Published: 26-May-2012
Word Count:
"Have you explained what we're doing today," Jim said as they walked up to the church.
"Sure," Joan said. Then she looked down at her little girl toddling along, trying to keep up next to her, "Are you going to take a bath at church today Martha?"
The little one looked up at her mommy, squinting because of the sun. "Yes Mommy, bathy."
Jim chuckled, "Well, that's one way of putting it."
They reached the doors and Joan took the two year old to the nursery while Jim found his friend John. John and his wife, Rita, were going to be Martha's Godparents. The three of them went into the Vesting Room where they changed into the long linen robes that they'd wear for the baptism. Joan joined them after she'd dropped the baby off then the four of them went into the nave. Joan saw her mother and father were already sitting in the first pew. They joined them, Joan hugging her mother and father, Jim shook hands with his father-in-law and got a hug from his mother-in-law.
"Is she looking forward to it?" Joan's mother asked her daughter.
"I think she knows what to do...she's not scared. You know, she's such a ham in front of people."
The music started and the four stood up for the processional.
During the readings and the sermon, John began to feel a little nervous. He had never done this before and was just a little concerned. Then again, he had been to many baptisms, it had always looked like a lot of fun. He remembered one from last year some time-a seven year old girl, and his cock firmed a little. But that brought other memories. A couple of times he had actually felt faint at a Bris-thank God he couldn't remember his own. Everyone made a blood sacrifice-boys were cercumsized at their baptism, girls made their blood sacrifice at their confirmation. That brought thoughts of his own confirmation...
Just after the sermon started, Joan stepped out of the pew and made her way down the side aisle and out of the nave. She went down the passage to the nursery and stepped in. Martha was sitting on the floor with a pile of blocks in front of her.
"Martha, honey, it's time to go to the church."
"Hi Mrs. Dowling," Cynthia, the girl who ran the nursery said. "She's been very good. Is the sermon over?" she said, looking at a clock.
"No, Martha's being baptized today."
"Thank you," Joan said, picking up her baby. "Is it all right if I use the changing table?"
Joan lay her daughter on the table and quickly took a somewhat damp diaper off her, then put a dry one on. "Let's go honey. You're going to join the Church today." Holding her daughter she hurried back to her seat. She arrived just as the priest was turning onto the last page of his sermon.
For the baptism, a low stool had been put in front of the alter and, to the side, outside the railing, the baptismal font fountain was running-a small stream of water flowed down a low rock wall into the bath sized font-the heaters were turned on so the water steamed a little. Next to the font there was a stack of fluffy towels.
When he had finished the sermon, Father Jackson walked to the font. "Come on up, folks and let's welcome Martha into our church."
Joan was a little surprised, he had finished faster than she expected. There were some amusingly awkward moments as Jim, John and Rita stood and tried to get out of the pew while Joan grabbed Martha and stood her on seat and pulled her dress off over her head. Then she quickly pulled at the tapes of the girl's diaper and it fell off her, between her feet. Joan picked the little one up and the five of them went forward.
After they had all gathered around the font the ceremony started:
"We present Martha to receive the sacrament of baptism," the four adults said.
"Will you be responsible for seeing that the child you present is brought up in the Christian faith and life?" the priest asked.
"I will with God's help."
The examination of the parents, godparents, and then the congregation went on, meanwhile Martha began to squirm in her mother's arms. She loved taking baths and the water looked very inviting.
When the examination was complete, the priest held his arms out over the baptismal font. "We thank you, Almighty God, for the gift of water. Over it the Holy Spirit moved at the beginning of creation..."
As the service dragged on, the little girl became even more antsy, now trying to get out of her mother's arms. Joan started to bounce her against her thigh-this sent little shivers up in the girl-her legs were spread across her mothers hip, her little pussy was opened against the soft fabric of her mother's robe.
" Him, to You and to the Holy Spirit, be all honor and glory, now and forever, Amen."
Next, he addressed the congregation. "For our newcomers and visitors, let me explain how this baptism might be a little different. Jim and Joan have decided to have Martha baptized into the 'Holy order of the Sisters of the Virgin Sacrifice' . Joan is a member and she wants to be sure that Martha has the opportunity to become a member after she reaches what the order calls the 'Age of Mary'. Now, as you all know, the Blessed Virgin is described in the Bible as a 'maiden'. But, what you may not know is that in ancient Aramaic, the term 'maiden' did not necessarily mean that a woman had not been know by a man, it actually meant that she had not yet achieved womanhood. So, in accordance with the Canonical laws of the Order, a girl, after she's shown herself of a mature and prayerful character, but who has not yet become a woman, may make the sacrifice to join."
"However, first she must be baptized into the order. Normally, this is done as part of the confirmation into the order except in the case of the children of members, and Joan has been a member since she was thirteen. The daughters of members usually receive the baptism of the order at the same time that they are baptized with water."
Now Father Jackson turned around and lifted his stole off his shoulders, kissed it and hung it over the altar railing. Then he untied the rope belt that kept his cassock closed and slipped it off. For newcomers to the congregation who had never been to a baptism at this church, there was a little bit surprise. While it was obvious that Father Jackson was in good shape, the sight of his broad shoulders and small muscular ass above sculpted legs was a shock-not everyone knew that he was a amateur body builder. Then, when he turned around many of the women smiled (and some men felt inadequate) because his half hard cock seemed to prove the stereotype about black men.
Smiling, he held out his hands for Martha. "Are you ready to splash around in the pool?" he asked.
The baby looked questioningly at her mother as she handed her to him. He took her. The feeling of her naked body against his side made his cock swell even more as he stepped into the font, then knelt down onto his knees. (The end of his cock just dipped into the warm water.) Now he took the naked little girl and held her out in front of him. He held her there and, for a moment, admired her little body-still chubby with baby fat, little creases under her arms, in the joints of her elbows and a little way down the inside of her thighs, little bubble pussy with puffy little lips.
"Martha Elizabeth Dowling, I baptize you in the name of the Father..." he splashed her down into the warm water, then lifted her out again,... "the Son," again he dunked her into the water, "and the Holy Spirit,"--a third dunking.
When he lifted her out again, over his head, her little pussy even with his eyes, she let out a peal of giggles and kicked her legs. Father Jackson stood up, holding the dripping child, and she was taken by Joan who had gotten a towel to wrap her in. He stepped out of the font and then walked back to the altar, leaving wet footprints behind him. The rest of the party followed him.
When they had all gathered in front of the altar, Joan stood Martha on the stool, facing the priest. Then the four, dropped their own robes on the floor. Joan put Martha down on the stool with her back to the congregation, her eyes level with Father Jack's throbbing cock.
"Almighty God, we prey you bless this our sacrifice to Martha, and that through it she will find the strength to follow you. We prey that she will grow in your love and grow in her love for you. We prey that, through this gift to her, her faith may be sealed for all time."
Then Father Jackson, who's cock had been slowly growing in anticipation, lifted his dick and offered it to the toddler. Her eyes got huge looking at it, then she looked up at the priest as she tentatively reached out and touched it.
Joan stooped down next to her little girl. "Go and suck his pe-pe honey, like I told you." Martha turned and looked at her mother, then leaned forward and stretched her mouth open to take the big black dickhead.
Jackson let out a long breath and closed his eyes to the feeling of the two year olds mouth on his cock. He reached down and gently put his hands in her hair, lightly directing her mouth on his cock. She reached up with her other hand, now holding his shaft and sucking.
For Jim, the sight of his little red haired baby sucking a black cock was about the most erotic thing he had ever seen. His own dick was rock hard. As soon as the girl had started sucking the priest's cock, Joan had started stroking her husband's dick. She was on her knees, to his side, using both hands on his hot tool. John was on the other side of the girl, he too found the entire scene an incredible turn on and his nuts ached for release as Rita masturbated him.
Martha was doing her best, as her mommy had told her, and shown her using a rubber dildo, but Father Jackson's cock was much bigger than the lifelike phallus her mother had and it was a lot harder to keep in her mouth. She was breathing hard through her nose, a little bit of greenish snot ran down her upper lip as she held the cock, just as her mommy and daddy had shown her before.
The cum was really building up behind the priest's balls. He loved baptisms but usually preferred older girls that could really take his cock. In some ways, tiny babies, only a few months old, were easiest because they would suck on anything you put in their mouths. Sometimes older girls, maybe six or seven, really didn't want to, and that bothered him some. Still, he seemed to forget this when he would hold their heads, shoving his cock into their mouths as they tried to squirm away, only to have their throats flooded with his sperm. Sometimes girls like this would fight, pushing away at his hips and trying to turn their heads as gob after gob of his priestly cum shot into them. Some would choke, even a couple of times his cum had leaked out their noses because they couldn't swallow quickly enough. But then, as their Godfather's and father's sperm started spraying all over them, they usually gave up and just swallowed and swallowed, drinking mouthfuls of goo.
But this little one, even though she was still a baby, really was sucking his cock nicely. He had to finish quickly, before she lost her concentration, so he relaxed and let the feeling of her lips and teeth, sliding up and down over his head, the feeling of the back of her throat and little rough tongue, wash over him.
She knew about the juice that was going to come out of his pe-pe, she had seen her mommy suck the juice out of her daddy's cock, but still she was surprised when her mouth was suddenly full of Father Jackson's gooey sperm. She pulled back, looking at his dick and another huge wad of cum sprayed out and hit her in the face. Father Jackson pulled her back and the rest of his load filled her mouth again as she tried to swallow it all. Still, there was just too much and some leaked out the side of her mouth and dripped down on her flat little girl chest.
Seeing the priest cumming in his daughters mouth put Jim over the top. As she was trying to keep up with the flood of sperm in her mouth a stream of her daddy's jez splashed into her hair, the side of her neck and ran down onto her shoulder. At the same time her Godfather, John, blew his load on her other shoulder and chest, his white goo running down to her stomach.
All three men humped and grunted as they came, filling and covering the little girl with sperm. There was too much for her to swallow and, after Father Jack was spent, a solid wave of his slime ran out of her mouth, down over her chin, and dripped onto her chest. Her short red hair had several white strings of cum in it, her shoulders, back, and chest were all wet with goo, some even running down over her belly to her little bubble cunt.
Father Jackson quickly recovered, fighting to bring himself back to the service. Making the sign of the cross over the cum covered girl, he started again. "Eternal Father, whose blessed Son was anointed by the Holy Spirit to be the savior and servant of all, we prey you to consecrate this child that she may share in the royal priesthood of Jesus Christ; who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, One God, forever and ever. Amen."
"Amen!" the concentration called back.
Jim picked up his cum dripping little girl and held her up over his head, facing the congregation. As he did this he watched a string of gooey sperm work its way down her back and into her ass crack.
Father Jackson called out in a loud voice, "People of Saint Mary and Martha's Church, welcome your newest member, Martha Elizabeth! May the Peace of the Lord be with you!"
"And also with you!" they called back as they started clapping.
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