Published: 30-Jun-2012
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Author's Profile
I've lived right here in this small town all my life. Meg Andrews moved here with her family one summer. She was only about a year younger than me, but we lived on opposite sides of town and went to different elementary schools, so we might never have met if our families hadn't attended the same church. It was a fundamentalist sect and very strict.
We were continually warned never to use alcohol or tobacco, and some members even thought that coffee and tea were sinful. We couldn't go to a movie theater except to pre-approved films such as historical documentaries, and then only if the kids from our church sat together in a group with a chaperone for about every eight kids. We weren't supposed to play cards - that is, not with an ordinary deck because the symbols (especially the face cards) were too "worldly" - although educational versions such as Authors were OK. We never heard much about the evils of sex: In fact, the whole subject was mostly buried and never discussed at all. But we were told that dancing was off-limits because there was supposed to be something wrong with males and females touching each other, except maybe for shaking hands. If we went swimming - never at a public pool or beach, of course - we had to wear very modest suits, of a style that people outside our group considered very old-fashioned.
We always attended church services every Sunday morning and evening, and "prayer meeting" on Wednesday nights, and the entire social life of our families was centered on church. For the younger kids, there were group activities such as picnics, sports, and educational outings, all closely chaperoned. Meg and I seemed to be drawn together on these outings, and we enjoyed each other's company.
Older boys and girls in our group were permitted to "double date" but not to go out as a couple without a chaperone, and all our parents had agreed not to let us go unchaperoned in a car unless all the passengers were over eighteen. After that age, I guess they were resigned to the fact that they no longer had any legal responsibility for our actions and that their moral responsibility for us was limited to what they had already been able to teach us. From that point on, the rest was up to us.
In our teens Meg and I paired off pretty consistently, as often as we could without violating the tight constraints that our church imposed. We gradually became strongly attracted to each other and we probably actually fell in love, although we'd never have been allowed to admit it. We were only permitted to express our affection in simple ways such as giving birthday presents or helping each other on family projects. As time went on I resented having so many restrictions on our activities, and I was pretty sure Meg felt the same way, but we both knew it wouldn't do any good to complain. We were obedient kids and we stuck to platonic non-sexual behavior that only masked the force of our raging hormones and increased our frustration.
The year I was seventeen, I got a summer job as a janitor at the local factory. I was a hard worker and they were pleased with my performance, so I got to stay on and work part-time during my senior year at high school. A fellow from our church, in his mid-twenties, was a lathe operator. We talked together during his lunch hour and he showed me the various parts of his lathe and told me how they worked. His supervisor took an interest in me and switched my part-time job from janitor to lathe apprentice, and as soon as I'd finished high school I started working full time at the factory. By the following spring, I'd saved enough money to buy a used car that was clean and serviceable.
And so it was that on the Friday evening after Meg's eighteenth birthday we went on our first real date, just the two of us alone, in my car. I came home from the factory, showered, and put on a new pair of denim jeans and an ivory-colored polo shirt. I dropped by the local flower shop and picked up a bouquet of golden yellow and dark red roses that I had ordered a couple of days earlier. I drove on over and parked my car right in front of Meg's house and went to the door. She came down the stairs wearing a summery outfit: a knee-length dark yellow cotton A-line skirt and a lighter yellow sleeveless cotton blouse. She knew that yellow was my favorite color, especially on her because it showed off her blond hair and her bright blue eyes. As soon as I handed her the bouquet, Meg picked out a red rosebud and asked her mother to pin it in her hair.
We had dinner at the local steak house - the finest fillet mignon on the menu. Then we drove out into the country on a road where I knew there would be hardly any cars. Meg snuggled close to me with her thigh pressing against mine, and I put my arm around her shoulder. I could feel her tit nudging my side just above my waist. When we came to a stop sign, I kept my foot on the brake much longer than necessary and I leaned over and gently kissed her lips. A few stop signs later, the kisses had become a lot less gentle and were involving our tongues as well as our lips.
I drove down an unfrequented back road that led into a wooded area, and stopped the car at the edge of a little meadow. I turned off the car lights of course, but the moon was bright on the meadow and it shone in through the car window.
We held each other tight and kissed long and deep, rubbing our hands over each other's backs and hips and on down the outsides of each other's legs. I felt Meg's hand starting to move across the top of my leg toward my lap, but then she suddenly checked herself and looked into my eyes. "I want you so much!" she exclaimed. "But we can't do anything sinful. It's so frustrating!"
What happened next surprised me as much as it did her: "There's a way out," I said. "We could get married."
"Maybe we could..." Meg smiled, "But you haven't asked me."
"Will you marry me, Meg?"
"Yes - Yes! Sure I will!" she responded immediately. "That's just what I'd rather do than anything else in the world."
"I really want to spend the rest of my life with you," I said happily, taking both her hands in mine. "We'll start making plans right away. I couldn't have a better wife, and you'll make a wonderful mother for our children."
Meg said, "I know our parents will be thrilled! We'll go through with it just as soon as we can get all the arrangements made." We locked our bodies in a tight embrace and kissed each other firmly on the lips. Just like that, before the end of our first real date, we were engaged.
I lay quietly in her arms for a minute, deep in thought. Then I leaned over against the car door on my side, and she sat upright. "Speaking of 'sinful,'" I said, "I've been thinking - you know, our preacher says that it's just as sinful when people look at each other lustfully as when they actually fuck - well, that's not the word he used. But if he's right, I've been looking at you and sinning most of the time I've known you. In my dreams, I've fucked you lots of times."
"Is this supposed to be a confession?" Meg asked.
"Well, maybe it is, in a way. I thought tonight might be a good time to tell you."
"You mean, it's a long story?"
"Not too long. Shall I tell you about it?"
"Sure. I suppose it's always going to be all right for each of us to have a few innocent secrets from each other, but if you want to tell me, I'm ready to share this one with you."
"Well," I began, "One day not long after you had moved to town, my mom asked me to ride across town on my bike and deliver a message to your mom about some event the 'Women's Society' was planning. I rode up your driveway and around by the back door, and I saw you working with your dad on that new sprinkler system for your back lawn."
"Oh, I remember," Meg said. "I guess it was the first time you came over to my house after we moved here. I've always helped my dad a lot - I'm healthy and have plenty of muscles, and I like doing things with him. That day we were digging a ditch for some irrigation pipes. I was kinda embarrassed when you first came up - I was wearing a little bit less than some of the ladies of our church might consider proper. But the weather was pretty warm and I was working in my own back yard. If a nosy boy like you rode up on his bike, it wasn't my fault if he saw more of me than he was supposed to see."
"Sure, I remember your outfit. You had on a pair of really short cutoff denim jeans and a kinda scanty denim halter-top. It only covered you a little bit more than a two-piece bathing suit like the 'nice girls' from our church are never supposed to wear."
"Well, at that age, I didn't have much for my halter-top to cover - it just lay pretty flat on my chest."
"I wasn't paying that much attention to your clothes. I was concentrating on the parts of your body that _weren't_ covered by clothes. I'd led a pretty sheltered life until then, and I'd never seen a real live girl with so much skin showing. All that smooth bronze skin really got me excited. I can still remember: your legs all the way up almost to your crotch, your bare midriff with your cute little navel in the middle, and the muscles on your arms and your back."
"Yeah, I saw you looking at my legs and all, but I didn't let on. Anyway, if you just came over to deliver a message from your mom to mine, how come you hung around for so long?"
"You know why. I tried to keep thinking of reasons to stick around so I could keep talking to you. I didn't have anything much to say to you, but I was looking for any excuse just to stay there and feast my eyes on you."
"You ended up helping my dad and me with the ditch for about an hour while he explained to you all about the design of the irrigation system. You did a good job of pretending to be interested."
"But my real story is about what happened when I went to bed that night. I kept thinking about what I'd seen that afternoon. It was a warm night, and I was lying naked on top of my sheet. Ever since I was a little kid I'd enjoyed tickling my penis, but I'd only recently learned to rub it until it shot off. While I was lying there with my eyes closed I started masturbating, and some real nice images of you drifted in front of my eyes. I kept remembering your smooth bronze skin, only barely covered by your shorts and halter-top, and my cock grew bigger and harder than it had ever been before..."
** My Dream:
Suddenly, Meg was right there in my bedroom with me, still wearing the same outfit that she had on in her back yard earlier that day. I didn't know how she had got there, but I wasn't going to complain. When she sat down on the side of my bed, I felt kinda embarrassed and I moved my hand away from my cock. She said, "Don't stop what you're doing on account of me. I want to watch you rub your thing - whatever you call it. I rub myself in between my legs sometimes, and I can guess how good it must feel to you."
I decided not to start rubbing again right away. "Boys call it their cock," I said. "Do you want to take a closer look at it?"
Meg leaned over and looked at my cock and my balls, and she held them in her hand. "I didn't expect it to be so hard and stiff," she told me.
"It isn't always," I answered. "Sometimes it just hangs down soft and limp. It got hard when I was rubbing it and thinking about you, and it's even harder now that you're touching it."
"You were thinking about me?" she grinned.
"Yeah. I kept remembering how thrilled I was this afternoon when you let me stare at all that bare skin that your shorts and halter didn't cover. Thinking about you that way got my cock hard."
"I didn't realize I was affecting you that way. But I like the idea. It means that I'm getting to be a sexy big girl who can attract a guy just by showing him her skin."
"Yeah, I guess you're getting sexy all right. I wouldn't call your flat chest sexy exactly, but that'll soon change. I think your soft bronze skin looks beautiful on your smooth muscular body."
"Like, 'The skin you love to touch?'"
"Yeah, that's it."
"And you get more excited when I touch your cock than when you rub it yourself?"
"Sure," I replied. "There's nothing surprising about that. Whenever somebody else touches your skin it tickles more than when you touch yourself. Do you want me to show you? I could put my hand on your pussy."
"Do you want me naked, the same as you?" she asked.
"I guess it'd be easier that way," I answered. "Will you let me take your clothes off? I'd sure like to do that."
Meg let me unbutton the back of her halter-top and pull it off her shoulders. Then I took off her sneakers and she lay back on my bed. She showed me the snaps at each side of her shorts. I popped the snaps open and pulled them down. She wasn't wearing any underwear - girls in a dream never wear any.
She opened her legs wide and let me look at her. She took my hand and moved it gently across her mound. I moved my face down closer to her pussy to get a better view, but I couldn't get it in focus. I'd never seen a naked girl or even a close-up picture of a pussy, so I couldn't get a very clear image in my dream. I just moved my hand back and forth across her mound and I got more and more excited.
But I could see and feel clearly what her hands were doing between my legs. She petted my cock lightly and lifted my balls. I liked watching her rub the skin up and down my cock, making it stiffer and bigger than ever, and I liked the way it made my cock feel.
We kept touching each other and looking at each other for a while. Finally Meg started masturbating my cock in earnest, rubbing the skin up and down it with one hand while she fondled my balls with the other. In a few seconds I started to unload and my jism went shooting all over her hand and dripped down onto the bed.
"And then you woke up?" Meg asked.
"Yeah. My bed was all messy. I'd just had the most erotic wet dream so far in my young life."
"I'm glad I was able to help," she laughed. "And you had other dreams like that later on?"
"Of course I did, and the best ones always featured you. I always had a hot dream after you and I got into some exciting but frustrating situation, where we had to stop in the middle of having some fun because of one of our church's silly rules. Whenever I wanted to do something with you but we weren't allowed to do it, I always seemed to have a dream afterward where we did it anyway."
"You never told me."
"Of course not - we were never allowed to discuss such things in public, and the adults always made sure we were never alone. Until tonight."
"You said that you dreamed about fucking me lots of times."
"That's right. As time went on, I found out a little bit more about what a girl has under her panties. Early on, I dreamed that you asked me to try rubbing my cock over your clit. I put my legs in between yours and we rubbed our pink tips together. Then I got on top of you with my cock lying along your slit, and you wrapped your legs around my thighs and held me tight."
"That's great!" Meg laughed, "I never suspected, way back then, that I was participating in anything so sinfully delightful."
I said, "Later, when we were allowed to go out together in a smaller group or a foursome, I almost always had a dream afterward that ended up with us fucking."
"Yes," said Meg a little more seriously. "For a couple of years now, whenever we've been together I've had some pretty lustful ideas too, about things I was wishing we could do together. But I never dreamed about it like you did."
"It's always so realistic," I said, "When I wake up it takes me a while to realize that you aren't really there. Like last summer - remember the swim party down by the creek? That night I dreamed I was lying on my back beside the creek and you were sitting right next to me. You had on a bikini that - well, it was so skimpy you almost weren't wearing anything at all. I was wearing my trunks and you put your hand on my hard erection. Then you leaned over to kiss me and I reached around and untied your top and kissed your tits. You pulled off my trunks and your bikini pants so we were both naked, and you straddled my hips. You raised up and put my stiff cock up against your pussy hole, and then you pushed down until my cock was in you all the way. Your cunt rode up and down on my cock until it shot off inside you."
Meg was quiet for a minute and then she said, "I guess dream fucking is OK - if you can't have the real thing. But it's kinda one-sided. I think the best part of a real fuck with someone you love a lot would be that you're both making each other feel great at the same time."
"I'd like to try making you feel good that way, sometime soon," I told her.
"Let's do it tonight, right here in the moonlight. I don't mind if we aren't married quite yet. Even if I get pregnant."
We locked our lips and our tongues in another long, deep kiss. I reached my arm across Meg's body and rested it lightly on her hip. She lifted my wrist with her hand, pushing my fingers up under the bulge of her breast, and I started caressing it through her blouse and her bra. I located her nipple and ran my fingers around it. Then I moved my hand to her other breast and fingered her other nipple. Her tongue was deep in my mouth, but I pulled away and pressed my lips on her nipples, first one and then the other. Her whole body grew tense.
Meg pulled the tail of her blouse out from her skirt and gathered it up to expose her bra. I started to touch it but she said, "No, wait a second," and reached back to undo her bra strap. She pushed up her bra and her blouse, uncovering her tits and exposing them to my eager view.
They looked pale, almost white, in the moonlight. My already erect cock grew harder as I drank in the sight. I cupped both her tits in my hands, lifting them gently and fondling them. I could hardly believe that my dreams were turning into reality. Here I was, alone for the first time with the girl that I loved, and I was touching parts of her body that I'd never even seen before.
My fingers traced around her tits, one hand on each side, down the outer edges and across the underside. I moved the fingers of both my hands up into the cleft between her tits. Then with each of my forefingers I circled the dark areas around her nipples. Meg had almost stopped breathing. "Oh, that's so good!" she sighed. "I want you to kiss my tits and suck on my nipples." Holding the soft globes of her tits in both hands, I lowered my lips to her nipples one at a time. I rasped them softly with my tongue and suckled them very gently and rhythmically. Her hips moved slightly in sync with the action of my tongue and my lips.
"It's heavenly," she told me. "I never felt anything like this before in my life."
Meg moved her hand over and rested it idly in my lap. I turned just a bit so that she was touching the lump in my jeans. She moved the palm of her hand across my balls, then slowly up over the cylindrical bulge of my cock and back down again. As she followed its outline with her finger she gulped, "It's so big!"
I pulled down my zipper and said, "Reach inside my jeans."
With the denim of my jeans no longer blocking her touch, only the thin knit of my shorts now separated her fingers from my cock. Exploring its full length, she said, "I can feel the bulb at the tip - I like that."
"Go on in," I urged her.
Meg's fingers searched for the fly of my shorts and tunneled inside. She touched the flesh of my cock and smiled with delight. "I wondered what a guy's cock would feel like," she said. "It's not like anything I ever touched before."
"When you touch it like that, it feels really good to me, too," I said. "Do you want to take it out?"
Her hands widened the opening of my shorts and gently extracted my fully erect cock. "It's beautiful," she gasped. "I could never have imagined how it'd look." She touched its base with her forefinger, then traced slowly up the skin toward the smooth bulb and caressed the ridge all the way around, making me tingle with excitement.
"Ooh, that's so great!" I told her. "Now rub your hand up and down on the skin." She played around with my cock for several minutes. Then she put her hand back inside my shorts and felt my balls, pressing one of them gently between her fingers. "Be careful," I warned her. "That can hurt if you squeeze too hard." She tickled the skin around my balls, then moved her hand back up and stroked my cock some more.
Meg seemed especially fascinated by my cock head. She held it at an angle and observed its wedge-shaped profile. She fingered all over and around it, and used two of her fingers to spread the opening at its tip.
"Can I kiss it?" she asked.
"Sure, if you want to."
She bent her head down and put her mouth on the end of my cock, enclosing the head with her lips. "Mmm, tasty!" she said, then she added, "I have some more ideas about what I could try to do to your cock with my mouth, but we're kinda cramped here in this front seat."
"Why don't we get out," I said. "I have a blanket in the trunk." I spread the blanket on the grass next to my car and we lay down at the edge of the moonlit meadow. Her blouse and bra were still bunched above her exposed tits and my cock was protruding from my fly. I kissed her nipples again while she rubbed my cock some more and then put it in her mouth, deeper this time. When I fondled her tits her clothes kept slipping down into my field of action. "Can I help you take these off?" I asked her.
"How about all the way naked - both of us?" Meg suggested. So I helped her unbutton her blouse and I lifted her bra off her smooth shoulders. She pulled off my shirt and my undershirt, and then she unbuckled my belt and pulled down my jeans. "Wait," I said, "I have to take off my sneakers." I removed them and she finished taking off my jeans. She laughed when she saw that my stiff cock was still sticking out through the fly of my shorts, and I quickly removed them.
Meg slipped out of her shoes, then unbuttoned the waistband of her skirt and pulled it down and off. "Do you want to undo my panties?" she asked impishly. She lifted her hips as I took hold of the waistband at both sides and pulled her panties under her ass cheeks, exposing her pussy area. "Wow!" I exclaimed. "I don't think I've ever seen anything so beautiful!" I pulled her panties the rest of the way down and off her legs, then moved my hand over and tickled her pussy lips with one finger.
Meg unpinned the red rosebud from her hair and laid it on her pussy. "Smell it now," she said. I moved my face down and drank in the heavy perfume of the dark red rosebud that was mingling with the musky odor emerging from between her legs and driving me crazy. I lifted the rosebud and kissed her pussy hair.
Then I said, "You can smell it too," and tucked the rosebud under my cock and on top of my balls. She smelled the rose perfume along with the musk of my crotch, and then left it there while she gently licked all around the ridge that circled my cock head.
Finally Meg picked up the rosebud and laid it on the ground beside the blanket. She pulled the skin back from her clit and asked me to touch her little button with my tongue. We lay there on the blanket, with her legs wide open and my face deep in her slit while her head rested on my leg as she worked on my cock and balls with her mouth and her fingers.
"I want us to lie here and just kiss and touch each other like this for a long time - everything slow and gentle," Meg said. My voice came from between her pussy lips, mumbling something affirmative. We were both fully aroused, but we knew what was coming and we were willing to go easy and prolong our pleasure.
After a while, Meg said, "Now."
"What?" I asked.
"Now," she repeated. "I don't want to wait any more. I want you to put your cock in me right now and fuck me."
We moved around so that my body was between her legs, and I pressed my cock against her pussy. Just as we made contact, Meg suddenly said, "Oh, wait - lie back down on top of me for a minute. I have to ask you something."
"What's wrong?" I asked. I moved my body back and bent my knees so that my hips were resting on my heels and my head was between her tits.
"Do you know what a 'virgin' is?" Meg asked.
"Well, I've heard the word of course. In the Bible there's a parable about some virgins who went to a wedding but their lamps ran out of oil. What were they, some kind of girl's singing group?"
"It's like I thought," said Meg, trying not to laugh at me. "You don't really know. A virgin is a girl who's never had anything as big as a guy's cock inside her cunt. It's supposed to mean that she's innocent and pure."
"Why does it matter?" I asked.
"Well, the point is that a virgin has a membrane across part of her cunt opening. It's called her hymen. I'm a virgin and so your cock is going to have to stretch my hymen open before it'll go on in. I just wanted you to know, so you won't think there's something wrong."
"I don't want to hurt you," I said gently. "I thought fucking was supposed to make both of us feel good."
"I don't mind," Meg replied. "I really want you to put your cock all the way inside me, even if it has to hurt a little at first. Anyway all the messing around that we have been doing has got me really wet and juicy down there, and I think that should help." She gently stretched my foreskin with her fingers, pulled it down over the head of my cock, and guided it between her moist pussy lips into her cunt opening. I started pushing in slowly and gently, bit by bit. I felt a pinch when her hymen stretched beyond its limit. Meg cringed, but she quickly recovered. I probed just a little deeper, then started to back out. She said, "Don't stop. I love feeling the pressure of your cock against my pussy walls. It's making them cream so much that the hurt's already going away." I kept withdrawing my cock part way and penetrating deeper each time, until finally it was inside her cunt all the way and my thighs were pressing my balls against her ass cheeks.
Wow, we did it! Meg's cunt muscles gave my cock a tight squeeze, driving me nearly wild. I lay on top of her without moving for several minutes, staying fully submerged inside her. She kissed me sweetly and told me that my cock felt harder and deeper in her cunt than she had ever imagined.
We were ready to relax and let our instincts take over. I started fucking slowly in and out, and Meg fucked back with her hips. We got a smooth rhythm going and gradually increased our tempo. She was moaning softly in sync with our body motion. Then she reached up and gave me a tight hug that locked our upper bodies together but didn't interfere with the action down below.
Soon we were bucking wildly as I approached my moment of ecstasy. I gave a couple of feverish plunges, almost losing my rhythm. Then I jammed my cock into her as deeply as I could and held it there as I started to spurt. She gasped with delight as gobs of my hot jism shot against her insides and then overflowed, dripping out around my balls and down her ass cheeks.
I lowered my body softly onto hers. Meg wrapped her arms and legs tightly around me and pulsed my cock again with her cunt walls. She kissed me and held me close for a long time. Then we separated and lay back exhausted on the blanket. We did a little more soft kissing and feeling around on each other's bodies. "That was so heavenly!" I murmured. "I just want to make love to you forever."
"It felt wonderful to me, too," Meg said, "But right now I just want to lie here with your body close to mine." She moved closer so that her breasts were resting against my chest and her groin was pressing on my leg. Our fingertips caressed each other's skin as we lay side by side for several minutes.
But she seemed a bit restless. "Is anything the matter?" I asked.
Meg said, "Not really. It was beautiful, and I love lying here close to you. But... Well, there _is_ one thing that I kinda want you to do, if you don't mind. My cunt's still hungry - I didn't climax when you did. Could you lick me down there some more?"
"Could I?!" I exclaimed. "I'd love it." I licked all up and down her slit and into her hole, where I could taste the mixture of my jism and her cunt juice. Then I moved my tongue up and flicked her clit, slowly at first and then faster and faster while she ran her fingers through my hair. I kept flicking with my tongue. Suddenly her fingers gripped my hair and I almost thought she was going to pull it out. I felt her legs spasm and her cunt muscles tighten and throb. As she reached her orgasm, she panted and whispered hoarsely, "Oh, it feels so good!"
A long time later we got up and helped each other get dressed. I folded up the blanket and put it back in the trunk of my car. I opened the door for her like an old-fashioned gentleman and held her hand as she slid into the seat. Then I started to walk around to the driver's side.
Something caught my eye - it was lying on the meadow next to where the grass had been crushed by our blanket. I picked up the red rosebud and put it in the pocket of my polo shirt.
We drove back to Meg's house and I parked in front again. We walked hand in hand to her front door, then embraced warmly and kissed softly before she opened the door. "Wait," I said, taking the rosebud from my shirt pocket and handing it to her. She held it in front of her lips and moved her face toward mine, so that the dark red rosebud was between her lips and mine. We both inhaled deeply, savoring the strong perfume and remembering...
As Meg and I have told each other since, red roses always smelled a little different to both of us after that night. Mingled with the natural perfume of the rose, we can't help imagining another musky odor that we smelled on our first adventure into love. That was the night we promised to love each other forever, the night we experienced the ecstasy of our first fuck, and the night we shared the story about the many times I had made love to her in my dreams.
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