Island Paradise, Part 1

[ Mg, Mg, bbg, inc, ped, oral, anal ]

by Kiwicat

Published: 1-Jun-2013

Word Count:

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Van was beginning to regret this stupid family trip. There had been the endless arguments between him and his wife Kate, the unneeded expense, the hot sticky heat of the South Pacific, the grating fawning of what he considered the natives. So it had all brought them to this, a tiny plane winging its way through the night from one island getaway to another. One last chance at a decent holiday and the reconciliation his marriage really needed.

There were a dozen passengers in the plane, himself, his wife Kate, their eleven year old daughter Bella. There were a couple of young men in their 20s, German from their accents dressed as casual tourists. There was another family, a older father with a trophy wife and a gaggle of 3 children. Two boys one maybe 8 and the other looking about 13 or 14. Their daughter had caught Van's eye, she was few years older than Bella perhaps 15 and looked delectable in a pair of tiny shorts and a T-shirt. Her long legs were the reason that Kate moved seats to sit frostily across the aisle from him, giving him the cold shoulder yet again when he was opening ogling the tidy little blonde.

The last two passengers were a dumpy looking woman in her 30s and a slightly chubby little redhead girl who was about 9 and sat clutching her dolly and sucking her thumb as she stared out the window.

The bad weather got steadily worse and the passengers could feel the plane start to buck as the rain sleeted down on the little windows leaving them nothing to watch in the darkness. The pilot called out for everyone to buckle up then turned back to his controls as he let the winds guide the small plane off its original course in an attempt to ride out the storm.

Van's eyes drifted away from the tasty jail bait up front and he glanced down at his own daughter, Bella with her raven black hair, arching cheek bones and pouting lips. She glanced up at him and gave him a nervous smile so he took her hand in his to reassure her. It was strange, they had such a messy relationship but he loved her so much. It all came back to his father he thought as he closed his eyes and put his head back. His damned father.

Van's father had been outwardly a loving father, taking time to spend with his only child. But in reality there was a dark secret that only he and Van knew. Van always wondered if his mother had known, she had never interfered or attempted to assist him anyway so it was moot. Both were dead now but had left their mark in their sons heart and now their granddaughters. In Van's memory his father had always touched him, his earliest memory was laying on grass under a starry nights sky naked with his hairy naked father beside him.

Little Van had been working his fathers cock until the older man had covered him in his sticky incestuous semen. Young Van had grown up conflicted. At school and church they told him that the things his father did to him and made him do were wrong but at home his father visited him each night. When he was younger it was usually Van using his hands or mouth to give his father release but as Van grew the touching became more mutual. Van's first real orgasm was at his father's hands, kneeling on all fours with one of his father's big hands milking his little eleven year old cock while a finger dug deep within his tight little bottom. The poor boy was tormented, torn between pleasure, self disgust at enjoying it, love for his parent and endless guilt at what society pronounced as wrong.

During the early years at high school Van had taken his father every single night either in his mouth or between his soft bum cheeks. He grew to love the attention while still hating it. Each session would see him rising to his own climax only to be consumed with guilt afterwards as his father pulled out and he had to wipe cum off his face or from his aching anus.

It was only when Van left for university that things changed. He found a nice girl and tried to bury his past deep inside. In the five years after he left and before his parents died in a car accident he never went home once, unable to face them and the guilt that they brought on. Kate had gotten pregnant and they had married and soon had Bella. Now they were both just 30, a loving daughter and a marriage on the rocks.

Van had vowed to be a better father than his was to him but the mental and emotional damage was already seared into his core. The first time was when Bella was just six months old and he was alone with her giving her a bath. There was a feeling of power within him, that this little creature was totally reliant on him for everything that he found himself suddenly sitting there by the baby bath with an erection. To his own horror he masturbated to his naked daughter's body and ejaculated all over her. It was when he was washing her clean that he vowed never again as he sat there consumed with guilt.

She was a toddler the next time and Van was getting changed when she walked into the bedroom. She had walked straight up and grabbed the funny dangling thing between his legs. With no control over himself Van had guided her to the bed and worked her tiny hands up and down his shaft before he sprayed his cum all over his stomach. Again it was clean up and guilt that followed. The became the norm, each slip being worse and leading to months of self hatred that began to affect his marriage.The time he was dressing a four year old Bella and ended up with his mouth latched to her puffy little slit as he wanked himself into her discarded panties. The time they were watching a movie with her on his lap and her curious hands found his erection which lead to him taking it out and coaching the six year old to jerk him off. The first time he pushed into her wet little mouth at age eight, almost choking the girl with his huge load of daddy cum.

Poor Bella loved her daddy and whenever they did things sexually together he would always apologize and beg her forgiveness which she happily gave. As she got older she too began to feel the pangs of guilt as she learned to believe that fathers and daughters should not behave like this but was always pulled back by her love of her father. It was never a regular thing, just every few months when his will power broke down and she would always willingly take his guidance to give him the relief he needed.

Van's mind was brought back to the present when the plane began to skip in the air, shaking and shuddering with the turbulence. Some of the children began to cry and Bella clutched tightly at his hand. Across the aisle Kate looked at them and tried to smile until the plane suddenly dropped about three meters in a second, slamming them all against their belts.

It got worse. From the cockpit they could hear the pilot swearing loudly as he wrestled the controls. There was a brilliant flash as lightning struck the plane and it shuddered then one of the two propellers stopped. After struggling with the mostly unresponsive controls in the pouring rain he was just about to give up hope when he saw something ahead illuminated by another lightning flash.

It looked to be an island, covered with vegetation. Wrenching the stick around he did his best to steer the sluggish plane in that direction. Behind him in the cabin the 12 passengers stared out the windows in terror, strapped in as safely as they could be as they cried, prayed or just sat silently. The plane almost out of fuel and the electronics shot it shuddered again and again. Doing his best to guide in in against the buffeting winds the pilot blinked. Suddenly the trees seemed so much closer and they were above land, skimming across the tops. There was a loud crunch and the plane was suddenly spun off course. There were frenzied screams from the back but the pilot was too busy trying to keep them all alive to take notice.

The plane smashed through a wall of trees and skipped across a patch of lighter vegetation before ploughing sideways into something that made it stop with a shudder. Branches burst through the windscreen, impaling the heroic pilot as he was slammed back into the seat. His last thought was of the passengers behind him and hoping they would be alright.

Coming to Van heard crying, the cabin dark except for the occasional flash of lightning. Fumbling around he undid his belt, slipping sideways as she discovered the plane was on a slight lean. He managed to find the his phone and flicked it on using the feeble light, pulling herself up to check on his family and the others.

Glancing around he stopped in shock. One wing had been ripped off, taking several seats and their passengers with it. The tail had been snapped off too and he staggered forward to check on the others.

The Germans were gone. The father of the three children was dead in his seat, his face blue where his seatbelt had throttled him. Moving past he made his way to Kate. She lay limp in her seat and when he touched her, her head lolled limply aside at an unnatural angle. In shock he realized she was gone and their last words had been in anger. Turning back he saw Bella looked ok, her chest moving slowly as she breathed held in place by her belt but out to it for now.

Further down the plane past the gaping hole she found half of someone, the trophy wife, torn apart as a chunk of metal went through her. Van paused just long enough to cover her, the kids didn't need to see that. At the back, just before the missing tail section she found her three children, two of them clutching each other and crying, another the youngest looking dazed and one still but breathing. The dumpy woman was laying in the aisle, her belt had broken and she had been flung around on impact. When Van checked there was no pulse. Her little redheaded daughter looked at him with eyes wide with shock as she clutched her doll to her chest.

That was it. No one else lived within the plane. He was the only adult survivor. Van took a deep breath and couldn't smell any fuel or smoke so he hoped it would be safe enough to stay here awhile, at least until the storm passed. Then in the morning they could take stock and try and find out where they were and when they could be rescued.


Please share with me your thoughts.

R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s


...interesting set-up! please continue!


Its an interesting begining. Am keen to see Part 2. You may want to check your male / female pronouns (he / she) - you seem to mix Van up near the end refering to him as 'she'.


Goood story, please continue!


An interesting start to a story that promises an excellent follow up with many possibilities of .......?


Good start. Looking forward to reading about him all alone with the kids on the island. :)


Please continue. Like where this is going.


Interesting start, would like to see what you do with these characters.


Loved the beginning of what could be a great story. Can't wait to read how the father fucks the other girls then turn his attention to his young daughter. Please don't keep us waiting!!!


This looks like its going in the right way..but please no rape of anyone..with lots of anal sex..let them enjoy each other..cannt wait till part two..

Peter Puller

Wow! You certainly could go almost anywhere with this set-up. Can you find a way to drop yhour hero's guilt? He doesn't need it now. Is one or more of the survivng kids mature enough to help him care for the others? Are those same 'mature' kids also ones who have been 'abused'? Maybe they liked the 'abuse'? Maybe they want the rest, the little ones, to know pleasurable 'abuse'? Maybe your hero can just watch and enjoy. You'd better do this right because *I* am watching and beating the hell out of my penis in the process! Your fan,


Reads like a very good adventure in the making. Looking forward to read further!!!


great beginning, lets hear more


Nice story...


You've got me glued to the screen. Can't wait for more.

cummy cunnies

I disagree with little peter puller here. Sacrilege is the very basis for porn, and the very oxygen that gives it life. The more guilt, the more shame, the better, whether a given character 'feels' it or not.

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