Brotherly Love, Part 1

[ bg, bd, ds, inc, nosex, ped, rom ]


Published: 3-Jul-2012

Word Count: 7193

Author's Profile

show Story Summary
All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Tyler and Emma are twin 11-year-olds. Tyler is older by about half an hour. As is typical, the two rarely get along. They fight; they constantly try to prove the one's better than the other.

One Sunday the parents are out and it's just the two of them home alone... Emma's in the TV room on the couch, watching TV. Tyler enters and sits beside her. When her show's over, he asks her how much she trusts him.

Emma's unsure how to answer, because she doesn't know where he's getting with it.

"I mean, we fight and stuff, but you don't think I'd ever actually hurt you or harm you, right?" Tyler asks.

"I guess," answers Emma, still rather puzzled by the whole line of questioning.

Tyler waits a few moments. "What would you say," he begins, after contemplating how to best present this, "if I were to offer you 20 bucks... if you agreed to let me... put handcuffs on you for ten minutes." Immediately he qualifies: "I give you my word that as soon as the ten minutes are up, I'll let you go. But during the time you're cuffed, you'll be completely and totally helpless, with no way out. And you're completely trusting me to keep my word to let you go, because theoretically if I were lying, you'd have no way to get away. What would you say to that?"

His sister is completely dumbfounded. "Why would you want to do that?" she asks, confused, slightly nervous.

"I dunno, I just feel like it." Tyler responds. "Think of it as an easy way to make 20 bucks. Think you could trust me enough for you to go through with it?"

Emma thinks for a while. It's a rainy Sunday, she's already done all her homework and she's bored, doesn't really have anything to do anyway, and she's kinda curious about this whole thing.

"What would you do to me during those ten minutes?" she asks.

"Nothing. You'd just be completely helpless. I wouldn't hurt you or anything, I'd just enjoy my power over you."

"And you give me your word, you swear, that as soon as the ten minutes are up you let me go, no strings attached?"

"Yes, you have my word. But that's all you have. From the time I lock you up until I release you, you will be completely helpless. Twenty bucks, ten minutes. Want to try it?"

She thinks about this for a few minutes. Finally, she decides 'what the heck'. "Ah, okay, I guess. But remember your promise."

"Great!" Tyler jumps up in joy. "Come with me," he says, leading her to the garage.

They get there and Emma sees a large wooden frame -- rectangular shaped, standing vertically in the middle of the room. It's a little taller than she. Other than that, she doesn't see anything yet.

"I'm going to lock you to this frame," the brother explains. "You'll be standing up, with your legs apart, and your arms spread above your head. A wrist or ankle locked to each corner. Also, you'll have a blindfold and a gag."

"What do you mean a gag?"

"Here, I'll show you," Tyler says, producing a ball-gag from a drawer. "Don't worry, it's perfectly clean. I'll put this rubber ball in your mouth and buckle it behind your head. It will prevent you from talking or making any intelligible sound. It's just for ten minutes. There's a clock on the wall right there -- you'll see the time before I blindfold you, and when I let you go afterwards you'll see that only ten minutes have passed."

"And when do I get my twenty bucks?"

"Once it's over. Here it is," Tyler says as he takes the twenty-dollar bill out of his pocket and shows it to her. "Once you're unlocked I'll give it to you."

She thinks for a few more moments, then says, "Ok fine, go ahead," and walks towards the frame.

"Wait," he says. "Before I do it, you have to go change. Put on your royal-blue bathing-suit."

"Why?" she asks.

"It just adds to the game," he explains. "Makes you look more helpless." Not sure if he sounds convincing enough, he adds, "That's the way I saw this on the internet."

The young girl doesn't really think much of it -- he's seen her in her swimsuit before; so she says "Okay" and scampers off to her bedroom to get changed. While she's gone, he makes the final preparations to the apparatus.


She walks into the room wearing her swimsuit, with her socks still on. She notices that the family's video camera is on a tripod pointed at her, and the digital camera is on a side table.

Before she even asks, Tyler explains. "Don't worry, I'm just filming this for us, so that we can remember our game. I promise I won't show it to anyone. Well, I might show some photos to other people but you have my word that I'll never show a picture with your face or other way of identifying you, without your permission."

"Okay," she agrees, starting to get butterflies in her stomach.

Tyler sets up the video camera so that it's pointing at the frame, and turns it on. Then he takes his sister by the arm and guides her in front of the frame, in the camera's view.

"This is my sister, Emma," he explains to the camera. "She's agreed to be my beautiful assistant... my damsel in distress..."

Emma giggles... that's the first time her brother's ever complimented her body, or called her 'beautiful'...

"Turn around for the camera, Emma," Tyler suggests, adding to his suggestion by putting his hands on her shoulders and physically turning her around. She allows herself to turn, grinning a little nervously. As she turns, she notices some buckles attached to the corners of the frame. Realizing that she's about to be rendered completely helpless, she gets a little nervous. But she's determined not to show it -- she can't back out now. She doesn't want to be thought of as a coward.

With Emma facing the camera again, Tyler speaks again. "Emma's volunteered to let me tie her up, making her completely 100% powerless. Please notice that she's wearing nothing except for this simple, thin, tight, one-piece bathing suit." As he says this, he moves behind her and puts his hands in front of her, and rubs them up and down her spandex-clad chest and stomach, being careful not to touch any private parts.

Emma feels his hands behind her neck as he removes her necklace. Then, standing at her side he removes the rest of her jewelry -- a ring and a bracelet. He places these on a table on the other side of the room.

Then he walks back to her and has her raise her arms straight up. (She's still only in front of the frame, not on it.) He puts his hands on her arms and slowly slides his hands down her arms, armpits, the sides of her chest, hips, thighs, legs, until he reaches her feet -- which are still wearing socks. He asks her to lift a foot, and he removes her sock. He does the same with the other foot, only this time before putting her foot back down he tickles the sole of her foot... she giggles and almost loses her balance. He apologizes and allows her to put her foot back down. Then he runs his hands up her sides again. She's still standing with her arms up in the air, so he rubs his hands all the way up to her wrists, and then gently encircles her wrists with his fingers and brings her arms back down to her sides. Then he crosses her wrists behind her back. Her heart skips a beat wondering if he's going to lock handcuffs on her wrists now.

He doesn't cuff her yet, though. He holds her wrists together possessively for a few moments. Emma, entranced by the magic and mystery of all this, makes no effort to stop him. Then, he gently puts her hands down by her sides. He moves behind her and presses his body into hers from behind, while wrapping her body with his arms, placing his hands firmly on the sides of her waist.

With his chin gently touching her left shoulder, he begins talking to the camera again. "Here's how it's going to work. Emma's wrists and ankles are going to be fastened to the four corners of the frame behind us. After that, a rubber ball-gag will be placed in her mouth, and a blindfold over her eyes. Only once all that is in place, the timer will begin. After ten minutes, I will release her.

"Any questions, last words, or wishes, Emma?"

Emma thinks for a second but shakes her head 'no'.

"Ready to begin, then?"

"Okay," she says, her heart missing another few beats.

Tyler moves around in front of her, but a bit to the side so as not to block her from the camera's few. He puts his hands on her hips and, as if he owns her, silently backs her up until she's standing right in the center of the rectangular frame.

Once she's in place and he's standing in front of her, he loops one of his arms around her, placing his hand in the small of her back. With his other hand he gently moves her hair away from her face, putting it behind her ears. Emma's shocked by these signs of affection.

"You sure you're ready, and that you really want to go through with this?" He gently strokes her cheeks with his fingers. "In a few moments you're going to be absolutely, completely helpless. You'll have no way out -- you'll be completely at my mercy. No way to prevent me from doing anything to you." He traces her lips with his finger. The sensations his fingers are giving her are making it difficult for her to concentrate on his words. It's hypnotic.

He moves his left hand -- the one that was in the small of her back -- slightly lower, but he doesn't violate her by touching her ass. As soon as he feels her tail-bone he changes direction and begins slowly moving that hand back up her back. Emma's so mesmerized by this that she probably wouldn't even notice if he helped himself to a feel of her ass... even if she noticed, she most probably wouldn't mind. But Tyler's being careful to be a gentleman.

"So you're sure you want me to do this to you, right?" he asks.

Emma nods, as Tyler's very slowly tracing a finger around her neck, where a collar would go if he were to put a leash on her.

"Say, 'Brother dear, please make me completely powerless... Please make me completely in your control.'" he instructs her. His left hand just finished rubbing her bare shoulder blades and begins slowly making its way down her back again. His index finger of his right hand just started tracing its way down the center of her body, from the center of her forehead, between her eyes, down her nose, over her lips and chin, down her neck, the center of her chest directly between her nipples, down her ribcage, stomach, bellybutton...

He's getting dangerously close to the beginning of her pubic mound, but she makes no effort to try to stop him. When he feels the beginning of her mound with his finger, before touching her crack, he begins moving his finger up again.

"Say it," he whispers in her ear. Then he snaps his fingers in her face to snap her out of her 'trance'. She's not unconscious, though. But thousands of thoughts are going through her mind, and her body's experiencing all kinds of strange, new feelings like she's never felt before.

Emma giggles. "Brother dear," she says, "Please, Please make me completely 100% powerless. Make me totally in your control, at your mercy."

Opposite her, the camcorder is on its tripod recording all this, with its blinking red light...

"Okay Emma, if that's what you want." He begins to move around her.

"It is," she adds, giggling.

Tyler's now standing behind Emma. She's looking straight at the camera, and can't see what he's doing. Tyler rests his right hand on the back of her neck as he readies the strap at the top right (Emma's left) of the frame. Once the strap's ready, he gently takes hold of Emma's left hand and guides it up towards the top corner of the frame. Emma cooperates, moving her arm towards the strap, turning her head to watch what he's doing. The butterflies in her stomach get a little stronger as she knows the point of no return is near.

"Keep your hand open and relaxed so that the strap will fit to it as best as possible," he instructs as he fits the strap through the buckle. "I'm using leather straps, not metal handcuffs, because they're more comfortable for you. But don't worry, they're just as effective!" He finishes buckling the strap. "There, all done... see if you can reach the buckle with your fingers."

Emma moves her hand and wrist. Her wrist is very securely fixed in the strap. The buckle is way too far from her fingers for her to be able to get anywhere near it -- if she couldn't use her other hand. She knows that with her other wrist in a similar strap, she'll be powerless.

"That feel secure enough?" Tyler asks her. "You think you can get out of that?"

"Nope," she answers. "I'll never be able to get out of it."

"Does it hurt?"


"Do you like how it feels?"

"I dunno, it's okay," she says.

"Okay then, ready for your other wrist?"

She giggles nervously, knowing what this means. Tyler has his right hand resting on her waist, just above her right hip. His left hand gently rubs down from her restrained left wrist, down her arm, across her shoulder blades, and then down her still-free right arm.

"Ready," she says nervously. Excited, actually, but still a little nervous.

"You do realize that until your second wrist is buckled, you're still able to get out. If you want me to stop now, I will. Once your second wrist is fastened, though, there's no backing out. In fact, if, after your second wrist's fastened, you ask me to stop, then our whole deal's off -- you won't get your money, and I can't promise when I'll let you go -- if I do at all. Understand? Once your second wrist's fastened, no way to back out of our deal." As he says this, he's gently massaging her shoulder blades with his hands... she can feel part of his body gently bumping in to her butt as he does this.

"Got it," she says. "Go ahead."

"Would you prefer I do your ankles first, so you'll have more time to back out? Or should I do your wrist now? You can choose."

She thinks for a split-second, then takes the plunge and says, "Do my wrist."

Tyler takes her wrist, circling it with his fingers, and guides it up to the waiting strap. "Here we go," he says as he wraps the strap around it.

Emma's heart is beating very fast as she waits to feel that feeling of being powerless. Only a few seconds go by, and Tyler proclaims, "DONE! See if you can get out of that -- I'll be right back," he says, and leaves the room.

Emma moves her hands and wrists, but there's no way she's going to get out of it. She wonders why Tyler left the room. According to their deal, he doesn't have to start timing the ten minutes until all the restraints are in place, and he never said anything about how long he would take to completely restrain her.

She watches the clock as five full minutes go by. She wonders where he's gone, why he's leaving her like this. She begins to get annoyed, wondering if this was a trick. She tries to free her wrists but is unable to do so. She gets real annoyed, but with the camera still filming her she tries her best not to show it. At one point she even has to fight back tears.

Another three minutes go by. She doesn't understand what's going on. Her wrists are fastened like a Jesus on a cross, but her legs are still free. She moves her legs a bit, trying to occupy herself until he returns. She tries to see if she could maybe reach one of the buckles with a foot and free herself with her toes, but she can't. She thinks she'll have a few choice words to say to her 'dear' brother once he finally returns.

But then she hears a toilet flush. A few moments later Tyler comes into the room, carrying a full-length, portable mirror. The minute he enters, he begins to apologize. "Emma, I'm REALLY sorry! Please forgive me!" He sets the mirror down beside the camera so that she'll be able to see herself, and moves back behind her. First he checks the straps, making sure they're just as tight as when he left -- they are, and then he begins massaging her shoulders.

He explains: "I only went to get the mirror, thought I'd only be gone a few seconds. But then I felt that I needed to use the bathroom -- I only thought it would take a second, but it turned into a number two. I'm really sorry." He's massaging the small of her back. It feels really good to her. She now regrets thinking those bad thoughts about him.

"I'm so sorry, Emma, can you forgive me? Do you want to stop? Should I take the straps off?"

"No, it's okay," she says. She HAS forgiven him, and feeling him touching her again, she definitely wants it to continue. Also, she can't help remembering what he said before, and wondering if he's trying to trap her -- if she was to ask him to stop now that both her wrists were restrained, he said he could keep her restrained as long as he wanted and do to her whatever he wanted - that their deal would be off.

"Thanks for understanding," he says, and surprises her even more by kissing her, right at the place where her neck meets her shoulder.

Tyler moves his hands down her back until they get to just above her butt. Then he slides his hands off to her sides and continues going down her legs.

Now, for the first time, Emma takes a glance into the mirror. She thinks she looks hilarious, bordering on ridiculous -- hands fastened to the frame, with her brother feeling her legs. She's just beginning to realize her sexuality so she doesn't really realize that he's touching her because of his horniness. Or maybe she does, but not to the full extent, and she thinks it's kinda funny, kinda cool.

"Let me have your left ankle please," Tyler instructs, while holding her left ankle and gently pushing it to the side of the frame. Emma complies, following with her ankle.

"Did you try to see if you could unbuckle your wrists with your feet?" he asks as he secures the strap around her left ankle.

"Yeah, I tried, but I couldn't get my feet all the way up there" she concedes.

"Good!" he says, triumphantly, putting the finishing touches on the buckle at her left ankle.

He rubs his hands all the way up her extended, buckled left leg until he's just a millimeter from the edge of her bathing suit. He continues moving his hands up her side -- still being the gentleman, not touching her private parts, then passes his hands over her lower back and lower stomach.

This time he moves himself around her, to fasten her right ankle from the front. Without being asked, Emma allows her right ankle to be guided to the other side of the frame, and looks down watching her brother quickly and effectively restraining it. She's fascinated by the phenomenon. Tyler puts the finishing touches on the last buckle while Emma watches. What she's done, what she's agreed to let him do to her, finally begins to sink in, and she's really fascinated by the fact that she let him talk her into this so easily.

He brings his hands up her legs, up her sides, rubs her tummy a bit, then back to her sides and up her arms. "There, you're completely helpless. Struggle a bit now, try to see if you can free yourself -- convince yourself that you are in fact completely, totally, 100% powerless."

Emma stuggles a bit in her bonds; she finds the futile struggling enjoyable. She's glad Tyler suggested she do that, confirming to herself without a doubt that she has absolutely no way of getting out.

Tyler moves himself behind the camera and zooms in on her face. "Describe to the camera your situation," he instructs.

Emma giggles somewhat nervously, and talks to the camera: "Hello... uh... Tyler has strapped my wrists and ankles to this frame... and... uh... I'm trapped, there's no way I can free myself... I'm completely at your mercy..." she laughs at how that sounded coming out of her mouth.

"How does it feel?" he asks her, "Do you like the feeling?"

"It feels weird... I don't remember ever feeling so out-of-control before. It's kind of cool, I guess. Makes me nervous on the one hand, knowing I can't stop you from doing anything you want to me, but on the other hand it's kind of calming knowing that I don't need to make any decisions..."

"We'll get a few close-ups of your wrists and ankles, and then we'll move on to the next stage, okay?"


Tyler takes the camera off the tripod and moves it so that he's zooming in close to each wrist, then each ankle. Then, kneeling in front of her, he uses the camera to slowly follow her body, from her ankles up to her head and then to her wrists. Emma notices that he holds the camera in place a little longer when it appears that it's pointed straight at her crotch, and the same thing when it's at her chest.

"Now we'll go behind you," he says, walking with the camera behind her. She turns her head a bit but can't see him -- but she can sometimes see him in the mirror, when her body isn't blocking him. He talks out loud while he does it, though, so that she knows what he's doing. "Here's her right wrist, and her left. Here's her bare back -- look at how clear, soft and smooth it is," he comments and she feels him rubbing her back with his hand. "We'll take a few extra moments to zoom in on her ass..."

Now she really knows that he was purposely taking longer with her crotch and chest too... she feels kind of funny knowing that he's zooming in on her ass, but there's absolutely nothing she can do to stop him. To make matters worse, he asks her, "Would you mind wiggling your butt from side to side a bit?"

That gives her a funny, weird feeling. "Tyler, come on," she says.

"Go on," he encourages her. "Do it, it looks so cute..."

Emma kind of wants to, but is embarrassed to do it. "I'd rather not Tyler," she says.

"I'll tickle you until you do it," he says, and begins to tickle her on her sides and in her armpits. She giggles uncontrollably and thrashes in her bonds, and then says, "Okay, okay, stop tickling me, I'll do it." He still tickles for another second. "Please stop, I'll wiggle it."

(Emma's surprised hearing him refer to his 'ass' and her 'butt' - in their family they usually use the terms 'rear' or 'bum'. 'Ass' is a dirty word in her mind.)

He stops tickling, and she begins slowly swaying her butt from side to side, knowing fully well that all this is being taped up close.

"Do it faster," he tells her, and she does so, self-consciously.

"Now hold it still," he says, and she does. "Now, without moving, just squeeze your butt-cheeks together and let them go, do it a few times over and over again."

"Tyler!" she says, and then a second later says "Okay, okay," after he begins tickling her again.

She clenches her butt a few times. She's now realizing what being totally in someone else's control means. She finds the whole ass-thing humiliating yet exciting at the same time.

"Can we finish?" she asks, "I want my ten minutes to start already."

The request gets her another tickle -- she yelps... but then Tyler puts the camera back on the tripod and goes to get the last pieces of equipment.

"Are you enjoying this so far?" he asks her.

"Kind of, but I don't like being tickled."

"Well, obey me and you won't be tickled." he says, matter-of-factly.

"Ah huh," she says, nervously, wondering what he might command her to do next.

"There are two more things I need to put on you before I start timing the ten minutes," Tyler says. (Emma notices the clock and laughs -- these "ten minutes" are going to be more than an hour, if you include all the time it took getting her "ready". Oh well, she's having fun.) "The blindfold, and the gag. Which would you like first?" he asks.

Emma thinks, but doesn't know what to pick.

"Okay, let's start with the blindfold," Tyler decides, and moves behind her. "Take a look at the clock and remember the time," he instructs her. Then he puts the blindfold to her eyes and ties it behind her head.

"There, how's that? Can you see anything?"

"Nope!" she confirms.


She feels his arms around her sides, with his palms resting on her stomach. It also feels like something's bouncing against her vagina. She figures it must be the ball-gag.

"Okay, how do you feel now?" he asks. "In a minute you won't even be able to talk, once the gag's on. You feel okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"Having fun?"

"In a way."



"Good!" he says, giving her a playful poke in the center of her belly. She yelps and jumps. "Any last wishes?"

"Can't think of anything," she says. "Just please don't tickle me."

"Hehe, it's so tempting, it's hard not to, but I'll try..." he says, as he gives her a little tickle in both her armpits. She yelps.

"Tyler, please," she begs.

"Okay, okay. Ready for the gag?"

She opens her mouth to say "Okay", but before she gets a chance to do so, she feels the ball pressed against her lips and a millisecond later it's popped inside her mouth. That was unexpected, and she actually enjoyed that surprise.

"I guess you were ready," he comments as he fastens the straps behind her head. "Try to say something," he commands, and she does, but nothing intelligible comes out.

"Okay, good, so let the ten minutes begin.

For some of the time Tyler's silent. She wonders what he's doing. He's using the camera to zoom in on different parts of her body -- including holding the camera below her, between her legs, pointed straight up. But she has no idea that he's doing that.

At other times she feels him touching her, rubbing her, massaging her. He comes really really close to her private parts with her hands, but doesn't actually touch them. That suspense really excites her... she kind of wants him to 'accidentally' touch one of those 'forbidden zones', just so she can see what it would feel like to be 'violated' like that when she's so powerless. But he doesn't.

At one point she feels him pulling the back part of her swimsuit up into her butt, realizing he must have the camera pointed straight at it while he's doing that. She feels a little self-conscious about that, but it's exciting at the same time.

He asks her to do the butt-clenching thing again while he's pulling on her suit, and she does obediently, not wanting to get tickled.

He let's go of her suit. Then, she feels him pulling the bottom edges of her swimsuit -- the parts covering her butt-cheeks -- just a little bit up, exposing just a little more flesh of her cheeks. He runs his fingers under those elastics and leaves them there.

He's silent again, and she again wonders what he's doing. A little while later she giggles when she thinks he's tickling her tummy, but then she realizes it was unintentional... he's trying to grasp the front of her suit, and once he's done that, he pulls it up. She thinks he must be pulling her suit up into her vagina crack (she's never heard of the term 'camel toe'), and doesn't like the idea of that, so she makes a murmer through her gag, which he just ignores.

She hears the door close, figures he left the room. A little while later he returns and begins spraying her swimsuit with some kind of spray-bottle. It's just water; he's getting her swimsuit damp. When it gets wet, it's even more clingy.

Again he pulls the material up, both in front and in back. She feels humiliated. But she's still enjoying it.

There's some more quiet time. She wonders what he's doing: more zooming in with the camera.

"You okay there, Emma?" he asks her. She murmers, then nods her head. "Time's almost up, don't worry."

Some more time passes. He's feeling her legs and torso again. Finally, she hears him say, "Okay, that's ten minutes."

Although she's really enjoying this, she's also relieved it's over. She needs some time to be "free", though she assumes she'll agree to do this again sometime -- it was lots of fun. And she never felt so close to her brother before.

She feels his hand at the back of her head... "You know, on second though, I'm going to leave you like this just for a few more minutes. You know why? Just because I can! I want you to really realize how powerless, totally at my mercy you are. I want you to feel that you can trust me more or less, but if you ever agree to do this again you'll have in the back of your mind that I just might not keep all the promises I make." She feels his hand leave her head. She's a little annoyed... she feels violated, but at the same time she likes the idea in a way. He leaves her restrained a little longer without touching her -- she can't tell what he's doing, if he's doing anything at all. She decides to test her bonds once again, and struggles with her straps a bit -- with no result of course.

Finally, without a word, he removes her blindfold. She's grateful, knowing that it's finally over. Looking in the mirror, she sees that her 'camel-toe' is quite plainly visible, and there's nothing she can do about it at the moment. Again, she feels embarrassed, humiliated, kind of violated, used... but at the same time excited by it.

"Okay, you're all done," Tyler says, removing her gag too. With her gag out, she says, "Tyler, you shouldn't do that to my vagina."

He laughs. "Why not? It looks so cute... it's not as if I touched it -- it just 'happened'."

He gives her a few last rub-downs of her shoulders, back and stomach. Tyler kneels down behind her, letting his hands rub themselves down her long, smooth, hairless legs. As he does so, his right (face-)cheek briefly bumps into her left ass-cheek, but she doesn't make anything of it -- it seemed accidental.

Tyler unbuckles her left ankle and helps her move her leg back under her. "Feel good?" he asks her, as he rubs his hands up her leg.

"Yeah," she says, stretching it a bit. He gives her leg a little massage, then moves around to the front of her to unbuckle her other ankle from in front.

He gives her tummy a little rub before moving his hands down her side and down her right leg. He unbuckles her right ankle and again helps her move it to the center, massaging it a bit too.

Now he brings his hands up the sides of her legs, sides of her torso, until he reaches her armpits. She's nervous he'll tickle her, but he doesn't... instead his hands follow her right arm up to her wrist...

"Only two more to go," he says. "Happy you're being released?" he asks.

"Yeah" she says."

"Not a little disappointing?"

"Maybe a little," she concedes, wondering nervously, after-the-fact, if that's going to encourage him to leave her like that a little longer. But it doesn't.

He unbuckles her right wrist, massages her wrist a bit, and helps her return it to her side. Then he moves back around her.

He's got his hands all over her shoulders, arms, back, stomach... and then he goes to the last remaining wrist -- her left one. He unbuckles it and massages her wrist a bit, kissing the back of her hand before returning it to her side.

"There, free as a bird," he says. He puts his hands on her waist and gently pushes her so that she takes a couple of steps away from the frame, towards the camera. Noticing herself in the mirror, her hands shoot to her crotch to pull her suit out of her crack. She turns around to look at her butt in the mirror, and after seeing how the suit looks -- pulled up into her butt-crack, straightens that fabric out over her rump as well.

"Ladies and gentleman, let's have a round of applause for my beautiful and brave assistant, my sister Emma. Take a bow, Emma."

Emma laughs and timidly bows towards the camera. Of course there's no applause -- nobody's watching.

"So tell us how it felt?"

Tyler is standing at Emma's left. His right arm is draped around her shoulders. His left hand is gently rubbing her tummy.

"It was weird, different. I never felt so out of control before. Completely helpless. I couldn't even talk -- I couldn't even ask you not to do stuff. So it was weird. But it was also fun. I felt like I belonged to you, and it made me feel happy, excited, and safe."

"So you're glad we did this?"

"Yeah, it was fun, I'm glad."

"Would you ever consider doing it again?"

"Sure, I think so."

"Was there anything I did to you that you didn't like?"

"Um, well, I didn't like being tickled. And I didn't really like what you did to my bum and vagina, or how you made me wiggle my bum for the camera... that made me feel kind of funny."

"But you still would agree to do it again, even though you know there's a chance I could do those things to you again?"

She laughs. "Yeah, I think so."

"What about the fact that I kept you tied up an extra five minutes, breaking my promise?"

She laughs. "Um, to tell you the truth I actually liked that... you were right, it added to my feeling of completely being controlled, helpless, at your mercy. So, I don't really mind I guess. It's not as if you said ten minutes and kept me like that for ten hours."

"Yeah, well, maybe that's what I'll do next time," he says, giving her a little tickle to her gut.

She laughs and pushes his hand away.

"I'm not paying you extra because of the extra five minutes."

She laughs again. "That's okay," she says.

"Okay, well this was really fun." Tyler says. "I have just one last request for you... would you mind turning around wiggling your butt for the camera, one last time?"

"Tyler! Come on," she giggles.

"Oh, just do it -- it looks so cute!"

Emma shrugs, turns around, and wiggles her butt for us. Then, without even being asked, she does the butt-clenching thing for us too. "Happy?" she asks Tyler.

"Awesome!" he says. "Thanks so much!" Then he wraps his arms around her and gives her a tight, full hug, pressing his body into hers. She returns the hug, and they kiss each other on their cheeks.

"That's all," Tyler says, going to shut the camera off.

"Let's go watch it!" Emma says excitedly, taking Tyler by the hand and leading him out of the garage to their TV room. Tyler follows, keeping his eyes on her adorably wiggling butt as they go.

Emma totally forgot about her 20 bucks. They sit together on the couch, side by side, and watch the video. Their bodies are touching at the sides. Emma often has her arm around her brother, and his hands are frequently feeling her body -- all over except for her private parts -- while they watch. She made no move to get changed out of her swimsuit before they watched, for which he was very grateful.

Every once in a while Tyler's hand leaves Emma's smooth body to give himself a rub on his crotch, through his jeans. But he doesn't do it for more than a few seconds at a time, though, because he's nervous that Emma might notice.

They watch, and laugh... every once in a while Emma lets out a giggle and an "ew" when she sees things like the way he pulled her suit up her butt and up her vagina. Most of the time, she laughs.

She giggles and mentions how ridiculous she looks seeing herself blindfolded and gagged, trying in vain to get herself out of her bonds.

"I can't believe you did that to me." "I can't believe I let you do that to me," are comments she says once in a while. Occasionally Tyler says something like "You are so cool, I can't believe you let me do that to you."

As they're nearing the end of the video, their mother calls to see if they're alright. She says that she's going to be gone real late and that if they want they can go to the nearby pizza place to eat; she left them some money.

The twins hug each other some more. Emma goes to get dressed before they go out for pizza. "You can come with me if you want," she says to her brother, who follows her up to her bedroom. He watches as she slips a pair of pants and a polo shirt over her swimsuit -- not bothering to take it off first.

They walk hand-in-hand to the pizza store until they see someone they recognize -- then they quickly drop hands. They talk and giggle while eating the pizza -- they've become best friends, it seems.

When they get back home, they close and lock the door, and then hug again. Breaking the hug, Tyler unbuttons, and then lifts her shirt up and pulls it over her head, revealing her swimsuit once more. Emma giggles but allows him to do that. He follows it up by unbuttoning and unzipping her pants, and removing them as well. Wearing only her swimsuit again, they go to watch the video another time.

After that, Tyler goes and makes some popcorn and they watch a Disney family movie that's on TV. They're still side by side, hands on each other, she's still wearing the swimsuit.

After that they turn their video on once more, but in the middle of the video they fall asleep in each other's arms on the couch.

They get woken up by their parents, who are very perplexed by the site they see -- their two kids who are normally at each others throats, are sitting asleep, embraced on the couch... the girl only in a swimsuit, and the boy's hand casually resting in her lap... the TV on showing those crackling test-patterns...

The kids realize they've been 'caught' and jump up nervously... they both feel embarrassed. Emma runs to her bedroom to change into her nightgown, while Tyler tries to avoid questions but doesn't leave the room yet, waiting for a chance to get the tape safely out of the VCR before his parents can accidentally find it.

The parents just laugh but make nothing of it.


Late at night, after the parents are loudly snoring, Emma tiptoes into Tyler's room to see if he's still awake. He is. She tells him that she can't fall asleep, that she had so much fun and can't stop thinking about their game.

"Me too," he says, sitting up in bed. Emma goes and closes his bedroom door -- they have no locks on the kids' doors -- then she walks over to him and slowly lifts up her nightgown, revealing that she's still wearing the swimsuit. He laughs and smiles. She takes her nightgown off and, wearing the swimsuit, climbs into his bed with him. They kiss each other on the cheek a bit, and embrace. Tyler rubs her body the way she likes it -- being careful to avoid her private areas. Emma coos. Once he accidentally touches her butt and apologizes, but she tells him it's okay, she doesn't mind. But he doesn't do it again.

Again they fall asleep in each other's embrace. Luckily, Tyler wakes up before his parents do (his pajama bottoms are kind of wet). Looking at the time, he wakes his sister up with a kiss and tells her that their parents are gonna be up soon and she'd better get back to her own room. Emma notices a bit of wetness in the bed and doesn't know what that's about, but doesn't ask and quickly forgets about it. She gives her brother a few more kisses and hugs, then gets out of his bed. One of the straps of her swimsuit is off her shoulder, but her nipples are still covered. She puts the strap back in place, grabs her nightgown from off the floor, and scampers off to her room... Tyler gets hard watching her spandex-clad butt as she scampers out of his room.


The next morning at breakfast they're both exhausted, but they can't stop looking at each other, winking, and giggling. The parents think it's adorable but know better than to ask -- they're just glad their kids are finally beginning to get along.

At school they have a hard time keeping their eyes open... and even when their eyes are open, they don't really listen to their teachers -- they just daydream about the previous day's events.

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St Vincent

Great first chapter Katie Dale - you are pushing a whole shed full of my fantasy buttons with your story telling and attention to detail/emotional thought. I am really looking forward to the other chapters I see are available to read - and I keep my fingers crossed that Emma will get a chance to return the favour and dominate her brother a bit too...

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