Rent a Family

[ Mgb, ped, oral, anal ]

by Kiwicat

Published: 30-May-2013

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Back in the mid eighties I had worked as part of a charity organisation in western China working on developing agriculture and teaching farmers useful life skills in small villages.

Over the four years I was there I developed a reasonable level of Mandarin, mostly focused on day to day use and the technical terms I needed to explain what I was teaching. I was working with a small team of foreigners and a few locals who would split up and spend a couple of months in small teams in remote villages.

For those who don't know western China is the poorest part of the country, especially back then. Most people out there had never seen a white man before and modern conveniences were few and far between.

The tiny vilage I had ended up in consisted of about one hundred souls, a few water buffalo, lots of chickens and some pigs. There were a total of five cars and sporadic electricity was available depending on the weather and if the local power plant was producing that day or not.

I had moved into a tiny one bedroom house with homemade brick walls and a thatch covered roof. It had a tiny hearth for cooking and a raised area with a couple of duvets for a bed. Normally I would be sharing this with a pair of Chinese field workers but through assorted bad luck on had broken his leg and the other had a family emergency just before we shipped out here. So here I was, a thirty year old white guy camping out along in the Chinese wilderness with a bunch of uneducated peasants who looked at me like I was from the moon.

Introdutions had been made by the local Party member with instructions that I was to be looked after and my instructions to be followed if possible.

When I first looked around the room in the noon light I could see signs that someone else normally lived here and I asked the old man showing me around whose house it was.

"No one sir, all for you" he bobbed his head in a happy manner, giggling slightly to himself at the strange foreigner who could speak Chinese.

I pointed out the vegetable scrapings outside the door, the recent ashes in the hearth and the discarded sock tucked against the wall.

"Just some children, no parents. They will not bother you sir. We will keep them away."

Normally I hired a local woman to cook and clean for me but this could work out as well since I already felt bad for kicking some poor kids out of their only shelter.

"Bring them here, I want to have a look at these children."

After some protesting and me slipping him a couple of yuan notes he eventually disappeared and returned with two grubby young children. Both were wearing obvious hand me downs that hardly looked warm enough for the cool weather this far up the mountains. They were both skinny with lank hair and at first glance I couldn't tell if they were boys or girls. At a guess I would have placed their ages at around ten but it was hard to tell.

"Can you cook?"

One nodded shyly.

"Can you clean?"

The other nodded.

"I want you both to stay here in this house. You can cook food for me, wash my clothes and look after the place while I work with your elders. For that I will see you are fed and pay you, hos does that sound?"

They looked at each other then at the old man who reached out and clipped the older one around the back of the head.

"They will do as you ask sir. You listen to the honoured guest and do whatever he wants. If he is not happy with you I will beat you both."

I sighed to myself, there was a lot of work to be done here. Ushering the old fellow out I turned back to the kids who were just standing there.

My name is Andy, what are yours."

After some painful questioning I dragged out that they were not related, a girl twelve called Mei and a boy eleven called Leung. Both were orphans and survied by squatting in this unused house and doing small jobs for spare coins. I produced a small handfull of one and two yuan notes and passed them over along with instructions to get some food for us all, fire wood and some more bedding. I also wanted some water heated so I could wash.

For a couple of hours I walked around the village, meeting some more of the locals before I returned to the house. Reaching it I found the smell of some kind of stew greeted me along with the crackle of a small fire. I sent Leung out with more money to get more wood, which he rushed off to find clutching more cash in his little hand than he had ever held before.

Mei approached me with a bowl of rice and stew and appologies for the poor quality. I reassured her it was ok and had to talk her into dishing up herself a bowl and sitting next to me on the raised bed to eat.

After the fire was built up and we had all eaten I instructed them to heat some water for washing. There was no bath or shower only a large basin was filled with steaming water. I stripped off my shirt in front of them and began to wash myself while they silently watched with big eyes. Top half finished I dropped my trousers and underwear and washed the rest of me. I turned away to grab my nightshirt and saw both children stairing at my naked pale body. Slipping the nightshirt on I beckoned the closest, Leung towards the bowl.

"Your turn, wash."

He protested and I insisted and my authority overrid his shyness. His simple top and pants slid to the ground revealing a too skinny little boys body, smooth of hair with ribs showing. Between his legs there was a tiny nub of a penis which he tried to hide with one hand. I handed him the wash cloth and asked if they had any other clothes. Mei replied with the negative so I dug around in my bag and produced two tshirts. "You can wash your clothes after bathing, these will do for now."

The boy washed most of the grime off his body and I instructed Mei to assist with his hair for which I provided some shampoo. Then he pulled on a tshirt and sat quietly on the edge of the bed while the girl refreshed the water from the kettle. She in turn stripped off and I was treated to the sight of another underfed preteen body. No hint of development on her she looked much like him naked except for a groove between her thighs instead of a baby sized cock. As she turned to wash I could see healing lines across her back and buttocks where she had obviously been beaten. She washed herself quickly and efficiently but started when I approached to help her with her shoulder length hair. I assisted her in washing it three times until it was finally as free of grime as could be.

Soon both children were squatting on the floor in my spare tshirts that came down to their buttocks as they washed their only clothes in the used bath water. From my seat on the bed I was treated to glimpses of the genitals as they moved. The clothes were hung across the room to dry when suddenly the single electric light flickered and died leaving us just the light of the fire to see by.

"Ok children, into bed. We will have to share but at least you are small."

Soon I was on the narrow platform with a small child huddled on each side under a triple layer of duvets and blankets. The crackle of the fire soon soothed me to sleep.


I awoke and it was still dark, the fire gone to nothing more than embers. Laying on one side I was curled around a small warm body while another pressed against my back. My nightshirt had drifted up and my groin was pressed against a flat young bottom with predictable results. My arm was around whoever it was infront of me and my hand rested on a naked stomach that moved slowly with the deep breathing of sleep. Never before had I thought about children sexually but it had been a long time and that pair of buttocks felt wonderful cradling my semi erect member. Moving slightly I felt it slide downwards along the groove of their buttocks before lodging at the cleft between their thighs. Slowly I worked my palm down their stomach to discover that it was the girl Mei I was wrapped half around. Somehow that made me feel a little better. As my finger tips brushed across her cleft her legs moved and she pushed back against my warmth which caused me member to slip partially into the gap between her thighs.

Pulling her closer I began to slowly thrust, relishing the delightful sensation of my penis pulling back and found between her legs and against the heat of her young sex. I took only a few thrusts before her leg lifted and I felt her tiny hand take ahold of my aching cock. Now she was awake she guided me to her opening and to my amazement and delight held me in place while she pushed back against me. I felt a tightness before I suddenly sank my head into a warm hugging love tunnel. I grunted with pleasure as she wiggled around and I withdrew slightly and pushed more into her.

The girl was obviously no virgin as I was able to work about four inches into her twelve year old pussy, apparently this must have been another way she had kept them in food and shelter or at least some of the villagers had taken their pleasure with her before. Her heat surrounded my cock head as I thrust, my hands on her hips as I humped into her as we lay side by side. Her whole was so tight and the thought of this forbidden act so strong that it was only minutes of pumping before I yanked her to me and forced in another inch. Holding her tight I grunted as my balls spasmed and my cum blasted into her immature womb, my white cock deep inside her underage Chinese cunt.

She made no sounds as I lay there inside her for a few minutes then withdrew with a lewd slurp. Swiftly she turned around and ducked under the blankets then I felt the delight of a warm mouth lapping at my semi erect cock to clean it. Taking me into her mouth she could do little more than suckle the head but her skilled tongue removed all traces of my seed. Sliding back up she snuggled back into my side and lay her head on my chest. Wrapping my arm around her I stared at the dark roof for a while before drifting off to sleep.


The next morning I awoke to the smell of rice porridge and the sight of the two children moving around still wearing only my tshirts. I rose and dressed and neither said a word about the midnight activities, only handed me my clothes and food. Most of the day I was out and about, giving a talk to the farmers about crop variety and to the womenfolk about the benefits of clean water and digging a new well.

Come dinner time I returned to my shack to find my two young housekeepers there, dressed again in their own now clean clothes and awaiting me with a selection of dishes.

After eating our fill I washed myself and happily watched them wash again. This time my eyes were glued to the puffy cleft between Mei's legs and the thoughts about what I had done last night to it.

Again we fell asleep quickly with me hemmed in by a pantless child on both sides.


I awoke again to the darkness to feel a bottom pressed against me erection again like last night. Spurred on my previous pleasure I slid a hand along a thigh and gently lifted it to give me better access. There was a sigh and a mumble infront of me as the leg stayed up and the bottom was pushed back. Taking my cock in my hand I guided it forward, looking for that delightful hole that had been so welcoming the night before.

I rubbed up and down the crack but couldn't find the opening I wanted. From behind me there was movement then the sounds of someone spitting. An arm reached over me and took my cock in a tiny wet hand. Smearing saliva all over my head I was guided forward until I nestled at a yielding opening. Hand on a tiny hip I pushed forward, tipping the child until I was largely above them. My member pushed down and inwards and I felt resistance before my lubricated tip broke through. There was a muffled grunt as I pushed my way into a dryer hole than before.

Suddenly I stopped as it hit me, I wasn't inside Mei's juicy little pussy, this wasn't Mei at all. I reached out and found her half sitting next to us as I straddled her young housemate, my cock an inch into his little arse.

"It's ok. You can do it sir. Anything you want is ok sir. He has done it before."

My hand ran over the smooth skin of the boys back until I reached the slight swelling of his buttocks where my own groin was pressed against him.

"I don't want to hurt him."

"Let me help then sir." She pulled slightly on my arm and I let her pull me from him. She moved between us and again I felt her warm wet mouth take me in. She coated me liberally with her spit before releasing my bobbing member. With a few tugs she got Leung on his hands and knees and in the dim light of the embers of the fire I saw her head move down between his buttocks. There were wet sounds which sparked my imagination before she moved out of the way and motioned me forward.

I ran my hands across his back and down to his hips and felt him quiver beneath my touch. "Please sir, I want to make you feel happy. Thank you for looking after us."

A questing finger found his opening, now coated in spit. Taking my dick in my other hand I guided it forwards and pushed against this new delight. Rising up on my knees I found the right angle and was able to push down into him. Around my head he clenched then relaxed allowing me to slide slowly into him with tiny thrusts. I could hear him wince when I rushed so held myself back and ever so slowly worked it in.

My hands were on his hips now as I slowly worked it back and forth, pushing ever deeper into his tight little bum. Next to us the girl sat, watching silently as I buggered her housemate like I had fucked her the night before. All for a little foot and a few small bank notes that were nothing to me.

I took my time with the boy, wanting to stretch out the delicious senstations of his tight bum clenching around my straining cock, his tight little spincter stretched with by my adult cock pushing it open. Eventlually it was time however and I pushed him down onto the bed and lay half atop him, pumping down into him in a series of short sharp thrusts that drove the breath out of him. My pace got quicker and quicker as I began to pound his tight little eleven year old arse, his grunting moans matching my own as I used him for my pleasure. I jammed it in hard and came, spurts of my semen shooting deep within his bowels.

With a sigh I rolled off him and onto my back. It was no suprise when Mei's mouth found my member, licking and lapping at it until it was clean.

After finishing with me she turned to the boy, "Did you?"

"Yes" he admitted.

I was confused for a moment before she dropped between his thighs and gave him a similar tongue bath. Feeling across the blankets I found a wet sticky patch where he had been lying, it seemed it had gotten some pleasure out of the act as well.


The second morning I awoke to them preparing breakfast again. "Come here children, let me see you."

Both approached the bedside, looking much better than when I had first seen them dirty and starving. It was amazing what a few meals and a wash could do.

"About last night and the night before, did you both enjoy what we did."

I got shy smiles and nods as my response.

"Then I think I would like to see you by the light of day." Pulling back the duvet I stripped off my nightshirt to reveal my naked body, morning erection rampant. "How about you both join me here for some more fun."

There was no hesitation before they stripped off their tshirts and climbed up on the narrow bed with me.

My hands and eyes both ran over their delightful naked young bodies, who would have thought that I could end up with such a nice surprise in this village.

"Now Leung, I want to see you make Mei feel wonderful. I'm sure she would like to feel your sexy little cock in her and I would love to see it."

"Anything for you sir, anything."

R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s


Loved the story, in fact both you submitted are excellent. Keep up the great work.




nice start to the story. please tell us you will continue. will he be bringing these children with him on his return home possible ?


Would be wonderful to hear more of this story. I love the idea of a little 12 year old girl knowing that it's her place pleasure men.


It was nice for a story happened in China. Quite erotic. Hope you write more.

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