The sign on the door read "First Time Films."
"OK, Mrs. Brogan, there's just one more thing before we can sign the contracts. You know that it requires that the girl have an intact hymen prior to filming. In the past, well, we've been surprised and that has created some, well, uncomfortable issues."
"Oh, I can assure you, Sara is a virgin."
"Yes, but, sometimes girls actually are virgins but, somehow, they've had their cherry popped. You know, it can happen if she hits something hard. I once heard of it happening to a girl when a horse reared and she was hit really hard by the saddle horn."
"I see. So you want to make sure she still has her cherry."
Joan looked over at her daughter, sitting in the other chair in front of the large wooden desk. "Honey, you're going to have to take your pants off and let Mr. Johnson look at you."
The color drained from the eight-year-olds face. "What?"
"Come on, honey," her mother responded. "In a few minutes you're going to be naked in front of a whole bunch of people, you can't feel uncomfortable about this."
"Actually, there's only three of us," Johnson broke in. "I'm handling the camera, I have a girl, Sally, who does make-up, lighting and sound and then, of course, there's Charlie." He paused, "And, of course, you'll be there too. That's required by the contract."
"Come on honey, take off your pants and let Mr. Johnson look at your vagina."
The little girl slowly stood up, her eyes were big, she was obviously uncomfortable and embarrassed.
"It's alright," her mom said, "he just has to look."
Sara undid the snap on her jeans, then unzipped them. She looked at her mother, then at Mr. Johnson and then back at her mother.
"Don't worry honey, it's perfectly all right."
She bit her lower lip and pushed her jeans down over her hips, taking her panties with them, to her knees.
"You have to take them off hun, otherwise he won't be able to really see."
Sara bent down and untied her sneakers, then slipped out of them. She fell back, sitting on the edge of her chair and pulled first her left, then her right sock off. She tried to push her pants down but they bunched up and she had to lean down and work them over her feet. When her left leg was free she stood up and, stepping on the right cuff with her left foot, worked her right leg out of the blue jeans, leaving them crumpled on the floor. She straightened up and looked nervously at Mr. Johnson.
Standing there, bottomless in a red USC tee, she was really cute. Small chin and mouth, pointy nose and wide set brown eyes framed by shoulder length chestnut hair. Mr. Johnson got up and walked around the desk.
"Here honey, sit up on the desk," he patted the mahogany top.
Sara stepped to the desk, then turned around and pushed herself up on it, sitting with her knees together, her hands next to her thighs.
Johnson put his hand on her shoulder and gently pushed. "Lay back, dear."
The eight year old sank back across the green leather desk blotter. Johnson quickly moved the sheaf of contract papers to the side. She looked up at him, her face tense, eyes wide. He put his hand on her left thigh, just above her knee and gently pulled.
"You need to spread your legs dear so I can see."
She complied, lifting them slightly so the back of her knees would clear the edge of the desk. Johnson leaned down to inspect her preteen pussy. Mrs. Brogan stood up and stepped to the other side of the girl.
"You need to lift your legs up more and let your knees flop out," she said as she lifted Sara's right knee.
She put her heels on the edge of the desk, then with her mother's guidance, let her knees fall out to the sides, spreading her pussy open.
When she felt Mr. Johnson's fingers on her pussy lips, Sara put her hands over her face and shivered.
"Don't be nervous, dear," her mother said. "No one's going to hurt you."
Johnson used two fingers to spread her soft outer lips, uncovering her pink ridge that ended with a darker red point. Lower down, the full lips stayed together. He moved his fingers down and pulled them apart, opening her pussy. Inside the reddish start, her vagina was closed off by a pinkish-white membrane that covered her tube except for a hole in the middle.
"No problem there," he said, straightening up. "That's great honey, you can get up now and get dressed again."
"You see, that was just fine," her mother said as she helped the child sit up, then slide off the desk. As the girl pulled her panties and pants back on, Johnson and Joan Brogan sat back down and he handed her the contract.
"OK, as I explained, you get $500 right now, just for signing, and the remainder of the $5000 ($4500) cash when we finish filming. Not bad for an hours work, eh? Then, for the first month, you get 2% of the gross receipts of memberships to the website. Recently we've been grossing around $200,000 a month, so that's another $4000. After that, you get one half of a percent for a year. After one year we reserve the right to sell the film to anyone of our choosing but it may stay on our website as long as we want.
"What about follow-on films?" Joan asked as she shuffled through the papers.
"For a month, this will be the only film on the site, but you may make more. After the first month we can put up more movies. The pay for follow on movies depends on how many hits we get on this one, sort of demand determines how much we pay. Usually we just pay a lump sum for those, but we've had a few times that the hits were so good that we did royalty contracts. In two cases we actually put up new websites."
"How do you know how many hits there are?"
"We're contracted with a firm that monitors our site, counts the hits."
Mrs. Brogan moved to the edge of her seat and put the contract on the desk. "Got a pen?"
Johnson pulled one out of his pocket and handed it to her. She stopped and looked at her daughter.
"This alright with you, you know what you have to do?"
"I guess so," Sara replied.
"You know, we really need the money. We'll be able to stay in our house, keep the bank from taking it." She turned back to the paper, holding the pen over it, then looked back. "You're sure?"
She signed the paper.
"Great!" Mr. Johnson said. "Let me make a phone call to see what time."
He picked up the phone and hit a speed dial number.
"Hello Charlie, how'd you like to make a movie this afternoon?"....There was some indistinct talking on the other end.... "Sara" .... "8" .... "Yeah, she's pretty cute" .... "No, not fat, just right" .... "Yeah, I checked, all around with just a small hole" .... "OK, then around one?" .... "Yeah, see you then." .... "OK" .... "Bye."
He put down the phone. "OK," he said as he opened his top drawer and took out a stack of bills. He counted five $100 bills out on the desk.
Mrs. Brogan was looking hungrily at the money. "What about the follow-up films, are they with the same guy?"
"Sometimes," he said. "I have a couple of friends who make those, occasionally I've made one myself."
Mrs. Brogan reached across and picked up the money. "What about ones like today."
Johnson leaned back in his chair. "Generally no. You see, I'm a little too big, hurt the girls too much for a good movie."
"Oh." Mrs Brogan stood up with a small smile on her face. She was followed by Johnson and her daughter. She reached across the desk, they shook hands. "One o'clock then," she said.
"Yeah, 'bout an hour and a half. Go have yourselves a nice lunch."
Mrs. Brogan was digging in her purse. She took out her wallet and opened it. "Really could with this much money," she smiled across the desk."Is there anything we have to do? Like clothes you'd like her to be in, maybe her hair?" Joan asked.
"No,... not really. She's just fine. We'll brush out her hair and put a little make-up on her, that's all.
Then he turned to Sara and held out his hand to her. "See you in a while, Sara."
She took his hand, looking uncomfortable like children do when they shake hands. "Yes sir."
"Hey! Don't worry, you'll make a great movie and have fun doing it."
"I hope so," Mrs. Brogan said.
In the car, Sara rolled down the window, the air blew her hair across her face.
"Honey, you're really doing a great thing, I can't tell you how much I thank you. With this money I'll be able to stop the foreclosure and we can stay in the house until I find another job. You know, unemployment barely covers groceries and gas."
"Can we get the air conditioner fixed?" (The A/C in the car had gone out two months ago).
"If you smile and laugh and are real enthusiastic I'll take the car in tomorrow. Where do you want to eat?"
"I don't know." Sara continued to look out the window. "Mom?"
"Have you ever made a movie like this?"
"Oh, heavens no!" she said. "They aren't interested in old ladies with floppy tits and stretch marks like me."
"I mean, when you were younger?"
"Well," she looked over at her daughter. "A couple of times your father made movies of me."
"Where are they?"
"Oh, he took them with him." She continued driving through traffic. "Want a burger?"
With a sudden inspiration, Joan made a U-turn across South Coast Drive, then a quick turn into Hooters. "This place has great burgers."
During lunch, after Sara had emptied her Coke, Mrs. Brogan surreptitiously emptied her margarita into Sara's cup. "People will think it's just a smoothy," she said, patting her daughter's hand.
Before they left, Joan had Sara go to the Lady's room with a pack of moistened towelettes. She had instructions to clean herself up really well.
* * *
Charlie liked to think of himself as 'compact' rather than small. At 5' 6", 145 lbs he was too big to be a jockey but too small for most other sports. He had, however, wrestled in high school but that had ended with his tour as a Marine. Four years after leaving the Corp, he was still in excellent shape, had a really impressive build that he worked on a lot at the gym. In keeping with the rest of him, all of his parts were proportional, not too small but 'compact'.
Some said that it wasn't size but talent that mattered, but Charlie had grown up understanding that that was false. From about the age of 13, Charlie had discovered that, while the girls his age usually tried to ignore him, younger girls really appreciated his attention. It was when he was 15, and 'dating' an 11 year old, that he discovered just how far this appreciation could go. Since then he had cultivated a talent for making little girls feel at ease and getting in their pants. It was a chance meeting with Joe Johnson in a strip club that had turned into his current part time job. At first he was really skeptical but, Joe's talent convincing down-in-their-luck parents, coupled with Charlie's talent in seducing preteen girls, and some rather sophisticated software that could seamlessly replace a face in a .mpg, had convinced him. Besides, he'd have done it for free, the $250 was just a bonus.
The youngest girl he had ever fucked was six. He was amazed when her puffy little girl pussy lips had opened up and his cock head had popped inside her. She wasn't a virgin, her daddy had seen to that, but still, just the idea of fucking a six year old was awesome. The film of his jez oozing out of her tiny cunt had made hundreds of grand. These days, three years later, she was a regular on the site and had probably swallowed more cum than most woman do in a lifetime.
If things went well this afternoon he'd recruit another little slut that'd make them all a lot of money. Joe relied on Charlie to introduce girls to making films and not scare them, or their parents, off. It was the return girls that really made the money for the site-the cost for the first-time films was too high, it was the $200 fuck films, with no royalties, that made the profits. All in all, this sideline was paying for Charlie's Porsche. Last year Joe had given Charlie a $10K bonus check at the end of the year and Charlie had used it for a cruise and new furniture. He lived a hell of a lot better than the other guys who worked at the warehouse, and he had to be politely evasive about were his extra cash came from.
He double clutched the Turbo 911 into second gear and shot across Harbor Blvd into Croddy Way, then half a block and right into the parking lot. 12:48, just about right. Hopefully the girl wasn't there yet, it was more awkward if they ran into each other in the reception area.
* * *
First Time Films was on the second floor, the door was down one of the corridors, not on the balcony above the atrium. Charlie took the steps two at a time, he avoided elevators, preferring the exercise. Sally looked up from the reception desk.
"Hi Charlie, we have a real cutie for you today."
"Great. Are they here yet?"
"No, due any time."
"Joe back from lunch?"
"He's in his office."
Charlie went through the door. Joe was sitting at the computer table to the side. On screen was a movie that had been shot the day before, he was editing it.
"Ah, Georgette," Charlie said when he saw the face of the twelve year old after some guy had pulled out of her cunt (doggy style) and she had turned around to take it Bukkake. "Who's the lucky guy?"
"Phil, she likes him."
"She was a real good sport."
"Yeah," Joe said, turning away. "She's getting a bit old now, this'll probably be her last one with us."
"They grow up too fast."
"Especially around here."
Sally stuck her head through the door. "Joe, Sara and Joan are here."
"Great!" he responded. "Take them into the studio. How long do you think you'll need?"
"Oh," Sally looked over her shoulder at Sara, "no more than ten minutes."
"See you then," Joe said.
Sally closed the door and went across to the couple. She looked down at the eight year old. "We need to take you into the studio and get you ready. OK?"
Sara looked up shyly. "OK."
Sally took the girl's hand and started down the hall. "Come on, Mrs Brogan, you're invited too."
She led the couple to a door at the end of a short hallway. Inside, the room had a higher than average ceiling, maybe 9 or 10 feet. It was the size of a large living room, painted a light beige with white ceiling and trim. There was a thick pile carpet, silver-blue. On the wall to the right was a closet, the folding doors were open, inside was photographic equipment and linens. Another door opened to a bathroom with a large whirlpool tub, a clear glass enclosed shower and double sinks in a granite counter top. Opposite the closet and bathroom was a large white vanity, complete with stylist's chair, sink, lit mirror, and a vast array of makeup and hair care items. Finally, against the far wall was the bed, a queen four-poster with a silver-gray coverlet and beige sheets. Around it stood four studio lights and a couple of folding chairs. Everything was very neat and clean. There were no windows but the walls held several large prints, impressionist paintings of women in groups or singly, some clothed, most in some state of undress. A couple were truly erotic renderings of women on beds or in chairs.
"This is were most of our new clients make their first films," Sally said. "But a lot are made a Joe's house in Mission Viejo." She turned and looked at Sara. "You're such a pretty thing, I really don't need to do much more than brush your hair."
She had the girl sit down in the stylist's chair. "There's a fridge right here," she pointed at a small ice box next to the vanity. "Help yourself to anything there."
As Sally started brushing out Sara's chestnut hair, Joan looked in the box. It was stocked like a mini-bar with a wide variety of liquors, set-ups, cans of beer and small bottles of wine. She took a bottle of red wine, then got a clear plastic cup from the top. She poured the wine, thinking that she'd actually like something a lot harder except that she had to drive back to Anaheim after. She watched as the woman brushed out her little girl's hair, then put just a small amount of rouge on her cheeks. It was quiet, she could hear the low murmur of mens voices in the next room.
"OK, we're done with your hair," Sally said. "Now, let me look at your nails."
Sara held her hands out. Her mother had put silver polish on them just that morning.
"Oh, those look really nice." Sally said. "What about your toes?"
"I don't have anything on them," the girl said.
Sally stooped down and started untieing the girl's sneakers. "Well, let me look anyway."
She pulled the child's shoes and socks off, then held one of her little feet. "My God child," she said, "every part of you is just perfect."
Then a door opened and closed, there was some laughter in the hall, and Joe and Charlie walked in.
"Joan, glad you're here," Joe beamed. "This is Charlie."
He walked up to Joan and extended his hand. "Hi there, nice to meet you."
"Hello," Joan responded, not really sure what to say to the man that was about to de-flower her eight year old. She was a little surprised at how small he was, she was at least two inches taller. But, she could also see that he was very nicely built. He had an almost baby face, green eyes and short dark hair, clean shaven, not even a hint of a five o'clock shadow. If he had been six feet he would have been gorgeous.
Charlie made like he hadn't seen Sara sitting in the chair. He started in mock surprise. He walked over to her and she climbed down out of the chair. "Oh my God!" he said in a voice that was almost gay. He took her hands in his, then looked at Joan. "Where did you find this beauty?" he said with emphasis. Looking back at Sara; "You are such a sweet-heart, no one should be as pretty as you."
Sara blushed at the sudden acclamations from Charlie. She looked down, embarrassed. "I can't believe they let an angel like this out of heaven," he continued. "I must be the luckiest guy in the world!"
"I think she's pretty special," Joan said.
"Well, you have reason too."
"Joe," Sally asked. "Do you want her toenails done?"
Joe looked over at Sally, pleased that she had gotten the girl's shoes off. He had said many times, 'If you can get them to bare their feet they'll bare everything.'
"No," he said, "I think her feet are pretty enough."
Meanwhile, Joe had taken a camera off of a shelf in the closet and had been checking it out. "I think this is going to be an awesome film and," he paused, looking at Joan, "I'd like to take some stills while we're at it..., I'll throw in an extra two fifty."
"I guess so," Joan said. "How does that work?"
"Oh, Sally here will take them," he nodded at his assistant. "She'll have the still camera, the only difference will be that there'll be a flash when she hits the shutter."
While that conversation had been going on, Charlie had leaned down and was talking quietly to Sara. "Don't you worry, dear. We're going to have a great time, you'll see."
"OK," Sara said. Still, she was really nervous, in fact, somewhere in the back of her mind she was scared. She had watched the film her mom had, another girl, a Hispanic girl with long black hair, and Charlie. Even though she was laughing and looked like she was having fun, Sara could tell that it had hurt her when they actually did it. Her mother had told her that she might even bleed some but that girl hadn't. (What neither of them knew was that Joe had spliced in the second film the girl had made. He had shown everything up to the the main act from the first film, then switched to a film Gabriella and Charlie had made a week later-this time there had been no blood and no tears afterwards.)
Everything seemed a little unreal to the girl. Everyone was happy, talking and smiling, she was even doing it. But in the back of her was like a big heavy presence in the room, everyone was saying that they were going to have a lot of fun but still, Sara wasn't sure.
"OK," Joe said, "why don't we get started then?"
Charlie looked up, still holding Sara's hands, "Great."
Sally was checking the battery and memory on a digital SLR, "I'm ready."
"Just sit in one of those chairs," Joe said to Joan. "You can talk if Sara needs a little encouragement but it's best if we keep quiet."
Charlie led Sara across to the bed and sat down, then he patted the coverlet next to him and Sara sat down, looking nervous.
"We ready then?" Charlie asked Joe. (Joe was standing about 10 feet from them, below the foot of the bed.)
"OK, you're on."
Joe raised the camera and put his eye to the viewfinder. When he pulled the trigger the lights around the bed came up brighter. Sara was surprised by the light and looked down, closing her eyes. Then she looked up at Joe, straight into the camera, there was a flash when Sally took her first still.
"Well," Charlie said, "we're here with Sara today and we're going to be making a movie, right Sara."
She looked up at him, she hadn't expected him to be talking. Then she remembered the conversation between him and the girl in the film. "Ahhh, yes, I guess so."
"Now, Sara, they tell me you're eight, right?"
"When's your birthday?"
"December 12th."
"Oh, you're a Christmas baby, huh?"
"Yes," she answered.
"And you must be in second grade, right?"
"Where do you go to school?"
"Where is that?"
"Oh!" Charlie exclaimed, "then you live up by Disney Land!"
"Do you go there often?"
"Sometimes, not much since my mommy lost her job, she says we can't afford it."
"Well, maybe you can go after you make this movie? What about that, Joan." He looked up at Sara's mother.
"Ahhh....yeah, we'll go tonight." Joan had been really surprised to be asked something.
"How does that sound?" Charlie asked Sara.
"Yeah," she answered with a smile.
"So," Charlie continued, "what's your favorite ride?"
"Mr. Toad."
"Oh, that's fun! I really like 'Space Mountain.'"
"That's kind of scary. I don't like how it spins you round and round."
"What about the 'Haunted House'? That's scary too."
"Noooo," Sara laughed, "it's kind of silly."
"If you go tonight, you'll see the Electric Light Parade and fireworks."
"Uh-huh," Sara looked down at her hands, a flash from the camera had brought her back to reality.
"What's your favorite subject in school?" Charlie asked.
"Oh, well, I guess I like reading."
"Really?" Charlie said. "What book are you reading now?"
"We read 'The Magic School Bus."
"That's cool, I like those stories. I especially like the one where the bus turns into a mining machine and digs through the Earth."
"I just read one where it gets really tiny and they see all the stuff in a drop of water."
"I haven't seen that one," Charlie said. "What about Math. Do you like Math?"
"Not really," Sara fidgeted with her fingers.
"Are you learning your times tables?"
"Just starting."
"Can you count by threes?"
"Three... six... nine....... twelve......... fourteen............... nineteen......."
"That's great," Charlie ignored her mistake. "You seem like you're real smart...and pretty too." He looked up at the camera. "Brains and looks, can't beat that." He looked back at Sara and paused.
"Ok Sara, well, we're here to make a movie, right?"
Suddenly the girl got a real serious expression on her face. She had relaxed while they were talking but now she remembered what was happening.
"Yesss...." she said in a low voice.
"And to make the movie, we have to take all of our clothes off, right?."
"I guess so..." she looked at her mother for reassurance. Joan smiled back and nodded. She looked back at Charlie.
"OK," he said, "First, let me take your shirt off." He reached over and gently pulled up at the sides of her shirt but she pushed his hands away.
"No," she paused, "I'll do it."
Charlie sat back and watched as the eight year old pulled her red tee-shirt up and over her head. She shook her hair out and put the shirt on the bed next to her. Then she looked up at the camera and crossed her arms over her chest.
"You're very pretty," Charlie said. He reached out and ran his hand down her back. "You have really nice skin." He brought his hand back up to the nap of her neck. "You're going to grow up to be a beautiful woman." He paused, his voice soft and reassuring.
Sara looked over at her mother. Joan was watching, keeping her face relaxed and smiling. The lights flashed when Sally took another still, Joe moved around to the side some, still holding the camera to his face.
"Why don't you lie back, hun?" Charlie said. He gently pushed the girl down. As she lay back, she had to reach behind herself to keep her balance. She lay down, her head on the mattress, her arms at her side and looked nervously up at Charlie.
She had a completely flat, boyish chest. Her nipples were small red points in the center of dim white triangles, the remains of her tan from the summer before. Charlie, with a relaxed smile, reached out and traced one of the tan lines with his finger. "I see you wear a two piece."
Sara pulled her chest together and giggled.
Charlie put his fingers on her side, high on her chest, and then caressed her nipple with his thumb. "That's very nice," he said, "you're really beautiful."
Sara looked up at him with wide eyes, not saying anything.
He crossed to the other side, using the pads of his fingers to move her left nipple in a gentle circle. "I love your skin," he said. "I know that you're going to grow up to be a total knock-out." Then he took his hand away and, still sitting, turned sideways on the bed, he pulled his shirt off over his head.
Joan was really impressed-it was obvious that Charlie spent a lot of time with the weights. Still, he was not so muscle-bound as to be threatening, he was simply very well built.
He went back to caressing the girl, then leaned down and kissed her forehead. "God, what an angel you are." When he sat up he pulled her with him. Then he took her hand and lifted it, placing the palm on his peck.
Marie had big eyes as she moved her hand around. "It's really hard," she said.
"That's not the only thing on me that's hard," Charlie said with a laugh. The other adults in the room chuckled too. There were more flashes from the still camera.
It took a moment before Sara figured out what he meant but when she did she unconsciously looked down at Charlie's lap. The bulge there was quite obvious. There was another flash as Sally got the momentary shocked expression that went across her face.
With a smile, Charlie pushed the eight year old back down on the bed. "Here honey," he said. "Let's get you undressed."
As she felt his hands tugging at the snap to her jeans, Sara looked at her mother with a scared expression. "It's OK, dear," she said. "You have to get undressed."
Sara pushed Charlie's hands away and sat up. "No..... I'll do it," she said with a determined tone.
She stood up, leaving Charlie surprised, sitting on the bed. Then she looked straight into the camera, she undid the snap, unzipped, and pushed her jeans and panties down. She worked them free of her feet, then stood back up, again facing the camera. There were a series of flashes as Sally just held the shutter down on the still camera, getting four quick exposures of the naked little girl. At first, Sara kept a determined, almost defiant, expression on her face-her jaw was set, lips pursed, eyes wide and dark. She was standing straight, arms by her side, heels together, shoulders square. She was directly facing Joe, showing herself to the camera. Then she saw him lower the aim and the collar around the lens rotated as he zoomed in on her hairless preteen pussy. He panned up, getting a closeup of her belly, chest, and then, face. Then she felt the camera moving back down. Gradually, her resolve weakened. Slowly she relaxed, her shoulders came forward slightly, her chin dropped as she looked down. She crossed her arms across her chest.
"Sit down here, honey," Charlie said, patting the foot of the bed to his left. The girl looked behind her, then sat, keeping her knees together.
"You're wonderful," Charlie said. He again took her shoulder and pushed her back. "Just lay back..."
She complied, again laying down, her knees at the edge of the bed, her feet barely touching the floor, her hands next to her thighs. Charlie lay back on one elbow, next to her. He reached up and brushed her hair off her forehead.
"All you need to do dear is relax. This is really going to be great, you'll feel real good, OK?"
"OK," she said in a low voice.
"Now, I'm going to touch you and I want you to relax, maybe close your eyes, and just think about what you're feeling. If you do that, well, it'll start to feel really good. OK?"
"I guess so," she said, looking up at him.
Charlie let his eyes stray down the child's body, admiring her flat chest with small pink nipples. These were contracted to tiny points. Her stomach was flat with a lovely round belly button, the muscles under the clear skin were faintly outlined. Her hips only flared slightly, pushing up in two rounded humps, her belly was clear and flat. Below, between the start of her rounded thighs, her sex just had the barest rise, a small hillock that was bisected by a deep cleft that gave her full and round pussy lips. Charlie had noticed earlier that just the smallest pink tip of her clit pushed out from the cleft.
He ran his hand down her shoulder and arm, sliding along the smooth skin. He let his palm brush over her right nipple, then along the slight ripples of her rib cage.
"You are just lovely," he said. His cock was pushing uncomfortably against his khaki shorts, making the fly stick out. He felt his cock push against her arm through the fabric. "You're about the sexiest little girl I've ever seen." His hand continued down over her hip bone and down the outside of her thigh. He crossed over just above her knee, then brought his hand up on the inside of her left thigh.
Sara tensed, she pulled her legs up slightly, her hands on the backs of her thighs.
Charlie moved his and over her vulva, then laid his fingers over the soft rise. Sara looked over at her mother, her eyes wide with fear.
"It's alright, dear," she said in a soothing voice. "Just relax and it'll feel nice."
Actually, Joan's mind was in turmoil, watching her eight year old being molested by this stranger. A few weeks earlier she would have attacked a man who did this, tried to scratch his eyes out, squeeze his larynx until it popped and crushed. Now-she felt so scared that they'd be out on the street, living in her seven year old Toyota, staying in shelters. This was her only hope to keep a roof over their heads, the bank was foreclosing, she had 30 days to either pay them $3000 or move out. She'd lose all her furniture, the kitchen pots and tools she had collected over the years that she was so proud of. Sara would lose almost all her toys, no TV, no video games. The old tom cat that they had would have to go to the pound to be gassed with all the other undesirable or unwanted animals. She didn't even know if Sara could stay is school, if she no longer lived in the neighborhood would there be a place for her little girl? Would her future destroyed?
But even this money would only buy them three or four months, she just had to find another job or else she'd be forced to ask her little girl to make more movies. But that wouldn't work either, she'd have to make at least five a month to cover the mortgage.
Out of desperation she smiled, "Charlie's really nice, let him show you how wonderful making love is."
Sara looked up at one of the lights, it blinded her, the glare made everything disappear. Then something moved in front of it, there was a flash. Joe had moved to the side of the bed, standing over them, looking down at her with his camera still to his face. She looked down, Sara had also moved closer, she seemed to be pointing her camera at where Charlie's hand was on her privates. There was a flash as she took another picture.
He started moving his hand, massaging the soft rise of her vulva, moving it gently in a circle with his cupped fingers, held together. He squeezed slightly, holding her entire sex, his fingertips pushed down between her legs. She looked at Joe, he had his camera aimed at where Charlie was touching her. There were more flashes.
"Just close your eyes and relax dear," Charlie whispered.
The child slowly closed her eyes and lay her head back on the bed. As Charlie continued to massage her sex, her legs slowly sank down onto the bed, her knees naturally moving apart. Sara opened her eyes again, looking at the ceiling but not really focusing, Somehow, some way, Charlie's warm hand, moving so gently on her, was beginning to make her feel a little-tickle?-tension? Somewhere, down deep, low in her belly a little pressure was beginning. Her legs sank down onto the soft bed, she inhaled a deep breath and it seemed to float out of her, she slowly closed her eyes.
Charlie began to push his middle finger, moving it from side to side to spread the soft lips, pushing down into the girl's warm slit. He pushed down more, moving his hand further between her legs. Unconsciously, Sara spread her thighs more for him as the feelings in her slowly grew. He felt the small bit of flesh of her clit and started moving it around with the pad of his finger.
Her sex was warm and maybe a little sweaty, actually sort of sticky. "There, there honey, is that beginning to be nice?"
Sara didn't answer, she just kept her eyes softly closed and thought about the growing feelings in her abdomen.
Joan began to relax too as she watched her little girl move from tensed, labored breaths to longer, deeper ones. She was pleased to see the tendons in her neck and shoulders relax and smooth away. Also, she was surprised that she was also beginning to feel some of what she knew her daughter was experiencing. She also felt a growing tension.
Sally stepped up to the bed and took a couple of extreme close-ups of Charlie's hand rubbing the preteen's pussy. This was actually a signal and Charlie lifted his hand off the child's sex and held it out, palm up, his middle finger extended.
Joan was really surprised at this. Why the insulting gesture toward the woman, she hadn't said or done anything? Then Sally pulled a small tube of Astroglide out of her shirt, where she had been keeping it warm pushed down between her breasts and put a small dab on Chris's fingertip.
Sara had been barely aware that Charlie had taken his hand away but her eyes fluttered open in shock when she felt the warm wetness now in her crotch. For an instant she thought she had wet herself.
"It's just something to make things slide easier," Charlie said as he resumed fingering her little clit.
The little girl closed her eyes again. He was right, now his finger, as it moved down there, was no longer pulling at her sensitive parts but was sliding easily in the warm wetness-and it really did feel a lot nicer. The feelings inside her suddenly got stronger and she felt a wave pass over her. It seemed that all her muscles relaxed at the same time, she sank into the soft bed.
Charlie's cock was straining uncomfortably against his shorts, bent over and pointing down. He wanted to reach into his pants and reposition it but knew he couldn't. He was also beginning to feel tense, a tightness in his stomach and throat. So far, this little second grade doll had been wonderful. She was beautiful, with a sunny face and sweet disposition. She also had a really sexy body, not skinny and not fat, a nice sized pussy that he knew would take him without too much trouble. Her mother was also being great, encouraging and calm to the child's fears.
The girl was beginning to move with his hand, just making the barest pushes with her hips to match the movement of his finger in her slit. He moved his hand further down.
Sara opened her eyes big and caught her breath as she felt Charlie push his finger inside her. There was a tight tugging and she lifted her knees slightly, again in reaction to what she feared would hurt. But it didn't. Charlie leaned over her, his face calm, looking down at her sex. She looked up into the lens of the camera, there was another flash from the still camera. Now, the feeling of his finger inside her felt good, the feeling in her tummy was spreading, the tension was working it's way down into her thighs and up into her chest. She was beginning to feel warm, she became aware that her back was sweating against the bed, she felt clammy where her arms were pressed up against her sides. With a sigh she moved her right arm out across the bed. When she moved her left arm she pressed up against Charlie, she felt the hardness in his pants and was afraid she'd hurt him. (She had heard that boys were really tender down there.) She lifted her arm and put it over her head. Her breath was matching the probes of Charlie's, she began to push her pelvis up to meet him.
Joan was absolutely beside herself with conflicting feelings. First, she was watching her child, her baby girl, being grossly violated, penetrated by a stranger. Her sex was being breached by a man at least four times her age, a man who should have no interest in children. Then, she knew that she was responsible for this outrage. She had sought out this place, these people with the full understanding of what they would do to her child. She had talked, coerced, her little girl into allowing this to be. But then, she could see, she could appreciate that the child was actually beginning to enjoy this assault. She had no idea how she was being used, to her it felt good, and that was all she considered now. She didn't understand that in a few days, maybe a few hours, hundreds of sweaty old men would be taking pleasure in watching this outrage. She would be raped hundreds, thousands of times in the minds of strangers as they sat at their computer screens and masturbated, their cocks in their grubby hands, imagining that they were the man in the video, envying him, wishing to have the eight year old. Soon, to the the sight of her little girl being molested and raped, they be desperately stroking themselves with sweaty hands until their slimy spunk dribbled out of their pathetic cocks. Then they'd grunt, and lean back, letting their cum stain the carpets under their chairs.
The movies would be saved on hundreds of hard drives, a virtual rape to be watched over and over again. Should she by chance meet one of these perverts on the street or at the mall they'd only see her as if they had personally fucked her. Worse, they may try to take her themselves.
And then, worst of all, Joan was herself taking pleasure in watching her little girl being molested. The sight of her pleasure, of the care an skill of her would-be lover, was itself making her want to be in her daughter's place, feeling his hands on her body, his gaze against her skin, his fingers probing her most private places.
Her nipples were hard bumps in her brazier, they tingled and snapped every time she moved. She could feel herself getting wetter down below, if she moved her legs she could feel her lips sliding against each other, stimulating her clitoris. She held her knees tightly together and tried not to move but couldn't control her desire to swivel her hips, move her thighs against each other. She was sweating, her sides were damp and she could feel the moisture drying on the back of her neck where the air conditioning gently blew on her.
Charlie was watching closely for signs of Sara's growing ardor. She was becoming shiny with perspiration, her skin was becoming flushed around her throat and chest. She was breathing deeply, in time to his moving his finger inside her tiny vagina. She had her eyes closed, mouth open for her breaths. The roots of her hair across her forehead were damp, a few tendrils stuck to her cheek. As he watched, she began to hump to met his pushes, lifting her legs slightly, this time not to protect but to facilitate him be spreading her legs wider. Her thigh pushed up against his hard cock.
He waited for just the right moment, just when she took short breaths, then caught her breathing with a small vocalization. Just as she humped to meet his hand he pushed his finger deeper, beyond the second knuckle and felt her preteen pussy shiver as she came. She rocked her hips twice more, each time grunting quietly, before she froze, hips forward, head thrown back, overcome by the small explosion in her abdomen.
Everyone smiled at the sight of the eight year old having an orgasm, even her mother who was too caught up in watching the second grader's pleasure to pay attention to her other feelings. Joe knew he had an awesome film, even if things stopped here. Sally felt good for the child, knowing the feelings she was experiencing. And, of course, Charlie felt a bit of elation-it was always a big challenge to get a little girl, totally innocent of sex, to let go. He also knew, from her reactions, how quickly she had come, that in a few minutes he'd fully consummate the act.
Sara relaxed, her legs again on the bed, breathing deep, easy breaths. She opened her eyes and looked at Charlie when he pulled his finger out of her.
"See honey, that was pretty nice, huh?" he said.
Sara looked around with wide eyes, as if she was seeing the people around her, the room, and the lights for the first time.
Charlie sat up, still turned toward the girl. With the break in the action, she also sat up. Then she put her hands between her legs and pulled up on her crotch and hunched over, peering down at her pussy, trying to see what had caused her to have such an experience.
Charlie slid off the bed onto his knees. He put his hand on hers. "Here, honey, do you want to do that again?"
Sara looked up at him from trying to inspect her sex. Then she straightened up a bit and gave a little bit of a smile. "I guess so..."
"Ok, lay back down. But, this time, I'm going to do a bit more that I know you'll love."
Sara sank back onto her elbows, looking down at the man as he used the fingers of his left hand to spread her pussy lips and then pushed his pointer finger of his right back inside her. Joe filmed an extreme close up of the action as Charlie went back to finger-fucking the child. He then started rubbing her clit with his free hand.
Sara let her head fall back, looking up, then lay back down. This was even better than before. The feelings built very quickly. She raised her right knee into the air (Charlie was leaning on her left) and started swaying as she again started to breath harder. She built very quickly, what before had taken ten minutes now took only two before she was approaching the edge of her climax. As Charlie watched, he judge when she was just about to let go and then leaned forward and ran his tongue over the girl's clit.
Sara looked down, her eyes wide with shock as an explosion went off inside her. "Uuaaaggghhh!" she moaned. She sat up and pushed Charlie away, pulling her knees together and wrapping her arms around her stomach.
She kicked her legs and fell forward, keeping from falling off the bed when her feet hit the floor.
"All right!" Joe muttered from behind the camera.
Charlie laughed, "Pretty wild, huh?"
Joan had her hand over her mouth, her eyes wide.
"What did you do?" the girl asked as she tried to regain her breath.
"Just a little mustache ride," he said (even though he was clean shaven). "You just lay back again but this time don't curl up, you'll have the ride of your life."
Sara leaned back and Charlie pushed her knees apart. She again went back on her elbows. This time, Charlie spread her legs wide, outside his arms and leaned down.
Sara pulled in her breath when she felt his tongue on her sex. It insinuated it's way between her lips and started stroking her clit. Her mouth was open as she tried to keep her breath and watch Charlie go down on her. Charlie sort of shrugged and pulled one of her knees up over his shoulder, her calf was now down across his back. As he lifted up more, Sara was forced to lay down. She stared at the lights overhead as her anxiety gave way to the growing waves of pleasure.
Charlie just lapped at the little girl cunt, pushing his tongue hard along her slit and as much as he could inside her vagina. Looking up along the flesh plain of the little girls body, her flat belly and chest, her nipples just sharp points, he watched her eyes lose focus and her body start to roll.
By this time, Joan had given up. The sight of her eight year old daughter cumming twice and submitting totally to the sexual control of a stranger-her obvious ecstasy at this-had made her lose control. She tried to keep her knees together but still had slipped her hand between her legs and was moving it against her cunt.
Sara started mewing, small vocalizations, as she humped her pussy into his face, working with him toward a crashing climax. Suddenly she lost all control. Her body seemed possessed as she writhed, her orgasms passing up her frame as visible waves. She groaned and shook as she was gripped by multiple climaxes, her hands crushing and pulling at the covers, her head arched back, lifting her shoulders off the bed.
Charlie covered her entire sex with his mouth, sucking the vulva, lashing at her slit, clitoris, and vagina with his tongue. Continuing the child's frenzy until she collapsed, pushing his face away, her breath coming in gasps.
He pulled back, lowering her legs so her feet were back on the floor, kneeling on his heels between her knees. Her pussy was shiny wet with his saliva, the lubricant, and her own vaginal emissions. She panted, looking down at him, her eyes dark.
"Charlie," Joe said, "I think it's time."
"Oh yeah," he responded. Then he stood up.
"Sara," he said, looking at her, "it's time."
She came too and looked at him, an expression of fear passed over her face as Charlie undid the snap and zipper of his shorts. He pushed them down, taking his briefs with them, and bent down, slipping his last clothing off his feet.
When he stood back up, Sara's eyes flared, her face took on shock, at the sight of his cock, sticking out straight from his closely trimmed pubes.
Like the rest of him, Charlie's dick was not big, it was 'compact', and at six inches, proportional to his body. It wasn't thick either, again, proportional. The head strained, a bluish-pink bulb at the end of a darker skinned staff. Blue and red veins ran up the sides, some pulsing with his heart.
Joe moved around to his side, getting a good close up of his cock, then zooming back to show him standing over the child, she gawking at his manhood. Sally lowered her camera long enough to give Charlie the small tube.
Joan smiled at the sight of his dick. Maybe it was a bit small but there was no question that it would be expertly operated. She had had her own small orgasm as she watched her child cum, now she imagined what it would feel like to have him inside her.
Charlie lowered to his knees, the bed was at just the right height, and Sara watched in wonder as he put a dab of the goo on his dick head and spread it around. He then shuffled forward on his knees and directed his cock against the little girl's hairless virgin cunt. As she started to push, spreading the clean lips, Sara tried to pull away, her eyes wide with fear.
Charlie grabbed her hips and held her, then moved his hands down to her thighs, squeezing them, holding them as he slowly moved his hips forward.
"Ohhhh.....nooooo....." Sara whined, again grabbing handfuls of the covers.
His cock head spread and stretched her little girl slit as it pushed inside.
Sara suddenly jumped. "Owwwwwweeeee......" she cried as his cock sank into the girl.
Joan gasped as she watched her baby girl's virginity ripped away. Tears ran down Sara's temples.
Half of Charlie's dick disappeared up inside the girl. When he pulled back there was a stain of red along the top of his cock. He pushed back into the tiny cunt, holding the child to keep her from pulling away.
He stayed deep inside her, holding still, for a while, then started slow movements back and forth. At first, his cock remained, unmoving inside her as they both moved just a fraction of an inch. But then, slowly, he started moving inside her, pulling back slightly, then pushing in. Each time, he moved a little more as the pain of her ruptured hymen passed and was replaced by a growing desire. Now she was no longer crying, the sensual feelings took over. Soon she began to push her hips up to meet his, her breathing became deeper as she looked up at him with dark eyes.
Charlie knew he had won-it was only a matter of a minute or two before another preteen little girl would be gripped by her first true climax. This girl was exceptional, she responded with a fury he had rarely seen before-a truly hot little cum slut that he knew he'd be fucking over and over again. Watching her below him, slick with sweat, her hairless little pussy stretched and bloody around his cock, made him build quickly. Still, there was no reason for him to hold back, the girl was about to go over the edge, his balls were ready to empty.
Again she caught her breath and shivered. Charlie felt her tight pussy squeeze him and he just let go. After two more thrusts he began blowing his sperm inside the eight year old. White goo oozed out of her cunt, around his cock, taking strings of blood with it. He shoved into her as she grunted, sweat ran down his back, as he emptied his nuts inside her.
The two calmed, sinking down and panting. Again Sara moved to try to get away but Charlie held her, his cock still deep inside her.
"How was that, girl," he asked, panting.
Sara looked over at her mother, her eyes filling with tears. She held out her arms.
"Ohhh Mommmmyyyy...." she cried.
Joe stopped filming and Charlie pulled back, sliding out of her, as her mother jumped up and crossed to her, taking her child in her arms. Sara buried her face in her mother's chest and sobbed.
Charlie stood up, cum and blood dripping off the end of his cock. He looked up at Joe. "Pretty good, huh?"
Sally came up to them. "So, how many does that make?"
"Oh, maybe eighty or so," Charlie said.
"Fifty-six movies," Joe said.
Sally went over to where Joan was still hugging her little girl. "You can put her in the bathtub."
Joan looked up and nodded, "Thank you."
As she helped Sara up off the bed Charlie took her hand. "You OK dear?"
The child looked up at him and nodded, "Yes." Then she looked down at his cock, still glistening with cum and pussy juices but also stained with her blood. She turned away, burying her face in her mother's hip.
"The next time won't hurt at all," he said.
She nodded and sniffled, then went with her mom into the bathroom.
A few minutes later, while Sara sat in a warm bath, Joe came in.
"You did wonderfully dear," he said to the girl.
"I'm sure this will be one of our most popular films," he said to Joan. He handed her a card. "I'm having a party at my place next Saturday. A lot of the girls who've made movies will be there. They'll be some filming-an opportunity to make some more money."
Joan took the card, it had an address and time on it. "Oh, OK. We'll see."
"Buy her the sexist bathing suit you can find," he said. "Even though she won't wear it for long." He chuckled. "Sara, it'll be a great time."
She looked up, "OK."
He looked at Joan, "Come into my office when you're done, I'll pay you."
Half an hour later, as she pulled onto the Costa Masa Freeway, Joan looked down at her daughter. She could almost feel the fifty-two $100 bills straining her wallet. "That wasn't so bad, was it?"
Sara looked up at her mother. "I guess not. He hurt at first but then..."
"Do you want to go to that party...they'll be making more movies. They'll be other girls there too."
"Will Charlie be there?"
"I'm sure he will."
The little girl smiled. "Yeah, I'd like to."
Joan looked down at her second grader, wondering what sort of slut she was creating. Then, with a shock, she realized that, as they talked, million's of sperm were swimming around inside her little girl.
The first time fucking of the flat chested eight year old was beautifully described.Fearful,she looked to her mother for help,but none came.Charley,the experienced breaker of young girls,then set about his task.Confidently and easily,his fingers brought the child to her first orgasm.From then on,penetration was a piece of cake.Despite her fear,the little slut took to the cock as nature intended,even thrusting back at it.
On the journey home,Joan encouraged her little second grader to go to the party on Saturday.There was no turning back now,her first time had come and gone,there were lots more cock to come.Lots more sperm for that flat little belly.
old perv
[quote]He went back to caressing the girl, then leaned down and kissed her forehead. 'God, what an angel you are.' When he sat up he pulled her with him. Then he took her hand and lifted it, placing the palm on his peck.
Marie had big eyes as she moved her hand around. 'It's really hard,' she said. <==-in this line
'That's not the only thing on me that's hard,' Charlie said with a laugh. The other adults in the room chuckled too. There were more flashes from the still camera.
It took a moment before Sara figured out what he meant but when she did she unconsciously looked down at Charlie's lap. [end of quote]
But all in all, good story, thank you
FANTASTIC STORY! The character background & development spot on,
Sara's growth from a scared little girl to a sexual explorer,willing to try
anything,marvelous. Now you must add more exciting chapters,taking her to more & more outrageous adventures,say 3-4&5 ways/add more
young girls 4 to 15 plus some young boys say, just starting to 'POP',&
some Bukkake action. Have the Congressman & his wealthy friends pour some major $$'s into Charlie & Joe business,allowing them to go major
'HighDef' studio & blue ray production. (Beast:? who knows what Sara &
company might want to try!!!
PLEASE;PLEASE: more of {SARA} I'm just head over 'whatever', in LOVE with her.
Now get to work! SARA's getting soooo horny:
and:Thanks,so very,very much.
And why the insult to approximately 87% of the worlds males: i.e.{Joe wasn't especially large, just a bit above average size at 9 inches} when most research has shown the avg to be 4.5 to 5.5 inches. I wonder how many MALES; would stop smoking if they were told that smoking will cause their units to shrink from 10 to as much as 35/40% over 10 to 15 years of even light smoking,cigars will just about double that rate,that's why poor 'rush' has to masturbate with a magnifying glass & soft tipped tweezers!
FANTASTIC STORY! The character background & development spot on, Sara's growth from a scared little girl to a sexual explorer,willing to try anything,marvelous. Now you must add more exciting chapters,taking her to more & more outrageous adventures,say 3-4 & 5 ways/more young girls 4 to 15 plus some young boys say, just starting to 'POP',& some Bukkake action. (Beast:? who knows what Sara & company might want to try!!!) Have the Congressman & his wealthy friends pour some major $$'s into Charlie & Joe business,allowing them to go major 'HighDef' studio & blue ray production.
PLEASE;PLEASE: more of {SARA} I'm just head over 'whatever', in LOVE with her.
Now get to work! SARAs getting soooo! horny:
Thanks,so very,very much,for a MARVELOUS and REALISTIC story.
Dave Miyagi
Looking forward to 'The Party'
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