Published: 8-Dec-2011
Word Count:
Author's Profile
Me (Ben): author, age 34, brown hair, hazel eyes.
Tracy: my sexy neighbour, age 8 and 9, light blond hair, green eyes, pixie face.
Janet: Tracy's mother, an older version of Tracy.
I awoke feeling euphoric; all was right with the world and I was really happy for the first time in six weeks. It took me a brief moment to realise just why I felt so good. Today was the day Janet and I would be collecting Tracy from summer camp, I would be reunited with my love, my life. I had been counting down the days for the last week and we were finally there, collection day.
I tried to go back to sleep, but felt much too jubilantly happy and awake for that to work. I got up, showered and had breakfast before realising it was only 8am; I still had three hours to kill. According to the schedule, we had to arrive at the camp at 2pm, I guess to allow the campers to clean their cabins and pack their gear, which meant we would be leaving at 11am.
I tried to do some work, to keep my mind occupied, but couldn't settle into it. When I'd re-read the same line of code for the fifth time without following it, I gave it up as a bad job and retired to my lounge to watch TV. After what felt like an interminable eternity of waiting, Janet arrived at my door and we set off. Contrary to the mornings long wait, the drive quickly flew by and we arrived at the campsite on time, just after 2pm.
It was a pleasantly forested area near a large lake with a number of log cabins scattered around a main central hall building. I parked the car and then Janet and I wandered into the camp's central clearing. As we neared the central area, where a lot of the children and their parents were congregating, I heard a voice ring out clearly over the general noise, a voice that made me grin inanely with happiness.
"Ben! Mum!" Tracy yelled at the top of her lungs from across the area. She was wearing a loose white T-shirt with the camp logo on it and a pair of loose white nylon shorts. She ran pell-mell across the area, nimbly avoiding all the other family groups to jump exuberantly into my open arms. I luxuriated in the feeling of holding her, my arms wrapped tightly around her torso while her arms hugged my neck and her legs circled my waist. My heart was soaring with joy; my love was in my arms again.
After an unknown amount of time I heard a polite cough beside me. Tracy dropped from my embrace looking mildly embarrassed, and then wrapped her arms around Janet for a tight hug too.
As she hugged her mother I looked at Tracy and marvelled in the changes six weeks had wrought in her. She looked taller, she was about 4' tall, as if she had grown inches in the last few weeks; although it was probably just her absence highlighting the changes I hadn't noticed over the last two years. She looked more slender than she had been, probably due to participating in a lot of energetic activities, and her hair was longer. It now reached down to her shoulder blades but was tied back in a ponytail. It was also a shade or two lighter blonde than it had been, and her skin a shade or two darker. She looked like a little sun kissed beach babe.
She stepped back from Janet and grinned at us both, her green eyes sparkling. "It's good to see you," she said sincerely, still grinning. "Both of you," she added earnestly. She then took one of each of our hands in hers and dragged us both across the area to where a gaggle of girls waited beside a large pile of luggage.
I recognised three of the girls there, Tammy, April and Jenny but not the other four. "Mum, Ben," Tracy smiled, as she indicated the four other girls, "I want you to meet Joanne, Lucy, Diane and Samantha." All the girls were wearing the same style of white T-shirt and white nylon shorts as Tracy, but all four of them looked very different.
Joanne looked to be about the same height as Tracy, but had light brown hair cut to collar length and pale grey eyes in a lightly tanned heart shaped face. Her build was very similar to Tracy's, everything in the right proportions, and when she smiled at me I saw the glint of braces on her teeth.
Lucy was the smallest of them all, even smaller than Tammy. She had jet-black hair cut at shoulder length, framing her distinctly oriental face. Her eyes were dark, almost black, and almond shaped above a small nose and cupid's bow lips. What I could see of her slight frame looked trim and fit under the large seeming T-shirt.
Diane was half way between Tracy and April in height. She had dark brown hair in a mass of tight curls surrounding her rounded smiling face. Her eyes were dark brown above her small nose and full lips and her complexion was the colour of dark chocolate. It looked like she had recently had a growth spurt; her skinny frame looked too tall, and even standing still she looked gawky and awkward.
Samantha was about the same height as Tammy, slightly smaller than Tracy, and had gingery red hair cut in a short bob. Her pale skinned face was liberally covered with freckles, and perched on her slender nose was a pair of square, thick-rimmed spectacles. She also looked skinny, but I attributed that to her never standing still; while Tracy introduced us Samantha hopped about and was constantly making sharp little movements, she reminded me of a little bird.
I quickly picked out Tracy's luggage, but Tracy didn't seem to be in any hurry to leave. After waiting five minutes I prompted her, "Come on Tracy, we've got a long drive ahead of us."
"But I can't yet," she protested, "Dawn's got to sign us out before we leave."
"Dawn?" I queried lightly.
"Our cabin mother," Tracy smiled, as the others nodded their confirmation, "she went back to the cabin 'cause she forgot somethin'." The other girls giggled at that as Tracy continued, "And she told us to wait here until she signed us out."
"Ok," I smiled, "I'll just put your bags in the car while we wait then." I picked up Tracy's bags and wandered back to my car. When I returned I saw that another adult had joined our little congregation. She didn't look very old, about eighteen or nineteen, and had long blonde hair in a ponytail down to the middle of her back. She was well tanned and looked trim and athletic, and was wearing the ubiquitous outfit of a loose white T-shirt with the camp logo on it and a pair of loose white shorts.
Dawn checked Janet and my ID's, and when she was satisfied we were who we said we were, she singed Tracy out of the camp. It was good to see they were taking good care of them, even if it was a little frustrating.
After Tracy had traipsed around all eight of them, giving them hugs and instructions to write, we wandered back to the car and then out to the freeway. We drove in silence for a short while before Janet asked, "Well, how was it?"
What a difference a small prompt can make; it was as if a dam had burst within Tracy, her adventures in the camp came flooding out in a torrent of excited words.
"It was great mum! Absolutely brilliant!" she enthused, and then added with a little embarrassed chagrin, "but I was a little scared at first..."
+ + + + +
Tracy was very excited to be at her first summer camp. Once Ben and her mother had dropped her off with Tammy, April and Jenny, a camp counsellor signed her in and placed the four of them together in cabin 2.
"Come on!" April said enthusiastically to the others, "Let's go and get settled in." And then quickly added, "I call a bottom bunk." All four of them picked up their bags and ran off to their cabin. Tracy was amazed; all of the buildings they passed looked to be huge log cabins nestled under and between the trees of the forest, all linked together by well used footpaths.
Cabin 2 was a large single storey log building that stood on a multitude of wooden posts about a foot above the ground. A broad set of steps led up to a roofed veranda and the front door, which was standing open. Tracy scrambled after the other three in through the door to find herself in the bedroom dormitory. At the back of the room there were four pairs of bunk beds, two against the left wall and two against the right.
April had already claimed the bottom bunk in the far right corner, with Jenny on the top bunk, Tammy had claimed the bottom bunk in the far left corner, and Tracy quickly jumped onto the near left bottom bunk next to Tammy and looked around, grinning excitedly.
Four more girls entered the cabin and looked around nervously; they were closely followed by a camp counsellor. She looked to be eighteen or nineteen years old, had long blonde hair in a ponytail down to the middle of her back and looked fit. She was wearing a loose white T-shirt with the camp logo on it and a pair of loose navy blue shorts. Tracy recognised her immediately; she was the one who had signed her in.
"Ok group," the counsellor called out, "I'm Dawn, and I'm going to be your Cabin Mother for the next six weeks." She then said to the four newcomers, "Why don't you find yourselves bunks and get settled in while I go over a few things."
"As I'm your C.M." she continued to them all, "I'll be sleeping in that room there." She then indicated a door in the left wall near the front door. "The other door," she pointed to the second door in that wall, nearer to Tracy's bunk, "is the bathroom." She then quickly told them the normal times for breakfast, lunch and dinner and a brief list of the activities they would be trying during their time at the camp, she finished with, "and finally... the rules."
Everyone let out theatrical groans at the mention of rules, which just made Dawn smile. "You're supposed to keep this cabin tidy," she said, still smiling, "cleaning up every day... but that sounds like too much work to me, so I'd say once a week is fine." They cheered at that news making Dawn smile even more. "So I guess rule one is... Have fun!" Dawn grinned as all of them cheered even louder.
"Now," Dawn said smiling still, "I think it would be nice if we all introduced ourselves to the group," and then added, "after all we will be living together for the next six weeks."
"Hi," Tracy smiled, waving her hand at them all, "I'm Tracy."
Tammy then smiled and announced, "Hi, I'm Tammy."
Then April, "Hi, my name is April."
"Hello," Jenny smiled, "I'm Jenny."
The small ginger haired girl who was wearing thick-rimmed glasses put her hand up and said, "Hi, I'm Samantha, but you can call me Sam because everybody does, I mean it is easier than Samantha isn't it?" and then she sat down again looking embarrassed. Tracy thought she looked and acted a little hyper, she was always moving and she spoke very fast.
The tiny oriental girl, even smaller than Tammy, stood up and bowed politely and smiled, "Hi, I'm Lucy." Tracy was surprised; she had expected her to sound Chinese or Japanese.
Next was the girl with dark chocolate coloured skin. She stood looking gawky and said nervously, "Hello, ahm Diane, an' ahm right pleased to be heyah." Tracy smiled at Diane's slow southern drawl; she had never heard an accent like it before and thought it sounded great.
Finally the last girl stood and smiled and simply said, "Hi, I'm Joanne, but you can call me Jo if you want."
Later that first evening, after they had all chatted for a while and gotten to know each other a little better, Dawn called out, "Ok you lot, time to get ready for bed."
They all wandered into the bathroom to change into their sleepwear. Most of them returned wearing their pyjamas or nightgowns, but not Tracy; she walked nonchalantly from the bathroom wearing only her slippers and a slight smile. There were gasps of surprise and giggles from some of the girls as she calmly slipped off her slippers, and then slid between the sheets of her bed. Tracy knew she should wear the pyjamas her mum had packed for her, but felt like showing off a little and having some sexy fun.
"D - Do you always sleep n - naked?" Sam asked in wonder.
"Yeah," Tracy replied grinning at all of their surprised looks. "It's too hot in pyjamas most of the time, and 'sides... I like it." Although no one else mentioned it, Tracy knew that the other girls would be thinking about sleeping naked, and that thought made her feel excited and a little horny.
Some time later, Tracy was lying in her bed trying to sleep, but failing miserably. She was excited about being at summer camp, but she also felt a little scared. The cabin was full of strange and unexpected sounds; the soft breathing and light snores of the other girls, the faint scrabbling sounds from somewhere outside, the light tapping and scraping of a tree branch over the shingles of the roof, the faint sighing moan of the wind in the trees. It was the first time Tracy had been so far away from home, and she was missing her mother and Ben, even after only a few hours, she was really missing being cuddled by him in their shared bed.
Frustrated by her inability to sleep and wanting to be cuddled, Tracy slid silently out from her bed and padded the short distance to Tammy's bunk. "Tammy," she hissed at her, "are you awake?" Tammy murmured in her sleep and stirred slightly but that was all. Tracy shook Tammy's shoulder and hissed at her again, this time close to her ear. "Tammy, are you awake?"
"I am now," she mumbled sleepily, "Wha' d'ya want?"
"I can't sleep," Tracy explained quietly and plaintively asked, "can I get in with you?"
Tammy looked at her drowsily for a moment, and then nodded, "Sure," as she slid over to let Tracy squeeze in with her.
There was not a lot of room in the bunk bed, but after some wriggling around the two of them found that they were most comfortable when they were spooned together on their sides. With Tammy's arm draped casually over her side, Tracy soon felt comfortable enough to sleep.
As she was drifting off, Tracy felt a feathery light touch trace over the slight swell of her tummy above her mons. As Tammy's trailing fingertips moved in lazy circles delicious feelings spread to Tracy's sensitive little slit, making her grin in anticipation. Fully awake again, Tracy lightly clasped Tammy's wrist and guided her hand down to cover her tingling pussy, while lifting her knee to give Tammy better access. Tracy heard Tammy giggle lightly in her ear, and then felt her fingertips begin to move again softly stroking at her labia.
Tammy's fingers felt wonderful to Tracy; the soft stroking on her pussy lips driving everything from her mind except the pleasure she was feeling. Tracy let a soft moan of joy escape as she eased her own hand back between them and under the elastic of Tammy's pyjama bottoms to gently stroke at her pussy, copying Tammy's movements exactly.
They both stroked at each other's pussy lips gently at first, spreading exciting tingles over and through their plump bald mounds. Slowly, they increased the pace of their stroking, pushing between the rounded lips of their pussies and into their moist slits. They stroked along their slits from hole to clit, dragging their juices to cover their clits and circling them.
As they worked each other higher they unconsciously synchronised their actions until it was almost like they were masturbating themselves, but not. Rubbing their clits, sliding down to their vaginal entrance to plunge a finger in and out a few times before returning to their aroused little nubbins.
Panting hard, but trying to remain silent, Tracy diddled Tammy's bald little pussy as she felt her own being fingered. The pleasure she felt kept building up and up, until she felt Tammy stiffen behind her and gasp. As Tammy shuddered with her orgasm, Tracy felt her own cum explode from her loins, sending bolts of pleasure throughout her body like fiery lightning arcing along her trembling limbs.
As she slowly came down from her orgasmic height feeling happy and relaxed, Tracy murmured, "Thanks Tammy, I needed that." She got no response but soon drifted off to sleep with Tammy's hand still trapped firmly between her thighs.
+ + + + +
"You didn't?" Janet exclaimed in surprise from the front passenger seat, as she turned around to stare at her daughter where she sat on the back seat.
"I did!" Tracy replied proudly. I didn't need to turn and look at her to know she was grinning impudently at her boldness. "So what else did you do?" I asked calmly, as I tapped Janet's leg and gestured for her to sit properly.
"Oh all sorts of stuff!" Tracy replied excitedly. "We played volleyball, we sailed over the lake in little boats called skiffs, we took hikes an' nature trails, we swam in the lake," she paused a moment, struggling for words to describe what else she had done, and then added exasperatedly, "all kinds of things!"
"Well," I chuckled lightly, "why not tell us about the best time you went sailing, or swimming or hiking." "Well..." she paused for a moment, deep in thought and then murmured, "the best hike was when we went around the lake..."
+ + + + +
"You all ready for an adventure?" Dawn cheerfully asked as she stood at the entrance door in her hiking boots, a thick long-sleeve-shirt and jeans with a rucksack on the floor beside her. The eight girls were excitedly dressing for their trip through the wilderness.
As the last girl tied the laces of her boots, Dawn shouldered her pack and called, "Ok girls, follow me!" and briskly strode from the cabin. As Tracy shouldered her own pack, she noticed a small silver metal tube, about the size of a pack of gum, lying on the table. She quickly picked it up and shoved it into her pocket knowing that Dawn would need the matches it contained when they camped later.
The eight of them followed Dawn through the main camp area to the forest where the trails began and halted beside her. "Ok," she said loud enough to get their attention, "you all have your whistles, don't you." Once they had all shown her that they did, she continued seriously, "If you get split from the group you must give three short blasts on your whistle. If anyone hears it, they will give you one long blast in response." "Don't forget," she reminded them, "keep giving the three whistles so any rescuers can home in on you." Then she smiled brightly, "But hopefully you won't need to do that."
After giving her warnings, Dawn started along the well-used trails. Half an hour of walking later, Dawn stepped off of the used trails and into the deeper forest with Tracy and the other girls following close behind. Only a few minutes later they stepped into a small grassy clearing that glowed brightly with the summer sun after the shaded gloom of the forest floor. Tracy was surprised to see an old man stood in the middle of the clearing, he had sun darkened skin like old leather and long white hair tied back into a ponytail with a leather thong. He was wearing a plaid shirt and faded blue jeans.
"Hello Sun-peeping-over-mountain-tops," the Native American said in a soft baritone and smiled, showing brilliant white teeth, "how are you and your latest tribe of little squaws?"
Dawn chuckled as she walked up to his six-foot frame and gave him a quick hug. "Better for seeing you Stan." She then pulled away from him and turned to the girls. "This is Standing Stag," she smiled, "but you can call him Stan, and he's going to be our guide," and then she tried to affect a spooky voice, "through this uncharted wilderness to the other side of the lake." Standing Stag stood patiently as Dawn quickly introduced all eight girls, and then announced jovially, "Come on, let's not waste any more daylight," and strode off into the forest.
Tracy was amazed by how much Stan knew about the forest, and what he was willing to share with them. He had something to say about almost every tree and bush they passed. He showed them how to spot the spoor left by passing animals, and how to identify them. Tracy was so fascinated that the morning swiftly flew by, and she was surprised and a little disappointed when they arrived at their destination by mid-afternoon. A small campsite at the other end of the lake, it was a smooth grassy area that sloped gently down to the lapping lake's edge with an open fire pit surrounded by large logs worn smooth by a multitude of bums over the years.
"Ok," Dawn announced to them all, "we are going to camp here for the night, and then continue around the rest of the lake tomorrow." She then shucked off her rucksack and propped it against one of the logs arrayed around the empty fire pit.
"But Dawn," April protested, "we don't have any tents..."
"I know," Dawn grinned, "but we don't really need them, you've got blankets in your packs and it should be a nice night."
Tracy opened up her rucksack to see what she had. She knew she had a full set of clean dry clothes in a plastic zip-lock bag that she had put in it herself along with a towel, but she also found a small coil of thin rope, a fork and spoon, and a rolled up ground blanket. She looked up at the others and watched as Tammy pulled her blanket out of her rucksack and unrolled it onto the ground; it was about six feet square in size and one side of it was covered in plastic or rubber, while the other was normal blanket material. Tammy then suggested to Tracy, "Well, we could always share our blankets..." and then grinned in a suggestive sexy way that made Tracy's pussy tingle with excitement as she nodded and smiled back.
As Dawn unpacked her rucksack she told the girls, "I want you to gather up fallen wood for the camp fire," and then admonished them, "but don't go too far from the site." She rummaged through her pack growing more frustrated with each passing minute, until she cursed herself, "Damn it all, don't say I forgot them!"
Tracy was returning with an arm full of small branches and heard Dawn's outburst. "Is this what you want?" she asked as she dropped her wood and pulled the tube of matches from her pocket.
"Oh thank you Tracy," Dawn enthused, and hugged her, "you're a marvel."
After the other girls had returned with their firewood Dawn, with no little help from Stan, managed to get the fire started and spread out the cooking utensils she would need to make their dinner.
While Dawn had been preparing, the girls quickly stripped off their jeans and tops down to the swimming costumes they had worn underneath. "Dawn?" Tracy asked, "can we go swimming to clean up?"
Dawn looked up at Tracy and the other girls already in their swimming costumes and nodded. "That sounds like a great idea, just let me get my costume on and I'll join you."
The other girls ran down to the lake's edge and began splashing and screaming playfully while Tracy stood politely waiting beside Dawn as she searched though her backpack. After ten minutes of futile searching Dawn gave up and sighed, "I guess I forgot them, sorry Tracy but I'll just have stay out this time."
"Awww," Tracy moaned disappointed, but then brightened with an idea. "You don't need a costume, you can go skinny-dipping." Dawn shook her head, "I don't think that would be such a good idea."
"Why not?" she asked innocently, and then added excitedly, "I'll do it too if you will," and with that she quickly stripped off her own costume and grinned at Dawn totally naked.
Dawn's face flushed as she shook her head too shocked to speak for a moment. Tracy called to the other girls, "Dawn forgot her swim-suit, so let's all skinny-dip." And then ran to the water, leaving her towel and costume behind.
Tammy cheered her agreement and quickly began to strip off her costume. The other girls looked hesitant and looked up the slope to see what Dawn would say.
"B - But, what about Stan?" Dawn finally stammered to Tracy's retreating back.
"I'll tend the fire," Stan said calmly from near the fire pit, "you go and have fun. I'll keep it warm for when you get too cold in the water."
Dawn looked from Stan to the girls and back again. She looked at his gentle smile and shook her forefinger at him with mock censure. "You old letch," she smiled, "you only want to see us all naked, don't you."
"How long have we known each other Dawn?" Stan asked placidly, "you know I would never harm you or the girls..." and then added quietly, almost to himself, "Even if I would enjoy watching you."
Dawn stopped teasing Stan and thought for only a moment before swiftly stripping off her jeans and shirt. Blushing, she then removed her white cotton panties and bra to stand naked before them all. Her sun bleached blonde hair was loose about her shoulders framing her heart shaped face and pale blue eyes as she stared at Stan, and he stared raptly back.
Her soft looking skin was tanned a deep golden brown everywhere except where her tiny bikini would normally cover. Her pert firm titties were the size of oranges and the pale flesh was topped with quarter sized dark nipples that were crinkling up and erecting under everyone's gaze. The pale mound above her slit had a neatly trimmed growth of fine blonde hair that failed to cover her plump rounded labia where they nestled between her trim tanned thighs.
Blushing furiously under everyone's scrutiny, Dawn turned like a startled doe and fled to the water's edge and jumped in. With the tableau broken, the other girls quickly divested themselves of their swimsuits and threw them into a pile on the bank. Tracy swam up behind Dawn and stroked the palm of her hand over Dawn's firm, rounded butt. Dawn squeaked in surprise, jumped and turned to look wide eyed at Tracy. "Tag, you're it!" Tracy giggled and dived under the water to swim away.
The game of water tag lasted for quite a while, with the one being 'it' changing every few minutes from one girl to another. The touches where the 'it' was passed on landed all over their bodies; heads, backs, feet, nipples, thighs and even their butts were targets of strokes and gropes.
Eventually they were all worn out and were getting hungry and the game wound down until they were all hiding their bodies modestly under the water. Tracy sighed in exasperation and muttered, "Wimps," to herself before nonchalantly walking out of the lake to where she had dropped her towel. She casually began to dry herself off, unabashedly wiping the water from her lithe limbs and body hoping that Stan and the others were watching her little display.
"Tracy," Dawn called from the water, "Can I borrow your towel?"
"Sure," Tracy replied smiling, and held it out for Dawn when she had finished using it.
Dawn hesitated for a moment, and then dashed from the water up the slope to where Tracy stood holding the towel. She grabbed it and quickly wrapped it around herself modestly. "Don't you think you should get dressed?" she admonished Tracy.
"Nah," Tracy replied and smiled, "I'll just wrap a blanket around me if I get cold," and then walked over to her pack to pull out her blanket.
The rest of the girls quickly scrambled out of the water and dried themselves off. They then dressed in their panties and T-shirts before congregating around the fire pit and the tantalising smells coming from what Stan was cooking.
After eating their fill, and washing their plastic plates in the lake, the girls sat around the fire listening as Stan regaled them with stories and Native American legends. Tracy had draped her blanket over a log to sit on, and pulled the remainder up and over her shoulders to keep out the cooling evening breezes.
As the sun set and the gloom settled over the campsite, Dawn announced to them all, "We'll be up shortly after dawn tomorrow, so you'd all best turn in now."
The girls moaned a little at having to go to bed so early, but scattered to their spread blankets. Most of them kept to their own blanket, lying on one half with the other half folded over them, but not Tracy and Tammy.
Tracy watched Tammy move her spread blanket to a slightly more secluded area of the site, and then spread her own blanket over Tammy's with the soft side down and quickly slipped between them. Tammy climbed between the blankets beside Tracy and giggled softly in anticipation.
"Erm, can I join you?" a hushed voice spoke from the gathering gloom. "I think there's room for three under there and we could roll up my blanket to use as a pillow."
Tracy knew from the nervous rush of words that it must be Sam asking to join them. She felt Tammy tense up beside her and turned to whisper quietly to her, "It could be fun to play with her too... don't you think?"
Tammy thought for a moment and then relaxed and nodded, "Uh huh."
Tracy turned back to Sam where she stood nervously picking at her blanket. "Of course you can Sam," she said softly, so as not to be overheard by the others.
The three of them quickly rolled up Sam's blanket, soft side out, to form a long thin pillow and placed it at the top of the makeshift bed. Tracy asked Sam to climb under the blankets and lie between her and Tammy and then lay down on her side facing her.
Tracy watched Sam in the twilight, looking for a sign that she might want to play with her. She saw Sam look sideways at her and then blush strongly. "A penny for your thoughts," Tracy said softly.
"Erm... Y - You're very pretty," Sam stammered with embarrassment and blushed further.
Tracy smiled and darted in to give Sam a quick kiss on the lips. "Thanks Sam," she said quietly, "an' we think you're pretty too," then looked over to Tammy and added, "don't we Tammy?"
Sam's head snapped round to look at Tammy as she darted in to give her a quick kiss on her lips too. "Yes we do," Tammy agreed softly and smiled.
"I - I saw what you did on the first night," Sam faltered, embarrassed but determined, "well, I didn't really see what you did, because the covers were in the way but I..."
"You watched us?" Tracy interrupted Sam's rush of words, feeling excited.
"Uh huh," Sam nodded then gulped nervously, "an - and I want to see what it's like!"
Tracy grinned at Tammy and whispered, "You suck her nippies, I'll suck her puss!"
Together Tracy and Tammy swiftly stripped Sam of her T-shirt and panties and laid her back down on the blanket. Tammy knelt beside Sam and leant over her to begin sucking and nibbling on her nipples, first one and then the other.
Tracy heard Sam gasp at the new sensations Tammy was evoking in her little nipples and smiled. She wished she could see Sam's skinny body and her bald little pussy better, but it was too dark. She gently spread Sam's legs and lay down between them, before leaning in to lap and suck at her smooth lipped slit. She took her time with Sam's pussy, slowly and sensuously licking it and sucking. She poked her tongue tip at Sam's tiny clit to strum it, and then sucked on the whole area. Sam went wild, involuntarily thrusting her hips at Tracy's talented mouth as she rode her pleasure higher.
Tammy sensed Sam's impending orgasm and swiftly moved from her nipples to kiss her panting, groaning mouth. She started soft and gentle, but soon was kissing Sam fiercely, probing her tongue deep into Sam's mouth, and sucking on her tongue in return.
When Tracy saw Tammy move she redoubled her efforts, licking and lapping. Spearing her stiffened tongue into Sam's tiny vaginal hole. She swiftly drove Sam's body into a pleasure overload forcing her to squeal her orgasm into Tammy's mouth.
Sam was panting for breath as Tammy and Tracy watched her recover in the faint light of the fire's embers. "Oh wow!" Sam sighed softly, awestruck by her first orgasm, "That was amazing, the best feeling ever!"
"Tell me about it!" Tracy chuckled lightly.
"C - can you teach me how to do that to you?" Sam tentatively asked Tracy.
"Why don't you do it to Tammy," Tracy suggested, "and I'll tell you what to do to her."
They quietly moved around until Tammy was lying with her legs spread and Sam was lying between them, with Tracy knelt beside Tammy's hip.
"Lick over Tammy's cunny lips," Tracy instructed softly, "just sorta do what you felt me do to you... what feels nice." Sam tentatively licked at Tammy's moist, plump, bald pussy lips, not finding anything distasteful she licked again, and again.
"Pull the lips apart a little," Tracy whispered, "and lick up her slit. Then push your tongue in the hole at the bottom and flick at the bump at the top."
Sam used her thumbs to prize Tammy's plump lips apart and then licked up along her pink slit. As she reached the large bump at the top Tammy moaned softly.
"Just keep doing it like that," Tracy told her, and then crawled up a little to lean over Tammy and suck on her nipple.
Sam's inexperience did not reduce the enthusiasm with which she attacked Tammy's pussy. It was her very lack of experience that made it such a roller-coaster ride of pleasure for Tammy. Her pleasure would ramp up as Sam licked and sucked at her clit, and then slowly fall again when she went back to licking her pussy lips.
Tracy stopped sucking Tammy's nipples and moved to whisper to Sam again. "Now lick and suck her bump," she advised quietly, "and don't stop 'till I tell you to."
As Sam latched onto her clit, Tammy's soft moans became louder and more pronounced. "Oh, yeah!" she moaned as Tracy quickly pressed her lips to Tammy's to stifle any further sounds.
With such a concentrated assault it wasn't long before Tammy was screaming out her orgasm into Tracy's mouth, her body vibrating as she came, and came again, and again. Tracy quickly tapped Sam on the top of her head to stop her sucking, and as Tammy started to relax she pulled away from Tracy's kiss breathing hard. "Oh, wow!" she panted in a hushed voice, "You can do that to me anytime Sam."
Tracy giggled, and then hissed to Tammy, "Come on you, move your butt... it's my turn."
Once Tammy had rolled out of the way, Tracy lay down in her place and spread her legs wide. With nothing being said, Sam lay between Tracy's thighs and dived into licking and sucking her dripping pussy. Still panting a little from her own wonderful cum, Tammy rolled over Tracy and began to kiss her passionately while tickling and tweaking her nipples.
Tracy was so excited by being surrounded by the other girls, and being out in the open, that it didn't take very long for Sam's enthusiastic licking and sucking to push her up and over the top into a strong orgasm. She hugged Tammy tight and kissed her fiercely while she came, and then flopped back and panted as Tammy and Sam cuddled up to her on either side and pulled the blanket up around them.
+ + + + +
"Oh no!" Janet groaned in dismay at Tracy's ongoing tale of innocent fun, mixed with wild debauchery. "Did you ever do anything where you didn't have any sex?" she asked with a resigned sigh.
I simply chuckled at the excited tone that Tracy's voice was taking on, I was looking forward to when we would get home, and how we would celebrate her return properly... in my bed!
"Yeah!" Tracy retorted, "we made stuff!" she then thrust her arm between the front seats to show Janet and I a woven bracelet on her wrist...
+ + + + +
The day had dawned miserable and sodden; Tracy was sat at the window looking out at the leaden sky and the rain pelting down, feeling as miserable as the day looked. She guessed that there would be no activity that day, and she wished that she had brought some books with her, so she could at least read, rather than be totally bored.
"Come on you lot," Dawn said cheerfully, as she strode into the room wearing big Wellingtons and a large yellow waterproof poncho. "Let's go and get some breakfast, and see what the plan of action is for today, ok?" and then she plopped a large yellow waterproof hat on her head and grinned.
They all scrambled into their Wellingtons and waterproofs and followed Dawn out into the pouring rain. She led them up the footpath to the main building, with the girls splashing and laughing through the water that streamed along the path. When they arrived in the dining room, the girls lined up to collect their breakfast while Dawn went over to see the other counsellors. The large room was already crowded; some of them were still wearing their rain gear and were gently steaming as they ate.
Dawn soon returned to their table and shared her news as she ate her own breakfast. "Right," she declared around her bacon and eggs, "If the rain keeps up, they will be bringing Movie Night forward to this afternoon. Until then we'll be doing some handcrafts, and since they need to rearrange in here, we'll be going back to our cabin to do them."
After they had all finished eating, the nine girls sloshed their way through the persistent rain back to their cabin. Once back, they removed their rain gear and hung it up to drip dry.
"Damn!" Dawn suddenly cursed at herself, as she was pulling off her Wellingtons. "Erm," she continued apologetically, as she put everything back on again, "I forgot something... I'll be right back," and then left in a hurry. The girls exchanged smiling glances, amused at Dawn's forgetfulness, and tried to suppress giggles a few minutes later, when she came back dripping again and clutching something under her poncho.
She quickly stripped off her wet rain gear and then held out a clear plastic bag full of threads of all colours. "I thought," she said enthusiastically, "that we could make friendship bracelets."
The eight girls quickly picked out threads of various colours and began weaving them together. Tracy, Tammy, April and Jenny took one each of the orange, green, red and pink threads to represent the four of them. While they were busy weaving them into long bands, Dawn suggested, "I know you four are best friends away from here too, so why don't you have a Friendship Ceremony?"
"A what?" Tracy asked curiously, still carefully weaving her four strands together.
"It's a ceremony," Dawn explained smiling, "where you promise to be friends forever, no matter what."
"Sounds good," Tracy replied smiling and nodding to Tammy, Jenny and April, "what do we do?"
Dawn explained the general idea while they finished their bands, and then instructed, "First you tie together your own colour thread..."
Tracy tied her orange thread back onto itself, looping the band she had made, and then slipped it onto her right wrist.
"Tracy," Dawn continued, "hold your arm out and let the others tie their own colour thread on your band." She then looked at the other three and added, "And while you do that you could say, 'Once tied never broken, friends forever,' or something like that."
Tammy reached over and tied the green thread on Tracy's band and solemnly pronounced, "Once tied never broken, friends forever." Solemnly, April and Jenny tied their red and pink threads respectively and swore their oaths. The words of the oath and knot tying were then repeated for each of Tammy's, April's and Jenny's bands. When they were all done Dawn had them clasp their hands together in the middle of their group and then said over them, "While these knots remain secure, let these friendships endure." As Dawn finished, Tracy, Tammy, April and Jenny all grabbed each other in a large group hug.
+ + + + +
"That was nice," Janet smiled, and gave a soft sigh of relief. "Did you make anything else?" "Oh yeah!" Tracy agreed, and then laughed, "It was really funny..."
+ + + + +
The girls chatted animatedly as they followed Dawn back to their cabin after spending most of the day tie-dying T-shirts. Tracy was proud of the T-shirt she had dyed; it had a rainbow of colours fanning over the front and she planned to give it to Ben when she got home.
"What the..." Dawn exclaimed as she entered their cabin and saw the mess strewn about.
All of the sheets and blankets had been pulled from the bunk beds and heaped on the floor. The lockers that contained the girls' possessions were open and every thing was scattered around the room. Rolls of toilet paper had been strung like streamers from the ceiling over all of the other mess. Each of the girls gasped in surprise or shock at the state of their cabin. "Who would do such a thing?" Tracy asked sadly, "and why?"
Dawn shook her head, "I don't know who, but I guess they thought it would be funny or something."
Disheartened but determined, the girls quickly worked to put their room back in order. As they worked, Sam squeaked in panic, "Oh no! They took them... They took them all..."
"Took what?" Tracy asked her as she finished making up her bed again.
"They took all our panties!" Sam exclaimed, very distressed.
"It'll be ok," Tracy comforted her, put her arm around Sam's shoulders and gave her a brief hug. "Don't worry, we'll get 'em back."
That evening when they were sat in the dining room eating, Tracy surreptitiously looked at all of the other tables, trying to see who might be the ones responsible for the raid. None of the occupants of the other tables looked to be acting guilty or laughing too much. Tracy was disappointed but she had an idea how to flush out the guilty parties.
The following morning, as everyone was getting dressed, some of the other girls were moaning about having to wear the same panties again. Tracy, however, just pulled on her T-shirt and then pulled her white nylon shorts up over her bare butt.
"You're not wearing any..." Sam protested to Tracy. "But - but they'll see your..." "No they wont," Tracy smiled at Sam, "besides, I want to see who looks."
As the girls approached the dinning room, Tracy asked Sam and Tammy, "Can you two watch the other tables as I walk in, see who is watching me."
Tammy nodded, but Sam asked, "Why, what are you going to do?"
"You'll see," she smiled, and then pushed them in front of her as she lagged behind.
When the girls entered the dining room for breakfast, it was to scattered sniggers and giggles, and it didn't take them long to understand why. Suspended from the beams of the ceiling were all of their panties. With most of them blushing furiously, they quickly got their breakfasts, sat and ate.
As Tracy entered the room late, a hush descended over the dinning room and she could feel all eyes on her as she sauntered up to the line to pick up her breakfast. She knew why everyone was staring at her. While the others had gone in Tracy had hung back and pulled her shorts up very tight and rolled the waistband down a few times. The central seam of the shorts was snuggled deep in between her butt cheeks and the lips of her pussy, and it was obvious from the way the shiny white nylon hugged her firm flesh, that she was not wearing any panties. As usual, being the centre of attention and showing off made her cunny tingle with excitement.
Tracy picked up her breakfast tray and slowly walked back to their table, to sit next to Sam and Tammy. "Well?" she asked, her cheeks a little flushed with excitement.
"Wow!" Sam said, goggle eyed.
"Those shorts look hot like that," Tammy added, grinning.
"That's not what I meant," Tracy grinned, "did you see any one else notice?"
"Sorry Tracy," Tammy apologised, "I didn't notice, but I think the whole room was watching you."
After everyone had finished eating, and all the other cabins had left to start their activities for the day, the girls managed to borrow a tall stepladder so they could rescue their panties.
It didn't take the girls much effort over the next few days to find out that it was the older boys of cabin 5 that had perpetrated the panty-raid, or to come up with a scheme for revenge.
Silently, Tammy and Tracy sneaked up to the entrance of cabin 5 and looked in the darkened window. All the beds were occupied; not really surprising as it was just gone midnight. They carefully opened the front door and quietly crept into the room, doing their best to not disturb the sleepers. They quickly but quietly searched through the lockers and took all of the boys clothing with them.
Tracy and Tammy giggled as they quickly ran back to the other girls and began sorting through the clothing they had 'borrowed'. When all the white T-shirts and shorts had been separated out, the others dumped them into the bucket of dye they had prepared. Tracy and Tammy quickly gathered up all the remaining clothes and ran to the main hall. Using the keys they had borrowed from Dawn they entered the dining room and hung the clothes from the beams of the ceiling.
The following morning, the girls got to breakfast early, they were tired but anticipating their revenge. The other cabins trooped in and as each of them noticed the new decorations whispers and sniggers spread around the room. Eventually the boys of cabin 5 walked in looking miserable. They looked even worse when the crowded dining room burst into uproarious laughter. All eight of the eleven and twelve-year-old boys were wearing bright pink shorts and T-shirts that had once been white, and their faces nearly matched their clothes in colour.
+ + + + +
I laughed aloud at her story; the thought of those boys dressed in bright 'girlie' pink was hilarious, Janet must have thought so as well because she burst out laughing too.
"It was really great mum," Tracy announced excitedly, "can I go again next year?" Janet couldn't answer immediately, so Tracy plaintively pleaded, "Please?"
Janet wiped the tears of laughter from her eyes and nodded, "Yes of course you can, as long as you keep up your school work as we agreed."
The short remainder of the drive home went reasonably quietly. I could feel and hear Tracy fidgeting in the back seat almost constantly, and I guessed she was as anxious to get home as I was. And I hoped, for the same reason.
As we climbed out of the car Janet announced, "Ok madam, I need your help with unpacking your things."
Tracy looked surprised and a little hurt. "Awww mum!" she protested.
I looked from Tracy to Janet, frowned and joined in Tracy's protest, "Awww Janet!"
"Don't give me that," Janet scowled at us both, "you'll have plenty of time for that later!" She then added to Tracy, "You've got to help me with the laundry young lady!"
"But mum..." Tracy tried to protest, to no avail.
"But nothing," Janet interrupted her, as I unloaded Tracy's luggage from the car, "just get your butt home."
I carried the bags across the road for Janet and then trudged back to my own empty home alone. I was sorely disappointed that I didn't have Tracy in my arms right then, but Janet was right we would have time later.
I had just slumped in my chair with my drink on the table beside me when my front door thumped open and slammed closed again. My heart soared with joy once more as Tracy called out, "Ben!" and ran into the room to jump onto my lap and hug me tight. I returned her hug with a tight hug of my own. As I snuggled my face into the nape of her neck I lightly kissed her soft skin and murmured, "Oh Tracy, I missed you sooo much."
She pulled back and I could see amused excitement glinting in her eyes as she asked, "Did you?" She then started tugging my T-shirt from my jeans, "How much did you miss me?"
I grinned and pulled on her waist, sliding her shorts covered crotch up against my burgeoning erection. "More than I can tell you," I said earnestly.
Tracy grinned mischievously back at me and briefly wriggled on my lap before jumping up holding my T-shirt and pulling me up out of the chair. "Come on," she exclaimed excitedly, and pulled me to the bottom of the stairs. She stopped part way up the stairs with her butt about level with my head and quickly pulled her white shiny nylon shorts up tight.
The central seam snuggled deep between her firm rounded arse cheeks as the shiny material conformed to her rear. I could clearly see that she was again not wearing panties. As she saucily thrust her butt back at me and wiggled, I darted in and kissed her on the exposed bottom of her right arse cheek.
Tracy giggled and then ran up the remainder of the stairs and straight into my bedroom. I followed and caught up to as she was removing her shorts. She jumped onto the bed naked and lay on her back with her butt near the edge. As I quickly stripped off my clothes, she grasped the front of her knees and pulled them back and out, so her legs were spread wide and her dainty toes were pointing at her glistening wet pussy. "Oh Ben," she moaned sexily, "I want you to fuck me... I need you to fuck me!"
I was more than happy to, I was desperate to. It was like Tracy was a drug and I needed my fix. I rapidly finished stripping and stepped up to her with my cock pointing at her oozing hole. I nudged the blunt head of my cock between her plump pussy lips and into her tight, wet embrace before grasping her hips and pushing. As the head of my dick forced its way firmly into her hot cunt Tracy groaned out her pleasure.
I began slowly at first, pumping in and out, fucking her with firm deep thrusts, but Tracy's groans and moaned encouragement's soon had me thrusting faster and faster. I was lost in the sheer sexual thrill of fucking my eight-year-old lover, pounding into her as hard and as fast as I could, tweaking and playing with her nipples, listening to her squeals and lewd moans.
I held off for as long as I could, but the thought of how hard I was fucking Tracy, and how much she loved it, caused me to lose what little control I had. I came hard; I felt my jiz boil, lava like, up my shaft and squirt hard into her. As I came I felt Tracy's cunt clamp down on my dick and heard her squeal out her own orgasm. She shivered and spasmed on the bed as her orgasm went on and on. Long after I was pumping on empty she was still cumming, but with ever decreasing shivers.
+ + + + +
Over the next few weeks we returned to our normal routines of school and work, with Tracy visiting me in the evening and at weekends. Two weeks after school term started, I was 'subtly' reminded that Tracy's birthday was at the end of September. She dropped hints that she was out of new books to read, that there was a pair of shoes that she thought would look great but her mum wouldn't get for her, she even suggested we go shopping not knowing that I had already bought her birthday presents weeks before. However she was not at all subtle about one thing.
"You've got to make sure you're free on the Saturday before my birthday," Tracy commanded, from her position snuggled against my side.
"What prompted that?" I chuckled as I looked down at her. We were sat on Janet's sofa watching TV, just enjoying being together during the weekday evening.
She giggled and continued, ignoring my question completely, "An' you gotta dress smart too!"
She studiously ignored me, concentrating on what was showing on the TV, until I suddenly dug a finger in her ribs, tickling her mercilessly. She squealed and laughed, begged me to stop and thrashed around trying to get away from my tickling torture, eventually ending up on the floor. "So why do I have to dress smartly?" I asked menacingly when I stopped.
"Because!" she retorted breathlessly, grinning.
I waited for her to continue, but when she didn't, I started tickling her again. I made her screech and giggle, begging me to stop. I left her panting for breath, with her school skirt flipped up around her body and sat back on the sofa to calmly watch TV again.
Out of the corner of my eye I saw her flip her skirt back down and look daggers at me and then quickly roll over onto her knees. In one swift movement with an animal yell she jumped up and onto me and began tickling me, or trying to at least. I allowed her to try tickling me ineffectually for a moment before I reached under the hem of her skirt and rubbed along the crotch of her panties. I swiped my middle finger firmly along her warm, plump pussy slit from back to front, causing her to jump with shock.
"Eep!" she squeaked as she jumped up and then landed back on my lap. Her face was the picture of indignation as she looked at me, and then smiled sensually and leant forward to hug me tight while squirming her butt and grinding her pussy on my expanding dick through my jeans.
I let Tracy gently pleasure herself and did nothing more that softly stroke her back through her blouse until Janet interrupted and announced, "Bedtime young lady!"
I stood and carried her to the foot of the stairs before extracting my most pleasant payment. I set her standing on the bottom step and then softly but sensuously kissed her. Softly pressing my lips to her own full, soft, kiss-able lips. I slowly pushed my tongue into her mouth and explored, playing with her teeth and tongue, enticing her to push her tongue back into my mouth. When she did I gently sucked on it causing her to moan softly and then pull her tongue back. As I followed Tracy sucked my tongue fully into her mouth and sucked and played with it as she had with my cock so many times before. I moaned at this and slid my hands down her back to cup her firm bubble-butt and squeeze it gently.
"Ahem!" Janet coughed to get our attention after a while.
I pulled back from my love and grinned at her. "Ok, ok," Tracy and I both chorused and grinned again. Tracy then gave me another brief quick kiss before turning and running upstairs to get ready for bed.
As I stood in the doorway preparing to leave I whispered, trying to make sure Tracy didn't hear me, "So what's happening that I need to dress up for?" Janet smiled enigmatically and replied, "Just dress in a smart shirt and slacks, and wear a tie."
Knowing it would be useless to try to get any more information from her, I bid her a good night and returned home.
+ + + + +
The Saturday before Tracy's birthday I walked across the road to Janet's house as ordered. Also as ordered, I had dressed smartly; I was wearing a pair of charcoal grey slacks, a pale blue cotton shirt and a navy blue tie. I knocked on the door and waited nervously until Janet answered, I still had no idea what they had planned.
"We won't be a minute Ben," Janet said, hiding in her bathrobe behind the door, as she let me in, "we've just got to finish Tracy's..." she then trailed off and smiled at me, "Well, you'll see."
Janet hurried back up the stairs, I guessed to finish Tracy's whatever, while I wandered into the living room and waited for them. After waiting at least ten minutes I heard the faint tread of them coming down the stairs again and turned to the living room door in anticipation.
Janet stepped through the door looking lovely; she was wearing a knee length classic little black dress with a scooped neckline and short sleeves, with black sheer stockings or tights. "May I present to you," she announced grandly with a flourish of her arms and a grin, "Miss Tracy."
Tracy stepped into view and stopped framed in the doorway. I was dumbfounded. I could not speak, I could hardly breath, she was so beautiful. My blood was rushing in my ears and my heart was pounding rapidly in my chest as I simply stood there, staring in rapt awe at my gorgeous very-nearly-nine-year-old lover.
Her pale blond hair had been brushed until it gleamed like spun gold, with the sides pulled back and braided together at the nape of her neck. Her face was lightly but expertly made up, with a slight amount of pale pink eyeshadow highlighting her sparkling emerald eyes, and bright cherry-red lipstick adorning her luscious, kiss-able lips. She was wearing a dress, well a gown really, of flowing silky material the colour of cream. The bodice of the dress was skin tight and figure hugging from the thin shoulder straps down to low on her hips, and then a short skirt flared loosely down from her hips to just above her knees. Her legs were wrapped in white sheer tights and she was wearing shiny black shoes with two-inch heels.
"Well," Tracy asked almost nervously when I continued to say nothing and just stare, "what do you think?"
The thought of those ruby lips wrapped around my erect dick immediately sprang to mind, and caused my dick to spring erect in my slacks. I wanted to rip that dress off of her body and feast on her divine essences, driving her to the heights of ecstasy, and beyond. "Words are not enough," I said solemnly but sincerely heartfelt, "to describe how beautiful you look, or how much I love you." "Oh Ben," she sighed as she smiled at me and I saw her nipples crinkle and stick up under her dress as she rushed forwards to hug me tight.
I held onto her wishing I could make that moment last forever, slowly stroking my hands up and down the smooth material covering her back. As my hands strayed down to gently cup her firm, rounded butt I heard her giggle softly.
"Come on you two," Janet called to us a moment later interrupting our hug, "we don't want to be late for our dinner reservation."
I pulled back from the hug to stare smiling into Tracy's laughing green eyes. "I think your mum's hungry," I chuckled, "shall we go?" With a quick nod and smile of agreement Tracy turned and walked out the door ahead of me. As I followed her out of the house and across the road to my car, I watched mesmerised by how the material of the dress clung to her body like a second skin. I watched her firm arse flex enticingly as she walked, and then I noticed something that almost made me laugh out loud. Where the figure-hugging bodice snuggled low on her hips, I could see no lines or distortions in the smooth contours of her flesh under the dress. When the skirt draped smoothly over her rounded butt, I could see no hint of a panty line. [That sexy, naughty little minx,] I thought to myself, [she's come out without panties again.]
I quickly nipped back into my house to pick up my car keys, and then opened the passenger door and politely handed her into the car. "There you go, milady," I smiled as Tracy modestly sat in the passenger seat. I quickly seated Janet in the back, and then ran round to get in behind the wheel. "Ok ladies," I asked when I was seated, "where to?"
The meal in "Chez Renée", the fancy French restaurant I was directed to, was delightful; Tracy acted very grown up, just like a proper little lady without a hint of her normal mischievous nature showing through... above the tablecloth that is. Below the long linen cloth she had slipped off her shoes, slid her sheer nylon-clad feet up my legs and rested them in my lap. All through the meal she wriggled her toes and squirmed her feet in my crotch, gently caressing my straining erection through my trousers, keeping me aroused but nowhere near climax.
After I had paid the bill and we had left the restaurant, Tracy's giggly impish nature surfaced again. She giggled all the way home, one look at her flushed face and obviously erect nipples told me she was excited about something, but I knew it would be useless to ask what. They had cooked something up between them and all I could do was hang on for the ride.
When I had parked in front of my house again and switched off the engine, Janet rested her hand on my shoulder and leant between the front seats from the back. "Can you wait in your house Ben?" she asked smiling, "Tracy and I need to... prepare."
I twisted in my seat to look curiously at them both, and got two enigmatic smiles for my answer. "Sure," I nodded smiling, "but for how long?"
"Oh only ten minutes or so," Janet answered.
"We'll phone you," Tracy added grinning, and then climbed out of the car and walked back to her house, quickly followed by Janet.
I re-entered my house and slumped in my chair, switched on the TV and began mindlessly hopping through the channels to pass the time. I've no idea how much time passed, but I was startled as my phone stridently rang. About ten seconds later I was stood at Janet's front door as she opened it.
She had changed and was now wearing a long dark-blue caftan robe tied closed with a golden rope sash. "Come in Ben," she smiled, as I stepped into the dim hallway, and then into the living room.
One pace into the room I stopped and stared, stunned as much as I had been earlier. The room was dimly lit by the flickering soft glow of a multitude of candles of various shapes and sizes. Those at the far end of the room clustered on every available surface and their hazy light highlighted Tracy with an ethereal aura. She was still wearing her cream gown and looked even more radiantly beautiful than before as she smiled at me.
"Go on," I heard Janet say behind me, "go and stand next to her, stand next to your... beloved." I turned to look questioningly at her but she just smiled and pushed me in towards Tracy.
I carefully navigated my way past all those potential fire hazards to stand beside Tracy and looked across at her. We smiled at each other and I noticed that she stood precariously on a small platform, putting us level, eye to eye. Janet approached silently and smiled understandingly at us both. Suddenly I was struck by the sense of the scene we made up, I was hit by the realisation of what they had planned, and I was shocked and delighted by it, and just a little worried.
I looked at Tracy's beaming grin and responded with one of my own, but tempered by that worry. "Are you sure about this?" I asked her softly, "Really, sure about it?"
Tracy simply nodded at me while still grinning and responded, "Shhh!" as she put a finger to her lips, and then unsuccessfully tried to stifle a merry giggle.
Janet handed Tracy a bright cherry-red coloured cord that matched her lipstick and then passed a royal-blue cord to me. "We are here today," Janet intoned solemnly, "to join you, Ben, and you, Tracy, in a promise of your future together."
As Janet confirmed my guess a wild mixture of emotions tumultuously boiled through me. Delight that Tracy would want to make such a commitment, but also fear. Did I have the right to accept such a big promise from such a young child? I knew there could never be another like her in my life, but I also knew that she would change as she grew older, her feelings for me might diminish or she might want to find someone her own age she loved more. But I also knew that if that did ever happen, I would let her go, just to be sure she was happy.
"Those cords," Janet continued, not knowing what had flashed through my mind, "represent your separate lives." She then took the ends of the two cords and quickly knotted them together along with a third, golden cord. As Janet held the knot, Tracy deftly and rapidly plaited the three cords into a foot-long braid, which she then passed to me. "Knot the end of it," Janet instructed, and then took the braid from me once I had done so.
Tracy then took my hand, interlacing our fingers together and then held them at waist height in front of us. Janet wrapped the braid around our clasped hands and solemnly said, "Do you both promise to love each other through the good times and bad?" Without conscious thought, both Tracy and I replied in unison, "I do."
Janet nodded and continued with tears welling in her eyes, "As your hands are bound, so too are your futures. Bound to look after each other, to comfort each other, for as long as your love shall last!"
I turned from Janet to look at Tracy and saw tears were flowing down her cheeks too. Careful to not disturb the braid around our hands we slowly leant together and kissed softly and tenderly. As we pulled back smiling, she reached up with her free hand and softly wiped the tears, which were flowing unheeded from my own eyes, off of my cheek.
I lifted our still clasped and braided hands up and kissed the back of Tracy's hand before whispering, softly but earnestly, "I love you Tracy, with all my heart."
She then smiled, pulled our hands to her and kissed the back of mine. "I love you Ben," she whispered sincerely, "with all my heart."
We stared at each other lost in the moment; I looked at her smiling luscious lips and found myself grinning with happiness back at her. I stared deep into her sparkling emerald green eyes and found them full of love and a twinkle of mischievous naughtiness. Her face was radiantly beautiful, happier than I had ever seen her.
"When you two are finished," Janet chuckled, interrupting us, "put out the rest of the candles, I'm off to bed."
Tracy and I looked around, we saw that Janet had snuffed out all the candles in the other half of the room and was stood in the doorway smiling at us. As she turned to leave I called after her, "Goodnight Janet."
Tracy quickly added, "'Night mum," before turning back to me and grinning in that sexy mischievous way she has.
We both snickered and giggled with amusement and mirth as we wondered around carefully snuffing out the rest of the candles, making sure our clasped and braided hands remained together. I could sense that like myself, Tracy didn't want to let go just yet.
Although I didn't want this night to ever end, once we were finished and back in the hallway I was unwilling but ready to go home. Tracy surprised me yet again when she walked to the stairs and began to pull me up them too.
"But what about your mum?" I asked her in a hushed whisper.
Tracy turned two steps up on the stairs and smiled at me. "She understands," she whispered quietly, "we just have to be quiet," then she giggled excitedly.
I grinned and then swiftly darted in and kissed her lips. "Lead on," I whispered, still grinning, "our prizes await us."
Tracy led me sneaking up the stairs and into her room. As I quietly closed the door behind me I realised, that this was the first time I had ever been in it. A three-quarter bed dominated one corner of the room and was covered with a pale pink duvet; it also had a large plush toy lion in pride of place guarding the centre of it. A chest of drawers stood next to the head of the bed; scattered over the top was an odd assortment of knick-knacks and keepsakes next to a glass picture frame with a photograph of me in it (where did she get that?). At the other end of the room, to the right of the closet door, were a number of shelves stacked with a small array of books, mostly those I had given her, and another glass picture frame. From where I was I could see the picture in it was the one I had taken of Tracy in her pussy-cat costume at her party two years before.
Tracy pulled me over to her bed and then carefully unwrapped the braid from our still clasped hands and gently laid it on her chest of drawers. I slowly but firmly pulled her towards me and wrapped my arms around her in a gentle hug. She put her arms up around my neck and pulled my head down to softly caress my lips with her own, gently kissing me as I slowly stroked my hands up and down the silky material covering her back.
We kissed softly at first; erotically sliding our lips together as our desires grew. With rising passion I felt her tongue force it's way between my lips and into my mouth. I sucked on it gently and felt Tracy stiffen in my arms and moan softly as she wriggled her tongue around in my mouth. She pulled her tongue back and I followed, and then she sucked my tongue fully into her mouth and played with it, sucking on it like a small cock. I moaned at this and slid my hands down to cup her firm, rounded butt and squeezed gently.
Tracy pulled back from our passionate lip lock; leaving us both panting and breathless and my dick straining erect inside my underwear. "I know it's not my birthday yet," she announced smiling, "but I want to open my present now!" she then began to loosen my tie. I grinned as she rapidly but seductively unbuttoned my shirt and then slipped it off my arms. She quickly released my belt and undid my slacks before pushing them down my legs. I just had time to step out of them before she jerked down my underwear and freed my rampant cock.
Tracy attacked my dick like a starving man would food, licking up and down my shaft, and then quickly sucking the head into her hot little mouth. In her eagerness she pushed me back until I stumbled and fell backwards onto her bed, pulling my cock from her mouth with a wet sucking slurp, and landed on her lion.
I quickly pulled the toy lion out from under me and put it at the foot of the bed as Tracy dived at my crotch again. She sucked my throbbing erection voraciously while flicking her tongue around my glans and concentrating on that most sensitive spot on the underside, rapidly driving my pleasure to dizzying new heights.
She bobbed her head up and down on my shaft, each time nudging the back of her throat with the spongy head and then pulling up until the rim of my glans pulled on her lips. She constantly sucked and worked her tongue all around my cock until the pleasure she was giving me became too much. With a grunt I came; I felt the hot burning sensation of my cum coursing up my shaft and squirting from the top into her sucking, swallowing mouth. Again and again my muscles clenched as I squirted jet after jet of hot cum into Tracy's hot mouth and throat. Only when my spasms stopped, and my cock began to shrink did she let me slip from between her lips, and then she stood beside the bed looking at me and grinned exultantly.
I lay still for a moment, panting to catch my breath, before looking up at Tracy's grinning face. "Wow," I sighed tremulously as I looked at her still dressed in her pale gown. "I think it's my turn to open my present now," I chuckled and grinned at her.
I clambered up from the bed and paused to look at her again. Some of her pale blond hairs had escaped so it looked a little less immaculate than it had before, and her bright cherry-red lipstick was smudged over her luscious, pouting lips, but I didn't care. She was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen and I knew that my love for her would last forever.
I slipped the gown's thin straps off of her shoulders and then bent to trail gentle kisses on the exposed skin of her neck following the same path my fingers had just taken. I helped her to ease her arms out of the looped straps and then slowly rolled the figure-hugging bodice down her torso. As the stretchy material passed her nipples I saw them crinkle and stand up like little pencil erasers so I leant over further and planted light licks and tender kisses on the proud little nubs.
Tracy moaned sensuously as I began alternately sucking and strumming her hard little nipples, first one and then the other, while I continued to slowly roll the material down. Without watching I pulled the gown down past her slender waist until it dropped to the floor, while I continued to tease her rubbery nubbins eliciting excited whimpers and soft moans.
I pulled back from her nipples to look at my love again before devouring her, and was surprised. She had not been the minx I had suspected she had, she was wearing panties in a shorts style made of a silky pale cream material. She was also not wearing the tights I had expected, but sheer thigh high stockings with lace edged tops. The sight of her partially dressed as she was, was erotic enough to awaken my cock from its slumber.
"Could you turn 360?" I asked her, my voice husky with lust. I could see a flush of pink spreading from her neck down and across her chest, and her tummy was moving in time with her rapid breathing. As she turned I could see the shorts-panties were skin tight, but didn't have strong elastic edges, so no panty-line had been visible. The central seam of the shorts was deep in the crevice of her butt, with the material hugging each cheek separately. While she faced away from me I reached out and softly stroked my fingertips down along her spine, causing her to shiver slightly, and then cupped and gently squeezed her firm, rounded butt.
I reached up to help her loosen the braids of her hair and briefly ran my fingers through it before she continued her turn. Once she faced me again, I could clearly see that the central seam was also snuggled deep within her pussy slit and a large spreading wet spot was darkening the material there.
I knelt before Tracy, as if in supplication to her, and looked deep into her sparkling eyes as I hooked my thumbs into the waistband of her shorts. I could feel her body trembling with excitement as I slowly pushed them down over her hips to the tops of her stockings and then stopped. I looked down to see Tracy's plump labia between her thighs, flushed and oily with her arousal. The shorts were bunched around her thighs and I could see thick strands of her pussy juice connecting them to her slit. I watched the strands stretch and break as I eased the shorts over the stocking tops and down to the floor, leaving Tracy wearing only the sheer stockings.
My dick was standing up as hard as iron and I could restrain myself no longer. I growled, "Oh God I love you!" as I picked her up, pulled back the duvet from the bed and then gently laid Tracy down.
"Please," she whispered tremulously, "please fuck me!"
I shook my head slightly; I wanted something else first. I climbed onto the bed at her feet and knelt between her widespread thighs. I crawled over top of her and looked down at her blushing face, with the tip of my stiff dick just poking at the top of her slit. She wrapped her stocking covered legs around my waist and tried to pull herself up and onto my cock, but the angles were wrong, and with a disappointed moan she let go and flopped back. "Not yet," I smiled, and then kissed her pouting lip.
I softly kissed along her jaw line and then worked my way down her neck. I kissed my way down her flushed chest and briefly licked, kissed and sucked on her hard little nipples again, eliciting soft moans of pleasure. I continued kissing and licking my way down her beautiful body until I reached the wide spread junction of her thighs. I bent down and breathed in the heady aroma of Tracy's arousal, and could see her clit standing proud, and her plump labia were flushed red and slick with her excitement.
I softly and lovingly lapped at her aroused labia, cleaning away all her delicious juices but avoiding her clit entirely for a few minutes.
Tracy's hands fluttered ineffectually at her sides as she softly repeated, "Please...... Please......"
When I had drawn out Tracy's pleasant torture long enough, I clamped my lips around her prominent erect clit and sucked hard, drawing it into my mouth and strumming it with my tongue. Tracy's tummy spasmed and quivered as she silently exploded in orgasm. She arched her back, pushing her pussy up at my face and nearly pushing me off of her, while I tried to continue to flicker my tongue over her clit. After what felt like an eon, I stopped stimulating her and sat back to watch.
Tracy relaxed and fell back to the bed panting hard and fast. "Oh..." she said huskily between pants, "wow..." puff, "that..." pant, "was..." puff, "awesome..."
I grinned down at her sweat soaked body and growled, "Now, I'm gonna fuck you!"
Tracy grinned back at me and spread her legs wide again and pulled back on her knees. I supported myself over her on one hand, and with the other I held my iron hard dick and positioned the bloated head at the sopping entrance to her cunt. I watched as I slowly and deliberately pushed into her.
Her engorged labia parted eagerly to allow my dick to slide into the hot, tight and wet embrace of her rippling cunt, and then wrapped tightly around my shaft. As her pussy lips stretched wide her exposed clit was pulled in and it rubbed against the top of my shaft, making Tracy squeak with pleasure.
I slowly withdrew and watched as her rosy labia gripped my glistening shaft, stretching obscenely, as if they were reluctant to release me from their loving embrace. As I slowly thrust back in I could feel every fold and ripple of her enveloping sheath as each one slid past the sensitive rim of my swollen glans.
"Fuck me," Tracy mewled at me, "please, fuck me harder."
I started fucking her properly, pumping into her rhythmically, maintaining a steady pace but fucking the full length of my hard shaft into her each time. Tracy's face lit up; becoming a mask of pleasure as her hips jerked up to meet mine with every thrust. I sped up my fucking, thrusting faster and faster into her tight nearly-nine-year-old body until our loins were meeting with a wet slapping sound.
Suddenly, when I was fully embedded in her clinging cunt, I stopped for a moment and heard Tracy whimper beneath me before I started fucking her again slowly. "Please," she whispered again plaintively, "fuck me harder!" She then wrapped her legs around my waist and tried to pull me into her harder. I let Tracy dictate the pace with her heels, and was soon pounding into her relentlessly. I could feel the muscles of her gripping sheath rippling up and down the length of my cock with every plunge as she twisted beneath my pummelling hips, losing her co-ordination as her climax thundered through her body.
I kept up the jackhammer thrusts and felt Tracy convulse with a second orgasm on the tail of the first. I felt that old familiar tingling feeling near the base of my cock that told me my own cum was near, and thrust even deeper, even harder. The feel of Tracy's tight velvet cunt clamping down on my cock with a third orgasm finally tipped me over the edge.
I felt my balls tighten as I came hard; I felt the liquid fire boil up from the core of my being, along my shaft and jet deep into my lover's body. My cum was the strongest I had ever felt, as I blasted what felt like gallons deep onto her womb. When I looked down at her sweat drenched face I saw her looking up at me with open adoration.
She hoarsely croaked, "I love you," and then closed her eyes exhausted.
I lightly kissed her smiling lips and slid to one side and lay cooling beside her. I propped my self up on my elbow and looked down at her. Even though her hair was a mess of sweaty rat-tails, and her lipstick was smudged around her lips, she was still the most beautiful girl I had ever known.
I watched her as she drifted from exhausted resting into real slumber, watched her as her breathing slowed and a faint smile pulled at the corners of her sweet mouth. I found myself grinning as I watched my love sleeping, and it slowly dawned on me. I felt I was 'home'. This was what I had always wanted, not just a little girl to fuck silly, but a girl who would love me too. I realised that I never wanted it to end, and would do anything in my power to make it last forever.
As I bent to pull the duvet up and over us, and then switched off the light, I fervently wished that I would do nothing to drive her away, and that when the time came, Tracy would consent to be my wife.
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