Published: 26-Dec-2012
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Mrs. Miller is a piano teacher who mostly teaches children in the neighborhood. Her thirteen year old daughter Angela was expected to do the laundry every Sunday. When Mrs. Miller asked Angela if the laundy was done, Angela who went to a movie instead of doing the laundry lied and said it as. Angela knew her mother was on a boatride with her two younger daughters and would not know Angela violated her weekend grounding for violating Friday night curfew. One of Mrs. Miller's students was Debra who was eleven. Debra and Mrs. Miller had a trade-off where they bartered baby sitting in exchange for piano lessons. Debra's mother on the way to work stopped off while driving Debra to Mrs. Miller's. After exchanging pleasantries and discussing how well Debra was progressing, Debra's mother asked Mrs. Miller how Angela liked the Sunday afternoon movie. Mrs. Miller pointed out that she must be mistaken because Angela was grounded and did the laundry on Sunday afternoon. After Debra's mother left for work, Mrs. Miller checked the laundry and realized it wasn't even started.
Angela was taking a bath at the time. Mrs Miller dragged Angela out of the tub soaking wet and naked determined to give her a grounding she would not forget. Angela was begging not to be switched, paddled and strapped like the time a year before when she lied about where she was going on several Saturdays. Even worse, Angela was worried that her mother would follow through with her threat to send her to a tough love religious school. The month before while visiting her cousin, a grandma strap whipping was being given to a thirteen year old girl. Four different girls were holding the girl down while she was given a hundred licks from her shoulders to her knees.
After about seventy licks the suffering girl became to worn out to cry out but the strapping continued until all the licks were administered. Angela's cousin told her that the girl being whipped would have to spend the next two weeks washing out dirty pots while standing on the top of a pot while wearing four inch high heels. Mis-behavior was not tolerated there and everyone there was strapped to some degree twice every week. Another girl was wrapped up in a blanket bound with duct tape from neck to ankles. This was usually done for twelve hours.
Mrs Miller taped Angela's hands behind her back with duct tape. Mrs. Miller then took Angela into the basement recreation room, where her students would wait for their lessons and stay afterwards until they were picked up to go home. She hung a spring on an overhead pipe and attached a rope to the spring at the other end and made several knots at the lower end of the rope. The knotted end just barely cleared Angela's head but the spring had enough play to easily be pulled down to Angela's mouth.
Mrs Miller pulled down the knotted end and stuck it in Angela's mouth. If she opened her teeth then the rope would be pulled above her head by the spring. Mrs. Miller turned to Debra who was watching the younger daughters with instructions to tell her if Angela lets go of the rope. Mrs Miller told Debra that Angela would get a lick of a switch, the strap, and a smack of the paddle every time she let go of the rope with her teeth. In addition she would get the same number at the end of the day.
Then Mrs Miller told her that since she would be babysitting Angela in addition to the to younger girls that she wanted Debra to do every five minutes what she was going to show her. Mrs.Miller then pulled Angela's arms back by the wrists giving Angela a resounding sharp smack on her bottom. Mrs Miller then tore off a piece of duck tape placing it over Angela's eyes. Five minutes later Debra walked over to Angela pulling her arms back by the wrists, said get ready, raised her hand taking a full swing bringing it down almost as hard as Mrs. Miller did.
At 9:50 the Delaney sisters arrived and on entering the recreation room the Thirteen year old one walked up to Angela and asked Angela what is going on. Debra said one minute and I will tell you. Debra then pulled Angela's arms out of the way asking the older Delaney sister to hold them and Debra gave Angela another resounding smack on her reddening behind.
Debra then told the Delaney sisters that Angela was being punished and could not talk because she had to keep hold of the rope. Angela can tell you at school after spring vacation if she figured out why she is being punished. The older Delaney sister told Debra that Angela's mother was calling some school about enrolling Angela if she didn't shape up.
At 9:55 Debra went over to Angela lifting her arms back and the older Delaney sister said wait a minute. Angela, your bottom looks awfly sore, do you want another smack now. Angela Shook her head no. Then the Delaney sister said then tell me you don't in clear English. How rude refusing to answer. I think I should smack you for that. She gave her six hard smacks in rapid succession causing Angela to do a dance in place then commenting her mother would think it is only a fraction of what she should receive for such rudeness. I really don't know why you are so desperately holding on to the rope. At ten o'clock Mrs Miller called the older Delaney sister up for her piano lesson. She reached up tickling Angela under her arms causing her to leave go of the rope with her teeth. Debra said it is ok, time for a bathroom break and some fruit juice.
As Debra was leading a sobbing Angela through the living room, Mrs. Miller asked if Angela needed to be disciplined for letting go of the rope. Debra explained what the older Delaney sister did to Angela and Mrs. Miller said under the circumstances we can let the slip go with another half dozen smacks after her lesson and another half dozen after her sisters lesson. Angela continued to sob. Debra sat Angela on the toilet seat and waited a few minutes while Angela calmed down, emptied her bladder and had a bowel movement. After wiping her vulva and bottom, as she was taking Angela into the kitchen for juice, Mrs Miller instructed Debra to make certain that Angela's bottom remained as red as it was then.
The older Delaney sister said she would be glad to assist went over to angela and lifted Angela's arms out of the way giving her two resounding smacks asking Mrs. Miller if that was hard enough for later. Mrs. Miller said out of consideration for her help with Angela that she would extend her piano lesson by fifteen minutes without charge and give her another hour without charge if she would babysit Angela and the two younge daughters while Debra had her lesson. The older Delaney sister agreed. By the way, did you have any luck with that school you were calling. Mrs Miller responded that it was a year round school and since a family member already attends there would be no charge. I am considering it but it seems a little rough for a required minimal stay of two years. Hopefully after today, Angela may try more to act like her name.
Debra then took Angela into the kitchen pouring her a large glass of fruit juice placing a straw in the glass. When Angela said she didn't want it, Debra suggested she either start drinking it or it was back down stairs right away and back to the smacks and holding the rope. Debra told Angela she could take ten minutes to drink it giving her a short rest.
At twenty after ten Debra had Angela holding the rope in her teeth telling her that she really thought she was punished enough but her mother insisted that she continue holding the rope for the rest of the day with her teeth with which she lied and that her bottom be kept hot to the touch.
The younger eleven year old came over to where Angela was and said she would take over the smacking of Angela so Debra could spend more time with the younger daughters. Every five minutes the younger Delaney sister would smack Angelas bottom and in between smacks would constantly lightly scrape her long nails over Angelas reddened behind.
The younger Delaney sister found a heating pad, set it for high heat, took off the cloth cover, and at 10;10, pressed it against Angela's hot bottom. Angela jumped away but contined to hold the rope in her teeth letting out a loud enough wail to attrack Debra's attention. Debra took away the heating pad telling the younger Delaney sister that the only punishment she was to give was only one smack to the bottom every five minutes. Debra told Angela to answer the following questions by shaking her head yes or no. Are you getting any other punishment while I was with your younger sisters. Angela shook her head no.
The younger Delaney sister then said I was scratching her bottom like this for the last forty-five minutes. Angela was flinching in pain as she was being scraped by the finger nails. Debra asked Angela if she was afraid to say she was being additionally punished. Angela weakly shook her head yes. Debra told the younger Delaney sister that she really didn't need to add any punishments because there was still a long time till the day was over and that her older sister really had an in for Angela and while Debra was getting her piano lesson, her older sister would really put Angela Through the ringer.
The younger Delaney sister said just about all the children she babysits are terrified of her because she always finds an excuse to take a hairbrush to them and will only babysit those she is allowed to spank. It is amazing what people let her get away with because she will sit the entire day and night for a flat fee of three dollars. She bare bottom spanks with her hand every child she babysits in front of the parents before they leave. Feels nothing like a hot behind to turn them into perfect angels. Any time they mis-behave, their parents threaten to have her babysit She really likes to smack bottoms and this is the first time she is able to give it to someone as old as Angela.
At 12:30 thirteen year old Brittany Delaney came down to the recreation room carrying a switch, a wood paddle, and a strap. Mrs. Miller wants to give you your piano lesson Debbie. My sister Courtney and I will watch ten year old Carla and the baby. Angela's mother instructed me to discipline Angela for the next hour however I see fit. Has she kept hold of the rope with her teeth. Debbie answered in the afirmative and suggested that Angela had already undergone quite a bit of discipline suggesting that Brittainy go easy on her. At this time Brittainy snapped the belt and swung the switch a few times making a whistling sound with it.
Brittainy went over to Angela telling her that if she didn't want anything other than smacks with the hand on her bottom and thighs, she better continue to hold on to the knotted rope with her teeth. O.K. Angela, time for another smack, ready or not. This time Brittany delivered a smack to each one of Angela's upper thighs. Brittainy asked Angela's ten year old sister Carla if she wanted to go out and play with Courtney. Carla responded that I am suppose to do a report for school on a most memorable day in a sibling's life and that is why I have been hanging around down here all morning doing this. Brittainy smiled at Carla telling her in that case it was all right.
Brittainy then started tickling Angela under her arms causing her to leave go of the knotted rope. That means a smack with the paddle, and a lick with the switch and the belt. Brittainy placed the rope back in Angela's mouth telling her that she would wait until the end of the hour to give Angela what she had coming then. At twelve-forty, Brittainy asked Carla if she wanted to smack Angela on her bottom a couple of times. Carla who was constantly ridiculed by Angela picked up the switch with a smile giving Angela a moderate force cut across her right bottomcheek followed by one to the left bottomcheek commenting this will help make the day more memorable for Angela and the reasons my mother wants her to remember this day is because of her defiant attitude and a very real concern with her lack of effort in her schoolwork.
After Angela stopped jumping around, Carla tickled Angela in her stomache causing her to leave go of the rope a second time. Brittainy placed the rope back in Angela's mouth saying that makes two. By the end of the hour, Angela let go of the rope a total of eight times. Angela's mother then called down that the pizza arrived for lunch. Btittainy then inserted her right middle finger into Angela's bottom to the knuckle grabbing her hair with the other hand leading her into the kitchen while pressing up against her bottom while pulling back on her hair.
Mrs. miller asked Brittainy if Angela was behaving as ordered. Brittainy answered that she let go of the rope eight times but that was because she was being tickled under the arms and on the stomache. As a result I felt I should wait to see how you felt we should handle it under the circumstances. Brittainy took her finger out of Angela's bottom and let go of her hair figuring that whatever was decided that pizza was more important at the time. As Debra was feeding Angela a slice of pizza and a tall glass of juice, Mrs Miller told Angela that she would not be paddled or switched for her lapses in discipline but to make sure she would not violate her grounding, that she would receive the eight licks with the belt that were past due plus the additional licks now instead of at the end of the day and she would remain in the living room for the rest of the day.
After going into the living room, Mrs. Miller held Angela's foot out telling Brittainy to grab it and hold on to it. A few seconds later after the belt was brought down on Angela's foot, she did a wild dance laying on the floor kicking and squirming and crying out at the top of her lungs. That was one. Fifteen to go. That will make for certain that you aren't going to walk away from your grounding. Carla offered to gag Angela to keep her quiet but instead decided to cross Angela's feet bent at a 90 degree angle at the knees pulling the left foot to the right knee and the right foot to the left knee and then wrapping duct tape arond the bent lower legs from knee and ankle to knee and ankle. This resulted in Angela's upper legs being uncomfortably spread apart making it imposible for Angela to extend her feet below knee level. Carla then grabbed Angela by the middle of her lower legs lifting up and pointing out that Angela would not be able to pull her legs away when strapped on her feet or behind and thighs. Mrs Miller figuring that angela was securely tied hand and foot and blindfolded didn't need any more strapping but felt a continued well warmed bottom would be sufficient to discipline her oldest daughter.
After lunch, Mrs Miller sent Debra back down stairs to watch the baby and Courtney Delaney went with her leaving angela's ten year old sister Carla and Brittainy in the living room near the piano with instructions to have twelve year old Michael to practice his playing if he wished until she returned to give him his lesson.
Brittainy sitting on the couch decided to place Angela over her lap making it very easy for her to hold her down by the waist with minimal effort while having very easy access to her widely spread bottom. Brittainy smacked Angela with light to moderate force repeatedly but not brutally on her bottom for about twenty minutes when Michael arrived. Carla answered the door telling Michael to practice his playing if he wanted but it would be at least an hour until her mother would be back for his lesson. When he saw Angela laying over Brittainy's lap being spanked with a very red bottom he asked if Angela was receiving a lesson to a different tune. Looks like your really getting her good but the way she refers to you as an plump pizza face, and tells everyone that the only culture you will ever know is the overly abundant supply of pimples on your face, she's lucky you aren't welting her with a swith and strap. Michael said high to a sobbing Angela telling her that he was glad Brittainy was going easy on her causing little more than redness and a few light switch marks because she had a delightful behind. He firmly grabbed her right bottomcheek giving it a continuos squeeze while pulling it towards him and commenting how hot it was as if Angela needed any telling.
Brittainy asked Michael to sit on the couch and placed Angela in his lap her face to his face telling him to hold her tightly under the arms keeping her upright. A minute later Brittainy returned with a bath towel and cautioned Michael to hold Angela as tight as he could which resulted in her arms being pulled back leaving a clear shot at her bottom. Brittainy then snapped the towel between Angela's bottomcheeks causing the exausted girl to yelp wail and squirm. That's for pizza face. Then another snap in the center of her right cheek. That's for plump. A third in the center of her left cheek. That's to teach you culture. Keep holding her. Then a snap where her right bottomcheek meets the thigh followed by one on the left. Thats for everyone who you insulted me to.
Over Angela's crying and begging, Brittany threatened to give Angela a towel snap for every person in her class. Deciding Angela had enough towel snaps, and was becoming hysterical, she slowly peeled the duct tape off of her eyes. A minute or two later when she opened her eyes. The first thing she noticed was her ten year old sister Carla holding a camcorder in her face. Angela half pleadingly and half praying asked Carla if she was filming all morning to which Carla said it's for school, let's see how it came out. Carla said look at this part on how she lurches forward when Brittainy was smacking her bottom with the head reaching up on the rope. Then forwarding ahead showed how Brittainy stuck her finger in Angela's bottom and was pusing her by her hole up onto her toes while making her walk and pulling her head back by the hair. And look how she was wildly thrashing about when her foot was strapped. She looked like she was having a seizure. I'll bet that really hurt. It was my idea to fold her legs over one another and tape them. And look how she almost jumped out of your arms again and again when Britainy was snapping her with the towel on her bottom.
Carla pulled back on Angela's hands where they were taped together then placed her knee on the small of Angela's back smacking her fifty or sixty times on her very sore behind telling Angela that having the tape of her punishment day would do her a world of good helping her to behave in the future. Carla told Angela that she would be given her a copy that she should watch everyday and everybody in her school would accept an apology for her insulting remarks after seeing that she was properly disciplined for her behavior. Carla asked Brittainy if she thought it was a good way to tie Angela's legs to which Brittainy said as much as I like her this way, I'm sure I will like it more by the time this day is over. The phone rang and even though there was an answering machine, Brittainy decided to answer the phone personally. I think we should leave Angela rest for a while because based on what your mother told me, I really kind of feel pity and compassion for her.
At this point Brittainy told Angela I wish you well and no longer have feelings of anger towards you. I won"t hit you anymore. And don't worry about the tape your sister made, I'll talk to her about erasing it. Brittainy spoke to Carla for a few seconds and Carla wrapped her arms around her sister telling her I love you and will come with you tonight and do everything I can to help you. Brittainy and Michael assured Angela that they wouldn"t mention to anyone what happened to her that day and that her mother wanted them to be a lot more severe to her this day. I am pretty sure by the way your mother sounded that she isn't angry with you anymore and that she was crying over what seemed needed to be done this evening. Brittainy told Angela that even though it was meant for her own good, that she still wasn't williing to take a strap, a paddle ,and a switch to her.
Brittainy went to the medicine cabinet where she found some strong prescription pain killers having Angela swallow a double dose. She then gave her a kiss on the cheek and covered her with a blanket telling her that she would change her plans for the evening and stay with her to help her make a decision about her future. Brittainy told Angela that she would like to untie her but she was very firmly warned not to under anything short of an emergency. Carla found some anestitizing ointment and uncovered Angela rubbing it over and into anywhere she was red and sore. Carla then went across the street to get a Depends for Angela putting it on her and telling her how sorry she was and to remeber that even though she didn't realize it until then that she was sure she loved her. Carla gave her another hug and a kiss on her cheek and covered her with a blanket again telling her she hoped she could get some rest and to remember that she is loved by her and her mother and a very special person.
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