Published: 24-Dec-2012
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Mrs. Grey who lives in northern Sudan was engaged to Mr. Brown. They were already living together with Mrs. Grey's eleven year old daughter Amber and ten year old Betty along with Mr. Brown's thirteen year old daughter Cynthia. Mrs. Grey frequently would comment on how well behaved her children acted due to close vigilance and spankings that left them crying with thoroughly blistered bottoms. Mrs. Grey would emphasize that the more the spanking hurt, the more Mrs. Grey enjoyed the spankings because her daughters were learning to behave and Mrs. Grey felt a sense of satisfaction from teaching her children to behave.
In a country where most little girls went through the horrors of female genital mutilation and practices slavery where a mother and child sell for about a hundred dollars in U.S. currency, spankings of children short of permanently crippling damage was not of concern to the authorities.
Mrs. Grey would go on in detail how much she enjoyed watching the spanked bottom turn pink then red and finally watching blisters form as her child would cry and thrash about and beg for the spanking to end before she would stop and have the spanked child stand in a living room corner with bottom bared until bed time. Mrs. Grey insisted that she found spanking her daughters bottoms sexually stimulating and even though the spankings were much more severe than the situation usually merited, Mrs. Grey would not finish the spankings until she had several intensely satisfying sexual orgasms. Mrs. Grey explained that her sexual intense pleasure in delivering spankings was very beneficial in encouraging thorough spankings and close vigilance of her thoroughly disciplined daughters. Mrs. Grey would stop spanking after each orgasm and then after a rest would continue to spank all the while explaining to the daughter being spanked how sexually thrilling and satisfying spanking her daughters sexually excited her to no end.
All her Arabic women friends have had there clitoris removed and were intrigued by Mrs. Greys revelations. Mrs. Grey regularly attended female genital mutilations dragging along her children explaining that removal of the clitoris along with parts of the vulvas with the remainder of the openings being sutured shut was the alternative to long blistering painful spankings. Her friends approved of the spankings and were intrigued by her assertions that the intense sexual orgasms from spanking children was a tremendous benefit for her children due to how it so encouraged Mrs. Grey to thoroughly discipline her children.
On Saturday afternoon, Amber crossed against a red light and one of Mrs. Grey's friends criticising Amber, who Amber did not recognize, was told by Amber to mind her own business. Mrs. Grey's friend asked what would your mother do to you if she heard the way you talked to an adult after being corrected for doing something improper. Amber responded that it really isn't a dumb bitches concern and that there is no reason to wait for a green light without any cars near by.
Amber was across town and never suspected word would get back to her mother of Amber's talking back to an adult. An hour later Amber arrived home to find the woman she talked back to sitting with her mother as they were drinking coffee. Mrs. Grey told her now pleading about to be spanked eleven year old daughter that her bottom was about to be blistered not so much for crossing against a red light but mostly for talking back to a concerned adult who was kindly trying to offer proper guidance for improper behavior.
Amber who was not spanked in over a year begged and pleaded not to be spanked when she saw the hair brush. Mrs. Grey told Amber that a strapping was really in order but told Amber that only a hand would be used if Amber co-operated and apologized. Betty and Cynthia were also in the living room. Even though Mrs. Grey would spank her friends children and then thoroughly blister these childrens behinds with a light paddle from an seemingly endless onslaught of swats, her children would rarely mis-behave remembering how severely blistered their behinds were after the previous numerous repeated spankings and paddlings from previous mis-behaviors.
Mrs. Grey decided to secure Amber's arms with a new harness that strapped over the shoulders and around the back halfway between the shoulders and waist. Once being adjusted and tightened, addition straps with wrist cuffs were taken out of a drawer leaving Amber's hands crossed behind her and pulled back securing the hands in place over the small of Amber's back. An already profusely crying Amber upon realizing how helpless the arms and hands were redoubled her pleading and begging not to be spanked.
Mrs. Grey then took a scissors and went to work cutting off the old ready to be thrown out dress Amber was wearing and pulled off the crying childs panties leaving her bare. Mrs. Grey asked her friend to videotape the spanking Amber was about to receive because Mrs. Grey wanted to view the spankings in the future when she wished to masturbate and to have it to show to Amber while Amber would have to answer detailed questions about the spankings Amber was about to receive for when Amber's spankings were to be discussed with friends.
Mrs. Grey was tremendously sexually stimulated by her sense of power and control of her crying tied up defenseless eleven year old child. Mrs. Grey explained to Amber that the harness was a new experience and tremendously sexual stimulated her. After Mrs. Grey masturbated to orgasm, she told Amber that the spanking Amber was to receive would be a light one because spanking her tied up child would satisfy her mother's sexual desires much more quickly than in the past. Mrs. Grey told Amber that they were both going to benefit from amber being restrained in a harness because Amber would not be nearly as severely spanked and her own sexual desires would be far better satisfied.
At this point Mrs. Grey told Amber that she did not trust herself to not tremendously increase the length, intensity, and severity of the spanking Amber was about to receive and Mrs. Grey suggested having Amber spanked by her friend instead. Mrs. Grey added that the spanking would only be with a hand and half as hard as the hand part of her last years hand spankings. For the first time since getting home that afternoon, Amber stopped pleading begging and crying over the expected numerous severe long spankings and paddlings.
Amber was instructed to ask her mother's friend to spank her after which she hoped the friend would accept her apology. Mrs. Grey picked up the camera at which was to be a relatively mild spanking compared to Mrs. Grey's hand spankings but still while the smacks were not of more than moderate in force at the worst still thoroughly slowly pinkened then gradually over the next thirty minutes with a combination of light to some moderate force smacks resulted in a deep red color as tears poured down Amber's crying face with promises to be good and pleas of leniency.
Mrs. Grey experienced the most intense orgasms of her life without ever taking either hand of the video camcorder while taping Amber's spanking. Mrs. Grey applied an anesthetic and an ice pack to Amber's bottom which pretty much stopped hurting after thirty minutes but left her tied up as Amber spent the night in her mother's bed with her mother and soon to be stepfather.
Mrs. Grey told Amber that she would be tied up naked and sleep in the parental bed from time to time but never more than moderately spanked in the future if Amber co-operated with being restrained and occasionally spanked. Mrs. Grey decided that her need to severely spank children who were restrained could be vented on her access to the slave female children kidnapped from the Southern parts of the Sudan where tribal villages are raided where the men are killed the women and children were kidnapped for slavery.
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