Good Neighbour, Part 5

[ Mg, cons, pedo, rom, exhib ]

by Lensman


Published: 6-Dec-2011

Word Count:

Author's Profile

show Story Summary
And remember, these story are fictional, all characters and events depicted within are fictional and any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental.

Cast of Characters

Me (Ben): author, age 32, brown hair, hazel eyes.
Tracy: my sexy neighbour, age 7, light blond hair, green eyes, pixie face.
Janet: Tracy's mother, an older version of Tracy.


Sexy Christmas

In the weeks that followed Halloween I kept a careful watch on Tracy. A typical week would consist of, Monday through to Friday without seeing Tracy, just working and reading stories posted to my favourite story website. On Saturday and Sunday Tracy would cum over and we would fuck like rabbits.

It may have been my imagination but I felt sure she was becoming more extroverted as the weeks went by. Even though the weather was turning colder Tracy continued to arrive at my place in summer weight clothing and while she stayed with me would wear very little (usually nothing at all).

Thanksgiving came around and I was invited over by Janet, relayed through Tracy. The meal was excellent, Janet is a very good cook, and Tracy acted like a perfect little lady, this made me suspicious.

After desert Janet asked, "I don't want to impose, but would you be able to look after Tracy next Friday and Saturday?"

I only had to think for a moment before replying, "Of course I will," then I looked at Tracy and smiled, "I don't mind babysitting Tracy."

Tracy protested, "Ben... I'm not a baby anymore!"

I winked at her and said, "Gotcha!"

Janet continued patiently, "Can you pick her up from school, as I've got to leave early on Friday."

I nodded, "Sure, no problem."

"And I won't be back until late on Saturday." Janet said.

That Friday I picked up Tracy from her school. As I waited in reception Tracy walked in being escorted by a teacher. All the other girls I had see on campus had been wearing thick tights and longer, heavier skirts because of the colder weather, but not Tracy, she was still wearing her short, light weight skirt and just short socks.

The teacher approached with Tracy and asked, "Are you Tracy's father?"

"No," I replied shaking my head, "I'm just a friend of the family. Is something wrong?"

"Tracy has been increasingly distracted all week. She has been an exemplary student up to now, but this last week she has shown less and less enthusiasm for school. And today she has been walking around in a daze."

I looked at Tracy and noticed that as she stood there, her eyes were glazed and her body was trembling slightly. "Maybe she's coming down with the Flu," I suggested.

"Is there anything wrong at home?" the teacher asked insistently.

"Not that I know of," I replied cautiously, "but I'll keep an eye out and if I see anything, I'll let you know."

With that I made our excuses and led Tracy out to my car. When we were safely on our way home I asked, "Ok Tracy, what's wrong?" "Umm..." she mumbled, "n- n- nothing..."

There was a nagging feeling at the back of my mind that I knew what was causing Tracy to act the way she was, but I left it and nothing more was said as I drove us home.

Normally, when we arrived home, Tracy would be the first out of the car, first through the door and waiting impatiently for me (usually naked and impatient for a good cum). However this time when I pulled up in my driveway Tracy didn't move. I got out and walked round to her side and opened her door and had to nudge her into getting out of the car.

She climbed out gingerly, like her joints ached, and cautiously walked into the house. I followed her in then entered the kitchen to prepare a snack. I carried it into the lounge and found Tracy in the armchair with her eyes closed and a smile on her face. This was very worrying, there was no demand for sex and she was not her usual vibrant sexy self.

I looked closely at Tracy's face, at her blissful smile and called her name, repeating it until she opened her eyes to look at me. Her breathing was erratic and her eyes still looked glazed and her pupils looked dilated. I was shocked and disappointed at what I thought was the reason. "Tracy," I asked loudly to get her attention, "what have you taken?"

She either didn't hear me or didn't understand the question, this caused me to worry even more. "Tracy," I repeated holding her chin to make her look at me face to face, "What drugs have you taken or sniffed?"

This time I seemed to get through to her, "Hmm..." she murmured still panting, "no drugs... never take..." "So what's up?" I nearly shouted in frustration.

"Hmm..." she moaned, "coming..."

"What?" I said not understanding. Tracy tried to shift to reach behind her, but the effort was too much. I leant her forward and reached behind her. I searched briefly then pulled something off of her skirt waistband and brought it out. As Tracy flopped bonelessly back into the chair I realised it was a controller. Now that I understood the relief was a flood of emotion, I had thought she had tried drugs and was tripping, but I was wrong thank god.

I followed the wire from the controller, under her skirt waistband and under her thigh. I lifted the front of her skirt to reveal her bald and very plump and flushed pussy. The wire disappeared into her slit and the controller was set on "High". I switched the controller off and Tracy moaned a long drawn out "Nooooo..."

"Please switch it back on," Tracy pleaded, "I was so close... Please switch it on, please..."

"Ok," I said, "but let's get more comfortable first. I then picked her up and carried her up to my bed. I switched the vibrator back on to the "High" setting and then began to undress Tracy. Very soon after switching it back on Tracy was again zombie like and unaware of the world.

I watched her as she lay on the bed with that silly grin on her face, every so often a shudder would run through her body. I lay on the bed next to her and gently stroked one of her erect nipples and watched her shudder in response. I stroked her other nipple and watched her shudder again. I parted her thighs and gently stroked her pussy lips. I watched in amazement as her lower abdomen, just above her slit, pulsed and rippled. Then Tracy moaned as she appeared to cum.

I lightly stroked her pussy again and watched as Tracy's muscles spasm with another cum. After repeating that three or four times I decide to try a little harder. I could see Tracy's clit peeking out from between her pussy lips, so I wet my finger and thumb and tried a gentle but firm tweak on it. I watched as Tracy's abdomen rippled and her butt muscles clenched and flexed as she came.

I decided to try and give her a really big orgasm, and get some juice for my self. I put my mouth around her little pussy, which caused another ripple of a mini-cum, and gently pulled the wire of the vibrator. I felt it begin to slide between her lips and mine, as it did I felt Tracy cum again.

As I slowly pulled the vibrator out of her cunt Tracy started to have small orgasms continuously. As I felt her hole widen to allow the ball out I began to suck, waiting for her juice, and strum her hypersensitive clit with my tongue. The ball plopped into my mouth, along with all of Tracy's pent up juice, as she really hit the big one and came very hard. Tracy tried to arch her back and scream, but there was only a vague lift and a hoarse whisper.

Her pussy juice gushed into my mouth and I tried valiantly to swallow it all without choking on the ball, much to my disappointment some leaked as Tracy tried to thrash around. Tracy continued to orgasm all the while I licked and sucked her pussy. When I finally stopped Tracy relaxed and lay there like a rag doll, panting and sweaty and more beautiful than ever.

While she recovered I switched off the vibrator and stripped off then lay on the bed next to Tracy and gently stroked her body until she was able to talk.

I looked into her eyes and gently said, "Tell me what happened."

Tracy looked at me then away penitently, she said, "I only "borrowed" it... I would have put it back..."

"Ask next time," I said simply, "now what happened today?" when I got no reply I continued, "Your teacher said you've been distracted all week... Have you been using it all week?"

Tracy looked away again and meekly answered, "Yes..."

"Do you realise how dangerous that is," I asked trying to stay calm, "what if you had been caught, how would you explain having a ball in your pussy?"

Tracy snickered at my choice of words then protested, "No I didn't... I hid it in my room at home... I - I would use it when I got home from school, 'cause I can't come over to see you 'till the weekend."

"So why were you distracted all week?" I asked pointedly.

"'Cause I was always thinking of what I could do with it when I got home I guess," she smiled.

After a short pause I prompted, "And what about today?"

"Well," she said, "I knew you'd be collecting me so I took it with me this morning so I could return it... honest."

"And..." I prompted again.

"And I remembered it at lunch... and I thought it would be exciting..." then she trailed off.

"And..." I prompted yet again.

"I went into the girls bathroom during lunch. I was playing with it on my clitty when I heard voices, so I pushed it in to muffle the buzzing sound it makes."

"Why not switch it off?" I asked incredulously.

"'Cause then it wouldn't feel good!" she replied, "Anyway, the girls I heard didn't go away 'till the end of lunch, so I had to leave it hidden there. But it felt really great at the end!"

"But why not switch it off?"

"I did," she proclaimed, "I only switched it back on for the last lesson, 'cause I knew you'd be coming to get me!" then grinned again and squirmed around until she was facing my raging hardon.

She attacked my dick like a starving man would food. She licked up and down my shaft, then quickly sucked the head into her hot little mouth. She sucked voraciously while flicking her tongue around my glans concentrating on that most sensitive spot. Due to the stimulation I had given Tracy, what she was doing to me and the lack of sex over the last week, all too soon I came, squirting what felt like gallons of cum into her mouth and throat. Tracy sucked and swallowed all she could, but still a little dribbled out of her mouth, only to be scooped up and swallowed when I was finished.

We had a quick shower to clean up and afterward I got Tracy to promise she would never "borrow" any of my toys without asking first, I can only guess that her mother never found the vibrator wherever it was hidden.

For the next few weeks Tracy returned to "normal", but as Christmas rapidly approached she started to get more excited and excitable. Because the weather was getting colder Janet had given Tracy a new overcoat. It was a light tan colour and looked something like a cross between an old "Wild West" duster and Columbo's mac.

About two weeks before Christmas I was going out to buy Christmas decorations when I was intercepted by Tracy.

"Where're you goin'?" she called as she ran across the street. It was a Friday afternoon and she had just got home from school so was still dressed in her uniform.

"I'm going to buy some Christmas decorations," I replied, "I'm hoping the shops wont be so crowded."

"Can I come?" she asked excitedly bouncing from foot to foot.

"I guess so," I replied cautiously, "but you'd better ask your mother."

Tracy ran back to her house and I started the car to warm it up while I waited. A short time later Tracy came dashing back wearing her new overcoat, climbed into the car and off we went.

When we arrived at the mall I parked in the underground parking lot. As we walked to the elevator I said, "I don't know why you brought that coat, you'll be too warm when we get inside."

Tracy shook her head, "No I won't... look," she then started to unbutton the coat while looking around, as she undid the buttons she re-closed the Velcro button flap. When she was done Tracy took a last look round, while I stood there impatiently, then ripped open the coat to display her naked body.

I stood and stared for a moment then, when Tracy closed the coat again, I looked around rapidly. When I didn't see anyone I knelt in front of Tracy and said quietly but firmly, "Do you know how dangerous that is?"

"Yes," she nodded, "but it makes me feel excited!" then she happily skipped to the elevator.

I chased after her and was unable to say anything as just at that moment the elevator doors opened and a stream of people walked out.

When we got in the elevator we were joined by a couple, so I knelt in front of Tracy and whispered, "We'll continue this conversation at home," as I made sure the coat would not accidentally open. Tracy happily nodded and said, "Ok daddy!" then giggled.

Initially as we walked through the mall, I was scared spitless. I was sure that at any moment someone would denounce me for being a pervert, or would somehow see that Tracy was naked under her coat. But as we continued to shop my feelings of fear changed into frissions of excitement, now I could begin to understand why Tracy was doing this.

At one point Tracy dragged me into the large toy store and happily began playing with all the toys on display, it being close to Christmas, I took careful note of what she was enjoying most. I turned away for a brief moment, to check out something she had been playing with previously. When I turned back Tracy was gone!

I rushed to where I had last seen her and quickly looked around for her, I could not see her, I nearly panicked. Then I caught a glimpse of that coat at the other end of another aisle. I rushed down there and found her. She was bouncing on a "Space Hopper", at least that was what they were called when I was a kid.

At the end of the aisle was a display of "Oddballs" they were balls about 18 inches in diameter with handles. The display showed children happily having races sat on the ball holding the handles. I looked at Tracy sat on the ball, her coat was flapping behind her as she bounced and I could easily see her bare legs up to mid thigh.

I put my hand on her shoulder and looked into her flushed face and said, "You're beginning to show off again..."

Tracy continued bouncing gently and moaned quietly, "Just a little more... I'm nearly there..."

I looked down at where her hands were holding the handle, there was only one?

I quickly looked around, and seeing no one, I opened Tracy's coat. I could now clearly see how Tracy had impaled herself on the 4 inch hard rubber handle and was busy fucking herself on it. That was damned sexy to watch, a seven year old so horny she had to fuck using a bouncing toy!

As I watched Tracy bounced and fucked herself up and down on the handle, I could clearly see the pussy juice she was leaking. She began to moan in frustration so I reached between her parted thighs and rubbed her little clit. I strummed it and tweaked it until Tracy came, she stiffened and squeaked her cum. When she had calmed down she pulled herself off the handle and, on shaky legs, put the toy back on display. I decided that it could be too dangerous to stay so I led a still shaky Tracy back to the parking lot and quickly drove home.

Tracy and I were both silent on the drive home, I was thinking about what could have happened and what I was going to say to her. When we arrived home Janet was outside her house so when Tracy climbed out of the car she ran across the road and straight into her house.

Saturday Tracy didn't come over so I went shopping. I managed to buy all the decorations I wanted and I got one of those "Oddballs" for Tracy for Christmas. Tracy visited Sunday afternoon, before we could "play" I sat her down for a serious conversation.

"Tracy," I asked, "why did you do that on Friday?"

"Do what?" she asked innocently.

"Go naked under your coat when we went shopping?"

"Oh, that..." she hesitated, "I thought it would be exciting."

"And was it?" I asked.

"Yeah! All those people didn't know, it made me tingle," then she giggled.

"Why not wear a dress or skirt without panties?" I asked, "Then you're naked under the skirt..."

"I do that all the time," she said waving her hand dismissively, "it's not exciting anymore." I thought.

What could I say to that, the only thing I could think of was to explain some of the dangers. "Well you need to understand just how dangerous it is," I started, "What if your coat had come open accidentally?"

"Yeah..." she grinned excitedly.

"No," I said trying to look very serious, "if someone had seen you, they would have alerted the authorities who would arrest me for letting you do it, and take you away from your mum..." I continued for a while on what could happen if we were caught. As I did I could see Tracy get more depressed.

I stopped and gave Tracy a quick hug then said with a conspiratorial wink, "You just have to be less blatant."

"Huh?" she grunted looking confused and sad.

"Don't go out naked under a coat, wear normal clothing..." I could see she was not getting the idea so I continued, "how about we go out shopping next week and I'll show you what I mean. You'll need to come over here in your normal clothes," then I added with a wink, "but make sure the skirt is short."

Tracy arrived around nine the following Saturday, she was wearing a pale pink fleece jacket and a grey pleated skirt that came down to mid thigh, I think it might have been her school skirt. She opened the jacket to reveal a tight white T-shirt. I asked Tracy to stand halfway up the stairs, and I stood at the bottom. "That's no good..." I said then I dashed up to Tracy and rolled up the waistband once, raising the bottom hem about an inch. I returned to the bottom of the stairs and looked up at Tracy and said, "That's better..." then beckoned her down, "come on we've got to go!"

"What was that all about?" Tracy asked as we got in the car.

"If you want to show off to people." I said excitedly, "you've got to be careful."

"What d'ya mean?" she asked curiously.

"Well..." I said as I drove to the mall, "you've got to let people look, but don't let 'them' know that 'you' know 'they' are looking."

"What?" Tracy said confused.

"If you were to ride up an escalator while naked," I explained, "everyone would look, wouldn't they?" "Oh yeah!" Tracy sounded excited by that thought.

"But 'you' would be caught," I continued, "and arrested for stripping in public. So 'you' would be the one to get in trouble... not a good idea!"

Tracy sighed, "No I guess not."

"Now if you ride up an escalator wearing a short skirt," I explained, "anyone stood below you can see up the skirt to your bare butt and maybe you bare little pussy!"

"Oooh yeah..." Tracy liked the sound of that.

"But 'they' can't say anything," I continued, "because 'you' are just innocently stood there and 'they' should not be looking, and if they do say anything 'they' get in trouble."

"Oooooh..." Tracy moaned, "I like it!"

When we arrived and parked I told Tracy, "Just act 'normal', pretend you don't know that you are showing off, ok?" "Yes daddy!" she replied sweetly then giggled.

As we approached the elevator I had an idea. I whispered to Tracy, "When we get near the first escalator I want you to run a little ahead and get on, then turn around to talk to me, ok"

We left the elevator at the lower level and began walking holding hands, hopefully we looked like a normal daddy and daughter. As we approached the base of the escalator Tracy ran away from me with a laugh and stood on the bottom step, then turned around and called to me, "Come on daddy." I walked up to the escalator and onto it a number of steps below Tracy. I looked up at her and grinned, I could see up her skirt and kept getting flashes of her little pussy as she swayed with the motion of the escalator.

I heard a faint gasp behind me and saw Tracy grin even wider. When we got to the top, and I caught up with her, Tracy was breathing heavily. I whispered in her ear, "Excited?"

She nodded vigorously then grabbed my hand and dragged me away. She continued to pull me along for a while then, when we reached the entrance to the toy store, I stopped us both and knelt so I was face to face with Tracy.

"Do you want to 'play' with that bouncing ball thing?" I asked quietly.

Tracy nodded, "Yeah..." she whispered, "I'm horny..."

I smiled, "Let's save that little game until later... ok?"

Tracy sighed but nodded.

We continued to wander around the mall, looking for opportunities for Tracy to show off. As we passed a shoe store I had an idea. I guided Tracy into the store, as we were looking at the shoes on display I whispered, "Remember, you don't know what you're showing, ok?" Tracy nodded her understanding.

I spotted an unoccupied assistant and strode right up to him. He was in his late teens, was tall and skinny and had a very bad case of acne all over his face. I walked up to him and said politely, "Excuse me, my daughter needs some new shoes, but I'm not sure what size she is now."

"If you'll follow me," he said politely then led us to a seat with an angled box in front of it. He looked at Tracy and said, "If you sit in the chair I'll measure your feet." Tracy looked at me and I gave her a quick wink and a nod of reassurance. She sat perfectly, with her knees a little apart keeping the top of her skirt level and leaving a gap.

The assistant sat on the other side of the angled box and grasped Tracy's foot, he undid the laces and removed her trainer then lifted her foot into the measuring device. This lifted Tracy's knee slightly. After he had noted down the measurement he looked up at Tracy asking, "What shoes were you interested in?"

Tracy began to chatter about different shoes and trainers while waving her raised knee in and out. From my vantage point, to the side of them both, I could see a little way up Tracy's skirt, I noticed the assistant glance down at her waving leg, then start in shock. I could just make out his face flushing under his acne and his ears turned red.

Tracy finished her one sided conversation and still the assistant stared without moving. I sat down beside Tracy and said in a bored voice, "Is this going to take much longer?"

His eyes flicked up to meet mine, then darted back briefly, to look at what Tracy was showing, before returning to meet my gaze. "Umm..." he gulped then stuttered, "n - no sir, I - I'll just be a moment," then he stood and dashed away, but not before both Tracy and I noticed the bulge behind his flies, Tracy giggled.

The assistant returned very quickly with an armload of shoeboxes. He sat in front of Tracy and retrieved the first pair of shoes, although he was staring at Tracy he must have also been listening to her, the first pair were exactly what she had been chatting about. He put them on her feet while glancing up Tracy's skirt.

Tracy tried on all the shoes he brought and another two visits for more. Each time the assistant would put the new shoes on Tracy's feet and look up her skirt while he did, and each time Tracy would try walking in them and ask for another pair. At the end of the last group Tracy decided the first pair of trainers she had tried on was the pair she wanted.

We left the shoe shop with our purchase and continued walking around the mall. Tracy was very excited, she was skipping around and babbling. She skipped back to my side and pulled on my arm until I leaned down to her height. She grinned then whispered in my ear, "I'm horny!"

I looked into her eyes and smiled, "I know!"

We continued to wander around the mall until we approached the malls "Santa's Grotto".

Tracy hopped up and down in front of me and squealed, "Can I visit Santa? Please can I?"

I put my hands on her shoulders to stop her jumping about, and stop her skirt flipping up and showing all around us that she wasn't wearing panties. "I guess so," I said, "but remember calm and innocent." Tracy cheered and clapped her hands together, then she ran to join the waiting line.

We didn't have to wait in line too long before it was Tracy's turn. She calmly walked up to him and let him lift her into his lap. They had a smooth operation, as Santa lifted Tracy onto his lap the good looking female elf assistant asked me Tracy's name and relayed it to Santa through her discreet radio mike.

Tracy sat sideways on Santa's lap as he supported her back with one hand. He laughed a jolly, "Ho ho ho," then asked Tracy, "and what do you want for Christmas Tracy?"

Tracy beamed up at him then motioned for him to lower his head. When he was low enough she began to whisper in his ear.

I watched as she sat there whispering, Santa's left hand was slowly stroking Tracy's back while his right was resting on her legs and he nodded to things Tracy was saying. I thought I saw his right hand creep slowly up her leg but I couldn't be sure from my vantage point. After Tracy had finished whispering she kissed Santa on the cheek then, as he lifted her down from his lap, he laughed shakily, "Ho ho ho, Merry Christmas Tracy."

I continued ambling through the mall with Tracy skipping along beside me until we reached the parking lot. During the drive home Tracy chatted animatedly, it was easy to see that this trip had excited her a lot. When I could finally get a word in I asked her, "What was it you whispered to Santa?"

"I can't tell you," she replied indignantly, "or I won't get it."

No matter how much I joked, pleaded and pestered her Tracy would not tell me.

When I pulled into my driveway Janet came out to meet us, we chatted for a while then she and Tracy returned home. Unfortunately I didn't get to see Tracy until the next week.

Christmas morning I was woken by an insistent knocking. The night before I had been out with friends and had a little too much to drink, so I was a little the worse for wear. I stumbled to the door and opened it to a bright and happy Tracy bouncing about with excitement. I let her in then retreated to the bathroom to clean up and wake up properly.

While I was making myself presentable Tracy told me she had been sent to fetch me over to spend Christmas day with her and Janet. As we left the house I collected the bag of gifts I had prepared earlier then followed Tracy over the road to her house.

The day passed quickly, and energetically on Tracy's part. Janet prepared a good turkey dinner and the three of us exchanged gifts and played various party games. As the evening progressed Tracy slowly wound down and eventually fell asleep on the couch with her head on my lap while Janet and I talked quietly.

After a brief lull in the conversation Janet surprised me by saying, "I found that vibrator Tracy took!"

What could I say? I looked at Janet and simply said, "Oh?"

Janet continued, "Yes, she told me she had taken it without your knowledge or consent, but I'd like to know how she knew it was there..."

I side-stepped that question and said, "Yeah I didn't know she had it until she returned it..." then I realised what I had just admitted to and shut up hoping Janet wouldn't pick up on my slip. No such luck!

Janet looked angry enough to chew nails but she quietly said through gritted teeth, "If you hurt her I will personally cut your balls off and feed them to you!"

I looked down at Tracy where I was lightly stroking her head, then back up at Janet and just as quietly said, "Janet I could never harm Tracy, but if I ever did I would stand there and pass you the knife!"

Janet's hard angry features softened a little and she said, "You really do love her don't you?"

I smiled as I looked at Tracy again and whispered, "With all my heart... I know what my life was like without her and don't ever what to go back to that. I would gladly do anything for her... anything!"

I continued gently stroking Tracy's hair as I watched her sleeping then I heard Janet let out a deep sigh of what sounded like relief. I looked at her and saw her smile when she said, "I had hoped she would find someone..."

"Ohhh?" I said curiously.

"I was introduced to sex by an older man," Janet started quietly as if she were struggling to say the words, "When I was around six or seven my father used to play with me in the bath."

I thought it best to keep quiet at that point so I didn't interrupt.

"I guess it's not surprising that I enjoyed what he did, what we did. It didn't take long for us to progress from playing with my pussy in the bath to full fucking. My daddy was the best, he always made sure I came, not like some of the boyfriends I've had!"

Janet paused for a moment then looked at me intently, "You can never tell Tracy this," she said in all seriousness, "I still visit my father for a good fuck when I'm in need, and he is the one who got me pregnant with Tracy."

I looked at Janet too surprised to say anything, then I felt Tracy move as she asked, "So grandpa is my daddy?"

Janet was shocked, she glanced at Tracy then me then hid her face in her hands as she mumbled, "Oh Shit!"

Tracy sat up then jumped from the couch and climbed onto Janet's lap and gave her a fierce hug. "Why didn't you tell me?" she asked sounding hurt.

"I - I don't know," Janet replied, "I guess I didn't think you would understand."

Tracy glanced at me and grinned, "I understand mum, I really do."

"I guess you do at that," Janet sniffled and smiled, "Do you love Ben?"

Tracy looked at me again and grinned, "Yes mum I do, a lot!"

Janet paused for thought then said, "I guess I can't complain or stop you... Please, both of you, be very careful ok?"

As Tracy jumped from Janet's lap she lightly called out, "Ok mum, I will."

I was trying to reassure Janet that I was controlling Tracy's exhibitionistic streak when Tracy ran into the room naked dragging the oddball gift that I had given her. As Janet and I looked on, opened mouthed in shock, Tracy began to bounce on the ball on the spot. "Have you seen this great present mum?" Tracy shouted to Janet.

Janet looked at me and said, "I thought you said you were controlling her exhibitionism..." I just shrugged and smiled.

Tracy called out, "Watch... Mum, watch!"

As Janet turned to watch Tracy stopped the ball on the floor, lifted herself up then plunged down on one of the handles, impaling her pussy to the hilt.

Janet gasped, "Oh my god..." as Tracy began to pump herself up and down on the hard rubber handle. We sat there mesmerised as Tracy fucked herself with abandon. In a very short time Tracy was squealing and moaning out her orgasm as she ground herself down on the ball.

After that day our lives were never the same...

R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s


I just can say... Woooow!

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