Published: 8-Jun-2013
Word Count:
Bethany tossed her bag on the bed in Uncle Michael's spare room. With a overly loud and dramatic sigh the fourteen year old kicked off her shoes and threw herself up on the bed by her bag. Pulling her phone from her purse she immediately started tweeting about how she had to stay with her stupid uncle for a week and how unfair life was. Because her stupid parents had won a cruise she had to spend the last week of the summer holidays with uncle Michael instead of hanging with her friends at the mall and she was going to miss out on a couple of parties too. Life sucked.
The brunette lay there on her back, long hair draped over one shoulder while she played with her phone. Her parents had just dropped her off on the way to the airport and she was currently wearing a tight black tanktop that hugged her breasts and a midthigh floral print skirt. One leg was propped up atop her pack and the other lay flat which had the effect of making her tight skirt ride up even higher showing a tantalizing glimpse of her tanned inner thigh.
Michael came in then, nervous as normal around Bethany. Always he tried to be nice to her but for some reason since she hit puberty she had decided that she disliked him for some reason. She always talked back, sneered at him and made snide jokes about her creepy uncle to her friends when he could overhear. It wasn't his fault she was shaping up into a beautiful young woman who dressed to catch men's eyes. And equally it was not his fault that her inner beauty did not match her outside perfection.
His eyes traveled slowly up her, from the toe ring to the ankle chain up her long tanned legs to her wrist covered with silly teenage colourful bracelets and up across her pert young chest to her face that was looking at him with a sneer.
"Jeez take a picture you perve. Want do you want?"
Michael gulped, things never went well with her. "Um Bethany, I was going to order pizza for us for dinner, what kind do you like? And I thought we could watch a movie or something."
The luscious teen looked at him with scorn, "Do you think I have a body like this by eating pizza? You're such an idiot. Go get me some sushi and stop bothering me."
Michael retreated with a last look of longing over his shoulder as his niece turned herself pointedly away from him which only had the effect of tightening her skirt across her firm young bottom.
Half an hour later Michael pulled back into the driveway and sat in the car clutching the bag of sushi. "Damn the bitch, I hate fucking rice. How the fuck does she always do this to me, turn me upside down." As a young girl Bethany had been lovely, always happy to see uncle Michael. Nowadays she seemed to only exist to alternatively drive him mad with frustration and lust.
Of course he had gotten the wrong kind of sushi, it wasn't organic, it was not from the correct chain, the wrong flavor and most of all he had gotten it.
Sighing he withdrew to his room, feeling like a second class person in his own home.
The next day went much as Michael expected, Bethany arose at ten, demanded breakfast then complained about his eggs, the quality of his toast, his shower pressure, his spare bed was too hard then demanded a ride to the mall.
While he spent the afternoon awaiting her imperial highness's call to collect her he spent his time chatting online to one of his buddies, venting a bit about his bitchy young neice. When one of his mates asked for a photo of her he pulled up a couple of candids he had secretly snapped a month ago at a family trip to the beach. One had Bethany bending over in a tight white bikini with tiny Playboy rabbits over her bottom. The bikini bottom had ridden up showing the division of her butt cheeks clearly to the eyes of the viewer. In the second shot she was just emerging from the surf, water swirling around her knees. Hard nipples could clearly be seen along with ample cleavage and a well defined camel toe.
The phone rang instantly and it was his friend Sione who he had just sent the photos too.
"Damn bro, she is one fine piece of jailbait. How can you let that ride all over you?"
Michael sighed, no one would understand. "She is amazing isn't she, damnit if she wasn't my niece I would be all over that arse of hers."
"Probably what she needs bro, a good hard fucking. I'd love to get my hands on those sexy titties of hers. "
"Yeah right, if she met you she would be terrified. Bit brown Samoan bastard like you would scare the little bitch out of her skin."
Sione chuckled down the phone line then went quite. "Mike, maybe that's it. How about you get some payback on her. I could come over and scare the shit out of her for you."
"Yeah like that would work, she would just get me in trouble with my sister."
"But, but what about if something happened that she didn't want to talk about. What if I wasn't your friend. Want a midnight burglar?"
"Eh? A burglar?" Michael's face brightened as Sione explained his plan and he discovered a possible way he could put Bethany in her place and get to enjoy her charms too.
Bethany awoke with someones hands on her, jerking her over onto her stomach and yanking her hands behind her back. Struggling the teen tried to scream but found something was across her mouth, muffling the sound that escaped. Her hands were pulled tight together and secured with some kind of rough cord before she was flipped onto her back.
Her bedside lamp was on and she saw a very large man, dark brown skin, a shaved head and muscular tattooed arms looming over her. Grinning down at her he laughed softly.
"Fuck yeah, jackpot. We gonna have some fun my pretty."
In fear and panic she lashed out with her long legs, connecting with the intruders side before he grabbed both of her ankles and wrestled her under control. More rope was produced and her ankles were firmly strapped up. Now she lay atop the bed, gasping for breath through her nose as she stared in terror at the big man standing over her. Bethany was very aware that she was only wearing a pair of red lacy panties and a tight cropped tanktop that barely covered her breasts and she could see the man looking her up and down as he smiled cruely. Producing more rope he looped some around her neck and secured her to the head of the bed so she lay immobilized.
Reaching behind his back he produced a metal revolver from the back of his pants and grabbed a roll of duct tape off the bedside.
"I'll be back soon my pretty little toy. Just got to see who else we have to play with."
Then he stepped from her line of sight and out of the door. A vague hope filled her, perhaps uncle Michael would save her. Or call the police or something."
From down the hall there was a muffled thump and the sound of a body hitting the floor. Minutes later the intruder returned, half dragging a stumbling Michael who had his hands and mouth duct taped. Her uncle appeared dazed, like he had taken a blow to the head and was reeling from its effects. Michael was dumped into chair by the side of the bed.
"So lets see, a sexy lil slut and a sleepy man. I can see some fun here. Are you a virgin girl? Don't worry about Daddy, just answer me."
Bethany reluctantly shook her head.
"Ha thought so. A sexy bit like you must have fucked lots of guys. Nice ripe young body." One of his huge hands came out and roamed over her chest as she shrank back against the bed to avoid him.
Tucking the gun back into his waistband he grabbed her young tits with both hands and began to push them together and maul them.
"Man your girl has some great tits, bet you wish you could feel them."
Bethany bucked but tied and restrained she couldn't do much. It got even worse when the intruder took hold of her tanktop and peeled it up to around her neck. Her face flushed red with shame as her uncle and the intruder both got a good look at her heaving chest and full fourteen year old breasts.
"Now what is downstairs I wonder."
A single slap across her face stilled her struggles which allowed the man to pull her red panties down to her knees. Grabbing her tied ankles he lifted them up, folding her knees in so he could inspect her.
"Nice looking pussy girl, nicely trimmed brown bush and that cunt looks very tasty." Turning to Michael he asked with a grin, "So Daddy, like your girls cunt? Remind you of her mothers? I bet you want to fuck it, every Dad wants to fuck his hot little girl."
Michael's reply was lost to the tape across his mouth so the man dropped Bethany back onto the bed and reached over and ripped the tape off.
"A word out of line and you both get a bullet."
"She isn't my daughter you sick fuck, she is my niece. I can give you some money just leave us alone. We won't call the cops."
"Not your daughter huh, still she is a fine piece of arse. How about you fuck her then I will take your money and leave.
Michael looked him fully in the face. "She is my niece, I am not fucking her, are you crazy?"
The man grunted then whipped his revolver out. Waving it in Bethany's direction he said loudly, "You fuck her or I stick a bullet in her skull and leave you to live with the knowledge that you killed the stupid slut. So you choose, her dead or fucked?"
Michael shuddered, could this really be happening. "Ok ok, don't overreact. No one wants to get hurt."
The intruder turned back to Bethany and undid the loop around her neck and whipped off the tape across her mouth. Petrified she lay there staring up at him.
He hauled her upwards and dragged her to the ground in front of the chair Michael was sitting in. "I want you to suck him first bitch, get him hard for you. Show your uncle you love him."
"No" she whispered, "never".
"I'll kill him then."
"I won't do it."
Crouching next to her he turned her head to face him. "Bitch listen to me. You obviously care more about yourself than your dear uncle. So here is what is going to happed. You choose to suck then fuck him or I cut your face until you are so ugly no one will ever love you. Do you want to be an ugly freak girl?"
Tears in her eyes she shook her head and shuffled slightly in Michael's direction.
The man reached out and tugged Michael's pjs down past his hips revealing his semi erect cock. Pushing the fourteen year olds face down he grinned over her head.
"Bethany I am sorry about this, just do as the man says and we will get through this. No one need ever know."
His words cut off as her lips reluctantly wrapped around his cock, sucking the head into her mouth as she snuffled around it. Looking down he could see the neice who had always tugged his heart strings begin to slowly work her mouth up and down. He groaned softly as he slowly swelled in her warm mouth as her tongue worked around his sensitive cock head. It didn't take long before he was at his full length, only half inside her mouth when the man pulled her off him and tossed her bodily onto the bed.
"Ok uncle fucker, now it is your turn to return the favor. Get on the bed and get her wet with your mouth."
Michael pulled himself up onto the bed and lay on the bed with his head down by her groin. The man reached out and lifted her legs and positioning them around Michael's head so his face was firmly against her teen sex. For the first time Michael could smell and feel the heat from between her thighs. Moving his face around he found the right spot and began to lick, long strokes from the bottom of her crease to the patch of trimmed brown hair at the top. She squirmed but with her ankles still tied and her legs around his shoulders there was nowhere to go to escape the tongue that was lapping at her sex.
Michael didn't know how long he lay there, his tongue working deeper and deeper into the teenage treasure before him. She tasted finer than any pussy he had ever sampled before and the little moans that began to involuntarily escape her mouth when he tickled her clitoris were music to his ears.
Cock pressed hard against the mattress he licked and nibbled until his jaw ached and his tongue felt like it was going to fall off. Now her teenage juices were running freely and she was moving her hips in time with his tongue, pushing up to reach him as he licked.
Suddenly her legs were freed and both were reminded they were not alone. Looking up from her crotch with his face glazed with her juices their eyes met and both blushed.
"Ok that looked like fun, now fuck her hard. Give her some uncle juice."
Betnany drew her legs up and aside, letting her uncle settle between them. Her arms were still tied beneath her and he placed his hands and taped together wrists above her head. Her young eyes widened when she felt something hard nudge first her thigh then her sex as he moved his body up her. A few tentative thrusts then his member found her engorged and slick opening. A long sigh escaped both as he sank forward, his cock slipping into the velvety grip of her tight teenage cunt.
"Oh fuck Bethany, so sorry."
"Just shut up and do it," she hissed back.
Short thrusts pushed him deeper and deeper into her until suddely he could feel his balls jammed between where their bodies met. Withdrawing he resheathed himself firmly and gasped at the amazing sensation of her tight cunt. It took a few moments to find their pace but soon the bed was banging against the wall with rhythm as she rose to meet each of her uncle's thrusts into her.
"Fuck fuck fuck," she panted beneath him, her body already teased to breaking point by his tongue and now filled perfectly by his incestuous cock.
The wet slapping of flesh on flesh filled the room with their groans and their pace slowly increased until it was a frantic climb towards their mutual peak. Each jab of his dick into his niece sent waves of pleasure up to Michael's balls until finally it was too much. Leaning forward he found her mouth with his and kissed her hard, tongue entering her and twirling with her own. Groaning into his mouth she clamped her legs around him as spasms started to ripple up her cunt and a line of fire blazed from her clit to her brain. Shuddering beneath him her tight little cunt squirted her girl cum out around his member, coating them both with her juicy lubrication. The milking of her muscles was too much and the older man buried himself in her, spasms ripping spurts of his cum out and firing it deep inside her.
Together they lay there panting, both trying to get their breaths when the intruder began to loop tape around their ankles tying them legs to each other. He rolled their limp bodies over and cut both their hands free then re-secured them so they were taped up, hand to hand foot to foot with Michael still impaled inside Bethany. He ran a single strip of tape around their hips to hold them fast then stepped away into the darkness as they lapsed into an exhausted sleep.
It was later when Bethany was stirred to wakefulness to find Michael still atop her and thrusting himself up into her again. This time he took her hard and fast, pounding her sloppy hole until he grunted his release into her.
Dawn found them still tied and stiff. Together they managed to unpick the tape with their teeth so they could pull apart. Michael looked down at her naked body laying on the bed and felt his cock stiffening again. Sprawled there she looked a mess, hair in disarray, her thighs and groin covered in dried juices and cum and the remains of duct tape bracelets on her wrists and ankles.
Pushing her back down onto her back he climbed atop her and was surprised when she didn't resist. Instead to his amazement she took his hands and placed them around he throat as he pushed up into her.
After a shower they found themselves downstairs having breakfast. Bethany had made no demands, meekly accepting the eggs he had poached for her.
They ate then sat there eyeing each other across the table.
"It's ok Uncle Michael, he made us. It isn't either of our faults. We don't need to tell anyone."
He nodded and gathered up the plates, stepping past her to tidy up.
That afternoon he called Sione.
"Cheers for that mate, it was fantastic."
"Fuck yeah. Oh and I got it all on video so you can enjoy it after she goes back to her parents. Enjoy the rest of your week with her Mike."
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