First Time Party

[ Mg, Mgg, mg, Fg, voy ]


Published: 10-May-2012

Word Count:

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show Story Summary
This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

The only light in the room was coming from the computer where a screen saver butterfly flitted between flowers in an animated field. Sara and Ming were laying on the day-bed, head to toe-or more exactly, head to hip. They were both on their backs, having a few minutes earlier brought each other to lovely climaxes while laying on their sides.

Now, Sara's feet were up on the head board. Ming's thighs were across her arm, her elbow was bent and she had her hand on Ming's thigh. Ming only had one of Sara's thighs across her arm, her forearm was warm against Sara's sex, between her legs, and her hand was on Sara's stomach. They were both relaxed, enjoying the light breeze from the ceiling fan that cooled them.

It had been a great meeting after spending most of the summer apart. Ming had spent most of July and August in San Francisco with her Dad's family while Sara had been in a church Day Camp when her mother was at work. School would be starting in a week and a half; they were both looking forward to it but were nervous that they might not be in the same class.

"They say third grade is really hard," Sara said in the dark.

"Yeah, but I can't wait to get back in school," Ming replied. "In the movie you made with Sally and your mom they said you're in third grade already."

"Well, I am," Sara replied.

"Yeah, I guess so..."

They were quiet for a minute; Sara was just closing her eyes when Ming talked again.

"Sara, what's it like with Charlie or Joe?"

Sara came awake. "Well,..." she giggled, "I don't know..."

"Are they, you know, different?"

Sara was quiet for a second, thinking. "Joe's a lot bigger than Charlie, if that's what you mean."

"Did he hurt?"

"I was scared that he would but, no, he was really nice...nice and big..." the two girls giggled together.

"I've only been with Daddy," Ming said. "I just wonder what other guys are like."

"I've only been with Joe and Charlie," Sara said. "Mommy said I shouldn't be doing it with your daddy, that he was yours."

"I'd like to see what it's like with Joe or Charlie, but I think it would make my daddy mad," Ming said, almost to herself. "We do it almost every night."

"You do?!" Sara lifted her head and looked down at her friend. "I've only ever done it in the movies, and that one night when Mommy spent the night at Sally's."

"Do you like it that your mommy and Sally are together?" Ming asked.

"Yeah, Mommy's really happy, I think they're in love."

"Do you do it with them?"

"No," Sara replied, "only that once, in the movie."

Sara pulled her arm out from under her friend and sat up. Then she reached over and pulled the sheet and blanket up, then lay down on top of her friend while she pulled the covers over them.

"You can ask your daddy if you can make a movie with Charlie," she said.

"I'd be afraid Daddy'd be mad," Ming replied. She lifted her head and kissed Sara.

Sara rolled off to the side and the two girls cuddled to each other. In a couple of minutes they were both asleep.


"Hey Joan, its Joe."

"Hi, how's it going?" Joan replied. She was driving, on her way to work after dropping Sara off. She looked at her watch; it was kind of early for Joe to be calling. "What'cha need?"

"I was wondering if I could meet you for lunch," Joe said. "Actually, I want to see you and Mat. We've arranged to meet at the Chili's on Katella Avenue at 11:30. Can you make it?"

Joan made a quick calculation. "Yeah, I guess so, I can take a bit of a long lunch, I guess."

"Great," Joe said.

"What's this about?"

"I have a...well it's a proposition I have...I want to borrow Ming and Sara."

"You want to make another movie?" Joan asked.

"No, it's not a movie..."

"Well...," Joan was skeptical.

"We'll talk at lunch."


Joe and Mat beat her to the restaurant; she slid into her seat and put her purse in her lap.

"Wow, you look great!" Joe said.

"Thanks, office know."

Matt was in jeans and a polo shirt with his company's logo, Joe had on a tie.

The three made small talk until their lunch arrived-a burger for Mat, quesadillas for Joe, and a chicken breast salad for Joan.

"Well, let me get started," Joe said after his first bite. "As you can imagine, I have some friends with quite a bit of influence, otherwise I'd be shut down fast."

"My guess, a lot worse than that," Mat said.

"A lot worse for all of us," Joan added.

"Well, one of my friends is having a party this weekend, and he's asked me if your girl's would like to put on a show," Joe said, holding his fork.

Mat and Joan looked at him blankly while the idea set in.

"And he's willing to pay, pay quite a bit."

"How much?" Mat asked after a pause.

Joe pulled out a pen and wrote on a napkin, then reached across the table and put it between Mat and Joan.


Joan was speechless with shock.

"What's your cut?" Mat asked.

"I keep my friend."

"And all they'll do is...with each other?" Joan said, her voice strained.

"That's all...they won't be asked for anything else."

"Are we invited?" Joan asked with a small sneer.

"No," Joe said, "but I'll be there to take care of them."

"Nothing else?" Mat asked.

"I'll be frank," Joe looked at the two. "The girl's aren't expected to put out but, well, in the past, well, the environment has caused some girl's to...shall I say...go further than expected. But, I make sure that if anyone says 'no', or even looks uncomfortable, I'll put a stop to it. And that has happened before, when one of the girl's started looking uncomfortable I invited her to sit with me. Later her mom told me she was grateful."

"Your friend has a lot of money-fifty grand for an evening's entertainment." Joan paused, "How many people will be there?"

"Probably fifteen or twenty; it's usually a pretty good laundry list from Hollywood and around LA."

"What have you, provided, before?" Mat asked.

"Usually just a few youngsters to be...well...usually I provide four of five little ones who play in the pool, maybe the older ones carry around trays of drinks. A couple of times Charlie has put on a show."

"That doesn't sound like it'd be too expensive," Mat said.

"Well, no...usually there's an arrangement for one of meet the host later. But, this time it's different, and the pay is a lot higher," Joe said.

"That aught to about pay off that little Honda," Mat said to Joan.

"Just about," Joan mused. It wasn't lost on her (or Mat) that it was in their best interest to keep Joe's friends happy.

"Of course," Joe continued, "the girls have to agree. And under the circumstances, do you think I should ask...they might find it easier to say 'no' to me."

"Naw," Mat said, "frankly, I think Ming'll go for it. She'll think it'll be a lot of fun."

"What about Sara?" Joe asked Joan.

"Well, I'll have to ask but, I'd be a bit surprised if she said no," Joan answered. "You know, she really likes you, Joe. She'd pretty much do anything for you."

"Will there be any filming?" Mat asked.

"Absolutely not...these are public figures, they don't want anyone knowing about this."

They continued the meal with small talk and left with promises to call that evening. Joan also said she'd ask Sara if she wanted to make another movie-Joan knew that Sara wanted to. Still, on the drive back to work she called Sally.

"Tell me about this mysterious party Joe wants the girls to go to."

"He's elected official, you'd probably know him. He has a house in the mountains up near Temecula. Don't worry; none of these parties have gone off track, the girls always come back happy."

They talked until Joan pulled into the parking lot, agreeing to get together at Joan's house over the weekend-they'd go out while Sara was at the party.


The limo pulled into the driveway at 1:30. Sara was so excited that she had been waiting at the window. As instructed, she was wearing her hot pink almost-thong bathing suit under shorts and a shirt. She also had on high-heel sandals that had laces that criss-crossed up her legs to her knees. Her hair shined and fell over her shoulders in waves. She had on a little make-up, earrings, and her mom's favorite cologne. She had gotten a French manicure that morning, on her fingers and her toes. In fact, all three of them had had a pedicure that morning.

"Oh!" she ran back to the front door and kissed her mom, then ran back to were the chauffeur was holding the door. Joe had stepped out and waved, then followed the eight year old back into the limo.

Ming was already in the limo. She was wearing a yellow cotton shorts outfit-a sleeveless button up shirt (with collar) and matching shorts over her bikini. Her sandals were black while Sara's were the same hot pink of her thong.

Ming's dad had done the best he could with her long and thick black hair. It was in two pony tails, one falling over each shoulder. Ming was almost a living anime-her face, large oriental eyes, small nose, mouth, and chin, looked like it had come straight off a Japanese website, despite the fact that she was Chinese.

Ming was tall for her age, and rail thin while Sara, with her shoulder length chestnut hair and middle of the chart weight and height, was purely American. Ming might be a developing basketball player while Sara, even now, was built for beach volley ball.

The girl's hugged, then kissed. Sara slipped Ming some tongue, then they broke apart and giggled.

"It's about an hour and a half there, girls. Do either of you want a drink?" Joe said when he plopped down between them.

"I want a coke," Ming said.

"I'll take a screwdriver," Sara responded.

"I think just orange juice will do," Joe said, eyeing her, "it's still pretty early."

Traffic was slow going south on Euclid until they got on the 22. As they made their way through the 'Orange Crush' interchange Joe passed out the drinks to the girls.

"OK, let me tell you what's going on," he started. Both girls quieted down and looked at him seriously.

"We're going to a party where there will be, oh, maybe 15 people. They are all very rich and important people, some of them you might have seen on TV. I know that you'll think it's mostly boring, so it's OK for you to play in the pool and Mr. Dunter has a great game room. Still, I don't want you to disappear either. Also, you may be asked to help serve, maybe taking trays of drinks around."

"Now, I don't really know exactly how it will play out but, at some point I'm going to call you out know what we want you to do. Don't be scared, just relax and have a good time like you did when you made the movie. We'll probably leave around 10 and have you home by midnight."

"I understand you'll be staying the night at Sara's, right?" he said, looking at Ming.

"Yes sir," she replied.

"OK," Sara said. "Do you want us to do anything else?"

"Only if you want to. Later on there'll probably be some people putting on their own shows, you know. It's all kind of a sex party-people do things-show off-it's all for fun. If you want to be part of that, well, that's up to you. But I'll be watching and, if you're uncomfortable just wave to me and I'll come over and get you-I promised both your parents that."

"My daddy said I shouldn't do it with anyone but Sara," Ming said.

"That's perfectly OK," Joe replied.

"Oh, don't lie!" Sara said in a loud voice. "I know you want to do it with Joe!"

Ming smiled and blushed.

Joe smiled to himself, at the same time his cock firmed-he'd been wanting to get with Ming ever since filming her father break her cherry six months ago.

"That's up to you, dear," he said. "I'd love to."

The limo was quiet for a few moments as they got onto the Riverside Freeway to start up into the mountains.

"OK, one last thing," Joe said. "The entire time you're there, you won't need your clothes, so why don't you both get naked now."

Ming's eyes got big while Sara just smiled and pulled her top off. Then she undid her bikini top and slipped it down her arms, dropping it on the floor next to her shirt. She lifted her butt off the seat and worked her shorts and bikini bottoms off together, working them over her shoes. She jumped up and turned around, landing on the seat that had its back to the driver. She spread her legs and held her arms out.

"See, I'm ready!" she called.

Joe's cock surged looking at her hairless pussy, the lips pulled apart, opening her preteen vagina. For a moment the memory of seeing his cock slide into her passed by and the thought made him even more horny.

The driver, Carlos, had not really been listening to the conversation but, when he heard Joe say something about 'getting naked' he had looked up. He had just gotten a glimpse of Sara's bare chest, then she had moved. He was used to watching couples fuck in his limo. It was almost an occupational hazard to get distracted watching the back seat and wreck, but this was something new. He'd never had little girls getting naked in the back of his limo before.

"Do you want to lick me?" Sarah asked as she first pointed down at her crotch, then ran her finger along her slit.

"Ah...," Joe said in a rough voice, "what do you think?"

Sara laughed. "I think I want you to," she said coyly.

Joe began to move out of his seat, onto the floor but Sara put her hand out. "She's not naked yet!" she pointed at Ming.

Joe leaned back on his heels and looked at Ming. Carlos watched in the rear view mirror as the girl looked shyly at him. Carlos knew that Joe could close the privacy window between the driver compartment and the back, but Carlos wasn't about to do it from his side unless asked. The little Chinese girl looked at him with a nervous smile, Carlos looked forward at the road.

Next she started unbuttoning her top, then she took it off. She was wearing a black bikini top. She lifted up and pulled her shorts down but Carlos couldn't see anything below her chest in the mirror. He did see her lift up and move like she was pulling her shorts off.

"Oh..." Ming said softly, "forgot my shoes."

She leaned down and untied them, then slipped them off. Then she took her shorts off.

"Come on Ming, all of it," Sara said in an exasperated tone.

"OK, ok, ok," Ming responded. With a small smile to Carlos in the rear view mirror, she slipped her top off, then pulled her bottoms off too.

Every time Charlie saw Ming's sex he wondered how it could take a cock. Her slit was just a tiny opening, only an inch or so long, down between her legs. She really didn't have lips, more there was the opening to her vagina with tightly pulled inner lips, then her pointy small clit at the end. If she stood straight, with her legs together, her clit was just a tiny bebe pushing out from a crease between her legs. Her thighs didn't meet at the top, her legs were too skinny.

"OK," Sara said, "you can lick me now."

Joe looked back at the eight year old, then at Carlos in the mirror. He smiled and winked, then Carlos couldn't see him as he leaned forward.

Carlos did hear Sara pull in her breath. "Oh yeah," she breathed, "I love this."

She slid down further in the leather seat, making herself more available to Joe. Carlos couldn't see any of what was going on but he could see Ming's face as she watched Sara and Joe. At first the girl looked embarrassed but then, as Sara's breathing got louder, she seemed to take more interest. Then, Carlos watched as her face relaxed some, her mouth opening and her eyes softening. As Sara's breaths started to transition to moans, Carlos noticed that Ming seemed to be rocking regularly-her shoulder moving up and down. He was filled with a rush of horniness when he realized that the child was masturbating.

He didn't even know that little girls did that and the idea made his cock get uncomfortably hard in his uniform trousers. He reached down and worked it around so it was no longer down his leg but was now across his hip. He absentmindedly rubbed himself through the fabric while he tried to see what he could of the action in the back and not wreck the limo.

Sara's breath and moans got louder as she held Joe's head against her crotch. He had undone his pants and worked his cock out, planning to fuck this little girl after he had made her cum orally.

At the same time that Sara grunted and shivered, breaking the regular sounds of her impending orgasm, Carlos watched as Ming closed her eyes and shuddered, obviously bringing herself off. Carlos had a difficult time keeping the limo in its lane, and the last thing he needed was to pick up a CHP thinking he was drunk.

Joe sat up and wiped his chin. "Was that good?" he asked.

"Oh yeah," Sara moaned, her body splayed out below him.

"Do you want me to fuck you now?"

Sara seemed to come too. She looked over at Ming who was also relaxed back in her seat. Then she looked at Joe. "No," she said, "I want you to fuck Ming."

Joe looked over his shoulder at the Chinese girl who's face was now in total shock.

"Come on Ming, you know you want to."

Ming looked up at Carlos, then at Joe. "O...K..." she said. She slid down in the seat more, now hanging her ass off the edge.

Joe turned around, his pants around his thighs. He realized he looked silly as he shuffled over on his knees but Ming didn't notice. Her eyes were huge with fear when she saw his cock. Joe wasn't especially large, just a bit above average size at 9 inches, but he was a lot bigger than Ming's dad. He worked his way over to her.

Looking down, he was again shocked by how tiny Ming's sex was. It seemed there was no way she'd be able to take a man's cock, but he knew she could, he had filmed it as her daddy fucked her for the first time and he knew that they fucked all the time now.

He moved between her knees, then pulled her tiny lips apart with his finger and thumb. They were shiny from her own ministrations. He put his cockhead against her tiny sex and gently pushed. Her sex opened, stretching around his cockhead and Joe was amazed to see his dickhead and about three inches of his shaft enter the girl.

"Is that OK?" he asked, looking into her wide open eyes.

"Yes, it just stretches a little."

Joe pulled back, then pushed in again. This time Ming's eyes closed some.

"That's good," she said.

Joe moved his hands so they were holding the little girl's thighs. His hands wrapped around them, they were the size of most woman's arms. He placed his thumbs at the intersections of her inner thighs, on the large tendon that pulls the legs together. His fingers wrapped around her thighs, so his hands were framing her hairless crotch with his cock splitting open her slit in the middle. He watched, mesmerized, as his cock moved in and out of her while she arched her back with each thrust, her eyes closed, her head slightly turned.

"Fucking shit, you're awesome," he said as he ran his hands up her sides and under her shoulders. Then he picked the tiny girl up, holding her under the arms, impaled on his dick. Ming was almost a rag doll in his hands as he turned around and sat down on the seat. She looked down at him and smiled, putting her hands on his chest, and started to raise and lower herself on him.

Carlos couldn't believe what he was watching in the back of his limo. Before, all he could see was Joe's back but now he could see the little Chinese girl, raising and lowering herself. He could also get glimpse of Joe's face, he was staring down, obviously watching his cock inside the child's cunt. His eyes were large and intent, his mouth open slightly. He had his hands under her ass, raising and lowering the girl on him.

Carlos looked up when the wheels hit the bots dots on the side of the road. He was able to not swerve but just gently guided the big car back into its lane. He had to pay attention to driving but he couldn't help but watch the action in the back seat. He leaned to the right, toward the center, and then adjusted the mirror, this way he could better watch the action while also watching the road. Then he remembered that the visor on the right side had a make-up mirror. He flipped it down (no one in the back seemed to notice the lights come on) and adjusted the visor so he could watch.

Because it was higher he could see lower over the back of the seat and he moved it so that he could see Ming's ass now as she moved up and down-but he still couldn't see low enough to watch Joe's cock sliding in and out of the girl. Meanwhile, he had to reposition his cock again as it got fully hard, a ridge running across his lap to his hip.

Ming was moving faster, her hands on Joe's shoulders. The feelings were definitely building in her-then she noticed the car behind them. There was a woman driving and a man was in the right seat. Ming tried to duck down, putting her face into Joe's shoulder. But the feelings were too strong for her to stop and she kept rising and lowering herself on his cock, using her legs to bounce up and down.

Over her shoulder, Joe saw Carlos watching. He had been just about ready to let himself go but that stopped him. He smiled, raising one eyebrow. He recognized that the mirrors probably didn't allow Carlos to really see the action but, in a different position...

"Here honey," he said, "turn around for me, OK?"

Ming was brought back just before she came. She looked at Joe, then out the window. She realized that, through the dark tint, the people in the car behind them couldn't see anything. She lifted up and turned. Then, standing, she squatted down, taking Joe's cock and guiding it to herself, just as she had done with her daddy many times.

This time she took his dick easily, she was so wet. She leaned back against his chest as he wrapped his arms around her. She looked into the mirrors and could see Carlos watching. She turned her head and kissed Joe, they shared their tongues as the rocking started again.

Sara was sitting across from them, watching her best friend being fucked. Even though she had just cum, the site made her horny again and she was fingering herself, moving a finger inside her with one hand while she teased her clit with the other.

Joe wasn't sure that Carlos could see all the action, so he pushed back in the seat, lifting himself and the girl. Carlos' eyes flared when he saw Joe's cock buried in Ming's tiny cunt.

Now, knowing that Carlos could see, Joe was even more turned on. Meanwhile, Ming was getting much faster, obviously getting ready to cum. Joe used one hand to feel her mosquito bite nipples, first one, then the other, but when he ran his hand down into her crotch, feeling the smooth hairless skin, that he went out of control.

Ming was already shoving down, making high vocalizations. Joe went over, slamming his cock up into the third grader as he fingered her tiny clit. He erupted deep inside her, filling the child with his first shot of sperm. His second shot overflowed the little preteen, and Carlos almost lost control of the car when he saw the sheet of white goo run down Joe's cock onto his balls, only to be followed by more waves of white nasty.

Ming lay back, her chest heaving, her head back on Joe's shoulder.

"Holy fuck girl, you are awesome," Joe panted, feeling his heart pounding in his throat and Ming's much faster pulse in her chest. Then he looked at Carlos and smiled. Carlos smiled back, then turned to the road.

"Ya know," Joe said, looking at Sara, "one person in the car hasn't gotten off yet."

Sara looked over her shoulder, then smiled. "I can deal with that!"

She stood up, then crawled head first into the front seat.

Carlos was shocked and delighted to find the naked eight year old next to him, kneeling, facing him.

Without saying anything, Sara reached over and ran her hand along the bulge in his pants. "I think I can fix this," she said, giving him a wicked smile.

Carlos pulled the steering tilt lever and lifted the wheel as high as it would go. Then he reached down to his left and tilted the seat back, then reclined the back, last he lowered the seat.

"OK girl, let's go." He slowed the car slightly, then set the cruise control so most cars would pass him up.

With a giggle, Sara pulled at his zipper. Carlos undid his belt, then the button of his pants, he had to work his hand under the waist band to release the inside button. Sara smiled as she ran her hand into his pants, then pulled his cock out.

For a moment she was shocked-he looked different from anyone else he had ever seen. Instead of a bulbous pink head his cock skin was smooth and loose all the way up, it ended in a large jagged opening. She looked up at him with huge eyes.

"Never seen one uncut, huh?" Carlos said. He reached down and, running his hand along his cock, pulled the foreskin back, exposing his cockhead. "See, just the same as anyone else, just got a cover."

Sara ran her hands up and down his cock, covering and uncovering the head. She giggled. "Like a little guy popping his head out."

"Yeah, guess so," Carlos said. He put his hand on the back of Sara's head. "Sucks the same though." He pushed her down.

Sara pulled the skin back and took his cock into her mouth.

"Mmmm, yeah, that's fucking great girl," Carlos said. "You like sucking cock?"

"Mmha," Sara said with her mouth still full of dick.

"You gonna suck up my cum?" Carlos said as he stroked the back of her head.

Sara nodded, still sucking.

"Oh yeah, that's fucking great, you're a nasty little cock sucker, aren't you?"

Sara closed her eyes and concentrated on Carlos' cock, working it into the back of her throat, then bobbing up and down.

"Fuck, you're an awesome little cum slut," Carlos said as he lay his head back, watching the road but getting ready to cum. He closed his eyes to just slits. Traffic was not heavy and the cars flowed easily around him as they made there way through the pass and started down toward Corona and the I-15 interchange a few miles away.

Sara was used to Charlie (she had sucked his dick a lot) and usually he started humping and shivering before he came, so had Joe the one time she'd blown him, but Carlos surprised her. Just, all of a sudden her mouth was full of his spunk. She jumped in surprise and a shot squirted out of him and hit her cheek, just below her eye. Some stuck in her eyelashes and she couldn't see out of her right eye with the heavy goo in her face. She took him back in her mouth and swallowed another three rushes of cum before he stopped.

She looked up at him, the jez stung in her eye.

"Fuck you're a great cock sucker," Carlos said. "I bet you suck cock as much as you can, huh?"

"Sometimes," Sara said in a coy voice, wiping the cum out of her eye. She looked at Joe and Ming who were watching over the back of the seat.

Carlos turned on the turn signal as he entered the ramp for I-15 South.

Ming handed Sara her Coke and Sara took a big swig.

"Pretty good fare," Joe said to Carlos with a smile.

"Never had better," Carlos responded.

Traffic was considerably heavier on I-15 and Joe realized that the naked preteen might be noticed in the front seat now. "Honey, you'd better climb back here," he said.

Sara dove head first over the front seat, then sat in the back. "Guess we kind of used up these guys," she said, looking at Ming.

Ming smiled, "Guess so," she said.

"I need to pee," Sara said as Joe turned around and sat down, facing her. "Can we find a bathroom?"

"Can you pull off?" Joe said to Carlos.

"Yes sir."

He adjusted the seat and steering wheel again, then steered with his knees while he did his pant up. Meanwhile, in back the girls started gathering their discarded outfits.

"Just put on your bathing suits and shoes-girls are so sexy dressed that way.

Sara picked up Ming's bikini bottoms. "Want to trade?"

"Sure," Ming shrugged.

Sara pulled the black bottoms on, they were too small for her and cut tightly into her hips and around her legs. Still, they conformed perfectly to her flesh, showing the shape of her vulva and her slit and pulling into her ass crack. She picked up her own hot pink top, just two triangles of fabric strung together with strings.

Ming pulled on Sara's almost-thong bottoms. They were too big and hung loosely on her with gaps around her legs. The openings gave glimpses of her soft pussy flesh. Then the girls pulled on their own high-heeled sandals and worked the laces in criss-crosses up their calves to tie them just below the knees.

Carlos exited the freeway and turned left, under it, then pulled into an AM/PM market. Still a bit disheveled, he jumped out, then opened the door for the girls.

"Here," Joe said, pulling out his wallet, "get yourselves a snack if you want." He handed Sara a $10. He looked across the parking lot where a van with "Hemmit Valley True Bible Church" was parked. Standing around it was a group of kids, some teens, some younger. The boys were in dark slacks, white button down shirts and ties. The girls all had on white blouses and ankle length skirts. Some of them watched the two sexy bikini clad girls walk across the lot to the store.

There was a line at the bathrooms and the girl's looked really out of place in line with the super conservatively dressed church group. Ming and Sara made small talk about the upcoming school year.

"Where are you from?" one of the girl's asked Sara.

"Anaheim," she answered, noticing the nasty expression on the face of the older girl in line behind her.

"We're on our way to a revival in LA."

"Cool," Sara said. "We're going to a pool party in the mountains."

The door opened and a girl came out, she gave Ming a once over, then went "Humph" and walked off. The next girl went in and closed the door. The lock snapped.

Ming was dancing when they finely got into the bathroom. Even though it was a one-holer, they both went in. Ming was already pulling her bottoms down before Sara got the door latched. As she peed, Sara looked at herself in the mirror. Ming pulled off some toilet paper and wiped herself. She looked down at the wad.

"I'm really goopy," she said.

"Here." Sara took a sheet of paper towel and wetted it, then handed it to her friend. "Yeah, Joe really shoots a lot."

"I liked that, he felt really good. And, I really liked the way he rubbed me when we were doing it, Daddy doesn't do that."

"Charlie is really good too," Sara said.

"Do you think Daddy would let me do a movie with Charlie?" Ming asked as she pulled the thong up and flushed.

"I don't know, just ask."

"He might get mad," Ming said as Sara worked her bottoms down and then sat.

"It can't hurt to ask."

While they waited in line to pay one of the boys was obviously checking the girls out. It embarrassed Ming but made Sara smile.

As soon as the car pulled out of the parking lot Sara called out, "Are we there yet?"

"Pretty close," Carlos said over his shoulder.

"OK," Joe said, "I guess that, when we first get there, you girls just hang out-most of the guests will be arriving soon. After a while, I'll tell you what I want you to do. After that, well, we'll just see how things go. Don't be surprised if things get kind of wild-it's that sort of a crowd-but remember that I'll be watching and if you begin to feel uncomfortable I'll come and get you, OK?"

"OK," the girls said in unison.

"And be careful how much you drink, you don't want to get sick. Also, there'll be more than booze there, I'll be keeping an eye on you and, if I say not to try something, please don't."

"Do you mean drugs," Ming said, her eyes big.

"Pot, maybe some coke-but don't take any pills."

"Mommy told me that sometimes guys put knock-out pills in your drink," Sara said.

"That won't happen here," Joe said. "Not with this group."

Carlos slowed the limo and exited the freeway, then, after a few businesses, they started up a twisty road into the mountains. The girls looked out the windows at the views of Temecula and the valley before they made their way around the side and could see into a long canyon.

"Wow, quite a view," Sara said.

Almost immediately they turned onto a steep driveway to climb to a house near the summit. The house was very modern with large windows and slanting but flat roof. There were a number of cars parked around, three Mercedes, a Bentley, and at least two Rolls.

"Come on, girls," Charlie said after Carlos opened the door.

He led them up some stairs that worked their way around the side of the house. Both girls stopped when they saw the view. The grass and a few trees made it look like they were on the edge of a cliff looking over the canyon-the bottom was 1200 feet below. Looking down the canyon the Pacific Ocean could barely be seen in the haze. At the other end of the yard was the pool. It seemed to end at the cliff edge too, an 'infinite pool' ending in the sky.

There were a few people standing around, a couple of women, topless, were lounging in the water. There were tables with snacks and, near the house, a bar with a tuxedoed tender. Joe led the girls to the bar.

"Do you want anything?" he asked.

"Can I have a Coke?" Ming asked.

"I'd like red wine," Sara said.

"Go look around the place," Joe said after the girls had their drinks. "Oh, wait! There's the host, let me introduce you."

A man had just come out of the house, dressed in khaki pants and a sports jacket. He looked familiar to Sara, she thought she'd seen him on TV.

"Girls, this is Representative Dunter," Joe said.

"Hi girls," he said, looking the two preteens. "I loved your movie."

Both girls smiled with some embarrassment, Ming blushed some.

"Well," he continued after a pause, "I hope to see a lot more of you later."

For the next two hours the girls explored the house and played video games. Once they accidently walked in on two men-one was standing against the wall with his pants undone while the other sucked his cock. The closed the door real quick.

They were just getting bored when Joe found them---

The two girls walked out onto the patio. A lot more people had arrived. The two topless women, wearing only bikini bottoms, were carrying trays of drinks. There were some people in the pool, batting a ball around, the music was loud.

Sara led Ming across the grass to a palm tree. Then Ming stood up against the tree and the two hugged. They started to kiss, their tongues exploring each other. As they kissed, Sara brought her hand up and started massaging Ming's chest through her top.

A few of the people stopped what they were doing and started watching the girls.

Ming was beginning to breathe harder as they kissed. Then Sara moved her hand down, under Ming's (Sara's) thong bottoms.

Ming pulled her breath in when Sara pushed her finger up inside her friend's vagina. She bent her knees, spreading her legs a bit to help Sara. She put her hand on the back of Sara's head, holding in their kiss.

The place was quiet now as everyone watched the preteen-lesbian sex show. Sara used her free hand to untie one of the strings on Ming's thong and it fell to her knees. Ming reached behind herself and undid the knot at the back of her neck, then the clasp between her shoulders. The top fell free between them onto Sara's hand. She pulled it free and dropped it.

The two girls kissed more deeply as Sara continued stroking and fingering Ming's hairless pussy. Ming was rocking to Sara's strokes as she became flushed. Then the third grader gasped as she came, Sara jamming two fingers deep up into her cunt. Sara held her as she shivered and moaned-very with her lover.

She relaxed, lowering her head on Sara's shoulder, breathing hard. Then she started to laugh and the two broke apart, giggling.

As instructed, Ming stayed naked for the next while and the party resumed. Both girls were talked to by a number of the other guests, but it was still the kind of things adults talk to kids about, except for one Hispanic man, maybe 25, who introduced himself as Alex.

He talked to them for several minutes, not treating them like kids but like adults. He didn't ask them anything about school, or their families, instead they talked about TV, the beach, Disney Land. He told them about Disney World in Florida and swimming in the Florida Keys. He said he had grown up in Miami but had spent a lot of time in Columbia and Panama. When he got them drinks he didn't even pause when Sara asked for a Tequila Sunrise and, after Sara had dared her, Ming took some rum with her Coke.

They went into the game room and were just getting into a game of Resident Evil when someone came in. "Alex," he said. "The Congressman'd like to see you upstairs."

"Oh, OK." He looked at the girls. "Sorry ladies but this is a kind of important meeting. I'll be a while so I guess we can hook up later."

"OK," Sara said.

"Love your outfit," he said to Ming. "Hope to see you in it later." He winked.

Ming blushed as he got up and left the room.

After another half an hour, just as the girls were getting bored, Joe came in. "Girl's why don't you go for a swim?"

This time, Ming led Sara outside and to the pool. They walked down the stairs into the water together, holding hands, then, as they moved to deeper water, they swam to the other end. There, holding onto the side, they kissed-just a small tap on the lips. Then Sara turned around, putting her arms out behind her to hold onto the side, and Ming faced her-pressing Sara's back against the edge while Ming held onto the lip over Sara's shoulders.

Now their kiss was intense. The lights were on, so their movements under water could be seen. Ming brought her knee up into Sara's crotch. As they kissed, with Ming helping some to support Sara, Sara untied the knot that joined the two triangles of hot pink fabric covering her chest and opened the suit. The girl's giggled some as they, together, worked it off, but Ming lost her hold and they both slipped under water. They came up, the top was sinking to the bottom.

Joe was standing off to the side, not at the edge of the pool but close enough to watch the girls. He smiled to himself as he saw Ming start to pull at Sara's bottoms. They were tight, and did not come off easily and the girls giggled some more as they worked together, each using one hand, to get them free. Through the small wavelets, Joe watched as they worked them over Sara's hips, then she had to reach behind herself and get them off her ass. Finally, when they were around Sara's knees she was able to work them down with her legs and, finally, just as Ming pressed her hand into Sara's crotch, they came free of her feet.

The two preteens made out as Ming caressed Sara's sex but, after just a couple of minutes Sara whispered to Ming and they broke their embrace. Together, they swam to the shallow end.

They were not alone in the pool; there were three others, two women and Alex. One of the women, maybe forty, was already naked as was Alex. She did show some mid-life spread but would not be called fat. Her large tits were floating in front of her as she stood in medium depth water. She was talking to a younger black woman (wearing a sleek one-piece) and Alex.

"I've got to tell you," the older woman said as the two preteens swam by, "I'm not sure I approve of the entertainment our host arranged for tonight."

"Oh get off it, Lydia," the younger woman responded. "They look like they're enjoying each other-there's no harm done."

"Yeah, I guess, but where do you think he found them? Where are their parents?"

"You know Joe Anderson?" Alex broke in. "He runs a kiddy porn site and has made some really big campaign contributions for protection."

"Really?" she said. "I thought he made commercials."

"That too," he said.

When the naked girls reached shallower water, they found their feet and walked, holding hands, toward the end, like two mermaids, Lorelei and Thalassa, rising from the waters. When they reached the edge, Sara pulled herself up on the side and sat down, her legs in the water. She bent down and the girls wrapped their arms around each other in a deep kiss. Then Ming pulled away, moving down, and kissed Sara's throat, then her shoulder, then her right nipple.

Sara rocked her head back, looking up at the night sky as she held her lover's mouth to her chest, feeling her nipples stiffen and become more sensitive to Ming's lips. Ming pushed her tongue out through her closed lips and ran the tip in a circle around the firm point of Sara's nipple. The audience watched as the eight year old pulled in her breath, then blew it out with a low whispering sound.

Watching, Alex's cock had grown. Being in the water, it was had been floating out from him anyway, now it was hard and crying for attention. The two women he was with were also watching the girls and the older one, Lydia, had at first been shocked and offended by the sight of the two grade-schoolers. But then, remembering her own experiences with her tennis coach when she was only a couple of years older, her feelings had changed. Now she was feeling glad that the two girls were so close, obviously had such strong feelings for each other, and that they could share themselves so innocently.

Ming had slowly slid deeper into the water and, when she covered Sara's sex with her mouth, there was a flutter among the guests. Sara leaned on her hands behind her and arched her back, spreading her leg wider as she felt her friends tongue probe her slit.

Alex was stroking his cock, not thinking that he was masturbating in front of anyone who cared to watch. He thought about sitting with the two girls, one naked, the other almost, and how they had talked and played video games. He remembered Ming's inviting smile when she had caught him looking at her sex while she sat cross-legged on the floor.

Without thinking he walked over behind her. Sara's eyes were closed as waves of pleasure passed over her. She had lay back onto the concrete, her knees up out of the water, as she humped into Ming.

Ming felt someone behind her and, when she lifted up and looked over her shoulder, she was surprised, and pleased, to see Alex. She smiled at him, an inviting smile, then turned back to Sara. Still, she jumped in surprise when she felt Alex's cock brush between her legs. Again she smiled back at him, this time flaring her hips back.

Alex was in a haze as he ran his cock along the girl's sex, then he gasped when he felt her hand, pressing him against her. He pushed forward and didn't even realize that his cock had slipped into the girl. When he pushed again and felt her move with him, his dick at the top of her vagina, he groaned with the realization that he was fucking an eight year old.

Ming lifted her mouth off Sara's sex and moaned. In the back of her mind she was aghast at the idea that she was having sex with a stranger. But still, the feelings, of her friend and lover, and being filled by the strange man, were overwhelming. She went back down on Sara with new energy, pushing her tongue deep inside her friend as she, herself, felt her own climax building.

Sara looked down at the two and had to smile-boy, shy little Ming was surely getting fucked now. She held Ming's face and watched as she was overcome by an orgasm, her eyes clenched shut, mouth open, a look that might be pain but was really ecstasy on her face.

The spectators standing around the pool were mostly amused to see Alex throw his head back and shudder as he pumped sperm into the little girl. Wisps of white strings floated off in the water between him and the little girl.

The three of them all relaxed, Ming pillowing her head on Sara's belly as Alex slipped back and his cock floated free of the child. More white strings and blobs of sperm floated away from the little girl.

"Damn, quite a show," Lydia said to her younger friend. "It'll take him a while to recover from that."

The whole time, Joe had been standing at the edge of the crowd, watching. He never would have guessed that Ming would let herself be fucked by someone she had just met-but the show had been incredibly sexy. He just wished he had had a camera going, maybe one under water too. The video would sell in six figures.

Sara slid back into the water and held her friend who was standing, unsteadily at the edge.

"How was that?" she asked.

"Mmmm..." was all Ming could say. She bent over, her chest and face on the concrete and looked like she would go to sleep like that.

"Quite a show," Lydia said to Alex as he stumbled back to his companions and retrieved his drink from the edge of the pool.

"Yeah," he said, still trying to catch his breath.

"Now I can add statutory rape to the charges of drug running and money laundering," she said.

"Well then, Special Agent Jones, your superiors would also be very interested in your Caymen bank account-we can reminisce together at Leavenworth."

She smiled, then leaned forward and kissed Alex. "I guess they won't let us share a cell-but it'd almost be worth it if they would."

Alex returned Lydia's kiss. "No, you'll just have to settle for occasional nights at my villa."

"After fucking that little girl, are you sure you'll still be interested in and old lady like me?"

"Of course," Alex said. "Especially if you'd bring your daughters along."

Lydia looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "Honestly, Alex, I couldn't do that-it'd be too dangerous."

"I know," he said with a smile, "still, it'd be fun. How old are they? Nine and, what, thirteen?"

"Eight and eleven-Dorothy's rather developed for her age."

Joe walked over to the pool and stood over his two starlets. "That looked like fun," he said. "You two alright?"

"Oh yeah," Sara said. Ming just grunted and nodded, her head pillowed in her arms on the concrete, her hips and legs still in the pool.

"If either of you are getting hungry, they've put out quite a spread in the dining room."

At this Ming lifted her head. "Yes, I'd like some."

Joe reached down and took her hands. "Hold on and I'll lift you out."

He had no trouble pulling the eight year old out of the pool, but he did get a bit wet when she flopped forward and hugged him. "Come on girls, I'll feed you."

He hadn't been kidding about the spread in the dining room. Chaffing dishes held at least five different kinds of meats and poultry, there were bowls of hot and cold vegetables, salad, breads and bunches of different deserts, even two different kinds of cheese cake.

Sara filled her plate with barbeque ribs, potato salad, and a piece of blueberry pie while Ming had some sautéed chicken with vegetables, rice curry, and chocolate cake. Joe's plate looked more like Sara's except that he got a green salad instead of the pie-that'd come later. The three went back out where small tables, each with three or four chairs, had been set up on the lawn. While they ate a waiter came by and gave the girl's soda and Joe a beer.

They were about half way through their meal when the Congressman came up, carrying a plate of food.

"Can I join you three?" he asked.

"Sure," Joe responded.

"You two have put on quite a show," he said to the girls after taking a bite of meat. "Just as awesome as the movie you made."

The girls giggled and said 'Thank you' in approving and embarrassed tones.

Joe and the Congressman talked some about things the girl's really didn't understand and, after a short while, they both were feeling bored and a bit uncomfortable.

"Joe, can we go into the game room?" Sara asked as she put her fork down.

"Sure girls," Joe responded, "you don't need my permission."

The two got up and left the table, maybe a little too quickly. Still, the Congressman's eyes followed the naked pre-teens as they went into the house.

"I saw your video of you fucking that little one-she looks incredibly hot."

Joe smiled but then controlled his face-he didn't want to seem like he was putting his benefactor down. "She is...she is really good on the set. That's because she really enjoys it. So many of the girls are scared, or they've been put up to it and don't want to be doing it. But not Sara. She was a little uncomfortable at the first time-really, before we even started shooting, but then she seemed to decide that she was going to make sure she was the best."

"Charlie-he's the guy who makes most of my movies-Charlie and she seem to have a thing going. I know of at least one night that he took her home after making a movie. Her mother has a thing for my make-up girl, so they're sometimes trying to get a night without the kid."

"Lucky guy. Seems like quite a job."

"He's really good with the girls. Makes them feel comfortable. He's also not that big, ya know, so he doesn't hurt them."

"What's the youngest you've ever made a movie with."

"Well, actually, I did a five year old a few months ago. You can't fuck one that small."

"Yeah," the Congressman responded, "I saw that. No, I mean, who's the youngest Charlie's ever fucked?"

"He did a six year old-first grader-a while back. But her father had gotten to her first. She was actually a hot little slut. Sexy film, but not what I'm usually looking for."

"Was that really her mother in that movie last spring?"

"Oh, yeah, Joan's Sara's mom," Joe answered. "And the other was my make-up girl, Sally."

"Damn, she's quite a MILF. And that blonde, pretty awesome too."

"Don't get your hopes up, she and Sally are getting to be quite an item."

"Has, you said her name is Sally, made any other movies?"

Joe smiled. "Only one that we put up. Her and a ten year old. But, Sally's really not into kids, she didn't feel right about it. Then we also tried to branch out once and make one with her and a boy, he was twelve. Didn't work out, the kid couldn't stop giggling and it was absolutely not a turn on for Sally. She ended up really frustrated with the kid. We never put it up, just paid his dad and forgot about it. The dad was kind of pissed at the boy too."

They both laughed a little.

"Tell me about that little Chinese girl," the Congressman asked.

"Oh, Ming. Quite a surprise there. I never would have expected her to fuck a strange guy here tonight. Up till today, she'd only done it with her dad, now she's fucked twice today."


"Oh yeah," Joe laughed, "I did her in the limo on the way over. Then Sara gave the driver a blow job."

"Damn, so Sara's watched the chinagirl get fucked twice and not done it herself? Think she's getting kind of horny?"

Joe looked at him, a twinkle in his eye. "Probably...she's usually horny. I'll ask her for ya. Don't know what she'll say though. Can't make any promises."

The color drained from the Congressman's face. "I'm going to go jump through the shower. I'll be in my office in 20 minutes. If she's OK with it, bring her up, otherwise stick your head in and tell me she's not coming."

"OK, I'll ask," Joe said.

The Congressman bolted from the table, running past a couple of people wanting to talk to him as he hurried through the door and up the stairs.

Twenty minutes later Joe noticed the lights in the second story window to the Congressman's office come on. He picked up another beer on his way in to find the girls.

"Where's Sara?" he asked when he found Ming using the computer in the game room.

"She went to the bathroom," Ming answered.

Joe looked over Ming's shoulder and noticed she was on Facebook.

"Just updating. Saying I'm at a party, having a great time."

"I hope you're not saying where the party is," Joe said with some concern.

"No," Ming replied in an 'I roll my eyes' tone. She paused, then: "I can't believe I let that guy do that." Her eyes got big and she looked a Joe. "You won't tell my dad!?"

"Heavens no," Joe exclaimed. "Not a word."

Ming turned back to the computer. "I'd like to make a movie with Charlie," she said.

"Sure, just have your dad bring you down."

"I'm afraid he'd be mad," she said.

The door opened and Sara came in. "Hi."

"Hi dear," Joe said. "Having a good time?"

"Yeah." She didn't sound too enthusiastic.

"Honey," Joe continued. "I know I'm not supposed to ask, and it's fine for you to say no, but Congressman Dunter would like it if you'd go up to his office."

"You mean he wants to fuck me," Sara said.

"Well, yeah. He's seen all of your movies and, well, having you around here tonight..."

"Will you come with me?"

Joe wasn't completely sure what she meant but... "Sure, I'll take you up."

The Congressman went across his office and poured himself some scotch into a glass, then gulped it down. He didn't even know if the girl was going to show, but he was in a state of nervous frenzy with the anticipation. He had put on only a robe after he showered; if the girl didn't want to join him he'd just pull on a pair of trunks and go down to the pool. He jumped when he heard the door behind him.

It was just too surreal to believe when the naked little girl came into the room. Her chaperone was behind her.

"Ah, hi sweat heart," he said, trying to control his voice. "I told Joe I wanted to meet you."

"Yes sir," Sara responded. She had become completely used to being naked around all these people but, now, she felt a little uncomfortable. She really wasn't sure what to say.

Dunter went over to his desk and sat down. For a moment he thought of how silly some might think he looked right then. It was kind of awkward-he had called this little girl to his office in order to have sex with her. He knew it, she knew it, it was stupid to even pretend differently. Then again, it was so bazaar too. You always pretended with children, this was really weird. He decided to just jump in and see what happened.

"Come over here," he said, waving her to stand in front of him.

Sara obediently walked around the desk and stood only a foot in front of him. She looked down. He was balding and a little fat. He reminded her of her school principal. She could feel his eyes on her as they moved up and down, then settled on her pussy.

"God, but you're a beautiful thing," he said.

"Thank you," Sara said. He looked up at her with a start, as if he was surprised that she responded.

"Ah...can I touch you?" he asked.

Sara sort of shrugged. "I guess so...that's what I'm here for."

He lifted his hand, then stopped and looked at Joe.

Joe had closed the door behind himself and was leaning against it, wishing he had a camera. The Congressman looked at him with a nervous, enquiring expression, as if to ask permission. Joe gave him a slight nod.

Dunter reached up and ran one of his thumb gently over Sara's left nipple. She smiled and shivered a little at the touch.

He pulled back, staring at her chest, then reached out again with both hands. His cock started to push up when he saw her nickel sized areolas contract and the small nipples push out into tiny balls. Sara bit her lower lip and pulled in a breath. After a few more second she closed her eyes and relaxed some. When she opened them she was staring down at his cock where it was pushing up on the terrycloth robe.

The Congressman let his hands drop, still looking at Sara's tiny erect nipples. Then his gaze dropped too, stopping at her hairless pussy. He didn't have a daughter, this was the first time he'd seen a preteen girl since playing doctor with his cousin a half century ago. He touched her thigh, then looked up at her again.

Sara was very nervous-and very turned on. The situation was so outrageous, and so exciting. This was different from the first movie she had made, when she had just met Charlie. There was another purpose then, making the movie. This time it was just sex, she was there to have sex with a strange man; that was all. Being a youngster, she didn't understand the dynamics, the idea that she was paying a debt for Joe was an unformed and uncomprehended idea in the back of her mind. All she knew was she was doing this for Joe because he was her friend-and because she really liked having sex and was curious about what it would be like with different men.

Still, somewhere she was also a little offended. This guy, an old, bald, fat guy with hairy arms (and probably a lot of hair elsewhere too) was not her idea of a sexy man. She could see beads of sweat on his scalp, she didn't really want to kiss him, he had a big moustache. He did smell good, like soap, and he had just shaved.

His fingers were shaking where he was touching the inside of her thigh. She felt a little amused by that. Then he started moving them up, gently caressing.

A sudden rush of horniness went through Sara. With an almost silent squeak in her throat she closed her eyes. At the same time she relaxed. When she felt his fingers just below her sex she bent her knees very slightly.

Her pussy lips were soft and warm. He ran his finger along her slit and it parted some, he could feel the warmth and moistness of her. Sara shifted, putting her feet farther apart.

Now, as he ran the edge of his finger along her sex it seemed to open some and wrap around him. When he pulled back the little girl's clit was pulled forward, a small nub of flesh nestled between the warm lips and his finger. Sara sighed again and pushed her hips foreword.

Joe felt the door knob move in his hand. He very quietly turned and cracked the door open. Ming was there. He held his finger to his lips, telling her to be silent, and gently pulled the door open.

Ming's eyes got huge when she saw her best friend standing over the strange man. He was leaning forward and craning his neck as he tried to lick her sex. Ming walked around Joe and stopped in front of him, watching Sara. She felt Joe come up behind her, then his arms moved around her and he pulled her back against him-she could feel his hard cock in his pants against her back. Still, all she did was watch. She didn't seem to notice when he started fingering her tiny nipples.

The Congressman's moustache was scratchy against Sara's tummy, and he simply wasn't able to reach her pussy properly with his tongue. After a minute or two she began to feel that neither of them were enjoying this all that much. Sara looked down at his bald head. She wanted to change the action.

She reached down and lifted the collar of his robe, spreading it some and partially uncovering his shoulders.

Dunter looked up at the girl and allowed himself to be pushed back in his chair. With a smile, Sara pulled on his robe more, uncovering his shoulders. The front fell open and his cock bounced up.

Sara's eyes flared-it looked huge to her. She had seen a few men in movies and pictures, and of course there were the four guys she'd seen 'in the flesh'. (Charlie and Joe, who she'd made movies with, Mat, Ming's father, and of course, Carlos.)

By all rights, Dunter had a cock that he could be proud of. Eleven inches long and almost an inch and a half in diameter, he never left any women disappointed. Still, he wasn't hung like some of the freaks of nature in the movies. For Sara though, it seemed like the biggest one she'd ever seen. It was a little scary, but it was also kind of exciting.

However, as she'd expected, he was awfully hairy. His cock stood out of a thick carpet of black hair that also covered his chest and stomach. Joe and Charlie didn't have much, Joe just a little on his chest and Charlie only had some light brown curls around his cock-and these he kept trimmed real short, as did Joe. Mat, Ming's dad, was oriental and also didn't have much hair. This guy, however, seemed like a bear. To the little girl it was both gross and exciting.

With a smile she lowered down to kneel between his thighs.

"Oh God," Dunter moaned when he realized what the child was doing. He leaned back in the chair as she wrapped her hands around his cock and pulled up and down on it.

He really did have an impressive member, even a nine year old could see this. Thick with a bull head, it seemed rock hard in her hands. As she worked it, a drop of clear precum came out of his pisshole and ran down the side, wetting her fingers around his shaft. She looked up at him, his eyes were dark and large, he had an intense expression. He reached out and put his hand on the side of her head, cradling her. His fingers ran gently through her hair and around to the nape of her neck. She felt him slightly pulling her. With a smile she allowed her head to be pushed down.

"God fuck," he muttered as he felt her mouth close around his dick head. His cockhead filled her mouth, leaving little room for her to take any more of him. She sucked him in and out several times, running the glans along the roughness of her tongue, Then she pulled back and, lifting his large tool, she licked the entire length, from his balls to the head. Then she took the head back in and sucked.

Dunter ran his hands through her hair, caressing the sides of her face as his hips shivered while he humped up into the girl's face. He put his hand under her chin and lifted her head.

"You're incredible child," he said in a horse whisper.

Sara smiled at him, then, keeping her eyes locked on his, she moved down and licked his left nut. Then she moved to the right and, still looking at him, she pushed it around with her tongue. Next she moved back to the left and, opening, pulled his testicle into her mouth.

"Oh...Shhhiiittt..." he said in a loud voice. "I've fucking never..."

Sara's eyes sparkled up at him as she swished his nut around in her mouth with her tongue. Then she opened her mouth even wider and, moving to the side, pulled his other ball into her. She moved them around with her tongue as she watched his face completely glaze over. Then, with a sinister twinkle, she gently bared her teeth and bit down softly.

"Ho, ho, ho, girl," he laughed, "you got total control..."

Still, he unconsciously pulled away some from the girl.

Sara released him, his wet balls slid down over her chin. She sat back on her heals and then pulled some stray hairs out of her mouth.

The Congressman reached down and pulled up on the little girl, lifting her with his hands under her arms. "Come on child, sit on the desk for me."

Sara helped him and sat with her ass on the edge of the glass covered desk. Then she leaned back onto her elbows and spread her legs. Her eyes got big and her smile faded when she looked at his cock again-she was a little afraid it simply wouldn't fit inside her.

Her pussy looked impossibly small against his cock. Dunter used his thumbs to pull the hairless cunt lips apart and watched in awe as her inner lips opened her vagina like a flower. She was shiny with moisture but he could tell she simply wasn't wet enough. Taking a generous load of spit on his fingertips, he spread it around his dickhead. Then, moving it up and down against the child's sex, he nestled his head at the opening of her little girl womb. Then, holding her slim hips, he pushed with a constant pressure.

Dunter was amazed to watch the nine year old's pussy spread open and take him. His entire cock head slipped into the girl, but no more before he pressed against the top and pushed her with his dick.

"I can't believe I'm fucking a school girl," he said, looking down at her.

Then he looked up at Joe. "She's got the tightest cunt I've ever fucked."

"What do you expect-she's nine," Joe responded with a smile.

The Congressman looked back down at where his dick was stretching the grade schooler's pussy. He pulled back, then pushed in.

The sliding of his cock against her clit sent a ripple of pleasure through Sara. Then, as he started a regular movement, she began to feel her own need rising. She rocked her head back and saw Ming and Joe watching her being fucked. She turned back, first looking down between her thighs where the stranger's huge cock was pushing inside her, then at the Congressman's face. His expression could almost be call angry as he humped into the girl.

Still, as fun and good feeling as this was, Sara was missing something. She looked up at him and realized that she really didn't care about him. In an instant she realized that she needed to want to please her partner-otherwise she was just along for the ride.

Still, she could feel the tension building in her tummy, the need for release was pushing down her thighs and up her sides.

She looked at her friend Ming. She was smiling and seeing Sara looking at her, blew a kiss to her friend.

Then Sara looked at Joe who was also smiling as he wished he could trade places with his benefactor. Sara noticed the bulge in his pants.

"Joe, I want to suck you," Sara said.

Joe looked up at the Congressman.

"Well, I guess the more the merrier," he said, waving his hand.

Joe undid his pants and pulled out his cock, stroking it some as he walked up to the desk, opposite the Congressman.

Pulling on Sara's shoulders he lay her back. "Here ya go honey," he said as she hung her head off the edge.

Upside down, all Sara could see was Joe's balls as she took him in her mouth. With her head bent back so far, without thinking she took him into her mouth and down her throat.

"Oh fuck!" Joe said when he saw the little girl's throat expand with his dick. He pulled back, then started to move more gently, making sure the girl could breath as he fucked her face.

In the back of his mind the Congressman was appalled at what he was doing. He was holding the back of Sara's thighs, his fingers on her ass, as he moved his dick in and out of the third grader. Meanwhile, another guy was pushing his cock into her mouth. She was splayed across his desk taking the two of them-a little child being used as a repository of sperm for two men, both almost old enough to be her grandfather.

Sara made grunting noises as she caught her breath between Joe's thrusts. From the position of her head, all she could see were his balls as they rocked back, then swung forward to slap against the bridge of her nose. She couldn't catch her breath and had to reach up, taking Joe's hips with her hands and pushing him away some. Then, with the tip of his cock in her lips, she was able to take a few deep breaths. Then she started to guide him, allowing herself time to get a few breaths between his thrusts.

Joe reached down and cradled her head, running his fingers through her hair and around the back of her neck, supporting her. He struggled to control himself and follow her directions, the last thing he wanted to do was hurt her.

Ming stood, her mouth agape, as she watched her best friend being double penetrated, taking a cock in each end. She couldn't believe that it didn't hurt Sara, but she seemed to be enjoying it. She had gagged and choked a couple of times when Joe first pushed into her mouth but, now that she was guiding him, Ming could see the unmistakable signs that her friend was building. Ming had, many times, watched the pink blush spread across her friend's chest and up into her throat when she had lay with her mouth between Sara's legs.

Sara, still guiding Joe's cock in and out of her mouth, was indeed building toward a most intense orgasm. She no longer felt any stretching from the Congressman's huge cock, and the idea of Joe's sperm filling her mouth was almost enough to make her cum on her own. More than once she had lay in bed, two fingers from one hand in her vagina, the other hand rubbing her clit and, in her mind, Joe filling her mouth with his seed.

The idea flitted through her mind and caused a spasm to pass through her torso. The unmistakable shaking and grunting of the child-the sight of her hairless pussy lips contracting around his cock, caused the Congressman to explode. The flood of his jez burst into her, gushing into her vagina, the combined pressure filling her empty womb with his sperm.

The sight of the Congressman, his head back, grunting and shoving, as his white spore leaking around his cock made Joe go off. Sara wasn't ready for the flood in her mouth and some spurted around her lips and ran down into her nose and right eye. She gagged as she tried to swallow the load but instead she inhaled a wad of Joe's sperm.

The girl started to cough. She shoved Joe away and tried to sit up as she choked. She violently coughed and a lump of Joe's goo flew out of her mouth to plop onto the Congressman's chest, then drip down in his thick chest hair onto his stomach.

The Congressman didn't notice the other man's sperm in his chest, he was too busy watching the cum covered preteen get her coughing under control. She wiped the goo running out of her nose on her arm, then deeply sniffled the rest up into her head and swallowed. She shook her head as she came back to reality. She was the first to see the cum on the Congressman's chest.

"Oh! I'm sorry!" she said.

Dunter looked down and grunted, holding his head back with a bit of a look of disgust. Then Sara leaned forward and licked Joe's semen off of his chest.

The Congressman started to laugh, looking a Joe. "Fuck, this little gal's definitely got some game!"


Two and a half hours later Joe and Carlos carried the two naked girls through Joan's front door. They hadn't been able to locate anything more of their clothes than Ming's sandals and Sara's top.

"Just take them into Sara's room and lay them on the bed. Sally tucked the girl's in as Joan showed the two guys to the door then watched as the limo backed out of the driveway.

"So, how was the party?" Sally asked the next morning as Joan got out bowls, milk, and spoons for the cereal.

"It was great!" Sara responded.

"You two put on a show?"

"A couple of times," Sara said, she squirmed some. "We also played video games and swam too."

"Is that all you did?" Joan asked from the refrigerator.

"Well, yeah, I guess so," Sara said, trying to sound as if she didn't understand the question.

Both of the women could tell she was lying, and Ming was blushing.

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Dave Miyagi

Thanks LS, Just loved this chapter! Enjoyed your research effort to add the socal element.
Sara and Ming are a delight, so well described.Cheers!


Loved the story. Hope to see another story soon

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