Published: 8-May-2013
Word Count:
When I was about twelve, dad took me down the road about a quarter mile to a neighbor's house. He needed help carrying some boxes from there to our car and then back into our house.
We went down there and sat and talked for a little while. They had a little girl who was nine. She sat and stared at me the whole time we were there. She was the neighborhood brat and was always in trouble.
If it was a no-no she did it twice. If it was forbidden, she did it three times. She spent more time being grounded and restricted to her yard than she did being free to come and go. When people saw her coming, they automatically looked around to be sure nothing was lying around loose and the dog was in the house. You never knew what Cathy would do, and you wanted to be sure that whatever she did, it didn't happen in your yard.
Having her stare at me was unnerving. I had never met her but I had heard about her and I didn't want her thinking up something to do to me.
Dad and I carried the boxes from the garage to the car and Kathy sat on the steps and watched us. It made me nervous now since she had a skirt on and her knees were up and I could see her under pants. I was totally not used to little girls and at age twelve didn't have much use for them at all. When we were done, dad and I went in and he thanked them for the stuff and we started out to the car. Kathy grabbed my hand and held it all the way to the car.
I smiled at her and the only thing she said was "goodbye."
Dad said he though I had made a conquest. I didn't understand and he explained that he thought Kathy had a crush on me. It sounded sort of disgusting having the neighborhood hooligan being attracted to me so I said nothing.
I didn't see her for a while until one Saturday morning when I was mowing the lawn. It was hot and humid and I had my shirt off. I was sweaty and grass was sticking to me and I came around the end of the upper lawn and she was sitting on the wall watching me. I nodded at her - the lawn mower was so loud it was pointless trying to talk, and I kept on guiding the mower.
It was a big old Toro reel type with a big engine and it took a lot of work to keep it where you wanted it. Every time I turned the corner, she was sitting there, under pants in view, and staring at me.
When I finished the upper lawn, I shut it down and the silence was pleasant. I had to get gas to refill it and I walked past Kathy on the way.
"I bet you stink," she said. "You're all sweaty."
I told her she would stink too if she was doing the work I was doing.
She said, "Girls don't stink even when they're sweaty."
I didn't know whether it was true or not but I wasn't gonna argue with her about it.
I filled the tank and put the gas back and she asked what I was gonna do next, I told her the back yard and she jumped down and wandered off.
I drove the mower down to the back yard and did the areas around the garden and patio and then turned it off. I went in and ate lunch [peanut butter and jelly and milk and six Oreos] and then sat outside and wished the rest of the yard was done. It was still hot and humid and there was no breeze at all down in the back. I realized that Kathy had been right, I did stink and I was gonna be stinkier before I was done.
I went down and began the big expanse of lower lawn. It was about half an acre and at the lower end ran along a creek for about fifty feet. As i came around the garden area to the creek I could see Kathy sitting on the far side of the creek watching me again. I mowed along the bank and she was sitting with her feet in the water. There was a deep spot near where she was sitting and I stopped and shut down again and told her to be careful.
It was about eight feet deep there and I didn't want her to fall in. She said she knew where it was.
I started up again and went the rest of the way along the creek and turned up toward the house. It was about twenty five yards to the house and then back along the patio to the garden.
As I came around the garden toward the lower end of the creek I could see Kathy had gotten into the water. Her skirt and shirt were lying on the bench and she was bare assed in about two feet of water. Her flat little chest was split tan and white where her bathing suit would be if she had worn one. Her middle was the same and her little girl middle was as white as snow compared to her brown legs. I had no sisters and had never seen a naked girl before so the sight was scary and interesting at the same time. I had no idea how to handle the situation so I just smiled at her and went on.
I was praying to all the gods I had ever read about that she would be there when I came around again. As I turned onto the bank, I could see her sitting on the bench. She had no clothes on and her feet were up and her knees were apart and I cold see all of her bottom. She was facing me and she turned slowly as I guided the mower to across from where she was sitting and shut it down again.
I said, "How come you took your clothes off?
I was looking at her crack, which was sort of open and pink inside. She was about 10 feet way and I couldn't see much but I was considering wading across to get a better look.
She said, "I don't wanna get them wet so mommy won't know I was playing in the creek." She asked me if I wanted to get in the creek and I said no.
"Why not? It isn't cold and it'll get the stink off you." She giggled and said, "And you could take your clothes off too."
I said, "One naked kid out here is enough."
She said, "But you get to look at my crack and I don't get to look at anything."
I said I didn't need to see her crack, and she said, "But you been staring at it ever since I took off my clothes".
I said, "Not really," and she said, "Ya have too." I shrugged and continued to stare at it.
She said, "You could see it better if you came over here."
I told her I better not and she asked, "Why not. Your Mom isn't home so who's gonna know? "
I said okay and took my shoes and sox off and waded across the creek and went and sat down next to her. She turned to face me and kept her legs wide apart.
Her little pussy was soft looking and kind of puffy and wet inside and really dark-pink colored on the inside.
"Why do you want me to look at your crack," I asked her.
"Boys always wanna see girls cracks," she said. "My brother hides under my bed sometimes so he can see it. I tell mommy every time he does it and he gets in big trouble."
"Are you gonna tell your mom that I was looking at it?" I asked.
She said, "No, cuz i wanted to show it to you."
'Why,' I asked her.
"Cuz I like you and you aren't my brother."
"Does he want to touch it I," asked.
She looked at me and said, "I don't know, but probly. Do you want to?"
I said, "Well, not unless you want me to. I don't want you to get mad at me or anything."
She said, "You can if you want but you gotta stop if I say."
I said okay and reached out and slid my fingers along the puffy sides of her slightly open slit. She said, "It feels good if you press harder."
I did it again and pressed harder which forced the little lips of her slit apart more. I could see soft, pink stuff on the inside. I slid three fingers along her opening and let the middle finger go down into her. It was hot and slippery and wet.
"It feels real nice like that but it feels best at the top on the button."
I said. "Where?" and she spread herself open with her left hand and pointed to a swelling at the top of her crack. "Right here," she said and touched her finger against it. She wiggled when she did it.
" I like it when it gets pushed from the sides instead of right on it. But it feels good, almost what ever happens to it."
I touched it and she jumped.
"I never had anyone touch it for me before, " she whispered. " It feels nice."
I slid my fingers along side the bump and down into her hot little slit. It was wetter and she had an opening at the bottom of it. I felt her there and she said, "Don't go in it there. It hurts cuz there's a thing that covers it up and it hurts when ya push on it. It's where babies come out."
I slid my fingers around in her slit and she closed her eyes and leaned back and let me play with her girl parts.
I found her ass hole and tickled it. She smiled and said you can go in there if you want. I stuck my finger in there. She raised her butt up off the seat and slid down so she was almost lying down.
"Now push it all the way in and wiggle your finger."
I pushed and felt her hot butt hole squeezing my middle finger I twisted and wiggled it and she got a concentrated look on her face and made a humming sound. I thought she was gonna sing but all she did was hum.
She said do it harder so I pushed against her butt and wiggled and she sort of moaned and humped her tummy up and got stiff and her eyes were closed and her mouth was open with her tongue sticking out.
She flopped back down and sat there panting. Her heart was beating real hard and fast and I was sort of scared.
She looked at me and said, "What did you do to me?"
I said, "Only what you said to do," and she said, "It felt so good for a minute. I never had that happen before."
She sat up and asked if I ever felt real good down there. I said I didn't think so.
We were quiet for a little while and she asked if she could see my willie.
I had a good idea what she meant but I had never heard it referred to as a willie. It was hard from all the playing around with her stuff an I was kind of embarrassed but I figured I had nothing to lose at this point so I pulled my pants down and let my pecker out.
She said. "It's all stiff. Does it hurt? Can I touch it?"
She held on to it and felt it and bent down and looked at my nuts and said, "Is it always hard like this?"
She rubbed her hand along it and squeezed the end. I never had felt anyone touch my pecker before and I Iiked it. A lot. She said that has to be in me to make a baby.
I said, "Yeah".
She said, "Do you wanna put it in me?"
I said, "Yeah."
She said, "It might hurt though."
I said, "If a finger hurts, this will cuz it's bigger than a finger."
She said, "Yea." She felt me some more. "Lets try it," she said.
She sat up with her butt on the edge of the bench and said try to put it in.
I got on my knees and crawled to her and pressed my little 5 inch pecker against her slit and It slid up and hit her button .
She said, "Oooh.
"Did I hurt it?" I asked.
She said, "No. It was nice. Rub it some more in me."
I pressed against her slippery hot bottom and slid my pecker against her.
She pushed back at me and said, "Put it in me now."
I held it and tried to find her opening and couldn't.
"Let me," she said and grabbed it and held it against her and said, "Push.
I pushed.
Nothing happened.
She said, "Push harder."
Still no entrance.
She reached down with both hands and held her little slit wide open and said, "Push now," and I slid into her just a little and she said. "Ow. That's where it hurts."
She held me and wiggled it against her opening.
"It feels good this way though."
I had to agree.
I felt her heat and wetness and her little hand on me and It was a mixture of excitement and fear and a desire to bury myself in her body.
I pressed hard and slid into her about and inch.
She squeaked and grunted and said, "Ow, it stings."
"Do you want me to take it out?" I asked her.
She shook her head and said, "Uh uh. Just wait a second till I get used to it."
We sort of hung together for a few minutes and she felt herself and my pecker sticking into her.
She said push a little and see if it goes in any more.
I pushed and she was very tight and it was hard to get it in her but it slid in another inch.
She said it's almost all in me. We looked at us joined together and I pushed in another inch.
"Oh gosh," she said, "I'm getting all filled up and stretched.
"Does it hurt?" I asked her.
She said, "Uh uh, not any more, but it feels real stretchy and like I'm gonna explode or something. Will it go in any more?".
I pushed and it didn't.
"Ooof," she said, "I think you hit bottom. Are we fucking?" she asked.
I said, "I think so."
"Go in and out," she said.
I pushed in and out of her and she was very tight. I had to work hard to get it in. I was sort of gathering sensation and it got stronger and then it just took over and I was pushing in and out of her really hard and my pecker swelled up and then it spit and squirted and I felt so huge and and big and good and I was panting and couldn't get my breath.
And I got soft and it slipped out of her.
She said, "Did you get that good feeling too?"
I nodded and panted some more.
She said I felt your hot stuff come into my bottom. Do you think we'll have a baby?
I said I didn't think so and I hoped not.
She said, "I'm bleeding down my leg."
There was a trickle of blood and watery gunk running out of her hole.
I said, "I think that happens the first time you do it."
"I hope my mom doesn't find out," she said. "She'll ground me again and I just got ungrounded this morning."
She got up and sat in the creek and wiped herself clean and got out. I gave her a hanky and she wiped her bottom and it came away clear. "It's stopped I think." she told me. "Can I have the hanky? It'll keep my panties clean and I wont get caught."
I said sure and put my pants back on.
She pulled panties out of the pile of her clothes and put them on. For some reason, watching her made me get all hard again. I watched her pull her shirt on and she squeezed her little boobs.
She said, "When I get tittys I'm gonna let you feel them. It's s'posed to feel real good.
I said okay and we walked up the lawn to the house and she went in and peed. She came out and said she might see me tomorrow and went up the stairs and the driveway toward home.
I went back and finished mowing the lawn and went in and showered and fell asleep.
After dinner I played ball with some of the guys until it got dark. I was walking home and kept going till I got to her house. I went by and then turned and started back. They lived in a real modern ranch house with big windows down to almost the floor. she was in the bedroom sitting on her bed reading. I watched her for a while Knowing she couldn't see me and hoping she would do something.[ Like come outside and we could do it again; Vain hope.]
She finally put he magazine down and stood up and pushed her door closed. She pulled her shorts down and then her panties [and I got hard again] and took a hanky [mine?] out of her crotch and looked at it. She smelled it and folded it in half and put it back in her crotch and pulled her panties up.
She lay back on her bed and rubbed her chest. I realized she was playing with her tits. She pulled up her shirt and her nipples were little and pink and there was no tit at all that I could see.She squeezed them and then pinched and squeezed her nipples and pulled on them, She tried to lick one and couldn't reach it with her tongue. She played with them for quite a while with me in the audience.
I knew if we got together again that I would do some stuff to her nipples.
I saw her again that summer but we never did anything else.
The next summer I was at camp all summer and nothing happened.
The summer after that, Mom was working and I was at home doing the lawn again. I had fertilized it about a two weeks earlier and then it had rained on it and soaked the Turf Builder into the ground and now in was ankle deep but dry enough to mow.
I had the old Toro tuned and sharpened and was anxious to mow before it got any taller. I began on the upper level as always. I had it about half done when I saw Cathy coming down the street. She was about 6 inches taller and pretty. She had been cute when we had played in the back , but now she was doggone pretty.
Her blond hair was still pageboy short and she still had the look of harnessed anger, but she was pretty.
She also had some nice bumps in her t shirt which were not there before. She went by and stopped and came back and sat on the brick wall again. She didnt say anything so I didn't slow down. As I came around toward her again she put her foot up on the wall and her panties were in my line of sight again. I slowed the engine and shut it off and walked over to her.
I sat so I could look up her skirt and said, "White. White," I said again. Your panties are always white."
She said, "Not always. Sometimes I wear colors. I didn't think you'ld remember what I was wearing."
I said, "It's hard to forget something like that. I had fun that day."
She looked at me and said, "Well, why don't you ever come over to see me. We could do some stuff again.
"Yeah, right," I said. "I'm three years older than you and I'm supposed to come and ask your mom if Cathy can come out and play."
She giggled at that. "I guess you're right. She might wonder what was going on."
"No," I said, "she would know exactly what was going on and I would wind up in Boy's Town with a five year sentence."
We were quiet for a bit and she said, "How long before you finish mowing?"
"I have no idea," I told her. "It's so long it might take a couple of days to do it all."
Cathy rubbed her head, shrugged her shoulder sand said, "Is it okay is I go down and look at the creek?"
I said, "Sure. I'll go down with you."
We went down the outside steps and crossed the lawn to the far end of the yard. The bench had been varnished and it was shiny and new looking. The creek was high due to the past rains and was fast moving.
"Gonna get wet wading over there today." she said and kicked her sandals off and stepped into knee deep water. She went a couple of steps and was up to her crotch in it.
And it's not warm either she said and scooted the last few feet to the bank and climbed out.
"I got my panties wet." I have to get them dry before I go home she said. She slid her hands under her skirt and pulled them off and hung them on the back of the bench in the sun.
"Gonna come over here?" she asked without looking at me.
I had shorts on and I took off my shoes and sox and walked over. I was taller and didn't get as wet as she did and my clothes were dry.
"Are we gonna play like we did last time?" I asked her.
"Do you wanna?" she said and grinned at me. "I expect you probly do. You're a boy and they all wanna play in my pants."
"Do you play with them," I asked her?
She said no, that she didn't like any of them like that. And her parents watched her all the time. "Only reason I'm alone is now, is mom dropped me off to walk home and she's going down town to meet with her club."
I thought about that for a minute and asked her if she liked anyone like that.
She stared at me for a minute and said, "You know who I like that way."
We were quiet for a while again and then she said, "So, do you wanna do anything?"
I nodded and asked her if she had ever been kissed.
"Like movie kisses you mean?" she asked.
I nodded again and she shook her head.
Do you wanna try it I asked her.
She nodded so I slid over next to her and put my hand under her chin and tilted her face up and bent down and I pressed my lips against hers.
Her mouth was closed tight but she pressed her mouth against mine.
I said, "That isn't bad for a first kiss. The second one ought to be better." From my vast knowledge of kissing [post office and spin the bottle] I told her to not squinch her lips so tight and relax. "This is fun and it feels good if you do it right."
I bent over again and kissed her and kept my own lips really soft and loose. I felt her soften hers and I touched her lips with my tongue. She jerked her head back and said, "Why are you licking me?"
I said, "It's part of real kissing and its called 'Frenching' and it feels nice."
"Do it again," she said and I kissed her again.
I didn't do anything for a minute and I felt her tongue touching my lips so I slid my tongue out to hers. She pulled it back and I chased it into her mouth. I licked her tongue and she put her hands on my face and held on.
I stopped tonguing her and pulled back from her. "Why'd you quit?" she asked.
I said, "There are other things we can do, too. I saw you in your bedroom one night trying to lick your nipple. I would like to do that."
She looked at me wide eyed. "Were you peeking in my room?"
I said, " No. I was walking home and saw you in your room. The drapes were open and I stopped to watch you and saw what you were doing."
She slowly nodded her head. She said, " I used to forget to close them. I always do now though. My stupid brother was peeking at me and I saw him and I ran and told mom. She about killed him. "Okay, you can suck it but quit if I say to, alright?"
I pulled her shirt up and found her tit. It was small but developing and had a pink nipple .Her nipple was big and when I touched it it felt hard and rubbery. She said suck it.
I knelt in front of her and sucked it into my mouth. The nipple stiffened and got long and pointy and she sort of made a humming noise. I loved the feel of her tit in my mouth and I sucked on it . I put my right hand on her other tit and held it awhile I sucked the other one. The nipple got hard there too and I squeezed it and kind of rolled it and Cathy pushed against me real hard.
"Uhnnn, oh gee. Oh shit", she said." It feels so good. Suck the other one now."
I switched and sucked it and played with her other nipple. The wet nipple slid under my fingers and i had to pinch it hard to get hold of it. She grunted and said harder so I sucked and pulled harder on her and she made all kinds of noises and said, "Oh God, stop, I cant stand it."
I was kneeling between her knees and I stopped sucking and looked down at her. She was swollen and her slit was open and she was very wet. "Your hole is leaking," I said.
She looked down and said, "Yeah, It happens when I get hot like this."
I touched her swollen folds and felt the warmth of her pussy. I could smell her. It was a scent I had smelled before but had not recognized then. Now I knew what it was; hot female.
I kept pressing my fingers against her warm pussy. She sat there with her eyes closed and her mouth open. Her tongue was sticking out and she was drooling a little. She began to push back at my hand as i pressed against her.
I remembered she had said she had a bump up front that felt good so I tried to feel for it. I couldn't tell if I was touching anything specific so I slid my fingers inside into her hot swollen wetness .
I found the nubbin in front and rubbed all around it. She jerked and pushed her bottom back at me and spread her legs and said, "Wait."
She stood up and pulled her skirt off and sat down again and said now do it.
I sat and looked at her for a minute. She had her swollen pussy poked out at me and she was bare. Her small tits were swollen from my sucking and her nipples were erect and hard. Her eyes were half shut and her mouth hung partly open. She smelled of her cunt. I learned in later years the her smell was characteristic of young girls as opposed to the stronger odor of adults.
I slid my fingers into her slit and found the opening to her pussy. My middle finger slid deeply into her and hit the end of her channel she humped up at my finger and said put in another one.
I put my thumb on her bump and fucked two fingers into her dripping cunt. She was leaning against the bench with her whole bottom open to my hands.
My thumb on her button, two middle fingers in her cunt and I slid my pinkie into her ass. She pushed back at me and said do my titties.
I bent and sucked one and pulled the nipple on the other one. In that position I couldn't do anything to her cunt but it didn't matter. She was humping hard and fast, and my fingers were sliding in and out of her as she needed them to be. In moments she began to cum.
Her head went back she made a soft screaming sound and her belly jerked up two or three times and stopped.
She was rigid from top to toe. Her body shuddered and she fell back onto the bench.
She lay there panting and humping her belly. My fingers had come out of her when she fell back and I sat and watched her slow down from her orgasm.
She opened her eyes and looked at me and rubbed her nipples. She said, "I had to wait two years for you to make me do that again."
I was unbuttoning my pants. I pulled my cock out. It was a bit larger than it had been the last time I aimed it at her.
She said, "Are you gonna fuck me again?"
I nodded and sat on the bench. "I said sit on my lap".
She climbed onto me and faced me and I raised her little ass up and rubbed my cock in her slippery, wet, hot slit.
I pressed it against ass and she said, "Not in there."
I grinned at her and said, "Next time I'll fuck your ass." I slid my cock into her.
The sensation of heat and wet and tight squeezing cunt muscles was m more intense than I remembered. My cock jerked and twitched in her and she closed her eyes again.
She was rocking against me, forcing her button to press against my front bone and the scant pubic hair I had. She moaned and pressed harder and put her arms around my neck.
I said, "Cathy, I wanna cum. I made you cum now you make me come."
She said, "How."
I said, "Fuck me."
She opened her eyes and looked at me. Our noses were about two inches apart. She said, "Like this?"
She raised her ass and slid it back down a couple of times and said, "Oh God," and began a strong rhythmic up and down movement. It felt wonderful. Her cunt was small and my cock was pretty thick. It was holding tightly in her. I watched as my cock slid in and out of her pulling her tissues as she raised up off of it and then collapsing them into her when she came back down.
She began to pant hard and said she was gonna go off again.
I pulled her nipples and she said, "Yeah, yeah, now," and tensed up I grabbed her ass and raised and lowered her on my cock. I could feel her muscles cramping around it and I started to pump my gism into her. She screeched again and sobbed and shook and her belly humped at me. She held onto me as I pumped into her and slammed against her bottom. I had only had her once before and I wanted to make sure I never forgot how she felt on me.
We gradually slowed and stopped. I stayed buried in her enjoying the little after shocks of her orgasm as her cunt squeezed and relaxed on my cock.
She was leaning heavily against me and drooling on my shoulder. Her pussy was leaking all over me and i was soaked with the juices from her cum. She sat up and said, "I gotta wash off."
"Me too" I said.
We slid down into the creek and I watched as she rubbed her pussy and ass trying to get all the slimy juices off her.
I climbed out and sat down and watched her. She had become quite pretty in the two years since I had seen her last. She asked what I was doing and I told her I was looking at her.
I said, "You're pretty. I mean really pretty. If you were a little older, I would ask you to go with me."
She got teary eyed and they ran down her cheeks.
She said, "It isn't fair that you gotta be so much older n' me. I been liking you for years and I still cant be with you except when no one can see us."
I went over to her and pulled her up so she was standing in front of me. I put my hands on her face and pulled her mouth up to mine and kissed her.
She knew jack shit about kissing but she at least put her arms around my neck and pressed against me. I held her and kissed her for a long time and when I stopped, her mouth was soft and swollen from the kiss and her nipples were hard again.
"I never been kissed before you did it," she said. "I like it."
I told her she was gonna be kissed a lot if she wanted to be. She was a gorgeous girl and boys were gonna wanna do all kinds of things to her.
She said' "I only wanna do things with you though."
I looked at her a long time and finally I said, "We're gonna get in a lot of trouble, but I like doing things with you too."
I hung around outside for several days hoping to see Cathy again, but she never came by. One day I walked down the road past her house and it was quiet, but her mom's car was in the garage so I kept going.
I was washing mom's car on Friday morning and I heard Cathy call me. She was standing in the bushes at the top of the drive way. I walked up and said hey.
She asked, "How long before you get done there?" I told her about thirty minutes.
She said to come over when I got done. "When you see my mom drive by, I'll be home alone."
I said Okay and went back to the car.
I didn't get it as clean as I usually did, but it would pass. I dried it in a hurry when I saw Mrs Glick go past.
I went in and gave mom her keys and told her I was going out and she said she would be home by five and to be here for dinner. I nodded and walked up to the top of the drive and turned down the road. As soon as I got behind the bushes, I ran.
It was about a quarter of a mile at most, and I ran the whole way. Before I got there I realized I had to have some reason for coming so I decided to ask if their TV was working. I would pretend I couldn't get a picture at home.
I rang the bell and Cathy opened the door and said "C'mon in. Nobody's home cept me."
I said, "When are they coming back?"
She said, "About four thirty or five. Timmy has a dental appointment and it isn't till three thirty. We got lots a time. C'mon." She led me down the hall to her bedroom. It was a mess.
There were clothes and dolls all over the place. She said, "I'm supposed to clean this up while they're gone. She grabbed a bunch of clothes and stuff off the floor and chair and took them down the hall and came back. She tossed her dolls in a box and pushed it into the closet. She flipped the sheet up onto the bed and threw the blanket over it. She laid the bedspread over it all and smoothed it.
She said, "Now we can play. Do you wanna?"
I nodded and she said, "Okay come over here and we can kiss some more. I liked kissing the other day."
I lay down on the bed and she snuggled down next to me. I kissed her lips and and then licked them once and kissed her again harder. She opened her mouth and sucked at my tongue. I pressed against her as I started to get hard so she would know I was hot and ready. She looked at me and said I can feel you getting big. I nodded at her again and held her ass in my hand and pressed her against my cock.
Her little ass was firm and round and felt good in my hand.
She was wearing shorts and I tried to get my hand inside them but they were too tight. She sat up and unbuttoned them and told me to pull them down. I wiggled them over her little hips and they slipped to her knees, she kicked them off and sat in her little white panties.
'I was gonna wear pink panties," she said, "But you said you like white ones."
II didn't remember saying I liked one color over another but I didn't care what color they were as long as I could take them off.
I pressed against her again and felt her ass I put my hand in her crotch and she raised her leg to let me get at her. I rubbed her stuff and it was soft and warm down there.She said you gotta take your pants off too. I wanna see your Willie. "Not a Willie," I said. Ir's a cock or a dick, but it aint a Willie."
I pulled my shorts off and my jockey shorts came off at the same time. My dick was stiff and hard and sticking straight out. She bent down and looked at it and said, "It gets bigger every time I see it". "Can I see your tits?" I asked her.
She said they weren't really worth seeing, they were so small. She undid her shirt and let me look. I liked them, but I really had no experience with any other than hers.
"Are ya gonna suck 'em again?" she asked.
I nodded and felt her tit all over. She watched my hand on her and her hand went to her crotch where it pressed against the folds of her cunt.
I bent and sucked her nipple into my mouth and she sighed and held my head against her. I reached down for her cunt and her hand was in the way.
I told her to let me play with her stuff and she could play with mine. I pulled her panties down and looked at her cunt.
It was swollen from her excitement and open so I could see all the soft, wet stuff inside her slit. Her nubbin was sticking out and was moving slightly like my dick did when I was really hot. I touched it and she jumped. She said. "It gets real tender when I get hot so don't touch right on it, do the soft stuff around it and push against it."
I squeezed the front of her pussy lips up and waggled them against her bump.
She humped up at me and said, "Yeah, like that."
I kept playing with her cunt and sucked her nipple back into my mouth. We sort of slid down on her bed until we were lying so I was on my side and her on her back. Her knees were up and spread and her arms were over her head holding the rods of the head board. I slid one finger into her and started finger fucking her. I would slide my finger in and feel all around inside her and then slide it out. I did that for a while and she reached down and held on to my dick. She didn't do much with it but it felt nice to have her holding me.
I kept sucking her nipple and playing with her cunt and I slid a finger against her ass hole. She jerked again and said not there. I ignored her and pressed my finger against her little rose bud and it slid into her. With her knees up and apart, it was easy to get it in her. She said, "I poop there," and I mumbled so what and fingered her in both holes.
Her ass hole relaxed and I gave it another finger and she grunted but didn't say anything. I could feel my finger in her cunt through the wall of her pussy. She was humping back at me in rhythm with my fingers going in and out. Her eyes were closed and her mouth hung open. Her skin was all splotchy red and she was breathing fast and deep.
I felt her muscles contract around my fingers and she started to hum. Her belly bucked up hard and she stiffened out and said a long sort of 'Eeeeeeeee' sound and she cummed on my hand.
I watched her cum. It was interesting. Her teeth were clenched and her eyes were closed. Her lips were pulled back and she was frowning real hard. Her tits were swollen and her nipples stood up like little erasers. I could see her six pack belly muscles as she was humping up at my hand.
She sagged down and relaxed and lay there all flopped apart.She looked at me and said, "That was a big one. I'm getting better at doing that."
I slid down a little so I could get at her nipple and sucked it gently and she made a purring sound. I pulled her leg up and slid under it and pressed my dick into her soaking slit. "Gonna fuck me again? she said.
"Sorta," I said and fucked against her slit to get my dick really slick. She purred again and I pulled back and pressed my dick against her ass hole.
She said, "Please don't go in me there. Please don't..."
I pushed through her muscle ring and the head of my cock slid into her. She groaned and said, "No please."
I went in another couple of inches and she grunted and said, "Go slow. It hurts. You're too big for me there. "
I held her against me and said take deep breaths. I let her rest for a minute and then pushed in the rest of the way.
She was very hot inside. Her ass muscles were clamping around my cock and it felt good. Different from her pussy but still good.
She was sweating and scared of the way it felt but wasn't asking me to stop. I started fucking in and out of her and she moaned. I played with her pussy as I ass fucked her and she relaxed and stared to hump with me. I told her to play with her pussy like she was trying to cum. I grabbed her hand and put it on her cunt and she began rubbing her nubbin. I sucked her tit into my mouth again and tweaked the other nipple.
I could feel my cum building in my cock and balls. The sensation of the precum tension built and built in me. Cathy was rubbing her clit really fast and hard and I was pumping into her bottom hole as hard as I could. It was still very tight and hard to get in and out but it felt so hot and good. She began to grunt as we fucked and I felt my cum start.
I squirted a big load into her and then did about four more.
She screeched and stuck most of her hand into her cunt and fucked herself against it and screeched again. My cock was still in her ass and I could feel her fingers churning in her cunt. She was sort of waving them at herself as she cummed.
We lay there for a long time. She finally sat up and said, "I can't stand to do that very much. "Do what?" I asked her.
She said, "Cum and rub the front of my hole at the same time. There's a spot in there that makes me cum so hard I get carried away. I had to cut my finger nails way down so I wouldn't scratch it and make it bleed. When I start there though I cant stop till I cum and it about kills me to do it."
I asked her where the spot was.
She said, "Stick your finger in me."
I did and she told me to rub on the front of her hole.
I pressed my finger against the front of her pussy and felt the slick, hot muscle of her cunt. She said rub right there hard. I did and felt a bump in side her and she said, "That's it right there. Rub it some more."
I slid another finger into her and rubbed, She closed her eyes and groaned and said, "It's too much for me there. Don't stop now. I gotta get it again."
She was holding onto my arm as I rubbed her cunt wall inside and was pulling it into her as hard as she could. Her bottom started to pump against my hand and she flopped back down, her body humping up at my fingers in her. She was sweating and her face was frowning again and mouth was pulled back off her teeth again.
"O gee, oh shit, oh my, oh, oh, ohhhhhhhhh," she groaned and she cummed again. Her cunt clamped down on my fingers really tight and I could hardly move them but I knew what to do from feeling her do it to herself. I kept moving my fingers against her little thing in side her and she kept on cumming.
"Stop," she said, "Oh please stop. It hurts to cum so hard."
I slid my hand out of her and she lay there with her belly muscles still flexing and her butt still humping up and down.
She told me to go home. She would see me tomorrow some time but she had to be alone for a while. I bent and kissed her. I picked up my clothes and put them on and looked at her as I walked away. Her ass was still humping a little. I wished I could cum as hard as she did.
I got home and took a shower and was setting the table for dinner when mom got home.
I didn't see her for about four days. I had stuff to do and a dentist appointment and I fooled around down town one day.
I was up early Saturday and walked past her house. She was in her bed room getting dressed and her drapes were open. She had panties on and was hooking her bra when I saw her brother, Trevor , peeking at her from some bushes. We watched her get dressed and she walked out. He wandered around the side of the house and disappeared. I went back home and wondered what to do about the little shit.
When I saw Cathy again I told her about it. She was mad, but she said there wasn't much she could do about it. She liked sleeping with the drapes open and it seemed dumb to close them just to get clothes on. We were walking down the road to the bus stop. I had to get a hair cut and she was gonna shop with a girl friend.
She asked when we could get together to do stuff again.
I said, "We gotta find someplace to go to do it. It's too dangerous to keep doing it outside or at your house. You never know when your mom or dad might come home."
How come we never do it at your house?" She said. "Your mom is gone almost every afternoon."
"Yeah," I said, "But sometimes she only goes to the store and is back in a half hour, and other times she's gone all afternoon and I never know which one it's gonna be."
"Can't you ask her?" she said.
"I suppose I could but then what do I do? I cant call you up or anything."
She said, "We gotta think of something, unless you don't wanna anymore."
I said, "I do want to, it's just I don't want us to get caught."
She was quiet for a little while and said, "Feel me."
I looked around and it looked safe and I put my hand under her skirt. Her panties were wet.
She said, "Sometimes I think about you and I almost cum without even touching myself."
About three days later, Mrs. Glick called and asked to talk to my mom. I was almost in shock when she told me who she was and asked for mom. I figured Cathy had told her about what we were doing and my ass was going to jail.
I heard mom saying 'I see,' and 'uh huh' and stuff like that but none of the neighbor lady crap ya usually hear. When she called me I said, "Yes maam?"
She said, "The Glicks need their lawn mowed and I told Mrs. Glick you would mow for them. You'll have to set a price on doing it because they have never needed someone to do it before but Mr. Glick can't do it for the rest of the summer. It means some money for you and you can use our mower or theirs, the price is the same either way."
After lunch I went over to their house and Cathy answered the door. She looked surprised to see me and I asked if her mom was there. She said, "Yea," and whispered "What are you doing?"
I said, "Nothing, don't worry," and we went to the kitchen.
Mrs. G. explained the whole thing again and she told Cathy to show me the yard.
I already knew what the front was like and we went around to the back. It was sort of rolling hill and was about an acre. It had some flower plots in it but was mostly just grass. It was about the same size as mine and I figured about the same amount of time. Dad always paid me twenty five bucks for it but he said he over paid me so I wouldn't bug him about an allowance in the summer.
Mrs. Glick asked how much I would charge and I told her what dad paid me. She thought that was a fair price and said I would get a bonus if I did it the day before they had a party or something like that. Otherwise I was to mow on Friday. She said that was her day to go to town and do errands and get Timmy's teeth checked and braces tightened and she wouldn't have to listen to the mower. I thanked her and Cathy walked me to the door and grinned at me and said, "See ya on Friday."
I was kinda worried about that. Cathy's ideas for Friday and the mowing might not go together real well, but I figured we would have to work that out. I checked in the garage to see what kind of mower they had and it was a good sized Deere. I checked it over and it looked in good shape, but I decided to bring mine too and see which was easiest [and fastest] at cutting that grass.
That evening, I saw Cathy walk by so I went out and followed her a ways. When we were out of sight of my house she stopped and said, "I walked back and forth about five times hoping you would see me." "What's wrong," I asked her.
She said nothing, she just wanted to tell me what time to come over and start mowing so we could have some time together alone.
She said her mom always left about one o'clock after lunch, but I could start at noon and be done by two thirty or three. I would have to do the front first so as not to bother her mom with the racket the lawn mower makes.
I said that was fine and what else did she need . She giggled and said she wanted to cum. "Me too," I said, "But where could we go?"
She said the Holsteads were on vacation and we could go on their patio.
We snuck down to the back of the Holsteads place and they had a patio with a brick wall around it. Cathy said Mrs. Holstead sunbathed out there naked sometimes.
We sat on a sort of outdoor couch and she asked if we could do stuff now.
I said you got all your clothes on and she said so do you. I unbuttoned my pants and they slid down. I had no under pants on and my dick flopped out.
She looked at it and slid her shorts down and then her panties and sat down next to me. Still looking at my dick she said it isn't big this time. I said touch it and it will get big.
She wrapped her little warm hand around it and it hardened steadily.
She said, "Wow. That was neat. I like seeing that. Did I make it hard like that?
I nodded and asked her if she was wet yet. She said she didn't think so.
I reached out for her crotch and she spread her legs and I felt her slit and it warm and flat and just damp. I rubbed her lips and squeezed then and slid a finger into her soft inner slit and she was wetter. When I touched her nubbin she jumped and leaned back and said do it there some more . I played with her clit until she said stop now, It's getting too tender. I slid my finger into her hole and she was soaked.
"Do ya wanna fuck me now?" she asked.
I said, " No. I'm gonna do something else."
She said, " What."
I said, "I'm gonna suck your pussy."
She looked up from staring at my dick and said, "But I pee there."
I said, "Yea, but I heard it feels real good. Do you wanna try it?"
She said, "Okay if you do."
I said, "I'll do it you and then you do it to me."
"Uh uh," she said. "I'm not putting it in my mouth."
I said, "Okay then I'm going home," and I pulled up my pants and started to leave.
She said. "Wait. Ill do it."
I said, "You gotta do it first then."
"How come?" she said. "You were gonna go first, you said."
I told her, "Yea, but I know you don't really wanna, so I don't trust you to do it after I do. I know I wanna suck yours so you know I'll do it."
She thought about it and said she would suck mine then but I had to promise to suck hers too.
I told her to sit on the edge of the seat and I would show her what I was gonna do after she did me.
She slid out and I was able to get down and get my face close to her pussy. She smelled sexy and hot.
I licked along her slit once and then stuck my tongue into it and licked her in there.
She leaned back and I stuck my tongue into her hole and pushed it in as far as i could.
Finally I sucked her nubbin and licked on it as i sucked. She grunted and I stopped
She said don't stop now and I said you gotta do me first.
She put her hand in her crotch and fingered her self and I said, "No fair. You gotta do me first."
I pulled my pants down again and she looked at my dick.
I don't think I can get it in my mouth she said.
"Try," I told her.
She got down on her knees and got close to it. She said, "Will it squirt in my mouth?"
I said, "If you do it right it will and then I'll do you til you squirt in mine."
She licked the crown of my dick and said, "It's a little salty."
"So is yours," I told her.
She licked me again and opened her mouth and got the head inside and sat there.
Suck it I told her and bob your head up and down on it. Hold the bottom with your hand and slide it up and down.
She tried it and her teeth rubbed me. I told her to keep her teeth off it and to do it some more.
She stopped and said, "I hope you cum fast cuz its so big it hurts my jaw to do it." and then she started to suck it.
Her mouth was warm and soft and wet and the action of her tongue and mouth felt wonderful. Watching her blond head bobbing over my lap was the sexiest thing I had ever seen next to her being naked.
I could feel the cum boiling up inside me. I said, "Not much longer and Ill shoot."
She sucked a little harder and faster and I went off. She gagged and choked but she kept on sucking until I said, "Oh God, stop."
She looked up and had my cum dripping off her chin and her face was red and said, "It's salty," and licked her lips and swallowed. "It wasn't as bad as I thought it was gonna be but I'd rather fuck. I can't cum this way."
I was really drained but I figured she had done me and I should do her, so I said sit back on the couch again with your bottom sticking out over the edge. She got settled and I got down in front of her and put my mouth on her. She was small enough that I could get my mouth over all of her girl stuff.
I held her butt and moved my mouth around on her and used my tongue to lick as I moved . She was watching me, leaning on her elbows and smiling and she sort of sagged down onto her back and put a hand on the back of my head and pressed my face against her.
"Harder," I heard her say and her legs clamped around my head and I sucked her into my mouth. All of her soft pussy and slit got pulled up and licked.
She grunted and her pelvis humped up at me I kept sucking her cunt for a while, and then narrowed in on her nubbin.
She had her legs wide apart and I was able to get at all of her. When I sucked her nubbin into my mouth she stiffened and humped really hard and sort of screamed but it wasn't loud and she stayed all stiff and humped up and I could feel her cunt spasming and with my hand on her butt I could tell her ass hole was pulsing as she cummed.
I kept at her until she relaxed and then sat up.
She was sort of out of it and lying there drooling and panting. Her hands were holding her tits and I could see her bare cunt - shiny and wet and dripping in the fading light.
"Good Huh?" I said to her.
She nodded. "I was supposed to be home by dark she said. I gotta go." She pulled her panties on and the rest of her stuff and got up. "I'm sorry. I don't wanna get grounded some more." She walked away.
I was really pissed at her. I wanted to fuck her and she walked off.
I was working on my bike in the driveway and Cathy came by and walked down and sat on the bench. She didn't say anything and I was still pissed at her so I didn't either.
She finally spread her knees apart and I could see her pale blue panties.
She said, "I know why you're mad and I'm sorry. I hadda get home or get grounded again and I don't wanna miss out on being with you so I hadda go. I'm sorry. I'll suck ya anytime you want to pay you back."
I sat back and looked at her and said, "How about I fuck your ass?"
She said, "Sure, I like that better anyway."
My mom was gone for the day so I said, "Come on inside."
We went in my bedroom and I said, "Pull your pants off."
"Is it safe here?" she asked, looking around.
I said, laughing, "It is unless someone climbs up on the roof and looks in the window."
She slid her skirt down and stood with her hands on her panty waist band. "Will you close the drapes? "she asked.
I said, "I like to watch what we're doing so let's leave them open. I can see my cock going in and out of your butt better in the light."
She shrugged and pulled her panties down.
"Are you gonna get me hot before you do it?" she asked.
I said, "That's half the fun."
She giggled and sat on my bed and said, 'Do ya wanna do my nipples too?"
I told her I did and to take her top off. She pulled her shirt over her head and sat there in her little training bra. It held very little but she had really sensitive nipples and I liked playing with them and watching what it did to her.
She said, "You unhook it for me, I don't like trying to reach it."
I sat next to her and rubbed her back. Her skin was smooth and soft and felt silky to me.
She sort of purred as I rubbed and said, "How did you learn to do all this nice stuff? You always make it feel so good."
I slid my hands slowly around to her little titties and squeezed them and tickled her nipples with my thumbs. She closed her eyes and sighed again.
I said, "Are you feeling good?"
She nodded and sighed yet again and leaned against me. I put my hand on her slit and pressed against it. I couldn't reach much but she spread her legs apart.
"Can I lie down?" she sort of whispered.
I slid down next to her and put my hand on her bottom as she opened her thighs to me.
She was wet and her lips were puffy and pink and swollen and open to my fingers. I felt her inner stuff which was still pretty small in her undeveloped pussy but it was certainly sensitive. She began her little thrusting motions with her pelvis and I slid fingers up and down in her slit. Her little clit was swollen and I pressed her pussy lips against it and wiggled her clit without touching it.
She groaned and asked me to rub her hot spot. I asked if she wanted me to do this one, as I barely touched her clit, or this one and I slid two fingers into her tube and felt for her G spot.
"Oh my God," she groaned as I hit the vaginal bump inside her. "You know I can't stand it when you start there. You gotta make me cum now or I'll go nuts."
I was hoping for just that response and I said get on your knees. I had fucked her that way before and it hit her 'hot spot' inside and she loved it.
She got up on all fours and said, "Hurry please."
I pulled my shorts and underpants off and pressed my cock against her slit and rubbed it around. Gotta get it slippery i told her as she humped at me.
I slid a finger into her cunt again and pressed on her spot and she gasped and said, "Come on and fuck me now."
I said, " Okay, just like we agreed outside."
I pressed into her asshole and slid into her all the way. She started to straighten up but I held her down and fucked in and out a few times.
She almost snarled at me to go in her cunt. That she needed the hot spot cum. I said we had agreed on an ass fuck and that's what I was gonna have. I humped into her and she tried to get me off and I held her hips against my cock and let her squirm. It felt great as she writhed around on my little six incher.
She tried to get her own hand in her cunt but couldn't do it without falling on her face.
My balls were slapping her pussy as I fucked her and she got wilder.
"Please go in my cunt," she said. "You don't know what you're doing to me. I need it in there. You can fuck my ass any time but now you got me started and I gotta have it in my cunt on my spot. Please."
I fucked into her about four more times and pulled out. Her ass hole was gaping wide open and her cunt was bright pink and running juice.
I said, "I get to do what ever I want when ever I want?"
She said, "yeah, yeah just do it to me now."
I pushed into her tight young cunt and did it slowly so as to drive her crazier. She pushed back at me and I hit her spot and she almost screamed, "Now. Do it hard now."
I had to do it hard. She was banging her ass against me as hard as she could. I reached down under her and pulled on her nipple and and stuck my other hand down and pressed her clit. she stopped moving and bowed her back way up and I had to fuck into her hard to keep her going . I could feel her clamping down on my cock as her orgasm started and she was saying words but they had no meaning. She cummed hard and long and her muscle contractions milked me into my own cum which was very strong. I pumped 5 or six big jets into her and then several little ones as I eased off . I lay on her with my still hard cock buried in her twitching cunt.
"I cant breathe," she said. "Get off me."
I pulled out of her cunt and stuck my dick back up into her ass hole. I lay on her and humped slowly and she gasped and said she couldn't breathe and I told her to try harder and continued to fuck her ass.
She said, "Please let me be on top and I'll fuck you, but I gotta breathe."
I got off her and lay on my back and she slid over on top of me and said, "Okay, put it in."
I said, "You put it in and do it now."
I slapped her ass pretty hard and she jumped and grabbed my cock and sat down on it and grunted and said, "It's so big when it's in my ass."
"That's why I like it there I told her and she started to fuck me into her butt. I pulled her nipples until she got her sort of sleepy, stupid look like she did when she got really hot and I knew she would cum again. I didn't think I could but as I watched her I realized I was gonna have another one too. I put my hand down under her cunt so her clit was riding on my knuckle and she began her serious efforts at a cum.
She said, "Your'e gonna kill me doing this to me this way."
I said, "Yeah, but you're gonna die happy."
She was really into it now and she was spasming again in her pussy. I told her to keep on fucking me until I said to quit and she nodded and fucked me harder. As she cummed , her ass clamped and relaxed on my cock and her humping slid me against her very tight bowel walls as they clamped and relaxed in her cum. I cummed again and she kept fucking at me with no real rhythm, but she tried.
I said, "Quit now," and she rolled off me.
"Why are you being so mean to me today," she asked. 'I just wanted to have fun with you and you got me all sore and raw."
I told her I was sorry and we got cleaned up. I got cokes out and gave her one and we went outside to where my bike was.
Her brother was sitting on the bench and grinning at us.
He said to me, " I watched you doing it to her."
"Doing what?" I managed.
"Fucking her," He said. " You and Cathy were fucking. Dad is gonna shit a brick when I tell him." He turned to Cathy. "Now who's gonna be the brat in the family? Your stuck up ass is gonna be in the wringer for the rest of your life."
Trevor had always been a first class prick and a pain in the ass and now he was proving it. He was a sneak and a liar but he could damn well screw us thoroughly just by telling what he saw. Some people wouldn't believe him but his mother would. She thought his shit didn't stink and his pee smelled like lemonade. She had been babying him since the day he took his first step and had never quit since. He was a year older than Cathy and was always just sneaky enough to get away with the crap he pulled. Cathy, at least, was no sneak.
I said to him, "Trevor, you got us over a barrel. What is it gonna take to shut you up?" I walked closer to him. "Listen to me, cuz I'm gonna tell you once. I will try to keep you quiet but I'm not gonna let you mess up my life, so, come up with something reasonable or I'll beat your sorry ass every Saturday for the rest of my life. Cathy was white faced and scared. Trevor was looking at me and he knew I meant what I said. He muttered something about telling his mom about what I said and I told him I was gonna make believe I didn't hear that and give him another chance before I started pounding his face around.
He said, "Okay. I wanna fuck her too. Every time you get to fuck her, then I wanna fuck her too."
Cathy went red in the face. She screamed at him that she would happily die before she let him stick his thing into her.
I said, "Wait a minute here, Cathy. The little prick has us over a barrel and we're gonna be dead before we ever get out from under this if he says on e word about ti to your mom. I know how you feel, but think hard before you jump on his ass."
She was so mad she was shaking. She had tears running down her face but she wasn't crying. She was enraged to the point of mania. I held her arm and rubbed her back and talked real softly to her about if he got it once and got it over with we were home free. We would have it over him that he raped his sister and we were free and clear if they found that out. I emphasized the rape bit and she started to hear me.
She looked at me and said, "Just once is all?"
I nodded and said, "Yeah. We cant ever do it again though," and I winked at her, "unless you let him do you too. But, you gotta give him his once."
She said, "I might puke."
"I might puke too but what are we gonna do?"
Trevor said, "I wanna do it now, and then we're even. I wont tell if I get to do it to her now."
I took them back in the house and sat them down in my room.
"Cathy," I said, "Let him have some and we can all get the hell out of this and no one is hurt. Hell I'd let him fuck me if it would get us off the hook."
She said, "Well shit."
She looked at him and said, "Take your darn pants off and get it over with."
She pulled her skirt off and sat on the bed.
Trevor pulled his shorts down. He had no underpants on and his dick popped out. It was about the size and shape of a large banana, curve and all. He was hard and had pre cum on the tip already. Cathy looked at it with amazement. It made my little dick look pretty puny. I admit to some jealousy.
He walked over to her and said, "Cathy, we can be nice to each other and have some fun. I don't wanna be mean but I wanna fuck you so bad."
She was still staring at his meat and was sort of slack mouthed. I realized she was getting hot just looking at the thing. She pulled he panties down and lay back on the bed.
Trevor said, "I want her naked like she was with you."
I looked at her and she sat up and took her shirt off and pulled her bra up above her tits so they were bare.
She said, "Come on and get on with it."
Trevor sat next to her and touched her tit. He bent and sucked the nipple and Cathy's eyes closed. She lay still while he suckled on her and then reached down and held his cock in her hand.
"My God," she said, "this thing is huge."
She pulled him up on top of her and let him slide around in her slit for a few minutes. She finally reached down and pulled him into her and he groaned and slid in and went all of seven inches into her.
She put her legs around his thighs and pulled him deeper and grunted and said, "It hits my spot every time. It hits it. It's too much. Oh God, Its too much. I love it. It's so good. Oh God, Trev, do it to me."
He was humping her hard and strong and I listened to her inane mumbling and realized I was through as her source of sexual pleasure. That monster dick had made her a slave. I watched them until He got his cum. Cathy had cum at least four times and was about to have another when he blew his load into her. It triggered her last orgasm and then they fell apart. Both of them too weak to do more than breathe.
I let them rest a bit and then hustled them out of my room and the house. I opened my windows and prayed that mom wouldn't come home before the stink was gone.
The last I saw of them, they were walking side by side back toward home. I didn't see either of them again all summer. As a matter of fact, I never saw him again and I saw Cathy once after I was in college. She weighed about two hundred pounds and had the worst case of acne I had ever seen. She waved to me but I ignored her.
I was horny for a while but I got over it. I found out a lot or other girls liked sex too.
Philip Spencer
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