Island Paradise, Part 2

[ Mg, inc, oral, voy ]

by Kiwicat

Published: 3-Jun-2013

Word Count:

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

The next two days were a little bit of hell and a lot of hard work for all the survivors. It slowly sank into them that they were stranded and for all of them that they had lost loved ones.

Naturally all the children looked to Van for leadership as he was the only adult. Van knew they had been flying over some small islands in the Pacific but really had no idea where they were. He wasn't too positive about being rescued but still held hope. For the sake of the mixed bag of children left in his care he tried to be positive and not let them see how worried he was.

First he gathered everyone away from the crash site at the edge of a nearby stream. Following it downstream they discovered they were about twenty minutes inland from the most beautiful white sand beach they had ever seen. The trees were alive with the sounds of birds and various tropical fruit trees seemed plentiful. By himself he forced himself to bury the bodies, the children could be spared that grisly task at least. It took a long time but finally he had hidden the remains from sight and hopefully mind.

From the wreck he stripped everything of value he could over the two days adding to a growing pile of mixed luggage, clothing, a small supply of food and medicines, torn out seats, a few tools and whatever else he could salvage. Together the kids worked to build a temporary shelter near the stream getting shelter from the gentle warm rains that fell at nighttime. Together they gathered fruit to add to their meagre food stocks.

It was that second night when they all huddled under their palm frond shelter around the remains of their fire that Van found his daughter in his arms. As they all drifted off to sleep she started to cry and he rocked her as they shared their grief for his wife and her mother. Eventually she drifted off and he cradled his baby girls body tightly against him.

The next morning he awoke with his hand up her shirt and a palm full of ripe little teen girl breast. She was far from endowed at her young age but her hard little nipple dug into his palm. His other hand had worked its way down the front of her shorts and was nestled at the warm groove between her thighs. His morning erection pressed almost painfully against the curve of her buttocks as he levered himself up to look around. Slowly he removed his hands from her soft flesh as he noted that she needed a wash, they all did. There was even dried blood in her hair from two days ago. Bella stirred a little then settled as her father rolled away the stood. Smiling he looked down on his beautiful girl with her matted black hair and grubby face. No matter what, he still had her.

Glancing around at the other kids sprawled out he realized for the first time that he was also responsible for four other kids as well, from eight year old Cam to fifteen year old Trish. Leaning down he gently shook Bella awake.

"Baby, lets go upstream to that little pool and have a bath. We both smell. Be quiet you don't want to wake the others." Sleepily Bella let her father lead her off until they reached the curve in the stream that formed a shallow pool under a rocky overhand. The water was cold and crisp but clean. Yanking off his dirty blood stained and torn clothes Van ordered Bella to strip. No stranger to sharing baths with her father she sleepily did so. Taking her by the hand he led the naked eleven year old into the cold water which did wonders to wake her up.

When Bella tested the water with her foot she shied back against her father. "Too cold Daddy, don't want to go in." Van didn't really like the idea of a frigid bath either but both of them stank and needed a wash. Picking up his little girl in his arms he gritted his teeth and advanced into the fresh cold water. Luckily his feet went numb fast but he still gasped when the icy waters reached his testicles. Taking a deep breath he dunked them both into the waist deep water. Like was usual for cold water once you were wet and adjusted it wasn't too bad. Van thought that it would be perfect for afternoon swims once the sun warmed it a little. The two splashed and giggled in the water taking the time to get away from their recent problems. Of course one thing Van couldn't ignore was his daughters slim naked body and the way the cold made her little nipples hard and jut from her budding breasts. The water shone on her skin as it captured the sun and Van found himself entranced. As they began to wash each other Van found himself half hard and Bella's hands soon discovered this too.

For long minutes father and daughter stood in the pond washing each other, not saying a word. They each began touching the other more sexually. Soon Bella was pumping her dad's stiff shaft up and down in her small hand. Her eyes bright and her breathing irregular as she excitedly stroked his big cock. Van didn't even think about telling her to stop, she wanted to touch him and he very much enjoyed it. His fingers, which had been washing Bella's cute little bottom, now pushed down and between her young bum cheeks. He rubbed a finger against her soft warm sex, up and down. He wanted to shove that finger right up his baby girl's cunt, but he knew he should not. As usual he was torn between knowledge that a father shouldn't touch his girl like this and the desire that rose within him for her soft young body and the feeling of closeness that intimacy brought.

Bella happily jerked her hand up and down her father's long cock. The cold water and the horrible events of the last few days were all lost in the moment of closeness with her father. She never understood why sometimes Daddy would want to do things like this with her and sometimes he wouldn't. It always left the young teen confused and angry with herself. But the actual moments were always great especially when Daddy was touching her like he was. She ached for him to put his finger into her but he seemed to be teasing her just rubbing outside her slit.

Where they were standing was only knee deep and Bella broke away from his fingers as she dropped to her knees in the shallow cold water. Jerking his cock in front of her face she examined the length that she was so familiar with yet always mesmerized by. With big eyes she looked up at him and smiled as she pointed the tip towards her mouth and moved forward to engulf it in the wetness of her love. A low happy moan escaped her throat, the vibrations rumbling up his shaft and into his balls as he watched his eleven year old daughter start to felate him. Her black hair was tangled and matted and he thought to himself that they would have to find some shampoo somewhere in the luggage as he placed a comforting hand on the top of her head as she started to gently bob up and down on her Daddy's cock.

Bella slurped up and down on her daddy's cock, happy that she could make him feel so good, happy that his thing was getting so big and hot inside her little mouth. She knew from her previous experience what would happen if she did a good job, her daddy would squirt cum in her mouth and tell her how much he loved her, instead of pushing her away and telling her that they should not be doing such dirty things. So the eleven year old did her best to get as much of her daddy's cock deep into her throat as she could. Her hands came up behind him to grip his buttocks as she pushed herself forward to take more inside her.

Van stood in the jungle pool, her daughter on her knees in front of him, her small head bobbing up and down, her mouth making him feel so good. "You must stop, this is incest you bastard, you are getting a blowjob from your daughter, and your enjoying it, you dirty pervert, your getting off on having your cock in a child's mouth" that's what his brain told him. But Van did not push his daughter away, his hand stroked her head, until the pleasure was so overwhelming. He held the back of her head firmly pressing his daughter's face to his crotch, his adult cock twitching inside her preteen throat. Van squirted a gusher of cum into his child's mouth. "Oh yes baby, drink it, that's so good" he said with out thinking.

Bella happily sucked down her father's salty cum. His words when he came gave her a warm flush in her heart which matched the warm trickle down her throat. When Daddy came he was always so nice to her afterwards at least for awhile until the guilt caught up with him. She knew it was supposed to be wrong but loved Daddy too much to ever stop. She suckled him a little more before rising to be embraced by him. The hugging and cuddles afterwards where like gold to the emotional little eleven year old. Taking her by the hand he led her back to the side of the pool and their clothes.

Meanwhile in the bushes near by a young set of eyes watched....

Brad had awoken when the others left the makeshift campsite. He had been bored and curious so had followed them to the pool. Curiously he had watched as the little girl stripped naked but it was only when she started to suck on her fathers hard cock that he really got interested. Until then he had not thought of her sexually since she was younger than him and didn't have any tits. Watching the lewd act of a little girl suck off her father had the horny teen boy jerking on his own cock and soon spraying his cum into the bushes. It was so hot and took long enough that he kept jerking and managed to work out a second load of youthful cum before they finished and cleaned up.

Amazed and somewhat stunned at the show he looked at her differently when they all returned to camp. Now he saw the beginnings of the woman she would be, the fine lines, pouty lips and the hint of sexuality. Not as hot to him as his sister was now but still a much easier alternative in his mind.

Van sent all the girls off to the pool along with a supply of plundered toiletries to clean up and wash their hair. Taking the boys he headed the opposite way to the beach and kept them busy gathering driftwood and exploring. In the back of his mind he kept thinking about Bella but somehow this time he wasn't as worried as normal. At least he didn't have the fear of his wife walking up to him and accusing him about it.

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Can't wait to read what Van gets up to with all those kids around.


Oh please, more sir.

cummy cunnies

A very good story.

I'm tempted to correct it -- y'know, like critique its punctuation and whatnot -- but its just a kick to read.

I just can't get into gay sex, so I hope Bella and her Daddy enjoy some Blue Lagoon numminess just them two ..unless a younger competitor for Daddy can be had somewhere...


Keep it going. Doing good.

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