Published: 27-Dec-2012
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Twenty year old Janice who has a high ranking position on a cruise ship was on the way to visit her aunt Beckey and eleven year old cousin Rose. Janice had her eleven year old sister Kimberly with her and was feeling tired but good from her summer aboard a cruise ship. They had a week before Kim was off to a wonderful boarding school and Jan was to head out on an extended cruise.
Jan would have preferred that Kim spend the year with her on board ship where she was getting an excellent home schooling but a terrific boarding school had a last minute opening in the same town as her home. Their parents were going to be taking a number of short trips which would give Kim the chance to board at the school at these times if she wished to avail herself of the opportunities.
They arrived at aunt Beckey's at four in the afternoon where they found an angry and very poorly behaving eleven year old cousin Rose who did little other than to go out of her way to act insulting and badly mis-behaved. Rose's arms and hands were badly injured and in casts from armpits to fingers. Rose tried scamming on a drug sale and paid that terrible price.
Rose's steadily deteriorating conduct needed serious correction and her behavior that afternoon was more than enough to compel her mother to take unpalatable but what she felt necesary corrective action. Aunt Beckey was on the verge of tears but was about to implement a six month period of corporal discipline and restraining Rose to her bed with a net rope jacket for extended periods of time in addition to tying her into bed every night.
Aunt Becky told a defiant Rose that a period of corrective action would be used just like when she was nine when an old school friend of her mother from Europe along with her two daughters were staying with them because Beckey was ill. At this time Rose became very angry from the time she was told a month before the friend moved in well until after the friend moved out. Aunt Becky felt that Rose was jealous of the 13 and 14 year old guests and acted in a very hostile and unaceptable manner.
Eight months after the friend moved in until two months after the friend and her daughters went back to Europe, Aunt Beckey was in and out of the hospital for tests and operations.
Right in the middle of dinner that evening, Rose demanded to be taken to the bathroom and upon getting up pushed all the plates and dishes from the table on to the floor as she was spitting at her mother. Beckey then took Rose to the bathroom and while her cousins were cleaning up the mess, Aunt Beckey returned to the kitchen with Rose yelling you got damn bitch, put my fucking bottoms back on.
Aunt becky told Rose she would not need them as she retreived a paddle, strap, and freshly cut switch from a cabinet. When Rose saw these she yelled you couldn't with them here and I'm to old. It was a year and a half since she was spanked, paddled, strapped, or switched and that occurred when her mother was in the hospital. Rose never thought her mother would punish her since she never did in the past.
Aunt Beckey never hit anyone but explained to Rose that she would be spanked and paddled and if she was not totally co-operative, she would also be strapped and switched on her back, bottom, and thighs. Her cousins were horrified that this seemed the only way and were begging Aunt Beckey not to do it. Aunt Beckey spent the next two hours explaining a long list of transgressions and discussing the situation with her tearful daughter and two neices, who were the three most important people in her life.
Finally it came time for Rose to get over her mothers lap for a long spanking and a paddling which would be determined as to how many swats depending on her conduct during the spanking. A strapping would only be used for lying and gross bad behavior and if more was needed, a switch would be employed.
Aunt beckey bent rose over her lap and rested her hand on the center of her right buttock and told Rose I am now going to spank you here. She brought her hand down with moderate force and then again and again until after 60 spanks covering the childs bottom until every inch was red and hot to the touch. Her mother saw the twitching and felt her daughter kicking as her loud crying, sobbing, and hiccupping continued. She then gave her 20 more smacks over her thighs which were just a little harder.
Her mother was going to start paddling her but felt so bad for her daughter that she let her up. She hugged her daughter and cried as much as her daughter while begging Rose to tell why she was having such bad behavior problems. Rose cried mamma, I can't help it, I have to be like this, that is the way I am. Her mother kept hugging Rose as they cried for an hour, and Jan and Kim asked if there was anything they could do to help as they tried to calm both of them. Aunt Becky finally told Rose that she did not know any other way of dealing with the situation and as much as it obviosly hurt her to do it, It had to be done.
Her mother was planning to have her stand in a corner for half an hour before the paddling but decided to have her lie down on the sofa instead letting her bottom recover somewhat before the paddling. After two hours, of reading her a story off of the internet on web tv, her mother decided with Rose's agreement that it was time for the paddling. Aunt Becky told Rose that she would receive twenty five swats from a small flyback wooden paddle.
However, you shold first apologize to your cousins for how you were acting. Rose told Kim how sorry she was and they hugged and then apologized to Jan. Aunt Beckey told Jan that she was very tired because of her health condition and was going to rest. Aunt Beckey said finish the twenty five swats then hid the paddle in her dress pocket as she walked out.
Jan and Kim made a pretense of looking for the paddle but after not finding what was taken away, Jan suggested that because she was a tennis player she could do just as much with her hand as others with a paddle and after a dozen moderately crisp hard smacks insisted that she warmed her dearly loved cousins bottom much hotter than any paddle could have. All three knew Jan was not telling the truth as Rose rested over Jan's lap stretched out face down on the sofa.
After a few minutes of Jan rubbing her cousins back, Kimberly got back from the supermarket with a tube of anesthetic ointment rubbing it on her bottom. As bad as it was, all three of the girls spirits improved and they started laughing that it must seem funny what was going on.
Kim started joking that Rose is really a rose with a red bottom as red as a rose. What a good choice of names, what else is red and started repeating red bottom red bottom I think your new name should be red bottom. All three girls laughed and joked for a couple of hours catching up on old times.
Aunt Becky having fallen asleep crying, and racked with fear and guilt awakened with the continued joyous loud laughter and giggling which sounded like girls at a pajama party. Aunt Becky went into the living room asking how is my precious Rose.
Kim responded pointing to Rose's bottom that red bottom is having a hot time tonight. Aunt Beckey hurting over her daughter was going to ask Kim to not tease Rose because her daughter was going through enough but when they all started laughing and saying red bottom, red bottom, who has a rose red bottom? The red Rose of Aunt Beckey has a red bottom.
Kim quipped, lets get drunk on red bottom moonshine. Aunt Becky looking more closely at red bottom and noticed the shining from the ointment asking where they found it, Kim showed the tube and the bag it was put in from the super market. Aunt Becky gave Kim a hug and having not eaten supper, suggested a leftover late night snack.
An hour later, red bottom was back laying over Jan's lap as Jan read spookey stories off of the web tv. At four in the morning, they felt it was time to go to bed and aunt Beckey got out the long time not used rope net jacket to tie red bottom into bed.
Red bottom half heartedly requested to not be tied into bed but her mother realized that she was not going to get the spankings, paddlings, strappings, and switchings like she was when her friend form Europe who was use to corporal punishment and spanked, paddled, and strapped her daughters all the years they were growing up. She hugged red bottom telling her it would only be a few hours to morning and re-assured her that Kim would be in the next bed if there were any problems.
Aunt Becky carefully explained to Kim how to help with wrapping and tying the ropes of the jacket to the bed frame. After showing Kim how securely her daughter was tied into bed from her shoulders to her pelvic area. she gave her red bottom a kiss on the cheek assuring her that if she behaved, her twice daily spankings would only be with a hand and nothing as bad as that evening.
The next morning after Kim washed red bottom in the shower, they both came into the kitchen half wet and naked. They slept in late and Aunt Beckey had doctor appointments. Why aren't you girls dressed, I would like you to to come with me today. I have a number of things to do and thought you two could leave Jan rest today while you take in a couple of movies after we eat lunch out.
Red bottom said we were going to get dressed after I get a red bottom. Her mother said if you want a spanking, you are going to have to get up on time but if you make me late for my appointments, there will be red bottoms for two. She gave Kim a smack on her bottom and was going to give red bottom a smack but stopped when she saw a blister. Now move it and put this ointment on red bottom.
While red bottom and Kim had an enjoyable afternoon, Aunt Beckey was finding out that she needed to enter the hospital for long term treatments and care. That evening, while red bottom and Kim were reading ghost stories off the web tv, Aunt beckey was in the garden talking with Jan.
Jan was asked if red bottom could stay with with her on the ship, hoping it would help, she still asked Jan to give her a couple of little spankings every day for the time being because she needed limits and hopefully reminder spankings would be enough. Beside, Aunt Becky did not feel she could ever hurt her daughter like that again and Jan and red bottom were always very close. Aunt Becky even confessed to Jan that her brother told her that the only reason she always visited was to be close to her cousin. Jan said she really liked her aunt but having lived together from the time red bottom was born until she was seven that she felt a need for continueing the relationship.
Jan agreed to take red bottom but they were not going to tell about her mother's health problems. Jan did not want to but not knowing better and honoring her aunts wishes would continue spankings for red bottom. Aunt Beckey came in with Jan from the garden and asked red bottom if she wanted a spanking from her now or Jan later because aunt Becky was tired and was going to bed.
Red bottom said either was fine that she knew she was loved but aunt Beckey reminded her she was still to be tied into bed when they went to sleep. Jan gave her cousin thirty-five moderate spanks on her bottom causing some tears but not enough that they were soon laughing and all three were up the entire night reading scary stories on web tv.
For the remainder of the week, red bottom was always up the entire night with her cousins having one pajama party after the other while reading one scary story after the other and never tied into bed again which she hated a hundred times more than the spankings.
The day before Jan had to leave for the ship, a close friend of aunt Beckey's who red bottom knew well came in while they were eating dinner claiming to have won a whole year of cruise travel but actually on Royal Canadian and not that young people's Carnival whatever emphasizing with mock contempt.
Jan said she can't make it because she needed to keep her red bottom red bottomed. Having taken Kim into their confidence, Kim suggested that there was an extra bed in the sweet she was going to be in on board that really scummy rinky dink line that she told red bottom that only a wild party animal would step foot on that binging floating animal house. In addition you are not allowed to board without someone over 25 if you are under 21. Now if it was Royal Caribean, I would be there and not some boring boarding school. Red bottom said your my age, why are you making that up? Jan explained that rank has its privileges and she was the captains superior.
Aunt beckey commented you don't reward bad behavior with a reward. Red bottom cried that the new environment would do her a world of good and Jan could give her paddlings and strapings and tie her in bed every night. And we dont reward complaining either. Red bottom told her mother that it would make her feel terrible if she passed up a trip of a lifetime with her good friend. That's better, it's time you thought of someone other than yourself
After a little additional acting between aunt Beckey, Jan, and her mother's friend who supposedly won a trip, her mother said you could go on the condition you do schoolwork, keep up your grades and get plenty of spankings. A paddling or strapping when needed will do you a world of good also.
The next day while packing Kim handed Jan the rope net jacket commenting to be sure to double knot it causing a pained look of torment on red bottoms face. Jan said thanks placing it in the luggage then said we can't use this here, fire regulations require that no passenger be inhibited from getting to the outside decks. Fire regulations. Red bottom said Thank god, I never thought I would like a rule.
The next day they left with teary goodby's dropping Kim of at home for her new school and heading back to port. Red bottom bought the story hook, line, and sinker.
Red bottom liked the ship, even with her casts on but was getting a little chubby with all the food on board. When asked why red bottom was named red bottom, Jan would say look at her thighs, her bottom is kept the same color, and everybody would laugh. Jan would give red bottom a red bottom at least once every day and would spank red bottom when the women she shared the suite with were present. A big problem was red bottom not wanting to exercise even though the health spa was fully equiped. The health spa director who was one of the four others sharing the suite red bottom and Jan were in pulled off red bottoms shorts and panties while smacking her as she exercised. One of the workouts resulted in a redder and hotter bottom than she had since age nine.
Every morning Cynthia would strip the shorts in the health spa and smack red bottom on the bottom when she slacked off. These exercise spankings were used to replace her normal spankings and would not stop until the thighs and bottom were bright red. When asked why by the other passengers, Cynthia would say red bottom wants a red bottom. No matter how hard red bottom would workout on the stair climber, within an hour, red bottom had an all day red bottom.
One morning when red bottom was up before the spa opened, Cynthia insisted that red bottom have an early workout. Cynthia left red bottom in the spa where a maintenance man was repairing a piece of equipment on an upper level. This was the first time in ten days that red bottom had on her shorts while working out.
Red bottom like some of the other passengers had diarrhea from contaminated food in one of the ports. Instead of working out, red bottom found a place to lie down because she had an urgency to empty her bowels. When Cynthia returned, red bottom got up pretending she was exercising the entire time.
When Cynthia was on the deck the maintenance man was working on, he asked Cynthia if that little girl would not be better off in bed than sleeping on the floor. At this time an eleven year old boy Michael came in to work out. Cynthia told red bottom that she was going to be back after lunch with a paddle for red bottoms workout.
Red bottom walked over to the lavatory not seeing anyone but eleven year old Michael working out. Michael was able to tell red bottom needed to go and also needed help with her shorts and panties.
Michael walked over to red bottom pulling her shorts and panties off. Michael then went in with red bottom while she evacuated and after wiping her, gave redbottom a couple of Imodium A. D. Red bottom decided to lie down because the diarhea was tiring her out.
Michael put red bottoms panties and shorts back on offering to keep her company until she felt better. Red bottom started crying over the impending paddling. Michael asked what was wrong and red bottom over the next two hours poured out her heart as to what caused all the anger and her problems.
Red bottom fell asleep. By sheer chance Michael heard some crewman call to another crewman, look sharp, here comes Jan as a passenger was entering the spa. Michael knew who Jan was and saw her with red bottom several times.
Not wanting to follow rules, Michael feigned deafness when Jan would tell him to be less reckless, but what red bottom told him and swore him to silence was just to serious for him to keep his cover. He ran out yelling Jan, Jan just as she was heading for another deck. Jan hearing Michael calling, turned back and said you.
I thought you were deaf. Oh you mean my twin brother. Yeah, right. I'm not Jan. I'm her twin sister. Michael said two makes it all the better. Come on, I'm busy twin boy, I dont have time for games.
Michael explained to Jan what red bottom was telling him all morning. Jan phoned that she would be missing all appointments for the next several hours and headed into the spa. Gently shaking red bottomawake, Jan discussed with red bottom how aunt Beckey's European friend was abusing her sexually and prostituting her out to men.
She was beaten if she refused and threatened with death of her mother and being shipped out of the country as a sex slave if she said anything. This womans daughters claimed that four of their sisters were sex slaves in the Sudan.
Red bottoms yelled at Michael you promised! Jan gave Michael a little hug and a kiss asking that he talk to his twin brother in sign language about being less reckless and that she would figure out something very special for him and his family.
Jan told red bottom that she needed to find another name because there would be no more red bottom on this Rose.
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