One Prime Pair of Preteen Poutang, Part 2

[ mm/gg, les, het ]

Published: 17-Jul-2012

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All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

They stood peering at the blanket which was obviously too small for all of them except by crowding together like passengers in a life boat. After a moment, Eric sat in the grass at the blanket's edge. The other boys did the same, settling on either side of Eric, leaving the blanket for the girls.

Melissa hesitated. She was sure Eric had checked her out at the roadside, and on the walk in the woods she had treated him to views of her round bottom in its skimpy adornment, along with her junior Miss America legs if he had cared to look. She gazed now at the trees bordering the field and gave the boys a good look at her front. She was an even four feet, slightly above average height for her age and about the same height as Sky, a foot shorter than Jimmy, a foot and half shorter than Eric and Lenny. Her approximately fifty-five pounds were arranged as in a perfectionist's painting. She was blonde, her hair full and lightly curled, falling to her shoulders. Her blue eyes were large and widely spaced and sparkled with intelligence and mischief. With her fine nose and high cheek bones she was, perhaps, pretty more than cute, even beautiful, whereas Sky, perhaps, was cute more than pretty, though from the neck down Sky matched her charm for charm. Both girls had even light tans on peach smooth skin with Melissa showing creamy white along the borders of her smaller bikini. Although the girls were years from becoming teenagers they were sex packages already and they knew it, Melissa's understanding being a bit clearer on this point than Sky's. Whether thirteen and fourteen year old boys had the brains to see it, neither girl could say but the prospect seemed bright.

Sky stood with her, sensing Melissa's decision to pose. After half a minute of it, Sky got down and arranged herself on the blanket. Melissa did the same, folding her legs under her. The girls glanced at each other and tittered.

Lenny cleared his throat and uttered the first spoken words since they entered the woods. "I forgot the cider."

"That's okay. I'm not thirsty," Sky said. "Are you thirsty, Melissa?"

"No, I'm not thirsty either," Melissa said.

"That's good," Lenny said. He waited for Eric to say something, to take charge of their limping program but Eric gave them only his strained face.

Lenny coughed cleared his throat again. "Um, you know, me and the guys, think you two are real pretty for being like your age and all."

"Yeah?," Sky said.

Lenny nodded. "Yeah, really. So you and Melissa are good friends. We know that."

"Yeah," Sky told him.

"And you wear these cute bikinis, too."


"Um. Well, do ever like kiss each other?"

Melissa squealed. "Lenny, that's a stupid question."

"No it isn't?," Eric broke in. Eyes went to him. "It's not stupid."

Melissa turned her face away. "I think it's stupid."

"We even talked about it, Melissa," Sky said. "Remember?"

Melissa flushed. She remembered, of course she remembered. What was Sky doing, saying that to the boys. Was she going to tell them when the idea came up - at the computer watching girls their age make out like maniacs? They had giggled about doing the same thing themselves, then hadn't.

Eric laughed. Lenny and Jimmy laughed. The boys had guessed right that something dark lay in the fact that the prettiest little girls in the whole school were best friends.

"That ain't no coincidence. I bet ya they make out with each other," Lenny had said when they were waiting for the girls by the woods. "I seen girls like them kissing on the Internet. Bet anything that's what they do."

"Probably fingerfuck each other," Eric opined.

"Yeah," Jimmy said.

"We wanna see you do it," Lenny said.

"You want to see Melissa and me do kisses?," Sky said.

"Yeah," Lenny said. "We wanna watch you make out. Is that okay?"

Sky turned to her friend. "You want to?"

Melissa blinked and nodded her head, suddenly too excited to speak. Just like that she was making the plunge. Sky put her arms around her best friend. Melissa put her arms around Sky. The girls drew themselves together and kissed, mouth to mouth. They closed their eyes and kissed more, and kissed harder while the boys watched in amazed respect. After a bit the girlfriends paused to the catch their breath and calm their pounding hearts.

"Keep going," Eric told them.

Melissa and Sky barely heard him. They looked at each other, reading the other's excitement, trying to measure it against her own, each noting with satisfaction that she wasn't the only one with hot cheeks or panting for breath.

"I'm going to feel you up, Melissa," Sky told her.

"You better not," Melissa warned but Sky knew it was really a dare and she pulled Melissa to her and kissed her and brought her right hand onto Melissa's bikini top where she had spied the preteen nipples making their naughty points. Sky pinched one of the swollen nipples in its triangle of cloth and rubbed it with her thumb, causing Melissa to open her mouth in a gasp whereupon Sky promptly Frenched her. The girls rolled on the blanket then, Sky on top, kissing and feeling, gasping and squealing, kissing and feeling, feeling and kissing. And the boys watched.

Eric felt a puzzling desire to see Melissa's tits, puzzling because Melissa didn't have tits unless you were willing to say Eric had tits himself which was ridiculous. Yet that realization did not lessen his desire to see the kid's tits which seemed to him every bit as strong as his desire had been to see Sheila Johnson's tits. In fact, he was ready to rip off that fucking bikini top himself if Sky didn't hurry up and expose the little bitch, not that he would have done it. He would have kept being ready to do it is all. Also, his cock was hard and so was Lenny's cock hard, he noticed, and so was Jimmy's cock hard. These girls were something else!

Melissa was enjoying her friend's aggressiveness. It had surprised her but she liked it, along with liking Sky's mouth and tongue and naughty hands, and now even liking Sky's knee which parted Melissa's legs and was pushing sensuously against Melissa's cunt. Melissa mewed and twisted her head on the blanket as little as the pressure on her mouth allowed. Melissa had never been the "weak" one, as she would have termed it, in their relationship. Sky could not be called the weak one either, but of the two Melissa was "stronger" in the minds of both girls, despite being almost a year younger. Melissa thought she should turn the tables on Sky and show Sky who the real boss was. But Sky kept kissing her and feeling her up, making her cunt hot and making her nipples tingle and twinge. Sky kept doing such a good job at being the boss herself that Melissa figured the best thing to do was let Sky keep doing it, let Sky do anything Sky wanted, because sooner or later, Sky would make Melissa cum.

Sky had been as surprised at her power over Melissa as Melissa was. She expected at any second for her friend to put a stop to it but as Sky kept going her confidence grew and she became less willing to back down. And now she was not willing at all. She whispered in Melissa's ear.

"I'm going to show them your cunt, Melissa."

Melissa moaned her protest and let it go at that. Sky sat up and turned to the boys.

"Eric, do you guys want to see Melissa's cunt."

"Yeah," Eric told her. "Yeah," Lenny said. "Yeah," Jimmy said.

"Let's see her tits, too. Her fucking nipples, " Eric added.

"Yeah," the other boys said.

"Eric?," Sky said.


"Do you want to fuck Melissa?"

Eric blinked at her.

"You can fuck her, Eric. You can fuck her right now if you want. I can take off her bikini and you can fuck her on the blanket. You can just fuck her. Do you want to?"

The words hung momentous in the still air. Fucking had been the implicit end game from the moment Lenny approached them at the pool, and here it was for the taking on a wool blanket version of a silver platter. Eric swallowed. He had never fucked a girl, none of them had. Sky suspected as much.

"Me and Melissa haven't been fucked yet if you guys want to know about us. We want to but we haven't, not by real guys. We've been fucked by bilbos and that's all."

The boys wondered worriedly what bilbos were but elected not to reveal their ignorance by asking. They doubted bilbos could be akin to a breed of dog, since Sky would not have admitted being fucked by anything that gross, so whatever it was couldn't be that bad. Better to forget it, and forgetting it was made easy by the sight of their fuck offering on the blanket with her spread pose, especially after Sky set about to denude Melissa as Sky now did.

Melissa lay quietly, eyes closed. She felt Sky's hands on her, then her top coming off, then the air on her nipples. Sky told Melissa to lift and Melissa lifted. The bikini bottom went away and the air then was on Melissa's cunt as well as on Melissa's nipples, and her cunt was hot to boot. Sky moved to the side of the blanket to give the boys an unobstructed view of Melissa as the eight year old lay for them with her legs spread and her eyes closed. The boys fastened their gazes on Melissa's cunt. The cunt's evident readiness for fucking thrilled them.

"Man, it's like a regular cunt!" Lenny extolled.

Eric nodded. He felt no need to mention the absence of peach fuzz. They had known about that going in. What they hadn't anticipated was the glorious pillowed mound, or the generous slit.

Lenny and Jimmy were watching Eric as well as the girl, Eric realized. Time to man up. Thankfully, his dick wasn't betraying him even as nerves threatened to. He shed his bathing trunks and crawled onto the blanket. With a peek under her eye lids Melissa saw him coming. She squeezed her eyes shut. She held her breath. The boy's five and half feet spread atop and beyond her four feet. Eric bent himself and looked at her cunt, directing his dick. He watched his dick disappear, so taken by its vanishing into the first fuck of his life that he forgot to feel it.

Then he felt it. "Oh, man!," he gasped, and he began to fuck in earnest. The trim ball of Eric's white ass became but a blur in the entranced gaze of Sky and the other boys. The ball kept whizzing a good thirty seconds, which was longer than it usually took for Eric to shoot his load. He yelled, like a soldier making a desperate charge, and an instant later he erupted into a quivering Melissa.

The eight year old conducted herself like the accomplished child she was in her dreams. She gasped, she moaned. She tried pushing up at the pounding she received but quickly sensed her assistance wasn't wanted. Her blue eyes opened and closed. She bit her lips. She flailed her legs and twice wrapped them at Eric's sides - they weren't long enough to circle the boy's back, but she could not maintain it and her legs fell back. She was a splayed female Mozart of sex wanting all the high schooler could give her when the boy exploded.

None of them except Sky knew yet about Melissa's own orgasms. This, Sky had suggested to herself, would be an event to totally amaze the boys. Melissa was a rarity, a super rarity. Sky could fingerfuck herself to a kind of bliss but to date Sky couldn't cum. Melissa on the other hand had been having orgasms since she was seven. Not only orgasms, but in recent months spurting orgasms that hotly bathed her fingers and made little geysers provided she got her hand or dildo out of the way.

Melissa had felt an orgasm gathering but Eric finished too soon and it didn't happen. Sky was disappointed, and it made Melissa cross underneath her delight at having been fucked and her wonder at her hot load of boy cum. With her wits back, she sat up and looked at herself. Eric was on the blanket beside her, grinning proudly. Cum spatters covered Melissa's stomach and thighs but the main thing was the veritable stream of the stuff running out of her like the result of a washed out dam. Melissa was seeing Eric's gift, rare as her own. She had barely glimpsed his five inch dick before he fucked her and she hadn't seen his balls at all. She looked for them but they were out of sight. Were boys supposed to have that much cum in them? Melissa didn't know but she doubted it. One way to further the inquiry, actually two ways, were looking at her with hungry eyes. Lenny and Jimmy had gotten rid of their swim trunks.

However, it was Sky's turn.

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Good story. I especially liked the lesbian pre-tease. I hope you continue your tale of mutual seduction.

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