Sunday Tie Up By Mom

[ Fg, mom/dau, inc, bond, anal, enema, tort, mast ]

by Lana


Published: 15-Jul-2012

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All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Sunday morning my mom had me come down stairs and have breakfast, naked of course. I always felt a little strange when I was naked and mom wore clothes. Anyway, after breakfast she made me go to the bathroom, with her watching me. I could do nothing but pee, and she said that wouldn't do. She told me to go to the living room and stand there, and wait for her.

When she came in she sat in her favorite chair, told me to come to her and turn my back to her. I knew what was coming next, but not all. She pulled my wrists behind my back and tied them with a LOT of rope, then told me to cross my ankles and tied them together with a LOT MORE rope. She then blindfolded me with a padded blindfold so I couldn't see a thing, and tightened it as much as possible behind my head. She told me to turn around. Then she took a ball gag, one bigger than I am used to, and told me to open my mouth. She pushed it in, but it wouldn't go in far enough for her, so she used her thumbs against the ball and her fingers for leverage against the side of my head and pushed until it actually went in. She said it was only a little over half way, but it forced my mouth open almost beyond its ability to open any further. She then forced me to turn again and pulled the buckle as tightly as she could, then yanked and got one more hole. Now I was completely tied, severely gagged, and tightly blindfolded. She stood and took me by my left arm and made me hop back into the bathroom. She helped me to my knees, then pushed my head down to the floor so my butt was sticking straight up, my anus and vagina were open to her.

I felt something cold and thick and wet being rubbed onto and inside my anus. I didn't know what was coming, but I suspected, and I was right. She slowly inserted a nozzle into my anus, and suddenly I felt warm water being introduced into my bowels. I wriggled a little, and mom told me to hold still, and to hold the water for as long as I could, which meant until she helped me up to the toilet.

I finished, and felt the nozzle being pulled out, and my entire intestines seem on fire. I wanted to let loose right away, but mom kept her hand on my bottom and she said when she takes her hand off, then she will help me up, but not until. If I lose a single drop before she allows me to, then I will really be in some big trouble.

Well, you guessed it. Just as mom took her hand away, a little liquid oozed out of my anus. She spanked me really hard for several minutes, and all I could do was take it and scream through my gag. She did help me up then, and set me on the toilet. I let got, cleaning out everything inside me. I know mom was there watching me, and it really made me feel I was in her power.

Once I finished, she flushed the toilet then told me to stand up and bend over. Well, I knew what she was going to do. She took a warm soapy washcloth and cleaned out my butt, then took a warm wet washcloth and cleaned off the soap, then dried my bottom.

She then took my left arm again and led me to the living room where she lay me face down. She spread my legs apart, since my feet were already tied that way, and used another length of rope to tie my ankles to my wrists. She said she would leave me that way for an hour. She said every bondage position would last one hour, unless she enjoyed it as well to really torture me. Well, I rolled around a little, knowing mom was watching my anus barely peeking out from between my cheeks, and vagina sticking from between my legs. I became wet almost immediately. I could feel it leaking out of my vagina and coating my labia. I wanted mom to do something to me, but she didn't, she just let me lay there for an hour, rolling back and forth, trying to rub my clit against the carpet to make myself cum, but it didn't work.

She untied my ankles, then helped me up and led me downstairs. She put cuffs on my ankles and wrists, then untied my wrists and spread my arms out. She used a spreader bar to shackle my wrists to; it was actually too long, but it forced the bar behind my head and my arms out straight, then she hooked it to a hook in the ceiling and used a pulley to haul me up to my tiptoes. She then used a spreader bar on my ankles, forcing them so far apart I was actually doing the splits in the air, since my feet couldn't touch the floor when she put it on. I hung by my wrists, totally helpless. I could feel my little pussy lips coming apart, ready for insertion. Mom then tied a crotch twine on me, tying it around my waist, then pulling two twines down and on each side of my clit pressing against it, down and into my vagina, up my butt against my anus, and tied off in back. My breath came faster at the attack on my clit, cunt and asshole. Then she put alligator clips onto my nipples with a chain running between them, then added a 6oz. weight on the middle of the chain, forcing my nipples down and the clips biting into them even worse. Mom said to have fun, she would be down later. I screamed into my gag, not wanting her to leave me like this. But of course, that did little to persuade her.

I struggled mightily, but of course it was no use. The strain on my shoulders began almost immediately. The small twine in my cunt, rubbing my anus and squeezing my clit drove me wild. But try as I might, I couldn't reach orgasm. I was just near the edge, but not quite enough. I continued to struggle, hoping that would start it. But all it did was to swing me back and forth, and twisted around. Damn, I wanted mom to masturbate me! NOW!

I yelled through my gag, but of course nothing came out but a small high pitched mewling sound from my throat. I swung my legs back and forth. What little good that did me. The alligator clamps bit down harder, and every time I made my body move the weight on the clamp chain just made the clamps on my nipples pull even harder. I was at a loss. I had to reach orgasm! But I couldn't! Not the way I was tied!


I yelled this in my mind, because I knew I couldn't call her any other way. Had it been an hour yet? Please? An hour? Wait, I heard footsteps on the stairway. I mewled into my gag, pleading and pleading. I felt mom touch me on the back, but then felt her put something really wet on my anus, then pulled out the twine a ways so she could put a butt plug into it, then let the twine hold it in. In fact the addition of the plug pulled on my vagina and clit even more. Then I felt something warm inside my anus.

"That butt plug is loaded with Icy Hot. It will begin to burn, and burn for quite a while. Now, have some more fun."

Mom left me, again. And my anal tract began to burn even more, and reached its peak just moments later, and I screamed and screamed into my gag, struggling, swinging, swaying, flailing my feet trying to dislodge the plug. But with no luck. Tears welled up in my eyes being soaked up by the blindfold. I drooled, the drool falling to my chest and rolling down between my nipples all the way to my belly button. The burning inside my butt hole was more than I could bear, yet I was forced to. I continued to struggle as the Icy Hot did its work on my anus.

After about twenty minutes it began to subside, and gradually face away, until it just became a regular butt plug.

Mom again. She pulled out the butt plug, then suddenly, she shoved it into my vagina. I thought, NO, NOT THAT! But it was. More Icy Hot. My vagina began to scream, or was that me? God, it burned, it burned, somebody please help me! I tried to expel it with my vaginal muscles, but the twine held it in. I struggled more, flinging my body about, the searing burning inside my vagina even worse than it was in my anal canal. But it did no good. In my mind I knew it would do no damage, but in my cunt IT BURNED AS IF ON FIRE!!!!!

Again, it began to subside, until the plug became just that, a plug. I heard footsteps again. Mom pulled out the plug. Untied the crotch rope. Then, began to rub her fingers across my slit. God, that felt good! Then something soothing, a small piece of ice shoved up into me. Yes! Little bits of ice at a time, then they seemed to get larger, until I felt mom shove a full-sized ice cube into my vagina, and hold it there. Again, from one extreme to another. It was so cold, it was burning me inside! Then, my anus, she shoved a piece into my anus! It, too, seemed to burn me inside my rear canal!

Then, something else. No! More weight to the chain on my alligator clamps! Another 6oz mom said! OH! OW! HELP! MY NIPPLES ARE BEING TORN OFF!

She began to rub my slit again, and inserted a finger into my anus. Slowly she rubbed, slowly she moved her anal finger in and out. With her thumb she found my clit, began to rub it slowly. Everything slowly, as if she were trying NOT to give me an orgasm. Then, just as it seemed I would find release, she stopped. I moaned. OH GOD, PLEASE LET ME CUM! I thought.

Mom would have nothing of it. She released my ankles, then released my wrists. She removed the ankle and wrist cuffs, then tied my wrists in front, then tied my ankles. She told me to bend over. She tied my wrists to my ankles. She then pulled the spreader bar which had been used for my wrists down, put it between my arms and legs, pulled it up against my belly, the attached chains to each end. Then she used the pulley to pull the bar up until my feet were on tiptoes. She left me there just that way.

I hung like that, probably for the hour mom said she would leave me in. I could feel cool air on my anus and vagina, and it felt good. I couldn't struggle much. Besides, I knew it would do no good.

I just thought. How would she tie me next? Would she ever allow me to reach orgasm?

Mom came back down, telling me the hour was up. She untied my wrists from my ankles, untied my wrists then retied them behind me. She grabbed my left arm again and led me up to my room, way far up.

Here she untied me, and put the cuffs back on my ankles and wrists. She had me stand on my bed, facing the headboard. She grabbed one wrist, pulled a rope through the D-ring, and pulled my wrist farther and tied it off to the corner post. Did the same thing with the other wrist. Then she took an ankle, while still on the bed ran a rope through the D-ring on it, then pulled it up and tied it off to another corner post. Finally, did the exact same thing to the other ankle. Now I hung there, suspended by my wrists and ankles, face down. Unless she touched me, I was helpless to do anything.

Mom began to rub my slit, and I squirmed. She rubbed a little faster, until I thought I would finally orgasm. No, she quit, leaving my directly on the brink, this time.

"Not yet, Lana. Not yet. You have a long way to go before you can orgasm. Now, have fun. See you in an hour."

She left, shutting the door loudly behind her. Did she really leave? Or did she just shut the door for my sake, and stayed to watch me? I didn't know. I hoped she was there, yet I hoped she wasn't there. Suddenly, I heard the door open again.

I felt someone tickling my butt. I hoped it was mom.

"You like that, Lana?"

Yep, it was her. I wriggled at her tickling my butt. I swayed a little in my suspension. She continued to tickle my butt for a short while. Then, I knew it, she began to rub my slit again, this time playing with my clit as well. I really squirmed, breathing harder, the weights on the clamps forcing my nipples to pull straight down, feeling as if they were now really being torn off. And the swaying really caused the weights to sway with my body, pulling my nipples every which way. I began to jerk, feeling the throes of orgasm. Then, mom stopped. I screamed through my gag. The orgasm subsided, then went away. No, I didn't cum. Damn!!!

"Bye, dear. See you in a little," and the door shut again. Was she, or wasn't she? In anger I shook as hard as I could in my suspension, my bonds not giving way at all. So I shook more, becoming even angrier. I needed to orgasm!!!!!

The door again. Hands on my slit, fingers on my clit, finger into my anus. All three going. I jerked and wriggled, feeling the build up once more. It surged from my cunt, my clit and my asshole. It surged through my body. I screamed this time, as loudly as I could. The orgasm came, and came and came, and I came, and came and came. But mom didn't quit. She continued to rube me and move fingers in and out, and I orgasmed again, and I jerked and wriggled, until it hit me, hard, and I came like I had never come before. And even then mom didn't stop, she made me orgasm again. By now my vagina was becoming a little sore. But that didn't stop her from making me reach orgasm a fourth time. Then, she began to rub faster, and move her fingers in and out faster, and made me orgasm again!!!!! I couldn't take any more, and she knew it, but that didn't stop her, no, not at all, from making m e reach orgasm one more time. I was worn out.

She just left me there, hanging, for about fifteen minutes, then untied me completely, removed my blindfold and gag.

She apologized for cutting my bondage session short, but she got a call, and had to go in to the hospital. It wasn't an emergency, she said, just a doctor she had to fill in for. That's why she wanted to make what bondage I did have an experience. She said she would be gone for about 6 hours.

She kissed me on the lips, patted my bare butt, said she loved me and left.

I had a thought. Maybe I could. I looked at the cuffs, the ropes, and the gag and blindfold. Self-tie? Should she try it? Well.

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