Good Neighbour, Part 6

[ voy, MgM, MFggM, cons, pedo, exhib ]

by Lensman


Published: 7-Dec-2011

Word Count:

Author's Profile

show Story Summary
And remember, these story are fictional, all characters and events depicted within are fictional and any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental.

Main Cast Of Characters

Me (Ben): author, age 34, brown hair, hazel eyes.
Tracy: my sexy neighbour, age 8 (nearly 9), light blond hair, green eyes, pixie face.
Janet: Tracy's mother, an older version of Tracy.

The Greatest Show On Earth

It has been two years now since I first met Tracy, the intelligent, enthusiastic, animated, dynamic and damn sexy six (nearly seven) year old little girl, that had captured my heart and set my desires aflame.

After Janet had found out about Tracy and my relationship that first Christmas, our routines changed. Instead of waiting for the weekend, Tracy would visit me straight after school and we would do whatever we felt like... usually indulging our lustful desires for each other.

Unfortunately this soon had an adverse effect on her schoolwork and grades, so much so that Janet received a letter from the school...

+ + + + +

I was working on a software project in my office as usual, when I heard a loud knocking on my front door. I knew it was too early for it to be Tracy so I answered it wondering who it could be. I was surprised to see Janet when I opened the door.

"We've got to talk!" she said as she pushed past me and on into my lounge. Once I had closed the front door and followed her in there, she waved a sheet of paper at me and anxiously said, "What are we going to do about this?"

I feared that somehow my relationship with Tracy had been found out, but I managed to stay relatively calm. "About what?" I asked, then indicated she should sit.

When she was sitting in the chair opposite mine, Janet read the letter.

"We regret to inform you that over the last few months Tracy's performance, both in schoolwork and homework, has shown a marked drop in quality. She has become inattentive in class and a number of reports and assignments have been handed in late or even not at all. It appears that she has lost her motivation for her scholastic achievement, and we cannot allow this trend to continue."

Janet then looked up at me and frowned, "It carries on like that for a while, did you notice anything was wrong?"

"No I didn't," I shook my head trying to think, "but you're right... we do need to do something about it, her education is very important."

We sat and talked for some time, bouncing ideas back and forth. Eventually we agreed on an idea that we knew Tracy would not like (I knew I didn't) it but it would be for her own good.

At the normal time Tracy swiftly opened my front door and banged it shut again behind her as she usually did. "Ben, I'm home!" she yelled up the stairs, assuming I was up there working as I normally would be. She dropped her bags and began to remove her clothes as she stepped into the lounge. She stopped suddenly, with her blazer and sweater already removed and her blouse opened to the waist, when she spotted Janet. "Oh, hi mum," she said calmly and then climbed up to straddle my lap and kissed me thoroughly and passionately, forcing her tongue between my lips and into my mouth before sucking my tongue back into her own.

"How was school?" Janet asked placidly.

Tracy pulled back from our ardent kiss and replied breathlessly, "Ok I guess."

"The school says different," I said, "they have written to your mum saying you are slacking off on your studies. Are you?"

"No!" she answered immediately, shaking her head, "I just..." then she tapered off into silence.

"You just what?" I prompted as the silence stretched.

"Sometimes I just run out of time," she said sheepishly and grinned at me.

"How can you run out of time?" I asked incredulously.

"I dunno," she said shrugging her shoulders and looking down to watch as she picked at her fingernails.

According to the plan Janet and I had worked out, I was to be the bad cop and suggest the distasteful plan for Tracy, and then Janet could be the good cop. I let the silence stretch between us for a long moment before I sighed deeply and unhappily suggested, "If you need the time, then I guess you had better stop coming over to see me until the weekends."

Tracy was shocked by my suggestion, she looked up at me and vigorously shook her head, "No!" then repeated, "No, no, no, I won't stop coming over here..." then added fiercely, "I love you!"

"And I love you," I said just as vehemently, "but your schoolwork is very important."

"Don't care about school!" Tracy pouted at me.

Janet interrupted with the planned compromise, "How about visiting Ben after you have finished your schoolwork?" Tracy didn't move or say a word so Janet continued, "You come home from school and finish any schoolwork or homework before coming over here. Then, the quicker you finish it, the sooner you can visit Ben."

"That's better than not visiting until the weekend, isn't it?" I asked Tracy quietly, hopefully.

"I guess so," she murmured still pouting.

I playfully wobbled her pouting lower lip with my finger until she smiled at me. "Do you have any homework?" I asked her. She sighed deeply and nodded resignedly. I lifted her from my lap, stood her on the floor and started to button up her blouse. "Then I guess you'd better go and do it." Then I added the reminder, "The quicker you finish, the quicker you can come back."

Tracy grinned at me and, with one of her mercurial mood changes, called to Janet, "Come on mum," then swiftly picked up her things and ran home.

As Janet was leaving I suggested, "Make sure she does her homework properly before letting her come back, we need to reinforce some good habits."

Janet just smiled at me and nodded as she left.

+ + + + +

Over the next few months, until the beginning of summer vacation, Tracy's grades improved steadily. Some nights she would come over later in the evening, and other nights she would not come over at all.

That summer vacation was long and boring for Tracy. Most of her school friends were away, either at summer camp or visiting relatives, and I was not a lot of fun, as I had to work most days. In a lot of ways it was a relief for her when school started again and she could return to her normal schedule.

As an additional incentive for Tracy to keep up her good grades in the new year, Janet and I promised that she would be able to attend the summer camp she wanted to the following summer. The same one that Tammy, Jenny and April had gone to the previous year and would be going to again in the summer.

+ + + + +

It was the last day before Janet and I would be taking Tracy to camp. She had really applied herself to her studies over the year and had excelled in her schoolwork. So as an additional treat I was taking her out for the evening, although she didn't know where.

"Are we there yet?" Tracy asked excitedly, almost bouncing in her seat.

"Not yet," I replied calmly as I drove on, knowing my calmness would just infuriate and excite her even more.

Before setting off I had told Tracy to dress "smart but casual" and she had done just that. She was dressed in a smock style dress (her favourite style) that was made of lilac coloured velour-like material. The thin straps over her shoulders supported the tight bodice that delineated her proud nipples rather than hid them, and the skirt flared loosely from under her ribcage down to mid-thigh. She was also wearing her black school shoes and white ankle socks with a frill at the top. She had allowed her hair to grow and it was pulled back and tied in a simple ponytail with a lilac ribbon.

As we drove off the road and into the dirt parking lot, the big-top of the circus tent came into view around a stand of trees. As Tracy caught sight of it she squealed painfully loud and excitedly said, "The circus! I've never been to a real circus before."

I parked the car in the dusty parking lot near where the circus had pitched their big-top. Tracy jumped excitedly from the car and ran round to my side. "Come on Ben," she called out, agitated at my slowness. "We gotta get good seats!"

"We will," I said trying to calm her, "don't worry, we will." I knew it was their last day here and that we were in time for their last performance of the day so it shouldn't be too full.

We walked hand in hand to the ticket booth, well I walked and Tracy tried to drag me along faster. Inside the booth was a pleasant faced young woman who was chatting to a man who was leaning against the outside of the booth to one side. He was dressed in black leather trousers, a black T-shirt and a black leather waistcoat. His hair was pulled back into a ponytail down to his shoulders and I could see the glint of metal rings piercing his ears and eyebrows.

As I was purchasing our tickets Tracy animatedly babbled, "Can we sit up close? Down the front? Please..." I nodded to the ticket seller and paid the little extra to sit at the front.

As I paid for our tickets, the man in black squatted in front of Tracy and asked her, "How would you like to be in our show tonight?" Tracy squealed and jumped about, as only a very excited young girl can, "Can I?" then turned her beautiful emerald green eyes on me, "Please..."

I could never refuse her anything when she does that to me, but I was cautious. I looked at the man in black as he stood and asked, "What do you mean by 'in the show'?"

"You see," he elaborated, "we're one clown short tonight and the ringmaster's gonna ask for a volunteer from the audience. I can guarantee your darlin' little girl will be picked..."

I knew this would cost, just not how much. "How much would this guarantee cost?"

"Two hundred bucks!" he said flatly.

"That's expensive!" I said alarmed at the cost.

"We'll film her adventures as well," he assured me, "you want video or DVD?"

The price was still a little steep, but when I looked at Tracy's pleading hopeful face tentatively smiling up at me and nodding I had to agree. I was surprised that they would have the technology to burn a DVD but I paid the ticket seller as the man in black departed, and then we entered the big top.

It wasn't a very big circus; the huge canvas tent only had a single performance ring, although that ring was quite big enough to impress Tracy. We quickly made our way through the walkway and seated ourselves on the bottom row of the bleachers. The ring itself was made up of a red fence about a foot tall and about a yard in from where we sat, inside the ring was filled with a thick layer of sawdust. Almost opposite where Tracy and I sat, across the ring, there was a wide gap in the fence, and just beyond that was a curtained entrance covering a gap in the bleachers that I guessed led outside the tent.

Without warning the strong overhead lights illuminating the seating area dimmed dramatically, while those over the ring remained fully lit. The ringmaster strode boldly out from behind the curtains holding a microphone. He was dressed in the traditional bright red tailcoat, black trousers and black top hat. He lifted the microphone to his mouth and his voice sounded from the multitude of speakers attached to the support poles around the tent. "Good evening ladies and gentlemen. I regret to inform you that one of our clowns will be unable to perform tonight." He paused at that point to let the audience give a moan of sympathy and then continued, "However, in the spirit of 'the show must go on' we would like to request a volunteer to take his place... come on now, don't be shy."

There was a burst of enthusiastic screaming and yelling from most of the children in the audience, and some of the adults. Tracy jumped up and waived energetically to get his attention, even though I had paid through the nose for her to be picked. The ringmaster looked around the audience and acted as if he was deciding whom to choose. Then I realised with horror that I might not be the only one to pay to have their child join the circus for the night. What would I do if she wasn't picked?

Eventually he made up his mind and stepped over the ring fence to take Tracy's hand and escorted her out into the ring. When they had returned to the centre of the ring he said, "And what's your name little girl?"

"Tracy," she replied, not at all fazed by being under the bright lights and in front of all those strangers.

"And how old are you Tracy?" he asked.

"Nine... well nearly," and then she giggled excitedly.

"Well Tracy," he said jovially, "wave to the audience," and he waved to everyone with her as she did. He then escorted her out of the ring to the curtain. After she had gone he returned and announced, "Tracy will return later, but for now let's get on with the show!"

As he announced the start of the show he stepped to one side of the entrance, and music began to play out from the speakers. The curtains parted and a red and yellow clown car rolled comically out followed by more clowns and men and women in tight fitting spangly costumes and horses... the entrance was then blocked from my view by the arrival of the clown car and the following clowns. I spotted Tracy sat atop the shoulders of a very tall but stick thin clown; still in her lilac dress, she was waving spiritedly at the crowd and grinning fit to burst. I waved at her and grinned when she spotted me, but all too soon she was past me and gone in the throng of the parade.

It took about ten minutes for the rest of the circus troupe to troop past us. Once the last of them had exited through the curtain the ringmaster announced the first act - the clowns.

The first one was a solo sad clown, he was funny but in a melancholy way. His act was a good fifteen minutes long, and I guessed they were using the time to prepare Tracy for her role. Then came the large group of slapstick clowns.

There was the tall thin clown I had seen carrying Tracy earlier and two short clowns that were in mirror image blue and white striped "Andy Pandy" type costumes complete with odd bonnets. There was an extremely fat laughing policeman type clown, a pantomime ugly sister type clown with projecting bosom and rear, and there was also an assortment of other clowns and a small black and white terrier with a white ruffled collar to complete the set.

The clowns were so good that I thought that they had put Tracy in with a different group. It wasn't until the two short clowns were close that I realised one of them was Tracy. When one of them ran up to me with a bucket, supposedly filled with water, I recognised Tracy's grinning face under the white clown makeup. She dramatically prepared to throw the contents of the bucket over me, much to the crowd's delight. I heard her delighted giggle as she threw the confetti it really contained all over me, and then ran back to rejoin the other clowns. She was really in her element; she loved the applause and cheers of the audience, being the centre of attention.

I noticed that Tracy and her counterpart left the ring a little while before the other clowns, but all too soon the other clowns also trooped off and another act took their place. A number of people came out; some continually juggled either solo or with partners, while others balanced things or balanced on them.

I was watching one woman in a sparkling pink costume climb to the top of a stack of chairs that she had built and then balancing on her head, when Tracy quietly slipped in beside me. I checked my watch and was surprised to see that half an hour had passed since the clowns had departed. She was wearing her lilac dress again and her face was free of the clown makeup but appeared to glisten, as if she were sweating or was greasy from the makeup remover, and her hair looked to be damp.

"That was fun!" she whispered excitedly to me.

"I'm glad you enjoyed yourself," I whispered back. She looked like she wanted to say more so I pre-empted her and whispered, "We'll talk about it when we get home... just enjoy the rest of the show for now."

We sat and watched the remaining acts. Although the circus only had the one ring they certainly knew how to put on a good performance and gave the audience value for money. There were tightrope walkers, trapeze artists, performing dogs, prancing horses and acrobatics. The only thing missing were the big cats.

As we were nearing the end of the mammoth four-hour performance, the man in black again approached us and whispered, "Curtain call." Tracy simply smiled and nodded, and then quickly followed him.

About twenty minutes later, after the last act had finished, the ringmaster announced, "Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for watching our show, we hope you enjoyed it. Please give a final round of applause for our performers." He stepped to one side again and the final parade began.

I tried to spot Tracy in with the clowns, but she wasn't there. I was worried until I spotted her sat astride one of the white horses, waving to the crowd. She was wearing a shiny blue outfit made up of a bikini top and short shorts, similar to the ones the trapeze artists had worn. As she slowly paraded past me high on the back of the walking horse she grinned down at me and blew me a kiss.

Again it took around ten minutes for the whole parade to troop through. Once they had gone the lights over the bleachers came up and almost as one, the audience stood and began to exit from the tent. I remained seated and waited as the crush of the crowd slowly thinned. I knew Tracy would have to change again before she returned, but after half an hour had crawled by I was beginning to worry. I was silently debating with myself whether to go looking for her when she entered the ring through the curtain opposite and ran across to me. She was again back in her lilac dress and ran into my outstretched arms and gave me a fierce hug.

"Thank you, thank you," she panted, breathless with excitement, "it was sooo much fun."

"I'm glad you enjoyed it," I smiled at her as she pulled back. She was grinning and had an excited, almost aroused, glint in her eyes. As I stood and turned to go, I was surprised by the man in black.

Tracy quickly climbed to stand on the bottom bench seat and surprised me again by giving him a tight hug. After they had let each other go, Tracy said to him, "Thanks Al, I really enjoyed being in the Show."

I thought I heard a slight emphasis on "show" but was distracted by Al.

"I'm glad you liked it," he said smiling as he ruffled her hair. He then turned to me and in a serious tone said, "You've got a real good girl here... you look after her, y'hear."

"I know I do," I said in a similar vein but smiling, "and I love her dearly."

Al nodded and I had the feeling I had just passed some sort of test. He then reached inside his waistcoat and passed me a clear plastic CD case containing a DVD disk. "The film of her 'adventures'," he said then winked.

As I drove us home Tracy finally relaxed. She had been hyped up and bouncing around since we set off earlier. She rapidly wound down as the excitement and energy drained out of her. After only a few minutes of driving she was yawning widely and only shortly after that she was asleep. She didn't even wake when I pulled into my drive, so I gently lifted her out of the car and carried her over to her house. It was after ten and we had an early start in the morning, so when Janet answered the door I simply carried Tracy in and up to her room, pulled back the covers and laid her on the bed. Then, rather than wake her, I simply slipped off her shoes and laid the covers over her as she was, still dressed.

The following morning was hectic and chaotic. We all got up early and packed everything in the car and then drove three hours to the campsite. It was a pleasantly forested area near a lake with a number of log cabins for the children to sleep in scattered around the main central hall.

I parked the car and we wandered into the camp. As we neared the central area, where a lot of the children and their parents were congregating, Tracy spotted Jenny and ran over to greet her. They embraced and then squealed and jumped about with excitement and were soon joined by Tammy and April.

The four of them were excitedly chattering to each other as a camp counsellor approached our group with a clipboard in hand. She didn't look very old, eighteen or nineteen, was blonde, well tanned and looked trim and athletic. She took the girls names and was able to assign them to a cabin together, along with another four girls.

After dropping Tracy off with Tammy, Jenny and April and eliciting promises of good behaviour from her, Janet and I drove the long and quiet journey home again. I knew the next six weeks would drag slowly by and was already looking forward to Tracy's return.

+ + + + +

After about three weeks of Tracy's absence, when I was really missing her, I remembered the DVD of her visit to the circus. I had forgotten all about it in the hustle of getting Tracy off to camp and had not thought about it since. I popped the disk into my player and returned to sit in my favourite chair. The film quality was surprisingly good, even though it was not professionally made. Without any menu, intro or titles it just started straight into the "film".

It opened with a long shot of Tracy and I walking in through the entrance and finding our seats on the front row of bleachers. Tracy looked fantastic; the thin fabric of the dress she wore accentuated her body instead of hiding it, and I felt a tug of longing for my absent lover. The picture zoomed into a close-up of Tracy as we sat down, until she filled the screen with her beauty. As we sat, Tracy's knees spread apart slightly into her usual sloppy posture. Through some odd quirk of the lighting the camera had a perfect view straight up her dress without the shadows I would have expected.

I realised then, that this could have only been filmed through the curtained entrance across the ring from where we had sat. As I recognised what had happened, the picture on the screen zoomed even closer to focus between Tracy's legs. [What are they doing?] I thought as the image on the screen continued to focus between Tracy's knees, even though she was moving too much to show more than a glimpse of her legs.

Suddenly she stopped still, unknowingly facing directly toward the camera, and I could see clearly all the way up her skirt to her naked, bald little slit. [That little minx,] I chuckled to myself, [she didn't wear panties!] As the image expanded even further I could clearly see her proud clit peeking its head out between her firm, plump labia and what looked like a faint glint of moisture oozing between her firm rounded lips. Had she been aroused at the thought of being in the show?

Abruptly the picture pulled back again to show the whole ring as the audience lights dimmed for the performance. The ringmaster walked past the point of view of the camera and into the ring, and then announced, "Good evening ladies and gentlemen. I regret to inform you that one of our clowns will be unable to perform tonight."

I realised that there was going to be sound, until then the film had been totally silent and I had wondered if it would all be. The ringmaster continued with his announcement and slow deliberate choosing of Tracy and after interviewing her he escorted her towards the camera's point of view.

Behind the curtain the pantomime ugly sister clown was already in costume and collected Tracy from the ringmaster. When he spoke in his rich baritone with his southern drawl, I realised that it was a man. "Why hello little lady, my name is Rick," he said as he shook her hand. "We need to get you into the parade quick, so Shorty here will carry you on his shoulders, ok?" Rick had guided Tracy over to the very tall and stick thin clown who then nodded to her when he was introduced. Shorty reached down and quickly lifted her up and onto his shoulders, straddling the back of his neck. As soon as Tracy was settled Shorty strode away from the camera following the parade of clowns.

The scene on the TV cut to one showing the circus ring from opposite the curtained entrance just as the ringmaster announced the start of the show and the parade began. They must have had another camera either sat near where I was or stood in the audience entranceway. The camera caught Tracy's entrance on the shoulders of Shorty and her entire parade around the ring, when they had gone back through the exit the scene cut again to return to the first camera.

Shorty stepped through the curtained entrance and lifted Tracy from his shoulders and down to the ground and then led her quickly along the alleyway and in through an opening with the camera view following. It was obvious this was the clown's dressing area; there were a lot of brightly coloured costumes and large makeup mirrors. Shorty led Tracy over to a short, stocky man wearing loose jogging shorts and matching top, who was sitting on a wooden chair and had a cast covering his right leg from just below his knee down to his toes.

"Buster," Shorty said to the man with the broken leg, "this is Tracy... our volunteer."

Buster was the same height as Tracy, about four foot tall, but he had a heavier build. He stood with the help of a cane and greeted Tracy briefly, "Hello Tracy." Then he pointed to a costume lying over the top of a hamper and continued, "You need to put that costume on, then we'll do your face and then you can learn the routine you'll be performing." Tracy smiled and nodded then stepped over to the hamper.

The camera view panned to follow her as she approached the hamper and then swiftly stripped off her dress to briefly stand naked before those strangers in clown costumes. As if nothing unusual had just happened she then quickly dressed in the blue and white clown outfit. The camera panned back with her as she returned to Buster and smiled and asked, "Ok, now what?" It was obvious from the surprised and shocked expressions of Buster, Rick, Shorty and the others that they had never seen a young girl strip like that in front of them before, or never expected her to do that. I could also see from Tracy's flushed and smiling face that she was a little aroused from her little 'show'.

The silence was broken when another clown dressed in a similar outfit to Tracy's trotted into the area. He was also wearing a blue and white striped bonnet and was holding another. "It's ok Buster," he called, "I found it."

Buster turned to the newcomer almost guiltily. "Thanks Buddy," he said overtly cheerful, "let's run through the routine together as I do her face."

Buddy and Buster talked through the routines that Tracy would have to perform during the clown's part of the show, while Buster deftly applied the white greasepaint to her face. When he was finished, and Tracy had put on the bonnet, she looked the mirror image of Buddy.

The scene suddenly cut to the camera watching the ring as the clowns entered. I watched grinning as Tracy ran through the routines as explained by Buster and Buddy. I could clearly see that she had enjoyed herself being a clown, and even as I grinned and laughed again at her antics I felt a pang of sadness because she was not here to watch it with me. I almost switched it off, but instead decided to continue watching, and I was glad I did.

After Tracy and Buddy left the ring early, the scene cut again to the first camera back in the dressing area. Tracy ran in, literally bouncing with excitement. She ran up to Buster where he sat on his chair and babbled excitedly, "Thank you, thank you, thank you..." Buster stood up carefully while smiling at her. "We'd better remove that face paint," he chuckled. Then, using what looked like cold cream, he removed the greasepaint as deftly as he had applied it.

Once her face was clean Tracy stepped over to the hamper where her dress was laying and reluctantly climbed out of the clown costume, I could see she didn't want to stop the adventure yet. Naked again and glowing from her excitement she impulsively ran back to Buster and embraced him in a firm hug. Both Buster and Buddy looked shocked and Buster didn't know what to do with his hands, at first he held them away from her but eventually he gently put them on Tracy's back.

Tracy pulled her head back and then kissed Buster on the lips. His eyes showed his surprise at the kiss and he pulled back from it to protest, "No, this is wrong..."

Tracy interrupted him cheekily, "It's ok, I do this with my 'daddy' all the time." Then she reached behind her to grasp his wrists and pushed his hands down until they were resting on her pert and firm backside, put her own hands round his neck and pulled him close for another passion filled kiss.

As the scene on the TV screen was heating up, my heartbeat thudded in my chest, I watched as if mesmerised by what was happening. I could feel a sympathetic throb in my groin as my dick filled with blood and engorged. I unzipped my suddenly constricting trousers, released my throbbing erection and idly began stroking it as I continued to watch Tracy's erotic adventures on the screen.

Tracy kissed Buster with rising fervour and soon he returned it. His hands, which had been still before, began caressing and squeezing Tracy's rounded buttocks causing her to squirm and moan in their embrace. She pulled back from the kiss and said in a sexy husky voice, "I know how to thank you properly..." She quickly dropped her hands to grasp the waistband of his shorts and pulled them down to his feet in one sharp motion, bending at the waist to complete it. His rapidly burgeoning erection throbbed near her face and I heard her gasp.

The cameraman moved to the side of them and I could then clearly see the reason for her gasp. She had grasped Buster's erect dick and it was big! Bigger than my more modest six inches, it was seven, maybe eight inches long and as thick as her wrist, well... at least two inches wide anyway.

My heart began beating faster as my excitement built. I loved her completely and I found I was excited by watching her doing two of the things that she really enjoyed, fucking and making an exhibition of herself. I was already so close to cumming that I had to let go of my cock and just watch the action.

Tracy pumped her fist up and down his hard rod for only a moment, and then ducked down to engulf the head of his dick with her mouth. She forced as much of his bulbous purple glans into her mouth as she could and worked her lips up and down the end of the shaft. Buster grunted and then moaned in pleasure as Tracy worked her magic on his dick head.

The cameraman moved back behind Tracy again as she moved her feet slightly further apart and flexed her delightfully rounded butt cheeks, as if she knew that was where Buddy was looking. Buddy quickly removed his costume and when he was naked except for his makeup he stepped up behind Tracy with his rampant erection a match for Buster's. It was as if Tracy had been made for their enjoyment; she was exactly the right height for them.

Buddy reached between Tracy's thighs and stroked her pussy slit, causing her to squirm and moan. "God, she's dripping!" he said in surprise. He reached and stroked her slit again, and then spread her slimy pussy juices over the head of his erect tool before nudging it against the entrance to her wet and inviting tunnel. He grabbed her hips and thrust himself deep into her tight cunt, forcing her mouth further onto Buster's dick and all three of them groaned in delight.

Buddy started to build up a steady rhythm as he fucked Tracy from behind. He was soon grunting and panting as his thrusts speeded up and became more frantic. Tracy looked to be enjoying herself but Buddy was thrusting faster and more urgently, his face screwed up as he thrust hard into her and came with a throaty yell. Buddy staggered back from Tracy leaving her dripping pussy exposed to the camera, I could clearly see rivulets of his cum oozing from her open but rapidly shrinking hole.

Tracy pulled back and off from Buster's dick then looked up at him and grinned. "Sit down..." she growled at him, and when he was sitting in his chair she turned and presented her bottom to him and suddenly sat down on his lap, impaling herself on his spit slicked erection. She moaned as she slid down his shaft and grunted as she bottomed out with some inches of him still outside her body. Tracy closed her eyes and slowly thrust herself up and down on Buster's big dick, groaning as she ground herself down on him repeatedly. The camera image on the screen zoomed in to close up on their joining, and I could see her prominent clit being forced in to drag against the underside of his shaft every time she sank down, and her inner lips pull out as she pulled herself back up.

She fucked herself on his shaft, oblivious to everything else, as both she and Buster worked themselves up the heights of pleasure. She was bouncing on his shaft, panting and moaning, driving both of them higher and higher until they both crashed over the top and came. The close up allowed me to see clearly as Buster's shaft seemed to expand and a flush spread over Tracy's lower abdomen as it clenched and rippled with her orgasm.

The sight of her orgasm was too much for me... I came without even touching myself. My cum fountained into the air to splat onto my stomach as I continued to watch the show on the screen immersed in the eroticism of it and oblivious to everything else.

The scene pulled back to show Tracy and Buster panting from their exertion with their eyes closed. Unexpectedly, from off camera came a baritone voice with a southern drawl. "Holy shit!" Rick exclaimed. Tracy's eyes snapped open and then she grinned at him. I had seen that hungry look many times before; she was still horny and would not stop until she was satisfied.

She pulled herself up and off of Buster's deflating dick with a wet sucking slurp and advanced, still grinning, towards Rick. The camera followed her as she sauntered up to Rick and Shorty still in their clown outfits and said huskily, "I've got to thank you and Shorty as well..." and then grinned hungrily. Rick and Shorty just stood dumbfounded as Tracy grabbed their hands and tugged on them to follow her. She pulled them over to the closed hamper where the costume she had worn was lying, and climbed up to lay on it.

Rick was the first to break out of his stupor. He swiftly stripped off his costume revealing a distinctly hairy body and an erect dick but no underwear. With no preamble he stepped closer to Tracy's spread form and simply pushed the head of his dick against her stretched but still tight hole. "Oh Lord!" he groaned as he thrust smoothly into her sopping tunnel.

Rick quickly began fucking Tracy in earnest, working himself in and out of her tight sheath without any real thought for her pleasure, but I could see that she was strongly aroused by him using her like that. As Rick thrust into Tracy, Shorty shook himself and quickly lowered his clown trousers to reveal his short but thick dick. He stepped round to the other side of the hamper and pressed his dick to Tracy's lips to be sucked.

She strained to suck the head into her mouth, but only managed to suck on it for a short while before Rick grunted and jerked his way to his orgasm leaving Tracy high and wet and in need. Shorty pulled his dick out of Tracy's taut lipped mouth and stepped back around the hamper and between her wide spread legs. He wiped the bulbous head of his dick around and through her slimy slit, covering it with the mixture of her and the others cum, and then slowly but firmly thrust his thick shaft into Tracy's still tight cunt. Once he was fully embedded in her tight embrace, Shorty began fucking her with short but fast strokes.

It didn't take much of Shorty's fast fucking to push Tracy's senses into overload. She squeaked with each thrust and then abruptly she screamed out her release. Shorty continued his rapid pounding at her cunt and after a short panted breather Tracy began squeaking again and rapidly built up to another screaming cum. At the same time Shorty's rapid thrusts became spasmodic and were accompanied with loud grunts as he also came.

As Shorty pulled back from Tracy's sweat soaked body the camera zoomed in on her abused pussy. It was swollen and enflamed and the slimy cum mixture of Buster, Buddy, Rick and Shorty oozed and dripped from her widely gaping stretched hole. As she panted and rested, I was amazed that I could see her hole visibly shrinking and returning to its normal size.

As Tracy began to struggle to sit up, someone's voice from off camera said, "Come on, we'd better clean her up and get her back to her dad..." All four of them helped to tenderly clean Tracy's body. They wiped her down and mopped up her dripping pussy; they dressed her and even ran a brush through her sweat damp hair before leading her back to where I was sitting in the audience.

I thought that would be all there was but suddenly the scene on the screen jumped and showed Tracy being led along the alleyway into another dressing area. Then I remembered, she was also in the final parade and sat back to enjoy this bit of the show as well.

Al led Tracy through the alleyway and explained, "We don't have time to put you in the clown costume again, so we thought you could do the parade with the trapeze artists instead." He led Tracy up to an older man who was dressed in a tight fitting satiny royal-blue outfit and looked a little like Ricardo Montalban. "Tracy this is Gerardo," Al introduced her, "he and his family will be looking after you for the parade, ok?" Tracy nodded bright eyed and smiling. As Al left she turned to Gerardo and I was sure she was looking at his crotch.

"Ché ragazza piccola bella," he said. It sounded Italian to me, but I couldn't understand him and Tracy looked puzzled also. "Rick mi dice che ami scopare." A trim looking woman wearing a tight fitting royal-blue leotard and tights stepped up beside Gerardo and scolded him, "Non dica quello davanti la ragazza, o non può desiderare giocare successivamente."

Then she turned to Tracy and smiled warmly, "Come, we must dress you for the finale, yes?" then she guided a smiling Tracy over to a nearby dressing table. Stood before the table was a younger version of Gerardo, also in a tight fitting royal-blue outfit, and a young girl who looked to be Tracy's age, wearing a very tight royal-blue thong leotard and thin pale blue tights, that left little to the imagination.

"Gina," the woman asked the girl, "please go and get your old shorts for Tracy here."

"Ok, mama," Gina replied as she sprinted from the area.

While they waited for Gina the woman gently explained, "You will be riding the big white horse, yes? Normally Gina, she would stand on its back and wave, but you... you just sit and hold on, hold on and wave to the crowd, ok?" When Gina returned the woman swiftly helped Tracy to strip and then applied a light powder all over her lithe, slender body.

"Distorsione di velocità, ché corpo sexy!" the young man said quietly to Gina.

"Sì, e sguardo al formato del suo clit!" she responded grinning, "Non posso attendere per succhiare su esso."

It was frustrating not knowing what they were saying, but it looked to me that they liked looking at Tracy's beautiful naked body, and I couldn't blame them for that.

"Gina! Carlo!" the woman helping Tracy looked annoyed at the comments they had made, but continued to help Tracy dress. The royal-blue shorts looked like a satiny material and were very brief. As she pulled them up Tracy's slim hips I could see that they were slit all the way up the sides and were only attached front to back at the top waist seam. The woman pulled them up tight, clearly outlining Tracy's slit and plump labia where the central seam was pulled between them, and showing most of her pale, firm butt cheeks as the short shorts snuggled deep in the crack between them. The top just looked like a normal bikini top that was made from the same material as the shorts.

When they were ready the group, including Tracy, made their way to the crowded tunnel where Gerardo lifted her and gently seated her straddling the broad back of the large white horse. "Sorriso ed onda," he said then gestured to his mouth and grinned and then waved his hand. When Tracy grinned and waved in response he nodded.

The scene cut again to the point of view near where I had been sitting and showed Tracy's entrance on the white horse smiling and waving, as she passed my position she blew me a kiss. As Tracy exited through the curtain the scene cut again to the other camera inside the tunnel.

Carlo stopped beside the horse and held his arms up to Tracy. "Slide off and I'll catch you." Tracy lifted her leg up and over the horses back, turned to face him, and then slid off into his waiting arms. Instead of letting her stand, Carlo cradled Tracy in his arms and carried her back to their changing area. When they got there he stood her on the seat of a chair, which put their faces on the same level.

Before he could turn away, Tracy boldly placed her hands on his cheeks, said earnestly, "Thank you Carlo," and then kissed him thoroughly, without a sign of protest Carlo kissed her back just as ardently. As Tracy and Carlo were lost in their passionate kiss the other three returned.

Gina looked up at Gerardo and asked quietly, "Papa, può io baciarlo come quello?"

He replied, "Mi non chieda che, chiedale," and gestured toward Tracy. It was frustrating not knowing what was being said, but I was surprised they did nothing to stop the kiss. I soon saw why they let it continue.

Gerardo, the woman and Gina all quickly stripped off their costumes. All three looked lean and fit, but I concentrated on Gina. She had long and slender arms and legs and her body was slim and well formed, but what drew my gaze was her well-defined pussy. Her mound was prominent and plump and her slit looked deep and inviting. With a barely stifled giggle, Gina sneaked up behind Carlo, who was still engrossed in kissing Tracy, and jerked his trousers down releasing his rapidly inflating erection.

Carlo jumped with a yell of surprise and pulled away from Tracy. "Why'd you do that?" he shouted at Gina, obviously upset by her intrusion.

"'Cause I wanna kiss her too!" Gina shouted back at him.

Tracy looked surprised by the interruption, and their argument, but said calmly, "Well I won't kiss either of you 'til you both kiss and make up..." both Gina and Carlo frowned, stubbornly crossed their arms and turned away from each other. Tracy just shrugged and jumped off the chair and stepped up to Gerardo. "Ooh, what a nice cock," she cooed at it, it was drooping but it looked about six inches long and a reasonable thickness. Tracy then looked Gerardo in the face and sweetly asked, "Can I play with it please?"

The woman quickly helped Tracy take off her costume as she said to Gerardo, "Chiede se può giocare con il vostro dick, voi desidera la sua bocca o il suo pussy?"

"Potete succhiarli mentre lo succhia, quindi la scopo," he said firmly.

Tracy looked puzzled again by the different language, but the woman explained, "He says he would like that, but you must suck him hard before he can please you, yes?"

"Oh goody!" Tracy cheered and clapped her hands together.

As she knelt and reached for Gerardo's cock he shook his head. "Non ancora, lasci Angela trovarsi giù in primo luogo."

Tracy looked saddened by his rejection and turned to look at the woman. "You said I could suck it," she accused.

The woman quickly explained, "You can, but let us be comfortable, yes?" she then spread a thick blanket on the ground and laid back on it. She smiled at Tracy and said, "Let mama suck on your sweet slit while you suck on papa's cock, yes?"

Tracy grinned again and nodded rapidly then knelt astride the woman's face with her plump labia split directly over her waiting mouth. The woman must have started tonguing at Tracy's pussy because Tracy gasped in pleasure, and then sat herself down harder on the woman's sucking mouth.

Gerardo sat on the floor in front of Tracy, with his legs spread wide around Tracy's knees and the woman's head, and gestured at his flaccid cock. Tracy leant forward and supported herself with her left hand on Gerardo's thigh while gently stroking his soft member with her right and guided it to her waiting lips. While Tracy was sucking on Gerardo's cock, and being sucked by the woman. Carlo and Gina were watching the action and getting aroused.

Gina looked frustrated at being left out; she stepped up to the side of Gerardo and said, "Papa, lo succhia prego buon." Gerardo lay back fully and Gina straddled his face and lay over his body to watch and smile at Tracy as she slowly sucked at his soft cock. Carlo said nothing but moved to kneel between the woman's legs and pushed them apart. He stroked his erect cock a few times and then positioned the head at her pussy entrance before thrusting himself in.

Tracy's experienced mouth, which I knew so well, soon had Gerardo's cock erect and rearing proudly from his groin. He gently pushed Gina off of his face and sat up to lift Tracy up and lay her down again beside Gina. Tracy was grinning and automatically spread her legs wide as Gerardo placed his hard cock at her pussy entrance and thrust home. Tracy groaned at the sudden intrusion, but I recognised it as a groan of pleasure. Gerardo began to rhythmically thrust in and out of her and she lifted her legs around his waist to get him in deeper.

Tracy's squeaks, groans and moans as he fucked her had my dick hard again as I recognised the sound of her rapidly approaching orgasm. He fucked her steadily and without stopping as she shivered through three big orgasms before he bellowed out his own. He rolled off of her sweaty and exhausted body only for Gina to dive between her legs to lap and suck at their combined fuck juices. Gina's lapping and sucking at Tracy's sensitive pussy quickly brought her to another quivering orgasm before the woman stepped in and pulled them apart. She quickly and expertly cleaned Tracy up and redressed her in her lilac dress before handing her back to Al.

At that point the film suddenly stopped and I noticed I was a mess. I had obviously cum a number of times while watching the film, and I was now covered in my own slimy spend. As I took a quick shower I fervently wished that the next three weeks would speed by, so I would quickly be reunited with Tracy, my sexy dynamo little girl lover.

R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s


Sorry cant go with this one. A man protects his woman, even a little one. He told the mother that he would hand her the knife so she could cut his balls off if he hurt her and he handed her over to some freaks but they took pictures of her fucking and sucking and now they will end up on the net. That is not what a man does. Then he jacks off looking at them. If you want to make him a rapist do so, if you want to make him a lover do so, but this sucks.


I havn't read this series yet, just the reviews and already I'm tenting my denims. Can't wait to get home from work and start reading. I'll let you know if I reach BLAST OFF.


Yeah, went off like a rocket. Still got last three chapters to read. GREAT story.


Geez, HOW could I guess you would follow the anonymous prick and turn Ben into a simple fucking molester...

Story is not on par with Clayton's syories anymore, and I am ashamed of even comparing it to them...

Wont follow this story anymore, and my guess is you lost loads of readers...

Nice to see you dropped the rom code at least because this isn't romance, just pure sleaze... Ciao

The reviewing period for this story has ended.