned, her arms thin. Her undershirt was a cream colored camisole, held up with strings over her shoulders. It had a thin strip of lace around the neck. Looking straight ahead, she pulled it up and off. Her ribs showed clearly under her white skin. Her areolas were a pinkish brown with small nipples. She wasn't totally flat-there was just the first stirrings of a development beneath.

Without saying anything, she stepped out of her Adidas shoes, then undid the snap and zipper of her pants. She pulled them and her panties off together and stood in front of me in nothing but a pair of light blue stockings that almost reached her knees.

I was fixated on the thin lips with the long slit of her pussy. I pulled my own shirt off, but then had to lean down and untie my work boots. I pulled my pants off, knowing that the only hint she had was the sounds of my stripping.

"Are we going to the bedroom Les?" she asked.

"Sure..." I said, my voice was tight. I stepped up to her, then took one of her hands and was about to lead her to the left, into the bedroom, but then directed her hand to my swelling cock.

"Mmmm," she giggled, then used both her hands to cup and stroke my dick. It grew to full hardness. "Do you want me to suck on it?" she asked.

"Lets get in bed," I responded, then took her hand and led her into the room.

She felt in front of herself, walking slowly until she nudged the bed with her foot. I walked around her and pulled the covers down, then guided her into a seated position. She turned and lifted her feet up, then lay back. I touched her hip, "Move over some." She did, feeling her way to make room.

"Do you think I'm sexy?" she asked.

"Oh yes, you're absolutely sexy."

"People say I look like my mother."

"Actually, you do. You look a lot like your mother."

She ran her hand up over her chest. "I'm not like her," she said.

I took her hand and held it, our fingers wrapping around each other, touching her just below her throat. "Well, in a couple of years..."

"Mother has let me feel her breasts...they seem so big."

"Actually, as breasts go, your mother's are not all that big."

"And you like that?" she said. "I thought men liked women with really big breasts."

"Different men have different likes. I prefer small."

"Do you prefer me?" She had a smile on her face, her eyes were open but looked out unfocused.

As an answer, I leaned down and kissed her, a soft kiss that she returned, putting her arm around my shoulder. After just a short break we kissed again, this time opening our mouths. She pulled on me, I'm not sure whether I leaned down or she lifted up but our bodies seemed to melt together. He wrapped one of her legs around mine, pressing her little girl pussy against my hip and slightly humping against it.

I slid down from her face to her breasts, sucking on each in turn, while I moved my hand into the warmth between her thighs. For the first time in years I was in heaven feeling the soft, smooth, warmth of a preteen's sex, moving my fingers over the shape of her unadorned lips, then working them apart to slide along the moistness of her inner folds and ridges.

Natasha gave out a breathy moan as I fingered her and humped against my hand. Then she moved her hands from the back of my head and neck, where she was holding my face against her chest, to my shoulders. There was no mistaking the meaning of the soft push she gave me-down.

I followed her direction, only pausing for a moment to tongue her belly button (she giggled and pushed me harder), then started to explore her wonderful pus. Now, with the very close inspection, I could see just a few whispy dark hairs around the top of her slit. She spread her legs wide, my face was comfortably nestled in her crotch, and she massaged the top of my head as I ran my tongue up and down her slit. Pulling back I spread her lips with my fingers, admiring the ridge of her clit and opening the smaller lips beneath. This was definitely her first time as her vagina was mostly closed off by a pink membrane that only had a small hole in the middle.

I leaned down and pushed my tongue into her eleven year old cunt, moving and twisting it around. With a broken intake of breath she pushed herself against me, shivering her hips. I licked her cunt more, pressing into the opening of her vagina to circling her firm clit but when I pursed my lips and sucked the little nub she shook, moaning and grinding against my face. I opened my mouth, covering her entire mons and quickly moved my tongue up and down her slit. Natasha grunted and slammed her cunt against me, digging her fingernails into my scalp. There was a sudden rush of moisture in her sex as she broke out into a sweat, holding most of her body off the sheets, on her feet and shoulders. She sank back, panting.

However, I wasn't about to give this overwhelmed preteen any time to relax. I got up on my elbows and knees, then shuffled forward, her legs catching on my hips, knees being pulled up. I was amused to see that her nipples and areolas had risen to rounded cones above her little girl breasts. Holding my weight on one elbow and twisted slightly to the side, I directed my cock against her slit, moving it up and down some to be nestled at the entrance.

Natasha spread her legs wider, looking off over my shoulder, preparing herself. Still holding my cock with my left hand, I began to push, then withdraw, then push again.

"Oh!" she said as the head of my cock sank into her, stretching her cherry.

I pulled back slightly, bringing my arm up, now my hand was on the mattress above her left shoulder. I pushed again and slipped slightly more inside her. She let out a small hiss but held very still. "Ok," she said.

I pulled back again, then, with a steady pressure, I pushed again. This time I didn't stop and, with a small squeal of pain and clenched eyes, Natasha held still as my dick ripped through her cherry and sank deep into her.

A breathy 'Ahhh.....' escaped her. She wrapped her arms and legs around me, holding me with my cock buried as deep inside her as it could go, and we stayed like that for almost a minute before she started to relax and move against me.

At first, very slowly, we began to move together, just moving my cock slightly inside her. But soon we both began to move more, our breaths beginning to match. Then, quietly at first, Natasha started saying small 'ohs' with each stroke. Then it began to build as she moved underneath me and I began to push with more authority. It built further, moving harder and faster as she became louder-'oh, oh, oh...Oh...Oh.."

Listening to her really began to turn me on as she moved with me, taking me in her incredibly tight puss, humping to meet me. She built further, rocking harder and I lost it. With a grunt I fired inside her preteen cunt, filling her with shot after shot of my sperm deep inside the little girl.

Panting, with the coolness of my sweat on my back, I relaxed, still supporting myself on my elbows and knees. But this little dark Russian girl wasn't done. Even with me holding still, she kept humping, rocking against my cock, moving harder and faster, masturbating herself against my tool, still deep inside her. She kept this up for at least another minute, groaning and panting as I smiled and tried not to laugh as she got herself off. With a final shriek she shivered against me, still impaling herself with my cock, then calmed.

I rolled off of her, my bloody dick leaving a red smear across her thigh. Natasha was soaked with sweat, beads were on her upper lip and forehead, drops made streaks down her sides, the sheets were damp. Her cunt was a mess, smeared with blood and my cum. Then as she lay there a tear ran out of the corner of her eye and down to her ear.

I leaned down and kissed her. She wrapped her arms around me and rolled against me, sobbing, unaware of her blood that stained us both and ruined the white sheets. We showered off together and I changed the bedding, wondering what the washer women would think, then we went to sleep cuddled together. In the morning there was at least 20 centimeters of snow covering the world.

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