Good Neighbour, Part 3

[ M(32), g(7), g(7), g(7), g(7), cons, oral, anal, lolita, pedo, rom, group, multi ]

by Lensman


Published: 17-Mar-2011

Word Count:

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show Story Summary
This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Tracy's Birthday...

The next morning, while Tracy was eating breakfast watching cartoons on the TV, Janet knocked at the door. With the impetuousness of youth Tracy jumped up to her mother as soon as she was in the door and asked, "Mum, can I have a birthday party? ... Please?"

Not surprisingly Janet looked dumbfounded. "I don't know..." she answered shaking her head.

"Aww, mum..." Tracy whined.

"Tracy," I interrupted, "why don't you watch TV and let me talk to your mum," and then I winked at her. "Janet have a seat, you look tired."

Janet slumped into the proffered chair and looked at me gratefully. "Thanks, I've barely slept."

"Would you like a drink? Coffee? Tea?" I asked solicitously. "No, thank you Ben," Janet shook her head tiredly, "Tracy and I should be going... thank you so much for looking after her."

"My pleasure, really" I replied. <"My pleasure INDEED. If you only knew"> I thought.

"Before you go," I gestured for Janet to remain seated, "I have a proposition for you."

She looked at me with an eyebrow arched and said smiling, "Oh, Ben, not now, I'm too tired" she laughed.

I smiled at her joke (as my cock twitched) then said, "Seriously, I know it is Tracy's birthday soon. We've talked and you have only two options. Either I buy her lots of stuff that clutters up your house, or I pay for her to have a party."

"Oh, that's so sweet, Ben. But parties can be expansive," Janet protested shaking her head.

"I'm going to spend the same either way," I smiled.

As Janet thought about it I looked at Tracy, she had stopped watching TV and was watching Janet and I intently.

Janet eventually said, "Ok you win, you can give Tracy a party."

Tracy immediately cheered and jumped up to do her victory dance, and then Janet dropped her bombshell.

"But..." Janet paused, waiting for silence, "you have to host it," she said pointing at me and grinning.

Tracy started cheering again and jumping around the room. It hit me what Janet meant, a party of seven year olds running around my house. What had I let myself in for?

I smiled as calmly as I could and nodded, "Ok, I'll host the party; but you're not getting out of it. You've got to be here to help on the day."

"Oh, I wouldn't miss it," Janet smiled. Tracy gave us each a hug, and then repeated her victory dance.

Janet looked exhausted from her trip, so I sent her home to get some sleep while Tracy and I planned the party extravaganza-of-the-year. While I was designing and printing out the invitations I had Tracy phoning her new school friends, Tammy, Jenny and April, to see if they would be able to attend. From the squeals I could overhear I guessed correctly that they would be here.

Later that morning I took Tracy out shopping for an outfit. We found a place called "Fancy That!" and we both liked what we could see in the window so in we went. There were racks and racks of costumes of all shapes, sizes and types lining the walls. Behind the counter was a grandmotherly woman doing what appeared to be some needlepoint. She had long steel-grey hair tied in a ponytail and a sun-browned cheerful face. "Mornin'," she said as we entered.

"Morning," Tracy chirped cheerfully, "I'd like a costume please!" "Well, you've come to the right place then little miss," the sales lady replied, "what costume would you like?" and gestured grandly to the racks.

"It says in your window that you make costumes to measure," I asked. "What is the wait time and cost of those?"

"That depends," she said eyeing me up and down, "on the specific costume, amongst other things." She then reached under the counter and pulled out a number of large ring-binders and placed them before Tracy. Each binder was full of pictures of children posing in costumes. Tracy and I had already discussed her costume, she had insisted on having something sexy, and I was not going to argue with 'the birthday girl.' As she and I leafed through the first set I was disappointed to see that most of the children's costumes were the baggy romper suit type. I left Tracy to continue looking through the available children's costumes and took the sales lady to one side. As Halloween would be only a month after Tracy's birthday I wanted to get my costumes ordered in advance. Just as we were finishing our discussion Tracy called out that she had found it.

"I've found just the right costume," she squealed happily, "it's perfect!"

When I saw it I had to admit that Tracy had found just the right costume. "In fact," I chuckled, "it's Purrrrrrfect!"

The picture reminded me of the cartoon series "Josie and the Pussycats", it was of a strikingly attractive woman in a sleeved leotard, patterned with leopard spots but with a white front panel from just under her tits down to her crotch.

The sales lady protested that it was an adult costume. But when she saw how determined Tracy was she gave up and began measuring her for it. When she was done being measured I handed Tracy my mobile phone and list of phone numbers to call her three school friends Tammy, Jenny and April, to arrange for them to come here for their costumes as well.

"There will be three other girls coming in later to select costumes," I said to the old woman, "I want you to fit them with costumes as well."

"Ok," she said, "but you do realize that there is a $10 surcharge for made-to-measure costumes."

"That's ok," I nodded. I had noticed that the price for the costume Tracy had chosen was $30 so I said, "So that'll be $40 then, how about I make it $50 ...and you make the costume a nicely snug fit."

She squinted her eyes and looked at me curiously, then hesitantly said, "Um, ok. That could be arranged..."

I continued, "And you'll do the same for all four of the costumes, for the same extra?"

"I suppose so..." she said cautiously.

Then I dropped the bombshell, "And I need all four in two weeks time!" "We can't do that!" she blustered, "that's not enough time for..."

I interrupted her, "And I'll pay an extra $50 for the..."

She interrupted, "That wouldn't cover the overtime alone!"

We bounced the cost back and forth for awhile until eventually we agreed on a total price.

"Ok," I sighed, "so that's $300 for the four nicely snug costumes, ready in two weeks." I paid $150 up front and would pay the rest when I collected them.

As we left the shop Tracy returned my mobile phone and said, "I told them to come here to be measured for their costumes, but I still don't understand why."

So I explained, "I thought it would be a nice idea if you gave everyone who comes to your party a small present, but because Tammy, Jenny and April are your best friends I thought it would be extra-special if they get to keep their costumes as well."

Tracy squealed happily and hugged me tightly about the waist. I hugged her as best as I could for awhile as the world passed us by, then I let go and said, "Come on my sexy little pussycat, we've got a lot more to do..."

When we finally returned home later that afternoon, we had done a lot. Tracy and I had bought all the birthday decorations and ordered most of the food required. Now all we needed to do was all the hard work of preparation, cooking and decoration in two weeks time.

Those two weeks absolutely flew by. By the first Friday Tracy had delivered the invitations and received replies from everyone. Including Tracy and her three best friends there would be a total of eleven young boys and girls attending. On the Saturday before the party Tracy and I went shopping for the small gifts we would be giving to her guests, and by Wednesday I had managed to find and buy the little items I would be giving to Tracy.

The big day arrived all too soon, and as one can imagine that morning started at a rush and things got more harried from there. Janet was preparing the food, and would bring it over to my house when it was ready. Tracy and I had moved the furniture and decorated the night before and she was helping her mum in the kitchen, while I went to fetch the costumes. I quickly returned to my house with the costumes as I planned to do a little 'alteration' to Tracy's costume. I had planned to neatly remove the extra gusset material from the crotch of her tight-fitting leotard, to make it even sexier. But when I started I found it didn't have any. It was missing from all four costumes. The sales lady had guessed what I really wanted when I asked for a "snug fit". My dick hardened at the thought of the party to come.

As I got downstairs to continue the preparation, Tracy turned up with a platter of snacks. After putting them on the table she turned to me, looked at her feet shyly and said, "Ben, can I ask a favour?"

I lifted her chin, kissed her cheek and looked into her deep soulful eyes and said, "Today is your seventh birthday, you can ask me anything, and I can refuse you nothing."

"Umm..." she started tentatively, "can Tammy, April and Jenny stay and have a sleepover tonight?" then she looked at me pleading, "please, we'll be very good..."

I thought I saw a twinkle in her eyes and said, "Yes you can,... on one condition..." I paused for emphasis, "all four of you will have to help clean up when the party is over, ok?"

Tracy smiled, nodded and chirped happily, and said "Ok" as she jumped up and down and once again did her victory dance around the room.

Tracy used my phone to call her friends, and what I overheard confirmed my suspicions that I had been set up.

"Tammy, it's me..." pause, listening then happy voice "Yep it's on, but we gotta clean up after the party." ... "yeah." ...

giggles "we'll see tonight, gotta go. I've gotta tell the others, see ya soon."

What I could hear of the other two conversations were similar, it sounded like the girls had planned this and I was the last to know.

Although the party was planned to start at 2pm, Tammy, April and Jenny were to arrive early to get into their costumes. I was still in the last stages of setup when Tracy arrived leading her troop of best friends. She introduced me to them, and them to me, "Ben, these are Tammy, April and Jenny," she said as she motioned her hand at each of them. "Everybody, this is Ben, the best neighbour any girl could have!"

I would have been embarrassed by her compliment but I was too stunned by her friends....

April was the tallest of the group, half a head taller than Tracy. She had russet-red hair cut in a bob that had frizzed, dark green eyes that twinkled and freckles scattered over the bridge of her nose and cheeks of her adorable round face. Her body was deliciously plump, but not too much though; just a little.

Jenny was about the same height as Tracy, she had golden blond hair that cascaded down her back to her little round butt, the palest of pale blue eyes and a pale cream complexion. She kept flicking her hair over her shoulder away from her heart shaped face and smiling; knowing instinctively the effect she was having on me. Her build was a mirror of Tracy's, everything in the right proportions.

Tammy was a delight, she was slightly smaller than Tracy, and had jet-black hair cut in a bob just under her ears. Her face had a mixed oriental look, and her eyes were dark and slightly almond shaped. Her slight frame looked trim and fit. All three of the 7 year olds were absolute living dolls.

The girls said "Hello Mr Ben," in unison almost like they had practiced and then they giggled with Tracy joining in.

I returned to my senses and waved and said "Hi", and "just 'Ben' will be ok." I noticed they were only carrying small presents and asked, "Where are your sleeping bags?"

Tracy replied for them all, "We left them at home. We'll bring them over after we've cleaned up from the party."

The three girls put their presents on the table amongst those already placed there by Janet and me, then they all followed me up to my bedroom to change into their costumes.

As the girls trooped into my bedroom I pulled Tracy to one side and whispered, "You do remember that we can't tell anyone about our sexy games, don't you?"

"But I wanna have fun, Ben," she whined.

I cupped her cheek in my hand and continued, quietly, "You can have all the fun you want tonight... but just don't expect me to join in." I then turned her around, gave her cute bottom a little pat and pushed her toward my room.

A short while later, while I was finishing moving my possessions to keep them safe from the chaos to come, I heard my name called from my bedroom. I knocked on my door and called out, "Did you want me?"

"Yeah," I heard Tracy shout back, "I need help with my costume."

"Is everyone decent in there?" I asked as I began to open the door slowly.

"Yes..." they all chorused.

The girls were scattered around the room, all in their costumes except Tracy, she stood there in only her panties holding her costume up, "Help me put it on... please?"

I sighed in feigned exasperation (willing my twitching cock to behave), took the costume and then knelt in front of her and held the leotard ready. Tracy lifted her leg and I said, "You're supposed to take your panties off you know."

April said, "I told you... you weren't supposed to keep your panties on."

I looked up at April properly and saw she was wearing a red devil outfit. She had little red plastic horns on a hair-grip, a flowing red satin cape and a tight fitting red satin leotard. It was so tight I could easily see her plump little camel-toe pussy lips and slit, and hanging behind her I could see a red arrow-headed tail.

I looked back to Tracy to just as she dropped her panties to one side and was presented with her beautiful little bald slit right in front of my face. My heart skipped a beat, and then another. Tracy climbed into the costume as I held it for her while the other girls failed to stifle their little giggles. I pulled the costume up tight and helped her with the sleeves. As Tracy pulled the leotard about, adjusting the fit, I sat back on my heels to watch her.

The leotard fit like a second skin, the white crotch clearly outlining and defining her slit and pussy lips and her erect nipples pushing out the fabric over her otherwise flat chest. I felt like pouncing on her right there, but with difficulty managed to restrain myself. I was much less successful in restraining my cock.

I heard rustling from the other two girls and, when I looked up, I saw both of them wriggling back out of their outfits.

"Would you like me to leave?" I said .

Jenny said "No," as Tammy shook her head. They both stood there in just their panties, and then Jenny picked up her costume and came round the bed to stand in front of me and said, "I need help too," and then giggled. My dick was so hard I could neither stand nor comfortably crouch.

As I knelt before her, holding her costume Jenny slowly slipped off her panties while grinning and looking directly into my eyes. She held her panties at arms length and dropped them to the floor. Now completely nude before me she slowly climbed into her outfit as eagerly drank in the sight of her delicious bald little pussy. The pussy lips were plump, but the slit started low-down so there was little to see. Again I pulled the costume up tight and helped her with the sleeves and then helped her with her ruffled tutu. I sat back on my heels and looked at Jenny the ballerina. The leotard was a such a pale pink that she looked almost nude, and again very tight fitting. The centre of the chest was sewn into a rippled bow, presently accentuating her hard little erect nipples, and there was a front central seam that ran straight down the costume and directly through her pussy slit. I could clearly see her lips being parted by the material; almost as if it had been made to do so (I wondered?)

I was interrupted from my staring when Tammy thrust her costume into my hands and quickly whipped off her panties to stand there waiting for me, naked. She was beautiful, there was not an ounce of fat anywhere on her little body. She was lithe and trim and poised like a dancer. But the thing that sprang my dick from hard to throbbing rigidity was the fact that I could see her engorged clit sticking out from the top of her plump and inviting pussy slit. And her cunt appeared to be moistening. I began to second guess the absence of the crotch gussets on these four little costumes, knowing that other adults including Tracy's Mum would be present.

I held out Tammy's costume, And as she climbed into it I saw a flash of open moist pussy lips and caught a faint heavenly scent of her arousal. I pulled her costume up tight and then helped her with her wings and gossamer leaf dress as she stared directly at me, smiling. I sat back on my heels, being careful to not expose my raging erection, and looked at Tammy the pixie. She had a very pale apple-green leotard, gossamer wings in iridescent blue and a skirt made of thin leaf shapes made of a light gossamer material. Even though she wore the skirt I could still clearly see her crotch and the slight bump at the top of her defined slit that was her erect clit. I could also clearly see her dark nipples standing erect under the top of the outfit.

Trying very hard to ignore the fact that I was surrounded by sexy nubile 7 year old little girls I said in the most normal voice I could manage, "Ok, who wants face paint?"

Tracy was first, as she would have to be there to greet any early-arriving guests. I quickly applied the yellow ochre base, then carefully painted her face to resemble the pictures that came with the costume; black on the end of her nose, a black line down under the nose and across the lips and some whiskers painted on her cheeks. When I was finished I said "There, a purrrrfect little pussy." Tracy giggled and hugged my neck.

April declined any face paint so I dashed to my office and quickly returned with my digital camera to take a few shots of Tracy and April before the party. When I had those shots April and Tracy went downstairs together to be ready for Tracy's guests.

Jenny was next, and all she wanted was a pale powder makeup with blue eye-shadow and pale pink lipstick to match her costume. When she was ready I also took her picture, seeing that her little nipples were still noticeably erect. Jenny said "Thank you, Mr Ben" and dashed off to rejoin her friends downstairs.

Tammy's makeup was odd, an iridescent green that, when applied, gave her complexion just a hint of green and a sparkling shine to her lovely face. A striking contrast to her dark hair and eyes. I used a leaf-green eye-shadow and berry-red lipstick. When I was finished Tammy looked like a beautiful little 'Tinkerbelle.' I took some photos of her, Tammy posing sexily without my asking. Her nipples were very erect, and there was a spreading wet spot at the crotch of her costume. Tammy beckoned to me with her curled finger and as I approached she wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled my head down to her level, planted a sweet lingering kiss on the corner of my mouth and then stepped back. Her eyes lingered knowingly on my erection. Then she smiled broadly, and did a little twirl before she skipped out of the bedroom to join her little friends downstairs, calling "Thank you, Mr Ben" back to me as she disappeared down the stairs.

I waited in the bedroom for my raging hardon to soften before I left the room. I was met in the hallway by Janet, she had come looking for me as some of the guests were arriving. She smiled and told me I had better get cleaned up. When I looked at my self in the bathroom mirror I saw that Tammy had branded me. I had her lipstick on the corner of my mouth where she had kissed me.

Janet said "Here, let's make it worth the effort," and she placed a lovely soft kissm on the opposite corner of my mouth, then turned and went back down the stairs. My dick was rejuvenated. I was not making progress.

As the party guests arrived I noticed that all the other kids had ordinary children's costumes, one even wearing the blue furry costume of 'Sully' from "Monsters Inc." Along with Janet and myself, three other adults decided to help chaperon the party, two mothers and a father. Although the other parents had contacted me to confirm when and where the party was, they had just dropped their child off into our care.

The party ran smoothly with only a few minor disturbances. They all seemed to enjoy playing the games like musical chairs and pass the parcel, and eating the food of course. During a lull Jenny suggested a talent contest/show. Although we didn't have a karaoke machine we improvised and they danced and sang along with their favourite songs.

Although the party was more than 5 hours long it seemed to flash past. When all the guests had been picked up, we stood there, Janet, Tracy, Tammy, April, Jenny and I, looking at the mess. My house looked like a whirlwind had ripped though it. However it is amazing how fast two adults and four 7 year old little girls can clean up; especially when all the plates, cups and cutlery are disposable.

The girls insisted on remaining in costume while they helped clean up. Tracy looked very cute vacuuming while dressed up as a leopard. Tammy took my breath away when she crawled on hands and knees under the table picking up some of the things that had been dropped. I came into the room just as she bent and started crawling and I had the perfect view of her butt and leotard-clad pussy pouched between her thighs.

When the house was clean - well as clean as before the party - Janet took the four girls, still in their costumes, across the road to pick up their things. When they returned they threw their bags into a corner.

"Aren't you girls going to change?" I asked.

Tracy replied for the group, "Nope, we like our costumes and want to keep them on for now. We'll take them off when it's time for ...bed" she said with a mischievous pixie grin.

"Ok," I shrugged, "but let's at least remove the face paint."

Tracy asked me to help and I was only too glad to oblige. Again she was first in line. After using the removal cream to get off all the face paint and using a light moisturizer Tracy went to make everyone some drinks. After I helped Jenny and Tammy remove their makeup and gave all three light facial massages with the moisturizer, Tracy returned with a punch-like drink which she had concocted from the remaining party orangeade, lemonade and cherryade.

After making sure everything was locked-up downstairs, I left the girls to their own devices with instructions to not make too much noise. Much as I wanted to stay and enjoy the erotic vision of the four little paedophile dreams, I didn't want to alarm them or reveal the relationship that Tracy and I had. When I left they were preparing to dance to some music.

I was on my bed reading, not yet ready to turn out the light for the night, but I was unable to concentrate. The noise from the girls had been getting steadily louder since I had left them alone. I got up and went downstairs to ask them to keep the noise down a bit. I opened the door, walked up to my CD player and turned the music down to an acceptable level, and then turned to see what the girls were up to.

They had opened out three of the sleeping bags and laid them in a single stack on the floor along with a couple of my spare blankets to form a thick mat. Then they had spread out a 'Twister' game sheet over this and April, Jenny and Tracy were giggling in a heap on the sheet. They all looked up at me when I turned down the music, they were panting like they had been running. Tracy climbed out of the heap and exclaimed "Oh goody, now Tammy can play as well." Tammy was sat to one side and looked like she had been spinning the dial and calling out the instructions, and when Tracy suggested I take over Tammy smiled bashfully at me and nodded. "Well, ok then," I said trying to sound reluctant, but in reality I was delighted to enjoy them some more.

April had already removed her cape and Jenny had removed her tutu, when Tammy stood to join them she quickly shimmied out of her leaf skirt and stood there like the rest in just her leotard. I sat with the spinner in my lap covering my renewed erection and looked at them for a moment, then spun it and called "Left foot blue!"

I spun, called, and watched fascinated as the four of them twisted and turned trying to get the right body part on the right colour, all the while giggling and laughing. April was first to fall, she tried to overreach to block Tammy and slipped. Next was Jenny, again trying to block Tammy and again overextending and slipping. I noticed a pattern, Tammy was always last to place and the others tried to block her every time. Eventually we called it a draw as with only two players it was too easy to find and reach the right spot.

As the girls rested and drank some more of Tracy's punch concoction (I have to say although it sounded awful it wasn't too bad), I asked, "How come you're all ganging up on Tammy?"

Tammy smiled and looked down shyly while Tracy explained, "Tammy's good at gymnastics. She goes to competitions an' everything, so she's very good at Twister."

Tammy looked up at me and nodded, still smiling. "Ah," I said smiling, "I see..."

The girls repositioned themselves again and I started spinning and calling for another match. It was incredibly arousing to watch them bend and stretch. During the match I would sometimes deliberately call out something to try and get one of the girls to stretch herself in a more erotic position. Once I managed to get Tammy to stretch her legs so she was almost doing the splits with her cute bubble butt pointed right at me. I then made sure of only hand calls for a few spins so I could continue to stare at her widely stretched, and wet pussy showing through her leotard.

That match broke up when Jenny yelped and fell over. She stood, rubbing the top of her thigh where it joins her butt, and protested indignantly at April, "You bit me!"

"What d'you expect," April sneered, "when you keep sticking your butt in my face!"

Both girls looked a little flushed so I broke up the argument and went to get some more refreshments while they cooled off.

As I poured out the remainder of the punch I noticed a blue residue in the bottom of the pitcher. Then it struck me, this was similar to the Viagra residue left in Tracy's glass when I first seduced her. Tracy must have found my supply and added some to the punch. By the looks of it she had not crushed the tablet but had just dropped it (or them?) into the bottle. I poured a little punch back into the bottle and shook it well, then shared it between the four glasses.

When I returned and handed out the drinks I laid out some rules, "No biting," I said looking at them each in turn, "but after all hands and feet are on a spot nudging will be allowed, but nothing violent, ok?" I got each one to agree then we started another game. The game started out fairly normal, I made sure each hand and foot were placed fairly rapidly, then started spinning and calling randomly. I watched them nudge each other, trying to distract or even push over the others. As I watched I could see the Viagra begin have its effect. First they began to flush, as if they were exercising hard, then they began to glow with perspiration. Then I began to notice the unmistakable scent of arousal in the air. It was intoxicating.

I saw a good opening so I spun the pointer but called what I wanted, "Left foot yellow!"

Tammy was arched on hands and feet facing down, with her butt in the air. Just as I had hoped, Tammy moved her left leg over Tracy's right leg, where she was in a crab position facing up. This move left Tammy's little pussy only fractions of an inch from Tracy's right knee. As they nudged each other, I saw Tracy lift and rub her knee over Tammy's engorged pussy. Tammy squeaked and lifted her butt, and then thrust back down and rubbed herself on Tracy and incidentally rubbed her knee on Tracy's also aroused pussy.

I called a number of hand-moves-only next, to allow Tracy and Tammy some continued fun, and then called some more foot moves. It was almost like a logic puzzle, given the colours and choice of extremities. What call would move the little girls into the erotic positions that I wanted to see. I spun the dial but called what I wanted, sometimes they would not choose to move where I wanted but it was getting better.

Eventually I had managed to position Tracy and Tammy so Tracy was facing Tammy's spread crotch. Tracy took almost immediate advantage of this and dived in. She licked up Tammy's thigh to her leotard-clad pussy. My position was not great but it looked like she then licked and sucked directly on Tammy's prominent clit. In moments Tammy squeaked and fell, bringing Tracy with her. April and Jenny continued for a while but eventually gave up.

All four girls were flushed, sweating and breathing hard as they stood there; and all four had noticeable damp spots at their crotches showing their unmistakable arousal. At this point I deemed it time for me to retire for the evening and left the girls again to ... "entertain" themselves, with an added gentle admonishment to keep the noise down.

After retiring to bed I fed my addiction to the printed word, and read for about a half hour. I was so immersed in the story that I failed to notice my door slowly creeping open. (I was re-reading one of my favourite books, "Starship Troopers" by Robert Heinlein, at the point where Rico was going through officer training.)

When I did finally notice the door I was startled to see gorgeous little Tammy standing near the door, completely naked and slowly stroking her pussy. I tried my best to ignore what she was doing, but it was difficult. "Tammy, you startled me," I said as calmly as I could, "shouldn't you be asleep with the others?"

In contradiction to the shy little girl I had seen all day, Tammy then boldly said, "No, Mr Ben. I want you to fuck me!" as she continued to slowly stroke her erect clit.

"Uhhh, ... I don't think so, Tammy" I softly said, short of breath. "Did the others dare you to come up and say that?"

"No," she replied as she took a step closer to my bed, "I'm horny and I want to do sex stuff with you!"

I shook my head no and said, "Tammy, sweetheart, there are two reasons why I don't think that is such a good idea." As I said them I ticked them off on my fingers, "One, I'm an adult and you are a little girl, and I could get into a lot of trouble if anyone found out I had even seen you naked, let alone if we did 'sex stuff'. Two, ...I love someone else and it would not be fair to her if I did sex stuff without her."

Tammy looked thoughtful then said, "Yes, I know you love Tracy. I saw the locket you gave her and I can read Cantonese." (I had bought Tracy the 'Xanth' series of books from 1 to 15 and a gold oval locket for her birthday present. I'd had the locket engraved with Chinese characters meaning "All of my love, forever")

"Ahh," was all I could say.

"So if you don't fuck me, Mr Ben," Tammy had now climbed onto the bed and was kneeling near my legs with her hands on her hips and a stern look on her face, "I'll tell the police that you're a pervert, and then you'll go to jail."

What could I say? I swallowed nervously and said, "I sincerely hope you won't do that Tammy, but I can't insult the trust of the girl I love by doing 'sex stuff' with you."

Tammy looked crestfallen and then ashamed. "I guess I can't either," she mumbled, "don't worry, Mr Ben. I won't say anything."

"I'm so glad to hear that!" Tracy said from the doorway.

Tammy and I turned startled looks toward the doorway where Tracy stood, naked with her arms crossed over her chest and looking angry. I patted the bed near me. As Tracy clambered up to sit next to me Tammy looked down to her lap and she was nervously picking at her nails.

"I'm sorry Tracy," Tammy mumbled to her hands, "I didn't mean what I said, I really won't tell anyone. I promise."

I held Tracy's hand and watched her face soften from anger to puzzled hurt as she looked at Tammy and calmly said, "I thought you were my friend."

Tammy looked up sharply, as if she had been slapped, I could see tears welling in her eyes as she protested "But I was... I mean, I am... I'm very sorry, Tracy" As she spoke tears began to flow. She didn't try to hide or wipe them away but just said, "I r-read what was on your l-locket and I r-realised what you were doing," "and I w-w-wanted to feel what it's like, too. So I came up here and..."

"And tried to steal my boyfriend," Tracy finished for her. "No! It's not like that," Tammy protested.

I didn't want Tracy to loose one of her friends to a stupid argument, so I decided to do my best to get them to make up peacefully. I moved so I was sat beside the two girls as they faced each other and gently began to stroke their backs forgetting my own nudity.

"Tracy," I said calmly looking at her, "why don't you tell Tammy how you feel about this."

"I feel angry," she said as she looked at me and then back to Tammy. "And..." I prompted for more.

"And I feel let down, and ...hurt, and... and..." she said searching for the right words.

"Why do you feel like that?" I asked her.

"'Cause Tammy came up here to do sex stuff with you!" she cried. "Tammy," I said, turning to her, "how do you feel right now?"

"Ashamed ... and jealous," she said quietly.

"And why do you feel that?" I asked.

"Because I shouldn't have come up here, but I wish you were MY boyfriend!" she exclaimed as she looked at me with those dark soulful eyes.

I looked back to Tracy and said, "Tracy, you know that I love you and would never do anything to hurt you, so what is it that really upsets you?"

Tracy thought about it then said, "I guess 'cause she said she would tell, ...and it's our secret ... nd ...'cause she came up here to do sex stuff without me!"

"So if she had told you," I smiled, "and had come up here with you, you would have been happy to share me with her?" Tracy smiled tearfully and nodded.

"She's my friend."

I turned back to Tammy and asked, "Do you really want me as your boyfriend? Do you love me, Tammy?"

Tammy thought about it for a while then answered, "No, I guess not," then she looked at Tracy and said, "I'm really sorry Tracy, I really messed up. I hope you'll always be my friend..."

Tracy said, "Don't be silly," Tammy slumped, her hopes dashed. Tracy grinned then continued, "you're my BEST friend!" then leant forward and the two naked little girls hugged as they both started to cry again.

Tammy leaned out of the embrace and whispered to Tracy, "Thank you," then quickly darted forward and planted a quick kiss on Tracy's lips. Tracy, not to be outdone, leant over and kissed Tammy, long and hard. As I watched them kiss and make up, my dick awoke from it's slumber and began to rise to the erotic sight of two naked 7 year old girls passionately kissing in front of me.

The scent of their mutual arousal filled my head. Tammy broke the kiss with a breathless "Wow." She then noticed my erection and said it again, "Wowww."

Tracy looked where Tammy was looking, saw my erect cock, grabbed it and began pumping it. "So, ... you wanna play?" she playfully said to Tammy.

We moved around to be more comfortable, I was sat leaning against the wall with Tammy and Tracy kneeling on either side of my lap. Tracy was slowly pumping my dick in her hands and explaining things to Tammy.

"This is Ben's 'cock', or 'dick'. I like 'cock' best," Tracy said while pumping my "cock". "Here you have a go."

Tracy took Tammy's hands and began pumping them up and down my shaft. Tammy looked at me and tentatively asked, "Is this ok, am I doing it right?"

"You're doing just fine," I said breathlessly as the feeling of her tiny hands jacking me off was exquisite torture, enough to keep me throbbing and erect but not yet enough to make me cum.

"And these are his 'teski... 'tesits..." Tracy faltered and looked to me for help, so I supplied the word she stumbled on.

"Balls" I offered with a grim.

"Yeah, his 'balls'" Tammy giggled and Tracy grinned back at her, then at me and Tracy continued the explanation while lightly playing with my ball sack, "These are where all the spermy stuff comes from. It's REALLY neat!"

While Tammy continued to pump my shaft Tracy leant over and licked the tip of my dick, then opened her mouth and engulfed the end of my cock circling it with her tongue. I gasped at the sensation of her tongue on my glans.

"He likes that a LOT," Tracy said to Tammy's shocked look, "and he really likes this." Then Tracy leant over again and engulfed my dick with her warm wet mouth. Somehow her mouth felt even better than the last time she did this. Her tongue was circling and rubbing the head of my dick as she sucked and pumped her mouth up and down my shaft with enthusiasm.

"Eew, that's gross," Tammy said with distaste.

Tracy pulled her mouth off my dick with a soft sucking pop and then said, "No, it's not. It's clean and tastes good, try it." Tammy grimaced in disgust so I gestured for her to get closer to me and when she did I whispered into her ear, "Tammy, if you do this for that special man in your heart ... he will do anything for you," then I winked at her.

Tammy sat back looking surprised, "Really!" she exclaimed.

"Yep," I nodded, "and if you try it on me I'll do the same to you." Tammy still looked unsure. She looked over to see Tracy pumping and sucking my cock with relish, and then scooted nearer to the action and tentatively almost whispered, "Ok then, ... let me have a go."

Tracy sucked extra hard as she pulled her mouth off my dick with a loud pop, the pleasure nearly caused me to cum. She looked Tammy in the eyes and said, "You're gonna love this. If he starts to squirt in your mouth just swallow it. You'll like his cum, I do"

Tammy looked at my dick, which was leaking copious amounts of precum. She touched some with her fingers and rubbed it between fingers and thumb, then licked her fingers. Obviously the taste was not offensive to her as she grinned then dipped her head and licked the rest from the tip of my cock.

That one swipe of her tongue after all this anticipation was sensational, my dick throbbed and oozed some more precum. Tammy leant down and licked again then slowly sucked my dick between her soft, warm lips into her mouth. Tracy whispered something to her and then Tammy nodded understanding and started using her tongue to massage my glans as she sucked and bobbed her head up and down my shaft.

The exquisite feeling of Tammy's little sucking, licking mouth on my dick ... and the fact it was her first time ever was enough stimulation to tip me over the edge. I croaked "I'm cumming," just as I started blasting the days-worth of pent up cum into Tammy's no-longer-virgin little mouth. Tammy started swallowing immediately, but there was way too much for her to swallow. She gagged and the jiz began oozing out around my shaft from both corners of her mouth. Tammy pulled her mouth off my dick and the next two blasts ejaculated across her startled face. Then Tracy quickly replaced Tammy's mouth with her own and began swallowing the last few squirts.

Tracy sucked the last remaining dribbles of cum out of my shaft and then lifted her head, looked at her little cum-decorated friend and giggled. Tammy's 7 year old face was glazed with my ejaculated fuck cream. She smiled at Tracy a little unsure of herself. Tracy leant over my lap and licked some of the cum from Tammy's chin, where it had dribbled from her mouth, and then quickly and tenderly cleaned the ejaculate trails of jiz from Tammy's face with her tongue and lips, from her cheeks to her forehead and across one almond-shaped eye. There was even cum in Tammy's lovely jet-black hair; the white-on-black contrast was especially arousing.

Then Tracy returned to Tammy's mouth and she kissed her, extending her cum-coated little tongue to Tammy's parted lips. Tammy returned the kiss with one of her own, extending her own cum-coated tongue to Tracy's open mouth. Tracy began to play with Tammy's hard nipples, as Tammy once again grasped my softening cock and began to pump it with her little hands. The two of them and their dueling tongues shared deep, passionate and damned sexy kisses for a long while; long enough for me to regain some of my strength and want to join them. They broke the kiss panting heavily and both looked flushed, then smiled broadly at each other and then at me. I said to Tammy "Now it's my turn to eat your sweet little pussy, little girl."

Tammy giggled as I lay her on her back and started at the top. I kissed just behind her ear, nibbled and sucked on her earlobe before working my way down her neck. After huffing at her neck playfully I kissed my way down her chest. I licked her left nipple then gently blew on it causing Tammy to gasp and her nipple to instantly harden. I did the same to her right nipple and got a long moan from her. I moved back to her left nipple and sucked on it firmly, then very lightly biting it, then repeated the regime on her right nipple ... accompanied by more moans of pleasure.

I continued kissing and licking my way down her beautiful body, briefly wriggling the tip of my tongue into her belly button. When I reached the junction of her thighs I stopped, I lifted her knees and spread them to open her legs wide. Her pussy lips were plump and flushed with arousal. I could also see a sheen of moisture oozing from between them. Prominently poking between her lips at the top was her erect clit, it looked like the eraser from a pencil.

I bent down and breathed in the heady aroma of Tammy's arousal. I began kissing and licking around her pussy, never quite on it, I kept up this torture while Tracy began playing again with Tammy's nipples. When I heard Tammy whimper "Please..." I attacked her pussy with my lips and tongue.

I swiped up her slit with my tongue, avoiding her clit, and sucked on her pussy lips making them even plumper. I used my thumbs to gently part her pussy and pushed my stiffened tongue as deep into her little fuck hole as I was able. I was rewarded with a flow of nectar, so I repeated again and again, doing my best to fuck her with my tongue.

After a while I could feel Tammy getting close, I could hear her moans interspersed with little squeaks and I could feel her cunt faintly fluttering on my tongue. I pulled my mouth away from her pussy and gently inserted my forefinger. I was able to bury it fully without any resistance, her hymen already gone. So I began to pump it in and out, finger fucking the wet pussy of this gorgeous and desirable little seven year old.

I had drawn out this pleasant torture long enough, I leant over and sucked on her prominent erect clit, drawing it into my mouth. I felt Tammy's cunt muscles clamp onto my finger as I heard her squeak once then go silent as she came. I stopped sucking on her clit and waited for her body to calm just a little, before I began to finger fuck and to strum her clit again with my tongue. Tammy exploded, she arched her back, nearly throwing me off the bed, and she keened out her orgasm. I continued to strum her clit and fitfully fuck my finger in and out of her when her clamping cunt muscles would let me. Eventually she relaxed and fell back to the bed, and I stopped stimulating her and began soothing her instead.

Tracy and I both stroked and soothed Tammy as she came around. As her eyes fluttered open she breathed, "Oh wow,... That was the best ever!"

Tracy responded "And, it gets even better" as she scrambled from beside Tammy down to between her still spread legs and, grinning mischievously, she bent down to lap at Tammy's still oozing pussy. Tammy squeaked again then moaned. Tracy looked up from her lapping, grinned, her mouth smeared with Tammy's pussy juice and said, "Mmm, you taste good!" then dived back in to feast again on Tammy's leaking cunt.

I carefully climbed off the bed and walked round behind Tracy. She was knelt between Tammy's thighs with her mouth clamped on Tammy's pussy, knees apart and her cute bubble butt stuck up in the air. I could clearly see her inviting, dripping pussy between her slightly parted thighs and immediately took advantage of her position. I climbed onto the bed behind Tracy's raised butt, aligned my hard fuck stick with her cunt, grasped her hips and pushed.

As the head of my dick slowly forced its way between Tracy's pussy lips and slowly but firmly pushed into her tight, wet embrace she groaned her pleasure into Tammy's pussy causing her to squeak. I began slowly pumping in and out, fucking Tracy's tight, wet cunt. As I pushed in it would force her mouth hard against Tammy's pussy. As Tracy groaned from my fucking, the vibrations were stimulating Tammy's still sensitive clit.

I fucked Tracy hard and I reached under her and diddled with her clit. She must have been close because that extra stimulation was enough, and I felt her cunt clamp down on my dick then begin a series of rhythmic pulses as she came hard. As Tracy came she stopped sucking on Tammy, who groaned her disappointment and started to play with her own clit, obviously trying to help herself to another cum.

As Tracy came down from her orgasm I pulled my little-girl-sauce covered cock out of her sopping cunt, turned her onto her back and sucked her pussy, trying to get all of her juice that I could. Tracy weakly called out, "Enough... stop... please stop."

I stopped sucking on her and kissed my way up to her grinning face, then showered kisses all over her face and neck, whispering "I love you my adorable, sexy little fuck toy" between kisses.

Tracy pushed me away and said, questioningly , "But, ... I didn't feel you squirt in me?"

I shook my head and agreed, "No I didn't."

"GOOD" she said loudly, and with wide eyes and a wider smile she pushed me onto my back, then, as she was holding me down, she said to Tammy, "Come on, Tammy, ... fuck him, I know you want to. See, I got him all ready for you!"

Tammy stopped rubbing her clit and looked at me uncertainly, then looked at my still erect dick glistening with Tracy's freshly fucked cunt juices. I smiled and said, "If you really want to then I'm more than willing. And I have a huge load of hot cum for you. Do you want it? It's up to you, sexy little girl"

Tammy looked at Tracy who smiled in return. Then she grinned at me shyly, nodded and crawled into my lap until she was straddling my thighs with my hard dick rubbing against her clit and pointed toward her belly button.

I put my hands on Tammy's hips as Tracy gave her instructions, "Jus' scoot a little forward then lift up."

As Tammy lifted herself up, with my hands steadying her, Tracy reached in to position my dick directly under her little school friend's virgin cunt, then said, "Now, slowly, ... sit down on Ben's cock."

I continued to help support Tammy as she nervously lowered herself down onto my waiting dick.

Her plump pussy lips bulged outward on the head of my dick, almost as if trying to prevent my hard member from invading her tiny pussy. Then, suddenly, her lips parted and slid around my shaft, Tammy dropped a little before I caught her and her tiny cunt stretched tightly round the head of my cock. God she was tight, and hot, ...but by no means wet enough yet for penetration.

As Tammy started lifting up a little I asked Tracy, "Can you rub Tammy's clit again, she needs to be wetter, and loosened up." Tracy began playing with Tammy's prominent clit, alternating between gently rubbing it and vigorously strumming it. Tammy lowered and raised herself, slowly fucking herself onto my shaft. As the extra stimulation from her clit was felt I saw Tammy relax and felt her pussy get much wetter.

She began to slide up and down easier and faster, grunting as she did so, forcing more and more of my hard paedo fuck stick into her little 7 year old cunt until each stroke was almost my full length. When her round ass cheeks started slapping my thighs she stopped, sat there, and said, "I did it... we're fucking!" I simply nodded as I flexed my hips trying to keep up a fucking motion. Tammy glanced back and forth between Tracy and me, grinning mischievously and giggling, and then said, "I want to do it like Tracy did."

Tammy stood up, sliding off my dick with a faint slurp, then giggled again. Tracy lay down on the bed with her legs spread then Tammy knelt between them with her butt stuck up in the air and her mouth stuck to Tracy's pussy. I quickly grabbed my digital camera and snapped a few stills then attached the tripod, pointed the camera at the bed and set the shutter mode to 'auto time-lapse', one frame and flash every 15 seconds.

As I knelt behind Tammy I said "Now BOTH of my little fuck toys get to be my sexy models." I grasped Tammy's hips, and slowly inserted my aching dick back into her wet and willing little pussy as the camera flashed and clicked. I started fucking into her slowly at first, but soon built up speed until I was vigorously pounding Tammy's wet cunt; each fucking thrust forcing Tammy's mouth and tongue harder against Tracy's pussy. Each groan Tammy made vibrated through Tracy's clit making her moan and groan her appreciation. Each 15 seconds the camera flashed and clicked.

I held off for as long as I could, but as I thought of how I was fucking this gorgeous little ex-virgin 7 year old as she was in turn licking and sucking the pussy of her little 7 year old friend ... and how much they both were obviously loving it all, I lost it. I came the hardest I ever have in my life. I felt my hot jiz boil up my cock shaft and ejaculate hard into Tammy's cunt. I must have squirted eight or nine times, and by the end it was getting almost painful. As I came I felt Tammy's cunt clamp down on my dick in orgasm and heard her squeal into Tracy's cunt, which then caused Tracy to cum as well. After our chain reaction climax I collapsed exhausted to one side, my dick still embedded in Tammy's tightly clasping, slightly fluttering cunt and immediately fell into a satiated sleep, nestled spoon-like against Tammy's back and arse.

I don't know how much time passed before I reawakened. My cock had eventually slipped from now resting Tammy's well fucked little pussy, and a stream of my cum mixed with Tammy's cunt juice was still leaking from her pussy to a small pool on the bed.

As I rose to head for the loo to relieve myself Tracy and Tammy both stirred then spoke nearly in unison, "Where are you going?"

"I have to go to the loo," I replied.

Then Tracy said "Well hurry back, ok?" her mischievous smile suggesting her intention upon my return.

Tammy followed with "Yes, please hurry back, Mr Ben." Tracy and Tammy giggled to each other, then rolled into an embrace and started kissing and fondling each others naked little bodies.

I saw that he night was still filled with possibilities, given the youthful energy of these two enthusiastic little minxes (and the residual effect of the Viagra, of course). And it was my intent to continue to take full advantage. I turned on the shower, relieved myself while the water warmed, then stepped into the shower stream. I progressively turned the water cooler until it was brisk and revitalizing. I was going to give these two little 7 year old fuck toys a night they would remember the rest of their lives, as I knew that I would.

I dried myself, and wrapped the towel around my waist as I returned to the bedroom wondering if the two little girls would still be making love, or would be sound asleep. Instead what greeted me was a complete surprise, a paedophile's wet dream and one which brought my 32 year old paedo fuck stick back to instant erection.

Tracy and Tammy were crouched on the bed naked, side-by-side with their delicious little butts and pussies pointed toward the bedroom door where I stood, mouth agape in awe. Both little girls had their heads and shoulders resting on the mattress, knees wide apart, their butts high in the air and big smiles on their cute faces as each fingered her own clit.

"We missed you," said Tracey, "We thought you were NEVER going to come back."

Then Tammy giggled "Mr Ben, our pussies got lonely." (My dick by now was throbbing.)

Then Tracy added "You really shouldn't go away when two little girls still need more licking and fucking, right Tammy?"

"Right. LOTS more!" replied Tammy, and they both giggled like the little girls they were; my two naughty little 7 year old fuck toys.

I quickly crossed the room, dropping the towel to the floor, and without any preliminaries stepped behind Tracy's upthrust butt and fisted my raging dick to her wet little cunt. As had become her custom Tracy seized the initiative and thrust back at me impaling her pussy fully on my cock in just one push. "Ohhhh, that's what I missed" said Tracy as she began a rhythm of fucking strokes.

After 30 or so deep strokes I remembered Tammy, who was watching us with animal lust with half-closed eyes, furiously diddling her clit. I slowly withdrew my pussy-juice slathered dick from Tracy's pulsing, clinging cunt and said "Baby, were being rude to your birthday guest."

Tracy groaned in protest, and then giggled.

Tammy giggled too as she raised her butt higher as I stepped behind her. As I pumped my hard cock with one hand I slowly inserted the index finger of my other hand into Tammy's pussy to determine if she was already wet enough to take my cock. She was sopping wet. I withdrew my finger then inserted two fingers, and finger fucked her pussy a few strokes. As I withdrew my fingers my cock was at the entrance of her cunt ready to take their place.

Tammy moaned and croaked out "Please, I want your cock. Fuck me with your cock, Mr Ben."

I pushed into her with one continuous thrust until bottoming out at her cervix. We moved together, Tammy proving herself to be a natural, a little girl born for fucking and as proficient as if she had been taking hard adult cocks all of her short life (even though barely an hour earlier she was still a virgin).

For the next half hour I alternated back and forth, back and forth, fucking Tracy's, then Tammy's, then Tracy's, then Tammy's hungry and sucking little 7 year old pussies; pulling out to switch cunts each time I got close to cumming. Tracy came first, clamping so hard on my dick that she almost sent me over the edge. When I returned to Tammy's cunt I first inserted my index finger to wet it in her abundant pussy juice, then as I reinserted my hard cock in her cunt I slowly slid my whetted finger fully into her puckered little arse. Tammy moaned with pleasure as I fucked in and out of her sucking pussy with my cock, while at the same time finger fucking in and out of her tight arsehole. The combination pushed Tammy over the precipice and she exploded in orgasm, nearly screaming with pleasure.

Given the unexpected volume of Tammy's vocalization of her orgasm, I thought momentarily of little April and Jenny; still asleep downstairs (I hoped). I realized that I had been so enthralled by the vision which greeted me after my shower that I had forgotten to close and lock the bedroom door behind me. But I was much too involved in the immediate task of properly fucking these two little Lolita's to dwell for long in other thoughts.

As Tammy's orgasm subsided I slipped my raging cock from her pulsing pussy and reinserted it into Tracy's waiting hole. I was amused to see that Tracy's cunt was still gaping open, not having fully closed from her last turn on my dick. I slipped into her again easily, and repeated with Tracy the anal fingering I had just given to her little friend. Tracy came again hard almost instantly as my finger slid into her arsehole. As she climaxed on my dick I withdrew the finger in her arse and then inserted two fingers. They slipped into her arse with little resistance and Tracy's orgasm amplified with the penetration. I could feel her pussy contracting in a milking motion around my cock. Tracy began a low, guttural wail which increased in volume and pitch as her orgasm peaked. I quickly pulled my two fingers from her stretched little arse and carefully but swiftly replaced them with three fingers, feeling her arse clamp down hard on my penetrating fingers as the cunt contractions of her orgasm started to wane.

As I withdrew my fingers from Tracy's arsehole I was inspired for the next phase of our sex marathon. I slowly slipped my cock out of her still spasming cunt and watched in amazement as her pussy juices flowed over my dick and down her thighs. <"Certainly it's lubricated enough"> I thought as I repositioned the tip of my fuck stick at the still gaping entrance to Tracy's arse.

I began to push inside her and the head of my dick immediately popped through her open sphincter. I pushed steadily forward, and felt Tracy pushing her butt back at me in response, but we made little progress. After two or three minutes of back and forth motions and mutual pushing, just under half of my pole had penetrated her extremely tight little butt.

Despite the failure to fully penetrate her, Tracy was clearly enjoying the attempt. In a low guttural whisper she said "Oh, wow, that feels so good. My arse likes fucking too!"

I asked her if she wanted to stop.

She replied "NO,, ...well, ...I don't know. I think maybe it's too big. Try pushing harder, Ben."

I said "Wait, I have an idea. I'll be back." I decided to fetch the tube of KY Jelly I knew was in the bathroom, and then really ramp-up the bedroom activities with these two.

I withdrew my dick from Tracy's pulsing overstretched arse, and once again my thoughts drifted briefly to the other two little school girls hopefully sleeping soundly downstairs. Given the volume of Tammy's and Tracy's climaxes I needed to close the bedroom door and reduce the risk of our obscene and wanton paedo tryst being overheard (and possibly observed).

In the distance I thought I heard girlish giggling, but as I quickly looked toward the door, fortunately there was no one there. I got up from the bed, leaving Tracy and Tammy reclining side-by-side naked and satisfied, snatched-up the towel from the floor, wrapped it again around my waist and headed toward the bathroom to fetch the tube of KY jelly, closing the bedroom door this time behind me.

As I reached the bathroom I thought again that I heard young giggling in the distance, but saw nothing and thought that April and Jenny had probably awakened and were enjoying a shared giggle, as little girls will do. This brief break from my lustful bedroom activities with Tammy and Tracy, ... and closing the bedroom door against accidental discovery, was seemingly well timed.

I poured a glass of water and popped two caffeine tablets and a Viagra tablet. I wasn't going to waste one minute of this night. I relieved myself and again took a long revitalizing cool shower. I dried off and wrapped the towel again around my waist. Then retrieved the tube of KY jelly from the moving box in the corner of the bathroom. As I again approached the bedroom I saw that the bedroom door was no longer fully closed. A brief moment of panic flashed through my mind. I took a couple of deep breaths and reached for the door, pushing it open slowly uncertain of what I would find.

What awaited me was not any of the onerous scenarios which had flashed through my mind. What greeted me instead was a paedophile's heart attack! Four naked little 7 year old Lolita's. April, Tammy, Jenny and Tracy crouched side-by-side on the edge of the bed, knees apart, giggling, looking back at me over their shoulders and waggling their little butts and pussies toward my lecherous gaze. I stood motionless, my legs like lead in complete awe of the vision before me. My heart pounded out of my chest and my cock stiffened.

April spoke first saying "Um, Jenny and I were, ... um ... playing downstairs, Mr Ben. But I had to go to the loo. I saw you and Tracy and Tammy doing sex things, and it looked like you were having lots of fun. So, I went down to get Jenny, too. I hope you aren't mad at us?"

Then Jenny said "Ohh,...looks like your thing is pretty big and hard, Mr. Ben. If you're not mad at us we can probably help you with that!?" and at that all four of the little minxes giggled again.

Then Tammy said "Mr. Ben, we told April and Jenny they could have one of our turns. You're not mad at us are you?"

And finally Tracy grinned and said "Oh, he's not mad. He's horny!" more giggles. "So, ... are you just gonna stand there looking at our butts, ...or are you gonna come fuck us?"

The little girls all giggled, and wiggled, and my dick was so hard it was throbbing. In my mind I did a quick inventory:

4 naughty, naked, Viagra-aroused and willing little 7 year old fuck toys on my bed;

4 delicious little sucking mouths;

2 already familiar, and 2-more completely fresh little wet pussies;

4 tiny puckered and waiting arseholes;

12, in all, wet and waiting little fuck holes for my pleasure;

1 nearly full tube of KY jelly in one hand and my fully-engorged Viagra-charged paedo fuck stick in my other hand; and ....

4 more hours until daylight. I did the math, smiled, dropped the towel on the floor and strode toward the paedophile bounty awaiting me. I wondered briefly if I would live through the night ....


Would you like this story to be continued in part 4? Let me know with your reviews.

R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s


This is too good. Please please post more. Your little fuck toys need hours of hard fucking!

goog boy

great stories keep them coming


yes please make a part 4.....i think a trip back to thank the old lady is needed... maybe even another adult male finds out about the happenings and works his way in to the fray


Loved your story man! Sounds like heaven to me! Send me an email if you fancy a chat!


I enjoyed the first one more. Though this one was very good also.


This by far one of the best stories I've read. I don't think my dick will get soft any time soon.


A small point perhaps: you speak Cantonese (though if you do you won't call it that), but you read Chinese. That country has many spoken languages, but only one written one.


I have to say, just the right element of fear, a bit of blackmail, several horny girls. all in all, a perfect erotica. keep up the good work my friend. i agree with outlaw's last statement. no soft dick zones in this story.


story was hot,My dick would not go down..looking forword to more stories


Fantastic. My cock has been continuously hard. I've come twice already.

The reviewing period for this story has ended.