Mr. Renpet's Physical Education

[ Mg, gg, rough, cons, oral, les, bond ]

by Kimi


Published: 23-May-2013

Word Count:

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Mr. Renpet caught my eye and I saw his lips twitch with a smile. My body got a little bit warmer. I loved the way he looked at me; it was like he knew exactly what I was thinking. I mean, I knew we no doubt had a connection, but he was married for goodness' sake! I don't know why I even entertained the thought he would be interested in some 12-year-old schoolgirl.

Damn, he looked good though. I loved his dark stubble and his black eyes, and that body... obviously as a physical education teacher he had to keep in shape, but anyone could tell he had rock-hard abs. He could outrun anyone in our grade 6 gym class easily and he loved to show it off when we did laps. I personally didn't mind when he past me, it gave me a good look at his tight ass.

But we weren't in physical education right now; we were in biology, which is the other class he taught. We were supposed to be working on the question sheet he handed out, but I felt no need to do it now, I could just do it at home later. I'd rather doodle and daydream in class, especially since the subject of my daydreams was right there with me. Mr. Renpet got up from his desk to walk about the room and check the students' progress. My page just had a bunch of doodles along the side, so when he walked in front of my table he stopped.

"You've obviously been working hard, Kimi," he said with a smirk.

"Yup, I do that from time to time," I replied, trying not to seem amused. My heart wasn't thumping or anything, I wasn't blushing or giggling over this man.

"Get to work," he said, trying to sound authoritative. I just looked up at him with a grin as he walked away.

The rest of the period was dull except when Mr. Renpet took off his sweatshirt and pulled his t-shirt up just enough to get a glimpse of his treasure trail leading down into his pants.

Math and history were boring, but I had gym class after that, so I was excited. I was no good at gym and really only participated when I felt like it, but I was a suck up so Mr. Renpet allowed me to sit on the sidelines when I didn't feel like joining. He always threatened to lower my marks or kick me out, but he never did. I really liked sitting on the side because it usually meant I got to hang out with Mr. Renpet. My friend Becca was even worse at sports then I was, so she often sat with me too.

Today I was wearing a standard schoolgirl kilted skirt, knee high sock, and a tight shirt. When I walked into gym class I went straight to talking to Mr. Renpet.

"So, are we playing volleyball again today?" I asked.

"Yes we are," Mr. Renpet said, slightly distracted by the net he was carrying out.

"Do you want some help setting up the nets?" I asked.

"No, I want you to go change," ordered Mr. Renpet, not unkindly.

"I don't have my gym clothes and I don't want to risk my skirt going up," I said playfully.

"Well, maybe you should wear a longer skirt," he said with a coy smile. I blushed a little about him mentioning my short skirt and proceeded to help him set up the nets. Students started coming out of the change rooms and grabbing volleyballs to fool around with before Mr. Renpet split them up into teams to play. Becca came out of the change room; she often went in to socialize even if she wasn't changing. We took our places sitting on the sidelines while Mr. Renpet counted off teams.

When the games were in full swing Mr. Renpet came and sat down on the ground next to me. I could feel his body heat and suddenly I was self conscious about how my breath smelled. Becca started talking to me about her new boyfriend crush, Simon, and we talked about her problems with him... something about how he thought she was cheating or something. I told her she should cheat on him with me and she thought that was a great idea. I noticed Mr. Renpet smiling to himself while listening to our conversation.

"What are you smiling about?" I asked him, trying to sound rude, but fighting a smile at the same time. He just shook his head, smiling.

"Don't you have a boyfriend, Kimi?" he asks me.

"Nah, I broke up with him because he was like 16 and immature," I said, well aware that Mr. Renpet was at least 34. I could feel chemistry between him and I, and by the way his eyes brushed over me, I guessed that he could too. He was sitting really close to me, not inappropriately close, but close enough that if we both put our hands on the ground next to us they would be overlapping. Becca was sitting a lot closer, our shoulders were touching, but we were close enough friends that it felt nice rather than awkward.

My skirt was just long enough that when changed position to sit cross-legged it hung almost to the floor between my legs not revealing anything, but a lot more of my thigh was exposed and I could see Mr. Renpet looking out of the corner of my eye. I imagined his hand on my thigh and it felt so good. I put my own hand on my thigh to compensate and started stroking it, trying to make it seem absentminded. Mr. Renpet noticed and shifted positions; I could tell he was thinking the same thing I was.

Gym went by pretty fast, Becca and I spent most of it talking. Mr. Renpet only sat with us for one game, the rest of them he spent walking about correcting people's techniques. On the way out of the gym Becca said she was going to Simon's house after school, so she couldn't hang out with me. I didn't mind, but it was too bad that we didn't hang out as much after school as we used to.


The next day started out pretty much the same as everyday. My classes were different than the day before, I didn't have gym and biology was at the end of the day. I didn't particularly look forward to biology, I wasn't terribly anxious to see Mr. Renpet. I enjoyed being in his class, for sure, but it wasn't like I was in love with him. It was infatuation and I knew nothing real could happen because he was old and married. Okay, he wasn't old, he was still under 40, but too old for a 12-year-old kid to be in any sort of serious relationship with.

I walked to English with Becca. We were just rounding the corner when I bumped into Mr. Renpet coming around the corner from the other direction. His sweater vest was so soft, but his body was so solid against mine. I was taken off guard and fell backwards. Without missing a beat, Mr. Renpet put his arms around me to keep me from falling. It felt so good to feel his big body pressed so tightly against mine, to feel his body heat run into mine. It only lasted about 5 seconds, but when I had gained my balance and he let me go I looked at him and knew he was feeling the same heat that I was.

"Sorry about that," he said, his eyes traveling down from my face over my whole body, "I see you're wearing a longer skirt today..." he smirked and walked away.

"Dude, what just happened?" asked Becca, "Mr. Renpet is so weird..."

We continued walking down the hall, but the heat that was flooding me didn't go away until English class began and I got distracted.

By the time my last class rolled around I was excited to see Mr. Renpet again, I couldn't believe how arousing it was to feel his body on mine. I walked into class a couple of minutes early and took my seat. Mr. Renpet looked up from his desk.

"Oh hi, Kimi, what are you doing here early, you never show up on time for class?" he said smugly.

"I guess I've had a change of heart," I winked. I immediately regretted it. Blood started flowing to my face; I couldn't believe I just winked at my teacher! I was so glad that I was the only one in the classroom.

"Did you just wink at me?" Mr. Renpet chuckled. I had nothing to say, I felt so stupid. What was I thinking? Mr. Renpet just kept smiling.

I was relieved when the other students started flowing into the classroom. Most of the class Mr. Renpet was teaching, but the last 20 minutes or so we were supposed to be reading something out of our textbook. Mr. Renpet circled the room to make sure students weren't goofing off instead of reading. When he walked past me, he leaned over my shoulder to point out something in my textbook. I turned to look at him at the same time he looked at me, oops. Our faces were inches apart and I felt his warm breath on my face. Automatically I closed my eyes, savouring the feeling of his face so close to mine, the way you would before a kiss. I immediately realised what this implied and my eyes flew open, horrified. What was wrong with me today?!

"Um, I have to use the washroom," I said, flustered and looking to escape.

"Go ahead," said Mr. Renpet, acting oblivious to what just happened. I knew he wasn't, but maybe I had just deluded myself with all this 'chemistry' thought and he was trying to give me a sign to not continue acting so foolish.

In the bathroom I sat down on the toilet with my head in my hands. What was going on? There was nothing I could do now, I just had to wait and see if things continued to be weird with Mr. Renpet. A little hopeful thought came to mind that maybe he was enjoying it all as much as I was, he just knew how to hide it better than me. I washed my face with some cold water and headed back to class. I avoided eye contact with Mr. Renpet until I got back to my seat and then I looked up. I realised that he had been watching me. I couldn't look away. I didn't want to look away. I figured I'd wait and see how he reacted and if he reacted badly than I would know this connection was just a delusion. He didn't look away, instead there was a smile forming on his lips and I couldn't help but reciprocate. My smile was dirty and I knew he could tell what I was thinking by the expression on my face. His smile grew a bit bigger and then he winked. He winked at me! I guess this was no delusion. I started grinning stupidly and excitedly and I stuck my tongue out at him playfully. He grinned back and started to...

"Mr. Renpet?" asked Lewis, "What's the function of the mitochondria?"

Mr. Renpet went to Lewis's desk to help her. I really hoped she hadn't noticed our little interaction going on. The buzzer rang, making me jump and all the students began to collect their books.

"Kimi, could you stay behind a minute? I'd like to speak with you," Mr. Renpet said over the growing chatter of the students.

"Oooooh, somebody's in trouble," one student said just loud enough for everyone to hear. There was laughter dispersed throughout the classroom as I made my way to the front of the room.

Mr. Renpet and I waited awkwardly while the classroom cleared. As soon as the last student was out Mr. Renpet said, "Could you close the door please, Kimi?"

I walked over and shut the door.

"You might want to lock it too," Mr. Renpet said quietly. I shivered a little and did what he said, I even pulled the blinds shut. It didn't get that dark because there were a few high windows in the room and it was still light out.

When I turned around Mr. Renpet was leaning against his desk with his arms crossed. My heart started beating louder and faster, I couldn't believe that this was happening! I smirked and walked over to him feeling excited and frightened at the same time.

"You wanted to talk to me?" I said as cutely as I could. He closed the space between us quickly and grabbed my upper arm firmly. He was breathing heavily already and he leaned his face in to mine and I felt his breath again. It made me flush and not just my face this time. I stepped into him so that our bodies where touching and I felt that my little body wasn't the only one burning with passion. His body was so solid and felt so good. I put my arms around his waist and laid my face against his chest. He was so much taller than me I felt like a little doll in his arms. Then I felt his arm move from my upper arm, down my back and he pulled me tighter against him. I couldn't believe how he was making me feel, the fire between my legs was like nothing I'd ever experienced before. I shuffled my feet so that our hips were touching and I could feel his member pulsing under his thin track pants. I let out a small moan, I couldn't help it. His hands explored my back, one of them began gently messaging my ass while the other worked his way up my shirt. The feel of his big hands on my bare skin was incredible, I couldn't help but tremble a little bit as both of his hands stroked and grabbed.

"Mmmm, that feels good, Mr. Renpet," I moaned into his chest. I started exploring his back with my hands. It was so muscular and smooth.

"Please don't call me Mr. Renpet, it sounds so formal," he said.

"Oh, but I like it; it's proper," I looked up at him with a suggestive smirk as I said it. He chuckled softly and shook his head. I felt his hands leave my back and bottom and I didn't like that one bit... until he grabbed my face with them and kissed me right on the lips. His lips were warm and soft and delicious. My hands went down to his hips while he was kissing me and I pulled his hips into mine as hard as I could for a 12-year-old girl. I couldn't believe the thrill of feeling his cock grinding into me. Apparently he couldn't either because he moaned into my lips, the vibrations of his low voice felt fantastic in his chest and in his mouth. That made me pull myself even closer too him.

I didn't want to stop and think about what we were doing, and even more; I didn't want him to stop and think about it. But we had to stop and take a breather at some point, we couldn't just keep our lips locked together forever. After a few minutes of clutching ourselves to each other we finally broke free in order to breathe.

"We can't do this here," Mr. Renpet said and my heart dropped. I knew he was re-evaluating the situation and that if he were to regret it then it would be really weird between for the rest of the school year. I searched his face silently, waiting for his decision.

"If we stay in the classroom, Pete's going to find us when he's collecting the end-of-the-day garbage," he said. Pete was the school janitor. I still didn't know what to say to Mr. Renpet because I really wanted him. Especially now that I knew that he was within my grasp.

"Let's go to the gym office," he said finally. The gym 'office' is really just the storage room with all the equipment and a desk and chair.

"Does that even lock from the inside?" I asked skeptically.

"It's a bit tricky, but I think it's possible. I've never actually had the need to try it before though, so I'm not sure..." he responded. Damn it, I hoped it would work because if not than this would all go to shit.

I left the room first. I went into the lady's room and waited there for 10 minutes. I mostly used that time making sure that I looked as sexy as 12-year-old schoolgirl could. I hiked up my skirt a few inches and put my hair in a ponytail. I checked my makeup and put on some chap stick so my lips were soft. Finally I figured that Mr. Renpet had 'shut down' the gym, there were often kids playing in there after school until someone kicked them out. I meandered over to the gym entrance and all the lights were off. I closed the big doors behind me and went over to the office. Mr. Renpet had left the doors open and the lights on, so I knew it was okay for me to enter.

"So how do we lock these things?" I said, indicating the doors. Mr. Renpet came over and started fiddling. Eventually he was convinced that no one would be able to make it in without a key and he turned around.

"So, Miss Kimi..." he said seductively.

"So what?" I responded as nonchalantly as possible. Mr. Renpet took two big steps and closed the space between us. He slid his arms around my slim waist and pulled me easily into his hard body. I wrapped my arms around his neck and we kissed passionately. His lips opened and I felt the heat of the inside of his mouth. His tongue was so luscious and warm. It made me moan into his mouth. That just encouraged him and he began to slide both hands under my t-shirt. He slowly pulled it up, but I didn't want to stop kissing him to take it off. He sensed my resistance and with his hands gently on my ribs he pushed me away from him and lifted my t-shirt over my head. I guess he felt the same way I did about not kissing because he removed his shirt in one swift motion before grabbing my shoulders and pulling me in again. I felt his rough treasure trail against my sensitive stomach, it only made me want to feel more of his naked body against my skin. My hands were exploring his sexy back while working on pulling him closer to me. One of his hands was on the small of my back, holding me to him while the other was working its way down my bottom and lightly pulling my skirt up.

Soon his bare hand was grabbing my thigh and pulling my leg around his waist. Suddenly his swollen cock was pressing against my pussy lips with only my cotton panties and his thin track pants blocking the way. I pulled my arms out from under his and clung to his neck like I did to my Daddy when he held me up. The hand that was on the small of my back went down under my butt and lifted my other leg around his waist. When my legs spread the lips of my pussy parted and his pulsing member now pressed against my clit. I let out a longing moan and he carried me to the wall and roughly pushed me against it. He started working his hard cock into my hips and I continued my soft mewing kitty-like sounds into his lips.

There was a loud knock on the door and we both froze in place.

"Hide behind those mats!" Mr. Renpet said frantically, nodding at a pile of mats stacked haphazardly near the back of the room. I quickly went and sat down behind them, trying to steady my breathing. I heard Mr. Renpet fiddling with the lock and then open one of the large doors.

"Oh, hey, Pete. What do you need?" I heard Mr. Renpet say.

"I heard some noises coming from in here and I thought I'd check it out..." said Pete, sounding a little confused.

"Oh, that was just me, sometimes after a hard day I like to lock myself in here to work out a little. You know, relieve the stress," replied Mr. Renpet calmly.

"Oh, okay," accepted Pete, "hey, while I'm here anyway... have you got any garbage?"

"Yeah, sure... here you go."

"Thanks, have a good evening."

"You too, Pete."

I heard the doors close and Mr. Renpet working the lock again. I waited behind the mats for him to say something, but he was quiet. I started to get nervous again, what if he changed his mind about this?

Suddenly the stack of mats moved and Mr. Renpet was looking down at me from the top mat.

"How did you get up there?" I said, astonished. The pile of mats was at least five feet tall. He just grinned at me and reached down with his hand. I got up, grabbed it and he helped pull me up. It was harder than I thought because the mats sunk in every time I put my foot on one to boost me up. Finally I managed to claw my way up to the top mat and all I could do was lay there panting for a moment. Mr. Renpet just sat laughing at me.

"What are you laughing at, punk?" I said after a minute. I pushed his shoulder and he fell onto his back on the mat. I climbed up so that I was on my knees on top of him and he grinned at me.

"Hmmm, what are you going to do about it?" he said, fighting a smile. He reached up to grab me around the waist, but I batted his hands away and grabbed his wrists and pinned them above his head. He just grinned bigger.

"Oh, what? You think you can pin me down, little girl?" He lifted his arms up and twisted his hands so that he was now clutching my wrists, and none too gently either. He sat up and pushed me onto my back easily, even though I was fighting my hardest the whole way down. I guess I really had no chance as small schoolgirl against a grown up teacher. Now he was holding my hands behind my head and he leaned forward so that I could feel his sweet breath on my face. I closed my eyes and let out a soft moan.

"You think you can pin me down?" he said roughly and pressed my arms hard into the mat.

"Mmmm, what are you going to do to me, Mr. Renpet?" I responded. Mr. Renpet took both of my wrists into one hand and with the other he lifted my skirt and worked my underwear down to my knees. He struggled with it there for a minute and then gave up and tugged really hard. The side he wasn't pulling dug into my leg hard and then as fast as it started the pressure was released and there was a loud tear. I was now completely exposed and completely at his mercy. He threw my shredded panties into the corner and used his free hand to stroke the inside of my thigh. It felt better than I had imagined the day before. I closed my eyes and arched my back. He slowly slid his hand up my leg which made my little pussy twitch. I groaned as my pussy became more wet than it already was. I had never felt anything so sensational; his hand was so warm and so sure. I loved the way he was holding me down; it was amazing how confident he was.

Mr. Renpet, still pinning me down, used his free hand to work off his pants. After a bit of a struggle he was finally naked and his erect penis was standing before me. It was even bigger than it felt through his pants. It stood about 7 or 8 inches tall and I wanted it more than ever. I started fighting against his hands so I could be free to touch it and feel it. I wanted it, but he was still holding me down. I was surprised that he could actually hold me down with one hand; it sucked being a little 12-year-old schoolgirl at mercy of her big teacher.

"Do you want it?" Mr. Renpet said with a sly grin.

"Mmmm... yeah, I want it so bad!" I said through my teeth. "But please don't hurt me, k?"

"We'll see about that, Kimi." His free hand went down to his cock and started stroking it. He pulled the foreskin off the head, it was a gorgeous dick. He stroked it for a while, savouring the pained expression on my face the whole time. A drop of clear pre-cum was forming at the tip of his head. My mouth was watering, I wanted to taste him. He noticed that I was struggling again, but he just grinned and went right on rubbing his member. I wrapped my legs around his ass as hard as I could, trying to gain more control over him. His ass was so hard, I almost melted right there. I relaxed against his strong arm, but my legs wrapped tighter around him. He let out a low moan and closed his eyes. He leaned forward and pressed his cock against my clit, keeping his eyes closed. I lifted my hips up against him, his head was so hot on my clit. With his hand still on his cock, he started to stroke between my pussy lips.

"Gahhh, Mr. Renpet! Stop it!" I moaned, trying to work his member inside of me with my hips.

"Stop it?" he asked, pulling away from me. I struggled against his strong body, wiggling my hips and trying to free my arms. I groaned and fought, but he just watched.

"Fuck you, Mr. Renpet!" I grunted as I worked against him.

"Stop calling me Mr. Renpet," he said, a little agitated, "It sounds so wrong."

"Oh, but that's why I like it so much... Mr. Renpet," I teased. He grabbed my wrists with both hands again and shoved me into the mat. He looked me straight in the eye.

"What did you call me?"

"Mr. Renpet."

"That's it," he said. I don't know how he did it, but a second later he had flipped me onto my back and grabbed my hips. I didn't respond because it was so unexpected. I had barely caught my breath when I felt him enter into me roughly. I gasped in shock. His cock felt so good in my wet pussy. Because he hadn't warmed up at all, he just started going hard, I was gasping and moaning really loudly.

"Kimi, be quiet! There are still people here!" Mr. Renpet said forcefully, but I couldn't stop. I was just so overwhelmed; I had imagined this moment so often and now it was actually happening. Not only was Mr. Renpet fucking me, but he was fucking me so hard it felt like he was raping me! Every thrust of his shaft brought a gasp and a moan from my lips. And every moan Mr. Renpet was shushing me. I felt kind of bad because I wasn't doing it to spite him this time.

"Fuck!" Mr. Renpet said finally, and pulled his member out of my pussy, "If you don't shut up, Kimi, we can't do this!"

I turned around so I was sitting on the mat right in front of him. I didn't know what to say, I was slightly embarrassed that I couldn't keep quiet. I looked down at his cock and decided to take my chance. I reached out and grabbed his cock. He grunted at the sudden contact with his most sensitive organ. I massaged him for a bit and then got to my knees and pushed against his chest. He fell onto his back willingly, his eyes never leaving my face. I lowered my head and licked the tip of it just a little, just to get a taste. It was wet from my own pussy juice but it didn't put me off. My free hand wandered around his body; first I reached as high as I could on his chest and trailed down his stomach to the base of his cock. Then I slid my hand under his sack and massaged him there. He moaned quietly, so I continued to work there with my hand. I wrapped my lips around the head of his member and he took a loud breath. I slowly slid his cock into my mouth and when it hit the back of my throat I tilted my head a little and continued down his shaft. Soon my nose was buried where his treasure trail came to an end.

"Ugh, that feels so good, Kimi," Mr. Renpet growled.

I worked my mouth up and down on his twitching member. He moaned a little bit louder every time my chin pressed against his scrotum. Soon he was groaning as loud or louder than I had been earlier. I smiled at the thought of punishing him for it. I worked him until he was sweating and moaning and then I jumped up, off the mats and watched his reaction. He groaned and sat up.

"Really?!" he glared at me, "Damn it, child!"

I just grinned at him. I think it made him mad because he got up and hopped of the mats, grabbed me by the biceps and rammed me so hard into the wall that I saw stars. He then roughly pulled my skirt down to my ankles and grabbed my ass hard. He lifted me up, forcefully spread my legs and shoved his cock into my pussy. My skirt lay forgotten on the floor beneath me while Mr. Renpet thrust himself in and out of me.

"I don't care how loud you scream, little slut," Mr. Renpet panted, "I'm going to fuck you until I cum inside your tight little child-cunt!"

We both started panting while he fucked me relentlessly. A thin sweat was forming on his chest and my back was chaffing against the rough cement wall. I was crying out loudly again and he was grunting against me as his immense shaft assaulted my preteen vagina.

My pussy was burning with the friction and passion involved in our fucking. My hands were up against the wall, grabbing for something, anything to cling to. The wall felt cold and hard against my back. Mr. Renpet pressed his slick forehead against mine in concentration. One hand was under my ass, supporting most of my weight while his other hand had reached around and started applying pressure to my clit. The added sensation of his finger playing with my clit was unbelievable. He started to speed up the pace of his thrusting and I could feel his ass tightening with my legs. I threw my head back and put my arms around his neck to pull him closer to my hot body. The fingers that he had on my clit started working faster and it felt like his shaft was growing inside of me. I was screaming his name, Mr. Renpet, with every breath I had the time to take. His fingers started to feel like fire on my clit and my pussy started contracting against the solid rod that was relentlessly abusing my defenseless body. My whole chest seized up and my abs tightened with the most satisfying orgasm I've ever had in my short life, my pussy was clenching his cock, begging for it to explode.

"AHHHH, oh, FUCK! Mr. Renpet! I'm CUMMMMMMING!" I screamed, though there was no need to announce it. He knew it well because my pussy was so tight against his shaft that he couldn't take it anymore. I was grunting and moaning with every stroke, his breathing was laboured and his grip on my ass was so tight it was painful. The pain only intensified the pleasure of my orgasm. Soon I felt it, his cock erupted in my pussy and he kept thrusting hard until his cum was dripping down onto my neglected skirt.

"Uhhhh, fuck, you feel so good, little girl," he said, loosing speed. I could feel his sweaty hands slipping on my ass, so I unwrapped my legs from his waist and tried to stand. My legs were weak from my orgasm and Mr. Renpet had to grab me around the waist to keep me from falling. Once I was leaning against the wall he went and grabbed a thin blanket from the cupboard above his desk and brought it to me.

"Why do you have bedding at your office?" I asked.

"Sometimes my wife kicks me out for the night, so I come here and sleep on the mats," he responded sheepishly, "but don't tell anybody, please?"

"Don't worry, I can keep a secrets," I winked at him. He smiled.

"Are you hungry?" he asked.

"Hell yeah," I said, realizing that I felt as though I hadn't eaten in weeks.

Mr. Renpet went out and got us McDonalds while I bummed around in his office. We ate together and then pushed a mat against the wall across from his computer and watched some streaming TV from online until it was late.


Ever since this thing with Mr. Renpet started he had been making me participate in gym more. I guess he thought that if he treated me differently than everyone else then someone might catch on... like him forcing me to actually take part in gym would go completely unnoticed or something. People had already been asking me questions.

Today when I walked into the gym he waited until everyone was in the change room and then he handed me this shopping bag from some fancy sporting goods store.

"What's this?" I asked with a smile.

"Gym clothes," he said bluntly. My smile slipped off my face.

"What the hell?"

"You have to participate and you can't do that in the clothes that you wear to school!" he said, indicating the tube top and short jean shorts that I was wearing today. I glared at him for a second and then decided to leave it alone and just do what he told me to. As I started walking for the change room he said, "Oh, and I'll have those back at the end of class so that you don't "accidentally" bring them home and forget them there."

"Are you serious?!" I groaned but he only smirked at me.

When I got into the change room I found an empty spot on the bench and started untying my shoes. A few girls looked at me funny because I hadn't been in the change room for months, but I guess they shrugged it off because they didn't say anything to me about it. I pulled out a white t-shirt that looked pretty normal, but felt a lot like jersey material, only softer. I held it up in front of me; it looked tiny! There was no way that was going to fit me. I pulled off my tube top, feeling slightly awkward because I wasn't wearing a bra underneath. To be honest, there wasn't any reason to wear one yet. My little breasts only started growing and I was quite proud of showing them off to anyone who was interested to look. I pulled the shirt over my head and I was surprised by how stretchy it was. It was tight, but stretchy enough that it didn't feel uncomfortable. I felt kind of weird because I knew it would be super obvious that I wasn't wearing a bra and my little bumps will be pushing hard against it.

The shorts looked even smaller than the shirt, they were really tight around my ass, but loose and flexible on my legs... the few inches of leg that they covered; they were even shorter than my short shorts! But I knew they were good quality from reading the tags and seeing the price (I wouldn't even spend that much on everyday clothes, let alone gym clothes!).

Everyone was out of the change room by the time I was finished because I came in later than they did. I walked to the mirror that was by the door and looked at myself. Yup, it was completely obvious that I wasn't wearing a bra, the shirt was just the smallest bit see-though so that if you looked very closely you could make out the dark circles of my nipples. And the shorts looked tight around my ass. I put my runners back on and tied my hair up into a high pony-tail so it wouldn't get in my face. I glanced in the mirror one more time before leaving the room. I barely recognized myself; I looked like a little tease or what men call Lolita.

Mr. Renpet turned when he heard the door closed, his jaw dropped momentarily when he saw me, but he quickly regained his composure. I noticed his eyes on me throughout the whole class, but I never gave him a second glance because I didn't want him to know how much I was enjoying his attention, or the attention of every other guy in the class. Even Mandy, the well known 'dyke' in our class kept brushing over my figure with her eyes when she thought I wouldn't notice.

Gym was usually my second-last class of the day, but today the school decided to cut the day short so that we could all go to listen to a guest speaker from some out-of-province school that was being held in the concert hall. Of course, it was mandatory that we attend this speech, but I knew plenty of kids who had already made other plans with that extra hour out of school. Near the end of the class while I was taking a break from badminton, which was the sport we were currently studying, Mr. Renpet walked up to me and said in a quiet voice, "Take a shower after class and stay in there until everyone is gone."

I gave him a confused look, but he just gave me a nod to ensure that I had understood what he said and then he walked away. My eyes drifted down his backside as he strode to the other end of the gymnasium, god, he had a nice ass.

Later in the change room Becca asked me if I was planning on going to the concert hall after I had changed. I told her that I was, knowing that she had already invited a few friends over to her house, but I was just going to rinse off in the showers before I headed over there. She looked a little confused; I'm not sure whether it was because I told her I was going to the speech or because I said I was going to shower in the change room. Everyone felt uncomfortable showering at the school showers, so maybe she just thought I was nuts. I didn't really care; I was just excited following Mr. Renpet's orders.

I waited until most of the girls were gone before I grabbed my bag with my regular clothes in it and walked toward the other end of the room where the showers were. They each had a stall with a bench and a shower, and a curtain to divide the two. I undressed and hung my clothes up on the hook above the bench. I wondered about a towel until I took my regular clothes out of the shopping bag that Mr. Renpet gave me. There was a big beach towel in there. I hung that up beside my clothes. Then I took off my shoes and socks as I was waiting for the water to warm up and put them on the bench. By this time it sounded as though I was alone in the change room. It actually felt pretty nice stepping into a hot shower after gym class.

A few minutes later I heard the door open and someone walked in. By the sounds of the footsteps I guessed it was a man, but that was mostly because I was expecting Mr. Renpet. I heard him ask if there was anybody left in the change room, so I called out that I was there, just in case there happened to be someone else. When he was confident that I was the only one left in the room he came and tried to open the stall door. I felt a little bit embarrassed because I had locked it out of habit, so I chuckled and stepped out of the shower, dripping wet, to open the door. Mr. Renpet was standing there just staring at me.

"I can't believe you're so sexy, kid," he said in a gruff voice. I just laughed and opened the door as wide as I could. He stepped in and pulled off his t-shirt after locking the door behind him. I noticed he wasn't wearing any socks or shoes as he pulled off his pants. He looked at me, "I thought it would be more practical to leave them in my office in case anyone came in and saw that there are someone else's clothes here besides your own. Someone might leave their track pants in the shower, but it's unlikely that someone would leave their shoes."

I was standing there just staring at his naked body; his muscles were so defined and smooth, and his treasure trail lead my eyes straight to his gorgeous treasure. It was already standing erect and tall, it looked so tasty. Mr. Renpet saw that I was eyeing him up and he grabbed my shoulders gently and shoved me back into the shower ahead of him. He lightly pushed me up against the wall and leaned into me with all of his weight so I could hardly breath. His wet, naked skin slid against mine as he stepped closer. He bowed his neck lower so that I could feel his warm breath on my face as he moved in to kiss me. I kissed him back, hard, straining to reach his mouth by rising up on my toes. His hands tightened on my shoulders and he pulled me into his chest. His muscles were so firm against my soft breasts buds and he was holding me so close that it almost hurt.

I lifted my arms and pushed my hands against his torso wherever they fit. It took some shoving, but I finally got him off me. He backed up looking a little confused, so I put one hand on his chest and pushed him against one of the side walls. Then I wrapped my arms around his neck and lifted myself up to wrap my legs around his waist. His hands found their way to my butt and each one grabbed a cheek. I looked down to find his cock and carefully let myself down on it, sliding my hot, wet pussy all the way to the base of his shaft. Mr. Renpet leaned his head back against the wall and let out a moan. We knew everyone was either off the school property or in the concert hall by now, so it didn't matter if we made noises.

I pushed my legs against the wall behind Mr. Renpet for leverage and lifted myself off of his hips, pulling his cock slowly out of my hole, just until I felt the head of it at my soft lips. Then I held myself there until he opened his eyes, looking at me expectantly. I smiled and let myself back down, very slowly. A little too slowly apparently, because Mr. Renpet opened his eyes again and saw that I was teasing him. Bad move! He let out a grunt and shoved his hard member into my tight little hole. It made me cry out in surprise.

I hit his shoulder playfully with one hand and told him he was a big meanie. He grinned, "That's why I like being in charge of little girls like you; all you do is tease me until I loose control and fuck you until your pretty hair is all messy and you're screaming for me to cum inside of your little slutty body."

"Mmmm, I like it when you call me names, Mr. Renpet," I said with a flirty smile.

"That's because you're bad little girl, Kimi," Mr. Renpet said with a chuckle.

"Okay, then," I repented, "I'll try harder not to be mean to you." I proceeded to lift myself off his erection and then slide back down it. It took a bit to get into rhythm because it was kind of an awkward position. The water trailing down my skin felt nice and added to the pleasure of Mr. Renpet's manhood gliding in and out of me. I was starting to get tired from pumping his member with my entire body, so I started slowing down. He caught on and gripped my ass harder so he could use his arms to help lift me up and let me down. He also started thrusting his hips to get deeper. I could feel the head of his shaft against my cervix every time he slammed himself into me. I felt his manhood pulsing as I got closer to climax, and I could hear his breathing getting heavier. The water suddenly went cold and we both stopped and held our breath as we heard one of the toilets flush. I looked at Mr. Renpet in horror, but he just said, "Shhhh" quietly.

"Kimi?" a female voice said, right outside of the shower stall that we were in, "are you still showering?"

"Um, yeah, the water feels really nice and relaxing," I said awkwardly. Mr. Renpet put me down.

"Oh, okay, cool. It's Mandy, by the way. Do you want to hang out with me once you're done?" Mandy asked. I looked at Mr. Renpet, his erection pressing into my abdomen, he shrugged.

"Uh, yeah, sure, that'd be cool. I'm actually just finished, just give me a second to dry off and get dressed," I decided out loud, and then whispered to Mr. Renpet, "You stay here until I get her out of here."

He just nodded silently and kissed me on cheek. I was kind of excited to hang out with Mandy because I always thought she was kind of cool. She couldn't seem to care less that people called her a dyke or that the guys whispered about her behind her back. I just wish she had better timing.

I wanted to get out of there fast so that Mr. Renpet didn't have to wait, so after I dried off I put my shorts on and grabbed my tube top and unlocked the door. I left the towel and the gym clothes on the bench because Mr. Renpet wanted to keep them anyway. I pulled my shirt over my head as I stepped out of the stall. I kind of felt proud of the way Mandy stared at my little breasts, but I didn't acknowledge that I had noticed.

"So, what do you want to do?" I asked as we walked out the change room door. I glanced at Mandy as I spoke. I liked the way she looked; she had short dirty blonde hair that she styled to look messy, or maybe she really didn't style it and just let it do its own thing. She was average height, a little bit shorter than me, and she was little. She had small breasts and a flat stomach. She often wore black loose-fitting jeans and a t-shirt. She always had black fingernails and almost always wore arm-warmers or wristbands. Today she was wearing knee-length shorts (they looked like they were men's shorts) and runners. She had a black tank top and wore a wristband on her left wrist.

I followed her to a row of giant trees that was at the rear end of the school property. The row was actually three rows of trees right beside each other and they looked like perfect climbing trees. Mandy lead me to the farthest row from the school and pointed at a random tree. It took me a couple of seconds to see what she was pointing at, it was a small tree house about half way up the tree that was almost completely hidden by the branches.

"That's the sex tree," Mandy said simply, "only like, 10 people know about it, but it's where they come to fuck."

"How do you know about it?" I asked with a smile. She smiled back.

"Because I come here to fuck." She said, "What else?"

I laughed at that, and so did she. I walked up to the tree and started to climb up to the tree house, but then I had a thought.

"How do we know if someone is up there getting it on?" I asked.

"They throw an item of clothing down on the ground to signal the other kids that know about the tree house that they're up there."

"Clever," I said scanning the ground and the lower branches for clothes. When I didn't see any I started climbing again. Mandy followed behind me hesitantly.

"Where are you going?" she asked.

"I want to see it," I replied, as though it was obvious. It took a couple of minutes to get up, but it was a pretty easy climb. Whoever built it probably picked an easy tree to climb. The entrance was a small hole on the side, probably about three feet squared. There was an old mattress pushed against one wall, it actually didn't look nearly as disgusting as I was expecting it to. The tree house looked like it could fit two mattresses side-by-side, the floor was just wood. I sat down on the mattress and leaned against the wall as Mandy was climbing through the door. She came and sat down beside me.

"So, what do you think?" she asked.

"I think it's awesome," I said taking off my sneakers and socks to feel more comfortable.

"So, why didn't you go to the presentation?" Mandy asked me once settled down next to me.

"Meh, I already know it's going to be some boring lecture," I said casually.

"Oh yeah, that's what I thought too."

We talked for at least half an hour about ourselves; we found that we actually had quite a bit in common. I had never really spent any time with Mandy, we had random conversations sometimes between classes, or whatever, but we were never close at all. I found out that she was actually bisexual, not gay, but that she preferred girls over guys. She told me that she didn't actually go to the sex tree very often, sometimes she went there to be alone, but she never actually fucked anyone in it.

Suddenly our conversation died and all that was left was an awkward silence. I looked over at Mandy and she was eyeing me up and down. When she noticed me looking she gave me a flirty smile and said,

"So, have you ever kissed a girl, Kimi?"

I had in fact kissed a girl before, but it was on a dare at a sleepover. I was still sexually charged from my shower with Mr. Renpet, and Mandy's lips looked so tasty. So I leaned in and gave her a quick kiss on the lips. Her lips were so soft and so was her face. It was a huge difference from kissing Mr. Renpet, who only shaved his face every few days. It was almost as if I was kissing myself and I knew what Mr. Renpet must have felt. I pulled back, only a few inches from her face to gauge her reaction. She had a small grin and looked directly into my eyes as if tempting me. And god, was I tempted.

I leaned in again, this time I put one hand behind her head and one around her back and I pushed her down onto the mattress so that I was lying on top of her. Damn, it felt good to be with another kid my size. For once I wasn't being pushed around and manhandled like a sack of potatoes. The hand that I had on her back moved to her waist and slipped just under her shirt. She moaned softly and put both of her hands under my shirt, sliding them up and pulling my shirt with it. Our kiss broke for just a second for her to pull my tube top over my face and throw it out the small door to the branches below; the signal that the tree house was occupied.

I wanted to feel her skin on mine, her little breasts on mine, so I started pulling up her tank top. She felt me struggle a little with it and pushed me up, back into a sitting position so she could take it off herself. I watched her pull it off in one swift motion and toss it into the corner. She unfastened her bra as well and threw it on top of her tank top. Her stomach was flat and hard, and her small boobs were smooth with two nipples already hard like little pinheads. I lunged at her with fervour; I couldn't wait any longer to feel her little body against mine. Again I was on top with her wriggling underneath me, both of us hot with passion burning in our 12-year-old bodies. My pussy was oozing nectar in anticipation and I wanted Mandy to finish what Mr. Renpet had started; I wanted this little girl to make me cum.

I had never felt so much desire for another girl before, but Mandy was so soft and warm and like me; I wanted to taste her. I pulled back from our kiss and moved my lips to her neck. My hands began roaming her stomach and chest. I played with her nipples a little as I sucked and nibbled down her neck. Her skin tasted sweet as I kissed and licked my way down to her little breast mounds. Her nipple felt warm and rubbery under my teeth as a gently bit down on it. She moaned my name loudly so I bit her again, a little harder this time. She moaned and squirmed underneath me. I moved on down her stomach, kissing slowly while fiddling with her belt. I focused on her navel for a second while undoing her pants, and then I sat up on my knees and pulled. She lifted her butt of the mattress so I could pull her shorts and panties off and throw them onto her pile of clothes in the corner.

I took a moment to let my eyes roam over her; her pussy was still completely hairless! My hands slid from her knees to her hips, so slowly that Mandy was groaning and grinding her hips impatiently. With one finger I drew a line from her hip to her mound and then down the rim of her pussy lip, teasing her until she couldn't take it anymore.

"Mmmm, fuck you, Kimi," she said, looking at me angrily. I grinned at her slyly.

"I'm working on it, Mandy love."

I brought my face down toward her little pussy, but stopped an inch away. Ever so gently I pressed my tongue to the small divide between her anus and the entrance to her pussy. I licked slowly up, careful not to spread her lips with my tongue until I reached her clit. I gave it a tug with my teeth and Mandy gave a little yelp of surprise. My hands, which had been on her thighs until now, wrapped around underneath her ass to hold her tightly against my face while I finally let my tongue part her smooth lips and dip inside her pussy. Mandy moaned a deep sigh of satisfaction when I finally started to eat her out. I pressed my tongue deeply into her pussy and then licked upward to her clit. I sucked the little knob into my mouth and used the tip of my tongue to swirl around it. I broke the suction for a second to wet my middle and index finger in my mouth before sliding them into Mandy's tight little hole. Very slowly I slid my fingers in and out of her wet cunt while sucking on her clit.

"Ugh, faster Kimi, damn it!" Mandy moaned loudly, and I complied, quickening the pace of my fingers. I tightened my other hand on her hip, not wanting to loose grip while I fucked Mandy with my fingers and tongue. She was squirming more now, making it difficult to keep my mouth around her clit. I thrust my fingers hard and fast in her dripping fuckhole while flicking my tongue over her clit as quickly as I could. She was grunting and moaning while wriggling her ass all over the place.

Suddenly she tensed up all of her muscles and I kept fucking her with my fingers and sucking hard on her clit.

"UHHH!" she shouted, "I'm cumming!"

I felt her cunt walls squeezing hard around my fingers and she thrust her hips into my face, smashing her clit against my teeth.

"Yes! Yes!" she practically screamed, ramming her clit into my mouth as hard as she could. My tongue worked frantically and my fingers rubbing the inside of her pussy as fast as I could make them go. Mandy kept shouting and I kept pumping for almost a minute before her orgasm finally subsided and she collapsed, panting on the mattress. I sucked off my fingers and licked her cum off her little hairless pussy before lying down beside her. I drew circles on her heaving tummy and kissed her smooth cheek.

"God, that was the most amazing orgasm I've ever had, Kimi," she said.

"I bet," I smiled, "I'm sure they heard you cumming all the way from the concert hall."

"Pffft, they probably liked it," she smiled back.

Mandy started kissing me then, it felt so nice to have her want me and it felt nice to want her back. I never knew it could be this beautiful with another little girl. Maybe I was becoming a dyke. I started to warm up between my legs again, I was so fucking horny! Mandy's hand trailed down my tummy and undid the button of my shorts. I moaned and lay on my back to give her better access.

Just then we heard a rustle from the base of the tree; someone approaching. We both paused.

"It's okay," said Mandy, "they'll see your shirt and know not to bother us."

We both held our breath for a moment, waiting for the footsteps to leave, but they didn't.

"What are you kids doing up there?" I recognized Mr. Renpet's voice.

"Oh, shit!" Mandy whispered, "What do we do?"

"I don't know, but I don't have a shirt, remember?" I looked down at my bare breasts; what would Mr. Renpet say if he knew that I was having sex with Mandy? I guess we were going to have to find out, because he was here, and he knew I was with Mandy.

"Okay," I said quietly, "You get dressed, but we'll both stay up here and be quiet, maybe he'll go away."

As Mandy was putting on her clothes my mind was racing. What was I going to do? I had the feeling that Mr. Renpet was going to be super pissed if he found out I was having sex with Mandy, but I really liked Mandy, she was cool and we had a lot in common. And what would my parents say if I started dating a girl?! I didn't care so much about what people at the school thought, but would my friends shun me if they found out I liked Mandy? This was all too complicated! I shook my head clear of these thoughts; they didn't matter right now, all that mattered right now was figuring out what to do about Mr. Renpet if he didn't leave. And he was taking his jolly time, maybe he thought he would wait us out?

"Kids? I heard yelling, is everything okay?" He was using his 'teacher' voice, he didn't know it was me, this was good... "Kimi? Are you up there?"

Shit, did he recognize my shirt? Mandy looked at me with concern.

"What do we do?" she whispered, "If we stay up here he'll just get angry and we'll probably get in more trouble than we're already in..."

Mandy had a point, but I still didn't have a shirt. Fuck.

"Okay, you go down first so that he won't be looking at me when I climb down without a shirt," I said. So, Mandy climbed down and I peered down from the door. I took a deep breath and started my way down from the sex tree. When my feet finally found the ground Mandy was standing right beside me. I hid myself behind her. Why was this so humiliating? Mr. Renpet had seen me naked before.

"Um, can I have my shirt please, Mr. Renpet?" I asked in a small voice, hiding my face behind Mandy's head. She stood in a protective stance in front of me; it felt nice, knowing she felt so strongly about me already, but it was unfortunate that she didn't understand the situation at all. Mr. Renpet threw the shirt at me, forcing me to move out from behind Mandy to catch it.

"What's this all about girls?" he asked angrily as I was putting my tube top back on. I figured he would be angry, but I was actually kind of scared. I thought about running, but decided that was a stupid idea, since he was the gym teacher and I knew all about how much stamina he had; he would catch up to us in no time. Neither Mandy nor I said anything, we just looked at each other and then at our shoes.

"I don't even know where to begin," he started again, sounding furious, "You two young ladies are in a lot of trouble if I heard what I think I heard... and judging by Kimi's lack of clothing a minute ago, I am pretty confident about what I heard coming from that tree house," here he paused to glare at me, "Follow me, we're going to see Mr. Lewis."

Mr. Lewis was our principle and he was an angry old man. If he heard that Mr. Renpet had found two underage girls having lesbian sex on school property we would be lucky if we didn't get expelled. Mr. Renpet was right; we were in a lot of trouble. I felt bad for Mandy because I loved her so much already. If Mr. Renpet and I weren't fucking, he probably wouldn't be so angry and he would probably just give us a warning.

Mr. Renpet was walking swiftly toward the school with Mandy and I practically jogging to keep up. She slipped her hand into mine and I thought it was sweet until Mr. Renpet rounded a corner and she dragged me in the opposite direction. We both started sprinting toward the back entrance of the school; once we were in the school we could hide from Mr. Renpet or find our way out of school grounds.

"Mandy, what are we doing?" I whispered hoarsely, we were running after all, "We're already in a shitload of trouble, running away is only going to make it worse!"

"If he doesn't drag us in there doing the walk of shame, then we can deny it so much easier," she explained.

"But Mr. Lewis will believe him over us any day of the week!" I exclaimed.

"Maybe so, but if we deny it adamantly enough, there's no way he can expel us for it; he'd be too afraid of what we might tell our parents that he was wrong or even that we might raise up a lawsuit or something."

She had a point, but Mr. Renpet was going to be beyond furious that we had run away. We were inside the school now, and I started heading toward the gym.

"Where the fuck are you going?!" Mandy asked frantically.

"He'll never expect us in the gym, plus we can exit through the gym and run around the school to the fence and climb over it, there's no window on that side of the school."

Mandy nodded and we sprinted down the hallway to the gym, still holding our hands. We peered through the door so we could see if Mr. Renpet was in his office. He wasn't, so we proceeded to run through the gym to the back exit. When we got there we opened the door carefully to be sure the coast was clear and then we jogged to some nearby bushes.

"Okay," panted Mandy, "You go that way, and I'll go this way."

I nodded and began to sprint for school fence. I had to run around about half of the school, but like I had said to Mandy, there were no window for Mr. Renpet to see me from. I trotted around the last corner, I was almost home free! I looked around the corner and saw no one. All clear.

"Kimi!" I stopped dead in my tracks. It was Mr. Renpet. I was totally fucked, and not in a good way this time. I slowly turned around and he was already only 5 feet away. He took two more steps and vehemently grabbed my upper arm.

"You're coming with me, Kimi," I had never seen him so incensed, not even when Adam had thrown his calculator at another kid during his class, and Mr. Renpet was PISSED when that happened.

"You're hurting me," I said bluntly.

"What? You don't like it anymore, you little slut?" There was no play in his voice this time.

I spied Mandy's head peering around the corner and caught her eye. I put my finger to my mouth in a 'shhh' motion, and nodded to her that I'd take the fall for this one. She gave me a sad look, but nodded and her head disappeared behind the corner.

Mr. Renpet marched me back toward the gym. The school was basically deserted by this time; everyone had gone home, even the teachers. He practically threw me into his office and slammed the door shut behind him.

"What the fuck, Kimi?!" he roared after locking the doors shut tight. He approached me, and forcefully shoved me against the wall like some kind of toy. I actually thought he might hit me, he was so livid.

"My cock is not enough for you? You have to fuck kids behind my back?!" he yelled into my face.

"Back off!" I said pushing him as hard as I could, but he was like a wall of muscle, so I ducked under one of his arms, "We're having an affair, remember?! You're the one fucking little girls behind your wife's back!"

Now I was mad too, did he think we were exclusive or something? I scoffed at the thought and Mr. Renpet glared at me, fuming. Then something clicked about what he said.

"Besides, I'm not fucking 'kids' behind your back; I had sex with Mandy and it was only just this one time... we were hanging out, and I don't know, it just happened!" I argued, "God, what's your problem?!"

Mr. Renpet grabbed me again, this time with both hands, and threw me, actually picked me up and threw me into the wall of gym mats that were in his office. My tube top slipped down, exposing my breasts. Mr. Renpet literally ripped it off my body and looked at it in his hands.

"And you were fucking in that dirty old tree house?! Do you want to get an STD?!"

He dropped the shirt and pushed himself up against me, pinning me to the gym mats so I wouldn't be able to duck under his arm again. Feeling his body against mine sent shivers down to my toes. Damn it, I was breathing hard and we were both sweaty from running, and I was still so fucking horny because I had had sex twice in the last few hours and still hadn't gotten off! I let out a moan of want and felt his cock jump in his pants. He leaned in so he was talking right into my ear.

"You're only 12 but you really are a dirty little whore, aren't you, Kimi?" he whispered with a mixture of lust and rage. He pulled away from me and fiddled with my shorts' button for a second before getting frustrated and just tearing the button off and pulling down my shorts. I guess he decided he didn't want to waste time with my panties as well, because he just grabbed one side and ripped them off, throwing them on the mess of cloth that used to be my tube top. I was now completely naked in front of Mr. Renpet and he looked me up and down with a vicious grin.

"I'm not going to give you the chance to be the tease you were in the shower before," he said as he picked up the scraps of my tube top. He tore one straight length of cloth and then grabbed both of my hands in one of his and used his other hand to wrap the cloth around my wrists, tying them together. He took the rest of my shirt and shoved it in my mouth.

"Try screaming with that in your little face," he chuckled. I was now completely helpless to him. I was so turned on, but at the same time a little scared because Mr. Renpet was still infuriated with me. I wondered if she was going to rape me. I knew he could do it easily, he was so much bigger and stronger than me.

He pushed me to the floor, it was so cold on my naked skin, and pulled his pants down to his knees. His throbbing member stood straight out from his body and for the first time I was intimidated by it. I was afraid he was going to hurt me with that monster and there was nothing I could do. I think he saw the concern in my eyes because he smiled and started stroking his cock.

"A little scared, are you, kiddo?" he said, "Maybe you should remember that next time you want to piss me off."

Mr. Renpet got down on his knees and positioned himself over me. He lifted my bound hands over my head with one hand while guiding his dick to my entrance with the other. My pussy was still slick from being so turned on for Mandy, and Mr. Renpet's cock was dripping with precum. As soon as I felt the pressure from the head of his shaft on my wet hole he let go of his dick and moved his hands so they were both pinning down my arms. I let out a muffled cry as he roughly shoved his cock into me.

"Do you like that, little whore?" Mr. Renpet asked cruelly, "I'm going to fuck you so hard, Kimi. No child should be fucked as hard as I'm going to fuck you now."

I closed my eyes and moaned in pleasure and fear while he pumped relentlessly into my small, tortured body pinned underneath him. I was a little worried at first, but the continued motion of our bodies moving together made me more at ease. I could feel the pressure of my orgasm building; I hadn't been properly stimulated all day and the tension was already at its peek. I started to squirm because Mr. Renpet wasn't fucking me fast enough yet, since he wasn't anywhere near cumming. I was grunting and wriggling, trying to get the message across because I couldn't talk.

"Oh, you're ready to cum, are you?" Mr. Renpet asked. I guess I got the message across alright. I nodded vigorously and pleaded to him with my eyes.

"Hm, that's too bad, kiddo," he said as he slowed his rhythm, "because I'm not."

I whimpered as he stopped pumping altogether and pulled out. He grabbed one of my wrists and pulled me up into a sitting position, then picked me up under the arms and tossed me over his office chair, face down, like I was a rag doll. I sensed him approach me, he grabbed my hips and thrust his manhood into my ass from behind. I shouted again at the abruptness of his entrance into my anus, but it was almost completely muted from the make-shift gag in my mouth. His dick felt bigger in this hole; it felt as though he was stretching my insides to their limits, but every time he shove himself back into me, his fingers at front dug deep at my g-spot. I would come even faster in this position, and he was fucking me forcefully and hard! I don't know if he knew this or not because he couldn't see my face from this angle, but I'm sure he could hear my breath quicken and my moaning getting more desperate.

He kept ramming me as hard and as deep as he could with his pulsing cock. My orgasm began twisting its way down to my clenched pussy. My crying turned to shouting, still unheard by anyone outside of the office because of my tube top gag and my entire body tensed up. My breath caught in my throat when I finally started cumming. I saw stars in the corner of my tearful eyes, and I opened my mouth so wide that the gag fell out of my mouth when I started to scream from the pleasure of Mr. Renpet's vigorous fucking of my anus.

Mr. Renpet froze when he heard my scream. He pulled out of me and stood up so quickly I'm sure he must have felt lightheaded. His pants were up and I was standing beside him with my hands held high over my head by his hand so fast that I hadn't even registered what was going on.

"Shut the fuck up!" Mr. Renpet whispered violently. He grabbed my mouth with his free hand and pushed me behind the pile of gym mats, "Some one probably heard that, Kimi! Can't you keep your fucking mouth closed! Christ!"

We both stood there panting for what seemed like eternity, waiting for footsteps, or a knock on the door, or something. Nothing happened. We waited for another few minutes, just to be sure, but the only sound we heard was our heavy breathing.

"I'm so sorry, Mr. Renpet," I whimpered after we had waited for at least 5 minutes, "I... I really am."

"I know, Kimi, it's my own damn fault; I thought that gag would stay in your mouth and keep you quiet, but I know now that you can't keep quiet," he smiled and winked at me, all the anger gone from his face. He untied my hands and took a step back. I was still completely naked, but at least I gained some control back. Not that I didn't like it when Mr. Renpet was in charge and using my body, I was just afraid of him hurting me unintentionally while he was throwing me around.

I turned to face the pile of mats and climbed up to the top. It wasn't as difficult now that I'd had some practice. Mr. Renpet hopped up after me and pushed me onto my back, gently this time. He grabbed my face and kissed my deeply, his tongue locking with mine. This time when he grabbed my hips and entered me, it was slowly and carefully; his cock gliding in and out at a measured pace. He liked to watch as he fucked my tight, young pussy, and it being nearly hairless, he had the best show. I moaned and squirmed a little, but he was holding my hips firmly in his grip while he pumped.

Because our fuck session ended so abruptly before, in the middle of my orgasm, I started to feel the tension building again. Mr. Renpet let out a sigh as he watched his manhood push and pull at my pussy lips. His breath started to quicken and so did the rhythm of his thrusts. He leaned down over me and wrapped his hands around my back, embracing me. I wrapped my legs around his waist, hoping to shift the angle enough to make me cum again. It worked; I groaned with desire. Mr. Renpet was purring in my ear. His grip around me tightened and now he was working his hips as fast as he could. I could feel his cock twitching inside of me with anticipation, and my pussy tightened, gripping his shaft. I heard Mr. Renpet's breath catch in his throat and at the same time I felt myself starting to cum. I felt his manhood erupt inside of me and I knew I couldn't contain myself anymore. I bit my lip, hoping to stifle the noise from my moaning, but my orgasm was too much. Mr. Renpet caught on just in time, and without breaking his stride, he pulled one hand from behind my back and clamped it over my mouth. Mr. Renpet was finished cumming, I could tell, but he kept thrusting into me until my orgasm died down. Then he collapsed beside me.

We lay there in silence for a few moments until I started to feel a different urge down there.

"Um, I need to go to the bathroom, Mr. Renpet."

"You know you don't have to ask when we're not in class, right?" he snickered.

"I know... but I don't have any clothes..."

He looked at me and burst out laughing.

"Oh yeah... oops," he said, "Just give me one second."

Mr. Renpet jumped up and off the gym mats and walked to his desk. He opened the bottom drawer and pulled out the gym clothes the he bought me. I got up and got dressed.

"Alright, I think I'm going to go home now, Mr. Renpet," I said, "My parents are waiting for me and I need new clothes and whatnot..."

"No problem, Kimi," he smiled. I made my way to the door and on my way out I turned back.

"Oh, Mr. Renpet?"

"Yes, Kimi?" he said, glancing up.

"Stop ripping off my panties, k? They're not cheap. My mom is going to kill me."

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I can honestly say I've never received such an unusual compliment. I feel quite honored to be the star of your erotic story! Oh how I wish I had some of the traits you've ascribed to me (especially those six-pack abs and superb physical fitness!). How I wish I actually met a Kimi and Mandy in my rather humdrum life.

Thank you for writing a wonderful, entertaining and erotic story. For a first story I am duly impressed. For the dedication I am truly humbled.


Great story with an actual plot and not only sex in it. The object of your admiration should be proud of you.


Hot story. Wish Mandy and Kimi had threesome with Mr Renpet.


Loved it! Great tribute to a great author


What a delightful and funny little tale. I think Renpet has finally met his match.


Met his match? Hardly. However, it was an amazing story and I thank you for sharing it.


What a great tale.


Wow, very good buildup in the scenes. Really enjoyed. Great job Kimi

Chris Jorgenson

Awesome. I can't stop reading this story.


I just adored this


What a cool way to thank the writer, who is in my opinion, the reason I keep returning here.

The reviewing period for this story has ended.