Published: 13-Jul-2012
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This is going to be the next chapter in my story. It is about my mother and some other things. Her name is Sally and she is thirty-one years old. She is beautiful which is the reason I am pretty. You wouldn't think she is that old. She looks like she is Miss America practically. She is very religious about everything or at least she used to be. She didn't used to wear sexy clothes or even lipstick. She is an important person at our church. She is the chairman there of some of the groups they have. I think it is two groups she is the chairman of. One of the groups is called Ladies Against Lewd Entertainment and sometimes they have meetings at our house. They write letters and do other things against the shows on television that show people having sex or almost show that. Now you know why Mrs. Johnson was surprised when I told her about my mother's dildo, and that dildo gave Mrs. Johnson an idea, the one named Rodney not the one named Tarzan because I didn't tell her about Tarzan. I found out about her idea yesterday. This is how it happened.
The day after Mr. Johnson and Mr. Butler fucked me I was in my room with our dog, Stanley who is almost like my best friend, when Mom came in. She had a serious expression on her face like she does when she is thinking about something important. She does that a lot.
"Guess what, Mrs. Johnson is joining St. Roses," she said. St. Roses is our church.
"How come?," I said.
"She's had a revelation. Dr. Burns helped her see Jesus."
"She saw Jesus?," I said.
"In a manner of speaking, Frances. Dr. Burns is very knowledgeable and very convincing and I guess Mrs. Johnson was ready to be convinced. Anyway, I'm going over to the Johnsons. We're having a meeting to tell Mrs. Johnson about the church and some of our clubs. I'll be back in an hour or so I imagine."
"Okay," I said, but I was suspicious about Mrs. Johnson joining our church.
Well, it was just about an hour later when I heard the telephone ring and Daddy answering it. I was in our "study room", we call it, looking for naughty stories and pictures on the computer. Daddy called me downstairs and told me it was Mrs. Johnson who called and I should come over to her house to join their discussion. She said Mom wanted me to come over and the other people did too. I went right away because I was interested in what they were all doing and I was even more interested because they wanted me to join them. Mrs. Johnson let me in the kitchen door. To my surprise she was wearing a lot of make up and also a short skirt which I had never seen her wear before since he always wears slacks or jeans around her house. She said "Hi, honey" and took my hand and led me to the living room just like that. Then I had a bigger surprise.
Mom was wearing make up and a skirt just like Mrs. Johnson was, only her skirt was even shorter. She was sitting in a red chair, the kind that is upholstered and you sit on a cushion, and I noticed she had high heel shoes on but I was positive that when she had come to my room to tell me she was going to Mrs. Johnson's house she had been waring slacks and a blouse and her blue sneakers she always wears. The blouse was gone, too, and instead she had on a tight jersey that really showed her tits. She had a funny look on her face when she looked at me, like her eyes were too shiny and her mouth was like loose. It's hard to describe. She had red cheeks like she was blushing. I just stared at her and at everything, I was so surprised by it all. The other people were Dr. Burns and Mrs. Peters from our church. Dr. Burns is an important person at the church. Mom was very impressed by him because of his knowledge and the way that he talks. They were sitting on the brown leather sofa, at the ends of it, with the middle cushion empty. Mrs. Johnson had been sitting on the blue leather chair, which has nice wood legs and nice wood arms that curve, because that is where she went and sat down. Next to Mom's chair was a little stand with a with a glass of wine and some cookies on a plate and a bunch of crumbs from cookies that had been eaten.
There was a coffee table in front of the sofa and it had glasses with wine in them, too, and a plate with cookies on it. But the interesting thing on the coffee table was Rodney. He was lying there in the middle of the table between the glasses and the dish of cookies. I pretended I didn't notice him but seeing him there was making my heart go fast and getting me worried that I was in big trouble.
But everyone said hi to me like they were glad to see me and not angry with me except Mom who didn't say anything and just looked at me with her shiny eyes. Dr. Burns and Mrs. Peters told me their names in case I had forgotten them, which I hadn't, and then Mrs. Johnson said I had to put on a skirt like the other "females" were wearing and that an outfit was there for me behind the sofa. I liked it that she said I was like the other females and I thought it was very interesting they had special clothes for me to put on and that I was supposed to do that behind the sofa. I even forgot about Rodney being there.
"How come I have to put on different clothes?," I said, although I wasn't against it.
"Because, dear, we want you to," Mrs. Peters said in a kindly voice.
"Put them on, Frances, and then we will explain everything," Dr. Burns said. His voice was kindly, too.
So, I went behind the sofa and sat on the floor and changed my clothes. The back of the sofa was like a screen for me and I changed clothes without them watching. The skirt was purple and it was short and there was a jersey top that was pink and had the words, "Little Treat" across the front. There wasn't any underwear or socks and shoes so I thought I was supposed to keep on the ones I had but Mrs. Peters called to me after I got behind the sofa and said for me not to wear panties and that it was okay for me to be barefoot. This was another very surprising thing to me, not to wear panties, I mean. But I did what she said.
"Okay," I said as I got up from the floor and went back into regular part of the room. I stood there while they looked me over and everyone said I looked nice. I wondered what would happen next. Well, what happened was that Dr. Burns gave me the explanation for what was going on.
"Frances, this is a meeting of the Reverend's Secret Roundtable. That is the name of our church sex club. It may surprise you to know the church has a sex club. We have one in order to stay alert to the ever present dangers of bad sexual conduct. The alternative would be to close our eyes to the immorality in the world. Our sex club lets us keep our eyes open and on the ball, so to speak. You will understand better as time goes on, assuming you qualify to be in the club. The reason you are here, Frances, is that one of our members proposed you for membership. Your mother has just recently, just today as a matter of fact, become a member herself. Any questions so far?"
"No," I said. I did have questions but I couldn't think of them. Then I thought of one at least.
"If it's a secret club aren't you afraid someone like me will tell people about it?"
Dr. Burns smiled and said, "No, we're not worried about that at all, sweetie."
I didn't know why he wasn't worried because I would have been worried if I was him. Then I thought of another question about Mrs. Johnson being a member of the sex club when she wasn't even a member of our church, unless she was now all of a sudden, but I didn't say anything about that. I found out later that they invited Mrs. Johnson to be a member of their sex club even though she is not in the church because Mrs. Johnson is pretty and sexy and everyone wanted to fuck her, and they had to let Mr. Johnson be a member if they were going to let Mrs. Johnson be a member so that is what they did also.
"All right then, if you have no other questions, Frances, let's get started. The first question I have, that we all have, about you is this. Are you old enough to fuck? We all need to give you our opinions about that and then we want to hear your opinion."
"Say the question, Frances," Mom said in a loud voice. It was the first time she said anything since I got there.
I looked at her and I said, "Mom, do you mean, am I old enough to fuck?" I said it like I was being very innocent and I wasn't being that. I was being naughty on purpose because they were all being naughty, so why shouldn't I? My own mother was being naughty and I had never seen her be that way. So I didn't know what to think about all of this.
"Ask each of us the question, honey. First ask me," Mrs. Johnson said.
"Okay," I said and then I looked at Mrs. Johnson and said, "Am I old enough to fuck, Mrs. Johnson?"
She laughed. "I know the answer to that question, don't I, honey?"
That made me blush and I looked at my mother. She still had a kind of blank expression on her face and the same funny eyes. I turned right away to Mrs. Peters and I said, "Mrs. Peters, am I old enough to fuck?"
"Yes, you are, Frances," she said in her kindly voice. I noticed her eyes were shiny like my Mom's and her cheeks were red like hers too. She was holding a cookie that she ate after she asked me the question. Her legs were fat, and her dress was stretched across her knees. She wasn't that sexy, in my opinion, not like Mrs. Johnson and Mom, especially Mom, who were both sexy.
I asked Dr. Burns next. I was getting more and more excited doing this. "Dr. Burns, am I old enough to fuck?," I asked him.
"Do I spy your nipples making points in that jersey, Frances?," he said back to me.
I laughed. "Yup," I said.
"I think I would like to see those nipples. How about it ladies, would you like to see Frances' nipples?," Dr. Burns said.
Mrs. Peters and Mrs. Johnson both said they would like to see my nipples and Mom nodded her head that she would like to see my nipples, too."
"All right then. Before I give you my opinion, Frances, on whether you are old enough to fuck, pull up your jersey and show us what we want to see," Dr. Burns told me.
My jersey was loose over the top of my skirt. It was snug on my chest, though, and Dr. Burns was right about my hard nipples poking it right above the "i" in "Little" and above the "e" in "Treat". I used both hands and pulled the jersey way up. Mom was the only who couldn't see because my back was to her.
"Ah yes," Dr. Burns said, like he was making a sigh. "Pretty eight year old nipples, all perked up for sex, how nice."
"Mmmm, almost as nice as her pretty eight year old cunt, I imagine," Mrs. Peters said.
I laughed. "Mrs. Peters, you are being naughty," I said.
"Never mind that," Dr. Burns told me. "I want you to rub them, sweetheart."
"Oh," I said. I did what he told me. I held the jersey with my left hand and I rubbed both of my nipples with my fingers and my thumb on my right hand. I took turns with my nipples. They both tingled like mad. I was getting super excited. I liked rubbing them for Dr. Burns. I liked it that Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. Peters watched me do it, too. It was really hot. My Mom couldn't watch me because my back was still turned to her.
After a while Dr. Burns told me to stop. "That's enough, sweetheart," he said. "Yes, I do think you are old enough to fuck. You have the makings of a perfect third grade whore, indeed you do. Now ask your mother."
"The same question?,"
"The same question."
I turned around. I let my top down first. I said, "Mom, am I old enough to fuck?"
She looked at me for a minute without saying an answer. I wondered if she was feeling bad because she didn't get to see my nipples. Just as I was thinking that, Dr. Burns asked Mom if she did want to see them.
"Sally, do you want to see her tits? Might that help you with your answer to your daughter's question," was the way he said it.
Mom nodded her head and said, "yes, I do."
"Do you want her to rub the little rascals when she poses for you?" Mrs. Johnson said.
"Yes, I want her to rub them!," Mom said. She was breathing funny now. I could tell she was excited about seeing my nipples and watching me rub them. This was very interesting because Mom had seen my nipples tons of times and it never meant anything I don't think. But this was different, at least for me, and I guess it was different for her because we both were excited about it.
I pursed my lips and opened my eyes real wide like you see the slut girls do on the Internet places and I held the bottom of my blouse, teasing Mom by not pulling it up right away, and I could she was getting impatient about it. I was getting myself hot doing this. Then I pulled the jersey slowly up my stomach and stopped just before it got to my nipples, but I only stopped for a few seconds to tease her a little more and then I pulled the jersey up until I felt the air on my nipples which were tingly as they could be by then. I really needed to rub them they were so tingly and that's what I did.
"Arthur, can't she just take it off?," Mrs. Peters said. I was rubbing my left nipple when she said it and looking at Mom who was watching me do it.
"Yes, she can. Why not," Dr. Burns said. His first name is Arthur. "She's going to need two hands anyway in a minute. Go ahead, Frances, take it off. Let's see you be our topless preteen."
I didn't know what Dr. Burns meant that I was going to need both of my hands in another minute. I decided I could find out then so I didn't ask him. I just pulled the jersey up over my head and my long hair and I dropped it on the floor by my feet. Now I was a topless preteen like he said, and I liked being that. It made me feel like being fucked. I turned around so the other grownups could see me topless and then I turned around again so Mom could see me and she stared at my preteen tits. It's fun saying, "preteen tits". I don't know why people call them that since they look just like they do on a boy but it's sexy and that is why I like it. I felt really sexy showing my tits to Mom. I felt now like having sex with the grownups and I was pretty sure they felt like having sex with me. I wasn't wanting to have sex that much with Mrs. Peters because she was fat but she was nice so I thought it wouldn't be that bad having sex with her. The person I wanted to have sex with the most was Mom. That is very bad of course and I think that is why it seemed so sexy to me. Sex is hard to understand when you are my age is all I can say about it.
My nipples were hard and pointy and they liked being rubbed. It made them tingle, tingle, tingle, is how much they liked it. I used both of my hands to rub them, the fingers and my thumbs not the palms, and Mom watched me the whole time.
Anyway, I couldn't remember if I asked her yet, so I said, "Mommy, am I old enough to fuck?" I called her "Mommy" on purpose instead of just "Mom".
She looked up at my face and said, "Yes, you are."
Then Dr. Burns surprised me and also made me realize why I would need to use both of my hands.
"Ask your question now to Rodney, sweetheart. You need to pick him and hold him close to your face so he can hear you."
I laughed because it was silly what Dr. Burns said I had to do with Rodney and also because I had even forgotten Rodney was there. This was the first time anyone had even said something about Rodney. I figured that Mrs. Johnson had told on me about Rodney and that is why he was there and that Mom and brought him but it still didn't make sense to me. I think maybe Dr. Burns even read my mind because just then he said,
"I bet you're wondering what Rodney is doing here and also wondering about the curious state your mother is in, aren't you sweetheart?"
I said that yes I was wondering those things. Then Dr. Burns told me that this was a different Rodney from Mom's Rodney. The day before, after Mr. and Mrs. Johnson had sex with me, Mrs. Johnson had gone down to the porn store we have in our town and bought a Rodney there, which is the same store where Mom bought her Rodney.
"Hmmmm," I said about that. I said a bigger "hmmmm" a couple of minutes later when Dr. Burns told me about my mother. She was being hypnotized by him. Dr. Burns is a good hypnotist and what they did was get Mom to eat some of the cookies they had there because the cookies had a kind of a drug or something inside them that made Mom feel sexy and free with her feelings.
"You see, Frances, a hypnotist like myself can not make a person do things the person would never be willing or want to do, but your mother we suspected after learning about her dildo has repressed sexual desires that she does want to come out and we are helping her do that by hypnotizing her to be somewhat of a slut from this day forward. Now, a little later, when I say the word, "Einstein," she will go back to being her regular repressed self. But afterward when you or when anyone else say the words "Emily Loves Dogs", she will be a sexy slut again. And this is how it will be unless and until I or some other hypnotist brings here out of it altogether. Do you understand?"
"Hmmmmmmmmmmm. Yes, I understand. So if I said the Emily words to her she would start being a slut again but as soon as I said the Einstein word she will stop being a slut."
"Exactly. Another thing, your mother is programmed to remember nothing that happens while she is under her spells. Her first fifteen minutes here we had a lovely chat about the Johnsons joining St. Roses and that is all she will remember of this visit, that and perhaps the sense of euphoria she had begun to get from the cookies which she has been instructed to attribute to her joy over her neighbors coming back into the fold. So there you have it, little one."
"Isn't that exciting, honey?," Mrs. Johnson said.
I had to agree that it was exciting. So then I picked up Rodney and held him in both of my hands and I pointed him at my face.
"Suck him, Frances," Mom told me.
I put Rodney in my mouth, just the top of him where his round head was and I sucked him the way a little girl sucks a lollipop. While I sucked Rodney, I looked at the grownups watching me do it. I could tell they liked seeing me suck Rodney. I liked sucking Rodney too, and I liked seeing Mom's eyes get all bright with excitement while she watched me suck him. That's how bad I was being. But then I got even badder because while I was sucking Rodney I thought about what Dr. Burns said about my friends and me being naughty with Mom when she was feeling her hypnosis and that was an exciting idea to me. I would have to decide what friends of mine to pick. I have lots of friends. I decided I would talk with Gina about which ones to pick besides her. We would have to be careful about it.
Well, while I had Rodney in my mouth and was sucking him I saw Dr. Burns smile at me and open the fly on his pants, and then he reached inside his fly and pulled out his cock. His cock was big and hard and it had a fat pink top like you see on most cocks. Dr. Burns put his right hand around his cock and moved his hand up and down while he watched me suck Rodney. After a few seconds of that, he said to me,
"Time for a real one, honey."
I pulled Rodney out of my mouth and stood in my skirt looking at Dr. Burns and looking at his cock. I had my arms down at my sides and I was still holding Rodney. I didn't even notice Mrs. Johnson until she was already behind me on her knees and put her hands on my skirt. She undid it and the skirt fell down my legs. She didn't have to ask me to step out of it, I just did it when the skirt got to my feet, and now I was totally naked, and Dr. Burns looked at my cunt and the ladies were looking at my cunt just like he was. I gave a quick turn around so Mom could see, too. Dr. Burns still had his hand around his cock but his hand wasn't going up and down any more.
"Bring her," he said.
"You do it, Sally," Mrs. Johnson said.
"Oh, yes," Mom said. She kind of groaned when she said it.
Mom put her hands under my arms and lifted me. I was being carried to Dr. Burns. He had been sitting at an end of the leather sofa, but now he moved to the middle cushion. I didn't know what for but in like five seconds I found out it was so he could move his arms without the arm of the sofa being in the way. I mean moving his arms up and down for fucking me with them.
Mom put me over him. I could hear her breathing hard and I didn't know if she was breathing hard from having to hold me up and carry me or because she was excited or maybe both of those things. I stuck my legs out to be helpful. My legs went under Dr. Burn's body arms but my feet bumped the cushion and pushed me back. I'm little but that little was the reason. So I bent my knees. Then Mom lowered me. She lowered me right onto Dr. Burns' cock which he was holding up with his hand and pointing it where he wanted it to go, which was inside me!
My cunt was already pretty juicy like it always gets when I am excited about sex and that was good because Dr. Burns has a big cock. His cock went way far in, like all the way in was how it felt.
"Do it, Sally, you fucking bitch! Fuck me with your little girl!."
"Oh, yes," Mom groaned. She lifted me on Dr. Burns' cock and just before the cock was going to pop out of me she let me back down on it, and she did that over and over, making me go up and down, up and down on Dr. Burns' big cock. I was a little girl being fucked and my own mother was the person doing it. I don't know what you think about that if you are reading this. I still don't know what I think about it myself exactly. I'm not saying I didn't like it but that doesn't mean I think it was right for them to fool Mom with their hypnosis into fucking Dr. Burns with her own daughter. I know you are thinking well, my mother would not have done it if it was against her beliefs because that's how hypnosis can only work, but that still doesn't mean it was right. I'm not saying that it's wrong either. I just haven't made up my mind about it.
Anyway, you would think Mom's arms would get tired but she kept doing it until Dr. Burns yelled real loud and then his orgasm started. Mom let me all way down on his cock when that happened and the cock spurted like mad right inside me.
It was pretty amazing. My cunt really likes the feeling of a cock going bonkers inside it and so does the rest of me like it.
After that, Mrs. Peters and Mrs. Johnson cleaned me up and Mom and me got our regular clothes back on and then I went home. Mom came home a few minutes after I did. She was her normal self again, and she told Daddy and me all about Mr. and Mrs. Johnson joining out church, as if I had never been at their meeting. The whole time she was talking I thought about how she was only going to be her normal self until someone said, "Emily loves dogs".
Someone like me, I mean, if I was going to be that bad of a little girl.
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